An - Najah Univ. J. Res.(N. Sc.) Vol. 33(1), 2019 Trivial Ring Extension of Suitable-Like Conditions and some properties AmÌ'@ ªK.ð AîEAîD J.ð éJ¯A¾JÖÏ@ HA ®ÊjÊË éJ îE YJ.Ë@ éJ ®ÊmÌ'@ H@YK YÒJË@ Khalid Adarbeh* éK.P@Y« YËAg Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine * Corresponding Author:
[email protected] Received: (6/9/2018), Accepted: (6/12/2018) Abstract We investigate the transfer of the notion of suitable rings along with re- lated concepts, such as potent and semipotent rings, in the general context of the trivial ring extension, then we put these results in use to enrich the literature with new illustrative and counter examples subject to these ring- theoretic notions. Also we discuss some basic properties of the mentioned notions. Keywords: Trivial ring extension, idealization, clean ring, potent ring, semipotent ring, von Neumann regular ring, suitable rings. jÊÓ Ì « ªK. ð éJ¯A¾ÖÏ@ HA®Êm '@ Ðñê®Ó ÈA®JK@ éJ ÊÔ PñÖÏ@@Yë ú ¯ Ij.K Ì Ì áÓ éÓAªË@ éËAm '@ ú ¯ éK ñ®Ë@ éJ. ð éK ñ®Ë@ HA®Êm '@ ú ×ñê®Ò» é¢J.KQÖÏ@ Õæ ëA®ÖÏ@ YK ðQ K ú¯ èYK Ym.Ì'@ l.'AJJË@ ÐYjJ Õç' áÓð , éJ îE YJ.Ë@ éJ ®ÊmÌ'@ H@YK YÒJË@ ªK . ¯AJ K AÒ» . éðPYÖÏ@ ÕæëA®ÒÊË © m' éJ j ñ K éÊJÓAK . HA«ñJ .¢ÖÏ@ .Õæ ëA®ÖÏ@ èYêË éJ ®ÊmÌ'@ AmÌ'@ , é®J ¢ JË@ é®ÊmÌ'@ , éJ ËAJÖ ÏAK. ÉÒªË@ , éJ îE YJ.Ë@ éJ ®ÊmÌ'@ H@YK YÒJË@ : éJ kAJ®ÖÏ@ HAÒʾË@ .