Ingrid Hodorová, Assoc. Prof., MD, PhD., Zuzana Kováčová MD



- upper part of the trunk - box for vital organs

Boundaries:  external upper: 1/ jugular notch 2/ clavicule 3/ acromion of 4/ spine of C7 ( prominens)

 external lower: 1/ xiphoid process 2/ left and right costal arches 3/ vertebra Th12

 internal upper: 1/ superior thoracic aperture (made from jugular notch, 1st pair of , vertebra Th1)

 internal lower: 1/ inferior thoracic aperture (full filed by diaphragm, which extends on the right side to the 4th intercostal space (ICS), on the left side extends to the 5th ICS)


 unpaired: 1/ 2/ posterior median line

 paired: 1/ sternal line 2/ 3/ mid-clavicular line 4/ anterior axillary line 5/ midddle axillary line 6/ posterior axillary line 7/ 8/ paravertebral line


 1st layer (proper thoracic wall): 1/ osteothorax (ribs, , Th vertebrae + their joints) 2/ proper mm. of thoracic wall (intercostal muscles, transversus thoracis m., subcostalis m.) 3/ intrinsic mm. of the back (erector spinae m.) 4/ intercostal neuro-vascular bundle (, artery, nerve) 5/ endothoracic fascia 6/ parietal pleura  2nd layer (middle): 1/pectoral fascia 2/ thoracohumeral mm. 3/spinohumeral mm. 4/spinocostal mm.  3rd layer (superficial): 1/ skin 2/ subcutaneous tissue + mammary gland 3/ superficial structures (supraclavicular nn., intercostobrachial nn., thoracoepigastric vv.)


(12): 1/ body - costal facets, 2/ arch - vertebral notches – intervertebral foramen, vertebral foramen 3/ processes – transverse, sup. and inf. articular, spinous

 Ribs (12 pairs): 1/ head - articular facet of the head 2/ neck 3/ body – tubercle, articular facet, costal crest, costal sulcus

1st - groove for subclavian artery, tubercle for scalenus anterior m., groove for True ribs: 1st to 7th False ribs: 8th to 10th Floating ribs: 11th to 12th

 Sternum: 1/ manubrium ̶ jugular notch, clavicular notch, st nd costal notch (1 and 2 ribs) 2/ body (costal notches 2nd to 7th ribs) 3/ xiphoid process - attachment the 2nd pair of ribs


: 1/ joints of the heads of the ribs (head of the ribs to the body of the thoracic vertebrae) 2/ costotransverse joints (costal tubercle and transverse process)  : 1st to7th ribs to sternum  Interchondral joints: costal arch ( of the 7th to 10th rib) 


Syndesmosis:  short : interspinous, intertransverse, flava  long ligaments: anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments

Synchondrosis:  Intervertebral discs, - between vertebral bodies - nucleus pulposus, anulus fibrosus - total number 23, 1st between C1-C2, last one between L5-S1

Synostosis:  sacrum

Joints of vertebral column: between superior et inferior articular processes

Curvatures of vertebral column:  in - lordosis - cervical and lumbar - kyfosis - thoracic and sacral

 in frontal plane - scoliosis


Thoracohumeral muscles: 1/ pectoralis major 2/ pectoralis minor 3/ serratus anterior 4/ subclavius

Mm. of proper thoracic wall: 1/ intercostal (external, internal, intimi) 2/ transverse thoracis m. 3/ subcostal mm.

Diaphragm:  muscular portion - sternal part, costal part, lumbar part oesophageal hiatus (Th10) – , vagus nn., oesophageal vv., phrenocoabdominal br. of left phrenic n. aortic hiatus (Th12) – thoracic duct,

 central tendon opening for inferior vena cava (Th8) – inferior vena cava, phrenocoabdominal br. of right phrenic n.

through crus of lumbar parts pass: azygos v., hemiazygos v., sympathetic trunk, splanchnic nn. (greater, lesser and least)

 innervation - phrenic nerve


Spinohumeral mm.:  1st layer: 1/ trapezius 2/ latissimus dorsi

 2nd layer 1/ levator scapulae 2/ rhomboid major 3/ rhomboid minor

Spinocostal mm: 1/ posterior superior serratus 2/ posterior inferior serratus

Intrinsic mm. of the back: 1/ m. erector spinae


Thoracic aorta:  posterior intercostal aa. (for 3rd to 11th intercostal spaces)  subcostal a.

Subclavian artery :  internal thoracic a. - anterior intercostal aa. - musculophrenic a. - superior epigastric a. (anastomoses with inferior epigastric a.)  costocervical trunk - supreme intercostal a. (for 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces)

Axillary artery:  thoracoacromial a.  lateral thoracic a.  thoracodorsal a.


Azygos v. - right posterior intercostal vv., right superior intercostal v., arch of azygos v., drains into

Right supreme intercostal v. - drains into right brachiocephalic v.

Hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos - left posterior intercostal vv., drain into azygos v.

Left superior intercostal v. - drains into left brachiocephaliv v.

Left supreme intercostal v. - drains into left brachiocephalic v.

Internal thoracic vv. - left drains into left brachiocephaic v., right drains into superior vena cava

Thoracoepigastric vv. - they form lateral thoracic v., it drains into axillary v. Vertebral venous plexus - external and internal

Veins of the thoracic wall form important cavo-caval and porto-caval anastomoses!


VAN is made from (in kranio-caudal direction)  posterior intercostal Vein  posterior intercostal Artery  intercostal Nerve

Runs between (in dorso-ventral direction):  endothoracic fascia and internal intercostal membrane  inside internal intercostal mm., separates innermost (intimi) intercostal mm.  between endothoracic fascia and internal intercostal mm.


Parietal lymph nodes:  intercostal l. nn.  parasternal l. nn.  phrenic l. nn.


Thoracic wall is supplied from nerves of brachial plexus and from intercostal nn.

Sensory: 1/ intercostals nerves 2/ supraclavicular nerves 3/ intercostobrachial nerves

Motor: 1/ phrenic n. (diaphragma) 2/ intercostals nn. (intercostal mm., transverse thoracic m., subcostal m.) 3/ long thoracic n. (serratus anterior m.) 4/ medial and lateral pectoral nn. (pectoralis major and minor) 5/ thoracodorsal n. (latissimus dorsi m.) 6/ dorsal brr. of spinal nerves (intrinsic muscles of the back) 7/ accessory n. (trapezius m.) 8/ subclavian n. (subclavius m.)


Blood supply: 1/ pectoral brr. of thoracoacromial a. 2/ lateral mammary brr. of lateral thoracic a. 3/ medial mammary brr. (perforating brr.) of internal thoracic a.

Innervation: 1/ lateral mammary br., from intercostal nn. 2/ medial mammary br., from intercostal nn. 3/ medial and intermediate supraclavicular nn., from cervical plexus

Lymphatic drainage: 1/ axillary (predominantly pectoral) lymph nodes (important for metastases) 2/ parasternal lymph nodes 3/ supraclavicular (deep cervical) lymph nodes 4/ superficial inguinal lymph nodes


- part of the thoracic cavity between two pleural cavities (right and left)

Borders:  ventral: sternum + costal cartilages + transverse thoracis m.  dorsal: thoracic vertebrae (bodies)  caudal: diaphragm  lateral: mediastinal pleura right and left  cranial: superior thoracic aperture

Division: - horizontal line, which connects sternal angle and between Th4-5 into:  superior  inferior mediastinum – by is divided into: - anterior mediastinum - middle mediastinum - posterior mediastinum


- communicates with anterior mediastinum and posterior mediastinum

Content:  thymus  right  left brachiocephalic vein + its tributaries  superior vena cava + its tributaries  right and left phrenic nerve – different passage  right and left vagus nerve – different course,  left recurrent laryngeal n.  aortic arch – course, branches: brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid a., left subclavian artery, bronchial aa.  (thoracic part)  oesophagus  thoracic duct  superficial cardiac plexus  sympathetic trunk (covered by endothoracic fascia)  anterior mediastinal lymph nodes


- fissure behind the body of sternum and in front of pericardium, - it communicates with superior mediastinum

Content:  thymus  parasternal lymph nodes  superior et inferior sternopericardiac ligaments


- it is separated by pericardium from other parts of mediastinum (from posterior mediastinum is also separated by bronchopericardiac membrane)

Content:  + pulmonary trunk  ascending aorta  left and right pulmonary veins  superior et inferior vena cava  deep cardiac plexus  left and right phrenic nerves + pericardiacophrenic vessels (between pericardium and mediastinal pleura)  tracheal bifurcation  tracheobronchial lymph nodes


Borders:  anterior - pericardium, bronchopericardiac membrane  posterior - Th5-Th12  inferior - diaphragm  superior - imaginary line: intervertebral disc Th4-5 and sternal angle, direct communication with superior mediastinum (important for the spreading of inflammation to the neck and to the abdominal cavity)

Content:  thoracic aorta  oesophagus  anterior et posterior vagal trunk  thoracic duct  azygos vein  hemiazygos vein  accessory hemiazygos vein  sympathetic trunk (covered by endothoracic fascia!)  greater, lesser et least splanchnic nerve  posterior mediastinal lymph nodes


FUNCTION: it pumps blood throughout the body via the Systemic circulation: LV (left ) → AORTA → Human body → SUPERIOR ET INFERIOR VENA CAVA → RA (right ) : RV (right ventricle) → PULMONARY TRUNK → → PULMONARY VV. → LA (left atrium)

 in middle mediastinum  in sac which is called = PERICARDIUM

Pericardium:  fibrous pericardium – fixation through: - superior and inferior sternopericardial ligg. - pericardiacophrenic ligg. - bronchopericardial membrane - vertebropericardial ligg.

 serous pericardium – parietal layer/visceral layer (epicardium) → reflexion of serous pericardium creates: - arterial opening (porta arteriarum) - around ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk - venous opening (porta venarum) - around superior vena cava and inferior vena cava and pulmonary vv. - transverse pericardial sinus - between porta venarum and porta arteriarum - oblique pericardial sinus

Heart wall – layers:  → endocardial duplications = valves  myocardium → atrial myocardium has 2 layers ventricular myocardium has 3 layers  epicardium (= visceral layer of serous pericardium) → pericardial cavity is between epicardium and pericardium

Cardiac skeleton:  right fibrous ring  left fibrous ring  aortic ring  pulmonary ring - right fibrous trigone (central fibrous body) → between right fibrous ring and left fibrous ring and aortic ring - left fibrous trigone → between left fibrous ring and aortic ring - tendon of infundibulum (tendo infundibuli) → connects pulmonary ring and aortic ring

External features of the heart:  base of the heart  apex of the heart  right auricle/left auricle  sternocostal (anterior)/diaphragmatic (inferior)/pulmonary (left) surface  acute (right) margin - cardiac notch /obtuse (left) margin  (groove)/ anterior interventricular sulcus (groove)/ posterior interventricular sulcus (groove)/ terminal sulcus (groove)

Chambers of the heart:  right atrium  right ventricle  left atrium  left ventricle

Right atrium:  true atrium → right auricle - pectinate mm.  - oval fossa () with limbus fossae ovalis  opening of superior vena cava (superior vena cava)  opening of inferior vena cava (inferior vena cava) - valve of inferior vena cava  opening of coronary sinus - valve of coronary sinus (on posterior wall)  openings of smallest cardiac veins

Right atrioventricular orifice - right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid):  anterior cusp/ posterior cusp/ septal cusp

Right ventricle:  inflow tract → trabeculae carnae anterior and posterior papillary m., septal papillary mm. tendinous cords (chordae tendinae)  supraventricular crest (border between inflow and outflow tract)  outflow tract → septomarginal trabecula () - contains right crus of atrioventricular bundle conus arteriosus opening of pulmonary trunk (pulmonary trunk) with : - anterior semilunar cusp(valvula) - right semilunar cusp (valvula) - left semilunar cusp (valvula)

Left atrium:  true atrium → left auricle - pectinate mm.  interatrial septum – valvula of foramen ovale (falx septi)  openings of pulmonary veins (superior and inferior pulmonary veins)  openings of smallest cardiac veins

Left atrioventricular orifice - left atrioventricular valve (bicuspid, mitral):  anterior cusp/ posterior cusp

Left ventricle:  inflow tract → trabeculae carnae anterior and posterior papillary m. tendinous cords (chordae tendinae)  outflow tract → opening of aorta (ascending aorta) with : - posterior semilunar cusp (valvula) posterior - right semilunar cusp (valvula) right aortic sinus (dilation with beginning of right coronary a.) - left semilunar cusp (valvula) left aortic sinus (dilation with beginning of left coronary a.)

Interventricular septum:  membranous part (between inflow part of right ventricle and outflow part of left ventricle)  muscular part

Arterial blood supply: - branches of ascending aorta  right coronary a. - SA nodal br. - br. for conus arteriosus - atrial brr. - right marginal br. - AV nodal br. - right, anterior and posterior ventricular brr. - posterior interventricular br. → septal interventricular brr.

 left coronary a. → circumflex br. - left marginal br. - atrial brr. - left posterior ventricular br.

→ anterior interventricular br. - br. for conus arteriosus - lateral (diagonal) br. - septal interventricular brr. - left anterior ventricular brr.

Venous drainage:  coronary sinus (in coronary sulcus, on posterior side of the heart) and its tributaries: ← great cardiac v. (= ant. interventricular v.) - its tributaries: - left marginal v. - oblique v. of left atrium - left posterior ventricular v. ← middle cardiac v. (= posterior interventricular v.) ← small cardiac v. - right marginal ventricular v.  right anterior ventricular vv.  the smallest cardiac vv.

Innervation of the heart:  cardiac conducting system (heartbeat) – parts: - sinuatrial node – SA node (in right atrium between opening of superior vena cava and beginning of right auricle) - – AV node (in right atrium; near to opening of coronary sinus) - atrioventricular bundle – - right and left – Tawara branches - subendocardial branches – Purkynje fibres

→ between SA node and AV node/ SA node and myocardium of left atrium are connections

 autonomic nervous system (influences frequency of rate and force of contractions) sympathetic fibers - increase heart rate and causes dilatation of - cardiac nn. (from cervical and thoracic ganglia)

parasympathetic fibers - decrease heart rate and causes constriction of coronary arteries - cardiac brr. (from vagus n.)

→ together create: superficial cardiac plexus - in superior mediastinum, on aortic arch deep cardiac plexus - in middle mediastinum, on the bifurcation of the trachea

Lymphatic drainage:  subendocardial, myocardial, subepicardial lymphatic network → right collector = right lymphatic trunk of heart (truncus lymphaticus cordis dx.) left collector = left lymphatic trunk of heart (truncus lymphaticus cordis sin.)  lymph from right collector → praeaortic l. n. → anterior mediastinal l. nn. → thoracis duct→ left venous angle  lymph from left collector → retroaortic l. n. → inferior tracheobronchial l. nn.→ right lymphatic duct → right venous angle

Auscultation of heart - Testut´s points:  aortic valve (point A)– right 2nd IC space near the sternum  (point B) – right 5th IC space near the sternum  bicuspid valve (point C) – left 5th IC space in midclavicular line  pulmonary valve (point D) – left 2nd IC space near the sternum

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM FUNCTION: transport air into the lungs and to facilitate the diffusion of oxygen into the blood stream; phonation; thermoregulation



NASAL SINUSES:  MAXILLARY SINUS  FRONTAL SINUS  ETHMOIDAL SINUS - consists of: anterior air cells middle air cells posterior air cells  SPHENOIDAL SINUS

EXTERNAL NOSE: - pyramid-shaped

External features:  root of nose, dorsum of nose, tip of nose (apex nasi), wings of nose, nares (nostrils) Bones of external nose - bony framework:  nasal bones  the frontal processes of the maxillae  nasal part of frontal bone → piriform aperture

Cartilages of external nose:  lateral nasal cartilages  major alar cartilages - medial and lateral crus  minor alar cartilages  accesory nasal cartilages  vomeronasal

NASAL CAVITY: - is divided by the nasal septum

Parts of the nasal cavity:  nasal vestibule (the border is limen nasi)  proper nasal cavity

Cross-section:  superior nasal concha - part of the ethmoid bone - superior nasal meatus (sphenoethmoidal recess) ← here is opening of: posterior air cells sphenoidal sinus  middle nasal concha - part of the ethmoid bone - middle nasal meatus (ethmoidal bulla, semilunar hiatus, ethmoidal infundibulum) ← here is opening of: maxillary sinus frontal sinus anterior air cells middle air cells  inferior nasal concha - separate bone - inferior nasal meatus ← here is opening of: nasolacrimal duct

→ common nasal meatus - near the nasal septum ← interconnects: superior and middle and inferior nasal meatus

→ nasopharyngeal meatus ← here is common opening of: superior and middle and inferior nasal meatus

Nasal septum - parts:  bony part - consists of: vomer, perpendicular plate of ethmoidal bone  cartilaginous part - consists of: septal cartilage  membranous part

PHARYNX: - extends from the base of the cranium to the level of cricoid cartilage (C6 vertebra) Parts:  Nasal part of pharynx - NASOPHARYNX - functionally this part is inserted in respiratory system (in the level C1-C2; opens into the nose through two choanae)  Oral part of pharynx - OROPHARYNX - functionally this part is inserted in respiratory system (in the level C2-C4; opens into the oral cavity through isthmus of fauces)  Laryngeal part of pharynx - LARYNGOPHARYNX (in the level C4-C6; opens into the larynx via laryngeal inlet) Nasopharynx:  fornix of pharynx - pharyngeal tonsil (adenoids), pharyngeal recess, pharyngeal opening of auditory (Eustachian) tube, torus tubarius – tubal tonsil, torus levatorius, salpingopharyngeal fold, salpingopalatine fold

Oropharynx:  isthmus of fauces, median/lateral glossoepiglottic fold, vallecula epiglottica

LARYNX: Cartilaginous skeleton of larynx:  unpaired cartilages: - thyroid cartilage (laryngeal prominence, left and right lamina, superior et inferior thyroid notch, superior and inferior horns, oblique line) - cricoid cartilage (lamina – arytenoid/thyroid articular surface, arch) - epiglottis (petiolus, lamina)  paired cartilages: - arytenoid cartilage (apex, base – muscular and vocal process), - corniculate cartilage - cuneiform cartilage - tritiate cartilage - in lateral thyrohyoid lig.

Connections of larynx:  fibrous joints - extrinsic ligaments: thyrohyoid membrane – reinforced by median and lateral thyrohyoid lig. cricotracheal lig.

- intrinsic ligaments: median cricothyroid lig.- continues laterally as a conus elasticus vestibular ligg. (false vocal cords; covered by mucosa = vestibular folds) vocal ligg. (true vocal cords; medially are covered by mucosa membrane = vocal folds, laterally are surrounded by vocalis m.)

→ fibroelastic membrane : membrane composed of a dense elastic fibernet which lies below the mucous membrane of larynx; has 2 parts: quadrangular membrane and conus elasticus

 synovial joints - cricothyroid - cricoarytenoid joint

Laryngeal cavity - parts:  vestibule of larynx - between aditus laryngis = laryngeal inlet (bounded by epiglottis, aryepiglotic folds, cuneiform tubercles, corniculate tubercles, interarytenoid notch) and vestibular folds  ventricle of larynx - a slit between vestibular and vocal folds  infraglottic cavity - between vocal folds and cricoid cartilage

Muscles of larynx:  ventral group - cricothyroideus m. - has straight and oblique part - stretches the vocal cord - innervation: superior laryngeal n.  dorsal group - cricoarytaenoideus posterior (posticus) m. - widens the rima glottidis - innervation: reccurent laryngeal n.

- arytenoideus m. - assits in constricting of the rima glottidis - innervation: reccurent laryngeal n.

- aryepiglotticus m. - assits in narrowing of laryngel inlet (aditus laryngis) - innervation: reccurent laryngeal n.  lateral group - cricoarytaenoideus lateralis m. - narrows the rima glottidis - innervation: reccurent laryngeal n. - thyroarytenoideus m. - narrows the rima glottidis - innervation: reccurent laryngeal n. - thyroepiglotticus m. - widens the entrance into larynx (laryngeal inlet/aditus laryngis) - innervation: reccurent laryngeal n.

Glottis: extended from the rima vestibule (which is between vestibular folds) to the rima glottidis (which is between vocal folds)

TRACHEA: - extends from C6 ̶ Th4-5 - in the level Th4-5 – bifurcation of trachea (inside: carina of trachea) → around bifurcation of trachea: right/left superior tracheobronchial l. nn. inferior tracheobronchial l. nn. - consists of 15 ̶ 20 tracheal cartilages – connected by annular ligg. - its dorsal wall is membranous = paries membranaceus

Parts:  cervical part  thoracic part – in superius and middle mediastinum BRONCHI: - right principal is shorter, wider and more vertical than left principal bronchus Right principal bronchus - division:  superior lobar bronchus (is divided into 3 segmental bronchi)  middle lobar bronchus (is divided into 2 segmental bronchi)  inferior lobar bronchus (is divided into 5 segmental bronchi)

Left principal bronchus - division:  superior lobar bronchus (is divided into 5 segmental bronchi)  inferior lobar bronchus (is divided into 5 segmental bronchi)

LUNGS: External features (common features):  apex, base  costal surface, diaphragmatic surface, medial surface (mediastinal and vertebral surface)  anterior margin (border), inferior margin (border), posterior margin (border)  root of the , hilum of the lung, pulmonary lig. (is a fused triangular-shaped sheet of parietal and visceral pleura)  oblique fissure, horizontal fissure (right lung!)

Differences between right and left lung:  right lung - 3 lobes: upper lobe, middle lobe, lower lobe - between upper and middle lobe is horizontal fissure - in right hilum of the lung: right principal bronchus – epiarterial ↑ right pulmonary a. - caudally right pulmonary vv. - ventrocaudally  left lung - 2 lobes: upper lobe, lower lobe - on the anterior margin (border): cardiac notch - lingula of left lung (structure of upper lobe) - in left hilum of the lung: left pulmonary a. – superiorly left principal bronchus – hyparterial ↓ left pulmonary vv. – ventrocaudally

Impressions - right lung:  impression for 1st rib, cardiac impression, sulcus for superior vena cava, sulcus for subclavian a., sulcus for esophagus, sulcus for azygos v.

Impressions - left lung:  impression for 1st rib, cardiac impression, impression for esophagus, sulcus for left brachiocephalic v., sulcus for subclavian a., sulcus for aorta

Blood supply - lungs:  functional vessels - pulmonary aa. and pulmonary vv.  nutritive vessels - bronchial br. (thoracic aorta, aortic arch, 3rd and 4th right posterior intercostal a.) bronchial vv.

VISCERAL AND PARIETAL PLEURA: Parietal pleura:  is lining the internal surface of the thoracic wall  innervation: sensitive innervation by intercostal and phrenic n.  costal pleura/ mediastinal pleura/ diaphragmatic pleura  cervical pleura (pleural cupula = dome) - 5 cm above superior thoracic aperture  costodiaphragmatic recess/costomediastinal recess

Visceral pleura:  forms a cover over the lungs  innervation: autonomic innervation by vagus n. and sympathetic trunk

→ between parietal and visceral pleura is pleural cavity