July-August 2019 trinity parish United and empowered to worship, connect, serve. July13-21: Pray for our travelers to Guatemala Pray for health, safety, and inspiration for our 14- member Guatemala team. The 14 will be on Guatemalan soil on Saturday, July 13, and will return on Sunday, July 21. They’ll spread God’s Word via the re-creation of our VBS program at a new girls’ school, Hope Academy, launched by Tree 4 Hope’s Jennifer Hope-Tringali, our former interim associate pastor. Among the travelers are staff members Pastors Horner and Frey, Kelly Falck, and Danelle Andrews. Let’s all look forward to hearing their stories! In the meantime, we thank all who donated to the cost of the trip and to Hope Academy. Pictured at right is the display in the Gathering Space that shows your generosity via the many “bricks” and “roof shingles” that represent your contributions. God is good indeed! July 27-28: Support World Hunger Bread Weekend You’ll help to provide life-sustaining opportunities for folks in need by supporting the ELCA World Hunger initiative in these ways: • Donate baked goods for folks to “buy.” Drop off the goodies on July 27-28 at the bread tables in the Gathering Space. • “Buy” baked goods donated by others. • Bake bread with the Missions Team on Saturday, July 27, starting at 9 am (Tell Judy Hunter you’re coming; she’ll let you know what to expect and how to get to the kitchen on Saturdays: Call 717-737-9933 or email
[email protected]).