HZS C2BRNE DIARY – April 2021

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HZS C2BRNE DIARY – April 2021 1 HZS C2BRNE DIARY – April 2021 www.cbrne-terrorism-newsletter.com 2 HZS C2BRNE DIARY – April 2021 HZS C2BRNE DIARY– 2021© April 2021 Website: www.cbrne-terrorism-newsletter.com Editor-in-Chief BrigGEN (ret.) Ioannis Galatas MD, MSc, MC (Army) Ph.D. cand Consultant in Allergy & Clinical Immunology Medical/Hospital CBRNE Planner & Instructor Senior Asymmetric Threats Analyst Manager, CBRN Knowledge Center @ International CBRNE Institute (BE) Senior CBRN Consultant @ HotZone Solutions Group (NL) Athens, Greece Contact e-mail: [email protected] Editorial Team ⚫ Bellanca Giada, MD, MSc (Italy) ⚫ Hopmeier Michael, BSc/MSc MechEngin (USA) ⚫ Kiourktsoglou George, BSc, Dipl, MSc, MBA, PhD (UK) ⚫ Photiou Steve, MD, MSc EmDisaster (Italy) ⚫ Tarlow Peter, Ph.D. Sociol (USA) A publication of HotZone Solutions Group Prinsessegracht 6, 2514 AN, The Hague, The Netherlands T: +31 70 262 97 04, F: +31 (0) 87 784 68 26 E-mail: [email protected] DISCLAIMER: The HZS C2BRNE DIARY® (former CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter), is a free online publication for fellow civilian/military CBRNE First Responders worldwide. The Diary is a collection of papers/articles related to the stated thematology. Relevant sources/authors are included and all info provided herein is from open Internet sources. Opinions and comments from the Editor, the Editorial Team, or the authors publishing in the Diary do not necessarily represent those of the HotZone Solutions Group (NL) or the International CBRNE Institute (BE). Cover photo: Hands of Love made by Brazilian ICU nurses (see p.173) www.cbrne-terrorism-newsletter.com 3 HZS C2BRNE DIARY – April 2021 www.cbrne-terrorism-newsletter.com 4 HZS C2BRNE DIARY – April 2021 Editorial Brig Gen (ret.) Ioannis Galatas, MD, MSc, MC (Army) Editor-in-Chief HZS C2BRNE Diary Dear Colleagues, April was kind of a disappointment since the long-expected single jab vaccine from Johnson & Johnson proved to be problematic. Again it is difficult to explain mechanisms for a drug that is super new aiming against a virus that is so clever (and new). People around the globe are confused about vaccination and the so-called experts make it even harder with their conflicting directives. In Greece, the situation is similar to other EU countries – mixing politics with vaccination. A person cannot choose his/her vaccine and the Russian vaccine (Sputnik V) is facing strange opposition from EMA except for certain nations that proved that care more about their public health issues than politics and profits. It seems that even disasters cannot change things in Europe. But it is not only Europe that follows the wrong path. Together with the US and NATO, they are that close to making a huge mistake that might even provoke a 3rd World War that could be nuclear as well. And the funny thing is that if such a war becomes a reality, it would not be the US that will lose territories and human lives. On the other hand, it is always tempting to see if a Poseidon 2M39 torpedo can generate a nuclear tsunami in a coastal megacity. As if this was not enough we have the ongoing bullying rhetoric of Turkey against Greece, Cyprus, and the EU in general that is not good for the peace in this part of the world. Iznogood desire to be Vezir in the place of Vesir was a funny comic of the past but this does not mean that life should copy a comic or that a modern nation should pursue repetition of historic achievements. If this was the case, then Greece should pursue to restore what King Alexander the Great accomplished starting from Macedonia all the way to India and Afghanistan. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a European UNION and our strong ally despite existing CAATSA sanctions continues to support Turkey in their endeavors (e.g., the dual spy satellite Turksat 5B or the Bayraktar TB.27 ACINCI drone). Time will show how this dispute will end but it will not be good because solutions are achieved between two logical parts with equal mentality. Another very hot spot in our wider area is the rivalry between Iran and Israel. Sabotage, assassinations of scientists, missiles against Damona nuclear power plant, missile attacks against commercial vessels, and the presence of Hizbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza make an explosive cocktail that cannot predict a happy ending. Historically, it would be interesting to see if nuclear weapons are superior to thousands of rockets and missiles. What else? The US and its allies are evacuating Afghanistan. Why? Who knows? Perhaps those who initially decided to send troops in this country that for decades cannot enjoy the benefits of peace and prosperity. They say that it is OK. Interestingly, the Taliban are saying the same thing implying that without the Americans between their feet they will be able to continue their brutal governance and reorganize their terrorist ambitions and narco-business as usual. Big mistake to invade Afghanistan. Big mistake to leave Afghanistan alone – but this is the fate of the weak who believed that their mighty friends will be there forever. Another case that profit won against public health is the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games. Unless they change their mind in the coming days, the final decision is to continue as planned even without spectators. This is not a surprise if you consider that recently they decided to release tons of radio-contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear power plant into the ocean despite the objections of fishermen associations and neighboring countries. And some venues are very close to Fukushima but this seems to bother nobody. People in high places forget that after the Chernobyl disaster, thousands of sheep farms in Welsh and Cumbria, UK were sealed (for 26 years) because of field contamination and that in 2021 it was www.cbrne-terrorism-newsletter.com 5 HZS C2BRNE DIARY – April 2021 discovered that honey in certain US states has been contaminated with radiation from 1950, and 1960, nuclear tests. But these are small details when money talks! The World Economic Forum recently warned that “A cyber attack with Covid-like characteristics would spread faster and further than a biological virus”. Meaning what? That it is not only the Pandemic-X that we must have in our minds and correct our current mistakes amid a pandemic but also be prepared for – perhaps – a deadlier cyber pandemic. It is time to realize that for the evil, the sky is NOT the limit, and be prepared for this. And who will be in the front line fighting against old and new or unknown threats? CBRN First Responders, of course! Men and women who are dedicated, well trained, and willing to protect their fellow countrymen and give them a chance for a better life. The few and the brave! The Editor-in-Chief A C2BRN future? www.cbrne-terrorism-newsletter.com 6 HZS C2BRNE DIARY – April 2021 ISIS Magazine: Stop Dancing on ‘Tok-Tok’ and Making ‘Aimless and Stupid’ YouTube Videos By Bridget Johnson Source: https://www.hstoday.us/subject-matter-areas/counterterrorism/isis-magazine-stop-dancing-on-tok-tok-and-making-aimless- and-stupid-youtube-videos/ Mar 22 – People making funny videos to post on YouTube and Facebook or “dancing on Tok-Tok [sp]” are furthering the “satanic” agenda of Hollywood and trying to turn people to “dark and gloomy abysses,” declared the latest issue of an English-language magazine published online by ISIS supporters. ISIS has long used social media and videos — many with high production value to emulate a stylized action film or video games — to recruit and inspire followers and sympathizers. The article in the March issue of “The Voice of Hind,” released monthly by ISIS supporters in India, called Hollywood “one of the greatest obstacles in the path of Islam” as “attempts are made to control hearts and minds of people all over the world and to add a certain style and colour to their ideas and culture, habits and abodes.” “Then, under this global satanic industry, certain wicked Kuffar [disbeliever] men and women are presented to the world as role- models,” the article said, noting that pockets of the entertainment industry such as India’s Bollywood and Pakistan’s Lollywood and “countless of these ‘Woods’ have come into existence” to influence culture. On the heels of a Women’s Day March in Pakistan that drew threats from the Pakistani Taliban, the ISIS publication took a shot at “so called freedom of speech and opinion, equality of men and women and countless other wicked principles and slogans such as ‘My Body, My Choice’ which are resounding everywhere today.” The article stated that people’s “mentality has been shaped up to such extent that even at the individual level, people are seen making nonsensical, aimless and stupid videos wasting all their time in ‘fun’ and entertainment.” “Today, situation has become such that everyone is trying to get ahead of each other by picking up a microphone and a guitar to play satanic music,” the article continued. “And others make videos by insulting, mocking and ridiculing people and then sharing those videos on YouTube, Facebook etc. where thousands more idiotic men and women view it and laugh at it, desensitizing their hearts and buying an undue burden of sins.” www.cbrne-terrorism-newsletter.com 7 HZS C2BRNE DIARY – April 2021 The article also chided Muslims considered to be “spreading Fahasha [indecency or lewdness] in various forms publicly, secretly or through different social media applications.” “Often, you’re seen dancing on Tok-Tok [sp] and sometimes your stories of Fahasha are shared on Facebook,” the ISIS piece said, calling instead on people to prepare to “wage a war by announcing disassociation from the satanic and tawaghit [worship focus other than God] systems and civilizations.” Last month’s “Voice of Hind” issue included a call for those disseminating ISIS propaganda through creating and running online media to “not spare any effort” as “every single click of yours has its reward.” The magazine has somewhat stepped into the void — left by the demise of official ISIS publications “Dabiq” and “Rumiyah” — of regular English-language ISIS magazines offering tips and incitement.
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