editorial A history of instability The East ice sheet may be gaining mass in the current, warming climate. The palaeoclimate record shows, however, that it has retreated during previous episodes of prolonged warmth.

he phrase “at a glacial pace” once 50º W 40º W 30º W 20º W 10º W 0 10º E 20º E 30º E 40º E 50º E 60º S invoked a sense of slow and º S >2,800 60 Tunchangeable movement, an almost imperceptible motion. But decades of Queen Maud 2,000 remote sensing and seafloor observations Land have shown that glaciers and ice sheets can respond to disturbances much more 1,200 dynamically than once thought. But as satellites captured the surges and retreat of 400 ’s maritime glaciers in the past

, Elsevier East 0 decades the Antarctic ice sheets — east and 11 West –400 west of the Trans-Antarctic mountains — Antarctica Trans-Antarctic mountains were at least assumed to be stable. But this, Ground elevation (m.a.s.l.) too, turned out to be wrong. First came Wilkes –1,200 sediment1 and model2 evidence that the Land West collapsed during Sabrina previous interglacial periods and under Adélie Coast –2,000 Pliocene warmth. Then came erosional Land data showing that several regions of the 60 250 º E º E km 60 <–2,800 East Antarctic ice sheet also retreated and 3 130º W1140º W1150º W1160º W1170º W 80 170º E 60º E 50º E 40º E 130º E advanced throughout the Pliocene . An ref. from adapted Figure Credit: extended record4 of ice-sheet extent from elsewhere on the East Antarctic coast now such systems under warmer conditions to even subtle shifts in climate, see for paints a more complicated picture of the may have an analogue in the most recent instance page 121. Variations in the response sensitivity of this ice sheet to warming. deglaciation. Prior to the Holocene retreat of ice shelves to oceanic and atmospheric The is currently of the East Antarctic ice sheet in the warming, and hence in their effects on ice- the largest ice mass on Earth. If it melted western , extensive subglacial sheet stability, could be one reason why the in its entirety, global sea levels would rise channels carried meltwater to the ice shelf response of the East Antarctic ice sheet to by more than 50 metres. Because much of grounding line7. warming was so complex. this ice is based on land, it is thought to be Intriguingly the Sabrina coast record In terms of immediate sea-level rise, it is less vulnerable to retreat than, for instance, shows some evidence of Pliocene instability, reassuring that it seems to require prolonged , where much of the ice is but nothing as drastic as the response periods of lasting hundreds of thousands grounded below sea level. Nevertheless, seen in Adélie Land, where the ice margin to millions of years to induce even partial several sectors of the East Antarctic ice sheet repeatedly retreated several hundred retreat. Nevertheless, we must not take have responded to past periods of warmth. kilometres inland. Moreover, periods of its stability completely for granted — we Ice streams in and Adélie retreat in Adélie Land and Wilkes Land cannot be sure how the East Antarctic ice Land broke up during the late Miocene and during the Pliocene were not synchronous. sheet will respond to rates of warming that Pliocene5, between about 7 and 3.5 million It is thus clear that the East Antarctic ice might exceed one to two degrees in a few years ago, and the entire East Antarctic ice sheet does not respond uniformly thousand years. ❐ sheet waxed and waned with orbital forcing to warming. 6 throughout the Oligocene and Miocene . Modern climate and cryosphere Published online: 30 January 2018 Oligocene and Miocene instability is also variations provide some insights into the https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-018-0068-x seen in a record from the Sabrina Coast4, complex response of the ice sheet to oceanic near Totten Glacier. This region underwent and atmospheric warming, albeit on much References a fairly early onset of glaciation, following shorter timescales. Warming has led to 1. Naish, T. et al. Nature 458, 322–328 (2009). the Eocene climatic optimum. But this increased snowfall and accumulation in 2. Pollard, D. & DeConto, R. Nature 458, 329–332 (2009). early East Antarctic ice sheet was far from , which appears to be 3. Cook, C. P. et al. Nat. Geosci. 6, 765–769 (2013). 8 4. Gulick, S. et al. Nature 552, 225–229 (2017). stable — it advanced and retreated at least unprecedented in the past two millennia . 5. Williams, T. et al. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 290, 351–361 (2010). eleven times in the tens of millions of years Mass gain has been accelerating in this 6. Liebrand, D. et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114, between the Eocene and the late Miocene. region9, but the volume of the floating ice 3867–3872 (2017). This dynamic glaciation — in contrast to shelves that buttress the East Antarctic ice 7. Simkins, L. et al. Nat. Geosci. 10, 691–697 (2017). 8. Medley, B. et al. Geophys. Res. Lett. https://doi. 10 the more stable ice seen under cooler sheet has been decreasing since 2003. org/10.1002/2017GL075992 (2017). climates — was associated with the Ice-shelf thickness is controlled by a complex 9. Velicogna, I., Sutterley, T. C. & van den Broeke, M. R. Geophys. development of regional subglacial interplay between snowfall accumulation Res. Lett. 41, 8130–8137 (2014). 10. Paolo, F. S., Fricker, H. A. & Padman, L. Science 348, hydrologic systems fed by high volumes and melting from beneath; the balance 327–331 (2015). of surface meltwater. The development of between these processes seems to respond 11. Te RAISED Consortium. et al. Quat. Sci. Rev. 100, 1–9 (2014).

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