Manual of Guidance on KEEPING THE PEACE 2010 Produced on behalf of the Association of Chief Police Officers and the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland by the National Policing Improvement Agency NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Manual of Guidance on Keeping the Peace This guidance contains information to assist policing in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED under the Government Protective Marking Scheme. This manual of guidance has been produced by the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) on behalf of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS). It will be updated according to legislative and policy changes and re-released as required. The NPIA was established by the Police and Justice Act 2006. As part of its remit the NPIA is required to develop policing doctrine, including guidance, in consultation with ACPO, the Home Office and the Police Service. Guidance produced by the NPIA should be used by chief officers to shape police responses to ensure that the general public experience consistent levels of service. The implementation of all guidance will require operational choices to be made at local level in order to achieve the appropriate police response. If you would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, please contact: Specialist Operations Centre Wyboston Lakes, Great North Road Wyboston, Bedfordshire MK44 3BY Telephone: 0845 000 5463 Email:
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