National Parks Association of the Australian Capital Territory Inc

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National Parks Association of the Australian Capital Territory Inc Volume 54 Number 1 March 2017 National Parks Association of the Australian Capital Territory Inc. Club Lake Butterfly book Mattresses to walk launched bales of steel NPA Bulletin Volume 54 number 1 March 2017 Articles by contributors may not necessarily reflect association opinion or objectives. CONTENTS From the Editor’s desk.............................................................2 National Parks Australia Council AGM..................................11 Kevin McCue Ox-eye Daisy alert...................................................................11 From the committee ACT environmental news .......................................................12 Welcome, members and friends, to 2017..........................3 NPA outings program, March – June 2017 ......................13–16 Rod Griffiths Grassland (Southern Lined) Earless Dragon project ........3 NPA ACT Christmas Party 2016.............................................17 Chris Emery Photo montage Developments on a new northern national park ...............4 ‘Soft Landing’ for old mattresses at the tip .............................18 Kevin McCue and Rod Griffiths Esther Gallant Managing bushfire risks....................................................4 Bushwalks Christine Goonrey Club Lake and Kunama Hutte ruins .................................19 Symposium notice ....................................................................5 Brian Slee Butterfly book launched............................................................6 Up the Burrungubugge .....................................................20 Sonja Lenz Philip Gatenby Book review. Field Guide to the Butterflies of the ACT Gubur Dhaura (‘Red Ochre Ground’)...............................21 by Suzi Bond with Steve Holliday and John Stein............7 and Gungaderra Creek Rupert Barnett Brian Slee Not dead yet: rejuvenation of the River Red Gum ...................8 Wandering Weeders on the Mountain .....................................22 population at Spring Station Creek Kevin McCue Isobel Crawford PARKWATCH ...........................................................................23 Ongoing research in Namadgi ..................................................9 Compiled by Hazel Rath Kevin McCue NPA notices.............................................................................26 Conservation Council events ..................................................10 Meetings and speaker information..........................................27 NPA information and contacts ................................................27 From the Editor’s desk In this issue of the Bulletin we extinction. Once great forests are being • not burning the bush too frequently. congratulate authors Suzi Bond, Steve savaged for woodchips here in Australia This has serious consequences for Holliday and John Stein and thank the (page 11). But again, here in the ACT, we insects and other small critters that live NPA team of Sonja Lenz, Esther Gallant, have a good news story – the successful in the leaf litter and recycle soil Adrienne Nicholson and Ed Highley [and breeding of the Eastern Bettong in a nutrients to keep the undergrowth myself!], and designer Mariana sanctuary (see NPA Bulletin, March alive, prevent erosion, grow orchids Rollgejser, for a spectacular book all 2016). It and the Bush Stone-curlew, the and other native flowers, and the next about butterflies (pages 6–7). We are Northern Corroboree Frog, New Holland generation of trees (page 4). elated to see it published, and gratified Mouse, Magpie Goose, Cape Barren Learning, for instance, all about the that it has been well received by the Goose, Southern Bandicoot, Spotted life cycles of the many beautiful species public – we’re already thinking about a Quoll, Koala, Rock Wallaby, Green and of butterfly that waft through our reprint. Golden Bell Frog among others were gardens and open spaces is essential if While the butterfly book has been a driven to extinction by the activities of our we want to conserve them – we do, don’t very public activity of NPA ACT, behind forebears in the ACT over just the past we? Our new butterfly book will help. the scenes another huge success is that a 150 years. There is huge value in maintaining as northern ACT national park is a step Whether any or all of these species can much of the natural habitat as we can, closer (page 4). For this, we say to Rod be bred and successfully reintroduced into forgoing some of the pleasures of Griffiths and the Environment the wild outside a sanctuary is 4-wheel driving, cycling, fishing and Subcommittee, well done! Another problematic, but we can help achieve this shooting in protected areas, to give other important activity, the symposium on fire goal by: animals a chance. The long-term survival management to be held in July • ridding the ACT of feral foxes and cats of humans on Earth may depend on the (pages 4–5) and convened by our own as a necessary first step ecological values inherent in protected Christine Goonrey, will illuminate the • providing safe road crossings, under- or areas – is the cost of their maintenance way ahead for community input into, and overpasses to stop the carnage of native too high a price to pay? animals on our roads understanding of, bushfire management, Kevin McCue and help to take the ACT public along on • learning how the environment cycle the path to fire resilience. works – removing 95 per cent of grassy Human greed, intolerance and woodlands surely has important ignorance, or a combination of these, consequences for the animal world and have driven many animal species to ultimately for humans 2NPA BULLETIN − MARCH 2017 From the committee Welcome, members and friends, to 2017 The NPA Committee is expecting to ensure only appropriate projects are and it is expected another active year, which has already implemented. that the various kicked off with significant developments The last few months have been busy walks will take relating to the proposed new national despite the festive season. In December place from April. park (see article on page 4) and an we saw the successful launch of the Field The Environ- increased focus on ecotourism by the Guide to the Butterflies of the ACT. This ment Subcommittee ACT Government. This increased focus has proved to be an immensely popular is currently putting has resulted in the issuing of a request book and has opened many pairs of eyes together a response to the draft for proposals for the ‘Provision of Eco- to the diversity of the butterfly world in management plan for the Lower Cotter accommodation, Volunteer Guide the ACT. The Publications Subcommittee Catchment (LCC). The LCC adjoins Management and Nature Based Tourism is already thinking about the need for a Namadgi National Park and, in the Experiences’. This proposal seeks: reprint! future, as the natural environment the ‘holistic management of an Work on the new edition of the NPA’s recovers from the 2003 bushfires, it is “on-reserve” eco style housing Field Guide to the Native Trees of the likely that much of the LCC will be portfolio’, as well as the ACT continues and it will be a worthy incorporated into Namadgi. The ‘development of sensitive, successor to the current edition. proposed plan of management is appropriate nature based tourism The NPA has had stalls at the therefore of key interest to the NPA. experiences that build on existing environmental fair in December and the As always, these are just some of the natural and cultural values within open day at Jerrabomberra Wetlands (see activities involving the NPA and your the Territory’. photos on page 10). Both stalls were well participation, no matter how small, will The NPA believes that familiarity patronised and have contributed to strong be welcomed. Please do not hesitate to with the bush breeds understanding but, sales of the NPA’s publications. contact any of the committee members in seeking to achieve this, the primary Following the ACT election, the NPA if you would like to offer your support. responsibility of our conservation congratulated the successful candidates Rod Griffiths reserves remains the protection of the and offered to take them on a bushwalk natural environment. The NPA will as an opportunity to showcase the therefore be closely monitoring progress importance of the ACT’s reserves. There on ecotourism proposals and will work has been a positive response to this offer Grassland (Southern Lined) Earless Dragon project While searching for a suitable Honours (NSW). Reasons for its decline are varied predict the future project/scholarship to fund from a but include habitat clearance and population trajec- recently received bequest, we were fragmentation, and more subtle causes tories for the offered an interesting option from the such as habitat degradation (through species and the University of Canberra. As it does not stock or kangaroo grazing) and likelihood of its meet the requirements of the bequest, agricultural practices. Climate change is extinction. your committee has decided to fund this also likely to increase the threats to this Project expend- project from consolidated revenue. species. iture would be $10,000: The Grassland Earless Dragon, In collaboration with the ACT $5,000 for a student scholarship and Tympanocryptis pinguicolla, (see Government, the University of Canberra $5,000 for field work expenses. The page 49 of our Field Guide to the has collected mark–recapture data from project supervisor will be Professor Reptiles & Frogs of the Australian populations of the
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