







r o BUSHWALKING CLUB C it Volume 45, Number 1 February 2010

Canberra Bushwalking Club Inc PO Box 160 Canberra ACT 2601

GENERAL MEETING 8 pm Wednesday 17 February 2010

What kind of an ACT do we wish to see in 2050? Presenter: John Hibberd John is the Executive Director of the Conservation Council ACT Region. He will talk about the future of the ACT. The Conservation Council has formed the Acton Group to develop a set of alternative visions of Canberra, and to engage with government, the professions, business and civil society. Four scenarios are under development, to realistically identify potential futures for the ACT. They will encompass a range of residential intensities with varying urban footprints. As these are described, assumptions assessed, and barriers to change identifi ed, the Acton Group will instigate a staged process of engagement with the community, the private sector and government to catalyse debate. Hughes Baptist Church Hall, 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes walking in the Mount Hotham area. Considerations in setting numbers President’s In the course of the week, there are: were 21 trips offered by 10 leaders, ranging from easy to demanding. • the more people, the slower the prattle trip tends to be – better to reduce Over several days, three parties numbers on a hard trip; elcome to the new year. There (and a total of 31 walkers) reached the summit of Mt Feathertop – • newer leaders could keep to Wis growing activity as we ap- 8–12 to ease the burden of party proach the club’s 50th anniversary. 17 out–and–back via the Razorback (~24 km + ~900 m ascent) and management and allow them to We even appear to have consensus give more attention to navigation; on the date of the club’s “birthday” 14 via the Razorback and Bungalow from some of the founding members. Spur (a knee crunching 1400 m • walks off track and involving descent). Thanks Barry for making bush camping may have smaller The trickle of photos is growing this possible. numbers to limit environmental as the photo competition gains impact; momentum. The guest speaker for Not surprisingly, there are a wealth our March club meeting will be a of day and pack walks coming up • the more people on a trip, the well known professional photog- and I hope to meet some of you on more overt (some would say rapher. The presentation will be of future walks. All the best for the ‘authoritarian’) party manage- great interest for both amateur and New Year. ment tends to become, and some leaders and walkers find this professional photographers alike. Peter Jones Take this opportunity to learn some distasteful; President new skills or polish the skills you • the lower the limit, the more already have. people may need to be turned You will also notice we now have away and disappointed (though a new location for our monthly some might enjoy walking less in meetings – Hughes Baptist Church Walks large parties). hall, Groom Street, which is not far No doubt party numbers will con- from the Hughes shops and next waffl e tinue to be the subject of vigorous to the primary school with plenty discussion. of parking. Committee members identifi ed and followed-up on more BC has a normal minimum of Jeff Bennetts than 30 possible sites for our meet- Cfour and maximum of 16 on Walks Secretary ings. The new location offers better walks, with the Walks Secretary and acoustics, heating in winter and Assistant Walks Secretary able to comes with a much lower price tag. approve numbers smaller or larger. A large contingent of club members These limits have long been argued Membership took advantage of the Christmas/ within the club. New Year break to spend a week The minimum ensures some degree matters of support after an accident; one can look after the injured person while Please ensure that you keep the Contents two go for help. The minimum can Membership Secretary informed sometimes be waived if, for exam- of any changes to your email 2 President’s prattle ple, the walk is within mobile phone address. 2 Walks waffl e range or the party has a Personal 2 Membership matters Locator Beacon. The maximum New members: Mark Bowman, limits environmental impact and Rachel Davenport, Anna Hassett, 3 Trip report: Exploring ensures the leader doesn’t have Bruce Lemin, Leanne Mason, Erick the Finns and BurrunBurrun- too many people to manage. An McPherson, Donna Priol, Helena ggubuggeubugge – aandn experienced leader could safely take Seagrott a few more than 16 on a walk all on acactivationtivation ooff an EPIEPIRBR good track or fi re trail. Gary Trevean 4 CClublub discountdiscountss Membership Secretary Leaders can set their own limits 5 OObituariesbituaries within the 4–16 range. Some leaders 6 20 201111 ccalendaralendar anandd like to keep parties to four; others Quip of the month pphotographyhotography compecompetitiont have no worry about taking 16 walk- ers. My ‘ideal’ is eight though I will I have to walk early in the morning 6 D Discountiscount ooffersffers fforor cclub normally take 12 to avoid having to before my brain fi gures out what memembersmbers turn too many people away. If I get I’m doing 6 F Firstirst aidaid subssubsidiesidies very heavy bookings and there are Submitted by John Evans suitable alternative leaders, I will 7 EEquipmentquipment hirhiree arrange for a second party to go, Send me your best exercise/ walk- 7 Activity program at a different time or in the reverse ing related jokes to: direction. 11 Bulletin board [email protected]

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On day two we climbed up and over from the newer. All that remained TTriprip rreport:eport: Disappointment Spur. The line we standing was a galvanised iron EExploringxploring tthehe were following on the map went toilet, being seriously undermined straight down the other side into by a wombat! FFinnsinns aandnd Finns and up to Bolton’s Hut. However, the view from the saddle From the huts we ascended a differ- BBurrungubuggeurrungubugge convinced us that the descent would ent ridge, in the wake of a mob of RRiversivers – andand be very steep and scrubby, so we brumbies, which afforded a much sidled around the hillside before clearer path. Despite this, it was aactivationctivation ooff aann descending a gentler slope onto the almost 3 pm before we finished grassy plains labelled as a swamp crossing the boggy ground below EEPIRBPIRB on the map. It was not so very our campsite. wet – the walking was easy for the Walkers: Leader Michael Banyard, By this time, we were seriously couple of kilometres up the Finns worried about Basil’s condition. David Hatherly, Meredith River, then we climbed a gentle He had been below his best all trip, Hatherly, Basil Yule (non CBC ascent to the saddle just to the SE attributing this to a lingering cold. member) of Mt Porcupine. We decided on an Even though he had started well early stop here, just over the ridge, in the morning, the last kilometre our of us set out on 15 Novem- and partially sheltered from the had taken him almost 45 minutes, Fber for a four day walk, led by strong westerly wind, leaving the and he was feeling nauseous, cold Michael, towards the Finns and Burrungubugge River as a day trip and exhausted by the time we Burrungubugge Rivers, which lie next day. reached our camp. Bundling him just to the east of Tin Hut and the Day three again dawned clear, and up in his thermals and a sleeping Brassy Ranges. This is an area not bag, and giving him electrolytes often visited, and we were looking we set off early with day packs: across the sphagnum moss plains to sip, we monitored his pulse and forward to exploring a new area. We condition for an anxious couple all agreed we needed to share our forming the headwaters of a tribu- tary to Tollbar Creek. After crossing of hours. Michael, a vet, noted a positive experiences of this walk, heart arrhythmia, at which point and in particular the very impres- the creek we climbed a gentle ridge and were able to look down we decided to summon help before sive response to our activation of daylight faded to the point where an EPIRB on day 3. into the river valley, almost 400 m below. That steep 400 m downhill a helicopter would need to make a We were not able to leave Canberra was a challenge, being thick with night landing. At 5:15 pm we set off until 2 pm, so on our fi rst day we had regrowth as savage as anything in the EPIRB. time only to walk from Munyang Namadgi. Once down, though, we It was less than 45 minutes later that power station up the aqueduct track found a delightful river in a fairly the fi rst helicopter arrived, making to camp in the lush green grass narrow valley. We had an easy walk a beeline straight for us across the outside Disappointment Spur Hut. downstream to the site marked on hills. Colin, the pilot, a private The snow gums were noticeably my map as Constance’s Hut, but operator from Jindabyne, had been taller than when I was last here two on the newer 1:25,000 maps as asked to come out to check the situ- years previously, but it will be a Burrungubugge Shelter. We found ation. Less than 30 minutes later, the long time until they reach the height two huts – both burnt to the ground, larger SouthCare helicopter from of the stark white skeletons clearly leaving only a stone fi replace from Canberra arrived, bringing a crew visible in every direction. the older, and some metal bearers of four, plus a complete array of for joists and a pot bellied stove testing equipment and medicines and stretcher. Five minutes later, with Basil connected to an ECG and drip, they confirmed that he was suffering from atrial fi brillation and he needed to be evacuated to Canberra for admission to hospital for observation. So, less than two hours after fi rst calling for help they were gone, leaving the three of us to sit around the trangia, to tell the story o’er and o’er, and marvel at the effi ciency of the rescue personnel, their heli- copters, and the EPIRB system in general. Day four was always going to have a hard time living up to the level of excitement set the previous evening but it tried hard. Our route lay across the ridges to Tin Hut, then Gungar-

Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2010 page 3 tin, down to Schlink Pass, and back familiarity could not detract from the able to go straight to the activation to the car via the Aqueduct track. We sheer pleasure we took from being site, whereas with the older system were walking mostly above the tree privileged to have this expanse all they often wasted valuable time line where the country was open, and about us. searching for the emergency. we could normally skirt the patches of heath, which sometimes made So, what did we learn. • That the Club’s Emergency Infor- walking tough. The sphagnum moss mation sheet is an invaluable aid • That a good leader is invaluable. for keeping a record of observa- beds were recovering well – Colin Michael was always conscious from Jindabyne had told us the previ- tions and actions – without it we of the progress of the party and would have been much less precise ous evening that in most places they adapted the route to suit, he kept had been completely burnt out in the when asked to provide details of his calm in diffi cult circumstances, what had happened. last fi res. The creeks were running and he consulted the rest of the strongly, flowers abounded, and party before making important And, that the country to the east there were still patches of snow and decisions. of the main range has delights that ice remaining in sheltered corners – deserve to be visited more often. A picture postcard stuff! • That an EPIRB is worth taking on search of the club newsletters for the all walks. The SouthCare pilot was last nine years shows only fi ve walks The path from Tin Hut was known to full of praise for the new 406 MHz us all from previous walks, but that in the area, compared with 36 men- system, saying that they were now tions of Jagungal. We intend to return next year for further exploration. PS – on our return to Canberra we found that Basil had been dis- charged from hospital, and that our emergency had even rated a short paragraph in the Canberra Times the next day. David Hatherly

CClublub ddiscountsiscounts

dventure Trekking is a new Aoutdoor shop a couple of blocks down from the others in Lonsdale Street, Braddon. They will give a 10% discount to members of the Canberra Bushwalking Club. See page 6 for other stores that offer discounts.

Climbing Mt. Jagungal

I was climbing Mt. Jagungal As we got higher on the mountain A mate or two ahead The breeze was rather nice The day was fairly warm But we climbed the wrong damn summit – And my legs were feeling dead. So we had to climb it twice!!

We were climbing Mt. Jagungal When we reached the mountain’s summit We had walked from Grey Mare Hut And took a rest at last We all felt rather tired – We knew the climb was worth it We wanted to climb it but The views were really vast.

The scrub was thick and prickly So we reached that mountain’s summit There seemed miles of it ahead We had made that hill our own The day was getting warmer The views were just fantastic And my legs were nearly dead. But my legs, they felt like stone.... Mike Baker

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vided ‘mozzie domes’ After Mike retired, he and Margaret OObituariesbituaries for six of the eight decided to live at Bungendore. During participants. this time many of us enjoyed huge ‘coun- Margaret Morriss (Cole) Margaret try style’ breakfasts with a poetry reading 1947–2009 became very or two. They busily grew vegetables and delighted in having chooks. Some of us argaret Morriss had a passionate involved with also helped Mike and Margaret construct interest in bushwalking and caring the Club’s com- M a huge circular herb garden. We all for the environment and fi rstly joined the mitment to track vowed that when they moved back to Family Bushwalking Club in the 1970s stabilisation in Canberra we wouldn’t be moving the and then in 1987 with a blossoming Monolith Valley in stones! But they did. friendship with Mike Morriss, joined the the late 1980s and early 1990s. This Canberra Bushwalking Club and was the three year project, under the guidance of Margaret wanted to be more involved conservation representative for a time. NPWS involved a huge volunteer effort with her grandchildren, so she and Mike from CBC. With help from Carolyn Ho returned to their Fisher home. It was most Margaret completed numerous pack and Kate Danaro, Margaret helped make touching to hear at her funeral service walks in the Budawangs, including this an enjoyable social event. They that her family feel that Margaret’s traits Island Mountain and Sluice Box Falls; provided the work party with morning and interests are present and now carried Ettrema - Dungeon Canyon and Myall and afternoon teas and great Saturday on by her grandchildren—passion for the Creek; and Egan Peaks on the south dinners (along with the casks of wine environment and interest in gardening, coast. On one very wet Ettrema trip, choppered in by NPWS along with caring for justice and fair play, tending the party exited by walking most of the necessary materials). It was at this animals and a joy in life. Tullyangela Creek, through Dungeon time that Mike Morriss became a most Canyon. There were three compulsory Margaret was a very dear friend to me diligent kitchen hand! swims before climbing out of the gorge and many others. She passed away on the and walking across the plateau to the On 23 April 1989 when the conserva- 31 December 2009 after a lengthy battle cars. Margaret showed real stamina and tion of the South East forests was a with cancer. Margaret will be missed endurance on this rough 12 hour walk. heated issue, Margaret and Mike, along by many. To her husband, Mike and her with others from CBC, were arrested family we offer sincere and heartfelt As a house manager/maid at the Lodge, and held overnight in the Eden police sympathy as they come to terms with Margaret was enthused by Bob Hawke’s station. Margaret and Mike also joined their sad loss. comments following his Kakadu trip in the thousands who walked across the July 1987. Her response was to initiate a Sydney Harbour Bridge on the fi rst of Written by Janet Edstein with help Club trip. The planning was a group effort, many ‘sorry days.’ from Eric and Pat Pickering, Mary and Margaret generously made and pro- Hoffmann and David Campbell

Joan Rigby: 1933–2009 were spent camped Ranges long before the establishment of beside the road in the Larapinta Trail. oan Rigby, a long-term member remote places. Jof both the Sydney and Canberra Lord Howe Island was another of their Bushwalking Clubs, passed away peace- While the Vespa favourite bushwalking destinations. required a few fully at the Calvary Retirement Com- After retiring, they continued to bushwalk minor repairs en munity on Saturday 19 December 2009. and travel extensively. Joan joined the route, it staunchly Joan is survived by her husband and Friends of the National Botanic Gardens carried Joan and bushwalking partner, Frank Rigby. and regularly led guided walks in the Frank to Bombay where Gardens. Joan and Frank met in the Sydney they arrived four months after leaving Bushwalkers’ Club in 1954. They mar- London. On returning to in 1964 During her latter years from 1996 to ried in 1960 and immediately travelled they lived in Sydney until they moved to 2002, Joan spent many weekends with overseas, first to Tahiti and then to Canberra in 1971. Joan took up a position Frank at the Sydney Bushwalkers’ Edmonton, Canada, where Joan worked at the Canberra Hospital as a clinical property, “Coolana” in Kangaroo Valley. as a clinical biochemist and Frank as biochemist and Frank was employed by the Much of their time was spent removing a research chemist. After 18 months Patents’ Offi ce. They joined the Canberra weeds from the heavily infested river in Canada they toured the USA before Bushwalking Club and were regular week- frontage. She also photographed and travelling to Britain by ship. They set- end walkers throughout the 1970s and meticulously documented the native tled in London where they worked and early 1980s. During this period they led a wildfl owers growing in the area. walked for 8 months. number of extended off-track walks to the MacDonnell Ranges in Central Australia. Joan’s passion for bushwalking and the Then it was crunch time. How should Australian bush characterised her life. they travel back to Australia? Joan sug- Joan and Frank had first visited the However, she also loved her profes- gested that they ride their Vespa scooter MacDonnell Ranges on separate trips in sional work, poetry, reading, the theatre, through the Middle East to India. After the 1950s. They returned to the area on cooking, good food and the company recovering from the initial shock of the an extended bushwalking trip in 1967. of friends. In Frank she found a partner idea, Frank agreed. This was one of Many trips followed and they became who shared her love of adventure and their greatest adventures. They travelled very knowledgeable on the area. They the outdoors. through 13 countries including Iran, Iraq, introduced numerous Sydney and Can- Jordan and Pakistan. Many evenings berra bushwalkers to the MacDonnell Irene Davies

Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2010 page 5 First Aid Subsidies 22011011 calendarcalendar andand Late last year, offers of a subsidy for fi rst aid train- ing were made to those members who took part in pphotographyhotography ccompetitionompetition 15 or more club trips in 2009. This initial offer was aimed at helping the club move as quickly and cost 2011 marks the Club’s 50th anniversary! effectively as possible towards its medium term goal of having a party member with recognised fi rst aid o honour this occasion CBC plans to produce a qualifi cations on each club trip. Tcalendar featuring photographs taken by Club members. Not every offer of subsidy was taken up and there remain limited funds available to provide fi rst aid Photos will be chosen via a photography competi- training subsidies for other members. Please contact tion, with the best 13 entries to be included in the me by 17 March if you would like to apply for such calendar. a subsidy. An amount of $100 will be made available This full colour calendar will cost $10 but needs to to each successful applicant to cover part of the cost be pre-ordered before printing. It would be a great of training leading to the award of a St John Senior Christmas present for friends or relatives and a First Aid Certifi cate (or equivalent). If awarded a wonderful keepsake of this momentous occasion. subsidy, you would be expected to complete your training and submit a claim for reimbursement by To order your copy(ies) please email the Social mid-June 2010. Secretary at socsec@canberrabushwalkingclub. org by 30 June 2010, stating the number of copies Priority in the awarding of subsidies will be given to you wish to order. those who, when trained, are able to make the great- est contribution to our goal of having a qualifi ed fi rst To enter the competition, photos don’t need to be aider on each club trip. Applications will be assessed recent though they must be of areas where the Club by the Club’s Training and Safety Committee and regularly walks. Entries need to be submitted by will take account of the applicant’s walking history Friday 11 June 2010. with the club, including their level of recent activity Conditions of entry and the competition entry as measured by both the number of trips undertaken form are on pages 14 and 15, respectively and and the total number of days spent in the bush on also available from the Club’s web site at: www. these trips. Terence Uren A sample calendar is also available on the web site Training and Safety Offi cer at: SSoo startstart clickingclicking DDiscountiscount ooffersffers fforor cclublub mmembersembers

Outdoor & adventure stores in Canberra who give a discount (usually 10%) on most of their stock to CBC members are: •Belconnen Camping World, Oatley Court, Belconnen •Tuggeranong Camping World Homeworld Centre, Tuggeranong •Great Outdoors Centre, 18–24 Townsend Street, Phillip

Wednesday Club meetings for 2010

Note that the venue for Wednesday Club meetings has changed.

Meetings are now at the Hughes Baptist Church Hall, 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes

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C g ro F ee or b ro r o C Activity program Arrange for your Club-related activities to be included in the program with Jeff Bennetts (Walks Secretary) Ph: 6231 5899 (h), Email: [email protected], Post: 6 Toohey Pl Wanniassa ACT 2903

Information for participants Distance and diffi culty Transport Distance: Costs are 37¢/km/car, divided equally among all participants. This (S) Short - under 12 km/day amount may be varied at the discretion of the leader, depending on the condition of the roads and other factors. The fi gures given (M) Medium - 12-20 km/day for the car as a whole and then, at the discretion of the leader, an (L) Long - over 20 km/day estimate or range per person. Park admission and camping fees Note: In calculating distance, 1 km is added for every 100 metres are additional costs which leaders should list separately. climbed. Duty of care Terrain: Every person taking part in a CBC activity acknowledges that (E) Easy - fi re trail, tracks, beaches etc he/she does so voluntarily and that he/she may be exposed to (M) Medium - bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub risks that could lead to injury, illness or death, or to loss of, or (R) Rough - much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles damage to property. Each person is required to sign the club’s (W) Wet - compulsory swims, many river crossings ‘Acknowledgement of Risks’ form. Visitors are welcome to join (X) Exploratory trips. However walkers are strongly encouraged to join the club after a maximum of three trips. Booking Contact the leader early rather than late. Book by Thursday For further information see: 2.00 pm for the following weekend (both one-day and multi-day walks) so the leader has time to arrange transport. Check with the leader about: Check-in after walks Before a trip leaders are to email or phone through the names of X the need to carry water, tents/fl y, maps, etc their party, and by 10 am the day after their trip report their safe X appropriate clothing, footwear return or trip cancellation, to the Check-in Offi cer, Rob Horsfi eld X any precautions you might need to take for severe weather ([email protected], 6231 4535 leave changes. message if no answer). The Check-in Offi cer or the Walks Secretary Ask about anything you’re unsure of, especially if you are new to (6231 5899), not the Police or other bodies, should be the fi rst point our Club. of contact for worried relatives if you are late in returning.

Equipment hire Thursday evening, 11 February: Goorooyaroo Nature Park – Garroo Hill – S/E Take advantage of the excellent gear that the Club has Meet at 6.30 pm in the parking area on the northern side available for hire before lashing out on your own equip- of Horse Park Drive about 1.5 km toward Gungahlin from ment. The Equipment Offi cer is Rob Horsfi eld, who can its junction with the Federal Highway (the Gungahlin be contacted on 6231 4535 (h). exit). Will do Garroo Hill. No need to book. Map: n/a The equipment available and current rates per weekend/ Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), stan. week are set out below. Hirers are responsible for col- [email protected] Transport: drive yourself lecting and returning the equipment. The hiring charge (but not the deposit) is waived for members who are ‘fi rst (12)13–14 February: Mt Tingaringy and the time’ weekend walkers. lost cairns of the Black Allan Line – M/R/X Join the search for the missing cairns on Mt Tingaringy. The A deposit of $20 is required and part or all of this will search on the western face of Mt Tingaringy will involve be refunded, depending on the condition of the items scrambling up, down and around dry forest/scrub and loose upon return (e.g. damaged or dirty) and whether they rocks, in country so rough that one of the cairns was last are returned late. reported seen in 1872! The eastern face of Mt Tingaringy Item w.e./week is decidedly different, with our search descending through Olympus two person tent $15 / $40 a series of old growth forest communities. Most of the trip will be off track, with around 20 kms of walking and Macpac Microlight one person tent $15 / $40 700 m ascent. The trip will proceed subject to favourable 3 season bag, mat and liner $10 / $25 weather. We camp at the on the fi rst night Assorted packs $5 / $15 and then at the top of Mt Tingaringy on the second night. Trangia and fuel bottle $5 / $15 4 pm start on Friday from CIVIC. Maps: Tombong 8624-S Snow sleeping bag, mat and liner $15 / $40 1:50,000 and Delegate 8623-S 1:50,000 Leader: Karen Personal locator beacon – nil (see website for conditions) Cody 6287 2167(h), 0447 268 628(m), karen.cody@nrm. GPS – nil (see website for conditions of use) or [email protected] Transport: $178 Check you have ALL the bits and pieces you need per car Limit: 8 when collecting and returning gear. Saturday 13 February: Belowra Creek – S/R/W A walk along and partly in the lower reaches of a creek just south of the Budawangs. Some gorge and some cas-

Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2010 page 7 uarina sections, and a waterfall. After the walk, return to (19)20–21 February: Mt Twynam and Mt Tate Canberra, or car camp at Blue Gum Flat (optional swim in – (Sat M/E–M, Sun M/M/X) the Clyde River) if also doing the Pigeon House walk the Drive down Friday night and stay at the Southern Alps next day. Map: Corang 1:25,000. Leader: Jeff Bennetts Ski Club Lodge at Charlotte Pass. The Saturday walk is 6231 5899(h). Transport: ~400 km return ~$144 per car, Charlotte Pass to Blue Lake junction on good track then ~$36–$48 per person, plus park entry. Limit: 12. a basic track to Twynam and off track to Guthega. Shared (13) Sunday 14 February: Pigeon House meal Sat night. Plan to do Mt Tate from Guthega on Sunday via East Tate ridge. I did go to Mt Tate some years ago but I sunrise – M/E–M am treating this one as a rekkie as I haven’t led it. Brilliant Do this walk in conjunction with Belowra Creek, or drive Alpine walking. Map: Perisher, Geehi Dam 1:25,000. up Saturday evening and camp. Up at 4 am to climb to the Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), stan. top of Pigeon House and see the sun rise out of the ocean [email protected] Transport: ~$140 per car and light up the Budawang cliffs in brilliant red (well, if the plus park entrance, ~$50 per person, $70–$80. weather’s right). After a mountaintop breakfast we circum- navigate the base of the cliffs with their huge overhangs and 20–21 February: – S–M/R return via scenic Longfella Pass. Early fi nish. Mostly on From the Woila–Tuross junction, walk ~five kms track with some steep sections and ladders to the summit. downstream to camp by a delightful pool. Next morning, Maps: Corang, Milton 1:25,000. Leader: Jeff Bennetts climb ~500 metres up the slopes of Jillicambra Mtn for 6231 5899(h). Transport: ~400 km return, ~$144 per car, great views of the Woila, then descend to the river via ~$36–$48 per person, plus park entry. Limit: 12. an interesting ridge and side creek. All off-track, lots of swimming, creek crossings (wet feet – wear suitable 14–22 February: Tasmania – Wilmot and shoes). Map: Belowra 1:25,000. Leader: Meg McKone Frankland Ranges – L/R(X) 6254 5902, [email protected] Transport: These ranges lie to the west and south of Lake Pedder. ~340 kms return, ~$32. Limit: 8. This is a rare opportunity to walk off track in Tasmania through some excellent alpine country. Some rock Saturday 20 February: Li-Lo trip, Toads Folly scrambling. This is a joint trip with Sydney Bush Walkers. to bottom of Red Rock Gorge – S/R(W) Maps: Olga, Wedge and Old River 1:100,000 Leader: Bring your own li-lo or body board, life-jacket and hat. Ian Hickson 6251 6858 Transport: TBA Limit: **TRIP Map: Tuggeranong 1:25,000 Leaders: Jenny and Rob FULL**. Horsfi eld 6231 4535(h) Transport: drive self to meeting point. Limit: 8. Monday evening, 15 February: Cooleman Ridge west – S/E Monday evening, 22 February: Gossan Hill – Meet at the very end of Kathner St, Chapman for a walk S/E along the ridge. No bookings, just turn up at 6.30. Map: Meet 6.30 pm, park in the car park behind the old Aranda n/a Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), shops in Bandjalong Crescent, Aranda. We will see what [email protected] Transport: drive Gossan Hill has to offer. No need to book. Map: n/a yourself Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), stan. [email protected] Transport: drive yourself Tuesday 16 February: – M/R/W/pt X 23 February – 2 March: Tasman Peninsula – Badgerys Spur – Shoalhaven River – Canoe Flat – S/E– L/M Fossickers Flat – Funnells Pass – Funnells Creek Fire Escape the heat to Tasmania’s spectacular Tasman Trail. Short car shuffl e. Scenic, river crossings, swimming Peninsula. Stay in a comfortable beach house and enjoy options. If time permits we will have a quick look at a variety of day walks on the peninsula. Maps: see Billy Bulloos Canyon. Map: Caoura 1:25,000. Leader: Peninsula Tracks, Peter & Shirley Storey. Leader: Mark Brian Surin (02) 4358 0209, [email protected] Hopkins 6282 8481; [email protected]. Please Transport: ~$100 per car, $25–$33 per person book by 15 January. Transport: direct fl ight Canberra to Hobart and collect rental car(s). Accommodation: Wednesday 17 February 2010, 8 pm $800 per week split between participants. Limit: 8. MONTHLY MEETING What kind of an ACT do we wish to see in 2050? COMMITTEE MEETING Wednesday 24 February 2010, 8 pm Presenter: John Hibberd at the home of Tom George Hughes Baptist Church Hall 30 Cox Street, Ainslie (battleaxe) 32–34 Groom Street, Hughes 25 February – 6 March (approximately): Thursday evening, 18 February: Bruce and Western Arthurs or SW Cape, Tasmania – O’Connor Ridges – S/E S/M–R/W Meet at 6.30 pm in the car park opposite 160 Dryandra Dates and destination subject to discussion; it’s all St, O’Connor for a walk in these two pleasant areas. memorable country worth (re)visiting. Leader: Rupert No need to book. Map: n/a Leader: Stan Marks 6254 Barnett 6242 5241, [email protected] Limit: 5. 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), [email protected]. au Transport: drive yourself.

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Thursday evening, 25 February – Burley may be interested are asked to contact the leader before Griffi n S/E the end of February. This is a most beautiful area with Meet at in the car park on the right of the road outside crystal clear pools for swimming. Entry to, and exit from the Governor General’s residence on Dunrossil Drive the gorge is steep. Once in the gorge walking is relatively for a wander along the lake to Weston Park and back. fl at but involves rock-hopping with a pack. Side trips are No need to book. Map: n/a Leader: Stan Marks 6254 likely to involve rock-scrambling as well as rock-hopping. 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), [email protected]. Map: Touga 1:25,000. Leader: Eric Pickering 6286 2128, au Transport: drive yourself [email protected] Transport: TBA. 27–28 February: Oldfi elds Hut – Mount 6–7 March: Veterans’ Choice #3, Shoalhaven Murray – Gourmet Dinner – M/M Crossover – Walk and Canoe the From a locked gate on the Pockets Saddle Road north Shoalhaven in one trip – M/M from the Tantangara Dam we pack walk along an easy This popular trip is again on the program. It traverses a fi re trail for 3 km to Oldfi elds Hut where we camp. picturesque stretch of the Shoalhaven. It involves a canoe Saturday afternoon we walk without packs up to Murrays paddle of fi fteen kilometres and a fourteen-kilometre walk Gap/Mount Murray to work up an appetite for a bow tie with a descent/ascent of 500 metres. While no canoeing gourmet dinner. On Sunday we will explore the Upper experience is necessary, a reasonable level of fi tness and area. Maps: Rules Point, Rendezvous water skills will be required to ensure all participants enjoy Creek 1:25,000 Leader: Doug Wright 6281 4148(h) this wonderful experience. Half the party will descend to the Transport: 280 km $100 per car Shoalhaven from Badgery’s Lookout then walk downstream to camp at Fossickers Flat. The other half will paddle hired Sunday 28 February: Bullfrog Creek, Ettrema canoes from Tallowa Dam to Fossickers Flat. On the Sunday, Gorge, Rock Slabs Creek – S/R(W) the walkers and paddlers will swap roles. You can get a A walk visiting the upper part of beautiful Ettrema Gorge pre-trip briefi ng with photos at and two of its western side creeks. Be prepared for a lot au/shoalhaven A car swap is required. Please book early, of rock scrambling and hopping, possible wading, and as canoes need to be organised. Map: Caoura 1:25,000, some scrubby sections. Waterproof packs in case water Burrier 1:25,000. Leaders: Gösta Lyngå 6288 7009 or Peter levels are high. About 8 km with 300 m climbing. Map: Henderson 62513608 or [email protected] or peter@ Nerriga 1:25,000. Leader: Jeff Bennetts 6231 5899(h). Approximate cost: Transport: Transport: ~320 km return, ~$120 per car, ~$30–$40 per $32–$43 Canoe hire: $45 (car to Kangaroo Valley gets $162, person. Limit: 12. car to Badgerys Spur gets $95). Monday evening, 1 March: Black Mt Hat Band Sunday 7 March: White Horse Rocks, Basic – S/E GPS Navigation Training – M/M–R Meet 6.30, park at end of Frith St near electricity An interesting trip to a series of elevated points offering sub-station. Some distance from the top, there is a track fi ne views with a focus on integration of map, compass around the mountain with 360 degree views. No need to and GPS navigation. [Note: This is a repeat of the training book. Map: n/a Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 session run on 31 January] Map: Corin Dam 1:25000 7350(w), [email protected] Transport: Leader: Terence Uren 6282 2403 or terence.uren@ drive yourself Transport: ~$35/car. Limit: 8. Thursday evening, 4 March: Mt Ainslie – S/E Autumn 2010 – Walking Meet at 6.30 pm in car park atop Mt Ainslie on the airport Track, Walhalla to Tharwa side then walk to the west, north and east of the mountain. Expressions of interest are invited for people to join this No need to book. Map: n/a Leader: Stan Marks 6254 walk for some or all of the stages, I (8–15 March, to Mt 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), [email protected]. Skene), II (15–23 March, to Hotham Hts), III (23–29 March au Transport: drive yourself to Mitta Mitta River), IV (29 March–5 April, to Dead (5)6–8 March (Canberra Day LWE): Blue Horse Gap), V (5– 11 April, to Kiandra), VI (11–16 April, Mountains – M/M to Tharwa). Leader: Karen Cody 6287 2167(h), 0447 268 Leave Canberra Friday night and stay in a comfortable 628(m), [email protected] [email protected]. 4 bedroom house in Blackheath for the long weekend. au Transport: TBA. Saturday: along the cliff top from Gordon Falls, Leura Tuesday 9 March: Ridge SE of Gudgenby to Scenic World, Katoomba, and possibly into the valley Saddle – L/R,ptX (4–5 hours). Sunday: into and along the valley fl oor below Head SW from the Yankee Hat car park on fi re trail and Wentworth Falls, returning via the Valley of the Waters footpad to the saddle SE of Mt Gudgenby. Turn SE and (6 hrs walking, plenty of steps). Monday: Govetts Leap wander along the 6 knolls down to Breakfast Creek and to Pulpit Rock (3 1/2 hours). Map: Katoomba 1:25,000. the Old Boboyan Road. Return via Hospital Creek Hut, Leaders: Jeff Bennetts and Edwina Yee 0418 651 421, some nearby granite tors and an indigenous rock shelter. email: [email protected] . Bookings to Edwina Around 21 km and 550 m climb. Map: Yaouk 1:25,000. please. Transport: ~$70 per person, Accommodation: Leader: John Evans 6288 7235(h), [email protected] ~$75 for the weekend. Limit: ~10 *** TRIP FULL *** Transport: ~$50 per car. Further details at http://jevans. (5)6–8 March: Ettrema Gorge – M/R Three to four days (negotiable) Friday/Saturday to Monday. Entry into the Gorge by Transportation Spur and then proceeding downstream with some side trips. Exit via Tullyangela Creek and Dungeon Canyon. Those who

Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2010 page 9 Thursday evening, 11 March: Flat Black COMMITTEE MEETING Mountain – S/E Wednesday 24 March 2010 Meet 6.30, park at end of Frith St near electricity sub-sta- tion for a wander over and around the little known, low mountain to the north of the main peak for some different (26)27–28 March: Tumbarumba section of views. No need to book. Map: n/a Leader: Stan Marks Hume and Hovell Track – Sat L/E, Sun M/E 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), stan.marks@infrastructure. Arrive Friday evening for a cabin based weekend to do Transport: drive yourself two day walks on sections of the Hume Hovell track, along 13–14 March: Mts Kelly and Scabby – L/R well maintained paths with gentle gradients. Saturday: 21 km from Henry Angel Track Head, including Big Continuing check of the route along the ACT boarder. Hill and fi nishing at Mannus Lake. One climb of 200 m. Maps: Yaouk, Rendezvous Creek 1:25,000 Leader: Rob Sunday: Henry Angel to Junction Campsite, 13 km Horsfi eld 6231 4535(h) Transport: 128 km, ~$48 per car. return, lunch back at the cars for an early homeward 13–14 March: Morton NP – M/M journey. Both walks pass the remains of the gold mining Wog Wog – Corang Peak – Corang Lagoon. The tiger industry and diverse scenery including lake and river Tuesday walkers did this walk in a day last October but sides, wetlands and mixed woodlands. A good chance of I would prefer to take a more leisurely pace. Over two seeing a Kingfi sher. We will stay at well equipped cabins days this is a reasonably easy walk suitable for those with in Tumbarumba ($25 to $30 per person per night). Maps: limited weekend walking experience. We walk in from the Tumbarumba and Munderoo 1:25,000. Transport: ~$70 Wog Wog NP entrance past Corang Peak and camp at the with 3 sharing (550 km return). Leader: Austin Kenney base of the Conglomerate Slopes. The walk will be almost 6262 2358 [email protected] entirely on tracks. (A section of the track from above the Tuesday 30 March: Border Marker Hunting on Green Hut to the base of the Conglomerate slopes was cleared by Park rangers and Club members last year.) the Boboyan Divide and Scabby Range – On Sunday we’ll return to Wog Wog via Corang Pool. L/M,ptX Leader: Irene Davies 6230 1081(h), [email protected]. Follow the ACT border west along the Boboyan Divide and au Map: Corang 1:25 000. Transport: ~$30. onto the Scabby Range for as far as time permits. Return via the Grassy Creek fi re trail. Around 21 km and 300 m Sunday 14 March: Ginger Ale – L/E–M climb. Maps: and Yaouk 1:25,000. Leader: A repeat of a walk I had to miss last year. Ginger Ale John Evans 6288 7235(h), [email protected] Transport: (1760 m) is the informal name given (not by me) to the ~$60 per car. Further details at peak next south of Mt Gingera. In fi ne weather the views are excellent. It is a long walk of 24 km return (all but 3 km Easter 2–5 April: Yaouk to Orroral Valley – M/R on fi re trail), and 600 m altitude gain spread throughout the We will take a hired minibus from Canberra to Yaouk on day, from the Ginini locked gate. Early start, late fi nish. Friday morning and walk along the Bicentennial National The pace will be moderate but a reasonable to high level Trail and then off track for about 3 km to camp south of of fi tness is required. Map: Corin Dam 1:25,000. Leader: Mount Murray. On the second day, over Mount Murray and Jeff Bennetts 6231 5899. Transport: ~$22. Limit: 12. then down the Australian Alps walking track to the Cotter River. On the third day, we will climb Coronet Peak (steep Sun–Wed 14–17 March: Burrungubugge slopes, scrub), explore its interesting granite boulders and River II – M/M descend again to the Australian Alps Walking Track at Pond Further exploration of this interesting area following Creek Flats. Walkers who would like a gentler day will be walk 15–18 November ‘2009. Day 1 Munyang over able to bypass Coronet Peak and follow the track. On the Disappointment Spur cross Finns river to Porcupine fi nal day we will walk out on the track through Cotter Gap Hill L/M. Day 2 Porcupine Hill to Kidmans Hut via and into Orroral Valley, where the minibus will collect us. Burrungubugge river M/M. Day 3 Kidmans via Brassy Grade is M/R because of the climbs over Mt Murray and Mountains to Mawsons Hut M/M. Day 4 Mawsons Coronet Peak; the rest is M/M. Maps: Yaouk, Rendezvous to Munyang via Kerries and return off track via Creek, Corin Dam: 1:25,000 Leader: Linda Groom 6281 Disappointment Spur M/M Maps: Jagungal & Geehi 4917(h), [email protected] Transport: ~$100 per person Dam 1:25,000 Leader: Mike Banyard mbanyard@ for the chauffeured mini bus. Bookings and transport, 0414959967 Transport: ~400 km per money required by 12 March. Limit: 10. car ~$35 plus park fees per person Limit: 6 (9)10–11 April: Mongarlowe – Sat M/E; Sun S/M Tuesday 16 March: Corn Trail – L/M(X). Drive down Friday night to Moon Cottage near Walk the Corn Trail, which starts on the Kings Highway Mongarlowe: On Saturday, we will do Corang Peak below Clyde Mountain. To make the car trip shorter, we’ll and Arch (and the conglomerates if time allows) and walk down then back up. Around 26 km and 850 m climb. Mt Currockbilly on Sunday. The former is a classic Maps: Monga and Araluen 1:25,000. Leader: John Evans Budawangs walk, about 17 km (6 hrs) walking with some 6288 7235(h), [email protected] Transport: ~$30 per great views. Sunday is to Mt Currockbilly, shortish, good person. Further details at climb but effort worth it for magnifi cent views to the coast and the Budawangs etc, lunch while lounging amongst the coral fern. Back to cars about 4. The house holds 6–8; Wednesday 17 March 2010, 8 pm others can camp. Maps: Corang, Brooman 1:25,000 MONTHLY MEETING Leaders: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w) or Photography [email protected] and David Eager, 4842 Presenter: Michael Bowers 1169, [email protected]. Bookings to Stan

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please but, if you want to discuss the walks, contact David. Tues–Fri 25–28 May: Budawangs – M/M Transport: $115 per car, estimate per participant, $35 Four days full pack hiking in the Budawangs taking in Tinderry Rocks, Corang Plateau, Corang Peak and Arch, 24–26 April: Bundanoon bushwalking Burrumbeet Brook, Yurnga Lookout and Monolith Valley. bonanza – Sat: S/E, Sun: M/M/part X, Mon: Returning by the same route or possibly taking in Corang S/M Cascades. A walk hopefully in conjunction with the Drive to Bundanoon YHA on Saturday morning or early Shoalhaven Bushwalkers. Leader: Paul Ellis 0432 557 afternoon, our base for the weekend. On Saturday after- 613 Map: Corang 1:25,000 Transport: ~280 km return, noon, we will do the Amphitheatre walk at Bundanoon, ~$104 per car, $26–$35 per person. Limit: 10 which features cliffs in Sydney sandstone, with a side trip to Bundanoon Creek, total about 3 hrs. On Sunday, we will walk from Mt Waratah to Alexandra Park, Mittagong. We will start from the car park I use for the Hidden Creek walk, follow the Mt Waratah ridge and then descend to Hidden Creek and the . We follow this river Bulletin Board to Boxvale Creek (the lunch spot of the Boxvale walk) and The Bulletin Board is for members to advertise (at no cost) then on to Gibbergunyah Creek and the Park. The walk is goods for sale, private trips or other personal bushwalking- all on track and I have done all but about 5 km of it (I am related matters. The Club is not involved in, takes no re- told this bit is a bit rough in places). On Monday (the sponsibility for, and does not endorse, the activities or goods Anzac Day holiday), we will do a walk from Meryla Pass advertised here. Hence, if people participate in any activities advertised here, they do so as private individuals, not as along the cliff line to a lookout near Yarrunga Creek with members of the Club, and will not be covered by the Club’s spectacular views of the gorges and ranges in the area. The insurance. YHA is an early 20th century home of delightful ambience. Shared meal on Saturday evening. Saturday and Sunday Notices for the Bulletin board should be emailed to about 5 hrs walking. Maps: Picton, Bundanoon 1:25,000. the Walks Secretary: walksec@canberrabushwalk- Leader: Stan Marks 6254 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), stan. [email protected] Transport: ~$150 per car, $40–$50 per person, Accommodation: ~ $50–$60. CBC teams for the March 2010 Rogaine We’ve noticed that there are a lot of keen new naviga- Sunday 25 April: Orroral – M/R tors in the club so I’m alerting you all to the advance A circuit walk in the area south west of the Orroral publicity about the Australian Rogaining Champion- Picnic Area. 400 metres climb. Hopefully lots of rocks ships to be held in the region on to explore, but may also encounter thick scrub. Map: 27–28 March 2010. ‘The course will provide excellent Rendezvous Creek 1:25,000. Leader: Roger Edwards navigational challenges in a beautiful environment two 6288 7863 h 6208 5444 [email protected] hours from Canberra’. It would be great to have a few Transport: ~$40 per car. CBC teams competing. Please contact Jenny Horsfi eld 6231 4535(h) for more information. Sun–Wed 25–28 April: Northern Budawangs: Sluice Box Falls, Styles Creek & Hidden Jatbula Trail NT – June 2010 Valley – M/R Are you interested in walking in national parks near Day 1 from Sassafras to camp at Folly Point on track. Day Darwin in June 2010? I have booked the Jatbula Trail 2 Sluice Box Falls, Mt Elliott Pass to camp at Styles Creek. in Nitmiluk National Park that links Katherine Falls with Off track, thick scrub in places, approximately 300 m Leliyn (Edith Falls) commencing 20 June 2010 (there decent and 300 m climb. Day 3 Explore from camp Hidden are pictures and information about it on the web). This Valley, Sturgiss Mountain and Dark Brothers Cave, as time will take 6 days – the details of other walks (e.g. in and energy permit. Day 4 return on track to cars via Vines Kakadu) will be decided depending on the interests of and Newhaven Gap. Map: Endrick 1:25,000. Leader: participants. Please contact me if you are interested. Mike Banyard, [email protected] 0414 959 967 Lorraine Tomlins – phone 6248 0458 or lorraine.tom- Transport: ~$35 per person. Limit: 6. [email protected] (21)22–23 May: Durras weekend – Sat M/E, Backpacks Sun S/M Backpacks – Macpac (Cascade harness), Kathmandu, Leave Canberra Friday night, stay in comfortable cabins at Wilderness Equipment, Black Wolf – several new and Depot Beach Caravan Park. Saturday will be the spectacular some used (excellent condition) –most under half cost Little Forest Plateau with views to the Budawangs, Pigeon price – Ideal multi days trips – details phone Louise House and beyond. Lunch at Ngaityung Falls. On Sunday, Thake 0428 247 570. Ross will lead a walk along the coast south of Murramarang, House Sitting for Bushwalkers from Wasp Head to Richmond Beach headland, thence the Want to go away walking and not worry about the gar- Olympic Pool, through the Garden of Unearthly Gums, den? Call Cate on 0407266942 and I will gladly look via Oaky Beach and up to North Head and the cars. Each after your place, experienced reliable and mature. person is responsible for his/her own meals. About 5½ hrs walking on both Saturday and Sunday. Maps: Durras/ ‘Gear for sale’ table Tianjara/Milton 1:25,000. Leaders: Stan Marks 6254 In place of our one-night auction, as in previous years, we 9568(h), 6274 7350(w), [email protected] shall put out a table at General Meetings, for a while. Hope- and Ross Andrews 0405 103 424(m), ross.andrews@health. fully it will be of benefi t to those wanting to get rid of equip- Bookings to Stan please. Transport: ~$160 per car, ment and those wishing to buy some. Please label gear for ~$50 per person. Accommodation: ~$50–$60 sale with adequate personal details and asking price.

Canberra Bushwalking Club it February 2010 page 11 CANBERRA BUSHWALKING CLUB COMMITTEE* Position Name Home Work E-mail PRESIDENT Peter Jones 0410 564 002 – [email protected] TREASURER George Carter 6251 2130 – [email protected] GENERAL SECRETARY Linda Stone 0403 321 129 – [email protected] WALKS SECRETARY Jeff Bennetts 6231 5899 – [email protected] EDITOR Alison Milton 6254 0578 6289 2717 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Gary Trevean 6285 1135 – [email protected] TRAINING & SAFETY OFFICER Terence Uren 6282 2403 – [email protected] CONSERVATION OFFICER Quentin Moran 6288 9840 6243 6601 [email protected] PUBLISHER Tom George 6257 0613 – [email protected] ASSISTANT WALKS SEC Rob Horsfi eld 6231 4535 – [email protected] SOCIAL SECRETARY Brigitte Tabuteau 0448 261 170 – [email protected]

*All members of the Committee can be contacted in one email to [email protected] MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES: Gary TREVEAN, [email protected] 6285 1135 (h) CHECK IN: Ring Rob Horsfi eld on 6231 4535 WEBSITE:

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Feb 10