The Lebanon Volume 68, Number 139 Daily Record THURSDAY 50 cents JUNE 13, DEATHS You need to read today’s Leb a non Daily Record 2013 Wayne Starnes See Page 2 GOOD • Outdoors Page 4 Shadel’s Colonial REA SONS John Travis “J.T.’’ Lowery 4 • LTCC awards Page 10 Richland Memorial Chapel • USO Club — 1940s Page 2 • Youth track meet canceled Page 3 Investment fi rm buys DTMP Chicago-based new owners intend to make formal announcement next week By Ken York Lebanon, its facility at 949 Bethel Road Detroit The Daily Record Have a comment? and a leased facility at 1611 Auglaize Tool Go to
[email protected] Drive in the city’s industrial park. Metal Detroit Tool Metal Products has been Company, city and federal offi cials Prod- bought by a Chicago-area investment A source who declined to be identi- broke ground during a ceremony May ucts has fi rm, and at least two top company of- fi ed told The Daily Record Wednesday 23 for a 35,000 square foot expansion been fi cers have been let go. that DTMP President and CEO Brad to the building in the industrial park. bought No details about the sale were avail- McKean and Chief Financial Offi cer The project is expected to use about by a able as of press time today. Mark Cornelison were dismissed by $900,000 that was borrowed from the Chicago- Brian R. Crumbaugh, a vice presi- the new owners Friday.