Names and Addresses of Attorneys Practicing Before the United States Patent Office, Washington, D
1 T 223 .N 1889 Copy 1 ^*,j ?cv '^'' 1 I LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. S^ap Snit^ris]^ la Shelf.W DNITEB STATES OF AMERICA. FAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ATTOKNEYS PRACTICING BKFORE THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE ^w^^sE:i2sra-To:N-, td. o. COMPILED BY V. W. kiDDLETO Waskmgton : Thomas McGill & Co. j8Hg. 4 r^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1889, By V. W. MIDDLBTON, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress. Si ^. .-:i ^ NAMES AND ADDRESSES ATTORNEYS PRACTICING BEFORE THE UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. The following list embraces the names and addresses of Attorneys practicing before the United States Patent Office, and has been carefully prepared up to date. V. W. MiDDLETON. Washington, D. C, Nov. 1889. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ATTORNEYS. ALABAMA. Name. Residence. Local address. Bromberg, Fred'k G....i Mobile Campbell, E. K | Birmingham. Carroll & Carroll do Post-office Box 63. Hibbard, B. L do Post-office Box 492. Lane & Taliaferro do McDaniel, Jr., P. A ! Abbeville Merrell, A. H | Eufaula Ridge, L. B Birmingham. Post-office Box 169. Smith & Lowe do Sterrett, Rob't H do Taliaferro & Smithson do No. 216 One-Half street. Troy, Tompkins & Montgomery. London. i Zimmerman, Geo. P Birmingham. ; AEIZONA. Barnes, Hon. Wm. H... Tucson Lighthizer, H.B Phoenix i; Porter & Baxter do j No. Washington street. ARKANSAS. Basham, J. H Clarksville Clark S I Helena Coates, James Little Rock Davies, R. G Hot Springs Box No. 17. Davis & Baker Eureka Springs Fulkerson, J. L do Gibbon, T. E Little Rock 32 1 >^ Odd Fellows Block.
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