Vol. 52—No. 12 December 16, 1966

ctivity Countdown Starts: hristmas Is A-Comin’ ‘The three weeks before Christmas holidays are a frantic And as the countdown of activity for Samford students. holidays get nearer the pace becomes more hectic. has One of the first signs that the Christmas season in the arrived on the SU campus are the door decorations Rows of mundane brownish-colored doors suddenly dorms. signs burst into myriad shades of all colors and bloom with of the traditional Christmas spirit. Campus-wide activities are many including the annual in university tree-trimming and th APO. Christmas party Seibert Gymnasium. This year sports activities will play an important part of takes the holidays when the Sertoma Bas etball Classic place on campus ; But even with all the fun happenings, there are still tests going on and many students are having to study harder than ever to catch up before the holidays arrive. | All these things are a part of the pre-season excitement Of The Season which is the aii and help to make an even merrier Christmas, TE ee a very happy new ‘Crimson’s wish for everyone, along with Top left; CHIEF TREE TRIMMERS . . + Finishing touches added fo _ the SU free. ; Top right; A CHRISTMAS CAROL « « » Sung by Billy Priddy at the APO party. Above; STILL STUDYING—

fo concenirafe.

Bottom right; DO YOU BELIEVE IN SANTA?— yr Becky Davis makes a re-

Center right; A GOOD SPORT— hor . . + Sally Bell points out Bottom left; LOOKING FOR

Samford University Library oo er THE CRIMSON December 16, 1966

~ Christmas Is For Thinking, Says Prexy BY BILL MURRAH and cleyer cornball relatives - and bearing sacks of Humble Gifts SGA President from Saks Fifth Avenue ss Christ climbed down for everybody's imagined Christ child Ore of my principal objectivesi in this from His bare Tree column: Sab been to invoke introspection Thought Sie ..this year Christ climbed down and, to ey maturity. and and ran away to where from His bare Tree salesmen non re — intrepid Bible this year 5 -~covered the territory and ran away to where by Tawrence a By 3 in two-tone cadillacs no Bing Crosby carollers Christ climbed down and where no Sears Roebuck creches groaned of a tight Christmas from, His bare Tree complete with plastic babe in manger | and where no Radio City angels this year arrived by parcel post iceskated wingless I and ran awayto where : the babe byspecial delivery thru a winter wonderland there were no rootlessChristmas trees and wheré:no: Hotevised Wise Men : into a jinglebell heaven ie hung with candyesnes a and breakable praised the Lord Calvert Whiskey daily at 8:30 stars \ & with Midnight Mass matinees © “Christ climbed dow - Christ climbed down ~ from His bare Tree from His bare Tree: --this year Christ climbed down this year ns —and ran away to where from His bare Tree and ran away to where no-fat handshaking stranger this year - there were no gilded Christmas trees >. .in-a red flannel suit and softly stole away into ~ and no tinsel Christmas trees “and a fake white beard some anonymous Mary's womb - and no tinfoil Christmas trees went around passing himself off again where in the darkest night and no pink plastic Christmas trees = as some sort of North Pole saint He awaits again and no gold Christmas trees “crossing the desert to Bethlehem an unimaginable and no black Christmas trees Pennsylvania and impossibly and nopowder Christmas trees in a Volkswagen sled Immaculate Reconception hung with electric candles drawn by rollicking Adirondack the very craziest and encircled by. tin electric trains reindeer with German names of Second Comings Singing. Group Entertains. Four Set A “combined Samford chorus Center. Greek Gatherings sang several selections for The chorus was composed of a For Court; the first Birmingham-Jefferson sextet of girls ‘from the Ladies County —Area Combined Federal Chorus and 2n octet of boy's from BY NANCY MONROE Awards—Cerénion¥ on Thursday, the "Male Chorus, Two Appear Dec. Ss at the Spain Community "Christmos parties and activities have resulted in a ~~ BY DAVID GOOCH “Dream Girl,” pledge sweethearts and other honors. Crimson Staff Writer ‘The Traffic Court was scheduled At the annual Dream Girl, Patricia Yourig, a Phi Mu, ExcermionaL OPPORTUNITY. WITH READY MADE to-decide four cases Tuesday. Two was named Pi Kappa Alpha’s own Dream Girl. Also named of “the ‘appealants appeared before - were new S.M.C. Jim Leverett. Vice President Bruce Jowers J - MARKET FOR RECENT COLLEGE GRADUATES the court at its 11 a.m. hearing. and Treasurer Vic Nichols. Robert Carlton Fortner, 1855 Pi Kappa Alpha visited the Crippled Children’s Hos- 16th Ave. S.. brought seven tickets i “One of the nation’s largest life insurance companies, Jefferson before the court, asking that they + pital Tuesday to give them a Christmas party. Stardom Life Insurance, desires representatives to contact seniors be. voidéd on ‘grounds that his The Pi Kappa Phis celebrated hteir Founder’s Day with and graduate students at Samford University. Premium financing roommate, who received the tick- a bouquet at Mrs. Todd’s. During the evening Zeta Tau ‘available. Special life insurance plan is extremely competitive. Liberal commissions and complete fringe benefit program. A quali- ets, was not a Samford student. Alpha pledge Kimeron Brown was named the Kappa Phi fied senior or graduate Student considered. For interview, contact The roommate parked the car in pledge sweetheart. or write: the appropriate visitor’s zone, The ak court agreed to void the offenses Also named were new Archon, Wayne Cofield, Treasu- hecause junior Fortner was not rer “Doc” Shannon and secretary Jimmy Owen. : Can Kermit B. Hunt, . L U.or Ed wills, Jr. CL. + responsible for an automobile that. The pledge class officers are president, Larry Hillard; he did not own. ~ : “Menager Supetvisor = treasurer, Jerry Chandler; and secretary, - ‘Haden Montgom- 829 Brown-Marx Bldg. ~Fwo students failed to appear "ery. and are considered guilty until Three of the sororities will party this weekend. The they show just cause for their ab- Phi : Birmingham, Alabama 35203 = Mus and the Alpha Delta Pi’s will party Friday night and sence. - ° the Chi Omegas = Telephone251-0105 £ EE “Information on a fourth case will party on Saturday night. was withheld by the court pend- Zeta Tau Alpha had a Christmas party at the home of ing further investigation. their advisor, Mel Handson. The Phi Mus bundled off Christmas cards this week to ° moi a the men in Viet is Nam and also sent presents to the children at the Partlow School. . Love Notes: Lavaliered are Pi Kap Steve Williams and Judy Brown, Pi Kap Jim Malone and Kay Walker, Engaged aer Pi Kappa Phi Wayne Cofield and Sally -:Mesaer, a-Pi Beta Phi at Auburn, and Alpha Delta Pi Nan Bell and Sigine Nu Carroll Andrews. 4 >

DiningRoom. MEMBER ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS a imndy. . ~Drive-ln-- : Colinton i. Bd Jackson ; Editor Business Manager Re s E2 Sule Medes Diane Whitehead = ad vo ow m0 Assistant Editor Carry-Out Lo Charles Brooks, Jr.. ‘Editorial Cartoonist ~.... | Dr, Wiliam Baxter, adviser Se me wh a de be ThShor tyr CRSON oes bers CRESTWOOD. BLVD. 1037 3RD- AVE. w. v f but cannot accept unsighed jefters. Yo the eater is published by the Samford University 498; WEIBLE DR. : on the Fridays during the school years except 0

Samford University Library December 16, 1966 THE CRIMSON

Seminary P of Here | Company Reps Coming Jan. 6 For Convocation ' Representatives from LVT Acrospace Corp. and the H, J. William Edward Hull, as- and leadership fraternities. He is Hines Co. will be on campus | sociate. professor of New also actively engaged in many re- Jan. 6. to talk with January Testament interpretation at ligious organizations graduates. fhe Souther Baptist Theo- = AS a frequent speaker he has Assistant to the Dean of Stu- eminary at Louis- appeared at Baptist conventions | dents Tom Cleveland said ap- ville, Kentucky, will be the and assemblies and at i:uitist mis- pointments for interviews could speaker at the Dec. 19 Con- sions in Germany, France, I lv, be made in Samford 217. vocation. Lebanon, and Jerdan. Christ and the Mind of Man will Dr. Hull is the author of several _ be Di. Hull's topic. | books, including “The Gospel of ‘Man’ Tests A graduate of ord Univer- John, Messages on Evangelism sity, Dr. Hull co his edu- and The Truth that Makes Men cation at Southern Theological Make Book Seminary where he received his written many pe: wodicals Th.D. with a New Testament ma- _ numerous church related jor. He did advance study at the University of Gottinger, Germany. Saleable ~ Dr. Hull is a member of Phi i lives in Louis<_ Eta Sigma, Trident, Omicron Del- Dr. Hull and his wife Emmis recipes and a ta Kappa, and. other scholastic Margaret have two children. ronal earn money have been combined in a cookbook compiled by the ‘of the law students at Cumberland Law School. - Suggestion Box Will Aid Cooking With the Law Dames contains the favorite and most eco- nomical recipes of members of the Student Communication Law Dames club. They range from appetizers to desserts. BY JUDY GALLMAN . the body would have to decide upon The price is $1.50 and the pro- LADIES LAUNCH YULE MUSIC PROGRAM Crimson Staff Writer action. ceeds will go to a scholarship . The Ladies Chorus was one of four Samford music groups that The whole idea, according to fund for law students cnly. They performed in this week’s chapel programs of traditional Christmas The SGA’s functional, but un- President Murrah, is to find out music. Students also heard Collegium Musicum, the Male Chorus and gightly suggestion box has elicited are available at the University student opinion. This, he said, “is the A Cappella Choir in the four-session performance. much comment from the Samford Bookstore or by calling Mrs, Dar- what we work with.” He continued student body, mainly queries deal- ryl Webb at 833-0375. : : to say that the program could open According to Mrs. Webb, “they ing. with the box’s purpose. up some new ways of dealing with “Communication” is the main make wonderful Christmas pres- problems. ents.” idea behind the’ suggestion box, ac- cording to President Bill Murrah. ENJOY THIS BRITLING The success of the box, Murrah 3 continued, depends upon student Phi Mu Fraternity participation, If participation is Dinner Bell, good and the students respond, a committee might be set up to han- wishes everyone a ~ dle all of the suggestions, criti- Slome, and comments that come Merry Christmas ¢” SPECIAL! N fwiah. will check the sugges- eo « At 2 Convenient “Over-the-Min.” Locations tions periodically and those he de- and a "® BRITLING-BY-THE-BROOK eo BRITLING-VESTAVIA cides have merit will be brought Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday before the executive committee. The committee is made vp of Happy New » Year {At Lunch and Supper) Murrah, vice president, Judson Jones, treasurer Lee Gallman, and secretary Becky Van Hooser. Criticisms will also be discussed, Murrah said. If the executive com- mittee decides the remarks are noteworthy, they will bring them | SEASON'S GREETINGS | CASSEROLE before the Senate. in the Senate, several actions could result from the suggestions or criticisms. Committees could © from the possibly be set up to handle the problems. In case of criticism of Staff

Chris Christ ond Gets Prexy Job Of CLS Frosh Management = oof, “FAMILY DINING AT ITS BEST* e BY-THE-BROOK eo BRITLING-VESTAVIA : 'AR.A. Slater's 00, Brock Shopping Center) | (Vestavia Plass Mell)

ee Samford University Library THE CRIMSON December 16, 1966

Football Banquet Honors Best Team Since 1962 BY GORDON LADNER The highlight of ‘the banquet was since 1962. The Bulldogs closed the Crimson Sports Writer the presentation of awards to the season with a 6-3-1 mark, school’s Bulldog Bulletin Board of Recipients of the honors were The Samford Bulldogs gridders Honors for the 1966 season. Two linebacker Tommy Hamby, Wedo- were rewarded for their 1966 ef- sophomores and two seniors were wee, Ala., senior—best defensive forts last Saturday night at the selected for their role in leading back; tight end Jimmy Jackson. annual Football Banquet. the Bulldogs to their best season senior from Dadeville, Ala.—best x kx x * *x x *x *k * * offensive lineman; quarterback Jim Lovette, sophomore from Red Bay, Ala.—best offensive back; and guard Jobnny Webb, sopho- Samford To Host more from Camden, Ala.—best de- fensive lineman. At the banquet, Samford’s Bir- mingham area Alurani Club pre- Sertoma Tourney sented watches to Bulldog sen- jors. The timepieces were award. HAND-OFF FROM SANTA CLAUS— ed by club president Neil Shep- .. Gridder Tom Hamby gets the ball from ol’ Saint Nick at the hard to seniors Hamby, Jackson, BY WAYNE HULON night will ‘play the consolation football banquet last weekend. Hamby’s feat was witnessed by alum guard Bobby Austin of Hueytown, Crimson Sports Writer match at 7 p.m. December 30. Neil Sheppard, President Leslie Wright and fellow gridder Jim Jack- The title game will follow at 9 Ala. and - wingback Jeff Hopping The Samford Bulldogs will be p.m. between the first round win- of ‘Birmingham. the host for the Sertoma Holiday ners. The permanent Co-Captains for Hamby led the Bulldogs in total amassed. He accumulated 1510 Classic December in Jacksonville State and Tennes- 1966, announced at the banquet, tackles with a total of 197 and an yards by rushing, passing, receiv- December. 29-30 in Seibert Hall. see Wesleyan will both bring ex- are Hamby, a four-year letterman average of 20 per game. He was ing and returning kicks. | The tourney will be sponsored by .perienced teams to the meet Jax and Jackson, a three-time letter. second in individual stops with 4S. Webb was cited for his leading Sertoma Club of Birmingham and State, coached by Tom Roberson winner, Lovette received the best offen- role in anchoring Samford's defen- will include — in addition to Sam- boasts nine of eleven lettermen Jackson led the Bulldogs in re- sive back award for the second sive forward wall which limited 10 ford — Tampa University, Jack- back from a 16-13 team that won ceiving and ended his career as straight year. He led.the Bulldogs foes to only six touchdowns on the scaville State University and Ten- the Alabama Collegiate Conference the second leading receiver in in total offense with 907 yards ground. nessee Wesleyan College. for the 1965-66 season. Samford history. He was on the with 731 of the yards coming ‘Head Bulldog Coach John Arm- receiving end of 53 passes for in the last three games. He also strong also handed out letters to Tampa will meet Jacksonville Tennessee Wesleyan, tutored by 762 yards over three campaigns. set a season mark for total yards 33 gridders. State at 7 p.m. Thursday, Decem- Dwain Farmer, returns all 10 let-

ber 29 followed by the Bulldogs termen from last year’s 15-10 sea- battle with Tennessee Wesleyan at son. 9 pm. Tampa suffered through a sub- The teams defeated the first par 7-18 season last winter. But the Spartans have a new coach, Bd Dana Kirk, plus a good nucleus OY RL ES Z of returning lettermen and several Get Tickets talented transfers. Tampa meets such feams as IIIT vi TTS 4 Dayton, Louisville, Western Ken- For Tournament tucky, Miami and North Carolina in a rather heavy schedule, At Gym Now SHENAE

SEIS Tickets to the first annu~ Sentoma Holiday Basketball IM Council Sn Classic at Samford Dec. 29-30 . IO are on sale in the office of I athletic director James. E. Will Meet AAAI arman.

UREA Samford cagers will appear as hosts of the two-night tour- Intramural Director, 2 4 uke 44 festival | nament., Others entered are Haywood, announced that Ss Tampa University, Tennessee will be an Intramural Council Mon. Dec. 1744 Wesleyan and Jacksonville meeting on Wednesday, Jan- AUS State. : : uary 4. All groups planning to SN participate in basketball must 5.00 PY

Tickets are $1 for each PR night. The meet is being spon- have a representative presen! or they will not be allowed 10 sored by Sertoma Club of Bir- an Charles Dickens” 2 mingham, with proceeds to ~ play. go to aid the devendient chil- Also tennis doubles, badmin- j a ton, handball, and table tennis ES dren of Jefferson County. " a lristms Caro] ' rosters must be turned in.

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te Tp Women R are ani Ger ye z£ Hareb! 5 a Schizos Coma * One minute they like milk chorolate the ext dark chocolate. : _ Good pling fo for Hollingsworth’s zssortment. - a

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