Memoirs.] CHARLES MANBY. 327

estimation his character and abilities, and have endeavoured to do honour to his memory, recognizing in him a rare combination of qualities which would have made him an invaluable m$nager or representative of any railway company in a foreign country, and which were never displayed to greater advantage than during his representation of theinterests of theGreat Western of Brazil Railway. Mr. Janson was elected an Associate of the Institution on the 3rd of December, 1872, and was transferred to the, class of Member in May, 1878. - ~ ~-

CHAlZLES MANBYdied, in the eighty-first yearof his age, on the 3 1st of July, 1884. His name will be well known to every member of the Institution as having filled, for nearly half a century, thc officeof Secretary (acting or honorary) ; but only those who have been more especially familiar with the management and progress of the body during this time can properly appreciate the benefit it has derivod from his services. It is not too much to say that the great prosperity of the corporation, and the unexampled poai- tion it occupies among scientific and technical associations, are due largely to him. He was born on the 4th of February, 1804, and was the eldest son of Nr. Aaron Manby, an engineer and member of the Institu- tion, who had established a largo engineering factory at Horseley, a few miles from Birmingham.This establishment was devoted to the design and construction of steam-engines, machinery, and ironwork of all kinds. It was conducted by the elder Manby with great skill and enterprise for many years, and it has ever since retained a high reputation inthe world of mechanical engineering. Charles’searly education was received at aRoman Catholic seminary, whence he was sent in 1814 to the semi-military college of Sairlt Servan, in Brittany, with the object of gaining a know- ledge of foreign languages, and of prelm-ing him for a military career,which it was then intended he shouldadopt. His uncle, Captain Joseph Manby, who was A.D.C. and Private Secretary to Prince Edwarcl, Duke of Kent, had obtained for him a commission in the army. Butthis was soon resigned;the expectation of universal peace, whichsprang up after the Battle of Waterloo, having induced his father to withdraw hiin from a pursuit which no longer scemcd to promise beneficial empluyment. Young Nanby accordingly returned to England in1815, and aftcr a short interval, devoted to mathematicaland scientific studies, he entered the ironworks established hy his father.

Downloaded by [] on [13/09/16]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved. 328 CHARLES MANBY. [Memoirs. The varied nature of the work carried on at Horseley gave him an excellent opportunityof acquiring engineering experience, and he was not slow to avail himself of the advantages thuspresented. After a short period spent in the workshops, he was sent out by his father in charge of important contract work of all kinds. He worked for some time in the West India Docks under the elder Mr. Rennie, and subsequent,ly under Mr. Telforcl, the first Pre- sident of the Institution. Among the works thus entrusted toCharles Manby by his father was one of special historic interest, namely, the building and trial: trip of the first iron steam-vessel that ever made a sea voyage. The following notice of this work wz,s given by Sir John Rennie in a presidential address delivered before this Institution on the 20th of January, 1846 :-‘‘ Neithermust we forgetthe very important improvement in the introduction of ironfor the con- struction of vessels, which enables us to combine lightness and elegance of form with strength and durability. For this valuable addition to marine architecture we are indebted to Aaron Manby. In 1820-21 he constructed at Horseley, nearBirmingham, e

wrought-iron boat, called the L Aaron Manby,’ 120 feet long and 18 feet beam, and when laden drawing 3 feet 6 inches water. It was propelled by Oldham’s feathering paddle-wheels, worked by a single engine of 80 H.P., and was built for the purpose of plying on the river Seine. The boat was completed in 1821-22, and was navigated across the Channel by the present Sir Charles Napier, who was deeply interested in the undertaking; it was not only the first iron vessel that ever made a sea voyage, but also the first that conveyed a cargo from London to Paris direct, without tranship- ment. She continued plying between Paris and Havre for several years, until superseded byother more powerful and improved boats; the hull is yet in existence, and is still used with new engines on board, as are three others which were built about the same time.” The “ Aaron Manby ” arrived in Paris on the 12th of June, 1822. At that time Charles Manby was barely 18 years old, and he had not only put the engine into the vessel, but had served as Chief Engineer during the voyage. Another mechanical matter of history on which Charles was engaged during this period was the design andconstruction of the first pair of marine engines having oscillating cylinders. This contrivance was invented by Aaron Manby, and was carried into execution in 1821. The original drawing of these engines, mad0 by Charles Manby, is preserved in the Institution. In the year 1819, Mr. Aaron Manby established an iron-foundry

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at Charenton, near Paris, the management of which he had en- trusted to the late &fr. Daniel Wilson, M. Inst. C.E.Mr. Manby had taken a very active part in the introduction of lighting by gas, and for several years he had been making persistent efforts to obtain a concession for lighting Paris in this way, and had taken out a patent for gas-lighting in France on July 12th, 1821. He met, however, with considerable opposition from a rival firm, and it was not until 1823 that his efforts were successful, when Manby and Co. were grantedthe privilege of lightingParis by gas. Charles Manby then went to Paris, andundertook the construction of the gas-worksand the operation of layingthe pipes in the streets, tasks he successfully performed, though he had to contend withgreat difficulties, amongstwhich the inexperience of the French workmen was notthe least. On Mr. DanielWilson as- suming the administration of the gas-works, Charles Manby took charge of the Charenton foundry, where he constructed a number of marineengines for theFrench Government and for private companies, as well as machinery of various kinds for the ironworks which were then springing into existence all over France. Thence he removed to thenow famous Creusot Ironworks, which his father hadundertaken to reorganise, and,after remaining there for a short period, he was employed bythe French Ninister, Count Benoist d‘Azy, in the construction of the State Tobacco Manu- factories, and was appointed Chief Engineer of the Tobacco Depart- ment of Public Works. Atthe same time a commission in the French Military Engineers was given to him through the friend- ship of Marshal Soult. Towards the end of 1829 Charles Manby returned to England, and undertook the management of the Beaufort Ironworks in South Wales, wherehe remainedfor some years. He was then for a short time connected with the Ebbw Vale Iron Company, when he introduced several ingenious modifications in the rolling of rails. He was next engagedfor a few months at the Bristol Ironworks, and finally removed to London in 1835, where he com- menced practice as a Civil Engineer. For a time he devoted himself principally to the introductionof a system of warming and venti- lating buildings, known as Price and Manby’s system, which wa8 used extensively in many important buildings inLondon and else- where. In 1838 he was appointed Engineer to a Com- pany, established in London by Sir John Ross, to run steamers between England and India. Only one vessel, the “ India,” was built, and thisvessel was afterwards bought, and theCompany ab- sorbed, by the Peninsular and OrientalSteam Kavigation Company.

Downloaded by [] on [13/09/16]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved. 330 CHARLES MANBY. [Memoirs. On his acceptance of the office of Secretary to the Institution in 1839, herelinquished professional practice, butin 1856 he, at the urgent request of Mr. , took the position of London representative of the firm of R. Stephenson and Company, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, which he retained till he died.

But the most important duty in thisnotice of Charles Nanby is to chronicle his connection with the Institution, to which he de- voted the best energies and thebest years of his life. He was elected an Associate on the 2nd of May, 1637, and a year or two afterwards, it having been noticed that he possessed qualifications remarkablysuitable for the official duties of an important society, hewas invited, atthe instance of Messrs. Simpson and Bramah, to undertake thepost of paid Secretary, the office havingpreviously been filled honorarily. He accepted it, and he was appointed on the 21st of June, 1839. Theongineering history of thiscountry was at this period entering upon a stirring phase, and the new Secretary resolved to devote his time, his talents, and even his means, to extending the influence and raising the character of the Society, and making it a body which should be worthily representative of a great pro- fession. Soon after his election, he threw himself heart and soul into a movement which revolutionized the Society. ThePresi- dential Chair had been held for ten years by Mr. James Walker, who seemed to regard it as a life-honour, as it had been in the case of Thomas Telford, the first President. It was felt, however, by many rising men, especially by those connected with the great railway-works then in progress, that the Chair should be open to othereminent members of the profession. After some stormy debates, Mr. Walker retired, new by-laws and rules were framed, and the Chair hassince been filled in rotation by menwhose names have added lustreto their calling. Formany years Charles Manby appeared to live solely in and for the Institution. Thanks to his unwearying exertions the number of members rapidly in- creased, the finances improved, andthe reputation of the body extended.Eminent men inall branches of science attended its meetings, and the leading statesmen and noblemen of the count.ry came to the Conversnzioni, feeling that it was a matter of duty to contributeto the development of an association so thoroughly representative of the technical skill and the intellectual energies of thenation. It is no disparagementto successive Presidents and Members of Council to say that a very large measure of the progress thus achievedwas dueto the ability, devotion, and

Downloaded by [] on [13/09/16]. Copyright © ICE Publishing, all rights reserved. Memoirs.] CHARLES MANBY. 331 .energetic action of their Secretary, and in fact this sentiment and conviction have long been universal. In 1856 (when he undertook the duties already mentioned for the firm of Robort St,ephenson and Co.), feeling that he had done seventeen years good work in bringing the Institution to such a prosperous position, he expressed a wish to be relieved of his more arduous labours; and accordingly the duties of Acting Secretary were confided to his old pupil, Mr. JamesForrest, Mr. Manby retaining the post of Honorary Secretary, which he filled until his death. His leave-taking was the occasion of a very cordial demon- stration of the esteem in which he was held by the members, and byhis personalfriends. Fourhundred and seventeen of them joined together in presenting him with a service of plate and a purse of S2,OOO. These offerings werepresented tohim at a special meeting on the 23rd of May, 1857, by Robert Stephenson, then President, “as a token of personal esteem, and in recognition Qf the valuable services hehad rendered to the members indi- vidually and collectivcly.” In acknowledging this mark of appre- ciation, he asked to be allowed to devote a portion of the sum to the foundation of an annual premium which shouldbear his name, and the Manby Premium now forms one of the prizes at the disposal of the Council. Charles Manby continued until his deathto work unremittingly for the interests of the Institution. His unceasing labours on its behalf were again recognised in 1876, when he received from the members a silver salver, and a purse of upwards of 24000, “in friendly remembrance of many years’ valuable services.” In 1850 he was transferred to the grade of a Member of the Institution. In 1857 he suggested the formation of a fund for the relief of members of the engineering profession who might be in distress ; butnothing was done until seven yearslater, when “The Benevolent Fund of the Institution ” was successfully established by the zeal and energy of Mr., now Sir, Frederick Bramwell. Those who only knew Charles Manby in his declining years can hardly realise the value of his services to the Inst,itution and to the profession generally. Hiswas no mere official position,he formed personal intimacies with large numbers of the members, and took a pride in holding himself at the disposal of any and every one who want,ed his aid, from the President down to the most humble individual. He advised,assisted, and encouraged the young, and was the trusted friend and counsellor of the old ; many of the former havegratefully acknowledged theirafter

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success in life as largely due to his aid; while many of the latter: havehad to thank him for essential andimportant services in difficult and critical pointsof their career.

The prominent position Mr. Manby occupied caused him to be often applied to for important services of various kinds. In 1851, at theperiod of the projected International Exhibition, he was entrusted bySir Robert Peel withsome of the preliminaries of thatnew and vast undertaking. The idea of theguarantee fund emanated from him; in one day he obtained the guarantee of 510,000; on the following day SirMorton Peto put down his name for 550,000, and t,hus thesuccess of the mo’c-omentwas assured. At a later period he wasnamed, conjointly with Mr. J. M. Rendel and Mr. J. R. &Clean, a member of the International Scientific Commission which was held at Paris, for the purpose of considering and reporting on the practicability of constructing the proposed . Mr. Rlanby was then elected one of the Secretaries of the Commission, with Mr. Barthdemy Saint-Hilaire, and Lieu- tenant Lieussou, ashis colleagues. Butthey all resigned their functions when theCompany commenced commercial operations. The desire to widen the usefulness of the engineering profession led Charles Manby, in the year 1864, to take an active part in the eshblishment of the Engineer and Railway VolunteerStaff Corps, the official business of which was subsequently to a large extent carried on by him. This corps consists of engineers, railway managers,and contractors, andwas constituted for the purpose of directing the application of skilled labour and of railway trans- port to the work of national defence, and for preparing in time of peace a system on whichsuch duties shouldbe conducted.” In this corps he held till his death thepost of Adjutant, with therank of Lieutenant-Colonel, a title of which he was always very proud. Mr. Manby’s earlycontinental associations, andhis perfect knowledge of theFrench language, made him well knownto foreigners connected with science or technicalmatters. He was consequently often applied to by them for aid, and the services which he was enabled to render to strangers from all parts of the world, have been universdly recognised. On the occasion of her Majesty’s coronation,Marshal Soult was deputed torepresent France as MinisterPlenipotentiary, and CharlesManby, who during the Marshal’s visit never left him, successfully organised and arranged a series of inspections of public worka, receptions, and banquets, for which hereceived the thanks of the King of the French in more than one autograph letter. All foreign engineers

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visitingthis country obtained, throughhis inhence, a cordial welcome amongsttheir English brethren ; while hisextensive foreign relations were always at thedisposal of English professional men to assist them on their travels. Mr. Manby had a large circle of friendsand acquaintances outside science and engineering. He had, at an early period of his residence in London, formed a close friendship with an eminent personage inthe theatrical world, and in pursuance of certain testamentary dispositions he found himself obliged to assume the business management of the Adelphi and the Haymarket Theatres. Foreignas this duty was tohis ordinary vocations, he loyally performed it for many years with great energy and perseverance, and his excellent judgment and businesslike habits were of the greatest advantage to the interests herepresented. This connection brought him into contact with many celebrities in the artistic and literary world, and introduced him into many clubs and coteries where he was alwaysa favourite. In private life Charles Manby was deservedly liked by all,loved by many. His manyattainments and versatile natural powers made him a charming companion. Thegreat variety of men- acientific, artistic, and literary-whom he was intimatewith, indicatedthe peculiar attractiveness of his character. He was constant and loyal to hisfriends, in whose interests no efforts were too great for him. It was well said by one who knew him well, that the greatestfavour a person could do him was to ask a favour from him. But it must be acknowledged that, while none could be warmer or more constant in attachment, so, on the other hand, as a partizan or as an opponent he was very human, and the grey eye that shone with a woman’s tenderness on a friend, lighted up with an unmistakable fire on a presuming or obstinate opponent. The stuff thatwas in Charles Manby was typical of the spirit that has raised the profession to its present state-a determined will, guided by an intelligent brain, and ordered by the discipline of a thorough man of business and of the world. In 1853 Mr. Manby was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and in 1867 an Honorary Member of the Institute of Civil Engineers of Holland. He was an officer of the Legion of Honour (France), and Enight of the Orders of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus (Italy); the Rose (Brazil) ; Wasa (Sweden), and the Medjidie (Turkey). Although, from the nature of his social relations, he had many temptations to live what is called a fast life, he was exceedingly temperate, moderate, and even self-denying in his habits, and he reaped the full benefit of this in his continual good health and

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power of work. Be retained these to a ripe old age ; he resided, during the latter parto€ his life, on the estate of his step-son, Mr. Arthur Hood, at Eastbourne; but he had also an official residence in London where he passod many days every week, and where he was taken ill, anddied by pure decay of nature. He wastwice married,first in 1830, to Miss EllenJones, of Beaufort, and secondly in 1858, toHarriet, daughter of Major Nicholas Willard, of the Greys, Eastbourne, andwidow of Mr. W. U. Hood, formerly a partner in the publishinghouse of TVhitaker and Co. He left no issue.

The portrait which forms a frontispiece to this volume has been engraved from a photograph taken by Messrs. Lavis, of Eastbourne, a few years ago.

JOSEPH D’AGUILARSAKUDA was born in London, in the Sear 1813, and was the son of Mr. Abraham Samuda, an East and Jvest India Merchant of Finsbury, by Joy, daughter of Mr. H. D’Aguilar, of Enfield Chase. He studied as an engineer under his brotherJacob Samuda, with whom he became a partner in the year 1832. Duringthe ten years between1832 and 1842, the operations of the firm of “ Samuda Brothers ” were principally confined totho building of marineengines. Inthe year 1840, attention was largelydrawn to experiments carried out on Wormwood Scrubshaving for their object theapplication of atmospheric pressure to the propulsion of railway trains. Mr. S. Clegg and Xr. Jacob Sanluda having turned their attention to the sukject, pat,enteda scheme foratmospheric railways, whichthe firm of Samuda Brothers were enm ed in putting into practice betmeen thc years 1842 and 1848: ‘l’hey laid down and worked experimental lines at Dalkey, Croydon, Paris, and other places; but the practical difficulties connected with the systemwere so great as to prevent its generaladoption, and it was eventually abandoned. Inthe year 1843 the firm commenced that ship- building business which soon establisheda reputation for itself, and has since made the name of Samuda so widely known. One of the first vessels built was the “ Gipsy Queen,” a name carrying with it painful associations, for it was on board of her that Blr. Jacob Samuda losthis life, in 1844, bythe giving way of a defectiveexpansion joint,during a trial of the engines. From the year 1843 until the present time thefirm of Samuda Brothers has been uninterruptedly engaged in the construction of ships of

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