Carry Your Green Book With You You May Need it. r3333xxxxxxxxxxaxxxxxxxxxxxxxExxxxaxxxxxaxxxxxxxxxx

AFRICAN DECORATIVE IDEAS Nigerian Ebony Profile Plaques * Nigerian Ebony all?» Paper Knife (Unframed) Shoe Horn LOUISE (Hand Carved) (Hand Carved) RESERT


(In Black or Brown)

Illustrated above are articles that come from Africa, made of Ebony wood and are hand carved by oflice native craftsmen, beautifully carved and polished and is an added attraction to any home, or library.

introduce to We are offering them to you at an unbelieveably low price, because we want to you the real African art which no craftsman in the world can reproduce.

The SHOE HORN measures 9 and 10 inches, very decorative and useful, each one different: our

special price to you, $6.00 post paid.

The PAPER KNIFE measures also 9 and 10 inches, is a striking desk piece, each one different:

our to you. $4.98 post paid. special price \ PROFILE PLAQUES of native heads, EBONY. Black, measures 9 inches high. For Wall Decora— tions. SPECIAL PRICE PAIR $19.98 post paid. Can also be secured framed. a, of We also have a number of other articles imported from Africa such as carvings ELEPHANTS. numerous other LIONS, MONKEYS, RABBITS, CROCODILES, FIGURINE BOOK ENDS and hand articles, all carved by hand from Ebony. Also North African HASSOCKS of lovely colors, embroidered designs and of rare beauty.

return in 10 and money Each article is guaranteed as represented and if not satisfied, days your will be refunded.

and we you will be Order one or more of these articles now while you have the urge guarantee satisfied.

Write for our new catalogue after September 1st. AFRICAN MART P. O. Box 200 Leonia, N. J.

DEALERS WANTED —- SPECIAL OFFER TO AGENTS 33333333xx35333333333333333333333333333333333333333; ESTABLISHED 1936




INDEX .lAlabama Virginia Arkansas Washington (state) Arizona West Virginia California Wisconsin Colorado Connecticut Delaware Washington, D. C. Florida

Gem'gla PUBLISHED YEARLY BY Idaho Victor H. Green & C0., Publishers

Illinois , Publication Office—Leonia, N. J. Indiana Advertising Office—200 West 135th St., Y. C. . Iowa N. Kansas Copyrighted—1953 by Victor H. Green

— Kentucky -— SUBSCRIPTIONS aid* Louisiana , United States, $1.25 Postp Foreign, (Outside the United States) $1.50 Maine All subscriptions must be paid for in ad- Maryland vance. Prices subject to change without MassaChUSEttS -order or draft x notice. Remit by U. S. money- 1 Michigan on U. S. bank payable in U. S. currency. Minnesota *NOTE—Subscriptions—Guides are mailed same day as order is received -- RUSH Mississippi ORDERS EXTRA. Send 9c for lst class . , Missouri pgostae —- AIR MAIL — 18c. SPECIAL J Nebraska DELIVERY 29c. New Jersey ADVERTISING—For rates, write to the ublishers. Last fo1ms close Nov. 15th. L e reserve the right to reject any adver- . Nevada tising which does not conform to our ‘ New Hampshire standards. New Mexico ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES Geo. W. 1639 Blvd., North Carolina Sheppard, Washington

. Chicago, Ill. Oh'10 Monroe T. Harris, 3001 Pine St., Cal. . Oklahoma Francisco, Negro National Travelers Bureau, 910 Fay- Oregon Ind. . , egtte S'.,t Indianapolis, P 1 vama . ennsy Robert Crawford, P.O. Box 76, Idlewild, Mich. 1 Rhode Island

- South Carolina Photo Credits _ Dakota , South Cover & Page—2-4, Pan American World Tennessee ' Airways Cover & Page—4- 5, American Air Lines Cover & Pag,e—6 Trans World Airlines Chamber of Com- , Page 25-28-29, Louisville Vermont merce, Louisville, Ky. 2 din, ‘ flame/damn

This year it is our distinct privi— In presenting the following descrip- lege to introduce to our Green Book tion of their individual services to patrons, the miracle of modern travel you, we of the Green Book, earnestly ——'Air Transportation. urge those people with limited vaca- tion to utilize and the It is with pride therefore, that we periods enjoy for and use benefits these Companies provide. supply your knowledge ‘ l the name of three reli- distinguished Pan American World able Air Companies in the United Airways States, namely, Pan American World The history of Pan AmericanWorld Airways, American Airlines and Airways in a little less than a quarter , Trans World Airlines. of a century closely parallels the story axrgfln x2

The Clipper Liberty Bell, pictured above, symbolizes the new_ freedom of Americans to travel abroad. It is the first and only airliner spec1ally designed for comfortable, low fare, long-range air transportation. This Douglas Super-6, at a cost is part of a fleet of 39 better than 300 mph. Clippers purchased of $50,000,000 which Pan American will use to meet the unprecedented demand sparked by low fares. New York to London will take 13% hours; New York to Ireland, 12 hours.

2 ‘



' ‘5!

of their of commercial aviation itself and to have the companionship families in the foreign countries shows the advance from a one-plane :Wifi“fi l where their work has taken them. service over the 90—mile route from Key West to Havana to a world—wide The Company starts its services network of 60,000 route miles serving with the specifically de- countries. From the only planes ”’é“*"?€‘rr~'f=u:fi4vé-l 71 tiny beginning for comfortable, low-fare “Mg; of the Key West-to—Havana route, signed the giant Super—6 Clippers with Pan American has overcome the ob- flights, for 82 passengers. accommodations ' of intercontinental Air travel hfi‘w'g—«aeé‘i .stacle Pan American will be providing bet- “a” with a growth through Latin '0" rapid 3 ter than two a day service each way I America and eventual conquest of the a across the Atlantic with Super-6s di- Pacific and Atlantic. A rect to eight cities in Europe and also better than two a day on the deluxe first '2 lists Of the f Today, passenger “President” double—deck Clipper serv— trans—Atlantic of the new low -<-‘~< flights ice. The round trip fare to London on fare service show conclusively that the tourist service, for example, is revolution in American Vacation hab- $486 compared with $711 on the de- its is on the Thrifty, medium— way. luxe service. income Americans who had never previously thought a trans-Atlantic trip possible will soon be arriving in Europe in large numbers, thus bring— information concerning ing into sharp focus the social im— For further in this services write, Pan pact of the 30 percent reduction Company’s 135 East which became effective on May American World Airways,

‘ fares, ' New York N. Y. or 1. These new low fares have made it 42nd Street, 17,

' Hill 6—7100. possible for business and military men telephone MUrray American Airlines on the westbound tour. American Airlines’ performance in The originator of the now famous covering 72 cities, making 300 flights Family Fare Plan, through which a a day and averaging well over husband may fly his wife and chil- 9,000,000 passenger-miles daily, more dren at half fare, Monday, Tuesday than substantiates the claim describ- and Wednesday each week, American ing it as, “America’s Leading Airline”. Airlines has attracted a whole new Among the cities served from coast market. Proverbial stay-at-homes are to coast are Los Angeles, San Fran- now enjoying this new kind of in— cisco, Dallas, Tulsa, Chicago, Boston, expensive travel as well as large num- New York and Washington. Inter- bers of servicemen and students. nationally, they serve Toronto, Can- In its first published survey of ada, Mexico City, and Monterrey, Airtourist travel, American Airlines south of the border. reported that 64 percent of Airtourist Their hourly flights from New passengers are vacationeers while 32

' York to Chicago and return, with the percent are on business trips and the same service from New York to Bos- rest travelling in answer to some ton and New York to Washington, is urgent personal business. a special feature of interest to busy The only long—distance transporta- people. tion outfit in the world which handles On their “name” flights such as the more people than American Airlines MERCURY, American Airlines fea- is the Pennsylvania Railroad. ture huge leaps across the country stopping only in Chicago, and cover- For further information concerning ",.3'f-.~“2.. in services Ameri- ing the entire distance westbound this Company’s write, ‘ ,A, “1:11"x only eight hours. The AZTEC which can Airlines, 100 Park Avenue, New 3 2.2a: flies New York, Washington, Dallas York 17, N. Y. or telephone MUrray f, “#5:” and Mexico City takes only ten hours Hill 3-9000. *

”Au—A... . A A ”He-.- “9,144new... «r-gr .42..



.' .91 mifiv ,a ,. . :52.» .: .4: .-

< ...i,..‘_.»k._..r::'..‘....‘,...z4.

Passengers deplaning from a DC—6 Flagship at LaGuardia Field. , x 7 E) 9’ Flagship V..A«:—’:r_e—»_- ”a. =


Convair . ~20 m” Airlines , American an and Building

Administration o the ing show Flagship) Y. DC-6 a N. under Airport, from seen LaGuardia (as .3,

Trans World Airlines Today, TWA transports two mil- lion passengers a year, 34,400,000 car- In 1926 and 1927 three of TWA’s go ton miles including mail ,coast to Air Ex- parent companies—Western coast. The average time reported for Standard Airlines and Maddux press, each trip is ten hours. Air Lines—flew small groups of pas- sengers on short routes between west- After extensive surveys of trafiic ern cities. Its more immediate prede- potentialities and needs, TWA pre- cessor company, Trans—Continental sented its plans for international serv- Air Transport, began the first coast ice. The Civil Aeronautics Board, on to coast air passenger service in 1929. July 5, 1945, in a decision signed by Passengers flew in Ford trimotors by President Truman, awarded TWA day and rode the railroad at night and two other United States carriers arriving at their destination after 48 routes across the Atlantic through hours of travel. Europe and the Middle East to the The four companies became Trans- Orient. Recently, the CAB in an or— continental and Western Air Inc. der just signed by the President has former awarded TWA permanent rights to (T'WA’s Corporate name), "I'll and from the it'llIllll on October 1, 1930. Twenty-five days fly passengers cargo later all—air service was introduced, United States to Paris and Rome by transcontinental travel time way of Ireland. In addition the CAB

slashing - exten— to 36 hours. has given TWA a seven—year

. 3.2;: a-Vy34’s,. «:9 .91...

remWF-vtv;i r}.


EUROPE-BOUND at 300- and sleek, a Trans World Airlines Constellation sails along Graceful once-remote miles-an-hour clip, past the Skyscrapers of New York—bound for a few hours. destinations on another continent, now accessible by air in but TWA Constellations regularly fly back and forth across the Atlantic and across the United States, covering 32,000 miles of routes through America, the British Isles, Europe, the Middle East and India. .



sion to provide transportation to all Interline agreement with other car— cities it previously served in Europe, riers enable TWA to book passengers wwwfl‘t North Africa, the Middle East and and cargo from the United States and the Azores. India, plus Kuwait cities on a single routing to almost In the six years that it has been fly- any other point in the world. overseas, TWA has steadily in- ing Noting continuous growth in its creased its services and equipment and brief 26-year history, Trans World has added new cities to its routes. ‘ “ ' Airlines is expecting 1952 to set an TWA has also become the lowest-cost all—time in traffic volume. trans-Atlantic operator of the United high

, , . States airlines. Its fleet of 165 air- For further information concern- craft, including 68 "four—engined Con— this service stellations, cruises 32,000 miles O'f ing Company’s write, 80‘ East 42nd airways in the United States and 17 Trans World Airlines, New N. Y. or overseas nations, serving 80 cities al- Street, York, telephone together. LExington 2-7100.

' Hill-3'13I'll-IREEI-IHI-II-ll-fl'll-fl-ll-II-fl-fl-I l1':'.'-::-:I-I:".'I'll-l:-:II:H1':I":I'll-13-3-1I'll-3':I'll-Il-fl-II-Il-fl-Il-fl-i


No travel Guide is perfect! The changing conditions as all know, contribute to this condition, particularly in the United States. *«_,__~..Wwa:mevfis.aay*utm~ww~w

are checked this, ex— , The listings in this Guide carefully and, despite past errors which . periences have shown that our minute inspection had failed to notice we em- , would be an inconvenience to the traveller. Therefore, at this point may phasize that these listings are printed just as they are presented to us and we are not would like your cooperation and understanding, that the publishers responsible for miscalculations or errors after this check has been made.

We appreciate letters from you, our patrons, donating advice and addresses of places not listed herein, that would be in accord with our level. ‘We also wel- come adverse critisism, in that, it might improve our standards, and, in the end, afford more comfortable conditions for you and others.

This Guide Book is not sold on newsstands but in bookstores. They make appreciative gifts to friends and neighbors. Inasmuch as the sale of these Guide it Books depend mostly upon the friend-to-friend oral advertising system, _would be particularly interesting if more of our patrons would pass the word along concerning our ”Green Book”.

For further information concerning this matter you may contact our agents N. J. ‘or the publishers: Victor H. Green 8 Co., Leonia, 7 ALABAMA THE “GREEN BLOCK" 1 ARKANSAS PLEASE LMENFTIIO'N

1 1 ALABAMA CAMDEN HOTELS . LE BIRMINGHAM 1 SUMMER’S HOTEL & COURT L; HOTELS ML - 721 ADAMS STREET 301-31 1 1 L gunbarjngraterna —16 IN4—4t17111, ASLve. N . TAXI CABS

1‘ Pl Le f—SZSV N. 18th St. ,, A... BRADFORD CAB co. hi“: Hog—1713544.]. 1 PHONE 6'9396 111,111

1 - :1 GADSDEN HOLE 111 TOURIST HOMES EL DORADO 890‘? i Mrs. A. Sheperd—1324 4th Ave. HOTELS Mrs. Simone—233 N. 6th St. 1,111.11 1 J. 11 11111 . reen 3-— :11131. t MOBILE grewster-goEs. SSta. 1‘,

TOURIST HOMES , HOTELS' 1131 A" ‘2; Blue Heaven—361 Morton St. W Moore—5th ‘3 meo“ Tm” 1‘ Dunning—7th & Columbia Ave. Dr. 11111-1' TOURIST HOMES L SERVICE STATIONS 107 N. Dcarborn St. '1‘: Midway Trad-ere. Davidson’s TOTR‘ .1 E. Reed—950 Lyons St. MM 1; FAYETTEVILLE 11 £3.. $.rlggn—ZZEE1 ms g.. gargmar rn gt.t. . BEST_: . 11111.1 11 MERY rs. anu —313 Olive St. 11 MONTGO TgiURSISh'I’.‘I.° HgMES 1011111 11 N. Smith—259 E. Center St. NE 1 BET-EELScu: ass— 121 Monroe Ave. FORT SMITH Mu: *1 RESTAURANTS HOTELS TLL‘L‘L 1 Bonnie’s—390 W. Jefl Davis Ave. Ullery Inn—719 N, 9th St. 1111-1 L: TAVERNS TOURIST HOMES ~ Douala—121 Monroe St- :1 E. O. Trent—1301 N. 9th St. 1 11111 SHEFFIELD HOPE } BELL 11 ‘ LL HOTELS HOTELS L11: 1 LeWit-Wilaoa—ZW E. 3rd St. . T315(Cl)Ra‘lngilgtfigti IES 1’11; ” Mrs. Mattie Herron—IOOS E. 19th St.

1 Rgig‘igfig'lg Hiway L 11m1' TUSCALOOSA BEAUTY PARLORS 91393 TOURIST HOMES St- ~ 111:

Luc M. Har r ve . Biggei—limssfiggg . 1516—32" A , NTGH 8—401 S“ Hazel Mrs.yClo ton—lglgv-e925th Ave. Yeager St“ 1315‘ M. A. arms—419 30m Ave. SERVICE STATIONS - B111 Tarfly’s Essa—104- E. 3rd St. 111,,



un— owe — 3 rd an.1 W1a n m st ' ("'11:LRfingSn :11; ARKANSAS 513.1 H1911)‘° 'PEogsrlilslt ‘n a“ ‘ s“' ARKADELPHIA 1 1131 HOT SPRINGS L: HOTELS 11 L; Hal’s—1601 w. Pine St. HOTELS Crittenden—SH Cottage St. 111 1'1 TOURIST HOMES 1 Mrs. B. Dedman—W. St. ' L161 1 .Caddo TOURIST HOMES 1‘ ‘ Mrs. I" Pme St. ' Cooper—W. New Edmondson—243 Ash St. 10111 11 RESTAURANTS Barabin Villa—717 Pleasant St. Vice, Hxll’r—Rwer St. ‘1 GARL 1 IJVIrs.WNRilgi—i4Z—4U126ngflvun. tc e easant ~» BaggaffihS3109?a Mrs. C. C.e Wilson—232 Garden St. L“)? Richie’s Upright—16th St. BEAUTY SCHOOLS TAU. ' ,‘1 BRINIUJEY Hollywood—3 10 Church St. 1111; 1: TOURIST HOMES SANITARIUMS ,1 M1

1 Davis—709 S. Main St. Pythian Baths—415% Mgngn Ave. . Id“ [\N PATRONIZliN'G THESE PLACES ARKANSAS

SERVICE STATIONS HOT SPRINGS (con’t) Lee’r—1401 High St. MOTOR COURTS Anderson—8th & State St. f Wrecker—9th and Gaines St. mom McKENZIE UNIQUE GARAGES 301-307 HENRY STREET Fosters—I400 W. 10th St. DRUG STORES LITTLE ROCK Floyd—602 W. 9th St. HOTELS Children’s—700 W. 9th Street HOTEL CHARMAINE North LITTLE ROCK 820 W. 14th STREET HOTELS Ozzie—1311 E. 3rd St. PHO‘NE 26007 - 23003 The Marquette—<22 W. 9th St. TOURIST HOMES Graysonia—BO‘?‘ Gaines St. ' De Lux Court—2720 E. Broadway New Vincent—522% West 9th St. RESTAIIRANTS s in. Tucker's—701V: W. 9th St. Cedar St. N. L. R. H in. Jim’s—908 Honeycutt—816 West 9th St. Nov-Vena—IIOI E. 6th St. TOURIST HONIES ROAD HOITSES Oasis—1311 East 3rd Street Mrs. T. Thomas—1901 High St. CAMDEN RESTAURANTS State St. TOURIST HOMES Lafayette-—904 Williams—N. Main Street Collar-16th & Bishop Mrs. Beni. Hill—S. Main Street Johnson’s—610 W. 0th St. Mrs. Hugh DeLuxe—724 W. 9th St. RESTAURANTS Tucker’s—919 Victory St. Jim Summers—719 S. Main St. Fawn—516 West 9th St. TA VERN S C 8: W. 9th St. C—SZZI/a Daniel’s—North Adam 3 St. Rainbow—620 W. 9th St. Jones—309 Monroe St. Ed’s—1015 Gaines St. LIQUOR STORES BEAUTY PARLORS Summers—715%» S. Main St. Velvatex—1004 State St. Velvia—814 Chester Ave. SOUTH CAMDEN Woods—1523 High St. ROAD HOUSES Myrtles—1918 Pulaski Henry Hanson—704 Progress St. Woods—16th 8: Hth St. . Sue's—919 W. 9th St. PINE BLUFF Fontaine’s—7l4 West 9th St. HOTELS .

TAVERNS — Pruitt’s—ISW W. Baraq‘ue Street Maiestie—708 W. 9th St. BEAUTY SCHOOLS LIQ UOR STORES DeLuxe——-22| E. 3rd St. Ritz—l 51 I Wright Ave. Jefferson—1818 W. 6th Ave. Jones—528 W. 9th St. GARAGES Victory—528 West 9th St. Alley’s—IIOI N. Cedar Street GARAGES FORDYSE Lee’s—1401 High St. RESTAURANTS TAILORS —211 Ist St. 9th Metropolitan—618 West St. HELENA Crenshaw—709 _W. 9th St. MetropoIitan—élS W. 9th St SERVICE STATIONS Walnut Sta. Ideal—1005 Apperson St. Stark’a—Rightor & : ,Ay. ARKANSAS PLEASE MENTION THE "GREEN BOOK" ARlZ. CALIF.

RUSSELLVILLE GARAGES Tourist—1121 S. 5th Ave. TOURIST HOMES E. Latimore—SIS S. Hutton AVe DRUG STORES Johnson’s—1140 E. Washington Street TEXARKANA LIQUO‘R STORES HOTELS East Broadway Brown’s—312 W. Elm St. Broadway—1606 TOURIST HOMES TUCSON 9th St. G. C. Medley—102 E. TOURIST BODIES RESTAURANTS Mrs. Louise Pitta-422 N. Perry St. Grant’s Cafe—830 Laurel St. BEAUTY PARLORS YUMA M. B. Randell—1105 Laurel St. HOTELS Brown’s—196 N. Main St. TOIIRIST HOMES ARIZONA Mrs. John A. Gordon—192 N. 7th Ave. DOUGLAS TOURIST HOMES Faustina Wilson—1002 16th St. CALIFORNIA RESTAURANTS - BERKLEY NOGALES BEAUTY PARLORS RESTAURANTS Little Gem—1511 Russell St. Bell's Cafe—325 Morley Ave. BARBER SHOPS PHOENIX Sacramento St. , Success—2946 HOTELS EL CENTRO PADUCAH HATEL 14 NORTH 6th STREET RESTAURANTS Pearl Lunch—Box 1049 Winston Inn, 1342 E. Jefferson Street McKinney TOURIST HOMES FRESNO SWINDALL’S TOURIST HOME TOURIST HOMES 1021 E. Washington Street La Silve——84l F St. JACKSON’S TOURIST HOME RESTAURANTS DeLux—2l93 St. 811 E. MONROE STREET Ivy New Jerico—lOl Church Street WINSTON INN BEAUTY PARLORS 1342 E. JEFFERSON STREET Rosebud’s—835 G Street Mrs. L. Stewart—H34 E. Jefl'erson Ruth’s—1816 F. Street Gardener’s—1229 E. Washington 8? Golden West—l032 - F. Street Mrs. Beatrice Jackson—811 E. Monroe BARBER SHOPS RESTAITRANTS Golden West—lO32—‘F’ St. F. Street DINNETTE Magnolia—602 JEFFERSON Sportman's-«SSS G. Street 1303 E. JEFFERSON TAVERNS Alhambiafll24648 E. St. Washington 20th Cenrurv—l40l - F. Street Tapp’s—209 W. Hadley Street Rose—947 W. Watkins Rd. , GARAGES Buddy' Lang’s—1659 “F” St. BEAUTY PA R'LOR S 'Frank’s—l326 Fresno Street Thelma’e—SS So. let Ave. C. Jackson—1238 E. Madison St. HOLLYWOOD BARBER SHOPS TAILORS E. Jefferson Hagler'r—345 N. Ridgewood Bryant’s—620 S. 7th Ave. Billy Berg’s—707 TAVER N S Vaughn'8—1248 E. Washington Ave IMPERIAL SERVICE STATIONS TOURIST HOMES

. Super—1245 Washington Street Mrs. Albert Bastion—Cor. 7th E? “M" Sta. IN PATRONIZING THESE PLACES CALIFORNIA

LOS ANGELES NIGHT CLUBS Basket Room—3219 S. Central Avenue HOTELS H 1 11812 P 1 Wm MAGICS MANOR HOTEL Vikfi-ta 741 Somela/eeaetern Ave. Central Ave. 1085 West Jefferson Blvd, Last Word—4206 80. STORES Elva; Watkins—2022 N. Adams Blvd. (23) LIQITOR Central Ave. Dunbar—4223 S. Central Ave. Clark—1824 S. ' 8: gent“:t avenue. or o— . t. IEackson’sv-SSOI II

I DRUG STORES Allums—4375 S. Central Ave. RESTAURANTS . Ivar—110556 E. Vernon Avenue Doc “40,2 S Central Avenue Avenue Henry Brass—10359 Wilmington (WATTS) M dtorma 11:41” S .Western Blvd ' Western ‘ e fl arson John's—3519 S. 51‘:Open” 2’100__V'V 1 W ”‘9 ' Avenue , '

i ZEoddge’HZZPJrn re——4 SS.. (Centralentral Bl d. E. lOSrd St. S. Central Avenu: V T%}g:r(’)9—I—{-ISS4O Are—4067 Beltran—8512 Compton Avenue "—5°16 S.Ctl0 en m AV e. lg"aeop—ii[ledge—4!]421806Axvallaon. 4;;vegnue.trtcc Ben’amm Clifton’s—618 5. 01m Street DownBeat—1064 E. 42nd St. REAL ESTATE Herndon—3419 So. Central Ave. PARLORS w BEAUTY Sherwoods—5113 S. Central A’mue LAKE ELSIMORE Studio——25!5 s. Central Continental—5203 Hopper Avenue HOTELS . Geo. Scnven“ Street Anna Mae’e—4436 Avalon Avenue Moore—407 Street Lake E151more—416 N. Kelogg It! & Sta.

—— angle—41oma 1 31%;}; Sedé:. ntrawill;v n NEEDLES 1

32111)"?1225auty aon—8:.‘9Cgenlt3ral. ast Axgern'ieuc3 th Street ’I'EI,S Margurite—SOII S. Central Ave. Iyl:‘.loz"xdobe——Rt. 66 ‘ BARBER SHOPS Jefferson Boulevard OAKLAND rd? geftha'SIT-fl‘lzzy.S. Central Ave. HOTELS

& Central Ave. ' E2131:13tlvd Ebon Plaza—3908 San Pablo Ave Si TAVERNS Carvgr—1421 Market Street .‘ Warren—4252 ’7th St.

\ w . t t. W lé/largoltiszwmera oom—S9.01CIe£tr%lhA§renue s. ' ‘ ' ‘ 132.3% new . are xse— . entra193;: M... H. \Vllllams—3521 Grove St. z caste—w 3m Samba—5th & Towns Avenu‘fnm Cafe—4631 S. Central Ave. RESTAURANTS Tip Top St. Broter’s Rendezvous—4210Vz Central Ave. The Villa—3016 Adeline ' Johnson's—4201 S. Main Street TA‘t EFN S Beach Overland Cafe—4719 7th St. -;.9"M"5”1 Elks Lounge—10123 .11 CALIFORNIA 1, PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK" COLORADO ‘ M OAKLAND (cont.) TO’URI ST HOMES Mrs. F. Johnson—1788 Sutter St. SERVICE STATIONS 3 Thadd’s DeDux—2040 Sutter St. 31 McCabe—S‘JOI Adeline St.

' 3 Signal—800 Center St. RESTAURANTS 3 GARAGES Calif. Theatre—MOS Post Street Bufiord’s—5901 Aldine St. Hi—Lo—l686 O'Farell St. 3 SHOPS ‘ PERRIS BARBER v 3rd St. ' Hillside—5267 TOURIST HOMES MusevAthile TAVERNS 3 Jack's—I931 Sutter St. PASADENA NIGHT CLIIBS 3 SERVICE STATIONS 3 Town Clllb——l963 Sutter St. Penn Mobile—1096 Lincoln Ave. Alabam—l820 Post St. We ha The Plantation—1628 Post St. Send us SACRAMENTO Flamingo—1836 Fillmore Street Z; HOTELS wanted. Center Ave. DRUG STORES 3; Hotel—420% Capitol Fees are Rizzan’k—76OO Sutter St ' HOMES TOURIST Jones E” Post 33 Mrs. R. C. Peyton—2202% 4th Street Olympic—Cor. Jim’s—1698 Sutter St. 82395

, RESTAURANTS 3 Dunlap' s——-4 3 7 2 4 th Ave. LIQUOR STORES Sullivan—1623 Post St. BARBER SHOPS “13 Coast—1567 Tillmore St. « Mrs. Mikes—1350 56th Street BEAUTY PARLORS TULARE Twigg’s—4 21 Capitol Ave. 3.3 Leftridge~—3 102 Sacramento Blvd. TOURIST HOMES Nannette's—l 214 5 th Street South “K” ESL—330 South “K” St. Larocco's—l 63 0 7th Street TAVERNS NIGHT CLUBS King’s—322-24 South K St.

3 3 Mo-Mo——-600 Capitol Ave. 3 DRUG STORES VALLEJO Tavlors—1230 6th Street TAVERNS 3 33 . : —Virginia a Brancriorte SAN DIEGO 3';3 HOTELS VI CTORVILLE l i Simmons—S42 6th Avenue 3 TOURIST HOMI‘IS 3 Y.W.C.A.-——-1029 C Street 3 Murray’s Dude Ranch 3 RESTAURANTS Raglan Guest Ranch, Box 437 Sun-421 Market Street x Brown Hostess-+2816 Imperial Ave. SERVICE STATIONS ’ Webber’s—l655 1st Ave. ‘9 Woodson’s—3126 Franklin Ave. COLORADO l A r LIQUOR STORES BOULDER 33 33‘ Robinson's—2876 Imperial Ave. 3. RESTAURANTS , 3 TA ILORS Ray’s Inn—2038 Goss St. 3‘" Clever—2606 Imperial Avenue 1‘33 Avenue T33‘ Imperial—2751 Imperial C O LORADO SPRINGS 3 Ramona—2244 Logan Ave. Maryann—13 17 Market St. TOURIST HOMES G. Roberts—418 E. Cucharras St. 3 SAN FRANCISCO HOTELS DENVER { The Scaggk—l715 Webster St. IIOTELS New Grant—545 Grant Ave. BEAN HOTEL, 2152 Arapahoe St. 3 New Pullman—232 Townsend St.

‘ Edison—15' 40 Ellis St. ,, TOURIST HOBIES 3 G. Anderson—2119 Marion St. Olympic—Eddy at Taylor Mrs. R. B. Anderson—242i Ogden St. “3 Texas—1840 Fillmore Street ‘ 2": Buford—4969 Sutter Street Mrs. Hattie Givens—3052 Humbolt 3



Going to take a trip, attend some convention — make sure of your accommodations before you leave.


Reservations for all Hotels, Tourist Homes and Vacation Re- sorts throughout the United States, Alaska, Mexico and Ber- muda can be made for you through our Reservation Bureau.

We have contacts with all Hotels, Tourist Homes and Vacation Resorts. Send us a list of the cities that you expect to pass through, the dates wanted, how many in your party and have us make your reservations. Fees are mode rate.

Saves You Time and Money — Write Reservation Bureau



" f

. . :: e4! W Can Jrramga your [Vacation . . .

H C awrywéara jn .7“: Unitea/ .Sjl‘alezs




‘ IETUH H. GREEN ii [I]. ’ LEONIA, N. J. 3'3*xxxxxxxxxxxxx3x33x33xxx:33xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxs EC»: 13 , COLORADO PLEASE MENTlolN THE "GREEN BOO-K” CONNECTICUT M

DENVER (cont.) MONTROSE “£33“ —— t F t , RESTALFRANszireen HOMES Denote—“123% 22nd A523: TOURIST Dawn Auto Court “3} & ‘ ‘ RE‘ own at - ‘tmt RE NTS g 15.1;234—76glpinz75: M Atlas—2701 Welton St. Chill??? BEAUTY PARLORS BEAUTY SHOPS 3% Lander: 2460 Marion St. Ace Ml Ford—2527 Humboldt St. SERVICE STATIONS Cl Sorenson Sinclair Station EL BARBER SHOPS H“ Roxy—25 59 Welton st. GARAGES 20th Century—2727 Welton St. Gilbert Motor Co. Sgifi‘( TAVERNS PUEBLO MG Rossonian Lounge—2650 Welton Street 3. Arcade—739 E. 26th Avenue HOTELS El, 1; Archie’s—2449 Letimet St. Blue Vlall TOURIST H0MES figl Mrs. T. Protho—918 E. lulu Avenue ,..-‘»;~_--_.,;——‘—-‘23" mfiggfimfirggtfisfi. Dill Aristocrat—3101 William St. TAVERNS Pm 18th Ave.—1314 E. 17th Ave. Blue Bird—705 N. Main Street N. Main Street SERVICE STATIONS Mecca Grill—719 'W__ Grand—114 W. 4th Street Da-Nite—728 E. 26th Avenue T01 White—2655 Downing St. Ml firms: Plant—E. 22nd & Humboldt Sta. TAXI CABS CONNECTICUT Ritz—2721 Weltozl St. H07 BRIDGEPORT Pa DRUG STORES T. K.—27th and Larimet Sta. HOTELS & Y. W. C. A.——Golden Hill St. . ts. H01 . n Do S {Ideall‘I—i/Sith. eyers—Dzogvlgng wnlng TOURIST HOMES 0 Radio—Welton at 26th St. Mrs. M. Barrett—83 Summer St. 16% RESTAURANTS .

Atlas—611 27th St. HARTFORD l

. ' ng TAILORS TOURIST 5‘” . Arcade—739 E. 26th st. H_0MES2016 Man St. . - Mrs. Johnson —2863 Welton St. Ace—2220 Downing st. BEAUTY SHOPS H01

Mrs. Hattie Gravee——3052 Humboldt St. BARBER SHOPS Tm Wllllams—l978 Main Street Con DUMONT DRUG STORES DRl Bellevue—256 Bellevue St. Rll‘ LODGES _

~ Md Mountain Studio LIQUOR STORES Harry’s—2574 Main St. TAI] GREENLEY gluten—131783?v1Mairsl St. San TOURIST HOMES Tin 813—1.”? untfloiiCanton St. Mrs. E. Alexander-406 E. 12th St. Bafonj-sloHomestead Ave. a TAVERNS H81 LA JUNTA E? Elmer . Bancroft’e—Main Sta. TS“: TOURIST HOMES Club Sundown—360 Windsor st. lg°‘ Mrs. Moore—301 Lewis Avenue Franks Tavern—2‘57 Windsor St. Mrs. H. TlttflWOI’th—325 Maple Avenue

sgleYICllc-gosgA'I-EPNSare e— aln . LA MAR Callie—2750 Main st. ' HOTELS Alamo MERIDEN HOT De: RESTAURANTS RESTAURANTS Tippin-In—SS Vetran St. Joe’s ll?“:1 $.54: 14

2" ~. ‘ ' " _....-,.._.M~m... .MczWa'


NEW HAVEN LAUREL HOTELS RESTAURANTS Phillis Wheatley—IOS Canal Street Joe Randolph’s-W. 6th St. TOURIST HOMES BARBER SHOPS Dr. M. F. Allen—65 Dixwell Avenue Joe Randolph’s—-—W. 6th St. RESTAURANTS BEAUTY PARLORS Monterey--267 Dixwell Ave. Orchid—W. 6th St. Belmonts—ISG Dixwell Ave. BEAUTY PARLORS REBOBOTH BEACH Mme. Ruby—l7$ Gofle St. MOTELS Glady ’9—624 Orchard Street Ethel’s-152 Dixwell Avenue Mallory Cabins Harris—734 Orchard St. TOWNSEND OF BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOL HOTELS Modern—170 Gnfle St. Rodney—Dupont Highway-Rt. l3 NIGHT CLUBS Elk’s—204 Goffe St. GARAGES Lillian’: Paradlce~l37 Wallace St. Hood’s--Dupont Hiway LIQUOR STORES Shiflrins—ZZI Dixwell Ave. WILMINGTON DRUG STORES HOTELS Proctor'e—180 Dixwell A've. Royal—703 French St. Lawson—208 Poplar St. NEW LONDON Y. M.C.A.--10th & Walnut Sts. TOURIST HOMES Y.W. C.A.-—10th & Walnut Sts. Mn. E. Whittle—48$ Bank St. TOURIST HOMES Tatnall St. SOUTH Miss W. A. Brown—1306 NORWALK Mrs. E. Till—1008 French St. HOTELS RESTAURANTS Palm Gardens—Post Road Christian Assn. Bldg.——10th & Walnut St. STAMFORD BEAUTY SHOPS HOTELS Mrs. M. Anderson—916 French St. GLADSTONE—Gav St. Dora’s—314 East 10th St. TOURIST HOMES Robert Graham—37 Hanrahan Ave. NIGHT CLUBS ~NIGHT CLUBS Spot—7th and 8th on French St. Shane—136 W. Main St. SERVICE STATIONS WATERBURY Essa—8th and 9th on King HOTELS

‘ Elton TOURIST HOMES DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Communitv Horne—~34 Hopkins 5!. D. C. DRUG STORES WASHINGTON, Rhineharts—47l N. Main St. HOTELS McCarthy—Main. Bishop 59’ Grove Sts. WILLIS HOUSE TAILOR SHOPS Sam's—149 South Main St. 1428 QUE STREET, N. W. Johnson a Hotel—1505 — 13th St. N.W. WEST HAVEN Whitelaw—lSth 8: "1” Sta. N. W. HOTELS Johnson, Jr.—1509 Vermont N..W Daddy—3 59 Beach St. Dunbar—U St. 8: 15th St., give”N. W. Seaview—392 Beach St. TAVERNS Y. W. C. A.—901 Rhode In. Ave. N. W. Hoot Owl—474 Beach St. TOURIST HOMES ' i. n Mrs. L. Fowler—4449 ‘0’ St. N. W. DELAWARE Towles—l342 Vermont Ave., N. W. Bailey’s—2533 - 13th St., N. W. DOVER Modern—3006 - 13th St., N. W. HOTELS Rivers—1021 Monroe St., N.W. Dean’r—Forrest St. Pasty’s-2026 13th St., N.W. Motely’a—Division St. Cottage Grove—1531 Vermont Ave., N.W. Weston’s—Division St. Terry’s—939 Rhode Island Ave., N.W. WASH" D. c. P'LEAISE MENTION THE "GREEN BOOK” FLORIDA _—___—______———————————————--

WASHINGTON, D. C. (Cont.) FERNANDINA TOW] TOURIST HOMES HOTELS ' MIL! Bell’s—N5 1 St., N.W. Lee’s Ocean Vu Inn Mrll Mack’s—1810 7th St., N.W. Swarm St., N.W. MOTELS Boyd’s—1744 American Beach Edward’s—1837 16th Street, N. W. REQT TAVERN S FORT LAUDERDALE Hm 9th St. N. W. Holleywood—l940 HOTELS 7", Harrison’s CafHSS Florida Ave. N. W. Hill—430 N. W. 7th Ave. 05 Beat—1849 - 7th St., N. W. Kenyon—Ga. Avenue & Kenyon St., N. W , Herbert’s Stage Door-616 “T" St.. N.W. HALLENDALE HOTE RESTAURANTS RESTAURANTS Mary I Keys—7th & ‘T’ St. N. W. HILL TOP INN Chicken Paradisr—lZlO U. St., N. W. 3°55”; 519 PENBROKE ROAD Hallandale,’ Fla Bflfi Earl’s—1218 U St., N. W. to Visit U When Out Fun—Don’t Fail ! Bowl—2830 Georgia Ave., N. W. for P Sugar Delicious Home Cooked Meals Shrimp Hut—807 Florida Aveneue, N. W. iii Uptown—807 Florida, N. W. Choice Beer & Wines BM - 14th N. W. Johnson’s—1909 St., Rooms by Day or Week 7 WE The Hour—I937 - 11th St., N. W. M. Hollywood 21253 Cozy—708 Florida Ave., N.W. Reeta Cooper, Prop. Tm Kenyon Grill—3119 Georgia Ave.. N. W. LIQL" The Hour—1937 - llth Street, N. W. JACKSONVILLE libll LIQUOR STORES HOTELS H‘fi' Peoples—719 - llth St., N. W. Blue Chip—5 14 Broad bu. - 9th N. W. Tilln S & W—l428 St., Vile? Shuster’s—lOl H St., N. W. MOTELS Ney’e— 1013 Penna. Ave., N. W. A. L. Lewis—P. O. Box 660 Carter's—1927 14th Street. N. W. TOURIST HOMES HOT} BARBER SHOPS Craddock—45th & Mowiel W. Florida N. W. Florida—1803 Ave., E. H. Flipper—739 W. Church St. BEAUTY PARLORS L. D. Jeflerson—1834 Moncrief Rd. St. Apex—1417 ‘U’ St. N. W. B. Robinson—128 Orange HOT] W. St. The Royal—1800 ‘T’ St. N. W. C. H. Simmons—434 Ashley Grar [Sikh—1806 Florida Ave., N. W. CLUBS RES] NIGHT . - St. N.W. Lil’s—1416 9th Two Spot—45th & Moncrief Rd. Rhut - - N. W. Green’s 1825 18th St., Manuel‘s—624629 W. Ashley St. A. Marie—3114 ~ llth St., N. W. TéIL Bandbox—2036 - 18th St., N. W. BARBER SHOPS Q: La Sane—541 Florida Ave., N.W. Blue Chip—516 Broad St. DRY NIGHT CLUBS RESTAURANTS Republic Gardens—1355 ‘U’ St. N. W. Pearl St. Iléi Club Bali—1901 - 14th St., N. W. Sunrise—829 TwE Davis St. Club Cavernr—llth 8 U St., N. W. Blu'Gooee—1303 SERVICE STATIONS DRUG STORES 53’ Ste. Brown‘s—3128 Ga. Ave.; N. W. Imperial—Broad Ashley; RES’ St. Engelbert—1733 Florida Ave., N , W. Smith’s—-613 Ashley 5 RM TAILORS LAKE CITY . W. R. Reynolds-l808 Florida Ave., N. W. TOURIST HOMES RES‘ Mrs. M. McCoy . 730 E. Leon St. Cool

:‘.;_;-~.---... FLORIDA Rivers—931 Taylor Street ‘ mm DAYTON A BEACH RESTAURANTS L TOU Bill Rivers—931 St. 1.427-}; TOURIST HOMES Taylor F.‘‘ M. Littleton—SZZ S. Campbell St. BARBER SHOPS 1 6.45. LIQUOR STORES George’r—SOZ E. Railroad St. A. H01 Hank’r—53l S. Campbell St. SERVICE STATIONS .314“; Farmenis—300 E. Washington St. 4 DELRAY BEACH ll“01 “FAME TAVERNS : GARAGES Chicken’s—E. Railroad St. 4.31;... Manfield—N. W. In St. an FLORIDA IN PATRONIZI NG THESE“ PLACES GEORGIA.

LAKELAND TAVERNS Little Savoy—Central E? Scott HOMES TOURIST Peach—1002 ‘ 6th Ave. Florida Ave. Mrs. J. Davis—842V: N. Manuel’s Place—1608 N. Blvd. lat St. Mrs. A. Davis—5'18 W. Brittwood—l320 Main St. Robert St. LAKE WALES Paradise—201 Atomic—3813 v 29th St. RESTAURANTS , HILL’S DEW DROP INN TAILORS El Encanto—l8l8 v 15th St. “ 47 “B” STREET Alvarez—~93] E. B’Way DRUG STORES MIAMI Wells—“K" E? Nebraska Ave. HOTELS LIQUOR STORES Mary Elizabeth—642 N. W. 2nd Ave. Reo—Franklin—Cor. Lafayette N .W. 2nd Ave. Dorsey—941 Tampa St. Liquor Store Lord Calvert—216 N. W. 6th Street BEAUTY PARLORS GARAGES 3t. Progressive—1324 N. W. lat Court Calvins—1408 Orange Elizabeth—I75 N. W. llth Terrace BEAUTY SCHOOLS Sunlight—1011 N. W. 2nd Avenue TAVERNS GEORGIA Star—3rd Ave. & 15th St. N. W. ADRIAN LIQUOR STORES Cuban—1701 N. W. 4th Avenue TOURIST HOME Ideal—175 N. W. llth St. Wayside—U. S. Rt. 80 Henry’s—379 N. W. 14th St. ALBANY TAILORS Valet—506 N. W. 14th St. TOURIST HOLIES Mrs. A. J. Ross—5 14 Mercer St.

» ORLANDO Mrs. L. Davis—313 South St. S. St. HOTELS Mrs. C. Washington—228 Jackson Wells Elk—509 W. South St. ATLANTA

PENSACOLA - HOTELS Hotel Royal—214 Auburn Ave.. N, E. HOTELS black—548 Redford Place. N E. Guillemarde St. Grand—2618 N. Shaw—245 Auburn Ave. NE. RESTAURANTS Y. M. C. A “22 Butler St. Rhumboogie—SO9 E. Salamanca Street Waluhaje—239 West Lake Ave., N. W. TAILORS . Savoy—239 Auburne Ave., N. E. Reese—307 E. Stree . Wright HOME NerWav—lOZI N. 9th Ave. TOURIST Walnut St., S.W. DRUG STORES Connally—125 Hannah—198 N Palafax RESTAURANTS LIQUOR STORES Suttons—312 Auburn Ave. N. E. Two Spot—316 N. Devillier St. Dew Drop Inn—ll Ashby St. N. E. Joe's Coffee Bar—200 Auburn Ave. SEBRING Paschal Bros.——837 Hunter St. N.W. RESTAURANTS TAVERNS Brown’s—406 Lemon St. The Blackaret—848 Mayson Turner Ave. SOUTH JACKSONVILLE Yeah Man—256 Auburn Ave. N. E. Sportmans Smoke Shop—~242Auburn N. E RESTAURANTS Road Cool Spot—2619 Kings Avenue , Butler's—1868 Simpson BEAUTY PARLORS ST. AUGUSTINE Pom—250% Auburn Avenue TOURIST HOMES Camolene—8591/2 Hunter St. F. H. Kelley—~83 Bridge St. BARBER SHOPS TAMPA R. W. Woodard—160 Elm St., S.W. HOTELS Artistic—55 Decatur Gate City—240 Auburn Ave., N. W. Afro—722 La Salle Street Moon—202 Auburn Ave. Central Ave. Silver Rogers—1025 ' Pyramid—1028 Central Ave. NIGHT CLUBS Dallas—829 Zack St. Posnciana—MS Auburn Avenue PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK" GEORGIA

ATLANTA (con’t.) TAVERNS Sport Harold’e—Cofiee St. SERVICE STATIONS Hall’s 215 Auburn Ave., N. E. ROAD HOUSES GARAGES Violet Tyson—Cherry St. » TOUR: South Side—539 Fraser St.. N. E. MLE TAILORS DUBLIN 0;“ Hunter St. N.W. Spic Ev’ Span—907 TOURIST HOMES RFQT. Mrs. R. Hunter—504 8. Jefferson . AUGUSTA UIAionl B“ HOTELS EASTMAN

9th St. - Crimm’s—725 TOURIST HOMES LIQUOR STORES I. P. Cooper—211 College St. TOER Bollinger’s———H!4 Gwennett St. MACON $535; BRUNSWICK HOTELS TOURIST HOMES Douglas Hotel—673 Pine Street The Palms—1309 Glouster St. Richmond-m3"? Broadway Melody Tourist Inn—150‘ G. St RESTAURANTS RESTAURANTS Red Front—309 B’way Green Lantern—l6l5 St HOE Albany Cotton Avenue . Jean’s—429 lie” BARBER SHOPS BEAUTY PARLO‘RS Razz? Battle’s—~1304 Gloucester St. Lula Life—283 2nd Street Hotel BEA UTY PARLOR S TAILORS Ethel's—l 501 London St. EU}; Huschel—264 Broadway , . GARAGES p33: Gould’s—I608 New Castle St. SERVICE STATIONS 503$. Anderson’s—Pursley at Pond otreet 59911:! TAVERNS Duncan—4100 Cloucester St. SAVANNAH SW TAXI CABS CABINS . SEE Murphy’s—201 “F” Street South Side—Rt. 171/.) Mi. SO. of city : W TOURIST HOMES

COLUMBUS Elizabethian—512 W. Park Ave. , 11,3?“ HOTELS pair BEAUTY PARLORS ; Lowe’s Hotel—724 - 5th Ave. Egg Rose—348 Price St. The“:

Y.M.C.A.—-—5 21 9th Ave. ' SERVICE STATIONS Hafle ‘ RESTAURANTS Gibson’s—442 West Broad St. Mam Economy Cafe—519 8th St. 5m

DRUG STORES ‘ BEAUTY PARLORS Moores’—37th 5: Florence L“ Ann’s—832 4th Ave.

' TRAILER PARK BARBER SHOPS Cocoanut Grove—Mm]. Cox Sherrell’s—First Avenue STATESBORO NIGHT CLUBS ‘ Golden Rest—1026 7th Ave. TOURIST HOMES Debbie’s—210 Roundtree Ext. GARAGES TOY Seventh Avenue—816 7th Ave. THOMASVILLE $3; DOUGLAS HOTELS Highway HOTELS Imperial—Tallahassee REEF Economy—Cherry St. WAY CROSS “I: HOMES , H TOURIST HOTELS ‘ Lawson’s—Pearl St. Cooper—Oak St. Pim HOMES RESTAURANTS TOURIST ’ :90 Thomas’——Pearl St. Mrs. K. G. Scarlett—843 Reynoxds PIE?“" BARBER SHOPS RESTA URANTS - Tucker 8: Mathis—Cherry St. Paradise—Oak St. BEAUTY PARLORS BA RB E R SHOPS Rosella’s—Gaskin St. Johnson’s—Oak St. SERVICE STATIONS SERVICE STATIONS Lonnie A. Pope——Peterson St. Union Cab—State St.

18 ‘


IDAHO .... ‘




- El Casino—823 E. 39th St. IDAHO i Key Hole—3965 S. Parkway . - BOISE 9- NIGHT CLUBS TOURIST HOMES Show Boat—6109 Parkway ,. Mrs. S. Love—1164 River St. 820 Club—820 E. 39th St. Open Door Mission—1159 River St. Delux—6323 So. Parkway lemt RESTAURANTS SERVICE STATIONS Union Pacific Greyhound Depot—9th and Parkway—340 W. Grand Ave. Bannock Sts. Standard—Garfield & S. Parkway , POCATELLO GARAGES Zephyr—4535 S. Cottage Grove Ave. ‘ TOURIST HOMES M. E. Parsnage~—62$ E. Fremont St. AUTOMOTIVE Tourist Park—E.gFremont St. Charles Baron—3840 Michigan Ave. DRUG Thompson—545ESTORES.47th St. ILLINOIS


TAILORS v. CHICAGO‘ Perkin—4109 50. State Street .jfl: HOTELS 333:3: L] U OR STORES ' Manor House—4635 So. Parkway Q St. Ritz Hotel—409 East Oakwood Blvd. Sam‘s—2255 W. Madison Hotel Como—5204—6 South Parkway Du Sable—764 Oakwood Blvd. Evans Hotel—733 East 6lst St. Pershing Hotel—6400 Cottage Grove Ave. Southway Hotel—6014 South Parkway EASY MONEY FOR YOU! 2 Jim? Spencer Hotel—300 E. Garfield Blvd. Grand Hotel—5044 South Parkway even Y. M. C. A.-—3763 Wabash Ave. You’ll earn money—Yes, ‘”MWA-fir—rjr—rWrfij--e—~.~—wwwWWW»:~¢¢««u~<~rawm~fi 898—4142 South Parkway if you’ve never tried before. Y. W. c. A.—4559 South Parkway Monarch Hotel—4530 Prairie Ave Because people want to buy Park Ave. Albion Hotel—4009 Lake has there in. Prairie Hotel—2836 Prairie Ave. our guides. Never Eberhart Hotel—6090 Eberhart Ave. been a greater demand than The Don Hotel——3337 Michigan Ave. Harlem Hotel—~5020 S. Michigan Ave. now. — People don’t know Manor Hotel—4635' S. Parkway then1 — South Central—420 E. 47th St. where to purchase Loretta—6201 Vernon Ave. We make it possible for you Garfield—231 East Garfield Blvd. Vienna—3921 Indiana Ave. to make the sale. Join our Wedgewood Towers—64th 8 \Voodlawn Write for l & Drexel Blvd. agents staff now. Sutherland—47th l Grove & 63 St. Strand—Cottage information on how to get TOUIlIST HOMES l so that you can make Day's-3616 South Parkway started, Poro College-«HIS S. Parkway some easy money with little ,,

l . RESTAURANTS or no effort. Morria’-—-410 E. 47th St. l S. Wabash Ave. I Wrights—3753 VICTOR H. GREEN & CO. l A & 1—105 E. Slat St. Pins—812 E. 39th St. Publisher 400 Club—715 E. 63rd St. 200 West 135th St. Pioneer—533 E. 43rd St. Parkway—420 East 45th Street New York 30, N. Y. BEAUTY PARLORS Matties’—4212 Cottage Grove Ave. BARBER SHOPS Bank’s-209 E. 39th St. DANVILLE TAVERNS HOTELS The Palm—466 E. 47th St. Just A Mere Hotel—218 E. North St.


CENTRALIA TOURIST HOMES Mrs. C.Gorum—30| Steward Ave TOURIST HOMES S. Westbrook—630 Ave. Mrs. Claybourne—303 N. Pine St. Lexington Mrs. Brown—927 S. St. BEAUTY SHOPS Winnebago Coleman—503 N. Poplar St. BARBER SHOPS PColeman—Sm N. Poplar St. INDIANA SERVICE STATIONS ANDERSON Langenfield—IZO N. Poular St. TAVERNS Terrance Cafe—1411 Madison Ave. EAST ST. LOUIS TOURIST HO‘MES CHE STERTON P. B. Reeves—1803 Bond Ave. MOTELS W. E. Oflicer—2114 Missouri Ave. Ruby’sCountry Club—Rt. 20- 20y Mi. N. E. of Gary FULTON MOTELS ELKHART Twin Oaks—Rt. 30, 4 mi. East of Fulton TOURIST HOMES Miss E. Betta—336 St. Joe St. PEORIA TOURIST HOMES EVANSVILLE CLARA GIBBONS, 923 Monson St. TOURIST HOMES Mrs. LauderdaIe—608 Street BARBER SHOPS Cherry Lincoln Ave. . Mrs. B. Bell—672 Stone’r—323 N. Adams St. Miss F. Snow—~7l9 Oak St. NIGHT CLUBS Community Ass’ Cherry St. Bris Collins—405 N. Washington St. Z. Knight—410n—%20S. .9th St. "gngg-m-r‘vgr..- SPARTA FORT EWAYNE HOTELS TOURIST HOLIES Club Ezag‘vréi“ Midtown Hotel 8’ Country Mrs. B. Talbot—456 E. Douglas a 7, SPRINGFIELD RESTAURANTS Leo Manuals’—-1329 Laiayette St. “ TOURIST, HOMES Stewart’9—621 E. Brackenridge St. BEST DUDLEY TOURIST Martin & Rankin—1329 S. Lafayette St. STREET 130 SO. 11TH BEAUTY PARLORS Madell Dudley—1211 E. Adams Service—840 Lewis St. Mrs. L. Jones—1230 E. Jefferson ~1€M2m‘ S. St. Mrs. M. Rollins—844 College f GARY Mrs. B. Mosby-—l6l4 E. Jackson St. HOTELS Mrs. G. Bell—~625 N. 2nd St. States’—l700 Washington St. Mrs. E. Brooks—705 N. 2nd St. Hay123—2167 Broadway Dr. Ware—1520 E. Washington St. DRUG STORES Mrs. Lula Stuart—1615 E. Jefferson Street Haley3—1600 B way Mr. Bernie Eskridge—ISOI E. Jackson Street DRYy CLEANING BEAUTY PARLORS Bufkin—2472 B'wa Mrs. Mildred Ousley—1228 So. 14th Street New Way—17 Jefl'eyrson St. Cozy Corner—1229 East Adams Street BARBER SHOPS INDIANAPOLIS Streamline—-835 E. Washington Street HOTELS Clem 8 Sikes—IZO So. 11th Street C. A.—-4SO N. Senate Ave. Y. W. C. A.—6S3 N. West St. TAVERNS Hawaii—406 Indiana Ave Cansler—807 East Washington Street Harbour—61749 N. Ill. St. White—817 East Washington Street George uis—406 Indiana Ave. Panama—120 So. 11th Street Marq Ave. Rose Lee—1015 So. 17th Street Severin—ZOl So. Illinois

. SERVICE STATIONS TOURIST HOMES Leon Stewart—1400 East Jefl'erson Street “THE ESTELLE” Tourist, Hom DRUG STORES 455 WEST 10th STREET Ideal Drug Store—801 E. Washington St. RESTAURANTS ROCKFORD Lasley’s—SlO Indiana Ave. N. California Ave. HOTELS Parkview—321 Briggs—429 8. Court St. Log Cabin—524 Indiana Ave. INDIANA IN PATRONIZING THESE PLACES IOWA

INDIANAPOLIS (cont.) JEFFERSONVILLE TOURIST HOMES in AW. RESTAURANTS W. Mich. St. Charles Thomas-407 Missouri Ave. "F1 St, Taylor's—427 Westmorland—1309 E. 15th St. Blue Eagle—648 Indiana Ave. MARIO‘N Courtesy—1217 Senate St. TOURIST HOMES Perkins—793 Indiana Ave. Mrs. Violet Rhinehardt—425' W. 10th St. Ward—324 W. 14th St. BEAUTY PARLORS Mrs. Albert Beauty Box—2704 Cliiton St. RESTAURANT Dancy’s—436 N. California Ave. Custer’s Last Stand, St. Rds. 37-15 Mignor‘a—24‘i7 Northwestern Sun Marshall’s—414418 East 4th St. Home Beauty Parlor—2704 Clifton St. STATION Majorette—1509 E. 25th Street SERVICE Fannie Bowles—418 W. 28th St. Dave's—2nd 8 By Pass Campbell—2439 N. Western Ave. KOKOMO Noonie’s—547 N. Senate Ave. TOURIST HOMES Crawford’s—450 Blake St. Mrs. C. W. Winburn—lOlS Kennedy St. Home Clifton St. Beauty Shop—2704 Mrs. Charles Hardinaon—Blz St. Indiana Ave. Kennedy Terry’s—233 Mrs. S. D. Hughes—1045 N. Kennedy St. Louvenia Stephens—337 W. Michigan St. Mary Childs—721 Indiana Ave. MICHIGAN CITY Ave. Burgess—621 Edgemont TOURIST HOMES TAVERNS Allen’s—210 E.2nd St. Cafe—503 Indiana Mayes MUNCIE Ritz—Sinate & Indiana Sunset—875 Indiana HOTELS M. C.—$44 W. Maryland St. Y. M. C . A.—900 S. Madison Panama—306 Indiana SOUTH BEND Dick Shaw‘s—451 Indiana Ave. Downbeat—1005 Indiana Ave. RESTAURANTS St. Andrew Perkins—793 Indiana Ave. Smokes—432 S. Chapin Boulevard P1. Glenn’s Place—1771 TERRE HAUTE Sunset—875 Indiana Ave. Down Beat—100$ Indiana Ave. HOTELS No. 3rd St. Cassa De Amor—924 N. West Street Booker—33% CAFES WEST BADEN SPRINGS Sugar Boul—952 N. West St. HOTELS SERVICE STATIONS Waddy Al’s Auto Laundry—Mich. E? Blake Sta. GARAGES 25th Street Garage—560 W. 25th St. IOWA DRUG STORES CEDAR RAPIDS Ethical—628 Indiana Ave. Maxey's—let 5‘ Blvd. TOURIST HOMES TAILORS Brown’s—818 9th Ave. S. E. Lee’s—401 W. 29th St. Martin—1831 N. Arsenale Ave. DES MOINES St. Meyer 0. Jacobs—412414 E. 16th HOTELS Leon—235 Mass. Ave. Y. W. C. A.__512-9th St. LIQUO‘R STORES La Margarita—1425 Center Street Anna Bell‘s—956 N. W. St. RESTAURANTS Park Package—1320 E. 25th St. Sampson—”46 E. 17th St. 799 Liq. Store—799 Indiana Ave. Cunningham’r—léOZ E. University Little Chum—1422 N. Capitol Ave. Ida Bell’s—783 11th St. Avenue Liquor—402 Indiana Ave. Gertrudes’-1308 Keo Way St. Jimm ’s—Cor. Blackford E9“ New York Fed’s—1180 - 13th Street Steve 9—747 W. New York St. Community—1202 Center Street Carl’a-—28l7 Cliifton Ida Bell’s—783 Eleventh NIGHLI‘ CLUBS Buzz Inn—1000 Center Street Savoy—25th 5’ Martendale Erma & Carrie’s—1008 Center Street Blue Bird Inn—502 Agnes St. William’s—1200 East 16th St. Blue Eagle Inn—648 Indiana Ave. Welcome Inn—1715 Walker 8t. 2.1 10‘“ PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK" KANSAS W

DES MOINES (con’t.) ROGUE TOURIST HOMES 3 BEAUTY PARLORS Tourist COUFIMJUDIIOD Rt. U. S. 24 Vo—Pon—l656 Walker St. D‘ab‘D‘gE Berlin—1022- 13th St. COFFEYVILLE ; 35233,. ’s—1544 Walker St. Polly TOURIST HOMES ‘ ROAD‘ Evalyon—762 W. 9th St. THE ROBERTS ROOMS . Mm

Bernice’ 3—9” W. 16th St. - Murlians—933 16th St. 3 EAST 5th STREET

- 133313 Miniature—1143 Enis CONCURDIA T3333; :z—ngwA‘x‘e. Laurel St. Ruth's—905 3:23;» TOURIST HOMES ‘ ~ TAVERNS Mrs. B. Johnson—102 E. 2nd St. GARAC “W“~ Herb’s— l 002 Center St. East St. » Mrs. Glen McVey—328 Economj »

SERVICE STATIONS . 3M EMPORIA . Eag1P2246 Hubble Blvd. n‘ii‘é ‘ — Mumford’ s——4th & Euclid Avenue TOURIST HOMES Whjmv _ GARAGES Elliott’s—816 Congress St. Cundiil 1. 4th Street—417 4th St. EDVVARDSVILLE 3‘; TAILORS National—808 - 12th Street TOURIST HOMES . 1 32 & HUM ‘5‘ Clean Craft—1300 - 6th Avenue Road House—Anderson' Highway ' Bitts Creek 6.2.; DRUG STORES 3 ‘ Adams—E. 5th 8: Locust St. FORT SCOTT T33R51 DUBUQUE HOTELS 33.3 5‘ Hall s—-223§/ E. Wall St. 3 TOURIST HOMES . Martin—712 Ave. TOURIST HOMES __.:f:“‘“ Mrs. P. University Ransom St. m Peter Thomasun—ll4 S. TOUR} :1; Mrs. Edwin Weaver—79S Roberts Ave. .1. RM HIAWATHA KEOKUK TOURIST HOMES 3 CAFES Mrs. Mary Sanders—1014 Shawnee MOTH

‘ Blessed Martin Cafe ‘ Bradley’s HUTCHINSON

‘. 1103 Main Street '.~':.m"&§§t7:g_zg- . TOURIST HOMES OTTUMWA Mrs. C. Lewis—400 W. Sherman

1 TOURIST HOMES JUNCTION CITY HOTEI William Bailey—526 Center Ave. ; T HOTELS ORR Harry Owens—814 W. Pershing Pain Bridgeforth—Sll E. llth St. , SIOUX CITY HOMES Mm TOURgSTMrs. B.Jones—229 E. 14th St. _ RESTAURANTS RJEST; Prince Henry—704 W. 7th St. LARNED a BEAUTY PARLORS TOURIST HOMES 331.31 Fannie Mae’s—611 Cook St. Mrs. C. M. Madison—828 W. 12th St. BARR] Mrs. Mose Madison—518 W. 10th St. RM WATERLOO Mrs. John Caro—218 E. 4th Street POW: TOURIST HOMES R E S TA URANT . BEAR" Mrs. B. F. Tredwell—928 Beach St. Carries Bar-B-Q——-218 E. 4th St. New): 1 Mrs. Spencer—220 Summer St. LAURENCE f Mrs. E. Lee—74S Vinton St. T333; HOTELS 31.} Snowden’ 3—1933 Tennessee St. . SEER} Po... KANSAS - LEAVENWORTH

ATCHISON TOURIST HOMES . Mrs .Shelton—.—216 Poplar St. , TOURIST HOMES TOUR Mrs. Geneva Miles—924 N. 9th St. KANSAS CITY RISE ' NIGHT CLUBS TOURIST HOlVIES BEAU 3 Mrs. M. McDonald—IOth & Spruce Thomas Wilson—2600 Euclid R5333: BETHEL RESTAURANTS REST. 8r Freemen ORR: ‘18 COUNTRY Keystone Club—4th ‘ Victor St if» Penrod—R. F.CLUBD. Virgil’s P1.—-3229 R1333 22 KANSAS IN PATRONIZI’NG THESE PLACES KENTUCKY

‘°°‘“’t’) KENTUCKY ”'3‘ BAREEENSSSSITY GREEN D‘abb'sT—llOth and Oakland HOTELBSOWLING BS3§EEI£§§P$§§ Southern Queen—State St.; Hiway 31w. RESTAURANTS '5 ROAD HOUSES Road, Rt. 3 NANCY’S TEA ROOM NTeGTVTTs—gfofi‘S Sorta ' Flamingo—~1916N.5th St. 4157—3rd STREET Bowling Green, Ky. TAVERNS Dmners - Short Orders - Sandwiches F E. 18th Street Good Food Served Right 3‘ orest——12‘O_(‘) 1/2 Block off 31w - Open 6 A.M. 3; N_ 5th St. (31333335935 Nancy Bmwn’ PM" N. 5th St. Arthur's—Z414 Phone 5233

~ ”53Gltn y.STPEESs— t lrgmla Cundilf—Sth & Quindarf ELIZABETHTOWN TOURIST HOMES MANHATTAN A. Johnson—Valley Creek Road mm HOTELS Mn. B. Tyler—Mile Stt. George’s—826 Tuma Street HAZARD HOMES TOURIST TOURlS'l HOMES Mrs. E. Dawson—1010 Yuma St. Mrs. J. Razor—436 E. Main St. Mrs. H. Jackson—830 Yuma St. HOPKINSVILLE OTTAWA TOURIST HOMES null. TOURIST HOMES Mrs. Davis—901 E. Hayes Street Mrs. R. W. White—821 Cypress MENary-——lll Liberty -,_ J. C Hopk ——l St. STOCKTON W ‘ MOTELS 1“quinsCAZSBTIQlErt) . TOURIST HOMES ‘ Mr. L. D. Fuller TOPEKA {Slugs—.gulmgor ’s— u or Sst.t. RESTAURANTS ““ HOTELS Plum’s—Buford St. Dunbar—400 Quin 0' S‘- BARBER SHOPS TOURIST HOMES . . Hyatt s—Buford St. Palmer House, 313 Qulncy Street BEAUTY PARLORS Mrs. E. Slaughter—1407 Monroe Hilltoprluford St. RESTAURANTS GARAGES Warren 8: Francis—N. Campbell St. finkxnIs-I—IIZue eaven—Egatl 4gb. St. Joe Andy’s—1000 Washington St. . LINCOLN RIDGE SHOPS "Mt BAREER TOURIST .HOMES flth meoln Instltute

Slaw" . 1“ f“ Ifiytleower’s3—3672 1:3).umcy Sstt.rect W BEAUTY PARLORS LOUISVILLE

., Newton’w—l3l6 Van Buren St. HOTELS ‘3‘ Avalla’s—ISOO Van Buren St. Allen—2516 W. Madison St. Y. W. C. A.——528 S 6th St. . TAVERNS Macks’—-400 Quincy St. Y.M.C. A .—-920 W. Chestnut St. SERVICE TOIJRIST HOlVIES ‘ STATIONS . , Powers—401 QUlflCY St- Brown's—1121 W. Chestnut St.

/ l . WICHITA RESTAURANTS Jones—525 So. 13th Street .. :1 TOURIST HOMES 3- Mrs. E. Reed—517V2 N. Main Street 13322;:%:§?Ei§3si°'9‘tgtl‘sts" l' I BEAUTY PARLORS Sara’s—1617 W. Jefferson St. Veluntex 5 32 Wabash Ave- Miller's—630 w. Walnut St. RESTAURANTS Sally‘s—1104 W. Walnut St. Oklahoma, Cafe—517 N. Main St. Paddock—617 So. 24th St. . Eatmore—~964 S. 12th St. ‘ DRUG STO:RES ' W Jackson's—1411 N. Hydraulic Harry’s-28th 81 Chestnut Sta.

23 .-

. :1”: inmate, 9W 3i i} Louisville, Kentucky The falls of the Ohio River deter- mined the location of Louisville and . “Louisville”, says the Kentucky contributed to its suc- W.P.A. guidebook of 1939, “is a bor- immensely early cess because in her wise and der metropolis that blends the com- Nature, works. was kind merce and industry of a Northern providential enough to one the best harbors in the city with the Southern city’s enjoy- place of entire course of River at her ment of living”. It might have said disposal. in the broad curve that Louisville is a big, friendly town Here, pioneer days of the Ohio River above the falls, notable by outward reputation as the and downriver home of the Kentucky Derby, fine enabled upriver boats to kind bourbon and beautiful women! exchange cargoes. Every of boat crowded the harbor and the two There are many miles of federal thousand miles of waterway between and state highways cutting through Pittsburgh and New Orleans was Kentucky’s lovely scenes invitingly studded with their pride. Louisville beckoning the vacation-motorist to soon assumed the character of a com- pause, reflect and enjoy Louisville’s mercial city with the westward ex- famous charm. This city, of the col- pansion and the increasing importance orful Bluegrass State, is blessed with of river traffic. This river port of i and a rare blend of progress northern border became . history, Kentucky’s , tradition that offers much interest to the wholesale and distributing center , the visitor. for a growing agricultural and min- area. The construction of the Louisville is situated on the left ing Portland Canal around the falls in bank of the Ohio River and lies on a 1830 on a low level plain surrounded by low brought temporary depres- sion. The business hills in the south and east. In general, profitable portaging vanished because the Louisville is laid out in the form of government sys- tem of locks and dams reduced the the letter “T”. Its top is approxi- falls are no mately three miles wide, extending substantially. They longer In 1929 canaliza- nine miles along the River and the impressive. complete tion ended a history that stem projects at right angles toward permanently made Louisville lucrative to the south into the residential high- early-day and towline hands. lands. pilots, porters During the War of Independence, Virginia confiscated the territory that Transportation Facilities is now the present site of Louisville, Since the flat boat and pack—horse from a British supporter, and in 1779 days of its pioneer history, Louis-‘ gave this land to Kentucky. General ville’s transportation has evolved George Rogers Clark, established the through steamboat and turnpike fa- first settlement there as an outpost cilities to the present era of railway, against the British. It was named highway, waterway, and airway trans— Louisville as a gesture of apprecia- portation. Nine railroads serve the tion for the aid Louis at the given by King city present namely, Baltimore, > Colonists. York the ‘ XVI of France to the and Ohio; the New Central; _

24 i 1d the two»


Chesapeake and Ohio; the Chicago, Industries Illi— Indianapolis, and Louisville; the Louisville is one of the largest com— nois Central; the Kentucky and In— mercial and agricultural centres in diana Terminal; the Louisville and the South. It is Kentucky’s biggest Nashville; the Southern and the Penn— city and, business—wise at least, its The of . sylvania Railroads. The American most important. importance Barge Line and the Mississippi Valley Louisville is largely characterized by *‘Barge Line handle freight by boat the wealth of its surrounding region of which are and barge on the Ohio River. An— the principal products livestock. The other line provides steamboat, freight tobacco, cereals and a wide margin and passenger service. Highway leading industries, by of its famed freight service is provided by 110 are the manufacture and the manufac- common carrier truck lines and pas— bourbon whiskey, of is manu- senger service by 14 motor bus lines. ture cigarettes. Whiskey in the Federal highways serving Louisville factured from grains grown of with large are 31E; 31W; 42; 60 and 150. Ken— good soil Kentucky firms in Louisville supply— tucky State route 62 is an important cooperage made from Kentucky highway giving access to Louisville ing the barrels of its fa— from the eastern and western section white oak for the aging is still one of Vof Southern Indiana. American air— mous brew. Louisville of lines and Eastern Airlines provide the country’s leading producers the Breaks as the passenger, mail and express service cigarettes, although its former via Louisville’s municipal air port. market is called, has lost the South Bowman Field on the other hand, pro— importance. Leading in vides service from Boston to Los An— pork-processing as well as general geles and from Chicago to Miami. food-processing plants and canneries, meat- Local air service is also provided. Louisville is one of the largest in the Southeastern Intracity passenger transportation is packing centers the as- by street and trolley bus. United States. Flour—milling,

' 25 sembly of automobiles, commercial markably well to the environment of printing, and the manufacture of farm freedom. Illiteracy has dropped from implements and machinery, leather about 96% in 1865 to a percentage goods, plumbers’ supplies, sanitary well only slightly above the whites.» equipment, reed organs, baseball bats, Illiterates, white and Negro, reported. boxes, nicotine products, textiles, by the United States census reached paints, varnishes and automobile are a low 2.2. The first free public li- all part of Louisville’s contribution brary for with at- Negroes, Negro ' to modern living. Additional assets to tendants, was opened in 1905 as a the city’s economy are the various branch of the city public library. military establishments in and around Louisville is the only city in the State such as Knox Louisville, Fort where that has two Carnegie branch build- . the United States gold reserve is ings for Negro readers. Local Ne- stored; the U. S. Quartermaster de- groes have a complete system of pri- pot at Jeffersonville, Indiana and the mary and secondary schools in addition and airfield at Bow- to the Louisville municipal military Municipal College— ..... man Field. part of the University of Louisville. The U. S. census recorded that 45.6% Churches ‘ of all Negro families, are home own- There are some 200 churches, rep- ers in Louisville. Negro neighbor- resenting nearly all creeds in Louis- hoods have their own stores, hotels, res- ville. The principal denominations are taurants, newspaper publishing houses, the Baptists, the Methodists, the Pres- and theaters. The voting power of the byterians, the Christians, the Episco- City’s 47,354 Negro population is a palians, the Catholics and the Luther— huge factor in the progress of the ans but there are also Unitarians, race in Louisville. Evangelists, Jews and those who call themselves, Non- sectarians, Scientists, Education Seventh- Social Set- Day Adventists, The University of Louisville is an tlement, Spiritualism, Swedenborgians, accredited, co-educational institution. United Brethren and Theosophists. It is located on five separate campuses Some of the Houses of like worship, in Louisville and is under public con- the Cathedral of the the Assumption, trol. The University is the oldest mu- Warren Memorial, the Third Avenue nicipal school in America. Although Church and Fourth Baptist Street it was chartered as the Louisville Col- Christian are fine of eccle- specimens legiate Institute by an act of the city siastical architecture and of capable council in 1798, for a medical school, seating large congregations. instruction did not begin until 1837. The University of Louisville, char- Social Advancement tered in 1847, absorbed the college’s Many early planters who later be- academic department. Today some came associated with the life of the scholarship help is available but more city were large slave owners and the than half of the students earn part of residents of Louisville kept house their expenses. Residential facilities servants who, after the manner of the are extremely limited however and time, assumed the family name. This though there are fraternities and so- transplanted Negro stock is the foun- rorities on the campus, they do not dation of the city’s present Negro life provide living quarters for out-of— and culture. Despite his background town students, who are dependent of decades of slavery the Negro in mainly on accommodations outside the Louisville, has adapted himself re— college. 26 Parks This exceptionally luxuriant vegeta- tion which marks the Louisville’s parks ring the city in a country-side loose half-circle and include Iroquois, nourishes the thoroughbred horses Cherokee, Seneca and Shawnee. Cher- whose reputation for speed and beauty okee, is a beautiful new park built are world-wide. exclusively for Louisville’s Negro Horses and horse farms residents and tourists. It is located probably rank as the number one Tourist at- on Kentucky Lake near Eggner’s Fer- traction because horse—racing is by all ry Bridge, the route by which U. S. ‘ odds Louisville’s most exciting sport. 68 crosses the lake. Louisville’s parks The spring and fall meets provide .are individually typical of the Ken— something to see and add an extra tucky Bluegrass country, the Ken~ to conversation the 29 tucky Knobs, and English meadow— fillip during of each year, but the Ken- lands and are all noted for their days racing is America’s foremost charm. Numerous smaller parks add tucky Derby horse—racing classic. to the City’s recreational facilities which include 84 tennis golf courses, Colonel Lewis M. Clark, a promi- 4 34 baseball courts, swimming pools, nent local sportsman went to England diamonds, 12 playgrounds with an or— in 1872 and there, after viewing the ganized time progress for all ages, Epsom Derby formulated the idea of an theatre for theatricals and open-air inaugurating a race of like nature in numerous areas and pageants, picnic Louisville. He possessed a strong in- 48 miles of drives and park parkways clination for entertaining and upon and bridle paths. his return to America transformed his living quarters at Churchill Downs Monuments into a clubhouse. There, he elegantly There are a number of interesting displayed the celebrated hospitality of monuments in and near Louisville. the South to his guests which through On Browsboro Road are the tomb of the ensuing generations still has a monument to Zachary Taylor, 12th compelling appeal for all levels of president of the United States. The American society. Confederate monument is at 3rd and The first Derby was run on the Shipp Streets. In front of the Court- seventeenth of 1875 and was the house is the Jefferson monument. May of much comment even from There are Statues of Lincoln and subject l New York papers. They reported a i George D. Prentice in Library Place. crowd of 10,000 spectators and gave A statue of Daniel Boone is in Chero- 1 to the “dazzling ar- kee Park and one of General John B. special emphasis ray of feminine loveliness.” The ,‘I Castleman on Cherokee Parkway. In had its ups and downs, its tri- the Courthouse is a statue of Henry Derby als and tribulations during succeeding g, Clay. A granite monument at Seventh but and Main streets marks the site of years gradually through reorgani- zation and management under 4 Fort Nelson. good l the direction of Colonel Matt Winn, J; ‘v it achieved recognition as one of the j; The 9.

Kentucky Derby . richest as well as the most romantic g The famous Blue grass of Kentucky stake race in the world. l‘ derives its name from the bluish hue to the the color For before the annual event ii imparted landscape by days 9, of the seed vessels of the grass which all masculine talk in Louisville centers lies like a soft, thick mat on the un— around the condition of the horses, ,, of the hills and dales. the of rain and the betting it. dulating surface possibility 2‘ ’1 l ,. 27 -


i 1 l l t 47”“qu whichSouth the at Kentuckyshows Derby in located photo crowd Kentuckytrack, This historicTheGreatestTurf. andmark.chute.Count

000’ by famous 100 won the , world topsquarter-milea 1951 the ith in of w home ovalclassic attendance ' mile the turn. the The of is one first ns 1875 a the Dow is running since The 77throunded Avenue, fl —- , event the «, .~.«_.-

3 horses ( Q1:: Central p;(1) I»

the NM (“b and 9V ...l DOWNS v witnessed as >—-.,, A outstanding m (/. l an .L'. . m Streethistorycrowd mt.m URCHILLbeen CHhas great FourthDerby l

“ ,..<,,_3Hw.«wuvww_vnm<“may --. w

W,", ... gm.

Calumet Horse Farm, Lexington, Ky. -s-~:~v;n—-v.~r feminine chatter concerns stands, bleachers and infield at wvv-fix odds, while 2-. itself with arriving guests, food se- Churchill Downs. The crowd is so lections for traditional Derby break- thick that many are prevented from fasts and of course, the eternal ques— catching more than a glimpse of the whmfiwz tion and selection of clothes for the classic Run of the Roses. It is in- w:- ‘, big day. teresting to note that despite this in- . no one his convenience leaves position )‘thszanqz- Highways entering the City from until the start and finish of the race, "wt; all over the U. S. carry a steadily in— which in slightly more than two min- creasing number of automobiles and utes, is recorded. They then join the buses into the downtown area during thousands at Churchill Downs and Derby week, and Louisville becomes elsewhere in cheers of appreciation the most feverish city in the nation. for the winner and immediately com- Hotels are “all out”. The streets teem mence anticipation proceedings for with thousands of hysterical towns- next year’s “Darby”. and visitors. A kind of crazi- people Time has not dimmed the ardent ness afflicts people so that even the desire of the Kentucky Derby’s origi- Kentucky absentee is likely to glue nator nor has it reduced the thrills, his ear to the radio, first having made the fire, and the hospitality which it sure that there are plenty of refresh- creates, but rather has contributed to ments on hand. the splendor and glory of one of Notable and nobodies mingle, touts America’s great traditions . . . De— The is a and tycoons, owners and swipers all mocracy! Kentucky Derby a human beat inwardly to an excitement that spectacle indeed; spectacle it would be if not no one can adequately describe. It is difficult, impossible to a horse race, fashion show, spring duplicate. festival mob. 70,000 people pack the (Continued on page 74) 29 KENTUCKY LOUISIANA PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK“

LOUISVILI.r E (cont.) BEAUTY PARLORS Carrie’a-—561 S. 13th St. firzifflf—zzc—i‘.-: RESTAURANTS 751':- Pedra3—619 Walnut SJ. BARBER SHOPS Kelman‘9—1832 Magazine St. Malacher's—I321 Government Street SERVICE STATIONS BEAUTY PARLORS Horatio’a Essa—No. 1—1150 South St. Elizabeth’s—1200 W. Kentucky Horatio’s Esso No. 3—1607 Gov't St. Scotty’a—442 So. let St ROAD HOUSES Bellonia—1625 Callagher St. Apex—9 78 Louise Street Jones—409 S. 18th St. Beauty Box—922 W. Walnut St. BOGALUSA Rose’s—4813 W. Walnut St. TOURIST HOMES Willie’s—1815 W. Madison St. Mrs. E. L. Raine—508 North Ave. Lav-Lee Ladies—529 S. 12th St. Va'a—2219 West Chestnut Street LAFAYETTE BARBER SHOPS TOURIST HOMES St. Hunter’s—1502 W. Chestnut St. Bourges—416 Washington Miles—302 St. Miller’s—818 W. Walnut St. Mrs. gA. Johns TAVERNS LAKE CHARLES Herman—160] W. Walnut St. HOTELS Dave’a——l3th & Magazine LEWIS Shiek’s—thh and Zane St. HOTEL BOULEVARD NIGHT CLUBS 515 Top‘Hat—IZIO W. Walnut St. TOURIST HOLIES ROAD HOUSES Combre’a PlacHOl Boulevard Ake’a Place—Harrod’a Creek RESTAURANTS LIQUOR STORES Annie Bell’s—Church Street and Levee Sts. Palace—12th 8: Walnut St. Pittman’s—Cor. Lake Street Lyons—16th & Walnut St. Red Front—Levee GARAGES TAILORS Eade'a—3509 Dumearil South Side—Highway 65 Lone Wolf—1500 Garland Ave. PROVIDENCE ‘SERVICE STATIONS LAKE 8:.M—8t h and Waant St. SERVICE STATIONS Artx’li; Armstrong’5—817 Sparrow Street .. DIRUG STORES Camera—-18th 8’ Broadway DIANSFIELD ‘t‘fllmlfé. TAXI CABS TOURIST HOMES Lincoln—705 W. Walnut W. Simpkina—Jenkina St. Dependable—1835 W. Walnut St. 4...... “A MONROE , PARIS HOTELS RESTAURANTS e Hotel—l 01$ Deelard St. Webster’s—112 W. 8th St. Dudley' TOURIST HOMES BARBER SHOPS H. Burns—700 Adams W. 8th St. Webster—110 L. B. Hononr—Congo St. BEAUTY PARLORS RESTAURANTS Robinson—Lilleston St.- Red Union—705% Desird MORGAN CITY TOURIST HOMES LOUISIANA Mrs. L. Williams-— 7l9 Federal Ave. Mn. V. Williams—208 Union St. BATON ROUGE HOTELS MARREO Ever—Ready 1325 Government St. BEAUTY PARLORS TOURIST HOMES Shirley—101 Robertson Ave. T. Harrison—1236 Louisiana Ave. NEW ORLEANS RESTAURANTS Ideal Cafeteria—1501 E. Blvd. HOTELS HOUSE TAVERNS HARRIS Waldo’s—712 Peach St. 1383 ST. BERNARD AVE.

30 vfi-W. , LOUISIANA I'N PATRONIZIN'G THESE PLACES MAINE. MARYLAND rzmrfirr’ mama- NEW ORLEANS NEW IBERIA —_« (cont.) »- HOTELS TOURIST HOMES .‘.v.~ Creole Ritz—1314 Varondelet St. M. Robertson—116 Hopkins St. .. Hotel Foster—2926 LaSaIle St. N. E. Cooper—913 Providence St. . Patterson’s—802% S. Rampart St. Vogue—223! Thalia St. OPELCUSAS North Side—1518 La Harpe St. TOURIST HOMES Gladstone—3435 Dryades St. B. Giron—S. Lombard St. Astoria—235 S. Rampart St. Paige—1038 Dryades Ave. SCOTLANDVILLE Riley—759 S. Rampart St. SERVICE STATIONS Newy Rozy—759 S.pRampart St. Horatio's Esso No. 2—Hi’way 61 Golden Leaf—1209 Saratoga St. Caldonia Inn—St. Claude 8’ St. Phillip SHREVEPORT TOURIST HOMES TOURIST HOMES Mrs. Ed. Turner—309 St. Mrs. Douglas John Montgomery— Mrs. J. Jones—1950 Hotchkiss 2134 St. Harmony Mrs. W. Elder—I920 Hotchkiss Mrs. F. Livaudais—l954 Jackson N. J. Bailey—2426 Jackson Ave. RESTAURANTS Mrs. King—2826 Louisiana Ave. Wilson’s—840 Williamson St. Mrs. Edgar Major—2739 Jackson Ave. Grand Terracr—Pierre 8: Looney St. RESTAURANTS TAVERNS Honey Dew Inn—[15 Front St. Grand Terrace—Pierre Ave. at Looney Place-oI-Joy—2700 Melpomene St. New Tuxedo—611 East 70th St. Pelican—S. Rampart at Gravier Goldie’ s——-Z38 Baker St. Dooky—Cor. Orleans 8: Miro Foster's Chicken Den—Cor. LaSaIle &7th St. SERVICE STATIONS Hayes Chicken Shack—La. & Saratoga St. Pat’s-Milam at Lawrence St. Perth’s—2426 Louisiana Ave. Ross’—901 Pierre St. Gumbo House—1936 La. Ave. William’s-Milan 8r Ross—Milan & Pierre Ave. BARBER SHOPS BARBER SHOPS Lopez’s—447 S. Rampart St. Clay’s—1017 Texas Ave. BEAUTY PARLORS TAILORS Bessie’s—184l St. Ann St. 3 Way—2415 Milam St. OIa’s—l320 St. Bernard Ave. Sprague St.-—l4’>'9 Murphy St. BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOLS DRUG STORES Poro-—22 I7 Dryades'St. Peoples—912 Pierre St. TAVERNS New Avenue—1062 Texas Ave. Astoria—23S S. Rampart St. LIQUOR STORES Club Crystal—1601 Dumaine Dandy—919 Harwell St Le Rendez-vous-7 Mille Post Gentitly H’way Di Leo’s—Ursuline 8: N. Robertson WASHINGTON Horseshoe—Thalia and S. Rampart St. SERVICE STATIONS Robin Hood—2069 Jackson Ave. Stephen’s—Main Street Caldonia Inn—St. Phillips 8: Claude Ave. Martin's—I34I St. Anthony St. Robin Hood—2140 Loyla Street L BS MAINE La Salle St. L Nngglgrog MEI—2836 GARDNIER Shadowland—I9ZI Washington Ave. Graystone—-I900 Eagle St. TOURIST HONIES HivHat—N. Villere at St. Ann Pond View—Pleasant Pond Road Desire—2604 Desire St. OLD ORCHARD Dike—~39” Pairmont Dr. TOURIST HOMES Caldonia Inn—St. Claude 8’ St. Sts. Phillip Mrs. Rose Cumming’s—llo Portland Ave. Bradshaw Wonder Bar—2440 London SERVICE STATIONS Bill Board—2900 Claiborne Ave. Ross—1330 S. Broad St. MARYLAND TAXI CABS Ed's—31$ S. Rampart St. ANNAPOLIS V-8 Cab Line—Felicity 8: Howard Sts. RESTAURANTS Logan—2730 Felicity Sr. Alsop’s—Northwest & Calvert Sts. 1,

‘ i :‘


. ".1



HOTELS ‘ York—1200 Madison Ave. Victory—137 Broad St. Bel: €21?‘E95W1¢w_ Hill Ave. 5: Paca St. Smith’s—Druid STATION BAB :-~'e=:<:c‘ Majestic—1602 McCulloh St. TURNERS ‘ Y. W. C. A.——l9l6 Madison Ave. NIGHT CLUBS j g; Y. M. C. A.——1600 Druid Hill Ave. Adam’s ‘ ~;‘-z——,-:“;. - DRUG STORES TOURIST HOMES ' NEG; ,’..—:r~__$:* Mrs. E. Watsons—34U Blum St. Balnew’s—lOl Sollers Pt. Road l “ RESTAURANTS ‘”- UPPER MARLBORO. Tia “ Bar-b—Q—-— l 5 Ju Penna Ave. ‘ Spot Club Barbeque—1519 Penna. Ave. HOTELS TAU "W Midway Ball BEAUTY PARLORS M. King—1510 Penna Ave. WALDORF g; Scott’s—1526 Penna Ave. RESTAURANTS G“ Young's—613 W. Lafayette Ave. Blue Bird Inn La Blanche—1531 Penna. Ave.

TAVERNS . Druid Hill Ave. MASSACHUSETTS Sugar Hill—2361 Till‘ Velma—Cor. Penn & Baker St. ATTLEBORO The Alhambra—1520 Penna Ave. TOURIST HOMES Gamby’s—lSO4 Penna. Ave. J. R. Brooks Jr.—54 James St. Frolic-—l401 Penna. Ave. W! Ru NIGHT CLUBS BOSTON Little Comedy—1414 Penn Ave. HOTELS Ubangi—2213 Penna Ave. Mothers Lunch—510 Columbus Av. ‘ Wonderland—204 3-Penna Lucille—52 Rutland Sq. TOI Casino—1517 Penna Ave. Harrett Tubman—25 Holyoke St. , Mr: Columbus Arms—455 Columbus Ave. .7 Mrs ROAD HOUSES Cra Bertie’s—2432 Annapolis Ave. TOURIST HOMES .; Julia Walters—911 liemont ' LIQUOR STORES Holeman—ZlZ W. Springfield St.

D & D—890, Linden Ave. Ava. , M. Columbus V Johnson—616 ' W Penna Ave. Fine’s—l8l7 Mrs. E. A. Taylor—192 W. Springfield St. m. Penna Hackermsn’s—l733 Guest House—I93 Humbolt St. SERVICE STATIONS Randolph House-4153 Worcester St. Fremont Columbus Ave. - Esso—Presstman 8: Mrs. P. J. Reynolds—613 TOI GARAGES Smith’s—14 Yarmouth Street ‘lr= Service—1415 Etting St. RESTAURANTS . West St. BOWIE Edyth’s—170 Springfield ‘ Tremont St. HOTELS Blades—958 TO‘ Bowie—Bowie-Laurel Road Charlie’s—429 Columbus Ave. Stephens Ave. FL' Sunnyside—411 Columbus ‘ . CUMBERLAND Western—415 Mass. Ave. TOURIST HOMES Estelles—888 Tremont St. GLENWOOD MANOR BEAUTY PARLORS T01 Street Mme. F. S. Blake—363 Mass. Ave. MI 927 Glenwood ’ E. L. Crosby—ll Greenwich Park

FREDERICK Mme. Enslow’s—977 Tremont St. V TOURIST HOMES W. Milliams—62 Hammond St. ; T01 Mrs. J. Makel—ll9 E. 5th St. E. West—609 Columbus Ave. Mrs. W. W. Roberts—316 W. South House of Charms—169A W. Springfield RESTAURANTS Bolt—374 Columbus Ave. Crescent—l6 W. All Saint St. ficsephineuth Evans—563 Columbus Ave. HAGERSTOWN Rubinetta—96l Tremont St. TOI Beauty Box—781C Tremont St. M. TOURIST HOMES Lucile’s—226 W. Springfield St. N. an St. Harmon—226 .Ionat Constance—414 Mass. Ave. §lr RESTAURANTS Easter’s—l69A Springfield St. N. St. Ship Tea Room—329 Jonathan Arizona—563 Columbus Ave. HAVRE DE GRACE Betty’s—609 Columbus Ave. REE Shawmut Ave. HOTELS Clark—Merrill—SO7 ‘ M Johnson’s—415 S. Stokes St. Amy’s—782 Tremont St. 32 [N PATRONllZING THESE PLACES MASSACHUSETTS

BOSTON (cont.) ROXBURY BEAUTY PARLORS BEAUTY PARLORS Dorie—707 lremont St. Ruth E. Colery’s—132 Warren St. La Newton—462 Mass. Ave. Janett’s-——1 32 Humboldt Ave. Belleza De La Casa—360 Mass. Ave. Charm Grove—90 Humboldt St. BARBER SHOP-S Mme. Invert—68 Humboldt St. Shawmut Tremont St. Belinda’s—429 Ave. Amity—1028 Humboldt Ave. Abbott’s—974 Tremont St. Cherrie Charm Cove—90 Mae’a-—l40 Leno: St. NIGHT CLUBS Lovett’e—-—69 Humbolt Ave. Savoy—410 Mass. Ave. Ruth’s—185 Warren Street TAVERNS BARBER SHOPS 4-H Lounge—411 Columbus Ave. Wright’s—Sl-A Humboldt St. TAILORS Metropolitan—Ruggles 8: As-burn Ste. Baltimore—1013 Tremont St. SERVICE STATIONS A Ave. Corry’3—431 Mass. Tbompson’s—llOS Tremont St. Chgter’3—189 W. Newton St. Atlanta—1105 Tremont St. Grady & Oliver—525 Shawnut St. TAILORS CADIBRIDGE Morgan’s—35 5 Warren St. TOURIST HOMES Roxbury—SZ Laurel St. Mrs. S. P. Bennett—26 Mead St. DRUG STORES Douglas Square—1002 Tremenc St. EVERETT Jaspan’s—134 Harold St. BEAUTY PARLORS Kornfield’s-——2121 Washington St. Ruth’s—20 Woodward St. SOUTH HANSON TOURIST HOMES GREAT BARRINGTON Modern—~26 Reed St. TOURIST HOMES TRAILER PARK Mrs. l. Anderson—28 Rossiter St. Mrs. Mary B. Fina—26 Reed St. Mrs. J. Hamilton—118 Main St. Crawford’s Inn—14 Elm Court SPRINGFIELD HOTELS HYAMIS Springfield TOURIST HOMES BARBER SHOPS Oakneck Rd. Zilphas Cottages-”4 Joiner’r—97 Hancock Street METHUEN BEAUTY PARLORS TOURIST HOMES Mrs. Law’s—18 Hawley St. Mrs. H. E. Roberts—25 Howe Street TAILORS American Cleaners—433 Eastern Ave. NORTH ADAMS SWAMPSCOTT TOURIST HOLIES F. Adams—32 Washington Ave. TOURIST HOMES Mrs. M. Home—3 Boynton St. NORTH CAMBRIDGE WAREHAM TOURIST HO‘MES CABINS Mrs. L. G. Hill—39 Hubbard Ave. Mrs. I. Anderson—294 Elm Street NEEDHAM WOBURN TOURIST HOBIES TOURIST HOMES B. Chapman—499 Central Ave. Mrs. A. E. Roberts—128 Dragon Ct. PITTSFIELD WORCESTER TOURIST HOMES HOTELS E. Grant—~53 King St. Worcester—Washington Square Mi't. T. Dillard—109 Linden St. SERVICE STATIONS I. Marshall—124 Danforth Ave. Kozarian’s—SS Summer St. GARAGES RANDOLPH Bancroft—24 Portland St. RESTAURANTS DRUG STORES Mary Lee Chicken Shack—482 Main St. Bergwall—238 Main St.


Touraine-4614 John R. St. MICHIGAN Terraine—John R. & Garfield H01 ANN ARBOR Northcross—ZZOS St. Antoine Dewey—505 E. Adams St. Ca: HOTELS . Forest Ave. 03} St. Davidson—556 E. American—123 Washmggton Westchester Ave. l El Huron St. Edenburgh—758 Allenel—126 Old Rivers—2036 Hastings BATTLE CREEK Sportman’s—3761 W. Warren Ave. Carlton Plaza—John R at Edmund TOURIST HOMES Madison St. Brown—76 Walters Ave. Paradise—710 Mrs. F. Chandler St. Mrs. P. Willow Ebony—110 Grayson—ZZ Summers—412 Frederick St. Mrs. C. S. Walker—709 W. Van Buren Australian—5464 Rivard BALDWIN TOURIST HOMES Labland—39 Orchestra Place LODGES TERESA’S LODGE RESTAURANTS Pelican—4613 John R. St. ROUTE 1 BEAUTY PARLORS T HOMES Elizabeth’s—4848 Hastings St. Box 1788 TWEE‘SWill Cottage—Rt. No. 1, BEAUTY SCHOOLS E. Forest Ave. CHURCHES Bee’Dew—703 Hair Health—1332 Gratiot Ave. CHURCH OF GOD 10 and 37 BARBER SHOPS , North on Highways Swanson’s—3415 Hastings St. SERVICE STATIONS Arcade—Hastings Es’ Napoleon Bayak’s—. Morgan, Prop. Universal—3129 Hastings St. Nolph’s Super Service TAVERNS NIGHT CLUBS Champion—Oakland & Holbrook El Morocco Horseshoe—606 Club Broad’s—8825 Oakland . BENTON HARBOR Herman’s-—3458 Buchanan NIGHT CLUBS Flame—4264 John R St. Research Pleasure Club—362 8th St. Bizerte—9006 Oakland Frolic—4450 John R St. BITELY Royal Blue—8401 Russell T1

HOTELS # NIGH'I CLUBS KELSONIA INN Victory—Conant nr. Nevada the Country Air, Swimming and Congo—2337 Gratiot St. Enjoy 8 Mile Rd. —- or Month W. Boating Cottages by the Week Uncle Tom’s—~8206 Rooms, Modern Conveniences SERVICE STATIONS Get Good Food—How You Want It Johnson's—McGraw & 25th St. For Reservations—Phone Baldwin 37172} Cobb’s—Maple & Chene Sts. Woodland Park Resort Biteley, MICh. Homer’s—589 Madison Ave. ROSCOE C. TERRY, Prop. Lewis—#200 Bruch St. ______.__.___—————— AUTOMOBILES Vernon Royal Breeze—Woodland Park Davis Motor Co.—421 E. H’way TAILORS COVERT Kenilworth—l 3 l Kenilworth HOTELS Blair—277 Gratiot St. Star DRUG STORES DETROIT Clay—Clay 8: Cameron Ave. Kay—4766 McGraw Ave. HOTELS Lang’s—St. Antoine 51’ Beacon Sts. Capitol—114 East Palmer McGraw—5605 Junction St. FLINT Orchestra Place Gotham—Ill HOMES Mark Twain—E. Garfield & Woodward TOURIST L. Wheeler—1512 Liberty St. Biltmore—l926 St. Antoine St. T. F. Clifford St. Elizabeth—413 E. Elizabeth St. Mrs. Taylor—161$ St. Fox—715 Madison JUNCTION Le Grande 1365 Lafayette St. GRAND Norwood—SSO E. Adams St. TOURIST HOMES Farms-RFD No. l Russell—615 E. Adams St. Hamilton 34 . '

, I


. IDLEWILD VANDALIA m”::smsw~m~ HOTELS HOTELS wane—g Lydia Inn—Box 81 Hill's Hotel—Rt. No. 1 q Casa Blanca TOURIST HOCMES Oakmere Mrs. Mayme Cooper—RC. Box 96 Paradise Gardens McKnight’s Phil Giles THREE RIVERS Club El Morocco—Rt. No. 1. Box TOURIST HOMES No. 2 TOURIST HOMES Jordan’s—Route Edinburgh Cottage—Miss Herrone B. Riddles NILES Rainbow Manor TOURIST HOMES Douglas Manor Jones Place—Rt. #2.. Box 2273 Bash Inn—B'way at Hemlock Spizerinktom Rest Haven RESTAURANTS MINNESOTA Rosanna’s Lorine Lunch—Baldwin Road MINNEAPOLIS Whiteway Inn HOTELS Navajo Serville—246% 4th Ave. TOURIST HOMES STORES GROCERY Phyllis Wheatley House—809 N. Aldrich Av. GREENFRONT RESTAURANTS IDLEWILD Bells Cafe—207 South 3rd St. TAVERNS TAVERNS Rosana North Side—1011 Olson H’way Purple Palace LIQUOR STORES Paradise Gardens Walston‘s—28 South 6th St. Harold’s—619 Marq Ave. JACKSON Safro—236 3rd Ave. 80. TOURIST HOMES Mac’s—119 Washington Ave. 80. Mrs. W. Harrison—1215 Greenwood Ave. Labrie’s—324 Plymouth Ave. No. Cook’s—239 Cedar Ave. LANSING SERVICE STATIONS TOURIST HOMES Dirk’s—2921 - 5th Ave. S. Mrs. M. Gray—1216 St. Joseph St. Mrs. Lewis—816 8. Butler St- TAILORS Mrs. Gaines—1406 Albert St. Ann’s—919 7th St. No. Franklin—35 10 Cedar Ave. LAWRENCE TOURIST HOMES MOTLEY Farm Flora Giles TOURIST HOMES Motley’s Camp MUSKEGON RESTAURANTS TOURIST HOMES Herman Stelcks R. C. Merrick—65 E. Muskegon Ave. SERVICE STATIONS OSCODA Geo. Thorn TOURIST HOMES Jesse Colbath—Van Eten Lake ROCHESTER HOTELS SAGINAW Avalon—303 North Broadway HOMES TOURIST ST. CLOUD Mrs. J. Curtley—439 N. Third St. HOTELS SOUTH HAVEN Grand Central—5th & St. Germaine TOURIST HOMES RESTAURANTS Mrs. M. Johnson—Shady Nook Farm Spaniel—13 - 6th Avenue, N. MINNESOTA PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK"

MISSISSIPPI ‘ ————‘_—————_" ' I

1% ST. PAUL HATTIESBURG TOURIST HOMES H07 I TOURIST HOMES ViIIa Wilson—697 St. Anthony Ave. I»: ‘ ‘° g1: XVII.“-AA -ngbcgcjti‘;”S Y SSt. T01 RESTAURANTS M‘s- 5° ““1““ M051“ 3“ s. I G. a G. Bar-B—Q—29l No. St. Albans Jim’s—St. Anthony and Kent JACKSON SERVICE STATIONS and Central Gardner's—Mn HEEL-51.10...-619 w. Pearl 5.. T8}J“ GARAGES Edward Lee—144 W. Church St. 3—4008 Rondo Ave. 7 MIllIgan TOURIST HOMES . ‘ House—154 W. St. IAILORS Wilson Oakley V HQ , , ké‘ Drew—1597 unlverSIty Ave. RESTAUI{ANFFS Club—Whitfield Road LIQUOR STORES Tip TOT) TQL“ Bond-47] Wabashz} Shepherds Kitchenette—604 N. Parish St. The Chop House—703 N. Parish St.

v "4 gIrzfgiloberlt‘0 C C0—— aEaftIftl41th St ' BEAUTY PARLORS St“ 5,31 75% Davis Salon—703 N. Parish St. SgyeTaEEES-IZB—allsigstw SHOPS Rite—442 Wabash: BARBER N. Farish St. Jack's—517 Wabash: City—127 TQ TAILORS 1;" Paris—800 N . Parish St. MISSISSIPPI DRUG STORES Palace—504 N. Parish 81:. EC TOURIgILU‘E)‘T 11 ME.S SERVICE STATIONS Mrs. G. Bess—O30 Mam St. Johnson’s—536 N. Farish T0 Mn. A. J. Alana—443 Washington GA R AGES E No Farris!) D’LO 3; Ti??? SCtX-B7SSZ - SERVICE STATIO‘NS __ Armte St. “ Dades—Hi’Way 49 So. VeterarfiAllllfigl CANTON BE HOTELS “T RESTAURANTS Bass—S. Pine St. 5* Tolliver's—ll‘i N. Hickory TOURIST HOMES E. L. E. Kingston NIGHT CLUBS Mrs. Brown—522 Mrs. S. G. WIlson—802 S. 7th Blue Garden—5 Liberty St. TA NIACODIB C CLEVELAND TOURIST HOMES SERVICE STATIONS D. Mason—218 Denwidde St. 7-ll—HIghway 61 at 8 RI MENDENHALL "1 COLUMBUS SERVICE STATIONS I HOTELS Bob’s—-H’way 49 E Queen CIty—lSth St. & 7th Ave. Smith’s—Hi’Way 49 No. TOURIST HOMES MERIDIAN T( M. J. Harrison—915 N. 14th St. HOTELS 3 H. Sommerville—906 N. 14th St. . FIfth St. Mrs. I. Roberts—12th & 5th Ave. N. Beaks—2411 Mrs. Chevis—MZS 11th Ave. N. TOURIST HOMES —1208-Slst St. HI C. W. W'll' ' Mrs. M. s’IA‘msns—sth St. betw. 16 a 17 A. ! GREENVILLE 3 St. 8: 16th Ave. I SERVICE STATIONS Charley Leigh—5th Eddie St. T( Peoples—Nelson & MOUND BAYOU GRENADA TOURIST HOMES ? TOURIST HOMES Mrs. Sallie Price R: Mrs. K. D. Fisher—72 Adams St. Mrs. Charlotte Strong F. Williams—H'way 51 a Fairground Rd. GARAGES Mrs. Leola C. Fisher—700 Govan Street Liddle’s j 1 36 l I



Foot’s—-—Railroad Ave. " BEAUTY PARLORS - TOURIST HOMES Pom—818 St. www-mmmvmsmv—DW— Lafayette S. Drewery-Church St. TAVERNS PASCAGONLA Tops—626 Lafayette St. TOURIST HOB/[ES NIGHT CLUBS Kenneth Ave. Mrs. Minnie B. Wilson—1001 Subway—600 Lafayette St. St. YAZOO CITY Lone Star—930 E. Miller HOTELS TAXI CABS CaldwelI—Water 8! Broadway Sts. Veteran—5 IS Lafayette St. use» TOURIST HORIES «ma Mrs. A. J. Walker—321 S. Monroe TA I'LORS Rightway—903 E. Atchenson St. naggAr.w

JOPLIN . MISSOURI :NN1'V—fi, TOURIST HODIES CAPE GIRADEAU Williams—308 Penna. St. Penna. St. TOURIST HOBIES J. Lindsay—I702 Missouri Ave. W .Martin—38 N. Hanover St. Mrs. F. EchoIs—901 I. Rancid—422 North St. KANSAS CITY COLUMBIA HOTELS HOTELS Cadillac—1429 Forest House—108 E. Walnut Austin St. Booker T. Hack—1823 Vine St. TOURIST HOMES 921 Hotel 921 East 17th Street EMELINE WILLIAMS Parkview-IOth and Paseo Street’s—1510 E. 18th St. 314 McBAIN STREET Lincoln Hotel-13th 8: Woodland Sta. William’s 223 Street Deal—130$ E. 18th St. Home, Lynn Square « Mrs. W. N. 3rd St. Harvey—417 TOURIST HOBIES wawwmwmwwaawnw. BEAUTY PARLORS THOMAS WILSON, 2600 Euclid “BUCKNER’S BEAUTY SHOP lVIrs. Vallie Lamb—1914 E. 24th St. 502' N. 3rd STREET RESTAURANTS Old Kentuck’s—2401 Brooklyn CHARLESTON Oven—17th & Vine St. TAVERN S Elnora’s Cafe—1518 E. 18th St. Creole Cafe—311 Elm St. Famous—12th & Forest M. 8: T.—2013 E. 12th St. EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Mim’s Cafe—1603 East 12th St. HOTELS The Albany—408 South St. TAVERNS Moore’s—-302 Maine St. Forest Bar—1200 E. 18th Street Excelsior Springs Hotel—302 Main St. Vine St.—1519 E. 12th St. Blackhawk—I4IO E. 14th St. HANNIBAL Green Duck—25‘ 48 Prospect HORIES v TOURIST CLUBS Mrs. E. Julius—4218 Gerard St. NIGHT El Capitan—l610 E. 18th St. JEFFERSON CITY PARLORS Dar—revvfi» HOTELS BEAUTY 374” Hazel Graham—1836 Vine St. :2

Lincoln—600 St. , a.) Lafayette Vine St. Booker T. Arlenr2409 Katherine’s—1024 East 19th St. TOURIST HOMES Haley's—1521 E. 18th St. M158 C. Woodridge—418 Adams St. Montgall Dunklin St. May’s—2634 R. Graves—314 E. LabeIl—2614 Tracy Mm;q.—w_~.--§. RESTAURANTS Queen Ann—1203 Paseo “-1 University—Lafayette & Dunklin Sts. De Luxeh601 Lafayette St. BARBER SHOPS 7.?» Vine St. an BI'Ue Tiger-Chestnut 81 E Atchenson St. Ever-Ready—I8IOA 6'2" College—9.05 E. Atchenson St. Barber Shop—26031/2 Prospect Ave. 1mm:

‘“We—n? PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK" MISSOURI W KANSAS CITY. Alcorn—4165 Washington Ave. (cont.) Franklin LIQUOR STORES Harlem—3438 SEE E. 18th St. Atlas—4267 Delmar Cardinal—1515 ll“:”f Monarch—2300 Prospect Ave. Adam’s—4295 Olive Street Dundee—1701 Troost RESTAURANTS gm Virginia—1601 Virginia DeLuxe—lO N. Jefferson Ave. Golden Crown—22 18 Vine Northside—2422 N. Pendleton Ave. GM‘ Ace—2404 Vine Snack Shop—1105 N. Taylor Gil

Donnell—18th 81 Troost Sts. Harlem Grill—3438 Franklin . TA! Tracy's—2001 Olive Nick’s Snack Hour—1109 Sarah Ia: Rubiyn's—l9th 81’ Vine Wike’ 3—1804 N. Taylor Ave. 0:: Donnich—l8th Es’ Troost Ding'Ling End—7 31 Leland Ave.- Ave. LlQ SERVICE STATIONS Roma—3839 Finney Hunter’3—2610 Delmar Blvd. 5“? Mobile Station—1502 E. 19th St. ‘ Bells—4318 Delmar Blvd. » Ea GARAGES Harlem—3438 Franklin “I; 19th St.-—1510 E. 19th S: Nick's—1109 Sarah 515 ' DRUG STORES BEAUTY PARLORS Vine St. T33 Community—2432 Allen’s—2343 Market St. Vine St. Di Johnson’s—2300 Shaw's—4356 Easton-13 al’s—2462 Ave. j Reg Brooklyn Easton-13 DR Prospect—18th E? Prospect Juvill—414l Pine St. , Ta: Truman Rd.-—2133 Truman Rd. Young's—2005 Azalie—47l6-A Ashland _ D; :. TAIIORS N. Cardinal Ave.-6 ll“ .2 Amanda's-4021 . Ave. a Spotless—2303 Prospect Boulevard—4554 Newberr Ter. H2 ‘ ;; Ave. Rs :«59‘ Courtney—171$ Brooklyn Parkway-—4284 W. St. 8: erdinand-l3 Argus—1008 N. Sarah St. KIMLOCK N. Ave. . Montgomery—1033 Compton . PARLORS 3.157333; BEAUTY Harris—919 Ohio Avenue , T0 3 Hall’s—659 Carson Rd. 2 Sisters—4556 Aldine Ave. J H; :35“- DRUG Marcella’s—2306 Cole St. i To. STORES . 2 Kimlock—Lix 8 Carson Rd. Tillie’s—2600 Cole St. ‘E/ De Lute—727 Walton Ave. MOBERLY Long's___3134 Bell TOURIST HOMES M. E? M.—3975 Delmar Blvd. ’ Ralph Bass—517 Winchester St. Argus—1008 N. Sarah Casgalonia—4067 A Easton At Sarah H SEDALIA ‘l ht , \0 TOURIST HOMES Majuric—3894 Bnrig Ave. tea-.9179... A.V.‘s——9l9 A 1 T0 w Mrs. TL.Mooreh—SOS W. Cooper Compton Si “a. Mrs. C. Walker—217 E. Morgan Gloria's—3151 Sheridan ”e54 W. Williams—317 E. Johnson The Vogue—4553 Aldine Ave. RE BARBER SHOPS T: ST. LOUIS Bullock’s—3320 Franklin Ave. W HOTELS TAVERNS , 5% Glass Bar—2933 Lawton St. \

BOOKER WASHINGTON HOTEL Carioca—111254N . Sarah St. 31‘. AND COURTS 20th Century—7l8 N. Vanderventer-8 P Vanderventer Ave. 0 Phone JB-0774 West End—939 N. Hawaiian—3839 Ave. ST. LOUIS NEWEST & MOST MODERN HOTEL Finney G1 Play Hour-4071 Page Blvd. H Private Bath - Air - Gas Heat Conditioning Pullman Club—2033 Market St. c Located Near Railway 8 Bus Stations Roma—3839 Finney Ave. ‘ (3 “Once Our Guest. Always Our Guest" Casbah—26OS Cassy Ave. _ 5" 209 N. Jefferson Ave. St. Louis 3. Mo. Buck’s—4384 St. Louis Ave. Calumet—731 Leland Ave. ( MIDTOWN HOTEL Atlas—4267 Delmar - 2935 LAWTON AVE. Bob’s—3855 Pafe Blvd. West End—Venderventer & West Belle Ht PORO HOTEL NIGHT CLIIBS I 4300 ST. FERDINAND West End—911 N. Vanderventer I West End—3900 W. Beele St. Riviera—4460 Delmar Blvd. 1 \ Grand Central—Jefferson 8: Pine 20th Century—718 N. Vanderventer St. T( Calumet—6H N. Jefferson Ave. Franklin—3229 Franklin I Antler—3502 Franklin Ave. Carioca—llzl/z N. Sarah ( 38

-« . -- ~—+A~v—¥e fil»~-~—-~~~~ _n__._.:.,_.:,. “A..- -- l-N PATRONIZING THESE PLACES NEvvlfiggggi

ST. LOUIS RESTAURANTS (cont.) Sharp Inn—2318 N. 24th St. SERVICE STATIONS No 24th St. Mack’s—4067 Delmar Cozy—2615 Midville—l9l3 Pendleton Ave. TAVERNS Anderson’s—930 N. Compton Myrrh—2229 Lake St. Brame'HS Evans Len's—ZSth & O St. 24-A Apex—1818 N. 24th St. GA R A GES Garfield—4247 Garfield LIQUOR STORES Thrifty—24th 8: Lake St. TA l I .( ) R S Jackson's—4501 W. Easton Ave. SERVICE STATIONS Orchard—4480 ‘Easton Ave. Gabby’s-24th 81. Ohio Kaplan—24th & Grant LIQUOR STORES Locust St. TAILORS Siegals—3015 ' Harlem—4161 Easton Ave. Tip Top—1804 N. 24th St. K. & F.—2 15 N. Jefferson Ave. DRUG STORES Ski's—1223 N. 13th St. Hermansky’s—2725 O St. TAXI CABS Dufiy—24th & Lake St. Blue Jay—2811 Easton Ave. Johnson—2306 N. 24th St. DeLuxe—lé N. Jefl'erson Ave. Reid’e——24th 8: Seward Sts. DRUG STORES LINCOLN Ave. Taylor Page—4503 Easton HOMES ' TOURIST Douglas—3339 Laclede Mrs. R. E. 2420 “P” St. M Williams—2801 Cole St. Edwards, Harper’s—3145 Franklin DRUG STORES and-l! Ream's—l3l9 N. Grand Smith’s—2146 Vine St. RICHMOND TAILORS Zimmerman—2355 O St. TOURIST HOMES Harrison House— 130 S. Hill St. SCOTTSBLUFF HOTELS Welsh Rooms--lOth St. and 10th Ave. NEBRASKA TOURIST HOMES Pickett’s Cabinr—East Overland AINSWORTH RESTAURANTS v HOTELS s—1603 Broadway ml Midwest Eagle’ TOURIST HOMES Skinner’s Cabins RESTAURANTS NEW JERSEY Top Notch ASBURY PARK Wonder Bar HOTELS SERVICE STATIONS Reevy’s—l35 DeWitt Ave. Weston Whitehead—25 Atkins Ave. Skinner’s 66 TOURIST HOBJES A, Phillips Summerfield Ave. Conoco Mrs. W. Greenlow—l315 ...... Mrs. C. Jones—141 Sylvan Ave. G-ARAGES Atkins Ave. ’ Mrs. V_. Maupin—ZS House of Chevrolet E. C. Yeager—1406 Mattison Ave. Clark's Service Anna Eaton—23 Atkins Ave. Gil’s Body Shop Mrs. Margaret Wright—153 Sylvan Ave. ‘Ifl’m‘fmzfl'V&$v<'grfl\i“ FREMONT RESTAURANTS 7-:r7m {A Gus Henderson—1725 N. Irving St. West Side—1136 Springwood Ave. Nellie Tutt’s—1207 Springwood Ave. yang. OMAHA ‘72; HOTELS BEAUTY PARLORS Broadview—2060 N. 19th St. Imperial—1107 Springwood Ave. mifél- Patton—101448 S. 11th St. Opal—1146 Springwood Ave. Ave. Willis—22nd & Willis Marions—lll9 Springwood rid“... TOURIST HOMES BARBER SHOPS mm: l... Strawther—ZZZO Willis Ave. Consol idated—l 216 Springwood G. H. Ashby—2228 Willis Ave. John Milby—-1216 Springwood Ave. WWI‘QI‘J“? Wm PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK" NEW JERSEY

TAVERNS BARBER SHOPS 42 N. Illinois Ave. CA PITO‘L TAVERN Hollywood—811 Arctic Ave. 1212 SPRINGWOOD AVE. Hunter’r—1816V; Arctic Ave. Tlll Aztex Room—1147 Springwood Ave. Nil TAVERNS ‘ 3 l 8 Ave. Hollywood—l Springwood 605 Arctic Ave. TAIL Lighthouse—l l 2-Door—l5l2 Ave. .. Springwood Wonder Barb—1601 Arctic Ave. lien Palm & Mytle Aves. Garden—Springwood Little Belmont—37 N. K-ntuclry Ave. (Neptune) Hattie’s_l913 Arctic Ave. NIGHT CLUBS Daddy Lew’s—Bay & Baltic Ave. Cuba’s—1147 Ave. Mack’k—IS‘JO Baltic Ave. Palm Gardene—Sisaringwoodpringwood Ave. Popular—I923 Artie Ave. SERVICE STATIONS Elite—Baltic & Chalionte Ave. Johnson—Springwood & DeWitt Place Herman’s—Maryland 8: Arctic Bomar‘v—Springwood 8’ Ridge Prince’s—37 N. Michigan .Ave. Austins—Maryland a: Baltic GARAGES Elks Bar kGrill—lélS Artic West Side—4010 Asbury Ave. New Jersey—N. I. a Mediterranean ATLANTIC CITY Circus—37 N. Michigan Ave. My Own—7m Baltic Ave. HOTELS Tim Buck Two—l600 Arctic Ave. Bill Marks~~l923 Arctic In ATLANTIC CITY It’s Fannie'e—ZOOI Arctic Ave. . LIBERTY HOTEL Shangri-La—Kentucky 8: Arctic Ave. 1519 BALTIC AVE. 4-1184 Perry’s—1228 Arctic Ave. Ave. All rooms with private bath, telephone and Johnson’s—~10 No. Kentucky radio, golf course. HivHat—l3l7 Arctic Ave. Write us for free literature & rates. NIGHT CLUBS Also our Special Honeymoon Plan. Harlem—32 N. Kentucky Ave. Low Winter Rates Paradise-220 N. Illinois Ave.

State—N. Tenn. Ave. LIQUOR STORES Bay Inn-"Delaware 8r Baltic Randell—1601 Arctic Ave. Tumble Ridley—l806 Arctic Ave. SERVICE STATIONS Swan—136 N. Virginia Ave. Mundy’l 1818 Arctic St. Wright—1702 Arctic Ave. DRUG STORES Lincoln—911 N. Indiana Ave. London’s—Cor. KY. & Arctic Ave. Luzon—60l N. Ohio Ave. Attach—“20 Drexel Ave. BARRINGTON Villanova—llZ4 Drexcl Ave. SERVICE STATIONS Burton’r—IO No. Delaware Ave. Atlantic N. Ave. Johnson’s—~11 Kentucky BAYONNE Albright—228 N. Virginia Ave. Lincoln Apts.——Indiana8No.of Atlantic Ave. TAVERNS Ave ‘C’ TOURIST HOMES John’s—463 Murphy's—234 Virginia Ave. TAILORS Washington—1109 Arctic Ave. Theadore——S 22 Boulevard Shore—800 Arctic Ave. BELMAR Newsome’s—ZZS N. Indiana Ave. A. R. S. Goes—324 N. Indiana Ave. HOTELS Riverview—710 - 8th Ave. E._Satchell—-27 N. Michigan Ave. Bailey’e Cottage—1812 Arctic Ave. BELL MEADE D. Austin—813 Battlc Ave. HOTELS R. Brown—“3 N. Penn. Ave. Bell lVIeade—Rt. 3 l M. Conte-—l28 N. Indiana Ave. Burton’s—lO-l2 N. Delaware Ave. BERLIN Mrs. V. Jones—I720 Arctic Ave. TAVERNS Robert’s—~303 No. Indiana Ave. Tipping Inn—Or Rt. 8-“ RESTAUR ANTS BLOOMFIELD J 8 J—l700 Arctic Ave. RESTAURANTS Golden’s—41 N. Kentucky Ave. Lucy’s—376 Broughton Ave. Kelly’s—l3” Arctic Ave. BEAUTY PARLORS BRIDGETON C. E. Newsame—ZZS N. Indiana Ave. TAVER N S a Pike ~ Grace’s—43 N. Kentucky Ave. The Ram’s Inn—Bridgeston ‘Millville

40 a




CAMDEN NIGHT CLUBS .1.W.Mm§a.—x lst St. CHINESE RESTAURANTS MaieCtic Lodge—~35l- «w': t Lou’s—806 Kaign Ave. SERVICE STATIONS Five Point—First and Susquehanna St. TAVERNS Nick’s—7th & Central Ave. HASKELL TAILORS RECREATION PARKS _ Merchant—743 Kaighor Ave. Thomas Lake CAPE MAY HIGHTSTOWN HOTELS TAVERNS New Cape May—Broad 81 Jackson Sta. Paul’s Inn—Rt. 33 East Windsor TWP Richardson—Broad 8: Jackson Sta. Old Barn—104 Daws Qt. De GrifI—83) Corgie St. TOURIST HOB/[ES JERSEY CITY Mrs. B. Hillman—Johnstown Lane BEAUTY I’ARLORS Stiles—821 Corgie Street Beautv—74A Atlantic Ave. TAILORS RESTAURANTS Bell's—630 Cummunipaw Ave. Billy Boy and Lees—220 Jackson Street BEAUTY PARLORS EAST ORANGE N. I. Academy—374 Forest St. BEAUTY PARLORS Ritz—214 Main Street KINGSTON Milan's—~232 Halstead St. ROA I) HOUSES TAILORS Merrill’a Vernon's—lRZ Amherst St. Charles—49 N. Park St. KEYPORT TA VER NS TAXI CABS Green Grove Inn—Atlantic 8: Halsey Sta. Whitehurst—Cor. Central 8: Halstead Sts. Maior’e—ZlS Atlantic Ave. EATONTOWN KENNELIVORTI-I NIGIIT CLUBS TAVERNS The Greenbriar—Pine Bush Driver’s—l7th & Monroe Ave. EGG HARBOR LAWNSIDE HOTELS HOTELS Allen House—625 Cincinnati Ave. Inman—White Horse Pike TAVER NS TOIIRIST HOMES Red, White & Blue Inn—~70] Phila. Ave. Hi-Hat—‘Vhite Horse Pike ELIZABETH TAVERNS Acorn Inn—JVhin-hnrm- Pike TOURIST HOMES Dreamland—Evesham Ave. Mrs. T. T. Davie—27 Dayton La Belle Inn—Gloucester Ave. TAVERNS Wilcox—Eavesham Ave. One 81 Only—1112 Dickerson St. BEAUTY PARLORS Hunter’s—1197 E. Broad St. Thelma Thomas-Warwick Blvd. ENGLEVVOOD BARBER SHOPS Henry Smith—~Mouldy Road TAVERNS The Lincoln—~l-S Enzlewood Ave. RECREATION PARK Lawmide Park STORES LI‘RQITORW. E. Beverage Co.-——IO7 William St. SERVICE STATIONS Horse Gila—107 Williams St. Newton’s—White Pike HACKENSACK LINDEN BEAUTY PARLORS TAVERNS Marv—206 Central Ave. Victory-1305 Baltimore Ave. BARBER SHOPS LONG BRANCH Central Ave. Tip Top—I74 TAVERNS Crosson—Railroad Place Club ‘4<’——I.iherrv St TAVERNS Sam Hall—180 Belmont St. Rideout’s—204 Central Ave. Tally-Ho——44 Liberty St. PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK” NEW JERSEY M

MADISON Y. M. C. A.-—lS3 Court St. Y. W. C. A.—-20 Jones St. TAXI CABS Harwin Terrace—27 Sterling St. Madison—196 Main St. Yellow—l4 Lincoln Place TOURIST HOLIES Mrs. E. Morris—39 Chester Ave. MAGNOLIA RESTAURANTS TAVERNS Cabin Grill—S4 Waverly Ave. Sunshine—S40 White Horse Pike Alpine——l97 W. Kinney St. Bar-B-Q—9 Monmouth St. MAHVVAH BEAUTY PARLORS TAVERNS Mae’s—161 W. Kinney St. Paul’s Lu nch—Brook St. Wilson—118 Springfield Ave. La Vogue—227 W. Kinney St. MOMOUTH JUNCTION Farrar—35 Prince St. TOURIST HOMES Billy’s—206 Belmont Ave. Macon’s Inn—H’way Rt. No. 1-26 Algene’s—IZO Spruce St. Queen—155 Barclay St. MONTCLAIR FivevStar—IBS Kinney St. TOURIST HOMES Y. M. C. A.—39 Washington St. BARBER SHOPS Y. W. C. A.——159 Glenridge Ave. 1:1 Idellio—30 Wright St. RESTAURANTS TAVERNS Tabard’s—144 Bloomfield Ave. Harlem—109 Belmont Ave. Blue Front—154 Bloomfield Ave. Howard—Springfield Ave. 8: Howard St. BEAUTY SHOPS Bert’s—Z ll Renner Ave. Lula’s—27O Bloomfield Ave. Dan’s—245 Academy St. McGhee——307 Orange Road Little Johnny’s—47 Montgomery Gamble’s—l46 Bloomfield Ave. Kesselman’s—lllth 81 Rutgers St. Alcazar—72 Waverly Place SHOPS BARBER Rosen’s—164 Spruce St. Bros.—139 Bloomfield Ave. Stewart Dave's—202 Court St. Bloomfield Ave. Walkers—180 Kleinbergs—88 Waverly St. Paramount—215 Bloomfield Ave. Afro—l9 Quitman St. .. TAVERNS Welcome Inn—87 West St. Elm’s—23l Bloomfield Ave. Del Mar—133 Howard St. . ‘570’—S70 Market St. ”mug—A...vmaxyw., TAILORS _... . Ave. : Cut Rate-—274 Bloomfield Ave. Corprew's—297 Sprinfield :.,..._"am, Belmont Ave. n Raveneau—239 Bloomfield Ave. Dug-Out—188 an-Ayer’s—-l90 Bloomfield Ave. Harry’s—60 Waverly Ave. Ernie’s—104 Wallace St. SERVICE STATIONS Trippe’s—IZI Halstead St. nsaifm“* Bloomfield Ave. Whitefields—l75 Mulberry St. "‘ Bloomfield Ave. Mulberry—302 "’ Montclairs—l70 Boston St. “ Frederick—2 GARAGES Hi Spot—166 W. Kinney St. flm' Cardell’s—323 Orange Road Harold—71 Blooffield Maple Ave.—-9l Maple Ave. Wood’s—258 Prince Street TAXI CABS CLUBS . NIGHT

Ale I Edmonds—173 Bloomfield Ave. Piccadilly—1 Peshine Ave. Davenport—152 Lincoln St. Club Caravan—8 Bedford St. DRUG STORES Hi Spot—166 W. Kinney St. St. \ Elm Pharmacy—220 Bloomfield Ave. New Kinney Club—36 Arlington Boston Plaza—4 Boston St. NEPTUNE Golden Inn—192 S. Pruce St. taéééiehnflsékwflw Nest Club—Warren & Norfolk St. }_.. RESTAURANTS Ave. 4.,”- Hampton Inn—1718 Sringwood Ave. Alcazar—72 Waverly Samuel's—351 Fisher Ave. Night Cap—1079 Broad Street Gottlinge—ll8 Bradley Ave. Silver Saddle—272 Clinton Ave. BEAUTY PARLORS CHINESE RESTAURANTS Priscilla’s—26l Myrtle Ave. Chinese-American—603 W. Market STATIONS NEWARK SERVICE Estes—77 Tillinghast Street HOTELS Rio Plaza Hotel, 92 So. 13th St. GARAGES Grand—78 W. Market St. Branch—45 Rankin St.


O'CEAN CITY PLEASANTVILLE HOTELS TOURIST HOMES Comfort—201 Bay Ave. Virginia Inn—1505 S. New Road Washington—6th and Simpson St. Garden Spot—300 Doughty Rd. Brydson’s—2878 - 6th 8 Simpson Ave. TAVERNS TOURIST HOMES Harlem Inn—4117 Washington Ave. Edna Mae's—921 West Ave. ROAD HOUSES ORANGE Martin's—304 W. Wright St. HOTELS RED BANK Ye M. C. Au—84 oakWOOd AVG. Y. W. C. A.—66 Oakwood Ave. HOTELS Robins Rest—615 River Road RESTAURANTS Barrow St. RESTAURANTS Triangle—152 Ave. Joe's—120 Barrow St. Vincents—263 Shrewshury CHINESE RESTAURANTS TAVERNS West W. Place Orange Garden—132 Parrow Street Bergen—103 Bergen DRUG STORES BARBER SHOPS A. Dillard—250 Shrewsbury Ave. Central—Farrow 8: Hickory Sts. TAILORS BEAUTY PARLORS Fitchitt—99 Oakwood Ave. R. Alleyne—124 W. Bergen Place Triangle—101 Hickory St. Suries—Zél Shrewsbury Ave. SERVICE STATIONS GARAGES & Catherine Main St. Galatres—Shrewsbury Armatrong'a—IOO TAILORS PAULSBORO Dudley’s—79 Sunset Ave. RESTAURANTS ROSELLE . Elsie’s—246 W. Adams St. TAVERNS PATERSON Omega—302 E. 9th St. TAVERNS St. George—1139 St. George Ave. Idle Hour Bar—53 Bridge St. Joymakers—38 Bridge St. SCOTCH PLAINS GARAGES RESTAURANTS Brown's—5 7 Godwin St. Hill Top—60 Jerusalem Road ROAD HOUSES PERTH AMBOY Villa Casanova—Jerusalem Road HOTELS COUNTRY CLUBS Road Lenora—$50 Hartford St. Shady Rest—Jerusalem

POINT PLEASANT SALEM TAVERNS TAVERNS Stith’s—l 11 Market St. J063—337 Railroad Ave. SEA BRIGHT PINE BROOK RESTAURANTS TOURIST HOMES Castle Inn—ll New St. Wilson’s RESTAURANTS SEWAREN St. ‘ Grigg’s-58-60 Witherapoon TAILORS BEAUTY PARLORS Quality—l3 Pleasant Ave. Vanity Box—188 John St. SHREWSBURY PLAINFIELD SERVICE STATIONS Ave. TOURIST HOMES Rodney’s—Shrewsbury Iinss Daisy Robinson—658 Essex St. SUMMIT TAVERNS HOTELS Liberty—4th St. Y. M. C. A.——-393 Broad St. SOUTH PLEASANTVILLE TOMS RIVER MOTELS TAVERNS Fuller's—Rts. 9 and 4 Casaloma—Manitan Park 43 NEW JERSEY PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK” NEW YORK STATE M

TRENT0N BARBER SHOPS Martin’s—4 Vamromn St. HOTELS Westner—643 Y. M. C. A.-—40 Fowler St. Broadway NIGHT CLUBS RESTAURANTS Rythm Club—Madison Ave. Spot Sandwich—121 Spring St. TAYERNS BEAUTY PARLORS King’s—Cor. Green & Madison Streets Bea’s—114 S ring St. Geraldine’s—l Trent St. ANGOLA BARBER SHOPS ROAD HOUSES Hacienda N. Willow St. Leroy's Sanitary—199 - Rt. #5 20 miles west of Bufialo Bill’s—105 Spring St. NIGHT CLUBS BATH Famous—228 N. Willow St. TOURIST HOMES ROAD HOUSES Tuskegee—364 West Morris St. Crossing Inn—Eggertt’s Crossing VAUX HALL BUFFALO HOTELS TAVERNS Little Harlem—494 Michigan Ave. Carnegie—380 Carnegie Place Y. M. C. A.—-—58S Michigan Ave. Montgomery—486 Michigan Ave. WILDWOOD Vendome—l77 Clinton St. HOTELS Claridge—38 Broadway Pondexter Apts.—-—106 E. Schellinger Ave. Glen Oak—IUD E. Lincoln St. TO'URIST HOMES The Marion—Artic 8: Spicer Ave. Miss R. Scott—244 N. Division St. Artic Ave.—-3600 Artie Ave. Mrs. F. Washington—I72 Clinton St. Vesta—4118 Park Blvd. Mrs. G. Chase—194 Clinton St. Adam St. TOURIST HOlWES William Campbell—342 Dean's—166 W. Young Ave. RESTATTRANTS . Lillian's—l34 W. Baker Ave. Horseshoe—212 William Street Mrs. E. Crawley—38l6 Artie Crystal—534 Broadway Michigan Ave. BEAUTY PARLORS Bar—B-Q—413 Michigan Ave. B. Johnson's—407 Garfield Ave. Empire—454 Elite-280 Broadway BAI€BER SHOPS Apex—311 William St. R. Morton—4010 New Jersey Ave. Alfreda'r—l92 Broadway NIGHT CLUBS Peter Dubil—53S Broadway High Suppers—437 Lincoln Ave. New China’s—-l72 Genesse St. Panama—378 Jefferson St. WOODBURY CHINESE RESTAURANTS RESTAURANTS Loo——433 Michigan Ave. Robinson’s—225 Park Ave. Kam Wing PARLORS PLEASANTVILLE BEAUTY WEST Orchid—419 Pratt St. COUNTRY CLUB Melisey’s—196 Hickory St. Pine Acres Country Club— La Ritz—348 Jefferson Ave. Matchless—l69 Willem St. Edwards—530 William St. NEW YORK STATE Lady Esther 243 E. Ferry St. ALBANY Jean’s—I42 Adams St. Laura’r—643 Broadway HOTELS La Mar-437 Jeflerson Ave. HOTEL BROADWAY Jessie's—S60 Spring St. St. 603 BROADWAY Fuqua’s—587 Clinton Clinton St. Kenmore—76 Columbia Ave. Middleton'o—384 Bonita’s—254 William St. TOURIST HOMES BARBER SHOPS Mrs. Aaron J. Oliver—~42 Spring St. People’s—433 Williams St. RESTAURANTS Dorsey’s—Cor Van Trumpet 8: B’way TAVERNS G. B’way BEA UTY PARLOR S Stamper, Prop—192 earls—474 Michigan Ave. Bnelah Fords—96 2nd St. iIJay Leaf—443 Michigan Ave. Westner———643 Broadway Clover .1 IN PATRONlZl-NG THESE PLACES NEW YORK STATE l E BUFFALO (con’t.) MECHANICVILLE TAVERNS TOURIST HOMES ‘ , Apex—3H Williams St. Green’s—R.F.D. No. l Balsa—416 William St. Kem’r—382 William St. - NIAGARA FALLS Hickory—Hickory 3: Williams TOURIST HOMES Horse Shoe—Williams & Pine FAIRVIEW Toussaint—292 Williams St. ST. Joe’s—416 William St. 413 FIRST Glass Horseshoe—214 Williams St. W. L. Parker—627 Erie Ave. ,E William: St. Mack Hayes House—437 -l St. . 3 Jamboree—339 ‘ Mandy’s—278 Williams St. Mrs. Alice Ford—413 First St. 1' Polly'a—483 Jefl’erson Street Mrs. Brown—1202 Haeberie Ave. Dubil‘a—S” Broadway GRIFFIN TOURIST HOME ZarIn—557 Clinton St. . Parkside—452 William St. 2715 . 20TH STREET " NIGHT CLUBS A. E. Gabriel—635 Erie Ave. . Moonglow—vMichigan & Williams Mrs. M. Francis—219 - 10th St. Horseshoe—William and Pine St. Mrs. F. T. Young—421 - lst St. LIQUOR STORES TAVERNS Swan—Swan & Hickory St. Cephas—bZ 1 Erie Ave. Aqui-Line—l4l Broadway Ferry—192 E. Ferry St. Totton's—344 Jefferson Ave. NIGHT CLUBS g St. . Stenson’s—133 William Paradise—Cedar Hill Ave. SERVICE STATIONS Fraas—Clinton 81 Jefierson PORT JERVIS Your Tire—250 Broadway TOURIST HOMES TAILORS R. Pendleton—26 Bruce St. Eagle—414 Eagle St. Reeve’s—ll9 Clinton St. POUGHKEEPSIE St. Mickey’s—544 William: TOURIST HOMES William St. Sam’s—270 Mrs. S. Osterholt—lo Crannell St. Byrd’s—473 Broadway G. W. Hayes—93 N. Hamilton Bell—197 William St. William St. Sam's—270 ROCHESTER Empire Star—234 Broadway HOTELS TAXI CABS Gibson—461 Clariss St. Veterans—120 William St. Freeman House—112 Industrial St. DRUG STORES TOURIST HOLIES Winner‘s—432 William St. Mrs». Allie O. King—456 Clarissa Street l'lS Roberts—467 William St. G. W. Burke—221 Columbia Ave. Mrs. Latimer—l79 Clarissa St. ELMIRA RESTAURANTS TOURIST HOMES La Rue—491 Clarissa Street . Green Pastures, 670 Dicklnson St. Chicken Shack—371 Clarissa Street I in» . BEAUTY PARLORS ITHACA Beauty Salon—481 Clarissa Street I . Hawkins—~36 Favor Street I i NIGHT CLUBS 1, _ E1k’s—119 So. Tidga St. BARBER SHOPS Blackstone’s—399 Clarissa Street H Forest City—119 So. Tioga St. 4 Hawkins—36 Favor Street ‘H I.

I TAILORS 1-. GLENN FALLS I Star—367 Clarissa Street Bright ‘1Ii TOURIST HOMES Walker's—149 Adams St. Hayes Cottage—-99 Sanford Street Mrs. M. Mayberry—16 Ferry St. TAVERNS Dawn—314 Clarissa Street JAMES’I‘OWN Vallot’s—439 Clarissa Street Ave. . Rollin’s—118 37;“:“flffik‘sm , TOURIST HOMES Joseph ‘— 1: h W. Herald—5| W. lOth St. Cotton Club—222 Ave. ‘ I... Mrs. I. Joseph ’ l Mrs. J. M. Brown—108 W. llth St. Dan's—293 Clarissa Sta 5:31" 45

‘T‘wvfwmr, . ”a.

NEW YORK STATE PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK” / UTICA ROCHESTER (con’t.) ’ TOURIST HOMES NIGHT CLUBS Broad St. Inn—415 Broad St. Rev: COTTON 222 Joseph Ave. Home—413 Broad St. CLUB, Howard Hud‘sl LIQUOR STORES VVATERTOWN Kaplan’s—346 Clarissa Street HOTELS GARAGES . Clarissa St.—Cor. Spring & Clarissa Sts. Woodrufi—Public Square Derharn’I-4O Cypress St. TOURIST HOMES St. SERVICE STATIONS E. F. Thomas—123 Union St. A & A—Cor. Beaver & Clarissa V. H. Brown—502 Binase G. E. Deputy—711 Morrison St. SARATOGA SPRINGS Mrs. Ruth Thomas—556 Morrison St. TOURIST HOMES RESTAURANTS Cowan St. .31 LeFleur—Zl St. Park Street Capitol—Court Street BARBER SHOPS 3-4.3: fitmes—Nrs. John Parker—18 Cherry Chicago—Court St. SGHENECTADY BEAUTY PARLORS TOURIST HOMES Mrs. Nancy Williams—496 Edmonds St. v-..te_v,;«.:::‘~z‘ R. Rhinehart—IZS 8. Church St. SERVICE STATIONS *- Reilly Essa Station—496 Edmond: St. 327:. SYRACUSE HOTELS GARAGES €1.1- St. The Savoy—518 E. Washington Guilioyle—Stone St. HOMES 3?;ié'5e715‘ TOURIST N. Y. The Sylvan—815 E. Fayette St. NEW YORK, 3‘4; Y.M.C.A.—340 Montgomery St. (HARLEM ) E. St. LEE}; W. R. Parrish-809 Faytte. HOTELS RESTAURANTS HOTEL FANE St. Aunt Edith’s—éOlV; Harrison 205 West 135th Street

.- TAVERNS IN THE HEART OF HARLEM Coleus—825 Townsend St. Rooms With Bath —- Hot - Cold Water

”.Ma...‘, Penguin—822 S. State St. Radio in Every Room

. ‘4‘1%.” - Scotty’s—201 Irving Ave. Phone for Reservations AUdubon 6-7188 .5..,..M S. Townsend St. G. ~,. Copac:..ana—725 Frank Lightner. Mgr. ._.mans-u. BEAUTY PARLORS ark—Irv Tifierroa’s—913 S. McBride St. THERESA HOTEL c“... Webb’s-k; Almond Street 2090 - 7th AVENUE BARBER SHOPS RICHARD HOTEL Smith’s—600% E. Washington St. New York—62 S. Townsend St. 6 BRADHURST AVE. Dove’s—529 Harrison St. America—145 West 47th Street , John Cameron—401 E. Washington St . Garret Hotel-314 W. 127th St. Smith’s—600% E. Washington St. Crosstown—515 W. 145th St. West 127th St. CLUBS Harriet Hotels—313 NIGHT 110th St. Goldie’s—423 Harrison St. Cambridge—141 W. Martha—6 W. 135th St. LIQUO’R STORES The Viola—227 W. 135th St. MulRoy’s—301 E. Genessee St. Welthon—ZOS 7 . 7th Ave. Ben’s—601 Harrison St. Dewey Square—201-203 West 117th St. La Rock’s—442 E. Jefferson St. The Tenrub—328 St. Nicholas St. Nicholas Ave. DRUG STORES Elks—689 Welthon—ZOW - 7th Ave. S. McBride St. A 8: B-—724 Beakford—300 W. 116th St. Genessee St. Singer’s—833 E. Braddock—126th & 8th Ave. E. St. Thornton’s-900 Fayette El Melrah—l9 West 135th St. Horton’s—615 Almond St. Woodside—2424 7th Ave. TAILORS Grampion—ISZ St. Nicholas Ave. W. 135th St. E. Fayette St. Y. M. C. A.——180 Jackson’s—904 C. A.-—l75 W. 137th St. Bennie’s—Slz Harrison Street Y. W. 46 [N PATRONIZING THESE PLACES NEW YORK CITY

Currithl W. 145th St. BARBER SHOPS Mariette—170 W. 1213t St. Bob Gary’s—2521 8th Ave. Cecil—208 W. 118th St. Spooner’s—2435 8th Ave. Revella—307 W. 116th St. Dunbar—2808 8th Ave. Hudson—1649 Amsterdam Ave. Hi-Hat—2276 7th Ave. Barbera—SOI West 142 St. Hoghie Rayford—2013 7th Ave. Hotel Elmeneh—845 St. Nicholas Ave. Ideal—716 St. Nicholas Ave. Hotel McClendon—23 West 123rd St. Modernistio—Z 132 7th Ave. Douglas—809 St. Nicholas Ave. Service—2296 v 7th Ave. Manhattan—504 Manhattan Ave. De Lux—90 St. Nicholas Pl. Delta—409 West 145th Street Blue Caulk-1861 Amsterdam Ave. Edgecombe—345 Edgecombe Early Dawn—2570 7th Ave. Crosgstown—SIS Westg145th Street The Esquire—2265 - 7th Ave. Parkview—SS West 110th Street Tuxedo—1925 Amsterdam Ave. RESTAURANTS FLORISTS Pete’5—2534 8th Ave.

FRANK BOHAN ~ Surprise—2319 7th Ave. .. 49 WEST 28th STREET Virginia—27l W. 119th St. New York, NY. we. Bob’s 8th Ave. Wholesale and Retail Florist Lounge—-2165 way Lulu Belle’s—317 W. 126th St. Write or Wire w.» 111251 St. Four Star—2433 7th Ave. Wedding Bouquets “The Squeeze Inn”-—2125-7th Ave. Funeral Designs Specialty ~,-y~‘r. Pauline’s—l627 Amsterdam Ave. Cut Flowers and Plants .' A. 9115 l" Esquire Lunchonette—2201 7th Ave. Tel. MUrray Hill 4-5563 Brown’s—210 W. 135th St. E & M—2016 7th Ave. . TAVERNS Em & Bee—458 Lenox Ave. El Favorite Bar—2055 Eighth Ave. Davis’-—2066 7th Ave. International—2 150 5th Ave. Pals Inn—307 West 125th St. Arthur’s—-248l 8th Ave. Little Shack—2267 7th Ave. Red Tip—2470—7th Ave. Jimmy’s—763 St. Nicholas Ave. John Allen’s—207 W. 116th St. The Lotus—454 Lenox Ave. Brittwood—594 Lenox Ave. Gertrude’s—267 West l4lst St. Frankie’s Cafe—2328-7th Ave. - ..... Ave. Jennie Lou’s—2297 7th Bank’s—2338 - 8th Ave. Hamburg Paradise—377 West 125th St. Brownie’s—257l 8th Ave.—2557 8th Ave. Clark—2150 - 7th Ave. Bodden 38¢ Bogan’s—2154-8th Ave. 307 West 125th St. Jimmie’s__ Frank Lemma—3578 Broadway Beverly Hills—303 West 145th St. 1

Palm—209 West 125th St. _ Frazier’s—2067 - 7th Ave. Frank’s—313 West 125th St. , Shalimar—2065 7th Ave. William’s—2011 - 7th Ave. TOURIST HOMES Harris’ Corner—132nd St 81 7th Ave. Mrs. Agnes Babb—~68 East l'27th Street Dawn—1931 Amsterdam.- $1.373.- CHINESE RESTAURANTS Pasadena—2350 - 8th Ave. Mayling—l723 Amsterdam Ave. Jack Carters—1890 - 7th Ave. Poor - 8th Ave. BEAUTY PARLORS John’s—2268 Farrell’s—2175 7th Ave. Rose Meta House of Beauty Chico’s—2014 Fifth Ave. 9 WEST 125th STREET Braddock—Corner 126th St. and 8th Ave. ,. - Ave. Frankie's—2380 7th Ave. Jock’s—2350-7th "i Elite—2544 7th Ave. Silver Rail—2165 8th Ave. 21:1 Myers 8: Griffin—65 W. 134th St. Tom Farrell’s—128th‘St. and Convent Ave. National—301 W. 144th St. William’s—2017 5th Ave. 2"11 Neuway—l43 W. 116th St. George’s—630 Lenox Ave. ~. Beard’s—3ZZ St. Nicholas Ave. Sugar Ray’s-2074 7th Ave. Bonnie’s—-165 W. 127th St. Hawkin’s—308 West 125th St. “(-1. Dorothy’3—247 West 144th St. Apollo—303 West 125th St. Lillette’ys—-1308 Amsterdam Ave. Baby Grand—319 West 125th St. Mme. Ruth's—259 W.116t11 St. Al’s—415 West 125th St. Horseshoe—2474 - 7th Ave. BARBER SHOPS Lou's—1985 Amsterdam Ave. Sportsman—2681A W. 135th St. Welcome Inn—2895 - 8th Ave. Davis—69 W. 138th St. Tom Delaney—7th Ave. &137th St. Renaissance—2349 7th Ave. Blue Heaven—378 Lenox Ave. r:_:“V~—L‘lf§~";.‘1,~ Delux—92 St. Nicholas P1. Colonial—116 Bradhurst Ave. rim. World—2621 8th Ave. Eddie’s—714 St. Nicholas Ave.



L... NIGl . Gal: 4“ Val 3:56 f0r.... Par; Lfill it: in New York Char Sightseeing Dani Eula BY BUS BY.BDAT Ftr‘ Finc Gm SPECIAL RATES FUR GROUPS OF 25 DR MDRE




Mardi Gras—l9Sl Amsterdam Ave. HARLEM (cont.) Casbah—l63rd St. 8: St. Nicholas Ave. TAVERNS Bowman’s—92 St. Nicholas Pl. Hot-Cha—ZZSO 7th Ave. Renny—2359 - 7th Ave. La Mar Cheri—739 St. Nichollas Ave. Elk Scene—439 Lenox Ave. Lazar—2496 7th Ave. Magnet—5 70 Leno: Ave. Monte Carlo—2247 7th Ave. Fez—1958 - 7th Ave. Murrain—61S Lenox Ave. Frankie’s—2328 - 7th Ave. Victoria—2418 o 7th Ave. Bird Cage—2308 - 7th Ave. Fat Man—St. Nicholas Ave. & 155th St. Bali—2096 Amsterdam Ave. 116th St. Jimmie Daniels—114 W. NIGHT CLUBS Moon Glow—2461 7th Ave. Palm Cafe-209 W. 125th St. George Farrell’s—27ll 8th Ave. 2294 - 7th AVE. COR. 135th ST. Novelty Bar 8: Grill—1965 Amsterdam Ave. The Oldest Colored Cabaret in Harlem L-Bar—3601 Broadway Air Conditioned Chick’s Bar & Grill—ZSOI 7th Ave. Cocktail Lounge -.Music - Dancing Sport’s Inn—2308 8th Ave. Entertamment Clover Bar 8: Grill 1735 Amsterdam Ave. 3 Shows Nightly — 10:30 - 12:30 - 2:30 Danie ”s——246l 7th Ave. Phone, Lounge AUdubon 3-9327 Coran’s—2359 7th Ave. Cabaret, AUdubon 3-7877

Pelican—45 Lenox Ave. ' Farrells-2175 v 7th Ave. Savannah Club “66"——68 West 3rd Street Gold Coast—2017 v 5th Ave. Reno—549 W. 145th St. Jock’s—ZSSO 7th Ave. Elk’s Rendezvous—133d a Lenox Ave.’ Mandalay—2201 7th Ave. Celebrity Club—35 E. 125th St. Williams —2011 7th Ave. Murrain’e—l32nd & 7th Ave. Dawn Cafe—1931 Amsterdam Ave. Hollywood Club—116th & Leno: Ave. Chateau Lounge—379 W. 125th St. Lenox Rendezvous-45 Lenox Ave. Jerry’s Bar—209l-8th Ave. Harlem—266 West 145th St. Well’s Musical Bar—2249 7th Ave. Lido—3S West 125th St. Firpo’s—503 Leno: Ave. —266 West 145th St. Zambezi—2267-7th Ave. Bop City—Broadway at 49th 8:. 48 NEW YORK CITY IN PATRONlZliNG THESE PLACES BROOKLYN W'—

Ave. NIGHT CLUBS La Fontaine—470 Convent Gold Coast Lounge—2017 v 5th Ave. Broadway-92 St. Nicholas Ave. Well‘s Musiesl Bar—2249 . 7th Ave. Hill Side—513 West 145th St. Bowman’s—92 St. Nicholas Place Dillette's—lOl Edgecombe Ave. Paradise—8th Ave. at 110th Street SERVICE STATIONS LIQUOR STORES Park Lane—1890 Park Ave. Convent—42 Convent Ave. Charity— 483 W. 150 th St. DANCE HALLS Daniel Burrows—760 St. Nicholas Ave. Savoy—Lenox Ave. & HOth St. Eulace Peacock—200 W. 140th St. Golden GatPLenox Ave. 6: 142m! Sr. Ferguson—271 W. 126th St. Fitton & Telesford—300V2 W. 116th St. BROOKLYN Green's—I61 W. 120th St. HOTELS H. 8: S.—5 West 131st St. Y. M. C. A.——405 Carlton Ave. Harlem—85 West l28th St. Burma—I45 Gates Ave. Inez Gumbs—347 W. l20th St. Meta—127 Lelferts Place C. D. Kings—2087 Madison Ave. Garfield—160 Reid Ave. Padam’s—l963 Amsterdam Ave. Chas. Arshen—ZSOI 8th Ave. RESTAURANTS Kipco—l765 Amsterdam Ave. Dew Drop—363 Halsey St I. Goldberg—2655 Broadway Little Roxy—490A Summer Ave Forbes—272 West 154th Street Bernice’s Cafeteria—105 Kingston Ave. Hamilton Place—150 Hamilton Place Spick 8r Span—70 Kingston Ave. H 8 R—273 West 121st Street G 9 H—382 Summers Ave. Roy Capanella—7th Ave. 8 134th Street Caravan—377 Hancock St. Goldman’s—483 West 155th Street CHINE SE RESTAURANTS DRUG STORES New Shanghai—361 Nostrand Ave. Boutte—-1028 St. Nicholas Ave. M. Fulton Palace—1139 Fulton St. GARAGES Colonial Park—310 W. 144th St. BEAUTY PARLORS Polo Grounds—155th St. 81 St. Nicholas Ave. Berlena’s—l86 Jefferson Dumas—226 West 135th St. Bartley's—l 125 Fulton St. Park Lane—1890 Park Ave. Katerine’s—345 Sumner Ave. Ideal—285-A Sumner Ave. TAILORS Mariett’s—451 Nostrand Ave. Robert Lewis-—l980-7th Ave. Edith's—389 Torn kins Ave. Ave. Globe—2894 8th LaRoberts—322 con St. 7th Ave.—2051-7tb Ave. Little Alpha—200 West 136th St. BEAUTY CULTURE SCHOOLS Dig-By—300 West llltb St. Theresa—304 Livonia Ave.

m.' ,

' Tel. RIverside 9 - 7 6 0 0 Authorized Ford Dealer



At Your Service


3 TAVERNS BRONX i} Palm Gardens—491 Summer Ave. HOTELS ill Fulton St. Carver—980 Ave. at. Royal—1073 Prospect 41 Parkside—759 Gates Ave. Crotona—o95 East 170th St. Decatur Bar & Grill—301 Reid Ave. RESTAURANTS Kingston Tavern—1496 Fulton St. Shrrmp’s—734 East 165th SI. Arlington Inn—1253 Fulton St. Daniel’s—HM Prospect Ave. Disler’s—7S9 Gates Ave. Syl-V—584 East 168th St. Bar & Grill—1420 Fulton St. Elegant BEAUTY PARLORS Verona Leafe—1330 Fulton St. Vashti’s—349 Morris Ave. K & C Tavern—588 Gates Ave. Ave. Tompkins Ave. Grayson—974 Prospect George’s-—328 Glennada—-87S Longwood Ave. Smitty's—286 Patchen Ave. Casablanca—300 Reid Ave. BARBER SHOPS Country Cottage—375 Franklin Ave. Modern—1174 Boston Road Bombay—377 Christopher St. TAVERNS Capitol—1550 Fulton St. Freddie‘s Bar—1204 Boston Rd. Traveler’s Inn—5A Hull St. Harty's Mid-Way—458 E. 165th St. Marion’s—125 Marion St. Neighborhood—3344 Third Ave. Ward’s—480 Halsey Street Louis' Tavern—3510 Third Ave. Tip Top—1750 Fulton St. Kennie’s—853 Freeman St. Topside—537 Marcy Ave. L.ucille’s—3800 Third Ave. Berry Bros.-—l7l4 Fulton St. Jimmy’s—467 E. 161st St. Frank 9 Murry's—95 Varet St. Zornbie Bar—1745 Boston Road Logan’s—116$ Bradford Ave. Rainbow Gardens—977 Prospect Ave. Bar 688—688 Halsey St. B &.P—823 E. 169th St. Brooklyn Fraternal—1068 Fulton St. Trinity—l63rd & Trinity Ave. Topside—224 Ralph Ave. Ralph Rida’s—llSS Tinton Ave. Ward’s—1825 FultonISt. Triangle—849 E. 169th St. Jefferson—397 Tompkins Ave. Bronxwood-5950 Bronxwood Ave. Bushwick—37S Bushwick Ave. Crystal Lounge——103S Prospect Ave. Lorene’s—-3 7 3 Nostrand Ave. Five Corners—169th St. & Boston Road . Turbo Village—249 Reid Ave. Sporting Life—950 Prospect Ave. 4 Elmo—243 Reid Ave. Central—267 East 161st St. Summer__693 Gates Ave. DeLuxe—270 East 161st St. Esquirch-Atlantic & Kingston Aves. Alamo—[056 Boston Road New Durkin—IZBS Fulton St. Edyth’s—Boston Rd. and Prospect Ave. Caravan—377 Hancock St. Frank’s AND STORE Fulton St. WINE LIQUOR Ace High—1172 Franklin Ave.—1214 Franklin Ave. Grand Ave. Lucky Spot—307 Prospect—889 Prospect Ave. Gates & Nostrand Aves. Hollywood—Cor. ack’s—l309 Prospect Ave. Bedford and Fulton Sts. J Cross Roads—Cor. West Farms—2026 Boston Road Reed Ave. Elmo Lounge—243 O’Connell’s—l 31 1 Boston Road Country Cottage—375 Franklin Ave. Laredo Bar—1624 Fulton Street NIGHT CLUBS 7 Moons—793 Bedford Ave. 845645 Prospect Ave. BALLROONI NIGHT CLUBS McKinley—1258 Boston Road Fulton Street Baby Grand—1274 SERVICE STATIONS Al 5’ Rd. 8’ 170th St. DRUG STORES Jim's—Boston Provident—1265 Bedford Ave. TA ILOR S Bancroft—Franklin 69‘ Bergen St. DeLux—SS'I Freeman St.

WINE AND LIQUOR STORE LONG ISLAND Fulton St. Yak—1361 AMITYVILLE Lincoln—401 Tompkins Ave. York—1361 Fulton St. RESTAURANTS Stuyvesant—lSSI Fulton St. Watervliet—158 Dixon Ave. Allen Rose—106 Kingston Ave. 'ROAD HOUSES Turner’s—249 Sumner St Freddy’s—Albany & Banbury Court Gottesrnan’s—-41 Albany Ave. BARBER SHOPS Sexton’s—616 Halsey St. Jimmy’s—Albany & Brewster TAILORS BEAUTY PARLORS Court Bea Jay—1722 Fulton St. Boyd’s—21 Banbury 50 ‘


CORONA RESTAURANTS | Hamburger Bar—15 W. 3rd St. TAVERNS Friendship—50 W. 3rd St. Big George—106 Northern Blvd. Prosperity—3249 103rd St. TAVERNS NIGHT CLUBS Mohawk Inn—142 S. 7th Ave. New Cameo—108 Northern Blvd. Friendship Center—~50 W. 3rd St. FREEPORT NEW ROCHELLE NIGHT CLUBS . RE STAURANTS Celebrity—77 13. Sunrise H'way Harris-29 Morris St. Week’s—68 Winyah Ave. HEMPSTEAD BEAUTY PARLORS ERNS TA .. A. Berry—50 DeWitts Place ddie Bar & Grill—Beatnce St. B. Miller 54 Dewitt Pl. BARBER SHOPS Ode—~41 Rochelle Place . Modernistir—96 So. Franklin St. BARBER SHOPS BEAUTY PARLORS Field’s—66 Winyah Ave. Sykes—98 So. Franklin St. Bal-Mo—Ral—56 Brook St. LIQUOR STORES INWO'OD A. Edwards—412 Union Ave. NIGHT CLUBS . Club Carib—333 Bayvrew Ave. DRUG STORES Daniel’s—~57 Lincoln Ave. JAMAICA TAVERNS NORTH TARRYTOVVN Tolliver’s—112-27 New York Blvd. BARBER SHOPS Mandalay—114-16 Merrick Rd. Lemon’s—Valley St. Hank’s—108-04 New York Blvd. Old Sweet—15841 South Road TUCKAHOE TAILORS RESTAURANTS Inn—47 - Butterfly Washington St. , K1ugh’s—107-21 17lst St. Merit—109 Merrick Blvd. BEAUTY PARLORS Shanhana—l44 Main St. ». BEAUTY PARLORS

. Roslyn—lO6-53 New York Blvd. BARBER SHOPS Al’s—144 Main St. LINDENHURST .NIGHT CLUBS YONKERS Club Ebony—Sunrise H'way - 40th Street RESTAURANTS The Brown Derby—«125 Nepperham Ave. STATEN ISLAND WHITE PLAINS WEST BRIGHTON HOTELS BEAUTY PARLORS Del Rio—122 Lafayette Ave. Etta’a—léSZ Richmond Terr. RESTAURANTS BARBER SHOPS Walnards—79 Martine Ave. Dozier—192 Broadway Waldorf—102 Grove St. Field's—338 Tarrytown Road j NIGHT CLUBS Williams—208 Broadway BEAUTY PARLORS TAILORS Maudie’s—IZZ Martina Ave. . Graces-#116 Tarrytown Road A. Higgs—721 Henderson Tucker—260 Broadway NIGHT CLUBS Shelton's—53 Grove St. SERVICE STATIONS STORES Barker St. LIQUOR Rispoli—46 Maniac—120 Martine Ave. , TAXI CABS WESTCHESTER Maurine—85 Martine Ave. ELRISFORD .«a..m‘~,—. TAVERNS ' 4—1.: Clarke—91 Saw Mill River Road NEVADA NIT. VERNON RENO TOURIST HOMES T‘srdr‘ TOURIST HOME .3, Mrs. Lloyd King—343 80. 10th Ave. FLOYD B. GARNER, 875 E. 2nd

'-'finmvx;~X/f_',fi1t‘7\V«;.J,\KI; ' NEW MEXlC




Recommended by: ' of Commerce 8 A.A.A. SAN CRISTOBAL, N. MEX. Chamber Emaw. J. R. Hamlet. Prop. Reno. Nev. Coflege 542 Valley Road TUCUMCARI HOTELS my] ELKO Cactus—U. S. H’Way 66—1/2 Mile East 336:“ MOTEL TU UR1ST HOMES ME LOUIS MOTEL ROCKETT INN 32:»! 2 Miles West Of ElkO 524 W. CAMPBELL STREET V115? LAS VEGAS MITCHELL’S ROOMS B‘F‘E‘IEJ. TOURIST HOMES 406 N. 3rd STREET ‘1‘“ St. “43:“. Harrison's Guest House—1001 North lane's Rooms—Box l002 H11 Show Apte.—619 Van Buren St. J. E. Mitchell—406 N. 3 Street c933 GA R A G E S NEW HAMPSHIRE Swift’e—Hiway 66 WHITEFIELD VADO' HOMES TOURIST HOMES TOURIST St. Mrs. Homer Mason—Greenwood Fuller’s—3-N-1, Highway 80

NEW MEXICO NORTH CAROLINA ALBUQUERQUE ASHVILLE TOURIST HOMES HOTELS North Arno St. Mrs. Kate Duncan—423 James Southeide Ave. N. 2nd St. Keys—409 Mrs. W. Bailey—1127 Y. W. C. A.—--360 College St. RESTAURANTS Booker T. Washington—409 Southside Av Aunt Brenda's—406 North Arno St. Savoy—Eagle & Market St. UARLSBAD RESTAURANTS Palace Grille—l9 Eagle St. TOURIST HOMES SHOPS S. BARBER Mrs. A. Sherrell—-502 Haloquens Wilson’s—13 Eagle St. BARBER SHOPS Garland Johnson—West Bronson St. BLADENBORO GALLUP BEAUTY PARLORS Lacy’e Beauty Shop TOURIST HOMES Mn. Sonnie Lewis—409 Wilson St. CHARLOTTE HOTELS LORDSBURG Alexander—523 N. McDowell St. MOTEL HIGHTOWER’S RESTAURANTS Phone 243er3 lngram'e—304 So. McDowell St. Modem with Private Bath v Lunch Room BEAUTY I’ARLORS Martha‘s—509 E. 2nd St. Located 1 mile east of Lordsburg, Rte. 70 E? 80 BARBER SHOPS Direct Route to and from the West Coast 2nd St.——500 E. 20d St. Martha'e—509 E. 2nd St. N. M. Rochester and Leona LORDSBURG. DRUG STORES / Charlotte—200 E. Trade St. ROSWELL Carolina—401 3. Trade St. TOURIST HOMES TAILORS Mrs. Mary Collins—121 E. lOrh St. New Way—933 E. 9th St. R. Brown—313 W. Math SERVICE STATIONS Bishop Dale-First 8: Brevard Ste. RESTAURANTS Bob Roberson'e—‘lOl Trade 8:. Sun Set Cafe—115 E. Walnut St. IN pA'rRomsz THESE PLACES NORTH CAROLINA

DURHAM TOURIST HOMES HOTELS JONES TOURIST HOME it!H, 11‘. Bfltmore—3 32% E. Pettigrew St. 311 MOORE STREET TOURIST HOME RESTAURANTS Jones—502 Ramsev St. \livfinwer (irIII—mN Hillsbnro St. RESTAURA NTS Silver Grill—415' Gillespie St. 1MB Flivira s———Snl Fayennvillc St. Arthur 3 Seafood Grill—637 Person St. Rd. i. Ill. Bull City_-—412 Pettigrew ‘V point”—Murcllison Cu-Cu—9l6 Pickett Silver Gril 1—115 Gillespie w, :11 College Inn—1306 Fayetteville BEAUTY PARLORS BEAUTY PARLORS Brown’ s—-—133 Person St Beauty Parlor—127% Person St. .. Royal 1E3! De Shazors—809 Fayetteville St. D’Orsay—IZO S. Mangum St. Modiste—1301/2 Person St. Friendly City—711 Fayetteville Sr. Ethel 5—» Gilles!19 St Burma's—<16 E. Pettigrew S' Ruth's—5' 00 Wilmington Rd. Eiilm Vanity Fair—1508 Fa'yetteville Street BARBER SHOPS DeLuxr—Pesno St. I; BARBER S HO PS Marb‘e» H7 St. ‘ Gillespie 1.‘ 1 Fayetteville St. Friendly—71 TAVERNS E TAVERNS Jack’s—213 Hillsboro St. : Hollywcod—118 S. Mangum St. Bedford inn—20$ Moore 51 College Inn-~—l306 Fayetteville St. SERVICE STATIONS Jack' 3 Grill—706 Fayetteville St. Moore's—6H Ramsey SI SERVICE STATIONS G A R A GES Granite—Main 8: 9th St. Iefl'rie’¢—~—Rlount SI. Pine Street—1102 Pine St. TAILORS Williams—Cor. Pettigrew & Pine Sta. Gregory's—1219 Ft. Bragg Road Biltmore—402 E. Pettigrew St. Clay’s—406 1-2 Pettigrew St. GREENSBORO Speight's—Fayetteville and Pettigrew Sta. HOTELS iml Sultan’s Esso—400 Pine St. Plaza Manor—511 Martin Street Legion Club—82‘! E. Market St. DRUG STORES TOURIST HOMES Garrett’ a Biltmore—E. Pettigrew St. Daniels—912 E. Market St. Bull City—610 Fayetteville St. T. m. " Mrs. Lewis—829 E. Market St.

, TAILOR S I. W. Wooten—41 Street “W”M A Lindsay Royal—538 E. Pettegrew St. James B. Blown—447 Colea St. L Boykin—715 Fayetteville St. Savior—612 Pavetreville St. TAVERNS Paramount—907 E. Market St. Union—418 Dowd St. Scott 5? Roberts—702 Fayetteville St. TAILORS Shoflners—AQZZ E. Market St. ELIZABETH CITY TAXI CABS 3 TAVERNS MaoRae—l06 S. Macon St. Blue Duck Inn—404% Ehringhaus GREENVILLE STATIONS SERVICE RESTAURANTS Small’s—Cor. S. Rd. & Roanoke Ave. Paradise—3 l 4 Albermale Ave. Ave. ELIZABETHTOWN Bell’s—310 Albemarle 1'1] 5'“ ' BEAUTY PARLORS BEAUTY SIIOPS Liola’s Beauty Salon Spain—6H Atlantic Ave. 11W TAVERNS DRUG STORES Harrison's—9052 Dickerson St. '. Gill’s Grill

' Royal Cafe GOLDSBORO DRUG STORES TAILORS McKay & Neal Carrie—208 N. Center St. ENFIELD RESTAURANTS Street 3‘. RESTAURANTS Scott's—4 O4 Gully g: Royal—301 Highway St. SHAVING PARLORS Thornton’s Teenage—507 Alvin St. ‘1‘- FAYETTEVILLE {5 ~ HOTELS BEAUTY PARLORS NW Restful Inn—418 Gillespie St. Raynard’s—619 Devereaux Stq


TAVERNS HALLSBORO Inn—Cor. Davis & Bloodworth BEAUTY PARLORS Tip Toe Leigh’s~—-Route No. l BEAUTY SHOPS Sales-222 S. Tarboro St. HAMLET TAILORS CABINS Lewis—220 E. Cabarrus St. E. Hargett St. C. B. COVINGTON Arcade—122 Peerleey—Slé Fayetteville St. NO'RTH YARD Snakenburg—123 So. Salisbury St.


, Hall's SUMTER LEXINGTON TAVERNS SERVICE STATIONS Silver Moon—20 W. Liberty St. D. T. Taylor—Esso Service WHITEVILLE MT. OLIVE TOURIST HOMES RESTAURANTS Mn. F. Jeflriee—Mill St. Black Beauty Tea Room WILSON NEIV BERN HOTELS HOTELS Biltmorr—E. Waehington St. Rhone—4.2 Queen St. The Wilson Biltmore——S39 E. Nash TOURIST HOMES TAXI CABS St. H. C. Sparrow—08 West St. M. Jones—4209 E. Queen RALEIGH WINSTON SALEM HOTELS HOTELS Street Arcade—122 E. Hargett Street Belmont—601% No. Patterson ‘Y.M.C.A.——600 So. Bloodworth Street Y. M. C. A.—410 N. Church St. Lewis Hotel—200 Cabarrus Street TOURIST HOMES TOURIST HOMES Charles H. Jones—l6“ E. 14th St. St Mrs. Charles Higgs—ZIQ E. Lenoir Street Mrs. H. L. Christian—302 E. 9th Mrs. Pattie Higgs—313 N. Tarboro Street WELDON RESTAURANTS Uwens- ~125 it. Hargett St. HOTELS New York—108 E. Hargett St. Pope Ave. Stanton’s Cafe—319 South East St. Terminal Inn—Washington


‘ BARBER SHOPS HOTELgILMINGTON Goodwill’s—422 Robert St. Murphy—813 Castle St. Matthew’s—77 N. Howard St. Allen’s—43 N. Howard St. RESTAURANTS Johnson's—1007 Chestnut St. TAVERNS ’ Brook’s—42 N. Howard St. Oll' . . 31.: m‘i’fi, $913,852, Garden City—124 N. Howard St. NIGHT CLUBS 811323121341;5 121%};{39131'8 Cosmopolitan—33% N. Howard St. Lezora—609 Red Cross St. SERVICE STATIONS Germany’s—7U Red Cross St. Dunagan—834 Rhoades Ave. Lou's—820 Red Cross St. . Newkirk'u—IZW Castle St. ALLIANCE Pierce’s—615 Kedder St. TOURIST HOMES Apex—613 Red Cross St. Mrs. W. Jackson—774 N. Webb Ave. Dickson—HUI S. 7th St. Gertrude—415 S. 7th St. CADIZ Howard's—421 S. 13th St. RIST HOMES Vanity Box—HS S l3th St. T3357. James Pettress—RFD 2 La May—703 S. 15th St. ' Thelma's—ZO? s. 12:11 3:. CANTON Zan-Zibar——-403 Nixon St. HOTELS McCleese—9th 8: Red Cross Ste. Phillis Wheatly Asso.-—6lZ Market Ave. So. BARBER SHOPS DRUG STORES '

Market St. _ Johnson’s—6 Southsxde 503 Cherry Ave. S. E. Johnson's—903 Castle St. Brown’s—607 S. 7th St. CINCINNATI NIGHT CLUBS HOTELS Hat—Market St. Rd. High (4 miles out) __ Del Morocco—1405 Dawson St. ¥e,‘g;'n5;?i(gigoxm'nftgnm' TAVERNS Sterling—6th a Mound Sn.

William’s—8th 8: Dawson Sta. Cordella—élZ N. 6th St. . Blinker Cafe—605 Red Cross St. Manse—1004 Chapel St. Kozy Korner—lOth 8: Castle Sta. TOURIST HOMES SERVICE STATIONS O. Steele—3065 Kerper St. Brooklyn—4th & Taylor Sts. Ethel Buckner—SOS W. 8th St. RESTAURANTS Gfififil§§l§4 So. l3tth St. Miniature Grill—1132 Chapel St. Mom's—6th & John Sts. DRUG STORES - Perkins—430 West 5th St. Ideal—517 Red Cross St. a lioc-Fre—l634 Freeman St. Lane 34th 8‘ Blade“ St" Williams—1053 Freeman St. TAXI CABS Hide Away—524 West 5th Street Star-7Dnal.9259 Hill’s——64S Richmond St. Mach 8—Dlal 7645 Naomi's—667 Linn St. Ding—516 S. 7th St. Harry Bruce—404 W. 5th St. Tom 87418. MGR” St- Helen Johnson—622 Mound St. Crosby s—Dtal. 9246 Ida Miller—611 W. 6th St. Greyhound—Du! 2-1342 Felix savage—.Gcorge ana John St. TAILORS Wm. Taylor's—500 W. Court St. New Progressive—525 Red Cross St. CHINESE RESTAURANTS Tim Paar—$14 W. 6th St. eat


Badge61 or 00news-— mn 5. ree . 01110 Efficgiency—878 St. AKRON M'll's—2639 ParkBeeiherve. E.IN. Anderson—1533 Blair Ave. fed-rump HOTELS __ e“: Green Turtle—Federal & Howard gérrindgrzovnn_7%lg Cxilrfteéoitr" St. -o.‘ Garden & Furnace A City—Howard B eck's—l569V Central Ave. Mathews—77 N. Howard St. M’argarct Emmi—.924 Linn St. __.~., TOURIST HOMES Cleaver Mae’s———1018 John St. R. Wilson—370 Robert St. Rosebud-419 W. Court St. ”pew- ». PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK”

OHIO . I _/M RESTAURANTS CINCINNATI (cont.) Williams—Central 8: E. 49th St. [BEAUTY PARLORS Cassie's—2284 E. 55th St. W. loner—735 W. 7th St. Manhattan—9°03 Cedar Ave. Ludie's—444 Chestnut St. State—7817 Cedar Pattie Lounds—927 Linn St. BEAUTY PARLORS . Mrs. Mahan—SSI W. Liberty St. Cedar Ave. Peak—26M Park Ave. Alberta’s—8203 Margaret Wilkin's—l28l3 Kinsman Road Callie P. Smith—709 Mound St. Martha Williams—506 W. 5th St. BARBER SHOPS E. Wilkins—639 Richmond St. Bryant's—9808 Cedar Ave. Driskill—IZ43 E. IO‘th St. BARBER SHOPS 5th Ave.—-529 W. Sth Ave. TAVERNS Ave. Clifl'ord Brown—1213 Linn Street Brown Derby—40th & Woodland R. E. Crump—SOO W. 6th St. Cedar Gardens—9706 Cedar Ave. George Cannon~434 W. 5th St. Cale Society—966 E. lOSth St. Ave. C. Lewis Handy—BIO John St. Gold Bar—lMth St. & Mastic Ave. Rev. Wm. “amen—«703 Kenyon NIGHT CLUBS St. Charles HumnherymSZS W. 5th Douglas—~79” Cedar Ave. Flowers Slaughter—435 \N 5th St. BEAUTY CU'LTURE SCHOOLS TAVERNS Wilkins—2112 East 46th St. Travelers Inn—HIS Hopkins St. Cabin—608 John Street SERVICE STATIONS Log 79th St. Kat—417 W. 5th St. Kyer's—Cedar & Kitty 8 E. 105th St. Barr & Linn—760 Barr St. Amoco—Ashburv Shufile Inn—638 Baymiller St. DRUG STORES Wright’s—776 W. 5th St. Beniamin’s—E. 55th St. & Central Ben—723 W. 5th St. Silver Fleet—8m W. 8th St. TAILORS ‘I Cedar Ave. l: . W. 8th St. Grant's—9502 Felder’a—SIO n E. 105th St. TE t W. 7th St. Serv-well—l283 Hotel—542 a. STORES 1. DRUG T.«n 8: John Ste. COLUMBUS Sky Pharmacy—5th 0.1A Central Ave. >—. Board’s—937 HOTELS . T:(p Fallon's—6th & Mound Sts. HOTEL ST. CLAIR '4.r:n,- West End—709 W. Court St. 338 ST. CLAIR ST. & Park Ave. Mangrum—Chapel Ford—I79 N. 6th St. Dr. Russel—612 W. 9th St. Lexington—180 Lexington Ave. “an“. NIGHT CLUBS Norfolk—430 N. Monroe Ave. Cotton Club—6th & Mound Street Macon Hotel—366 N. 20th St. KW‘I'T Downbeat—Beecher & Gilbert St. Hamilton Ave. ES Charlton—439 ‘ Ave. ROAD HOUSES Hawkins—65 N. Monroe Shuffle Inn—7th & Carr St‘eeta Litchferd—N. 4th St. St . Fulton—403 E. Fulton

. TAILORS E. St. Linn St. Newford—4521/2 Long De Luxr—l 217 and High Streets 6th St. Deshler-Wallick—Broad Charles Bell—603 W. Street Fort Haves—~31 West Spring Walthal—732 W. 5th St. _;,.I...~.‘,... Garden Manor—91 Miami Ave. y: . SEP‘ ICE STATIONS Neil House——415 High Street S a W.-—9th & Mound Sta. St. Clair—~338 St. Clair Ave. Gilbert Ave. Coursey—2985 TOURIST HOMES 8: Mound St. 9th St.—-9th Hawkins—70 N. Monroe Ave. TAXI CABS Mae's—70 N. Monroe Ave. Calvin—9th & Mound St. Norfolk—430 N. Monroe Ave. Cooper—259 N. 17th St. CLEVELAND RESTAURANTS & Sandwich Shop—- HOTELS Cottage Restaurant Ward—4H3 Cedar Ave. 540 N. 20th St. Cedar Ave. R. & B.—318 Barthman Ave. Phyllis Wheatly—4300 St. Geraldine— 2212 E. 40th St. Southern Tea Room—618 Long Hosacks Street Y. M. C. A.—E. 76th & Cedar Bruce Latham—317 Maiearie—ZZQI E. Sfith St. Belmont—689 E. Long St. E. Long HOMES Turner's—452V: TOURIST Edward‘s—318 Barthman Ave. Mrs. Edith Wilkins-4121 E. 46th St. 56 IN PATRXONIZING THESE PLACES

COLUMBUS (con’t.) SERVICE STATIONS i ’7. Poorer‘e Shio—IZOO W. 5th St. RESTAURANTS ; LIMA fifi°""’1’zs‘l"AG%°da“eson— tc eson S"t. - than: _ 317 Haskack St. TOURIST BODIES Sol Downton—1124 W. St. TEVERNBS“ Spring . ., Edward Holt—406 E. Higph St. : f MickeyP42, Goodale St George Cook—230 S. Union St. G St 3. kizg‘ilnfiés‘fi0 — “1,.ongocsxlalet i A“ 8383233,5‘1“?“ TOURIST HOgIESIN E”??? Mrs. Alex Cooley—1 14 w. 26th St. .4. NEWS“ 3, Lofig 323° L“ Poinclana—758 3, Long 5;, Mrs. w. H. Redmond—20! E. 22nd St. . Stt. I? Village—1219 Mt. Vernon Ave. ‘ i‘ EvfithlrWt013—212959Wfi0 er oo —- roal6ctlhway 2 3,; My" H. P. Jackson—2383 Apple Ave. ~ Ngibflgogrggili Long St «If: INNS W 15315133433413“"r *- to 3“M A WOODS’ SOCIAL INN . “41100113 Club 169—Cleveland Ave. ; ‘ Re 1759 BROADWAY i.

. $1231a 31_;gzhgéxfing1' t t ‘37,:ernon 5 McCownI—St. Clair ('1’ Mt. Vernon R£S§fl§§§lgfi§dway ’3;

' Sn. BEAUTY PARLORS i . BEEN Mt. Vernon Ave. MANSFIELD ., ’s—947 ‘ Evelyn ' Long’s—Charlie Mae’ 5— HOTELS km'‘ Mt. Lincoln—7S7 N. Bowman St. i H9.?g5e ena ’s—3\ggrrgpnarsonsAveAve . } Vi5—281 N. 18th St. ' s: ' Vernon DfiaUg_ZSg%Rfi§ny i : hingeAl.veI_IBeautylS(l)190p—(J‘lp—88llllflt.Souse— 4 ranvr e t. Ehe MARIETTA ~ The Grace Glamour—1095 Bennett St. , HOMES Our Beauty Shop—1163 Atcheson [CMERISTo E. JaCkson—213 ChurCh St. JTheust CIEISSTCYSEQZSa ere eautyMStLVeI-réinsop— fiveZOth

‘ . N. Ave. Ola's—’434 Monroe RESTA¥IIR)A)NJ'1ESFOWN Lexmgt on Ave. 1: 5—172. Dew Drop Inn—1232 Garfield 1 n ELIIIaun}and s Classrc—920 E. Long St. 1. TAILORS 9‘ " BARBER SHOPS Tramell—1308 Garfield 5'“ St. ‘ Whgg1&a e Bennie-E626’s—614 ongLonsgt. Pierce’s—483 E. Long St. HOTEESBERLIN GARAGES Oberlin Inn—College a Main . Smith’s—492 Charles St. i W" |% AUTOMOTIVE SANDUSKY """ Brooks—466 S. Washington St. ket Street :j ‘ HI—IOuEiFLSO7 W Mar SERVICE STATIONS BARBER SHOPS ‘ ’ W. Water Street £2118ofighigfiEsmfgggoes‘ Monroe Peoples—218 —466 S. Ave. .1 Brooks' Washington 7 l .- 1 . .L CABS i . reen HOTEIS§RII~GFIELD TéXI ‘ Ave. . enter t. . DAYTON goseyM—(2309AS_I(“:ountaiIsI 3 Y. W C. A.—Clarke St. i ,. W HOTELS .39..- w. TOURIST HOMES M. c. A.—907 5th St. ;' TOURIST HOMES Mrs. M. E. Wilborn—ZZO Fair St. ‘5 S. Yellow St. re“. B Lawrence—206 Norwood St. H. Sydes—902 Spring ‘, RESTAURANTS . ”3%.? RESTAURANTS . i Posey—le S. Fountain Ave. 1 l 5th St. Y.W.C.A. TAVERNS BEAUTY PARLORS Palmer House—1107 Germantown Powder Pufi-—638 S. Wittenberg Ave. omo i f' PLEASE MENTION THE "GREEN BOOK" OKLAHOMA GARAGES i SPRINGFIELD (con’t.) € Underwood—S43 5th Ave. TEL. BARBER SHOPS NIGHT CLUBS Harris—39 W. Clark St. “8...;- 40 Club—399 E. Federal St. Center St. Griffith & Martin—127 S. West Side—477 W. Federal St. TAVERNS Liberty—201 S. Center St. S. Fountain Ave. Posey’s—le 40 Club—369 E. Federal NIGHT CLUBS West Side Social—552 W. Federal K. P. Imp. Club——S. Yellow Spring A. A. Social—703 W. Rayen Ave. SERVICE STATIONS S. Yellow Spring St. ZANESVILLE l: ngfiezvaoldg-EUOS Pleasant St. EM Green’s—1371 W. nggfig‘ W Main St ' l Ben’s—935 Sherman Ave. 3‘1 RESTAURANTS Little Harlem—Lee St. TOLEDO TOURIST HOMES HOTELS L. E. Coston—154S N. Main St. Pleasant—15 N. Erie Ave. BARBER SHOPS TOURIST HOlflES Nap Love—Second St. COO‘K’S TOURIST HOME 1736-38 WASHINGTON ST. i: G. Davis—532 Woodland Ave. OKLAHOMA Mrs. J. Jennings—729 Indiana Ave. 3 BOLEY .‘," J. F. Watson—399 Pinewood Ave. M‘- P. Inhnson—llOZ Blvd. , 2; Collingwood HOTELS8—500“! Mill St- Coo?s——1736 Washington Street Berry DEE ; “a“; W BARBER SHOPS CHICKASHA 2‘ Chileu—Indiana 8r Colliugwood TOURIST HOMES Shepard St. 9* TAVERNS Boyd’s—1022 REST . Indiana—529 Indiana. Ave. ENID 3mg Tecunmk St. Midway—764 TOURIST HOMES TAXIIC SERVICE STATIONS Mrs Eliza Bat —520 E State 5: Hi: Darling’s—858 Pinewwd A". Mrs: Johnson—Z217 E. Market St: Hobb 5‘714 Palmwood Edward’r—ZZZ E. Park St. YOUNGSTOWN GUTHRIE HQTEK TOURIST HOMES 0M; HOTELS ””63! Y. M. c. A.—962 w. Federal St. James—1002 E. Springer Ave. Mrs. M. A. Smith—317 E. Second St. TOUR}

_ if}." ona .- efive.lera 1:21:81:1:-—k31‘§3441.2infiolriz MUSKOGEE Royal Palmb-625 Hemrod Gold Inn—851 W. Federal HOTELS Mohoning—34ll Nelson Ave. Bozeman N. 2nd St. HOW HOMES People’r-316 TOURIST Elliots—lllyz 80. 2nd St. Lifiz‘f Belmont—327 Belmont Ave. RESTAURANTS RESTAURANTS People’s—316 N. 2nd St. “Y”—962 Federal St. BARBER SHOPS Central—137 S. Center Central—228 N.Second St. Bagneb—316 Covington Robbins—114 Court St. BEAUTY PARLORS BARBER SHOPS Lenora’s—228 N. 2nd St. W. Ave. Harris—701 Rayen SERVICE STATIONS BEAUTY Smith’s—325 N. 2nd St. Renee’s—321 . Federal St. . PI§RLORS W‘ Ave. Sta. A Francine—427 Chicago AISIggLTigTéZPean 8’ Denison i TAVERNS GARAGES Sponteno—377 E. Federal Middleton’s—420 N. Second St. State—130 E. Broadman Nelson’s—940 S. 20th St. London’s—209 Denison REAL .. TAILORS H. V. Walker—371 E. Federal TAILORS E35; {i N. 2nd St. “ STATIONS Williams—321 BARE SERVICE S. 2nd St. Hall’s—Bayen & W. Federal St. Bull's—208 58 IN PATRONIZIN‘G THESE PLACES onsegliiEAgignwi:

OKLAHOMA CITY TAILORS Lawson—1120 Greenwood Ave. HOTELS Carver'3—125 N. Greenwood Ave. Canton—200 N. E. 2nd Street Little Page—219 N. Central SERVICE STATIONS Hall—408% N. Central Mince-2nd 8: Eigin Sta. TOURIST HOMES GARAGES COrtland Rms.——629 N. E. 4th Pine Street—906 E. Pine St. Scrugg's-—420 N. Laird St. AUTOMOBILES Tucker’s—315% N. E. 2nd St. Meharry Drugs—101 Greenwood St. Mrs. Lessie Bennett—500 N. E. 4th St. RESTAURANTS Eastside Food Shop—904 N. E. 2nd St. OREGON BEAUTY PARLORS PORTLAND Lyons—316 North Central HOTELS N. B. Ellis—-—510 N. E. 5th Street Medley—2272 N. Interstate Ave. BARBER SHOPS Y. W. C. A.—N. E. Williams Ave. & Till. Golden Oak—300 Block N. E. 2nd RESTAURANTS Clover Leaf—300 Block N. E. 2nd St. Barno’3—84 N. E. Broadway TAVERNS BEAUTY PARLORS IrKing’ 3—905 N. E. 4th St. Bakers—653$ N. Grand Ave. SERVICE STATIONS Redmond—2862 S.EE Ankeny Richardson’ s-——400 N. E. 2nd St. Mott Sisters—2107 Vancouver Ave. Mathues—IOZS N. E. 4th St. BARBER SHOPS DRUG STORES Holliday’a—Sll N. W. 6th Ave. Randolph-3H N. E. 2nd St. NIGHT CLUBS Oregon Frat.—l412 N. Wma. OKMULGEE ROAD HOUSES RESTAURANTS Spicers—l734 N. Williams Ave. Simmons—407 E. 5th St. TAXI CABS TAXI CABS Broadway DeLuxe Cab—Br. 1'2'34 H. 8: H.—-—421 E. Sth St.

SHAWNEE PENNSYLVANIA HOTELS ALLENTOWN Olison—SOl S. Bell St. RESTAURANTS Slugg’a—410 So. Bell St. Southern—+372 Union St. TOURIST HOMES ALTOONA M. Gross—602 S. Bell St. TOURIST HOMES C. Bell—1420 Wuh. Ave. TULSA Mrs. E. Jackson—2138-18th St. HOTELS Mrs. H. Shorter—ZGZO-Sth St. Lafayette—604 E. Archer St. COATESVILLE N. Greenwood Ave. McHunt-llZl » HOTELS V W. C A,-—-62l E. Oklahoma Pl. <;»- Small—615 E. Archer Subway Del Rio—607%N Greenwood BEDFORD SPRINGS Miller—124 N. St. Hartford HOTELS TOURIST HOMES Harris Hotel—Penn Er" West Sta. H. Smith—124V; N. Greenwood C”.U. Netherland—S42 N. Elgin St. CHESTER —_A=---e.' RESTAURANTS HOTELS r Chicken Shack—316 N. Elgin Harlem—1909 W. 3rd St. Market Street l. Art’ s Chili Parlor—l 10 N.g Greenwood Moonglow225 l.

53“ — {. In The Upstairs Dining Rm. BEAUTY PARLORS ‘,. Rosella—413 Concord Ave. 3. 1191/13: N. Greenwood l Alex. Davis—123 Reaney St. t! BEAUTY PARLORS BARBER SHOPS ivl Eula’s—ZOS N. Greenwood Bouldin—l710 W. 3rd St. .1 L, BARBER SHOPS TAVERNS I Swindall’s—203 N. Greenwood Wright’s—3rd St. & Central Ave. l PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK" PENNSYLVANIA

CRES CO Y. M. C. A.—l724 Christian St. Y. W. C. A.——1605 Catherine St. TOURIST HOME SER . W. A.—-6|28 Germantown Ave. . Y. C. Mrs. Daniel L. Taylor 12:: Horseshoe—12th & Lombard DARBY 4.?» New Phain—2059 Fitzvvater Bow Reve—Cor. 9th a Ave. :M TAVERNS La Columbia Golden Star—10th & Forrester Ridge—1610 Ridge Ave. 1:9: PIttfi-lSOl Poplar St. 4.. ERIE Carlyle-4425 W. Poplar St. v 4., HOTELS Doria—2219 N. 13th St. azz..:_::.»._,; Pope—1318 French Street LoRetta—HZS W. Damond St. GETTYBURG RESTAURANTS LVNU Marion’s—20th & Bainbridge Sts. K TOURIST HOMES Trott Inn—5030 Haverford Ave. Mrs. J. Forsett—Zlo W. High Mattie’s—4225 Pennagrove St. GERMANTOWN PHIL Ruth’r—1848 N. 17th St. HOTELS BEAUTY PARLORS Y. M. C. A.—l32 W. Rittenhouse Ellie’s—5502 W. Girard Ave. TAVERNS A. Henson—1318 Fairmont Ave. Terrace Grill—~75 E. Sharpnack St. LaSalle—2036 Ridge St. Lady Rosa—718 S. 18th St. HARRISBURG Reynolds—1612 N. 13th St. HOTELS Rose’s—16th & South St. Jackson—1004 N. 6th St. F. Franklin—2115 W. York St. Jack’s—1208 N. 6th St. Motom's—816 So. 15th Street TOURIST HOLES Reornond’e—4823 Fairmount Ave. B. Tacks—1702 Diamond St. Mrs. W. D. Jones—1531 No. 6th Street A. Mrs. H. Carter—606 Foster St. SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE Ave. BARBER SHOPS Carter’s School—1811 W. Columbia Jack's—1002 N. 6th St. BARBER SHOPS SERVICE STATIONS S. Jones—1423 Ridge Ave. Broad Street—1500 Paxton Street TAVERNS Inn—18th & Federal St. LANCASTER Wander Butler’s Tavern—17th & Carpenter BEAUTY PARLORS Campbell’s—18th 8: South St. E. Clark—505 S. Duke St. Loyal—16th & South Sts. J. Carter—143 S. Duke St. Irene’s—2329 Ridge Ave. A. LL. Polite—S40 North St. Lyons—12th at South St. Blue Moon—1702 Federal St. NEW CASTLE Butler’s—2066 Ridge Ave. HOTELS Cotton Grove—1329 South St. Y. W. C. A.—l40 Elm St. Wayside Inn—13th 8: Oxford St. Loyal—16th & South Sts. OIL CITY Fred’s—1320 South St. TOURIST HOMES Preston’s—4043 Market St. Mrs. Jackson—258 Bissel Ave. Casbah—39th & Fairmount St. Last Word—Haveriford & Slat St. PHILADELPHIA Cathrine’s—USO South St. HOTELS Postal Card—1504 South St. Bellevue—Stratford. Broad and Walnut Emerson’s—15th & Bainbridge St. Benjamin Franklin—9th and Chestnut Sts. Item's—2200 Ridge Ave. Essex House——13th and Fillbert Sts. Brass Rail—2302 W. Columbia Ave. Chesterfield—Broad 8’ Oxford Sts. Club 421—560l Wyalusing Ave. Baltimore—1438 Lombard Street NIGHT CLUBS Attucks—801 S. 15th Street Cotton Club—2106 Ave. S. 16th St. Ridge Elizabeth—756 W. Columbia Ave. Lombard Cafe Society—1306 Wooden—1414 8: N. 40 St. Paradise—Ridge Jefferson Gilchriest—Sl‘? S. 20th St. So. 15th St. Progressive—1415 The Grand—420 Zanzibar—1833 W. Columbia Ave. 8r Lombard Sta. Douglas—Broad Cotton Bowl—Master St. 8: 13th St. Elna—805 N. 13th St. LaSalle—2026 Ridge Ave. GARAGES Motor Servicwéflé N. 8th St. New Roadside—5 14 S. 15th St. Bond Paradise—1627 Fitnater St. Booker Bros.—1245 So. let Street


PHILADELPHIA (cont.) , YORK SER V] C E STATIONS TOURIST HOMES Witcher—1856 No. Judson Street Mrs. I. Grayson—SZ W. Princess St. DRUG- STORES Bound’s—S9th & Race St. RHODE ISLAND PITTSBURGH NEWPORT HOTELS TOURIST HOMES Ave‘—l$38 Wylie Ave. Mrs. F. Jackson—48 Hall Ave. Bailey’s—l 53 3 Center Ave. Mrs. L. Jacgson—SS Bath Road Colonial—Wylie & Fulton St. palace—l ‘45 Wvlle Ave. PROVIDENCE Ellis—5 Reed Street HOTELS TOURIST HOMES Biltmore AGNES TAYLOR 2612 Center Ave. TAVERNS Birdie’s Guest House—1522 Center Ave. Dixieland—1049 Westmin'ter St. B. Williams—1537 Howard St. BEAUTY PARLORS Mn. William—SS 18 Claybourne St. B. Boyd’s—43 Camp St. *RESTAURANTS Geraldine’s—ZOS Thurbue Ave. Scotty’s—2414 Center Ave. Darling's-492 Culver St. Vee’s Room—2403 Centre Ave. Dining SOUTH CAROLINA READING ANDERSON TOURIST HOMES RESTAURANTS C. Dawson—441 Buttonwood St. Ess-Tee—llZ E. Church St. SCRANTON TOURIST HONIES Mrs. Sallie Galloway—420 Butler St. TOURIST HOMES Elvira R. King—1312 Linden St. AIKEN Mrs. J. Taylor—141$ Penn. Ave. TOURIST HOMES Holland—1118 Richland Ave. SELLERSVILLE C. F. TOURIST HOMES ATLANTIC BEACH Mrs. Dorothy Scholls—Forest Road HOTELS SHARON HILL Theretha TAVERNS BEAUFORD Dixie Cafe—Hook Rd.—Howard St. SERVICE STATIONS WASHINGTON Peoples—D. Brofn, Prop. TOURIST HOMES CHARLESTON Richardson—140 E. Chestnut St. TOURIST HOMES RESTAURANTS Mrs. Gladsen—lS Nassau St. W. Allen—N. Lincoln St. Mrs. Maya—82% Spring St. M. Thomas—N. Lincoln St. BARBER SHOPS COLA Yancey’e—E. Spruce St. BEAUTY PARLORS NIGHT CLUBS Workman’r—l825 Taylor St. Thomas Grill—N. Lincoln St. COLUMBIA WAYNE HOTELS Y W C A.—l429 Park St. NIGHT CLUBS lelon—'—9 1-8 Senate St. Plantation—Gulf Rd. & Henry Av. TOURIST HOMES WILLIAMSPORT Mrs. Irene B. Evans—1106 Pine Street TOURIST HOMES College Inn—1609 Harden St. Mrs. Edward Randall___7l9 Matle St. Mrs. S. H. Smith—929 Pine St. Mrs. H. Cornwel—l713 Wayne WILKES BARRE Mrs. W. D. Chappellr—l30l Pine St. HOTELS Beachum—ZZIZ Gervais St. Shaw—15 So. State St. Mrs. J. P. Wakefield—828 Oak St. ’ CARI PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK” OUTH

SOUTH CAROLINA _.____.... ,

COLUMBIA (con’t.) TOURIST HOBIES RESTAURANTS EBONY GUEST HOUSE Dam S. C. Green Leaf—1117 Wash. St. 712 N. WILSON ST. Florence, Savoy—Old Winnsboro Rd. Coming to Florence Inn—1509 Harden St. Cozy Stop Here for Modern Conveniences Mom’3—1005 Washington St. Brown’s—lOl4 Lady St. Attractive Rates Blue Palace——1001 yWashington St. Write or Wire Mrs. Mary Holmes Waverly—2515 Gervais St. Phone 8763 BEAUTY PARLORS Washington St. RESTAUIxANTS Amy’s—112556 St. Obbie’s—lll9% Washington St. Ace's (ville-l H h (heave Wright’ s——110 S. Griffin Street BARBER SHOPS Holman’s—Zl38 Gervais St. GEORGETOWN BEAUTY SCHOOLS TOURIST HOMES Pom—248] Millwood Ave. Mrs. R. Anderson—424 Broao 'Madare Bradley—2228 Hampton St. Mrs. D. Atkinson—811 Duke Orange TAVERNS Jas.Becote—118 T. W. Brown—Merriman 8r Emanuel Moon Glow—1005 Washington St. Mrs. A. .Smith—317 Emanuel STATIONS SPRVICEW. Simkins-l33l Park St GREENVILLE Caldwell’s—Oak 81 Taylor Sts HOTELS Waverl y—ZZOZ Tavlor St. Liberty—l 8 Snring St. Leevy’e—183l Taylor St. TOURIST HOMES DRUG STORES Count’s——HOS Washington St. DR. GIBBS TOURIST STOP TAXI CABS 914 ANDERSON RD. Blue Ribbon—1024 Washington St. Miss M. J. Grimes-2l0 Mean St. Mrs. W. H. Smith—ZIZ John St. CHERAW RESTAURANTS HOMES Fowlers—-—16 Spring St. TOURISTMrs. M B. Robinson—2H Church St. Mrs. Maggie Green—Church St BEAUTY PARLORS Liveoak—328 2nd Street Broadway—ll Spring St. RESTAURANTS BARBER SHOPS COLLEGE INN Broadway—8 Spring St. GARAGES 324 SECOND STREET _ Serv1ce— Gate Grill—2nd St. \Vhittenburg’s Watson—2nd St. 600 Anderson St. TAVERNS PHARMACY College Inn—2nd St. DR. GIBBS PHARMACY ROAD HOUSES STREET Hill Tor-Society Hill Road 101E “BROAD BARBER SHOPS Imperial—276 . 2nd Street MULLIN S BEAUTY SHOPS TOURIST HONIES St. Bell’s—Huger St. E. Calhoun’ 5—535 N. Smith SERVICE STATIONS BARBER SHOPS Motor Inn—2nd Street Noham Ham—Front St. CROSS HILL NIGHT CLUBS Calhoun Nite Club——535 Smith St. RESTAURANTS ROAD ITOUSES Willie Miller Kate Odnm~—76 H’way FLORENCE SERVICE STATIONS Ed. Owins’——From St. TOURIST HOMES RICHMOND REST MYRTLE BEACH ..,.g 108 So. GRIFFIN STREET MOTOR COURT John McDonald, 501 So. Irby St. Fitzg e1 ald’ s Carver St. A. Mrs. B. Wright—+1004 E. Chceve St. Charles Place 62 SOUTH DAKATO IN PATRONIZING THESE PLACES OUTH CAROLINA TENNESSEE

ORANGEBURG SIOUX FALLS DRUG STORES TOURIST HOMES Danzler—lZl W. Russell St. Mrs. J. Monday—915 N. Main Chamber of Como erce—l3l S. Phillips Ave SPARTANB URG TOURIST HOMES Mrs. O. Jones—255 N. Dean St. TENNESSEE Mrs. L. Johnson—307 N. Dean RESTAURANTS BRISTOL Mrs. M. Davis—S. Wofford TOURIST HOMES BEAUTY PARLORS Mrs. A. D. Henderson—301 McDowell St. Clowney’ s—44S S. Liberty St. SHOPS CHATTANOOGA BfiARBERR. Brownin3—122 Short Wofford HOTELS TAVERN S Y. M. C. A.-—793 E. 9th St. Victory—Union Highway Lincoln—llOl Carter St. NIGHT CLUBS Martin—204 E. 9th St. Club Paradise—491 S. Liberty Pennies—l l04 Carter St. SERVICE STATIONS Dallas—209 931 Ave. Collins—398 S. Liberty St. Harris—1101A; Carter Street South Sidr—S. St. Liberty TOURIST HOMES TAXI CABS Mrs. Baker—843 E. 8th St. Collin’s—389 S. St. J. Liberty Y. W. C. A.~—839 E. 8th St. ROCK HILL I. Carter—1022 E. 8th St. BEAUTY SCHOOLS RESTAURANTS Jefferson’s—168 W. Black St. Thomas Chicken Shack—235 E. 9th St. La Grand—205 E. 9th St. SUMTER Manhattan—324 E. 9th St. TOURIST HOBIES Brown Derby—331 E. 9th St. Edmonia Shaw—206 Manning Ave. TAVERNS Mrs. Julia E. Byrd—504 N. Main C. H. Bracey—ZIO W. Oakland Gamble’s—108 West Main Street Johnnie Williams—Hiway ISA Brown Derby—331 E. 9th St. TAVERNS Dandy’s—llOl W. 12th St. Steve Bradford—N. Main St. Mrs. Annie Ruth Conley—205 11.. 9th St. SERVICE STATIONS LIQUOR STORES l‘lsso Gas Station Pat's—520 East 9th Street Mutual—208 Bartleete Street Walter Johnson--213 E. 9th St. DRUG STORES Cap’s—237 E. 9th St. Peoples—5 W. Liberty St. Watt’s—320 E. 9th St. WALTERBORO SERVICE STATIONS TOURIST HOMES Jackson’s—618 E. 9th St. Mrs. Rebecca Mame—14 Savage Street Mann Bros—«528 E. 9th St. RESTAURANTS DRUG STORES Keynote-Gruber Street Rowland—330 E. 9th St. Moore E? King—836 Market St.

- GARAGES SOUTH DAKOTA Volunteer—E. 9th St. & Lindsay ABERDE EN TAXI . CABS Simms—915 University Ave. HOTELS Alonzo WI d—S. IIain St. CLARKSVILLE RESTAURANTS HOMES Virginia— 303 S. Main St. TOURIST BEAUTY PARLORS Mrs. H. Northingron—N? Main St. Kate Pmmn Sr, Mahmud—321 S. Main St. Mrs. Stewart—500 (Blk, BARBER SHOPS RESTAURANTS Olson—103% S. Main St. Foston’s, 853 College Street SERVICE STATIONS. BARBER SHOPS Swanson—H’way l2 & Main Sts. Wilson's—900 Franklin St. (Blk). GARAGES Spaulding—S. Lincoln St. BEAUTY PARLORS Wallace—S. Lincrln St. Johnson’s—10th St.




Y . W. C. A.--329 St. Mitchel Temperance TAVERNS Hartford—219 E. Vine St. Hammond Cafe—620 Plum 5x TOURIST HOMES Rollins—302 E. Vine St. AMARILLO Anderson’s—501 E. Church St. HOTELS Watley—llZ Van Buren St. LEXINGTON Tennessee—206 Van Buren St. TOURIST HOMES RESTAURANTS C. Timberlakr—Holly St. Tom’s Place—322 W. Third St. New Harlem—114 Harrison St. MEMPHIS BARBER SHOPS HOTELS Foster’s—204 Harrison St. 507 Linden St. Marguette Hotel, BEAUTY PARLORS Travelers—347 Vance Unique—312 W. Third St. Mitchellsw—l60 Hernando St. HOUSES Larraine—Mulberry At Huling ROAD Man’s Club—202 Harrison Eosary—l8l Beale Ave. Working HOMES TAVERNS TOURIST Williams—HS Van Buren St. Mrs. E. M. Wright—896 Polk Ave. Carter Bros.—323 W. Third St. RESTAURANTS J; TAILORS 'i Scott’s—368 Vance Ave. H Mitchell’s—314 W. Second St. gii Davidson’s-~345 S. 4th St. ‘E A Bessie’s—-338 Vance Ave. RECREATION CLUBS h Moon—107 Harrison St. as: NIGHT CLUBS Blue 4 Harrison St. $733.; Tony’s Place—1404 Lyceum Rd. Watley—ZOZ BEAUTY PARLORS DRUG STORES 8: M.——204A Harrison St. ZELEZ'JAT. Chiles’—-l4l Beale Ave. G. _. W. Third St. ,. Knighton—422 ; BEAUTY SCHOOLS Corner-118 Harrison St. Burchittn‘ -—~20l Hernando St. 741:3}; Florida Ave. - Superiore-lSSO ATLANTA *~ Johnson" ~316 S. 4th St. TOURIST HONIES DRUG STORES Mrs. Lizzie Simon—308 N. Howe St. 'm._,_;m~ So. Memphis—907 Florida Ave. *1ij_ Pantaz¢-—Main 8r Beale AUSTIN ;.

. IST HOMES maven...” MURFREESBORO T3121} W. Frazier—810 E. 13th St. ..aka-W St. TOURIST HOBIES Mrs: J. W. Duncan—1214 E. 7th Mrs. I“. E. Howland—439 E. State Mrs. W. M. Tears—1203 E. 12th St. R. Moore—University & State St. Porter’s—1315 E. 12th St. NASHVILLE BEAUMONT HOTELS HOTELS Street Carver—1122 Charlotte Ave. Whitney—2997 Pine Neches Street Y. M. C. A.—--4th & Charlotte Aves. Hotel Theresa—875 Carver Courts-White’s Creek Pike TOURIST HOMES Y. W. C. A.-—-436 5th Ave. N. Mrs. B. Rivers—730 Forsythe St. St.. North Brown’s—1610 Jefl'ersrm R STAURANTS Bryant House—500 8th Ave. So. Eon: Bar-B-Q—S 39 Forsythe St. BEAUTY PARLORS of Sheba—1503 14th Ave. N. CORPUS CHRISTIE Queen .2.“ Myrtles—2423 Eden St. TOURIST HOMES BEAUTY SCHOOLS Horace Crecy’s—l710 Lexington Ave. Bowman’s—409 4th Ave., N. RESTAURANTS RESTAURANTS Avalon—1510 Ramirez Dew Drop Inn—2514 Booker St. Skylark—1216 N. Staples Martha’s—309 Cedar St. Blue Willow—806 Winnebago Peacock Inn—Jefierson and l8th Ave. Square Deal—810 Winnebago St. BARBER SHOPS Royal—1222 N. Staples N. St. ‘Y’——34 4th Ave. N. Fortuna—l307 Staples


CORPUS CHRISTIE (con’t.) FORT WORTH BEAUTY PARLORS HOTELS Mitchell’s—1519 Ramirez St. Del Rey—901 Jones St. Bessie’s—1526V2 Sam Rankin Jim—41345 E. Fifth St. BARBER SHOPS TOURIST HOMES Stan’s—1303 N. Alameda St. Evan’s—lZl3 E. Terrell St. NIGHT CLUBS RESTAURANTS Alabam—1503 Ramirez ..M C. A.—-1604 Jones St. Elite—1216 N. Staples St. Green Leaf—315 E. 9th St. LIQUOR STORES BEAUTY PARLORS Savoy—IZZO N. Staples St. Dickerson’s—lOlS E. Rosedale GARAGES SERVICE STATIONS Crecy’s—l 502 Ramirez South Side—1151 New York St. CORSICANA TOURIST HOMES GALVESTON HOTELS Mrs. R. Lee—712 E. 4th St. 1 Oleander—421% 25th St. BARBER SHOPS Gus Allen—2710 Ave. F. Mrs. Dellum—ll7 E. 5th Ave. TOURIST HOMES MISS G. H. Freeman—1414 . 29th St. . DALLAS Mrs. J. Pope—2824 Ave. M

HOTELS _ Howard—3118 San Jacmto TAVERNS Lewis—302V: N. Lenual St. Gulf View—28th 8r Blvd. Houston Powell—3115 State St. NIGHT CLUBS Y. M. C. A.——Z700 Flora St. Manhattan—2802 Ave. RV; Y. W. C. A.—-3SZS State St. BARBER SHOPS Hall's—182554 Hall St. Imeprial—1814-O 1/2 RESTAURANTS GARAGES SHALIMAR GRILL Sunset—3928 Ave. H. 2219 HALL STREET Beaumont Barbeque—-—1815 'N. Field St. HENDERSON Davis—6806 Lemmon Ave. RESTAURANTS Palerafeh—ZZB Halls St. Chat & Chew—615 N. Mill St. BEAUTY PARLORS BARBER SHOPS S. Brown’s—1721 Hall St. N. Mill St. BARBER SHOPS Mucklerogs—617 Washington ’3—3203 Thomas Ave. SERVICE STATIONS DRUGg STORES Johnson”s—Kilgore & Tyler Hiway Smith’s—2221 Hall St. GARAGES Holman’s—Kilgore & Tyler Hiway EL PASO

HOTELS . HITCHCOCK GEM HOTEL RESTAURANTS 505 SO. OREGON ST. El Paso, Texas Rose Bud—Hiway 6 When in El Paso, Stop at the Gem Hotel BARBER SHOPS 6 Friendly Service—Clean Rooms Fairwood—Hiway BEAUTY PARLORS One Block off Highway 80 Mae"s—Hiway 6 Mr. 8: Mrs. Law1ence Stieet,P1/op. SERVICE STATIONS Brown’ s—Hiway 6 Phillips Manor—704 So. St. Vrain St. Murray Theater—218 8. Mesa Ave. Daniel yl‘loteF-«ll'a‘ 8. Oregon St. HOUSTON

HOTELS , TOURIST HOMES A. Winston—3205 Almeda St. CRYSTAL Mrs. S. W. Stull—Sll Tornillo 3308 LYONS AVE. C. Williams—1507 Wyoming St. Y. M. C. A.—lZl7 Bagby St. E. Phillips—704 S. St. Vrain St. Cooper’s—1011 Dart St. DRUG STORES Ajapa—24 12 Dowling Street Donnel—3201 Nanzana St. New Day—1912 Dowling “



HOUSTON (con’t.) BEAUTY PARLORS School 8: Parlor—222 W. Dallas MOTEL RESTAURANTS ______.___.__—————— Lou Lillie‘s—ZIOSV; Jensen Dr. Ll (A DINING ROOM Hick’s——-803 Cleveland ROW “Ltwfznéhi‘ieng AJAPO HOTEL Franklin—2014 St. Dowling 2412 DOWLING ST. Houston, Texas TOUle Its Santhem Fried Rev. Ba

Distinguished for NIGHT CLUBS ‘ Food Chicken, Hospitality and Excellent CLUB MATINEE TAYERI Creole Cooks Singleton 3224 LYONS AVE. Mrs. R. Ajapo, Mgr. BARBE Maggie Shaw, Asst. Mgr. Bronze Peacock—4104 Lyons St. Craven- Phone Bi. 5491 - Ja. 2879 El Dorado—2310 Elgin Casino Club—2004 Jensen Dr. Eva’s—16 l 7 Dowling St. CHINESE RESTAURANTS SERVICE STATIONS HOTEl Ave. Carlton Oriental—2751 Lyons Ave. Crystal White—3222 Lyons Lam’s—4312 Lyons Ave. RESTA TAVERNS Mrs. ll BLACK CAT TAVERN GARAGES BEAU ST. Houston, Texas 1808 DOWLING Jessie C. Jones, 1902 Dowling St. Mn. B. Good to Eat West Dallas For Everything Whiteside—ll7 BlRBl K. C. Beef Mr. C. TAXI CABS - CHICKEN - SEAFOOD SALADS TAYER P. H. Bl. 4013 Free Delivery CRYSTAL CABS R Hou Wilber B. Woodrufi, Prop. 3222 LYONS AVE. Welcome Cale—Z409 Pease Ave. NlJGHTme} Savoy Inn—3321 Winbern DRUG STORES ROAD 3 Potomic—2721 Holman Street Rolston—3318 Lyons Ave. Ra ‘ la: BARBER SHOPS Langford’s—3026 Pierce St. -—-Harris——SO8 Lomsxana St. Lion’s—618 Prarie 8: Louisiana SERVD Joe Bro sex-{:1 Grovey’s—2303 Dowling St. Eureka—2322 Dowling St. :‘ Beau Emanuel—1512 Benson Forest Homes—3033 Holman St. i Gum lav. ,4fii"? T. ;:%‘"< HOTEI A... A J A P O H O T E L“ Watson’ iwrx. T” ’mf‘im‘ 2412 DOWLING ST. .17.” ’A..-‘ Houston’s Finest Hotel A

. “:31 All Outside Rooms .5... LL .u»:.... .~.. Private and Semi-Private Baths ‘.M —;_»=;;.:..:.~‘ Telephone In Each Room -— Room Service a“ near Business and Centers, Theaters . Located Shopping ,4;— coast to coast . route to all from a) On leading highways

For Reservations Wire or Phone Phone BL. 5492 and BL. 5491 ‘

The Finest Hotel In The South For Tourists


MARSHALL TOUIiIST HOMES N. MOTELS Mundy—129 Mesquite St. LA CASA MOTEL RESTAURANTS Cactus—524 E. Commerce St. ROUTE 5, BOX 32 Mamie’s—1833 E. Houston St. TOURIST HONEES. Silver Slipper—5'06 S. Gevers Rev. Bailey—1103 W. Grand Ave. ‘ BEAUTY SHOPS TAVERNS Singleton—W. Grand Ave. Vessie’s—125 Canton St. Optimistic—105 Anderson St. BARBER SHOPS Jones—209 N. Swiss St. Craver’s—So. Carter St. Band Box—135 N. Mesquite St. MEXIA IVIitts—lls N. Swiss St. Arritha’3—113 Alabama St. HOTELS R. 8’ B.-—126 N. Mesquite St. Carleton—1 W. Commerce St. Briscoe’ 3—518 S. Pine St_. RESTA,URANTS Three Point—716 V2grinia Blvd. Mrs. NI. Carroll—109 N. Belknap St. ggie Jones—413 Centre St. BEAUTY PARLORS Briscoe’ 5—518 S. Pine Mrs. B. Smith—N. Denton BARBER SHOPS BARBER SHOPS Polk—1403 No. Zarzamora St. Mr. C. Carter—N. Belknap Alamo—5'03 E. Commerce TAVERNS NIGHT CLUBS R. Houston—N. Belknap Wood Lake Country Club—New Sulphur NIGHT CLUBS Spring Road ‘ Payne’s—West Side Eldorado—l9l8 Wyoming St. ' ROAD HOUSES DRY CLEANING Jim Ransom—N. Carthage L. Balm—1843 E. Commerce St. Dependable—ZOi Losoya SERVICE STATIONS Esquire—2 12 Joe Brooks—107 Belknap Broadway N. SERVICE STATIONS . GARAGES Eason’s—l605 E. Houston Rev. T. Sparks—N. Belknap GARAGES MIDLAND Eason‘s—l606 E. Houston St. HOTELS DRUG STORES Watson’s Hotel W. H. Leonard—701 S. Pine St. RESTAURANTS TYLER King Sandwich—Moody Addition TOURIST HOMES TAXI CABS Mrs. Thomas—516 N. Border St. Johnnie’s—Moody Addition W. Langston—1010 N. Border PARIS TEXARKANA HOTELS MOTELS ‘ Brown Rigg—322 N. E. 2nd Street Sunset—1508 North St. TOURIST HOMES RESTAURANTS Mrs. I. Scott—405 N. E. 2nd Street Casino—504 West 3rd St. TAVERNS PORT ARTHUR Dutahess Tea Room—1115 Capp St. RESTAURANTS GARAGES Shadowland—632 W. 7th St. Carl Hill’s—936 W. 20th Street Tick Tock—536 W. 7th St. BARBER SHOPS WACO Manhattan—440 W. 7th St. HOTELS LIQUOR STORES View—1129 Elm Ave. Messina’s—2147 Woodrow Dr. College Coleman’s—73‘ Texas Ave. TOURIST HOMES B. Ashford—902 N. 8th St. SAN ANTONIO BEAUTY PARLORS HOTELS Cendivilla—107Vz N. Second St. Manhattan—735 E. Commerce Cinderella—1133 Earle St. Nolan—525 Nolan Street Ideal—1029 Taylor St. Ross—126 N. Mesquite St. Earle St.—1113y Earle St. VERMONI TEXAS PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK" ViRGlNl ‘ UTAH VIRGINIA WACO (con’t.) Hams BEAUTY PARLORS ALEXANDRIA lltGlllt‘ Maylarr—HZ Bridge St. TOURIST HOMES Rappaha: Modern—1406 Taylor St. J. T. Holmes—803 Gibbon St. Hinds-4125 Earle St. J. A. Barrett—724 Gibbon St. Murphy’s—115 So. 2nd St. Taylcr‘s- Odessa'e—920 Dawson St. BEDFORD RESTAURANTS TOURIST HOMES D. No. Box 7-A Harlem—123 Bridge Marinda Jones—R. F. 1, Ideal—902 No. 8th Street BUC‘KROE BEACH NIGHT CLUBS HOTELS Waco Longhorn—19th E9” LaSalle Bay Shore ROAD HOUSES NIGHT CLUBS Golden Lilly—426 Clifton Club 400 TAVERNS CARET Tree—1325 S. 4th St. Green TAVERNS WAXAHACHIE Sessons Tavern TOURIST HOLIES CHARLOTTESVILLE A. Noun—413 E. Main St. ‘ Mrs. HOTELS Mrs. M. Johnson—427 E. Main St. Mrs. N. Lowe—418 E. Main St. Carver Inn—7011 Preston Ave. Mrs. N. Jones—430 E_. Main St. TOURIST HOMES Chaufieur’s Rest—129 Preston Ave. WICHITA FALLS Alerander’I—413 Dyce St. HOTELS BARBER SHOPS Bridges——404 Sullivan St. Jokers—North 4th St. TOURIST HOMES BURG E. B. Jeffrey—509 Juarez St. CHRISTIAN HOTELS Eureka UTAH OGDEN COVINGTON TOURIST HOMES HOTELS Mrs. Loretta S. Watson—219 Lexington St. ROYAL HOTEL RESTAURANTS 2522 WALL AVE. Silver Star—111 6th Street SALT LAKE CITY CULPEPER HOTELS TOURIST HOMES Sam Sneed—ZSO W. South Temple MAPLE REST New Hotel J. fir-250 West So. 'lemple 1018 S. MAIN STREET A.—306 E. 3rd St. Y. W. C. Mrs. Mary L. Taylor—1018 S. Main St. DANVILLE VERMONT TOURIST HOMES BURLINGTON Yancey’s—SZO Holbrook St. HOTELS Mrs. M. K. Page—434 Holbrook St. St. The Pates—86-90 Archibald St. Mrs. S. A. Overby—Holbrook Mrs. L. Wilson—401 Holbroolc St. TOURIST .HOMES Mary Mrs. William Sharper—242 North St. RESTAURANTS Stree‘ MANCHESTER Blue Room, 358 HolbroOk HOTELS FARMVILLE Blackwell: Clyde TOURIST HOMES NORTHFIELD Mrs. K._Wiley-——626 Main Street HOMES RESTAURANTS TOURIST Reid’s—236 Nlain St. Cole’s Tourist Home—7 Sherman Ave. . TAVERNS RUTLAND Ried’sw200 Block, Main St. STATIONS TOURIST HOMES SERVICE Clark’s—Main St. Mead Cottage—24 High St. 68 IN PvATRONlZlNG THESE PLA)CE'S VIRGINIA

FREDERICKSBURG RESTAURANTS HOTELS 33:35:13.2??? 255%. s. fi‘fipzzzziififz'2'6“?.a22§i.5&1. Webb—619 - 25th St- RESTAURANTS BEAUTY PARLORS Alice—628-25th St“ Taylor’s—505 Princess Anne St ' SERVICE STATIONS HAMPTON Ridlev’s—Orcutt Ave. & 30th St. ’J ' um HOTELS ‘ -

' PS I SAVOY HOTEL KATIE—$3359.. s.. 140 WEST QUEEN STREET TAILORS RESTAURANTS Faulk—638-25th St. Abraham’s—39th St. & Hi-Way DRUG STORES BARBER SHOPS Woodard’s—ZSth St. 8: Madison BPEaXTI-TT4132ABELI3RS Time’s—215 N. King St. NORFOLK ‘ SERVICE ,. STATIONS HOTELS W kag’igggmitsead Ave- THE PLAZA HOTEL

. STREET W.}.on’._w, Mano... A... 1757 CHURCH HAW. SI TAXI CAB Tatum Inn—4S3 lirewex Prince George—I751 Church St. , Abraham's Taxi Service Y. M. C. A.——729 Washington Ave. HARRISONBURG ‘ RESTAURANTS Street RESTAURANTS .. Russell's Grill—816 Church

, Frank’s—I45 E. Wolf St. BEAUTY PARLORS

’ Brambleton Ave. l"' Jordan’s—526 HEWLETT Yeargen’r—I6RS Church St Ave. , TAVERNS Betty's—641 E. Brambleton Beverly Bros—R. F. D. No. l Hazel—363 E. Brambleton Ave.

1 LEXINGTON Dfirgg'sg'ygfélfirsch St. TOURIST HOMES Woods—1000 Church St. :vyt-etanll"W The Franklin—9 Tucker St. TAVERNS RESTAURANTS Russe1'1' s——§35 Church St ' Washington—16 N. Main St. TAVERNS SERVICE STATIONS Rose Inn—331 N. Main st. Alston’s—Cor. 20th 8: Church St. Mac’s—1625 Church St._ LURAY {T TOURIST HOMES PETERSBURG, 3}: 3.!21351- Camp Lewis Mountain—Skyline Drive " HOTELS LYNC-IIBURG The Walker House—116 South HOTELS NIGHT CLUBS Phyllxs Wheatley YWCA—613 Monroe St. Chatter Boy—143 Harrison St.

W“; TSIURCISITrs. . arper—HOLIJI§9S8 th St. film. Mrs. Smith—504 Jackson PHOEBUS """ Happyland Lake—812

[WV] _ A RESTAURANTS Q PORT NEWS I ‘ E Horton’s—County & Mellon Sts. HOTELNSEW DRUG STORES COSMOS INN 13175 Langley—County & Mellon Sts. - 620 25th STREET ' TAILORS ,. f Perry—Mellon St' PSHRWIsII‘i E19335; 2 3 IeHerson l l Thomas E Reese-636-25H'I St. SERVICE STATIONS

Mrs. C. Stephents—l909 Marshall Ave . Ward’s—County Nr. Fulton St.


RI CHMOND SUFFOLK HOTELS BEAUTY PARLORS Lonely Hour Inn—Rt. 460 Slaughters—529 North 2nd Street Harris—200 E. Clay St. TAPPAHANNOCR St. Eggleston (Miller’s)—2nd & Leigh HOTELS TOURIST HOIMES McGuire’s Inn—Marsh St. Mrs. E. Brice—l4 W. Clay St. Mark—Haven Beach Y. W. C. A.—515 N. 7th St. WARRENTON BEAUTY PARLORS Rest—a-Bit—619 N. 3rd St. TOURIST HOMES Lawson—227 Alexanderia Pike BARBER SHOPS Scotty’s—SOS N. 2nd St. BARBER SHOPS Walker’s—5 th Street TAVERNS Market Inn—Washington Park BEAUTY PARLORS Fowlers—123 N. 3rd St. SERVICE STATIONS Finn—121 - 5th St. Vaughn—1701 Chamberlayne Ave. TAXI CABS Cameron’s—Brook Ave. 8: W. Clay 3. Joyner’s—Phone 292 Harris—400 N. Henry St. Bland—Phone 430 Adam St.—523 N. Adams St. Parker’s—Phone 491 TAILORS McLain—ZOS Culpepper St. ROANOKE HOTELS WILLIAMSBURG at. N. W. HOTELS Dumas—Hem; . Baker House—419 Nlcholson St. TOURIST HON/[ES WINCHESTER COLVIN’S TOURIST HOME HOTELS Phone 2-3813 Evans—224 Sharp St. ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES TOURIST HOMES W. Hart St RATE $3.00 and up Dunbar Tea Room—2| Write or Phone for Reservations RESTAURANTS Mrs. Mary B. Colvin, Prop. Ruth’s—128 E. Cecil St 16 Gilmer Ave., N. W. Roanoke 17. Va.

Y. W. C. A.-——209 2nd St. N. W. DRUG STORES WASHINGTON Brook’s—221 N. Henry St. EVERETT NIGHT CLUBS TOURIST HOMES Morocco—109 N. Henry St. Mrs. J. T. Payne—1632 Rainier St. 3L. TAVERNS "1. Tom’s Place SEATTLE ’ F 8: G—ll4 N. Henry St. HOTELS Atlas—420 Maynard St. Y. W. C. A.—102-21 North St. SALEM Green—711 Lane St. INNS Idaho—505 Jackson St. Maynard St. PINE OAK INN Olympus—413 Eagle—408% Main St. RT. 460—Bet. Lakeside &' Salem Mar—620 Maynard Ave. St. MS. Welcome Annex—613% Jackson SOUTH HILL TOURIST HOMES 1’2. Zora Rooms—1826 23 Ave. .. HOTELS - 23rd Ave. Brown’s—Melvin Brown. Prop. M. Mathis—1826 RESTAURANTS STAUNTON Shanty Inn—110 12th Ave. St. TOURIST HOMES Vctory—652 Jackson Pannell’s Inn, 613 N. Apgusta St. BARBER SHOPS F. T. Jones—SIS Baptist St. Hayes—2227 E. MadIson St. RESTAURANTS Stockards—2032 E. Madison St. Johnson’s—30x N. Central Ave. Atlas—410 Maynard Ave; 70 ’ WASHINGTON IN PATRONIZIlN‘G THESE PLACES WEST VIRGINIA

~ BEAUTY PARLORS BLUEFIELD Catherine’s—410 Main Street HOTELS Paulme’s—ZZZI E. Madison . Travelers’ Inn—602 Ralergh St. LaMode—2039 E. Madison Street H Hotel Thelma—1047 Wayne St. ,h Ben’s—2301 E. Denny Way Glenarvons—657 Jackson St. DRUG STORES NIGHT CLUBS Kingslow’s—Bland St. Pltyhousch-1238 Main St. LIQUOR STORES. CHARLESTON Jackson’s—707 Jackson St. HOTELS TAVERNS Ferguson’s—Washington St. Matdi Gnu—2047 E. Madison St. Penn’s—West Charleston Hill Top—1200 Jackson St. Sea Gull‘ -673 Jackson St. TO‘URIST CABINS Lucky Hour—1315 Yesler Way HALL’S PARK—US. RT. 60 Banquet—1237 Jackson St. WEST OF CHARLESTON Victory—652 Jackson St. Banquet—1237 Jackson St. RESTAURANTS Dumas—1040 Jackson St. The Hut—1329 Washington St. GARAGES SERVICE STATIO‘NS Commercial Auto—9th & Denny Way Bridge’s Esso—Wash. & Truslow DRUG STORES Perkins & Watson at Bradford Bon-Rot—l4th & Yesler St. TAXI CABS R Bishop’s—507 Jackson St. Chikata—Il4 12th Ave. Red Star—Dial 39-331 Madison—2051 E. Madison Gosho—656 Jackson St. CHE STER Tokuda—l724 Yesler Way BARBER SHOPS . Jackson St.—Jackson & Maynard St. Kenneth B. Johnsonv—SOS Carolma Ave. TAILORS Gilt Edge—611 Jackson St. CLARKSBURG

‘ ‘ TACOMA LODGINGS Mrs. Ruby Thomas—309 Water St. HOTELS Monte Carlo—1555 Tacoma Ave. RESTAURANTS TOURIST HOMES Tasty Lunch—308 Water St. Mrs. A Robinson—I906 S. “I" St. NIGHT CLUBS m RESTAURANTS American Legion— St. Monte Larlo—ISSS Tacoma Ave. Pythian-IIQ Harper St. Travelers-l506l/g Pacific Ave. Elks—First St. TAVERNS WEST VIRGINIA Johnson’s—~—1\Ionticello St. BECKLEY HOTELS FAIRMONT New Pioneer—340 S. Fayette HOTELS BEAUTY PARLORS St. ’ Monongahela—Madison Katie’s Vanity—S. Fayette Fuqua’s——-Fuqua B1dg., S. Fayette RESTAURANTS BARBER SHOPS Whittaker’s Grill—Pennsylvania Ave. Payne’s—338 S. Fayette BEAUTY SCHOOLS Simpson’s—New Pioneer Hotel Parker’s—Pennsylvania Ave. RESTAURANTS Priscilla’s—-336 So. Fayette Street GRAFTON Home Service—338V; S. Fayette LODGINGS , GARAGES Mrs. Geo. Jones—Front St. Moss’s—501 S. Fayette DRUG STORES RESTAURANTS St. Morton’s—S. Fayette Jones’—Latrobe TAXI CABS TAVERNS Latrobe 5'. Nuway—Dial 3301 Boston’s—36 St.

71 r


I I I ,

{ lw‘ . ‘ h


I .‘f All . I' IV, ~ #1 I HINTON TAXI CABS .4;2' I .I‘ sII ‘. Gaines St. ‘ ' TOURIST HOMES Gray’s—212 Ii“ I" ' :g. _, THE PRICE HOUSE , . «ET-“31: 109 SECOND AVE. MORGANTOWN ... GUEST HOUSE LODGINGS St. - Maya’s—State St. Mrs. Linnie Mae Slaughter—3 Cayton O. Parker—2 Cayton St. ' :ukjé—a: DRY CLEANING Mrs. Jeannette Emile’s Cleaning & Pressing RESTAURANTS Cobb’s—116 Kirk St. IIIII HUNTINGTON DRUG NIGHT CLUBS HOTELS IIII American Legion—UniVersity Place The Ross House—911 - 8th Ave. NIGHT LODGINGS MOUND SVILLE Elk"II - Ave. Mrs. C. J. Barnett—810 7th LODGINGS RESTAURANTS Mrs. Blance Campbell—1206 - 4th St. The Spot—1614 - 8th Ave. TAILOI BEAUTY PARLORS NORTHFORK Louise’s—Artisan Avenue HOTELS ,-~‘~i~1nr.:,fi. TAVERNS Houchins Hotel & Cafe Monroe's—1616 - 8th Ave. 7th Avenue Grill BARBER SHOPS Finley’s—Sth & 16th Hough’s

{5547;125:1531 .— RECORDS PARKERSBURG 13?;2‘: Uptown Record Shop—1616 - 8th Ave. ’

'- NIGHT CLUBS ‘t TAXI CABS -,_, American Legion—812 Avery St. Taxi—Tel. 28385 £5v_i“ H' Party 5745 _.._ SERVICE STATIONS " PRINCETON Lg...” ~ Sterling—Cor. 12th & 3rd 3:. . TAVERNS

s St. «A»-HAS «Ind; INSTITUTE Twilight Inn—High Spotlight Grill—Beckley Rd. N.a-._ SERVICE STATIONS White’s Superette—ngay. 25 WEIRTON ,1- Pack’s Esso «7 LODGINGS 3'y-mugsumza. Mrs. Robert Williams—Kessel St. I. E, KEYSTONE 'I. HOTELS WELCH Franklin I HOTELS DRUG STORES Capehart—14 Virginia Ave. Howard’s Pharmacy RESTAURANTS WHEELING Sam W’ade’s Cafe HOTELS C. A. BLUE TRIANGLE KIMBALL - 12TH STREET HOTELS 108W City Hotel LODGINGS BEAUTY SHOPS Mrs. W. C. Turner—114 - 12th St. Smith’s RESTAURANTS RESTAURANTS Blue Goose—~1035 Chapline St. Palace BEAUTY PARLORS 11th St. MONTGOMERY Daisy Hall—64%- Mode- Craft—10281/2 Chapline St. HOTELS NIGHT CLUBS New Royal—223 Gaines St. -\merican ion—1048 Chapline St. BEAUTY PARLORS Leg Ii “(’5 Club—1g0051/2 Chapline St. Snyder’s—Fayette Pike TAVERNS DRUG STORE S St. The Green Front—488% . 3rd Ave. North Side Pharmacy—Chapline 72 : ALASKA. BERMUDA ST VlR. WIS. I‘N PATRONIZING THESE PLACES CANADA . OMING

WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS BERMUDA LO’DGINGS s'r. GEORGES Brooks—138 Church St. TOURIST HOMES Haywood Place—Church St. "Archlyn Villa"-—Wellington St. Slaughter’s—Tel. 9280 LIQUOR STORE WILLIAMSON Packwood'o—Walter St. LODGINGS BICYCLES St. A. . Mrs. Wright—605 Logan Dowling's Cycle Livery—York St. a, DRUG STORES Whittico’s HAMILTON NIGHT CLUBS HOTELS Elk’s Club—Vinson St. Imperial—Church Street TAILOR SHOPS Garner’s—Logan St. RESTAURANTS Blue Jay—Church Street The Spot—Burnaby St.

PENBROKE WISCONSIN HOTELS FOND DU LAC Richmond House—Richmond Road TOURIST HOBIES HOMES Mrs. E. Pirtle—45 E. llth St. TOURIST Hill V. Williams—97 S. Seymour St. Milestone—~Coxs



‘ TOURIST HOMES GRANT HO'USE Robert Westbrook—111 E. Front St. 1432 ST. ANTOINE STREET Mrs. Yvett G. Lanzier— ROCK SPRINGS 1824 W. Dorchester TOURIST HOMES Mrs. N. P. Morse—932 Calumet Place * St. Collins Tourist Home, 9'15-7th BEAUTY PARLORS Mendes—2036 St. Antoine Street NIGHT CLUBS Paradise—1252 St. Antoine Street ’ ALASKA . FAIRBANKS HARROW (Ontario) ‘ *;




MEXICO (Continued from page 29) . ENSENADS The myths in Which Louisvillian‘ ' find comfort are the myths of fas . ‘ Ti MOTELS . James Littlejohn—H1ghway'101 horses, good Whiskey, juleps, Old re MONTERREY tainers, and leisurely graces beneat ancestral porticos. These are mythw 1£33F&§Ova_Madcm Boulevard as the facts are extended an RESTAURANT only for tradition has its an El Tapinumba exaggerated, cient lovers in Louisville and th JACALA manored Louisville’s gra TOURIST HOMES Bluegrass. Fem“ cious living is seriously cultivated a w TAMAZUNCHALE a pleasant combination of goo-d man TOURIST HOMES ners, warm hospitality and a relaxed Fem“ ‘ f'dlrien y enjoyment 0 fl'f1e. Wm0 e IXQUIMILIPAN and men honor the ways of ladies an HOMES and rich warm anecdote TREEIST . gentlemen Splll out over coffee or bourbon. It} CUERNAVA0A 1t relaxatron, ease, and escape..At TOURIST HOME 1t w1thout I Bum“ Manhattan-on the Highway best 1.5 manners r1g1d1ty. IS hospitallty w1thout calculation. In: MEXICO CITY of it is worshipful of ancestor part . . . HOTELS and the or if it Hotel Carlton—Ignacia Marisca great gone days, and all of it is be NIGHT CLUB immediate fresh, the Gate- The Waikiki—Paseo de la Reformat guiling, because Louisville an way City, enjoys solid comfort solid success! SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA, CENTRAL AMERICA HOTELS Castilla———Calle 6, Ave. 1/3 3/5 Europa—Continentagjl—i-Calleale. Av.,3, 5 Latimo—Calle 6, Ave. 3 THIS GUIDE Pan American—CS. 3/5, Ave. F.G. Rex—Calle 2, Ave. FG/Z Ave. F.G. ' Aneon-CS. 7/9, IS Consulted Throughout Central—Cane 6, Ave. 2 Rica—Calle 3, Aves. FG/Z Costa t11 3 Y eat ‘Las Metropoli—AmericEs—Calleg,S. 1/3, ve.Ave.G3/5F. . of Travelers Regina—Calle 5, Ave. 3 by Thousands Ritz—Calla 11, Ave. 3 Trebol—CS. 8/9, Ave. 3 ""- RESTAURANTS El Torino—Calle 6, Ave. 5 La Eureka—CS. 4/6, A.F.G. El Imperio—Calle 6/8, Ave. 3 Are You El Nido—Calle 6, Ave. 1/3

ve. . IBoma—d—Calle:1 Mo erino—3,CAi/'e.ale 2,1A 6 R +e d7 ' epresen , La Esmeralda—C. Av., F.G./2 M La nava—Calle 9, Avs. 12/14 Tavernsperial—Calle 6, Ave. 2 ______——————————-. 74 m m Z ‘. ,4 fl 3 m m , in . <>fl >j Z mmnfi a mm>moz Saw


The (GREEN BOOK Vacation Guide

will be ready each year to make your Introduction . . . reservation from the places adver- To assist in va- you planning your tised. cation to help make it a better, more Our advertisers are and will- enjoyable holiday than it has ever ready best there to been, this section is dedicated. ing to give you the is, make you comfortable—to see to it Choose the Vacation which most per- that you have an enjoyable time, so fectly matches your mood and pocket- that you may return from your vaca- book. By listing the names and ad- tion feeling fit for vour job. dresses of the various it is resorts, easy To select the perfect place in which to write and secure your reserva— the to spend your vacation, and to get tions. Where no address is sup- most out of your stay, it is suggested write to the city mentioned dur- plied, that you: ing the summer months. Select the state that you wish most

This year make it a grand and glor- to visit.

ious vacation and use this booklet to ‘ Make your reservations far enough to decide where you would help you in advance through VICTOR H.GREEN ; like to go. & CO. to be sure that you can be Our Vacation Reservation Service accommodated.

Jot etite Cottage 502 —— 16th AVENUE Belmar, New Jersey Phone: Belmar 9—1012

The Ideal Place for Relaxation Reservations must be made in advance. 3 miles South of Asbury Park Enjoy the quiet restful atmosphere of the country.

- - - - Bathing - Fishing Boating Bicycling Tennis Ping Pong Mrs. “7. A. Debnam, Prop.



. PINE CLIFF Cassa Linda tile Wink’s Panorama Lodge GREAT BARRINGTON CONNECTICUT Phone67l CRAWFORD’S INN We": , WEST HAVEN s adv". Dadd’s Hotel—359 Beach St. 14 ELM COURT, Great Barrington, Mass. Sea. View Hotel—392 Beach St. Located in the Beautiful Berkshires Home of Hawkins—372 St. Beach A Cozy Place with a Home Like Atmosphere The Best of Foods aniwill. DELAWARE Write Mrs. Isaac Crawford, Prop. MILLSBORO Pond ITilly Inn—800 So. Main St. ' Rosedale Beach KINGSTON see toit FRANKFORD Camp Twin Oaks Briarwood Farm Time, so Kingston Inn 1‘*‘”°a- MASHPEE FLORIDA Camp Maushop—P.0. Box 7 FERNANDINA The Guest House—P. 0. Box 60 Hotel American Beach—P. O. Box 195 NORWELL Norwell Pines—PD. Box 234 {it the MAINE OAK BLUFFS suggested OGUNQUIT THE O’BRIEN HOUSE Viewland _ 220-222 CIRCUIT AVE. GARDNIER Shearer Cottage F. D. I‘A Pond View—R. Scott's Box 1131 153’“ W Cottage—RC. FAYETTE Maxwell Cottage Pine Cone Lodge—RC. Box 12 Cinderella Club—36 Pequot Ave. NORCROSS POND Maxwell Cottage——.P O. Box 1354 LOdge. Norcross Lill & Della Cottage—School Street at ‘ enough. ‘ WEST SCARBOROUGH VINEYARD HAVEN 36““ Elcla Acres—Rt. 1 Araujo Rooms—P.O. Box 518


, Carr's Beach

» WAREHAM \ Sparrows’ Point—RD. Box 266 ’ ‘~ Clipper Cabins—294 Elm St. 1- BENEDICT

. A Violet Belles Hotel WEST HYANNIS 1 COLTON West Hyannis Port—Craryville Rd. Shirley K Hotel WILLIAMSTOWN WESTMINSTER Hart’s Camp Scarletts Country Club MINNESOTA MASSACHUSETTS PINE RIVER BILLERICA Ware’ 5 Resort—50 Lakes Rt. Galehurst—P.O. Box 583 BACKUS CANTON Pine Mountain Camp Peter Pan House—808 West St. Willow—808 West St. Whispering NEW YORK STATE CAPE COD in”. 488 ALLABEN '

TheOsterville—BoxORoost—P. . Box 488 Camp Bryton Rock 190113 9 EAST BROOKFIELD ATHENS Camp Atwater Riverview-R. F. D. 1

77 PLEASE MENTION THE “GREEN BOOK" /‘ CHESTERTOWN ROXBURY New Mt. View House—P. O. Box 120 Crystal Lake Lodge CORNERS SARATOGA SPRINGS CLINTON Manor—21 Federal Street Patches—Jameson Hill Road Nimmo The Branchcomb Cottage—18 Cherry St. CUDDEBACKVILLE Richard’s Guest House— Paradise Farm 29 Ballston Ave. ELLENVILLE James’ Guest House—17 Park St. Arrow Lodge STAATSBURG 'GLENHAM White Wall Manor Grayson's Lodge STORMVILLE GREENWOOD LAKE Mountain View Farm—RED. 16 Greenwood Forest Farm The Cecil Lodge—RFD .. . . Just Haven SPRING VALLEY 314 Mrs. Louise Taylor—BO. Box White Birches—South Pascack Rd. Farm Lake House DE BRUCE GLEN FALLS St. Catherine’s Hillside Farm McFerson’s Hotel—52 Glen St. ,WINGDALE HUNTER Camp Unity ASBU] 5 LAKE Notch Mountain House—BO. Box WHITE Wrigh Resort HIGH FALLS Fur Workers Ada‘s

’ Clove Valley Dude Ranch VERBANK . Gladst Farm HOLMES Sunset Hill Hotel St. Rhine Lake Drew Lodge—100 West 138th VEGA HOPEWELL JUNCTION Gordon Farms BELM. VALLEY COTTAGE - Please Lakeland View Ave. KERHO‘NKSON Mtn. View Lodge—Mt. LaPe: Baldw Acres Rainbow ISLAND KINGSTON LONG Ellen Moulton’s Retreat—RFD 4, Box 251 AMITYVILLE Ave. : LAKE GEORGE Van Winn Villa—Albany (iii~ W Reed Road St‘M‘ Woodbine Cottage—75 Dieskau St. & If PLACID GREENPORT FARM LAKE - Breeze Cottage—410 2nd St. : Dreamland Cottage—41 Mckinley St. Sea Mrs. I Parkside—Woodland Terrace GLEN COVE ; Bl Camp Continental P1. LIVINGSTON MANOR Continental Cot—21 Hillside ‘ GREENLAWN Camp Plain Rd. MECHANICVILLE Chattahoohie Camp—New Comfort Inn—R.F.D. 1 MEDFORD Gordon Hgts. Rest MONROE Box 211 Lakeside Farm Flor’s Cottage—BO. Mrs. Lottie Henderson—RED. 1 HAMMELS Lake Randolph’s Mt. Lodge—- The Cherokee—217 Beach 76th St. RFD 1, Box 198 MONTGOMERY PATCHOGUE Martin Acres—Yaphank Rd. Sumphaven Lodge—RFD New Rd. OTI'SVILLE QUOGUE Ave. King’s Lodge Shinnecock Arms—Jessup Mountainside Farm—BO. Box 207 Williams Cottage Box 761 Hilltop House Arch Cottage—RC. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. ROCKAWAY BEACH St. Brucewood—321 W. 125th Regina House—223 Beach 77th St. VALLEY Ocean View—232 Beach 77th St. PLEASANT Carman’s Manor—232 Beach 84th St. Hill Farm—RED. 1 ‘ Brown Iroquois—232 Beach 84th St. RIFTON The Cherokee—217 Beach 76th St. 116 Maple Tree Inn—P. O. Box R0 SENDALE SOUTHOLD Cherry-Wells Bung.—P.O. Box 571 Rosendale Gardens IN PATRONIZING THESE PLACES

' - SOUTHAMPTON RICHLAND ._ .. «.11 KELLIS REST Red Oaks Rest—Cedar Railroad Aves At Exclusive Island SKILLMAN 3 Southampton, Long Attractive Rates Rainbow End Enjoy All the Luxuries of this Famous SPRINGLAKE BEACH Summer Resort and Recreational Activities Laster Cottage—419 Morris Ave. of the Historical Shinnecock Reservation TOMS RIVER Mrs. Eliot Kellis, Prop. McDaniel Farm—2 Dover Rd. Southampton, Long Island WILDWOOD Tel. Southampton 111R P.O. Box 112 Poindexter Cottage—- Starlight Rest—111 Pelletreau St. 106 E. Schellenger Ave. liellis Rest Mrs. J. B. Quarles—100 YoungAve. NEW JERSEY ATLANTIC CITY MICHIGAN Jones Cottage—1720 Arctic Ave. BALDWIN Apex Rest—Indiana & Ontario Aves. ~0r-Will Cot. —Rt. 1, Box 178- B Hotel—1702 Arctic Ave. Whip Wright’s Three Sisters ASBURY PARK CONSTANTINE -Wright’s Cottage—153 Sylan Ave. Double J. Ranch—Jean S. Jones. Prop. Ada’s Cottage—1404 Sumerfield Ave. ROSE CENTER Gladstone Cottage—1701 Ave. Bangs Medicine Acres—8775 Water Street Hotel Carver—312 Myrtle Ave. Rhine Cliff Cottage—Reage Ave. BAY SHORE Zac White Pines BELMAR ' BUCHANAN Pleasant View House—504 - 11th Ave. Waters Farm LaPetite Cottage—502 16th Ave. Baldwin Cottage—610 - 11th Ave. BITLEY (Woodland Park Resort) Riverview Inn—710 - 8th Ave. Old Dears Rest—Rt. 1 Sadie’s Guest House—1304 E. St. Daggg’s Cottage—Rt. 1

‘ Everett RestgI-Iaven--Rt. 1 CAPE MAY Royal Breeze Hotel—Rt. 1

A Stiles—821 Corgie Street Caslen’s Blue Bell Garden—Rt. 1

. FARMINGDALE Manor Premier—Rt. 1 - End St. » Mrs. N. Perry—RED. No. 1, Box 400 COVERT Blue Top Cottage—Shark River Rd. Pitchford' s—R. R. #1 Big Tower Child. Camp—Tel OA. 4-4749 LONG BRANCH Mable’ s Place Bleeker’ s ManOr—395 Atlantic Ave. Scott’s Country Villa— Shady Nook Cottage—71 Atlantic Ave. 432 Oakwood Blvd. NEPTUNE HART Busy Bee Cottage—446 Fisher Ave. Bryson’ s on the Hilltop — Shore Villa—316 Myrtle Ave. 202 N. State St. ' MILLINGTON HARTFORD Matthew Playland Farms Burgess’ Place MID VALE IDLEWILD

' ‘ CAMP MIDVAL THE POMISERANIA LODGE NORTH LONG BRANCH MILDRED WILLIAMS Shady Nook Cot.—71 Atlantic Ave. Douglas Manor—BO. Box 794 LAKEHURST McKnight’s Par. Pa1.—P.O. Box 75 White Way Inn—Broadway Robertson’s Farm Lydia Inn—P.O. Box 81 NEW GRENTA Rosana Tavern—Lake Drive . Oaklawn Country Club Nichol’s Home—P. O. Box.“B” OCEAN CITY Morton’s Motel—P. O. Box 116 Bryson' s—6th and Simpson Ave. PAW PAW PLEASANTVILLE Trails End Resort Morris Beach—401 Bayview Ave. Pit's Resort—Rt. 1, Box 131 Garden Spot—300 Doughty Rd. ROSE CENTER , Marionette Cottage-604 Portland Ave. Medicine Acres—8775 Water St.


SOUTH HAVEN WISCONSIN Johnson’s Shady Nook—Rt. 1, Box 102 SPOONER Box 245 1F Twin Star Resort, Rt. 3, Lone Star Resort—Rt. 2 Box 41 Thornton’s Resort—Rt. 1, Channey’s Resort—Rt. 2 Clare Harris' Resort—Rt. 4, Box 38 Lewis' Farm—Rt. 1 TOMAHAWK Evergreen Resort Somo Heights Resort THREE RIVERS Wilson’s Farm—Rt. 2, Box 344 CANADA Jordan's Home—Rt. 2. Box 646 VANDALIA (Paradise Lk. Resort) COLLINGWOO‘D (Ontario)

Cedar Inn—P. O. Box 265 . Three Sisters—Rt. 1 -9 SHEFFIELD’S CEDAR INN Tb PENNSYLVANIA P. 0'. BOX 265 MUSKOKA pR( EAST STROUDSBURG Resort Black & Tan ' Fern Board. House—387 Lincoln Ave. Mt. View House—14 N. 2nd St. QUEBEC Husband’s Resort—6 Calixa TR.» ESPY Sunrise—P. O. Box 65 MONTREAL MONTROSE TOURIST HOMES Naylor's Lake View Rest Mrs. N. P. Morse—922 Calumet Place , Mrs: A. Cummings—764 Atwater Ave ll‘maill MT. POCONO Dav1s Hone—1324 Torrence Street

St. ‘ The Carter House—15 Quay Rooms—1824 Dorchester Road AuRepos Anchor Inn—Sterling Grant House—1432 St. Antoine St. 0‘” Rose Tree Inn

‘ hem a1 RHODE ISLAND WESTERLY Orchard House Ym SOUTH CAROLINA dvertis DRIVE OCEAN " Atlantic Beach . thers Hotel Gordon—Atlantic Beach

' ecomn VERMONT MANCHESTER Limberlock Ontim NORTHFIELD Cole’s Brown Bung.-—-7 Sherman Ave. 0st,th

VIRGINIA dVerti: CROZET Mtn. View Farm—RED. 1, Box 52 Oyour ORANGE Mrs. B. Wood—RED. 2 BEDFORD ON THESE PAGES Mrs. M. Jones—RED. 1, Box 7A

CATAWBA TODAY _ Mrs. E. Sorano—R.F.D. 1, Box 32A 00W" SELLS YOUR SERVICE .

LYNNHAVEN ‘ Ocean Breeze Beach TOMORROW US TAPPAHANNOCK ()Hj‘ Mark-Haven Beach


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