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Buy This Ad Space for $30 / Week. Updated Weekly Upon Request! Newsstand price: $.25 PRSRT STD U. S. Postage Paid Paulding, OH 45879 Permit No. 75 VOLUME 3 – ISSUE 1 Serving All of Paulding County and Surrounding Areas - (419) 258-2000 THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2007 LETTER TO THE NEW PROJECTS CONTINUE building urban freeways and “FROM THE VANTAGE POINT”: VANTAGE WINTER SPORTS SPIRIT DAY COMMITMENT TO DELIVER completing corridors to con- EDITOR PLAN nect rural regions. Th e new projects advanced I am writing to thank you Th e Transportation Re- for construction include the for running the editorials by view Advisory Council Akron Multimodal Trans- Brad Dysinger and hope you (TRAC) approved the draft portation Center, the widen- will continue! If he decides list of major new projects for ing of State Route 104 in Ross to run again in two years, I 2008–2013 Wednesday. Th e County, the Interstate 77/ hope more people pay atten- list includes $60.2 million for County Road 80 interchange tion to him! the development of two new project in Tuscarawas Coun- Too many candidates major projects and the con- ty and the fi rst phase of the spend most of their editori- struction of four new proj- Portsmouth Bypass in Scioto als talking about their edu- ects. Th e draft project list will County. Th e projects are re- cation, family, awards and be subject to a 90-day public gional priorities that will also everything but the prob- comment period before the improve safety, mobility and lems! Brad gets right to the TRAC votes on the fi nal list connectivity of the transpor- point and what needs to be in spring or early summer tation system statewide. done to change it! 2007. ODOT typically works I don’t care what some- “Th e projects that were ad- on a six-year construction one has done in their life! vanced address regional con- and planning cycle, adding a Th at’s nice, but if elected cerns in terms of safety and year of new projects annually. what are you going to do for mobility for the state,” said Th is round of TRAC fund- me or my town. Th at’s im- Ohio Department of Trans- ing commitments covers the 2008-2013 time frame and portant. portation (ODOT) Director Did you know that stu- Van Wert–Wrestling; Dustin for the picture were Brent Th anks Brad for telling it Gordon Proctor. “Th ese are includes total commitments dents who attend Vantage Ladd, Continental–Basket- ranging from $386 million a Hoersten, Ottoville–Bas- like it is! the key elements of Governor can continue to participate ball; Calvin Sinn, Wayne year to a historic high of $810 ketball; Saundra Modica, —Gregg R. Gorman Taft ’s Jobs and Progress Plan, in sports at their home Trace–Basketball; Tom Zu- Ottoville–Cheerleading and and these projects continue million. Th e TRAC was created by school? Each sports sea- ber, Antwerp–Basketball; Adam Miller, Wayne Trace– THANK YOU our commitment to deliver son during the school year, Ryan Davis, Wayne Trace– Basketball. the Plan despite the increased the Ohio Legislature in 1997 Vantage celebrates its stu- Basketball; Kyle Brother- Good Luck to all the We would like to give a cost of constructing projects to oversee fair distribution of transportation funds. dent athletes. On December wood, Van Wert–Bowling; Vantage student athletes! Big Th ank You to the Village due to infl ation.” 15th, Vantage winter sports Chad Lobsiger, Crestview– Gov. Taft ’s Job and Prog- A complete list of the proj- Hardware for furnishing the athletes were recognized. Bowling; Mr. Keith Rydell, ress Plan, which was unveiled ects receiving funding can sacks for the Luminary’s we Front row (l to r): Brooke Van Wert–Swimming as- ANTWERP TOWN COUNCIL put out on Christmas Eve for in 2003, is Ohio’s largest be viewed on ODOT’s Web Baker, Katie Diment and sistant coach. Unavailable MEETING the last 36 years. transportation initiative since site at Katelyn Houts, Parkway– —Th e families of the 300 the original creation of the TRAC. Th e draft project list block of West Woodcox St. interstate highway system. will be subject to written pub- Bowling; Catherine Harg- Th e regular meeting of lic comments until March 20. Antwerp council has been p Th e plan devotes $5 billion to reave, Van Wert–Bowling. CORRECTION TO WINTER Write: TRAC Coordinator Row 2 (l to r): Sarah Benien moved to January 15, 2007, Ohio’s highway network, re- MEETINGS BOOKLET Kim Killian, c/o ODOT, 1980 and Sara Harshman, Conti- 7:00 p.m. in the Council W. Broad St., Columbus, OH nental–Cheerleading; Jami Chambers. HOW EXPERIENCED IS Th e Ohio State Univer- We Buy Old Gold 43223. Aldrich, Antwerp–Cheer- sity Extension of Paulding leading; Emily Erhart, Kal- —Margaret Womack YOUR GOLDSMITH? County would like to cor- TURN YOUR OLD GOLD LETTER TO THE EDITOR ida–Cheerleading; Amanda rect a date in their Winter We have 60 years. We do Horstman, Ft. Jennings– INTO IMMEDIATE CASH Meetings booklet. On page 4 it right the First Time. What a nice surprise when Basketball; Elisha Cotrell, the date for the Agricultural VOGEL’S BARBER SHOP Fessel Jewelers I picked up the December Lincolnview–Pep Band; Au- Outlook meeting should FESSEL JEWELERS 20th issue of the West Bend drey Lynn, Parkway–Bas- Appointments, Walk-ins on the square – Paulding read Wednesday, January since 1887 News and saw so much color. ketball. Row 3 (l to r): Drew STORE HOURS: What a nice improvement to 24, 2007. For more informa- STORE HOURS: Kreischer, Crestview–Bowl- Phone the paper. I congratulate all of tion contact the Paulding Mon-Thurs 9-5:30; Fri 9-6; Sat 9-1:00 ing; David Mendoza and Mon-Thurs 9-5:30; Fri 9-6; Sat 9-1:00 the businesses and to the West County Extension offi ce at 419-399-3976 419-399-3885 Brad Dettrow, Van Wert– 419-399-3885 Bend employees who chose to 419-399-8225; or for an up- 7:00-5:00 Wrestling; Zach West, Billy give us an early Christmas dated copy of the booklet Cass and Aaron Mathews, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri present by choosing color for visit our web site at: Wayne Trace–Wrestling; the ads. I hope to see this con- http://paulding.osu. Hours 7:00-12:00 Seth Blackmore, Van Wert– tinued into the new year. edu/agriculture-natural-re- Mon & Sat. Bowling; Cody Markward, Happy New Year every- sources/aghome. rone! Van Wert–Swimming. Row —Eileen Kochensparger 4 (l to r): Coy Siebert, Van Thank you for supporting Wert–Bowling; Lance Sinn, PUBLIC NOTICE Wayne Trace–Basketball; Little Harvest our new business. James Wiseman, Lincoln- Th e Crane Township view–Wrestling; Ben Roop, Trustees will hold their An- Daycare nual Appropriation and Organizational Meeting on Little Harvest Daycare currently We wish you January 4, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. at the Crane Town- in the home of the Fiscal Of- ship Hall unless otherwise has spots open for children ages fi cer located at 12147 Rd. 216, posted on the township hall 18 months-4 years old. the best for 2007 Cecil. Monthly meetings for door. 2007 will be held on the third —Susan K. Simpson, We are a state licensed center that off ers Th ursday of each month at Fiscal Offi cer preschool and qualifi ed staff . We are con- Jerry & Ellen Williams veniently located on the Van Wert/Paulding LANDS CONTRACTIN County Line, 1/2 mile east of Scott. Riverside Hardware MY G 14777 SR 49, Antwerp Ponds, Septic Systems, Driveway Construction, 419-258-1917 Anyone interested “North of Antwerp just before the Bridge.” New Building Construction should call FOR FREE ESTIMATE (419) 622-2026. CALL: GREG SHELTON: 419-587-3173419-587-3179 CELL: 419-203-2675 Buy this ad space for $$3048 / week. Updated weekly upon request! PAGE 2 – WEST BEND NEWS – JANUARY 4, 2007 PH: 419-258-2000 • FAX: 419-258-1313 • [email protected] OBITUARIES Cecil; her three daughters: Walter was born in St. GILLMOR NOMINATES TWO LOCAL POLITICIANS SWORN IN Kay (Fred) McBroom of De- Joe, IN September 25, 1922 DEFIANCE STUDENTS TO Stella R. Schomburg, 63, fi ance, Carol (Ray) Finfrock the son of Jesse Jay and Della SERVICE ACADEMIES With family and friends looking on, Paulding County Com- of Antwerp, passed away De- of Paulding, and Jill (Ruben) (Mann) Hart. missioner, Ed Straley, and Clerk of Courts (Paulding County) cember 23, 2006 at her resi- Rodriquez of Ft. Wayne, IN; He was united in marriage Congressman Paul E. Ann Waldman were sworn in by Probate Juvenile Judge De- dence. brothers and sisters; eight to Phyllis Overmyer in April Gillmor (R-Tiffi n) recently muth on December 29, 2006. Born in Antwerp on De- grandchildren; and many 1942. She preceded him in announced the nomination cember 6, 1943, she was the great grandchildren. death in June 2001. of Doug Detter and Kurt daughter of the late Fred and He is preceded in death by He was a veteran of WWII Doyle of Defi ance to U.S. Gertrude (Newsome) Rister. his parents. serving in the U.S. Army as a Service Academies. Gillmor She served in the U.S. Ma- Funeral services were De- prison guard. He retired from nominated Detter to the U.S. rines as a Cpl. from 1969 to cember 21 at the Den Herder International Harvester, Fort Air Force Academy in Colo- 1971. Funeral Home, Paulding. Wayne, IN with over 30 years rado Springs, CO and Doyle On May 22, 1971 Stella Burial was in Hedges Ceme- of employment.
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