Salt Caves Have a Proven Track Record

Eastern Europe is well aware of the benefits of therapy, otherwise known as Spelotherapy or Halotherapy. In Hungary, the treatment is recommended by doctors and is even covered by health insurance.

The most prominent cave was set up 150 years ago, by a Polish physician who noted that salt miners didn’t suffer from lung diseases. A natural grotto was carved within the Wieliczka mines and became popular among those suffering from respiratory diseases. This mine is still in use today, as is another salt mine in Bochnia, Poland, which has been active since 1248.

People suffering from allergies, neurological and rheumatoid problems as well as locomotor system dysfunctions are recommended to spend significant time in the mine.

Salt Is Actually Good For You The truth is that real salt is important for many biological processes including regulating your blood pressure, carrying nutrients to your cells and improving brain function. The benefits of Himalayan Salt caves range from weight loss, detoxification to lung support and more.

The walls are constructed out of large salt slabs, fine salt pebbles covers the floor, and even the mortar is made out of a salt and a water solution called sole. Hand-mined and hand- processed in the Himalayas, this salt is minimally altered; these untainted crystals have spent thousands of years maturing under ancient lava beds.

Unprocessed Himalayan Crystal Salt is rich in , potassium, , copper, and bromine, giving your body a powerful nutrient boost. The salt-infused air inside a crystal salt cave delivers valuable minerals to your nervous system and also contains particles of , which are anti-allergenic and anti-fungal.

Copyright 2016 CAHP - Studies Will Show…

In 2006, a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that inhaling a high concentration of saline improved lung function in cystic fibrosis sufferers.

Another 2006 study published in the European Respiratory Journal showed that cigarette smokers who inhaled aerosolized salt had improved smoking-related symptoms, such as coughing and mucus production.

Further studies on an inhalant device called ‘the salt pipe’ prove that the symptoms of chronic asthma and bronchitis sincerely improved upon inhalation of a salt-based solution. In fact, salt pipes, make for a great substitute for the vast majority of people who do not have a salt cave readily accessible.

Himalayan crystal salt creates negative , which have the ability to combat the effects of free radicals while producing a surprisingly relaxing sensation. Much like the feeling you get at the ocean, or immediately following a storm, air charged with negative ions suppresses serotonin within the body, thereby instigating higher energy levels and positive moods.

The power of fresh air to alter our moods and increase vitality should never be dismissed. . “Breath is our life-blood. If we’re not breathing good air, it affects every part of our body.

Salt caves have been shown to be incredibly safe for children and quite beneficial as well.

I hope this has at least….made you think..NICE THERAPY and support.

There is lots more research on line if you are interested in Salt Caves.

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