Colorado Local History: a Directory
r .DOCOMENt RESUME ED 114 318 SO 008 689. - 'AUTHOR Joy, Caro). M.,Comp.; Moqd, Terry Ann; Comp. .Colorado Lo41 History: A Directory.° INSTITUTION Colorado Library Association, Denver. SPONS AGENCY NColorado Centennial - Bicentennial Commission, I Benver. PUB DATE 75 NOTEAVAILABLE 131" 1? FROM Ezecuti p Secretary, Colorado Library Association, 4 1151 Co tilla Avenue, littletOn, Colorado 80122 ($3.00 paperbound) t, EDRS PR/CE MF-$0.76 Plus Postage. Not Available from EDRS. DESCPIPTORS. Community Characteristics: Community Study; Directories; Historiography; *Information Sources; Libraries; *Local HistOry;NLocal Issues; Museums; *Primary Sources; ReSearch Tools; *Resource Centers; *Social RistOry; 'Unitbd States History - IpDENTIFIPRS *Colorado;. Oral History ABSTPACT This directory lists by county 135 collections of local be found in libraries, museums, histoc4,01 societies, schools, colleges,gand priVate collections in Colorado. The -directory includes only collections available in ColoradO Which, contain bibliographic holdings such as books, newspaper files or 4 clippings, letters, manuscripts, businessrecords, photoge*chs, and oral. history. Each-entry litts county, city, institution and address,, subject areas covered by the collection; formfi of material included, size of .collection, use policy, and operating hours. The materials. are.indexed by subject' and form far easy refetence. (DE) 9 A ******* *****************t***********.*********************************** Documents acquired by EtIC'include.many inforthal unpublished *- * materials. not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort *- * to obtain the bett copy available., Nevertheless, items of marginal * - * reprodlicibility are often(' encountered and this affects tye,qual),ty..* * of the.microfiche'and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes availibke * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * .responsible for the quality.
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