The Ependytes in Classical Athens
THE EPENDYTES IN CLASSICAL ATHENS (PLATES 51-55) To the memoryof Richard D. Sullivan T HE FEW REFERENCES to the ependytes in Classical Greek literature occur in three fragments of Attic drama preserved by Pollux (VII.45): XLTWV EpELSSXLTCTVLOTKOS' XLTCeJVLOV, LaTLOV. ETEL E KaL 0 E(XEV8VVT7)S- EOTLV EV T7 TCV 7OXX XP7OEL, OOTLS' /3OVXOLTO KaL TOVTC TO ovo4LalTL /07)OE^LV .avIX() OVTL, XA7pTTEOvavro EK TCeV 1o00OK\EOVS1 IXvvTpLCOV (TrGF, F 439): 7rE-atXOVSTE v77oaL XLVOYEVE^LST' E'JTEv8VTas. KaL ?EOT7LS UE 7TOVO')TLV EV T^ HEvOEZL(TrGF, I, F 1 c): 'pyq( VOMLJ'EVE/3PL' EXELTEV 3VT7_VV. aVTLKPVS'86E OKELTO E'VTi- NLKOXacpovs,'HpaKXEL X0PopYW (I, p. 771.5 Kock): 4pEPEVVZV TaXECos, XLTCvJa TOVO E7XEV8VTflV Tf VVVXP/3VVXEL EL LV. The lines are disappointingly undescriptive,indicating only that an ependytes can be of linen and is somehow associatedwith the chiton, and that at an earlier period (?) it had a more general meaning, closer to the root of the word, as "thatwhich is put on over."1 Works frequently cited are abbreviatedas follows: Add = L. Burn and R. Glynn, Beazley Addenda,Oxford 1982 Bieber = M. Bieber, History of the Greekand Roman Theater,2nd ed., Princeton 1981 Burn = L. Burn, The Meidias Painter, Oxford 1987 Laskares = N. Laskares, Mop4aL LEpE'(V (X;r'LapXaLov MV7JEfLV?>>, AE?\T 8, 1923 (1925), pp. 103-116 LSAM = F. Sokolowski,Lois sacre'esde l'Asie Mineure, Paris 1955 LSCG = F. Sokolowski,Lois sacreesdes cite'sgrecques, Paris 1969 LSCG-S = F. Sokolowski,Lois sacre'esdes cite'sgrecques. Supple'ment, Paris 1962 Mantes = A. G.
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