ABSTRACT Title of thesis: WHEN APOLOGIES WORK: THE BENEFITS OF MATCHING APOLOGY CONTENT TO VICTIMS AND CONTEXT Ryan Fehr, Master of Arts, 2007 Thesis Directed by: Dr. Michele Gelfand Department of Psychology Research shows that apologies are useful social tools. They help people to resolve conflict, reduce feelings of aggression, and foster forgiveness. Yet common sense tells us that all apologies are not created equal. From one to the next, they are likely to contain different verbal elements, to be offered to different people, and to be given under different circumstances. In each of these cases, an apology’s impact can be expected to change. To explore the boundaries of apology effectiveness, the current study asks four distinct questions. First, how effective are three different apology components (offers of compensation, expressions of concern, and acknowledgements of violated rules/norms) in eliciting forgiveness? Second, how does a victim’s self-construal (independent, relational, or collective) influence forgiveness of an offender? Third, does a victim’s self-construal moderate the effectiveness of different apology components? Finally, how does harm severity influence the effectiveness of long versus short apologies? To answer each of these questions, 171 undergraduate students participated in a policy capturing experiment. Regarding the role of apology components, all three components are found to positively affect forgiveness. Offers of compensation are shown to be the most effective, followed by expressions of concern and acknowledgments of violated rules/norms, respectively. Regarding the direct impact of the self, no significant effect was found. As for the moderating effect of the self on apology components, the independent self is found to strengthen the effectiveness of offers of compensation, the relational self is found to strengthen the effectiveness of both expressions of concern and acknowledgments of violated rules/norms, and the collective self is found to strengthen the effectiveness of acknowledgments of violated rules/norms.
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