Undergraduate Catalog 2009-2011
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Undergraduate Catalog 2009-2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Prof ile ........................................................................................................................................ 3 University Administration ..................................................................................................... 12 Ad m ission ............................................................................................................................... 15 Tuit ion ..................................................................................................................................... 19 Academ ic Calendar ................................................................................................................. 23 Cam pus Life ............................................................................................................................ 24 Student Affairs ....................................................................................................................... 28 Academ ic and Co -Curricular Services .................................................................................... 31 Academ ic Policies and General Regulations ......................................................................... 37 Financial Assistance ................................................................................................................ 57 University Core Curriculum .................................................................................................... 70 * Lienhard School of Nursing ................................................................................................. 72 Dyson College of Arts and Sciences ...................................................................................... 90 Lubin School of Business ...................................................................................................... 131 Seidenberg School of Com puter Science and Inf ormation Systems ............................... 159 School of Education ............................................................................................................. 166 Adult and Continuing Ed ..................................................................................................... 184 Faculty List ............................................................................................................................ 186 Course Description ............................................................................................................... 192 *Name of School was changed to the College of Health Professions in 2011. 2 Please visit www.pace.edu for the most current, updated information Pro f ile PROFILE enriched the educational experience of Pace students Mission and provided an ongoing source of intellectual Pace University’s historic mission retains its central enrichment to the University. The Dyson College of importance today: to provide high quality profes- Arts and Sciences is central to the intellectual life of sional education and training coupled with an exce l- Pace, to shaping academic priorities, and to providing lent liberal education to students for whom that ethical, humanistic, and scientific principles upon education offers the opportunity to lift their lives and which lives and careers are founded. prospects t o new levels. From its origins as an institute with an excellent business curriculum that prepared men and women Vision for careers in acco unting, Pace’s Lubin School of Pace is a university dedicated to offering a wide array Business has continued to improve, building its rep u- of programs of education for professions in demand, tation for excellence in business education. The Un i- framed by the perspective and independent critical versity founded the Lienhard School of Nursing, the thinking that comes from an excellent liberal educa- School of Law, the School of Education, and the Se i- tion. In selected areas in each school or center, Pace denberg School of Computer Science and Information will offer professional programs that are among the Systems in response to the need for strong profes- best in the New York tri-state area. Pace w ill always sionals in other disciplines. Together Pace University’s seek to relate its programs of professional education six schools and colleges provide outstanding profes- to the most important currents in those professions, sional preparation that meets the needs of employers capitalizing on its location in and around New York in the New Yo rk metropolitan area and around the City to offer students real-world experience through glob e. internships and co -operative work experiences, using Now over 100 years old, Pace is a private, metropoli- community service as a learning tool and employing tan university located in New York City and West- p rob lem -solving and other teaching techniques t hat chester County whose six schools and one college re-enforce the relationship between a student’s un i- offer a wide range of academic and professional pr o- versity experience and professional challenges and grams. Educating achievers who are engaged with satisfactions. critical issues both locally and globally, the University enrolls more than 14,000 students in bachelor’s, mas- The Pace Story ter’s, and doctoral programs. The Pace story began in 1906 w hen Homer and Charles At the heart of Pace’s academic values is a historic Pace borrowed $600 to rent classrooms in the old New commitment to excellence in teaching, as manifested York Tribune building in lower Manhattan —lo cat ed by sm all classes, an emphasis on skill development and on the site where Pace Plaza stands today. Initially critical thinking, special tutoring and support services, their curriculum focused on preparing men and and academ ic advising. Academic experiences at Pace women to become accountants. At the time, Pace was emphasize teaching from both a practical and theo- an innovation that met the needs of the modernizi ng retical perspective, drawing on the expertise of world, providing opportunity to men and women f ull-time and adjunct faculty members who balance who aspired to a better life. Over the next 100 years academic preparation with professional experience to the Pace tradition of innovation continued, providing bring a unique dynamic to the classroom. opportunity to a highly diverse and motivated pop u- The University supports and encourages scholarly ac- lation who wanted access to better jobs in the ar t s, tivity among its intellectually vital faculty. Much of the nursing, law, education, information technology, work has professional application, and Pace particu- business, and science, as well as knowledge that would larly invites scholarship that directly relates to the create a better life for themselves and for others. classroom experience and involves students in the Pace Institute began its transformation after World research process. War II into a modern university with emphasis o n t he Pace has always had a student -centered focus and is liberal arts and sciences. With dynamic leadership and committed to providing access to those who range fiscally sound management, Pace grew from rented widely in age, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, facilities and few resources into one of the largest and academ ic preparation. This includes increasing universities in New York State, with a multimillion amounts of institutional financial aid to help students dollar physical plant, an endowment of nearly $100 meet the growing costs of a private education; loca- million and a reputation for excellent teaching and tions in New York City and Westchester County; talented, ambitious graduates. evening, weekend, and summer scheduling; and sp e- The University’s decision to develop a college of arts cial counseling and academ ic support services, all and sciences, established in 1966 as both an aut o- ways in which the University has sought to enhance nomous academic unit and a foundation for the u n- the accessibility and opportunities of a Pace educa- d ergrad uate core curriculum, has strengthened and t ion . Please visit www.pace.edu for the most current, updated information 3 Pro f ile A significant tradition of Pace University is its strong ways in which the University has sought to enhance relationship with business, civic, and community o r- the accessibility and opportunities of a Pace educa- ganizations. Pace’s cooperative education program t ion . provides robust internship experiences with a wide A significant tradition of Pace University is its strong range of employers. Dedicated to educating its st u- relationship with business, civic, and community o r- dents to be civically engaged, the University also ganizations. Pace’s cooperative education program emphasizes involvement with the community. With provides robust internship experiences with a wide more than 85,000 alum ni living in the New York City range of employers. Dedicated to educating its st u- metropolitan area, strong networking opportunities dents to be civically engaged, the University also mark the Pace experience. em p hasizes involvement with the community. With Recognizing the importan ce of educating students more than 85,000 alum ni living in the New York City with a global perspective, Pace is building an increas- metropolitan area, strong networking opportunities ing array of study abroad options, a healthy mento r- mark the Pace experience. ing program that has produced 27 Fulbright scholars Recognizing the importance