filing Deadline for Jobs Grants Is Today

SEE STORY BELOW Sunny, Warm Sunny and warm today. Cloudy and mild tonight. Be- coming sunny, pleasant to- FINAL morrow. EDITION Moiimoiifli rouuly's Oiilsfiiiuliiig Homo Xo\vs|>si|M»r VOL.94 NO.45 RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1971 TEN CENTS Housing Lags Population By WILLIAM J. ZAORSKI development. ship, and 115 per cent in Marlboro Township." creased dramatically. In 1970, the percentage of homes in the The report shows that there is a need for low and middle The predominant type of dwelling in the county-is the 135,000 and over group increased to 20.8 per cent. FKEEHOLb - The county's population is expected to income housing in the county and it offers suggestions of six single family home, continued the report, notine that in iDHi'h The average value of a home was $9,409 in 1950. It jumped reach 735,000 in the next 14 years but housing construction in types of housing that could be constructed to meet the coun- represented 77.2 per cent of the total number; in 1960 it rose to 54.1 per cent to $14,500 in I960 and jumped to ?26,417 in 1970. In- Monmouth is lagging behind and will not meet the demands of ty's needs. 84.3 per cent and in 1970, it declined to 75.5 per cent. flation and restrictive zoning practices account to a consid- 1985 if It continues at its present rate. It also makes note of federal and state programs to ac- Below Average erable degree for this trend, said the report. To house the estimated 1985 population, said the 114-page quaint municipalities with what is available for housing con- Since 1960, the number of new multi-family units con- The most important housing characteristic of housing is county housing report prepared by the county Planning Board, struction. structed has averaged 33.1 per cent of the total. The county quality, said the report. While 1970 census figures did not in- a total of over 78,000 housing units will be required. Rate Drops has substantially less bousing stock in this category than other clude this, it said, it would be safe to assume that the per-- "If the new home building continues at the rate of the In reviewing the existing housing stock, the report said similiar counties in the Metropolitan region. But, centages of the deteriorating and dilapidated housing has in- 1960-1970 period, the projected population will be short about that the housing stock in the county grew by 40,996 units dur- the report added, this type of housing is expected to be about a creased during the 1960-1970 period. 22,500 housing units. ing January 1960 to December 1970. This growth averages third of the new housing units built in the next two decades. The number of units lacking .plumbing facilities totaled Increase Required \ abqut 3,700 units per year. But the rate dropped to an eight- Because the 1970 census did not provide up-to-date infor- 2,815 in 1970. "To meerthe demand for housing, the volume of con- year low in 1970 with 2,754 units. mation of the age of dwelling units, the report could not go The report said that the 1960 census revealed that 87.7 per struction over the next 15 years will have to be increased sub- Factors creating this situation were economic conditions, into this area but it said that 40,848 units were built in the cent of the units in the county were sound an additional 7.8 per stantially to about 5,200 housing units a year." the unavailability of credit and local zoning regulations. 1960's and 35,414 from 1950 to 1960. The total units built since cent were deteriorating but had adequate plumbing facilities. A public hearing on the housing report will be held Mon- Housing construction in 1971 is expected to increase be- 1950 make up 49.5' per cent of the total. Pre-1950 units total Only 4.6 per cent could be classified as substandard or day, Sept. 20, at 3 p.m. in the freeholders' meeting room in the cause of the easing of credit and now ample mortgage funds 77,956 or 50.5 per cent of the total. blighted. Hall of Records here. are available. The average size of new dwellings is increasing. The av- Trend Grows ' The report reviews the existing housing stock, noting the "The most spectacular municipal increase has occurred erage number of rooms for owner-occupied units rose from 4.6 These figures indicate a small but growing trend, warned growth, characteristics, financial characteristics and quality in Manalapan Township, which has seen a percentage gain of in 1950 to 5.9 in I960. the study. "Intensified efforts will have to be made by commu- of units; the impact and characteristics of residential devel- 190 per cent in the 1960-1970 period," said the report. "Other Costs Soar nities of the county to arrest this trend." opment; housing problems; existing housing programs in the major increases include 117 per cent in Colts Neck; 138 per Financial 6haracteristics of housing disclose that the per- In reviewing population characteristics and vital statis- county; future housing needs and new concepts in residential cent in Freehold Township: 119 per cent in Matawan Town- centage of homes constructed in the upper price ranges in- See Monmouth, Page 2 Today Is Job Grants

... - ' * is Deadline in County By HALLIE SCHRAEGER The money' is being dis- cations for aid must go pality, but Long Branch had FREEHOLD - Unless the tributed generally according through Mr. Narozanick, who the highest percentage of the federal Manpower Adminis- to an apportionment table is coordinating the program. unemployment claims filed in tration allows the county a based on 1970 unemployment The budget director said he the county in 1970, 9.82 per little more time, today is ab- claims. However, some towns planned to meet with Man- cent. solutely the last day for mu- need more aid and some less, power Administration officials These paragraphs tell nicipalities to file for federal or none at all. today. which municipalities filed for grants under the Emergency Shrewsbury Township, The county's plan is due to how many jobs and how much ^Employment Act of 1971, says which had no unemployment be submitted within 30 days, money, with the original allo- Monmouth County Budget Di- claims filed in 11)70, had no if the county is not a/lowed cation in parentheses if it dif- rector Theodore J. Narozan- share in the program allo- more time to file, it cannot ac- fers from the amount asked ick. cated to it. cept any applications from for: As of Friday's deadline, 31 Mr. Narozaniek said the 17 towns after today, Mr. Naro- Asbury Park, 17 jobs, of Monmouth's 53 municipal-. towns that have not yet been zanick said. $1 17,825;' Avon, one job, ities had filed for a total of 205' heard from would be called Long Wait Ahead $6,432; Belmar, seven jobs; jobs and had applied for early this morning. That means that any towns $39,001; Bradley Beach, one • • • i " Register Starr Photo §1,147,913.60 in federal grants. "If they want to file, they that want to participate in the job, $5,708 ($19,432); Brielle, APPEALS TO MANY — Townhouses appeal to families who want the advantages of home ownership Four towns said they didn't must do so immediately," he program but have not yet ap- two jobs. $10,537 ($6,158); with the freedom from expensive yard maintenance. This was one of six housing concepts explained in want aid, one wasn't entitled said. "We are going to ask (jiff- plied by the end of today will Colts Neck, one job, $6,569; the county housing report. • to it, and 17-tvere unaccounted Manpower Administration for have to wait until next July. Eatontown, five, jobs,' $32,217 for. another day or two. We want In the applications sub- ($33,664); Farmingdale, two The two-year program is every municipality afforded a mitted, Middletown listed the jobs, $9,001) ($13,411); Free- designed to employ the unem- full opportunity to partici- most jobs, 29, and Long hold Township, four jobs, ployed and underemployed in pate." Branch asked for the most $24,537 ($23,811); Hazlet, nine CATV Franchise Bidding public service jobs, with .the The county is acting as the money, $134,300. Middletown jobs, $37,765 ($42,696). federal government picking program agent, and ail appli- is Monmouth's largest munici- See lob, Page 2 dp 90 per cent of the tab and the towns contributing the other 10 per cent. May Get Court Ruling Retaining Half Half of .the workers em- FREEHOLD - Should "and the residents of Asbury make that choice." had failed to advertise for ployed in the program are to> there be competitive bidding Park are losing service. Mr. Edelstein charged that bids. be retained permanently and in the awarding of cable tele- "These are clear-cut is- the city councilmen had not others will receive on-the-job vision franchises? sues," said Mr. Ansell. "The •acted "in good faith and with "If the councilmen had ac- training to enable them to A court here might make city has made its choice. It's loyalty to the public." ted as reasonable men," he find other jobs. case law about it before the not up to Mr. Edelstein to" He complained that the city maintained, "the least they The county announced a legislature gets around to act- could have done was to make week ago that $1,368,472 in ing on the matter. .an attempt to get the best federal grants was to be di- Superior Court Judge M. they could for the city. There vided among the municipal- Raymond MeGowan has ruled The Housing Report* was no effort made to see ities. Mr. Narozanick asked at that a taxpayer's suit chal- what could be obtained for the the time that all towns say lenging the awarding of a 30- city. whether or not they wanted to year cable television fran- More Data Tomorrow participate, so that unused chise by the City of Asbury "This field is wide open. money from' one town could Park should go to a full hear- .,' The county housing report. It's the coming thing," said be given to another. Some ing. Our first story on the subject is on this page today. Mr. Edelstein. county jobs may be created a Questions Present But there is more to the report-and you will want to know Cites Ordinance also. "There are public questions all about it. Mr. Narozanick reported that should be resolved," said For example, if you're a young married couple-what arc He said the city had over the weekend that Free- Judge MeGowan. . the prospects for owning a house? What does the county Plan- adopted an ordinance "in hold, Neptune City, New One of them, he said, is the ning Board have to say about the real estate tax burden? What toto" submitted to it by Telco, Shrewsbury and Spring Lake validity of the ordinance is the prospect for more apartment construction in the coun- and a reading of the ordi- had said they did not want to adopted by the city awarding ty? What is the future for residential development? nance "clearly indicates that participate in the program. the cable television franchise William J. Zaorski, our Freehold Bureau manager, went all the city is entitled to by Mr. Narozaniek said no ex- to Telco Productions Inc. of into great depth on the housing report. the ordinance is five per cent planations were given by the New York. You'll want to read more about the county housing situ- of the subscribers' fees." towns that turned down the The other: "Is public bid- ation in tomorrow's Daily Register, Northern Monmouth Coun- aid, but two municipal offi- ding required?" ty's largest newspaper anil Monmouth County's most inter- Mr Ansell argued that there cials told The Daily Register esting newspaper. is no law requiring public bid- that the deciding factor was The complaint against the ding, although one is pending the requirement that half of city and Telco was filed in the legislature. the workers hired under the March 10 by Benjamin program be kept on^l'its con- Edelstein • an Asbury Park "It is not within the court's clusion. , attorney, who said he was realm to require public bid- "We did not feel we wanted bringing the action on his own The Inside Slory ding," Mr. Ansell asserted. to make a-commitment of behalf as a property owner Hazlet mayor denies political collision over budget Page 2 "Would it not be in the pub- that kind at this time," said and on behalf of all other tax- lic interest to require public New Shrewsbury Mayor Rob- payers in the city. Many Join (he ranks of newlyweds Page 8-9 ert V. Henck. Yankees and Mets win Page 10 biftding'.'" asked Judge Complaint Cited McGbwan. Mr. Edelstein complains Shorellners reach Bridgeton finals., Page 10 A Maximum Growth • that before the city adopted Freehold entries and selections '. Page 11 Noting that it w;is tlie "We are at maximum growth in all our depart- an ordinance Jan. 26 award- 29 DAILY REGISTER courts that came up with case ing the franchise to Telco in PM0NE law requiring public bidding ments," said Freehold Coun-^"• return for five per cent of the 1419 NUMBERS on garbage collection con- cilman W. J. Eugene Kelsey. M Main Office 7410010 "To create jobs just for the gross service receipts from I9. Classified Ads 741-6900 tracts, the judge said, "If we subscribers, it had an offer can establish it as case law, sake of creating them, for no from another company, Com- I Legal Adv. 741-0010 we can get it quicker than if valid reason; and have to keep munity Broadcast • Commu- Editorials ...„.., ..6 D|s^Ifty Mv mmQ we wait for the legislature." people on at the end of two nications of Red Bank, for . Entertainment 2J circntettoa Dept. 74M330 years is not responsible fiscal eight per cent. Financial 12 Sports Dept 741-0017 The state recently imposed thinking." Photo by K«nt Morris 1 Judge MeGowan denied a Horoscope 2« Women's News 741-0010 n one-year moratorium on the The county Is eligible for FRESH WATER GEYSER — A large area of Middletown was without wa-, motion for a summary judg- Movies .- Accounts Payable 7410010 issuance of municipal CATV the aid because of an esti- ter for five hours Saturday when a water main on Nutswamp Road, near ment by Robert I. Ansell of Obituaries 4 Acc(>g Receivable 7410010 franchises while a 12-mcmber mated unemployment rate of Shadow Lake in River Plaza broke and sent a geyser of water 75 feet into Asbury Pjjjrk, Telco's at- Sports 10,11 Mlddletown Bureau S71-225O commission studies proposed eight per cent, well above the the air. Officials of the Monmouth Consolidated Water Company said the torney, yvhtftald his client and Television. ' Freehold Bureau 462-2121 regulations for cable ryftn 4.5 per cent rate required for break was caused by rain softened ground, in the aftermath of the Bflday Asbury Park are losing money Women's News '. .'...8,9 Long B^nch Bureau 222-0010 New Jersey. eligibility. nlgPSt storm which swept through the state. 2 The DaUv Register. R«f Banfc - WMdTetown, *J., Monday Aapitf3fl, l9Tt A ^K * - .^^ ^ t , .., . ,,.Jp' ^ ;*&. fniftiifiiltfil ' * jfe«^ Monmouth Population Outpacing (Continued) Branch, Freehold Borough, Asbury Park, Keansburg and Red tion of Middletown Township." cials." | ties, the report said: "The housing boom which is predicted Bank. Many such areas are being improved by urban renewal Rural blight exists in the western region of the county. Under future housing needs, the report said that the hous- for the next decade is based on the surge in the birth rate fol- and the remainder should be." "Migrant housing converted to year-round housing from be- ing market area upon which the county can draw for new resi- lowing World War II. The impact of this housing demand will Most of the blighted areas are relatively small central dis- hind farm houses and elsewhere in the agricultural areas, dents encompasses persons employed in and create pressures for new housing in Monmoulh County and ac- tricts, it said, but they contain housing for hundreds of fami- have long been a problem." the urbanized area of North Jersey. celerate the outward thrust from the New York Metropolitan lies. It suggested that these housing units be brought under The dominant factor influencing growth potential of tht Area." Urban renewal offers a wide range of appropriate tools governmental inspection. county is this expansion of the county's housing market area The report notes that the 1970 census said that the non- for dealing with core area problems, it said. Blight Areas Eyed caused by scarcity of land near the center of the region and white population Of the county was 8.9 per cent. It was 9.6 per The older seasonal communities along the Bayshore and Rural blight is found in areas of Millstone, Manalapan, transportation improvements. cent in 1960 and 9.2 per cent in 1950. Atlantic coast account for a considerable portion of the sub- Marlboro and New Shrewsbury, it said. Place to Live The overall household size for the county was 3.3 persons, standard housing, it said, noting that many summer cottages, Occupants of deficient housing are blacks and whites, "Many workers will wish to live in Monmouth County it said. But a survey of new single-family homes lias shown erected without benefit of building codes and zoning restric- Puerto Ricans and other Spanish speaking groups, welfare while taking advantage of these employment opportunities i« that the average is 4.5 persons. tions are now obsolete and in a state of disrepair. Plumbing recipients, the elderly and the poor. other parts of the New York Region," it said. The vast majority of families that are moving into the and heating facilities fail to meet modern health standards. The report notes that there are existing housing programs The report said that under the present requirements for county are couples between 25 and 39 who have children in the Seriuus Threat Sl in Asbury Park, Neptune, Belmar, Long Branch, Highlands, land development in the county's 53 towns, an ultimate popu- 0-14 age groups, it said. About 40 per cent of these children are "The improper or inappropriate conversion of old season- Keansburg, Red Bank and Matawan Township. lation of 1,100,000 could be accommodated. Nearly 300,000 in pre-school, under five age group. al units and their occupancy on a year-round basis does con- "Efforts have begun in several of the older communities dwelling units would be required to house this population. Pupils Multiply stitute a serious threat to the health and welfare of Monmouth to renew some of the blighted areas," it said. "This should be Today there are 142,500 units for 462,000 people who live in the School age children (between 5 and 19) were the fastest County residents," it said. followed by even greater efforts on the part or more commu- county. growing age group from I960 to 1970. it said. The impact of this "Persons of limited means are finding low cost shelter in nities to redevelop and rehabilitate many of these areas. is that practically every' school district has added or is adding patehed-up, pieced together summer houses. Some houses lack "If efforts are not begun to arrest this trend, individual The report said that the growth expected by 1985 will not additional classroom facilities. There is a serious problem fac- a foundation, most have little or no insulation. Heating equip- pockets of blight can spread and have a serious effect on be evenly distributed among all kinds of households. The ing areas anticipating substantial population growth, it said. ment, wiring, water supply and sewage disposal are often not whole neighborhoods and communities. changing age structure will increase the number of young The report also reviews the characteristics of garden only unsatisfactory but actually dangerous. "Monmouth County has many assets including good recre- families and elderly families. Middle and upper income fami- apartments and said that there is a need for them. /•Some units are crowded together on narrow parcels or ational, commercial and industrial potential. It would be un- lies will continue to move from New York City and northern Concerning urban blight, the report said that "deteriora- built two or three deep on a single lot. Examples are portions fortunate if any of these werre not fully realized because of New Jersey and blue collar and non-professional workers will tion is apparent in many older urban centers such as Long of Keansburg, Union Beach, -Highlands, and the Bayshore sec- the lack of aggressive action on problem housing by local offi- follow as industry moves in. Governor Flicks Switch ...j At New Sewagtoe Plant MONMOUTH BEACH - luting the Shrewsbury-Naves- posal system. and officials as guides. With the flick of a red switch, ink Drainage Basin. After the short dedication Several persons were heard Gov. William TV Cahill sym- The report, he said, could ceremony, officials of the six to remark that there is vir- bolically started the $32 mil- spur fort connection with the member and six customer tually no sewage odor at the lion Northeast Monmouth NEMCRSA and "complete the municipalities and a handful plant and many noted the County Regional Sewerage dream we had" of tying the of the general public toured clean conditions and labora- Authority's treatment facility. communities in the southern the treatment plant and its tory that continuously moni- Gov. Cahill, who arrived by half of the basin into one ef- grounds. Many had the ser- tors the quality of the treat- helicopter about two minutes ficient, regional sewage dis- vices of authority members ment. - late from a tour of storm damaged areas, con- gratulated the authority for the cooperation that spawned the first such regional sewage Opening Appeal Lost treatment facility in the state. "These municipal offi- cials," he said, "have been able to sit down and work out On Beach Use Issue a feasible plan ... for the FREEHOLD - An Asbury that the defendants be re- people who will be residents Park, maintains that the law Park pre-law student has lost adopted July 13 is uncon- strained from taking any ac- Regiiter Staff Photo of these communities" in the the first round in her battle tion under it. TREATMENT FACILITY TOUR — Officials of many county communities toured the newly opened future. stitutional and discriminatory. against an Asbury Park ordi- A pre-law student at Mon- City Attorney James M. Northeast Monmouth County Sewerage Authority plant in Monmouth Beach after Gov. William T. Cah- The governor noted that the nance keeping everyone but mouth College, Miss Edelstein Coleman Jr. argued against ill threw the switch that sent the $32 million project into operation. state and county populations fishermen off the beaches be- filed her own papers in the the temporary restraint, stat- are expected to multiply in tween 9 p.m. and 9 a.m., but matter and represented her-ing that the ordinance is "pre- the future with a concurrent Superior Court Judge M. Ray- self in court. sumptively valid" and that need for clean beaches. "This mond McGowan con- Miss Edelstein had not shown (the sewer plant) is the an- gratulated her on her presen- She states in her complaint that she was being caused ir- swer," he said, to the need for Hazlet Mayor Denies Political tation. that she is bringing the action reparable harm by its en- dean beaches with unpolluted "in her own behalf as a resi- forcement. _•.,.». water. Judge McGowan denied dent and in behalf of all other The judge said the issues The switch Gov. Cahill Miss Jan Edelstein's motion residents of the City of As- are whether the ordinance is threw' turned on an aerator - for a temporary restraint bury Park." reasonable and whether it Collision Over School Budget a fan-like machine that mixes against city officials, stopping falls within the general pur- air with sewage. The process Named defendants in the them from enforcing the ordi- action are Asbury Park, City view of the city's police pow- "I wish it could help me," school system, "were facts provides oxygen needed by HAZLET - As he expressed. ence, Mayor Joseph A. Mo- nance against her pending a Manager William J. Shiel and er. • - rales last night nonetheless commented the mayor, who is and were made to justify the the bacteria that break down - full hearing into the matter. hope that the Board of Educa- Police Chief Thomas Smith. Violators of the ordinance denied accusations that the seeking reelection, on state- cuts we made." the sewage. tion and Township Committee. Miss Edelstein asks that the are subject to a $500 fine or SO controversy was politically ments made Friday by Arnold In response to Mr. Miller's In reality, the aerators and Miss Edelstein, 22, of 1601 could sit down together and ordinance be set aside and days in jail, or both. resolve their budget differ- •motivated. Miller, Board of Education statement that the tactics end other equipment at the plant Drummond Court, Asbury member. and everyone start "behaving have been in operation since Mr. Miller accused the like grown men and women in sewage started flowing in mayor of making a "calcu- a free society," the board here from the six member Matawan Township lated and deliberate decision" adopted a resolution calling communities on July 1. Flaherty Is Replaced to run for reelection against for an immediate attempt to Michael J. Rafferty of the board instead of against meet with the entire com- Little Silver, chairman of the Democrats Shift Slate his opponents. mittee to resolve the issue. NEMCRSA, thanked the state Charges Filed "I feel I can correctly state Department of Health for its By Brainard in Holmdel MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Melvin Ashley, one of the four The sides are at odds over that the Township Committee help in securing the state and BySHERRY FIGDORE ception, but the upcoming Shirley S. Cox, Republican the cut of $400,000 from the is willing to sit down with the federal aid that financed half Democratic candidates for 1 race will mark his first at- candidate for tax collector, Township Council, has with- $6.8 million 1971-72 school board - I am anyway,' May- the cost of the project HOLMDEL - Alan M. Fla- tempt at an elective office. budget. The board has ap- or Morales said. "I hope we He also thanked the state andis supporting_henelecttan drawn from the race. herty, Democratic- candidate- —Rest or Slate on the basis of the "out- Michael Brodnitz, campaign pealed and has^ent_tBjfie—can-resolve-thiS5-but4t-de—departmenttor" tell ing ltTute for Township Committee, has Mr. Brainard's running standing job" she has done as manager -forthe"Democraticr state Commissioner of Educa- pends on the attitude of the it is" in a receent report that announced his withdrawal mate for the two three-year tion charges of "arbitrary and assistant tax collector. ticket and a township resident board." proved that the effluent from the local race. Township Committee terms is capriciousness" against the pumped into the Shrewsbury Other Republican candi- for five years, has replaced The Holmdel Democratic George A. Stapleton of Glenn dates, all incumbents, are him on the ticket, which in- Township Committee. Fred L. Van Etten Jr. River by Ft Monmouth is pol- party Executive Committee Way. Mayor David Cohen, seeking cludes Philip dumbs, Andrew The board maintained that EAST KEANSBURG - has named Ralph C. Brainard James P. Sykes, of Indian his second term, and Jona- Uatekand Peter J. Lumia. the committee was not able to Fred La Rue Van Etten Jr., of 14 Glenn Way to replace Creek Road, candidate for tax than P. White. Mr. White, reach a sound decision on cuts 71, of 6 Park Place, died Sat- Job Grant Frank Clements, Democrat- Mr. Flaherty on the Novem- assessor, completes the elected last November to fill a because only Mayor Morales urday at home. ic municipal leader said Mr. ber ballot. Democratic slate. Democratic one-year vacancy, Is seeking and Committeeman "William He was a retired manager Ashley cited new and in- Deadline Mr. Flaherty, who was municipal leader Stefan Bo- a full three-year term. Tax creased responsibilities in his K. Bourbeau attended two for Russell-Rutter Co., a book- making his second try at a gen announced in April that Assessor Vincent M. Poraa- work in his request for with- meetings on the budget. binding firm in New York Township Committee seal, the party would not field a rico is seeking reelection to a drawal. Mr. Morales, at last City, where he had been em- Is Today asked the executive •com- candidate against Mrs. four-year term. Mr. Ashley said, "a realign- Tuesday's meeting, claimed ployed for 40 years. He retired (Continued) the board withheld certain in- four years ago. mittee to withdraw his name ment of responsibilities at my Also, Highlands, four jobs, from the ballot for personal place of employment... has formation needed on the capi- He was a member of the $22,115 ($18,885) ;tolmdel, two tal improvements accounts. reasons, and said he will sup- resulted in additional duties Old North Reformed Church jobs, $12,883 (55,748); Howell, port Mr. Brainard's candi- Miller charged Friday that of Dumont, of Tilden Masonic eight jobs, $49,400 (149,402); being placed upon me which Michael Brodnilz dacy. the Mayor "willfully and de- Lodge there, and its crafts- Keansburg, 10 jobs, $53,234; would not afford me sufficient Loses in '78 Announcement liberately distorted and with- men's club and of the Broth- Keyport, six jobs, $38,790; time to conscientiously fulfill . Mr. I.umia expressed hope Mr. Flaherty was high vote the office of councilman." that Mr. Ashley would return held "information on the erhood Bookbinders. He had Little Silver, one job, $6,432; getter for the Democrats in; PUBLIC SERVICE COORDINATED to the political scene one day, budget from other members been a Republican com- Long Branch, 19 jobs, $134,300 Mr. Brodnitz is a doctor of last November's race, but lost TRANSPORT, New Jersey's largest but added, "Mike will be a of the committee in engineer- mitteeman in District 7. ($134,384); Marlboro, three food science and is employed out to Republicans for the two transportation system, has changed its strong addition to our learn." ing his campaign for reelec- His first wife, the former jobs, $19,843; Matawan, six by International Flavors and available scats. Mr. Gumbs also issued tion. Miss Irene Murphy, died in jobs, $37,496; Matawan Town- name to TRANSPORT OF NEW JERSEY, Fragrances Inc. in New York. Mr. Brainard has lived in effective August 23, 1971, The com- He has teen active in the a warm welcome, com- Review Is Cited 1960. Surviving are his widow, ship, seven jobs, $41,875. menting, "Our ticket has not "I have no desire or ambi- the former Emma Myer; one Holmdel for nearly five years pany under its new name, will strive to township's Toastmaster's and ALso, Middletown, 29 jobs, with his wife Audrey and Indian Guides programs. lost any strength by the tion to get into a public debate son Fred La Rue Van Etten $105,236; Millstone, one job, continue to loyally servo the people of substitution of Brodnitz." with Mr. Miller," replied the 3rd, of Illinois; a daughter, three children, Holly, 15, Ray,' Now Jersey as it has been doing for al- $5,200; Neptune Township, 21 14, and Wendy, 11, and is a "I am sure he (Brodnitz) mayor. "The committee, in Mrs. Betty Bello of Cliffside jobs, $113,036; Ocean Town- most 70 years. will prove to be a most effec- compliance with the law, re- Park; one stepdaughter, Mrs. member of the technical staff PHOTOGRAPHIC ship, seven jobs, $41,054; at Bell Telephone Labora- tive campaigner," the third viewed the budget and took a Doris Gillespie of Dumont, Oceanport, two jobs, $10,264; tories. &T.V. COMMERCIALS candidate, Mr. Halek, stand." and a sister Mrs. Margaret Red Bank, 14 jobs, $70,750; He has been a member of stated. He said his statistics given Mansfield of Dumont and 11 Shrewsbury, one job, $6,706; Transport of New Jersey Modeling School the Holmdel Conservation The four men are seeking at the committee meeting grandchildren. South Belmar, one job, $3,695, Commission since its in- for Male & Female control of the council, which Tuesday, which explained the Arrangements are being Union Beach, four jobs, 'qung mon and wnmen, acjes 6 is comprised of seven Re- tax increases and correspond- handled by the Freeh Funeral $26,001; Wall Township, seven to 35. can pursue an exciting ing increases within the Tew career right here in Red publicans. Home in Dumont. jobs, $44,688 ($16,969), and Bank. Individual camera mod- West Ixrng Branch, three jobs, Red Bank Savings & Loan Association ahng. Fteo placement and guid- BroKl StrMt S«t Rlvar Rd. $15,326. and Bargwi Placa ince service. Rtdlnh Fair Hawan flay or ppvnintf clanies Weather: Sunny, Warm Towns not yet heard from CERTIF CATES Shopping Center Friday were Allenhurst, Al- • Extensive Curriculum Sunny, hazy and quite In Long Branch, yes- along a tine stretching from lcntown, Atlantic Highlands, 24 -26 Mot. 12-14 Mot. 9-11 Mos. including Deal, Engllshtown, Fair 6 - 8 Mot. warm today high in the mid terday's high was 81 and the Minnesota to Colorado. camera "modeling, 80s except around 80 along the low was 60. It was 76 at 6 p.m. Haven, Interlakcn, Loch Ar- self-confidence, phys- shore. Becoming partly TIDES bour, Manalapan, Manasquan, ical fitness, chnrm, The overnight low and the Sandy Hook poise, groom Ing, cloudy tonight then fair and temperature at 7 this morning Monmouth Beach, Roosevelt, make-up pleasant tomorrow. Low Today - High 3:18 p.m. and Rumson, Sea Bright, Sea Girt, were 62. low 111:06 p.m. fermrthformsfioa tonight 65 to 70 and high to- Spring Lake Heights and Up- morrow around 80. Most of the nation was fair Tomorrow - High 3:48 a.m. per Freehold Township. and warm today but scattered • and 4:24 p.m. and low 10:05 5 a.m. and 11:06 p.m. NURSING HOME showers and thunderstorms, Opera Seeks Name Minimum $10,000 Minimum $5,000 For Red Bank and Rumson Minimum $3,000 Minimum $1,000 • 24-Hour Cm some of them heavy, LONDON (AP) - The 40- • RNondutyalltiima bridge, add two hours; Sea drenched parts of the South- ycar-old Sadlers Wells opera Multiple* of $5,000 Multiple, of $1,000 Multlpltt of $1,000 Multiples of $500 520 fiflh Ava. Km Yard • Modicav* Approval! Bright, deduct 10 minutes; cast and the West. company is looking for a new 21-23 Broad St. RED BANK NAVESINK HOUSE I>ong Branch, deduct 15 min- name because it no longer DMDENDS PAD QUARTERLY: MARCH 31 - JUNE 30 - SEPTEMBER 30 - 842-7299 44 RIVERSIDE AVE. RED BANK Rainstorms continuedjuver utes; Highlands bridge, add 40 31 MZ-3400 ,., perftrms in London's Sadlers ACCOUNTS INSURED TO 420.000 the western mountains and minutes. Wells theater. The Dally RegirtcrJJed Bank - MWdletowiv N.J.,Mood»y, August 30,1971 3 Top of the News Union Beach's Mayor Collection Receding waters brought some semblance of normal life Of Refuse ' to most parts of the Garden State today, but flooding and its ' effects remained a serious problem in the Central portion of the state/following the rains of Friday and Saturday. Sees Jobs Dole Ploy i>J&*&COLTS NECK - The use of the Obre Road Green Acres Meanwhile in Trenton, Gov. William T. Cahill was to meet UNION BEACH - The first Mayor Hehnessy stated. dication to duty in aiding in today ill emergency session to find ways of expediting federal site as a refuse collection charge that {he Emergency "This is a typical Republi- the apprehension of four sus- point will continue until the aid for flood victims. Act of 1971 is a political ploy can gimmick," the Democrat- pects charged with a series of Road and rail travel was nearly normal. But more than 500 Township Committee decides was made by Mayor Alfred T. ic mayor continued. "Every robberies. if demand justifies estab- residents of Bound Brook were evacuated from their homes as Hennessy Jr. once in a while they throw Three of the four suspects lishing another collection site. flooding threatened. Borough Council has ap- you a bone. • Industries in Elizabeth were urged by Mayor Thomas were taken into custody when The township has been us- plied for the two-year grant "We are grateful for this police from seven municipal- ing the 14-acre Obre Road site Dunn to restrict use of water today except for emergencies. of $26,000 provided by the act bone but want them to know States of emergency - first issued late Friday and Satur- ities and state police and as a collection center since to hire two additional patrol- we aren't fooled by this at- county detectives cooperated the state took over the Leland day when record rainfalls of up to 11 inches hit the state - men a laborer and a clerk typ- tempt to make Mr. Nixon look were continued in Bound Brook, Manville, Somerville, Bridge- in trailing the suspects and Road landfill site for Rt. 18 ist. good," he added. arresting them after the hold- construction. This has gener- water, Hillsbpro and Middlesex. The borough must add Mayor Hennessy was also ' The main plant of the Elizabethtown Water Co. was out of up of a Little Silver service ated heated opposition from $2,889 yearly to the grant plus quick to chastise a critic of station. Scobeyville residents who service because of extensive flooding affecting sonie 5,000 resi- fringe benefits and after the his who in 1365 said the may- want the collection center re- dents of Edison, Franklin, Clark, Piscataway. two year period, retain on the or's idea to regionalize local "I tried to have regionaliza- moved from their residential At least one person died Sunday because of the floods. municipal payroll at least half police departments was "asi- tion made a reality six years area. _ Three-year-old Robert Hatch drowned in a flooded stairwell of of those hired. nine." ago but was told by a local his father's apartment house in Hamilton Township. Thirty residents attended "It just sohappens that the Mayor Hennessy's remarks mayor my idea was asinine," last Thursday's committee two-year period will coincide were made after reading a Mayor Hennessy stated. meeting protesting the Obre Local Sailors Now in England with the general election and letter from Albert V. "It seems to me it is a very Road site. They presented a make President Nixon look as McCormick, chief of county practical idea now in the petition signed by 51 residents LYMINGTON, England - A father and son from New though he solved the detectives commending Police wake of what took place last who shared their views. unemployment problem," week," he added. Jersey sailed into this quiet southern England port yesterday Sgt. Henry Riegler for his de-. Committeeman Carroll S. • after crossing the Atlantic in a 26-foot homemade Pierce explained that the boat. Martin Weston, 45, and his 17-year-old son, Paul, took Obre Road site is being used 40 days to make the 4,500-mile crossing in their sloop Cicely II. as a collection point for those Weston's wife was waiting for them. Weston took 18 Parkway Expenses Down residents who formerly used months to build the sloop near his home in Middletown, N. J. the Leland Road landfill site. The yacht has a concrete keel filled with car engine parts WOODBRIDGE - The N.J. for the authority, reported Toll Plaza is necessary, Mr. He said that it would be used as ballast. Another novelty is a hollow wooden'mast. Highway. Authority's oper- that bids for the improvement May explained, to accom- temporarily for two reasons. He also built his own directional finding set and self-steerr ating expenses are down of Interchange 117; widening modate cars using express They are: To service those taggear. $250,009 for the first seven of the Raritan Toll Plaza, lanes from Asbury Park. residents who used the Leland The two sailors said they suffered from sea sickness for months of,the year, but its northbound; and razing of the Discussing the overall con- Road site, so that their source the first week of the trip and had a bout of food poisoning after overall operating budget authority's sewerage treat- struction package, Mr. Mayof garbage disposal is not cut eating some mouldy cheese. shows a $460,000 increase. ment plant in Cheesequake said the authority intends to off suddenly; and to deter- But Weston said, "I'm very satisfied with the way the During the monthly will be received Sept. 30. construct, using the. center mine if there is a need for a boat handled. I couldn't fault it at all." meeting, John P.' Gallagher, First Phase median, five lanes which will permanent collection site else- "I now feel my life's ambition has been fulfilled. I think I authority chairman, reported "What we are doing at 117 include the express lane where in the township. •shall rest on my laurels." that senior debt bond service is the first phase of our plans "down the middle." Committeeman Pierce said He said he plans to remain in England. is also down $86,252 because there," Mr. May stated. "We Express Lane that the state has opined that of accelerated payments, will first eliminate the left "In explanation, what we the township could use the' while toll revenues are up turn exit." intend to do is provide for an Green Acres site temporarily Computer Firms May Sue State $200,000 and investment earn- Expansion to five lanes in express lane all the way from until another site could be ob- Legal action is being contemplated by three unsuccessful ings have brought in an addi- each direction is also on- the Asbury Park for through traf- tained. Garbage is not re- bidders for the contract on New Jersey's computerized state- tional $275,000. planning agenda for the inter- fic," he continued. "If you get maining at the site, Mr. wide police communications system, which was awarded last The improvement bond change. on the express lane at Asbury Pierce explained, but rather month to the International Business Machines Corp. debt service, not appropriated A proposed 15-cents toll will Park you can't get off until, is being put into portable-con- The three firms, UNIVAC, RCA and Burroughs Corp., all in the authority's calendar be charged at the interchange the Garden State Arts Cen- tainers which are removed claim to have been treated unfairly by the state and that, budget, totals $1,906,667. for cars entering and leaving ter." each week, by Roselle-Stavola among other things, IBM had "inside information" which The authority last month in either direction when con- Mr. May explained the rea- Contracting Co., Shrews- helped it land the $3 million contract. sold $80 million in revenue struction is completed. son for demolition of the au- bury. The committeeman A spokesman for UNIVAC, which is based in Maryland, bonds at 6.5 per cent for im- Mr. May said construction thority's sewerage treatment said that the collection site is said his company has retained a New Jersey lawyer to see if provement of the Garden should get underway before plant is that arrangements open only on Saturdays from 9 there are legal grounds to block the IBM contract. Spokesmen State Parkway. the fust of the year. have been made with the a.m. to 2 p.m. He said that 75 for the other two companies would not comment on possible le-. Philip May, chief engineer Extension of the Raritan borough of Sayreville. . people have used the facility gal action. ^ • "We have become a cus- since it was opened Aug. 21. tomer of Sayreville's Sewer- If the township does decide age Authority and no longer that another site should be Compensation Probe to Begin need our plant," he stated.- used as a collection point, it THENTON - A comprehensive probe into the operations A $1,750 payment for legal will not be a Green Acres site, of the state women's compensation program has oeli'n ordered Births fees, which totaled $22,500, for Mr. Pierce said, he said that by Roqald M. Heymann, New Jersey Labor and Industry com- services in the authority's suit although he did not know where such a site could be lo- missioner.) 1 WVERVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Michael Col- against former state Attorney Heymann has appointed Charles Rosen, a lawyer and for- lins, (nee Eileen Cherry), 10 General Arthur J. Sills, was cated he did say that it should Red Bank be centrally located and pref- mer industrial relations specialist for the New Jersey Manu- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wolfe Paradise Trailer Park, High- authorized. . facturers Assn., to undertake the assignment. lands, daughter, Aug. 29. The authority had main- erably not near a residential (nee Deane Blaisdell), 170 E. area. Of particular concern to Heymann is the widespread prac- 77th St., New York, daughter, tained, and was upheld by the tice pf paying bonuses to doctors who testify in court on behalf Aug. 25. MONMOUTH MEDICAL state Supreme Court, that "We have been looking for of workmen seeking compensation benefits. He estimated that Long Branch members of National Guard over a year for another land Mr. and Mrs.- Joseph fill site to replace the. Leland bonuses paid in such fashion to doctors in New Jersey, total • Amecangelo (nee Angela De- and reserves should be re- $300,000 annually. Mr. and Mrs. George Tenta quired to pay tolls while trav- Road site, but it is not easy Vita), 23 Emory Court, Eaton- (nee Kathy Keller), Atlantic and we have not been success- The existence of the practice, labelled by Heymann as a town, daughter, Aug. 25. eling on the Garden State "giveaway," was disclosed in a recent eight-part series which Ave. Long Branch, son, Aug. Parkway. ful," he said. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mur- 25. The committeeman said appeared in the Newark Star-Ledger. . • • •. .' phy (nee Evelyn Munch), 19 Schiavone Construction Co. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sum- Inc. of Secaucus was awarded that he doubted that the town- Vineyard Ave., East Keans- mers (nee Dorothy Estella), ship would purchase land for burg, son, Aug. 25. an additional payment of Union Members Support Nixon 11 Fourth Ave., West Belmar, $69,716 for work in locating another sanitary landfill be- Mr. and Mrs. James Mo- son, Aug. 25. and removing concrete and cause "state regulations PRINCETON - President Nixon's new economic program riarty (nee Frances Bui- steel on piers, and $19,630 for make it an expensive proposi- has received the overwhelming support of a majority of labor mahn), 27 Waackaack Ave., Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Moffett tion." Keansburg, daughter, Aug. 25. erecting high intensity lights onion members in the United States, according to the latest (nee Jane Bowman), 83 Step- on the timber barriers at the John H. Kissel 1, Hock- Gallup Poll. Mr. and Mrs. Peter henville Blvd., Middletown, southbound detour at the ap- hockson Road, said that a Two in every three adults in union member families had a McClain (nee Mary Gibson), 2 daughter, Aug. 26. proach of the Raritan River group of protesting residents favorable opinion of the program, Dr. George Gallup reported Hazel Place, Hazlet, son, Aug. Mr. and Mrs. Randy O'Neill bridge. may attempt to obtain an in- 25, (nee-Marion Sneider), 1955 yesterday. The figure he noted was not far behind the propor- Contracts were awarded for junction against the township tion of adults in nonunion households who expressed support. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Newton liakewobd Road, Toms River, to stop the use of the Obre (riee Shirley Allen), Canter- soil, Aug. 26. .- supply of tires and tubes. The ' The views of union members are in sharp contrast to the. successful bidders are R.A. Road site. He said that they positions taken by most leaders of organized,labor who have bury Lane, New Shrewsbury, are awaiting the results of an- son, Aug. 25. • . .' Mr. and Mrs. Michael Park- McDonough & Co. of Orange, criticized the wage-price freeze because it was! not applied to $21,000; Heath and Wildblood other meeting with the Town- —profits,-interest xates^nd dividends. -: • er (nee Barbara Bennett), 185 ' Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Par- Garfield Ave., Long Branch, of Trenton, $4,300; and Perth- ship before plotting a coarse A similar finding.was reported by the; Opiriion Research ent! (nee Rita Aigner) 12 Mon- daughter, Aug. 27. Amboy Tire Inc., $2,200. of action. Corp; here which found that seven in 10 union families had told,, mouth-Ave., Leonardo, son, interviewers that they supported the President's plajit '"for pro- Aug. 27. viding jobs and halting inflation." •• Mr. and Mrs. William Can- dito (nee Jane Duncan), 16A Want Battleship Back Home Westminster Blvd., South Am- Gain more leisure time, boy, daughter, Aug. 27. ATLANTIC CITY - Thebattleship New Jersey, tost ship' vMr. and Mrs. William Fow- of the class to see action in wartime, may end her days a? a ler (nee Amelia DeAngelo), 22 pay your bills at home tourist attraction in heir namesake state." \' '; •' Prospect St., Keyport, son,- berkshire A group of Atlantic City businessmen who cajl themselves Aug. 27^ the New Jersef Battleship Committee are seeking J1.7 million in state and local funds to underwrite the cost of bringuurthe Mr. and Mrs. Michael Can- ship to this resort city. The city government has applied for- .<. tiallon (nee Catherine Ma- nochio), 703-Bayview Ave., sale mally to the Navy for the ship and is awaiting word from the Navy Department. Union Beach, daughter, Aug. 27. August 26 thru September 11. The New Jersey, a survivor of the Second World" War's Mr. and Mrs. David Vaughn Panty Hose and Stocking critical naval engagements, is in mothballs in Bremerton, (nee Nancy Edmonds), 8 West Wash. She was berthed there after a brief appearance in Viet- St., Union Beach, twin sons, nam as an offshore bombardment vessel. Aug. 27. The marvelous fitting, long wearing Mr. and Mrs. Howard Policeman Killed at Headquarters Crawford (nee Joyce Crea- feggery designed for showing off your SAN FRANCISCO - A man walked into a police station mer), 662 Beers St., Hazlet, legs... now at great loW prices^ here last night and began firing a shotgun, killing a desk ser- daughter, Aug. 28. geant and wounding a woman clerk, police reported. Mr. and Mrs. David Smith 3.00 Actionwear Panty Hose 3/5.95 "He just came through the door and started shooting," (nee Judith Ackerman), 1308- said officer James Nanz, one of two other officers in the In- B Harris Ave., Union Beach, ' gleside District Police Station. "The sergeant is dead." son, Aug. 28. 2.00 Solo one size Panty 3/4.75 Officers said the gunman was believed to have fled in a Mr,.,and Mrs. Anthony Cer- car in which a companion waited. bo (nee Annette Cerrato), (f 2.50 Curvare Panty Hose 3/5.95 Police sealed off the area and barred newsmen as a Collington Drive, New Mon- search for the gunman started in the southwest corner of the mouth, daughter, Aug. 28. city where the station is located. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Guar- 1.35 Sheer Stockings 3/3.25 nieri (nee Barbara Ann Bar- The wounded woman was taken to Mission Emergency rett), 25 Spruce St., Hadet, 1.50 Business wt. Stockings 3/3.55 Hospital. There was no immediate report on her condition. son, Aug. 28. ' The two victims of the shooting were not identified. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence The pplice radio broadcast instructions to an puuce siu- Coleman (nee Cynthia Des- 1.75 Agilon Stockings 3/4.15 tlons to make their buildings secure. lowski),'28 Seabreeze Way, Keansburg, daughter, Aug. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Felix FOR TELE-SERVICE PHONE ORDERS: (nee Theresa Sterle), It-74 THEDMLY Manning Place, Keansburg, Asbury Park: 774-4747 Red Bank: 946-4747 1 1 daughter, Aug. 29. Be v/ a Checkmaster account today Brick Town: 882-4747 Elizabeth: 351-4747 MalnOMca: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kalish Cheitnut 51,, Red flunk, N.J. 07701 Brand) Offices: (nee Doris Bernstein), 43 Manalapan: 446-4747 Plalnfleld: 757-4747 • 174 HI. IS, Mlddlelown, N.J. ID EOlf Main SI., Freehold. »l. Stockton Drive, Marlboro, 279 Broadway, Long Branch, N.J. son, Aug. 29. No minimum balance required

mtabliihcd in IB7I by John II. Cook and Henry Cloy Mr. and Mrs. John DeWitt THEj Publlihtd by Trio Rtd Bonk Regliter (nee Joan Marie Crowley), 7 GAM WE ' Member of Ihe Associated Press — The Associated Press Is entitled ex- cluilvely to the use lor rppubllcollon of oil the local news printed In this newspaper Intone Lane, Matawan, Oi will as all AP news dispatches. CENTRAL JERSEY BANK HELP YOU ? daughter. Aug. 29. TTWJJST Steinbach Second class nosltnie mild cil Uml flunk. N.J. 0/7111 and ol mlrimonal nfadlnn offices. Published dally, Monday Ilirough Friday. Mall Miliirrlulions p(iyol>lo In rid- Allonhur.l • All.Mown • Bradlay Baach • Eatontown • Farm- vanr*. . Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin midalo. P(. Monmouth • Fraahold (3) • Fr«»ho BANK - Guy M. A U.S. Army veteran of and resided in Raymond, here, and was church clerk Maine, for 10 years before and Mrs. Elizabeth Farrell of Parker. 88. of 4(1 Riverside World War I, he was a mem- and a member of the .church's Clarks Summit, Pa.; nine Drive died Friday in Kiv- ber of St. Ann's Catholic moving here eight years ago. grandchildren and 14 great- Missionary Society, Floral He' retired 12 years ago erview Hospital. Church,, and Molly Pitcher Club and Pastor's Aid Society. grandchildren. Mr. I'arkcr was a sales rep- Barracks. Veterans of World from the Dielectric Products She was president of the of Raymond where he was The Laurel Funeral Home, . rcsentative for the Whitaker War I, both here. West Keansburg, is in charge Paper Co.. New York, for 50 Surviving are his widow, Usher's Board 25 years and employed as a model maker. was treasurer of the Seacoast Surviving are his wife, Mrs. of arrangements. years. He retired eight years Mrs. Elizabeth Schnackig ago- Papa; three brothers, Joseph Usher's Union of Monmouth Myrtle Larsen Bokke; two Giovanni Meglio and adjacent counties. She daughters, Mrs. Esther En- He was born in Ifising Sun. Pelose of Red Bank, and was also an active member of MARLBORO - Giovanni lnd.. and had lived in Orange George Pelose and James right of North Bergen and Meglio, 87. of Rl) 1. Rl. 7M. the Neighborhood Council Mrs. Edna Dreps of Tampa, before coming here tuo years Papa, both here, and several here and was a member of the died Friday in Rivcrview Hos- ago. nieces and nephews. Fla. and two grandchildren. pital, Red Bank. Asbury Park and Neptune The John F. Pfleger Funer- Mr. Parker was a member Arrangements are under di- chapters of the NAACP, and Born in Italy, he was a resi- of the Highland Avenue Con- rection of the Day Funeral al Home, New Monmouth, is dent here 45 years and for- was a member of the Order of in charge of arrangements. gregational Church of Or- Home. Keyport. Eastern Star of Prospect. merly lived in Brooklyn. ange: the Yeatman Lodge. He was a retired farmer. Surviving are two"sons, Al-' James F. O'Neill F&AM. of Cincinnati. Ohio: George W. Hyatt fred Miles of New York City, Surviving are his widow. tht' Ancient Accepted Scottish and Edward S. Miles Jr. of At- Mrs. Lucia Chiusano Meglio; Kile, Valley of Newark, and HIGHLANDS - George W. WEWT KEANSBURG - a son, Dominick Meglio of lantic City; two daughters, James F. O'Neil, 53, of 37 the Newark Consistory of Hyatt, 65, of 53 Matthew St., Mrs. Mary Walker, here, and Brooklyn; two daughters, SPKS. 32nd degree, a Masonic From West Caldwell, Millburn, Mercerville, Philadelphia, Sayre died Thursday on a New York Newman St., died suddenly Mrs. Marie Nespoli and Mrs. ville and Oceanport.. . here are the first seven families to Mrs. Frances Craver of Le- Saturday. order. City street, apparently of a xington, N.C.; seven grand- Rose Lubrano, both here: two Surviving is his widow. Mrs. become millionaire winners of America's Most Rewarding and heart attack. He was bom in Newark, son sisters. Miss Orsolina Meglio Successful Lottery. They're the first seven foTiriTi-^SO.OO children, and seven great- of Mrs. Minnie Scherstule Kathcrine Sharrcr Parker. He was born in New Yorfc grandchildren. and Mrs. Anna Lubrano. both the John K. Day Funeral tf'year for 20 years. And, that's something to smile about and lived here 12 years. Mr. .O'Neil of Keansburg and the of Italy; 13 grandchildren: 25 .;.. . $50,000 a year until 1991. Think about that. The Jackson Funeral late Edward F. O'Neil. He Hpmeis in charge of arrange- Hyatt was employed by the Home, Neptune, is in charge great-grandchildren, and a ments. • Your family could also be one of our next Million-. Stewart Clay Co., New York. lived in the Bayshore area for great-great-grandchild. alres... or winners of one of the other big of arrangements. 14 years. Surviving is his sister, Miss { Arrangements are under di- Death Notice money prizes in the N.J. Weekly Lottery. Catharine Hyatt, with whom Mr. O'Neil was an employe rection of the Day Funeral VAN ETTEN — Fred La Rue, Jr. (Lorry) Tickets 500. Winners every week. Sensational! Mrs. Mary D. Clifford of the U.S. Post Office in Jer- on. August 21, 1971 of 6 Pork PI., East he lived. Home, Keyport. Xeonsbura. N.J. Beloved husband of • MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - sey City. He was an Army Air Emma (nee Meyer). Oevotcd father of The Posten Funeral Home, Betty Bello and Fred La Rue Van Ellen, Benefits Stale Education find Institutions Force veteran of World War Mrs. Jeanne Wolkwitz ill, Oevoted stepfather of Doris Gil- Atlantic Highlands, is in Mrs. Mary D. Clifford, 86, of lesple. Dear brother of Morgaret Mans- 32 Idelwild Lane, died Friday II and was a member of the RED BANK - Mrs. Jeanne field, the late Mildred Sweeney and the charge of arrangements. late Mable Stlllman. Tllden LoOpe No. 113 CHECK YOUR TICKETS CAREFULLY. SEE YOUR LICENSED LOTTERY in the King James Nursing United Methodist Church, A. Wolkwitz, 89. of 36 Hudson F 1 AM service • p.m. Monday at the Freeh Funeral Home, 161 Washington AGENT FOR COMPLETE LIST OF WEEKLY WINNING NUMBERS Home, Middletown. Keansburg. Ave. died Friday in Riverview Ave., Oumont. Religious service 11 a.m. DEATH NOTICE Surviving besides his moth- Tuesday with the Rev. Dr. Albert H. Van She was born in Ireland and Hospital. Dyke officiating. Interment George Wash- ACKERMAN - Roy S. Age tl. 01 Brook- er are his widow, Mrs. Evelyn Mrs. Wolkwitz was born in ington Memorial Park. Visitation i 5 and dole Mobile Court, Higrway 35, Hazlet. had lived here six years com- 7-9 p.m. . On Saturday, Aug. 28, 197). Devoted fa- Schenck O'Neil; two sons, New York, where she lived ther of Mrs. James Nosworlhy. Brother of ing from Belleville. Mrs. Elsie Clprlano. Uncle ot Mrs. Elsie James and William O'Neil and and taught in the public Williams. Funeral services, 10 a.m. Mrs. Clifford was a commu- Tuesday, ot the Warden Funeral Home, 60 nicant of St. Benedict's Catho- two daughters, Gayle and schools until moving here E. Front St., Red Bank, with Rev. Charles S. Webster officiating. Interment Falrvlew lic Church, Holmdel. Judy O'Neil, all at home; more than 20 years ago. Cemetery, Morrlstown. Friends may call at the funeral home 2-4 and 7-9 today. Surviving are two sons, three brothers, Edward She was the widow of Otto THE SEASON IS OUERff Martin Clifford, with whom O'Neil of Parlin, John O'Neil Wolkwitz, and was a commu- she lived and Michael Clifford of Irvington and Robert nicant of St. James Catholic of Baltimore, Md.; seven O'Neil of Keansburg; and four Church of Red Bank. FAMILY SWIMMING 9Q0LS grandchildren and five sisters, Mrs. Pearl Grosso, She is survived by a daugh-' great-grandchildren. Keansburg, Mrs. Dorothy. ter. Mrs. Eugenie Hillycr, 135 First Avenue " The" Day Funeral Home, Hermann of Maryland, Mrs. with whom she lived: three ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS . Ntw Jersey Keyport, is in charge of ar- Eileen Hagerty of South River grandchildren, and five great- Tel. 2910477 rangements. and Miss Margaret O'Neil of grandchildren. Keansburg. The William S. Anderson The Laurel Funeral Home Funeral Home of Red Bank, is is in charge of arrangements. in charge of arrangements.

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WE Will SHIP DIRECT JO SCHOOL CALL NOW!! 1 OR C0MGE AT HO CHARGE Anchor Your Savings to ... GOLD BOND INDUSTRIES """" _ OPEH THUMDAY ond FRIDAY -TIL t - SATURDAY 'Til. S CAIL COLLEO!! 24 Hours — 7 Days I M«rlln Avr: Chliry Hill. N.J. 0BO34 , ™ OR Pl«fl8a havo A representative call. I understand I am ur> I FREE MIDDLESEX CO. dar no obligation. ' - 249-5262 MAIL NAME SHOP-AT THE LIGHTING CENTER TODAY! ADDRESS HOME SERVICE, MIDDLETOWN | ATI. HIGHLANDS 79 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., RED BANK, N. J, MONMOUTH CO. CITY K71-2400 TEL 74I-6400 8427300 PHONE Thr Daily HrpriM-, Hrillanl - MbMlrlowft $J- Monday. AupM 30. 1971 3 Democrat Says He's Not Informed of Council Decisions MARLBORO - Lawrence submitted by Councilwoman ceived it later that morning at Councilman Grossman said though it purported to discuss bulk mail permit, said council tions are over, with the one formed. He said that when he S. Grossman, (lie lone Demo- Judith Czerny. The bill in- his house. that "allhnugh we all ran for (he Moyd and Solnn Itaid could use it only if proper exception of his quarterly re- questioned Councilman Kich- cratic councilman, believe^ volved a mailing conducted Asks Inclusion office under a political ban- projects, included many ex- procedures were followed. port, scheduled for September, ard Herman about it. the that his Republican col- earlier this month by Coun- The councilman said that ner, we were all uloctud with traneous .statements and at- The proper procedures are: or October. councilman declined to con- leagues are not informing him cilman McLaughlin to inform since the mailings were un- equal responsibility." tributed statements to me a unanimous informal resolu- Councilman Grossman then firm or deny the report. of council decisions. residents of the "facts" sur- dertaken with township funds. "It is apparent thai now. that I did not make.'" the tion of intent from council, or reported thai a five-man ••This came after the com . The councilman cites two rounding the Lloyd Koad con- he requested that his view dif- since we are close to election council president said. formal action, taken in public, study com mil tee had been mittee had already met recent cases in point: A mail- troversy. fering with that of the council time, it is better for the coun- Mr. McLaughlin then pro- if I hi' councils view is not formed by the council major- twice." Mr. Grossman said. ing on the Lloyd Road re- Only Mayor majority be included in l.he cil majority t« get together posed (hat no niori1 public unanimous, lie .said lhal im- ity lo examine I he post of Councilman (irossman said 1 construction project signed by Councilwoman Czerny was mailing . and do things without the mi- money be spent on commu- der those circumstances, arid township engineer. Various Mr. Herman asked him al Council President John ,1. informed by a township post- He said that Mr. nority knowing about them," as long as the mailings were studies on the position, now- nication until the elections arc 1 12:1.") a,m. yesterday if he McLaughlin, and the forma- master when she requested McLaughlin and Councilman he charged. over. This .suggestion, how- not political, lit would want held part-time by I.eon S. would be a member of the tion of a five-man committee use of the township's bulk Kichard Herman indicated "I feel thai I should take ever, elicited comments from usetif the permit. Avakian, have been under- study group. The councilman to reevaluate the office of mail permit that only the that they would "rather have equal responsibility and not Mayor Morton Salkind. a YYII! Suspend taken over a two-year period. said he would join the group., township engineer. mayor could authorize such a separate letter sent out by ' let down the people who voted Democrat. The mayor also said lie The councilman said he was which he described as being The council has ap- action. me than to include it in a let- for me," he added. The mayor, in commenting would suspend all mailings informed by a 'committee comprised of four Kepubli-, - proved a $272 bill for stamps Mrs. Czerny said the mayor ter already prepared." Council President on the use of the township's from his office until the elec- member that the group was cans and one non-part isan. then informed her that council Councilman (irossman said McLaughlin said Mr. Gross- could use the permit only if it he then conducted his own man was aware of his mail- High Interest passed a resolution indicating mailing, at township expense, ing. He said that it was non- intent. She said that rather to answer the first mailing. political, and confirmed that than delay the mailing, she He said when township at- he told Mr. Grossman that he and Flexibility purchased the 8-eent stamps. torney James R. Minogue was could send out his own mail- 1 Councilman Grossman said informed that a councilman ing. ' last night he was shown the was unaware of the council "The Grossman letter, al- mailing at 12:30 a.m. on Aug. president's mailing, the at- 10 at a council caucus. He torney said that such an ac- .said the letter had already tion needed only the approval been mailed, and that he re- of the council majority. Long Branch TIME ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Court Fines What Do Many Doctors Use Motorists GOES JiY When They Suffer Pain LONG BRANCH - Judge Jacob Rand disposed of the Of Hemorrhoidal Tissues? following traffic cases in Mu- Exclusive Formula Gives Prompt, Temporary Relief nicipal Court: . KMSIISiSMEdirTO In Many Cases from Such Pain. Also Helps Shrink Anthony Wright of 3 Grant WE'RE NOW SIt.001 II FJt j.C. Swelling of Such Tissues Due to Infection. Court was found guilty on charges of driving while on In a survey, doctors were asked many cases from pain, itching the revoked list July 16 what limy use to relieve such in hemorrhoidal (issues. And it painful symptoms. Many of the actually helps shrink painful despite his plea of innocence. doctors reporting said they swelling of such tissues when He was fined $210. either use Preparation H them- infected and inflamed. Just sec Fined $30 on a guilty finding Heater redcril Keictre. Ftdeul selves or in their office practice. if doctor-tested Preparation H" of careless driving were Ber- 85 Depult lAinrftnce Corp. Preparation H gives prompt, doesn't help you. Ointment or temporary relief for hours in suppositories. nice Hecht of 342 Lowden Court, for allegedly striking a utility pole Aug. 9; Willie J. Sncl) Jr. of 13!i Sixth Ave., for inatlqntive driving Aug. 3; Paul Hughes of Bristol. Pa.. YEARSOLD for excessive speed Aug. 19, DAVIDSON'S and Robert W. llennum of . . . but equally important is the fact 1001 Van Court Ave.. for changing lanes and excessive that Reussilles* has been family oper- speed Aug. 7. STOCK-UP NOW Joseph M. Novobilski of 624 ated for those 85 years. Conover SC was fined $35 FOR THE when found guilty of reckless Kctissilies' was originally opcnod by U'on do la Renssille driving Aug. 20. - on Hroad Street, Red Rank, in 1886. In the lull* Thirties, Fined $15 were Michael P. Dimuzio of Belleville for alle- Mr. de la Keiissille passed the management of the husi- LABOR DAY WEEKEND gedly causing an accident by disregarding a slop sign July IH'.SS to his son, Paul. A.low years later his grandson, •31, and Richard T. Hight of We .urge'you to anticipate your needs and place your or- 142 Brookside Drive, Belford, Rohcrl, came into the business and upon the retirement der now. Select from the largest selection of world fa- for disregarding a traffic sig- of his lather, lu-cainc the head of the firm. Robert tie la nal Aug. 1. mous imported brands in the Red Bank Area ... at Da- Keiissille is presently associated with his son, Paul, in vidson's.. the active management of the store. FREE DELIVERY Reussilles'. through four generations, have built a repu- lalion for professional integrity, reliability, personal ser- CAU. vice and line jewelry. They are members of the Ameri- can Gem .Society-in which Rolierl holds the title of "Reg- 747-3334 ^ istered Jeweler." > , > '*'••• .••',. LAST The famous clock?. .Why, it's been here since 1897. ^ GUI" SCHWEPPES Now, from Aug. 23 thru Sept. 11 on the occasion TONIC or BITTER LEMON of our anniversary, we are offering an exceptional Charles W. Beggs STOREWIDE SALE * Bottles Engineer including lino diamonds, gold jewelry, silverware CASH & CARRY Promoted and other quality items from our comprehensive By Utility slock at 10% off... plus NEWARK - Charles W. 9 Beggs, 11 Marcshire Drive, SPECIAL GROUPfMS Middletown, has been pro- moted to corrosion engineer Diamond Jewelry arid Engagement Rings at in the gas department of Pub- WHISKEYA t- ( lic Service Electric and Gas 86 PROOF ^^m Company, effective Aug. 1. After graduating from Le- high University with a degree DAVIDSON'S 8b PKUUf M ti% in chemical engineering in* 1925, Mr. Beggs started with 20%* Public Service as a cadet en- gineer. Upon completion of Famous Make.Watches, Gold Jewelry, VODKA 4*? his cadet training course Men's and Ladies' Rings, Silverware at three years later, he was DAVIDSON'S 90 PROOF made central division engi- neer and subsequently worked as assistant to the engineer in central gas plant, superinten- dent of gas distribution in GIN New Brunswick District, as- COMSTOCK LIGHT or DARK sistant distribution engineer in Central Division, and proj- Sterling Flatware Pieces at ect engineer in the general of- fice, Newark, prior to being made senior engineer in the RUM general office in 1956. Mr. Beggs is a member of •Fxri'|i(injt KuirTrmlt'il Item* ICE COLD BARTON'S the American Gas Associ- Ooff ation/National Society of Pro- BEER CHOCOLATES fessional Engineers, Photo- graphic .Society of America, National Association of Corro- sion Engineers,' the American Chemical Society, the New Jersey Gas Association, and •^DAVIDSON'S the I'lainficld Camera Club. I lunger lakes Top Toll Since1886 USSILLES' WINES & LIQUORS 1 MKXICIH.'ITV (Al ) - Ser- enly per cent of the world's 5(1 Monmouth's Leading lewdsn million human deaths each 26 BROAD STREET RED BANK year have causes related to THIRTY SIX BROAD STREET / RED BANK. NEW JERSEY FREE DELIVERY - 747-3334 hunger, according to a study presented at the 14th World Veterinary Congress by Mexi- can, Indian and U.S. research- ers. UN Reforms Needed (Robert S. Allen is on vaca- walk blindly over the com- them to think seriously of go- Established in 1878-PubHshed by The Red Bank Register tion. Substituting (or him this pelling reasons why Taiwan ing even further to make the week Is Carl T. Rowan.) INSIDK ought not be thrown ou( of the IS more reflective of Ihe real ARTHUR Z. KAMIN Ceneral Assembly., world. . President and Editor All loo often the light of a Looking at Ihe world as it Of every 10 people on this new truth blinds men to the WASHINGTON is, we see a separate political globe, six ol them live in Asia. Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor validity iif some old ones. entity of 14 million people on By what logic should anyone There is a/real danger of thai Taiwan. There are !I7 "coun- say lhat Peking alone repre- happening at the t'nited Na- wan under Chiang Kai-shek tries" in the IN with smaller sents Asia as a permanent Council member while Brit- M..M.Ia>. ViijiiiM -SO. I'»TI tions ^tus fall as I lie world never was a great power, anil populations tjian Taiwan's, body grapples with the China and il makes tin sense, eilher ain, France. Ihe Soviel L'ninn JS#««» never did represent all of question. China, il had nn business hold- in terms of Ihesc people's and the I niled States hold the 1 Thy now truth has dawned ing a permanent seal, will) rights in the long-range effec- ill her lour seals of power'.' beTore the C.\ can play a on most people that Commu- veto powers, on tin; IN secu- tiveness of the IX, lo throw Japan is clearly a world more effective role in moving 'Run for Your Lives, llie Dam's—! nist China sought to be in tho rity council. In recognition of Taiwan out. power and ought I" have a Ihe world toward those lofty C.N. It seems to be a foregone this, IN members almost cer- The'l'N must be moved in permanent seat on the Secu- goals set forth in San Fran- conclusion that Peking will be tainly are going lo vote to the direction of embracing ail rity Council. Uhal entitles cisco in 194). A good slarl voted in, now that the t.S. no seat Peking in the council. of mankind. liiilain and France to per- would be lo make member- longer is fighting lo keep tho As It Is As IN members lake this manent status when Ihe rank ship and the makeup of the Mao government out. Hul these nations ought nnl historic step of putting main- is denied India and her Will powerful Security Council A corollary truth also has become so intoxicated by land China in Ihe Security million people?, more in keeping with IJ become obvious. Since Tai- their new wisdom thai thov Council, it mighl be lime for Manv reforms are needed world Ihe IN seeks to save. What's New in Hair? By SYLVIA PORTER As for Ihe longer sideburns. the more prosaic barber is in beards and mustaches, a decline. Men are becoming How arc wigs, beards and YOU* MONKY\S they've had no effect on sales a larger and larger market mustaches affecting the sales of blades and razors. There is for wigs. Users of the tradi- of hair care and grooming even a greater likelihood of tional liquid and cream hair products? Has the recession WORTH bearded men using Ihe wet grooms tend to fall in the 25 to increased the sale of such do- shaving process than those 50 category. L'se of hair it-yourself money-saving prod- wilhoul decorative facial hair groom products by a younger ucts as homo hair colorings - if only because men who i:i to 34 age group declined by and permanent waves? What own wigs also need hair care wear facial hair are giving 44 per cent in the 1950s. have been some results of the and grooming products for more detailed attention lo Do-U-Yourself POKTKK longer hair styles for men and those times when they do not their personal grooming. Q. What about the sale of women? The following inter- wear wigs, and each fashion I}. What's news in the men's do-it-yourself products to save Q. Is this type ol product on view with Vincent C. Zieglcij. 'alternative requires a hair grooming field? A. In addition money at Iliis lime? A. I'sage Ihe way out? A. Changing chairman and president of care or grooming products - to Ihe longer, looser, more of hair coloring and per- women's hair styles have ad- The Gillette Co., gives some not its elimination. Kxcept for casual hair styles, there is the manent wave products by versely affected the home insight into America's current hair coloring - the decline of dry look - a natural look in women in their own homes permanent wave and hair grooming habits. which might be related to the contrast to the slicked-down has declined in the past three spray markets. In the hair greater popularity, of wigs - look of the past. There is a years. The trend is related lo spray market, the trend is Q. What has been the im- Ihe sales trend of individual growing-demand for hot comb fashion, such as Ihe pop.u- away from the controlled look pact of wigs, beards and mus- ' hair grooming products con- devices and hair dryers. As .'arily nt wigs, (hough, and w»f ID loose, longer, more free 'taches? A. Most women who tinues to be strong. Ihe hair stylist has emerged. to the recession., stvles. FDR Library's Romantic Void By JIM BISHOP legs, with leather bands for stage. Mr. Cunt her was shins, thighs and waist, hang stunned to learn that the so- The resurgence of interest forever frpm an aerial har- called wealthy President nev- in the Franklin D. Roosevelt THE ness. er owned a house. The one at Administration is a tribute to The office where he Hyde I'ark belonged lo his the man as a string saver. In REPORTER worked, when not in Washing- mother; the gubernatorial his presidential library at ton,, was left as it was. The mansionai Albany was owned Hyde Park, N.Y.. are 50 mil-, last day he worked there, by New York:'lhe White lion items. Dozens of books March 28, 1945. the pen he year received. There is a can- House belonged to the people have been wrilten between dropped on the blotter is . celed check for $11.33 which of the United States: an the time in April, 1945, when there. An empty pack of Cam- he sent to his mother "as my apartment al Washington President Roosevelt said, "I els, crumbled in a wad, is on Square, New York, was ren- have a terrific headache," share of the garage rent at the edge of the desk. Once, BISHOP Hyde Park." ted by Mrs. Eleanor Roose- and now. Scores more will, be before poliomyelitis struck velt. • • • written because the font is in- The aisles in the library, as him down, FDR won an.ama- Top Cottage From the time Top Cottage The Nine Weeks Ahead exhaustible. well as in the FDR museum, teur golf match. The silver From 1939 onward, the man was buill. FDR never spent a His austere mother donated were made wide enough for cup gleams dully in the office, who brought the nation out of night in it. " Once upon a time, Labor Day sig- electioneering continues. The state has the 12 acres to the govern- his wheelchair. In the mu- lncredible'as it may sound, he a great depression and into a His favorite cartoon de- found room for the 840-volume nalled the start of political campaigns. many problems, and if they are in- ment while her son was still seum arc his baby shoes, the great war, wondered where picted a little girl who had President. FDR laid the cor- Ion); dress in which he was diary of his Secretary of the scrawled his name in the Fresh from summer vacations, the candi- telligently aired it is possible that an en- he would live when he quit. So nerstone in November, 19.(9. christened, also Mrs. Hoose- Treasury, Henry Morgenlhau. he designed a small . p'mxleir snow and was her dates and their supporters used that ho- lightened electorate might participate in while serving his second term velt's christening dress. An With infinite, care, he con- house on top of the highest hill mother for using "a dirty' liday weekend as a kickoff for two months arriving at solutions. of office. The man with the envelope contains'one of the structed a model of the I'.S.S. at Hyde Park. It commanded word." The one void in all this of intensive activity designed to bring This year's general election has the elevated smile and the tilled bullets fired at him in Miami Constitution and, in. spite of a view of the Catskill Moun- is FDR's romance with Lucy them victory in November. ingredients to make the campaigns ex- cigarette holder was sensi- when he was President-elect, chronically trembling hands, tains and Ihe silvery Hudson Page Mercer Rutherfurd. In a ttvely-cconscious of his role as and Mayor Cermak of Chi- did all the rigging and ship The tale is different today, particu- citing. Most of the larger municipalities in River far beiow. FDR was not manner of speaking. Ihis is President of the United States cago was hit in the stomach lines with an eyebrow twee- an architect, but he-inveigled sad because, unlike the brief larly in Monmouth. County where it is ob- the county have contests for local offices, and his interlocking con- and died. There is a 200- zer. In the ceUarhe kept a 48- one named ilenry J. Toomns affairs of men of affairs', this vious that the June primary election and interest in them may bring more nection with world history. year-old Torah. saved from a foot iceboat made by his of Atlanta to render it lo one lasted from around 1915 to serves as a starter for the political ma- people to the polls in November so that the In the library are 16,000 burning synagogue in Czech- uncle, his father's ancient scale. Ihe day FDR died. oslovakia. chines to be off and running. By looking at freeholder, assembly and senate races books (most of them inscribed bicycle. He even saved stubs FDR named it fop Collage. When Commander Bruenn, showing that he and his wife the news columns and listening to the could be properly decided by a heavy vot- in the flyleaf by him as his The Bine Ford The bedrooms are too small; I'SN. declared the President property), 34,000 pamphlets, He also saved his well- split living costs when they the living room (with the dead at his collage in Warm chatter, the 1971 election should be an in- er turnout. 15,000 photographs, 275,000 known blue Ford, with the were married in 1905. View) .top big; there is one Springs, (!a., the woman who teresting one. No matter how you look at it, the po- feet of film and a "personal hand clutch and brake which Twenty-three years ago, bathroom and no closets. In it fled in horror was the one who In some respects, the lengthened litical season-not summer or the ap- file" enclosing 9,000 folios. He' enabled the President to John Gunthcr, author, went to he placed a miniature autobio- loved him unselfishly, l,ucy of campaign is good because it gives the pub- proaching autumn-is with us, and our ev- saved Christmas cards and drive. The 12 pounds of iron Hyde Park when the library graphy of Calvin Coolidge, no tho innate dignity and the marked them according to the which he carried around his lic plenty of opportunity to become ac- eryday life won't be the same until after was still in the formative bigger lhan a matchbox. minuscule smile . .". • •: • quainted with the issues. Contrariwise, an the election. The nine weeks remaining overabundance of rhetoric can serve to before the big day may bring some sur- tire and confuse the voters. prises and disappointments. Among them, Thus far, the campaigns of many of we trust, will not be that you will be The Devaluation of Freedom the state leiglsative candidates have im- unable to vote Nov. 2 because you haven't By JAMES J. KILPATRICK trumpets. Invoking emer- whole kettle of explosive pres- gency powers, Mr. Nixon has pressed us because they appear to be registered to vote. As a reminder, that sures building up - il is prob- President Nixon has raised imposed a "90-day" freeze on ably true tftat the President pointing up issues rather than person- deadline, Sept. 23, is less than four weeks the curtain on what may be ^ONSKRV.VTIYK prices, wages "and rents; he had to act. He had to act de- alities. We can only hope that this brand of away. • the last act of a play entitled, has levied a "temporary" sur-, cisively; and to his credit, he "The Great American VIEW charge on dutiable imports; did. Dream." And not even the be- and he has "suspended" the Dying Bird guiling wit and charm of his convertibility of dollars into The beautiful plumage, in gold. Virtually no one in producer-director, John Con- more than truth. No article of Paine's phrase, has concealed Washington imagines that the The Bicycle Thefts nally, can overcome the sad- faith has been clutched more the dying bird. Over the past freeze of August will thaw in ness ef the hour. Something fiercely over these past 200 hundred years, since public good is passing, and we owe it November. The temporary KILPATRICK The number of bicycle thefts being re- ally agreed that the rash of stolen bicycles years than the doctrine of risk utilities first appeared on the at least a decent farewell. capitalism in a competitive surcharge will get more per- ported in the county is alarming. It's par- reported is not caused by youthful pranks- manent, and the emergency national scene, "free enter- There are ironies here. The marketplace. We have called prise" steadily has yielded to American People at large, the ticularly distressing when the thievery in- ters. this the "free enterprise sys- will become a normal way of something good that is pas- life. corporate socialism. In such new structure is col- volves bikes owned by youngsters who This is substantiated by the thefts of .sing, of course, is the great tem," and especially in the vast fields as banking, insur- Japse before it can be shored have saved their dimes and quarters, bicycles from which locks and chains had American dream of a free rituals of the Republican par- This is a sad moment, I say- ance, transportation and com- up and strengthened. Our own earned in such pursuits as delivering been sawed off so that they could reach economy. Men live by truths, ty we have reverently sung its again, and the lamentation munications, areas of private latent badness will bring it praises. implies no criticism of Mr. newspapers, to make the purchases. the "hot" market! when men can find them. But decision-makin'g have down. But the good genius Of ordinarily we live by myths, Now a Republican Presi- Nixon. Given the totality of dwindled. our people, if they try, is to In a sampling of police in municipal- Prospective purchasers of second- and these we often cherish dent sounds the Valkyrian forces at work - unemploy- ,-Until new controls can be make almost anything work - hand bicycles at bargain prices would be ities in this area by Daily Register staffer. ment, inflation, a disastrous devised for the correction of and then to make it work bet- Marybeth Allen, it is obvious that many wise to give a little thought to the con- balance of payments, the hardship, grave inequities ter. prospect of worsening com- adults also are being victimized, especially sequences of being in the possession of sto- must be endured. Without the petitive conditions abroad, the This is a time for such those who own the expensive 10-speed len merchandise. Complaints against such Willing cooperation of the trying. models. people will have a better chance of prose- Surprisingly, bicycle shops cannot ac- cution if owners register the bicycles with quire the stocks to even come close to their local police departments. The Nightmare meeting the demand, even for bikes that What appears to be a growing racket 3 Hutchinson Drive iel Berrigan, Father Philip are priced as high as $400. The shortage can best be thwarted, however, if bicycle Port Monmouth, N.J, Berrigan, Daniel Ellsberg - plays into the hands of those who deal in owners take even greater precaution in To the Editor: three who wept in the sleep- stolen merchandise, and police are gener- protecting their own property. As an American, my days FROM OIK less night and met dawn with and nights have been increas- a momentous decision. Two ingly filled with despair, guilt ''HEADERS.; are in prison - the other has and confusion. just given himself up. Politi- Am I a war criminal? A cal prisoners of 1971. To "good German" who didn't ruptly-run Vietnam worth the think! These three have given k,now what was going'on? A Solution in Hazlet over 40,000 dead American their country the most pre- "*: Were'my leaders'so mad sons and Ihe tho'usarids of t'lous thing they own: the llazlet's Mayor Joseph A. Morales is Defense and Disaster Control, the unit for personal power or so blind maimed, and broken-Jives of days of their lives, their per- to be commended for helping resolve the provided valuable service by relieving and misguided that they the wounded? Could bullets 1 sonal freedom! They have would deliberately lie and disagreement which had erupted among members of the regular department of a paid for in war taxes have made of themselves human cover up the (ruth? Was there sacrifices in the name of the township'sl7-member auxiliary police variety of chores. smashed into those chubby anything to the rumors of big truth. Truly they are Christ- unit, the Township Committee and the little naked baby bodies and Settling the dispute, the. mayor in- business controlling the des- their desperately pleading like in their grandeur. regular Police Department. dicated, was possible because the people tiny of us all? Could the whole mothers at My God! Will . And what of the rest of us? involved "are all sensible." Even if.the rift Vietnam war really be going this nightmare never end! We can only rejoice In the As so often is the case, a lack of com- on because of tin, rubber and knowledge that we have lived was unpleasant, the unit's effectiveness offshore oil interests and not munication caused misunderstandings that And now a tiny band of men in their time! And because of may have been improved because of !he ' to keep (he Vietnamese people ihcm, the long nightmare will resulted in the unit's members refusing to • "•WIuil ir They <;« In Fo,. Competitive appears. And what men! Men amicable manner in which the problems "free for democracy"? And of the stuff of heroes and the start to end. report [or (lulu As a branch (if Ihe Civil were solved. - was little, hoi, humid and cor- stature of giants! Father Dan- Kslelle#.iel> The IMIy Repulir, Rvd Rank - M iiMlrlown, N. J., Monday, Aupiiil 30.1971 7 Gen, Patton-ADramatic Planto Resign From the Army (First In a series of three ties with the^Army by resign- time, the inference is pro- the rumor got started is as moved from command of "General Eisenhower has That long-reported' Nazi Tensing, the newsmen readied articles.) ing as a resounding rebuke to nounced that in some manner baffling as the tale itself. In- Third Army - which under his invited me to dine with him in stronghold proved to be a for a hot story. "We didn't By ROBERT S. ALLEN superiors for relieving him of Patton was the victim of a quiries about the source in- meteoric leadership had made Berlin after it's taken," boast- myth. Captured documents take it," he continued blandly, u command of his beloved Third dastardly plot to kill him. variably bring vagueand am- epic history - sweeping ed the British general. confirmed thai it had been "because I was ordered not Before he was fatally in- Army because of an? out- The stories are wholly un- biguous answers. across France, smashing Hit- • "That will be very nice," planned, but Patton's crush- to." jured in an auto crash, Gen.; spoken comment in reply to a true. They are entirely with- But there is an ironic rela- ler's desperate panzer-pow- dryly responded Patton. "But ing victory in the Palatinate, "Who gave that order?" George S. Patton had decided provocative( question at a out foundation or a scintilla of tion between the fatal acci- ered surprise offensive in the one thing is certain: General followed by his daring slash "Ask SHAEF," smiled Pal- to dramatically resign Irorh press conference. evidence in the emphatic dent and Patton's secret deci- Ardennes, annihilating two Eisenhower won't get there across the Rhine and shatter- ton. No further questions were the Army, with a character- Was Wealthy opinion of those closest and sion to throw up his commis- German armies in the Palati- • unless I get there first - but ing ruplure of central (icr- asked. istically spectacufar state- Independently wealthy, dearest to Patton. sion by dramatically resign- nate in one week, and then you don't have to tell him 1 many, had aborted the Hitler- (Continued Tomorrow) ment that he was taking this Patton was in position to give The Witnesses ing. slashing across the Rhine said that." Himmlor scheme to fortify (Copyright, Association of unusual step "to be free to vent to his outraged hurt and They include his late wife, Had he not made up his without air or artillery sup- Halted in April the Alpine region into a last- U.S. Army) live my own way ot life." frustration with such a ges- who was with him throughout mind to quit with a rever- port and racing across Ger- When hailed on 3 April, to stand bastion. ;, , This plan of the famed ture. So, with typical spirited the 12 days he fought a losing berating blast of indignation, many for Dresden, until enable U.S. First and Ninth VE-day found Pallon's com- Kemislmrg Schools Vjorld War II combat com- forcefulness, he was deter- struggle for life; his long-time it is highly unlikely the trip on stopped in the Thuringen cor- armies to come up on line mand post at Kefcnsburg on mander can now be told for mined to resign rather than chief of staff and close friend, which the auto accident oc- ridor by Supreme Headquar- with the Third, its trip-ham- Ihe Danube, almost in the Reopen Sepl. 8 the first time, more than 25 retire. Lt. Gen. Hobart R. Gay, who curred, would have been ters, Allied Expeditionary mer lank spearheads held po- middle of Third Army's 185- KEANSBURG - The junior years after his tragic death. was with him at the time of made. So the tragic event Force (SHAEF). sitions 20 miles from Leipzig, mile front, extending from- Bringing this poignant story, and senior high school will re- As a 61-year-old West Point- the accident; Patton's two came to pass as an indirect 30 miles from Dresden and 10 Karlsbad in Czechoslovakia to to light at this time, after a Following Third Army's open Wednesday, Sept. 8, at er with more than 3D years of surviving children, Brig. Gen. consequence of his anguished jniles from Czechoslovakia. the Enns River in central' quarter of a century, is impel- hard-fought capture of KasscI, 8:30 a.m. for students from active service, including com- led by a recent rumor that .George S. Patton Jr., assis- determination to end his western anchor of the Thuri- At a meeting with Gen. Austria. mand of his country's first tant commandant of the Ar- glory-studded military career grades nine to 12. there was something sinister ngen corridor, Patton was vis- Omar N. Bradley, 12th Army The next day. a group of . All students entering sev- tank force in World .War I, 'about Patton's fatal accident. mor School, and Ruth Ellen by demonstratively resigning ited by a British general for Group commander, Patlon correspondents called on Pat- Patton was eligible to retire Totten, widow of an artillery rather than routinely retiring. enth and eighth grade should These accounts vary in minor whom a briefing was staged asked, "When do you expect ton for a press conference. report at 9:15 a.m. New stu- as a four-star general. As a brigadier. Also, Horace L. Gen. Palton was definitely ways, but alt are similar in in Third Army's famed war to contact the Russians?" One asked why Third Army dents to the district should retired officer, he would have Woodring, driver of Patton's marked for inactivation in a two key respects: room. Afterward, the ob- "That's still uncertain," had not occupied Prague. Re- register any day starting continued to be subject to mil- car, and Robert Thompson, few months. They are devoid of details viously impressed English vis- replied Bradley. connaissance units reached Wednesday, No new students itary discipline and control. or particulars regarding the driver ot the truck into which 61st Birthday itor asked jPatton, "When do "Just disconnect me with the Czech capital, but had Patton's sedan crashed. will be registered on the first So Patton had privately nature and purpose of the re- A month earlier, in Novem- you expect to be in Berlin?" any telephone hookup with been withdrawn to I'ilsc-n. day of school. made up his mind to cut all puted mystery; at the same Just where, how and why ber, 1945, he had passed his "1 can't say. But I can get SHAEF,'" urged Patton, "and "I'll tell you why we didn't 61st birthday. Shortly before, there in a very short time if I'll contact the Russians for lake Prague," said Patton. he had been summarily re- permitted." r you in a few days." TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR "I'm sure you would," laughed Bradley, "but it isn't as simple as that. I wish it Middletown Man were. A lot of high-lever poli- tics are involved." On 17 April, Patton was Held in High Bail again given his head and final mission: shift the axis of MIDDLETOWN - A 24- Meanwhile two other males Third Army's main attack year-old local man is being allegedly ran from the home southeast to gain contact with held in the county jail in lieu and escaped in a car parked Soviet forces in the Danube of $10,000 bail after his arrest out front. valley, and seize the eastern Summer's over. Spruce up, says Natelsons, for a more on charges of possession of While subduing Mr. Rose portion of the so-called "Na- attractive environment. Ecology begins at home. , narcotics. Patrolman Slover also dis- tional Redoubt." COLONIAL ALUMINUM DOOR SALE According to Detective covered a quantity of mari- Capt. Robert M. Letts a series juana, pills and white powder • Cross Buck • Carriage • Eagle of events leading up to tHe ar- in the house. rest began around 1:30 p.m. The two other suspects when Patrolman Michael Slo- were still at large last night. ver stopped a car on Rt. 36 Mr. Rose faces a prelimi- being operated by Douglas T. nary hearing Sept. 1. Rose of 231 Peachwood Road. Complete Class IIMSTAI Patrolman Slover did not is- sue a motor vehicle summons In Drug Law at this time, but a routine ALUMINUM check wiih police headquar- SEA GIRT - Col. David B. SAVE ters later revealed that a con- Kelly, State Police superinten- WHITE tempt of court warrant had dent, has announced the com- '5 & '10 WINDOWS been issued for the suspect's pletion of the 34th class in a ON MANY OTHER arrest because he failed to ap- • special drug law enforcement 6 for $96 pear in Municipal Court Aug. training program for munici- QUALITY DOORS 12 to answer charges of pos- pal officers, conducted at the INSTALLED session of narcotics and being State Police Training Center under the influence of narcot- here. ics. Area officers successfully CHARGE IV. When Patrolman Slover completing the course were went to the suspect's home to Long Branch Detective Nel- serve the warrant it is alleged son Joline, Middletown Pa- Free Delivery 741-7500 he tried to slam the door in trolman James Murphy, the officer's face. Oceanport Patrolman Thomas After a short struggle Pa- Byram, Sea Bright Patrolman trolman Slover was able to Kenneth Johnson and Lts. Da- 32 BROAD ST. ^m RED BANK vid Dittmar and Michael So- subdue Mr. Rose and place ALL ALUMINUM Daily and Sdturday 8-5:30 Wed. and Fri. 'til 9 p.nt him under arrest;. riano of Ft. Monmoulh. and REDWOOD


"0 PAINTING! Comes to *» MAINTENANCE RED BANK David Jef fries s brings • Ladies' Dresses • Coats • Pant Suits • Hot Pants • Sweaters* Blouses• Accessories

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fo the Red Bank Shopping Area HURRY! This Offer is limited! SEPARATE OFFERI AQUALUME POOL David Jeffries' policy of providing Quality Merchandise, the Latest Fash- (natilkwtnMd)

ions and Famous Designer Goods, priced to save has been so successful • Silill £*•««• Wden that we are proud to announce the opening of our second and larger store . Aluminum CMin Link Fence in Red Bank. • Vinjl'linl! . Jliinlm Sletl P«ol L.dd«t • Dilute Filluliw >T>"m CREDIT TERMS ARRANGED DavidJef fries FOR FREE SHOr-AT-HOME SERVICE—HO OBLIGATION SAXONY ASSOCIATES 403 E. Elliabclh Ave. 22 Ayers Lane 85 Broad St. Linden, N,J. LITTLE SILVER RED BANK M0N., TUB., SAT. 10-5:30 MOM, TUB., THURS., 5AI. 10-5:30 t/ Please send Representative. WID.,fRI. 10-9 249- I I understand I am under no WlD,!HUK,ria. 10-9 5 obligation. 74143 70 7669 SNAME 8 The Daily Rf glsK-r, fled Bank - Middlelowo, N.J., Monday, Auguit 30,1971 •,:~sk*'~ Wedding Bells Ring for Area Couples Del Boca-Caponegro Palette-Shea ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - The marriage of Miss Elenita EATONTOWN - Miss Frances Karen Caponegro be- came the bride of Robert Lawrence Del Boca Saturday here in M. Shea to Raymond Joseph Palette, 239 Spring St., Red Bank, St. Dorothea's Catholic Church. The Rev. James B. Coyle cel- took place Saturday here in St. Agnes Catholic Church. The ebrated the Nuptial Mass. Rev. Michael.!. Lease, pastor, celebrated the Nuptial Mass. Parents of the couple are Col. and Mrs. Michael Anthony The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Esther Shea, 47 Leon- Caponegrn, 24 VV. Larchmont Drive, Colts Neck, and Mr. and 'ardville Road, Leonardo. The bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mario Del Boca, 451 W. 44th St., Mew York. Mrs. Ralph Palette, reside at 21 Cornell Drive, Longmont, Col. Mrs. Douglas Johnson, cousin of the bride. \VM matron of Vincent Shea, Nayesink, gave his.sisler in marriage. honor, Bridesmaids were the Misses Joan Connorton, Elaine Mrs. George Bailey, sister of the bride, was matrort of Smack, and Judith Tierney. honor. Other attendants were Mrs. Robert Kunes and Mrs. Peter Del Boca was best man for his brother. Ushers Francis Kneipher and the Misses Janet Palasky, Midge Cole- were MichAI Caponegro Jr., brother of the bride, and Wayne . man, Jodi Kennedy, and Cynthia Terry. Bryan and Ralph Oliva. James P. Murphy was best man. Ushers were John La- Mrs. Raymond J. Palette A reception was held in Uibbs Hall, Kt, Monmouth. Salle, Gary Foulks, Anthony Pasko, Michael Byr,nes, Robert (The former Elenita Shea) Mrs. Robert Del Boca The bride is a graduate of Red Bank Catholic High School Kunes, and George Bailey. " (The former and received a BA degree in psychology from the University The couple was graduated from Middletown Township Frame* CdPnnemu) of Connecticut. High School. Mrs. Palette is employed by the Western Electric Mr. Del Boca received a BS degree from Kordham Uni- Co,, Newark. Her husband is a senior at Monmouth College. versity, where he served in ROTC and was commissioned a The ceremony was followed by a reception at Buck first lieutenant. He received an MS degree from the University Mrs. Robert J. Herson Smith's Restaurant, East Keansburg. of Connecticut and on Wednesday received a PhD in atomic Mrs. Horace R. Smith The couple will reside in Red Bank. (the former (The former Jeanne Gardella) physics from that university. Diane Keaveney) He plans lo enter Army service in September at Ft. Bel- voir, Va. The couple will reside in Alexandria, Va. Smith-Gardella Palkovics-Evans RUMSON - Miss Jeanne Marie Gardella and Horace Rob- LITTLE SILVER - Miss officiated.' Herson-Keaveney . ert Smith we're married here Saturday in Holy Cross Catholic Lynn Shields Evans and Wil- The bride is an alumna of RKD BANK - The mar- Miss Patricia Jane Kea- Church. liam- Edward Palkovics, Red Bank High School and riage of Miss Diane Marie veney was her sister's maid of Msgr. Peter J. Teston, celebrated the Nuptial Boalsburg, Pa., were married Pennsylvania' State Univer- • Keaveney to Robert Joseph honor. Bridesmaids were the Mass, which was followed by«a reception at the Deal Golf and here Saturday at the home of sity, where she received a BA Herson took place Saturday Misses Joyce Newman and' Country Club. . , the bride's parents, Mr. and degree in June. f here in St. James Catholic Rosemary DeLaurentis, New Mrs.' Robert Marshal! Evans, • Mr. Palkovics received a The bridB is the daughter of Mr, pnd Mrs. Ernest Anthony 1 Church. York, Pamela Jane Brown of Gardella Jr., Tyson Lane. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. 595 Harding Road. lie is the BS degree from Rutgers Uni- The Nuptial Mass was cele- Interlaken, cousin of the Harold Connett, Buena Vista Ave., Fair Haven. son of Morris •Palkovics of Bo- versity and MS from Pennsyl- brated by Msgr. Emmet A. bride, was junior bridesmaid. Miss Theresa Gardella was her sister's maid of honor. gota, and the late-Mrs. Erna "' vania State University, where Monahan. The Papal Blessing John Charles Sullivan, Man- Other attendants were Mrs. James Curley, Sea Bright; Miss» Palkovics', '• ' ,« .. he is a candidate for a PhD. was bestowed. chester, Vt., was best man. Nancy Gillen, here, and Miss Annette Marella and Mrs. Arthur Municipal Court JudgcDen- The'coilple will reside in State Mrs. William Palkovics Ushers were Thomas C. Aus- College! Pa.. Parents of the couple are Warren, Manchester, Conn. aid R. Ambrose, tittle Silver. (The fornier Lynn Evans) Mr, and Mrs. John L. Kea- tin of Vermont, Jose A. Alva- Robert W. Mauer, Red Bank, was best man. Ushers were veney, 44 Garden Road, rez of Shrewsbury, and Clif- Leland Mauer and James Holian of Red Bank; Arthur Warren, ford J. Johnson of Ridgefield, Mrs. Carmen Aschettino 3rd Shrewsbury, and Mr. and Manchester, and Ernest A, Gardella 3rd, here. Cary-White Mrs. James Thomas Herson, Conn., cousin of the bride- (The former The bride is an alumna of Red Bank Catholic High School SHREWSBURY - The The reception was in Rod's Little Silver. • Cherry Valley, N.Y. groom. Candace Conklin) and Annhurst College, Woodstock, Conn. She is an elementary Presbyterian Church at Shaduwbrook. The bride is an alumna of The reception was at Rod's teacher in Sea Bright. Her husband is a graduate of Jersey Shrewsbury was the setting Miss Nancy Hubbard White, Red Bank High School and. Aschettlno-Conklin Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury. Preparatory School, Newark, and the Chubb & Son School of here Saturday for the mar- Austin, Tex., was maid of hon- Wheaton College, Norton, The bride was graduated Data Processing. He attended Ocean County Community Col- riage of Miss Mary Kathecine or for her sister. The bride Mass. Her grandparents are RED BANK - The mar- ermen's Wharf, Rumson, the from Red Bank Catholic High White, daughter of Dr. and also was attended by her two Mrs. Ensley White, St. Peters- couple left for a trip to the Po- lege. He owns and operates the Fair Haven Book Store, River riage of Miss Candace Ann School and Marymount Col- Mrs. Ensley Morris White Jr., sisters, the Misses Carol Ann burg. Kla., and the Jate Mr. conos and Bermuda. They will Road, Fair Haven. The couple will live in Rumson. Conklin to Carmen A. Aschet- lege, Arlington, Va. She is, a 848 Broad'St.. to Michael Scott and Susan Elizabeth White, at White, and the late Mr. and reside in Monmouth Beach. p tino 3rd, took place Saturday stewardess for .Eastern Air- Cary, Providence, R,L He Is home, and Nancy Lah'rance, Mrs. Edward Hubbard, Cliff- here in the First Presbyterian The bride is a graduate of lines, New York. Mr. Herson the son of Mr. and Mrs. ".Mattapoisett, Mass. Another wood. '. •••'•'• Church, Tower HiU. Shore Regional High School, is an alumnus of Palm Beach m "« Dwight Stewart Cary of Wash-' sister. Miss Jane Leigh White, The bridegroom, an West Long Branch, and the Officiating were the Rev. (Kla.) Junior College and the burn, Maine. alumnus of Pilgrim High Ocean County College nursing was junior bridesmaid. Dr. Charles S. Webster, here, University of Florida at Gain- School, Warwick, H.I., and program. She is a staff nurse esville. He received a master The Rev. James R. Steele Robert Dean Cary, brother and the Rev. Bernard J. Pow- Bowdoin College. Brunswick. at Monmouth Medical Center, degree in engineering from officiated at the ceremony. of the bridegroom, was best er of the Redemptorist Fa- Maine, is attending Brown Long Branch. Columbia University. He is an man. Ushers were David ¥. thers, West End, Long University as a candidate for The bridegroom is an engineer for Bell Telephone- (iordon. Lynn, Mass.: Bruce Branch. Duryea-Kis a master's degree. The couple alumnus of Long Branch High Laboratories, Holmdel. H. Brown Jr., Kramingham, Parents of the couple are CLAYTON, N.V. - Miss will reside in Providence, R.I. School and Pennsylvania Mili- Mass., and John K. Cook Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Warren F. Conk- Ane Marie Kis and Army E-4 tary College, where he was a MUSEUM HOURS lin, 60 Gooseneck Point Road,, James Justin Duryea were member of Tau Kappa Epsi: MADISON TOWNSHIP - Oceanport, and Mr. and Mrs. married Saturday on Long Ion. He is employed by Maim- The Thomas Warne Historical Carmen A. Aschettino Jr., 50 Rock Island at a Nuptial Mass one Brothers, Little Silver. Museum and Library, Rt. 516, Dunbar Ave,, Long Branch. written by the couple with the opposite the Cedar Ridge Miss Stephanie Gizzi, West Rev. Sturgis Poorman offici- High School, will be open to Long Branch, was maid of 11-YEAR-OLD STAR ating. the public Sept. 1 from 7:30 to honor and James W. Conklin, NEW YORK - Antonio The bride's parents are Mr. 8:30 p.m. The museum is brother of the bride, was best Aguilar Jr., 11, better known and Mrs. Walter G. Kis of 360 1 maintained and operated by man. Ushers were Joseph as "Tiny Tonito,' is a skilled Rutledge Drive, Middletown. Grillo of Trenton, Shawn Pul- the Madison Township Histor- rider and performer in the The bridegroom's parents are lord of Pine City, N.Y. Mi- ical Society and wa* formerly National Mexican Festival Mr. and Mrs. Justin Gates chael Pietrangelo of Newark, a one-room school, The mu- and Rodeo, which will be at Mrs. Daniel H. May Duryea of 223 State Road, and James Byrnes of seum contains memorabilia of Mrs. Michael Cary Madison Square Garden for (The former Karen, Gladwyne.Pa. sdale, Pa. . the township. (The former Mary While) eight performances, Sept. 14 Kryscnski) A reception followed on After a reception at.Fish- to 19. Long Rock Island. - „' May-Krysenski Clubwomen Plan An alumna of Middletown 1 HAZLET - Miss Karen L. Miss Frieda Hetzel, Se- Flea Market Township High School and Thc"Unbouney"SaIt Kryscnski became, the bride caucus, was maid of honor. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Syracuse University, the of Daniel H. May Saturday' Other attendants were Mrs. As a major fund raising event bride was a substitute teacher forCorn-OnTheCob here in St. John's United Patricia Pernacchio, Miss Va- .the Matawan Junior Woman's in the Middletown Township Methodist Church. The Rev. lerie Davis and the Misses Club will sponsor a flea mar- School System. Try theme hint* tor tattler porn. Norman Riley officiated. Diane and Cindy Brazauckas, Mr. Duryea was graduated ket Oct. 2 at the Strathmore 1 I • To freshen or keep corn fresh, cut i srnall piece The*ride is the daughter of sisters of the bridegroom. Shopping Center, Rt. 34, from from Lower Menon (Pa.) off the stalks and slind ears in pot o) water until \ Mr. and Mrs. William R. William Kryscnski 3rd, High School and from Syr- cooking. . 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ' Kryscnski Jr., Beacon Blvd., brother of the bride, was" best acuse University. He is a for- 2. Use 1 tbsp. salt to each qt. of cooking w»ler. Keansburg. The bridegroom man. Ushers were Michael Stores, organizations, an- mer supervisor of Cascadilla X Place corn in fast boiling wittr, lid off, and boil is the son of Herbert May, Brazauckas, brother of the tique dealers and others inter- School, Ithaca. They will re- 3 minutes. No longer. (If you start with tough corn, ested in renting space to dis- long boiling won't make it soft and tender.) Center Ave., Belford, and bridegroom, and Michael side in Arlington, Va. Mrs. Kathryn Brazauckas, Cummings, Dennis Hagen, play hobbies, handicrafts, an- 4. Snake on salt to taste, before buttering corn. tiques, books, leather goods, •». Be sure to use the "unbouncy" salt, Diamond Holly Ave., West Keansburg. • and Jack Monahan. FIRST MEETING fabric, yarn, holiday items, Crystal. Unlike ordinary salts that bounce oil the Mrs. Kryscnski made the After a reception at the EATONTOWN-The Worn-, corn, every grain of Diamond Crystal Salt has tiny,' gowns for her daughter and Newpoint Comfort Fire art or trash and treasure may an's Community Club will' diamond-like facets that cling to the corn for even other members of the wed- House, Keansburg, the couple contact Mrs. John Bambrick ' have its first meeting of the BRING A salting and crystal pure taste. of Matawan, or Mrs. Leon ding party. left for a trip to Cape Cod. v season Sept. 2 at 8 p.m. in the Mrs. May was graduated Stab, Englishtown. A rai-n Meadowbrook School, Wyck FRIEND, RELATIVE from Keansburg High School date of Oct. 9 has-been set. off Road. and the Stuart School of Busi- OR NEIGHBOR! ness Administration, Asbury Park. She is employed by the Kirwan Co., here. High School Juniors & Seniors Feam Up and Mr. May attended Middle-- Facing College Boards This Fall?' •town Township High School. He is a warehouse supervisor Split the Cost 'WoodBridge Center for Linden Motor Freight. Monmouth-Ocean Tutoring will prepare you professionally COMPLETE 4 Toal-AAcGinn at these locations— MONTH PROGRAM EAST NEWARK - Miss MIDDLETOWN: Cobblestones Rest., Rt. 35 SCHOOL OPENING Sharon Ann McGinn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur LAKEWOOD: Holiday Inn, Rt. 9 McGinn, 89 Florence Ave., For information Call 462-7374 or 349-3709 Leonardo, was married Satur- day to Thomas Michael Toal here in St. Anthony's Catholic Per Month ' Church. R 1/R 0 Rf B \? R 0 Rf Each The bridegroom is the son Curl A. ()ii(i 31 McCarter Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jr., pastor, officiated. A re- Middletown Township High Fazzone, 40 Spring St., Red Bank. ception was held at the home School, is a sophomore at . The bride is an alumna of Immaculate Conception High of the bride's parents, Mr. Glassborp State College. Mr. School, Lodi. She is a merchandising assistant for Inter- and Mrs. Lawrence J. Jack- Hughes, a graduate of Holy national Computer Sciences Inc., Oakhurst. Mr. Fazzone at- son, 83 Parkview Ter., Lin- Cross High-School, Delran, is tended Central College, Pella, Iowa. He is associated with croft.'Mr. and Mrs. John P. a junior at Glassboro. , Mrs, Robert Nusbaum Mrs. John P. Hughes Garden State Towel Supply, Little Silver. Hughes, Cinnaminson, are They will reside in Monroe- '(The [orn('or Susan Thill) (The former Mafcia Jackson) parents of the.bridegroom. ville. The couple will reside at West Park Manor, Oakhurst. Mrs. Robert A. Fazzone Mrs. John Maclewicz (The former (The former Nusbaum-Thill Janice Easterbrook) Deborah DeMaio) MWNMOUTil - Miss brother, Michael Sage and Susan Marie Thill, daughter Lawrence Wigdortz. AAaciewicz-DeAAaio uC'Mr. and Mrs. Jamus Henry The bride, an alumna of RED BANK - The mar- arine DeMaio, was junior Thill, 56 Twin.Brooks Avc, Middletown Township High riage vows of Miss Deborah bridesmaid. The Misses Joan Middletown, became the bride School and Montclair State Catherine DeMaio and John Ncenan. New York, and Mary of Hubert Arthur Nusbaum, College, is mathematics labo- Edward Macievvicz were sol- Mahon, Long Branch, were win of Mr. and Mrs, Louis K. ratory coordinator at Brook- emnized Saturday here in St. bridesmaids. Nusbaum of Souderton, Pa., dale Community College, Lin- James Catholic Church at a Frank Maciewicz Jr.. Ea- Saturday here in St. Mary's croft. Nuptial Mass celebrated by tontown, was best man for his. Catholic Church. Msgr. Rob-. Mr. Xusbuum. an instructor the Rev. Klorian Gall. David brother. Ushers were Robert ertT. Bulman officiated. in Russian for the Middletown and Andrew DeMaio. brothers and John Martin. New •,The reception was in the Township School System, is of the bride, served at Mass. Shrewsbury, and Wesley Sher- • home of the bride's parents. an alumnus of Kutztown (Pa.) The Rev. John J. Zee was or- man, Middletown, their cous- "Miss Mary Thill was maid State College and Defense ganist. ins, and: Paul Sadkowski. of honor for her sister. Anoth- Language Institute, Mon- Parents of the couple are Shrewsbury, and Gerard. Ka- er; sister, Miss Deborah Thill, terey, Calif. He was enrolled Mr. and Mrs. Vincent C. minski, Middletown. also attended the bride with in a summer graduate Rus- DeMaio. 275 Nutswamp Road, The bride, is a graduate of Jilrs: Joseph M. Schultz and sian program'at Middlebury River Plaza, and Mr. and Red rlank Catholic High Mrs.-Lawrence J, Wigdortz, College. He is a lieutenant in Mrs. Frank Maciewicz. 135 School, where her husband Richard Bahadurian was' the U.S. Army Reserve, the I'ark Ave.. Shrewsbury. also was graduated, and Ber-. best man. Ushers were couple will reside in Middle- Miss Theresa De.Maio was kelcy-Fairmont Secretarial Mrs. Robert Van Salisbury Thomas Thill, the bride's town. Mrs. Peter Curley Mrs. William Schlndler Jr. Mrs. Richard Hurley maid of honor for Her sister. School. New York. She also (The former (The former (The former (The former Susan Mcllray) Another sister. Miss Cath- attended Merrimack College, Curley-Dowell Mary Ann Dowell) Barrett Grammer) Anna Mae Dempsey) North Andover, Mass., and is employed at Precipitation As- LONG BRANCH - Miss Miss Barbara Ann Curley. Schindler-Grammer Van Salisbury-Dempsey sociates of America, Key port. Mary Ann Dowell, daughter of cousin of the bridegroom, was LITTLE SILVER - Em- The bridegroom attended Mr. and Mrs. William JI. Do- maid of honor. Also attending West. Andover. Mass.; Carol HIGHLANDS - Our Lady ter Juhansen. Rutherford, a bury United Methodist Church Eager, SherrtH, N.Y.; Nancy of Perpetual Help Catholic brother-in-law. Leicester (Mass.) Junior Col- well, 118 Dunbar Ave., be- the bride was her sister-in- lege and Brookdale Commu- was the setting here Saturday Travis, Yorktown Heights. Church was the setting here The bride, who is employed came the bride of Peter law, Mrs. Michael B. Dowell, nity College, Lincroft. He is for the marriage of Miss Bar- N.Y., and junior bridesmaid Saturday for the marriage of at Brookdalo Community Col- James Curley Saturday here and Miss Margaret Canning. employed at Centrtl Jersey rett Grammer, daughter of •Victoria Stamata, Long Miss Anna Mae Dempsey. lo lege. Middletown campus, is a in St. Michael's Catholic John Bradley was best Bank and Trust Company, Mrs. Jane K. Grammer. 141 Branch, cousin of the bride- Robert F. Van Salisbury. The graduate of Henry Hudson Church, West End, at a Nup- man. Ushers were Francis Eatontown. tial Mass celebrated by Msgr. Beechwood Drive, Shrews- groom. '; Rev. David Danzell officiated. Regional Schuol and North- Fitzpatrick and Timothy Do- bury, and Allen H. Grammer. Edward Schindler was best Paul F. Bradley. The bride- well, brother of the bride. • Parents of the couple are east Business School. Red .North Caldwell, to William man for his brother. Another Mrs. Elline A. Dempsey. 42 groom is the son o[ Mrs. Mary Mrs. Curley, an alumna of Bank. Her husband, who Schindler Jr., son of Mr. and brother. David Schindler. was Second St.. here, and the late APPLICATIONS Curley, Long Island City, Red Bank Catholic High served three years in the Mrs, Schindler, 31 White St.. junior usher. Ushers were Raymond B. Dempsey. and BEING ACCEPTED FOR N.Y., and the late Patrick J. School and Bollevue School of Armed Forces, is a graduate . Shrewsbury. Kobert Grammer, Shrews- Mrs. N'anetta Van Salisbury. of Raritan High School. The Curley. Nursing, is a staff nurse at The Rev. Sanford M. Haney bury, brother of the bride; 53 Third Ave.. West Keans- couple will reside in High- SEPTEMBER The reception was in Molly Columbia Presbyterian Hospi- of Salem and the Rev. John j. David Rowland Jr.. Shrews- burg, and the late Harold Van lands. SEMESTER Pitcher Inn, Red Bank. tal, New York. Her husband, bury; Alan Schenck, Basking Salisbury. 1 Zee. Red Bank,, officiated. Children 7 Mot. to 5 Vn. a* member of the New York The bride was escorted by her Itidge, and James Smith. Op«n 7 to e-Mon. thru W. ' RAISES ON MERIT Police Department, is an The reception was in Wil- father. Monlrose. Pa. The bride and Leukemia and some forms of FRANKFORT. Ky. (AP)- lowbrook Inn, Fair Haven, alumnus of Bishop John Rice The reception was in bridegroom are graduates of cancer can be controlled or cured- Harmony Child Improved benefits hayc gone The bride, who was es- High School and attended Red Bank High School. The in the next 10 years, four re- into effect for 27.00<) slate ^em- Squire's Pub, West Long corted by her brother. George Queens College. He is attend- bride attended Cedar Crest searchers recently told a Mel- Care Center ployes. They include longer va- Branch. Hauber, West Keansburg, had King of Kfctga tuthmn Church ing John Jay School of Crimi- College, Allentown. Pa. The bourne. Australia medical con- Hinnony Ra.» Mndctown cations for veteran workers and. Mrs. Paul Weader Miss. Christine Falkenberg. her cousin. Miss Jean nal Justice, New York. The bridegroom is employed at ference. •71-M77 merit pay increase*. (The former Heading, Pa., was maid of McGrail. as honor attendant. couple purchased a home in honor. Also attending the Concept Engineering, Con- Glen Cove, L.L Susan Croxton) sultants, South Amboy. They Also attending the bride were bride were' her sister-in-law, her sister-in-law. Mrs. Diane Mrs. Alien K. Grammer, Au- will reside in Ocean Town- ship. Dempsey. Highlands, and her fngogemenf and Weader-Croxton gusta, Ga.; the Misses Carol cousin, Miss Jessica McGrail. tf Pties .EETHLEHEMfPav. w Rev. C. Lyle Thomas offici- Red Bank. Wesley United Methodist ated. The reception after the Hurley-Mcllray Russell Van Salisbury. Church was the setting here ceremony was at the home of Leonardo, was best man for FAIR HAVEN - Miss Su- the Poeono Mountains, tho Saturday for; the marriage of the bride's parents. his brother. Another brolher. san Linda Mcllray.. daughter couple will reside in Red SWISSVILLE ) Miss Susan Elaine Croxton, Mrs. Ernest G. Sloan was William Van Salisbury. West of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Bank. . daughter of Mr. and MrsrHar-' matron of honor and Miss Keansburg, ushered with Wal- INN old L. Croxton of Cooper- Cynthia Croxton was brides- Mcllray, 85 Laurel Drive, was sburg, to Paul Douglas Wea- maid. A reading from "The married yesterday hero in the JRt. 33 Farmingdale Episcopal Church of the Holy Peacock-deCamp I Call 938-6871 der, son of'Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran OF REP BANK ard J. Weader, 98 Markham was by F. Gregg Fowles of In- Communion, to Richard . For Complete Mormalion • Davies Hurley, son of Mr. and MANTOLOKINU - Miss the summer home of the Place, Little Silver, N.J. The diana, Pa. 24 BROAD STREET Mrs. Richard I. Hurley, 36 Margo Oliver deCamp, daugh- bride's parents. Richard J. weader 2nd, ter of Mr. and Mrs, William Marcellus Ave., Manasquan. The bride's father is with Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.. was Dodsworth deCamp of Short the investment firm of Jan- The Rev. Frederick E. Pre- Hills and Mantoloking. be- best man for his brother, An- ney, Montgomery, Scott, New uss 2nd officiated. A reception came the bride of Douglas other brother, Bryan Weader. York. Her grandparents are ushered with Greg Croxton.. followed here in the Willow- Robert Peacock of Rumson in brook Inn. The bride's broth- Mrs. J. Albert deCamp of On their return from Ca- nuptials solemnized Saturday er. John Mcllray, was church Short Hills, and the late Mr. nada, the couple will reside at in St. Simon-by-the-Sea organist. deCamp and the late Mr. and Ft. Benning, Ga., where the Church, here. Miss Robin Rosenberg. Fair Mrs. Augustus K. Oliver of bridegroom will be stationed Mr. Peacock is the son of Pittsburgh, Pa. as a commissioned second Haven, was maid of honor. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peacock lieutenant in the U.S. Army Bridesmaids were the Misses of Tysan Lane, Rumson. The bridegroom's father is Madelynn Goldfarb, Fair Reserve. He is an alumnus of The bride's sister, Miss Ja- president of American Haven; Patricia DiVernieri. Red Bank (N.J.) High School net Wood deCamp, was maid Thermoplastics' Corp. His River Plaza, and Barbara and Lehigh University. Mrs. of honor. Scott Kendall of grandparents are Mr. and Uunzello, New Monmouth. Weader is an alumna of Shrewsbury was best man. Mrs. Chris Mlllson of Oak- Southern Lehigh High School Bruce Tipling. Spring Lake Ushers were William D. de- hurst, and the late Mr. and and attended Duke Univer- Heights, was best man. Ush- Camp Jr., brother of the Mrs. Frederick Peacock of sity. ' ers were Douglas Policastro. bride; Richard Lusardi. Bay* New York. formerly of Spring Lake; Head: Joseph Davidson, The couple will live iri Bur Drag Addiction Problem? John Erdos, Allenwood. and Rumson, and C. Tomlinson John Brandon, Red Bank. lington, Vt., where both are Call 988-8333 For Help Day or Kline, Philadelphia. students at the University of Night. The bride, employed as a The reception was here at Vermont. secretary at Anderson Broth- ers, Red Bank, is an alumna of Rumson-Fair Haven Re- gional High School and at- tended Brookdale Community Custom Carpet Cleaning i at home College. Mr. Hurley, an alumnus of Admiral Farragut IN THE HOME by Al Silvers Academy, Pine Beach, and Brookdale Community Col- • Sbiti'1946 lege, will attend Montclair State College. On return from Charles F. Hanisch Polished Israeli diamonds ac- count for more than one-third of Japan's imported diamond mar- 222-0956 ket. STUDY LAMP HILL-TOP ACADEMY REG. $21.95 PICTURES Pictures add a decorative note to the interior ol your home and thcro Is such an RECIPE FOR LEARNING endless variety. Make a An early start with a lot of individual attention.- 95 point to have them pick up the colors and mood In the A MIXTURE of love, understanding and an assortment of room. They should do more learning ingredient). than merely take up space qorlond on the wall,'but your choice ADD a good teacher and a comfortable learning situation. STIR up the individual with constant motivation. Encourage 13 of subject matter tells some- THE LONG AND SHORT OF IT! Buk to With FREE thing about you. Taken sing- the youngsters constantly, and help to ignite the contents. ly or In a group, they can Build q, flame of knowledge under the youngster to keep hint school Tweeds in All-Knit looks that cling AnO*ftK h "•How. ttrwn,20 Moch0 WATa orT Kad BULi B add an Interesting effect to any room. They give tho alert and filled with educational nourishment. in just the right places. Pull on a pair of room a special touch of Indl-' Keep tha BOILING POINT low and adjust the individual to be vlduallty which every home- fitted Pants or Short-Shorts with either of tvf win SHIP D/fifcr ro SCHOOL maker strives to achieve. 1 capable of getting along with other*. OR COLUGtAI NO CHARGE our favorite Tweedy Pullovers. All knit and I Picture yourself with attrac-1 all by Garland. 0MN THURSDAY MM FRIDAY 'TIL t - IATUHDAY 'TIL I live new living room furnl-1 HILL-TOP ACADEMY TAKES PRIDMN THIS RECIPE turo. Then ndd your own per- For mor* Information en nurtary, klndtrgarMn and acadtmlc gfad»«, 1-0-ond sonal touch with accessories ' if you want th* Hill-Top Academy reelpt for Naming. r«gl«t«r with MRS. BAB- to complete tho picture, our ETTE WALSKY for NURSERY end KINDERGARTEN, ROBERT MEttlNA for Decorator will bo glad to gradtl 1-9. help you. Kings World of ' grn Charge your Purchase. - Take THE LIGHTING CENTER Furnlturo, Route 8, Lake- Months to Pay - al No wood. 364-1234 79 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., RSD BANK, N. J. HILL-TOP ACADEMY Additional Cost. T.-L 74I-M00 Lloyd 8. Nolan Roads Morganville, IKJ. CALL 566-2222 for an ODDointment to Laamingvillo, U.S.A. The Daily Register, Kid Bank - Miildlclown, N.J., .Monday, Aupinl 30, 1971 Dodgers Rocked by Mets' 3-Game By The Associated Press several times, only to fall back again. him 100 runs batted in for theyear. Rookie Ron Blomberg of the New York Yanks, who If you'll permit a little paraphrasing, Dodgers is dead! Or "We've been this far behind before and picked them up It was the 11th season he has gone over the century mark drilled a pair of homers in a losing effort Saturday night, isjthey? pretty quickly," Alston pointed out, "but first of all we've got for RBI, snapping a tie with Stan Musial and Willie Mays for cracked a three-run shot tljat highlighted a six-run uprising in Walter Alston, the Los Angeles skipper, certainly won't to help ourselves. We can't play like we did on this road trip." the National League record. He is two sby of the major league the fifth against the Royals. New York collected seven hits in say it, even though the Dodgers fell 8% games behind the San The Dodgers have lost six of i'he nine games with four mark of 13 held jointly by Babe Ruth, Jimmy Foxx and Lou the big frame and finished with 17 for the game. more in Houston before returning home. The Mets, on the oth- Gehrig. Francisco Giants in the National League West yesterday by LoiAnjtlM'l) Ntw York (4) Ntw York (10) I KorawCltyU) losing their third straight game to the New York Mets 4-3 on er hand, concluded a 6-3 home stand and have won four in a Aaron also slashed a double keying a two-run sixth inning. ob r ob ob h WDovlscf 4 o O 0 Kenney 3b 4 Palekss 5 D 2 row for the first time in more than two months. The hit gave the Atlanta slugger 3,243, putting him into sixth Vlntlneu 3 O 3 1 0 Tommie Agee's two-out tie breaking pinch single in the ninth WGrrll3b Munson c 4 Keough rf 3 0 1 WPrkr rf 2 2 4 11 Murcer cf 4 Hrrlsnph I O O They're fourth in the NL East, 10^ games behind Pitts- place on the all-time hit list, replacing Nap Lajoie. RAtlen 1b CJonn If 4 O J inning. 4 1 Krnpool lb FAlou If 5 Butler p 0 0 0 Mala If - 4 O 4 0 0 Blmbrg rf 5 Poepkeph' " 0 0 Even Gil Hodges, ye old Dodger hero and current man- burgh, but Hodges still feels they're in the race, although he In other NL games, Pittsburgh topped Houston 5-2, St. Gorvey 3b 4 0 Btwell2b 4 2 4 Otlccf Frguson c Sngllnrl Cater lb 5 0 O admits that "we can't do it without help." Louis nudged Cincinnati 4-3 in 11 innings, San Francisco rip- 4 0 Grolec 2 0 0 Clarke 2b 4 Hpklns lb 0 O ager of the Mets won't say it. Russll 2b 4 O 3.0 0 Pnlella II Sinner p Hahncf Mlchlss 4 0 2 Lead Widening Aaron Hammers Away ped Philadelphia 8-3 and Montreal and San Diego split, the Shrmkyph 1 O 0 Sttlmyr p 3 School 3t> 1 1 Sdcklp 3 O 1 Closter p 1 KnoopJo 1 2 "The lead is widening, yes," Hodges admitted, "but I Records were meant to be broken and it appears that JExpos winning 6-1, before dropping the nightcap 13-3. McGraw p 0 0 4 JMayc 3 1 2 Ageeph 10 1 Drogo p 1 0 0 don't think it's over by any means. The Dodgers are in a situ- Hank Aaron is intent on breaking quite a few before he's In the American Leauge, the New York Yankees bombed Brgmlerp 0 0 0 Totals 32 3 6 Totals 33 4 9 Wright p 0 0 O ation where they have to put together a winning streak. If they through. . . ; Kansas City 10-3, Minnesota edged Cleveland 6-5, Chicago Los Angeles 201 000 000 - 3 demons p ROIIvr rl 0 0 0 New York 012 000 001 -4 1 0 1 do that and then take four of their five games with the Giants And Aaron, after leading the Atlanta Braves to a 5-4 vie. whipped Detroit 6-2, Baltimore and Milwaukee split, the Ori- E -*• Singleton, Ferguson. DP — L.A. they'll be knocking on the door again. tory over the Chicago Cubs yesterday is far from through. oles, winning 3-2 before loosing 4-1, Oakland took two from 1. LOB — L.A. 5, NY. 6. 2B — C.Jones, Totals 39 10 17 Total] 35 3 11 Kranepool, Garvey. HR — R. Allen New York 001 0(0 300 -10 The Dodgers have pulled with 3% games of the Giants The homer, off Juan Pizarro, a two-run shot, also gave Washington, 4-3, and 9-0, and California ed^ed Boston 2-1. (19), Singleton (7). S — Valentine, Kansas City 001 100 100-3 Weaver's Early Margin Rains Piloted Leads Him to Golf Title By a Winner l By The Associated Press Prothro, who compiled a —PiflEHURST, N.C, (AP) - bachelor from San" Diegol in Weaver, a rugged, person- and then missed a six-foot Ten men are starting their DeWitt Weaver, an obscure, his llth season on theTour, 104-55-5 record in the "college able guy who went to school putt and took a bogey six. first full seasons as head ranks at Oregon State and non-winning tour regular, stumbled in with a fat 77, five on a football scholarship and That gave Weaver a three- coaches of professional foot- romped out to a big early lead over par in this unique event once was a a backup quarter- UCLA, inherited a veteran stroke lead and it was all but ball teams. Of the 10, only team from George Allen, who and coasted to a six stroke in which competition is on a back to Don Meredith at over. victory over Phil Rodgers yes-' man-to-man basis with scor- one-Tommy Prothro of the moved from the head coach- Southern Methodist, made his Weaver birdied the eighth, - has a terday in the title match of ing on the basis of total way to the finals with vic- hitting a midiron to within ing spot at Los Angeles to be- the United States Professional strokes over 18 holes. winning record after the first come Washington's head 1 tories over George Archer, three feet on the eighth and five weeks of National Foot- Match Play championship. Rodgers picked up $17,500 Doug Sanders, Julius Boros, Rodgers bogeyed the ninth for coach and general manager. from the total purse of ball League exhibition games. Weaver, a greying, 31-year- Lou Graham and Crampton, a fairway trap. That gave Prothro moved into the win- In five years under Allen, old veteran of seven years on He was staked to a quick Weaver, now a resident of At- the Rams had compiled a 49- the pro circuit, had a final ning column yesterday, when Ken Still topped Australian lead when the stocky Rodgers lanta, a six stroke margin at the Rams beat the New Eng- 17-4 record and had won two round 71, one under par, in his veteran Bruce Crampton 74-76 bogeyed the first two holes. the turn, 35-31. division championships. But head to head confrontation in their struggle for third land Patriots 31-21 to raise Phil three-putted the first hole Rodgers, a non-winner their pre-season record to 3-2. Prothro had no plans to stand with Rodgers for the $35,000 place on the 6,973 yard Coun- and caught a trap on the sec- since 1966, hit only three pat. first prize, by far the largest try Club of North Carolina in yesterday's only other ond. greens going out, but played game, Atlanta topped Buffalo check of his career. course. Still, won $10,000 and Weaver, once one of the the last nine in regulation fig- Prothro quickly shook Crampton picked up $7,500. 35-24. things up by dealing away 10 Rodgers, a blunt-talking longest hitters on the tour who ures. Weaver birdied the 12th, In Saturday games, Cincin- gave up some distance in fa- a par five, but took a mean- veterans - including seven nati edged St. Louis 22-21, regulars - during the off-sea- vor of accuracy, got two-putt ingless bogeyron the final Minnesota defeated Pitts- pars on both of them and hole. son. Leaving Los Angeles burgh 26-21, Baltimore topped were such familiar names as didn't trail again before the "It didn't much matter Washington 20-14, Oakland sun-drenched gallery of about what I did out there," Rod- offensive tackle Bob Brown, Frail Growls beat Green Bay 17-13, Phila- Myron Petties, 7,000. gers said, "DeWitt just played delphia tripped the New York Weaver, whose best pre- super. He didn't have a putt Jack Pardee and Maxie Baug- Giants 26-14, San Diego up- han, defensive tackle Diron vious finish was a third place more than 20 feet all day and - ended New Orleans. 22-7, San in this year's Hawaiian Open, just kept driving the fairway. Talbert, receivers Wendell Francisco rallied to defeat Tucker and Billy Truax and About Giants took a three-putt bogey on the We were looking for my ball Denver 33-17, Chicago edged third hole but got a two stroke on every hole'." Tommy Masop. PRINCETON (AP)-Quar- 26-14 shellacking at the band's Cleveland 20-19 and Miami But Prothro was not trading terback Fran Tarkington says of the revamped Eagles. swing on the par five fifth. The victory pushed Weav- AP Wlrephoto topped Detroit 28-24. The hard-hitting Weaver er's winnings to $75,914 for the just for the sake of shaking the were "You're darn right I'm ANYTHING FOR A CATCH — Los Angeles Rams' Thursday night, Dallas de- things up. just plain "lousy" in Satur- mad," he barked at newsmen. scored a two-putt birdie while year. His best previous season Jack Shaw is brought down by New feated Houston 28-20. day's exhibition loss to the "I don't like to go through the scrambling Rodgers put in seven years was last year England Patriot John Outlas after a pass com- Jets Go Tonight Choices Gained Philadelphia Eagles at this crap." his drive in the trees, had to when he won a little over pletion in the first period of the game at Schae- The New York Jets will op- Just as important was the Princeton. Tarkington admitted, how- chip out, was short in three, $13,000. fer Stadium In Foxboro, Mass. pose the Kansas City Chiefs in fact that Prothro was obtain- Coach Alex Webster says ever, that he didn't know a nationally-televised game ing draft choices, both present the Giants "made a big im- what could be done to get the tonight, winding up the week- and future, to replace the ag- provement" ov?r their first Giants back on the winning end's action. ing veterans. Among the first- three exhibition games. The track. He added that he felt Of the 10 new head coaches, year men who could help the truth probably lies some- as much to blame as anyone Shoreliners Reach Finals only two - including Prothro- Rams this season are line- where in between. for the club's poor showing to inherited winning teams. The backer Isaiah Robinson and Tarkington, dressing quick- date. other is Bob Hollway, whose Jack Young- ly in the Giants' subdued lock- Webster, who saw the team St. Louis Cardinals - 1-2 in blood, both first-round erroom, delivered a verbal lose its first three regular sea- exhibition play - were 8-5-1 choices, and safety Dave El- Against Tough Black Sox mendorf. blast at the team's playing son games last season before last season. personnel, including himself, embarking on a streak that BRIDGETON - The Jersey Del. Parkways. ond and scored on a single by Kevin Bova, the designated following the team's fourth almost brought the division Shoreliners advanced to the The twin win pots the Sho- Bill Eckart. pinch hitter, walked to force straight exhibition defeat, a title back to New York, found finals of the double-elimina- reliners in the finals against Adds to Bulge in one run, and sacrifice flies solace in defeat. tion Bridgeton Invitational the unbeaten. Washington, D. Wathington started another by Lowe and Walling helped "I think we really made a here yesterday with two vic- C. Black Sox, at 7:15 p.m. rally in the seventh on a the Shoreliners to two more How They Stand tories. today. If the Shoreliners beat single. He moved to second on tallies. AMERICA! LEAGUE big improvement over the NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division Beacon Slates first three games," he com- The first win came over the the Black Sox, they will play a sacrifice fly by Eckart, and The Shoreliners mounted Eat Dlvlilon W L Pet. OB scored on Joe Discavage's W L Pet. OB Baltimore.... 81 47 .633 — mented. Camden County All Stars, 5-3, the same team again for the the margin in the second. Pittsburgh....- 79 56 .MS — Detroit 71 60 St2 1H4 Golfing Finals single. St. Louis 73 at St. Louis Oakland at California - l walked, but was erased on a Montefusco came in and. The Britisi Open golf cham- (Carlton 17-7) night Chicago at Minnesota 146. Mrs. Martin Warshauer respectively, in the Windmill was second. San Diego (Acosta 1-0 and Klrby 12- Kansas city at MIWOUKM fielder's choice play on Mel struck out Bunny Miller, who pionship was first won by a 10) at Cincinnati (McGlothlln 7-10 and and Mrs. Charles Keyler were Stakes held here over the Dave Grabbe, Little Silver, Ia er from Crlmsley9-5 or Clonlnger 3-6) 2 Cleveland at Detroit 2 Lowe's ground baD. had homered earlier, and then P y overseas in 1907 Los Angeles (Downing 15-B) at Hous- Washington at New York second at 147. weekend. is the Beginners champ: Gray got the last man on a force when Arnaud Massey of France ton (Forsch 7-6) nlaht Baltimore at Boston t'urgeson, Middletown, cap- Pete Lardieri singled and In a grandmother event. .Warren McCullocb, Pack- scored when Dennis Waiting's, out. triumphed. Mrs. Gordon Vanhorne placed anack" Lake, took the top tured the intermediate class, and Frank Mergenthaler, grounder was miscued by the The Shoreliners went in first in low gross with a 90. award. pitcher. front in the first inning with Mrs. David Brewster scored The club held its Junior Middletown, won the racing seminar I. Rich Rubenstein followed three runs. Wathington low net at 74. Haul Out event, and Bill with a run-scoring single. walked, and Eckart and Dis- OLD ORCHARD Mergenthaler. 15. of Middle- The club completed its sum- cavage both followed with sin- mer series this weekend. In the fifth inning, Ottis Mrs. Melvin Frend won the town won the Bull Trophy and Wathington singled, stole sec- gles to load the bases. odd hole event at Old Orchard will represent the club in the Verge Vaughn is the Light- Country Club Thursday with a North American Junior Sail- ning champ; June Methot gar- 32 low not. ing Championships' Sears nered the M-Scow honors, and LOW COST . She was followed by Mrs! Competition. • John White is the Windmill WHY FIGHT TRAFFIC? Lawrence Stamelman at 33. . Steve Tyrell, 16, of Middle- champ. ALL COACHES EXPRESS FROM AIRPORT PLAZA NEW ROOM Mrs. Effie Schwartz had town, won the Good Sports- In other divisions. Davo .VIA PARKWAY AND TURNPIKE Lower because.. low putts at 30, and Mrs. Rob- manship Trophy; Peter Tutjelman is the top Albacore 50 MINUTES TO NEW YORK CITY N0SAU5MEH sailor; Don Colyer won the THE ONLY BUS COMPANY IN THE ert Everett had a chip in on Jenks. 14, Rumson, garnered NO COMMISSION the 17th hole. the Method Trophy for most - Wood Pussy award, and Bill SHORE AREA WITH ALL BUSES EXPRESS Mergenthaler Jr. has the most VIA THE PARKWAY' AND TURNPIKE AT ALL TIMES NO CONCESSIONAIRES PROFITS points in the Blue Jay class. END OF SUMMER SERIES NEW YORK-KEANSBURG Lightning 1st race — 1. Bob HuFchlnson; 2. Ron LONG BRANCH BUS CO. HOME Freund; 3. Verge Vaughn. • OENI 2nd race — 1. Warren Cornell; 2. • ROOM Freund; 3. Hutchlnson. • ATTIC •»•» NOTICE M-Scows BASEMENT ROOMS ' 1st race — 1. June Methot; 2. Jack Al- mss len; 3. Sam Altreuter. FREE 2nd race — 1. John Stomber; 2. Al- mm »ROlurmii, SlblNQ treuter; 3. Allen. . POI Windmill Parking iRCH EI&CLOSURES RESIDENTS OF THE 1st race — 1. John Lartaud; 2. John White; 3. Kirk Spurr. 2nd race — 1. White; 2. Larloud; 3. Spurr. Albacore BORO OF KEANSBURG 1st race — 1. Dob Howson; 2. Dave Rt.36 Tuttelmon; 3. Leigh Dugbee. FREE ESTIMATES - CALL TODAY! 2nd race — 1. Tuttfllman; 2. Howsen; Rt.36 3. Ougbee. AIRPORT Wood Pussy According to N.J.S. 40:81-18 and 19:27-11, all 1st race — 1. Don Colyer; 2. Glenn Richards; 3. Dave Mlnton. LEONARDO PLAZA MODERN KITCHEN candidates wishing to file for the unexpired term 2nd race — 1. Richards; 2. Prls Gale; Tired ol a drab old kitchon? 3. Don Colyer. Get our low price lor a new one. of Councilman in the Boro of Keansburg for the Dlut Jays 1st race - 1. Dill Mergenthaler Jr.; 2. PARK and RIDE next general election, November 2, 1971, will Cliarlli Allreuter; 3. Laddie Irons, 2nd race — 1. Mergenthaler Jr; 2. Al- DAILY SERVICE BETWEEN NEW BATHROOM apply to Mr. Stanley Davis, Monmouth County Now Vptk City (Port Auth. Torminnl) IMN Nnwark (Public Sorvico Tonninal) Atlantic Highlands Okt fashioned—out-dntod bathroom? Lightning Modarnizo at lowest nricoj. Board of Elections, Freehold, N.J., 431-4000,. 1. Verge Vaughn; 2. Ernie Dooi; 3. Long Brunch Lnontirdo Pat Corr Monmoulh nonch Bollord-Port rvionmoulh forall-information pertaining to this election. M-Scowi Diinht Koiinsbilrrj 1. June Methot; 2. Brub Hance; 3. innily Hook Sloto Paik FREE NO MONEY DOWN - TERMS ARRANGED ON ANY IMPROVEMENT Sam Altreular Airport Plaza (Mailall Windmill MIDDLETOWM PARKING LEONARDO TERM. 1. Jim White; 2. John Lcrtaud; 3. Kirk Slnto Hwy. 36 Slate Hwy. 36 Signed Spurr y Albacor* Michael Motichka 1, Dave Tutlleman; 2. Bob Howsonj 3. AIRPORT PLAIA TtRMINAL - Stato Hwy. 36, Harlot Gene Michaels l MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. COACHES FOR CHARTER -FOR ALL OCCASIONS Municipal Clerk Wood Puny » 1. Don Colyer; 3. Prls Gale; 3. Jqrtt FOR INFORMATION CALL MAIN OFFICE HIGHWAY 35 AT HEDDONS CORNER,. MIDDLE-TOWN Boro of Keansburg STATE HIGHWAY 36 1. Bill Meraonthaler Jr.] 2. LocJdl* Irons; 3. Charlie Altreuter, LEONARDO. N.J. 741-5060 - 776-6600 The Daily Register, Red Bank - Middletown, N.Jn Monday, August 30,1*171 ] ] Beater* Churns Skiff Victory Pace

HIGHLANDS- Connie Cot- Herb Moore's "Flying Kar- placed second in the race^ trell, Highlands, drove to first pet" to third. which saw seven boats elimi- place in both Jersey Speed Record Holder nated after they jumped the Skiff events here Saturday to Moore, who holds the world starting line. win the first annual High- record for average speed (set lands Inboard Regatta. in Washington, D.C., this The Super Stocks and Ski year) won the National Racing Runabouts were run Miss Cottrell, driving her Sweepstakes Regatta in Red together as a result of a light "Egg Beater" over the mile Bank two weeks ago, and turnout. and two thirds course, had to came within less than a sec- overcome 16 other boats en ond of eclipsing his own mark J. H. Matthews, High Point, route to the victory. in that event. N.C., took the top prize for Su- per Stocks, while Chuck Blume, Long Beach, N.Y., Hurricane Doria left her A consolation Jersey Speed mark on the course and the was first in the Ski Boat Skiff race saw Dajve Greenlaw event. races had to be delayed until of Philadelphia take first the course markers could be place. readjusted. Chris Dillon, Stone Harbor, It was the first victory ever was awarded the Brown Joe Branin, Highlands, for Greenlaw, who drove Trophy for the highest finish placed second in the event in "Veri Cheri." by a driver under 21 years of his "Jo-Carol-Too" while Jer- age. Dillon was sixth in the ry Fowler, Sea Bright, drove Shrewsbury's Dan Byrne Ski Racing Runabout race. Connie Cottrell

LADY TAKE ALL — Connie Cottrell, Highlands, raced her "Egg Beater" to first place in botrr Jersey Speed Skiff races in the first annual Highlands Inboard Regatta Saturday. She beat out a field of 16 other boats. Graebner Meets Barthes On Jersey Lawn Today SOUTH ORANGE (AP) - Clark Graebner of New. York the second set though as he the fourth game and Parun Top-seeded Marty Riessen of City hung on to set back a de- held service in the first game, breaking back in the seventh Evanston, 111., was eliminated termined Onny Parun of New broke Parum in the second, game. The set was marked by from the $25,000 Eastern Zealand, 1-6, 6-1, 6-2, 1-6, 7-6, then served up three service Graebner's banter with Lawn Tennis Championship in semifinal play. points and an ace to take a spectators and questioning vesterdayL but second-seeded Riessen wa^ eliminated by three-love lead in games. several calls by linesman. Pierre Barthes'of France, 1-6, Both players exchanged Graebner won the tie- 7*, 64, 6-f service breaks in the final set breaker 6-2, getting the fifth Graebner, who faces Bar- -with Graebner getting his in point on a disputed call. ' thes for the top prize today, has lost in all his five final round, appearances here. Graebner, through casual play, spotted Parun the first Elliott Eases . set. His power prevailed in Entries Onded entries 1st-11300, poet; 1 m ShoronJat (Kelly) .. 3-1 To Wall Win Royal Ross (Flllon).... 7-2 WALL TOWNSHIP - Re- several weeks ago but he was Randy Earl (Abbatlello) ...4-1 Drtbiei Doncer (Stafford) 4-1 peat the name Tommie Elliott able to post number two this HIIISOBO (Williams Jr.) 6-1 35 times and that will tell you week. Shelly was a victim of Watmns Frost (Wlorone) jOI OCEANFORT - The jr.'tsjntor>!!!!!?.!!!!!I!!!!~i«!!:".Ji-i Whittle won both ends Michael Rellly, Hazlet, "A" runnerup; James Stahl, Middletown, "£" runnerup; Michael Davino, Mid- ed on the pole in the car nor- involved in a slight-mishap in dletown, "AV champion, and Frank Bonello, chairman of the Scholarship Fund. s^y jwiswnriir):::::::::::;;;.:.':.".':'*.) Of the comet race, while John mally driven by the sidelined lap 21 and had to go to the cnorii.pieMsm'thT:::::::::::"'.:'.::"::::w Emery placed second. t rd) Gil Hearne and couldn't be rear of the field. Cobb was o^j«ei (GS3f^ ':::::"::w • Paul Van Cleve.captured caught by his competition. El- able to roar back and take Ofci/bi GoMbirg, King FeoMres Syndicate, CvanWAOM Of M«BC*,Wt jr«-«!iH( '-im' • both Blue Jay events.. liott's wire-to-wire win'was fourth-place money. GuyWtOltfenboch)!.^.!.... J-l , ,i-«i»n«v • his second of the year. Tommie Hughes "of Ealon- CMOonser (Stafford) „... ,....,...3-1 umSrmn Mlke»lTv*en|F(|e!d)On" '"'" J-l >>'rK* - '• Ulghlon Waters; 2. Bill The second through fourth town was second, with Ted Curllcut (Splno)...... J-l V™d roct - l.°Schne*lder'; 2. Von place finishers were close to Alt of Morganville third and Oarlnos Ml»« (p^leslol 01 mm,. 3, BM, Roton,,,,. Orexel An (Smith) ...15-1 Ctnwtt the leader as the checkered Terry Cain, of Toms River ChoseMtHome(Marlnelll Jr) Ml lit roce-1. Doug Stlbts; 1. Dove Mr. Bells Fork (Roberts) 20-1 Kingston; 3. Honk MlRenberger. flag dropped, but Elliott, driv- fifth. 2nd roce - I. Kingston; arMllttnber. The Three Quarter Midg- 4th-I14M; trot; 1 m ger; 3. Stlbts. 'ing superbly, was not to be de- nied the victory. et racers were making their E Johl B fifth appearance at the Rt. 34 Pleasant NlblUoonty) 4-1 SISXiA» i uSJR?Jl,'. » cm.,u. i Charlie Kremer Jr. of Lake- Sun Duet (Clement) 4-1 pjKft! ~ '• *""""' 2- Emery. 3. hurst, in his best showing of speedway, and, as happened TteSong(Parodli) J-l >-«>«""'">• WoodPllli_ jlnt Print IDjbkawskll .1-1 ,„ roc, _ ,, j,,, Jo'cobi; j. ston the month; took second place the other four times, Tony Ro- SpttOobout (Ouortler) 10-1 Monger; 3. Ted Dllgtr. Happy MonlBernstein) 12-1 2ndroce - I. Monger; 2. Jocobl; 3. money with Jim Hoffman of mit of Cliffside Park ran Excellency Me (Schmloel) 20-1 Dllger. away and hid on the rest of Magic Brookwotd.(Poort) Ml Blue Joys Union Beach third, Hank Dud- .. 1st race— 1. Poul von Cleve; 2. Joe ley of Brick Township fourth the field in the 30-lap main jth - ilittj evctj 1 m Fons: 3. Nelt Krouter. ' event.- Captain. Dou«ht!eV(pi7i'bJrt) S 2 »-* ™« - I. Van Cltve; 2. Font; 3. and Johnny I,unrs, of Nep- Cloman Blue (Smith Jr) 7-2 K™u1er. TarMb.M% A very distant second was J tune, fifth. Dan McLaughlin of Speedy Borbaronnt (No Driver) 4-1 tat rac, _ I iJJKnvon Cleve 2* Hank Rogers Jr. of Point MlmSky (Oelll Sonll) 6-1 „$HeS!ehan;' f SthVMMtSbVrStr?" Toms River was the first Ouetn Bee (Porodls) J-l 2nd roct - 1. Htmehon; 3. von Cfeve; Pleasant with Billy Hughes of Eagle Flight (Olln) «-l 3. Anita Waters. sportsman to finish. Trut Ortgon (Van Devtntcr) l-l- _ SUNDAY McLaughlin took sixth spot. Levittown, Pa. third, Frank Oltnoale Richard (Flllon) 10-1 KMerllngs ~ Hal Parlay 1 Huebsch) 12-1 1st race— 1. Bill Van Winkle; 2. John liary Shelly of Wrightstown Holz of PhiladelphiaT-fo Greek Goddess (Morrlll) 15-1 Berttlsen; 3. Ltlghton Waters. never won a Limited Sports- and defending TQ champion, «th-$17W,-pactMm ttlsomTvw man Stock Car feature until Don Craig, of ^evittown, fifth. Julias Chomp (Abbatlello) 7-2 Palter Fool (WebSter) 21 Calmway (Abbatlello). e-t Multl Dollar (Ponton) a-l ' Rlccl RetnlesBest (Doncer Jr) 6-1 Jim Harrison (Patterson) l-l Chlnco Dance (Thomas) l-i On Top (Kelly) 10-1 Scotch Dlrtct (Roberts) 151 Annabel Darei (Mansfield) 20-1

7lh-S2,1M;pact;lm •^•^•^•^•^•^p^pr • Honor Key (Sperendl) 21 ^^^^^^^^^ Hondo (Abbatlello) 3.| Linda Bayamo (Flllon) 4-1 •ertnmore Doris (McCandleu) «-l Garrison LloW (Parodls) 10-1 Allegiance Son (No Orlver) 10-1 Steve Pldtl Butler) 15-1 Cutlass A (Greene) 15-1 Medic Pride (McKtono) 15-1 Camden Bonnie (Roberts)..-. 20-1

Ith - IMMj pact; 1 m ^^^^^^^^^^KB^Oi t Leumas (D'Altslo) 2-1 •^•^•^•^•^•^•^•^KdBC V '* Joy G L (Thomas) 4-1 Te Klatere (Ponton) 5-1 Gypsy Hill Pan (Smullln).. 6-1 Peppers Ace (Flllon) M Royal Mar Al (Lohmeytr jr) .4-1 Okay Robbie (Webb) l-l Snowy Valentine (Young) 10-1 Austlnq Hanover (Sloofooi) 151 Armbr* Karlna (No Driver) 20-1 Ith-S1400;poce; I m Charlotte B (Insley) 3-1 Bucky Squire {Orslto) 7-2 Singing Water! Kelly) 4-1 ^MEN MAN^-WSCOVEftS THE Star Mercury (Olln) 6-1 F S, Perfectionist (Abbotlellol 6-1 SPfiCJE. ,NHIS NEW SEt>AK H£<3E15 /toTUNDER. Ruths Dream (Poore) II BEJ4i>US (JttAND PR£SSUR& OF AIR BtOWS General Brooks (Ferrlero) l-l THfc COLLAR. AMf> SFA.RK3 (8) I6N ItE tTJSE(C) Mountaineer Don ISchmlgel) 20-1 V/T-TISTLH (g), TRA/MED OK.CJU& AAOUSE^lM Artie Acres (Webb) : 20-1 •SETTlNa OFF CANMON (I)) WHICH SHOOT& tRUrjk, HEARING V/HISTLE THINKS UJNcH- IS loth - tlMti tret; 1 m OUT CAMXONBAU. (E)CAUSlNiG STWGflP) Vlllanovot Pride (Marano) S-2 OVER ANDBUU£>O2£S HIS. WAY TOW/TRAS Symphony Lassie IBulk) 3-1 TO OPEN FR.OMT MOQD(G)-nHCO (^LEASING Charlous Oondy B (Hubbord) 7-2 t=Fp/VT OF CAR..t3URIfJG TH& PISOCES.'S., f\€- Ideon Hanover (Dondeo) 6-1 fiorly J (Porker) 6-1 ¥ocvbHX~ Srto^ (if) U/HICH ecafs Cvr RATTEMS BEAK CBAT(U) ANP THEREBY Floodlight (Ferronto) 12-1 £M<3WcTCr) ANO THERJ£6V CREATES A Camp Scott (LeCouse) 1S-I GJVES WVM A'S SEA4 George Fran Talbol (Gray) ....15-1 TRUNK- /M FROMT". Oilier Diamond (Morrlll) 15-1 Sft4,cE OF AMV CTHER - Chpckoyolte Star (Gray) 20.| nth-HMO; poet; 1 m SHOU1-P YO^FACE. THE , IrKn(Denllantl)...... J» 3ASE-BAU- GIWE (J) AWO Ballords Tamo Shan (Delll Santl) 5.2 HND A SHORT/WE OF qROJS Nf=£. TPAIMED|U Judge Lewis (Puety) 7-2 ) Woodbury (Flllon) 4-1 TrA& OPERATIOM OF BOU-&CJ2ERS, AIL IS, NOTU^K Hobo Joy (No Driver) 4.1 ' BACK IMTD CAR. ABOVE RfeAR. CfcN£ WHEELS" .Dlavolo (Serbesl >-l JMRIorKi(Lomb) l-l ,M? * r, UH«2E APt>ES> WElGMr CADSCS STR/(Oq(L) THERE Atfi£At>V EXISTS A &EC>AW WftW A PROMT Vlrglnlo Times (Schmlgcl) 10-1 -S' ' ' Bviilng Time (Greene) 12-1 ' ' B*\ « k (Mansfield) 20-1 „ $gi/ * f V/EIGHT (0) WHICH /N TURN CAUSES OVER TWICE, TTt&CAKfcYIMG TO pou- UP GIAMTSO^TION CURS(Q) :': SelcctionH THEREBY RAJS)SlG TVIE^EAR T5DOfLiME,S» year th,e g Nixon's Dollar Stand Government statistics gave the reported were 3,798 dead and overvalued in relation to for- totals as 7,100 ffo r TuesdaysanTdd 91,554 injured equal to 30 and By ROGER E. SPEAR 13,113 for Saturdays, and also 728 per 100,000 of population eign currencies, this move by reported 323_were killed on ..respectively. Fix up Q - What do you think the President has in effect de- would be the best course of Successful valued our currency. The ex- action in the event of a deva- tent of the devaluation will with money luation of the dollar? Would a Investing take several weeks to estab- FLUHR'S FUEL KIDS salaried person be better off lish, but is not likely to exceed my-spurring proposals some from us owning a home, common 10 per cent. The simultaneous of this braking action will be BEFORE THE NICE. stock or government bonds in imposition of a 10 per cent tax dissipated. Regardless of the WRMD/MTARETH See us about a home such an event? -H.H. . held by foreign governments. on imports will reinforce the effectiveness of these "emer- improvement loan; Low bank gency" measures, some in- SEAR THIS IN MIND, Call us at 741-6100 A - The prospect of deva- By cutting the somewhat arti- effect of the devaluation on flation, whether at an accept- HERE'S WHATT0DO now tocheck "your fuel rates. Convenient luation became a virtual real- ficial tie to gold, the dollar the balance of payments defi- able or unacceptable rate, is repayment plans. . ity with the President's an- has been allowed to "float" on cit. tank and have it all an historic fact. nouncement that the Treasury the international monetary For the average American ready for winter, make market. Because the dollar would no longer exchange the initial effect of these two The average salaried work- sure of your fuel oil sup- • gold for American dollars has long been thought to be moves will be to increase the er is, therefore, better off if cost of foreign goods and up- he holds investments which ply, too! grade the appeal of domestic will increase their value at a products. The long-range out- rate as fast or faster than in- SERVICE YOUR HEATER AMP come cannot be isolated since flation. Real estate, stocks, CONTRACT FOR OUR FUEL <3L 2 Talents Produce O LOCAL THADBUAMTA IK. the new monetary policies diamonds, etc., are examples were adopted in conjunction of assets which are capable of with several other far-reach- appreciation. Government Top Float Design ing proposals. While the 90- bonds on the other hand are day wage/price freeze should fixed as to income and matu- RED BANK- Louis J. Do- effectively reroute the in- rity or face value, therefore growth is limited by that nato, florist and guitarist, has flation ' spiral, if Congress FUEL OIL • BURNER SALES CSERVICE Ttie bank that looks out for you teamed bis talents to win a enacts the President's econo- amount. worldwide float competition sponsored by Florist Trans- world Delivery (FTD). His design, which is based • on the song "Aquarius," will become reality for the FTD float entry in the annual Jan. 1 Tournament of Roses Pa- rade. The theme is "Joy of Music." As a prize, he and his wife, who live at 13 Allen. Place, will be flown to Califor-- nia to attend the tournament events. Mr. Donate notes that it is an FTD tradition to have a float in the tournament pa- rade; but this is the first year ELEBRATION member florists were asked to submit ideas. The 61-year-old Louis J. Donate organization of independent retail florists, he says, is the the business 38 years. They oldest of its type. began with a shop on Bridge Ave. in 1933 and moved to the Mr. Donato, ei, is owner of Middletown location in 1943. the Art Floral Shoppe and Mr. Donato, who.says he Greenhouse, 335 Rt. 35, Wid- spent two weeks thinking up dletown. His parents, Mr. and his winning design, has been Mrs. Joseph Donate, 195 Rt? working in the shop since he 35, Middletown, have been in was 12. Seven Persons Fined For Careless Driving HAZLET - Seven drivers of 2 Byrn Place, West Keans- "•were convicted of careless burg; Gary Weiner of Linden; driving and fined a total of Robert A. Garofalo of Roselle $105. Park; Michael G. McGuiness Kmart . Assessed $15 each for the of Astoria, N.Y.; Frank Gime- offense by acting Municipal nez of 107 Second St., Key- Court Judge Frank R. La- port; and Louis V. Croce of Morte were Linda A. Dunn of 507 Arlington Ave., Union Jersey City; Peter W. Jewell Beach. Judge LaMorte also fined PEDAl YOUR WAY Ronald Price of Trenton, $10 TO HEAUH for delinquent inspection plus "BICYCLE EXIRCIKR" $25 for contempt of court; Karl E. Sterner of 16 Amherst Lane, $35 for speeding; John J. McDermott of 1 Hill St., ?15 for failing to yield the right of way; Anthony Cos- tanza of Roselle, $15 for driv- ing with an expired license; and Edward J. Henigan of 160 Long Branch, $15 for delinquent inspection. Patrick Fitzgibbons of 28 Linda Place was fined a total of $40 for driving with an ex- Enjoy year round fun and pired license, delinquent in- healthful exercise of cycling without leaving the house. spection and contempt of MOMUIABU: _court • ELECTRIC CYCLE Winslow B. Hagman of 50 • STEAM CABINET Bayview Ave., was fined $50 • VIBRATOR BELT • on an assault charge. » ROLLER MASSAGE David J. Brower of Rahway PHONE 747-2614 was given a $150 suspended Rent or Purchase fine after pleading guilty to making a threatening phone SOUTH JERSEY SURGKAl call, assault and using loud •33 EAST FRONT STREET RED BANK, N.J. . and abusive language.

the swinging little lamp LUXOLIL with the Big light Kmart opens more than 65 new discount department stores each year. Built like you to MOVE with you. YOUR NEW Today it is the fastest growing discount store chain in the world. Charcoal, Red, White. u>

Kmart is proud of its success...thanks to the millions of satisfied OPEN THURS., customers in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and Australia. SEPT. 2, AT Kmart's genuine discount prices on first auality only merchandise inspires customer confidence in K mart as the store where it's 3010 ROUTE 35 "safe to save." You'll find no "seconds" or "irregulars". If t & BETHANY ROAD K mart's Customer Policy i| to give satisfaction always or your money IN HAZLET refunded immediately.

invites you to be a regular discount shopper for all your home, family, and automobile needs. You'll enjoy every savings-trip to K mart, and you'll live better ever after. WEWILLSHIPDIRECT DISCOUNT DEPARTMENT STORE, APPLIANCE CENTER, AUTO SERVICE CENTER OPEN THURSDAY .nd FRIDAY 'TIL » - SATURDAY -TIL 1 AND BUILDING MATERIALS CENTER THE LIGHTING CENTER 79 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., RED BANK, N. J. TEL. 741-6400 A KMART CREDIT CARD I Legal Services Ruling Due Tomorrow

By DORIS KULMAN Mr. Gearan, who testified that he had recommended the "We chose not to produce it," Mr. Steffens said. with the state's recommendations, Mr. Bianchi said. merger, also was expected in court on Friday to continue The OEO wasn't asking for a continuation and objected to He said the state office hadn't checked to see if MLSO NEWARK - Federal District'Court Judge Frederick B. cross-examination by Alex Lehrer, an Asbury Park attorney the taking of any additional testimony "because we don't think was complying with lits recommendations "because we were Lacey will hand down his decision tomorrow on a temporary representing the MLSO. it's relevant to the issue before the court," Mr. Sleffens said. aware there was a federal evaluation and we didn't have their injunction prohibiting the federal Office of Economic Opportu- Roger Steffens, a U.S. attorney representing the OEO, Testifying Friday was Carl Bianchi, director of the N.J. resources ..." nity from forcing the Monmouth Legal Services Organization said that the officials weren't present because of a policy deci- Office of Legal Services. Judge Lacey had requested his pre- In response to questions from Judge Lacey, Mr. Bianchi to merge with the smaller Ocean County Legal Services Corp. sion by the OEO. scence after, Mr. Gearan testified on Tuesday that he had rp- said he hasn't seen a plan of the proposed merger so couldn't The MLSO is seeking the temporary injunction pending Standing on Record liod on action by the stale and on conversations with Mr. give a professional opinion about its possible effects on legal decision of its suit to bar tin. merger permanently. "We elect to stand on the record. We don't wish to pro- Bianchi in recommending the merger. service for Monmouth's poor. He said federal officials hadn't A hearing at which the OEO was ordered to show cause duce any more witnesses " Mr. Steffens said. "We don't Laurence C. Stamelman, a Long Branch attorney and consulted his office about the merger. why the merger shouldn't be temporarily stayed concluded be- want to defy the court, but after our telephone conversation chairman of the MLSO's board of trustees, also testified. Mr Stamelman said that to the best of his knowledg* fore Judge Lacey on Friday. The OEO funds both the Mon- yesterday we thought it was up in the air who we were to pro- Mr. Bianchi said that a merger "was one of the alterna- there aren't any federal regulafions governing .national Legal mouth and Ocean programs, which provide legal aid to the duce today. tives" he had discussed with Mr. Gearan about the MLSO and Services programs. He testified that no one from the federal poor in civil cases. "That is not so." Judge Lacey replied. "I was asked if I other programs in the state, but said "I cannot remember for- NLS or OEO had visited the Monmouth agency before order- Takes New Twist would agree to extend the hearing so that the government mally recommending a merger..." ing the merger and said the MLSO had never been told by fed- The suit took on a new twist on Friday, the second day of could better prepare its case ... I was told by you that if we Something Wrong eral officials of any deficiencies in its program or given a the hearing, when OEO officials failed to show up in federal go on today 'we'd be bombed"... I said I would be agreeable Mr. Bianchi said he had discussed alternatives with Mr. chance to correct alleged deficiencies. He testified that Mon- District Court here and failed to produce the OEO's "full file" to continue for 30 days... I indicated provisional funding Gearan because, "when I evaluated it there was something mouth is more than twice Ocean County's size and has crucial on the MLSO that Judge Lacey had ordered into court. would be part of this .. you indicated you would have come to definitely wrong with the Monmouth program and it had to be racial problems because of the number of older communities. Judge Lacey had ordered the OEO's attorneys to produce Ocean County (for the funds) and there would be no objec- corrected..." Mr. Stamelman said the merger would make legal ser- Ronald Dietrich, former acting director of the National Legal tion ... I said then I would want the director of the Oqean Mr. Bianchi testified that he visited the MLSO offices vices unavailable to "a good part of Monmouth County," par- Services Program and now the OEO's chief counsel, in court County program in court, too, so his assent would be on the early last year, found what he said were serious violations of ticularly because public transportation is scanty. on Friday. Mr. Dietrich's appearance was ordered after P. record. legal services program guidelines, including a lack of caseload The MLSO maintains that the merger, which would forci Vaughn Gearan, regional director of the NLS testified on As for the OEO's file on the MLSO, "I asked for the control, and had recommended withholding of state funds. closing of two of the MLSO's four offices and set the headquar- Tuesday that it was Mr. Dietrich who made the merger deci- file... your client was aware of that but chose to defy the State money was reinstated a short time later "because of ters of the merged program in Toms River, would destroy an sion. court..." Judge Lacey said, , good faith representation" by the MLSO that it would comply effective legal services program for Monmouth's 60,000 poor. r=zTBEGISTER Singer Strives for Purity RED BANK, N.J. MONDAY, AUGUST 30,1971 13 By BOB BRAMLEY HIGHLANDS - He wore a black European peasant's cap cocked over his right-eye, a green shirt with the neck operand '»-! sleeves rolled up^O;D. Army-pants and space shoes. , He swung down* the gangplank to the Clearwater Saturday with a large stride, long arms swinging; he was a tall slender man made taller by a banjo and a guitar in black leather zip- per cases slung over his shoulder. His eyes were small and bright; they peered out cheerily through crowsfeet etched deep by years of smiles. A lean chin sported a graying beard; salt and pepper hair curled from un- der the black peasant's cap. • . Reaching the deck of the Clearwater, moored at the Ad- miral BenbowInn dock at fne foot of Jackson St., Pete Seeger, internationally known folksinger, put down his instruments and started to talk about conservation and clean water. Major Cleanup Eyed "We brought the Clearwater here because the Navesink is the last piece of water near the Hudson which still produces clams you can eat... If the Clearwater group and other cam- paigners are successful, all the waters in this area can be cleaned up," the folksinger declared. He recalled that 100 years ago, li£ million bushels of clams a year were taken from the , along with important quantities of fish and large lobsters. Asked whether he sees any progress since the Clearwater, Register staff Photo a replica of the Hudson River sloops which plied that water- HUOSON RIVER SLOOP — Clearwater, docked at Admiral Benbow Inn, way in the last century, was. launched in 1969, Mr. Seeger said Jackson St., Highlands, until Thursday, is replica of sloops which plied progress is being made, but he added that it's hard to see it the Hudson until the latter part of the last century. Built in 1968-69, she yet. sails metropolitan area waterways campaigning for clean water and a .... ' Register Staff Photo "You never see quick results from an educational cam- healthy environment. Visitors are welcome aboard. JAMBOREE — Officers of the Monmouth YM-YWHA, gather at that paign," he explained. Recalling Rachel Carson's book "The Si- unit's headquarters, Grant Ave., Ocean Township, for yesterday's cele- lent Spring," which campaigned against DDT pollution 10 bration of the facility's first anniversary. From left are Edward Kronisch, years ago, he added: , jamboree chairman; Leon Katz, the organization's president; Jack Saltz- man, chairman of the board of directors, and Myles Merling, the unit's "If 10 years from now the results become apparent, • executive director. people will perhaps rememtier those crazy sailors on, the EGOM Building Site Clearwater back in 1970 and 1971," he suggested. 'A Seesaw Battle' "It's a seesaw battle; there's much more involved,than most people think. It's more than just a few sewage treatment Gala in Ocean Marks plants. Sewage plants don't take out carbon and phosphates, Action Due Tonight for instance, and these are nutrients that make the algae grow too fast and kill off the other marine life. NEW SHREWSBURY.- It's in the new master plan. streets and their intersection , two down and one to go for The mayor said the master is a point of congestion. "It will take the combined efforts of millions of people to> the Dworman Co., New York, plan should be ready for pub- clean up our waters. We hope by visiting here to get people's Conrad Smith, owner of a YM-YWHA Birthday builders of the $25 million gov- lic hearing in about two nursery adjacent to the build- interest," the folksinger explained. ernment office building here. months. ing site, urged the council to style dinner and an exhibition of arts and , A founder of Hudson River Sloop Restoration Inc. in 1967, OCEAN TOWNSHIP - A gala event yes- Mr. Seeger stressed he is, now just one of about 3,000 members The Borough Council has The ordinance rezoning the provide a plan for traffic be- crafts produced by the unit's students. terday marked the first anniversary of the whose money and care built the boat and keep her fitted out rezoned the site of the six-sto- government building site, fore allowing development of , Mrs. Charlotte Vineberg directed the Monmouth YM-YWHA at its quarters, 100 and staffed. Members who are students pay $5 annual dues; ry building, leaving site plan also changed the zoning in the site. Grant Ave. . choral group in a concert which entertained others pay $10 a year. approval as the last remain- four other areas. Borough Attorney Milton A. those attending the event. ing Obstacle before breaking The portion containing the Mausner said the traffic flow Besides running the Clearwater, the funds collected are Edward M. Kronisch of West Long Exhibits included works in charcoal, oils, ground. building site also rezones will be a consideration to be used for research and for propaganda in support of cleaning Branch, chairman of the festivities, said A. sculpture, papier mache, needlework, macr- And, with luck, the com- made by the Planning Board up our environment. about 125 acres both to the highlight of the event was a scheduled table ame and puppets. pany will have that approval north and west of the pro- when it discusses the site plan 'Not Too Late' tennis exhibition between Dr. Barry Elbaum.a I Displays were furnished-by Sally Asa, tonight. posed building to office re- application tonight. former state ping pong champion, and Jaro Benjamin Goodkin, Mildred Greenspan, Jo- "It's not too late," said the folksinger, addressing an au- The Planning Board has Mayor Henck said the coun- rilfince which had jusUistened-to-him-sing "T^ie^Slnop Glear- search, a new category. York of West End. Long Branch, a former seph J,ayne1J4idy-Lew4sr4ten€y--MwHngs- scheduled a special meeting Also rezoned were: cil will meet with the'Board of water." New York state champion. • •'•- Clara G. Stamaty and Bev Ziperson. for 8:30 p.m. at the Monmouth Borough Hall property be- Freeholders to discuss county "It's not too late unless you say it's too late for the human . The event, which drew a host of members The "First Birthday Jamboree" was con- Regional High School to con- tween the Garden State Park- participation in the road im- race. The Clearwater's only a small group; we have to reach and well-wishers, also featured a - barbecue sidered a success by YM-YWHA officers. sider the plans. way and Ft. Monmouth; the provement. Both Tinton Ave. people in the mansions and in the ghettos... Once approval is granted, western portion of the Laur- and Wayside Road are county p "But I'm not pessimistic. I'm just a banjo player, but I the company will be free to ino Farm on Hance Road, the roads. ' know that people can change their minds once you get them obtain a building permit and western half of the Red Bank The borough has moved together," Mr. Seeger declared. start construction, probably Airport, and the south side of quickly in making the neces- The Clearwater will remain tied up at the Admiral Ben- Mayors' Conference within two weeks. The build- Apple St. from SeaJay Inc. to sary changes for the Dwor- bow dock through Thursday. She is open to public boarding at ing is expected to take 18 Hance Road, and a tract be- man building. no charge. months to complete. tween Asbury Ave., the Gar- The General Services Ad- Her.visit is sponsored by the Shrewsbury River Sloop Res-11 Mayor Robert Henck said den State Parkway and,Jum- ministration in New York toration Inc. of Sea Bright, a group which is.rebuilding the En- 95 persons turned out for ping Brook. awarded the multi-million To Meet Wednesday deavor, an antique sloop donated by the Vincent J. Mendes Friday night's special council All rezoned areas were for- contract to the Dworman Co. family, "to assist and take part in the effort to clean, restore, ELIZABETH - The New the new Nixon policies and concerning this information. meeting to adopt the required merly a mixture of residential Aug. 11. reinvigoratc the Shrewsbury River and any other rivers, bays, Jersey Conference of Mayors their probable impact on mu- He said the agenda for the ex- zoning changes. and commercial zones, and all Three days later, the inlets, streams or bodies of water which may have physical will seek to determine the full nicipal government. He said a ecutive session, which will in- Of those who came out were in compliance with the Borough Council introduced contact with (he state of New Jersey." impact of President Nixon's detailed outline of the findings clude the members of the despite the near-hurricane revised master plan. the zoning amendment, Jnd new economic edict on the will be forwarded to all may- board of directors, is being conditions, only three ex- The primary concern of a the Planning Board scheduled communities of the state at a ors in New Jersey. prepared by George Zucker- pressed opposition, all resi- number of residents about the a review of the ordinance the meeting of the executive Pointing out that the new man, executive director of the dents of the Branford Circle government building is the following week at which it board Wednesday, according Nixon program has "wide- conference. area, across the street from traffic. Borough and county gave its blessings. • to Mayor Thomas G. Dunn, spread implications at the lo- the proposed building. officials already have ac- Provided site plan approval president. cal level covering wage-price He said Gov. William T. is forthcoming, the only po- Mayor Henck said nearly knowledged that major im- The dinner session will be freezes, tax changes, rent re- Cahill is being contacted provements will be necessary tential obstacle is a rumored in Ramada Inn, East Brunsw- straints and public employe through the Governor's Advi- everyone at the hearing was challenge of the GSA award in favor of the project which to handle it. ick. Mayor Dunn said the ex- salaries," he said, "We want sory Committee of the confer- Both Tinttin Ave., and by Tinton Realty, the unsuc- ecutive board represents a to be able to provide the an- ence. will become the borough's Wayside Road are two-laned cessful bidder. majority of the 567 mayors of swers when our citizens come Mayor Dunn said the feder- largest single ratable. New Jersey. It will analyze to us looking for the informa- al government had authorized The mayor has estimated tion. It is our experience that the setting up of regional in- that the building could cause our citizens come first to their formation centers, but he a fl reduction in the overall local governing bodies for in- tax rate. Miller Joins Girl Suspect added, "when problems start formation." to arise and violations occur The Dworman building will Sent to Jail Mayor Dunn added that a and our people come to us for be located on a 33-acre tract MIDDLETOWN - Elissa number of mayors in the state answers, we plan to be pre- at Tinton Ave. and Wayside Clearly College Silverstein, of New York City, have already contacted him pared to provide them." Road, on part of the Mangan was arrested Friday and Nursery. YPSILANTI, Mich. - Mer- public school system in Bir- charged with robbery in con- It would be an X-shaped rill (!. Miller, former dean of mingham, Mich. nection wjth the July 24 building with the bottom floor student development at After graduating with hon- armed holdup of Krauszer's devoted to retail stores. The Brookdale Community Col- ors from Michigan State, Mr. Dairy Store, Chapel Hill. Enrollment Soars remaining portion of the lege in Lihcroit, N.J, has been Miller earnetla master's de- named to the newly created Detective Capt. Robert MANALAPAN - Over 500 Mr. Swalm said that no new building will house govern- gree in counseling and guid- position of vice president of Letts said the girl was ar- children are expected to be kindergarten registration will ment offices now located in ance at Northwestern Univer- student affairs and admis- rested at 7 p.m. Friday. She is enrolled in the Munalapan- be accepted 10 days after 102 wooden barracks on Ft. sity and also did post gradu- sions at Clearly College here. being held In the Monmouth Englishtown Regional School school begins. He added that Monmouth. ate study at Wayne State Uni- County jail in lieu of $10,000 ,system's 21 kindergarten no registrations will be ac- Two main points raised dur- A native of Detroit and a versitfimd Columbia Univer- bail. classes when school opens cepted from Sept. 7-10. ing the hearing concerned fur 1956 Michigan State Univer- sity. I To be eligible for kinderKiir- On Aug. 17, two men want- Sept. 8. ther rezoning of properties sity graduate, Mr. Miller He is a member of the In- 1 Superintendent of Schools \ ten, a child must be five years bordering the site. ' served three years at Brook- ternational Division of the Na- ed in the holdup, which netted old on or before Nov. 15. At $267, were arrested. They are Charles Swalm has reported Register Staff Pliolo Abraham J. Zager, lawyer dale. tional Student Personnel Asso- that 500 kindergarteners have registration, the parent is NOT PESSIMISTIC — Internationally known folk- for Old Kails Inc., a land hold- His previous academic ad- ciation, and current chairman John Lally of 103 Horbert St., asked to present the child's already registered. He said singer Pete Seeger appeared this weekend aboard ing company, suggested that ministrative experience in- of the International Education Red Bank, and Robert Hulej, birth certificate and his that registration is now taking the Hudson Rjver Sloop Clearwa'er, docked at the the new "office-research" cludes heading the financial Committee for the League of of Scholer Drive, Union record of immunization Beach. Both are in the county place nt the central office at Admiral Benbow., Inn in Highlands. Our environ- zone be extended to include aids program at Oakland Innovation. against diphtheria, measles, ment can be cleaned up, the folksinger insists. his client's property. Community College, I'nnliac, Mr. Miller and his wife, a jail in lieu of $5,000 bail each. the Clark Mills •School, Mon- poliomyelitis, and vaccination "It's not too late, unless you say it's loo late for Mayor Henck said the Mich., and being high .school social worker, are the parents A court hearing was set for day through Friday, from 8:30 againsjjjsmallpox. today for Mjfc Silverstein. a.m. lo noon. the human race," he gfciys. change!; would be considered guidance counselor for the of two children. * i lie t>ail> l<.;rMir. Hnl limk- Miikllrlimn. \.J.. Mon«la>. Vupi-I .HI, 1971 BEST for Less at ROCKY SEZ KITSON CHEVROLET 1969 CHEVROLET Townsman Wagon MAURICE SCHWARTZ IS IMS $2295 NOW$2069 1969 CAM ARO V-8, hatdtop. WAS $2495 N0W$2249 \\ 1969CHEVELLE SS366. 2-dooi hardtop THE TOP VOLUME DEALER wu$tm- NOWS177( 1969G.T.0 2 door hardiop IMS $2295 NOW'19ft 1968 CAM ARO 47 NEW CAR SHOWROOM SS396. 2-door hardtop WAS $2195 NOW * 1879 - EXCELLENT SERVICE - 1968 CHEVROLET VAST FACILITIES - V-8, 2-door riardfop WAS $1795 NOW$ 1559 NEW CHRYSLER Monmouth.County's Top Volume Dealer does it NEW PLYMOUTH CRICKET Newport Royal, 2 door hardtop. Burnished red. Torqjeflite trans- again. We. are reducing prices on every 1971 4-door sedan, blue. Hi-line blue trim, 4-speed, 4 cylinder, whitewalls, mission, V-8, tinted glass, air conditioning, radio, vinyl roof, white- decor package. Stock No. 9160 1968 CHEVY II walls. Stock No. 9174 $ • •" model in stock to make room for 1972 models. • VB,.2-doof s«J»n. Nobody beats our prices. LIST $2148.65 NOW 1965 $ LIST $5098.20 NOW WAS $1795 NOW 1449 43 64 1967 CHEVROLET BclAif wagon WAS $1395 NOW'lift WE'RE CLEARING SPACE FOR THE 72's 1967 FIREBIRD 2-door hardtop $ NEW DUSTER NEW VALIANT DUSTER VA$$W5 tf 2-dqor coupe, green, torqueflite transmission, air conditioning, tinted Demo, 2-door sport coupe, red. Torqueflite transmission, V-8, tinted glass, radio, power steering, whitewalls. Stock No. 9143. glass, air conditioning, power steering, deluxe wheel covers, white- $ wells, radio, vinyl roof. Stock No. 8900. 1967 CHEVROLET LISt $3299 NOW 3061 $ V-8. BelAir. 2-aoor sedan LIST $3601.90 NOW 2980 VA$$W5 NOW* 1085

1967CHEVELLE NEW SATELLITE NEW PLYMOUTH SPORT FURY 4doarMdsn. Sebring; 2-door hardtop, red. Torqueflile transmission, V-8, tinted Demo. 2-door hardtop, blue, bucket seats vinyl, V-8. tinted glass, rear glass, air conditioning, undercoating, vinyl roof, deluxe wheel covers window defogger, vinyl roof, whhewalls. console, Torqueflitetrans- WAS$W5 NOW MI 4' whitewalls. Stock No. 8863. mission, Strobe stripes, air conditioning. Stock No. 8847 LIST $4204.10 NOW $3779 LIST $4831.20 NOW$ 3986 1967 CHEVROLET Caprice. 2-door hardtop WAS$1595 NOW5133 NEW PLYMOUTH CRICKET NEW PLYMOUTH CRICKET Hi-line olive trim, gold, 4-speed, 4 cylinder, decor, package, radio. 4-door sedan. Bronze, hi-line tan trim. 4-speed transmission, 4-cyiinv 1967 MUSTANG Stock No. 9133 der, decor package, whitewalls. Stock No. 9155 2-door hardtop $ $ VASV695 NOW 144 LIST 92181.30 NOW '2024 LIST $2148.65 NOW 1965 1967 CAM ARO 2-door hardtop HAS $1495 NOW $ 1289 NEW CHRYSLER NEW CHRYSLER Demo, Newport 4-door hardtop, Honeydew, Torqueflite transmisson, V- 4-door sedan, Newport Royal, Honeydew, radio, tinted windows, air 8; rear window defogger, undercoating vinyl roof, whitewalls, tinted conditioning, whilewalls, remote control left outside mirror, Stock No. 1967 COUGAR glass,ei/ conditioning. Stock No. 8951 814T $ 2-door hardtop LIST $5289.35 VASS1895 NOW $ 166? NOW 4310 LIST $4881.00 - iV0W 41 30 NEW PLYMOUTH FURY II NEW PLYMOUTH CRICKET 1967 BARRACUDA V-8, 2-door hardtop, evening blue metallic, V-8, Torquellite Trans- 4-door sedan, blue, 4-speed transmission, 4-cylinder, decor nackace. Stock No, 9153. ' ' mission, Whitewalls. Stock No. 9091. m$im NOW *949 $ LIST $4234.65 NOW 3739 LIST $2120.00 NOW 1945 1967CHEVELLE Malibu. 2-dr. hardtop. Super Sport mu $18*5 NOW M 689 NNMMM NEW VAUANT DUSTER NEW SATELLITE Sebring, 2-door hardtop, tan metallic, Torqueflile transmission, V-8, 2-door'sport coupe, sassy green, Torquef lite 'transmission, air condi- 1966 OLDSMOBILE tinted glass, air conditioning, radio, power steering, vinyl roof, deluxe Vista Cruiser Wagon tioning', whitewalls, disc (rant brakes, V-8, tinted glass, tape Stripe, poweij'iteering, deluxe wheel covers. Stock No. 8843 wheel covers, whitewalls. Stock No. 8866 lrVAJ$l295 N0W*1079 $ LIST $3615.75 NOW $33 10 LIST $4117.40 NOW 3599 —•coNvmmts 1969 CHEVROLET NEW SATELLITE Sebrino, V-8, 2-door hardtop, green, Torqueflite transmission, tinted fAS$l995 (VOW* 1749 glass, air conditioning, radio, power steering, vinyl roof, deluxe wheel Clean Sweep Sale! covers, whitewalls. Stock No. 8883 1968 CAM ARO LIST $4117.40 NOW$ 3689 WAS $2095 NOW $ 1849 NEW PLYMOUTH 1968CHEVELLE NEW CHRYSLER VMJ$I895 NOW$ 1679 SPORT SUBURBAN NEW PLYMOUTH CRICKET 4-door sedan. Crystal Dawn, radio, whitewalls, air conditioning, tinted 3-seat, 4-door wagon, V-8. Sandalwood Beige, 4-door sedBn, Hi-line olive trim, 4-speed transmission, glass,.remote control left outside mirror. Stdck No. 9140 Torquoflita transmission, luggage rack, whrtewall' 4-cylinder, decor package. Stock No. 9167 $ 1968 FIREBIRD tires. Stock No. 9096 LIST $5042.60 wow 4289 MM $1895 NOW11589 LIST $2120.00 $ NEW PLYMOUTH FURY III NOW NOW Demo 4-door hardtop, Sherwood green metallic, defogger rear window, '4399 1945 1 1967 CHEVROLET bumper guards front and rear, body side vinyl molding, Torqueflite Super Sport transmission, V-8, tinted glass, air conditioning, undercoating vinyl MS $1695 NOW* 1359 NEW PLYMOUTH roof. Whitewalls, Stock No. 8837. . FURY II NEW PLYMOUTH CRICKET LIST $4772.20 NOW 3884 1967CAMARO 4-door sedan, gold, timed glass, air con- 4-door sedan, Hi-lino olivo trim, green, 4-specd trans- $ ditioning, radio/ flower steering, Tor- mission, 4-cylinder, decor package, Stocjj No. 9158' ms$i79s NOW 1569 queflile transmission, deluxe wheel cov- ers, V-8, whilewall3. Slock No. 8832 NEW SATELLITE LIST $4111.00 LIST $2124 Custom, 3-seat wagon, Sherwood greon, Torquellite transmission, ,V-8, 1967 CHEVROLET tinted glass, air conditioning, remote control loft outside mirror, lug- WAS $1395 NOW$ 1089 NOW 1945 gago rack, powor steering, whrlowafls, radio. Stock (No. 5075 NOW 3375 LIST $4630.50 NOW'4166 1965 CHEVROLET IMS $795 NOW*579 WE WILL TAKE 141 YOUR TRADE AND ARRANGE P.S. W. FRONT ST. FINANCING CHRYSLER KITSON We don't have acres and acres to store PLYMOUTH andHWY.35 our cars, therefore, we must sell them RED at lower prices. BANK HIGHWAY 36 EAfONTOWN RfMfMBCR: You donjf buy had buf cars. 747-07f7 542-1126 L The Dally Renter, Kcd Bank - Middletown, N. J, Monday, Au|(u»l SO, 1971 J 5

•-«M»"«W«WMW^*^^ ^mmm^MommmmmmmmimmmiAm ••• IHMMMM 1 ,R luiiuwMMiHuiduiNWHHiini 1 •»» There is only one "Action Line" ,.. it's Classified... 741-6900 «wraat(«w AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST AND FOUND PUBLIC NOTICES . LOST AM) HUM) LOST — Red Cobra cigarette case and SWEDISH MASSAGJ-Your resWenC*. mother-of-pearl lighter. Sentimental val- Helps relax, tonlno of skjfl, circulation 01 LOST — Toy white mole poodle, "PonY- ue! Reword.Coll 9 to 5, 741-3200. After S New Shrewsbury oreo. Reward^ p.m.,671-3345. Blood. Call 747-0JW. WILL THE INDIVIDUAL - WhorMClHd LOST — Toy white male poodle, "Pony." a drownlno man on August 1 of ••"«{";• LOST —' bark brown Siamese cat. An- New Shrewsbury area. Reward. (Off Sondy Hook) plwn toll collect *a- swers to "Sabe". Lost In Llncroft-Red MJ-51B2 6116, otter 6: JO p.m. Bank area. 842-6*07. LOST — Airedale Terrier. "Briar." New FOUND — Small black and white, short More Classified' Monmouth area. Tan with black saddle, haired Fox Terrier mole 009 with collar HAPPY marks. 2M-0103. wiry coat. Reword. 671-9«6. * on Next Page AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE is 1st AGAIN NEW YEAR 1972 We're different. 1972 OPELS WE CARE! Brand New 1972 DPDGES now in stock. All models available for imme- As with snpwf lakes - no NOW IN STOCK diate delivery. Prices the same as two are alike, the same "71" plus big discounts. <^\ ' holds true witlf automobile "DISCOUNTED PRICES" dealers. Rassas Ponf/crc is different! We've BUY FROM THE BIG ONE IN NEW JERSEY BUY NOW WHILE been serving Monmoufh County since 1930. with the Of NEW and THE PRICE FREEZE 9 ACRES USED CARS 15 STILL IN EFFECT BEST PRICES • BEST PRODUCT EXPERIENCED SERVICE Mai ihow you why more people Awe bought more Peniiaa from uithan LABRIOLA any other dealer in Central Jerseyl BUICK-OPEL MOTORS, INC. AUIHOWZfD DODGE DHIH 264-4000 120 E. Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank RASSAS PONTIAC 395 BROAD ST. 741-5180 RED BANK Hwy. 35 Keyport 741-2433 Open evenings until 9 Advertise in The Register ONLY A FEW LEFT! WALL'S 1971 OLDSMOBILES new look 70 COUGAR 2-DOOR HARDTOP Bright red, select-shift transmission, whitewalls, power' steering, radio, decor group, racing mirror remote control. J BIG with Stock No. 1471 1 SALE CASH SAVINGS PRICE 3446 Top Trade Allowances • Immediate Delivery LOOKING FOR A '71 CADILLAC WE HAVE THEM TOO! NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY

DON'T WAIT! See A "Russell Man" RUSSELL sale TODAY! OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC CO. 71 MONTEGO 2-DOOR HARDTOP :r™"* 741-0910 ~Sixxylinder,gray gold metallic, radiordeluxe wheelxbversr whitewalls, all vinyl seat trim. Stock No. 1706 SALE prices $ PRICE 2606 ITS YOUR MOVE TO A BETTER USED CAR ... and we've got the BEST!

1969 MERCURY 1968 VALIANT 1971 PLYMOUTH •• Cyclone G.T-. Fastback. 4-door sedandan., six cylinder, automatic . Fury III, 4-door hardtop. V-8 automatic, B Cylinder, 4-a peed. Green. transmissionm,, green. power Hearing. Air conditioning. $1395 71 MONTEREY 4-D00RPIILARD ••-«* $3475 $2150 1969 PLYMOUTH Hardtop, dark green metallic, select-shift transmission, pow- 1970MGBGT 1968 PONTIAC. er steering, power front disc brakes, radio, remote control Hardt9p. Four-tpoed transmiwion ra- G.T.X. Catalins 4 door sedan. V-8. automatic left hand mirror Stock No. 1674 dio, mags. 8,500 miles. Yellow. Convertibla. 440 cu. in engine. transmission, power steering. Blus. Automatic tram., power steering. SALE 71 COMET 4-DOOR SEDAN $2795 Red. $1795 1970 DODGE Bright red, whitewall tires, radio, deluxe wheel covers. Polara, 2-door hardtop, Brown, V-8, $2275 1968 CHRYSLER PRICE Stock No. 1784 automatic transmission, power iteering, New Yorker, 4-door hardtop. Full pow- 3390 1969 SIMCA er, factory air. Black power brakes. Factory sir condition. 4-door sedan, automatic transmission, - SALE $3250 (Economical with rear loading area. $2295 1969 PLYMOUTH $1475 PRICE 1965 AUSTIN 2341 V.I.P. 2-door hardtop. 8-cylinder auto- 1968 CHEVROLET matic, power steering, brakes, and win- dows. Factory air. Grey. CamBro 2-door hardtop. Floor shift, i bucket seats, vinyl roof. AM-FM and HEALEY $2475 'tape deck. Low mileage. Red. Sprits. Yellow ATTENTION CAR BUYERS: You'll neelv* • 7% rabat* on any iww car.purchaud after August 15, 1971 H 1969 CHRYSLER $1895 $850 •xcln tax refund It patted by conpr»»». Now Yorker 4-door hardtop. 440 cti. 1968 PLYMOUTH m. engine, automatic transmission, full powur. vinyl roof, AM-FM radio. Fury III, Convarlibln. R»d, 318 VB 1964 CHEVROLET 32,000 miles. Gray. sulomatic and power steering. Impsla, 2-door hardtop. Green PRICES GOOD THRU AUGUST 31,1971 ONLY $1695 OPEN MON., TUES., THURS., FRI. TIL 9 p.m. $3295 $795 SATURDAY TIL 5 DAILY RENTALS AND LEASING

S==2^ SHREWSBURY, N.J. • • ,71 MERCURY MARQUIS Buhler & Bitter Gray go|d metallic, 4-door htordlop Automatic, whitewalls, radio, power steering, brakes, steel guard rails in the doors, concealed headlamps. Stock No. 1452 CHRYSLER $ PLYMOUTH SALE $Q PRICE (AUSTIN (jPMG I & I LAND ROVER I

wall r '•MAKING NEW FRIiNDS DAILY" SALES:26*0198 E»t«blhhr2. , SERVICE:2*4 f090 SHREWSBURY AVE., AT SYCAMORE 747-5400 3290HWY.35.HAZLET ,c Uaih Kejsisier, Kid Hunk - MitldlrtiiHii, N.J., Monday, August 30,1971 PUBLIC NOTICES AUTOS FOB SALE ROCK GROUP - Wt'ft OVOlloW» lor. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALK AUTOS FOR SALE tewrwri parties, doncts, weddlngi, Bai ,UT0S FOR SALK AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE (vMtjvo5srYou tiovent (ward o»ytBln9run- HI you've r*ardu». WeJIhjlpimokjyour tvmt o succni. Coll 747-0062 after 1 p.m. and ask tor Blair. JERRY BARATTA'S PUBLIC ACCOUHTAMT — WislKs (0 pur- chose Individual Income fox accounts and ' business accounts. Write P.O. Box 336. BAYSHORE CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Hailet. N.J. 07730. AUTOMOTIVE AUTOS FOR SALE 1971 EXECUTIVE UNDER S500 LINCOLN CENTER! Tro/wporlotion Specials. Choose now and CHRYSLERS & PLYMOUTHS save! RASSAS PONT I AC I IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD WS Brood St. 741-5180 Red BonK .••*""•"" Eves, until 9 $AVE UP 10*1600 I«M CHEVROLET — Two-door hordtop. V-B. Power Pak automatic. Five good tires. Runs good. Bod/ In good shape. Greot car lor teenager or car buff. Sell- Ing "05 Is" ot S250. W 0641 or 737-1204. PINTO-1971 Visit our display of fine Try theei!r prices, then j With extras late model trade-ins | come to us and buy. VOLK'5WAGEN — IW9. Radio, heater, that have been thor- tour extra tlrei plus two rims. S140O. Call oughly conditioned for I WE REFUSE TTOO BE UNDERSOLD!!! ) 6711441. the buyer who wants a 1964 MGB low mileage luxury car. Convertible. Good condition. S400 or best offer. Call Go first class - you de- 229-6J86 ; serve It. PLYMOUTH 1S66 - Satellite 361 V-l. 1969 TOWN & COUNTRY 1969 CHRYSLER Four-speed Yellov/ with black inferior. Station wagon, full power, air A door hardtop. Air conditioned. Clean. S650. Also, two new 650-13 snow tires on wheels. 125. 741-411? otter 6 p.m. OPEL — 1970 Kadetl Auburn two-door 1968 BUKK 1968 DODGE sports sedan. Automatic, air conditioning. 1971 MERCURY 1970 MARK III 1970 LINCOLN Gtan Sport. ore«n, automatic, transmission Convertibte. Excellent. Must jell. Coll 747-9303 belween 8 and 5 1971 MARK III I Colony Park, 9 passenger wagon, with I IA real white beauty with black nylon I Continental, 4-door, medium blue ex. weekdays. ^ I Under 9,000 miles. Rod with black lair conditionings luggage rack and I top and black leather interior. AM-FM I terior with dark blue vinyl top and 1965 VOLKSWAGEN BUS-J800. I nylon top and black leather interior' 1 many other conveniences. Save with | I stereo, air conditioning and plenty of I matching leather interior. Full power, Phone 2911067 I Truly a gorgeous automobile. | this orw. I air conditioning, tape deck, <; 1P55 OLDSMOBILE - One owner. Run- •7895 •4595 '6795 •5395 ning condition. Good rubber. S75. , To all our Bayshore customers:« Coll 946 4960 1965 FORD CUSTOM - 6 cylinder. Chrysler Motors Corporation will refund the full 5300. Coll after 5 p.m. . 70 MERCURY , , 1970PONTIAC . 1969 LINCOLN |M 1969 MERCURY 747-5233 ' , 1 Marquis Brougham, a very well-kept. amount refunded by the government under I Colony Park wagon, This 9 passenger- I Executive wagon, a white 6-passenger I Continental, 4-door, black with black I 1965 LINCOLN — Air conditioned. All 12-door hardtop, that will satisfy any- power. Asking SJOO. Call I has tilt steering wheel, split front seat,, I with air conditioning. A real family car terms and conditions of the proposed excise tax I vinyl 1pp. Full power and air condi- | I one's taste. Dark Ivy Green with black 741-7955. I AM-FM stereo, air conditioning, power I in top shape. Won't ba around long, I tioning, leather Interior. Priced right at I vinyl top. Air conditioned, and power repeal. The refund will be made directly to the |windows. A very well-equipped [ I so see this one soon. OLD FORD FALCON STATION WAGON original owner of the new car. '3450 ""*" '2695 S20°' Phone 842-1074 •3995 •3495 J. Baratta 1969 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK — Computer fuel Injected engine. Excellent :ondltion. Phone 872-0695.

1961 FORD FALCON — Excellent condi- tion. J20O. Call 842-2773. Ask for Steve.

JEEP SALES AND SERVICE Twin Boro Moton. Inc. • of course, besides this specialized list, we have many, 131 Newman Springs Rd- Red Bonk many other one owner cars. All have received the CALL NOW 747404a BAYSHORE KITSON CHEVROLET CO. WALL treatment and are guaranteed for many thou-. . sand miles of luxurious driving. See you soon. B 542-10OO E0 TOTLINCOLN MERCURY F & H Motors Inc. CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH Aulhorlied Dealers Dodge and Dodge Trucks SHREWSBURY AVE, AT SYCAMORE SHREWSBURY FIRST AVE., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Hwv35 Eatontown, N.J.. OATSUN 747-5400 291-9200 229-4790 WASHINGTON'S AUTO 5ERVICE 370 Brood St. 2641323 Keyjwrt

1970 LEFTOVERS — Demos and execu- tive's at greatly reduced prices. TOWNE CHEVROLET 1st Ave., Atlantic Highland! ifwm LABRIOLAMOTORS, INC. 120 E. Newman Springs Rd., Red Bank 741-2413 DOREMUSF0RD One guarantee* 20 Monmoulh SI. Red Bank. 741-4000 CIRCLE CHEVROLET 325 Maple Ave. Red Bonk is worth 741-3130 Krotl Motors Inc. 279 Broadway Long Branch. N.J. a thousand words. 222-3600 1971 OLDSMOBILES - Large selection, mmedlole. delivery. STEVEN OLDSMO- BILE, HO Main St., Matawon. M63M0. SEE A "RUSSELL MAN" - For tlw best car buys. RUSSELL Oldsmoblle CADIL- LAC Co., 100 Newman Springs Rd., Red *Tho dealer guarantees 100% lo repair or replace fh« Bank. 7414910. CADILLAC - 1M7 Coupe de VIMe. Ordi- engine, transmission, rear axle, front axle assemblies nal owner. Air, stereo, FM-AM rodlo, vi- brake system and electrical system for 30 days or 1000 nyl roof, new tires. Exceptionally good condition. 842-loU. miles, whichever comes first. Only those cars Ihot pass ONTIAC — Catallna. 1960. Four-doer. our ]£-polnt inspection get this guarantee. Automatic, power iteerlna and brakes. Good condition. 1300. Call 787-7773 after 5

1968 BUICK — GS 400, excellent condi- tion. Asking S185O. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN *950 Phone 741-3643. Sedan, red, radio, heater. 1967 DATSUN - 1600 convertible. Good 1971 CHRYSLERS & PLYMOUTH'S condition. Asking SHOO. Call 741-3761 .;. VOLKSWAGEN FASTBACK - 1970. Ex- 1965 VOLKSWAGEN *1195 cellent condition. Radio, snow tires. Save FACTORY PRODUCTION HAS STOPPED! DON'T MISS OUT! Convertible, blue, radio, haater. on excise tai. Call 842.5444 or 229-0867. 1964 FAIRLANE 500 - Low mlleog.1, automatic, like new. Asking S495. OVER 500 CARS AVAILABLEI-HURRY! WHILE THEY LAST! 1966 VOLKSWAGEN M595 8(2-4219. 9 passenger bus. Red. Radio, heater. PLYMOUTH FURY III - 1969 V8. Ex. celtent condition. Full power, with air A PARTIAL LISTING!! $ conditioning. S1795. 542-7447. . 1967 VOLKSWAGEN ...... l295 1965 MGB - Black. Good condition. J5S0. " 71 DUSTER '71 PLYMOUTH Call after 5:30 p.m. 2-DOOR SPORT COUPE '71 PLYMOUTH 71 CHRYSLER REGENT 9-PASS. WAGON Sedan, light blue, radio, heater. 741-3012 SATELUTE 4-DOOR CUST. * Newport 4-door Hardtop '71 PLYMOUTH Air leadManlng, eMuaatit, 'Jlr V-l, penr I9o» VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE - 30,000 tetnaelk, '3lr V4, pawn sttt.N* rife. Air conditioned. 360 V-S, radio, auto- FURY III 4-DOOR HARDTOP stearlag, pewer disc krakes (beny duly), avt»- mile!. Excellent condition. S1350. 842-4311 STOCK • 744 matic, power steering, power disc tlr ia«tliooii«j, eatimtii, 'lir V-l, aawtt •aarli-ledl Hlaala, redU, vbyi Mat, til Heled 1968 VOLKSWAGEN ...M595 after 6 p.m. • . Orlg. List IU« Ytarl MUap, dilni tAtel cmts, »*ita- brakes, rear defogaer, tinted glass, re- '2299 mote control mrrror. Vinyl roof, sheriag, nql nil, reft, timid winoiKirW, atei. htaggaa ink, tabu aW cems, Wai- Convertible, blue, radio, heater. DART - 1968. Well maintained. RUni whltewqll tires. snxifint Kiarl W""*. I*" Otat WKII uat, tawtllrkes. STOCK • m $ '71 DUSTER Otia.ltlUlN niirar, vtayl sida mildagi, aalun whtl m- STOCK #!lf7 Orl_g, List SJW ]-DOOR SPORT COUPE' Ori|.ast$47IS 1969 VOLKSWAGEN M595 1945 VOLKSWAGEN BUS - Goad condl- 4099 STOCK #15« Ion. 27,500. Good tires. S800 or best offer. 71 SCAMP Sedan, blue, radio, heater. Coll 842-33W before 10 p.m, t>, JJspeia.lftii, orpataaj, r«atta .Jiief. Orlj.f>lM!77 2—DOOR HARDTOP '71 PLYMOUTH 3673 '71 PLYMOUTH yltfl Wy latllla|, IMIXI watt) clvire, 1961 VOLKSWAGEN - Sedan. Rebuilt en- Hit (tttltaut, atftwnV, 'TS ttfin, ta«. SATELUTc 4-DOOR CUST. REGENT 9-PASS. WAGON $ tttmllliti. • ' Air cei>lthd>|, aaltiMli, 'lir VI. ptnr '71 PLYMOUTH Dint. J350. Coll otter « site™* rate, rtrrl rtaf, W aaikaai. Air tealta!.,, tatenatic, 'lir V4, peixr 1971 KARWANN GHIA 239$ 583-9192 4Wia ttteriti «M, ceifttlai, laanti iin- stetrliif, tawtf 4u brtktt, rola, vinyl reel, FURY III 4-DOOR HARDTOP sttariag, ia«e, an titled gleu. haaagt rath, Coupe, yellow, radio, heater, whitewalls. 14,000 miles. fcte.fc.JHU 2O14 tnl itJnit, M athtaa1 IMI stripai. Wan e>H*H|h»,i>Utewil1lites. Air itaetlitiiiitj, aatimitli, '1W V-l, Dtwtl reaaite tarrtr, rear reel air eMtcter, IgM 1962 CADILLAC - Sedan De Vllle. Black. Air conditioning. Electric windows, seats, STOCK #17*1 % stealing, rift wilti ita sattier, el tiatta podbga, delint aratal itven, wkfitweil tirM. $ antenna, «tc. Running condition. $190. 67V 71 PLYMOUTH srociji'u $1%^*% 0r«.titS414l •lass, viayl reel, remit Winr, link, ritn/l STOCKpJISM 3445. ' sMl imMnp, Btjil po.ktgtl.cUn Itndll- 1965 MUSTANG...... 895 Fury Iff Format Hardtop Ortt.lrtlS5» 4* 111* orit.istwi> Convertible, red, radio, heater, six cylinder, 4-speed. Air contmianfrd. WV-t cuToriTallc, ro- '71 PLYMOUTH •waled turn slavls, Itw fttl 4 M itart 1969 IMPALA CUSTOM — Two-door. Vi- ' dlo powtr tlMrlra. power disc brakes. mntiogs, htaiigh iwll Ji tgkts w/lime it. nyl roof. Air conditioned. Disc braktl. SATELLITE SEBRING 71 PLYMOUTH 15,000 miles. Like new. 12300,679-351!. Gran Coupe package. Vinyl Interior, '71 PLYMOUTH lay. Mini ohttl cints, wtvlawtll Kris. $ vinyl roof. 3-spted wipers. Light pack' 1D00I MAIDTOr. dr (erftlealn|, Menxt- ogt. Tinted glau. Clock. Remote con- SATELLITE 4-DOOR CUST. STOCK #1517 $ ^Dori.Fury FormaTHdlp. 1965 G.t. MUSTANG 895 1967 MUSTANG - Green. Good condition. trol mirror. Whi.iwall tires, wheel k, 'Jlr V-I, pemr H»IIIJ,, rinyl reel, rafti Air conditioned, 3AO v-eVautohiollc, Snow tires. Automatic. White Malls. Ra- «ir caaitMaf, eattmtrlt, lir V-l, tt»tr 2-door hardtop, blue, radio, heater, V-8, automatic. covtn, slmkl, itah, di IMtt] |ini, tiayl httritr, wi* lev IfMbr, •« tintej glen, reet win. power steering, power djsc brofces. dlo. Power steering. 741-4274 otter t. STOCK* Ml $9*700 *.» iV^e, (.her-iU , power windows. Light package..Vinyl «tayl sUa wHmp, tW ijgt aaarei, Man rK> Interior. Tinted glass. Remote control 15M DODGE POLARA - All power, air Orlg. List U5M J/99 «W«l(t>t>i,<4ilt»I.ltiiti. Jehiie IT}IM1 tever), wdlteinll tires. 71 PLYMOUTH mirror. Clock. Heavy duty suspension, conditioned. Excellent condition. Very SATELLITE SEBRING PLUS vinyl root, Rallye Rood wheels. White • 70/ DUIVK ...... ..«.•••>«•>•« 1479 low mlleogo. Coll 949-3710 or 583-2366. '71 SCAMP 1-MOt KitllTO', aii inttlMtj, art**. raised letter tires. Skylark G.S. Gold, radio, heater, V-8. automatic, power steering. Orif-lstUttt 1 1968 MGB — Red roadster. Excellent con- 2-DOOR HARDTOP Ic, '3U V-t, ftwn stitrlai, ptwr frtat tisf STOCK # m\ dition. 27,000 miles. Wire wheels and oth- AtteMk, W ttfta, peon sHtilni, vtnrl kdin, campy vinyl rial, ntit w/sltnt I opt Orlg. LlstS5O12 *4199 $ •ir new equipment. 741-3181. nef, HU pack*. Mt> tta*t tti.l wlrhU '71 PLYMOUTH '71 PLYMOUTH M, M ttatad (liss. iiasilt. vinyl Mel 1967 FORD , 1295 1960 CHEVROLET IMPALA — In good pata* My rlrifts, rtmtit cMftel ahrw, tV SATELLITE 4-DOOR CUST. SATELLITE SEBRING PLUS seats, larmtt central ial wingririm, vmi - '71 CHRYSLER 1 Galaxie "500", 4-door hardtop, radio, heater, V-8, automatic, pow- condition but needs transmission work, or Itia whtel uvtrt, wfcitiwall Mrtt. ttMnetli, 'lir V-l, panr stnriaf, tli<(l i-MOR HiRDTOP, sir HeMtlMnina, Memit- akle leaed wipen, buitstr fuaras (Ml], SgM NEWPORT ROYAL rnay be used lor ports. Coll after 6 p.m. 1 STOCK #ms rial, tttt, tktta wbtUltM, SartGrlp, sMa ii, JII'VJ, eewtr slnifni, riqlreef, idde, pilkilt, high Impact point, lillya wheels. I-OOOI KAIOTOr, air ceadmMng, enterM- er steering, air conditioned. WI-J33". thyl inelt)«n, Mini olutl nnri, i*tt- •tarl kdn ueb, at IMed gins, tM. in i<, ']»' VI, ptwtr itiailag, pawtr disc Orif-lflHlW CADILLAC - Eldorado 1968. 26,000 ml. •el tins. lexe vrfml urtts, wMl«w«n liirs. hakes, rliryl ratf, rah, all tinted glass, »»M ^ust sell. New car coming. S2950. 542- '71 PLYMOUTH STOCK #ill poikite, vinyl slta m\tnp, whllsael Urn. 1968 CHEVELLE ...... * 1895 S546. orij. sninw SATELUTE 2-DOOR Orif.lstSV74 STMKI1K3 $, wMletnll ieer Iwaj, til tiited flats, clerk, rtmatt nir- dio, vinyl Interior, tight package. Tin- STOCK |(IHI SIKKflSlS rtr, Vtpttd wipers, tgln paikage. vi"»l stfe DODGE COLT 1971 — Almost new. Low ted glau. Remote control mirror. vi- 0ii«.tillUU H ltl JI 1 H mileage. AM/FM radio. Phoni days 1». nyl root, vinyl ilde molding. YVWfe- OritbtUm STMIII54I 5400. Eves. 222-7059. wollllni. STOCK • 1»7 MUST SELL ONE — 1966 OldsmdbllD Toronado. Two-door hardtop. All powir I. List S5O» ind air. $1495. 1969 Chrysler Newport con- '3999 vertible. S24OO. Both excellent, 872-1684. 1965 FURY III - 9-passenoer wagon. Fully equipped. Beautiful condition. Best' YOU 'RE SURE TO SAVE MORE AT MONMOUTH! offer. Call.oiler6, 671-3378. ' 'U PLYMOUTH '1197 LOWHTUIIDCAB '69 CHRYSLER '1997 '69 FORD "1197 '68CHEVY4Door 1968 OLOSMOBILE — Delmont 88. 4-door Fury III, 2-door hardtop. Air condi1- liuayne, nit, ttattr, Minatli, ptwti Ttwa 1 Caanri staUta wagta, tlr TttNie,} dttr Mltp, rate, btdtr, tioned, automatic, radio, power steer- hardtop, air conditioned, si200. Call 264- HKISINTHIAIIA . i.tdMin.a'.M pewtr, etr. atftfaatfr, pewtr sfftiint, re4 6047 or 264-7498. 70 DODGE Polaro '2997 •69 VOLKSWAGEN '1297. '69 JEEP Pickup '1097 '6BCAMARO '17«T .'M CADILLAC* '1097 IUY ONE OR BOTH - 1770 BUICk Rlv- 4 dear etrdlep, tlr, attttaani, ptwtr DeVllljt convertible, full power tqulp-' era. Loaded. 1970 Oldsmoblle Villa Crull- Convartlblt, very economical. Red. 1 tWr, ndit, heater, artemttic, pewer ment. Red. •eH»«J, reJ., ktatir.etc. ;r, 9-passenger wagon. Factory air. •it THUNDE'RBi'Rb '797 stttiing. •67 DODGE Dan M197 Loaded. Like new. Private. Call 671-0101' 70 MUSTANG '1697 '69 FORD Wagon '2607 Convertible. Air-conditioned. Fun '68BUICKHT '1197 •.4ttr,rtd>i,lMtir,taliMlr. until 5 p.m. 671-0990 eves. Raele, iMttr, wfMntli, ptwer steeiM*. LTD Ufttt, tir (MMJittiml, ptmt HHrkg, '69 VOIKSWAGEN '1597 USakrt, 4 deer nar LDSMOBILE 1963 — Starflre com" Solafer, J dttr lr««ep, it*., fcetter, . fcttftal,twriamtilif,ptwe r Iteerlng. Ible. Very good condition. S375. Call ttenenaftl. twttiBMlic, pawtr stttritg, all. 747-3110 '69 MUSTANG Much I .'1197 '68 FORD 4 DOOR '1497 'it OPEL Wagon '407 •63 DODGE Wagon '2097 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK! 70T0Y0TA '1097 Iwatt, Ireattr, avtenarrir, an (ansele, eewtr (Mult SJO, rtdb, htater, tvttnitlt, ptwtr HEVROLET VAN - 1949 Sport 1OI. Radio, heoler, eTt. Lots of room. Cactla, J tW, * if alter. 229-7096. 4 tW, rtale, hatter, ttt. SAAB 95 - 1968 wagon. 27,000 mi., Iront wheel drive, radio, heater. Fine condition. *.200. Coll 74|-3163 anytime. 1970 DUICK - Ejlote Wagon. All electric mm olrtanditMntfftf.' Low wileotfe". MUST" SHREWSBURY if II. 842-0041 or 842 J250. BRAND NEW 1970 CHEVROLET IMPALA -' Convert- ble. White with rtd Inltrlnr. Air condl 1971 Honed. New tires. 12950. 229 35S7 after J ' MOTORS, INC. OLKSWAGEN SEDAN - lv6S Ex ;olltnt condition. Four new tires Mutt *&mr CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH TOYOTA Authorized Volkswagen-Deohr ell. 11350 or best alter. S66 J4S9 or 233 Shrewsbury Ave. New Shrewsbury 19(6 CHRYSLER NEWPORT - Four 7OO RT. 36, EATONTOWN 54S-5SOO TOYOTA P.O.I. oor, sedan Air conditioning, l/oo. Ptiunt Oirec'ly Across from MV Inspection Station I 4 Mile East 01 Monmouth Shopping Center 7418500 More (iHssllledi ^OPWIIIWI , «n Next Page'* AUTOS FOB SALE I AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE The Daily Regirter, Red Bank - Middii-town, N.J- Mumtar. Aupi-t .10. I'(TI MUSTANG — !»6« convertible. Thret- 1961 PLYMOUTH OLDSMOBILE - 1962 Stortlrt. Good run- BOATS AND ACCESSORIES BUSINESS NOTICES HELP WANTED FEMALE speedtM^ck, power top, power disc Satellite, air conditioned. S1795. ning condition. 1150. 6foli«,.Michelin tires. Coll <950«53 172-9777 or 2910107 MGB—1971. Red. block Interior, luggage CLEARING OUT CHECK OUR PRICE rock. Coll J49-MS2 or 583 2412 IIS65 VOLKSWAGEN BUS - SIM or best CELLARS, ATTICS, YARDS CLEANED. jofler. 1963 TRIUMPH SPITFIRE. $*M or TRUCKS FOR SAI.K ENTIRE STOCK 1946 FORD FALCON — Six cylinder stick MOVING, HAULING, REFRIG- Secretaries STEVEN I best otler. 2911067. fcRATORS. WASHERS MOVED. WIN Radio and heater. M50 or best offer. 787- WILLYS JEEP — 195S. Four-wheel drive, 10% to 60% Discount metal cob, snow plow, new hydraulic DOW WASHING AND TREES CUT. NO 59S3. JBUICK - 195J. Hydramolic. Very good Boo.ts-Motors-Troileri-Accesiorie5. •OB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL. FREE [Condition. J175. pump. Extros. S9S0. 264 1005. Stenos 1 VOLKSWAGEN - 1949. Good condition. A 8. B BOAT SALES ESTIMATES. 739-0641. 1964 CHEVROLET — Holt-ton rock body Hw(Betweey 36 n Keonsburg-Allonli7I7-600O c HighlandsBeltor!d GAS LIGHTS — And grills installed. Ex- PUT TO USE YOUR "jj 1970 CHEVROLET CAMARO — V-B. very truck. 6' X B" bed. Helper springs. S59S. perienced. Will not charge plumber's tees. low mileage. Very clean. J239S. BAILLY Call 7474253. 1ST COME 1ST SERVEtD - bocrilice. If 787-6366. GOOD SECRETARIAL i?s 1961 EL DORADO BROS., INC., 19 E. Newman Springs Rd.* Sloop, in water and in good condition Complete. Call Red Bonk. 7<7-0596. 1964 FCONOt. INF VAN — New point, Sleeps two. Includes dacron soils, many AND CLERICAL SKILLS. £3 1X-2B4} new motor. Excellent condition. Asking extras. $1500. See between 5 8 pm. 98 w. "TORN SCREENS?? AUSTIN AMERICA - ?-door, 4-speed, M. Call 495-0151 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. River Rd., Rumson. 842^)579. We re-screen wood or aluminum frame? Work in an ai- 2| 1962 VOLKSWAGEN — Convertible. SI ,872. P.O.E. slightly higher with auto- screens. Good running condition. matic Also Sprites, Midgets, MGB roads- FORD WINDOW'VAN - 1962. Meeds en- tractive/ modern S3 Phone 741-0410. ters — GT. A & G MOTORS, Asbury gine. 1115. 1963 CHEVROLET PANEL MADE TO ORDER Park. 775-3483, TRUCK, $175. FORD FALCON RAN- PROWN'S office building. z3 19S3 CHEVROLET - Bel Air. Four door. CHERO PICKUP, $175. Coll 291-4775. , Boat cushions. Canvas work, 843-2205. 32aroadSt. Red Bank 741-7500 Blue. Reasonable. Call after 4 pm. )967 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE PYRAWA INFLATABLE CANOE Starting salaries 23 642-IB84 Tan, AM'FM. Good condition. /OLKSWAGEN OPEN BED PICKUP — Scenic Cor Sales, Hwy 36 & Scenic Or. BACKHOESERVICE BUYER Call 949-5770 day. 741-0459 eves. .961 $275 Highlands. 872-0521. 1961 FORD FALCON — Automatic, radio, Call 872-O045 based on ex- j-f 7*7 9096 or 847-1466 healer. Good running condition. Four-door 196ft QLDSMOBILE TORONADO — Ai 120 H.P. CHRIS CRAFT - Marine eenginm e TRENCHING FOR SEWERS Phone perience, with • ~s sedon. Besl offer. 264-5856. conditioned. Excellent condition All pow 1954 FORD WRECKER ~ With power and transmission. $100. CallTJo wn Seo er. Best otter. 364-8737 or 636-9627. Beoch Motel. Seo Bright, 842 980/. 747-18)9 1V69 COUGAR — Automatic, power steer- winch. 70 portable boom. I960 Chevrolet excellent em- =s SALE ' holMon pickup Phone 787S797S. LAWN MAINTENANCE ing. While, block vinyl top. Air condi- MERCURY — 196B. Four-door hardtop. 14" MEG — Troiler, 35 h.p. motor. Two ployee benefits ss tioned. New tires, snow tires. S2395. 741- gas tanks, cushions, two sets skis. $300 Sod. fertilising. Free eMimotes. Power steering and brakes. Perfect. Best 1970 WHITE GLADIATOR JEEP — Type 741 0648 9586. otter over SI35Q. 988-2IS7. 6000 GVW with 81 body and super electro 747-49OS. that include a Hs lift, power ongle snowpfow. Never used. HOUSE PAINTING 1971 BUICK GRAND SPORT - 53,500 or 1970 PONTIAC CATALINA ~ Four door Bargain! Coll 566-2400. 1964 PENN YAN - 22 cabin, 160 h.p delightful com- rs, toke over payments. Fully equipped. Very Good condition. $2700 Coif Reasonable, reliable. Free eslin sedan. Full power with air. 13,000 miles. Phone 542 4117 low mileage. Must sell. 264-3816. Asking S2600. 842 5232. U1 8809 _ pany cafeteria S3 1968 VOLKWAGEN — Beige. Excellent 196» VOLKSWAGEN — Excellent condi- MOTORCYCLES LOST OUR LEASE - Must sell stock ol 3R1CK WORK AND BLOCK WORK - and convenient 2™ Outboard Boots, 14* 16', 17" and 18'. some Reasonably priced Sleps, porches, etc. condition. Very clean. S1250. tion, 17,000 miles. Coll between 7 p.m.-9 842 2411 39 787-6696. p.m. 7414756. Ed Moran-Kawasaki below our cost. Boot & Ski Center, 75 company park- ~» 501 Atlantic Ave. White St.. Red Bonk. 741-1124. 1965 CHRYSLER — 4 door hardtop. New 1966 OLD5MOBILE — Jetsiar 88, power Point Pleasant ing facilities. . ~~j We're Cleaning House — Only ft left! Yorker. Green with black vinyl roof. Full steering, power brakes, factory air. 747' 15' FIBERGLAS RUNABOUT EMPLOYMENT power, air conditioned. 100% mechanical- 9455 or 747-9552. 1971 Closeouts Till bed trailer. Good condition. Call or apply in person ™ ly guaranteed for 30 doys. Guarantee state Mokinarcom tor 1972s Call.7<73172 IIKLP WANTKI) FKMALE BRAND NEW 1971 inspection. S950 Coll Lou Bruff. 566-8000. 1970 PONTIAC CATALINA Street 90 -G3 SS $2« to Mr. Thomas Murdock ?52 6,600 miles. S2695, Trail 100 -G3-TR 5339 IB' CABIN SKIFF KJRO GALAXIE - 1968. V8. Warranty, Coll 741-5156 after 5 p m. 10 speed Trail 100 G4TR $439 60 h p. outboard and equipment. OLDSMOBILES & DEMONSTRATORS Two-door convertible. Power disc brakes. And many other models at reduced prices. Coll 8420844 ondasklo; Eofl. 636-3000 S Superior condition. S1700. 566-6161 otter 6 196? FORD FAiRLANE - Eightcylindei COMPARE!! ! P m. outomolic Perfect n^cchanicol condition These models can't be beat by other COMET — 16' sailboat. Good condition. CLERK AMERADA HESS 1971 DELTA 88s 1971 TORONADOS Good second cor. 495-0641. 1969 TOYOTA — Corona. Must sell imme- brnnds. Visit us six doys a week. Dacron sails. New tackle, trailer. S725. Phone 741-3438. CORPORATION I *t door hardlops. Air conditioned, vi- dlalcly. 44,000 mites. Near excellent con- BARRACUDA — 1970. Two-door hardtop, MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE TYPIST nyl top and much much mora. Options galore. Original list dition. 747-9096. between 5-7 p.m. 31B, automatic console, factory tope deck. * Reasonable Rates SEINE BOAT Amerada Hess Corporation J260O. 7-I1-48J7. He»,Piozo Woodbrtdge, U AS LOW AS S7.2O0.AS LOW AS 1966 CHEVELLE 396 GROSSINGER & HELLER AGENCY Coll Brood & Mechanic Sts. 74I2IOO Red Bonk PUT YOUR GOOD An equaf opportunity employer m/f Four-speed. Modified. Best offer. 1968 DATSUN 510 — Excellent condition. 7174081 alter 5 p.m. TYPING AND CLERICAL $4175 OEUVflD $ 5800 DEMOTED. 264-7819 Must sell, college bound. Asking 11,000. KAWASAKI - 1961. 350 Avenger. Clean, 231 CHRIS CRAFT — Eight-cylinder. Cob- SKILLS TO WORK 787-6499. low mileage. Askinig$425g $425 . • in, head, sink, two bunks. Outriggers and •WANTKD ALTOMOTIV1-; 1963 TRIUMPH - TR<. Excellent shopi CalllW6893 ; canvas. 542-3255. FOR YOUR FUTURE Excellent Opportunity! S*s mechanically. New point ond top. Asking Work in on attractive, modern YAMAHA 125 — Molocross. 1971. Two I8OST0N WHALER - 1969. ij'j", 40 h.p, ©Mice building. Storting solo- ,J2i5S^U- 197198HARDTOPS »50. Coll 49S0151 or 67l-13B0< months old. Excellent condition. Never lEvinrude. Must sell. $800 ar best effer. riei based on fxperienct, with BflOKKEtPlNG DFPARTMEWT '*•* raced. $500. Coll 946-4496, alter 5. 'Call days. 671-0119. •utomalic transmission, power slecr- Air conditioned, electnc windows Summer Is HERE! OLDSMOBILE — 1963 station wagon. excellent employee benefits "(.nunls Receivable o"(i Arcounis Poy*s that include a delightful com- ing, vinyl top and more. and seats. Loaded! With carrier. All power. Workhorse. S250. BSA 650 LIGHTNING — 1969. Many, ex- 1970 FIBERGLAS ~ Cabin cruiser. 22\ pany cateterio and convenient AS LOW AS AS LOW AS and we need 1D0 used cars W-J181 trostras. Excellent condition"" . $950. Call otter 5' j 170 h,p. Chrysler Volvo engine. Sleeps company parking facilities. inge benefils. 2£. p.m.. —872-1250 . two. Head. Reirigerator. Full canvas, IUM be accurate'with figures and be obte*?" 1?69 VOLKSWAGEN SQUAREBACK - Original cost, S3.300. Being Irasnferred, Hwy. IS 264-1600 Keyport HONDA 1971 type- ' -?£ $3625'PEUVHED $4895 DEUVHUD Automatic. New lires. will sell for S4,S0Q. Con be seen at Leon- Call or apply in person eply in o*n hondwnluig to Box E-153J"*-; Phone 2134534. SL 350, 700 miles. Excellent condition, ardo State Marina, Slip 105. Call (201) 991- $695. Call 671-3972. to Mr. Thomas Murdock he Doily Register, Red Bonk. *;• We will trade or buy out F"" '' Bl/TllF/N I right— Call or come in. MUSTANG 1968 - 390-GT. Power steer- 1969 YAMAHA— Fully dressed. Ex- DELANEY - 1957 30'. Flying bridge. 636-3000 ing. Disc brakes. Factory air. Wony ex- cellent condition. Selling !o buy new one. Sleeps five. Rebuilt 427 V8 Chrysler en- SECRETARY | AbDve prices on all models include federal excise tax, For information I tras. 17,000 miles. Like new. 74M768. S475. 842-4539. gine. Ship-to-shore radio. All cedar hull. : I pertaining to the tax refund, please call us. J NewBlmlni top. 741-2817. AMERADA HESS (east livp ypcir\ leqol exppnrncf. lri»»' •_ TOM'S FORD OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC — Year end HONDA - 1970. 750 cc. Excellent shape, r ELCO CABIN CRUISER - Old style enior member ol low hrrti lop so!a y»?' sole. MAC CADI-OLDS, Lonrj Bremen, 222 low mlleoge. Asking $850. Moke oiler. 747- CORPORATION ? to Box F 130, The Paily Register^-; 1234. 5442. displacement tiull. Would make roomy motor-sailer. $350. 591-1335 after S p.m. Hess Plaza Woodbridge, NJ. Bonk, ''. - • »-'.• HIGHEST TRADE-IN 1971 HONDA An equal opportunity employer - ORDERS ARE NOW AUTOS TOIt SALE AUTOS FOR SAr.K Male/Female iAT"NTEOE D ••"- 10~arr7Tprrn7Ttyc d^y*"-' ALLOWANCES Socrilice. $675. Excellent 31' CENTURY - Molioanny hull. Cadillac week. Wl. Ligrtf (nx/^cfcefpinq chores for^;, BEING TAKEN ON condition. Coll 264-9694, V 6 engine. Coll otter 6 p.m. nail of ole^sional arouD. bhould hovt- -; 7411382. 1971 HONDA — CB-100. IJXD miles. Per- wn transportation. J4\-b6Vi. ^ : BRAND NEW STOP IN OR lect condition. Best otter. Call after 4 ••CONSUMER INFORMATION ••» ORDER BY PHONE p.m., 291-2356. V"PTR~|"ENC"E'D"" Porltim* sate^ 1972 OLDSMOBILES HURRY I! 1971 PONTIACS STORAGE AND SERVICE BS or BA in nursing, liberal arts omon Niqhts Plcasani working condi- HARLEY DAVIDSON CHOPPER — or marketing. 3 yrs or more experience ions. Many bcnrfiK. LANt BRYANT, 566-3600 120OCC Must sell. Excellent condition, 747- working with educators, nurses, physi- /on'tioii'h StiODpn^q Crnlpr. Eotontown 2915 or 542-3911. REPAIRS MADE clons ond young adolescents. Much travel. We're overstocked On oil makes ol motors ond boots. Winte- ERAL OPF-iCE CLERK — Book YAMAHA ENDURO - 125cc 1970. Ex- rizing and storage of motors and boats. ToSU.OOOFEEPAID icepinq niar.fitne opprotot. Experience ev cellent condition, 1500 mites. Call 787-1931. Trailer rental ana boat hauling, ^tot. Will aho ppflotm other general A & B BOAT SALES tunt'tcxis in expanding accounting depart- (Between Keansburg-Atlantic Highlands] d/r Personnel ment. Radio Marine Corp.. 30 Bridge Hwy 34 787-6000 , Beltord Ave, Ped Bank. M?-ilOO. An equal Op MOBILE HOMES 157 Brood St., Red Bank Bi? 3501 lortunity employer. WANTED — Used mobile homes. Cash MESSED UP YOUR BOAT? Will be relocated elsewhere. Call BEAUTICIAN -- Some experience. P. GLEAMING WOMAN - Little Silver. Hef M. SCHWARTZ LIN-MAR erences. Own transportation. Six hours DIETARY AIDE - Part time Apply Per- ( HfiYSLF.R PL VMOUTH per day. Call otter 7 p.m.. 747-1403. sonnel Oept , 9?, JERSF. ¥ SHORE WE 141 W. Front M.. RodBmil. , 7JHjtt7 DlCAL CENTER. Neplun*. An equal op- BUILDERS WANTED — Woman io help with core ol portunity employer M F. SETMCASH FOR YOUR*FORETGM — Experienced builders in Monmouth Coun- Invalid. Sleep in or out. References re- AND SPORTS CARS AT MONMOUTH ty for over 15 years. We do additions, dor- quired. 946-0430. MOTORS, INC.. Hwy 35. Eotonlown, S42- XPERIENCEO NURSES AIDES - / to mers, sidingt rooting, masonry, kitchens, shift ond 3 to II sliitt Please colt a.m. 2414. bathrooms and new construction on your 3 to 11 RN — For every other weekend. 3 to 11 Nurses' Aide. 7 ta 3 Nurses' Aide. '0- personnl interview ot Bayview Nurfc- CARS WANTED — WE PAY TOP $S FOR Experience preferred. Arnold Walter Home, :9I 0440 ; fLEAN USED CARS. CALL MR. VIN- 787-0816 Nursing Home, 622 S. Laurel Ave., Hazlet CENT 542-5500. • FDGECUTTER -- Mrjchme operator on 787-6300 between 9 and 4 p.m. ools. Top wages ILGWU ihop All bep- CORVAIR WANTED — 1*6] to 1944. Two- J. C. & SON tils Apply Wnll Street Fashions. Corner Paneling. Cellars, Attics. Repairs. CAFETERIA HELP Vesl and Wnll bts . Red Bonk Z. door or station wogon. Four-speed pre- Coll lerred. Coll 264-634^ Small jobs, free estimates. 787 B195. WMS7* OFFICE GIRL To work in service slons. For Sats. nights. Coll 1-5 p.m. 7B7 MAIDS — Part-time positions a vail obit with locking lug. nuts. $70. ACCOUNTING SERVICES 97M. . working Irom 6 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Set*. Call 747-9050 alter « p.m. Sun., and all holidays. Pleasant working General bookfc eeoinq SCHOOL NURSE conditions, good salary. Apply in persoji, ACRESOFCARS Financial statements Call Personnel Office. Riverview Hospital, be- Payroll ond related tax reports tween 9 o.m. ond 4 p.m. An equal opportu- At'TO RENTALS Coll 717-4001 tor free roV analysis. nity employer M/F.' ^ Small BusinesvSpeaalists SALESLADY WANTED — Experienced h women's ready-to-wear. Please, no phon SALESLADIES - Needed in fine auoitty, TOM'S FORD PAINTING — Interior, exterior. Also 09d calls. Apply in person, DONNA S, 9 Brood St., Red Bonk. store in Red Bank. Full lime. Experience* RENTACAR )obs. Fret estimates. * . not necessary, only a willingness toowor*. wo ; 4J5-lll«or«5-1149. CLEANING WOMAN Reply to Box F-U9, The Daily Regist*K *'" > Red Bonk. A BETTER JOB BY PILGRIM PAINT For school ING Free estimates. Call 291-1576 411-4723 BOATS AND VACATION ARRANGED? Paid For? GIRL FRIDAY = PAINTING Now be on Avon Representative an Regular port-time. Retail store. Benefit ACCESSORIES quickly earn the needed money in your ?ed Bonk area. Reply to Box F-141, TJO> .Reasonable ond rellobl* 1 747 3202 or «42-3e70 own time calling locally. Phone now Dolly Register, Red Bonk. !-; EVERYTHING FOR Mrs. Ward, 741-4J43, 462-3377, 774-1270. THE BOATMAN AT FRANK PAULIN - Pointing ond paper ATTENT.O.J «*•* hanging. Free lance spraying. GIRLS AND WOMEN - Will be trained' TOYS&GIFTS-PARTY PLAM .££ The Boatman's Shop •71-SIM 24 Wharf Ave. 741-5710 Red Bonk Demonstrate the newest, most compl<3» Open weekdays, 9 a.m.—6 p.m. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING per hour to Mori DO NOT PHONE. Ap- line of Toys ond Gifts lor Christmtft*' Sundays ond Holfdoys. 9 p.m.—\ p.m. Estimates given. Reasonable.' Dly in perion, weekdays only, 10 A.M. to 3 Highest commissions! No Investment! Generous Sonus Plan for Dealers a&& COMMERCIAL FISHING BOAT - 60' O.m., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NURSING HOME, t Middle town Ave., Atlantic High- Hostesses. Coll" or write "Santa's P*ffi Drogger. 671 G.M. Diesel, wlnctt, steel .rties". Avon, Conn. 06601. TelephohM-ii most and boom, fish tinder. Asking $3560. HOUSEPAINTING - Interior. Exterior. lands. Reasonable rates. Free estimates, call (703) 673-3435. ALSO BOOKING PfCBl RARKWAtf EXIT 117 Please coll 7174769. TIES. =£ "•7-4591. COUNTER WAIfRtlb - Port-time. Ap 74' VENTNOR CABIN CRUISER - Inler- ply Inperson. Colonial Restaurant, 3 KEYPORT LIGHT HAULINO-CLEAN CELLARS. DOMESTIC HELPER' ceptor 215. Less than 50 hours. New Irons- Irood St., Red Bank. Who loves children. Five days. mission. Rodla phone. Sleeps four. Fully YAROS. GARAGES — Fret estimates. equipped. Coll evenings, 741-1379. Coll atler 3 p.m. 74|-2I4«. ! SEASONAL HELP NEEDED — Now until 3 .Christmas, to work on bottling lines. WOMAN WANTEi!^D — Counter r BLUEJAY — Excellent condition. Hord LIGHT HAULING 'Pleasant working conditions. Day shut. part lime, in dry clenninij store. Vor sails. Canvas cover and trailer. Phone AND ODD JOBS I Apply In person, LAIRD i, CO., Scobey- Cleaners, Acme Shopping Center, C 142-ISIS. Coll Ul-iW oiler 4 p.m. Croft. ?4?-M». __ RN'S — 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., part-time a BUY FROM THE BIG ONE IN NEW JERSEY AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE p m to 11 p.m five nays. Excellent w nnd benehls. Mntawan area. Reply to FHJ. The Daily Register, Ret* BonV. WAITRESSES — Experience desired BBJ nol necessary. Full or parl time. Appfip CORNER ROOM COFFEE SHOP, 73J Riyer Rd.. Fair Haven. W 9B30. __ 3 BRAND NEW 1971 BRAND NEW 1971 BE AN tCE CREAM LADY—- ExtelllBP BRAND NEW 1971 opportunity tor summer employments Well estoblishM Comlvat Bor tee CrewH routes Must be 18 or over. Coll 4950I5CJ SKYLARK ESTATE WAGON RIVIERA a.m. lo 1 p.m, or between 8:30 to 9 >*S Two-door hardtop. Automatic Loaded! With air conditioning. transmission, white walls and Fully equipped and air condi- LADIE5 — Sell Koscot cosmetics *IJBJ Stock cl436 List $7189.00 now stroighf profit. Full or part-time. Thp*» tioning. Stock #1597 List VOLVOS ladie» needed. ?22-36?6. ' 2£ wheel covers. Stock =1312 List S3337.O7 now $5709.47 now RN OR LPN - Full ond port-time egg" ploy merit. Benefits Included. PleosawU working conditions. EATONTOWN CO»- VALESCENT CENTER, 139 Grant Avw? $5795 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Eatontown. 542-4700. ?£ $4695 fOIl PRICi DllMRlD NURSES' AIDES — Full ond port-Urge $2935 employment. Benefits included. PkasaK working conditions. EATONTOWN COS*1 FUll PRKl DELIVERED VALESCENT CENTER, 139 Grant Avl£ Etrtenlown. 542-470tf. S2 BEAT THE PRICE INCREASE RN — I a.m.-4 p.m, port-time. Alternoffl weekends. LPN, 4 p.m. 1? a.m. full lirrft* Fxperiencetf NURSES'^AIOE. 8 o.mSC p.m (ull-tirne. for small nursing hQii'flCf If your car doesn't Hailet Holmdel-Motowan area. Call 7**Z BRAND NEW 1971 BRAND NEW 1971 Over 40 Models To Choose FromMl? tor oppofntment. JJJ MATURE WOMAN - Experienced Vile** have the en helper' full lime. King James Nurii&J BUICK GRAN SPORT LA SABRE (Excise tax will be refundable) Mome.^91 ^00. . ^ WAITRESSES AND CHAMBERMAIDS^ Full equipment and air condi- Custonif 2-door hardtop. Has it Futiandpcrrtlme. Apply HOLMDEL MR? tioning. Stock #1093 List all! Power windows and air. TOR INM, Hwyas. i^ CASHIER ~ Apply In person, CBS &up«*-< $4939.20 now Stock #1212 List $5265.69 now market, 34 Main St., Keonsburg. Fulfill1 RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS port-time. ^ WAITRESSES - NioHIs. Steady wo emblem, you paid Apply in person, THE PUB, }«0 Hwy $4195 $4395 NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST AUTHORIZED VOLVO DEALER Middlelown. RE5POMSIBLE, MATURE WOMAN *-• too much for it!" Wanted lo core tor 9-year old boy, Pro- FULL PRICE DRMRID FULL PRICE DMVERED 119 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD.r 741-5886 RED BANK vide own transport all on. Must be Midd town Township resident. Referencts. '87-7489 ofier 6;30 p.m. CLERICAL AND SALES LADY - Full time. Red Bonk. Coll Mrj, Roberts. 741-7500, BRAND NEW 1971 CDCKTA IN WAI TRESS/SANDWICH BRAND NEW 1971 BRAND NEW 1971 GIRL — Frl. and Sot. nights. Ex- - pertenced. Excellent Poge'j Cock- CENTURION MERCEDES-BENZ lail Lounge, Eatontown. CUSTOM ELECTRA HOUSEKEEPER - Reliable. Working OPEL DELUXE Two-door hardtop, Loaded! couple wllh school og* child, Ltoein, Two-door hardtop. Demo Spe- lovely new home. Cook and clean. Cotl White-wall tires. Stock «570 Stock *1647 List $5909,77 now Reliable - Dependable 747-4743 after 7 p.m. List S2069.28 now cial. Fully loaded and air. List BABYSITTER - Preferably in my home. $6679.33 now Keonsburg area. Call niter i p.m. SALES and SERVICE 7B?796S LOVING WOMAN - Five ctoys, noon lo S $4895 Our Customers Agree p.m. Permanent, Own transportation to $1895 Little Sliver. Colt 842-9578. $5395 FUll PRICF. DtUVmO MATURE WOMAN ~ To core for Khool- FUll PRICi DMVtRtD Experience Counts nqe Children, 11:30-5:30. FULL PRICE DEUVERED : Cotl 671-M9>. , . • PART-TIME CLEANING LADY ~ 9 (im.noon live days. Fisherman's Wharf, MERCEDES-BENZ Blnghom Ave., Rumson. DFNTAL. RECEPTIONIST - Albuiy Pntk Neptune arro, Over ?1 EMperience pieferrpd. hut nol nece%snry. Some lyp- Since 1957 mq Mint hrive ability lo rfeol with People Fnfllfnt hour% nnd working conditions lor Hie rirjht person SenrJ resume to Box p 1M, Ttie Dnily RegiMef. Rrd Bonk, * S^CRE'TA'RV ~~~" —-- FULL-TIME CALLVBHIQO ;. RECEPTIONIST - For prlvorf clt't> Some typing, Musi be neol In opptarolic* MURPHY & DAVISON and able to accept responsibility. Foriiiu polniment coll B4213O3. * BUICK-OPEL (just north of Freehold Circit) TOY DEMONSTRATORS ~ Commlsfe to 15".. Na collecting, no d«llv«ru£» < American Home Toy Parties, coll ! HWY. 35 264-4000 KEYPORT HIGHWAY 9 462.5300 FREEHOLD Ihi- Duilv Kf|[iM< r. Hidlliiiik-Mi.Mlrl.nui. N.J.. Monil, THE FAMILY CIKCLS Bv Bil Keanc FOR SALE FOR SAI.K PETS AND LIVESTOCK , HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MALE ITEMS YOU NO LONGER SALE! SALE! lhte«e ™i«males. E«Eoch llwIIW,. "eaov.«»ft W Be *epi. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR - Al An MANAGERS RETAIL It. Otposll occepltd. Coll 67I- twerlnn Service. Oay stilft I am. to I EXPERIENCED NEED OR USE WILI p.m., olio night shift, 11 p.m. to 7 o.m. CALLING UNPAINTED BLACK MARE - 5I< yean old. Will Steady, long-term work. Coll 741-4343. OIL BURNER trained In lumps. Good temperamtnt. ALL MANAGERS Spirited but monweobH. 747-4WI. HOUSEKEEPER-COOK — simple cook- FURNITURE The company we represent is o mate Now is'the time to buy pme desks, chests. COLLIE PUPPIES irig. Must be malvre. For Catholic rec- chain, SO stores strong and growing. T MECHANIC 'cry. two priests. Sleep in. Give refer- 0 bookihelves Also in exquisite hardwood. Purebred, \ltrv reasonobl*. ore presently seeking Asslstonf Stu Apply Fred O. WikoN Co. beautiful hutches ond chests-of-drawers. 142-2014 ences and expected salary. Reply Box 0 IWonogtrj and Store Managers. To qualli 234 Maple Ave., Red Rank e 149. The Dolly Register. Red Bonk. Two floors full at sovings of 25 » lo 50V you muit have l-S years recent expertenc PORTERS — Full lime positions ovaltob Come in and make youf choicf. APPALOOSA GELDING - Six years, U with o major discount, department or spe on the 7 a.m.-3 p.m. ond 3 p.m. II p.n honds. Experienced rider. Tack optional. EIGHT WAITRESSES — Afternoons ond cialty chain either as Assistant Store Moo shifts. Good salary, pleasant working coi nights. Experienced preferred. Apply in WITH A QUICK ACTION RED BANK LUMBER Call 222-466? or 229 2B30 agtr, or specialty shop Assistant or Vo dUtons ond full fringe benefits. Apply i i Wall St. Red Bonk HI-5500 person, Mermaid Diner. Hwy 36, Atlantic Ai*anoQ»?r. Also necessary '5 the desift person, Personnel Dtfice, Hiverview Hoi LOW-COST Highlands. run your own unir, Salary commensurot pitol, between 9 a.m. and * p.m. An equc LUDWIG ORUMT. - C mplete set with opportunity employer MF. DAILY REGISTER used. 1335 Call REAL ESTATE PACKAGE LIQUOR — And small bar with experience. For appointment, col Zildiicin cymbdli. Npver ftAr. BO& PINON at (2.3) 5933W0 or itnc combination. Six dayj per week. Must be MAN WANTED FOR RENT reliable. Hours 3 lo 10:30 p.m. Call 566- resume to; 52/ Madison Avt., SuiJe 508 New York. N.Y. 10032. To instnll burglar alarm systemi. SlLVfRTONF OffGAN - Wood veneer, APARTMENTS 2097. 142 5341 FAMILY AD ) i vfu> ^ old, like n**-- S'0. Boby grand 3 LINES -5 DAYS ptono, \?9S. Hoover upr iglil vacuum, I?5. MATURE WOMAN — For companionship SECRETARIES KENNEL MAN - Full time. Appfy in pe< Uke new Con )*) S75>; utlef 5 _ Highlandia Apartments to convalescent woman. Ho work son ry\on.. Wed., or Fri., Combs Anim volved. Phone 542-52?!. STENOS Hospital, Shrewsbury, FOR GARRARD SI-Si TURNTABLE ~ With 10 OCEAN BLVD. RN AND UPN — Wanted ot King James 5M ad under Help Wonted Female AUTO SALESMEN • "JUST $2.00 bu-sr. dusl io»tr dttd tartrirjac. Works ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N.J. Nursing Home. 7 d.m.-3:3O. p.m. Permanent position tor experienced on< perfectly. US. S47-SU6. 29i moo AMERADA HESS Available tcr Merchandise Foir Saif FINEST LUXURY non tupfrifneed men. Earn S20.000 ( Article mu\t originate trom c TWO GUILD BASS SPEAKER CABI CORPORATION ^«ar. Fine opportunity to join one 0 NFIS - Ejitriten) cojidilion. Will sel APARTMENTS WAITRESSES -Nlghls. Experience? J.J.'s lafge^t dealers. Coll Mr. Monn odd moy not txeeert o sale price of iifl 00 per article. sepuroie Call Robert Logo". ?4t 42B1. •• Lunury (our roomj, on« 6M«x>m . Apply in person, Lulgl's Famous Pino. Featuring terracej overlookino mt nlw- 477 Middle ltd., Ho;let. MEN 1QPf' BRrGO 5CHEVROLET Price MUST be advertised. Each addition PARIIfSAKF FxTHAfUN - When you <». moil scenic point on ht Atlonilc Earn $500 WOO a month part-time. Call fi 3IU00 , bouth Ambo ol line SI.0O. No COP*- rhofigts moy r>i rely on A lo / Renlul Center, 161 Newmuc caaltllne otfyolcilna a Ixoutllul monro. HOSTESSES AND WAITRESSES — AM made ond no discounts or returns willjx appointment. 264-6929. Spnnys Rd., ShiewsbiKV. /4l-00-40. _( Includes olr condltlonlnj, jwlmmlnj and P.m. 'Holiday Inn of Hailet, Hwy 35. USHERS— Full lime work, evening rrodf it ad is canceled "before expiration. Hailet. 2*41400. pool, parking. All ipaclous, truly luxury SALESMAN only. Apply in person, Atlantic Thtats To Place Your Doily Register {AFAYFTtl AM'FM ~ Short wave rt apartment*. Atlantic Highlands. , __ FAMILY AD. CALL . . . (fiver witli 6 Irutk tape player. 19J0 mod- Coll or visit superintendent, 2*1-0137. WOMAN TO WORK DAYS— In Sub Men's furnishings and sportswear. Mui el Petted < iiricJition. Can 7i\ U7» oMcr 5. Sfiop. Must be cteon and responsible. Call bean Oflgresjive, moture, fostiionmintJet HETAfL MANAGEMENT — Growth com Brounell-Kromer Management Co. 495-0151 between > a.m. ond 1 p.m. Individual with selling experience. Ex pony selling building specialities, Fut THRfF PlfCE GOLD SECTIONAL - 616-1 »00 . cellent salary tor qualified man. For ap company benefits. Chollenalng, Interest in 741-6900 SUV Six pipLC dineite set, S60. Six-piece polntmenl, coll Miss Ulrlch, In our Sum aisignmeni. Grow with this business, Cal bedroom iuitr, iSO. Two blue chain, S?5 THE PRESIDENTIAL HELP WANTED MALE itt277113< p-.O?0. ixicfv Good tonrMioft, t*7 tQ4\. 24 Hour Service DEAL LAKE VICINITY MECHANIC — Lawn mower and smai REAL ESTATE ROOTS-RED BANK train* r?poir. Mu^t have own tools. Co WAACKAACK ARMS WHY WAIT? Ocean vie* with unusuol large terraces In 74T-40W." Sporting goodi, fishing tocklf. guns. 19 We can hove your new window shade! 1 and l-bedroom apartment*. Modern SALES Moln SI.. Ktonsbur a. ;67-6333 ready in les* thon an hour, up to 72" In - if you believe in your own ability and CLERK TYPIST fflt, stock, bring your rollers or slies. Prices kitchen with dishwoshtr. Wcplk-in closets. would like to torn more than S30.0OO a See our ad under 1 start otlt:«. Fully air conditioned, hi-rise building with year, then we want to folk to "YOU." Ex- Help Wonted Female. HKl.l WAMK1) BEST TOP SOIL evening attendant. Call 775*7101 day or perience helpful, but not necessary, we 741-7483 PROWN'S night. Sylvon Cooper Management. •ffer o company paid Itvdtpth training AMERADA HESS MAtK OK FKMAJj; "I had a nice time, my lunch was delicious and program, substantial drawing account, JUST ARRTVED " 32 Brood St. Red Bonk 74} 7500 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY" and the best sales incentive program in CORPORATION DRIVERS PART TIME STEADY tell the pilot that was a very good landing. " ELECTRIC GUITAR - Two pick ups, al- HIGHLANDS the Real Estate Business. • THArs WHY TWO VAN LOADS OF most new, with case. 550. 1 METROPOLITAN LIFE — Hoi eslab Five bedrooms. Dining room, living room, WE'RE THE -LARGEST REAL ESTATE llshed aaency In Wonmouth County. Guar- SLIGHTLY DAMAGED Call 74143 M kitchen, i'j boths. Ideal tor large (omity, AND INSURANCE FIRM IN MQN- anteed Income tfurTwi training period. Mi We have expande IIKI-I' WANTKI) EXCELLENT CONDITION - Colonial or 3 to 5 singles. Excellent view of ocean: MOUTH COUNTY." We have one opening Cannella 747-2200, afr?r 6 p.m. W64056. A MERCHANDISE All ulllities included. 1325 monthly. again! MALK OK 5uch as (own chairs, toilet seats, laddie gold arm choir and maple end table. 150. so why not giv* ui a coll for a confidential equal opportunity employer. MALK OK .all ofter 6 p.m.. 842-29^. Interview. And need more help. swimming pools, window Ions, outdoor SCHOOL CUSTODIAN barbecues, insecticide sprayers, and TRUNDLE BED AND DRESSER ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS MUCH, MUCH, MORE. AM very usable Sludio aparlment. Furnished or unfur. THE KIRWAN CO. Coll Earn good money In your spore hours. W( ' . CaH 291-1514 and priced at 60% off the ticketed store nished. All utilities paid. S135 monthly. HAZLET have openings available for the stort 01 price and less; MOSTLY LESS! Over SO0 741 -40209 p.m.-5 p.m. MENPART-riME school. Almost as much or os tittlt work PATHMARK other Items of dam aged and unclaimed Call 741-0323 KOMI OMEGA RAPID CAMERA — Five CALL 264-7200 $72.50 as you want. Must be dependable ond < freight to Interest everyonefrom 6 to 60 at good driver. We help you obtain special U- (non1hs old. Cream puff. List 1349. Best of- Three nights, half day Sol. Car. equally low prices. Come down and fer over J200. Call 222-2748 after 7 p.m. Or " RED BANK Call for appointment. 747-40)0. cense, Year-round if you desire or vaco tlon all summer. Apply 9-5 GROWS AGAIN 229-7300, 8-4 p.m. Ask for Murray, 24 HR. DOORMAN RESUMES PREPARED BOAT CARPENTERS - Assembler!, ond Railroad Salvage Corp. MUST SELL — Singer console ond stor Luxury hi-rlse apartments. Immedialc oc- tiberglas molders. Paid hospital and me MURPHY BUS5ERVICE Engtistitown Rd, EngllshTown. '* mile lent condition. Mis- cupancy. Centrally air conditioned. 1, 3 dirnl horwflts. Paid holidays and vocation 5S Rt. 35 Middletowi Join the company that is the fastest growing norfri of auction, six miles iouth.ot Rt, 18.cellaneous furnffi/re. Colt J7M8W. and 3 bedrooms. Spacious layouts. Swim d/r Personnel Jensen Morine, Marlboro. 431-0100. (Behind Siperstein Paints) Open daily except Monday. Fridays until pool, sauna, boat marina, gorages Oh N chain. We are seeking courteous, ambitious 9, Sunday VS. GO CART li? Brood St. Red Bonk 147-3301 MATURE MAN — For supervisory lab in •ART-TIME — Individual to pick up am Good condition. Pr m modern automatic car-waih In Motowon deliver audio-visual equipment. Hours tc personnel for our new store in Hazlef. BLACK AND WHITE TV - S3!.. Weil 741-4 7?/ * RIVERVJEW TOWERS Will train reliable, responsible person be determined o) interview. Por employ inghou5e air conditioner. 1130. Tape deck ?| RIVERSIDE AVE. Coll SUJ272. meni application, contact Personnel Ot and tapes, reasonable. Call 8-4? 1984 afte* 4 M'S 10 SPEED SCMWINN - Suburban PHONE 74M/M SALES CAREER (ice, Brookdole Communit/ College, 765 FULL & PART-TIME p.m. bicycle. Good condition. Light, rack, FURNISHED FOU R -ROOM APART- Wt hove an outstanding opportunity for a MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER - See our Newmon Springs Rd., Lincrott. An equal saddle bag. Colt 291 3259. mature, highly motivated person wh ad under Help Wonted Mole-Female Opportunity employer. SKI BOOTS - Riker, 817-9, Ski poles too, MENT,— ideal location in Mai a won. All •wnvd a business or served in either sales Electro-Impulse, inc., 116 Chestnut St. With or without experience in the following de- iji. Calf offer i pm. HOUSEHOLD SALE utilities. As low os 1160 per mo. 264-9194. o or administration. Excellent starting sala- Rd Bk MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER - Thor- 8^ Moving. Must sell. ry plus commlssloftl. Unlimited earning partments. « TWO OR THREE-ROOM - Apartment. aughly experienced with at) hand tools. Alter 5 pi" US or SI 1S a month. AM utilities. Older potential. Management opportunities. Lib- OtSHWASHERS-KITCHEN HELP — Apply in person, Electro-Impulse, inc., FOLDING PING-PONG TABLE •• 9x5, 75 Wolling Terrace ' Keyport •roJ irinoe benefits. Call 549 7517. Eve- Nights. Apply in person, Lulgl's Fomou 116 Chestnut St., Red Bonk. An equal cp NIGHT CREW $8. Rotary cabinet Jroner Mb. Exercise couple preferred. Call 847-7409 otter 4 nings, 747-3510. An equal opportunity em Pino, <77 Middle Rd., Hailet. port unity employer. 110p.m. 8 a.m.) MEAT WRAPPERS bike V, 15-votume Complon Encyclopedia BEDROOM SET — Blonde mahogany. P.'TI. ^ . player (M/FJ. PRODUCE- PORTERS with 8 supplements 115. Portable solon Large dresser with full mirror, chest on PART-TIME FARM HELP WANTED — CIRCULATION DESK ASSISTANTS — DAIRY 'SUBLEASE BAKERS HELPERS type hair dryer 110. Various sized wooc chesf, double oed wt_Wi bo spring New luxury apartment on river. I montns Mornings ond afternoonj. Seeking unique and responsible tndivid DONU T MEN storm windows free. Call 671-5743. notfress. Perlett condition SO. CoTlI 493- BRANCH Call 764 0974 uols who would like lo work with younc 1150 or 747 4579. to two years Oct. 1 occupancy. Lofge liv- oeople doing library circulation (unction: ing room, dlnetie. kitchen, dishwasher, REPRESENTATIVE WORKING BAND — Looking for orgon on a rotating schedule. Excellent salary Pathmark offers: SCRSCREENINE G SALE etc. Large double bedroom. Centrally air player. No experience necessary. Call 5*2 SE SCREEN DIVIDER-- French phone. conditioned. Terrace with lull view of rlv For expanding toan company. Excellent ind fringe benefits. For employment op' Fiber alas screen Fiiher AM/FAA record player. Cabinet •a'ary end beneNff. VA approved. Call 0194. CAREER OPPORTUNITY no 6B' sq. ft. (Full er. Sauna and steam baths, swimming^, plication, contact Personnel Office. EXCELLENT STARTING SALARY rolls only). 34'xlO * 112.95 roll. 26"x.0O< speakers. Microphone. Girl's bicycle. pool. Garage, Boat dock, 2* hour doormon Mr. Burns tor appointment. M4-4100. Jrookdole Community College, 765 New ADVANCEMENT OUTSTANDING BENEFITS J13.VS. 28"xt0028x00 > JJ5.i0. 3000 i.25 Dishwasher. Curtains, drapes, rods. 3' X BACKHOE OPERATORS — Plumbers PLEASANT WORKING CONDITIONS $17.35. 36"xl0Oi * 3"SI9.S0? . «'*K10Sl 0 service and TV protection. S260 per YOUNG MAN — Soles ond stock. Pro- helpers, pipe layers. mon Springs Rd., Lincroft. An equal op TRAINING WITH PAY n"W0' $1735 6'8"' door. 7.50 X 15 t-ply tires. Cadillac month. Coll Mr. Link. 741-W33. portun/fy employer. J737J. If you'can't use a roll, it will pa gr«&g|ve point and wallpaper retailer CalU7M194. fO spirt with a neighbor. wheels. Household Items. 741 0712. needs young men who are interested in a OCEANPORT — Lorae. unfurnished, Iwo- future. Apply In person, Siperstein's Paint BARTENDER — Six doys, year round DANCE INSTRUCTOR — Wanted t WANT TO KNOW MORE? RELOCATING — Sofobed, 550. Triple teach small group ot adults. Americai RED BANK LUMBER burtk beds, »75. Dintng , **550" . Olher bedroom apartment. Kent SI 10. Co., 549 Hwy 35, Mlddletown, N.J. Apply In person. Admiral Senboe inn, 2 9 won St. Red Bank 741-5500 rooi 747-1)41 . Jackson St., Highlands, and Latin ballroom dancing. 7470500. APPLY: Men-.s. 264-56$4 atttr 6:3 p.m. CLERK — For fancy foodi ond cheese de- BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL - Desks, REDBACK - Unfurnished. Gretn Tree BOYS— Circular delivery. Openings In 'ART-TIME - individuals sough? wit WHEELHOR5E SPREADER AND AERA- Apartments, 239 Spring St. Studio and one partments. Full time. Neat, aggressive, spedat library skids such as catalog!n modern type. Formica or wood. Antique TOR 125 each. benefits. Apply Delicious Orchards, Hwy Monmouth ond Ocean Counties. Weekends PATHMARK PERSONNEL DEPT. fvpe. Heavy wrougnr iron filigree. IS and bedroom apartments available immediat- only. Work right in your own neighbor- and processing of audio-visual equipment > 542-2436 between 5 and 7 p.m. 34, Colts Neck, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Won.. Hours will be discussed at interview. Foi HOLIDAY INN Ht> 2W-S8W or 264-7939. ely. Call tor appointment. 741-3953. through Fri. hood. No selling or collecting. Minf be at CONTENTS OP APARTMENT - In Red least 12 years of age. Colt (99-1//* tor employment application, contact Person 2870 Rt. 35 Bank, For appointment T^?O-R00M EFFICIENCY — Apartment' PART-TIME MAN WANTED - Hours 15 more Information. * lei Office, Brookdole Community College, IN STOCK 264-6341 cailabie. Wlfh.or without maid iervice. p.m. Man. through Frf.j for office and '65 Newman Springs Rd., Lincrott. An Room 100 Heavy duty Blg-M aluminum WHITE Near N.Y. bus terminal. Leonardo Motel. safei work. For imervlew cat/ WJ-IOTO af- MAJOR APPLIANCE MECHANIC — EM rtjvai opportunity employer/ combination windows, 7 sizes, $13.99 ea. Hwy 36, Leonordo. 2VI-W14;- ter 3 p.m. Or evenings otter 6, 94A-I3M. perienced. S). 15 hour. Coll HE MONMOUTH — Regional Board o< Hazlet, N.J. MACHINERY FOR SALK RED BANK — First Moor. Thrte lovely 77S-6MJ Fducation is seeking applicants for schoo PROWN'S SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT - Ex- n Broad SI. Red Bank 741-7500 INCQLN WELDER - 350 amps variable rooms, both, very nicely furnished. Utili- perienced. Part-time nights ond week- SALE5MAN - Full time employment. KJS driving positions for frte 1971-72 schoo ties, porklna. Good location near town. ear. Applications may be obtained by ap Wed. Thurs. Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at ARCRC volts, model 25020,, 270 volt input,nput, ends. Apply In person, Sea Bright Chev- Some experience prelerred. Apply Gold- POWER TOOLS - Craftsmen 9" radial lena ledleadss . EcellExcellentt conditioconditionn. WOWOOO. 671671- Suitable for adults. No pets, /41-e3W. ron, Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. ins Men's Shop, 25 Brood SI., Red Bonk. lying In person to the Monmouth Region arm saw with stand, extra blade and In- ' WJoh Schoot TrnmporfoHon Office, 53? Sat. 9 a.m.-l p.m^ 5455. STUDIO EFFICIENCY APARTMENTS — An eqt/at opportunity employer struction book, S150, Block ond Decker ASSISTANT MANAGER - Should have COOKS — Experience necessary. Apply Inton Ave., New Shrewsbury, N.J. 07724. sander. 112, Master-Craft sabre saw with One person, no pets. S)3j monthly, plus some mechanical background. Apply Clare and Coby's Restaurant, Junction blade set, SIS, all for S165. All in A-l security. I42-9I07 or 391-2175. Down Sea Country Sudser Car Wash, MMletown. Rts. 9 ond 34, Madison Township. AIRORESSER — Experienced only MKIUIIAMUSi: WAMI-II Beach Molel, Sea Bright. /ith or without following: Full or pori- shape. CaH 747-3380 after 5 p.m, EXPERIENCED — Car Polisher for new AUTO SALESMAN me. Salary plus commiision. Calf Mar HKM'WAXTKD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIE! -— ~— :QLD FURNITURE - Antique*, china, REO BANK -- Three-room aparfmenf. REFRIGERATOR-FREEZE7ftKR ,T KS, jjiassware* ort objects and t>ric-o-broc, Heal, hot-woteroter, gogoss furnished. Pay own ond used cars. Permanent position. All o sell new and used Foreign, Specialty, ellsCoifleurs, W6-9749. Whirlpool. Completely frosM e tVlngt benefits. Apply Red Bank Auto Im- irtcJ Exotic cars for N.J.'s only Ferrori MALK OK '\1™ :l™i"' Immediate cosh tor anything and every- lti SISSS monlhlh. Call 7475794 dealer, can Mr. Zack:' ••• ESCAPE THE SALARY TRAP *•* Like new. Excellent condition. «. Ruscff's, 25 East Front St. 741-1693. ports, Newman Springs Rd.. Red Bank. 2B6S. GAS DRYER. Norge, like new Ask for Bob Matthews. BRIGGS CHEVROLET-FERRARI MC DONALD'S OCEANPORT WATERFRONT - Fur- 721-1400 South Amboy If you enjoy working with am COLLECTOR — Will pay S300 lor Lionel nished. Heat, electric supplied. One-bed- DRIVE-IN d/r Personnel helping people you can tilt a defmife nee< LIQUIDATJNGSALE engine J8I and cori 4)? InrouQh 4le. good room. QUO month. 741-J644. in today's INDUSTRIAL SCENE. All home decorating Items In shop must condition 7/41710. »'jr°. Apply In person, Howord°jol'nsons LIQUOR STORE SALESMAN - Full 15 Hwy 35 Mlddletott iccauntant: Standard cost. Electronics ONE-BEOROOM GARDEN APART- Restaurant, Hwy 35. Middle town, lime. 4 to 10 p.m. Also, part time opening. Complete management training, be sold*. Reductipns 40% and better. Ta- Full and port-time for dayi ond eves. ome'supervisory experience. Good MENT — Immediate occupancy. Heat, —- Experience preferred. Reply to Box F-150, growth. Monmouth County, To H3k, FEE legal and financial services are constant, bles, mirrors, statues, wall plagues WANTED IE AN ICE CREAM MAN — Excellent The Dally Register. Red Bank. For personot Interview, coll 671-0935. available (or you in your new career. DEL STONE OF MONMOUTH Used Orienlol Rugs gas, hot wafer, swim club Included. Suit- PAID. " 35 Ookhursl able for adults. 1165 plus one month's opportunity for summer employment, i RIVER — To work with aide on mini- For a $10,500 investment, yo Chinese and Persian security. Cheesequoke Park Aptl., Mota- Well MtoMIstud Cornlval Bor laCmm iPHARMACIST WANTED - Full-tlra*. No ksst To Executive: Good typing and wiff hove on immediate return ond pe Also Wall Tapestries r«ite>. Must bt 11 or over. Coll «5-0151 » iSuns. or holldoyi. Flexible hours. Good ji transporting retarded children. $2.50 sonal sotisfaction. SWEET CORN - For (reeling. Now FRIEDMAN GALLERIES 774-3143 wan. 0 m. to 1 p.m., and 1.30 p.m. lo 9.30 p.m. iioljry. »AY DRUGS, Ktyporl. W<5U er hour, approximately 6 hour day. horthand. Corporate olfices. Ground ready. U a bushel. Also (resh vegelablet. eply to Box E-162, The Daily Register, loar opportunity. Good benefits. To SI35 WINTER RENTALS — ?>/i-room effi- INTERESTED? ••• CONTACT US! cd Lourlno, Sycamore Ave., New Shrews- COIN COLLECTIONS - Gold and silver AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MAN -Ex- SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINEE - :ed Bonk. EEPAID. bury. coins, wor nrckels. Will pay fop current ciency: Air conditioned. Terrace. Sept. fa perience deslrtd. but not necessary. Will- Are you interested in a career with unlim- market. Example: silver dollars S2 ondJune. From 1145 monthly. West End. 123- OMWUNlCftTlONS TECHNICIAN — tookkeeper: General Ledger. Heavy vol d/r Personnel SWIMMING POOLS -SACRIFICE ing to troln right marf. N.J. driver's li- ited earning*? Salary 112,000 per year if ome electronics background required, up. Mr. Romeo, 7I7.595T •231 or 741-7741. cense required. Apply in person M. qualified. Coll 264-9127. Ask for Miss me work. Fringe benefits. To $155. FEE 1S7 Broad St. Red Bank &42-350 Ca'it. dealer closes doors. Manufacturer Kperience In Teletype and Facsimile >A1O. asks us to dispose of remaining luxury FURNISHED — Four rooms. Utilities SCHWARTZ & SONS, UI W. Front SI., Strand. rtalntenonce preferred but not required: ANTIQUE JEWELRY - Top cosh poid. Red Bonk. Parts Department. obove-ground ALUMINUM, REDWOOD L LES DEUX 8, DON PONS, 79? Ril/er Rd.. supplied. Suitable for adults. Security re- MECHANIC ~ Interested in light servic- Ipporlunity for advancement In the lericols: General office work. To $75. Wholesale Merchandise FIBERGLAS swimming pools at LESS Fair Haven. Tues.-Sat. 11-5. 741-4337 or quired. Sept. 15 to June IS. 495-1104. GENERAL FACTORY WORK - Apply ing ot domestic oil burners Ir Keyport- 'Of id's iGi'Q^sf iicMiVs uulher ing orgomzQ" Stereos, radios, fl-track rapes, cassettes THAN HALF PRICE. All pools fully 8426J57 Molawan-Cllffwood areas. Write to Box F- Dn. Equol opportunity employer. Mail equipped. Guaranteed installation and FURNISHED 3 PLEASANT ROOMS — Gibson Homans Co., In rear of Industrial >sume to The Associated Press, Altn. Customer Service: Light typing. Good watches and novelties. Money makers foi Washing Machine entrance ' I, 32 Main W, Thf Dolly Register. Red Bank. telephone voice. No sales. Freehold area. peddlers, dealers. MOHWINKEL DIS- terms. Call Joey Collect (609) 665-4730 NAN JOHNSON Third floor, light housekeeping. Private. Ir. J.E. Pace, Itn Floor, 475 Tenth Ave., BUYS AND BUYS Quiet, mature, business person. 74*1-0761. St., Motawon. lew York, N.Y. 10011. TRIBUTORS, 753 Hwy 35, MlddfeJown. BARTENDER — Fulltime. Handyman roiioo. FEE PAID. 67\t, to work In one building. Fringe ben- P8X OPERATORS Coll 495-0151 9 o.m. to 1 p.m. FM radio. One month old. Must sell. Coll BELFORD — Two rooms and both, fur- P.OUTEMAN WANTEO — For long esfab* I.C. Coordinator: Sfallsficaf method's.' WANTED - DeWalt radlol arm saw. nished. All utilities Included. Near buses Itshed route. Earnings approximately TYPISTS I5BA, Chemistry. To %Uk, Wheel Horse or International riding mow- S9000 up. Experience not necessary. Some ive many temporary openings in the and stores. Private entrance. 787-3924. FLUTE — Reynolds. Like new. Excellent er. Call 747-3007. soles ability required. BWt cross parrlci- --eo for those with the above skills. INSTRUCTION THREE ROOMS - Hot water heat. Show- potion. Vocations with pay. Paid holidays. * and register? We pay top Secretaries; fl) Dictaphone, no ex- condition. Closed key. SI75. poio. Vocations with pay. Pai lerience. $100. (2) Shorthand, 1 boss, 9 to LEARN SELF-HYPNOSIS — For weight 84i->146 er. Syllable for adults. 19 Highland Ave- Apply STAR CLEANERCLEANERSS ^LAUN. SWAP OR EXCHANGE nue. Keonsburg. 7>7-7639. ve.. Long Branch. great lob, good benefits. To S120. smoking, or iniomnio. Doctor's recom olftERS, m Myrtle A L GARDENER AND HANDYMAN — Two mendotion required. 946-8375. 31," MAGIC CHEF — Gos range, 125. days weekly. Little Silver area. Colt 741- Ace Temporaries TRAVEL TRAILER — 13', sleep! flv*. VERY LARGE - Living room, kitchen, AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN - Aggres- .hlM Supervisor: Straight 3rd. Monufac- Heavy porcelain sink and tub com- 1313 doily, or 741-4420 eves. 30 Thomas Ave. 542-0307 Shrewsbury uring background. Union shop. To $13k bination, with Dorcelolnt legs,, complete Self-contained, clean. Asking 1750. will could have two bedrooms, bath. Third sive Otdsmoblle agency expanding sales :EEPAIO. with faucets, silt Call «42!-43ll. trade. 7176110. floor. Electric heot. No pels. 741-1254 or force due to Increased sales of our new YOUNG MAN WANTED — To leorn HAIR STYLISTS — Full ond porMIm*. 747-2493. and used cars. S15.000 per year potential pointing trade, over II. Call alter 4:30 Following not needed. Top pay. MotQwon* MERCHANDISE elltr Trainee: Like figures. To HO. KENMORE WRINGER WASHER with our salary plus commission plan. Good condition. SIS. IV, ROOMS - Across from Ft. Monmouth Company btnetlhv Include no-cost nospl- FOR SA1.K REAL ESTATE SALESMEN - For resi- Phone JI7-7075 PETS AND LIVESTOCK Hospital. tolliatlon for entire family. Contact Mr. PART-TIME JANITORIAL WORK 'arehouse: Working supervisor. Mon Call 542-5161 Melange at Steven Oldsmoblle, Main St., Evenings. dential soles and listings. An excellent op- louth County, Ooys. Know inventory con- portunity for someone with ambition ond HAMMOND ORGAN DOUBLE SINK — In 5' coblnel, U5. Wall GOOD HOMES FOUND FOR OLDER Molawon. JM-3400. __. Call 719.1177 ol. To Uk. oven, S35. Ronae, SI0. Small typewriter DOGS — Cash paid for pedigreed litters. RED BANK — First-floor apartment. desire to grow with the business. DEMISE of Asbury Pork "Threela irpr e rooms. All utilities. Furnished EXPERIENCED CARPENTER WANTEO REALTY%SSOCIATES, Hwy 9, at Traffic Set our used organ selection Including desk, ». 6711611. All breed dog grooming. KAV-9 COL- MEN - For landscaping work. With driv- LEGE, INC. 2J9-I933. or unfurinlshed. Couple preferred. 229-3020. er's license. Call HUNT'S LAND- Steady work In local areo. Circle, Freehold. 462-1444. d/r Personnel late model Spinets, Chords, and Consoles Coll alter 7 p.m. WI1487 Prices start at S45D. All Instruments soli FREEHOLD — Furnished comfortable SCAPING SERVICE. Eves. 74M732. ,7 Broad St. Red Bonk U7-. LEAKY GUTTERS? WANTED — Substitute (or School Board with a guaranty. WHITE .032 gauge (heavy) seamless, opartmenf. Also one turniiritd efficiency FURNACE — Fuel oil delivery man. Per- AUTO BODY SHOP HELPER Secretary. May involve some evening highbock aluminum gutter, installed with LARGE BOXSTALLS All utilities, linens, elc. supplied. 462-1231. manent position. Apply Slocum Fuel Co., Experienced. Red Bank orto. work. Apply Highlands Public School, Ua- Special savings on Knabe. Sohmer, Eve stainless steel screws. . . no unsightly For rent. Lincroft-Holmdel- 37< Broodwoy, Long Branch. Phont74l-23» vesink Ave.. High I arris. N.J. or call 872- eft, Mason-Homlin, Kawol and playe hanging brockets used. Catl for free esti- TOWNHOUSE APARTMENT - One bed- 1476 for information.. ACE mate. ... Colts Neck area. Private room. Air conditioned. $250 per month. .ECRETARIES-Lacol positions to $110 pianos. farm. Large riding area. 747-2764 alter 5 p.m. HELP-WANTED HELP WANTED PHOTOGRAPHERS .ECRETARY-NQ5teno,?to» 52.25 nr, 775-9300 Experienced in studio or yearbook por- "YPIST-Lfght stenoor PROWN'S Call 747-2218. FREEHOLD — Furnished comforfoble- MALE OR FEMALE MALE OK FEMALE traits. Immediate openings, steady work. dictaphone to $110 MO Main St.. Ajbury Pork 12 Brood SI. Red Bonk _ 741-7500 aparlment. Also one furnished efficiency Top salary. Apply Allied Processing lECRETARY-Purchosing , ,$100 Open doily III 1 Sot, 'lil DALMATIAN PUPS — Alert ond allec- Short or long term. 462-1596. Corp.. 1050 Commerce Ave., Union, N.J. iALFRIDAY-GoodSteno $115 15" TILT BED TRAILED — WithTights. tlonote spotted beauties. Champion sired. , PIANOS ORGANS $500. AKC. Three females, seven males. Your M4-1J00. ' ILERK-TYPISTS-Mony local Ustd spinels.Irom Sl«5. Unlimited < HIGHLANDS — Three-room apartment, positions to $90 Phone 741-0703 pick. 575. 787-3066. all utilities. Year-round. from S7.50 for Yomaha-Conn-Klmball LUMBERS CABINET — Musi be seen. Phone 291-9466. • NURSES' AIDES AND ORDERLIES — LERICAL WORKERS-Llght typing ....$75 WlllChll-Chlckerlnol . FREEHOLD MiM l WANTED — Good home with lofs of room SALES OPPORTUNITY All shifts. Afler shorl probationary peri- ELLER TRAINEES "„..,. $75 ITER, IJ Throckmorton St. 462- Complete wllh everything you need. Call od. 595 Mr week. Liberal fringe benefits. OT? lo run for beautiful Iwo-yr. old male Ger- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Furnished, 'AYROLL CLERK-9 to 2 p.m $2.25 hr. mon Shepherd. Free to the right people, DO NOT PHONE. Apply fn person, week- PARTfAL LfSTfNG 4730. three rooms, both. Compact. High water, r "lease call 741-4901. da V5, 10 a.m. lo 3 p.m..ATLANTIC e ore the oldest professional employ- CAR'RADIO - Never used. Solid slol MUST SELL — By Sept. 1. All household front. Qultt, refined area. Large ground/ DO YOU: HIGHLANDS NURSING HOME, 8 Mid- nent agency in the share area. Why not Motorola oush-button with 5x7 external Furniture ond appliances. Call 787-3690. 6-7 Couple or one. Immediate, 291-3014, 741- I., all day Sat., Sun. WHITE STANDARD POODLE PUPPIES dfetown Ave., AllanNc Highlands. ome in for details on the above listed speoker. In orloJnal carton. Paid S4D, selj — AKC registered. First shots. nenlngs? forUO. M3-315J; NEED MONEY FOR THOSE EXTRA REAL ESTATE SALESMEN ~ Wanted by NAUTICAL ANTIQUES AND DECOR - 536-3856 WATERFRONT APARTMENTS — Three Ship Models, Lanterns, Clocks, Com- old established real estate office. Splendid FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES ADORABLE MINIATURE POODLES — rooms, furnished. Free TV ond air condi- FALL AND HOLIDAY EXPENSES? opportunity tor ambitious, active sales- Ace Employment posses, etc. ANCIENT MARINER, 74 tion!™ng. No lease. Move In today. NAU Welfare and people with credit problems Shrewsbury Avi , loot of Monmouth St., One chocolate, four black. $95. AKC men. For appointment, call Ray Stlllman, Agency Immediate deliveries. Instant credit. Co - S42O746 TILUirs APT5.,Sea Brlghl. N.J. Call 143 441 Hwy 35, Shrtwsbury. 741-8400. Nights. Red Bonk. Thomas Avee. 747-3494 Shrtwsbury Mr. Gron, 373-6611. , 0505. LIKE FASHION? 144nnC DINING ROOM SET — Pine Colonial, HORSE — Must $ell. Geldlnp. 15-1 Eng- RODUCTION-ADVERTI5ING — Mate* TYPEWRITERS, ADDING machines. A lish. Jumper. Five gaits. Good home LARGE ATTRACTfVEFIVEIROOM HAIRDRESSERS — New salon opening In hutch, table, two Duxbury chairs, two DUPLEX With full basement iais. Direct mailing, some art ond me- makes new or Used. Guaranteed Low as regular. Chandelier. S400. 7S7-1161. wanted. 531-2037 6 to 8 p.m. KNOW ALL ABOUT CHILDREN? Fords-Edison aria. Coll 739-2195 between nonicels bocftaround. MUST have this SH.'SMBICO'S, 101 Monmouln SI. Next to Call 229-7681. S ond B p.m. xperience. FEE PAID. TO S10.4K theater. 7nld. Blue. Perfect condition, 1195 firm FOUR LARGE BOXSTALLS - For rent. igencv needs leleohone collector. Five- 'hone E42-5294. AIR CONDITIONEDOFFICES Sunday. 8 a.m. w ay weeK. Benemi ovailobJe. Coll Mr, NAVY UNIFORMS — Like hew Slie 39 Chapel Hilt. Trails, posture, training pad- "~rlar. Tons, blues, overcoat. $15 e' dock with lumps. 29M39t. Reasonable renl, immediote occupancy 4:30 p.m. Good ichords at 774-2700. eights Ten, Fair Hoven. 741-5321. ENMORE WASHER AND DRYER _ Apply Serplco's, 101 Monmouth St., Red incentive- pay liter ISO. 4' X fl' frailer, $125. Call 741-7748 Bank, next lo Corlton Theater ABRAHAM & STRAUS SCHOOLBUS DRIVERS NEEDED evenings and weekends. ihort training peri- MUST SELL - Sewlno machine, J35 AFGHAN PUPPIES - Eight weeks old. Cell Mr. Marlowe at Fireplace, U0. Beds, $35 up. Bureaus, $15 Show quality. Two fenioles. One cham- MODERN _ Paneled, carpeted office, In od. 'Hospiialization, UNEY SCHOOL 542-^777 up. Chest, $35. Lamps, $5. 747-9U4 ISHWASHING MACHINE — For restou- eludes two rooms plus 'fi bath, utilities ant. Two tank rack conveyor with 14 ~~gne, one apricot with black mask, call paid holidays and 8-1623 afler 5 p.m. or before 9 a.m. supplied. Very reasonoble.381-5727. WOODBRIDGE, N.J. other bandits METAL SINK - f. $io. Mangle iron, $t [auge dish tables. Excellent condition, SITUATIONS WANTKI) 5el clear plastic sealcovers for 1959 Cadil- .lore and Coby's Restaurant, Junction PUPPIES — Father AKC Collie, mother RED BANK OFFICE - Furnished, air availa bio. lac. 4-door sedan DeVllle, $10. Garage Is. 9 ond 34, Madison Township. 721-48(8. holt German Shepherd, halt Collie. Five FEMALE doors. »' iq., need Wnaes, $10. 8ab/ car- weeks old. Phone 191-3106. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Hwy3S 264-8000 Keyport IVERSIDE HEIGHTS MOTHER — 'Ioge,$10.i63-ltli8,4r«ling _ USISK.SS OPPOnTUNITIKS rs.- ,. $50--.. Perfect- - . G_E_ washin.._ gw ,.,moc_h ,, SEAL POINT SIAMESE KITTENS — 10 Wall St. Red Qank 741-5500 ibulll. $50 or best offer. Oil pointings, weeks old. Very reosonoble because more GREEN GROVE Lrt us buy Ihf diomonri vr>i> annt weur or CARL R. JONE'S - Ptilntind ord wollp i-OLOB TV - 1)67, J5" Sylvonla. Two lalnols, $35, Call 647IJ927. re on flic wuyl r«(-504». IBM TYPEWRITERS let us rMtylr tliern for yo^j personally pffrinn. Fully insured, for Irfe estimutr speakers. Maple colonial. $300. Hussillr s, )6 Broott St. roll ?J».:iS.IB. HI-2261 ARRIAGE — Converts to car bed ond Sales, rentals, repairs. Portables. Low CHEVRON STATION trailer, $25. Sofa lied, $ip, Kllclien loble fot«s. l>i<317 oftir t p.m. PAPEH HANGING "(1UNDIG - Hl-ll, phono, fodlo console. ind tour choirs, $70. Wall lamps, 125 pr (O1WV1KIU IA1, KKNTALS No lob too small FOR LEASE Sofa, bunk beds, olfoman. Coll 747-5434, APARTMENTS FRANK E. WHITING mornings only. ••ftOOtNG-MACHINES "•-I-yofwrit»is _. .. (i \old. rented, repaired Srrpkns. 1(11 rVWin .E WA5HER - 840. Large oak dosk, $15. ( ARPtNlRV HcnioaclliKi. panpitnii, OARAGE.STORE- tALEI— LP r«cord», nr«»pa.lri.nv.while.curtoljit, », c«ll moun^St., RedBonh, 747 04B5. ilosr's. doors. Odd lotls. Reasonoble .'e»riamiJirail Modern I-Boy Slallon 251. Sheet music cabinet, $(.50, Hallnioon MORTGAGE MONEY .... .Efficiency j ... lr.ilH.fl4I.4HS. pt^rtlv on tirolfleu nyl end IOWM. $2,75. Library foDIi!, $13.50. AVAILABLE Sterling'Claris Irom IS REUSSILLE'S, 36 Paid training program available Mission oak bookcase, $29.50. Office desk, INING ROOM SET - Sheraton style One-bedroom ''• Clock and Watch Repairing For Inlonnalfon coll between 9:30- $49.00. Clothes trees, $6.50. Student's ahognny, round exlenslon table, six for Broaa St^Ret^Btink. i p,m. Mr, Jock Keollno. 6B/IS50. desks, $12.50. Modern step tables, $6.50 CAKI't. MIER-BUILDER Businosl - Commercifil two-bedroom Clocks, watches) fine lewelry expertly C orufilftp fionir miprovrmrnls, nllf each. Kitchen table, $9.SO. Malioaany done Don Pom Jewelers, W Rlvtr Rd., Plnrablng andI flpiiTfiig server, $19.50. Hanging shelf, $1.95. Nlohl Industrial - Income Properties t'wnv [i{J ton p'tV-up truck. Chol» snw, 'i' " ' "- Wlndshlrld. >I9S. D2-UBI. usl sell. 14255/8. 'osfpflno, mosonry, contrfff, slurrn i.lfnfir-rt ufi f rri fsttmoles. /i\.JU9 t/ler tirwUc woofi spMtffr and «alnbHsh«rf iKolInd anrf mraronleerl lor 10 yrnrl. US- RALEIGH 10 SPEED 8IKE "Realtor*" Two blocks east Rt. 36 mid yy Oglert. fully Insuretl m J47S. . liil nt nt crounlu. Ibi-Uw UNS — Hew and used. Buy sell or id wcckcndi. Purchmed for $100^ Sell for tflO. ade. MANNY AND MARyVsPORTJ Mlddl* Rd. Call 493-4017 HOP, Rt. J6, Eosl Keonsbuio. 7I;4M>«. 264-3456 MfERCIAL RENTALS FURNISHED ROOMS NICELY DECORATED ROOM — Neoi ^DISTINGUISHED Hwy 36; Business person. Reasonable. At SPACIOUS lantlc Highlands. 9140M. IS THE WORD LmNtf'nrfwitvaf R«l Bonk KEYPORT — Large room. Gcntlcmai only. Centrally located. it Three-bedroom, two-bath ranch on 01 •4)9347 acre of high ground. Foyer, large science kitchen and den with fireplace provide • • Cmtral Air Conditioning KEANSBURG — Comfortable room, reo spacious Informal family living. Attrac- Long Branch Drug • Sit Strvlu Eltvotor sonablc. Call between 4 and 7 p.m. tive living room and dining room perfect • Privoit Parking Spoct 717-8363 for formal entertaining. Sewers In and • ComSitt.jiillortal S«rvl« paid for. 140,900. • IndlvldUol Thtrmntitlcally c RED BANK — Rooms, no kflchen. 9: - mmwHiSaf Wollace St. (Oil Brood St.I 741-5392, 12 Cm. 5-9 p.m. STRATHMORE :» Woll-to-Wall Carpeting Live comfortably in this eight-room al $4 Broad Street Red Bank; RED BANK VICINITY - Spacious bed. tractive ranch. Lorse lot. Quiet deod-em room- Private estate. Privileges. Flvi Call for appointment to Inspect. street. S3e,900. Raid Cases Heard •minutes to rollrood, shopping ond Pork- LONG BRANCH - Han- way. 741-1W4. charged were in a room which charges and released in the • 747-1100 NEAR MATER DEI dling a large volume of drug contained the drugs and para- '• same manner, and Stephen R. FICE SPACE — New wall-to-wall car- ROOM — With river view and oceo Conveniently located four-bedroom, l'/S peting and pamllna, lint lloor Broad St privileges. Refined business lady. Call 22 both split. Well treed lot. Sewers are In. cases in Municipal Court phemalia. Hurst, 22, of 67 Marine Ter. Private entrance. Article oft-ttraet park- Early possession. 130,900, I n pels, Incfudlng all utilities.! Judge Jacob Rand sent the . Mrs. Beilino, who is plead- for the same' charges, re- 1st. (200 per month. AL-! RIAL ESTATE ALLAIRE-FARROW complaints against three per- ing not guilty, has been re- leased in $100 bail. W94»94»" ' "* *'""' AGENCY sons involved it^a raid Aug. 17. FOR SALE Realtors leased in % 1,250 bail.' Injured In Jail S Corners, Mlddletown 471-2590 to the Grand Jury. According to Mr. Hurst's HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE 294 Brood St., Red Bank 741-34S0 Her husband Joseph, 21, of MAT A WAN TOWNSHIP the same address, is also Ft. Monmouth attorney, the RANCH HOME High on a bluff with unlimited view of wo- ter and New York skyline. Thr».bedroom Of the eight persons ar- pleading not guilty to the defendant had been in- -SWIMMING POOL ranch,-two tiled baths, fomlly room wilh fireplace, lorge property, great for out- rested in that raid at 67 Third same charges. Held in the . carcerated in the county jail $34,900 door living. Large garage ond screened Ave., three cases were post- county jail since his arrest, for two days, during which AGENCY (Immediate occupancy. Fi summer house. Only S37,90O. nancing arranged. Youn Walker & Walker, Realtors poned, one person was found' Mr. Beilino was released fol- time he suffered several vis- four-bedroom, three-bat Hwy 35 671-3311 Mlddletown not guilty, and additional lowing the court session after ible injuries. A complaint will tiome. Living room, dining HAZLET — 3 bedrooms, 2-cor garoae, I1 be lodged with the sheriff's of- baths, family room, patio. City sewer charges were filed against an- his bail was reduced to $550. • letonptrt Aw.< OcwWt. Sg-3500. kitchen, family room, ful Walking distance to N.Y. buses. Prlnc other. Additional Charge fice, and possibly with the basement, garage, screenec pols. 01,900, or test offer. 2M-*m. MONMOUTH BEACH - Waterfront, patio and cabana, 16x32 in Albert C. Hobinson, 20, of Originally arrested for the state Civil Rights Legal Ser- hrowsbury River. Five-room Cape CDOY OAKHURST — New raised ranch. Fooi tudlo llvfng room, fireplace, gas heat ground pool, % acre, St bedrooms, 3 baths. Auth Ave., corner Hoi 470 Joline Ave. testified at his same charge as Miss Kelly, vices. brook St. Century Bldg. Co.. 531-0SQ5. leterences.Oct. 1-June 1. iix. 89-5494. Leo's parish. Near CBA anc preliminary hearing for the" Clark Ozemko, 18, of 644 Over- • Brookdale College. Coll af WEST LONG BRANCH — New two-story , -ARCE - Newly decorated orlrate home Colonials and raised ranches. Palmer state, pleading guilty to ton Place was additionally ar-' n Elfctren. one block from ocean, e or 11 ter 8 p.m. 842-1773. Ave., West of Monmouth Rd. Century Scott James Gabrile, 20, of ledrooms. Five llreplaces, extra large Building Co., 531-0505 or 222-2MI. charges of possessing heroin raigned yesterday for posses- 174 Third Ave. waived a pre- - amllv-slie kitchen, paneled dining room, PRESTIGIOUS OAK HILL till wraporound porch on first and sec- Immaculate three-bedroom, two-boFr FARMINGDALE AREA — Howell Town- and narcotic paraphernalia on sion and control of heroin and. liminary hearing on charges iors. Stained glass windows ranch. Den, eat-In kitchen, dengnnui ship. Four bedroomi, 1 bath. Ranch style.. SEASON IN THE SUN — County Fire Marshal wt. This fully furnished homt Is porch, fireplace, -basement. Two-car oa In aood condition. Eat-In kitchen, cheerful that date. He is free on his. dispensing a quantity of the of possessing marijuana, mes- on two secluded acres. ISQO. 2»- rage. Transferred owner asking 348,500. living room, enclosed sunporch, full base- Leonard Mack, second from left, supervises the ment. Two-car garage. New roof, point In own recognizance in the cus- drug on the testimony of Mr.' caline, and legend drugs Aug. P Walker & Walker, Realtors and outside. 6 acres. $40400. Coll 201-431- crew of young summer employes clearing ground RUMSON - Small furnished cottage, two Hwy35 741-5212 Shrewsbury 0397. tody of bis attorney, Joseph Robinson. Mr. Ozemko raised 11 and his case has been sent ;6e»oora. Quiet, shady street. 1250 plus. for the county Fire Academy on Rt. 33, Howell ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - View of boy. FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — Four-De* Mattice of Asbury Park, until his reduced bail of $200 and to the Grand Jury. He is free, Chalet type with adlolnlng lot. tare room bl-level. Large custom built ranch Township. Shown are Bruce Murray, Avon; -HAZLET — Four-bedroom Cape Cod. «75 room with balcony and fireplace, two IV2 baths. Family room, laundry room, his case'Comes up before the was released. in Ms own recognizance. jnotrmry. Sept. 1st occupancy. 40 Monterey guest rooms, separate large master bed- utility room. One-cor garage; Full storm: James Railey, Asbury Park; Harold Eberly, Nep- Or. 244-6143 or 9613600, room with balcony and fireplace, two and screens, central humidifier. Gas grill Grand Jury. The cases of Nancy B. Maz-. The cases of Timothy Eu- guest, rooms, separate larae master beav Almost 3& acre, excellent condition tune City, and Joseph Battaglia, Avon". ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Beautiful room with kitchenette. Large dining, area 138,900. Call 442*108. Principals only. Wins Acquittal za of 1 Roseld Ave., Deal, ' gene Testa, 21, of 586 Russell '.wooded area with nice view of water. Fur- with kitchen, three baths. Zoned oil nlincd cabin. Studio living room. Three baseboard heat. Two-car goroge. Imme- HAZLET - Three-bedroom Ranch. V Also testifying as a state's Jane Mildred Hyatt of 620 Ge- Ave., Richard Gould, 23, of bedrooms, ltt baths, new appliances. diate occupancy. Private. Appointments, baths. 20' X 20' paneled playroom, via •Available Sept. 7, mi to June, 1W2. S300 Call 747-0082. to pool club, schools, library, and NYi witness was Claire Ennis Kel- rard Ave. and Robert W.' .the same address, Patricia ^monthly, plus utilities. Security and reler- bus. Ideal location. S33.900. Coil 264-1020. ences. F. A. Getilhout, Real Estate, 75 ly, 18, of 40 River Ave., Mon- Hyatt of 197 Parker Ave., Ma- • Schaft, 18, of Avington, Pa., leoctiwoy, Keonsburg. 291-0481. RUMSON HILLTOP RANCH —Jus moutn Beach. In the process, nasquan, all involved in the and Melanie J. Bender, 26, of Monmouth Regional LOOKING FOR painted outside. Three bedrooms, twi -PENNSYLVANIA - Pocono Lake. New baths, paneled den. Central' alr-condl- she was also acquitted of a raid, were postponed until Elizabeth, all charged with ifholet. Slews 11. Fireplace, dishwasher. A COUNTRY SETTING? tlonlng. MJ.O00. ELLEN S. HAZELTON TV. Fall *18 wk.,- winter 5125 weekends, charge of unlawfully con- Sept. 7. possession of marijuana and- i»17S weekly. Mon.-Frl. ski week J1J5. Custom brick-front Ranch situated on Realtor, 13 VI, River Rd., Rumson. 84 ;f=ret»kllno weekends. «71-3071. 1.22 acre, slightly elevated lot. Nice 3200. sorting with persons of a bad legend drugs, and Mr. Gould Schedules Meetings landscaped property. Wooded area The cases of all six persons .MIDDLETOWN - River Plata. Small Peaceful country road In historic Fri reputation for an unlawful additionally with growing ..Cap* Cod overlooking river. Two bed-; hold-Marlboro area. This entire home LOTS AND ACREAGE involved in another drug raid '•rooms, living room with fireplace, In freshly painted condition Inside and out 34x100 - Located on 2| Clinton St., Mala- purpose. Aug. 10 at 134 Sea View Ave.. marijuana and possession of.' NEW SHREWSBURY-Dr. orientation program Sept 1,2 ;beamed celling, goroge, bosemtnf. Mln- Three bedrooms, l'/i baths. Large, llvlni 3 won. Near schools, church and shopping Patrick Parenty, superinten- utes from Red Bonk, but secluded. Year's room, foyer* formal dining room. Eat-Ir .Phone S91-I464. After a preliminary hear-' were referred to the prose- hashish July 30, were sent to and 3. They will be acquaint- rieau, security. 1240 plus utilities. Avail kitchen. Large paneled den with beangec dent of Monmouth Regional 'able Sept. I. Send references to Box D- celling and oullt-ln bookcases. Lovely BEAUTIFUL 400* FRONTAGE — Of trees ing, Judge Rand found suf- cutor's office. 't the prosecutor's office pend- ed with the school through i.147, Tne Pally Register, Red Bant. screened porch. Full basement. Hardwon and land. Just under two acres. 118,000 op- ing the results of lab tests on High School, has announced meetings and consultation oak flooring. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Split protsed, now S16.OO0. Call 671-3750. • ficient cause to send the case They are Sharon Joyce Cuc- ;if(UMSON — Three bedrooms, IVa balhs. rail fence on picturesque property. For •the confiscated materials; that the pre-school meetings with department chairmen. • Borders park and river. Stores and bus sale by owner by appointment only. A real COLTS NECK — 1V4 acre. Wooded of Susan Jean Beilino, 19, of 67 curlio, 18, of 425 Lake Ave., find In this area for only S»,S». Colt 442 have been established prior to kPl h M7i Stream. Excellent residential locatlo Third Ave. to the Grand Jury; Oakhurst, out on $1,000 bail' After a preliminary hear- On Sept. 7 and 8, the entire ?^ J' ' 3M7. Coll owner after 5 p.m. 229-9032. the opening of school on She is being charged with and charged with possession ing, the case of Peter Rivera faculty will meet for the first WEST DEAL — Seven-room ranch, three FIVE ACRES - Moretown, Vermont. 30 Thursday, Sept, 9, bedrooms, wall-to-wall carpeting, washer, NEW LISTING minutes from Stowe. Mountain properly, possession-and control of he- of marijuana, hashish and leg- of the Regency Manor, 175 of two professional days at 8 dryer, dishwasher. S3J0 mo. One month's BEAUTIFUL LITTLE SILVER — Al Call 7«M7t8cnyooy before 6 pjn. Tuesday, Sept. 7, has been a.m. in the multi-purpose lecurlty. Lease required. Coll 741-Moy CONDITIONED — Three-bedroom, two roin, narcotic paraphernalia, end drugs; Michael Salud, 24, Long Branch Ave., was sent POTENTIAL BUILDING LOT — 97x20K • SHORT TERM RENTAL- immediate both and powder room, home. Llvln prescription legend drugs, and of 134 Sea View Ave., rear,, •to the Grand Jury. Mr. Rivera established as orientation day room. occupancy. Three months minimum, S350 roonvdlnlng room combination, 36x1' Handy business location. Reasonable. Tfl- per month. Unfurnished, three bedrooms, like new kitchen, den, two-car garage. Im- less than 25 grams of mari- cjiarged with the same of- •is charged with conspiring for new students and fresh- Norman J. Field, president • 11* baths. Shrewsbury Colonial. Coll 747' parted English wallpapers. Interior |u ARDENA — 19'/: acres of farmland. Half men. There will be a meeting tm after 2 p.m. done. Asking J4S.O00. tillable, half wooded. Six miles from Free- juana. Detective Nelson Jo- fenses and released in the cus- with a minor child to obtain of. the Board of Education, hold on Adelphla-Farmlngdale Rd. Very in the boys' gymnasium at MIDDLETOWN LINCROFT AREA - ALLAIRE-FARROW line, head of the team of po- tody of his commanding offi- money under false pretenses, will greet the faculty.. Agency desirable section. Must sell due to Illness, Lovely, almost new home. 6 bedrooms, 3 364-6048. 12:30 p.m. that day conducted baths. Dining room, large living room, Realtors lice who raided her- apart- cer at Ft. Monmouth, and possession of a watch belong- No registrations will be pro- 'recreation room, fireplace, appliances. W Broad St.. Red Sank 741-1450 MIDDLETOWN-LOCUST-NAVESIN by Miss Charlotte M. Hohens- iNear transportation. Walk to schools. 5 Comers, Mlddletown 47I-2590 AREA — Building lots. Country living ment, said she and the others Paul R. Schoeffler Jr., 22, who ing to Arthur R. Morris of cessed Sept. 7, 8 or 9. The dis- Minimum two year lease. References, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Five bed Close to ocean, rivers ond marinas. Waft tein, vice principal in charge 'security. 201-671-9184. lives in the apartment where Little Silver and a stolen pas- > trict enrolls students in the room house, two baths, remodeled. Net to grade school. S6.500 each. 291-9371. the raid took place and is also sbook, and contributing to the of student personnel services. NAVESINK — Nine-room house, unfur- schools, church. 530,000. COUNTR LEGAL NOTICE ninth through 12th grades re-' SQUIRE, INC.. Broker, 291-3336. •d. On loft acre tsiate. Two car go- ; REAL ESTATE WANTED PUBLIC NOTICE in the custody of his com- delinquency of a minor on Teachers new to the district siding in Eatontown, New j. Lovely grounds with room to roam. LEONARDO — New house Concord An ordinance entitled "AN ORDI i monthly. Call 291-4753 10 a.m. to 4 Florence Aves. New England style. Three TALK TO THE PROS - List your horn NANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLE- manding officer, charged with - Aug. 11. will take part in a three-day Shrewsbury,' Shrewsbury iP-m. bedrooms, lft baths, loundry, short walk with usl We're an Investment, not an ex- MENTING ARTICLES II AND III AND growing marijuana plants in to beach ond State Marina. Magnltlcerv pense! Roger F. Cozens Agency. 747-7684. ADDING ARTICLES Villa AND Vlllb OF He is pleading hot guilty Township and on Ft. Mon- • WALE TEACHER — Will snore his fur- water view. J3U00. Approximately SiOOO Member of Multiple Listing Service. AN ORDINANCE KNOWN BY ITS addition to the same charges. nlshed home with suitable gentleman. Pri- down, financing for qualified buyers. Open SHORT FORM TITLE AS 'THE RE- and was released in his own mouth property. Graduates of vate bedroom. Kitchen and television for Inspection Saturdays 1 p.m. ta 4 p.m. VISED ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE .privileges. References required. 142-0122 or coll tor appointment. F. A. Gehlhaus, Colts Neck — Holmde BOROUGH OF NEW SHREWSBURY. Also, William Horace Car- recognizance after a period of local elementary schools and Real Estate, 75 Beachway, Keansburg ,We have ready qualified buyers, so foi JEW JERSEY.' AS AMENDED, SUP- 291-0481. •fast efficient service; call J.D. Roche, incarceration in the county Sewer Work returning upperclassmen PLEMENTED, CONSOLIDATED AND ty, 21, of 441 Broadway, for AVAILABLE SEPT. 15 - Two-bedroom Realtor, Rt. 34, Colts Neck. 462-274 ADOPTED JULY 23,1959 AND THE rental with all plaster walls, finished were registered last spring. KEYPORT - Custom three-bedroom Member Multiple Listing Service. AMENDMENTS THERETO AND SUP- possession of marijuana, jail. basement and oarage. $240 per month. Ranch. Dlnfnq room, basement, garqae. >LEAAENTS THEREOF" was presented Call MEISTRICH AGENCY, 741-5188. LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES - hashish, and legend drugs, out 530,000. STERLING McCANN REAL ES for introduction and flnt reading en Au- Fined $40 was Eric Rodri- Dispute Still Keonsburg-nAlddlelown-HazIet-Holmdel TATE, BROKER, 566-9666. gust 14,1971, by Mayor and Council of .UNFURN-ISHED - Six-room home In The Smolko Agency. 7174123. borough of New Shrewsbury and on Au- in the custody of his com- quez of 1 Sherman Court. He Rumson. Three bedrooms, dining room, MARLBORO - Three or four-bedroom gust 27,1971, was finally adopted and op- manding officer; Betty J.- Marijuana large kitchen, family room anaporch. custom Ranch. Recreation room with fire- • WE BUY HOUSES FOR TOP DOLLAR aroved. pleaded guilty to failing to Walk to schools. Lease required. (250 per place, den, garage. S39,500. STERLING In any condition. Russell, 21, of 330 Oceanport' give a good account of himself Not Settled month plus utilities. E.A. ARMSTRONG McCANN REAL ESTATE, BROKER, 546 Phone 257-7J28 ROBERT F. HENCK. Mayor AGENCY, Realtors, J55 Prospect Ave Mil. Borough, of New Shrewsbury Ave., Oceanport, on the same to police Aug. 13. FREEHOLD - A full court Uttte Silver. 741-4500. .. WHY NOT CALL SOMEONE WHO Attest: hearing will be scheduled to WEST LONG BRANCH - Furnished COLTS NECK - Three-bedroom luxur KNOWS? Jerome S. Reed, Clirk •hree-tJedroom ranch. School bus. Sept.- ranch. Two baths, wall-io-wall carpetln List your home with Ray Van Hor Auj.30 «,0O determine the merits of a June. $310, plus utilities. 222-3335. Beamed ceilings. Air conditioned. EL Agency Multiple Listings. 74M1D0. - ' closed porch. M' X W recreation room. Bonus plus — three stall barn. Keep court complaint by Cruz Con- WANTED TO RENT horse. Llvel Mid tO's. 462»805. IlPayn to Use Knit Jackets County Explorers struction Co., Union, which NEW SHREWSBURY - fo- WE* NEED - Five or six. 2-3 bedroom NEW SHREWSBURY — New nlne-roon The Register Classified wants sewer pipe installation. 1 Homes, furnished or unfurnished Colonial on one acre property. Dead em lice have arrested four sol- "Vto 435D per month for Incoming street. Fireplace. Many extras. Uppei in Poricy Pond in Middletown diers stationed at Ft. Mon- . A'THE BERG AGENCY, Rt. 35, $40's. Make offer. Principals only. 142 deleted from its contract. lMddletown.671-1000. Low and Curvy Form Association mouth on charges of posses- E-ROOM APARTMENT OR 16 ACRES ' OAKHURST-Lester Grub- Grubman said. "With (he for- County Court Judge Patrick sion of marijuana. .J — Needed for elderly gentleman. Brook, small ranch, large outbuilding, J. McGann Jr. had refused to or buy. Kcansburg areo. Call 4?5- trees. (43,000. 5TYNES REALTOR, 9< mari of Fair Haven, chairman mation last year of the Ex- The four were arrested at •MS. make a summary judgment in Printed Pattern of the Exploring Committee ploring Division of Monmouth 9:10 p.m. Friday while parked fURNISHED HOUSE — Rumson-Folr RED BANK— RUMSON AND MILE! the matter. •Hovtn. Army Colonel, wife, teenoger, de- AROUND — Multiple Listings. Send fo for Monmouth Council of Boy Council, the success of a spe- in a car on Wayside Road. tin M*bedroom, to June 1972,-poss bly free catalog of modest homes, farms, pa Cruz Construction Company longer. Maximum 1350 month. 74I-7WI. latlal Rumson estates, waterfronts, ocn Scouts, has announced the for- cialized program has been as- Police said the four were in age, lots, business opportunities. was seeking to excise the Po- URGENTLY. NEEDED! - Transferred mation of the Monmouth sured. VVe will have young possession of marijuana and a •executive. } or 4-bedroom home. Like RAYSTILLAAAN, ricy Pond work from its con- tomlly room also. Fair Haven-Rumson County Explorer Post Presi- men and women in the associ- water pipe. They are sched- OMO-Pnoiie 142-9164. Realtor dents' Association. ation representing such diver- tract, maintaining that "Our 53rd Year" changes made by the Middle- uled to appear before Munici- ' FURNISHED ROOMS 441 Hwy 35 Shrewsbury 74MM0 The association will have sified specialties as-archi- pal Court Judge Lawrence NEW SHREWSBURY - Co-opVrativ its organizational meeting at tecture, medicine, dentistry, town Sewerage Authority EATONTOWN AREA housing-mutual association. Five rooms. were substantial and, there- Carton 3rd on Sept. 6. CALL Three-bedroom apartment. Oil heat, pan- Mr. Grubman's home tomor- engineering, electronics, eco- 922-1818 eled kitchen, large living room, two re- fore, the contractor should not The soldiers were identified frigerators, private grounds. Modest pur- row with a swimming-bar- logy, law, law enforcement, PRIVATE ROOM — And entrance. Cook •chase price plus low monthly rental. In be held to the original con- as Ricardo M. Cornwall, 18; Ing privileges. Woman only. eluding all utilities. Priced for quick sole. becue meeting. Invited are 52 computers, physics, sports, e71-2600 between 3-4 p.m. Call 775-0750 or 922-9617. tract. James M. McCord, 22; Palm- young boy and girl Explorers mini bikes, sailing, art, music, er R. Burchstead, 22, and FREEHOLD — Furnished room. Private EATONTOWN - By owner. Four-bed entrance. One room with kitchen, one effl. room, lV^-both ranch. Central air. Pan- who are either presidents or banking, and accounting. The authority made Daniel A. Schwenk, 19, all as- clency. Short/lrng term. 46M2I1. eled den with fireplace. All appli- changes to the contract after ances/washer, dryer, dishwasher, refrig- representatives of their posts. "Every high school in our signed to Company O. •TABLE FOR GENTLEMAN - Red erator, TV antenna. Wall-to-wall carpet-' conservationists protested the _nk. Private entrance. Near all focll- ing. Move-In condition. V3 acre landscapes "This association of the top county will have young adults Investigating officers were les. Porklng. 747.2000. lot. $42.500. Coll 542-42M. young adults of^our county serving in the association. initial placement of sewer patrolmen Thomas Burch, NICELY FURNISHED — Centrally lo- :RUMSON — Four-bedroom Dutch Colo lines. (cated, off Hwy 35, Hozlet. Mature busi- nlal, l'/> baths, kitchen with nook, living will serve as a real commu- This year's president will be Kermit Brown, and David ness gentleman. References. Weekdays of- room with fireplace, separate dining nication link between the Rick Wilhelm of Freehold, The authority, however, • jteriond weekends, 264-7295. room, den, wall-to-wall carpet. Full base- Jordan. . ment. By owner 142,500. 741*6830 after 6 young people of our county president of the Explorer Post maintains that the changes to ' M6USES FOft SALE 'p.m. and the business and profes- sponsored by Riverview Hos; the contract were not substan- RENT. BUY. SELL. — A home In the U.S. Virgin Islands (America's Paradise). sional Communities," Mr. pital, Red Bank. tial. Explorers Call Mr. Hall or Mr. Coiens of 741-7486. Realtors. MIDDLETOWN NEW SHREWSBURY - Large split level. lo Visit . «52,500. SELLING PRICE .Four bedrooms, three baths, recreation room, screened porch. Pull basement. Bridge Span 10% down to qualified buyer, ho One acre. Save at (39,900.542-1 Its. lagfel fees plus a 3 year.old meintenance tree Colonial in ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Charming Tomorrow mint condition with immediate two-bedroom bungalow with extra, shodec Births Collision lot. To settle estate. 520,000. Call Execu- occupancy. 4 Bedrooml; 2Vi trix for appointment, 261-7991. OAKHURST-Lester Grub- baths, game room, formal dining man of Fair Haven, chairman room, basement, 2 car garage, SIX-ROOM RANCH - Two bedroom! MONMOUTH MEDICAL screened porch and amenities ga- dining room, kitchen, bath. S450O will as- RIVERVIEW Hurts Three of the Exploring Committee sume"T/I% mortgage. 787-8432 otter 5:30. Long Branch lore. Red Bank MIDbLETOWN - Three of Monmouth Council of Boy FOUR-BEDROOM RANCH — Rural area Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nod- of Mlddletown. Three baths, two tire Mr. and Mrs, K. Scolt Ship- persons were injured Satur- Scouts, reports that the Na- places, recreation room, Jorge kitchen, zak (nee Rose Marie Juliano), 'lagstone patio, two-car garage. See by ley (nee Pamela Pember), 251 day night in a four-car chain tional Exploring Cabinet will MIDDLETOWN appointment. 471-2110. No brokers. 240 S. Lincoln Ave., daughter, Atlantic St., Keyport, daugh- collision on the Oceanic visit the county tomorrow. BRICK BEAUTY Aug. 15. BY OWNER - Red Bank areo. Newly Big and little pals love cud- ter, Aug. 24. Bridge. The cabinet is made up of 'Ridiculous price of 130.000. painted Executive Ranch. Three bed- dly, handsome look-alikes! Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Max- features a king sue 1 Vi acre tree rooms, fireplace, paneled den. Wolk to Police said cars driven by 12 Explorers who were elect- studded lot. 3 Bedrooms, dining NYC tronsportotlon. 741-1977. INSTANT-KNIT! Surprise well (nee Doris Bennett), 14 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rub- room, full basement and garage. Edward A. Fisher, 39, Rt. 35, ed at the National Exploring RED BANK - To settle estate. Large father and son with cozy jack- Riverside Ave., Red Bank, ley (nee Mary Ellen Baker), ' Vet - no down. Non-vet - double house. Goo" d" conditionndlllon. Convenient Keyport; Duwayne W. Oest- Congress in June in Washing- 12,960. down. to schools ond shoppinging.. Principal only. ets and/or vests for indoors or son, Aug. 15. 685 E. River Road, Rumson, t»,MO. Reply Box F-151. The Dolly Regis- ruck, 28, of Chaska, Minn.; ton, D.C. They represent na- ter, Red Bonk. out. Use bulky yarn, big nee- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cancel- son, Aug. 26. Robert W. Gaynor, 21, of 51 tionally the 270,000 members DEAL — Ocean Twp., W, Long Branch. dles. Pattern 858: men's 36-42; Iieri (nee Lorraine Farwood), Mr. and Mrs. William Liska New luxury homes, or will build to suit. Lafayette St., Rumson and of the Exploring Division of HAZLET Century Building Co. 531-0505 Or 222-22M. child's 4-14 incl. 861 Colts Neck Drive, Free- (nee Barbara Davison), 9 Dib- Harold J. Hallegan Jr., 20, of the Boy Scouts. • MAINTENANCE FREE hold, daughter, Aug. 22. ling St., Union Beach, daugh- You can fish, boat and swim in- HOUSES FOR SAtK Send 75 cents for each pat-'., 35 Park Ave., Rumson, col- "These young adults will bo Mr. and Mrs. William Wil- ter, Aug. 26. etead of painting with this alumi- tern - add 25 .cents for each lided. hosted at a dinner meel'ing by - num sided 3 Bedroom Ranch, Low and curvy - see how son (nee Kathleen Lisa), 4 Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fer- dining room. ge/sQe, full base- FOR REAL SERVICE pattern for first-class mailing 1 . The injured, all treated at Electronics Associates Inc., ment with an 1 B x 30 game seaming achieves a new, elo- Walden Ave., Leonardo, nandez (nee Maria Parra), IN REAL ESTATE and special handling. Send to Riverview Hospital, Red sponsors of Explorer Post 17ti, room, large fully landscaped lot. ngated proportion in front and daughter, Aug. 23. '292 Cliffwood Ave., Cliffwood,. Asking 131,600. Vet - no down. Consult 3 Laura Wheeler", 61 The Red Bank, and released were John specializing in electronics, Non-vet -.12,660. down. back. A pert collar and pocket Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Enters daughter, Aug. 26. Member ol Bank Register, Stavbla; 46, of Bownc Road, where they will meet a group flaps polish it off. (nee Elaine Bratton), 1107 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bed- Red Bank Area Depl., Box 161, Old Chelsea Atlantic Highlands, a passen- of community leaders headed Printed Pattern 9242: NEW Bendermere Ave., Wana- ford (nee Susan Wilson), 6 • MLS mL Station, New York, N.Y. ger in the Fisher vehicle; by Joseph C. Irwin, county MIDDLETOWN Misses' Sizes 8, 10, 12, 14, 18. massa, son,Aug. 21. Third Ave., Atlantic High- 10011. Print PATTERN NUM- Stacy Becker, 19, of Black freeholder director." ' GO SUBURBAN ize 12 (bust 34) takes IVJ Mr. and Mrs."Francis Lcn- lands, son, Aug. 26. •Walk lo but. train or shopping BER, NAME, ADDRESS, Point Horseshoe, Rumson, a yards 60-inch fabric. Mr. and Mrs. Robert yet have complete privacy in • ZIP. non (nee Patricia Sheets), 119 passenger in the Gaynor ve- park like celling. Case Cod tea-. db RUMSON SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS' E. Highland Ave., daughter, McCarthy (nee Patricia Han- turn* 4 Bedrooms. 2 Baths, full' SEVEN NEW J972 Needlecraft. Icy), 6 Oregon Ave., Hazlet, hicle and Mr. Gaynor. Store Is Looted finished basement, screened 'or each pattern - add 25 Catalog crammed with.the Aug. 15. No tickets were issued by porch, garage, large 136 x 160 BEDROOMS RED BANK - Four power cnts for each pattern for Air Mr. and Mrs. Earlc Kcenoy daughter, Aug. 2B. fully landscaped lot. Asking- most fabulous fashiops, acces- Patrolman William Fowlie. tools valued at approximately 034,000. 6W% assunwble FHA This it • compact ultra-modern Mail and Special Handling. ories, gifts. Knit, crochet,[ (ncc Mary Williams), 325 Iiath mortoane and all other financing home with all targ« $p»chus roonti. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lame $60 were taken from a shelf in Square and ipacioua entrance Jialt end to Marian Martin, 429 Ave., Long Branch, son, Aug. available. embroider. Free patterns.! (nee Marilyn Ludlow), 10 Jacobs Hardware Store, big living room, large dining room, The Red Bank Register, Pat-, Send 50c. • • 25. Viola Ave., Leonardo, soil, Drug Possession magnificently modarn kitchen with Mr. and.Mrs. William Tice Shrewsbury Ave. and W. Ber- family room and fireplace attachod. 'ern Dept., 232 West 18th St., New Instant Crochet Book: Aug. 26. MIDDLETOWN Jr. (nee Lynne Mazza), 1511 gen Place, Deputy Police UNDERPRICED Sunroom, den, three mqater bod' Vew York, N.Y. 10011. Print — step-by-step pictures, pat- Charge Leveled roomt, and two boautiful baihi all Rustic Drive, Asbury Park, Mr. and Mrs. Mario Milano Chief William Patterson said. Pick your color comblnMioni on on the first floor. If YOU need tin MAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, ! terns teach today's way. S1.00. MIDDLETOWN - George this new 3 bedroom 2 lull bath son, Aug. 25. (nee Roberta Keane), 1000 He said Patrolman Richard room there are four fodroorm, two' IZE AND STYLE NUM- !: Complete Instant Girt Book Huyser, 16 Hill Ter., River Ranch. Formal dining room, Qa- modern bald* on the second floor. Bennett, while on patrol at ,.;ajj». large Vi.rcitt IBI. (30.000. . Woodmere Drive, Cliffwood, There It-o htiQQ fQVfttitiw fO4H$ WHh JER. r • ' .; - more thap 100 gifts. $1.00 Plaza, was charged with pos- alllTnendngavailable.' JERSEY .SHORE MEDICAL eon, Aug. 26. . . .' 11:30 p.m. Thursday, noticed its own powder room in the bM9-< ftEK^ASMON OFFER! : ''.'• Complete Afghan B Colts Neck Road, Freehold, B reasonable 1130,600. Book of 12 PrizeAfghans,50c' Tarrytown" Road, Englisli- the youth was arrested by the tools were stored. NSTANT SEWING BOOK I daughter, Aug. 26. Quilt Rook 1-16 patterns. town, son, Aug. 24. Patroman James Kerrigan at The chief listed the owner MUILANEY ;cw today, wear tomorrow., The Dowstra Agency ' We. Mr. and Mrs. Barry 'Fisher Mr. anil Mrs. William Chapel Hill Road and Inde- of the store as Steve Bercntes, BRALTY, REALTOR 1. INSTANT FASHION i Tintfall Rrf, Midrilftown. NJ fllALTOHS Museum Quilt Book 2-50c (ncc Rose Holt), 9fi Double Schadwald (nee Linda Krr- pendence I'lacc at 9:30 p.m. H5 SwartMl Drive, Middle- 0OK - Hundcreds of fashion • I 201-47MI51 i CFRONT ST.' RED IANK Book:), "Quilts Kor Today's Creek Pkwy., Freehold, tes), 2126 Rt. », Lakcwood, He wa.s n-fcisecl in JM bail town, and said' the In- acts/Jl. 741-8700 ,iving". 15 patterns. 50c , daughter, Aug. 2(i. .son, Aug. 26. pending a court hearing. vestigation is continuing. ' :.<• \Ht\\ Kt-jji.ti-p. K«d Hani — .Mirlrl!vl»»n, .V.J., .Monday, Aupidt HO, 1971 1(1 Math AIIKTIMII Puzzle fuiu'tmiis. runift'; lKiliiml: finiilJ-35 Worries. fniin. Everything You Always Minted By Paul C. Downing, Jr. Everything Everything You. Always lUSil|>Sil , 39 THIC ti'llrrtil . ToKnoWiAboutBeagles.But 44 By—. W(;r«ii»s (if 41 Wine yi-sscll. Were Afraid To Ask ACROSS a surl. 4i'i2 I'nilcrlI'lerl. 1 Kirlli.stuiU'S. itniiv I'.K'.oinniiinil. 4n Descry. * li Xloisl. IliTiikcs food. 411 (lirl Krnln>. Ill lik'iilical. 47 Ci-vst.-il •»•' BiltiT vi'lch.47 Keel. 14 I'liinli'il jmlt InFiU-lish. 4« Kill will) Miles. |!l liiii nf MUUl Ili Notion. priik'. 511 Aitl. 17 |,ii\vfiil. 1 51 lic-iiuivi- llu ils. ,]1 SkinSki . IK ArlilU-ry- I'inil. 27 Nam1,lie. .'ill Wonls nf niiin. Illllt enllipi't'lll'l 1 28 Verm 21) Trfi . InWM siuii. Hi and LoIOIi S 21 lifVlTilKl'!!- 'Jll Skips over. , hi Cnresscs. 'ill l-cis. lill Secliiik'il :ill Sleal away. alt Hiiir i REMEMBER > < U/ 21 Upi'ii- Villll'.V. :tl Ccrliiin .')" (iuido's 211 TnliiK- lil MiafiiiluiH'S. THAT APPLE PIE WEN THE/ limners. j!l l-'liKhllfs •JS TIIIIIH'IITS. ON OUR HONEYMOON? WHAT'S I SNICKER iird. SO LIKE THAT HO I'.iiuiniiili • st:ilcsni;in. Solution to Friday's Puzzle N? \ THEylL NEVER ;i| (iifl's Kiuiip : TELLYOU lit I'urhil. :ll)l)l. li.'i '1'i-ic-ks. :)4 Moslem DOWN priiu'cs. 1 Wiili- • monllu'il jiir 2 (immtrv: lilW. '•••{ dil ;t" (iirl's mime. 4 Military 'COWDNT YOU HAVE JUST 7S>/0 THE UTTtf f EUOW IIXTinr. vessel: iibbr. ,'KI IYa(sr. .") Iliiuliii!! THAT VOU DIDN'T NEED ANY HELP?* :. 40 Mii|)!ilil)lT- « viiitiim. (i Old « e-3o Letters 41 Kind nf ruin. mi per. 7 Duck Marv Worth 4'J Di-i-siusi1. Otor 4S Nmni siifliv 8 lil) sees. WHILE., ACROH THE. CAMPUS--- J 8-30 YOU U«EN, DERW! !


The Wizard ofld

TBLU TOO ... vvs'i-u

Your Horoscope, Birthday MONDAY, AUGUST 30 - today. Don't allow presents discipline yourself to take the SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- 1 Born today, you are a-highly time alone you need; other- Dec. 22) - Schedule periodic plans to be overturned by rinfc . creative person who has a wise, you are inclined to give times of rest for yourself of little experience. - Hi genuine talent for directing too much of yourself to others today. Otherwise, you may TAURUS (April 21-May 28y himself along the lines of - too much of your time, your find yourself too worn out by - Where business matters arsL greatest success and least re- concerned, trust only thO|5;; M6**A66 PROM TOWN talent, your energy, and your evening to realize opportu- sistance. Indeed, gelting from success. nity. who have experience in'tWr: life what you want may ap- CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan. field. Keep your confidences;:' .pear to you so easy during Tuesday, August 31 20) - A matter of business limited to a few. ;r^ ; your childhood and young keeps you on your toes this GEMINI (May 22-June 2£H adulthood that you will have VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) - morning. Don't allow emo- - Where employment lag to be on your guard through- High advantageous outcomes vanccs are concerned, j out those years that you don't tions to cloud your vision dur- are assured for all your activ- ing afternoon hours. would be wise to consult hjgg neglect to secure the educa- ities today - if you are wise cr-ups immediately. States tion and training you need. AGUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. enough to grasp opportunity. 19) - Push present projects to jour case simply. Self-taught methods, though LIBRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) - they may work for you, may completion as soon as pos- CANCER (June 22:July.23) You can-make important sible. This is no time to rest - Take care that in making not qualify you for the work progress today if you remain you want to do, on your laurels. many small demands yjau; alert to the possibility of ris- PISCES (Feb. 20-Maieh 21) don't sour others on a single „ •'. Because you are so creative ing above your usual perform- - Take steps to accomplish large demand you will make- ance. and original, you need a great your ultimate goal. Concen- in the future. ,,,: , AndyCapp deal of time to yourself. This SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Npv. 22) tration on the immediate fu- LEO (July 24-Aug. 2J).;^,; is not to say, however, that - An unexpected contact WELL. IN THAT CASE, \ ture may blind you to long- The wise Leo will put all Ms /FOR THE CAST) you are not fond of the com- made this morning may lead term assets. cards on the table. There's, ho J > TIME-NO.' < COUU& VER LET MEJI pany of other people. Indeed, to exciting activity this after- ARIES (March 22-ApriI 20) time like the present for let-? VE THE < quite the opposite is true,.for noon. Romance is in the air CANT RAISER 1 - Others may have much to ling others know jusf where.', SAME MONEY V .the fact is that you have to for the Scorpio desiring it. offerjn the way of advice you stand. _'.','"' VER POCKET ) .MORE OFTEN?/ Sheinwold's Bridge Advice By ALFRED SHEINWOLD opponents, so you make the with the king of spades, lead a limit to this principle. This' somewhat routine play of re- the jack of diamonds for a fi- hand is a bit'too weak even —If, yOulte_aJLlmpa,rtia]_ fusing to take the king of nesse. When West plays low, for a third-hand bid. • '' bridge, player, you may hate ipalT j)lay-a low diamond from the 1. Irti r>ilvN>it*r N'c«iMI*»l-i4 IMA l'«M.i.hfi|.|lill 5)H4II>1-.' all opponents eqitally. But this Spades are continued, and dummy. As it happens, the fi- is one case- in which impar- you must take your king. Now nesse succeeds, and you next tiality is undesirable, In many your problem is to develop lead a low diamond to win a South Dealer •-•:,• . a "bridge hand, one of the op- and win nine' tricks without al- finesse with dummy's nine. Neither side vulnerable ,,.,'.. Blondic ponents is a jolly guod fellow, lowing West to gain the lead. You continue with the rest of NORTH • ' ""Z?, • Q6 IF VOU GRADUATE!? and you can afford to let him (If West could get in, he the diamonds, winning 10 A 104 .'•••••• would be unable to lead a '0 74 -U-Qm2 ••.•••" spades, and you don't know two-way finesse. That is, you spade after winning a trick 0 Q762 O 4 which opponent is the rascal can finesse for the queen in ei- with the queen nf diamonds. 4 04 4.11095 ;: and which is the jolly good fel- ther direction. Should you fi- DAILY QUESTION SOUTH < :!:: low. You play the queen of nesse through West or through The first two players pass, • K85 spades from dummy and dis- East? and you are next, holding: S - C* K3 " : cover who is who when East Since West is the dangerous A10 4H-QJ982D-4C-J o A J 10 5 3 •-; opponent, you must finesse 4> A62 .,: wins with the ace of-spades. 10 9 5. What do you say? : East returns the ten of through him. If your guess is Answer: Pass. Many ex- South West North East • '" - spades, and you know that incorrect, you. will lose the perts believe in bidding a 1 <> Pasj 1 <0 Pass West has led from a long trick to East - the safe oppo- trifle lighter in third position 1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pasi, r- spade suit. You want to cut nent. than in any other position at Opening lead - 4 3 communication between the After taking the third trick the table. Still, there must be nt: Snuffy Smilh TOMORRV I'M GONNA NESPS IS A S0O9 1 f FER FIVE CEHT KEWSMPER. CELEBRATE MV WEDDIM , WHAT? ANNIVERSARY TTTd


The Phantom LAST LIKE A PLAGUE OF J Hccllc Wd'lUy RUPTIOIIS WERE A WEEK LOCUSTS-STOLE ioo'at A veRy YOU MEAN NFLAMAAATORy, GO. IAVA IS 5TILL HOT- EVERYTHING OF VALUE HE DANGER IS NOT THEY COULP CARRY. COMBUSTIBLE NOT COMBUSTIBLE, OOTAILTHAF PGPSOtf.'POYOO DOPE/ BACK KNOW THAT?/ TALK/ The Daily Register, Red Bank - Middle town, N.JUMoiMUy,Augii»t30,19?. l 21 no lack of private investment and ownership. This smacks bees New Track Real Aim of Sports Complex of unwarranted socialism." "Among the visions of sug- KEANSBURG - Democrat- ar, plums conjured up by the • ic Assembly candidate Eu- proposed New Jersey Sports tance that the revenue de- -it is possible," the former with only the track. I don't, clined to agree with Philip H. state's existing.tracks. sports complex boosters," Mr. gene J. Bedell said today that Authority to build the com- rived from the trapk has been freeholder said, "that if nego- think that that is too far from Iselin, president of the Men- "I'm even more disturbed," Bedell said, "isn't it about time for the taxpayer to de- the state's proposed sports -i',hi !,..». n ^ „ -, made the enabling source of tiations with the Giants and what some of the supporters mouth Park Jockey Club, who Mr. Bedell said, "about the complex is nothing more than 1 think, Mr. Bedell said, revenue on which the entire the Yankees become en- have in mind." said the new track would do state's expansion into an termine if what he is really a "subterfuge" to build anot tnat it is more than happens- proposal hinges." snarled, we could wind up Mr. Bedell said he is in- irreparable harm to the industry where there has been getting is a pig in a poke?" er race track in New Jersey. "As an avid fan of the Yan kees and the Giants," he sai Foodtown Meat "I share the enthusiasm i_ Foodtown Gram A many fellow New Jerseyan StricMyFrvfh at the prospect of our stat going big league in college FOODTOWN Departments and professional sports." LARGE i-v"However," Mr. Bede GUARANTEES said, "I'm convinced that th 100% Guarantee dlesire for major athletii WHITE IIIIIIII prominence is but an attrac SATISFACTION tiVe lure which the promoters ON EVERY MEAT PURCHASE feel will scotch oppositioi * 5 STAR EGGS Or Your Money to a new race track." Cheerfully Refunded! i-^The state, notably i^ov. Wi I.iam T.. Cahill, has proposed Performance $200 million sports comple for a 300-acre tract on th Hackensack meadows whic would include a new rac (jack, and a sports stadium Which supposedly would be ^lled home by the New Yort Giants. It would also include 1 ^aseball stadium, perhaps for tie New York Yankees; a fcbckey ring, and enclose &as.ketba!l arena. I p Track Revenue :: Under the proposed plan, nearly all of the revenues fcom the new track would be ijfcea to pay for the sports implex. The state, instead of Receiving slightly more than 9 You Save Mora 25c off label per cent from the track, Cut from young would get only one-half on one corn fed porkers BOLD percent. Service • 3he balance of the take at Foodtown Dali Oapt. Savlngil DETERGENT the new track would be used PORK All MM or *U IN) ">• m f\, FOODTOWN FRANKS PT, 59' tjo finance revenue bonds Qwrtirtd Poil loin which would be sold by the In your Houw lorn Sdikkhaul *II MH» LOINS! SCHICKHAUS FRANKS X 79' PORK In Tour Homo Um SdikMaiN AD •»•< CHOPS RIB SIDE SCHICKHAUS FRANKS ,*, flS' Foodtown Appotizor Dapt. Values Frtin Hot or Swill ITAL. STYLE SAUSAGE.'». i 13c off label c TURKEY ROLL Mb. 79 YoroaTtacIir A fir Hormol Domottlt _ _ e Lemon Fresh Country Style BEEF LIVER t LOIN SIDE CHOPPED HAM ib. S9 Swill Pumiim BOMIHI A f\. IllchornSquar* JS*%, MUENSTER CHEESE ib. 99e JOY SMOKED DAISIES t OT Available only it il#ni Fnlwiig Itrvia owitiier Int. 22-01. SPARERIBS .59 Foodtown Seafood Saving*! C C giant SAUSAGE MEAT S,.49 •; CODFISH STEAKS ib. 65e size Fmh Maryland frrloCoetud 4*00 44 HARD CRABS *»M;' With Foodtown AniltbU only oi item Interim imice ii«lo». ft»t. HOLIDAY 35c off Anti-Perspirant WEEKEND SECRET Mrs. Doris Greene SUPER BUYS! DEODORANT

aerosol f§ KJC Real Estate can MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. • Doris Greene has joined Na- vesihk Associates Inc., 1008 Rt,".?5, and will specialize in residential properties in the reaisstate department. Router Cotfe. < 129 Educated in Europe, she re- I CHASE & «*| ceived her training from the SANBORN With Thl. Coupon Nelson,. School for Real Es- Coupon aoad "1 «ny foodlown IvMnrnrkM., limit omiwodilhloniavr tate. She previously was sales Coupon aiplm Soturdoy. foptomtar 4. instructor in the beauty and [ RBR-a/30 cosmetic market. CUPTHIS COUPON Mrs, Greene is a den moth- er in Cub Scout Pack 61 of Matawan. She is a member of Save8c the Metropolitan, New Jersey and New York, Belgium YouSavaMon Sheepdog Club and the Bay- PILLSBURY shore Companion Dog Club in Red Bank. FLOUR Mrs. Greene resides at 111 Warren Drive, Matawan, with FMOWI ;»dliwn • A fit ArrigMl '^Ai Adnrtned ovir Radio Station W.O.R. . _ I0W 39.OZ. her son, Richard, and hus- TOMATO SOUP C C BARTLEH PEARS SCY SUSAN SAUCE »£ 45 band, Jerry, who is director of Orimijl! THIN PRETZELS £ 4V Vonilf Foir Rigal Trinl , Ai Adnrliiid ovir Radio Station W.O.I!. J -*. market research for Marstel- CHUX DIAPERS LEMON JUICE ..., £4/c ;ler Inc. in New York City. C PAPER TOWELS itf * MM FMdliwn SWEETHEART LIQUIDS 25 All purpose Grin) Ai oddiliieJ ovir Radio Station - «_ VEGETABLE OIL jallon 4 C FOODTOWN COFFEE I C $ 05 Feodliwn MARSHMALLOWS ', ."' 25 SIIIIIH) ManzeiHllo Thrown m'R E'S'ROOTBEER6b,£ l Hiltbrunner . 29 Foodlown Swell Peas or 1 A 1 FOODTOWN OLIVES i; ligloof tilth bi ' ft . C» PRETZEL RINGS PEAS & CARROTS i IT Has Left KEEBLER COOKIES 0 ^ I Plan Board f DAIRY SAVINGS! ] [FROZEN FOODS SAVINGS!] Foodtown Fresh Produce Savings! NEW SHREWSBURY - n Singles, Colored Ocoma CHICKEN Fresh Italian Kenneth Hiltbrunner, chair- IN THE BASKET Savo 46c man of the Planning Board, CHEESE SLICES ChoahM, draojarry or V.riotr _ j, has resigned. CARNATION • wiihThh coupon • Mr. Hiltbrunner, Wayside Dry PRUNE PLUMS 5l«nd«r . iWmn foreWufcfainiC/^^' Road, has been a member of Cauron uylrM HlmMy, I^Mtmkor 4. the board 10 years. He said he Kraft Natural Frozen Gprden bowF Umwicfencd .1, IL frt, is leaving because ot in- WHOLE STRAWBERRIES pot J7 Juicy R8R-8/30 creased business pressure. SWISS SLICES pig 59' CUPTHIS COUPON 'Fotxltown Fftih Lorj* Curd Form Fort Rigulor or Crinkle Cut Froun ./ f\ Mr. Hiltbrcnner is a mem- 2.11. ( Ib. COTTAGE CHEESE FRENCH FRIES £ 07 Calif. Barf left Pears ber of the staff of the Mon- 69' California _ ^^ #•#% nwuth County Planning Popular Biond THIS ' Toward th* purthai* of any Board, and was recently pro- SKIM MILK COOL WHIPBWtE>e is 49' COUPON 4 ox. |ar * 39" WORTH Instant moted to assistant county Krgll Swi Sunkist Oranges f C/for 5 !r v planner. I) Mitel 1 O OOc luicloMi Julty FrHstont • ^% Solid Red Blpo Slicing «^ek GRAPEFRUIT JUICE gloii 'CSANKA COFFEE Mayor Robert'llerick said 79' C C HJW- Hiltbrunner believes he 11 + yy P£ACHFS .b 19 TOMATOES*,*** 19 A .wafild.not be able to devote You Save More You Save More You Save More Fabric Softener You Save More Cold Water sMldent time to the New LIFEBUOY SOAP DOVE LIQUID ALL POWDER Shrewsbury Planning Hoard LIFEBUOY SOAP BREEZE FINAL TOUCH giant C C C w?th his new duties on the regular giant ~7Q county level. bars pkg. 89 22-o/. 57 "He was a very dedicated COUPON V-~**iB£*r*«v man," Mayor Henck said, WORTH lon4.hrM.rCn/fnh "and we are very sorry to see You Save More You Save More You Save Mora You Save More |C NESTLE'SBARS him leave." Tlic head of the PHASE III SOAP PHASE III SOAP board is being filled by its CLEANSER AJAX FAB BORAX vice chairman, Justin Hen- b c giant n /Ic giant Q -yc cont. £.*•* pkg. shell, an architect. 2 b°aU9 CUP THIS COUPON Sterilization Shunned •l(«ctlv» Ihrovph Saturday. S«Dl«mb»r 4. Not RceiMniiblt for tvooaraDhlcal trrori. W» ra»rv« mb*rt Twin County Croc»n LONDON (AP)-An article' in Lancet, the British medical Middlelown, N.J. i.n,ii...ui TorTommi River., N. J J.. Wanamoilo, N. J. Farmingdale, N. J. Engliihlown, N. J. journal, urges gynecologists' Toms River, N. J. Port Monmouth, N.J. Rl. 35 A Ml. Hill Rood Route 37 lvd. lOBankSlreet •t? Main SI. to refuse requests for ster- near WlckapecVo Ave. Hwy. 36 & Bray Ave. ilization from women having Matawan, N. J. Freehold, N. J. Welt End, long Branch, N. J. Jackson,N J. Neptune, N. J. Sea Bright, N. J. Rid fcnk, N. J. abortions because of a greater End Court & Marketplace 7 Brook Pla;o Roule 33 126MoinSI. Park Ave. & Hwy. 33 1160 Ocean Ave. 56 Newman Spring) Rood risk of death in the combined > operation. | '2 The Daily Register, Bed Hunk - Mi.lcllitow 11; N.J., Monday, Aupist 30,1971 Momnouth College Dean's List Workshops Defended ASBURY PARK — Gerold T. Gtrvasl. on. Treshman, elementary education; BRANCH — William H. Foltl, business Sandra K. Post, treshmun, general edu- WEST LONG BRANCH -' grade lower than "C." A 4.00 business administration; BELAAAR — administration; NEPTUNE — James B. cation; Janls M. Wlgglnton, junior, ele- By Makely, Malavet Kothryn L. Boxer., elementary educa- ^arrooranQt, bngllsh education; OAK- mentary education, More than 400 students have is equivalent to an "A," and a tion; HIGHLANDS - Margaret M. Al- HURST — Kenneth A. Wells, govern- tonso. elementary education; LONG ment; SHREWSBURY — Douglas A. BELMAR - Nelson I. Abbott, senior, nights or days a week, in- been named to the dean's list 3.00 is equivalent to a "B." BRANCH — Susan S. Rosen, psy- Kukla, Enollsh; RED BANK - Mary psychology; Barbara P. Klepser, Junior,, MIDDLETOWN - A sug- officials, are the means by M. Thul, speech and drama education; elementary education; Kath)ee_n chology; MIDDLETOWN — Dennis E. .McDermott, senior, secondary educa- • eluding sometimes Saturdays at Monmouth College for out- Howerter. physics; NEPTUNE — Ar- WEST KEANSBURG — Theresa C. Cov- gestion by the two Democrat- which courses of possible fu- ert, fine arts. tion-social studies; Thomas E. standing academic achieve- Students in the junior and lene MM.. Eastwood, foreign Ialanguagen ; McDermott, senior, history; Carl R. ic Township Committee candi- ture public action can be ex- and Sundays, attending hours- NEPTUNE CITY — Alfred J, Soles, Other area undergraduates named to Mertens, |unlor, social studies educa- ment during the spring semes- senior classes who are on the business administration. the dean's list are as follows, listed by tion; Anthony D. Sans, junior, govern- plored. long workshop sessions. Also, OAKHURST— Char lot ft A. hometown, yecr and major: dates that workshop and m "In addition, as the Demo- ter, according to Everett W. current dean's list and have a Frank, secondary tducation foreign lan- ALLENHJRST - Philip S. Dennis, Ju- BRADLEY BEACH — Jack Dushey, caucus sessions be eliminated "These sessions sometimes guage, and Elke Oelger, elementary nior, history; ASBURY PARK — Louise freshman, business. Holt, dean of the faculty. cumulative index of 3.5 or bet- education; WEST ALLENHUR5T — M. Bunnell, sophomore, sociology; An- "is one of the most inane run many hours a week and cratic candidates must know, Wendy C.VIHaplano, elementary educa- drew R, Coeymon, junior, biology; Pa- COLTS NECK — Wei)dy A. Berg- To qualify for the dean's ter are classified as Mon- tion; WEST LONG BRANCH — Jeanne trlclo L. Cook, freshmdn, elementary mann, lunlor, psychology; Goyle V. made in this campaign," are held during the day and in there are occasions when A. Wood, foreign lonauooe Brass, senior, business administration; education; Spencer M'. Fields, soph- Oorotfv L, Peclno, Junior, elementary various citizens wish to bring list at Monmouth, a student mouth Scholars. Juniors named as Monmouth Scholars omore, chemistry; Kothle M. Flanagon, Commiiteeman Edward P. the evening. Include: * senior^ elementory education; Raymond something to the attention of must take 14 or moft credits Area seniors who have been P. Shebell, senior, government; William DEAL — Suzanne Epstein, soph- Makely declared. "Much of what is discussed BELMAR - Richard A. Morris, gov- omore, sociology; Ellen E. Flynn, se- ernment; DEAL PARK — Noncy J. O. Tortorlello, senior, social studies township officials privately. in the semester, achieve a named Monmouth Scholars, education. nior, psychology; Janet E, Kaplan/ se- Mr. Makely and Com- at these caucus sessions, as McClellon, chemistry; EATONTOWN — nior, English; Paul K. Van Slooten, ju- current grade point average listed by hometown and major Kenneth R. Buyle, business adminis- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Denlse A. nior, business. rnitteeman Joseph M. Mala- the Democratic candidates' These people might not, for tration; ELBERON — William E. Pull- Kelly, lunlor, English; Stephen K. Ma- 1 af 3.2 or better and have no en, social studies education; LONG . EATONTOWN — Allan E. Baker, se- very good and perfectly hon^ are: con, junior, English; Elaine T. Morris- nior, Enallsh; Judith A. Brennerntin. sfr- vet.Republicans, are seeking colleague on the Township' nlor, tine arts educotloi>v Olivia Brook, reelection to the Township Committee can tell them, is est reasons, want their prob- senior, general science education; Wal- ter A. Cnernlsh, senior, business admin- Committee in November. never acted upon for various lems aired in public. istration; Pauline Clansy, iunlor, busi- ness, administration; Jan«f E. Habcrl, "Contrary to what our reasons. "Every level of, govern- senior, elementary education; Kenneth J. Kuklo, senior, psychology; Roger G. Democratic opponents are at- "From these workshops are ment, although it should not Mitchell, senior, sociology; Nelson E. Smock, senior, electronic engineering; tempting to imply," said Mr. culled the matters to be lake action in private that af- Marilyn Tanko, senior, elementary edu- cation, Makely, "no public action, brought up at the public fects the welfare and pocket- ELBERON — Stuart V. Brod, tresh- such as adoption or ordi- Township Committee meet- book of its citizens, must have man, government; Susan D. Maloney, freshman, elementary education; John nances, resolutions or mo- ings, where citizens are given an opportunity for private dis- R. Unchester, senior, business qdmfnis- .tratlon. tions, or expenditure of public ample opportunity to com- cussion. ENGLISHTOWN — Sherry A. Aksel- rod, frehsman, speech and drama edu- funds can take place at ment or object. '.'I challenge the Democrats cation; James F. Patten, sophomore, psychology; Susan Rosengard,,Junior, caucus or workshop sessions. "It is difficult to conceive to name one governing body history. "These meetings, attended of even the most diligent citi- in the United States that does FAIft HAVEN — Deborah Green, se- nior, EnglishEngli ; Laura M. Weeks, soph- py members of the Township zen of Middletown being inter- not conduct caucus and work- omore, biolbiologyo . FARMINODALFARMINODA E - Gary S. Kornbluh, Committee and other public ested enough to spend several shop sessions." lunlor, historyt . FREEHOLD - Richard B. Barbour. - sophomore, general education; Gary C. De Grande, senior biology; Patricia G. Fox, senior, elementary education; Bar- bara M. Friedman, senior, English; Dennis J. Garden, junior, business od- mlnlstrotlon; Yael Gertner, treshmon. foreign language; Frank J. Perretoo.' Egg Pelting Incident Nets sophomore, tine arts; James D. Zar- nowsM. senior,, mathematics; Jack P. Sahl, sophomore, history, April P. Mar- lucco, sophomore, foreign language. HA2LE1 — Josepn P. Uognell, lunlor. mathematics; Collette V. Browne, se- 875 Fines for 2 Youths nior, social studies education; Chorle; M. Golbralth, senior, business admlnls. (ration; Robert C. Gartner, senior, Eng. MIDDLETOWN - Two is not subject to the worthless minor. llsh; Caroline T. Merlucc), lunlor, ele-* mentory education. New Monmouth youths were check statute. The defendant Fined $25 on a similar pos-^ HOLMDEL — Ingrld M. schllle- fined ?75 each and placed on a was ordered to pay back the session charge was Patrick beecky,Junior, fine arts education. INTERLAKEN — Marilyn G. Epstein, year!s probation in an egg- ?41, however. Manning, 19, of 5 Monmouth lunlor, torelon language. LEONARDO - David J. Crawford, pelting incident in which a Will Downgrade Ave., East Keansburg. senior, history. girl who doubles as special po- LITTLE SILVER - Sandra B. Ander- George Morrell of 161 Wal- Drew C. Ewing of 120 E. son, {unlDr, secondary education his- lice officer and secretary to nut St., Brick Township, Rollins Road, who pleaded LONG BRANCH — Thomas B. Ahem, the township's detective bu- pleaded guilty to three counts guilty to trespassing at Swim- lunlor, business administration; Sheldftn A. Ancel, senior, philosophy; Dovld w. reau was one of the victims. of passing five, worthless ming River Reservoir, was Sraln, senior, fine arts; Robert A. Celli, sunlor, elementary education; Gregory Found guilty in Municipal checks totaling $425 to the fined $25. • L. Daum, lunlor, business adminis- Register Staff Photo tration; Roberta J. Graham, senior, his- Court of assault and battery Middletown Banking Co., Rt. Pleading guilty to being un- tory; Patricia iW. Klrsch, senior, Eng- FAIR PIZZA — Members of the New Shrewsbury First Aid Department Auxiliary slice six bushels of lish; Susan C. Korn, treshman, elemen- on Miss Joyce Cherne, the de- 35. On motion of the municipal der the influence of alcohol in tary education; Miguel A. Mender, green peppers as they get ready to serve homemade pizza during the borough's 19th annual country sophomore, foreign language; Laurie L. tective's secretary, and her prosecutor, the charges will a,public park, Theresa Noddlngs, lunlor, chemistry; Joseph C. fair to be held at the Borough Hall Sept. 9-11. Left to right are Mrs. Walter W. Trillhaase; Mrs. George Plcard, senior, business administration; friend Miss,Barbara Collins, be downgraded from in- Thompson of 25 Essex St., Jud/fh B. SOJJOWIIZ, freshmon, elemen- Kopdch; Mrs. John Lemon, hostess; Mrs. Robert Henck, wife of the mayor; Mrs. Jerold H. Lewis, tary education; Carol J.TiUman, fresh- were Robert G. and Kenneth dictable to disorderly persons East Keansburg, was as- vlce.chalrmdn; Mrs. Henry J. Bergmann, vice chairman, and Mrs. Albert Neis, auxiliary chairman. man, elementary education; Joseph J. G. Janson of 40 Maplewood Vonderbosch, freshman, general educa- if the county prosecutor sessed $25. tion; Alice I. Woolley, sophomore, ele- Drive. agrees. mentary education; King w. Yee, se- Paul J. Hansen of 9 Taylor nior, business administration. Pleading innocent, the Subject to approval of the Ave., East Keansburg, wh.o MARLBORp - Jelfrey L. Ruff, soph- youths testified a juvenile county prosecutor, Judge pleaded guilty to possession of omore, fine arts; Undo I. Sunshine, sophomore, elementary education; Ed- friend did the actual egg- Massell accepted the pleas an alcoholic beverage as a mi- ward M. Wendel, freshman, education. ' MATAWAN — Stephen AA. Marz, se- throwing after their car and and assessed fines of $100 on- nor, was fined $25. McCarter's Season nior, social studies education; Brian N. Mazal, senior, elementary education: his head were allegedly hit by each count, imposed a 30-day Edward J. Lang of. 42 Sixth Amelia A. AAoccl. senior, elementary educotlon; Patricia R. PocsoJI, senior, eggs thrown by youngsters on jail sentence, suspended, on St., West Keansburg, was elementary education. Half Mile Road in Lincroft. each count and placed Mr. fined $25 on a similar charge. MIDDLETOWN — Nancy C. Ploeger, senior, psychology; Charmllyn J. QuTnn, The pair admitted they drove Morrell on probation one David E. Goodwin of 228 senior, elementary education; Raymond Will Start Oct. 8 Von Lenten, senior, English. to a dairy store to purchase year. Crestview Drive pleaded sic. theatrical and dance MONMOUTH BEACH — Woyne L. eggs for retaliation and con- PRINCETON - Bob and Without Doors," with the orig- Bennett, senior, business adminis- Full restitution has been guilty to driving while im- events is designed to offer a tration; Susan J. Bloom, sophomore, ceded the eggs were thrown Ray. Marcel Marceau, Siob- inal off-Broadway cast in- business administration; John A. Sokol, made to the bank. paired by alcohol. He was cluding Mildred Dunnock. AI- cross section of McCarter sophomore, psychology. at the two girls, though the han McKenna. Victor, Borge NEPTUNE — John E. Bishop Jr., John T. Schwartz, found fined $50 and lost his license vin Epstein and Hiram Sher- events for members of the treshman, general education; Cassandra youths claimed no knowledge guilty of assaulting his wife, for six months. The charge and the national companies of Burden, senior, elementary education; man. family to attend together. It Fronds A, Cafone, freshman, govern- of who allegedly pelted their Mrs. Joan Schwartz of 1 was downgraded from drunk- "The Me Nobody Knows" and ment; Judith A. Clasulli, lunlor, elemen- "Butterflies are Free" will Subsequent series events includes Bob & Ray in "The tary educotlon; Thomas M. Convery, se- car in the first place. Morningside Place, Port Mon- en driving. '•> nior, English; James T. Cornellsse, On Bikes highlight the 1971-72 season at will include the return of the Two and Only;" the first sopnomore, pnnosopny; minam t. mouth, was fined $50. Arraigned on charges of McCarter appearances by "pia- Fero, lunlor, psychology; Steven R. McCarter Theatre. Oxford-Cambridge Shakes- Mull, senior, elementary education; L. Miss Cherne and Miss Col- Gary J. Emerson, 18, of 10 robbery and possession' of a nist-comedian Victor Borge Anthony Sloan, sophomore, music; Su- A new "Playgoers' Series" peare Company in "Julius zanne E. Walker, senior, elementary lins testified they were each Essex St., East Keansburg, switchblade knife was Robert and French singer Charles education. has been organized into four Caesar." directed by Jona- hit by two eggs thrown from pleaded guilty to being under Hulej of 16 Scholer..Drive, Aznavour; the Vjenna Choir NEPTUNE CITY - Lynda L. Folk. individual subscription scries, than Miller: Irish actress |unlor, elementary education; John W. the youths' car as they were the influence of alcohol and Union Beach, jillegedly' impli- Boys;• Prof.'.Peter Schlekele Hopkins, senior, business adminis- and will open on Oct. 8 and 9 Siobhan McKenna in "Here tration. ' bicycling near the junction of was fined $25. He was as- cated in the holdup, of ,Kraus- are Ladies," a ..solo'program and the 'Semi-Pro Musica An- NEW SHREWSBURY — Alan J. An- Half Mile Road and Newman with James Whitmore's one- ton, lunlor, biology; Ardys J. Johnson, sessed another $25 when he zer's Dairy Store in Lmcroft. ot words for and about women tiqua in "The Intimate P.D.Q. senior, elementory education; Thomas Springs Road. Though they man, portrait of American hu- w Tyler< tronl<: was found guilty of possession Preliminary hearing was set Bach;"-., •'Butterflies are James G. Connelly """"• «'" «'"'*"- morist Will Rogers, entitled from the pens of Irish poets . g could not identify the defend- of alcoholic beverages as a for Thursday, Sept. 2. 1 Kre6;" an.d the National Bal- . . O'AKHURSr-.EIIeneScrraorti, soph- "Will Rogers U.S.A." Two from Yeats to Joyce; "Betty "orridre."6loToov.: ants, they had obtained-the li- let of Washington in a full- UCEAN — Bonnie J. Dougherty, se- cense number of their car; weeks later, radio and tele- and Adolph," an evening with nior, psychology; Douglas 8. Phillips, Betty Comden and Adolph length production of "Cinde- Connelly lunlor, government; Susan J. Schwerd, which police traced through vision humorists Bob Elliott senior, elementory educotlon; Laurence Green, the songwriting team rella." S. Walters, senior, government. Trenton to Robert Janson. Lawyer, Minister aiidRay Goulding will bring OCEAN GROVE - Nicholas J. Beu- responsible for such Broad- ty addition to the new Play- tell, senior, psychology; Mary E. Bra- Judge Jerry J. Massell tlieir Broadway comedy hit of To Manage man, freshmon, psychology. way musicals as "Bells are goers' and family series. OCEANPORT ,-florbara K. Phlnney. found the youths guilty, ex- lqst season, "The Two and r senior, fine arts education; Henry A. Only," to McCarter for four Ringing," "Wonderful Toivn" McCarter s schedule for 1971- Washington, sophomore,.business ad- plaining that those who aid Head Fund Division New Office ministration; John J. Welch, soph- performances, beginning and-the current hit- 'V.Apr' 72 will include its usual offer- omore, elementary education; John H. and abet offenses are as RKI) HANK - The United rectors of West Side Commu- plaus.c," and The Juilliard ings in dance, music, film, LINCROFT - James: Vitt, fresnmon, business administration. Thursday; Oct.21. 1 PORT-AU-PECK - Barbara L. Box- guilty as the principal per- Kund campaign chairman. nity Center, Planned Parent- ; Drama Company, the^newly folk and rock concerts, and an . George Connelly has been ap- ter, lunlor, English. petrator. November's schedule will RED BANK - Thomas H. Bllnn, se- Vincent T. Hirsch, has named hood, .Family and Children's formed professional acting' o$pandi!d program of events pointed manager of the nior, busitfess administration; Elizabeth Commented Kenneth Jan- Service, Kiddie Kate Child include four productions: J. Dean, senior, sociology; Judith M. Ka.vmond-B. DeKidder and company from the drama di- for children. The box office is • branch here of The Berg Falvo, senior, elernentary education; son, "This has caused an aw- Development Center and the "The Me Nobody.Knows," tjie Agency, a subsidiary of Berg Mary C. Flsx. senior, philosophy: Rob- the Hev. Verner R. Matthews ghetto musical recently cho- vision of The Juilliard School open from 10 a.m. 'to 5 p.m. ert C. Hozen, senior, business odmlnls- ful upset in my family for a as chairmen -of the /newly- .Monmouth County United (Monday-Friday) for series Enterprises Inc. (OTC), trotlon; Russell W. McCarthy', soph- sen "Best Musical of 1971" by at Lincoln Center, under the omore, sociology; Michael B. Sleib, lu- simple egg-throwing." formed Professional Division. Fund. direction of John Houseman., subscriptions only. Brochures Metuchen. nlor, history. .. , Clive Barries and. four other RUMSON — Arnold Carvolho. soph- Judge Massell was not sym- The division is made up of Marcel Marceau, who first on the series being offered, as Kenneth Berg, president, omore, oenerol'educatlon; Michael K. pathetic. critics in the. balloting for the Patey, sophomore, social studies educo-_ physicians and surgeons, law- jvellas additional informa- said the opening of the ne\y of- tlon; -Janice L. Reutllnger, Senior, psy- Auto Strikes,— "Now^York'Drama Critics appeared at McCarter in 1955. Check Charges yers, dentists, accountants, tion, may be obtained by writ- fice on Newman Springs Road - C Award; Jack MacGowran in will return for the'««eventhV. SEA^BRIGHT - Donald F. Butler, se- Edward R. Smith of 100 engineers, podiatrists, opto- time for two.performances in'- ing Box 526. Princeton. The brings to 18 offices the agency. nior, business administration; Robert T. Injures Girl his widely-acclaimed solo eve- Hlnck,Junlor, business. Third St., Keyport, who plead- metrists and chiropractors, January, and the Playgoers''i box office will "formally open has in the state. He plans to SHREWSBURY - Mary B. Kress, se- ning of excerpts from the nior,-secondary education-English; Ro- ed guilty to issuance of two veterinarians, clergymen and Series will conclude with the for actual ticket sales on increase this, to 30 offices in ger A. Semplak, senior, history. worthless checks in the ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - works of playwright Samuel WANAMASSA — Richard J. McAllan, pharmacists. Tuesday, Sept. 7. New Jersey this year. A 12-year-old girl was injured Beckett; the 1970 Pulitzer current long-running comedy lunlor, elementary education; Linda M. amounts of $25 and $30 tr> Mr. Deliidder is an at- For the forthcoming season. Mr. Connelly, who joined Ricclone, lunior, elementary education; Friday afternoon when she Prize play. "No Place to be hit "Butterflies are Kroe,'" Edward M. Smith, lunlor, business od- Sears Roebuck and Co., was torney with offices at 73 .Mon- McCarter Theatre will be un- the company in 1961, has been mlnlstrotion; Cora J. Walag, senior, was struck by a car while Somebody," by Charles Gor- which enters its third year on elementary education; Gertrude H. fined $150 on each charge, mouth St. He is a member of Broadway this fall. der the joint direction of Nan- associated with the com- Wolfe, senior, elementary education. crossing Rt. 36 against the dbne, and French novelist WAYSIDE - Delbert H. Kunert. soph- sentenced to 30 days in jail on the county, state and Ameri- The "family series" of mu- cy Shannon as general man- pany's Hazlet office as sales omore, electronic engineering; Linda light, Chief James J. Egidlo Marguerite Duras' "A Place M. Milter, senior, elementary educa* each charge and given a year can Bar Associations. Among ager and William W; Lock- manager. tlon. said. probation. his other activities, Mr. De- wood Jr. as program director. Following graduation from WEST ALLENHURST - JIM M. Top. al, junior, elementary education. Judge Massell suspended, Hidder serves on the board of Arthur \V. I.ithgow, High WEST DEAL — Janet S. Flshbeln, Valerie Gile, 12, of 60 Hud- treshman, elementary educotlon. the penalties provided the directors of the Monmouth McCarter's executive direc- School in Elizabeth, Mr. Con- WEST END — Tlkkl K. Blondic, lu- dy AVe., Highlands, was nior, secondary education; Linda S. young man makes restitution County United Kund, the treated at Riverview Hospi- tor, is on leave of absence for nelly served in the U.S. Army Hammock, sophomore, mathematics; Nancy 5. Llpsey, senior, elementory at the rate of $10 a week. (.'ounty Juvenile Detention tal, Red Bank, for a bruised the 1971-72 academic year. for three years. He attended education. A charge of passing a Rutgers University and Mu- WEST LONG BRANCH — Margoret Center and the Red Bank forehead and cuts on the el- M. Asay, sophomore, mathematics; worthless check for $41 to The .tual Fund School, becoming a Linda M. Bernol, Junior, psychology; Community Appeal. He is also bow and legs and released, af- Michael L. Glkow, senior, electronic en- Radio Shack, Chapel Hill casualty insurance broker. gineerlng; Stephanie M. Glzzl, senior, a member of the Red Bank ter she was struck by a car New Students elementary education; Pamela H. Hlnz, Shopping Center, Rt. 35, was Rotary Club. He resides in New-Mon- :scnlor, foreign language; Allda E. driven by Eileen Collins, 10 Rehm, sophomore, line orfs. dismissed when the check • mouth with his wife, Christ- The Hev: Mr. Matthews is' Paradise Trailer Park, High- Registering proved to be undated. Such a paslw (if the Second Baptist lands, at 1:06 p.m. ina, and three children, Pa- check, the judge explained, is KEANSBURG - Registra- mela, James and Christine. Church of Asbury Park, lie is Three Jailed considered by law to bo noth- Investigating officer Sgt. tion for new elementary Berg Enterprises Inc., a a member of the Asbury ing more than a promissory I'ark-Neptune Hotary Club, Samuel A. Guzzi did not issue school students will be held parent company of The Berg In Theft Probe note payable on demand and any summons. each morning through Sept. 3 Agency, is a publicly-held and serves on (tie board of di- from 9 o'clock until noon. company, shares of which are MIDDLETOWN - Throe Miss Dclnres G. Pittius, traded on the over-the-count- New York men were arrested school principal, has an- er market. The firm is in- Saturday morning on Rt. 35 at nounced volved in residential, com- Cooper's Bridge and charged Students who are register- mercial and industrial real es- with possession of stolen prop- ing for the first time are re- tate sales, owns a mortgage erty from Sears lioebuck Co. quired to present transfer banking subsidiary, a land and Two Guys department forms, health records and a bank operation and Berg En- stores, both Rt. 35. birth certificate. terprise Investors Inc., a na- Joseph Gonzalez, Oscar Students entering kinder- tionwide mortgage brokerage Rios and Olegario Gomez, all garten must have attained the firm with executive offices in New York, were held in $2,500 age (if five before Oct. 1. the Pan-Am Building in New bail each pending arraign- Miss i'iUius said students York City. ment today, Detective Capt. will not be able to register Robert M. Letts reported. Sept. 8, the first day of school. A TIRKI.KSS SOLDIER The three were arrested by BUENOS AIRES (AIM - Patrolmen Barry Grimm and, There isn't ;iny women's liber- •Ronald Ohnmacht. STONKI) COWS ation movement in Argentina, SET FOR DINNER — Edwnrd M. Rosell, presi- POUT KLIZABKTH. South the land of the Giiuchos. and IIKI.I'S Si.r.i-i's dent of the.Rosell Insurance Co., Lincroft, right, Africa TAP) -- Farmer II. P. President Alejandro Lanussc JOHANNKSBUKG, South one of the newest members ot Hie Rod Bank Area liakkcs called in it specialist feels women are not fully ap- Aftica (AI>) Dovcton Hale Chamber of Commerce, buys first four tickets to when his cows stopped raliiiR preciated. Helps, 54, was charged with the chamber's annual dinner-dance, scheduled at and refused to give milk. The In a speech on the Argentine housebreakiii)! with intent lo Gibbs Hall, Ft. Monmouth, (or Thursday, Oct. 7, vet operated and removed economy. I.anu.sse saiii -'we commit ii crime "unknown to llic SENIOR SENIORS — Receiving awards as the oldest among 500 who at- Comedian Wally Dean, who has ..qppeared nation- stones as big as Rolf balls, should also mention the woman, prosecutor" after lie was dis- tended the Senior Citizens picnic at Allaire State Park, sponsored by the wide, will entertain. The program will also in- pieces of glass, mils and bits of to whom the government has a covered asleep inside :i govern- Board of Freeholders and the County Advisory Council on Aging, are Mrs. clude the chamber's annual Improvement awards. barbed wire from the cows' debt, The woman is the unrein ment school. Helps Icslificd Jennie Wortman, 92, of the Eatontown Leisure Club and John Buckalew^ Shown presenting tickets to Mr. Rosell is John stomachs. They were soon eat- ognized and tireless soldier in that's all he broke in for — to second from right, 87, of the Freehold Township Senior Citizens Club. Famujary, dinner chairman and first vice presi- inn normajjs,and* Riving their sleep. The cotirl gave him a v our great struggle against the Making the presentations are Freeholder Axel B. Carlson, left, and dent ctf the chamber. < quota of milk. (. cost of living and inflation." suspended sentence. George GoodfeJIow, right, council coordinator. • 3" 2,: The DaUy Register, Red Bank - Middletown, N.J., Mondny, August 30,1971 23 Television Today Fair Haven Schools to Open • FAIR HAVEN - Elemen- to 3:15. ;•,-••'• New York Channeis-2,4,5,7,9.11,13 " "'' tary schools here will open Njew students not pre- OAYTIMfMOVlEi 0 THE DAVID FROST SHOW (C) , Wednesday, Sept; 8, at 8:30 viously enrolled may be regis- 9JO O "Circl. of D«.pW O IT WAS A VERY GOOD YEAR (Q) a.m. IO.-00 e "Among Id. Living" "1925" Ho»t: Mel Torme tered in the offices at the I2;3O ffi "Murdw with Pirtur.," O N.Y.P.D. (C) Preparatory work by teach- Knollwood and.Willow Street 1:00 fi) '.'Cttjwint tl,. Grut" "Tlie Witch of 116th Street" ers has been completed, and Schools between 9 a.m. and Q "H«r Hul»nd'i AMtirt" 'KM O MAYBERRY R.F.D. (C) A large industrial firm wants to buy Enunetft the first day will be a (ull day noon Tuesday, Sept. 7. 4:30 Q "Man's Fjvorit. Sport" patent (or an old, forgotten invention. Anderson, John Powers. '"Hie Road to World War U" (It) • ' 12:30 _O NIGHT FINAL (C) DIRECT FROM DENMARK *00 Q NBC COMEDY THEATRE (C) with- Roy Whltflcld "Simon Says Get Married" starring Bob Newhort, ISO OONEWS(C) Joanna Barnes. An electronic computer tries to O NEWS AND WEATHER Michael Cole Fondly 1:10 O THE LATE SHOW (C) Host: Gary Moore , -Ran, into Lunate" (1951) starring John Payne, Dan Durjra. 0 THE NEWLYWED GAME 1:15 IB THE 6REAT GREAT SHOW (C) with Bob Eubankj "Nobody Urn Forever" (1946) atarrlllg John Gdl- O LAREDO (C) field, rave Emerson. "Umit of the Law Larkin" v O EVENING PRAYER Recalls Carefree Era ID THE MOVIE GAME (C) ) 2:50 O THE LATE LATE SHOW I Hast: Larry Blyden —' -Creature from the Black,Lagoon" (1954) stirring By CYNTHIA LOWRY 10 WORLD PRESS (C) - Richard Carlson. Julie Adams. lean period, a prgp stage bed "I've thought a lot about •30 Moderator: Roe-er Boas / 3:15 O SERMONETTE (C) was his temporary home. marriage, and I've thought a O HERE'S LUCY (C) 438 O THE LATE LATE SHOW II HOLLYWOOD (AP)- When producer Aaron Spelling lot about running right back -."ii( ••Abbott and Costello Meet tie Keystone Kopa" (19651 •tarring Abbott and Costtllo. Even after three years ,of dreamed up "Mod Squad," to living on the street," he regular employment in the hit Michael Cole was the first' said. "That's a different ABC series "Mod Squad," Mi- performer cast, playing the thing-you stay awhile with THF. NEW Ihursday is Indies Hight chael Cole has a tentative at- role of Pete Cochran. people you know. You're lo- SAVOY ATlHiamOH At the Movies titude about the fame and "I'm not acting in the sense nely and you become friends ASBURY All larfiei Admitted money that come with it. with people in different For Only $1 JO RED BANK HAZLET of creating a character," he TOWN— He speaks often of the care- said. "I use a lot of mental bars-lonely people you say CARLTON- The Red Tent 7:10; 9:25. PLAZA-' 'hell no' .to.. .anyway, I've de- Sholt 2:00: 7:25; 9:35 BRICK snatt 7:25; 9:20 - free, penniless days when he and emotional recall-after cided to get married." CINEMA III- BRICK PLAZA- MIDDLETOWN was "living in the street" in all, the hardest thing for an W» Is Harry Kellwmon 7:30; 9:30; Community Lots Show: The Grasshopper 11:30 Sftoft 7:10; 9:25. TOWNEAST- San Francisco during the actor is to be himself. But I Meanwhile, "Mod Squad," tllontown MJ 4201 " FREEHOLD MALL CINEMA- Le Mans 2:00; 4M0: o:M; 1:00; 10:00. freewheeling days of the guess you .can say that Pete a vital building block in ABC's The Love Machine 7:20; 9:30. TOWNWEST- 1960s and the "Bohemian" Cochran is very close to Mi- powerful Tuesday night line- SEAN CONNERY HALL1- POINT PLEASANT Shoff 7:30, «:«. Lve Machine 2:00; 7:20; 9:30. era. chael Cole" up, will start its fourth year IN ARNOLD- KEYPORT Bananas 3:00; 7:30; 9:50. He looks back on those days Today he lives in a fine unchanged in cast and format, THE ASBURYPARK STRAND ART- the way an old soldier looks with Michael, Peggy Upton BAY HEAD Yvonne 7:15; 9:15; En|ov 9:15; 10:15. house in the San Fernando RED BARONET- LORRAINE- back on his wars-only the Valley, drives an expensive and Clarence Williams III sol- Summer of '42 2:00; 7:20; 9:31). KEANSBURG TENT" Klute 7:30; 9:30. COLONIAL- good memories remain. imported car-and the strong- ving a criminal case each Song of Norway 7:00; 9:25. Rainy Doy In Venice 2:00; 7:30; 9:S0. LAURELTON week. DRIVE-IN- Matinees 2:00. "They called them beat- est impression one gets is his MAVFAIR- Love Machine 8:20; 12:20; Profes- EAST BRUNSWICK niks," he said during a noon own sense of impermanence. . Love Machine 2:00; 7:30; t:45. sionals 10:20. TURNPIKE beer-break on his day off. "I Michael drew a long breath. -AIR CONDITIONED- Town East PARAMOUNT- LAVALETTE OUTDOOR- was working in a bookshop '- Carnal Knowledge 2:10; 7:40; 9:4S: LAVALETTE- Love Machine 8:15; 11:55; Theres A "I'm going to get married jj ST. JAMES- Lov« Story 7:35; 9:45. Slrl In My Soup 10:15. and I'd watch them come in Sept. 2," he said suddenly. j ATLANTIC DK 2:20; 7:30; 9:35. TOMS RIVER TURNPIKE and wander around picking up "Paula-Paula Dickin- ' CINEMA-291-0148 SAVOY- l7l25;»:M. INDOOR- a book here and there and son-and I are going to do it. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS LeMons 7:30; 9:30 NOW SHOWING Threesome 7:30; 9:00. DOVER- reading a little. I had no sense She is my girl and, after all, I Le MANS PERTH AMBOY :• BRADLEY BEACH , Love.Machlne2:lJ; 7:25; 9:35. that there were drugs, just a like a home and most of all I PALACE- DRIVE-IN- DRIVEIN- feeling that these people were Klut»I:30; 12:45; Harper 10:30. Snarf 9.15,' 12:W; Get carter 10:10 like- the sense there Smnmtr at 'a 2:15. 7:30; 9:2S. A story of love. happy and free to do whatii'.'is-somebody there who cares "SHAFT" • FARMINGDALE ISLAND HEIGHTS MENLOPARK Town I/Vest BAY DRIVE IN- CINEMAwno is Hurr- y Kellerman 2:00; 4:00; they wanted to do.'.' foi'me." Rimed by David Lean SHOREDRIVE-IN- LIHIe Big Men 1:15; 1:05; Lost Valley wno is Hor0:00r 1 Shaft's his name 5ho>ll 8:00; 12:00; Tick Tick Tick !»:». • COO; 8:00; 10:0 Interest Develops Michael and Paula have 10:00. SEASIDE Interest in acting came lat- known each other for eight Ryan's .- : '•>•< NEPTUNE. Shaft's his game CIRCLE- COLONIAL- Carnival Set er when Michael started years, but even so the pros- UcCabe and Mrs. Miller 2:00; 7:20; Y«llow Submarine 7:30; Woodstock studying with a theater work- pect of such a definite tie Daughter 9:30. NEPTUNE CITY STRAND- By Democrats shop in Los Angeles. At one seems to frighten him. NEPTUNE CITY- The RK) Tent 2:00; 7:25; 9:40. FREEHOLD MAtU A rVlan Called Horse 7:30; Who Is Har- EATONTOWN MANALAPAN - The Eatontown ry Kellermon 9:35. COMMUNITY- Democratic Club will sponsor OT* SPRING LAKE Tht Red Tmt2;a;7:Xi; 9:50. - a carnival the weekend of Klute 7:30; 9:30. "THE LOVE MANASQUAN DRIVE-IN- Sept. 17 to 19 on Gordons Cor- Rt. 18 Hearings ALGONQUIN- LONG BRANCH ner Road, near the Yorktowne MACHINE" Klut«2:O0; 7:00; 9.00. BAKONET- Shopping Center. • BRIELLE • DRIVE-IN- C«t Carter 7:30; Short 9:30 Amusements and rides will Reopening Eyed Dr. No 8:30; 12:40., From Russia With NORTH OF RED BANK NOW SHOWING DOCTORS WIVES" Uv» 10:40. be provided by Big Top Pro- • LAKE WOOD ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ductions and tern Produc- MARLBORO - Hearings on away from residential areas. Sean Connery ATLANTIC- COtNTRY- tions Inc. The chairmen are the proposed Rt. 18, ended of- He said that the highway cuts Peter Finch Shatt 7:3J; 9:50. Ryan's Daughter 8:00. Joseph Binder. James A. ficially in 1954, may soon be through some residential lots Flanagaagsn and Sidney T. Smo- -reopened,- -in-Whittier-0aks-EastT-anil- Every lues., Wed.fThur. lin. Mayor Morton Salkind has comes within nine feet of called for a special council some houses in Monmouth The three-day carnival will' meeting for 9 p.m. tomorrow Heights. RED McCABE provide entertainment for all at the Marlboro Elementary Many residents have asked and PR ME 95 age groups, regular rides, kid- School. He said that he will tax assessor Joseph La Mura TENT die rides, games of skill, pony ask council to pass a resolu- for a yearly tax rebate for MRS. MILLER" rides, refreshments and rides' tion reopening the hearings. residential lots bordering on in a covered wagon. The m,ayor last month Rt. 18. The mayor said last RIBS 3 formed a special committee night that although no figure ALL-ttlKL. TEAM to investigate complaints of has been settled on, the range Baronet NEW YORK - Ten beau- residents living close to the of reductions might be from 3 Asbury Park 775 6112 tiful girls dressed in flamboy- proposed highway. He said to 6 per cent up to 15 per cent. WINE(Willo wBARRE Brook Inn) - L ant Latin costumes perform that petitions have been "SUMMER • l.n'. precision drills on horseback presented to his committee 747-0333 6'PJM.'13 IOP.NL as part of the colorful Nation-, containing over 500 signatures Residents Sue OF '42" 740 River Rd. 741-2099 Fair Havgn al Mexican Festival and Ro- of residents protesting the Sewer Authority Who is Harry Kclkrman deo, which will be at Madison path of the new road. Square Garden for eight per- Mayor Salkind said that lhe FREEHOLD - Mr. and "ONE OF THE BEST TIMES I'VE HAD formances, Sept. 14 through petitions ask that Rt. 18 be Mrs. Thomas J. Brown, 133 AT THE MOVIES THIS YURI" 19. shifted an additional 50 feet Sycamore Ave., East Keans- burg, have filed suit for com- pensatory and punitive dam- ages against the Middletown MONDAY & TUESDAY Sewerage Authority and two "DEATH companies for alleged dam- FRED WARING age to their property at 238 IN AND HIS Bray Ave., East Keansburg. VENICE" PENNSYLVANIANS Mr. and Mrs. Brown allege that their premises were dam- aged extensively as a result of a water main broken in sewer WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY installation. Paramount NEW YORK Also named defendants were Somerset Valley Con- MIKE NICHOLS PHILHARMONIC struction Co., a contractor "CARNAL working for. the sewerage au- ONE Of THE UST Conductor Pianist thority, and Monmouth Con- TIMES I'VE IM» KNOWLEDGE solidated Water Co. AT tHE MOVIES ALDO CECCATO GINA BACHAUER Durtin Hoffman THIS YEAH!" •' For Adults Only Robert T. Winter of Red FRIDAY THRU SUNDAY Bank represents Mr. nnd Mrs. lATE show EVERY THE ALAN KING SHOW Brown. Starring NANCY WILSON VIOI.A t ALAN KING lic;ir it'.1 It lakes 14 strings .mil is PRICES: i7M, 5.75. 4.50. 3.50. Box Tliurs. S2.00; Frl., Sol. & Sun. i2.50. Spiclal Sludinl Dlicounl Tlckata t2.00 played like a violin. The musi- f««w NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC Mid FRED WARING. cian l>ow.s seven of the strings. the Gaeassheppcr f ARIY BIRD PRWS Evg*. MOD. Ihni Thurt. 8:30, Frl. 4 Bit. 9 P.M. Sun. al 8:30 P.M. The other seven, located just MON. THRU THURS. FOR INFORMATION CALL (201) 2S4-U0O underneath, vibrate in sympathy. from 6:30 P.M. to 1M P.M. New Jenoy's' The rare musical instrument ADMISSION ONLY TO LATE SHOW (RfGIUAK ADMISSION I'llCl (NOIJJifS 1-lfF S/IOWJ $1.50 in the Orchestra is amonp several in the Tolkfson •IGARDE T»Har»fXi HilNl Pst& STATr on In*E Osri/j ARTn SIMS PirkwnCENTEf Eill RI IS V atllMMAYFAR Oper Collection M Southern Illinois PARAMOUNT. IYRK University's l.ovcjoy Library. It was nmdc in 1792 l>y Viennese BARONH-AUURYPAtK andthtST.JAMIS • \ Sim ti C0WI "THE FIFTH DIWENSioW'-Sept. 7 thru 12 instrument imikcr Ifinau Sl.idi- Miinilny. \ii|iii»l .50, 1971

<, • 3 County Contracts * Awarded KRKKIIOLI) - The Mon- mouth County Board of Free- holders has awarded three contracts totaling $28,237.85 at *, _ ' " ";'•?£• a special meeting. Frank C. Gibson Inc. of Freehold, the lower of two bidders, was awarded a con- K ' '* tract for $16,497 for furnishing and installing supplementary radiation to the existing heat- ing system at the county jail; Freehold Township. Ace Aluminum Co., Free- hold, the only bidder,-was awarded a $4,991 contract for furnishing and installing storm windows at the jail. Hospital Equipment Co., East Orange, the lowest of three bidders, got a contract for $6,749.85 for furnishing hospital equipment to the John L. Montgomery Medical Home, Freehold Township. The Freeholders will adver- tise for bids for the reconst- ruction of the Oceanport Creek bridge, Oceanport Ave., Oceanport, to be received Sept. 7 at 2 p.m. The reconst- ruction is necessary because the bridge was damaged by a heavy vehicle. Settle Suit , In Accident At $30,645 FREEHOLD - Monmouth County Court Judge Patrick J. McGann Jr. has approved a $30,645 settlement for a Red Bank youth injured in a' motor . vehicle accident March 25, 1970, and for the youth's fa- ther, who incurred medical expenses. George B. Heyson, 18, of 16 Hill Ter., Red Bank, was op- erating his motorcycle on Park Ave., Middletown, March 25,1970, when the mo- torcycle was struck by a car driven by Miss Dorothy L. f - ' •". Rutherford and owned by Miss Rutherford's father, I i Richard A. Rutherford of Bel' ford. •The Heyson youth suffered a fractured right leg, requir- ing corrective surgery. Young Mr. Heyson receives $23,500 under the terms of the settlement, which is to be paid by the owner and the driver of the car. His father, George H. Heyson, receives $7,145. Robert H. Otten of Red Bank represented the plain- tiffs in the action and Wil- liam T. Wichmann of Red Bank represented the defend- ants, • Holmdel House your tele-service Found Looted exchange number HOLMDEL - Nearly $500 dial ( )+4747 worth of goods were stolen from the home of William Thomas of 19 Indian Creek Road, police reported. Sgt. William Truex said the theft was reported early yes- terday by Mrs. Thomas. Po- lice found the back screen cut 24 hours a day—7 days a week and a rear window forced open for entry. A radio, stereo, camera and Now Steinbach is as close as your telephone . . . daytime or nightime. Just .stainless steel flatware were taken. Patrolman Bruce Insley is pick up your phpne, djal your tele-service exchange number plus 4747 . .-. investigating. you'll find Steinbach operators quick, efficient and happy to assist you with Held for Having Knife in Court your order, no matter how large or small.., they will also be able and ex- LONG BRANCH - A twenty-one-year-old man was arrested Thursday morning pert in doing your personalized shopping for you, your family and your tor allegedly carrying a dan- gerous knife, described as a machete by police, into Mu- home. We are pleased to bring our customers this_extra service—another, . nicip'al Court. John yualles, no. address, growing step from Steinbach. ' . . *• - ., . \- was later arraigned before Judge Jacob Hand and ad- vised of his rights. \ prelimi- nary hearing has been set for * Your tele-service exchange number is... , ' ' Sept. !), and Mr. Qualles is being held in lieu of $1,000 bail in thucounly jail. Asbury Park area 774-4747 Elizabeth area 351-4747 Detective Jerome Hamlin, who was present in court, was the arresting officer. Red Bank area 946-4747 Plainfield area 757-4747 Man Is Held Brick Town area 892-4747 Mahalapan area 446-4747 For Knlry-Thcft MIDIH.KTOWN - An Ka- tontown man lias bueti ar- rested on a warrant issued by this police department charg- ing him with breaking and en- try and larceny. Detective Capt. Robert M. '" Letts said the suspect, identi- Thank you for cajllng fied as George B. Ullle, 20, 'if

204 Seventh St., Is charged /, )• with taking a check book from a Hivcr i'laza home. He is being held in lieu of $r>,lllHl bail pending a prutimi- , nary hearing Sept. 2. , Detective Kll'cn J. Ford was good things in store Irn- arresting officer.