46 and Harvard, Xlvf Identified, 17N Letter(S)
INDEX Abbot, Henry Ward and Harvard, 224 and the “Dark Lady of the Sonnets,” 46 Morley on, 288 and Harvard, xlvF his Puritanism, 259, 308, 369 identified, 17n Rosamond Sturgis on, 288 letter(s) to, 17, 42, 43, 46 and Santayana, 254, 337 “Locke and the Frontiers of Common Santayana on, 157, 194, 253, 259, Sense,” requests copy of, 42, 43 288–89, 290, 297, 308, 321–22, 347, Santayana gives advice, xlv–xlvi 362, 369 mentioned, xlvii, l, li, lii, 436, 439 Santayana’s friends, composite of, 259, Abbott, Charles David 270, 306, 362 and “Earliest Verses of George and Williams College, 29 Santayana,” 410 mentioned, 35, 62–63, 63, 91, 151, 166, identified, 410n 173, 176, 249, 271, 287, 289, 313, 314, letter(s) to, 410 327, 355 ABC (Spanish journal), 304n, 305n Alderman Library (University of Virginia), “ABC of Epistemology” (Cory, 432 unpublished), xix, 57n, 60n, 208n Aldo (Strong’s manservant) Abélard, Pierre, 234n identified, 53n Abraham (Bible) mentioned, 52, 129 identified, 156n Alfonso XIII, king of Spain mentioned, lvii, 155, 160, 364 identified, 295n Absolute values, Santayana on, 189 mentioned, 294, 301, 376n Abyssinian War, xxii, 217, 245n, 250, 251 “Alternatives to Liberalism” (Santayana), Adelphi. See New Adelphi 98, 98n, 99, 105, 105n, 106, 111, 117, The Adventures of Ideas (Whitehead), 17, 18n 118, 122, 133 The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search America(n) for God (Shaw), 4, 6 and Anglomania, 153 “The Aeneid” (Santayana), 31n, 141, 193 books, Santayana on, 15, 153 The Aeneid (Vergil), 31n and the Boston Brahmin, lxii Aesthetics, xvii, xliv and Boston society, lix, 417 “An Æsthetic Soviet” (Santayana), 158, Centennial Exhibition, 319 159n, 329, 409, 409n communists on, 169 After Strange Gods (Eliot), 92, 92n culture, Santayana on, 139, 168–69 Alain.
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