What is in psychology pdf

Continue Clinically Applied Psychology for The Desired Behavior Change This article is about discipline. For the journal, see Psychotherapy (journal). Part of the series onPsychology Outline History Subfields Basic Types abnormal Behavioral Genetics Biological Cognitive / Cognitive Comparative Intercultural Cultural Differential Evolutionary Evolutionary Evolutionary Mathematical Neuropsychology Personality Positive Quantitative Applied Applied Behavioral Analysis Clinical Community Consumer Community Consumer Counseling Critical Environmental Medical Industrial and Organizational Legal Military Music Professional Health Political Religion School Sports Traffic Lists Discipline Organization Psychotherapy Psychology Research Methods Theory Theory Timeline Topics Psychology portalvte PsychotherapyMeSHD011613 edited on Wikidata Psychotherapy (also psychological therapy or speaking therapy) is the use of psychological methods, especially based on regular personal interaction with adults, to help people change their behavior and overcome problems in the desired ways. Psychotherapy aims to improve a person's well-being and mental health to address or mitigate troublesome behaviors, beliefs, coercion, thoughts or emotions, as well as improve relationships and social skills. There is also a range of psychotherapy designed for children and adolescents that are usually associated with the game, such as a sandbox. Some psychotherapy is considered evidence-based to treat some diagnosed mental disorders. Others have been criticized as pseudoscience. There are over a thousand different psychotherapy methods, some of them minor variations, while others are based on very different concepts of psychology, ethics (how to behave professionally), or methods. Most are related to one-to-one sessions between the client and the therapist, but some are held with groups, including families. Psychotherapists can be mental health professionals such as psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health nurses, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists or professional counsellors. Psychotherapists can also come from different other walks of life, and depending on the jurisdiction may be legally regulated, voluntarily regulated or unregulated (and the term itself may or may not be protected). Definitions of the term psychotherapy comes from the ancient Greek psyche (ψυχή means breathing; spirit; soul) and therapeia (θεραπεία healing; medical care). The Oxford English Dictionary now defines it as the treatment of mental disorders or personality psychological methods ... however, in earlier use it denoted the treatment of the disease with the help of hypnotic The American Psychological Association adopted a resolution on the effectiveness of psychotherapy in 2012, based on the definition of John C. Norcross: Psychotherapy is an informed and deliberate application of clinical methods and interpersonal positions arising from established psychological principles to help people change their behavior, cognition, emotions, and/or other personal characteristics in directions that participants consider desirable. Influential publications of the psychiatrist Jerome Frank have defined psychotherapy as a healing relationship, using socially sanctioned methods in a series of contacts, mostly related to words, actions and rituals, which are seen as forms of persuasion and rhetoric. Some definitions of counseling overlap with psychotherapy (especially in non-client-oriented approaches), or counseling may refer to recommendations on everyday problems in specific areas, usually for shorter periods with a less medical or professional focus. Somatotherapy refers to the use of physical changes as injuries and diseases, and sociotherapy refers to the use of a person's social environment to effect therapeutic changes. Psychotherapy may view spirituality as a significant part of someone's mental/psychological life, and some forms are derived from spiritual philosophy, but practices based on the attitude to the spiritual as a separate dimension are not necessarily considered as traditional or legitimate forms of psychotherapy. Historically, psychotherapy has sometimes meant interpretive (i.e. Freudian) methods, namely psychoanalysis, unlike other treatments for mental disorders, such as behavioural change. Psychotherapy is often referred to as talking therapy, especially for the general audience, although not all forms of psychotherapy rely on verbal communication. Children or adults who do not engage in verbal communication (or not in the usual way) are not excluded from psychotherapy; indeed some types are designed for such cases. Delivery of Psychotherapy can be delivered in person (one-on-one, or with couples, or in groups), by phone, through telephone consultation, or over the Internet. The Victorian government's health agency has not awarded a single mental health application with scores greater than 3 stars out of five for efficiency. One reason for this is that online cognitive behavioral therapy programs have a poor commitment compared to about face-to-face programs. This means that many users do not stick to the program as prescribed. For example, they can delete the app or skip the days. Location See also: Psychologist - Licensing and adjustments, Counseling psychology - Ethics and Regulation counseling, Psychiatrist - Professional requirements, Medical workers requirements, Social work - qualification, and Mental Health - Professional Differences Psychotherapists traditionally can be: mental health professionals such as psychologists and psychiatrists; Psychiatrists; from other sectors of society (family therapists, social workers, nurses, etc.) who have been trained in specific psychotherapy; or (in some cases) academic or scientifically trained professionals. Psychiatrists are trained primarily as doctors and, as such, they may prescribe prescription drugs; and specialized psychiatric training begins after medical school in psychiatric residences: however, their specialty is associated with mental disorders or forms of mental illness. Clinical psychologists have special doctorates in psychology with some clinical and research components. Other clinical practitioners, social workers, mental health counselors, pastoral counselors and mental health nurses also often perform psychotherapy. Many of the wide range of psychotherapeutic training programs and institutional settings are multi-professional. In most countries, psychotherapy training is all at the graduate level, often at the master's level (or doctoral) for 4 years, with significant oversight of practices and clinical places. Such specialists working in specialized psychotherapeutic work also need a continuing vocational education programme after basic training. In 2013, he was included in the list of extensive professional competences of the European psychotherapist, developed by the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP). Since sensitive and deeply personal topics are often discussed during psychotherapy, therapists are expected and generally legally obligated to respect the confidentiality of the client or patient. Critical client confidentiality and the limited circumstances in which it may be violated to protect clients or others are enshrined in the codes of ethical practice of regulatory psychotherapeutic organizations. Examples where privacy is usually violated include when a therapist knows that a child or elder is under physical abuse; when there is a direct, clear and imminent threat of serious physical harm to one or a particular person. To look at 2015 in Europe there are still many variations between different European countries regarding the regulation and delivery of psychotherapy. Some countries have no regulation of this practice or do not have title protection. Some have a voluntary registration system with independent professional organizations, while others are trying to limit the practice of psychotherapy by mental health professionals (psychologists and psychiatrists) with state-certified training. Names that are protected also vary. the Association of Psychotherapy (EAP) established the Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy in 1990, which is dedicated to the establishment of an independent profession of psychotherapy in Europe to the pan-European standards. EAP is already European Union and The European Commission for this purpose. Given that the European Union has a basic policy on the free movement of labour in Europe, European law can repeal national rules, which are, in fact, forms of restrictive practices. In Germany, the practice of psychotherapy for adults is limited to qualified psychologists and doctors (including psychiatrists) who have undergone several years of special practical training and certification in the field of psychotherapy. Because psychoanalysis, psychodynamic therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy meet the requirements of German insurance companies, mental health professionals regularly choose one of these three postgraduate majors. For psychologists, this includes three years of full-time practical training (4,200 hours), a year-long internship at an accredited psychiatric facility, six months of clinical work in an outpatient facility, 600 hours of supervised psychotherapy in outpatient settings and at least 600 hours of theoretical seminars. Social workers can receive special training for child and adolescent clients. Similarly, in Italy, the practice of psychotherapy is limited to graduates in psychology or medicine who have completed four years of recognized training. Sweden has a similar restriction on the title of psychotherapist which can only be used by professionals who have received post-professional psychotherapy training and have then applied for a licence issued by the National Health and Welfare Council. French law restricts the use of the title psychotherapist for professionals of the National Register of Psychotherapists, which requires training in clinical psychopathology and an internship period that is open only to doctors or a title degree in psychology or psychoanalysis. Austria and Switzerland (2011) have laws that recognize interdisciplinary functional approaches. In the United Kingdom, the Government and the Health and Care Board considered mandatory legal registration, but decided it was best to leave professional bodies to run, so the Office of Professional Health and Welfare Standards (PSA) launched a system of accredited voluntary registers. Counselling and psychotherapy are not protected by names in the United Kingdom. Consultants and psychotherapists who have been trained and are entitled to a certain standard (usually a level 4 diploma) can apply for professional participation in professional bodies listed in accredited PSA registers. United States In some states, consultants therapists must be licensed to use certain words and names on self-identification or advertising. In some other states, restrictions on the practice closely related to charging. Licensing and regulation are carried out by different states. Representing the practice as licensed, but without such a license, is usually illegal. For example, without a license a practicing doctor cannot bill you to insurance companies. Information about the state license is provided by the American Psychological Association. In addition to state laws, the American Psychological Association requires its members to adhere to its published ethical principles of psychologists and the Code of Conduct. The American Council on Professional Psychology reviews and certifies psychologists who demonstrate competence in approved fields of specialty in professional psychology. History See also: The history of psychotherapy and the timeline of psychotherapy can be said to have been practiced for centuries as doctors, philosophers, spiritual practitioners and people in general have used psychological techniques to heal others. In Western tradition, by the 19th century, the movement of moral treatment (then moral or mental) evolved through non-invasive, unlimited therapeutic methods. Another influential movement was started by Franz Mesmer (1734-1815) and his pupil Armand-Marie-Jak de Chasten, Marquis Puisugur (1751-1825). Called hypnosis or animal magnetism, it will have a strong impact on the growth of dynamic psychology and psychiatry as well as theories about hypnosis. In 1853, Walter Cooper Dandy coined the term psycho-therapy on how doctors can influence the mental state of sufferers and thus their bodily ailments, for example, creating opposite emotions to promote mental balance. Daniel Haq Tuk Tuk quoted the term and wrote about psychotetherapy in 1872, in which he also proposed making the science of animal magnetism. Hippolyte Bernheim and his colleagues at the Nancy School developed the concept of psychotherapy in the sense of using the mind to heal the body through hypnosis, but beyond. Charles Lloyd Taki's 1889 work Psycho-Therapy, or Treatment with Hypnosis and Suggestion popularized the work of Nancy's school in English. In addition, in 1889, the clinic first used the word in its name, when Frederick van Eden and Albert Willem in Amsterdam renamed their word Clinique de Psycho-th'rapeutique Suggestive after visiting Nancy. During this time, travel stage hypnosis has become popular, and such activities have added to the scientific controversy surrounding the use of hypnosis in medicine. Also in 1892, at the second congress of experimental psychology, van Eden tried to take credit for the term psychotherapy and distance the term from hypnosis. In 1896, the German magazine Seitschrift Fur Hypnotism, Offers therapy, Proposals and Vervantte psychopathic changed its name to zeitshriff Fuhr Hypnotism, Psychotherapeucy sowie andere psychophysiologische und psychopathologische Forschungen, which is probably the first magazine to use the term. Thus, psychotherapy originally meant treatment of the disease by mental or hypnotic influence, or suggestion. Freud, sitting to the left of the painting with Jun sitting to the right of the painting. 1909 Sigmund Freud visited Nancy's school and his early neurological practice involved the use of hypnosis. However, after the work of his mentor Joseph Breyer, in particular, the case when the symptoms appeared partially resolved by the fact that the patient, Bertha Pappenheim, dubbed the talk treatment Freud began focusing on conditions that appeared to be psychological causes occurring in childhood experiences and the unconscious mind. He continued to develop methods such as free association, dream interpretation, identifier transmission and analysis, ego and superego. His popular reputation as a father of psychotherapy was established by his use of a separate term of psychoanalysis related to a comprehensive system of theories and methods, as well as the effective work of his followers in rewriting history. Many theorists, including Alfred Adler, Carl Jung, Karen, Anna Freud, Otto Rank, Erick Erickson, Melanie Klein and Heinz Kohut, built on Freud's fundamental ideas and often developed their own psychotherapy systems. All of them were later classified as psychodynamic, that is all that involved the psyche of conscious/unconscious influence on external relationships and themselves. Sessions tends to number in the hundreds for several years. Behavior developed in the 1920s, and behavior modification as therapy became popularized in the 1950s and 1960s. Notable participants were Joseph Volpe in southern Africa, M.B. Shipiro and Hans Eisenke in the United Kingdom, and John B. Watson and B.F. Skinner in the United States. Behavioral therapy approaches relied on the principles of opera conditioning, classical conditioning and the theory of social learning to achieve therapeutic changes in observed symptoms. This approach has become widely used for phobias as well as other disorders. Some therapeutic approaches are developed from the European School of Existential Philosophy. Concerned primarily at the individual's ability to develop and maintain a sense of meaning and purpose throughout life, the main contributions to the field (e.g. Irwin Yalom, Rollo May) and Europe (Victor Frankl, Ludwig Binswanger, Medard Boss, R.D.Laing, Emmy van Deurzen) have tried to create therapies sensitive to the general life crises, sticking out of the essential gloom of human identity, available previously relationship, therefore, also forms a remedy for therapeutic research. Related body of thought in psychotherapy began in the 1950s with . Also based on the works of Abraham Maslow and his hierarchy of human needs, Rogers put human-centered psychotherapy into the spotlight. The basic requirement is for a client to receive three basic conditions from his counselor or therapist: an unconditional positive attitude, which is sometimes described as a miscalculation of the client's humanity; congruence (authenticity/authenticity/transparency); and empathic understanding. It was believed that such interaction allows customers to fully experience and express themselves, and thus develop in accordance with their innate potential. Others have developed this approach, such as Fritz and Laura Pearls in creating gestalt therapy, as well as Marshall Rosenberg, founder of Nonviolent Communication, and Eric Byrne, founder of Transactional Analysis. Later these areas of psychotherapy will become what is known as humanistic psychotherapy today. Self-help groups and books have become widespread. In the 1950s, Albert Ellis was born of Rational Emotional Behavioral Therapy (REBT). Regardless a few years later, psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck developed a form of psychotherapy known as . Both methods included relatively short, structured and current-oriented methods aimed at identifying and changing beliefs, assessments and patterns of human response, as opposed to a longer-term approach of psychodynamic or humanistic therapy based on discernment. Beck's approach was primarily used by the socratic method, and the connections between the ancient stoic philosophy and these cognitive treatments were stretched. In the 1970s, approaches to cognitive behavioral therapy were increasingly combined and grouped under the umbrella term Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Many APPROACHES within the TST are focused on active/directive, but collaborative empiricism (a form of reality testing), as well as assessing and changing core beliefs and dysfunctional patterns. These approaches have been widely recognized as the primary treatment for numerous disorders. A third wave of cognitive behavioral therapy developed, including acceptance and commitment therapy and dialectic behavioral therapy, which has expanded the concept of other disorders and/or added new components and mindfulness exercises. However, the third wave of the concept has been criticized as not significantly different from other treatments and having roots in previous ones as well. Developed counseling methods include solution-oriented therapy and systemic coaching. Postmodern psychotherapy, such as narrative therapy and coherent therapy, imposes definitions of mental health and disease, but rather sees the purpose of therapy as something built by the client and the therapist in a social context. Systemic therapy is also developed, developed, focuses on family and group dynamics and transpersonal psychology that focuses on the spiritual facet of human experience. Other areas developed over the past three decades include feminist therapy, short therapy, somatic psychology, expressive therapy, applied positive psychology and an approach to human given. A survey of more than 2,500 American therapists in 2006 revealed the most commonly used models of therapy and the ten most influential therapists of the previous quarter of a century. Types See also: Psychotherapy Review List there are hundreds of psychotherapeutic approaches or schools of thought. By 1980, there were more than 250; By 1996, more than 450; and in the early 21st century there were over a thousand different named psychotherapy, some of them minor variations, while others are based on very different concepts of psychology, ethics (how to live) or technology. In practice, therapy is often not a single pure type, but relies on a number of points of view and schools, known as an integrative or eclectic approach. The importance of therapeutic relationships, also known as therapeutic union, between client and therapist is often seen as crucial to psychotherapy. The theory of common factors examines this and other key aspects that are believed to be responsible for effective psychotherapy. Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), a Viennese neurologist who studied under The Professor-Martin Charcot in 1885, is often considered the father of modern psychotherapy. His methods included analysing his patient's dreams in search of important hidden information about their unconscious consciousness. Other key elements of his methods, which have changed over the years, included the identification of child sexuality, the role of anxiety as a manifestation of internal conflict, differentiation of parts of the psyche (id, ego, superego), transfer and countertransfers (the patient's projection to the therapist, and the emotional response of the therapist to it). Some of his concepts were too broad to be substrate to empirical testing and invalidation, and he was critical of Jaspers. Numerous major figures have developed and perfected Freud's therapeutic methods, including Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott and others. However, since the 1960s, the use of Freudian analysis for the treatment of mental disorders has significantly decreased. Different types of psychotherapy have been created together with the advent of clinical trials to test them scientifically. These include subjective treatment (after Beck), behavioral treatment (after Skinner and Volpe) and additional time-limited and centered structures such as interpersonal psychotherapy. In youth and schizophrenia, family treatment systems have respect. Some of the thoughts emerging from therapy are now widespread, and some are part of a set of tools usual clinical practice. These are not just medications, they also help to understand complex behaviors. Therapy can solve specific forms of diagnosed mental illness, or everyday problems in managing or maintaining interpersonal relationships or meeting personal goals. The course of therapy can occur before, during or after pharmacotherapy (e.g., taking psychiatric drugs). Psychotherapy is classified differently. It is possible to distinguish between those that are based on a medical model and those based on a humanistic model. In the medical model, the client is treated as bad and the therapist uses his skills to help the client get back to health. The widespread use of DSM-IV, the diagnostic and statistical manual on mental disorders in the United States, is an example of an exclusive medically exclusive model. The humanistic or non-capitalist model, on the other hand, tends to depathology of the human condition. The therapist tries to create a relational environment that promotes empirical learning and help build the client's confidence in their own natural process, leading to a deeper understanding of themselves. The therapist can see himself as an intermediary/assistant. Another difference between individual therapy sessions and group psychotherapy, including couple therapy and family therapy. Therapy is sometimes classified according to its duration; A small number of sessions within weeks or months can be classified as short therapy (or short- term therapy), others where regular classes are held for many years can be classified as long-term. Some practitioners distinguish between more disclosure (or depth) approaches and more supportive psychotherapy. Disclosure of psychotherapy emphasizes the way the client understands the roots of their difficulties. The most famous example is classical psychoanalysis. Supporting psychotherapy, on the other hand, emphasizes strengthening the client's survival mechanisms and often provides encouragement and counselling, as well as reality testing and setting limits when necessary. Depending on the customer's problems and situation, a more favorable or more open approach may be optimal. Most forms of psychotherapy use conversation. Some also use various other forms of communication, such as the written word, works of art, drama, narrative or music. Psychotherapy with children and their parents often involves play, dramatization (i.e. role-playing) and drawing, with a co-constructed narrative of these non-verbal and displaced ways of interacting. There are also different formats for providing some treatments as well as the usual face-to-face: on the phone or through online interaction. There have also been changes in computer therapy such as virtual reality therapy for behavioral impact, multimedia programs for every cognitive cognitive and portable devices to improve monitoring or insights into practice. Humanistic main article: Humanistic Psychology These psychotherapy, also known as empirical, are based on humanistic psychology and have appeared in response to both behavior and psychoanalysis, dubbed the third force. They are primarily concerned with the development of human potential and the needs of the individual, with an emphasis on subjective importance, abandonment of determinism and concern for positive growth rather than pathology. Some believe that the inherent ability of man to maximize potential, the trend of self-realization; The challenge of therapy is to create a relational environment where this trend can flourish. Humanistic psychology, in turn, can be based on existentialism- the belief that people can find meaning only by creating it. This is the purpose of existential therapy. Existential therapy, in turn, is philosophically related to phenomenology. Human-centric therapy, also known as client-centric therapy, focuses on the therapist with openness, empathy, and unconditional positive feedback to help clients express and develop themselves. Gestalt therapy, originally called concentration therapy, is an existential/empirical form that facilitates awareness in different contexts of life, moving from talking about relatively distant situations to action and direct current experience. Derived from a variety of influences, including the restructuring of psychoanalysis, it stands on top of essentially four load-bearing theoretical walls: phenomenological method, dialogue, field theoretical strategies and experimental freedom. A more concise form of human therapy is the approach to human given, introduced in 1998-1999. It is an intervention based on a solution based on identifying emotional needs such as security, autonomy and social communication, and using a variety of educational and psychological techniques to help people meet these needs more fully or appropriately. Insight-oriented Psychotherapy Insight-oriented psychotherapy focuses on identifying or interpreting unconscious processes. Most often referring to psychodynamic therapy, psychoanalysis of which is the oldest and most intense form, these applications of deep psychology encourage the verbalization of all thoughts of the patient, including free associations, fantasies and dreams, from which the analyst formulates the nature of past and present unconscious conflicts that cause symptoms and problems of the patient's character. There are six main schools of psychoanalysis that have all influenced psychodynamic theory: Freudian, ego psychology, object theory psychology of itself, interpersonal psychoanalysis, 72 and relational psychoanalysis. Methods of analytical group therapy therapy Developed. Cognitive Behavioral Main Article: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Behavior Therapy use behavioral techniques, including applied behavioral analysis (also known as behavior change) to change non-adaptive behavior patterns to improve emotional responses, cognition and interaction with others. Functional analytical psychotherapy is a form of this approach. By nature, behavioral therapies are empirical (data driven), contextual (focused on the environment and context), functional (interested in effect or subsequent behavior ultimately has), probabilistic (viewing behavior as statistically predictable), monistic (rejection of the duality of the mind and body and treatment of the person as a unit), and relational (analysis of bidirectional interactions). Cognitive therapy focuses directly on changing thoughts to improve emotions and behavior. Cognitive behavioral therapy tries to combine the two approaches focused on the construction and reconstruction of people's knowledge, emotions and behavior. Typically, in CBT, the therapist, through a wide range of conditions, helps clients evaluate, recognize and deal with problematic and dysfunctional ways of thinking, emotional and behavior. The concept of third wave psychotherapy reflects the influence of Eastern philosophy in clinical psychology, incorporating principles such as meditation into interventions such as cognitive therapy based on mindfulness, acceptance and commitment therapy, and dialectical behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder. Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) is a relatively short form of psychotherapy (derived from both CTS and psychodynamic approaches) that is increasingly being studied and maintained by guidelines for certain conditions. It focuses on the relationship between mood and social circumstances, helping to build social skills and social support. It aims to facilitate adaptation to current interpersonal roles and situations. The impact and prevention of the response (ERP) are primarily deployed by therapists in the treatment of OCD. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) states that CBT, relying primarily on behavioral methods (such as ERP), has a strong evidence base among psychosocial interventions. Faced with fear of scenarios (i.e. exposure) and refraining from performing rituals (i.e. responsive prevention), patients may gradually feel less distressed in dealing with feared stimuli, as well as feeling less inclined to use rituals to alleviate this distress. Typically, ERP comes in hierarchical fashion, meaning patients face increasingly troubling stimuli as they progress through the course Other types include reality therapy/choice theory, multimodal therapy, and therapies for specific disorders including PTSD therapy such as cognitive therapy treatment and EMDR; Substance Abuse Such as relapse prevention and emergency management; and co-occurring therapy disorders such as looking for safety. Systemic main article: Systemic Therapy System Therapy aims to appeal to people not only individually, as is often the focus of other forms of therapy, but also in relationships, relate to group interactions, their models and dynamics (includes family therapy and marriage counseling). Community psychology is a type of systemic psychology. The term group therapy was first used around 1920 by Jacob L. Moreno, whose main contribution was the development of psychodrama, in which groups used both the cast and the audience to study individual problems through leadership reconstruction. The more analytical and research use of the groups in both hospital and out-of-hospital settings was the first time several European psychoanalysts who emigrated to the U.S., such as Paul Schilder, who treated severely neurotic and mildly psychotic out-of-patient in small groups at Bellevue Hospital, New York. The strength of the groups was most influentially demonstrated in the UK during the Second World War, when several psychoanalytic and psychiatrists proved the value of group methods of selecting officers in the selection boards of the military. Several of these pioneers, notably Wilfred Bion and Rickman, were then able to manage the Army Psychiatric Unit along group lines, followed by S. H. Foulkes, Main, and Bridger. Northfield Hospital in Birmingham gave its name to the so-called two Northfield experiments that triggered the development of social therapy after the war, i.e. the therapeutic social movement, and the use of small groups to treat neurotic and personality disorders. Today, group therapy is used in clinical settings and in private practice. Expressive main article: Expressive therapy expressive psychotherapy is a form of therapy that uses artistic expression (through improvisational, compositional, re-creative and receptive experiences) as the primary treatment of clients. Expressive psychotherapists use various disciplines of creative art as therapeutic interventions. This includes modalities of dance therapy, drama, art therapy, music therapy, writing therapy, among others. This may include methods such as influencing labeling. Expressive psychotherapists believe that often the most effective way to treat a client is to express imagination in creativity and integrate and process what issues are raised in the act. Narrative therapy pays attention to the dominant story of each person therapeutic conversations, which can also include learning useless ideas and how they came to fame. Possible social and cultural influences may studied if the customer finds it useful. Coherent therapy puts several levels of mental structures that create symptoms as a way to strive for self-defense or self-fulfillment. Feminist therapy does not recognize that there is one or the right view of reality and is therefore considered a postmodern approach. Another transpersonal psychology appeals to the client in the context of spiritual understanding of consciousness. Positive psychotherapy (PPT) (since 1968) is a method in the field of humanistic and psychodynamic psychodynamic psychotherapy and is based on a positive image of a person, with a health-oriented, resource-oriented and conflict-oriented approach. Hypnotherapy is performed while the subject is in a state of hypnosis. Hypnotherapy is often used to change the subject's behavior, emotional content and attitudes, as well as a wide range of conditions, including: dysfunctional habits, and psychedelic therapy is a therapeutic practice associated with psychedelic drugs such as LSD, psilocybin, DMT and MDMA. In psychedelic therapy, unlike conventional psychiatric drugs, regularly or as needed, patients usually remain in an extended psychotherapy session during acute psychedelic activity with additional sessions both before and after to help integrate the experience with psychedelics. Body psychotherapy, part of the somatic psychology area, focuses on the relationship between the mind and the body and tries to gain access to deeper levels of the psyche through greater awareness of the physical body and emotions. There are various body-oriented approaches, such as Reichian (Wilhelm Reich) character-analytical vegetative therapy and orgonoemia; Neo-Reich Bioenergy Analysis; Somatic experience; Integrative body psychotherapy; Psychotherapy by Hakoma Ron Kurtz; Sensorymotor psychotherapy; Biosynthesis of psychotherapy; and biodynamic psychotherapy. These approaches should not be confused with body or body therapy, which seeks to improve primarily physical health through direct work (touch and manipulation) on the body rather than through directly psychological methods. Some non-Western treatments for indigenous peoples have been developed. In African countries this includes the restoration of harmony therapy, mezeron therapy and systemic therapy based on the philosophy of Ubuntu. Integrative psychotherapy is an attempt to combine ideas and strategies from more than one theoretical approach. These approaches include mixing core beliefs and a combination of proven methods. Forms of integrative psychotherapy include multimodal therapy, transtheoreet model, cyclical psychodynamics, systematic treatment selection, cognitive-analytical therapy, internal family model, multitheoretic psychotherapy and conceptual interaction. In practice, most experienced psychotherapists develop their own integrative approach over time. The main article of the child: Children's psychotherapy should be adapted to meet children's developmental needs. Depending on age, it is generally considered part of an effective strategy to help the child's needs in the family setting up. Children's psychotherapy training programs necessarily include human development courses. Since children often do not have the ability to articulate thoughts and feelings, psychotherapists will use a variety of media such as musical instruments, sand and toys, pencils, paint, clay, dolls, biblioconic (books), or board games. The use of game therapy is often rooted in psychodynamic theory, but there are other approaches. In addition to therapy for the child, sometimes instead, children can benefit if their parents work with a therapist, take parenting classes, attend grief counseling, or take other steps to address stressful situations that affect the child. Parental management training is a highly effective form of psychotherapy that teaches parenting skills to reduce problems with your child's behavior. In many cases, another therapist will work with the child care, while a colleague works with the child. Therefore, modern thinking about working with the younger age group tends to work with parents and children at the same time, as well as individually as needed. Computer support See also: Online consulting and telemedicine research on computer and computer interventions has increased significantly over the past two decades. The following applications are often researched: Teletherapy/Tele-Mental Health: In teletherapy, classical psychotherapy is provided through modern means of communication, such as video conferencing. Virtual reality: VR is a computer scenario, simulate experience. The exciting environment used to simulate exposure can be similar to the real world or it can be fantastic, creating a new experience. Computer interventions (or online interventions or online interventions): These activities can be described as interactive self-help. They usually entail a combination of text, audio or video elements. Computer therapy (or mixed therapy): Classical psychotherapy is supported by elements online or software. The feasibility of such interventions has been investigated for individual and group therapy. Remote psychotherapy may provide the opportunity to continue psychiatric care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quantity average of a week of personal contact, and increased, with more patients being treated over the Internet than by phone during COVID-19. There is considerable debate about whether the effectiveness of psychotherapy is best assessed through randomized controlled trials or more individualized idiograph methods. One problem with trials is that used as a placebo treatment group or non-treatment control group. Often this group includes patients on the waiting list, or those who receive some kind of regular non-specific contact or support. Researchers should consider how best to match the use of inert pills or fictitious treatments in placebo-controlled studies in pharmaceutical trials. There are several interpretations and different assumptions and language. Another problem is trying to standardize and manual therapy and link them to specific symptoms of diagnostic categories, making them more malleable for research. Some report that it may reduce efficiency or obscure individual needs. According to Fonagi and Roth, the benefits of an evidence-based approach outweigh the difficulties. There are several formal frameworks for assessing whether a therapist is suitable for the patient. One example is Scarsdale Psychotherapy Self-Assessment (SPSE). However, some scales, such as SPS, cause information specific only to certain psychotherapy schools (such as superego). Many psychotherapists believe that the nuances of psychotherapy cannot be captured in a questionnaire-style observation, and prefer to rely on their own clinical experience and conceptual arguments to support the type of treatment they practice. Psychodynamic therapists, in particular, believe that evidence-based approaches are not appropriate for their methods or assumptions, although some are increasingly taking the challenge of implementing evidence-based approaches in their methods. Results from individual treatments Large-scale international research reviews have concluded that psychotherapy is effective for many conditions. One line of research constantly finds that supposedly different forms of psychotherapy show similar effectiveness. According to the Handbook of Psychology Counseling: Meta- analysis of psychotherapeutic studies has consistently shown that there are no significant differences in outcomes among treatments. The handbook states that there is little evidence that any psychological therapy consistently outperforms any other for any specific psychological disorder. It is sometimes referred to as the dodo bird verdict after the scene/section in Alice in Wonderland, where every competitor in the race was named the winner and Prizes. Further analyses are aimed at identifying factors that have in common between psychotherapy, which appear to curb this, known as the theory of common factors; Factors for example, the quality of therapeutic relationships, the interpretation of the problem and the opposition of painful emotions. The results of the studies have been critically criticized for being too removed from real practice in that they use carefully selected therapists who have been widely trained and monitored, and patients who may not be representative of typical patients due to strict inclusive/exceptional criteria. Such concerns affect the replication of research results and the ability to generalize practitioners from them. However, specific treatments have been tested for use with specific disorders, and regulators in both the UK and the US make recommendations for different conditions. The Helsinki Psychotherapeutic Study was one of several large long-term clinical psychotherapy trials that have taken place. Disturbing and depressed patients in two short-term treatments (solution oriented and short psychodynamic) improved faster, but five years of long-term psychotherapy and psychoanalysis gave more benefits. Some patients and therapist factors appear to be predictability of fitness for various psychotherapy. Meta-analyses have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and psychodynamic psychotherapy are equally effective in treating depression. A 2014 meta-analysis of more than 11,000 patients shows that interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT) has comparable effectiveness with CTE in depression, but is second only to the latter for eating disorders. For children and adolescents, interpersonal psychotherapy and CTS are the best methods according to the meta-analysis of nearly 4,000 patients in 2014. The mechanisms of change do not yet understand how psychotherapy can succeed in the treatment of mental illness. Different therapeutic approaches may be related to specific theories about what needs to be changed in a person for a successful therapeutic outcome. In general, the processes of emotional arousal and memory have long been held to play an important role. One theory that combines these aspects suggests that constant change occurs to the point where the neuropsychological mechanism of memory recovery is triggered and is able to involve new emotional experiences. The patient's adherence to a course of psychotherapy while continuing to attend sessions or perform tasks is a serious problem. The drop-out rate - early termination - ranges from 30% to 60%, depending on how it is determined. The range below is for research settings for various reasons, such as customer selection and how they are introduced. Early termination is, on average, associated with different demographic and clinical characteristics of clients, therapists and treatment interactions. [144] drop-out rate has prompted some criticism about the relevance of relevance effectiveness of psychotherapy. Most psychologists use tasks between sessions in their overall therapy work, and cognitive behavioral therapy in particular to use and see them as an active ingredient. It is unclear how often customers do not complete them, but this is considered widespread. On the other hand, the adherence of therapists to protocols and therapies known as integrity of treatment or loyalty with complex ambiguous results has also been studied. In general, however, it is a hallmark of evidence-based psychotherapy to use fidelity monitoring as part of trials of therapy results and constant quality assurance in clinical implementation. The adverse effects of the study of the side effects of psychotherapy have been limited for various reasons, but they can occur in 5% to 20% of patients. Problems include worsening symptoms or developing new symptoms, strains in other ways, and dependence on therapy. Some methods or therapists may carry more risks than others, and some client characteristics may make them more vulnerable. Side effects from proper therapy should be distinguished from the harm caused by negligence. General critics Some critics are skeptical of the healing power of psychotherapeutic relationships. Some dismiss psychotherapy in the sense of a scientific discipline requiring professional practitioners, rather than in favor of either non-professional assistance or biomedical treatment. Others pointed to how the values and methods of therapists can be harmful as well as beneficial to clients (or indirectly to other people in the client's life). Many of the resources available to a person with emotional stress - the friendly support of friends, peers, family members, clergy contacts, personal reading, healthy exercise, research, and independent survival - are all of great value. Critics point out that people deal with crises, navigate serious social problems and find solutions to life's problems long before the advent of psychotherapy. On the other hand, some argue that psychotherapy is underutilized and under-researched by modern psychiatry, despite the fact that it offers more prospects than stagnant drug development. In 2015, the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health allocated only 5.4 percent of its budget for new clinical trials of psychotherapy (drugs mostly funded by pharmaceutical companies), despite ample evidence that they can work and that patients are more likely to prefer them. Some Christians, such as theologian Thomas C. Oden, argue that successful therapeutic relationships based on the true acceptance of the client as a person without unforeseen circumstances, theological assumption, the ontological acceptance of God. Further explanation of the explanation Further criticism emerged from feminist, construction and discourse-analytical sources. The key to this is the question of power. In this regard, there are concerns that clients are being persuaded, both inside and outside the consulting room, to understand themselves and their difficulties in a way that is consistent with therapeutic ideas. 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Houndmills, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9781137460585. ISBN 9781137460578. OCLC 898925104. House, Richard (June 2012). Psychotherapy, politics and the general power factor. International psychotherapists and politics. 10 (2): 157–160. doi:10.1002/ppi.1260. McLellan, Betty (August 1999). Prostitution Psychotherapy: Feminist Criticism. British Journal of Leadership and Counselling. 27 (3): 325–337. doi:10.1080/03069889908256274. Pavan Cuellar, David (October 2014). Freudian-Marxist tradition and criticism of psychotherapeutic ideology. International psychotherapists and politics. 12 (3): 208–219. doi:10.1002/ppi.1336. Moodley, Roy; William West (2005). Integrating traditional treatments into counseling and psychotherapy. Multicultural aspects of counseling and psychotherapy. 22. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications. ISBN 978-0761930464. OCLC 57283684. House, Richard (August 1999). Restrictions on Therapy and Counseling: The Deconstruction of Professional Ideology. British Journal of Leadership and Counselling. 27 (3): 377–392. doi:10.1080/03069889908256278. Epstein, William M. (2006). Psychotherapy as a religion: the civil divine in America. Reno, Nevada: University of Nevada Press. ISBN 978-0874176780. OCLC 62889079. Troop, Elizabeth A. (2009). Psychotherapy, American culture and social policy: immoral individualism. Culture, mind and society. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1057/9780230618350. ISBN 978-0230609457. OCLC 226357146. Sarah Marx (April 2017). Psychotherapy in the historical perspective. History of the humanities. 30 (2): 3–16. doi:10.1177/0952695117703243. PMC 5484460. PMID 28690369. Michel Foucault, in what has arguably become the most famous critique of psychiatric and therapeutic interventions, identified a change in the way Western society conceptually madness with the creation of moral treatment in the late 18th century ... From therapeutic power to resistance? Therapy and cultural hegemony. Theory and psychology. 15 101–124. doi:10.1177/0959354305049748. S2CID 145491324. Foucault's views were used to highlight the problems of power in various areas of mental health: in the care of patients (for example. Clinton and Hazelton, 2002), social work (e.g. Foot and Frank, 1999), psychiatry (e.g. Ali, 2002), and interdisciplinary practice of psychotherapy (primarily in narrative therapy, such as Flaskas and Humphries, 1993; Swann, 1999; White and Epston, 1990). However, there is no single Fukauldi approach to power, or even therapy, and his ideas are used, as he intended, more in the manner of a tool set of ideas than as a coherent theoretical account. Isak, Sharonn; Hook, Derek (October 20, 1995). Psychological imperialism of psychotherapy. 1st Annual Conference of South African Qualifiers: A Spangout in the Works of the Factory of Truth. Johannesburg, South Africa: Society of Critical Methods. Archive from the original on April 19, 2014. Kushka, Martin; Trnaka, Radek; Peter Tavel; Michael J. Constantino; Lynn Angus; Moertl, Catherine (January 19, 2015). The role of cultural beliefs and expectations in the treatment process: the reflections of clients after individual psychotherapy. Sexual and communication therapy: 1-12. doi:10.1080/14681994.2014.1001354. ISSN 1468-1994. S2CID 143798770. Further reading Wikiquote has quotes related to: Psychotherapy Library Resources about psychotherapy resources in your library Resources in other libraries when you don't know where to turn: Self-promotion guide to counseling and therapy. 1987. Bartlett, S. ISBN 9780809248292 Introduction to Psychotherapy. 4th edition, 2006. Bloch, S. (editor). ISBN 0198520921. Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. 10th edition, 2015. Corey, G. ISBN 9781305263727. Neuroscience Psychotherapy: Healing the Social Brain. 3rd edition, 2017. Cosolino, L. ISBN 9780393712643. Full Adult Psychotherapeutic Treatment Planner. 5th edition, 2014. Jongsma, Peterson and Bruce. ISBN 111806786X. Psychotherapy Systems: Transtheoretic Analysis. 9th edition, 2018. Prochaska and Norcross. ISBN 9780190880415 Psychotherapy: Introduction for Psychiatric Residents and Other Mental Health Interns. 2005. Slavney,. ISBN 0801880963. The basics of psychotherapy: Introduction to theory and practice. 2nd edition, 2019. Vampold, B. ISBN 9781433830198. DICD-10 Classification: 50.4MeSH: D011613Exored ResourcesScolya: 183257 Extracted from what is psychotherapy in clinical psychology. what is integrative psychotherapy in psychology

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