Public Information Officers Contact List S.NO NAME DESIGNATION DEPARTMENT Sub-Department DISTRICT TELEPHONE CELL NUMBER EMAIL 1 Mr. Muhammad Riaz DEO (M) Education ELEMENTARY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Abbottabad 0992-9310102 3335060225
[email protected] 2 Miss. Samina Altaf DEO (F) Education ELEMENTARY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Abbottabad 0992-342314 3 Dr. Fazle Rehman Director Livestock, Abbottabad Agriculture DIRECTORATE OF AGRICULTURE (EXTENSION) Abbottabad 0992-382628 4 Dr. Pervez Principal Research Officer/Regional Director Agriculture DIRECTOR GENERAL (RESEARCH) LIVESTOCK & DAIRY DEVELOPMENT Abbottabad 0992-383763 0345-8566012 5 Mr. Waqas Ashraf Assistant Public Prosecutor Law DISTRICT ABBOTTABAD Abbottabad 0992-9310383 0300-9110884
[email protected] 6 Mr. Mussamer Shah Assistant Manager (Legal) Forest Development Corporation Forest & Environment DISTRICT ABBOTTABAD Abbottabad 0992-380897 7 Mr. Naeem Khan Additional Deputy Commissioner Revenue Deputy Commissioner Abbottabad 0992-9310207
[email protected] 8 Mr. Jahanzeb Khan Deputy Director Small Industrial Estate Small Industrial Estate Abbottabad 0992-383770 9 Mr. Zaffar Ali Khan DFO, Gallis, Abbottabad Forest & Environment Environment Abbottabad 0992-9310306
[email protected] 10 Mr. Faiq Khan DFO, Wildlife, Abbottabad Forest & Environment Environment Abbottabad 0992-9310323 0302-193344
[email protected] 11 Mr. Khabir Muhammad Police Hazara Division, Hazara Abbottabad 0992-9310516 12 Mr. Jawad Khan Sub Divisional Officer Irrigation Irrigation Sub Divisional Abbotabad Abbottabad 0992-9310246 0346-9577518 13 Mr. Baber Shamrez Research Officer Agriculture Agriculture Research System Abbottabad 0992-380873 0345-5300126 14 Muhammad Saleem Raza District Sports Officer Abbottabad and Torghar Sports Sports Department Abbottabad 0992-9310224 0334-9067114 15 Abdul Malik Khan DSP/FRP Police Police department Abbottabad 0992-9310020 0300-5796002 16 Waheed Gul District Zakat Officer Zakat and Ushar Zakat & Usher Dept .