Emmanuel Lutheran Church One church...multiple communities

June 2020 Newsletter

Mooring Line Drive Campus 777 Mooring Line Dr. Naples, FL 34102 239-261-0894

Sunday Services during the pandemic

Online Services Only 9:30 a.m. - Traditional / Contemporary 11:00 a.m. - Bilingual

www.naplesemmanuel.org (Check out “What’s Happening” on our Home Page)

Email: [email protected]

Our Mission: A Christ-centered community where God’s Spirit guides our lives as we worship, learn, love, share and serve.

Staff and Church Council Our Staff: Rev. Steven E Wigdahl, Senior Pastor - [email protected] Rev. Dr. Rick Bliese, Associate Pastor - [email protected] Rev. José Lebrón, Associate Pastor for Mission Development - [email protected] Rev. William Kittinger, Associate Pastor for Mission Development - [email protected] Karole Langset, Resident Pastor - [email protected] Lois Sorensen, Resident Pastor - [email protected] Jim Cooper, ELCA Deacon, Youth & Family - [email protected] Frine Donadelli, Administrative Assistant at Pebblebrooke - [email protected] Gina Fidler, Office Manager - [email protected] Joyce Finlay, ELCA Deacon, Music & Worship; organist - [email protected] Carol Hartman, Parish Nurse - [email protected] Nieves Lebrón, Children’s Ministry Specialist - [email protected] Dee Schleutker, ELCA Deacon, Service & Outreach - [email protected] Theresa Shaw, Executive Director - [email protected] Vivian Shea, Chief Operations Officer - [email protected] Alex Tovar, Maintenance Manager - [email protected] Deborah Vacca, Bookkeeper - [email protected]

Church Council: The Church Council is made up of nine dedicated people who act on behalf of the church membership. According to Emmanuel Lutheran’s Constitution, “The Congregation Council shall have general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation, and in particular its worship life, to the end that everything be done in accordance with the Word of God and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.” Please do not hesitate to contact a council member if you have any questions or concerns. They are here to involve all mem- bers of the congregation in worship, learning, witness, service, and support. If you would like to communicate with the mem- bers of the Emmanuel Church Council, you will find their names and e-mail addresses below:

Here is your Council for 2019-2020: Executive Board: Michael Puchalla (President) - [email protected] Tom Jackson (Vice-President) - [email protected] Ann Jones (Treasurer) - [email protected] Dominguez (Secretary) - [email protected] The other board members are: Nancy Dick - [email protected] Zetty Rivera - [email protected] Steve Esala - [email protected] Sylvia Boynton - [email protected] Ruben Teran - [email protected]


1. Great News! Emmanuel was able to apply for and receive funding from the Payroll Protection Program (PPP). 2. Emmanuel held its first Virtual Memorial Gathering on May 16th for David Pedersen. 3. The pre-school reopened on Monday, May 18, 2020. They are following CDC guidelines. 4. Vacation Bible camp has been canceled this summer. 5. Emmanuel’s first drive-in Worship initiative is going to be held at the Park on May 31st at 10:00 a.m. Already 25 cars have signed up for this service.

July Newsletter deadline is June 20th. Please e-mail Jennifer, [email protected], with any information by this date. 2 A Message from Pastor Steve

The Times They Are A-Changin’, a song from Bob Dylan during the tumultuous '60s. One verse says in part: There's a battle outside And it is ragin' It'll soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are -a changin' Everybody’s life is being rattled a bit right now! Some with whom I visit on the phone know this isn’t the first pan- demic in the history books, but in this modern era, it is leaving a lasting impression! How we handle the present scenario will shape the future. Important decisions are being made. As congregational leaders, we are trying to maintain connections, and we are discovering that these are exacting times for many…amidst health concerns, economic issues, and new circumstances emerging each day. So, we con- tinue to pray and learn, visit and empathize, and try to discover practical ways to be of help. This is the pattern for all of us tied to Christ. Serving each other can help eliminate some of the needs along the way but can also cut through the loneliness that many are experiencing. We appreciate all those who are joining us Sunday morning on Livestream, and throughout the week there are a host of offerings on our website for you to explore. A huge word of thanks to our pastoral team for the work in putting this together. I am enjoying learning from colleagues. Whereas Emmanuel is one congregation with multiple communities, the website will help you grow together with brothers and sisters in Christ. If you are having trouble navigating the site, please don’t hesitate to call the church. We are also looking into some “tutorials” that might be offered. While I am writing this, we are also exploring the context of what it means to re-open, yet I must tell you this is not an easy call. By the time you read this Pastor Will Kittinger and Deacon Dee Schleutker will have started a “Drive- In” worship at Emmanuel Park. They have been excited knowing some of you have taken the time to drive out and see it for yourself. They are happy to show you around and share the vision. Pastor Jose Lebron and Emmanuel Community Church are expanding contacts with many throughout Southwest Florida, and the downtown location on how best to continue with the sanctuary worship and ALIVE Service in the Family Life Center are all on the radar. Thank you for the feedback you are sharing with me and the Church Council. Together we will make the best deci- sions possible at this time. I encourage you to read and pray through the Scripture. From our recent encounter with God’s Word on Sunday mornings, commit Jesus’ words to memory. From John 14: 25I have said these things to you while I am still with you. 26But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. 27Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.

3 A Message from Pastor Rick

Online Communion - Next Steps

We were thrilled with the strong feedback from our experience with online communion on East- er. Afterward we asked for reflections and comments. What was your experience with online commun- ion on Easter? How was it the same as communion in the sanctuary? How was it different? Over 60 comments were received from Emmanuel members from Naples and around the country. Many emails included photos of how people had arranged their tables. They were beautiful!

So what were the responses? They were all positive. In fact, most described the experience as “extremely positive.” Common reflections used words like “wonderful experience,” “very moving,” "spiritually meaningful,” and “powerful.” Most of our members had listened to the three educational events which prepared them for the Easter service.

In light of these comments the Church Council along with the pastoral staff has decided to continue the practice of online com- munion this summer, at least until the threat of the coronavirus has subsided. How will we proceed? We will celebrate com- munion twice a month, on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month this summer.

I should add that most of the feedback we received suggested celebrating communion every week. The experience was that meaningful. These comments were so thrilling to read. However, because this is a new practice, we want to go slowly. Therefore, we will celebrate Holy Commun- ion twice a month until we gain some further experience with this practice and as we monitor how the coronavirus threat unfolds this summer. So join us on June 7th for the next online communion.

Until then, thanks for all your photos and comments (see below for some examples). We appreciate them.

Pax, Rick Bliese

4 A Message from Pastor Rick

New Additions to our Weekly Online Ministries: Check out our Online Ministry Options for this Summer!

In June we will add a few new online ministries to our weekly schedule at Emmanuel. Here is the weekly schedule. A few new options are highlighted for your consideration this summer.

Mondays: Faith, Vocation and Economics [NEW]

Work Matters with Pastor Will: On Mondays starting in June, join Pastor Will for a conversation about faith and work. The ses- sions are titled: “Work Matters with Pastor Will.” The goal of this weekly Monday conversation is to explore various connec- tions between our life of faith and our daily work. How do we connect Sunday and Monday? This is particularly important dur- ing this season of Covid-19 when work-issues matter. Small bite-size clips from various Bible readings, lectures and discussions will be highlighted from our Faith, Vocation and Economics lectures. Pastor Will will then guide our reflections and underline themes that will mark his ministry out at the park. Join the conversation. Check the Emmanuel website and eblasts on Mon- day.

Tuesdays: Take Out Tuesdays [NEW}

On Tuesdays, the staff at Emmanuel will publish various short devotions that you can enjoy on Tuesdays or, for that matter, all week long. Each staff member has prepared a short 3 minute devotion. This “menu of devotions” will challenge and inspire you. So come to the menu of devotions on Tuesday and pick out one that’s right for you. That’s right, you can take out a devo- tion every Tuesday- or take out many devotions! We hope they will be a blessing for the whole congregation this summer.

Wednesday: Support Groups and Prayer

Every Wednesday you can join either our Grief Group at Emmanuel or our Prayer Fellowship. The Grief Group and the Prayer Fellowship gather via Zoom every other week. Check the website and the church’s eblasts for more details.

Thursday: Bible Study and Happy Hour at Emmanuel [NEW}

Every Thursday is packed with Bible Studies and, something new, Happy Hour at Emmanuel. The Bible Studies have become a part of the regular offerings at Emmanuel:

- 9:30 Lectionary Bible Study: The study of the upcoming texts for Sunday’s worship

- 10:45 Bonus Bible Study: The study of Rob Bell’s book, “What is the Bible.”

- Noon: BBS ZOOM at NOON: The live discussion of Rob Bell’s book, “What is the Bible.” Live Discussion

And, now, something really new.

- Happy Hour at Emmanuel: Happy Hour with the Doctor and the Master Sommelier [NEW} Live

At 5 PM on Thursdays this summer Rick Bliese (the doctor) and Barry Larvin (the Mas- ter Sommelier and a member at Emmanuel) will lead a conversation about wines and add a devotion focused on wine. These 30 minute sessions each Thursday will be fun, filled with wine stories, and they will close with a word of devotion about, well, wine! Join us for this 30 minute Happy Hour at Emmanuel every Thursday starting on June 11th. Bring your own wine!

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7773410200?pwd=eWJHYWU4Z00yYmFKNSttUEhkNXQ2dz09 Meeting ID:777 341 0200 Password: 8915011

If you prefer to join by phone, dial by your location and then add the meeting id and password +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Friday and Saturday - no programs

For more information about our educational programs, please contact Rick Bliese at 239-261-0894, ext. 304 or email at [email protected] 5 A Message from Resident Lois Sorensen Return of the Pandemic Pastor

Last month’s “episode” ended as I got back from an emergency excursion to South Dakota. I had my husband discharged from the hospital into my care and, after packing and storing most of his gear, I drove him from Chamberlain, SD (through reservations, grain fields, and pasture lands) to Fargo, ND and then put him on a plane back to Tampa. Greg continues to recuperate under our son’s care, with extensive telephone and text activity with me in Naples, and he hopes to return to contract work for the Indian Health Service or perhaps a non-profit community dental clinic in South Dakota.

This is not quite the internship I signed-up for, but the pivots that Emmanuel has made to respond to the needs of members, friends, and the local community have provided unanticipated opportunities!

Prior to the pandemic hitting, I was scheduled to preach on Mother’s Day for the people of Faith Lutheran Church in Lehigh Acres. I was able to keep that commitment, doing so in the form of a dialog with their pastor. We recorded it on Zoom (complete with a virtual background that was a visual aid for my sermon), and the result was incorporated into their Facebook “watch party” service.

I learned from my four-week “bonus Bible study” -- which began as a class in the media center but had to transition to a rec- orded monologue -- that I am more comfortable teaching in conversation with my student(s) instead of lecturing to a camera. So, when it was time to lead the lectionary Bible study recently, I asked Pastor Karole to help me make it a conversation (on Zoom, using “dueling” seminary scenes as our virtual backgrounds).

From the “they didn’t teach us that in seminary” department, I had not planned to be “tech support” or a televangelist. Thank- fully, having taken about 2/3 of my coursework online, I am able to translate my own experiences into the ability to encourage our members as they gain experience with Zoom and Facebook. Thankfully, one of my electives was in how to use media in ministry, so I am enjoying the ability to engage using the “chat” feature during Livestream worship and I am also comfortable with preaching or otherwise participating -on camera. I am also happy to be contributing to our Facebook presence, as I used to do content curation for my home congregation.

Our “safer at home” mode of operation has me sorely missing church staff, worship assistants, “the beaders” and the rest of you with whom I had been enjoying spontaneous interaction during the week as well as on Sundays. Once my online seminary class is done (as I write this, hopefully by May 29th), I will want to spend meaningful time doing more telephone and other safe forms of “visits” to check-in with you. You can check-in with me, too, dontchaknow! Contact me via email ([email protected]), telephone (813-494-4052), dropping by the “Holy Grounds” virtual coffee time on Sundays, or joining the Zoom prayer gathering on the second and fourth Wednesdays.

Peace and all good,

Pastor Lois

A Message from Resident Karol Langset

Dear Siblings in Faith,

The pastoral team *deeply* misses interacting with you in person! We are all working diligently to find creative ways to engage with everyone.

Resident Pastor Lois Sorensen and I have created a “private” Facebook group called Resident Faces of Emmanuel. This is where we will post links to our weekly Zoom-based “Kaffee Klatch” (bring your own coffee and treats, we help generate conversation) and other opportunities to gather online with you. We want this group to become a “one stop shop” for virtual prayer, education, and fellowship oppor- tunities that one or both of us offer. For example, Lois has already been providing Matins (a morning prayer service) and I have already been providing a Bible Study on James.

This group is one way our faith community can come together while still practicing physical/social distancing. What are you looking for, to support your faith life at this unprecedented time? Do you have a resource to share with us that might help oth- er members or friends of Emmanuel? Come join us by requesting to be part of the group. We truly look forward to seeing you there!

Your Sister in Faith,

Karole Langset Resident Pastor

Our Emails: [email protected] [email protected]

Facebook Group: Resident Faces of Emmanuel 6 Stewardship

Stewardship: A Message of Encouragement and Praise

During this trying time just remember, we will emerge from this pandemic but we will be changed. We will have new technol- ogy to use in the growth of the church, we will have a new appreciation for the worship and the sacraments we enjoy and will be richer in our relationship with God if we trust him in all things and in all ways.

Stewardship is exercising our resources to promote faith and hope for a better tomorrow. Please join us as we need your sup- port more than ever before. Your generosity is directly funding the mission of Emmanuel Lutheran Church and our community agencies and organizations.

We are a part of the core of many outreach efforts, just to mention a few: Grace Place, St. Matthew’s House, Meals of Hope, Habitat for Humanity, Village of Hope, Boys & Girls Clubs, Harry Chapin Food Bank, Guadalupe Center, and Naples Senior Center.

Our Stitchers Quilting group has gathered for many years building community and creating quilts and stitched gifts for those in need. Every Habitat family receives a quilt, they are sent throughout the world and given for comfort and celebratory occa- sions. Village of Hope is supported through our Paper Beading group who make jewelry to raise money for the Village of Hope School in Haiti. These are ways that our congregation uses their time, talents and treasures to make a difference in the lives of others locally as well as throughout the world.

Currently, our youth and families have been volunteering at Meals of Hope to distribute food to families in the community. We have leveraged our financial support to Meals of Hope with community leaders and other churches raising over $40,000 for food availability. The need for support is up 100% over last year and anticipated to continue for some time. Thanks to faithful members of Emmanuel, we continue to pick up bread from Panera and deliver weekly to St. Matthew’s House. Unfor- tunately, they recently had to stop taking casseroles due to the risks associated with our current environment.

As you can see, one of the aspects of this pandemic is that we all share a common experience. Our lives have been disrupted, routine activities have ceased and our health has been threatened. Most of our outreach is through Zoom, conference calls, emails, phones and eblasts, but through it all, THE WORK OF THE CHURCH CONTINUES and we need your help. Our steward- ship goal for the year is $2.2 million and currently, we are at $1.1 million. Your continuous tithes and offerings are appreciated and if you have forgotten your pledge for the year, there is still time.

Many Blessings, Stewardship

7 Serving Others Ministry


The Harry Chapin organization supplies over 70% of the needed inventory to 38 partner organizations in Collier County alone, including Grace Place, St Matthew's House, Meals of Hope, Boys and Girls Club and the Naples Senior Center.

While the Harry Chapin Food Bank is starting to see an increase in the availability of food from stores, there has been more than a 50% growth in the demand for food at drive-thru distributions and from partner organizations.

Due to this enormous growing demand, Harry Chapin Food Bank plans to increase its drive-thru distribution of five-day family food kits from 5,000 to 7,500 per week. Each kit costs $30, so the cost will increase $600,000 to $900,000 per month. The Harry Chapin Food Bank needs our help to do this! You can make a donation online at www.harrychapinfoodbank.org. Together, we can continue to serve those who are hungry in our community.

Food for the Needy Unlike many cities and counties in other parts of the country, Collier County has no wel- fare department. Thus, many of the hungry and homeless among us have nowhere to turn except to local charities. Nearly 1,000 children in the Collier County School District are currently confirmed to be homeless, and officials believe the actual number is much higher.

Village of Hope (VOH) Update:

Haiti is now experiencing COVID-19.

On March 20th, the Haitian government implemented measures similar to the U.S. Schools, universities, businesses, and factories were closed and a curfew put in place.

The Health Center closed due to lack of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment).

VOH is now awaiting the Ministry of Education’s decision regarding when schools will reopen.

Donations for March and April are down 35%. The needs continue to be great in Haiti. VOH is in the process of locating and shipping PPE to Haiti so the Health Center can be reopened since people depend on these health services. VOH must first en- sure the safety of their staff.

The greatest need currently is funding to:

• Purchase PPE for our staff at the Health Center and school.

• Support the Health Center so it can reopen as quickly as possible.

• Expand services to mothers and infants.

• Replace the support of households who are unable to continue financial support of VOH due to their personal circum- stances.

Your continued support allows VOH to respond to these needs. Please prayerfully consider any additional gift you can send at this time. To donate please visit the VOH website at www.villageofhopehaiti.org 8 Serving Others Ministry

As many of you know, our Good Samaritan Fund assists in helping people in need, whether they are members, friends or acquaintances. If anyone has a desire to give toward that fund, please make your checks payable to Emmanuel Lutheran Church and put Good Samaritan Fund in the memo line.

A Grace Place Update June 2020

Dear friends at Emmanuel Lutheran Church,

As we navigate through the pandemic, Grace Place continues to put faith into action by serving our community in many ways.

We have reached out to all our students and families to assist them with resources they may need through our food pantry, and other agencies as needed such as Salvation Army, United Way, and Legal Aid.

Our educational programs have transitioned to an online platform while our Food Pantry continues to operate and grow rap- idly every Saturday. We continue to receive donations through Harry Chapin, but the need continues to grow and there are many items that we are not able to secure through Harry Chapin.

If you are able and called to do so, we are collecting donations for the following items: • Dish soap, laundry detergent and other household cleaning supplies • Body soap & toothpaste • Toilet Paper & paper towels • Diapers • Rice, beans, dried milk, cooking oil, canned tuna and canned chicken • Reusable shopping bags

For more information, please call me 239.255.7213 or send me an email at [email protected]

Thank you for your continued support!

Chrissie Missal Development Relationship Manager Grace Place for Children and Families


Work has slowed at Habitat since most of the volunteers are in lock-down at home, eagerly awaiting the time when they can all get back to work on this important cause. Habitat Collier is a bank, social services organiza- tion and a general contractor; therefore they are an essential service and are remaining open. They are con- tinuing to follow all instructions for social distancing rules as well as all safety and health precautions. Jobsites are operating with only staff and subcontractors. Their stores are closed. Family services’ needs are being addressed by a skeleton crew. All who are able are working from home. As soon as it is safe to do so, Habitat will be back building homes and we will have the privilege of meeting the families who will purchase their homes in Vincent’s Acres thanks to all of you.

Thus far this year Emmanuel has contributed $86,433.28, bringing us more than halfway toward our goal for the year of $150,000, which will buy the materials for 3 houses. If we achieve our goal we plan to have a huge celebration because Em- manuel will have donated a grand total of $3 million since the beginning of our partnership with Habitat! We can do it! The need for Habitat housing is now greater than ever. In response to this increased need, a very generous member of Em- manuel has come forward with a $50,000 challenge grant to match your donations dollar for dollar. If you can, please step up in this time of crisis with a generous donation of your own. Please make checks payable to Emmanuel, indicate that they are for Habitat, and mail them to Emmanuel. If you wish to use a credit card, please call Habitat at 239-775-0036, or go to www.HabitatCollier.org. And don’t forget to mention Emmanuel so that your donation gets matched.

9 Music and Worship MUSICAL NOTES

Joyce Finlay, ELCA Deacon for Music and Worship

Just recently Lutheran musicians from all over the country made a “virtual recording” of the Pentecost hymn, “O Day Full of Grace.” The Virtual Choir included members of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, as well as Choir members from the Emmanuel Choir here in Naples—and from choirs nationwide.

David Cherwien, Cantor of Mount Olive Lutheran Church and Artistic Director of the National Lutheran Choir, organized this momentous event. He said:

I’m hoping we RALLY with this effort to give our next high festival day, Pentecost, our best. I invite at the minimum, that you, as one of the church’s musicians, participate in this effort and record this hymn. Then invite your community individuals to join and provide a recording. Young and elderly voices and everyone in between, instruments, etc. Imagine what this can do to provide hope and meaningful participation with a uniting activity so meaningful to us. And what an appropriate day to offer a sense of togetherness in song to the church: the festival some call the “Birthday of the Church”— Pentecost.

Jim Rindelaub, the President of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, stated the following about this mammoth project:

I see this recording as part of the history of Lutheran music. I believe Lutheran musicians for centuries will watch and listen to this recording with much interest studying the time and people of the great global pandemic.

There have been over 600 recorded voices for this Virtual Hymn project thus far. Tune in and listen to this uplifting humn. It is the opening hymn at the May 31 online service. https://livestream.com/emmanuel/events/9145820

Soli Deo Gloria!

10 Finance FINANCIAL UPDATE (as of April 30, 2020)

TOTAL INCOME FROM ALL Budget Year to Date Actual Year to Date SOURCES $915,639 $889,955

Budget Year to Date Actual Year to Date TOTAL OVERALL EXPENSES $729,334 $665,804

April 2019 April 2020 AVERAGE ATTENDANCE 740 1199

(A more detailed Treasurer’s Report can be found in our weekly eBlast.)

Please note the income numbers include the $200,000 Emmanuel received from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). This money is a forgivable loan to small businesses to pay their employees during the COVID-19 crisis. The loan proceeds are used to cover payroll costs and utility costs over the 8-week period after the loan is made and employee compensation lev- els are maintained.

Do you purchase things on Amazon? If so, you can get the same items with Amazonsmile. By purchasing items through Amazonesmile a very small per- centage of the sale goes to Emmanuel. On your first visit to AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com), you are prompted to select a charitable organization. Em- manuel Lutheran Evangelical Church is one of those organizations. So, if you shop with Amazon, remember to go through AmazonSmile and select Emmanuel Lutheran Evangelical Church. (Tell your family and friends to do the same.) The direct link is https://smile.amazon.com/ch/59-1377616

Thank you to those of you who do use Amazonsmile. Every little bit helps. To date we have received over $800 from Amazonsmile.

Stephen Ministry Hello fellow Stephen Ministers. As we continue to stay safe and continue social distancing, our prayers are with all of you. We know you are reaching out to your care receivers in many ways, and we thank you for your continued dedica- tion to Emmanuel’s program.

Please stay safe and be sure you tell anyone you talk to that Stephen Ministry is here for you and you only have to ask ....if you think you would like a Stephen Minister, please contact the church office or Carol Hartman at 239-261-0894. We are here for you. Blessings from your Stephen Ministry leaders.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. John 14:27


David Pedersen passed on May 8, 2020. Please keep his family and friends in your prayers.

11 Youth and Family Ministry Emmanuel’s Youth Scholarship Recipients 2020

Bailey Kimble Vanessa Ruiz Bryce Hemmert

Isabella Sanchez Alex Lyberg

Congratulations to our 2020 recipients of Emmanuel’s Youth Scholarships. Thanks to our Founding partners (Marge Herbst and her late husband, Charlie) and to others who have given so generously to this Scholarship program. The above five students were selected by Emmanuel's Youth Scholarship Committee. All recipients were selected based upon their church involve- ment, participation in youth ministry activities, involvement in the community and their commitment to higher education. Over the past 11 years 46 youth scholarships have been awarded. This year there will be another $6000 awarded to the students shown above. This will put the funds total disbursement at $54,700. Please keep these wonderful students in your prayers as they move into another exciting chapter of their life.

This past weekend all throughout Collier County there were many “virtual” high school graduation ceremonies going on for the Class of 2020. As a church we want to congratulate five of our very own senior high students, Bailey Kimble, Bryce Hemmert, Zach Faust, Vanessa Ruiz and Isabella Sanchez. We echo the words of the prophet Jeremiah for each of them. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). May God continue to shower you with his grace as you move into this new chapter of life.

12 Youth and Family Ministry

Are you looking for ways to support faith formation at home? Sparkhouse is excited to announce Family Sunday School, a free 8-week lesson series for families!

Each week Sunday school curriculum developer (and former summer camp Arts and Crafts director) Dr. Dawn Rundman and her family will host Family Sunday School. Each episode presents a lesson based on Lectionary readings that families can watch together. The Bible story, illustrations, and other content are based on Spark: Activate Faith Lectionary Sunday school les- sons.

Please click on the following link: https://www.wearesparkhouse.org/ promos/family-sunday-school/

The d365 daily devotional site is pro- This is a great devotional that duced by Passport, Inc., a national stu- can be downloaded onto your dent ministry organization. The prima- phone as an app, or you can access it online. The devotion ry goal since the start has been to pro- can be as short as three vide inspirational and relevant reflec- minutes, or as long as 20...it’s tions on scripture for young people. up to you. Please take a mo- The devotional experience, written ment to check it out, you will especially for youth and young adults, not be disappointed. seeks to provide reflections on themes Online link: https://d365.org/ that impact our faith journey. We are happy to say that d365 is read by over 2,000 people each day, throughout 74 different countries! We hope this ex- perience will create a quiet space in your life for meditation and prayer.

13 Parish Nurse Carol Calling: Welcome to June and continued “stay at home” orders. As we wait to see what the next phase is going to be for this pandemic, I will share a few thoughts with you for my June message. Let’s begin by continuing with our Power 9 Blue Zone messages. We are now up to number 8 of the power points. The message for us to consid- er today is BELONG. Belong to a faith – based community and attend services regularly to add up to 14 years to your life. In case you have forgotten the Power 9 messages up to this point, it was MOVE NATURALLY, PUR- POSE, DOWN SHIFT, 80% RULE, PLANT SLANT, FRIENDS/WINE@ FIVE, FAMILY FIRST, and BELONG.

Here are highlights from an interesting article I read on the Sleep-Better-Bedroom….From Consumer Reports OnHealth, here are 6 tips to ensure you will sleep more soundly through the night. 1: Pick the right mattress Find one that feels good for you. There is no one size fits all. 2: Be pillow savvy…get a pillow that matches whether you sleep on your side, your back or your stomach. 3: Keep things dark and quiet, but be sure to turn on a light if you have to get up during the night. 4: Find your preferred temperature. Again, there is no temperature that is normal for everyone. This is a personal preference. 5: Ban blue light before bed- position your TV across the room to decrease the effect of blue light. 6: Get out during the day. Try to combine some outdoor time with exercise. It will help you have a better sleep.

A reminder – eggs are a great source of protein and other nutrients. The Journal of Clinical Nutrition Jan. 2020 reports from their studies that one egg a day is not linked to any change in heart health.

Need to connect with others when the COVID 19 worry gets you down: Try Mayo Clinic Connect. This is a trusted online fo- rum for information, social support and connection. It can be found at https://connect.MayoClinic.org. Once you are there, click “Groups” to find COVID-19 support groups and other health-related groups. Try it out.

And let’s not forget that June is National Cancer Survivor Month. Celebrate!!

The hospitals no longer notify us of your admission. If you have a planned hospital admission and would like a visit from our pastoral staff, please let us know ahead of time. If you have an unexpected hospital admission, please ask a family member or friend to contact the church office. We would be happy to visit with you. Thank you. Parish Nurse Carol Hartman at 239-261-0894 or [email protected]

If you would like to have a prayer added to the prayer chain, please contact Joyce O’Neill. You may contact Joyce at 239-566-3373 or email her at [email protected]. Send requests to Joyce O’Neill at [email protected]

Grieving Group

Parish Nurse Carol Hartman and Resident Pastor Karole Langset are reconstituting the Grief Group by using Zoom technology. The group will meet at 1 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. Instead of meeting in the chapel, those processing the loss of a loved one or any other devastating loss and its aftereffects will begin meeting online using Zoom.

To Join Grief Zoom Meeting (1st and 3rd Wednesday, 1 p.m.): Copy and past: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88948974770?pwd=YWZ5S2pveGJ0NGp0d0czdXkvTEZKUT09

Meeting ID: 889 4897 4770 Password: 844239

You can join by phone without video, for that you will need the meeting number and password (above) when you dial-in to one of these numbers:

+1 301 715 8592 (Germantown), +1 312 626 6799 (Chicago), If you have any questions or concerns in regards to the Grief Group call Carol +1 646 558 8656 US (New York), Hartman at 239-261-0894 or email her at [email protected] +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma), +1 346 248 7799 (Houston), or +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose). 14 Emmanuel Park Community

As we enter into the season of Pentecost, the culmination of the 50 days of Easter, we welcome the gift of the Holy Spirit. On Sunday, May 31st, at 10:00 am, we had our first weekly Drive-In Worship service at the Park. We will continue to have Sun- day worship services at 10:00 am at the Park each week. Come join us!

Here are the details about Drive-in Worship at Emmanuel Park Services at the Park began Pentecost Sunday, May 31 at 10:00 a.m. and we need Volunteers gather to practice for your help to launch this new dynamic service! Here’s what we need each week: the first Drive-In worship service.

1. We need you to show up! We’re asking that you sign up to attend one of our drive-in services for Pentecost and the month of June. That’s 5 Sundays to choose from! Head on over to our https://naplesemmanuel.org/epc/ and the click the “signup for drive-in worship” button to register. Why are we asking you to register? Great question! We want to invite new people from the Golden Gate Estates Com- munity to the service, and statistics show that folks have a better chance of attending and engaging in worship if oth- ers are present to welcome them warmly. By you showing up, you’re helping us to welcome these new people to the Emmanuel family!

2. We need your help setting up and breaking down! For now, there’s not much to setup and takedown: mostly the small stage, altar, and equipment we have, but we need help setting it up and taking it down each Sunday. If you can make the commitment to help us out for a given time, then check out that same sign up form on our https:// naplesemmanuel.org/epc/ ; there’s a box at bottom you can check off that says “I want to volunteer with setting up and breaking down.”

3. We need your help with parking! With a drive-in worship service, parking is a big deal, and we have to do it right. We need volunteers to help us park cars properly before worship and help guide cars out of the park after worship. Again, if you’re interested in helping us, check out that signup on our https://naplesemmanuel.org/epc/.

4. Right below the box about setting up and breaking down is another box you can check off that says “I want to volun- teer with parking.”

We believe that weekly drive-in worship will be a great addition to Emmanuel Park and to the overall worship experience of Emmanuel Lutheran Church. God continues to call us to reach out to the people of Northeast Collier, and the Spirit takes us in new directions. May we boldly say “yes” as followers of Jesus, and may God continue to watch over and protects as we boldly proclaim his name. With Christ’s Love, Pastor Will & Deacon Dee

The first Drive-in Worship service at Emmanuel Park was a huge success! Here are some photographs Pastor Will preaching and some of the people in attendance. Come join us next week!

15 Emmanuel Park Community

Are you interested in learning more about Emmanuel Park Community? Please contact Deacon Dee or Pastor Will.

[email protected]

[email protected]

EPC is working with Eldridge Produce for the drive through distribution of farm fresh produce. With Social Distancing in place, orders will be placed online, and the pick-up will be scheduled for a day to be deter- mined. Payment will be via cash, cards, EBT, and other food support programs. Here are some people who have used the service. So far we have had great response from the community and our members.

Pastor Will, Deacon Dee, and Bob Scallon prepare for the opening of the playground

16 Emmanuel Communities- Emmanuel Academies

Here is a link to our most recent newsletter: https://conta.cc/2xYjhwD

Emmanuel Communities:

The Playground at Emmanuel Community Park has been installed. It looks absolutely great and fun! It is ready for kids and their families to have a great time and make memories. We are excited to open it when county officials approve of the opening of playgrounds due to Covid-19. Stay tuned for details!

ECI has been collaborating with Pr. Will and Deacon Dee to host the first ever “drive in” style community worship happening this Sunday. All of Emmanuel and the community are invited. We look forward to worshipping together, and ‘social distancing’ in our cars as a church family!

Eldridge Produce has formed a great partnership with ECI and EPC! The Curbside Farmer’s Market has been a great success with multiple news outlets picking up our collaboration with the community! As you are reading this, we are reevaluating the optimal day and time to hold the Farmer’s Market for the community to have greater accessibility! We will share the details when a revised plan is set.

The first week we teamed up with Elridge’s Produce FOX 4 News came out to do a story.

Here is a link to the interview: https://www.fox4now.com/open/new-fresh-local-produce-service-offered-at-emmanuel-community-park-in- naples

Emmanuel Academies:

Emmanuel Academies' MDiv Program continues its growth as we add ANOTHER SEMINARIAN, Bob Bonomo, in Hernando, Florida. Bob is thrilled he had the opportunity to enroll with Emmanuel Academies. Bob had sensed his Call for many years, but given life, work and family he was unable to pursue a full-time traditional seminary program. EA's program, built on applied learning and mastery of crucial skills and knowledge that can be done within his own community, was particularly appealing, as well as the low monthly cost, with support from Emmanuel Academies and his home congregation, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. Bob will begin the student onboarding process in June. Rev. Dr. Rick Bliese will serve as his Faculty Mentor. Bob will be meeting with the Florida Bahamas Synod's Candidacy Committee at their next meeting in July for his Candidacy Interview lead- ing to formal acceptance into the ELCA's Pastoral Ordination process.

EA is moving forward with prospective Spanish-language students for our 5-year BA+MDiv program from the congregation of Evangelica Luterana Jesus Rey De Gloria in Hialeah. These students are working on their applications for acceptance to our new BA in Global Leadership offered in Spanish from Palm Beach Atlantic University, combined with our innovative MDiv program.

We continue to seek out young adults called to pastor for (1) our BA + MDiv in 5 years through our 5-Year Pastoral Leadership Degree program or (2) our Master of Divinity program. Please share any recommendations or introductions with Laurie Sullivan at [email protected] or 630-863-5329. Details of the programs are available at www.EmmanuelEd.org.

EA’s YouTube Channel is hosting Emmanuel’s Adult Learning programs, and they will be incorporated into our pastoral and lay leader educational programs. Go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCyRE4p0vm0cuuMK1x6Dx5zA and subscribe!

17 Clubs

All of our clubs have been suspended until further notice due to the pandemic. If you are interested in a particular club, you may contact the leaders of that group.

Lit and Latte Book Club

The book club will begin meeting in November. At this time they are trying to create a list of books to read and presenters for the upcoming year. If you have any ideas, please contact Carol Hartman at [email protected].

Everyone in the community is invited to join our group. Please feel free to bring houseguests and friends, as all are welcome. We meet in the Media Center monthly from 2:00-3:30 PM.


The Women with Women group has postponed gatherings and meetings until further notice. Any questions call Carol Duncan at 239-777-3213.

Mah Jongg is postponed until further notice. If you have any questions, please call Carol Duncan at 239-777-3213.

Beading for Haiti Project Paperbead Jewelry

The beading group has postponed meeting until further notice. They are excited to get back together once things get back to normal. They also look forward to having a Jewelry Sale.

Interested? Contact Carol Duncan at 239-777-3213 Check out our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/beadingforhaiti Village of Hope Webpage www.villageofhopehaiti.org


The Stitchers will resume meeting in the Community Room on Mondays on November 2, 2020. Call Jane Hauck, 605-366-4338, with any questions.

18 Emmanuel Lutheran Church June Baptisms

Member Date

Carol Lusch 06/00 Anne Rismiller 06/00 Dwight Ericsson 06/00 Douglas Jolstad 06/00 Judith Kohlmann 06/00 Marcia Jolstad 06/00 Myron Marlett 06/00 Robert Porter Lynch 06/00 Sharon Thoemke 06/00 Dick Selvala 06/00 Gary Hall 06/00 Racheael Lyberg 06/00 Debra Listoe 06/01 Paulus Muller 06/01 Andrew Piipponen 06/01 Linda Schmidt 06/01 Connie Sharpe 06/01 Ana Cabrera 06/01 Ava Jakubielski 06/06 Monika Faust 06/07 Kathleen Gass 06/08 Deanna Wardeberg 06/08 Pierce Wasmer 06/10 Olivia Ceilley 06/11 Boden Manring 06/11 Brier Manring 06/11 Terri Lee Marshall 06/12 Judy Bassett 06/13 Roy Wolff 06/20 Mary Spargo 06/21 Tom Swears 06/23 Emma Mastro 06/24 Berthold Treiber 06/28 Martha Treiber 06/28 Sophie Wasmer 06/29 Lauren Puchalla 06/30

19 Emmanuel Lutheran Church June Anniversaries

Member Date

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gall 06/01 Jodi & Jeff Dykema 06/01 Mark & Barbara Bolick 06/03 Mr. & Mrs. James Klinke 06/03 Mr. & Mrs. David Rismiller 06/03 Mr. & Mrs. John Rasmussen 06/06 Mr. & Mrs. Heriberto Rivera 06/07 Karin and Corey Steward 06/07 Mr & Mrs Arland Waters 06/07 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hilliard 06/08 Heather Karl 06/09 Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Martin 06/09 Rev. & Mrs. Glen Gronlund 06/10 Thomas & Eleanor Jackson 06/10 Mr. & Mrs. John Granskog 06/11 Helen Hofmann & Bob Piasecki 06/11 Michael and Stacey Puchalla 06/12 Walter & Ardith Tofteland 06/12 Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Knutson 06/13 Jack & Jane Haugsland 06/13 Michael & Denise Nieman 06/14 Mr. & Mrs. Wallen 06/14 Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Marrie 06/15 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller 06/15 Rick & Nina Bliese 06/17 Rita and Gordon Duwe 06/17 Mr. & Mrs. James Geist 06/17 Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Manring 06/17 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Parmelee 06/17 Mr. & Mrs. Martin Umbach 06/17 Gary and Judy Bassett 06/18 Mr. & Mrs. Russell Greer 06/18 Mr. and Mrs. Llarrie Nettum 06/18 Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Seiler 06/18 David & Kerstin Beitzel 06/19 Keith & Judith Kohlmann 06/19 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Conrad 06/20 Lisa & James Dawson 06/20 Rev. & Mrs. Tom Swears 06/20 Cara Moen Denny 06/21 Warren & Marlene Heidemann 06/21 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Castens 06/22 Pat Dickson & Ed Swenson 06/22 Joyce & Doug Finlay 06/22 Bruce & Kay Philp 06/22 Gary & Sissel 06/23 Mr. & Mrs. Myron Johnson 06/24 Mrs. Nancy Nodell & Jack Guddie 06/24 Deanna & George Wardeberg 06/24 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Day 06/26 Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lyberg 06/26 Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dick 06/28 Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Frontz 06/28 Mr. and Mrs. George Brown 06/29 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kottke 06/29 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Boe 06/30

20 Emmanuel Lutheran Church June Birthdays

Member Date Member Date Rodger Lundblad 06/01 Cheryl Carlson 06/18 Paulus Muller 06/01 Wendell Gillund 06/18 Jose Eugenio Lebron 06/02 Alex Lyberg 06/18 Lenny Duran 06/03 Harry C. Schell 06/18 Michael Ziegelmaier 06/03 Arleen Feretti 06/19 Norma Johnson 06/04 Robert Fowell 06/19 Madison DeHaan 06/05 Elijah Marble 06/19 Richard Krautsack 06/05 Daniel Matson 06/19 Ragnhild Sunde 06/05 Venessa Ruiz 06/19 Dolores Watson 06/05 Elaine Zavadny 06/19 Martie Miller 06/07 Don Brown 06/20 Dick Selvala 06/08 Sher Canada 06/20 Robert Porter Lynch 06/09 Nancy Devine 06/20 Nancy Lewis 06/09 James Geist 06/20 Samantha Rosaasen 06/09 Robert Knapp 06/20 Kathleen Johnson 06/11 Bruce Philp 06/20 Miriam Geist 06/11 Robert Albrecht 06/21 Karen Nelson 06/11 Shirley Benson 06/21 Phillip Vender 06/11 Karl Fink 06/21 Avian Davis 06/12 Maurice Webert 06/21 Zachary Dawson 06/12 Ariannet Cardona 06/22 Denise Nieman 06/12 Carole Lienberger 06/23 Thomas Jackson 06/12 Jo Ann Montbriand 06/23 Dee Schleutker 06/12 Charles Pearson 06/23 Slifko 06/12 Ric Simmonds 06/23 Patricia Dickson 06/13 Barbara Bolick 06/24 Gerald Knutson 06/13 Anne Miller 06/24 Angela Puchalla 06/13 Rod Johnson 06/24 Michael Puchalla 06/13 Nicole Perry 06/24 Nancy Webert 06/13 Ronald Sabol 06/24 Martin Corbin 06/14 Nancy DeJohn 06/25 Andrew Calix 06/14 Gehrman 06/25 Martin Corbin 06/14 Sherri-Anne Headley 06/25 Nieves Lebron 06/14 Michael Elgin 06/26 Zachary Johnson 06/14 Judith Kohlmann 06/26 Mary Ann Polansky 06/15 Robert Sander 06/27 Ellen Wolfe 06/15 Edgar Wright 06/27 Bruce Bergman 06/16 Mary Esala 06/28 Richard Bethem 06/16 Carol Waters 06/28 Doug Gallois 06/16 Sebatian Ruiz 06/28 John Hallett 06/16 Frank Scurti 06/28 June Jahrling 06/16 Charles Frontz 06/29 Lynne Groth 06/17 Jim Harrison 06/29 Dan Mjolsness 06/17 Nieves Judith Lebron 06/29 Evelyn Seils 06/17 Ellen Bechthold 06/30 Lynn Heartman 06/30 Ann Jones 06/30 Janise Parry 06/30