The City Record. the Board of Aldermen of the City of New
THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XLI. NUMBER 12352. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1913. PaI~E, 3 CENTS. THE CITY RECORD. Last year the tax was $5. I do not think that the Aldermen in passing this section understood the case. Gasoline purchased in bulk costs 17 cents per gallon. Most garages are selling gasoline to-day for 20 cents per gallon. It would, therefore, OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, he necessary for an owner to use 500 gallons in order to make a saving of $15. This Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the is a larger quantity of gasoline than the average private owner consumes, and if this ordinance is not repealed it will result in a large number of owners sealing up BOARD OF CITY RECORD. their gasoline tanks and purchasing the fuel directly from public garages. ARDOLPH L. KLINE, MAYOL I consider the increase from $5 to $15 entirely unwarranted and I respectfully re- ARCHIBALD R. WATSON, CORPORATION COUNSLL, WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, COYrreoLLzL quest you to have a resolution introduced putting back the expense to private owners where it was last year, namely, $5 for a single automobile, with an additional fee of $2 for each additional automobile. DAVID FERGUSON, SonvtsoL It is a mistaken notion to suppose that only the wealthy people are operating motor Snpervfeor's Office, Park Row Building, 18-21 Park Row. cars to-day. A great many people of very moderate means have automobiles with Published daily, at 9 a. m. except legal holidays, at Nos, 96 and 98 Reade street (north side), between West rsroadway and Church street, New York City.
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