121:2; :21" Good 'Seal Range For' Uncoated Tyvek®, Evidence of Seal
USOO5830547A Ulllted States Patent [19] [11] Patent Number: 5,830,547 MacKenZie et al. [45] Date of Patent: Nov. 3, 1998 [54] PEEL-OPEN PACKAGE 0 785 066 7/1997 European Pat. Off. 7144391 6/1995 Japan . [75] Inventors: Fiona MacKenzie, Bloomington, 07205562 3/1997 Japan - Minn; Roy Christopherson, SWindon; 96/04861 2/1996 WIPO - Kingdom European Patent Of?ce, International Search Report for [73] Assignee: ReXam Medical Packaging, Inc-, PCT/IB 97/00862, completed Oct. 27, 1997 by P. Olle. Vernon H1115, 111- “Coated Vs. Uncoated Webs In Thermoform/Fill/Seal”; Randall D. Brinkman; Paper Film Foil Conv. 1984, 58, No. [21] Appl. No.: 678,984 10, Oct. 19, 1984; pp. 78—82. [22] Filed? Jul- 12, 1996 Primary Examiner—Christopher Raimund 6 Attorne , A em, or Firm—Bell Seltzer Intellectual Pro ert [51] Int. Cl. ................................................... .. B29D 22/00 Law GryoupgofAlston & Bird LLP P Y [52] US. Cl. ...................... .. 428/361; 428/365; 206/363; 206/439 [57] ABSTRACT [58] Field of Search ................................ .. 428/358, 36.5, _ _ _ 428/357, 361; 206/363, 439 A peel-open package includes a polymeric ?lm, a lid adhered to the polymeric ?lm along a continuous portion [56] References Cited thereof and a product encapsulated between the polymeric ?lm and lid material. The polymeric ?lm is typically a US PATENT DOCUMENTS coeXtruded multiple layer ?lm having a scalable layer and at 3 891 089 6/1975 Goodwin et a1‘ ' least one base layer. The sealable layer comprises an ethyl 4j194:622 3/1980 Lewis _ ene copolymer derived from at least one monomer selected 473617237 11/1982 Heiremans et a1_ _ from the group consisting of vinyl acetate and 4,367,312 1/1983 Bontinck et a1.
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