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LIST of ABBREVIATIONS – April 2014 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS – April 2014 ABC Acceptable Behaviour Contract AC Audit Commission ACC Assistant Chief Constable ACPO Association of Chief Police Officers ANPR Automatic Number Plate Recognition APACE Association of Police Authority Chief Executives APA Association of Police Authorities ARV Armed Response Vehicle ASB Anti Social Behaviour ASBO Anti Social Behaviour Order AVU Anti Victimisation Unit BAWP British Association of Women Police BCS British Crime Survey BCU Basic Command Unit B&HCC Brighton & Hove City Council BME Black and Minority Ethnic BPA Black Police Association BTP British Transport Police CC Chief Constable CDRP Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership CGC Corporate Governance Committee CID Criminal Investigation Department CIG Continuous Improvement Group CIS Crime Information System CJB Criminal Justice Board C&JD Community & Justice Department CJU Criminal Justice Unit CJS Criminal Justice System CMU Crime Management Unit COARC Chief Officer Appointments and Remuneration Committee COM Chief Officer Meeting CPS Crown Prosecution Service CPU Child Protection Unit CRB Criminal Records Bureau CRIB Crime Recording and Investigation Bureau CRISP Cross Regional Information Sharing Proposal CSE Crime Scene Examiner CSG Community Safety Group CSI Crime Scene Investigator CSP Community Safety Partnership CT Counter-Terrorism CTU Counter-Terrorism Unit DA Domestic Abuse DAAT Drug and Alcohol Action Team DAM Divisional Accountability Meeting DCC Deputy Chief Constable DEM Diversity Excellence Model DIU Divisional Intelligence Unit DMM Daily Management Meeting DP Detained Person DPA Data Protection Act (1984 and 1988) DV Domestic Violence ECM Every Child Matters (cross government working with local partners to achieve better outcomes for children and young people) EDU Equality and Diversity Unit EO Equal Opportunities EOC Equal Opportunities Commission ESCC East Sussex County Council ESSP East Sussex Strategic Partnership FLO Family Liaison Officer FO Forensic Officer FOR Force Operational Review FOI Freedom of Information FoIA Freedom of Information Act FTA Fixed Term Appointment FTE Full-time Equivalent FVE Forensic Vehicle Examiner GPA-S Gay Police Association – Sussex HMCIC Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary HMIC Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary HR Human Resources H900 Sussex Police Helicopter (call sign) IAG Independent Advisory Group ICR Inspection of Complaints Register ICVA Independent Custody Visiting Association ICVS Independent Custody Visiting Scheme ICV Independent Custody Visitor IDHC Investigation and Detainee Handling Centre IMPACT National police information-sharing system IPCC Independent Police Complaints Commission JDM Joint Decision Making Model KLOE Key Line of Enquiry KOFD Key Opinion Formers’ Database KPI Key Performance Indicator LAT Local Action Team LGA Local Government Association LGBT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender LPP Local Policing Plan LSP Local Strategic Partnership MAPPA Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements MARAC Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference METHANE multi-agency communications MDT Mobile Data Terminal MSF Most Similar Forces NACP National Association of Chaplains to the Police NAFIS National Automated Fingerprint Information System NBPA National Black Police Association NCIS National Criminal Intelligence Service NCPE National Centre for Policing Excellence NCRS National Crime Recording Standard NDM National Decision Making Model (replace by Joint Decision Making Model - JDM). NIM National Intelligence Model NLC National Leadership Competencies NPIA National Policing Improvement Agency NPP National Policing Plan NPSC Neighbourhood Policing Scrutiny Committee NPT Neighbourhood Police Team NSPIS National Strategy for Police Information Systems NVIS National Video Identification System OIC Officer in Charge OIS Operational Information System PA Police Authority PACE Police and Criminal Evidence Act PAM Performance Accountability Meeting PC Police Constable, Parish Council PCC Police Contact Centre PCC Police Crime Commissioner PCSO Police Community Support Officer PCT Primary Care Trust PDR Personal Development Review PNB Police Negotiating Board PNC Police National Computer PNSO Police Neighbourhood Support Officer POCA Proceeds of Crime Act PPOs Prolific and Priority Offenders PPRO Press and Public Relation Officer PRU Police Resources Unit PSA Public Service Agreement PSB Public Service Board PSC Professional Standards Committee PSCC Protective Services Scrutiny Committee PSD Professional Standards Department PSSC Protective Services Scrutiny Committee PSSO Police Standards and Skills Organisation PSU Police Standards Unit PYO Persistent Young Offender RIPA Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 RIU Regional Intelligence Unit RPU Road Policing Unit RSC Resources Scrutiny Committee RTC Road Traffic Collision SALC Sussex Association of Local Councils SBPA Sussex Black Police Association SCJB Sussex Criminal Justice Board SDVC Specialist Domestic Violence Court SES Single Equality Scheme SFO Senior Forensic Officer SIO Senior Investigation Officer SLA Service Level Agreement SLDP Senior Leadership Development Programme SNAP Say No and Phone (Crimestoppers initiative) SO Standing Order SOCA Serious and Organised Crime Agency SOCO Scenes of Crime Officer SPA Sussex Police Authority SSLF Serving Sussex Leaders Forum TFU Tactical Firearms Unit T People Transgender, Transsexual, Transvestite TTCG Tactical Tasking and Co-ordination Group UDT Unarmed Defensive Tactics URN Unique Reference Number VEM Visible Ethnic Minority VS Victim Support WSCC West Sussex County Council WSSP West Sussex Strategic Partnership WTE Whole-Time Equivalent YIP Youth Inclusion Programme YOT Youth Offending Team .
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