The following printout was generated by realtime captioning, an accommodation for the deaf and hard of hearing. This unedited printout is not certified and cannot be used in any legal proceedings as an official transcript. DATE: January 3, 2018 EVENT: Managed Long-Term Services and Supports Meeting >> BOB THEIL: Good morning everyone. We'll call the meeting to order. First we will take attendance. We'll run down the list here. Arsen Ustayev? Barbara Polzer, Blair. Brenda Dare. Denise Curry, Drew Nagele. >> Here. >> Estella Hyde. Fred Hess we have a new member, Heshie Zinman, are you on the phone? Jack Kane? >> MALE SPEAKER: Here. >> BOB THEIL: James Fetzner. >> MALE SPEAKER: Here. >> BOB THEIL: Juanita Gray. Pam is not here. My name is Bob Thiel, I work with her. >> RALPH TRAINER: Hello. >> FRED HESS: That's where we were getting feedback. >> BOB THEIL: Ray Prushnok, Richard Kovalesky. Steven Touzell. Tanya Teglo is on the phone. Terry Brennan. Theo Brady. >> THEO BRADDY: Here. >> BOB THEIL: Veronica Comfort, William White. Okay. Thank you. We'll now review the housekeeping rules. Committee rules as always, please, use professional language, professionalism, point of order, redirect comments through the chairman, wait until called, keep comments to two minutes, we had a lot of problems last meeting we had people didn't get a chance to talk and we want to make sure we kind of keep that tight schedule as possible so we have time at the end for everyone's comments. Meeting minutes the transcripts and the meeting documents are posted on the Listserv at
[email protected].