Rules for the Provision of Basic And/Or Ancillary Services

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Rules for the Provision of Basic And/Or Ancillary Services APPROVED by Order No. ĮS(LGI) -521 of CEO of AB LTG Infra of 13 November 2020 (version of Order No. ĮS (LGI) -117 of CEO of AB LTG Infra of 2 April 2021) RULES FOR THE PROVISION OF BASIC AND/OR ADDITIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO RAIL TRANSPORT ON RAILWAY SERVICE FACILITIES OWNED BY THE PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGER DURING THE VALIDITY PERIOD OF THE WORKING TIMETABLE FOR 2020-2021 Previous documents Previous document Change in information compared to the previous document Order No. ĮS (LGI) - Updated paragraphs 3.1., 3.4., 3.8. - 3.13. The Rules have been 521 of 13 November supplemented with new paragraphs 3.7., 3.14, replaced numbering 2020 of paragraphs 3.7. - 3.12 to 3.8. - 3.13; Annex 4 has been added to the Rules. Order No. ĮS (LGI) - Updated sub-paragraphs 8.5.5, 8.5.6. (updates on the accounting 565 of 7 December of the service of using service facilities for the storage of rolling 2020 stock came into force on 1 January 2021), the Rules have been supplemented with the new sub-paragraph 6.5.5. (supplement to the Request for using service facilities for storage of the rolling stock), Annex 4 to the Rules has been amended. Order No. ĮS (LGI) - Updated website links, updated sub-paragraphs 1.5., 2.2.3., 2.2.9., 587 of 11 December 3.4., 4.8., 6.3., 6.3.1., 6.3.3., 6.3.4.,, 6.3. 5.,, 6.3.6., 2020 6.7.1., 6.8.3. - 6.8.5., 8.3., 8.3.1., 8.3.2., 8.3.4., 8.3.5., 8.8.1.,, information in paragraph 3 of Annex 1, and paragraph 3 of Annex 2, columns 5 and 6 of Annex 3, and sub-paragraphs 4.2.7., 8.3. and 14.1. of part c of Annex 4, information on annexes 5 and 6 to Annex 4; sub-paragraphs -, 8.7.3. have been added to the Rules supplemented with the new sub- 2 Contents 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS…………………………………………………………………………….....4 2. DEFINITIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………….4 3. SUBMISSION OF REQUESTS FOR CONTRACTS FOR THE PROVISION OF SERVICES ON SERVICE FACILITIES AND PROCEDURE FOR ALLOCATION OF RAILWAY FACILITIES …….5 4. SUBMISSION OF REQUESTS FOR ACCESS TO SERVICE FACILITIES AND ACCESS TO BASIC AND/OR ADDITIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO RAILWAY TRANSPORT AND PROVISION OF ANSWERS TO THEM………………………………………………………….7 5. COORDINATION PROCEDURE FOR THE RECONCILIATION OF REQUESTS FOR ORDERING BASIC AND/OR ADDITIONAL SERVICES AND PRIORITY CRITERIA FOR THE ALLOCATION OF SERVICE FACILITY CAPACITY ……………………………………………………..8 6. BASIC SERVICES PROVIDED ON SERVICE FACILITIES ………………………………..9 6.1. Ordering, accounting for and setting the charge for the service of using passenger stations, their buildings and other facilities ……………………………………………………………………....9 6.2. Ordering, accounting for and setting the charge for the service of using the ticketing areas .....................................................................................................................................................10 6.3. Ordering, accounting for and setting the charge the service of using SF-assigned station tracks and/or sidings for wagon towing ………………………………………………………………11 6.4. Ordering, accounting for and setting the charge for using the train formation and shunting facilities..................................................………………………………………………………….....14 6.5. Ordering, accounting for and setting the charge for using service facilities for the storage of rolling stock …………………………………………………............................................................14 6.6. Ordering, accounting for and setting the charge for the service of using the gauge change mechanism …………………………………………………………..................................................15 6.7. Ordering, accounting for and setting the charge for using the service of accident elimination on SF …......................................................................................................................................15 6.8. Ordering, accounting for and setting the charge for using the service of the shunting hill .16 6.9. Ordering, accounting for and setting the charge for using the service of loading bays...... 17 7. ADDITIONAL SERVICES ON SERVICE FACILITIES …………………………………….17 7.1. Ordering, accounting for and setting the charge for using the service of traction current supply …………………………………………………………………………………………………....................17 8. PRINCIPLES FOR CALCULATION AND PAYMENT OF THE CHARGE FOR USING BASIC AND/OR ADDITIONAL SERVICES PROVIDED ON THE MANAGER-OWNED SERVICE FACILITIES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18 9. FINAL PROVISIONS …………………………………………………………………………………...21 3 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The Rules for the provision of basic and/or additional services related to rail transport on railway service facilities owned by the public infrastructure manager during the validity period of the working timetable for 2020-2021 (hereinafter - the Rules) owned by the public railway infrastructure manager establish the procedure and conditions for the provision, accounting of the basic and/or additional services related to railway transport (hereinafter - basic and/or additional services) on railway service facilities (hereinafter – SF) owned by the public railway infrastructure manager (hereinafter – the Manager) and the setting of charges for using these services. 1.2. The Rules apply from 13 December 2020 0000 a.m. until 11 December 2021 2400 p.m. 1.3. The Rules do not apply to the provision of services at the Vilnius Intermodal Terminal and Kaunas Intermodal Terminal owned by the Manager. 1.4. During the validity period of the working timetable for 2020-2021, non-discriminatory access to the Manager-owned SF where basic and/or additional services are provided, is provided together with the basic and/or additional services according to the contract for the provision of services on service facilities, (hereinafter – contract for the provisoion of services on SF), therefore no contracts for using service facilities shall be concluded separately. 1.5. In providing the service of using the SF-assigned station tracks and/or sidings for wagon propulsion, towing or pushing of the trainset or its parts, taking into account technological peculiarities, towing or pushing of a trainset or parts thereof (hereinafter - towing) shall be carried out in accordance with the normative technical documents specified on the website at: 2. DEFINITIONS 2.1. Service Recipient - a railway undertaking (carrier), an undertaking that provides shunting or an undertaking that travels to and from the place of construction, repair and/or maintenance of railway infrastructure objects, having the right to use the public railway infrastructure in accordance with the procedure set forth in Article 28 of the Railway Transport Code of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter - the Code), which plans to enter into or has concluded a contract for the provision of services on SF. 2.2. The basic services include the following services provided by the Manager: 2.2.1. The service of access to passenger stations, their buildings and other facilities - a service that provides passengers with access to railway station buildings (their public spaces), passenger information stands (billboards) and audio equipment (except for using ticketing areas); 2.2.2. The service of using ticketing areas - the provision of an area or room at a railway station for the installation of ticket offices or facilities for the automatic sale of tickets; 2.2.3. The service of using SF-assigned station tracks and/or sidings for wagon towing - a service during which the Service Recipient tows wagons back and forth on the Manager- owned SF-assigned railway station tracks and Manager-owned sidings from the railway station axis or station track axis (the station track axis applies only at Kaunas and Klaipėda stations when wagons arrive not at the main Kaunas or Klaipėda station but at the Palemonas or Pauostis connected tracks directly from the side track) to the boundary of the Manager-owned SF-assigned station track (if the non-Manager-owned siding connects directly to the station track) or the siding, calculating the total distance of the Manager-owned SF-assigned siding from the start of the track to the end of the track (however, if the non-Manager-owned siding connects directly to the station track, the distance is calculated from the station axis to the end of the station track). An exception applies when wagon towing operations are performed only on sidings without driving to the station tracks, or when wagon interchange between Service Recipients during wagon towing to / from sidings is performed on station tracks, or when wagon interchange between Service Recipients during wagon towing to / from sidings is performed on Manager-owned sidings. For additional exceptions, see sub-paragraph; 4 2.2.4. The service of using train formation and shunting facilities - the provision of railway stations' tracks, switches, signaling facilities and other equipment for train formation at the initial railway station or for break-up at the final railway station; 2.2.5. The service of using service facilities for the storage of rolling stock - the provision of a railway station for the storage of several rolling stock; 2.2.6. The service of using a gauge change mechanism - providing the possibility to tow rolling stock with gauge changing wheelsets through the gauge change mechanism at Mockava railway station; 2.2.7. The service of using loading bays - providing the possibility to unload (load) cargo, keep or store it in a certain area of the loading bay; 2.2.8. The service of accident elimination
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