South Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan – Revised Action Plan

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South Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan – Revised Action Plan

South Catchment Flood Management Plan – Revised Action Plan

Policy Unit 9 – Policy 5 – Areas of moderate to high flood risk where we can generally take further action to reduce flood risk Ref. Year Action Objective Monitoring indicator Success criteria Organisations Timescale Priority Added responsible PU9.1 2011 Develop an Integrated Urban Drainage PE1 Integrated Urban Integrated Urban Drainage Strategy Torbay Council 2015 High Strategy, with review of receiving ECON1 Drainage Strategy. completed. Environment Agency watercourses and catchments, foul ECON2 South West Water and surface water sewerage, and ECON3 impact of climate change. PU9.2 2009 System Asset Management plans and PE1 Monitor Delivery of Specific measures are identified in the Environment Agency 2012 High performance specifications will be ECON1 maintenance SAMP to reduce flood risk in Torbay. Torbay Council produced for all our Flood risk systems ECON2 Monitor impacts of These measures are then implemented and major assets. These will assess ECON3 maintenance on SSSIs flood risk maintenance with the aim to reduce flood risk in Torbay and will include environmental constraints and targets. PU9.3 2011 Investigate causes of flooding, identify PE1 Feasibility Study. Feasibility Study completed and specific Torbay Council 2015 High measures such as flood storage areas, ECON1 Risk of flooding of measures, including flood storage areas Environment Agency and implement recommendations to ECON3 identified. Clennon Valley, reduce current risks including from Zoo and Risk of flooding of Clennon Valley, combined fluvial and tidal risks Barton Tip landfill sites Paignton Zoo and Barton Tip landfill sites reduced appropriately. PU9.4 2009 We will improve the way that flooding ECON1 The number of flood Accurate and comprehensive record of Environment Agency 2012 High records are collated from different incidents in databases. historic flood events Torbay Council sources. All flood incidents added to appropriate South West Water databases. PU9.5 2009 We will look at different options for PE1 Feasibility study Reduction in number of properties at Environment Agency 2020 Medium opening up the floodplain through ENV4 completed. risk. Torbay Council relocation strategies. PU9.6 2009 Linked with the above action, we will ENV1 Identification of An increase in the number of green Environment Agency Ongoing High aim to secure, restore and keep an ENV4 potential sites for green corridors identified adjacent to water (Development Control) area free from development next to corridors next to courses in local development plans. Local authorities

Environment Agency 1 South Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan Revised Action Plan – October 2011 Ref. Year Action Objective Monitoring indicator Success criteria Organisations Timescale Priority Added responsible all watercourses in and around urban watercourses. New developments next to watercourses areas make allowance for green corridors wherever possible. PU9.7 2009 We will examine possible options for PE1 Options for flood Level of flood warning improved. Environment Agency 2015 High providing a flood warning service in ECON1 warning identified. Torbay Council Torbay. South West Water PU9.8 2009 We will examine ways to work with PE1 Number of planning Compliance with PPS25 Developers Ongoing High the local planning authority to ECON1 applications decisions No inappropriate planning applications Torbay Council improve flood risk in the future and allowing inappropriate approved in the floodplain. Environment Agency unsure that all development complies development in the No developments approved by local Development Control with PPS25. floodplain. authority against EA advice. Team

Policy Unit 8 – Policy 5 – Areas of moderate to high flood risk where we can generally take further action to reduce flood risk Ref. Year Action Objective Monitoring indicator Success criteria Organisations Timescale Priority Added responsible PU8.1 2011 We will carry out modelling to PE1 Modelling study to Study completed and any culverts and Environment Agency Study

identify location at risk of flooding in ECON1 investigate the flood channels causing problems are identified. complete Totnes, including combined tidal and risk in Totnes. fluvial flooding. ECON2 ECON3 PU8.2 2009 We will produce a pre‐feasibility to PE1 Pre‐feasibility report Prefeasibility study completed and options Environment Agency 2012 High highlight options for reducing flood ECON1 identified. risk, including looking at options for surface water flooding problems and ECON2 options for flood routing and ECON3 relocating existing commercial properties which are at risk. PU8.3 2009 System Asset Management plans and PE1 Monitor Delivery of Specific measures are identified in the Environment Agency 2012 High performance specifications will be ECON1 maintenance SAMP to reduce flood risk in Totnes. These District produced for all our Flood risk Monitor impacts of measures are then implemented ECON2 Council systems and major assets. These will maintenance on SSSIs

assess flood risk maintenance with ECON3

Environment Agency 2 South Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan Revised Action Plan – October 2011 Ref. Year Action Objective Monitoring indicator Success criteria Organisations Timescale Priority Added responsible the aim to reduce flood risk in Totnes and will include environmental constraints and targets.

PU8.4 2009 We will apply new flood risk mapping PE1 New mapping is Exercises will include new mapping Environment Agency 2012 High to the multi‐agency flood warning ECON1 included in the Devon information Devon County Council response plan for Totnes. This will Flood Warning and New maps are shared with professional South Hams District assist in the management of severe Emergency Response partners. Council flooding, including evacuation. Plan.

PU8.5 2009 We will look at ways of improving the PE1 Lead time. Level of flood warning improved. Environment Agency 2012 High flood warning service. ECON1 Number of properties covered by warning service.

PU8.6 2009 We will look at ways to compensate ENV1 Relevant study Measures identified to minimise the Environment Agency 2015 Medium for “coastal squeeze” throughout the ENV3 effects of coastal squeeze South Hams District South Devon CFMP area, and in ENV4 Locations identified for habitat Council particular in Totnes compensation. ENV5 Natural

Policy Unit 7 – Policy 5 – Areas of moderate to high flood risk where we can generally take further action to reduce flood risk Ref. Year Action Objective Monitoring indicator Success criteria Organisations Timescale Priority Added responsible PU7.1 2011 We will carry out an assessment of PE1 Assessment of standard Flood Risk Management strategy is Environment Agency 2012 High the standard of protection and ECON1 of protection and developed. (FRM) structural integrity of defences in structural integrity of Newton Abbot, in order to develop a ECON2 defences in Newton flood risk management plan. This ECON3 Abbot is completed. should assess combined tidal and fluvial or surface water flooding. PU7.2 2009 System Asset Management plans and PE1 Monitor Delivery of Specific measures are identified in the Environment Agency 2015 High performance specifications will be ECON1 maintenance SAMP to reduce flood risk in Newton District produced for all our Flood risk Monitor impacts of Abbot. These measures are then ECON2 Council systems and major assets. These will maintenance on SSSIs implemented Teign Estuary

Environment Agency 3 South Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan Revised Action Plan – October 2011 Ref. Year Action Objective Monitoring indicator Success criteria Organisations Timescale Priority Added responsible assess flood risk maintenance with ECON3 including Partnership the aim to reduce flood risk in Valley Woods SSSI. Newton Abbot and will include environmental constraints and targets.

PU7.3 2011 Work with partners to look at ways PE1 The completion of an Number of properties at risk is reduced . Devon County Council 2015 High of routing surface water flows away ECON1 appropriate study. Teignbridge District from properties and important Council (Highways infrastructure. ECON3 Authority) Environment Agency PU7.4 2009 We are currently carrying out PE1 Improved flood Flood extents and areas benefiting from Environment Agency Study ‐ “improved flood mapping of areas ECON1 mapping of areas defences clearly identified. complete benefiting from defences” for the benefiting from River Lemon in the Newton Abbot defences area. PU7.5 2009 We will apply new flood risk mapping PE1 New mapping is Exercises will include new mapping Environment Agency 2012 High to the multi‐agency flood warning ECON 1 included in the Devon information Devon County Council response plan for Newton Abbot. Flood Warning and New maps are shared with professional Teignbridge District This will assist in the management of Emergency Response partners. Council severe flooding, including Plan. evacuation.

PU7.6 2009 We will review the flood warning PE1 Procedures developed Improved accuracy for flood warning Environment Agency 2015 High service for the at ECON 1 for the new gauging service for the Lower Teign and and encourage the station on the River Kingsteignton. Teign and . production of community flood The production of locally owned Remapping of the flood action plans community flood action plans in areas with impact in significant flood risk. Kingsteignton. PU7.7 2009 We will develop a new flood warning PE1 A new flood warning Properties in the flood area are registered Environment Agency 2012 High area for the to provide ECON 1 and associated to the new flood warning service. flood warnings for and procedures will be The flood warning is accurate, timely and produced. Newton Abbot. reliable.

Environment Agency 4 South Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan Revised Action Plan – October 2011 Ref. Year Action Objective Monitoring indicator Success criteria Organisations Timescale Priority Added responsible

PU7.8 2009 We will look at ways to compensate ENV1 Relevant study Measures identified to minimise the effects Environment Agency 2015 Medium for “coastal squeeze” throughout the ENV3 of coastal squeeze Teignbridge District South Devon CFMP area, and in ENV4 Locations identified for habitat Council particular in the Newton Abbot area compensation. ENV5 Teign Estuary Partnership Natural England

Schedule of Change

CFMPs remain live documents. As such, our understanding of risk and the actions (measures) to manage these risks are liable to change. Since the publication of the South Devon CFMP in December 2009 a number of changes have taken place. Below is a summary of changes to the actions (measures) since its publication in 2009.

Policy Action Comment Change Date of Location change 2011 Following the introduction of the Flood Risk Regulations (2009) and the Flood and Water Management Act (2010) the roles and responsibilities of flood risk management authorities has changed. As well as this, a framework for implementation has been developed which has altered our approach to annual monitoring. As such, a whole scale review of actions (measures) within the South West has been undertaken to ensure CFMPs adequately reflect these important pieces of legislation.

Changes to this action plan include:‐ • Amendment to five actions • Inclusion of a schedule of change

Environment Agency 5 South Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan Revised Action Plan – October 2011 Policy Action Comment Change Date of Location change Torbay Develop an Integrated Urban Drainage Strategy, with review of Lead organisations should Set Lead Organisation as September receiving watercourses and catchments, foul and surface water be LLFA – Torbay Council Torbay Council 2011 sewerage, and impact of climate change. Deleted 'We will' from start of wording

Torbay Investigate causes of flooding, identify measures such as flood Lead organisations should Set Lead Organisation as September storage areas, and implement recommendations to reduce be LLFA – Torbay Council Torbay Council. 2011 current risks including from combined fluvial and tidal risks. SMP gap analysis identified Additional text appended. combined flood risks to be considered.

Totnes We will carry out modelling to identify location at risk of SMP gap analysis identified Additional text appended. September flooding in Totnes, including combined tidal and fluvial flooding. combined flood risks to be 2011 considered.

Newton Abbot We will carry out an assessment of the standard of protection SMP gap analysis identified Additional text appended. September and structural integrity of defences in Newton Abbot, in order to combined flood risks to be 2011 develop a flood risk management plan. This should assess considered. combined tidal and fluvial or surface water flooding.

Newton Abbot Work with partners to look at ways of routing surface water Lead organisations should Set Lead Organisation as September flows away from properties and important infrastructure. be LLFA – Devon County Devon County Council 2011 Council Amended wording from 'We will work with' to 'Work with'.

Environment Agency 6 South Devon Catchment Flood Management Plan Revised Action Plan – October 2011

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