Providence Hebrew Day School / New England Academy of Torah Chanukah at PHDS/NEAT Part II Volume , Issue December 14, 2018 • Thank you to the Taitelbaum family for donating the delicious rolls enjoyed by all who attended the Mishmar Mesibah. 6 Teves 5779

• Chagiga this year was a blast, from the play to the choir and so much more! The theme for Chagiga this year was "Add a light for every night." The fun Inside This Issue: and exciting night began with the guests getting a warm welcome by the door,

a door prize ticket, and a souvenir. The program started with a surprise speak- Shabbos Programming 2 er, Mrs. Ilana Weissmann, who shared an amazing and inspiring D'var Torah; Middos Program 2 and words of wisdom form Chavi Saklad. The program continued with a gor- In the News 2 geous dance and choir prepared by the NEAT high school girls. The fun just Mazel Tov 2 kept on going with a play put on by the middle school girls. Following the Enclosures 2 play, we enjoyed a variety of booths based on a variety of special Chanukah Calendar Note 2 foods. We ate French fries and latkes, decorated doughnuts, and had a lot of fun pinning the marshmallow on the menorah and decorating dreidel cookies. Mishmar! 2 Don’t worry: the calories were all burnt off when we all formed a circle and From Scheinerman 3 danced to Chanukah music. After all, what’s a chagiga without dancing? The night ended with a raffle with cool prizes and many winners. We would like to give a special thank you to all the girls who helped make Chagiga possible, Save the Date and very big thank you to Scheinermen for the long hours she put Save the date for this into making this night possible. We would also like to thank Mrs. Weissmann year’s NEAT Produc- for her amazing D'var Torah and to Chavi Sakalad for her speech. Special tion— "Worlds Apart". It thanks to Mrs. Saklad for helping with Latkes and fries and for supervising will b’ezras Hashem take the kitchen. Emunah Hekmati place Motzoei Shabbos, February 2 at 8:00 p.m. • Mrs. Scheinerman and the administration give a thunderous applause to Emu- and Sunday, February 3 at nah Hekmati and Dassa Peromsik and to Meira Shleifer for her ongoing help 2:00 p.m. and advice. It is really you and the NEAT students who made this event suc- cessful.

• Thank you to Morah Lori (Glazer), who came to school to play Chanukah Bingo with students in Kindergarten and Grades 1-3, as part of the student council’s activity for the last day of Chanukah.

• Students in Grades 4-8 enjoyed a fabulous Chanukah Scavenger Hunt as the last student council activity. Thank you to Mrs. Karp and all of the members of the girls’ student council for infusing the school days with so much Chanu- kah fun! Page 2 PHDS/NEAT NEWS Shabbos Programming Mazel Tov This week:  Mazel tov to sixth grader Avigail Flig on her bas Likras Shabbos is at 3:15. mitzvah this Shabbos. Mazel tov to her parents, Mr. Alex and Mrs. Flig. Bnos is 2:15-3:15.  Mazal tov to Rabbi Berel and Mrs. Miriam Ahavas Yisroel Group is 2:20-3:10. Wolowik on the bar mitzvah of their son, Mendel Pirchei is 2:20-3:20. this Shabbos. Mrs. Wolowik is a PHDS/NEAT graduate. Mazel tov to the Pawtucket grandparents, Thank you to Mr. Reuven and Mrs. Rachel Mr. David and Mrs. Nitta Pliskin. Schloss for sponsoring the snacks for Bnos and Pirchei this week. Enclosures To sign up to sponsor snacks there is a sign-up chart on the bulletin board outside the school of- Enclosed please find: fice, or you may contact Mrs. Golden at 421-6996  Report cards for students in grades K–8. Report cards or [email protected] to confirm which for high-school students were given to the students. week you will be sponsoring the snacks. Please  Conference schedules for parents for Monday and contact Mrs. Golden with any questions. Wednesday nights. Any questions about the sched- Kol HaNaarim is at 6:15 at the New England ules should be brought to Mrs. Weiner’s attention as Rabbinical College—262 Blackstone Blvd. soon as possible. Please note that your schedule might have changed since the copy sent home last Middos Program week. This week, the first grade students reached their  Hearing test notices for parents of students in Pre-K first major Middos goal; they joined with the sec- through Grade 3. The hearing tests are scheduled for ond grade for a pizza party to celebrate their December 21. If your child is under the care of an achievement. There is no new middos challenge ENT or for any reason should not have a hearing test this week -- we look forward to next week's! in school, please inform the school in writing prior to In the News that date. Seventh grader Moshe Yudkowsky’s picture was Calendar Notes featured in the article about the Chanu- • Tuesday, December 18 is Asara B’Tves. School will kah program at the Rhode Island State House. end at 3:15 for PHDS and 2:10 for NEAT. There Mishmar!!!!!!!! will be no homework room. There will also be Paw- tucket bus due to the early dismissal. Thank you to Rabbi Yaakov and Mrs. Dina Zim- • As noted on the PHDS/NEAT calendars December merman for sponsoring them this week. Sponsor- 25 is a Yom Iyun with PHDS dismissal at 3:15 and ship of refreshments for future weeks is available. NEAT dismissal at noon. Because state regulations The cost of sponsorship is $18.00. You can re- do not allow us to have regular school on this day, serve a week in advance if you’d like to. Please this will be a full day of limudei kodesh, with grades contact Mrs. Karp at (401) 831-3215 to arrange a K-8 also having special programming related to the sponsorship. middos program. There will be no bussing or home- work room. Providence Hebrew Day School -“Rav Avrohom Chaim’s purpose got from his Rabbeim. At the New England Academy of Torah was to carry on the mesorah he same time – the warmth that a 450 Elmgrove Avenue had seen by his , Harav talmid could feel when we re- Providence, RI 02906 Elya Meir [Bloch], zt”l, peated his shiurim to him...! At Phone: 401-331-5327 that mesorah is not only a derech every shiur there were many tape Fax: 401-331-0030 halimud and mussar, it’s [to do recorders and these recordings Ms. Pereira - ext. 10 or [email protected] Rabbi Scheinerman - ext. 21 or all one can] for the sake of kvod were used to review the daily shi- [email protected] Shamayim.” ur. The Rosh Yeshiva also had a Mrs. Weiner - ext. 18 or [email protected] tremendous partner in Harav Rabbi Lapin - ext. 15 or [email protected] -“There is no one who is more Mrs. Purec - ext. 26 precious to Hakadosh Baruch Chaim Schmeltzer zt”l, whose Financial Office - ext. 11 Hu than a shaliach [messenger] tremendous love for his talmidim knew no bounds. The partnership Dear Parents, who is moser nefesh for his mis- sion.” of these two great Torah leaders Over one week ago, my Rebbe and the created a blend of ahava and Rosh Yeshiva of Telshe Yeshiva in -“We had a Rebbi who picked us yirah, each in its appropriate Chicago was niftar. In keeping with the up, [us] small people, he gave us time. The tremendous dibuk dictum of avoiding sadness over Cha- big hasagos [aspirations] [and chaveirim and friendships that we nukah, I decided to use the first oppor- showed we could achieve] great- formed in Chicago Telz are sure tunity to properly share with you some ness.” to last a lifetime. Any of my insights about my Rebbe. Rav Avrohom Chaim served as a strengths today can be attributed Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin’s father, member of the Moetzes Gedolei to my father a”h and my mother Harav Eliezer Levin, zt”l, was a phe- haTorah of Agudath Israel of ad meah v’esrim, and to the nomenal talmid chacham who learned America, as the de facto To- mesorah of Telz that I got from from the Chofetz Chaim in Radin, was rah manhig of Orthodox Jewry in my Rabbeim. one of the prized talmidim of Kelm’s Chicago, and as an address for Yehi zichro baruch. advice for individuals of all famed Talmud Torah, and eventually My grandson began his studies in immigrated to the United States and walks of life. His clarity of thought and absolute loyalty to Telz Riverdale as a fourth gener- became one of Detroit’s most promi- ation student, receiving the meso- nent Rabbanim. what he saw as truth would play a role in the weightiest decisions. rah of the Torah giants Reb Elia In 1960, while still in his 20s, Rav As a member of the Moetzes, he Meir Bloch and Reb Mottel Katz Avrohom Chaim was sent by Harav dedicated countless hours of his zt”l, who came to America to Mordechai (Mottel) Katz, zt”l, together time to studying the issues of the transmit the mesorah of Telz Eu- with Harav Chaim Schmeltzer, zt”l, day and guiding askanim. In- rope to the next generation. The and a small group of talmidim from creasingly, he was called upon by success of the Jewish communi- Cleveland, to found a branch of Telshe other yeshivos for guidance, and ties of Cleveland and Chicago in Chicago. My Rebbe was a model of eventually became one of the can be attributed to the effect that the mesorah of Telshe, whose actions main rabbinic leaders of Torah these Torah giants and their bespoke refinement in all his ways, Umesorah, as Yoshev Rosh of its talmidim had in rebuilding Torah with a deep ahavas haTorah and un- Vaad Roshei Hayeshivos. in America in the ashes of the yielding sense of responsibility to Holocaust. the klal. Rebbe was stern and firm on is- sues such as seder, cleanliness, Some quotes from the levaya included: derech eretz, and in upkeeping Good Shabbos, the standards set forth by the ye- Rabbi Peretz Scheinerman, Dean shiva: all part of the mesorah he