Where will your investment take you? fDi Magazine has launched fDi On Location, a video series exploring investment destinations worldwide.

Our editorial team goes on the ground to investigate the locations attracting the attention of multinationals. Why do companies decide to locate or expand there? What are the sectors with the most potential? What are foreign investors’ views on the location?

Watch our latest fDi On Location videos here www.fDiIntelligence.com/onlocation

A publication from the Financial Times CONTENTS

PublishedbyThe FinancialTimes Ltd, Number OneSouthwark Bridge, London SE1 9HL, UK Tel: +44 (0)20 7873 3000. Editorial fax: +44(0)1858 461873.

Staff memberscan be contacted by dialing +44 (0)20 7775 followedby their extension number Editor-in-Chief Courtney Fingar 6365 [email protected] Deputy Editor Jacopo Dettoni 4339 [email protected] GlobalMarkets Reporter NatashaTurak 6480 [email protected] Production Editor Richard Gardham 6367 [email protected] Deputy Production Editor AngusWalker 6338 [email protected] ExecutiveEditor Brian Caplen 6364 [email protected] ArtDirector Paramjit Virdee 6535 [email protected] Advertisement Executive Daniel Macklin 4120 [email protected] Global Commercial Director Chris Knight 6718 [email protected] Associate Publisher Luke McGreevy +971 (0)4 391 4398 [email protected] Publishing Director Angus Cushley 6354 [email protected] Marketing Executive Jay Seenundun 6896 [email protected] Subscriptions/ Customer services CDS Global, TowerHouse, Lathkill Street, Sovereign Park, Market Harborough, Leics,UK. LE16 9EF [email protected] tel: 0845 456 1516 (customer services) 01858 438417 (overseas), fax: +44 (0)1858 461 873 Subscriptionrates One-year: full price £395/€495/$635 Two-year:10% discount £711/€891/$1143 EurOpEaNCiTiESaNdrEgiONSOfThEfuTurE2016/17 Three-year: 15% discount An introduction to fDi’s rankings and the tables showing the top 25 cities and regions. £1007/€1262/$1619 02 Please contact us fordetailsofother currencies EurOpEaNCiTiESOfThEfuTurE2016/17:wiNNErS The Financial Times adherestoaself-regulation regime under theFTEditorial CodeofPractice: The leading cities in Europe forFDI areranked by European zone, and by major,large, mid-sized, small www.ft.com/editorialcode 04 and microcities. RegisteredNumber: 227590 (England andWales) ISSN: 1476-301X ©Financial Times Ltd2016. FDIisa trademark of Financial TimesLtd 2016. “Financial EurOpEaNCiTiESOfThEfuTurE2016/17:fdiSTraTEgy Times” and“FT” areregistered trademarks and ser- vice marks of theFinancial Times Ltd. All rights fDi assesses and ranks the cities of Europe by their policies and actions when it comes to attracting and reserved. No part of thispublicationmay be repro- duced or usedinany form of advertising without 16 retaining investment. priorpermission in writing from theeditor. No responsibility forlossoccasioned to anyperson act- ingorrefraining from actingasaresult of material in this publication canbeaccepted.Onany specific EurOpEaNrEgiONSOfThEfuTurE2016/17:wiNNErS matter, referenceshould be made to an appropriate Europe’s leading regions when it comes to attracting investment areranked by European zone, as wellas adviser.Registered Office: NumberOne Southwark Bridge, London SE19HL,UK 22 according to size: large, mid-sized and small. Reprintsare available of any fDi Magazine article, with your companylogo and contact detailsinserted if required (minimum order 100 copies). EurOpEaNrEgiONSOfThEfuTurE2016/17:fdiSTraTEgy Fordetails telephone 0207 873 4816. The regions of Europe arejudgedby fDi staff and contributorsand ranked by their strategy to attract Forone-off copyright licences forreproduction of fDi magazine articles telephone 0207 873 4871. 32foreign investment. Alternatively,for both services e-mail [email protected] ENgliShlEpS Local enterprise partnerships replaced the regional development agencies in England in 2011. fDi ranks 36themonhow they haveperformed in the past fiveyears. mEThOdOlOgy An explanation of the methods behind the fDi European Cities and Regions of the Future2016/17 40 ranking.

February/March 2016 www.fDiIntelligence.com 1 INTRODUCTION EUROPEAN CITIES AND REGIONS OF THE FUTURE 2016/17 European Cities and Regions of the Future2016/17 Winners


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2 www.fDiIntelligence.com February/March 2016 intrOdUCtiOn eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

tOP25 eUrOPeAn Cities OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17: OverAll rANK city cOuNtry 1 london uK 2 Paris France 3 dublin ireland 4 Frankfurtgermany 5 munich germany 6 Zurich switzerland 7 Amsterdam netherlands 8 stockholmsweden 9 luxembourgluxembourg 10 Cambridge Uk 11 Helsinki Finland 12 moscow russia 13 geneva switzerland 14 düsseldorf germany 15 Copenhagen denmark 16 eindhovennetherlands 17 stuttgartgermany 18 espoo Finland 19 basel switzerland 20 berlin germany 21 readingUk 22 istanbul turkey 23 bucharest 24 Aberdeen Uk 25 Hamburggermany reaching forthe sky: projects such as the shard–the tallest building in europe –havehelped london stay top of the european cities of the futureranking

Germany’s north rhine-westphalia, home tOP25 eUrOPeAn regiOns OF tHe FUtUre to cities such as cologne (pictured) 2016/17: OverAll rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 northRhine-Westphalia Germany 2 Île-de-FranceFrance 3 south east england Uk 4 baden-Württemberggermany 5 dublin region ireland 6 Canton of Zugswitzerland 7 bavaria germany 8 CentralFederal district russia 9 scotland Uk 10 Uusimaa Finland 11 stockholmCountysweden 12 east of england Uk 13 Hesse germany “as the leadinG econoMic location 14 Canton of Zurich switzerland in GerMany with Market potential 15 noord-Holland netherlands forinnovation in europe, we are 16 Oslo County norway 17 region Hovedstaden denmark aMaGnet forinternational 18 Canton of geneva switzerland investors. soMe 18,000 19 north West england Uk international coMpanies are 20 south West england Uk 21 Prague region Czech republic based in north rhine-westphalia 22 brabant netherlands – and we are readyfor More!” 23 Catalonia spain Garreltduin, Minister of econoMic affairs, 24 Flandersbelgium - 25 Hamburgstate germany enerGy and industry, north rhine westphalia

February/march 2016 www.fdiintelligence.com 3 CitiesWinners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 London sees off Paris to keep topspot eUrOPe’s tAle OF tWO FdidestinAtiOnsseeslOndOnCOmeOUt OntOP AgAinAmOngmAjOr Cities,WitH PArisinseCOnd And dUblin in tHird. FUrtHer dOWn tHe rAnkings, HOWever, it is germAn CitiestHAtimPress. Cathy Mullan rePOrts

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ermany’s growth &,&H*4&// 1-4@ ,H,#A &4@ JR5(E5'@2.,2) H4539 2! 5'9,2 K@H*#@ #AH &4K@ #@12 ,H,#A &#+ 422#H,M,HP *! H*#*,)*#AHK6/4! H*#JR5DE5C@2.,2): HK@#!,2H*# H465R/,AH4&,H,#A &4@6H+ A6##!A 4& // 1-4@ ,H,#A 2/PA#! ,2 #2H @#),AH@H,42 #HN##2 JRRI 2! H*#@2.,2): #21@.NA H*##AH+ Paris pipped JR5( 7,)K@# I8: 2 K/P JR5( +A#! 6#@&4@1,2) 4K2H@P,2H*#  42!42 AN4&& AH,&&416#H,H,42 66,@#H46#2#! 2 4&&,# ,2 K2,* #M#/461#2H 2!#O &@41  )#2P &@41@,A N*,* NA @2.#! A#+ ,2 @#4)2,H,424&H*# ,HP?A@#6KHH,42 2H#@2H,42/ #/#411K2,H,42 42! 2! K/,2 ,2 H*,@!: @,ANA &4@#,2) #2H@#4&,224MH,42 N*,/# 2,42 N,H*N#!#2 A#42!: /A4 21#!#AH#@2 ,HP4&H*# ,2/2!+A#!!,2@#!,H#!,HA !#,+ KHK@# 2! @2.#! A#42! ,2 H*# A,42 H4 46#224&&,# ,2 #@/,2H4H*# Dublin’s tech strength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

4 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 SpotlightonEdinburgh AdvErtiSEmEnt fEAturE whichoffersfreedesk space and apackage of othersupportfor creativeenterprisesfromthe burgeoningchinesemega-city of Shenzhen looking to expand into Edinburgh.

TALENT MAGNET Akey factor underpinningEdinburgh’s contin- ued attractiveness to inward investorsisthe city’sskilledworkforce.over46% of Edinburgh’s workforce is degree educated –morethan any othercityinthe uK.intotal, morethan 150,000 working agegraduates liveinEdinburgh. the city’s highereducationinstitutions are at the heartofEdinburgh’s skills base. the university of Edinburgh is the city’soldest and largest university,ranked the world’s21stbest universitybyQSand the 24thbestbytimes higherEducation.the city is alsohome to Edinburgh napier university,heriot-Watt university,Queen Margaret university Edinburgh, and the main campus of Scotland’s ruralcollege. these institutions awardmore Edinburgh: than 17,000 degrees each year,fuelling the engine of Edinburgh’s economy with asteady flow of newtalent. Edinburgh is alsohome to Edinburgh ALocAtion college,Scotland’slargest vocational college, along with numerous independent training academies. Amongthe latteriscodeclan, a dedicated digital skillsacademyoffering of choicE intensive16-week courses that equip stu- dents with coding skills and an industry-rec- Edinburgh gaveadominant performanceinthe ognised qualification. 2016/17 European Cities of the Futureawards, ranking in addition to its indigenous talent, second overall in its categoryand top forbusiness Edinburgh’sskillsbaseissupplemented by a steady stream of international migrants (more friendliness, as well as being named runner-up for than 12,000 in 2015). the city’s popularity as a economic potential and FDI strategy.Just what makes placetowork stems from its renowned quality of life. Keyattractions of the city include its Edinburgh such adesirable placetodobusiness? stunningarchitecture(thecityishometotwo World heritageSites); compact layout Two-thousand and fifteenmarked “ovEr 46% of Edinburgh’S (one-third of commuterswalk or cycle to another highly successfulyearfor WorKforcE iS dEgrEE work); efficient public transport(Edinburgh Edinburgh, withthe city securing40for- trams was named ‘operator of the year’ at the eign direct investments –equivalent to EducAtEd – MorE thAn 2015 Light rail Awards); and excellent recrea- oneevery nine days. Any othEr city in thE uK” tion opportunities (thecity boastsfour by farthe most activesectorwas technol- Michelin-starredrestaurants). ogy,with uS softwaregiants Apple, bloomberg and dellamong thefirms establishing them- YOUR NEXT MOVE selves in Edinburgh. other highly activesectors forbusinesses interested in making amove to included renewables–with german wind tur- Edinburgh, the city of Edinburgh council’s bine firmdeutsche Windtechnikand danish investor Supportteamisprimed to offer offshorewind and wavedeveloper floating OPEN FORBUSINESS advice, supportand access to finance, prem- PowerPlant bothopening in Edinburgh –and Whilebeing acompact, mid-sized city, isesand talent. foraconfidentialdiscussion on financial services, with Manhattan-basedbou- Edinburgh offersbusinessesthe amenities of a your next move,please contactususing the tique investment banks btig and cantor farlargercity. companies tradinginEdinburgh details below. fitzgeraldeach expanding intothe city. havereadyaccess to asophisticated suiteof the cavalcade of new arrivals camein corporatefinanceproducts, acomprehensive t: +44(0) 131 529 6600 whatwas amulti-record-breaking year forthe network of professional suppliers, and an inter- E: [email protected] city.Edinburgh Airportreportedits busiest national airportserving more than 100 destina- W: www.investinedinburgh.com everyear, recordingmorethan 11 million pas- tions. Keyoperating costs comparefavourably sengers, while the Edinburgh festival fringe with those of larger cities. sold an unprecedented 2.3 million tickets. Within Edinburgh, businesses benefit from Sponsored by StandardLifeinvestments pre-let10,000 an impressiverange ofsupport, including the squaremetres of spaceinEdinburgh’s largest cityofEdinburgh council’s ‘soft landing’ser- officeletting in morethanadecade,while Port vice, apackage of assistance fornewlyarrived hamilton–theheadquarters of insurance and businesses that includes property searches, pensions giant Scottish Widows–was sold for market research, practical relocation advice, £105m.Edinburghisbooming, andthis suc- and touchdown spaceinthe city centre.the cess is whetting the interest of moreand more council has also launched initiatives such as multinationals. the Edinburgh-Shenzhencreativeincubator, CitiesWinners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

AK* A 1Q42 44)/# 2!  fiGure 1 ToPfive DesTinaTion fiGure 2 inwarD invesTmenT *M# 6@#A#2# ,2 H*#,HP N*,* CiTies, inwarD fDi beTween seCTors in CoPenhagen, *AA##2@,A#,2H*# 2K1#@ 4& H#* 2010-2014 2003-2015 6@4&#AA,42/A2! 4162,#A 46#@H+ ,2)H>,/,42 4.A? %H*# #6,#2H@# LONDON !+(*' !'. 4& H*#,HP?AA4&HN@# 441:  PARIS &+# !* "" ( 14AH@##2H/P ,2M#AH#! ,2 H*#,HP,2 DUBLIN @* JR5' N*#2 ,H 46#2#! 2#N MOSCOW "*!" ". FRANKFURT !#A,)2 AHK!,4 /4A# H4 ,HA #O,AH,2) *' K@46#2 !,),H/ A/#A #2H@#: 0500 10001500 2000  *'"! "*-'  #/&AH ,2 4@H*#@2 @#/2!NA Source:fDi Markets " #"!!*(  ',( H*#/#!,2) ,HP &4@-4 @#H,42 &@41 ,2N@! ,2M#AH1#2H ,2 H*# #O/K!+ fiGure 3 ToP10CiTies in ,2) 42!42 2! *!H*# *,)*#AH&,)+ euroPe, PaTenT regisTraTion K@#A P H*,A 1#AK@#142) // A1// K@46#2 ,H,#A: H ,A /A4 @2.#! &,@AH PARIS &4@KA,2#AA@,#2!/,2#AA 142)A1// MUNICH LONDON ,H,#A: #/&AH/A4 #O6#@,#2#! H*# EINDHOVEN  ?A *,)*#AH@H#4&)@4NH*,2 -4 STUTTGART @#H,42#HN##2JRR' 2! JRR3 2! BERLIN JR5R 2! JR5(:/NP N*,*,A42 CAMBRIDGE H*#N#AH4AH4& @#/2!2! @2.#! MILAN &,@AH4& // 1,@4 ,H,#A ,2 KA,2#AA HELSINKI @,#2!/,2#AA *! H*#*,)*#AH /#M#/ 4& HAMBURG )@4NH* ,2  -4@#H,42 4& 2P @,A* 02000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 +(!(( 4@ 1,@4 ,HP 2! H*#A#42! *,)*#AH Source:USPatent and TrademarkOffice ',( /#M#/ 4& // ,H,#A 2/PA#!&4@ H*#@2.+ !! ',( ,2): *2242 /A4 42 @#/2!?AN#AH fiGure 4 ToPfive CiTies for ouTwarD fDi from germany 4AH HH@H#! H*#*,)*#AH2K1#@ 4& " +!*"!(  -4A 6#@ 5RR RRR 6#46/# 4& // 2010-augusT 2015 '!(#"'**"! K@46#2 ,H,#A 2/PA#!: MUNICH BONN  (** Outwardbound STUTTGART *,/# H*#6K@64A#4&H*#  @2.,2) BERLIN ' +* ( ,A H4 ,!#2H,&P H*##AH/4H,42A &4@ HAMBURG "+'  '*( ,2N@!,2M#AH1#2H 142) H*#!4Q+ 0100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Source:fDi Markets #2A 4& !H64,2HA KA#! H4 !#H#@1,2# A4@#A ,A 4KHN@! ,2M#AH1#2H A *M+ - ,2) AH@42) /KAH#@A4&AK#AA&K//4/ fiGure 5 sofTware fDi inToDubLin, 2010 2014

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6 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 SpotlightonBrno AdvertiSement feAture South Moravian innovation Centre, the regional development Agency SouthMoravia, Czechinvest and the Brno regional Chamber of Commerce). it is working to ensurethat the results of innovativeand daring projects become areality. Brno is also helping with thecreation of new centres and places to inspirefruitful ideas and goals, such as theeuropoint Brno project formodernization of the rail interchange, a large ring road, the Czech Technology Park Brno,the Brno CreativeCentre, theJanacek Cultural Centreand theBrno industrialZone – CernoviceTerrace.

Knowledge eConoMy Part of Brno’s long-term strategic plan is the development of aknowledgeeconomy,which brings withiteconomic development, an improvement in the quality of life, research, development,innovation andeducation. Akey wordfor Brno andSouth Moravia is ‘co-opera- tion’. Universities and scientists areonone side, andcompanies and entrepreneursare on theother,and all ofthemare striving forcloser connections. As well as providing an excellent background forwork, this sharing of experi- enceand information also brings with it an Brno: The increase in the competitiveness of the city,as wellasthe regionasawhole. This is probably also areason whymore and moreinvestorsare choosing Brno as a Knowledge CiTy home that offerseverythingnecessaryfor the harmonious combinationofworking suc- Strategically well placed at the heartofEurope, cess and afulfilling personal life. everyone and boasting ayoung,educated population, who comestothe city inorder to buildsome- thing iswelcomed with open arms. evidence the Czech city of Brno is using its impressive of this is the constantefforttoimprove and knowledge economy to attract investors perfect theregion to meet therequirements of the hectic and demanding paceofour times. easeofmovementwithin the region is Brno, the Czech Republic’s second big- “Brno iS ACiTy wiTh greAT guaranteed by the sophisticated transport gest city,lies at the heartofthe South system, thanks to which thereisnowhere Moravian region. It bordersAustria and PoTenTiAl.AnUMBer oF that its inhabitants cannot reach,atany time. Slovakia and it is strategically placed UniVerSiTieS – hoUSing everything is available–culture, monuments, closetothe keycities of Prague, Vienna More ThAn 80,000 STUdenTS national institutions, an international airport, and Bratislava. services, sports and recreational areas. The Brno is aconstantly developing metropo- – enSUreS ThATiTiSA Brno expatCentre is available to help with the lis, whichmany times in its historyhas proven CreATiVe And dynAMiC CiTy integration of foreigners. to havesomething to offer to theworld. So wiTh AyoUThFUl SPiriT” The current rankings of the respected internationally renowned were itslocaltextiles, numbeo.com serverhas Brno as the city with that Brno was called the “Moravian the highest quality of life in the Czech republic. Manchester” in the18th and 19th centuries. tres.whole chapterscan be devotedtothe on the worldwide rankings it is ahead of such later,itbecameone of the great engineering localacademic andresearchsuccessesiniT, giantsaslondon, losAngeles and Brussels. powers,created the largest exhibition centre in the lifesciences, electron microscopyand, we takepride in this but we areaware that we central europe andfounded arespected tech- especially, cybersecurity and softwaredevel- cannot rest on our laurels. nical university.itwas in Brno that gregor opment, whereBrno has taken on the role of a JohannMendel came up with his laws of courageous,successful and promising leader City of Brno,www.brno.cz genetics, Viktor Kaplaninvented his turbine, withineurope. [email protected] Kurt gödel began his logical reasoning and Foreigncompanies seethe cityand its sur- leos Janacek startedhis musicalpilgrimage. roundings as aregion with prospects in which it paystoinvest. Severalmultinational con- The BRAIn gAIn cerns haveestablishedtheir development Sponsored by Brno is acitywith greatpotential. Anumber of centres andtop production facilities there(for universities –housing morethan 80,000 stu- example, Fei, honeywell, iBM and redhat). dents –ensuresthat it is acreative and Brno assists incomingand current investorsin dynamic city with ayouthful spirit. Universities finding locations and provides solutions based with atradition in anumber of fields oversee on theirindividual requirements,utilising a advanced research,especiallyinthe biological perfect knowledge of the local environment. and medical sciences, as evidenced by the Thecityactively co-operates in develop- presenceofleading scientific research cen- ing its potential with regional institutions (the CitiesWinners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 winners:major european cities tOP10 majoreuroPean CiTies of The tOP10 major euroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 fuTure 2016/17 – eConomiC PoTenTiaL rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 london Uk 1 london Uk 2 Paris France 2 Paris France 3 dublin ireland 3 dublin ireland 4 Amsterdam netherlands 4 Amsterdam netherlands 5 stockholm sweden 5 Helsinki Finland 6 Helsinki Finland 6 moscow russia 7 moscow russia 7 stockholm sweden 8 Copenhagen denmark 8 istanbul turkey 9 berlin germany 9 berlin germany 10 istanbul turkey 10 milan italy tOP10 majoreuroPean CiTies of The tOP10 major euroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – human CaPiTaL anD fuTure 2016/17 – CosT effeCTiveness LifesTyLe rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 kiev Ukraine 1 london Uk 2 minsk belarus 2 Paris France 3 bucharest romania 3 Prague Czech republic 4 saint Petersburg russia 4 stockholm sweden 5 Prague Czech republic 5 madrid spain 6 6 moscow russia 7 budapest Hungary 7 berlin germany 8 Ankara turkey 8 Warsaw Poland 9 moscow russia 9 Helsinki Finland 10 Athens greece 10 istanbul turkey tOP10 majoreuroPean CiTies of The tOP10 major euroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – ConneCTiviTy fuTure 2016/17 – businessfrienDLiness rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 Paris France 1 london Uk 2 london Uk 2 dublin ireland 3 stockholm sweden 3 Paris France 4 Amsterdam netherlands 4 Warsaw Poland 5 Copenhagen denmark 5 barcelona spain 6 Helsinki Finland 6 moscow russia 7 brussels belgium 7 bucharest romania 8 vienna Austria 8 istanbul turkey 9 berlin germany 9 budapest Hungary 10 barcelona spain 10 Amsterdam netherlands

“Many international businesses have chosen Greater copenhaGen fortheir nordic headquarters, and ihopeMany More will coMe – copenhaGen capacity is readyto assist all the way” claus lønborG, ceo, copenhaGen capacity

8 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 Cities Winners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

Of All winners: by european zone westerN tOP10 norThern euroPean CiTies of tOP10 souThern euroPean CiTies of eurOPeAN The fuTure 2016/17 The fuTure 2016/17 rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry cities, 1 london Uk 1 istanbul turkey luxeMbourG 2 dublin ireland 2 madrid spain 3 stockholm sweden 3 barcelona spain had the 4 Cambridge Uk 4 milan italy hiGhest 5 Helsinki Finland 5 lisbon Portugal 6 Copenhagen denmark 6 ljubljana slovenia averaGe 7 espoo Finland 7 rome italy annual 8 reading Uk 8 Ankara turkey 9 Aberdeen Uk 9 Zagreb Croatia rate of Gdp 10 limerick ireland 10 bilbao spain Growth source: eurostat tOP10 easTern euroPean CiTies of The tOP10 wesTern euroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 fuTure 2016/17 rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 moscow russia 1 Paris France 2 bucharest romania 2 Frankfurt germany 3 Warsaw Poland 3 munich germany 4 Prague Czech republic 4 Zurich switzerland 5 budapest Hungary 5 Amsterdam netherlands 6 bratislava slovakia 6 luxembourg luxembourg 7 Pilsen Czech republic 7 geneva switzerland 8 Cluj-napoca romania 8 düsseldorf germany 9 Wrocław Poland 9 eindhoven netherlands 10 brno Czech republic 10 stuttgart germany

sPOtliGhtON vrANje ADvertisemeNt feAture Vranje stands out on themap of Serbia ments: construction of awastewater treat- due to itsfavourablegeographicposi- ment plant is goingtostartin2016; arecycling tion. it is located near the newly constructed centremaindesignhas beendeveloped. highway on Corridor 10. if youtravelto Thelocal economic developmentoffice Thessaloniki, the journeytakes less than three has been actively preparing projects in co-oper- hours. Thesameamount of time is needed to ation with internationalorganisations.about20 reach belgrade; youcan gettoskoplje in one projects with atotal value of morethan €2.5m hour,whiletrip to sophiatakes two hours. were implementedonly during the past year. nevertheless, favourable geographic posi- Projects also coverdirect measuresand mech- tion is not theonly thing that makes vranje differ- anisms of supporttoemployment. ent from other locations. This local self-adminis- nowadaysone can hear english, french, and tration is regarded as one of the most active italian spoken by people workinginvranje for administrations in serbia.The city has estab- many years, while brandedgoods produced by lished many services supporting investorsusing hardworkingemployees in expertand quality the‘allinone’principle with supportofpartners. manner,find their way to the foreign market. in order to attract newinvestors, thecity new investorshavealso found their waytowards offersawhole rangeofincentives positioning vranjeandrecogniseitasaplace where investing vranje withinagroup of citieswith themost is worthwhile,because success is guaranteed. vranje, The affordable costsofdoing business. welcometoyour newhome! afreezone of 1,160,000 squaremetres with completeinfrastructureislocated only 5 CIty OF VRanJE CiTy ThaT kilometres from Corridor 10. kraLja miLana1,vranje, serbia aworld-renowned company,geox, has built afactoryinvranje,whichprovesthatthe citypos- e-mail: [email protected] keePs PaCe sessesaqualified workforce and it could meet [email protected] thehigh business standards of each investor. Ditreitalia, arenowned furnituremanufac- website: www.vranje.org.rs wiTh Time turer, is preparing to build afactoryinthe vranje free zone, while severalother investorshave Sponsored by Ageographically favourable confirmed investment intentions in vranje. location, investment Twoshopping malls areexpectedtobegin incentives and askilled construction of their facilities. workforce areattracting Creating jobs is the priority,but great investorstovranje attention is given to infrastructureinvest- CitiesWinners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 winners:Large european cities

frANKfurt,iNGermANy’s hesse stAte, has the hiGhest rate of expansion projects of any GerMan city in the study source: fdi Markets tOP10 LargeeuroPean CiTies of The tOP10 Large euroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 fuTure 2016/17 – eConomiC PoTenTiaL rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 Frankfurt germany 1 Frankfurt germany 2 munich germany 2 munich germany 3 düsseldorf germany 3 düsseldorf germany 4 stuttgart germany 4 stuttgart germany 5 Hamburg germany 5 Hamburg germany 6 Oslo norway 6 Oslo norway 7 manchester Uk 7 Cologne germany 8 Cologne germany 8 Antwerp belgium 9 rotterdam netherlands 9 manchester Uk 10 glasgow Uk 10 glasgow Uk tOP10 LargeeuroPean CiTies of The tOP10 Large euroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – human CaPiTaL anD fuTure 2016/17 – CosT effeCTiveness LifesTyLe rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 kharkiv Ukraine 1 Oslo norway 2 dnipropetrovsk Ukraine 2 munich germany 3 Odessa Ukraine 3 Hamburg germany 4 4 Zagreb Croatia 5 samara russia 5 dresden germany 6 tbilisi georgia 6 lyon France 7 riga latvia 7 leipzig germany 8 belgrade serbia 8 stuttgart germany 9 nizhny novgorod russia 9 Frankfurt germany 10 kazan russia 10 Hannover germany tOP10 LargeeuroPean CiTies of The tOP10 Large euroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – ConneCTiviTy fuTure 2016/17 – businessfrienDLiness rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 rotterdam netherlands 1 manchester Uk 2 Cologne germany 2 glasgow Uk 3 Frankfurt germany 3 Frankfurt germany 4 Oslo norway 4 munich germany 5 manchester Uk 5 birmingham Uk 6 düsseldorf germany 6 Oslo norway 7 lyon France 7 Hamburg germany 8 Hamburg germany 8 leeds Uk 9 marseille France 9 düsseldorf germany 10 munich germany 10 kraków Poland

10 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 SpotlightonFRAnKFURt AdveRtiSement FeAtURe such as the lordmayor of Frankfurt, the city’s director forurban planning, the head of the eco- nomics department as well as senior manage- ment of Frankfurt’s biggest real estateplayers. I will alsojointhe delegation and will be onsite, too. Youwill also find information aboutthe city’s development projects andopportunities forinvestments. Our stand concept appearsto be working quitewell,because ourregion’s stand is acrowded placethroughoutthe whole duration of Mipim. The pastyears haveshown that international investorsapproach us with precise and conceivableproject proposals, they knew exactly whotheywanted to talkto.

fDi: Frankfurtisrelatively smallsized. Can youoffer enoughspace forgreater investments? Managing Director Oliver Schwebel: It is true, Frankfurtisrelativelysmall, butthis means travelling shortdistances, something which is appreciated. Moreback-up capacity can be found in the metropolitan Rhine Main region adjacent to Frankfurtcitylimits. The demand fornew spaceand areascontinuestoincrease. FRANKFURT: In the future, land utilisation plans and expan- sions will be planned together with our regionalcounterparts within an even closer co-operation. This process, of course, supports INTERNATIONAL, competitionamong investors, which in turn raisesthe quality of investment projects found in Frankfurt. In order to keep our position the DIVERSE AND city also develops integrated planstoassure spacefor everyrequirement that needs to be met in ahealthy andlifeworthycity. WELL-CONNECTED fDi: What is your strategyfor attracting FDIbesides showing Frankfurtaround at The city of Frankfurtisone of the winnersinfDi’s latest Expo Real and Mipim? study,‘European Cities of the Future’. fDi asked Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann: We believe thebest ambassador to promoteour city is asatisfied Mayor Peter Feldmann and Oliver Schwebel, managing customer.Inaddition, flagship investments and director of FrankfurtEconomic Development GmbH, projects such as the European CentralBank, howFrankfurtaims to sustain its prodigious growth our new airportcity calledGateway Gardens and Terminal 3ofFrankfurtInternational Airportbynaturehavetheir impact on future investments. In Frankfurt, we caretohaveclose fDi: Congratulations! Frankfurtisone of fDi: And howhas this translatedinto contacts to consulates and trade representa- the winnerswhen it comes to attracting success in the FDI rankings? tives and international business communities. investors. What arethe reasons forthis Mayor Peter Feldmann: FDItargeting These constituencies areexcellent ambassa- great development? Frankfurtused to be, and still are, excellent. dorsfor Frankfurtaswell, transferring their Mayor Peter Feldmann: We offeraperfect Fundamentalshavenot changed, and positiveexperiences to their home countries. business environment forinvestors. Frankfurt Frankfurtslowly seems to become ahidden In addition, FrankfurtRhine MainInternational is THEinternational city in Germany.It is easy champion. Thecity, of course,profits from Marketing of the Region, our sister company, to reach no matter which means of transpor- Germany’sreputation of beingasafeground represents us internationally with staff assigned tationone chooses, duetoits excellent infra- forinvestments. Within Germany,atany given to countries we focuson. Considering the structure, regarding both mobilityand traffic point in time, we always had atop-ranking remarkableoverall situation of FDIs inFrankfurt, as well as the digital infrastructureand the position when it comes to FDI. this direct approach works successfully. educational system. In addition, investorsfind an excellently trained workforce,attracted by fDi:Mipim –one of the biggestinvest- the job opportunitiesand thecity’s numerous ments fairs–is just around the corner. Sponsored by recreationalofferings. Frankfurtisaboom Willyou be onsite andhow do youget in town, spiralling upwards, with all positive contact with potential investorsthere? aspects interacting and thus strengthening Managing Director Oliver Schwebel: Yes, the overall situation evenmore. New citizens of course, our city and the regionFrankfurt pour intothe city,almost 300 per week, the Rhine Maine will be present, displayedbyan city’s infrastructureisupgraded andextended appropriate stand.Wenot only offer our guests on acontinuousbasis. All this happens within a asuperb atmosphereonour terracewith an region representingthe quiteconsiderable ocean view,wewill bring along to Cannes consumption powerofmorethan 5.5million Frankfurt’s decision makers. Severalpoliticians, inhabitants. administration experts, and market participants, CitiesWinners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 winners:mid-sizedeuropean cities tOP10 miD-sizeDeuroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 rANK city cOuNtry 1 Zurich switzerland 2 edinburgh Uk 3 vilnius lithuania 4 tallinn estonia 5 bratislava slovakia 6 Utrecht netherlands 7 bristol Uk 8 gothenburg sweden 9 the Hague netherlands 10 bonn germany tOP10 miD-sizeD euroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – eConomiC PoTenTiaL “the businessconditions in rANK city cOuNtry Zurich could hardlybeMore 1 Zurich switzerland 2 edinburgh Uk advantaGeous. it is locatedat 3 bonn germany the heart of europe. education, 4 bristol Uk 5 bratislava slovakia research and trade have alonG 6 tallinn estonia tradition, and are all at hiGh levels 7 vilnius lithuania 8 Poznań Poland by international coMparison” 9 Wrocław Poland corine Mauch, Mayor, Zurich 10 gothenburg sweden tOP10 miD-sizeD euroPean CiTies of tOP10 miD-sizeD euroPean CiTies of The The fuTure 2016/17 – human CaPiTaL fuTure 2016/17 – CosT effeCTiveness anD LifesTyLe rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 mykolaiv Ukraine 1 Zurich switzerland 2 Chișinău Moldova 2 bratislava slovakia 3 Zaporizhia Ukraine 3 Utrecht netherlands 4 lviv Ukraine 4 brno Czech republic 5 luhansk Ukraine 5 gothenburg sweden 6 sarajevo bosnia-Herzegovina 6 edinburgh Uk 7 kaliningrad russia 7 vilnius lithuania 8 vilnius lithuania 8 toulouse France 9 Yaroslavl russia 9 bristol Uk 10 novorossiysk russia 10 nuremberg germany tOP10 miD-sizeDeuroPean CiTies of tOP10 miD-sizeD euroPean CiTies of The The fuTure 2016/17 – ConneCTiviTy fuTure 2016/17 – businessfrienDLiness rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 the Hague netherlands 1 edinburgh Uk 2 Utrecht netherlands 2 Zurich switzerland 3 Zurich switzerland 3 Wrocław Poland 4 duisburg germany 4 liverpool Uk 5 vilnius lithuania 5 Poznań Poland 6 liverpool Uk 6 vilnius lithuania 7 sheffield Uk 7 bristol Uk 8 essen germany 8 newcastle Uk 9 gothenburg sweden 9 Cardiff Uk 10 Aarhus denmark 10 tallinn estonia

12 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 SpotlightonleiceSter AdvertiSement feAture 5667 squaremetres (sq m) of grade Aoffices, the highcross shopping centre: the ‘connecting Leicester’ 1068 sq mofretail space, 71 apartments,150 project is linking homes, shops secureparking spaces and new open spaces. and leisurefacilitieswith pedestrian routes Morebusinesses arechoosing Leicester as theirbase to expand, nationally and inter- nationally, and the city has recently secured multimillion-pound investment from compa- nies thatwant to move here. One of these is world-renownedtechnol- ogy giant IBM. The companyworked closely with thecity counciland its partnersfor many months and had considered anumber of other locations across the UK. At the begin- ning of 2015, the company announced thatit would be opening its first UK Services Centre in Leicester.

harnessing taLent The centrewill createmorethan 300 jobs overthree years, enabling IBM to extend its technology services to UK-based clients. IBM Services Centre: Leicester will be based at leafy New Walk in the heartofthe city.Itwill employgraduatesand experienced profes- sionals with technical backgrounds or those who showanaptitudefor IT andwanttopur- sue acareer in the industry. LEICESTEr’S It will also offer internships and appren- ticeships to harness the besttalent from across the city and region.IBM is working with localuniversities and educational institutions grOWTH to recruit forthe positions. The main reason the companygavefor choosingLeicesterwas the qualityofgraduates from the city and county’s three universities. HastingsDirect, one of the UK’sfastest AgENDA growing insurancefirms, announced in March 2015 that it hadchosenLeicester to set up its Leicester is aplacewithbig plans and evenbigger thirdUKcustomer servicecentre, and the pro- ambitions, wherebusinesses can thriveand grow ject will play asignificantrole in its plans for growthand expansion.The operationwent live in the cityinMay,with Hastingsrecruiting amix of team leadersand customer serviceworkers. Youdon’thavetotravelveryfar around “THE MAIN rEASON IBM gAvE Sincethen,ithas created 235 jobs and plans to Leicester to feel the ambitionin the air – create hundreds more. both in howcompanies do business and how fOrCHOOSINg LEICESTEr WAS IBM and Hastings havebeenimpressed the city works in partnership to explore what is THE qUALITy Of grADUATES with the calibreofstaff they haverecruited possible. Leicester City Council is taking the frOM THE CITy AND COUNTy’S here andare both celebrating thefact that lead in making the growing cityaninvestment theirprojects areahead of schedule. hotspot through itsregenerationand inward THrEE UNIvErSITIES” Leicester is investing in its futureand is investment programme. proud to do so.Animportant partofthis is the ‘Connecting Leicester’ is amultimillion- city council’sambitious programmeofworkto poundscheme that is improving the connec- create ahigh-quality environment forresidents, tionsbetweenshopping, leisure, housing and scale, mixed-use regeneration opportunities visitors andbusinessesto enjoyandbenefitfrom. transportfacilities, with attractive, high-qual- in the East Midlands.The area comprises To findout moreaboutthe regeneration, ity pedestrian routes. This ambitiouspublic morethan50hectares of land in aprime city development and investment opportunities realmprojectishelping to showcase what centrelocationthat will be developed fora in Leicester,contact Helen Donnellan,the Leicester has to offer,fromheritagethrough rich mix of different uses. director of inwardinvestment at Leicester City to culture andretail. Waterside will be home to high-quality Council, on 0116 4540106oratHelen. It is also transforming keydestinations housing, smaller office and high-value light [email protected] and creating privatesectorinvestment jobs. commercial space,independent retailers, and These changesare building theconfidence leisureuses. New infrastructureand invest- andprideofLeicester’s people. There’s a ment in public realm, open spaces, and inno- sponsored by renewed ambition, both in howcompanies do vativelighting schemes will help make business and howthe city works in partner- Watersideauniqueand highlydesirable new ship to explorewhat is possible. neighbourhood forthe city. Along with Waterside, the redevelopment newprojects of New Walk Centre–akey city centresiteand Leicester also has some fantastic projects cur- wherethe city council’sformer headquarters rently underway in other parts of the city. were based –will provide an exciting and Waterside is one of the most exciting large- vibrantmixed-usescheme.Itwill helpcreate CitiesWinners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 winners:small and microeuropean cities tOP10 smaLL euroPean CiTies of The tOP10 miCroeuroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 fuTure 2016/17 luND, A rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 luxembourg luxembourg 1 limerick ireland city iN 2 Cambridge Uk 2 galway ireland the very 3 geneva switzerland 3 Hemel Hempstead Uk 4 eindhoven netherlands 4 shannon ireland sOuth Of 5 espoo Finland 5 Waterford ireland sweDeN, 6 basel switzerland 6 Coburg germany 7 reading Uk 7 tartu estonia has the 8 Aberdeen Uk 8 inverness Uk fastest 9 belfast Uk 9 mechelen belgium 10 Cork ireland 10 lincoln Uk uploadand download tOP10 smaLL euroPean CiTies of The tOP10 miCroeuroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – eConomiC PoTenTiaL fuTure 2016/17 – eConomiC PoTenTiaL speeds of rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 luxembourg luxembourg 1 galway ireland all cities 2 Cambridge Uk 2 limerick ireland in europe 3 geneva switzerland 3 shannon ireland source: fdi Markets 4 Cork ireland 4 Waterford ireland 5 Aberdeen Uk 5 Coburg germany 6 basel switzerland 6 monaco France 7 eindhoven netherlands 7 inverness Uk 8 espoo Finland 8 Žilina Slovakia 9 reading Uk 9 mechelen belgium 10 belfast Uk 10 sremskamitrovica serbia tOP10 smaLLeuroPean CiTies of The tOP10 miCroeuroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – human CaPiTaL/LifesTyLe fuTure 2016/17 – human CaPiTaL/LifesTyLe rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 nicosia Cyprus 1 bangor Uk 2 Oxford Uk 2 monaco France 3 basel switzerland 3 Coburg germany 4 geneva switzerland 4 limerick ireland 5 Cambridge Uk 5 tartu estonia 6 lund sweden 6 nitra slovakia 7 reading Uk 7 Östersund sweden 8 espoo Finland 8 lincoln Uk 9 Aberdeen Uk 9 inverness Uk 10 Pilsen Czech republic 10 limassol Cyprus tOP10 smaLL euroPean CiTies of The tOP10 miCroeuroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – CosT effeCTiveness fuTure 2016/17 – CosT effeCTiveness rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 skopje macedonia 1 Štip macedonia 2 ternopil Ukraine 2 Yuzhnoukrainsk Ukraine 3 kremenchuk Ukraine 3 shumsk Ukraine 4 melitopol Ukraine 4 mostyska Ukraine 5 Pleven bulgaria 5 Prijedor bosnia-Herzegovina 6 berdiansk Ukraine 6 Liepāja Latvia 7 burgas bulgaria 7 sombor serbia 8 Plovdiv bulgaria 8 truskavets Ukraine 9 ruse bulgaria 9 vranje serbia 10 varna bulgaria 10 Zajecar serbia “two-thousand and fifteen wasanother Greatyear forinvestMent in cork, culMinatinG in apple’s announceMent of afurther 1000 jobs at its european hq in the city.investors considerinG cork will be in Good coMpany” chris o’leary, Mayor, cork

14 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 Cities Winners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

tOP10 smaLL euroPean CiTies of The tOP10 miCroeuroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – ConneCTiviTy fuTure 2016/17 – ConneCTiviTy “buildinG on rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry 1 geneva switzerland 1 Hemel Hempstead Uk the success 2 lund sweden 2 venlo netherlands of our 3 st Albans Uk 3 mechelen belgium 4 slough Uk 4 Halifax Uk previous 5 lancaster Uk 5 Östersund sweden rankinG, 6 eindhoven netherlands 6 jelgava latvia 7 basel switzerland 7 Hartlepool Uk the 2016/17 8 reykjavík iceland 8 Pau France awards will 9 espoo Finland 9 Liepāja Latvia 10 malmö sweden 10 great Yarmouth Uk forM a stronG tOP10 smaLL euroPean CiTies of The tOP10 miCroeuroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – businessfrienDLiness fuTure 2016/17 – businessfrienDLiness basis of the rANK city cOuNtry rANK city cOuNtry Galwaycity 1 belfast Uk 1 galway ireland 2 reading Uk 2 limerick ireland econoMic 3 Cambridge Uk 3 Hemel Hempstead Uk sustainability 4 Aberdeen Uk 4 Waterford ireland 5 Cork ireland 5 Žilina Slovakia strateGy” 6 milton keynes Uk 6 inverness Uk frank fahy,Mayor, 7 Coventry Uk 7 shannon ireland Galway 8 slough Uk 8 bangor Uk 9 gyor Hungary 9 Hartlepool Uk 10 derby Uk 10 Halifax Uk

February/march 2016 www.fdiintelligence.com 15 Cities: FdistrAtegY eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 fDi strategy: barcelona takes another european title WHile its FOOtbAll teAm is UsedtOreigning in eUrOPe, tHe sPAnisH CitYOFbArCelOnA COmes First in tHe COntinent bY AnOtHer meAsUre: Fdi strAtegY. its POliCies FOrAttrACting investOrs tOP fDi’s rAnking FOrmAjOr Cities, AHeAdOFlOndOn And stOCkHOlm, WHile mAnCHester tAkestHe CrOWn AmOng lArge Cities. Cathy Mullan rePOrts

@#/42 42 6,2?A 24@H*+ #AH4AH H466#! H*# BH@H#)P @2.,2) &4@// 1-4@ ,H,#A:*# ,HP 4K2,/ 4& @#/42 #24K@)#A ,HA AH&&H4K2!#@H.# H@,2,2) ,2/K!,2)H#mail protected]*46A 2!@4K2!H/#)H*#@,2)A ,2 4@!#@ H4 64/,A*2! ,16@4M# H*#,@A.,//A 2! 4&&#@,2M#AH4@A H*##AH64AA,/# A#@M,#: #1 1#1#@A @# /A4 #24K@)#!H4HH#2! ,2!KAH@PA#1,+ 2@A 2!#M#2HA: *# ,HP *A 2 ,16@#AA,M#42/,2# 6@#A#2# N,H*!#!,H#! N#A,H# 2! #+2#NA/#HH#@A N*,/#!HA# 4& KA#&K/ 42HHA,A/A41,2H,2#! ,2 4@!#@ H4 6@414H# @#/42 A 2 ,2M#AH1#2H !#AH,2H,42: 2#N AKA+ H,2/# K@2 )@4NH* @#,A 6/22#! &4@ H*# ,HP N*,* N,// &#+ HK@#&,/,H,#A KH,/,H,#A @#A,!#2H,/ 6@46#@H,#A 2! 6@.: H*#@ ,2&@+ AH@KHK@# !#M#/461#2HA @# K2!#@ NP,2H*# ,HP ,2/K!,2) H*##H@4 ,2# 3 N*,* 42# 416/#H#! N,// upwardly mobile: barcelona is the leading major city in europe forfdi strategy # H*#/42)#AHK2!#@)@4K2!@,/ /,2# ,2 K@46#: #2),2##@,2) 6@4-#H ,2 K@46#: 642 M,#A &@## 4& *@)#H44162,#A Building up london 416/#H,42 2 !!,H,42/ 5:'1,/+ ,2/K!,2),2M#AH4@1H*1.,2)A#@+ 42!42 &,2,A*#! ,2 A#42!64A,H,42 /,42 6#46/# N,// # N,H*,2 DR 1,2+ M,#A 2! #AH/,A*1#2HAK664@H &4@ ,2 H*# H@H#)P H#)4@P&4@ KH#A 411KH,2) !,AH2# 4& #2H@/ ,2M#AH,2) 4162,#A: 1-4@ ,H,#A H*@4K)* ,HA 6@414H,42 42!42: K##2 /,Q#H*/P16, )#2P 42!42 @H2#@A N*,* @. ,A JJC+*#H@# 411#@,/ 2! manchester movesup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

16 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016

Cities: FdistrAtegY eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

,2 4H/2! @2.#!A#42! 142) 4M#@A#A 42&#@#2#A: *# )#2P ,A /@)#K@46#2,H,#A &4@ H@H#)P: #2))#! 42/,2# N,H*!#H,/#!&4@+ *#)#2P 411,AA,42#!A6#,/+ #,)2 ,2M#AH1#2HN#A,H# A N#// A ,AH 42AK/H2P H4 #M/KH#2! N#A,H#A !#!,H#! H4 @#/4H,2) H4 #2*1@.H*# ,HP?A 6#@&4@12# ,2 @40N A,H#&4@ AHK!#2HA ,2 H*#,HP @#/H,42 H4 ,HA!,@#H416#H,H4@A: 2 H4 #24K@)# H*#1 H4 AHP 2! N4@. !!,H,42 2M#AH/A)4N 4&H#26@H+ H*#@# 2!14,/# 66H4*#/6 ,2M#A+ 2#@A N,H*2H,42/ H@!# 2! 6@414+ H4@A &,2! 6/#,2H*# ,HP H4 ,2M#AH: H,42 4@)2,AH,42A AK* A 4HH,A* !,2K@)* H*#6,H/4& #M#/461#2H 2H#@2H,42/ 2! 4H/2! 2! ,M#@644/ ,HP 4& 4HH,A* 2H#@6@,A# A N#// A H*# 14@# H*2 (CR RRR 6#46/#,2H*# /A)4N*1#@ 4& 411#@#: 4@H*#AH2)/2!@#),42 @2.#! #M#@/,2,H,H,M#A @# ,2 6/# H4 -4,2H+A#42! ,2 H*,A H#)4@P: HH@H ,2M#AH4@A ,2/K!,2) /A)4N !,2K@)* ,HP 4K2,/ [email protected] ,4+4@@,!4@ N*,* K@@#2H/P 1,2H,2 2! K,/! K642 H*#@#/+ 4K2HA &4@ID9 4& 4H/2!?A /,&#A,+ H,42A*,6A H*#,HP*A N,H*4H*#@ #2#A ,2!KAH@P: *# ,4+4@@,!4@ )/4/ /4H,42A ,2 6@H,K/@ @##,M#! G52 ,2 ,2M#AH1#2H H4 K2,*2! H*#*,2#A#,HP4& !#M#/46 N#AH#@2K@46#?A /@)#AH*4A+ *#2Q*#2: *# 4K2,/ [email protected]/4A#/P “Manchester’s fdi 6,H/ 416/#O: 2&@AH@KHK@# !#M#/46+ N,H*H*# M@,2)4M#@21#2H H4 6@4+ 1#2HA @# ,2 6/# H4 1.#/A)4N  14H# H*#,HP H4 KA,2#AA#A ,2 strateGy focuses A1@H,HP ,2/K!,2)H*# KHK@# #@12P N*,/# ,H /A4 *A 2 )@##+ onour Genuine /A)4N 2,H,H,M# N*,*@##,M#!H*# 1#2H N,H**#2Q*#2 H4 #24K@)# #4A6H,/ 4@/!O#//#2#N@!,2 14@# ,2M#AH1#2H #HN##2 H*#HN4 world-leadinG JR5':*# ,HP /A44&&#@A H*#>/A)4N /4H,42A: 4@# ,2KH4@ A6# *A capabilities... we K@2H##? N*,*4&&#@A K6 H4 'R9 ##2 @#H#! ,2 4H*!,2K@)* 2! N)#AKA,!,#A &4@#16/4P,2) ,2H#@2A *#2Q*#2 H4 #24K@)# ,2M#AH4@A have invested 2!)@!KH#A #/4NJRP#@A4&)#: N*,/# !,2K@)* /A4 4&&#@A &@## A4&H siGnificantlyto K2,* H*#/@)#AH,HP ,2 /2!,2) A#@M,#A ,2/K!,2) !M,# 42 createinspirinG #@12P?A M@, AHH# @2.#! A 6@46#@HP 1@.#H!H 2! #AA H4 H*#H*,@!#AH/@)#K@46#2 ,HP&4@ N4@. 2! 1##H,2) A6#A: and connected  H@H#)P:*# H#1 ,2 *@)#4&,HA 2M#AH ,M#@644/ N*,* [email protected],2 businessclusters #4241, 6@414H,42 2! !#M#/46+ /4A# 6@H2#@A*,6 N,H* ,M#@644/  1#2H ,A A#! H ,HP // 2! ,A 46#@H#A 2 4&&,# ,2 42!42 H@)#H+ that reflectthe !,M,!#! ,2H4A#M#2 AK+)@4K6A ,2/K!+ ,2) )/4/ 4162,#A H*H *M# future needs ,2) 1@.#H,2) 2! ,2H#@2H,42/ ,2M#AH#!,2 42!42 2! 1P#O62! 411K2,H,42A ,2 4@!#@ H4 #&&#+ ,2 H*# : *# 4&&,# 6@4M,!#A #AA of Global H,M#/P 12)#,2N@! ,2M#AH1#2H H4 !#A.A6# 4@! @441A2! 1#1+ businesses” 6@414H,42: 6#,&, ,2H#@K/HK@/ #@A*,6 H4 H*# 42!42 *1#@ 4& !#M#/461#2H H@,2,2) ,A 6@4M,!#!H4 411#@#: *#A# A#@M,#A @# /A4 spokesperson, Midas AH&& H4 #2AK@# H*#P @# #;K,66#! H4 4&&#@#! H4 4162,#A H*H *M# 12)#K/HK@/ A#2A,H,M,H,#AH*H ,2M#AH#! ,2 ,M#@644/ 2! 2##!6@#A+ 1P@,A#N*#2 66@4*,2)64H#2+ #2# ,2 H*# 6,H/: *# ,HP ,A H,/ ,2M#AH4@A: !#!,H#! #@M,# ,2M4/M#!,2A41# /@)# !#M#/461#2HA #2H@# &4@ 2H#@2H,42/ @4&#AA,42/A ,2/K!,2)#2A4@ ,HP KA,2#AA ,A 6@4M,!#! 4&&#@,2) A6#,&, !M,# ,2KH4@ &4KA#! 42 H*#!#M#/46+ 42 ,11,)@H,42 2! M,A 1HH#@A: 1#2H 4& *,+H#* 4162,#AB 2! K2,* ,A /A4 ,HP !#!,H#! H4 H#@,/ 224MH,42 H4@P N*,* ,A !#M#/46,2) AH@H+K6A N,H*24&&,# !#A,)2#! H4 &4AH#@ @#A#@* !#A,)2 !#/,2) #O/KA,M#/PN,H*1HH#@A 2! ,224MH,42 6,/,H,#A: *#A# AK* A A#/&+#16/4P1#2H 2! 6@#6@+ ,2,H,H,M#A ,1 H4 6@414H#.24N/#!)# ,2)KA,2#AA6/2A: *# ,HP /A4 6@4+ H@2A&#@ #HN##2 .#PA#H4@#O6#@HA: M,!#A A6#,/,AHN# 64@H/ &4@AH@H+ @#/2!?A 14AHA4KH*#@2,HP 4@. K6A ,2/K!,2) AH@H+K6 16 2! @2.#! &,@AH4&// K@46#2A1//,H+ ,2&4@1H,42 42 A#@M,#AM,//# H4 ,#A &4@ H@H#)P:4@.,HP 4K2,/ #2H@#6@#2#K@A: [email protected],26@H2#@A*,6 N,H*  @#/2! H*#2H,42/ ,2M#AH1#2H 2! 6@414+ Wrocław’s win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

18 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 Cities: FdistrAtegY eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

tOP10 majoreuroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – fDi sTraTegy rANK city cOuNtry 1 barcelona spain 2 london Uk 3 stockholm sweden 4 dublin ireland 5= Amsterdam netherlands 5= vienna Austria 7 milan italy 8 Warsaw Poland 9 budapest Hungary 10 minsk belarus tOP10 LargeeuroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – fDi sTraTegy rANK city cOuNtry 1 manchester Uk 2 glasgow Uk 3 munich germany 4 lyon France 5 katowice Poland 6 rotterdam netherlands “it is vital to support creativity 7 Frankfurt germany 8 leipzig germany and innovation – both necessary 9 seville spain forcreation of disruptive 10 İzmir Turkey technoloGies and start-ups. tOP10 miD-sizeDeuroPean CiTies of In 2016 WrocłaWIsthe host of the The fuTure 2016/17 – fDi sTraTegy european capital of culture –coMe rANK city cOuNtry 1 Wrocław Poland and join us in the celebration” 2= edinburgh Uk rafal DutkIeWIcz, Mayor, WrocłaW 2= liverpool Uk 4 bilbao spain 5 Zurich switzerland 6 nottingham Uk 7 Cardiff Uk 8 málaga spain 9 Ostrava Czech republic 10 brno Czech republic tOP10 smaLL euroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – fDi sTraTegy rANK city cOuNtry 1 Cork ireland 2 dundee Uk 3= grenoble France 3= lublin Poland 5 York Uk 6 skopje macedonia 7 Pilsen Czech republic 8 belfast Uk 9 ghent belgium 10 derby Uk tOP10 miCro euroPean CiTies of The fuTure 2016/17 – fDi sTraTegy “these results show thatGlasGow rANK city cOuNtry is open forbusiness. GlasGow city 1 ivanec Croatia 2= limerick ireland council is coMMitted to realisinG 2= ventspils latvia our city’s econoMic potential and 4 Prijedor bosnia-Herzegovina 5 galway ireland recoGnition like this deMonstrates 6 Štip macedonia GlasGow’s GrowinG reputation as a 7 jastrebarsko Croatia 8 vranje serbia world classcity forinvestMent” 9 jelgava latvia frank Mcaveety,leader, GlasGow city council 10 tartu estonia

20 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016

regiOns Winners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 germany’s north rhine-westphalia takes regional prize COmPetitiOn AmOngeUrOPe’s regiOn’sWAs stiFF bUt,As CathyMullan Writes,germAnY’s nOrtH rHine-WestPHAliA – HOme tO COlOgne,dÜsseldOrF And dOrtmUnd – edged OUtÎle-de-FrAnCe And sOUtHeAst englAnd tO tAke tHe tOPsPOt, bOlstered bY itsstrengtHinlOgistiCs AndPHArmACeUtiCAls

#@12P?A 4@H**,2#+ *,)*#AH2K1#@ 4& 2P K@46#2 #AH6*/,*A &,2,A*#! H464& @#),42AHK!,#!8 N*,/# #,)*H 4& ,HAK2,+ G?A K@46#2 #),42 4& H*# M#@A,H,#A 66#@ ,2 H*#*2)*, KHK@# JR5DE5C@2.,2): *#@#),42 2.,2) 42AK/H2P /4/ 46'RR 6#@&4@1#! N#// ,2 12PH#)4@,#A 2,M#@A,H,#A @2.,2): /A4 #,2)21#! ?A #AH#@2 K@46#2 #),42 4& H*#KHK@# Île-de-franceonthe rise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fiGure 1 norTh rhine- H@,/ 4162,#A N,H*/@)#4M#@A#A #AA H4 14@# H*2 JDR ,2H#@2+ wesTPhaLia ouTwarD fDi, 6@#A#2#A ,2/K!,2) /4),AH,A ),2H H,42/ !#AH,2H,42A N*,/# @2# /A4 2003-2015 #KHA*# 4AH 7N,H* II' 4KHN@! 6#@&4@1AN#// 42 ,2!,#AAK*AH*# ,2M#AH1#2HA#HN##2 2K@PJR5R 4),AH,A #@&4@12# 2!#O H*# Latin America & 2! K)KAHJR5'8 6*@1#KH,/A ;K/,HP 4& 4M#@// ,2&@AH@KHK@# 2! the Caribbean 2! *#/H*@#4162PP#@ 7$3 ;K/,HP 4& @4!A: *# @#),42/A4 ,2M#AH1#2HA8 2! *#1,/A 41+ 4AHA 2,2# 4& H*#/4/ 46'RR Middle East 62PM42,. 7DJ ,2M#AH1#2HA8: 2 2,M#@A,H,#A N*,/#((9 4& ,HA646K/+ Africa 4M#1#@ JR5' M42,. 224K2#! H,42*A H#@H,@P+/#M#/ ;K/,&,H,42: North Asia-Pacific 1-4@ #O62A,42 6/2A &4@,HA 12K+ *#  ?A 4KH*AH2)/2! America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estern Europe N#AH#@2K@46# 2! JJ:J9H4#AH#@2 K/H,42 ,A #!KH#! H4 H#@H,@P/#M#/: K@46# 7,)K@# 58: 4@H**,2#+ Rest of Europe #AH6*/, ,A @,* ,2 ,224MH,42 Baden-württemberg’s large leap N,H*14@#H*25C DRR6H#2HA !#2L@HH#1#@) ,2 A4KH*+N#AH Source:fDi Markets )@2H#! #HN##2 JRRI 2! JR5( 7H*# #@12P @2.#! &,@AH142) @)#

22 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 regiOns Winners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

K@46#2 #),42A &4@4241, fiGure 2 numberofinTernaTionaL airPorTs anD DesTinaTions 4H#2H,/ 2! @#4@!#! H*#*,)*#AH serveD,ukregions 2K1#@ 4&  6@4-#HA #HN##2 JR5R 2! JR5( 4& //K@46#2 ' "''

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'    !  $ )  (  people 100,000 per jobs FDI KAH41#@A 2 #O6#H H4 6P"5:C$ 6#@ ****  *****   ** /,H@# H H*#6K16A H H*#H,1#!H NA2/PA#!: %**** "** & //@#),42A ,2 H*#*,)*/P41+ 6#H,H,M#  4H/2! HH@H#! H*# FDI jobs &**** ** *,)*#AH2K1#@ 4&  -4A: 4N#M#@ 42 6#@ 6,H A,A **** &** 4@H*#@2 @#/2! 1# 4KH 42 H46 * * 7,)K@# (8: 4H/2! @##,M#! H*#  $  !$ '$  $  $   !$  $ !  !   !$  '$  !  !$ !$     !  !$  $   !$ *,)*#AH2K1#@ 4& #O62A,42 6@4+       '    -#HA 6#@ 5RR RRR 6#46/# 4& // Source:fDi Markets K@46#2 @#),42A 2/PA#!: 2 A4+ /KH# H#@1A 4H/2! N,H2#AA#! P#@+ 42+P#@ ,2@#A#A H2M#@)# 4& fiGure 5 eXPansion ProjeCTs fiGure 6 ToPfive anD boTTom IR:C9 #HN##2 JR55 2!JR5(7,)K@# inTosCoTLanD,2003-2014 five CounTries, iCT '8 H4 6#. ,2 JR5(:*,A *#/6#! DeveLoPmenT inDeX from iTu

4H/2! 6/# 2K1#@ HN4142) 50 DENMARK /@)#@#),42A&4@ KA,2#AA SWEDEN @,#2!/,2#AA: 40 UK 2 4K2H@P/#M#/ #21@. NORWAY N*,* *!@#),42A6/# ,2 H*#H46 5R 30 NETHERLANDS &4@422#H,M,HPHH*# ,!+A,Q#! MACEDONIA #),42 2! 1// #),42 /#M#/ *A  20 TURKEY N#//+@#)@!#!  2&@AH@KHK@# 2! BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA 10 A4@#! *,)*#AH,2H*# 2,H#! H,42A 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 UKRAINE 2H#@2H,42/#/#411K2,H,42 Source: fDi Markets GEORGIA 2,42  #M#/461#2H 2!#O N*,/# 0 246810 #4@), NA H*#/4N#AH6#@&4@1,2) ICT Development Indexscore 4K2H@P 7,)K@# D8:  Source: ITU

February/march 2016 www.fdiintelligence.com 23 regiOns Winners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 winners:byeuropeanzone

iN sPAiN’s cOmuNiDAD De mADriD, averaGe life expectancy is 84 years of aGe, the hiGhest of any reGion in the study source: national statistics comunidad de Madrid, home to spain’s capital city (pictured), is the thirdbest performing region forfdi in southern europe, with its high average lifeexpectancy just one factor in its high placing tOP10 norThern euroPean regions of tOP10 souThern euroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 The fuTure 2016/17 rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 south east england Uk 1 Catalonia spain 2 dublin region ireland 2 istanbul turkey 3 scotland Uk 3 Comunidad de madrid spain 4 Uusimaa Finland 4 lombardy italy 5 stockholm County sweden 5 basque Country spain 6 east of england Uk 6 lazio italy 7 Oslo County norway 7 emilia-romagna italy 8 region Hovedstaden denmark 8 Andalusia spain 9 north West england Uk 9 srem district serbia 10 south West england Uk 10 lisbon Portugal

Moscow is the biggest city in russia’s central federal district, which finishes russiA’s top of the eastern european regions of the future 2016/17 ranking ceNtrAl feDerAl District, Generated the hiGhest Gdp by purchasinG power parity source: national statistics

tOP10 easTern euroPean regions of tOP10 wesTern euroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 The fuTure 2016/17 rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 CentralFederal district russia 1 north rhine-Westphalia germany 2 Prague region Czech republic 2 Île-de-France France 3 bucuresti-ilfov romania 3 baden-Württemberg germany 4 masovian voivodeship Poland 4 Canton of Zug switzerland 5 bratislavaregion slovakia 5 bavaria germany 6 volga Federal district russia 6 Hesse germany 7 Central Hungary Hungary 7 Canton of Zurich switzerland 8 northwestern Federal district russia 8 noord-Holland netherlands 9 lowersilesian voivodeship Poland 9 Canton of geneva switzerland 10 kievOblast Ukraine 10 brabant netherlands

24 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016

regiOns Winners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 winners:Large european regions tOP10 LargeeuroPean regions of The tOP10 Large euroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 fuTure 2016/17 – eConomiC PoTenTiaL rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 north rhine-Westphalia germany 1 baden-Württemberg germany 2 Île-de-France France 2 Île-de-France France 3 south east england Uk 3 north rhine-Westphalia germany 4 baden-Württemberg germany 4 bavaria germany 5 bavaria germany 5 south east england Uk 6 Central Federal district russia 6 Central Federal district russia 7 scotland Uk 7 Hesse germany 8 east of england Uk 8 lombardy italy 9 Hesse germany 9 scotland Uk 10 north West england Uk 10 east of england Uk

BADeN- württem- BerG, iN the sOuth-west Of GermANy, recorded the hiGhest nuMber of fdi projects between 2010 and 2014 of all reGions analysed source: fdi Markets daimler,which hasaplant in sindelfingen, baden-württemberg, is just one major company present in the German region tOP10 LargeeuroPean regions of The tOP10 Large euroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 – human CaPiTaL anD fuTure 2016/17 – CosT effeCTiveness LifesTyLe rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 nord-est romania 1 south east england Uk 2 volga Federal district russia 2 north rhine-Westphalia germany 3 southern Federal district russia 3 baden-Württemberg germany 4 siberian Federal district russia 4 bavaria germany 5 Poland 5 Île-de-France France 6 FareasternFederal district russia 6 Central Federal district russia 7 Ural Federal district russia 7 Comunidad de madrid spain 8 masovian voivodeship Poland 8 south West england Uk 9 northwestern Federal district russia 9 Hesse germany 10 İzmir Province Turkey 10 saxony germany tOP10 LargeeuroPean regions of The tOP10 Large euroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 – ConneCTiviTy fuTure 2016/17 – businessfrienDLiness rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 Île-de-France France 1 south east england Uk 2 east of england Uk 2 scotland Uk 3 north rhine-Westphalia germany 3 West midlands Uk 4 Hesse germany 4 Central Federal district russia 5 scotland Uk 5 north West england Uk 6 south east england Uk 6 north rhine-Westphalia germany 7 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur France 7 Catalonia spain 8 Flanders belgium 8 baden-Württemberg germany 9 rhône-Alpes France 9 east of england Uk 10 bavaria germany 10 Île-de-France France

26 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 Spotlightonhamburg advertiSement feature

PERFECTLYSUITEDFOR EUROZONE HEADqUARTERS Hamburgiswidelyrecognised as an attractiveregion forinternational investors

Hamburgisthe most attractiveregion in rhymeswith merchant spirit. However, it is less Society and the Leibniz Association, and even Germanyfor international investors. This well known that HamburgisGermany’slargest the Fraunhofer Society has recently set up is the result of aranking published in October industrialcity, astronghold of research, and an research institutions in Hamburg. 2015 by fDi Magazine.Inthe new ‘European ideal locationfor eurozone headquarters.These City of theFuture2016-17’ ranking, Hamburg strengths we need to communicate more. fDiMagazine: Forcompanies, it is vital also takes toppositions. The Elbe city scored to implement research results in eco- particularlyhigh in terms of quality of life, the fDiMagazine: And what would youliketo nomicpractice. Arethere anyexamples potential of professionals, the business friendly tell international companieswithhead- in Hamburg? climate, and theeconomicoutlook.fDi quarters in London to makethem think Mr Strittmatter: Well, of course! At Hamburg’s Magazine askedDrRolfStrittmatter,CEO HWF aboutrelocating to Hamburg? Laser Zentrum Nord, both the suspension of HamburgBusiness DevelopmentCorporation, Mr Strittmatter: Forcompanies predominantly thecrewrestand the luggage compartments of about the reasonsand the goals forthe future. activeinthe eurozone,itcertainly makes sense the Airbus A350weredesigned as abionic to control the activities from within, especially structureprior to enteringseriesproduction –a fDiMagazine: Congratulations, Hamburg against the backdrop of current discussions in milestone in the transfer of 3D printing to indus- achievedexcellent resultsintwo of our the UK. And all thosewho feel comfortable in trial production. At CFKValley Stade, some 100 rankings within ashort time. Is therestill Londondefinitely will appreciatethe fact that companies and research institutesworkonnew something to do foryou as business Hamburgisthe most anglophile city on the processes, methods and products in light- developer? continent. But, unlikeLondon, rents and cost of weight construction with carbon fibres and Dr Rolf Strittmatter:First of all,let me thank you. living areminimal,and huge traffic congestions composites, mainly forthe aerospaceindustry. The rankings by fDi Magazineare very helpful. unknown. Highly trained professionals areplen- In January2016, the ZALCentrefor Applied Also,the internationalreal estate consulting tiful, and Hamburg’s many parks makeyou feel Aviation officially inaugurated its tech centreto firm Jones Lang LaSalle ranked Hamburg likebeing backinEngland. promotethe industrialisation of newtechnolo- amongthe top10‘new worldcities’ inits cur- gies in six areas of expertise, i.e. cabin concepts rent global analysis ‘Globalisation andcompeti- fDi Magazine: Youweretalking about and technologies, ventilation andair condition- tion’. Suchrankings open doors. But atthe end strong research activities in Hamburg. ing systems as wellashull and systems integra- of the day,each company must be convinced Would youmind specifying them? tion.Theseare just examples –thereare,of that Hamburgisthe right location forits specific Mr Strittmatter: In regards to research, Hamburg course, many more. business. So,westill have alot to do. is an outstanding catalyst of innovation. Internationally renowned institutions of the Dr Rolf Strittmatter (46) is managing director of fDi Magazine: Which arethe companies Helmholtz Association,such as the German both HWF HamburgBusiness Development youwant to bring to Hamburg–and how Electron Synchrotron DESYhavebeenresident Corporation andHamburgMarketing GmbH. do youproceed? in Hamburgfor along time. In ordertopromote Mr Strittmatter: We surely do not havetotell newtechnologies and innovation, DESY co- Sponsored by international tradersaboutthe significanceof operates with industryand business, networks the Port of Hamburgfor Germany,northern, in national and international collaborations, and central, and eastern Europe. Dropbox, Facebook, is keypartnerofthe international scientificcam- Google and Twitter also appreciatethe assets of pusHamburg.Alsoathome on the banks of the Hamburg, whereentrepreneurship ideally Elbe River areinstitutes of the Max Planck

regiOns Winners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 winners: mid-sized european regions tOP10 miD-sizeD euroPean regions of tOP10 miD-sizeD euroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 The fuTure 2016/17 – eConomiC PoTenTiaL rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 Uusimaa Finland 1 Uusimaa Finland 2 stockholm County sweden 2 stockholm County sweden 3 noord-Holland netherlands 3 noord-Holland netherlands 4 region Hovedstaden denmark 4 Hamburgstate germany 5 brabant netherlands 5 region Hovedstaden denmark 6 Hamburgstate germany 6 brabant netherlands 7 berlin state germany 7 berlin state germany 8 bucuresti-ilfov romania 8 bucuresti-ilfov romania 9 vienna state Austria 9 kievOblast Ukraine 10 south Holland netherlands 10 vienna state Austria tOP10 miD-sizeD euroPean regions of tOP10 miD-sizeD euroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 – human CaPiTaL The fuTure 2016/17 – CosT effeCTiveness anD LifesTyLe rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 nord-vest romania 1 stockholm County sweden 2 sud romania 2 Uusimaa Finland 3 sud-vest romania 3 region Hovedstaden denmark 4 bosnia bosnia-Herzegovina 4 berlin state germany 5 sud-est romania 5 noord-Holland netherlands 6 kievOblast Ukraine 6 vastragotaland County sweden 7 vest romania 7 Hamburgstate germany 8 Centru romania 8 bucuresti-ilfov romania 9 subcarpathian Poland 9 south Holland netherlands 10 kuyavian-Pomeranian Poland 10 vienna state Austria

Kiev OBlAst iN uKrAiNe has the Most cost-friendly labour cost levels of all european reGions analysed source: fdi benchMark based on towers watson and national statistics

tOP10 miD-sizeD euroPean regions of tOP10 miD-sizeD euroPean regions of The The fuTure 2016/17 – ConneCTiviTy fuTure 2016/17 – businessfrienDLiness rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 basque Country spain 1 north east england Uk 2 noord-Holland netherlands 2 northern ireland Uk 3 stockholm County sweden 3 Wales Uk 4 region Hovedstaden denmark 4 Central Hungary Hungary 5 rhineland-Palatinate germany 5 noord-Holland netherlands 6 brabant netherlands 6 bucuresti-ilfov romania 7 Canaryislands spain 7 region Hovedstaden denmark 8 Uusimaa Finland 8 stockholm County sweden 9 south Holland netherlands 9 berlin state germany 10 languedoc-roussillon France 10 transdanubia Hungary

February/march 2016 www.fdiintelligence.com 29 regiOns Winners eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 winners:small european regions tOP10 smaLL euroPean regions of The tOP10 smaLL euroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 fuTure 2016/17 – eConomiC PoTenTiaL rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 dublin region ireland 1 dublin region ireland 2 Canton of Zug switzerland 2 Canton of Zug switzerland 3 Canton of Zurich switzerland 3 Oslo County norway 4 Oslo County norway 4 luxembourg luxembourg 5 Canton of geneva switzerland 5 Canton of Zurich switzerland 6 Prague region Czech republic 6 Canton of geneva switzerland 7 Harju County estonia 7 brussels Capital region belgium 8 brussels Capital region belgium 8 Harju County estonia 9 Canton of vaud switzerland 9 West region ireland 10 vilnius County lithuania 10 south-West region ireland

tOP10 smaLL euroPean regions of The tOP10 smaLL euroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 – human CaPiTaL anD fuTure 2016/17 – CosT effeCTiveness LifesTyLe rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 skopje statistical region macedonia 1 Canton of Zurich switzerland 2 bulgaria 2 Canton of vaud switzerland 3 bulgaria 3 Canton of Zug switzerland 4 ruse Province bulgaria 4 Prague region Czech republic 5 staraZagoraProvince bulgaria 5 Oslo County norway 6 srem district serbia 6 Canton of geneva switzerland 7 bulgaria 7 skane County sweden 8 sofia City bulgaria 8 Utrecht netherlands 9 riga statistical region latvia 9 rogaland County norway 10 kaunas County lithuania 10 bratislavaregion slovakia

“utrecht’s central location and its excellence in science and innovation contribute stronGlytoits investMent cliMate. here, businesses, acadeMic institutions and localGovernMents successfullyco-operate in drivinG econoMic Growth and iMprovinG the quality of life” utrecht was the venue willibrord vanbeek, kinG’s coMMissioner, to the tour de france’s ‘Grand départ’ in 2015 province of utrecht tOP10 smaLL euroPean regions of The tOP10 smaLL euroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 – ConneCTiviTy fuTure 2016/17 – businessfrienDLiness rANK reGiON cOuNtry rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 Canton of geneva switzerland 1 dublin region ireland 2 Utrecht netherlands 2 Canton of Zug switzerland 3 Canton of Zurich switzerland 3 Prague region Czech republic 4 southern denmark denmark 4 Harju County estonia 5 skane County sweden 5 Canton of Zurich switzerland 6 brussels Capital region belgium 6 bratislavaregion slovakia 7 Oslo County norway 7 Oslo County norway 8 rogaland County norway 8 West region ireland 9 luxembourg luxembourg 9 mid-West region ireland 10 Canton of vaud switzerland 10 srem district serbia

30 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 SpotlightonDublin ADvertiSement feAture projects with third-levelinstitutions. some 21% of Dublin’s residents werebornoutside ireland,showing thecity’s attractiveness to people of allbackgrounds.

GlobAllyconnecteD Dublinis an ideal location from which to access the eu, the world’s largest single mar- ketwith morethan 500 million customers. The capitalofthe only english-speaking coun- tryinthe eurozone, Dublin has awell-devel- opedrail, lightrailand road networkand is eas- ily accessible by air and sea.Passengernum- bers areatanall-timepeakand an extended DublinareaRapid Transit (DaRT) network will further reduce travel time from the city centre to the airport. This will allowinternational workersbased in Dublin to visit home quickly. in addition to impressivehardinfrastructure, the city also boasts an excellent, and continu- ally improving, broadband and communica- tions infrastructure, allowing forthe highest smooth journey: among Dublin’s manyassets areits impressive concentration of iCT activity within the OeCD. transportinfrastructure irelAnD – AGlobAl stArt-up hub With a thriving start-up community, supported by the Officeofthe Dublin start-up Commissioner,the city is an ideal location for Dublin means entrepreneurstoset up abusiness. incentives and supportfor start-ups arecomplemented by astrong localecosystemforentrepreneurship.a wealth of incubation spaceisavailable forestab- lishing businesses, suppliedbygovernment business organisations and third-levelinstitutions. The start-up Commissioner’s officealso produces Dublin’s educated workforce,favourable quality of life the Dublin Globe,aweekly updateoneverything and business-friendly environment arestrengthening that is happeninginDublin City’s tech sector. the city’s reputation as aglobal investment hub economic Development Themovingfocus of irish local government towardseconomicdevelopment has led to the Adiverse city,with arich cultural history Dublin, ASmArt city recent deliveryofanumberoflocal projects by of music,poetryand storytelling, along- where technologyAnD Dublin CityCouncil. The Dublin City local side the modern vibrancy of the city’s innovAtion go hAnD in economic and Community Plan is asix-year manycafés, barsand restaurants, Dublin hAnD, iS home to…. plan of the economic actions that will be deliv- is the ideal city in which to live, work and n 9ofthe world’s top 10 technology companies ered by stakeholderswith aremit in the city. invest in. as thedrivingforce behind europe’s n 50%ofthe world’stop banks Furthermore, theDublin economic monitorpro- fastest growing economy,Dublin has already n 250 global financial institutions videsaquarterly update on the Dublin econ- established itselfas aprime location forFDi. n 10 of the world’stop 20 insurancecompanies omy,and allowsfor economic activity in the city The necessaryinfrastructure formultination- n 9ofthe world’s top 10 pharma companies to be regularlymeasured. acorresponding alsisthereforealready in placetoallowcom- n 17 of the world’s top25medicaltechnology onlinewebresource,dublineconomy.ie has also panies to move in and set up operations companies been launched, providing awiderange of the smoothly.The surrounding green countryside, city’s performance monitors. Dublin.ie, aweb- mountains and coastline allow forresidents to siteproviding information on all aspects of liv- haveasuccessful career while maintaining a ing,working and investing in Dublin has recently healthy balance of leisurepursuits. skilleD workforce gone live,and provides an additionalinstrument acitywithayoung,skilledand highly edu- forattracting the talent and investment needed GreAtplAce to Do business catedworkforce,48% of 25 to 34 year olds in to develop the cityand region further. Thebusiness climate created in Dublinisavery Dublin haveatertiary-levelqualification. a favourable environment from whichtodobusi- vibrant mix of domestic students, coupled with ness.The appealofireland forForeign Direct alarge number of international scholars, has sponsored by investment (FDi) is enhanced by an attractive resulted in ireland ranking number one in the regulatoryand tax system, underlined by a world forthe availability of skilled labour 12.5% corporationtax rate.semi-stateand gov- (institutional management and Development ernment agenciessuch as the industrial World Competitiveness Yearbook 2014). Development agency (iDa), enterprise ireland Furthermore, Dublin boasts astrong R&Dsec- andthe localenterprise Officenetwork provide tor, with strong co-operation between busi- companies and start-ups with vital supportand ness andacademia. Governmentsupported financial aid. The iDa, responsible forattracting R&D centres of excellenceare directed by uni- and assisting multinational firms intoireland, versities, while businesses canalso avail of tax currentlysupports 360firms in Dublin. creditsand grants forin-house collaborative regiOns:Fdi strAtegY eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17 fDi strategy: scotland hits new heights sCOtlAnd is tHe leAdingregiOn FOrFdi strAtegY in tHeeUrOPeAnCities AndregiOns OF tHeFUtUre2016/17 rAnking,WitHjUdges imPressed bY its glObAl PresenCeAnd OnlineOPerAtiOns, Writes Cathy Mullan.meAnWHile, greAter COPenHAgenindenmArkistOP AmOng mid-siZed regiOns

4H/2! *A H466#! H*# H@H#)P @2.,2) &4@/@)# SK@46#2 @#),42A: H,42/ #4241, !#M#/461#2H )#2P 4HH,A*2H#@6@,A# *AH#1 4& JJ' 6#46/# N4@.,2) H4 6@414H#H*# @#),42H4&4@#,)2,2M#AH4@A 2! 46#@+ H#A N,H* 2#HN4@. 4& J3 ,2H#@2+ H,42/ 4&&,#A ,2 // 1-4@ N4@/! @#),42A: HA ,2H#@2/A/#A !#1P 4&&#@A 42H,2K4KA 6@4&#AA,42/ !#M#/+ 461#2H H4 // AH&& ,2/K!,2) H@,2+ ,2)2! /2)K)#4K@A#A: 2 H464&H*,A H*#)#2P *A  !#!,H#! 42/,2#6@#A#2# N,H*2 ,2M#AH1#2H 6@414H,42 N#A,H# 2!  A4,/ 1#!,AH@H#)P ,2/K!,2) 1#1+ #@A*,6 4& ,2.#! 2 N,HH#@ 4KK# 2!*,2#A# A4,/1#!, 1,@4/4)+ ),2) A,H# #,4 ,2 4@!#@ H4 H6 ,2H4 H*#*,2#A# 1@.#H: #)K/@ 2#NA/#H+ H#@A @# /A4 A#2H H4 @#!#@A*,6 4& 66@4O,1H#/PJI 'RR 6#46/#: *# AH@H#)P 4H/2! ,A #16/4P,2) 66#@A H4 # N4@.,2) A  6@4+ -#HA*M#,2@#A#!P#@42P#@ #HN##2 JR55 2! JR5(:*# 2K1#@ 4& -4A *A /A4 ,2@#A#! ,2 H*,A H,1# 6#.,2) JR5(:

Nrw’s big welcome Good going: scotland is the top region forfdi strategy  2M#AH,AH*# )#2P @#A642A,/# &4@,2M#AH1#2H 6@414H,422! HH@+ H,42 ,2 #@12P?A 14AH646K/4KA A#@M,#A:  ,A/A41.,2)AH@,!#A )/4/ /4H,42A ,24+46#@H,42 @#),42 4@H* *,2#+#AH6*/, ,2  ,2&@AH@KHK@# !#M#/461#2H N,H* @#),42/ 2!2H,42/ )4M#@2+ 78 N*,* *A @2.#! A#42! N,H*2!N,!H*A6##!A 4& 14@# 1#2HA: ,)*H ,2KH4@A @# ,2 46#@+ 142) // /@)#K@46#2 @#),42A &4@ H*2 'R 1#),HA 6#@ A#42! M,/+ H,42 ,2 H*#@#),42 4&&#@#! H4 &4@+  H@H#)P:*# )#2P 46#@H#A HN4 /# ,2 D39 4& *4KA#*4/!A: *# #,)2 ,2M#AH4@A A 6@H4&H*# > 2!,2 AKA,!,@,#A ,2 4.P42! ,2 *,)4 @#),42/ )4M#@21#2H ,A A6#2!,2) 41@!P? 6@4-#H N*,*//4NA N*,/# !!,H,42/ @#6@#A#2HH,M# 'RR1 H4 ,16@4M# @4!2! ,2&@+ H*#A# 4162,#A #AAH4@#!P+H4+ 4&&,#A@# H,M# ,2 *,2 KAA, AH@KHK@#: KA# [email protected]#A &4@6#@,4!A K6 H4 4KH* 4@# 2!, 2! K@.#P: 41@!P H*# /@)#AH @#),42 ,2 H*@##142H*A: 2P4162P41,2) H4  H/P A,HKH#! ,2 H*#24@H* 4& H*# &@41 4KHA,!#4&H*#  @##,M#A  4K2H@P @2.#! H*,@! 4& // /@)# wonderful in copenhagen N#/41# 6.)# N*,* ,2/K!#A @#),42A: K!)#AN#@#,16@#AA#! N,H* @#H#@ 46#2*)#2 @#),42 @2.#! ,2&4@1H,42 42 @#/4H,2) H4 H*# H*#H,42A 4& H*#1,2 #4241, &,@AH4&// 1,!+A,Q#! @#),42A &4@ @#),42 /42) N,H* IRRR+N4@H* 4& 6@414H,42 )#2P 2M#AH,2 H@H#)P &4//4N,2)AK1,AA,42 M4K*#@A H*H 2 # @#!##1#! 41@!P N*,* H.#A 6@H,2 42# &@41 46#2*)#2 6,HP H*# ),2AH H*#4AH4&/#)/ !M,# 2! @4!A*4N6#@ 142H*,2AH@H#), @#),42?A ,2M#AH1#2H6@414H,424!P:

32 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 regiOns:Fdi strAtegY eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

*#)#2P 46#@H#A A#M#@/,2,H,+ KA2PM,!#4 A*4NA,2) H*##2#+ H,M#A H4 HH@H&4@#,)2,2M#AH1#2H &,HA 4& /4H,2) H*#@#: ,2/K!,2)> 2H#@2H,42/ 4KA# *#  ?A /#AH646K/H#! @#),42 46#2*)#2? &,/,HP ,1#! H4 #A# 4@H*#@2 @#/2! @2.#! H*,@! 4& // #2H@P,2H4#21@. 4&&#@,2) 42#+ 1,!+A,Q#! K@46#2 @#),42A: HA 64,2H #2H@PA#@M,# N*,* *2!/#A 2M#AH  6@414H,42 )#2P 46#@H#A // &4@1/ 66#@N4@. N,H*,2 4K6/# N,H* 3R AH&&!#!,H#! H4 HH@H,2) 4& *4K@A: 46#2*)#2 6,HP?A ,2M#AH4@A:*# )#2P 4&&#@A &1,/+ N#A,H#,A4&&#@#! ,2 12P/2)K)#A ,@,AH,42 M,A,HA&4@ AH&&&@41,HA &4@+ ,2/K!,2)#@12 *,2#A# 62#A# #,)2 4&&,#A A4 H*#P @# ,2 H*##AH 2! @#2*: K+A,H#A @# /A4 M,/+ 64A,H,42 H4 !M,A# 2! ,2&/K#2# /#H4//4N1K2,,6/,H,#AH46@4+ 64H#2H,/,2M#AH4@A:*#@# @# A41# 14H#H*#1A#/M#A A N#// A A,H#H4 1-4@ ,2&@AH@KHK@# !#M#/461#2HA AK664@H H*##!,42 //#P ,&# 42)4,2) ,2 H*#@#),42 ,2/K!,2) ,#2#A /KAH#@: #/&AH?A ,H2, K@H#@ N*,* ,A Germany’s north rhine-westphalia, home to H/P?AKA2P@#),42 @2.#! A#+ HH@H,2) 4162,#A &@41 H*# düsseldorf (pictured), ranked second among 42! 4& //1,!+A,Q#! @#),42A:*# 1#!, A#H4@ 2! ,AAK664@H#! P  all large european regions forfdi strategy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

February/march 2016 www.fdiintelligence.com 33 regiOns:Fdi strAtegY eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

tOP10 LargeeuroPean regions of The lombardy, through its largest city of fuTure 2016/17 – fDi sTraTegy Milan (pictured), hosted the expo rANK reGiON cOuNtry trade fair in 2015, a testament to its global standing as an investment 1 scotland Uk source and destination 2 north rhine-Westphalia germany 3 lombardy italy 4 Catalonia spain 5 Andalusia spain 6= emilia-romagna italy 6= Île-de-France France 8 Comunidad valenciana spain 9 Flanders belgium 10 Comunidad de madrid spain tOP10 miD-sizeDeuroPean regions of The fuTure 2016/17 – fDi sTraTegy rANK reGiON cOuNtry 1 greater Copenhagen denmark 2 tuscany italy 3 northern ireland Uk 4 Małopolska Poland 5 brabant netherlands 6 basque Country spain 7= vojvodina serbia 7= Wallonia belgium 9 Canaryislands spain 10 stockholm region sweden

tOP10 smaLL euroPean regions of The eindhovenhightech campus is fuTure 2016/17 – fDi sTraTegy just one example of the region’s rANK reGiON cOuNtry commitment to attracting tech 1 eindhovenregion netherlands companies and start-ups 2 Pilsen region Czech republic 3 Amsterdam metropolitan netherlands 4 bristol and bath Uk 5 greater Zurich Area switzerland 6 kainuu Finland 7 Helsinki region Finland 8 Utrecht netherlands 9 Poland 10 greater ipswich Area Uk

“in the eindhoven reGion we fully understand thatclose collaboration and an inteGrated approachare crucial to attracttalent,entrepreneurs, innovators and with thatfdi” robvan GijZel, Mayor, eindhoven

34 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 SpotlightonMechelen AdvertiSeMent feAture ciently transportall dailycommuters(approxi- mately37,800 inbound and32,300 outbound). •aformer brownfield site, the sizeof100 soccerfields, is being repurposed intoanew smart, liveable districtfor residential and commercial use (Ragheno).

enjoyThe good life Mechelen’s high standard of living, excellent healthcareand public services, combined with the city’slong tradition of hospitality,will ensure aworry-free work-lifebalance. In the eveningsorweekends, the city’s inspiring backdrop of 400historical buildingsis perfect forarelaxingstroll in the low- and no- traffic inner city,soaking up theunique mixture of historicalheritage andcultural diversity. In andaround thebustling city centre, thereare activities to suit every indoor and outdoor taste: alively soccerstadium (KV MECHELEN: AFUTURE- Mechelen)that holdsmorethan 18,000 fans, an adventurous zoo(Planckendael), a multiplexcinema(Utopolis)and evenahands- PROOF TRADITION OF on sciencemuseum (Technopolis) –all within biking distanceofany partofthe city. SMART INNOVATION Sow Today, reapToMorrow In recent years, moreand moresmart Is your organisation looking foranew,smartlocation businesseshavebegun to recogniseMechelen forits true merits:its pivotal location within with an innovativeapproach to sustainable investments? Flandersand Europe, its smartconnectivityand In an easily accessible environment, fuelled by flexible wide access to highly skilled employees, and, no employees with an always-on attitude? Whereit’sgreat doubt, its excellent and sustainable quality of life. Bart Somers, mayor of Mechelen, firmly to grow your business and safetoraise your children? agrees: ‘Mechelen trulyofferseverything for This European microcity of the futuremay just haveitall successfulbusiness investments: outstanding conditions to grow your business andagreat placetolive’. Thereare five keyreasons whya Antwerp and Brussels, who arestrategically Other leadingcompanies havealready businessshould invest in Mechelen. settling in Mechelen, and businessescan tapped intothe uniqueeconomicpotential of readily handpick the finest talents. Mechelen. Join themtoday and reap the STraTegicallylocaTed In recent years, this uniquetalent pool of growing benefits of this emerging micropoli- It is ashortjourney away from Belgium’s major highly qualified, multilingualworkers,and the tan business gem tomorrow. citiesaswellasthoseinneighbouring city’s owndynamic entrepreneurial climate, countries, thanks to its largely uncongested has attracted severalcommunication, Discoverevenmorefascinatingfacts on road network, twomotorway on- and off- marketing and multimedia companies. And www.mechelen.be today. And visitMechelen ramps (E19) and rapid rail connections. Major this business-empoweringsynergy has, in tomorrowtoexperienceits success story. commercial and industrial centres –such as turn,transformed Mechelen intothe new London, Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurtand hotspot of cross-media activities in Belgium. About Mechelen Luxemburg–are only afew hoursaway. n frenchname: Malines Brussels International Airportcan be reached highlyconnecTed n population: 84,557inhabitants by train in just10minutes. Home to Telenet, Belgium’s leading providerof n fifth largest city in flanders Combining astrong sense of turnkey high-speed internet, television and telecom n oneofthe first belgianwi-free cities business partnership andasound investment services, Mechelen has become the most policy with widely available micropolitan- digitisedcityof Belgium. 2016 fDi EuropEan CitiEs of thE futurE prized office, industrial and retail space, the In 2015 Mechelenevenjoined the ranks of awarDs: city has alreadymanaged to attractawide Belgium’s first ‘Wi-Free’ cities, offering its citizens, n Third beST MicrociTy forconnecTiviTy range of blooming companies, such as visitors, and businesses free Wi-Fi connectivity. n ninThbeSTMicro ciTy foreconoMic Hewlett-Packard, Sanoma, LiveNation, This commitment to e-business andinnova- poTenTial Galapagos, Pringles andDuPont De Nemours. tivetechnologies facilitatesfastglobalcommuni- n ninTh beST MicrociTy overall cation,enhancessocialintegrationandparticipa- acceSSToTalenTed huMan capiTal tion,andallowslocalbusinessestoofferlocation- Asteady supply of multitalentedworkersis based tailored services and e-discounts. Sponsored by provided by Thomas More, the biggest college in Flanders. Thiscentre of expertise –with liveable in and eaSy To reach 4000 studentsinmorethan 15 academic pro- To promoteand realise aliveable, green grammes on four campuses in Mechelen – habitat,Mechelen prioritises sustainable createsafertile breeding ground forhighly mobility in its city-wide construction projects: skilled blue-and white-collarworkers. •its new train/busstation will haveparking Add to thisthe brain-gain of graduates facilitiesfor 2000 carsand 5000bicycles, and is from the neighbouring universities of Leuven, conceived as amultimodal transfer zone to effi- lePs eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

London and oxfordshire LePs star in england englAnd’s lOCAl enterPrise PArtnersHiPs HAve been in eXistenCe sinCe2011 And HAve sCOred sOme signiFiCAntsUCCesses. fDi rAnks tHebestOFtHembY vAriOUs CriteriA,WitHlOndOn, greAtermAnCHester,tHAmesvAlleYberksHire And tees vAlleY AmOng tHetOP PerFOrmers. Cathy Mullan rePOrts

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email protected],26@H2#@A*,6N,H* oxfordishome to one of the world’s most prestigious universities 6@. ,2 H*# ?A -K@,A!,H,42 N*,* 2M#AH ,M#@644/ ,2 6@414H,2) H*# (pictured), which has long been aselling point forthe surrounding N,// # /4H#! H H*#2,M#@A,HP 4& /4H,42 A !#AH,2H,42 &4@,2M#A+ area, and has helped oxfordshirelep to seal astrong performance #!,2)2! N,// #H*# &,@AH4&,HA H4@A: ,M#@644/,A!K# H4 *4AHH*# in the fDi lep rankings .,2! ,2 H*#@# 6@4M,!,2)14@# 2H#@2H,42/ #AH,M/ &4@KA,2#AA,2 A6# &4@H#*24/4)P 4162,#A: JR5D 42 #*/& 4& H*# )/4/ !M2#! 12K&HK@,2)  6#@ #M#2H&4KA#! 42 H@!# 2! ,2M#AH+ 5RR RRR 6#46/# NA*,)*#AH ,2 ##A 1#2H: ,M#1P4@/ !#M#/461#2H //#P ,2H*# 24@H* 4& 2)/2!: Q42#A *M# ##2 A#H K6 ,2 H*#,HP @#A H*H @# H*#&4KA &4@,2&@+ labour advantage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email protected]/4A#/PN,H*/4/ ,2) 6/#H*4@4&,2&4@1H,42 H4 6@H2#@A ,2/K!,2)K2,M#@A,H,#A 2! 64H#2H,/ ,2M#AH4@A: 

36 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 lePs eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

london’s silicon valley (pictured) has become asymbol of the city’s status as aglobal tech hub, something that the london lep is keen to highlight to would-beinvestors tOP10 LoCaL enTerPrise ParTnershiPs fiGure 1 average annuaL gDP growTh, ToPfive anD boTTom five of The fuTure 2016/17 LeP areas rANK leP 1 london 2 thames valley berkshire OXFORDSHIRE 3 greaterCambridge&greater Peterborough ENTERPRISEM3 4 enterprise m3 GLOUCESTERSHIRE 5 Oxfordshire DERBY, DERBYSHIRE NOTTINGHAM &NOTTINGHAMSHIRE 6 south east midlands LONDON 7 south east CUMBRIA 8 greater manchester TEESVALLEY 9 solent SWINDON ANDWILTSHIRE 10 Hertfordshire HUMBER CORNWALL &THE ISLESOFSCILLY 012345 %GDP growth Source: National Statistics

fiGure2saLariesinLeP areas – CornwaLL vs LonDon

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February/march 2016 www.fdiintelligence.com 37 lePs eUrOPeAn Cities And regiOns OF tHe FUtUre 2016/17

tOP10 LoCaL enTerPrise ParTnershiPs of The fuTure 2016/17 – eConomiC PoTenTiaL rANK leP 1 london 2 thamesvalley berkshire 3 greaterCambridge &greater Peterborough 4 Oxfordshire 5 enterprise m3 6 West of england 7 solent 8 south east midlands 9 Coventryand Warwickshire 10 greater manchester tOP10 LoCaL enTerPrise ParTnershiPs of The fuTure 2016/17 – human CaPiTaL anD LifesTyLe rANK leP 1 london 2 southeast 3 enterprise m3 4 Oxfordshire 5 thames valley berkshire 6 Coast to Capital 7 greaterCambridge &greater Peterborough 8 buckinghamshirethamesvalley 9 Hertfordshire 10 solent heathrow airport in the thamesvalley region is among the busiest and best connected in the world,factors that havehelpedits lepfinishsecond in fDi’s overall lep ranking tOP10 LoCaL enTerPrise ParTnershiPs of The fuTure 2016/17 – CosT effeCTiveness rANK leP 1 Cornwall and the isles of scilly 2 sheffield City region 3 Heart of the south West 4 Humber 5 black Country 6 tees valley 7 lancashire 8 new Anglia 9 stoke-on-trent and staffordshire 10 leicester and leicestershire tOP10 LoCaL enTerPrise ParTnershiPs of The fuTure 2016/17 – ConneCTiviTy rANK leP 1 london 2 lancashire 3 enterprise m3 4 south east midlands 5 south east 6 Hertfordshire 7 thames valley berkshire 8 greaterCambridge &greater Peterborough 9 Coast to Capital 10 Oxfordshire

cornwall in south-west england is ahaven fortourists, but among its other attractions areits cost effectiveness, with the cornwall and the isles of scilly lep ranking top by this measure

38 www.fdiintelligence.com February/march 2016 LEPS EUROPEAN CITIES AND REGIONS OF THE FUTURE 2016/17

TOP10 LOCAL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIPS OF Liverpool’s LEP was ranked second for THE FUTURE 2016/17 –BUSINESSFRIENDLINESS FDI Strategy among all of England’s RANK LEP local enterprise partnerships 1 London 2 Thames Valley Berkshire 3 Greater Manchester 4 Greater Birmingham and Solihull 5 South East Midlands 6 Coventryand Warwickshire 7 NorthEastern 8 Tees Valley 9 GreaterCambridge &Greater Peterborough 10 Leeds City Region

TOP5LOCAL ENTERPRISE PARTNERSHIPS OF THE FUTURE 2016/17 – FDI STRATEGY RANK LEP 1 Greater Manchester 2 Liverpool 3 Northamptonshire 4 Coventryand Warwickshire 5 Leicester and Leicestershire

February/March 2016 www.fDiIntelligence.com 39 METHODOLOGY EUROPEAN CITIES AND REGIONS OF THE FUTURE 2016/17

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ECONOMIC POTENTIAL •Tertiaryeducational attainment CONNECTIVITY 100,000 people) •Population •Educationexpenditure(%ofGNI) •Uploadspeed (kb/s) •Total number of companies within the •Population growth rate •Numberofhigher education institutions •Download speed (kb/s) hi-tech servicesector 2014 (per •Unemployment rate (%) •NumberofInternational Baccalaureate •ICT developmentindex 100,000 people) •Inflation Schools •Number of airports within 80 kilometres •Total number of companies within the •GDP (PPP Current Intl $) (millions) •Numberoftop 500universities of the city knowledge-based sector 2014 (per •GDP per capita (PPP current Intl $) •Numberofstudents per 100,000 •Number of international destinations 100,000 people) •GDP forecast (average annual growth people served •Number of jobscreated by all inward FDI rate –%) •Ability to attract and retain talent •Number of portswithin 100 kilometres (Jan 2010-Dec 2014) •GDP average annual growth rate (%) •Lifeexpectancy (medium) •Number of jobs created by all inward FDI •GDP per capita average annual growth •Number of portswithin 100 kilometres per 100,000 people (Jan2010-Dec rate (%) COST EFFECTIVENESS (large) 2014) •Outward FDI (Jan 2010-Dec 2014) •Average annual salary ($)for an •Number of portswithin 100 kilometres •Number of alljobs created by inward FDI •Outward FDI per 100,000 (Jan 2010-Dec unskilled worker (verylarge) (2005-09) 2014) •Average annual salary ($)for asemi- •Number of ports within 100 kilometres •Number of alljobs created by inward FDI •InwardFDI (Jan 2010-Dec 2014) skilled worker (medium plus) (2010-14) •Inward FDI per 100,000 (Jan 2010-Dec •Average annual salary ($)for askilled •Growth in mobile phone subscribers •Nominal growth in jobscreated by 2014) worker 2007 vs 2014 (%) inward FDI(2005-09 vs 2010-14) per •Nominal growth in inwardFDI projects •Annual rent forprime grade-A office •Logistics performanceindex(2014) 100,000 people per 100,000 (2005-09) vs (2010-14) space($per squaremetre) •Networked readiness Index(2014) •Number of expansion/colocation •InwardFDI in R&D and DDTper 100,000 •Annual rent forprime Grade Aindustrial •Environmental performanceindex projects (Jan 2010-Dec 2014)per (Jan 2010-Dec 2014) space($per squaremetre) (2014) 100,000people •InwardFDI in advanced manufacturing •4*/5* hotel in city centre($per night) •Qualityofoverall infrastructure2015 •FTGlobal500 companies per 100,000 (Jan 2010-Dec 2014) •Minimum wage ($) •Corporationtax rate (%) •Number of mega projects by capex •Costofestablishingabusiness(absolute BUSINESSFRIENDLINESS •Daystaken to start abusiness (over$100m)(Jan 2010-Dec 2014) value using GNI) •Total number of companies within the •Ease of doingbusiness index •Numberof megaprojects by capex •Costofregistering aproperty (% of hi-tech manufacturing sector 2014 •Indexofeconomic freedom (over$100m)(Jan 2010-Dec 2014) per propertyvalue) •Total number of companies within the •Corruption perceptionindex 100,000 people •Costofconstruction permits (absolute hi-tech servicesector 2014 •Strength of investorprotection index •Numberof megaprojects by jobs (over value using GNI) •Total number of companies within the •Countryriskscore 1000 jobs) (Jan 2010-Dec 2014) per •Petrol prices($) knowledge-based sector2014 •Firing costs ($) 100,000 people •Costofelectricity ($ per kwH) •Proportion of companies within the •Credit rating •Numberof patents(2003-14) •Corporation tax rate (%) hi-tech manufacturing sector 2014 •Numberof patents(2003-14) per •VAT/common indirect tax rate (%) •Proportion of companies within the 100,000 people •Total tax rate (% of profit) hi-tech servicesector 2014 •CountryPPP rate •Proportion of companies within the HUMAN CAPITAL AND LIFESTYLE knowledge-based sector2014 •Labour forceasa%ofpopulation •Total number of companies within the •Secondary educational attainment hi-tech manufacturing sector 2014 (per

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