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Status of the Bull Trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) in Alberta

Status of the Bull Trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) in Alberta

Status of the Bull Trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) in :

Update 2009

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 39 (Update 2009) Status of the Bull Trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) in Alberta:

Update 2009

Prepared for: Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (ASRD) Alberta Conservation Association (ACA)

Update prepared by: Mike Rodtka Much of the original work contained in the report was prepared by John R. Post and Fiona D. Johnston in 2002. This report has been reviewed, revised, and edited prior to publication. It is an ASRD/ACA working document that will be revised and updated periodically.

Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 39 (Update 2009)

September 2009

Published By:

i Publication No. T/219 ISBN: 978-0-7785-9177-1 (Printed Edition) Revised August, 2010 ISBN: 978-0-7785-9178-8 (On-line Edition) Revised August, 2010 ISSN: 1206-4912 (Printed Edition) ISSN: 1499-4682 (On-line Edition)

Series Editors: Sue Peters, Robin Gutsell and Gavin Berg Illustrations: Brian Huffman Maps: Velma Hudson, Donna Rystephanuk and Chad Sherburne

For copies of this report, visit our web site at: http://srd.alberta.ca/BioDiversityStewardship/SpeciesAtRisk/ and click on “Detailed Status”


Contact: Information Centre - Publications Alberta Sustainable Resource Development Main Floor, Great West Life Building 9920 - 108 Street Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 2M4

Telephone: (780) 944-0313 or 1-877-944-0313

This publication may be cited as:

Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 2009. Status of the Bull Trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV in Alberta: Update 2009. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. Wildlife Status Report No. 39 (Update 2009). Edmonton, AB. 48 pp.


(YHU\¿YH\HDUVWKH)LVKDQG:LOGOLIH'LYLVLRQRI$OEHUWD6XVWDLQDEOH5HVRXUFH'HYHORSPHQW reviews the general status of wildlife species in Alberta. These overviews, which have been conducted in 1991 (The Status of Alberta Wildlife), 1996 (The Status of Alberta Wildlife), 2000 (The General Status of Alberta Wild Species 2000), and 2005 (The General Status of Alberta Wild Species 2005 DVVLJQLQGLYLGXDOVSHFLHV³UDQNV´WKDWUHÀHFWWKHSHUFHLYHGOHYHORIULVNWRSRSXODWLRQV that occur in the province. Such designations are determined from extensive consultations with professional and amateur biologists, and from a variety of readily available sources of population data. A key objective of these reviews is to identify species that may be considered for more detailed status determinations.

The Alberta Wildlife Status Report Series is an extension of the general status exercise, and provides comprehensive current summaries of the biological status of selected wildlife species in Alberta. Priority is given to species that are At Risk or May Be At Risk in the province, that are of uncertain status (Undetermined), or that are considered to be at risk at a national level by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC).

Reports in this series are published and distributed by the Alberta Conservation Association and the Fish and Wildlife Division of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. They are intended to provide detailed and up-to-date information that will be useful to resource professionals for managing populations of species and their habitats in the province. The reports are also designed to provide current information that will assist Alberta’s Endangered Species Conservation Committee in identifying species that may be formally designated as Endangered or Threatened under Alberta’s Wildlife Act. To achieve these goals, the reports have been authored and/or reviewed by individuals with unique local expertise in the biology and management of each species.


Bull trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) is a char species native to western North America that colonized the major drainages of the eastern slopes of Alberta after the last glaciation. Since the early 1900s, this species has declined in both distribution and abundance, and is considered a Species of Special Concern in Alberta and Threatened under the Endangered Species Act throughout its range in the United States (lower 48 states). A review undertaken by the Fish and Wildlife Division of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development in 2008 determined that 38 out of the 47 core areas (81%) currently containing bull trout in Alberta are at risk of extirpation, and three RWKHUFRUHDUHDVZHUHLGHQWL¿HGDVDOUHDG\EHLQJH[WLUSDWHG'HFOLQHVKDYHEHHQDWWULEXWHGWRWKH impacts of human activities, including migratory barriers, habitat degradation and fragmentation, DQJOLQJ SUHVVXUH SDVW SRSXODWLRQ PDQDJHPHQW SUDFWLFHV DQG WKH VWRFNLQJ RI QRQQDWLYH ¿VK species. However, to more clearly understand and mitigate the factors leading to the decline of bull trout in Alberta, the complex biology and habitat requirements of this species require further study.

Bull trout in Alberta express three main types of life history strategies: stream-resident SRSXODWLRQVUHVLGHZLWKLQWKHWULEXWDULHVLQZKLFKWKH\ZHUHUHDUHGÀXYLDOSRSXODWLRQVVSDZQ LQWULEXWDULHVEXWUHVLGHLQPDLQVWHPULYHUVDGÀXYLDOSRSXODWLRQVVSDZQLQWULEXWDU\VWUHDPVEXW reside in lakes or reservoirs. As a result, bull trout have complex habitat requirements, and in some cases very large home ranges. The geological and thermal restrictions on viable spawning habitat limit the distribution of bull trout during the spawning season. The migratory patterns RIEXOOWURXWWKHLUVSDZQLQJVWUDWHJLHVDQGWKHLU¿GHOLW\WRVSDZQLQJDUHDVDOOKDYHLPSRUWDQW management implications. Additionally, to maintain the genetic integrity of populations through genetic exchange from distinct populations, the development of regional (rather than localized) management plans is required. Long-term, standardized methods of population survey are required to monitor the status of bull trout populations within Alberta. A clearer understanding of the habitat requirements and population dynamics at all stages of growth and for the three different life history strategies is required to determine the potential impacts that human activity may have on these populations. Despite these uncertainties, the factors limiting bull trout recovery in the province are now well documented and need to be addressed in a comprehensive manner if the current trend of populations in decline is to be reversed.


For the original 2002 report prepared by John Post and Fiona Johnston: We thank a number of people for providing data, reports, manuscripts and pre-publication drafts of papers including: Gordon Haas, Ted Downs and Sue Pollard (B.C. Fisheries), James Thomas (University of Lethbridge), Craig Mushens and Andrew Paul (University of ), Ric Olmsted (B.C. Hydro), Paul Hvenegaard and Trevor Thera (Alberta Conservation Association), Steve Herman and Terry Clayton (Alberta Sustainable Resource Development), Eric Taylor (University of British Columbia), Jenny Earle (RL&L), and Wade Fredenberg (USFWS). In particular, we would like to acknowledge Gordon Haas and Don McPhail for their ground-breaking research on bull trout ecology and systematics well before it was fashionable. Also we thank Gordon, Don and artist Karen Klitz for permission to use their drawings of bull trout and Dolly Varden. Nick Baccante (British Columbia Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks), Travis Ripley (Alberta Sustainable Resource Development), Paul Hvenegaard, Sherry Feser, Isabelle Michaud, Dawn Birn (Alberta Conservation Association) and Robin Gutsell (Alberta Sustainable Resource Development) provided useful comments on earlier drafts of this report.

Preparation of this report was funded by the Wildlife Management Enhancement Fund of the Alberta Conservation Association and the Fish and Wildlife Division of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.

For the 2009 update prepared by Mike Rodtka: I thank a number of people for providing data, reports, manuscripts and pre-publication drafts of papers including: Christina Hall, Fiona Johnston, Craig Mushens and John Post (), Ryan Popowich (University of Alberta), Will Warnock (University of Lethbridge), Steve Herman, Rocklyn Konynenbelt, Andrew Paul, Jim Stelfox and Mike Sullivan (Alberta Sustainable Resource Development [ASRD]), Tyler Johns (Alberta Conservation Association [ACA]), Ward Hughson (Parks Canada), Sue Pollard (British Columbia Ministry of Environment), Rich McCleary (Foothills Research Institute) and Wade Fredenberg (United States Fish and Wildlife Service). 5HSRUWFRQWHQWEHQH¿WHGIURPGLVFXVVLRQZLWKPDQ\LQGLYLGXDOVLQFOXGLQJ$QQH&ODUNH &RPPLWWHH On the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada), David Christiansen, Terry Clayton, George Sterling, Mike Sullivan, Dave Walty and Daryl Wig (ASRD), Shelley Humphries and Rob Whet (Parks Canada) and Trevor Council, Kevin Fitzsimmons, Kevin Gardiner and Paul Hvenegaard (ACA). Chad Judd and Velma Hudson (ACA), Chad Sherburne and Donna Rystephanuk $65' DVVLVWHGZLWKSUHSDUDWLRQRIWDEOHVDQG¿JXUHV7KLVXSGDWHEHQH¿WHGFRQVLGHUDEO\IURP collaboration with Kerry Rees (ASRD), who coordinated the provincial government’s review of the status of bull trout core areas. David Christiansen, Kerry Rees, Mike Sullivan, John Tchir and Andrew Paul (ASRD) provided editorial comment on earlier drafts of this report, which greatly LPSURYHGWKH¿QDOUHSRUW

Preparation of this update report was funded by the Alberta Conservation Association and the Fish and Wildlife Division of Alberta Sustainable Resource Development.


PREFACE ...... iii




HABITAT...... 1

1. Spawning and Rearing ...... 2

2. Adults ...... 3


 ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ ...... 3

2. Life History...... 5

3. Growth and Feeding...... 7


1. Alberta...... 8

2. Other Areas ...... 10


1. Alberta...... 10

2. Other Areas ...... 19


1. Migratory Barriers ...... 20

2. Habitat Degradation and Fragmentation...... 20

3. Angling Pressure and Fisheries Management Practices...... 22

4. Fish Species Introduction...... 23

5. Genetics...... 24


1. Alberta...... 25

2. Other Areas ...... 25 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTINUED:


SYNTHESIS...... 27


Appendix 1 Glossary of Terms ...... 42


Appendix 3 Conservation rank, population size, stream occupancy (km), short-term WUHQGDQGWKHVHYHULW\VFRSHDQGLPPHGLDF\RIWKUHDWVWRWKHLGHQWL¿HG bull trout core areas in Alberta...... 46

Appendix 4 Land-use events and bull trout declines in southwestern Alberta...... 48


Figure 1 Composite drawings of Dolly Varden (top) and bull trout (bottom)...... 4

Figure 2 Historical and current distribution of bull trout in Alberta...... 9

Figure 3 Distribution of bull trout in North America...... 11


Figure 5 Spatial distribution of bull trout core areas in Alberta and their conservation ranking ...... 14

Figure 6 Bull trout population trend in , 1990-2002...... 15

Figure 7 Estimated bull trout abundance in a 32-kilometre reach of the upper in 1997, 2000, and 2006...... 16

Figure 8 Estimated abundance of juvenile bull trout at a permanent sample site established on Lynx Creek (Kakwa River drainage), between fall 1996 and fall 2004...... 16

Figure 9 Box plot of median, 25th and 75th percentile, 10th and 90th percentile, and RXWOLHUVRIEXOOWURXWIRUNOHQJWKLQWKHFRPELQHGHOHFWUR¿VKLQJDQGDQJOLQJ catch from a 32-kilometre reach of the Kakwa River in late September 1997, 2000, and 2006...... 17

)LJXUH5HODWLYHDEXQGDQFHRIEXOOWURXWLQWKHHOHFWUR¿VKLQJFDWFKDWWZRSHUPDQHQW sample sites established on Quirk Creek ( drainage), in August- September of 1995-2006...... 18

viii INTRODUCTION This report summarizes current information available on bull trout in Alberta, and is an Bull trout (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV) is a char important step in updating its status in the species native to western North America. A province. cold-water species, bull trout are thought to have been isolated in a number of glacial HABITAT refugia during the Pleistocene and recolonized Alberta after the last glacial period (Bellerud et Bull trout are found predominantly in cool, al. 1997, Haas and McPhail 2001, Nelson and high-elevation watersheds (Nelson and Paetz Paetz 1992, Thomas et al. 2001). Bull trout is 1992, Rieman et al. 1997, Watson and Hillman the only native, stream-dwelling char species 1997) of western North America. They tend in the North Saskatchewan and to select well-connected, structurally diverse drainages, and the only native char to historically streams that offer protection against high or low occupy all the drainages of the eastern slopes of ÀRZ OHYHOV WKH GLVUXSWLRQ RI WKH VWUHDP EHG Alberta (Berry 1994, Nelson and Paetz 1992). high water temperatures, freezing, and the loss Bull trout display non-migratory (i.e., resident; of pools and cover (Cross and Everest 1997). see glossary, Appendix 1) and migratory (i.e., This includes streams with stable channels DGÀXYLDOÀXYLDODQGDQDGURPRXVVHHJORVVDU\ DQG ÀRZV ORZ SURSRUWLRQV RI ¿QH VHGLPHQW Appendix 1) life history strategies that have available cover, suitable water temperatures, enabled a wide distribution. and open migratory corridors (Haas 2001, McCart 1997, Watson and Hillman 1997). Despite being widely distributed in western Watershed size and stream width appear to North America, bull trout are no longer be important factors because they provide a abundant, and populations have been declining connection between populations as sources of for the last century (Montana Bull Trout recolonization in the event of local extinction Restoration Team [MBTRT] 2000, Rieman et (Dunham and Rieman 1999, Rieman and al. 1997). This decline is generally attributed McIntyre 1995, Rieman and McIntyre 1996). WR KXPDQ LPSDFWV RQ ¿VK SRSXODWLRQV DQG Habitat diversity and connectivity allow for the their habitat. Past management practices, expression of all types of life history strategies, including bull trout eradication, contributed to and the persistence of the species (Rieman and this decline (Colpitts 1997). During the 1920s, Clayton 1997). bull trout had a reputation as piscivorous, “junk ¿VK´DQGZHUHFXOOHGLQDQDWWHPSWWRLQFUHDVH Water temperature and groundwater input are SRSXODWLRQV RI ³QREOHU VSHFLHV´ VXFK DV WKH critical habitat characteristics that limit the introduced rainbow, brook, and brown trout migration, spawning, and incubation periods of (Colpitts 1997). In November 1999, the bull bull trout. Bull trout are believed to be among trout was recognized as a 7KUHDWHQHG species WKH PRVW WKHUPDOO\ VHQVLWLYH ¿VK VSHFLHV LQ throughout its range in the United States (lower cold water habitats in western North America 48 states) under the (QGDQJHUHG 6SHFLHV $FW (Dunham et al. 2003b, Selong et al. 2001); (Haas 2001, Lohr et al. 2001, MBTRT 2000, temperature limits the southern and eastern United States Fish and Wildlife Service 2003), boundaries of bull trout distribution (Dunham and is considered a 6SHFLHVRI6SHFLDO&RQFHUQ et al. 2003b, MBTRT 2000). Bull trout are in Alberta (Fish and Wildlife 2008). generally found in mountain streams with maximum water temperatures below 18°C (Berry 1994). Optimal habitat appears to be  6HH $SSHQGL[  IRU GH¿QLWLRQV RI VHOHFWHG VWDWXV below or at 15°C, with the highest densities designations. occurring at temperatures below or between

1 12°C and 13°C (Dunham et al. 2003b, Haas requires appropriate gravel composition, 2001, McCart 1997, Montana Bull Trout permeability, water temperature and surface 6FLHQWL¿F*URXS>0%76*@  ÀRZ FRQGLWLRQV  ,Q JHQHUDO WKH SURSRUWLRQ of sediment smaller than 6.35 mm should not 1. Spawning and Rearing - Bull trout typically H[FHHG±GXULQJLQFXEDWLRQ 0%76* VSDZQ LQ DUHDV LQÀXHQFHG E\ JURXQGZDWHU 1998); however, Fairless et al. (1994), found upwelling (Allan 1980, Baxter and Hauer 2000, that survival was not related to the proportion Berry 1994, James and Sexauer 1997). They of sediment of this size. spawn in autumn, but their eggs overwinter and hatch in the springtime. This spawning The young-of-the-year (YOY) bull trout VWUDWHJ\UHTXLUHVDVSHFL¿FWHPSHUDWXUHUDQJH emerge in the spring seeking stream margins that prevents eggs from freezing and from with heterogeneous structure, low velocity pre-mature hatching. This narrow range of backwaters, and side channels (Cross and acceptable incubation temperatures restricts (YHUHVW  0%76*  0F3KDLO DQG bull trout spawning areas to very limited Murray 1979). The YOY have been documented KDELWDWV  $ W\SLFDO VLWH LQFOXGHV VLJQL¿FDQW RYHUZLQWHULQJLQWKHLQWHUVWLWLDOVXEVXUIDFHÀRZ sources of continuously upwelling groundwater within and upstream of the spawning area, (i.e., springs) (Fraley and Shepard 1989; even under no visible surface water (Boag and Baxter and Hauer 2000). In the Hvenegaard 1997). watershed, Baxter and McPhail (1999) found that overwinter temperatures at bull trout Pool-and-run habitats with cobble and boulder incubation sites were slightly warmer than substrates are preferred by juvenile bull trout at non-incubation sites. They also showed a (Mushens 2003), which exhibit a strong VLJQL¿FDQW LQFUHDVH LQ DOHYLQ VHH JORVVDU\ preference for low water velocity (Earle and Appendix 1) survival at these selected sites (M. McKenzie 2001). As they grow, bull trout seek Sullivan pers. comm.). out deeper pools often associated with large woody debris in lower tributary reaches (Connor Within areas of groundwater upwelling, et al. 1997, Cross and Everest 1997, Earle and bull trout select localized areas of strong 0F.HQ]LH0%76*0F3KDLODQG GRZQZHOOLQJ DQG KLJK LQWUDJUDYHO ÀRZV Murray 1979, Ratcliff et al. 1996). Avoidance (Baxter and Hauer 2000) over coarse substrates of predation (including cannibalization) and ZLWK ORZ OHYHOV RI ¿QH VHGLPHQW  7KHVH FRPSHWLWLRQJUHDWO\LQÀXHQFHMXYHQLOHEXOOWURXW characteristics increase substrate permeability GLVWULEXWLRQ (DUOHDQG0F.HQ]LH*RHW] allowing aeration of the eggs (Berry 1994, 1997a, Mushens 2003, Sexauer and James MBTRT 2000) and are typically found at the 1997). Preferred habitats provide easy access to WDLORXWVRISRROVIRUPHGDWWKHKHDGVRIULIÀHV higher velocity waters with abundant food, but (Baxter and Hauer 2000). In addition to its still provide velocity breaks that require lower moderation of the thermal regime, groundwater energy expenditure to maintain their position prevents the formation of frazil and anchor ice within the stream (Baxter and McPhail 1997, (see glossary, Appendix 1), which can scour Connor et al. 1997, Earle and McKenzie 2001, or disturb the substrate, compromising egg MBTRT 2000). Shade levels, undercut banks, viability (Baxter and Hauer 2000, Fairless et large woody debris volume and pieces, substrate DO0%76* 3UHIHUUHGVSDZQLQJ FRPSRVLWLRQLQULIÀHVDQGEDQNVWDELOLW\DUHDOO substrate is gravel-cobble (16 mm – 64 mm good predictors of juvenile bull trout presence GLDPHWHU  ZLWK OHVV WKDQ  ¿QH VHGLPHQW (Dambacher and Jones 1997). (<1.0 mm) (James and Sexauer 1997, McPhail and Murray 1979). Successful incubation

2 Juvenile bull trout often seek concealment &RQQRU HW DO  0%757  0%76* during the day in the low-velocity areas under 1998). Adult bull trout tend to use the pelagic cobbles, and at night move out further from area (see glossary, Appendix 1) more often in cover to feed in runs, channel margins and the spring and fall, and use the littoral zone (see EDFNZDWHUDUHDVRIULIÀHV %D[WHUDQG0F3KDLO glossary, Appendix 1) for foraging excursions  *RHW] D 0XVKHQV  6H[DXHU 0%76*   $GÀXYLDO EXOO WURXW PRVWO\ and James 1997, Thurow 1997). Juveniles rest on the bottom during the day and activity PD\ H[KLELW ¿GHOLW\ IRU VSHFL¿F GD\WLPH peaks at night, especially on moonless nights refuges, with median diel (see glossary, (Connor et al. 1997). As with juvenile bull Appendix 1) movements measured in the trout, consideration of this variable habitat use tens of metres (Mushens 2003). Juvenile bull is important in selecting sampling locations trout also use different habitats seasonally. and techniques. Although juveniles select low velocity areas in all seasons, the selection of water depth and CONSERVATION BIOLOGY substrate varies between seasons (Sexauer and James 1997). Overhead cover, deep stable ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ - Bull trout is a char species water, low velocities, and lack of anchor ice native to Alberta and western North America, appear to be important winter habitat criteria and is a member of the family Salmonidae. Bull (Thurow 1997). Diel and seasonal differences WURXW ZDV ¿UVW GHVFULEHG DV D GLVWLQFW VSHFLHV LQ KDELWDW XVH PD\ DIIHFW WKH GHQVLW\ RI ¿VK from Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) in 1978 in sampling locations and the effectiveness (Cavendar 1978), and this was morphologically of various techniques used to determine the FRQ¿UPHGLQ +DDVDQG0F3KDLO  distribution and abundance of bull trout. %XOO WURXW DUH ORQJ VOHQGHU ¿VK ZLWK D 2. Adults - The habitat used by adult bull comparatively large head and jaws from which trout, similar to that of juveniles, is related to WKH QDPH ³EXOO´ RULJLQDWHG  7KH\ DUH ROLYH selection of low-velocity areas that provide green to blue-grey in appearance, although the appropriate temperature, protective cover, ODNHGZHOOLQJ¿VKPD\KDYHVLOYHU\VLGHV %HUU\ access to forage and an ice-free refuge in the 1994, Nelson and Paetz 1992). They have ZLQWHU  'XULQJ WKH VXPPHU ÀXYLDO DGXOWV pale, yellow-orange round spots along their are strongly associated with pools (Clayton sides and backs. This distinguishes them from 1999, Popowich 2005). Bull trout may seek true trout species (i.e., rainbow [Oncorhynchus out groundwater as it provides a thermal mykiss], cutthroat [O. clarkii], and brown UHIXJHLQERWKWKHVXPPHUDQGZLQWHU *RHW] trout [6DOPR WUXWWD]), which have dark spots, E 0%76*    %XOO WURXW DSSHDU WR and brook trout [6DOYHOLQXVIRQWLQDOLV], a char return to the same overwintering habitat with species with distinct, light-coloured, worm-like KLJK ¿GHOLW\ RQFH WKH\ KDYH FRPSOHWHG WKHLU markings on top of the head, back and dorsal VSDZQLQJ PLJUDWLRQV %HUU\  0%76* ¿Q $QRQ\PRXV1HOVRQDQG3DHW]  1998 , McLeod and Clayton 1997). Overhead %XOOWURXWDUHRIWHQLGHQWL¿HGE\WKHDEVHQFHRI or instream cover appear to be other important EODFNVSRWVRQWKHGRUVDO¿QZKLFKDUHSUHVHQW components of overwintering habitat (Rhude on other char and trout found in Alberta (Berry and Rhem 1995). 1994). They usually have pale bellies, which may turn red or orange in spawning males $GÀXYLDO SRSXODWLRQV XVH D GLYHUVLW\ RI ODNH (Berry 1994, Nelson and Paetz 1992). Their habitats, depending upon life stage. However, WDLO ¿Q LV RQO\ VOLJKWO\ IRUNHG DQG SHOYLF RU they are more abundant in the deeper sections DQDO¿QVPD\KDYHDZKLWHOHDGLQJHGJHEXW of the lake where water temperatures are lower this is not followed by black as in brook trout

3 (Anonymous 1994, Nelson and Paetz 1992). some form of reproductive isolation or natural Bull trout larvae may be distinguished from selection exists between the species (Baxter et other larval char by the presence of a prominent al. 1997, Haas and McPhail 1991, Hagen and ÀHVK\ULGJHXQGHUQHDWKWKHFKLQ *RXOG  Taylor 2001, Taylor et al. 2001).

Bull trout are distinguished from Dolly Varden Morphologically, bull trout are distinguished both geographically and morphologically. In from Dolly Varden by a number of Alberta, the non-native Dolly Varden are only characteristics (Figure 1). In bull trout, the found in ( distance from the centre of the eye to the top Drainage), where bull trout do not occur of the head is less than the distance from the (Nelson and Paetz 1992). Dolly Varden are centre of the eye to the nostril. These distances commonly found in streams and lakes along are more equal in Dolly Varden. The head of the west coast of Canada and the northwestern the bull trout is broader in dorsal and anterior 8QLWHG6WDWHVDQGDUHPRVWO\DQDGURPRXV¿VK views as opposed to the more compressed (Berry 1994, Nelson and Paetz 1992). There appearance of the Dolly Varden head. Bull trout are locations where these two species live in have stout gillrakers with strong teeth on the sympatry (see glossary, Appendix 1); however, inner margin, whereas Dolly Varden have long they maintain two distinct gene pools despite gillrakers that lack teeth on the inner margin genetic evidence indicating that ancient (Nelson and Paetz 1992). Morphometric introgression and more recent production of LGHQWL¿FDWLRQSURWRFROLVGLVFXVVHGLQ+DDVDQG viable hybrids has occurred. This suggests that McPhail (1991). Haas et al. (2001) found that

Figure 1. Composite drawings of Dolly Varden (top) and bull trout (bottom). Drawings were done by Karen Klitz. Extracted from Haas and McPhail (1991).

4 WKHFXUUHQWPLVLGHQWL¿FDWLRQUDWHLVTXLWHKLJK populations achieve greater sizes at maturity HYHQ DPRQJ ¿VK ELRORJLVWV ZLWK XS WR KDOI because they live as adults/subadults in more RI WKH EXOO WURXW EHLQJ PLVLGHQWL¿HG ZKHUHDV productive environments. The average length only a small proportion of Dolly Varden are DW PDWXULW\ LQ D ÀXYLDO SRSXODWLRQ LV JUHDWHU PLVLGHQWL¿HG than400 mm (1050 g), ranging from 240 mm to 730 mm (Allan 1980, Brewin 1994a, Clayton Bull trout hybridize with brook trout in Alberta 1999, Hvenegaard and Thera 2001, Rhude and (Earle et al. 2007, Nelson and Paetz 1992). 5KHP 7KHERG\VL]HRIDGÀXYLDOEXOO External characteristics that have proven WURXWLVJHQHUDOO\ODUJHUWKDQWKDWRIÀXYLDOEXOO HIIHFWLYH IRU ¿HOG LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ RI SRWHQWLDO WURXW  7KH DYHUDJH ERG\ OHQJWK RI DGXOW ¿VK brook trout hybrids from a sympatric population in these populations is typically greater than in Quirk Creek (Elbow River drainage) include 400 mm, with a range of 330 mm – 900+ mm the presence of pale spots or faint black  J ±  J  +HUPDQ  0%76* PDUNLQJV RQ WKH GRUVDO ¿Q DQG IDLQW ZRUP 1998, Mushens et al. 2003, Ratcliff et al. 1996, like markings on the dorsal surface (Earle et Rieman and McIntyre 1996). al. 2007). Based on external characteristics alone, Fredenberg et al. (2007) were over 96% Fecundity (see glossary, Appendix 1) is accurate in identifying the two parental species proportional to body size, with small resident and their hybrids; hybrids were found to exhibit females producing 500 eggs, and large patterns of marking, coloration and body shape migratory females producing 2000 – 5000 eggs intermediate between the two species. (Berry 1994, McPhail and Murray 1979). Egg size ranges from 4.8 mm – 6.2 mm in diameter  /LIH +LVWRU\ - There are three life history (Allan 1980, McPhail and Murray 1979). strategies expressed by bull trout in Alberta: Quantitative relationships between body size VWUHDP UHVLGHQW ÀXYLDO DQG DGÀXYLDO %HUU\ DQGIHFXQGLW\DUHDYDLODEOHLQ*RHW]  DQG 1994, Fitch 1997, James and Sexauer 1997, Johnston and Post (2009). MBTRT 2000, McCart 1997, Rieman and Clayton 1997, Rieman and Myers 1997). Bull The timing and extent of spawning migrations trout usually reach sexual maturity between vary substantially among populations of bull ¿YHDQGVHYHQ\HDUVRIDJHZLWKDQH[WUHPH trout. Timing is thought to be triggered by a range of between three and eight years of age hierarchy of environmental cues, including (Allan 1980, Berry 1994, Connor et al. 1997, changes in river discharge and water Herman 1997, McCart 1997, Mushens et al. temperature (Monnot et al. 2008, Mushens 2003, Mogen and Kaeding 2005, Ratcliff et 2003, Popowich and Paul 2006). Monnot et al. 1996, Rieman and McIntyre 1996). In two al. (2008) found the downstream migration rate ÀXYLDOSRSXODWLRQVPDOHVZHUHIRXQGWRPDWXUH of bull trout was negatively related to stream earlier than females (Allan 1980, McCart discharge and more rapid and less variable for 1997). In contrast, Johnston and Post (2009) ODUJHU ¿VK  %XOO WURXW EHJLQ WKHLU PLJUDWLRQ IRXQGWKDWIHPDOHVPDWXUHG¿UVWLQDQDGÀXYLDO between late May and August, depending population. on the distances to be travelled (Allan 1980, Bellerud et al. 1997, Burrows et al. 2001, The body size of bull trout at maturity varies Clayton 1998, Fontana et al. 2008, Hvenegaard substantially among life history strategies. The and Fairless 1998, Hvenegaard and Thera average size at maturity for a resident population 2001, McLeod and Clayton 1997, McPhail is 250 mm (fork length; reported throughout) and Murray 1979, Westover 1999). Migratory with a range of 150 mm – 300 mm (Bellerud et PRYHPHQWVJHQHUDOO\RFFXUDWQLJKW 0%76* al. 1997, Earle and McKenzie 2001). Migratory 1998, McPhail and Murray 1979, Mushens et

5 al. 2003, Ratcliff et al. 1996). Younger bull gametes and migrate, leading to skipping of WURXW PD\ HQWHU WKH FUHHN ¿UVW ¿QLVK JDPHWH reproductive events. This behaviour may bias development upstream, and spawn at the same population estimates that are developed from WLPHDVROGHU¿VKWKDWHQWHUHGWKHWULEXWDU\DW surveys targeting spawning individuals that are a later date but ready to spawn (Herman 1997, performed on an annual basis. McPhail and Murray 1979, Mushens et al. 2003). Resident populations typically migrate Bull trout eggs incubate in the gravel and hatch only short distances for spawning, rearing, from March to April (Allan 1980, Baxter and and overwintering habitat. In contrast, some McPhail 1997, Berry 1994, MBTRT 2000). The populations of migratory adults must travel incubation period is temperature dependent, extensive distances (250 km) to their spawning varying between 100 and 200 days in the grounds (Allan 1980, Burrows et al. 2001, wild (Allan 1980, Berry 1994). Eggs require MBTRT 2000, McLeod and Clayton 1997). temperatures less than 8°C to survive, and have an inter-gravel incubation optimum of 2°C – Spawning occurs from mid-August to late ƒ& %HUU\)DLUOHVVHWDO0%76* October (Allan 1980, Bellerud et al. 1997, 1998). Fredenberg et al. (1995) found that bull Berry 1994, Brewin 1994b, Hvenegaard and trout eggs incubated in a hatchery at an average Fairless 1998, MBTRT 2000, McPhail and RIÛ&DFKLHYHGDKDWFKUDWHLQGD\V Murray 1979, Mushens et al. 2003, Ratcliff et but took only 75 days to achieve a 50% hatch al. 1996, Rieman and McIntyre 1996, Rieman rate when average incubation temperature and Myers 1997, Westover 1999). In general, ZDV LQFUHDVHG WR Û&  +LJK WHPSHUDWXUHV EXOO WURXW GLVSOD\ D KLJK ¿GHOLW\ WR VSDZQLQJ (>8°C) and resulting low dissolved oxygen areas; however, there is some evidence of levels increase the rate of yolk absorption and switching locations, at least within localized decrease the size of fry. This suggests that bull areas (McPhail and Murray 1979, Mogen and WURXWKDYHDFROGZDWHUDGDSWDWLRQ *LOHVDQG Kaeding 2005, Rhude and Rhem 1995, Warnock Van der Zweep 1996, McPhail and Murray 2008). There is also strong evidence that bull 1979). The low temperatures typical of bull trout may display alternate-year spawning or trout habitat may lead to lower growth rates resting periods between consecutive spawning when compared with other salmonids; however, events, with 20% or less of the population lower temperatures do discourage the invasion spawning annually (Hvenegaard and Fairless of other species with higher temperature 1998, Hvenegaard and Thera 2001, Johnston requirements and prevent competitive exclusion and Post 2009, Popowich and Paul 2006, (MBTRT 2000). Rhude and Rhem 1995). Johnston and Post (2009) found that the proportion of bull trout While in the gravel, bull trout eggs and embryos in Lower Kananaskis Lake spawning annually DUH DW ULVN IURP GHSRVLWLRQ DQG LQ¿OWUDWLRQ RI declined with increasing density (i.e., density- ¿QH VHGLPHQW FKDQJHV LQ ZDWHU TXDOLW\ UHGG dependent repeat spawning). Within a three- (see glossary, Appendix 1) superimposition, year interval, less than 20% of females and 60% disturbance by wading mammals and stream of males were non-repetitive spawners when EHGVFRXUDQG¿OO 'H9ULHV 'HSWKDQG DGXOWGHQVLW\ZDVORZ a¿VKRU¿VKKD  ORFDWLRQRIHJJEXULDOLQÀXHQFHVWKHLUVXUYLYDO Proportions of non-repeat spawners increased /DUJHU¿VKW\SLFDOO\EXU\HJJVGHHSHU 'H9ULHV to greater than 40% of females and 80% of 1997) and use larger substrates toward the centre PDOHVUHVSHFWLYHO\DWKLJKGHQVLW\ a¿VK of the channel when spawning, presumably RU¿VKKD ,WLVOLNHO\WKDWLQFROGHUDQGOHVV UHGXFLQJWKHLPSDFWRIORZÀRZV %HUU\ productive systems it takes more than one season 0%76*   DQG IUHH]LQJ )DLUOHVV HW DO to accumulate the energy necessary to produce 1994) on the developing eggs. Successful

6 incubation of bull trout eggs in some streams may limit juvenile recruitment into adult may be contingent upon the maintenance cohorts. of relatively large female spawners in the population.  *URZWK DQG )HHGLQJ - Bull trout are opportunistic foragers that feed on a diversity At emergence, fry range in length from 21 mm of vertebrate and invertebrate prey (Boag to 33 mm (Allan 1980, Ratcliff et al. 1996, *XQFNHO0%76*0XVKHQV Reiser et al. 1997). Fry grow rapidly, and in et al. 2003, Popowich 2005, Wilhelm et al. a favourable environment may gain 40 mm 1999), selecting for larger-bodied prey items LQ WKHLU ¿UVW VXPPHU 0F3KDLO DQG 0XUUD\ ZKHQDYDLODEOH *XQFNHO:LOKHOPHWDO 1979). There appears to be a downstream 1999). The low productivity and temperatures migration of YOY shortly after emergence common in rearing habitat often result in a in the spring to lower velocity areas or lakes low growth rate for juveniles on an insect diet (Allan 1980, Bellerud et al. 1997, Connor et (Berry 1994). Once juveniles reach 100 mm – al. 1997, McPhail and Murray 1979, Reiser et PPLQOHQJWKWKH\PD\DOVRHDWVPDOO¿VK al. 1997). Unfortunately, little is known about including cannibalistic consumption of bull the movements of YOY and small juveniles, WURXW *RHW]D0%76* -XYHQLOH in part because they are too small to catch growth rates increase substantially when they effectively with traditional sampling gear such HQWHUULYHUVDQGODNHVZKHUHSUH\¿VKDUHPRUH DVHOHFWUR¿VKLQJDQGDQJOLQJ abundant (MBTRT 2000, Mogen and Kaeding 2005, Mushens et al. 2003). Migration of juvenile bull trout may be more extensive than commonly assumed. Through Prey availability, a function of the habitats genetic analyses, Warnock (2008) estimated occupied by different life histories, is one reason a mean movement of juvenile bull trout from resident bull trout are substantially smaller than their population-of-origin of 17.1 km (range ÀXYLDO¿VKZKLFKLQWXUQW\SLFDOO\H[SHULHQFH 3.7 km – 35.6 km) in the upper ORZHU JURZWK UDWHV WKDQ ¿VK LQ DGÀXYLDO drainage. The timing of migration of juveniles populations (Berry 1994, Ratcliff et al. 1996). to rivers and lakes appears to be highly variable Documentation of bull trout growth rate in among systems. Fish range from one to four Alberta is rare. Fish in the Kakwa River basin years old (60 mm – 300 mm in length) when grew an estimated 30 mm per year (Hvenegaard they migrate to these environments (Baxter DQG )DLUOHVV    *URZWK RI ¿VK LQ 3LQWR and McPhail 1997, Brewin 1994b, MBTRT /DNHZKHUHEXOOWURXWZHUHWKHRQO\¿VKVSHFLHV 2000, McPhail and Murray 1979, Mogen and present, was 10 mm per year (Herman 1997). Kaeding 2005, Mushens 2003, Ratcliff et al. Johnston and Post (2009) found that growth 1996, Reiser et al. 1997, Rieman and Myers of adult bull trout in Lower Kananaskis Lake 1997, Sexauer and James 1997, Stelfox 1997). ZDV LQYHUVHO\ UHODWHG WR DEXQGDQFH DQG ¿VK Often the migratory movement occurs in the length. Females also grew slower than males, fall (Bellerud et al. 1997, McPhail and Murray DQGODUJHU¿VKDSSURDFKHG]HURJURZWKDWKLJK 1979, Mushens 2003, Reiser et al. 1997). This GHQVLW\ a¿VKKD 0RGHOVGHVFULELQJWKHVH timing may reduce the risk of predation from relationships are available in Johnston and Post adults migrating upstream, and provide a chance (2009). Bull trout in Alberta streams appear to to exploit higher quality food resources at lower grow approximately 30 mm – 40 mm per year risk while adults are involved in their spawning LQWKH¿UVWVHYHUDO\HDUVRIWKHLUOLIH 3DXOHWDO migration (Mushens 2003). This information 2000, Paul et al. 2003). The large difference is important for industrial development timing in growth rates among life history types and windows, as in-stream construction activities populations has important implications for bull trout management. 7 Stream-dwelling bull trout feed primarily several ancestral populations can be found on invertebrates drifting in the water column LQ $OEHUWD¶V GUDLQDJHV DQG WKDW WKHVH ¿VK *XQFNHO EXWDOVRIRUDJHDWWKHZDWHU¶V interbred while recolonization was occurring surface and on the streambed (Berry 1994, (Thomas et al. 2001). These populations have *XQFNHO1DNDQRHWDO %XOOWURXW become more isolated since then, resulting RIWHQ PDLQWDLQ UHODWLYHO\ ¿[HG SRVLWLRQV LQ in the development of genetically distinct low velocity (~10 cm/s) areas of the stream, SRSXODWLRQV  5DQGRP DPSOL¿HG SRO\PRUSKLF with brief forays into faster water to forage. '1$SUR¿OHVLQGLFDWHWKDWSRSXODWLRQVLQHDFK However, they have also been observed to Alberta drainage are distinct (Peace, Athabasca, move constantly along the streambed picking North Saskatchewan, St. Mary, and South prey off the substrate (Nakano et al. 1992). Saskatchewan [Oldman and Bow]), as are Popowich (2005) found that adult bull trout in populations within each drainage (Thomas et the Elbow River, Alberta fed almost exclusively al. 2001). In the South Saskatchewan drainage, RQ¿VKLQFOXGLQJEURRNWURXWFXWWKURDWWURXW populations were found to be distinct in the PRXQWDLQ ZKLWH¿VK 3URVRSLXP ZLOOLDPVRQL) Belly, Waterton, Castle and Carbondale rivers. and rainbow trout (at similar proportions) In the Peace system, populations were found to and, to a lesser extent, on juvenile bull trout. be less distinct (lower genetic distance between $GÀXYLDO SRSXODWLRQV DUH ERWWRPRULHQWHG them) (Thomas et al. 2001). seeking cooler depths and making intermittent foraging trips into the littoral zone (Connor Historically, bull trout were more widely HW DO  0%76*    7KHVH ¿VK DUH distributed in Alberta than they are today primarily piscivorous, although their diet may (Figure 2). Most populations are currently also include insect larvae and opossum shrimp found within the Rocky Mountain and Foothills (0\VLVUHOLFWD) (Berry 1994, Connor et al. 1997, natural regions, as well as a small portion of 0%76*0XVKHQVHWDO 6PDOOHU the Peace River Parkland and Dry Mixedwood ¿VK HDW PRVWO\ EHQWKRV DQG DPSKLSRGV IURP subregions (Alberta Natural Heritage the littoral and pelagic areas, whereas larger Information Centre 2005). Populations also EXOOWURXWVSHFLDOL]HRQ¿VK &RQQRUHWDO historically occurred in the Parkland and Mushens et al. 2003). Wilhelm et al. (1999) *UDVVODQGQDWXUDOUHJLRQV %HUU\ %XOO IRXQGWKDW¿VKLQ+DUULVRQ/DNHDVPDOODOSLQH trout are thought to have once occurred as far lake in Banff National Park containing only downstream in the Peace River as the Slave bull trout, fed primarily on chironomid pupae River, as far east as Lethbridge in the Oldman DQG DPSKLSRGV  5HFRYHU\ RI VRPH ÀXYLDO River, as far east as Morrin in the Red Deer DQG DGÀXYLDO EXOO WURXW SRSXODWLRQV PD\ EH River, and were common in the Edmonton area contingent upon the availability and abundance of the until the 1930s RISUH\¿VKVSHFLHV (Berry 1994, Brewin and Brewin 1997, Fitch 1997, McCart 1997, Nelson and Paetz 1992). DISTRIBUTION Anecdotal information and limited historical records suggest a large decline in distribution 1. Alberta - Bull trout colonized Alberta after and abundance in all systems since the early the last glaciation approximately 13 000 1900s (see Appendix 3) (Allan 1980, Brewin years ago (Nelson and Paetz 1992). This 1994a and 1994b, Hvenegaard and Thera 2001, species appears to have originated from two McCart 1997, Rhude and Stelfox 1997). to four glacial refugia, which were located in the east, west, and north (Nelson and Paetz In the 1990s, bull trout were estimated to 1992, McCart 1997, Thomas et al. 2001). occupy some 20 000 km of stream habitat, and *HQHWLF GDWD VXJJHVW WKDW GHVFHQGHQWV IURP 12 000 ha of lake habitat in 24 lakes within

8 Figure 2. Historical and current distribution of bull trout in Alberta. Extracted from Brewin and Brewin (1997) and Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (in prep.).

9 Alberta (Berry 1994). They are generally 1991), bull trout were recently reported from FRQ¿QHG WR WKH XSVWUHDP UHDFKHV RI PDMRU the Mackenzie River (64°N) in the central river systems in the eastern slopes of Alberta Northwest Territories (Reist et al. 2002). (Peace, Athabasca, North Saskatchewan, Red Deer, Bow, and Oldman rivers). However, In northwestern British Columbia, the species they do occur further from the mountains in the does not extend to the coast; however, in the Peace and Athabasca drainages, but in lower Puget Sound area, Washington, and the Fraser abundance (Figure 2) (Berry 1994). River, British Columbia, bull trout do reach the coast (Haas and McPhail 1991). Bull During spawning, the area of occupancy (the trout commonly occur as far east as western area within the bull trout range that is occupied Montana and the headwaters of the South by the species) is restricted to concentrations Saskatchewan River in western Alberta (Haas of redds, which occur with limited distribution. and McPhail 1991) and have been reported as Using a 1 km x 1 km grid over the known far east as the Peace-Athabasca Delta (Nelson locations (n = 501) of concentrations of and Paetz 1992). Bull trout have been declining redds in Alberta, a 97 km2 area of occupancy throughout their global native range during the was calculated. Fish and Wildlife biologists last century, leading to local extinctions and estimate this area to contain only 10%–20% of the isolation of remnant populations (MBTRT WKHWRWDOQXPEHURIVLJQL¿FDQWFRQFHQWUDWLRQVRI 2000, Rieman and McIntyre 1995, Rieman et redds in the province (i.e., the actual number of al. 1997). spawning areas would be 5 to 10 times as many as those recorded). A liberal approach to this POPULATION SIZE AND TRENDS calculation means that the area of occupancy would be no more than 970 km2 (M. Sullivan 1. Alberta – Many bull trout populations have pers. comm.). The extent of occurrence, been declining in Alberta over the last century PHDVXUHGXVLQJ$UF*,6WRGHWHUPLQHWKHDUHDRI (Appendix 3). Most self-sustaining (see a minimum convex polygon that encompasses glossary, Appendix 1) bull trout populations bull trout occurrences in the province, is persist only in less-accessible headwater 131 890 km2. areas. A number of populations have been extirpated in the last half century, including  2WKHU $UHDV  *OREDOO\ EXOO WURXW DUH many populations in mountain lakes (Donald distributed throughout the western mountains and Stelfox 1997). Only remnant (see and foothills of Canada and the United States glossary, Appendix 1) populations have been (Figure 3). Historically, bull trout were located in and Waterton distributed as far south as California (41°N) Lakes National Park, and few self-sustaining (Haas and McPhail 1991) but have been populations occur in Banff National Park extirpated from California and Nevada, and the (Brewin and Brewin 1997). Declines in southern extent of their range is now the Oregon- population abundance have been more severe California border (42°N) (Haas and McPhail in southern areas of the province (Brewin 1991, MBTRT 2000, Rieman et al. 1997). The and Brewin 1997). In River, large southern limit of bull trout distribution appears decreases in bull trout stocks were reported as to be determined by temperature (Dunham et early as the late 1930s, and more recent studies al. 2003b, MBTRT 2000), and populations and creel surveys (see glossary, Appendix 1) appear to increase in abundance in northern KDYH FRQ¿UPHG D FRQWLQXLQJ GHFOLQH %UHZLQ parts of their range (Haas and McPhail 1991). 1994a). Today, bull trout are no longer present Known to occur as far north as the Yukon in large areas of the Oldman River drainage, River drainage (60-61°N) (Haas and McPhail and are self-sustaining in few rivers and streams


Figure 3. Distribution of bull trout in North America. Extracted from Rieman et al. (1997).

11 in the system (Brewin and Brewin PRGL¿FDWLRQRIWKH1DWXUDO+HULWDJH1HWZRUN 1997). Bull trout are no longer found in most ranking methodology using NatureServe areas of the Red Deer River system (Brewin Conservation Status Assessment Criteria. This and Brewin 1997). Bull trout were once model (described by Fredenberg et al. 2005) common in the North Saskatchewan River near ZDV¿UVWGHYHORSHGWRDVVHVVEXOOWURXWVWDWXV Edmonton, but have not been recorded there in the United States and includes ranking of since the late 1950s (Brewin 1994b). Declines individual core area (see glossary Appendix 1) in northern Alberta have been less drastic. population size, area of occupancy, short-term Most major tributary systems in the Athabasca trend, and the severity, scope and immediacy River drainage still support self-sustaining of threats to the core area. Individual core area populations; however, several populations have rankings are summarized in Appendix 3. A been extirpated (Brewin and Brewin 1997). WRWDORIFRUHDUHDVZHUHLGHQWL¿HGRIWKRVH Further north in the Smoky and Peace river 50 were ranked and one remained unranked systems, self-sustaining populations are more because of a lack of information. Of the 47 common (Brewin and Brewin 1997). ranked core areas known to currently support bull trout, 38 (81%) were categorized as “High The Fisheries Management Branch of Alberta 5LVN´RU³$W5LVN´RIH[WLUSDWLRQ VHHJORVVDU\ Sustainable Resource Development has Appendix 1; Figure 4). No core areas were reviewed existing bull trout population data as UDQNHG³/RZ5LVN´ VHHJORVVDU\$SSHQGL[ part of its update of the species management Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, plan. The review process was based upon a LQSUHS %XOOWURXWZHUHLGHQWL¿HGDVEHLQJ

  Figure 4.  &RQVHUYDWLRQUDQNLQJRIWKHEXOOWURXWFRUHDUHDVLGHQWL¿HGLQ$OEHUWDXVLQJDPRGL¿FDWLRQ of the Natural Heritage Network ranking methodology and NatureServe Conservation Status  Assessment Criteria. Core areas are arranged in ascending rank by river basin. Extracted from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (in prep.). See Appendix 3 for a summary of the population size, stream occupancy, short-term trend, and threats to each core area.

12 extirpated from three core areas: the Upper restrictive angling regulations, including a and Willow Creek (Oldman zero-bag-limit, were implemented in 1992, the River basin), and the Lower Bow River (Bow estimated adult population (based on number River basin). This is likely a conservative of adults caught in the trap) has increased estimate, since many bull trout stocks were almost 28-fold to over 1650 individuals by extirpated early in the last century before the 2000 (Johnston et al. 2007). Increased density relatively detailed information required to has resulted in delayed maturation and an LGHQWLI\FRUHDUHDVZDVDYDLODEOH,QVXI¿FLHQW increasing frequency of skipped reproductive information was available for ranking of the events in adults and the population is believed Upper Bow River core area (Alberta Sustainable to have reached its carrying capacity (Johnston Resource Development, in prep.). Only 18 of and Post 2009). the 47 core areas in which population trend could be assessed were considered to have a 2WKHU DGÀXYLDO SRSXODWLRQV DOVR DSSHDU WR EH stable or increasing bull trout population. In increasing as a result of more restrictive angling general, a preponderance of High Risk core regulations. In a 2004 survey, abundance of DUHDVZDVLGHQWL¿HGLQVRXWKHUQ$OEHUWD )LJXUH adult bull trout in Jacques Lake, a remote lake 5). Without detailed genetic information, the in Jasper National Park, was estimated at 10.5 total number of distinct bull trout populations in ¿VKKD DQG WKH FDWFK LQFOXGHG ¿VK RI JUHDWHU $OEHUWDWRGD\LVGLI¿FXOWWRDVVHVVKRZHYHULWLV size than in any previous survey since 1942. not unreasonable to assume it is approximated Catch-and-release regulations for bull trout by the number of core area subpopulations (n = were implemented at Jacques Lake in 1995,   LGHQWL¿HG GXULQJ WKH SURYLQFLDO UHYLHZ and in 2003 the lake was closed to angling Based on extrapolation of density estimates (Sullivan et al. 2005). Bull trout abundance IURPVSHFL¿FKDELWDWVWRWKHDUHDRIDOORFFXSLHG in Pinto Lake, which was closed to angling in habitat within the province (excluding national 1989, increased from 56 spawning adults in parks), approximately 20 000 (range 15 000 1982, to 323 in 1993 (Herman 1997). Capture – 30 000) adult bull trout were estimated to methods changed between assessments; LQKDELW $OEHUWD¶V ODNHV DQG VWUHDPV $OEHUWD however, the method was standardized from Sustainable Resource Development, in prep.). 1988 (n = 158) onward. A follow-up survey The upper and lower bounds were derived from completed in 2004 indicated little change in bull the stated bounds of the initial estimate, or were trout abundance since the 1990s, although non- based on the criteria adapted from NatureServe native cutthroat trout had become established for the Bull Trout Conservation Ranking in the lake in the interim and evidence of illegal (Appendix 3; M. Sullivan pers. comm., Master angling activity was observed (S. Herman pers. et al. 2003). comm.). Implementation of catch-and-release regulations and closure of an access road is Long-term trend data for Alberta bull trout WKRXJKWWRKDYHUHVXOWHGLQD¿YHIROGLQFUHDVH populations are rare. The most comprehensive in bull trout abundance in Harrison Lake, a GDWDVHW ZDV FROOHFWHG IURP WKH DGÀXYLDO remote mountain lake in Banff National Park population of Lower Kananaskis Lake and (Parker et al. 2007). documents the potential productivity of a heavily exploited bull trout population given The impact of more restrictive angling adequate protection from angler harvest. Bull UHJXODWLRQVRQÀXYLDODQGUHVLGHQWSRSXODWLRQV WURXW GHFUHDVHG IURP  RI WKH UHVHUYRLU¶V is less consistent. No change in bull trout HQWLUH ¿VK SRSXODWLRQ LQ  WR  LQ  abundance in the Kakwa River is apparent (Stelfox 1997), and declined to only 60 since the 1995 provincial zero-bag-limit and spawning individuals by 1992 (Figure 6). Since SHUPDQHQWFORVXUHRI/\Q[DQG*UL]]O\FUHHNV

13 Figure 5. Spatial distribution of bull trout core areas in Alberta and their conservation ranking, based RQDPRGL¿FDWLRQRIWKH1DWXUDO+HULWDJH1HWZRUNUDQNLQJPHWKRGRORJ\DQG1DWXUH6HUYH Conservation Status Assessment Criteria. Extirpated core areas are not shown. Extracted from Alberta Sustainable Resource Development (ASRD) (in prep.). See Appendix 3 for a summary of the population size, stream occupancy, short-term trend, and threats to each core area.

14  Figure 6. Bull trout population trend in Lower Kananaskis Lake, 1990-2002. A zero-bag-limit for bull trout was introduced in 1992. Bars indicate the number of redds observed in Smith- Dorrien Creek. Points indicate the number of spawning adults moving upstream that were caught in a trap. Trapping commenced May-August and ended in October of each year. Adult abundance in 2001 is estimated (see Johnston et al. 2007 for explanation; F. Johnston, unpubl. data). in 1997 to protect spawning habitat. Bull in the Clearwater River has likely increased, trout abundance in a 32-kilometre study reach although changes to study design and the long of the river does not appear to have changed interval between assessments (>10 years) limit VLJQL¿FDQWO\VLQFH -RKQV)LJXUH  their usefulness as a time-series (Rodtka 2005). and no consistent trend in juvenile abundance Although too few bull trout were captured to is evident from a monitoring site in Lynx Creek calculate abundance estimates during previous (Figure 8). Mean size of Kakwa River bull assessments, estimated abundance of bull trout WURXW LQ WKH DQJOLQJ DQG HOHFWUR¿VKLQJ FDWFK PPRUODUJHUZDVEHWZHHQDQG¿VK also does not appear to have changed since km in the upper reaches of the river in 2004 1997 (Johns 2006; Figure 9). The number of (Rodtka 2005). Maximum size of bull trout in ODUJH •PP EXOOWURXWHQWHULQJ/\Q[&UHHN WKHHOHFWUR¿VKLQJFDWFKDOVRLQFUHDVHGDWWKHVH to spawn since 1995 has varied considerably reaches. The number of bull trout redds in with no apparent trend, although periodic DWSUHYLRXVO\LGHQWL¿HGVSDZQLQJUHDFKHV IDLOXUHRIWKHIHQFHXVHGIRU¿VKHQXPHUDWLRQ was comparable to the maximum number of makes interpretation of these data problematic redds observed during past surveys. Renewed (Hvenegaard and Thera 2001, Doran et al. spawning was observed in Cutoff Creek, 2003). a Clearwater River tributary that received marginal use since the 1970s, but is believed Studies performed in the 1970s, 1990s and to have supported a bull trout spawning run LQGLFDWHWKHÀXYLDOEXOOWURXWSRSXODWLRQ historically (Rodtka 2005). Nevertheless,

15 Figure 7. (VWLPDWHGEXOOWURXWDEXQGDQFH “FRQ¿GHQFHOLPLWV LQDNLORPHWUHUHDFKRIWKH upper Kakwa River in 1997, 2000, and 2006. Estimates were performed in late September XVLQJHOHFWUR¿VKLQJDQGDQJOLQJJHDU -RKQV 


16 Figure 9. Box plot of median (line), 25th and 75th percentile (box), 10th and 90th percentile (whiskers), DQGRXWOLHUVRIEXOOWURXWIRUNOHQJWKLQWKHFRPELQHGHOHFWUR¿VKLQJDQGDQJOLQJFDWFKIURP a 32-kilometre reach of the Kakwa River in late September 1997, 2000, and 2006 (T. Johns, unpubl. data). bull trout were still incidental (see glossary, RI ÀXYLDO EXOO WURXW UHGGV ZKLOH FRXQWV KDYH Appendix 1) in the catch at the lowermost river increased substantially in the site and were not captured in tributary streams from 51 in 1996 to 243 in 2006 (although the where they were known to occur historically length of the survey reach was shorter in 1996) (Rodtka 2005). Bull trout abundance in Elk (Popowich and Eisler 2008). Creek, a tributary to the Clearwater River, KDV ÀXFWXDWHG IURP DQ HVWLPDWHG  WURXWNP Despite over a quarter-century of progressively in 1966 to 13 trout/km in 1979 then increased restrictive angling regulations and nearly a following imposition of the zero-bag-limit in GHFDGH RI DFWLYH VXSSUHVVLRQ RI WKH VWUHDP¶V 1995 to 151 trout/km in 1998. The increase non-native brook trout population, the bull trout appears persistent as bull trout continue to be population in Quirk Creek, a tributary to the captured in comparable numbers at this index Elbow River, does not appear to be recovering. site a decade later (S. Herman pers. comm.). Restrictive angling regulations pertaining to The apparent increase in bull trout abundance bull trout include the following: imposition of LQ (ON &UHHN LV VLJQL¿FDQW DV WKH FUHHN LV DGDLO\EDJOLPLWIRUEXOOWURXWRULJLQDOO\¿YH paralleled by the Forestry Trunk Road for much in 1974, reduced to two in 1984; introduction of its length and is a popular destination for of a minimum size limit of 40 cm in 1987; the anglers; Elk Creek also contains populations province-wide zero-harvest regulation in 1995; of brook trout and brown trout. Periodic redd DQG¿QDOO\GHVLJQDWLRQRIWKHVWUHDPDVFDWFK surveys of the Elbow and Highwood rivers and-release only in 1998 (Paul et al. 2003). near Calgary indicate little change in numbers Commencing in 1998, brook trout removal

17 involved selective harvest of brook trout by current provincial population. Anecdotal anglers in designated reaches, but has since HYLGHQFH KDV WUDGLWLRQDOO\ EHHQ XVHG WR ¿OO expanded to allow harvest throughout the stream LQ WKH JDSV WKLV DSSURDFK PD\ KDYH VXI¿FHG DQGLQFOXGHVFDSWXUHXVLQJHOHFWUR¿VKLQJJHDU in the last century but will undoubtedly fail (Earle et al. 2007). Since the 1990s, bull trout to adequately inform bull trout conservation KDYHFRPSRVHGRUOHVVRIWKHHOHFWUR¿VKLQJ PHDVXUHV LQ WKH WZHQW\¿UVW FHQWXU\  )XUWKHU catch at two study reaches in the stream and complicating the matter are the broad natural WKHLUUHODWLYHDEXQGDQFHKDVÀXFWXDWHGZLGHO\ ÀXFWXDWLRQV LQ DEXQGDQFH H[KLELWHG E\ EXOO with no apparent trend (Figure 10). McCleary trout populations. This variability makes HW DO   IRXQG QR VLJQL¿FDQW GLIIHUHQFH assessment of population trends particularly LQ EXOO WURXW HOHFWUR¿VKLQJ FDWFK UDWHV GLI¿FXOWZKHQPRQLWRULQJVWXGLHVDUHSHUIRUPHG following implementation of catch-and-release on a 5- or 10-year rotation, as often occurs in regulations in three upper Alberta (Rodtka 2005). More than 10 years of drainage watersheds. consecutive data may be necessary to detect large population declines statistically (Al- Quantitative information on the abundance Chokhachy et al. 2009, Maxwell 1999, Rieman and distribution of bull trout over decades and Myers 1997). Little is known about bull LV YHU\ OLPLWHG PDNLQJ LW GLI¿FXOW WR DVVHVV trout population dynamics under relatively the extent of population declines, or even the unaltered conditions, although Eunice Creek in

Figure 10. 5HODWLYH DEXQGDQFH  VHFRQGV  RI EXOO WURXW LQ WKH HOHFWUR¿VKLQJ FDWFK DW WZR permanent sample sites established on Quirk Creek (Elbow River drainage), in August- September of 1995-2006. Upper site was not established until 1998; neither site was surveyed in 2001. Catch in 2005 at the upper site likely includes young brook trout x bull trout hybrids PLVLGHQWL¿HGDVEXOOWURXW([WUDFWHGIURP(DUOHHWDO  

18 the Athabasca River drainage is an exception. the factors limiting bull trout recovery are Eunice Creek was closed to angling in 1966 cumulative and scale-dependent. Ongoing and and protected from most development until recently completed monitoring and baseline 1985 (Hunt et al. 1997). Abundance of bull assessments that should provide useful data WURXWLQWKHFUHHNÀXFWXDWHGE\WZRRUGHUVRI for future bull trout status updates include magnitude in 15 years. The cyclical variation in work performed on the Wapiti, Simonette juvenile abundance observed in the population and Muskeg rivers (Peace River drainage); was attributed to competitive interactions and McLeod River (Athabasca River drainage); cannibalistic behaviour (Paul et al. 2000). North Saskatchewan River; Prairie, Canyon Quantitative information from a number of bull and Waiparous creeks (Bow River drainage); trout populations over a period of decades will and the Oldman and North Belly rivers (South be necessary for a comprehensive evaluation Saskatchewan River drainage). of current bull trout conservation measures, particularly in light of the array of factors  2WKHU$UHDV - Bull trout populations have implicated in their decline. However, the broad experienced declines in abundance in all areas conservation status in Alberta is clearly that of of their native range (Brewin 1994a and 1994b, populations at risk. Brewin and Brewin 1997, Earle and McKenzie 2001, Fitch 1997, McCart 1997, Rhude and If long-term data exist, they typically Stelfox 1997). Populations in British Columbia incorporate non-standardized sampling are considered vulnerable to declines because of WHFKQLTXHVPDNLQJFRPSDULVRQGLI¿FXOW%XOO their susceptibility to changes in habitat quality trout monitoring in Alberta has relied heavily (Pollard and Down 2001). In the northwestern RQ WKH XVH RI HOHFWUR¿VKLQJ JHDU WUDSSLQJ United States, more than 50% of populations and redd surveys to assess abundance at have declined in abundance, and only 6% of established index sites. Each capture method the bull trout populations are considered stable KDV LWV OLPLWDWLRQV  (OHFWUR¿VKLQJ JHDU LV or increasing (Lohr et al. 2001, MBTRT 2000, VL]H VHOHFWLYH DQG LWV HI¿FLHQF\ YDULHV ZLWK Rieman and Myers 1997). In the Columbia stream habitat characteristics (Peterson et al. River basin, it is estimated that strong bull 2004). Trapping migratory populations can trout populations are present in only 6% of be effective, although it is labor intensive and their potential range and 24% of potential trap avoidance and non-repetitive spawning spawning and rearing watersheds. Historical behaviour of bull trout may be problematic estimates are 12% and 44%, respectively, (Mushens et al. 2003). Redd surveys have which suggests that it is unlikely the whole been criticized for their low power to detect range was ever occupied at once (Rieman et al. bull trout population trends and should only be  2ILGHQWL¿HGEXOOWURXWFRUHDUHDV used for monitoring after a thorough evaluation in the conterminous United States, 43 (36%) of their potential limitations (Al-Chokhachy et were ranked highly vulnerable to extirpation, al. 2005, Dunham et al. 2001, Maxwell 1999, whereas only 4 (3%) were considered to have Rieman and Myers 1997). Day and night low risk of extirpation (Fredenberg et al. 2005). snorkel counts, are a cost-effective approach commonly used in other jurisdictions (Al- LIMITING FACTORS Chokhachy et al. 2009), but are rarely used in Alberta. In many cases the effectiveness and Many factors, both natural and human- sensitivity of bull trout monitoring index sites, induced, limit the distribution and abundance established for assessment of population health, of bull trout in Alberta (see Appendix 4 for an has not been determined. These relationships example). Although bull trout have evolved must be assessed, particularly as many of strategies to cope with many natural limiting

19 factors, human activities resulting in barriers only act as a physical barrier, but may also to migration, habitat fragmentation and DOWHURUZLWKKROGÀRZVIURPDUHDVWKDWPLJKW degradation, overharvest and the introduction RWKHUZLVHKDYHEHHQDFFHVVLEOH *RHW]E RI QRQQDWLYH ¿VK VSHFLHV DUH UHODWLYHO\ QHZ +DQVHQDQG'RV6DQWRV0%76*  DQGKDYHKDGDSURIRXQGLQÀXHQFHRQEXOOWURXW Irrigation canals may also have the same effect distribution and abundance in the last century. (Clayton 1998, Hansen and DosSantos 1997, 0%76*0F&DUW 7ZHQW\SHUFHQW  0LJUDWRU\ %DUULHUV - The construction of of mortality in the Belly and Waterton river roads throughout Alberta to service mining, drainages was attributed to entrainment (see logging and fossil fuel industries has resulted glossary, Appendix 1) in irrigation canals or in numerous blockages and hanging culverts, the blockage of upstream movement (Clayton which act as barriers to the migration of 1998). Migratory movements may also be bull trout (Brewin 1994b, Hunt et al. 1997, blocked by beavers, with their dams acting as 0%76*    )RU H[DPSOH DOWKRXJK URDG SK\VLFDO EDUULHUV DQG ZLWKKROGLQJ ÀRZ IURP GHQVLW\LQ$OEHUWD¶V.DNZD5LYHUZDWHUVKHGLV otherwise suitable habitat (Brewin 1994b, relatively low (0.21 km/km2) fully 57% of the McCart 1997, Rhude and Stelfox 1997). culvert crossings in the watershed are hanging, EORFNLQJ¿VKDFFHVVWRDQHVWLPDWHGNPRI +DELWDW'HJUDGDWLRQDQG)UDJPHQWDWLRQ- stream (Johns and Ernst 2007). In the same Human activities degrade bull trout habitat in watershed, bull trout occurrence was found to numerous ways. Activities such as residential be negatively related to road density (Ripley and industrial development, mining, grazing, et al. 2005). Scrimgeour et al. (2003) found a agriculture, irrigation, dams, road construction, similar negative relationship between bull trout and recreational development may all decrease presence and cumulative density of stream the stability and complexity of aquatic habitat crossings in the Simonette River watershed. 0%76*0F&DUW  Park et al. (2008) found that the occurrence of hanging culverts was positively associated with Mining, logging, agriculture, irrigation, dams culvert age and reach slope, suggesting that and recreational development often result even in the absence of new road construction, in the alteration of surface and groundwater fragmentation of bull trout stream habitat will ÀRZV 0%76* /RJJLQJFDQUHVXOWLQ continue to increase where existing culverts IDVWHU UXQRII HYHQWV DQG ÀRRGLQJ DV ZHOO DV are improperly maintained. Mining may also cause changes in the groundwater recharge and result in stream blockages from extraction of VHDVRQDOÀRZV %HUU\&URVVDQG(YHUHVW alluvial mineral deposits near streams (Earle 0%76*0F&DUW $OWKRXJK and McKenzie 2001). DUWL¿FLDO UHVHUYRLUV PD\ SURYLGH KDELWDW suitable for bull trout; however, where lake trout Dams block access to spawning and rearing (Salvelinus namaycush) are sympatric, habitat habitat by isolating tributaries from spawning changes associated with river impoundment adults and juveniles, as well as isolating typically lead to increased lake trout abundance SRSXODWLRQV *RHW] E +DQVHQ DQG and bull trout decline. For example, gill net 'RV6DQWRV0%76* 7KH2OGPDQ surveys of , a reservoir created 'DPKDVQRSURYLVLRQIRU¿VKSDVVDJHDQGEXOO in the 1970s after impoundment of the North trout congregate below the dam to attempt Saskatchewan River, indicate a steady decline VSDZQLQJ PLJUDWLRQ )HUQHW DQG 2¶1HLO in bull trout abundance. Once dominant, 1997). Fish captured below and then released bull trout are now rare in a catch dominated above the dam moved up the Castle River to by lake trout (R. Konynenbelt pers. comm.). VSDZQ )HUQHW DQG 2¶1HLO    'DPV QRW /DUJH ÀXFWXDWLRQV LQ ZDWHU ÀRZ PD\ DOWHU

20 patterns of habitat use by bull trout. In Lower Road construction, timber harvest, grazing, Kananaskis Lake, the surface area of the lake agriculture and recreational development all at draw-down is only 44% of the surface area potentially decrease canopy cover and cause when water levels are at bankfull level. This increased thermal loading of streams (Berry affects the presence and production of the 0%76*0F&DUW 5HPRYDO littoral zone within the reservoir, and causes of water and containment in dams and irrigation UHVXVSHQVLRQ RI VHGLPHQW GXULQJ ÀRRGLQJ structures also alters the thermal regime of bull *ROGHU$VVRFLDWHV /WG    6WDELOL]DWLRQ WURXW KDELWDW *RHW] E 0%76*   of water levels would likely increase bull trout The extirpation of bull trout in California production three-fold (J. Post, unpubl. data). is attributed to an increase in temperatures 6LPLODUO\ ÀRZ DOWHUDWLRQ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH as a result of dam construction (California operation of dams and irrigation diversions has 'HSDUWPHQWRI)LVKDQG*DPH 0LQLQJ the potential to reduce the quantity and quality irrigation, urban development, and agriculture RIGRZQVWUHDP¿VKKDELWDWDQGPD\KDYHEHHQ also have impacts on water quality, either DVLJQL¿FDQWIDFWRULQWKHGHFOLQHRIEXOOWURXW causing direct mortality or altering food supplies stocks in several Alberta rivers including the 0%76*  0F&DUW  0F/HRG DQG Kananaskis and Highwood rivers (Bow River Clayton 1997). Coal mining in west-central drainage), the North Saskatchewan River and Alberta has led to elevated levels of selenium the Peace River (A. Paul pers. comm.). in nearby streams containing bull trout. In high concentrations, selenium can increase rates of Logging, mining, road construction, grazing, GHIRUPLWLHV GXULQJ ¿VK GHYHORSPHQW WKHUHE\ agriculture, and recreational development may reducing recruitment, but its impact on bull trout cause sediment accumulation in bull trout waters VSHFL¿FDOO\KDVQRWEHHQDVVHVVHG 3DODFHHWDO %HUU\&URVVDQG(YHUHVW0%76* 2004). Loss of habitat complexity, increased 1998, McCart 1997). A study conducted on sediment load and increased temperatures may managed and unmanaged watersheds suggests DOVR RFFXU GXULQJ ZLOG¿UHV  +RZHYHU ¿UHV that sediment was carried from harvested forest tend to leave refugia, and may even enhance areas with a high density of roads and deposited the habitat by increasing large woody debris in the stream, thereby reducing the habitat DQGSRROV 0%76*5DWFOLIIHWDO  complexity and carrying capacity of the stream (Cross and Everest 1997). Ripley et al. (2005) Climate change is projected to lead to global found that the distribution and abundance of warming during this century, with annual mean bull trout in the Kakwa River watershed was warming of North America likely to exceed QHJDWLYHO\ UHODWHG WR WKH SHUFHQWDJH RI ¿QH global means in most areas (Christensen et al. substrate and sub-basin harvested, predicting 2007). Although individual model predictions the local extirpation of bull trout from 24% to vary, mean projected warming ranges between 43% of stream reaches over the next 20 years as 3ºC and 5ºC over most of the continent with a result of forest harvesting. The construction a resulting increase in winter and decrease of new, and destruction of old, beaver dams in summer precipitation in western regions may also increase sediment loads (Fairless et al. &KULVWHQVHQ HW DO    *LYHQ WKHLU FROG 1994). Increased sedimentation may increase water requirements for spawning and rearing, the mortality of incubating eggs and young, bull trout may be especially vulnerable to and alter the carrying capacity of the stream by climate change (Rieman et al. 2007). In one destroying suitable habitat (Cross and Everest simulation, predicted warming resulted in a loss 1997, Fairless et al. 1994). of 18% to 92% of thermally suitable habitat area over the next 50 years in the interior Columbia River basin (Rieman et al. 2007). Although no

21 comparable assessment has been performed in bull trout from other trout species in Alberta Alberta, the thermal and hydrological effects of (Norris et al. 2001). global warming are likely to interact with local or regional factors limiting bull trout abundance Bull trout are particularly susceptible to in the province, complicating recovery. exploitation. Compared to other freshwater VSRUW ¿VK WKH\ DUH VORZJURZLQJ ODWH WR  $QJOLQJ 3UHVVXUH DQG )LVKHULHV mature, and more vulnerable to angling because 0DQDJHPHQW3UDFWLFHV- Historically, bull trout of their opportunistic and aggressive foraging ZHUHFRQVLGHUHGDSLVFLYRURXV³MXQN´¿VKDQG behaviour, especially when bait is used (Berry active eradication plans were carried out in the 1994, Brewin 1994a, Paul et al. 2003, Post and 1920s (Colpitts 1997). Anglers would toss them Paul 2000, Post et al. 2003, Van Tighem 1997). in the bushes to rot (Van Tighem 1997), and As a result of their high vulnerability, bull trout during the depression they were overexploited populations are susceptible to overharvest even as an easy food source (Allan 1980). In the at low levels of angling effort (Paul et al. 2003, late 1960s, four lakes in the Athabasca river Post and Paul 2000, Post et al. 2003). Spawning drainage that contained bull trout were treated migrations may also involve staging periods ZLWKD¿VKWR[LFDQWURWHQRQH +XQWHWDO  at the mouths of tributaries, or aggregation Angler access to bull trout habitat in Alberta has beneath barriers to migratory movements also increased dramatically in the past 50 years, %HOOHUXGHWDO)HUQHWDQG2¶1HLO as access is developed to service the forestry, McCart 1997, Mushens et al. 2003, Ratcliff mining, and fossil fuel industries (Paul 2000, et al. 1996, Westover 1999). This behaviour, Post and Paul 2000, Rhude and Stelfox 1997, which can lead to concentrations of large bull Walty and Smith 1997). trout in relatively shallow, clear water, increases their vulnerability. Attitudes, management practices, and regulations have changed; however, bycatch In the 1950s, unrestricted anglers were catching DV D UHVXOW RI PLVLGHQWL¿FDWLRQ DQG LQ VRPH  ±  ¿VKGD\ LQ WKH &OHDUZDWHU GUDLQDJH cases, wilful poaching) is still a problem. It (Allan 1980). In a study done on the Athabasca is estimated that 5% of bull trout mortality River in 1992 and 1993, between17% and 22% in the Belly and Waterton rivers is a result of RIWDJJHG¿VKZHUHFDXJKWDQGNLOOHGE\DQJOHUV bycatch (Clayton 1998). In Montana, poaching (McLeod and Clayton 1997). Illegal angling rates through the summer were estimated at 5 activity is thought to have helped undermine EXOOWURXWGD\DQG¿VKZHHN /RQJ  recovery of bull trout in Osprey Lake in Jasper DQG LQ ,GDKR  ±  ¿VKKRXU 6FKLOO National Park (Parker et al. 2007). A decade et al. 2001). Considerable effort made in after implementation of the province-wide the 1990s to educate Alberta anglers on the zero-bag-limit, anglers in Alberta still reported identifying characteristics of bull trout has had keeping 255 bull trout (0.3% of the catch) in some success. In 1993, fully 29% and 68% D  UHFUHDWLRQDO ¿VKLQJ VXUYH\ OLNHO\ DQ of Trout Unlimited and licensed non-member under-representation of illegal harvest in the anglers, respectively, were unable to describe province (Park 2007). any characteristics distinguishing brook trout from bull trout, whereas only 10% and 44% (YHQ FDWFKDQGUHOHDVH ¿VKHULHV FDQ UHVXOW LQ of respondents failed in a survey completed bull trout mortality. Mortality from hooking in in 2000 (Norris et al. 2001). Nevertheless, the Belly and Waterton rivers was estimated to PLVLGHQWL¿FDWLRQUHPDLQVDQLVVXHZLWKRI be 5% (Clayton 1998). In the Wigwam River, anglers not knowing that the absence of spotting British Columbia, it was estimated that 64% of RQWKHGRUVDO¿QLVDNH\IHDWXUHGLVWLQJXLVKLQJ the bull trout spawning population was caught

22 before or after the event, and that a minimum of have similar spawning requirements, which RIWKHVH¿VKVXUYLYHGWKLVFDWFKDQGUHOHDVH results in competition for spawning habitat, and (Westover 1999). Accounting for reasonable the risk of hybridization (Berry 1994, Ratcliff estimates of catch-and-release mortality, illegal et al. 1996). It is generally assumed that these KDUYHVWDQG¿VKLQJHIIRUWEXOOWURXWSRSXODWLRQ hybrids are sterile (Berry 1994), although there DQG ¿VKHULHV PRGHO VLPXODWLRQV GHPRQVWUDWH has been some evidence that they are able to that many populations can not be sustained reproduce (Buktenica 1997). Brook trout without restrictive angling regulations (Post et also mature earlier than bull trout, allowing al. 2003). Reliable predictions of sustainable their populations to grow more rapidly and ¿VKLQJ SUHVVXUH DUH KDPSHUHG E\ XQFHUWDLQW\ enabling brook trout sneaking (see glossary, in estimates of juvenile growth, survival and Appendix 1) behaviour and hybridization, recruitment, bull trout catchability, rates of further limiting bull trout spawning success hooking mortality, and angler noncompliance (Bellerud et al. 1997, Paul 2000, Post and Paul LQEXOOWURXW¿VKHULHV 3RVWHWDO7KHUD 2000, Ratcliff et al. 1996). Donald and Stelfox et al. 2001). Nevertheless, although changes (1997) proposed that the introduction of other to these parameters may quantitatively change Salvelinus species results in the competitive model predictions, qualitative patterns remain exclusion of bull trout, while Oncorhynchus similar (Post et al. 2003). The presence of species allow for sympatry. Lake trout have RWKHU LQWURGXFHG VSRUW ¿VK PD\ LQFUHDVH WKH displaced bull trout from low elevation (<1500 mortality of bull trout because of the incidental m) lakes to which they have been introduced by-catch of bull trout by anglers targeting other in the (Donald and Alger trout species (McIntyre 1998, Paul et al. 2003, 1993, Fredenberg 2002). In the areas in Post and Paul 2000). southwestern Alberta where brook trout have been introduced, approximately 70% of the )LVK6SHFLHV,QWURGXFWLRQ - Introduction of native bull trout populations have been, or are VSRUW¿VKVSHFLHVWREXOOWURXWZDWHUVLQFOXGLQJ thought to have been, extirpated (Fitch 1997). non-native brown trout and brook trout, Brown trout did not cause extirpation in the one and transfer of native lake trout, has likely system where it was the sole introduced species contributed to the decline and extirpation of bull present, but extirpation did occur when brown trout populations in Alberta (Appendix 3) (Berry trout and brook trout were both present (Fitch 1994, Fitch 1997, McCart 1997). Introduction 1997). of Oncorhynchus species (i.e., cutthroat and rainbow trout) is thought to have had less Invasion of bull trout habitats by brook trout impact on bull trout populations. Competition may occur in pulses over a period of several may occur directly or indirectly, resulting in decades (Adams et al. 2002). Invasion success reduced growth and survival of bull trout or is thought to be moderated by environmental detrimental changes to the aquatic community. factors, including landscape structure, habitat The relatively slow growth, late maturity and VL]H VWUHDP ÀRZ KXPDQ LQÀXHQFHV DQG variable spawning frequency of bull trout WHPSHUDWXUH 'XQKDPHWDOD ,Q$OEHUWD¶V make them susceptible to competition with foothill watersheds the probability of bull trout QRQQDWLYH¿VKVSHFLHVUHVXOWLQJLQUHGXFWLRQV occurrence has been found to increase with in abundance and population viability (Berry elevation, but the probability of brook trout 1994, Hunt et al. 1997, McCart 1997). occurrence decreases (McCleary and Hassan 2008, Paul and Post 2001) and the brook Brown trout spawn later than bull trout and trout have preferentially moved downstream may disturb redds (Rhude and Stelfox 1997). of their original stocking locations (Paul and On the other hand, bull trout and brook trout Post 2001). Elevation is highly correlated

23 with temperature, and the low temperatures 1994a, Ratcliff et al. 1996, Rieman and associated with bull trout habitat may limit Allendorf 2001). The complex life history the invasion of other species with higher pattern of bull trout makes determination of temperature requirements, thereby preventing HIIHFWLYHSRSXODWLRQVL]HGLI¿FXOW8VLQJPRGHO competitive exclusion (MBTRT 2000, Rodtka simulations, Rieman and Allendorf (2001) and Volpe 2007). Displacement of bull trout determined that a population size of at least to these thermal refugia in headwater areas by 1000 breeding adult bull trout would maintain FRPSHWLWLRQ ZLWK LQWURGXFHG ¿VK VSHFLHV KDV JHQHWLFGLYHUVLW\LQGH¿QLWHO\DQGDWOHDVW likely occurred in Alberta (Donald and Alger adults are necessary to minimize the risks of 1993, Paul and Post 2001, Rodtka and Volpe inbreeding. However, bull trout populations 2007). However, water temperature alone as large as 1000 breeding individuals are LV XQDEOH WR IXOO\ DFFRXQW IRU WKH EXOO WURXW¶V relatively uncommon; therefore, managers apparent competitive advantage over brook must recognize that more common, smaller trout in headwater streams. Maintenance of populations are more at risk. The connection of complex habitat structure and connectivity to multiple populations within a metapopulation nearby bull trout populations also appear to be (see glossary, Appendix 1) may enhance the vital for protecting remaining populations from maintenance of genetic diversity in more than invasion and displacement (McMahon et al. an additive way, but the fragmentation of these 2007). populations may result in an accelerated loss of genetic diversity (Rieman and Allendorf 2001).  *HQHWLFV - Reproductive isolation of bull 'HOLPLWLQJSRSXODWLRQVL]HDQGUDQJHLVGLI¿FXOW trout populations occurs because of their for migratory bull trout populations because JHQHUDOO\ KLJK ¿GHOLW\ WR VSDZQLQJ DUHDV their migrations may exceed hundreds of (Allan 1980, Bellerud et al. 1997, Rieman kilometres. Rieman and McIntyre (1996) found and McIntyre 1996, Rieman and Myers redd numbers or rate of change in redd numbers 1997), resulting in relatively low genetic to be weakly correlated with distance, even diversity within populations and high genetic within basins. This suggests that monitoring divergence between populations (Bellerud limited areas may not indicate trends in all local et al. 1997, Costello et al. 2003, Taylor et al. populations. The conservation of different life 2001, Thomas et al. 2001, Warnock 2008). history strategies is critical to the persistence of These genetically distinct units are stocks that viable populations on both a local and regional result from evolutionary divergence because scale (Fitch 1997, MBTRT 2000, Rieman and of local environments (Costello et al. 2003). Allendorf 2001, Rieman and Clayton 1997). Over time, the loss of genetic variability may UHVXOWLQDGHFUHDVHLQWKHSRSXODWLRQ¶VYLDELOLW\ Factors that decrease the number of genetic Therefore, exchange of genetic material sources within a metapopulation, such as local EHWZHHQ SRSXODWLRQV PXVW RFFXU 0%76* extinctions or the blockage of genetic exchange 1996) and attempts to maintain population between populations, may increase the risk of fragments without considering connectivity extinction of the entire bull trout population may not ensure their persistence (Bellerud et (Haas and McPhail 2001, MBTRT 2000, al. 1997, Rieman and McIntyre 1996). McCart 1997, Rieman and McIntyre 1995, Rieman and Myers 1997). Unfortunately, little Effective population size is related to the rate of is known about the rate of genetic exchange ORVVRIJHQHWLFGLYHUVLW\*HQHWLFLVWV¶HVWLPDWHV within and between watersheds historically, of the minimum population size required to although human-caused habitat fragmentation maintain long-term genetic diversity vary has restricted bull trout populations to smaller, ZLWKDSRSXODWLRQ¶VOHYHORILVRODWLRQ %UHZLQ more isolated areas making genetic exchange

24 PRUHGLI¿FXOWLIQRWLPSRVVLEOH 'XQKDPDQG STATUS DESIGNATIONS* Rieman 1999, Rieman et al. 1997). Further habitat loss may result in an acceleration of 1. Alberta - Bull trout are designated as a game extinction rates disproportionate to the rate ¿VKXQGHUWKH)LVKHULHV $OEHUWD $FW, and since of habitat loss (Rieman et al. 1997), and the 2002 have been considered a 6SHFLHVRI6SHFLDO high level of genetic divergence between bull &RQFHUQ (Fish and Wildlife 2008). According trout populations suggests that human-induced to the 2000 and 2005 iterations of The General reductions in population size will not likely be 6WDWXV RI $OEHUWD :LOG 6SHFLHV, bull trout are offset by immigration from nearby populations considered 6HQVLWLYH in the province (Alberta (Costello et al. 2003). More information is Sustainable Resource Development 2001, UHTXLUHG WR EHWWHU GH¿QH ORFDO SRSXODWLRQV 2007). and the population abundance required to produce viable populations. In a study of the  2WKHU $UHDV - 7KH EXOO WURXW¶V *OREDO genetic structure of bull trout populations in +HULWDJH6WDWXVUDQNLV* 1DWXUH6HUYH  the Livingstone, Castle and Oldman rivers, Evaluation of the bull trout by the Committee Warnock (2008) found a gradient of overall On the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada migrant numbers that positively correlated (COSEWIC) is scheduled for November 2010 with intrapopulation genetic diversity. Further (A. Clarke pers. comm.). 7KH*HQHUDO6WDWXVRI description of genetic exchange between 6SHFLHVLQ&DQDGD lists the bull trout as 6HQVLWLYH local populations in Alberta and its role in in British Columbia and the Yukon, and May Be sustaining these populations and the larger $W5LVN in the Northwest Territories (Canadian metapopulations would be useful. Endangered Species Conservation Council 2006). The British Columbia Conservation The genetic differentiation between bull trout Data Centre (2007) ranks the bull trout as S3, populations also makes stocking and hatchery RU³%OXHOLVWHG´ production for population recovery unattractive; WKHWUDQVIHURI¿VKEHWZHHQGUDLQDJHVVKRXOGEH The United States Fish and Wildlife Service avoided (Berry 1994, McCart 1997), although (USFWS) currently lists bull trout as transfers have occurred in the past. For 7KUHDWHQHG throughout their range in the United example, bull trout populations in Ptarmigan States (lower 48 states), under the (QGDQJHUHG and Marie lakes ( drainage) have 6SHFLHV $FW (USFWS 2003). After listing been established, apparently through stocking, various populations of bull trout as 7KUHDWHQHG, XVLQJ¿VKIURPWKH$WKDEDVFD5LYHUGUDLQDJH the USFWS listed the last population segments (M. Sullivan pers. comm.). within their range in the United States as 7KUHDWHQHG in 1999 (Lohr et al. 2001). A It is likely that a combination of these limiting ¿YH\HDUUHYLHZRIWKHOLVWLQJLQLWLDWHGE\WKH factors has resulted in the large bull trout USFWS in 2004, recommended no change in population declines over the last century. WKH EXOO WURXW¶V FODVVL¿FDWLRQ 86):6   &XUUHQW ODQG XVH SUDFWLFHV DQG ¿VKHULHV Bull trout are considered S2 and a candidate management strategies have not been able to animal for listing in Washington (Washington adequately maintain viable populations in Natural Heritage Program 2004), S2 and a $OEHUWDDQGWKURXJKRXWWKHVSHFLHV¶UDQJH)RU &ULWLFDO species in Oregon (Oregon Natural effective conservation, bull trout monitoring Heritage Information Centre 2007), and are in Alberta should include evaluation of these factors and their relative impact on populations in an adaptive management framework.  6HH $SSHQGL[  IRU GH¿QLWLRQV RI VHOHFWHG VWDWXV designations.

25 ranked 7KUHDWHQHG by the Nevada Natural discusses angling regulations, public Heritage Program (2007), the Montana Natural education, development of recovery plans, Heritage Program (2006), and the Idaho Fish and enforcement, as well as management DQG*DPH  ,WLV([WLUSDWHG in the State changes proposed for 1995 and aspirations of California (California Department of Fish for the year 2000. An internal review and DQG*DPH  update of the bull trout management plan by the Fisheries Management Branch of Alberta RECENT MANAGEMENT IN ALBERTA Sustainable Resource Development is ongoing (D. Christiansen pers. comm.). Brewin (2004) Angling regulations for bull trout became conducted an external review of the plan that more restrictive in 1976, when some critical included distribution of a questionnaire to spawning and rearing habitats were closed to stakeholders and active and retired resource angling. Streams above and including Timber managers to solicit feedback on bull trout Creek, in the Clearwater drainage, were closed recovery efforts in Alberta. Respondents at this time (Rhude and Rhem 1995, Rhude and JHQHUDOO\ DJUHHG WKDW WKHUH ZDV LQVXI¿FLHQW Stelfox 1997). In 1984, harvest limits were information to indicate that there has been UHGXFHG IURP ¿YH EXOO WURXWGD\ WR WZR EXOO ZLGHVSUHDG UHFRYHU\ RI $OEHUWD¶V EXOO WURXW trout/day, and in 1987 the minimum harvestable populations. Bull trout recovery successes size of 40 cm was implemented province-wide were largely attributed to enactment of no- (Rhude and Stelfox 1997). The large body size harvest regulations rather than implementation RIÀXYLDODQGDGÀXYLDOEXOOWURXWDW¿UVWPDWXULW\ of actions to correct other factors impacting has important implications to minimum size for SRSXODWLRQV  ,OOHJDO KDUYHVW LQVXI¿FLHQW harvest regulations, since a 40-cm limit may IXQGLQJDQGKDELWDWGHJUDGDWLRQZHUHLGHQWL¿HG DOORZIRUWKHFDSWXUHRILPPDWXUH¿VK %HUU\ by respondents as the primary factors limiting 1994). Migratory populations may not achieve bull trout recovery in the province (Brewin maturity before they enter the vulnerable size 2004). category of the angling regulations. Stelfox  IRXQGWKDWRIWKHOHJDOVL]HG¿VK $OWKRXJK QRW VSHFL¿FDOO\ WDUJHWLQJ EXOO WURXW caught during the winter of 1991 and 1992 in )LVKHULHV 0DQDJHPHQW %UDQFK¶V RQJRLQJ Lower Kananaskis Lake were immature. It review of bait ban and year-round and seasonal was further estimated that one-half of the adult closures and implementation of a province- population was harvested during that single wide barbless hook regulation in 2004 have the ZLQWHU ¿VKHU\  %DLW EDQV ZHUH LQWURGXFHG WR potential to reduce bull trout hooking mortality. PRVWÀRZLQJZDWHUVLQWKHIRRWKLOOVRI$OEHUWDWR Tools developed to help anglers identify decrease hooking mortality in the 1990s (Berry their salmonid catch include an interactive 1994). On April 1, 1995, a zero-bag-limit for ¿VK LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ ZHEVLWH WZR VW\OHV RI IXOO bull trout was implemented throughout Alberta colour pamphlet, and signage developed by (Hvenegaard and Fairless 1998). Additionally, Alberta Sustainable Resource Development in in response to increased information on bull partnership with Trout Unlimited Canada and trout life history strategies and migratory the Alberta Conservation Association. A major EHKDYLRXU WKH IDOO LQVWUHDP ³QR DFWLYLW\´ impetus for development of these tools was the window was adjusted to include the month of SUHYDOHQFH RI EXOO WURXW PLVLGHQWL¿FDWLRQ E\ August (Hvenegaard and Thera 2001). anglers.

In 1994, Alberta Fish and Wildlife produced To minimize the potential for escapement of $OEHUWD¶V %XOO 7URXW 0DQDJHPHQW DQG non-native brook trout and brown trout into 5HFRYHU\3ODQ(Berry 1994). This document EXOO WURXW ZDWHUV )LVKHULHV 0DQDJHPHQW¶V

26 stocking locations for these species have been level of the population is complicated by a lack prioritized according to their potential for of suitable bull trout trend data from Alberta escapement and stocking has been discontinued watersheds and the confounding of habitat and at the majority of sites where escape into bull angler effects on bull trout persistence (Ripley trout waters is a possibility. Development of et al. 2005). sterile, triploid stocks of brook trout and brown trout is also underway, effectively eliminating In 2004, a provincial review of bull trout the potential for naturalization of these species monitoring protocols was initiated jointly by the (D. Christiansen pers. comm.). The Quirk Alberta Conservation Association and Alberta Creek brook trout suppression project, a study Sustainable Resource Development. The designed to determine if anglers could decrease review includes evaluation and development of brook trout abundance and therefore increase monitoring methods in the context of ongoing bull trout populations in the creek, is ongoing monitoring and inventory activities. The initial and was expanded in 2004 to include removal focus includes evaluation of existing index XVLQJHOHFWUR¿VKLQJJHDU (DUOHHWDO  PRQLWRULQJ VLWHV LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ RI RSWLPDO sampling design and intensity at the reach and In contrast to the management of recreational ZDWHUVKHGVFDOHDQGHVWLPDWLRQRIHOHFWUR¿VKLQJ anglers, a wide diversity of public and private JHDU HI¿FLHQF\ IRU WKH FDSWXUH RI EXOO WURXW interests needs to be considered when managing Although bull trout have been the focus of the human activities with the potential to degrade review, results will be broadly applicable to and fragment bull trout habitat. To date, other stream salmonids. Sustained recovery of attempts to address human causes of habitat bull trout stocks in Alberta will be contingent degradation and fragmentation that threaten the upon remediation of habitat degradation and continued persistence of bull trout and other fragmentation threats. QDWLYH¿VKVSHFLHVDORQJWKHHDVWHUQVORSHVRI Alberta have largely been piecemeal, and DG SYNTHESIS hoc. Those efforts that do occur typically focus on conservation of existing bull trout habitats Bull trout populations in Alberta have been rather than restoration of degraded habitats. declining since the early 1900s. Although this decline has been more drastic in southern The 1RUWKHUQ :DWHUVKHG 3URMHFW, a multi- parts of the province, anecdotal evidence and stakeholder research initiative to evaluate the limited historical records indicate that a decline cumulative effects of watershed disturbance KDVRFFXUUHGWKURXJKRXWWKHEXOOWURXW¶VQDWLYH RQVWUHDP¿VKFRPPXQLWLHV 6FULPJHRXUHWDO Alberta range, leading to their extirpation from 2003), and related stream-crossing inventory some drainages. Although data are limited, work have catalyzed remediation efforts the restrictive angling regulations enacted in in some northwestern Alberta watersheds. the 1990s appear to have led to increased bull $GGLWLRQDO³&ODVV$$UHDV´ LHDUHDVZKHUH WURXWDEXQGDQFHLQVRPHDGÀXYLDOSRSXODWLRQV instream industrial activity is severely limited) 5HVXOWV IRU ÀXYLDO DQG VWUHDPUHVLGHQW KDYH DOVR EHHQ LGHQWL¿HG LQ WKH &RGHV RI populations are less clear; these populations 3UDFWLFHXQGHU$OEHUWD¶V:DWHU$FW, largely in occur over relatively broad geographic areas, an effort to protect bull trout spawning habitat DUH GLI¿FXOW WR PRQLWRU DQG DUH H[SRVHG WR D (D. Christiansen pers. comm.). Although these complex array of limiting factors. To more and other habitat conservation measures likely FOHDUO\GH¿QHEXOOWURXWVWDWXVLQWKHSURYLQFH affect local populations, it is nearly impossible a coordinated, long-term monitoring program to evaluate, or even document, their impact that follows standardized methods must be provincially. Furthermore, evaluation at the initiated. Not only would this information help

27 UH¿QH RXU NQRZOHGJH RI WKH FXUUHQW VWDWXV RI life history strategies expressed by the species, bull trout in Alberta, but it would also assist bull trout management and recovery goals will in assessment and development of current and OLNHO\QHHGWREHSRSXODWLRQVSHFL¿F+RZHYHU future bull trout conservation and management provincial coordination of monitoring initiatives. and management activities is required to HQVXUH FRQVLVWHQF\ DQG SURPRWH HI¿FLHQF\ Our understanding of bull trout biology has Furthermore, research is required to identify increased substantially over the past decade. populations based upon genetic analyses, the However, very little is yet known about why rate of exchange of genetic material between VSHFL¿F OLIH KLVWRU\ VWUDWHJLHV DUH H[SUHVVHG SRSXODWLRQV DQG WKH VLJQL¿FDQFH RI WKLV and about the migratory patterns of juveniles. exchange to the overall viability of the species in (IIRUWV WR PRGHO VXVWDLQDEOH ¿VKLQJ SUHVVXUH Alberta. The mechanisms by which non-native are complicated by uncertainty in estimates ¿VKVSHFLHVLQWHUIHUHZLWKEXOOWURXWSRSXODWLRQ of juvenile growth, survival and recruitment growth, including hybridization, need to be along with bull trout catchability, hooking more clearly understood. Pilot studies that mortality and angler noncompliance. Habitat attempt to mitigate the factors limiting bull requirements for each life history strategy at trout populations are being carried out. These each life stage are still not fully understood, studies should be examined for their feasibility nor is the timing of these requirements. Much within Alberta. Bull trout are not immediately UHPDLQVWREHH[SODLQHGUHJDUGLQJDGXOW¿GHOLW\ at risk of extirpation in Alberta; however, 38 of to spawning streams and related spawning 47 bull trout core areas are considered either behaviour. Despite these uncertainties, the High Risk or At Risk of extirpation, while at factors limiting bull trout recovery in the least three others are already extirpated. History province are now well documented and need has demonstrated that local populations are to be addressed in a comprehensive manner if YXOQHUDEOHWRKDELWDWGLVWXUEDQFHRYHU¿VKLQJ the current trend of populations in decline is to DQG LQWHUDFWLRQV ZLWK QRQQDWLYH ¿VK VSHFLHV be reversed. If current trends continue, bull trout will only persist in the upper reaches of undeveloped *LYHQ WKH DUUD\ RI IDFWRUV OLPLWLQJ EXOO WURXW watersheds, or will be completely extirpated if production in the province and the diversity of human activity eliminates these refuges.

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&DOLIRUQLD 'HSDUWPHQW RI )LVK DQG *DPH Clayton, T. 1999. Fish collection in the Upper 2007. The status of rare, threatened, , Alberta, 1999. Alberta and endangered animals and plants Conservation Association, Lethbridge, of California, bull trout. California AB. 9 pp. 'HSDUWPHQWRI)LVKDQG*DPH85/ http://www.dfg.ca.gov/wildlife/ &ROSLWWV*:+LVWRULFDOSHUVSHFWLYHV species/ [Date Accessed: November of good vs. evil: stream eugenics and 29, 2007]. WKHSOLJKWRI$OEHUWD¶VEXOOWURXW 1930. Pages 31-36 in Friends of the Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Bull Trout Conference Proceedings Council (CESCC). 2006. Wild species (Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. 2005: The general status of species in Monita, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force Canada. Ottawa: Minister of Public (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, :RUNV DQG *RYHUQPHQW 6HUYLFHV Calgary, AB. Canada. [available at http://www. wildspecies.ca/wildspecies2000/] Connor, E., D. Reiser, K. Binkley, D. Paige, and K. Lynch. 1997. Abundance and Cavendar, T.M. 1978. Taxonomy and distribution of an unexploited bull distribution of bull trout, Salvelinus trout population in the Cedar River FRQÀXHQWXV (Suckley), from the watershed, Washington, USA. Pp. American northwest. California Fish 403-412 in Friends of the Bull Trout DQG*DPH Conference Proceedings (Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Monita, 31 eds.). Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), 'RQDOG'%DQG'-$OJHU*HRJUDSKLF c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, distribution, species displacement, and AB. niche overlap for lake trout and bull trout in mountain lakes. Canadian &26(:,&'H¿QLWLRQVDQGDEEUHYLDWLRQV Journal of Zoology. 71:238-247. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. URL: http:// Donald, D.B., and J.D. Stelfox. 1997. Effects www.cosewic.gc.ca/eng/sct2/sct2_6_e. RI ¿VKHULHV PDQDJHPHQW RQ DGÀXYLDO cfm [Updated June 2009]. bull trout populations in mountain lakes of southern Alberta. Pages 227-234 in Costello, A.B., T.E. Down, S.M. Pollard, C.J. Friends of the Bull Trout Conference Pacas, and E.B. Taylor. 2003. The Proceedings (Mackay, W.C., M.K. LQÀXHQFHRIKLVWRU\DQGFRQWHPSRUDU\ Brewin, and M. Monita, eds.). Bull stream hydrology on the evolution of Trout Task Force (Alberta), c/o Trout genetic diversity within species: an Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. examination of microsatellite DNA variation in bull trout, Salvelinus Doran, M.A., D. Jackson, J. Tchir, and P. FRQÀXHQWXV (Pisces: Salmonidae). Hvenegaard. 2003. Enumeration Evolution (57)2:328-344. of the Bull Trout Spawning Run and Juvenile Abundance Estimates in Cross, D., and L. Everest. 1997. Fish habitat Lynx Creek, a Tributary to the Kakwa attributes of reference and managed River 2003. Alberta Conservation watersheds, with special reference to Association, Peace River, AB. the location of bull trout (Salvelinus FRQÀXHQWXV) spawning sites in the upper Dunham, J.B., S.B. Adams, R.E. Schroeter, Spokane River ecosystem, northern and D.C. Novinger. 2003a. Alien Idaho. Pp. 381-386 in Friends of the invasions in aquatic ecosystems: Bull Trout Conference Proceedings Toward and understanding of brook (Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. trout invasions and potential impacts Monita, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force on inland cutthroat trout in western (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, North America. Reviews in Fish Calgary, AB. Biology and Fisheries. 12:373-391.

Dambacher, J.M., and K. Jones. 1997. Stream Dunham, J.B., and B.E. Rieman. 1999. habitat of juvenile bull trout populations Metapopulation structure of bull trout: in Oregon and benchmarks for habitat LQÀXHQFHV RI SK\VLFDO ELRWLF DQG quality. Pp. 353-360 in Friends of the geometrical landscape characteristics. Bull Trout Conference Proceedings Ecological Applications. 9:642-655. (Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Monita, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force 'XQKDP -% % 5LHPDQ DQG * &KDQGOHU (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, E  ,QÀXHQFHV RI WHPSHUDWXUH Calgary, AB. and environmental variables on the distribution of bull trout within streams DeVries, P. 1997. Riverine salmonid egg at the southern margin of its range. burial depths: review of published data North American Journal of Fisheries and implications for scour studies. Management 23:894-904. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 54:1658-1698. 32 Dunham, J., B. Rieman, and K. Davis. 2001. Fitch, L.A. 1997. Bull trout in southwestern Sources and magnitude of sampling Alberta: notes on historical and error in redd counts for bull trout. current distribution. Pp. 147-160 in North American Journal of Fisheries Friends of the Bull Trout Conference Management. 21:343-352. Proceedings (Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Monita, eds.). Bull Earle, J.E., and J.S. McKenzie. 2001. Habitat Trout Task Force (Alberta), c/o Trout use by juvenile bull trout in mountain Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. streams in the Copton Creek drainage, Alberta, and its relation to mining )RQWDQD0.*DUGLQHUDQG05RGWND activity. Pp. 121-128 in Bull Trout Upper North Saskatchewan River and II Conference Proceedings (Brewin, Abraham Lake Bull Trout (Salvelinus M.K. and M. Monita, eds.). c/o Trout FRQÀXHQWXV) Study, 2002-2003. Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. Alberta Conservation Association, Rocky Mountain House, AB. Earle, J.E., A.J. Paul, and J.D. Stelfox. 2007. Quirk Creek Population Estimates and Fraley, J., and B. Shepard. 1989. Life history, 2QHSDVV (OHFWUR¿VKLQJ 5HPRYDO RI ecology, and population status of Brook Trout, 2005 and 2006. Fish and migratory bull trout (Salvelinus Wildlife Division, Alberta Sustainable FRQÀXHQWXV) in the Flathead Lake and Resource Development. Cochrane, river system, Montana. Northwest AB. 61 pp. Science 63:133-143

Fairless, D.M., S.J. Herman, and P.J. Rhem. Fredenberg, W. 2002. Further evidence 1994. Characteristics of Bull Trout that lake trout displace bull trout in (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV) Spawning mountain lakes. Intermountain Journal Sites in Five Tributaries of the of Sciences. (8)3:143-152. Upper Clearwater River, Alberta. Fish and Wildlife Services, Alberta Fredenberg, W., J. Chan, and J. Young. 2005. Environmental Protection, Rocky Bull Trout Core Area Conservation Mountain House, AB. 49 pp. Status Assessment. United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Portland, )HUQHW'$DQG-22¶1HLO8VHRI Oregon. 94 pp. + 4 app. radio telemetry to document seasonal movements, and spawning locations Fredenberg, W., P. DeHaan, and W. Arden. for bull trout in relation to a newly   *HQHWLF $QDO\VLV DQG 3KRWR created reservoir. Pp. 427-434 in Documentation of Hybridization Friends of the Bull Trout Conference Between Bull Trout and Brook Trout Proceedings (Mackay, W.C., M.K. in the Swan River Basin, Montana. Brewin, and M. Monita, eds.). Bull Swan Valley Bull Trout Working Trout Task Force (Alberta), c/o Trout *URXS.DOLVSHOO07SS Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. Fredenberg, W., P. Dwyer, and R. Barrows. )LVKDQG:LOGOLIH5HSRUWRI$OEHUWD¶V 1995. Experimental Bull Trout Endangered Species Conservation Hatchery Progress Report 1993-1994. Committee: June 2006. Alberta SRD, Creston Fish and Wildlife Center, FWD, Edmonton, AB. 44 pp. Kalispell, MT. 29 pp.

33 *LOHV 0$ DQG 0 9DQ GHU =ZHHS   *XQFNHO 6/    )HHGLQJ %HKDYLRU DQG Dissolved Oxygen Requirements for Diet of Native Bull Trout Salvelinus Fish of the Peace, Athabasca and Slave FRQÀXHQWXV and Introduced Brook River Basins: A Laboratory Study of Trout 6 IRQWLQDOLV in two Eastern Bull Trout (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV) Oregon Streams. M. Sc. Thesis. DQG 0RXQWDLQ :KLWH¿VK 3URVRSLXP Oregon State University, Corvallis, ZLOOLDPVRQL). Northern River Basins Oregon. 70 pp. Study, Edmonton, AB. Report no. 120. 153 pp. +DDV *5   $Q DWULVN DVVHVVPHQW RI 'ROO\ 9DUGHQ WKURXJK D ¿HOG VWXG\ *RHW] )$    %LRORJ\ RI WKH %XOO comparison of habitat and maximum Trout, (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV), a temperature preferences with bull trout. Literature Review. Eugene, OR: U.S. Pp. 23-25 in Bull Trout II Conference Department of Agriculture, Forest Proceedings (Brewin, M.K. and M. Service, Willamette National Forest. Monita, eds.). c/o Trout Unlimited 53 pp. Canada, Calgary, AB.

*RHW] )$  D  +DELWDW XVH RI MXYHQLOH +DDV *5 DQG -' 0F3KDLO   bull trout in Cascade mountain streams Systematics and distributions of Dolly of Oregon and Washington. Pages Varden (Salvelinus malma) and bull 339-352 in Friends of the Bull Trout trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) in North Conference Proceedings (Mackay, America. Canadian Journal of Fisheries W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Monita, and Aquatic Sciences. 48:2191-2211. eds.). Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, +DDV*5DQG-'0F3KDLO7KHSRVW AB. Wisconsinan glacial biogeography of bull trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV): A *RHW])$E'LVWULEXWLRQRIEXOOWURXWLQ multivariate morphometric approach Cascade mountain streams of Oregon for conservation biology and and Washington. Pages 237-248 in management. Canadian Journal of Friends of the Bull Trout Conference Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 58: Proceedings (Mackay, W.C., M.K. 189-2203. Brewin, and M. Monita, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), c/o Trout +DDV *5 -' 0F3KDLO DQG$*1 +DDV Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. 2001. Errors in and problems with VSHFLHVLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIEXOOWURXWDQG *ROGHU$VVRFLDWHV/WG5HYLHZRIWKH Dolly Varden. Pp. 75-76 in Bull Trout Effects of Reservoir Operation on the II Conference Proceedings (Brewin, Productivity of Lower Kananaskis M.K. and M. Monita, eds.). c/o Trout /DNH  'UDIW  3UHSDUHG E\ *ROGHU Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. Associates Limited. 49 pp. + 2 app. Hagen, J., and E.B. Taylor. 2001. Resource *RXOG :5    )HDWXUHV LQ WKH HDUO\ partitioning as a factor limiting gene development of bull trout (Salvelinus ÀRZ LQ K\EULGL]LQJ SRSXODWLRQV RI FRQÀXHQWXV 1RUWKZHVW6FLHQFH Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and 64-268. bull trout (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 58:2037-2047. 34 Hansen, B., and J. DosSantos. 1997. c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, Distribution of bull trout populations AB. on the Flathead Indian Reservation, western Montana, USA. Pp. 249-254 ,GDKR )LVK DQG *DPH    ,GDKR in Friends of the Bull Trout Conference Conservation Data Centre. URL: Proceedings (Mackay, W.C., M.K. http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/cms/ Brewin, and M. Monita, eds.). Bull tech/cdc/t&e.cfm [Date Accessed: Trout Task Force (Alberta), c/o Trout June 12, 2008]. Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. James, P.W., and H.M. Sexauer. 1997. Herman, S.J. 1997. The unique bull trout Spawning behaviour, spawning habitat spawning population of Pinto Lake, and alternative mating strategies in an Alberta. Pp. 217-226 in Friends of the DGÀXYLDOSRSXODWLRQRIEXOOWURXW3S Bull Trout Conference Proceedings 325-330 in Friends of the Bull Trout (Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Conference Proceedings (Mackay, Monita, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Monita, (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), Calgary, AB. c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. Hunt, C.W., R. Hawryluk, and D. Hildebrandt. 1997. Bull trout status in Fish Johns, T. 2006. Status of Bull Trout in the Management Area Four, Alberta. Pp. Kakwa River, Alberta, 2006. Alberta 171-186 in Friends of the Bull Trout Conservation Association, Peace Conference Proceedings (Mackay, River, AB. 12 pp + 3 app. W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Monita, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), Johns, T., and T. Ernst. 2007. Culvert Crossings c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, as Potential Barriers to Fish Movement AB. in the Kakwa River Watershed, Alberta. Alberta Conservation Association, Hvenegaard, P., and D. Fairless. 1998. Peace River, AB. 21 pp + app. Biology and Status of Bull Trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) in the Kakwa Johnston, F.D., and J.R. Post. 2009. Density- River Drainage, Alberta. A Fisheries dependent life history compensation in Management Enhancement Project, an iteroparous salmonid. Ecological Alberta Conservation Association. Applications. 19:449-467. Data summary 1995 to 1997 Progress Report. Alberta Conservation Johnston, F.D., J.R. Post, C.J. Mushens, J.D. Association, Northwest Boreal Stelfox, A.J. Paul, and B. Lajeunesse. Region, Peace River, AB. 30 pp. 2007. The demography of recovery of an overexploited bull trout, Salvelinus Hvenegaard, P.J., and T.M. Thera. 2001. FRQÀXHQWXV, population. Canadian Monitoring the bull trout (Salvelinus Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic FRQÀXHQWXV) spawning run in Lynx Sciences. 64:113-126. Creek, a tributary to the Kakwa River, west central Alberta. Pp.147-151 in Lohr, S., S. Duke, T. Cummings, and W. Bull Trout II Conference Proceedings Fredenberg. 2001. Listing of bull trout (Brewin, M.K. and M. Monita, eds.). as a threatened species in the United

35 States and initial steps in the recovery McCart, P. 1997. Bull trout in Alberta: A planning. Pp. 199-205 in Bull Trout review. Pp. 191-208 in Friends of the II Conference Proceedings (Brewin, Bull Trout Conference Proceedings M.K. and M. Monita, eds.). c/o Trout (Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. Monita, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Long, M.H. 1997. Sociological implications Calgary, AB. of bull trout management in northwest Montana: Illegal harvest and game McCleary, R.J., and M.A. Hassan. 2008. warden efforts to deter poaching. Pp. Predictive modeling and spatial 71-74 in Friends of the Bull Trout PDSSLQJ RI ¿VK GLVWULEXWLRQV LQ Conference Proceedings (Mackay, small streams of the Canadian Rocky W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Monita, Mountain foothills. Canadian Journal eds.). Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, 65:319-333. AB. McCleary, R.J., C. Nelin, C. Bambrick, S. Master, L.L., L.E. Morse, A.S. Weakley, Wilson, and C. Sherburne. 2003. *$ +DPPHUVRQ DQG ' )DEHU Changes Between Historic and Langendoen. 2003. NatureServe Current Fish Relative Abundance and Conservation Status Assessment Size Within Selected Foothills Model Criteria. NatureServe, Arlington, Forest Watersheds. Foothills Model Virginia, U.S.A. Forest, Hinton, AB. 22 pp.

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37 Palace, V.P., C. Baron, R.E. Evans, J. Holm, S. 3DXO$--53RVW*/6WHUOLQJDQG&+XQW Kollar, K. Wautier, J. Werner, P. Siwik, 2000. Density-dependent intercohort *6WHUOLQJDQG&)-RKQVRQ$Q interactions and recruitment dynamics: assessment of the potential for selenium models and a bull trout (Salvelinus to impair reproduction in bull trout, FRQÀXHQWXV) time series. Canadian 6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV, from an area Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic of active coal mining. Environmental Sciences. 57:1220-1231. Biology of Fishes. 70:169-174. Peterson, J.T., R.F. Thurow, and J.W. Park, D. 2007. Sport Fishing in Alberta 2005: *X]HYLFK    $Q HYDOXDWLRQ RI Summary Report from the Seventh PXOWLSDVV HOHFWUR¿VKLQJ IRU HVWLPDWLQJ Survey of Recreational Fishing in the abundance of stream-dwelling Canada. Alberta Sustainable Resource salmonids. Transactions of the Development, Fisheries Management American Fisheries Society. 133:462- Branch. Edmonton, AB. 37 pp. 475.

3DUN ' 0 6XOOLYDQ ( %D\QH DQG * Pollard, S., and T. Down. 2001. Bull trout Scrimgeour. 2008. Landscape-level in British Columbia – A provincial stream fragmentation caused by hanging perspective on status, management and FXOYHUWVDORQJURDGVLQ$OEHUWD¶VERUHDO protection. Pp. 207-214 in Bull Trout forest. Canadian Journal of Forest II Conference Proceedings (Brewin, Research. 38: 566-575. M.K. and M. Monita, eds.). c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. Parker, B.R., D.W. Schindler, F.M. Wilhelm, and D.B. Donald. 2007. Bull trout Popowich, R.C. 2005. Determining Bull Trout population responses to reductions (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV) Habitat and in angler effort and retention limits. Prey Selection using Snorkel Surveys North American Journal of Fisheries and Stable Isotope Analysis. M. Sc. Management. 27: 848–859. Thesis, University of Edmonton, Edmonton, AB. 62 pp. Paul, A.J. 2000. Recruitment Dynamics in Bull Trout (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV): 3RSRZLFK 5 DQG * (LVOHU    )OXYLDO Linking Theory and Data to Species Bull Trout Redd Surveys on the Elbow, Management. Ph. D. Thesis, University Sheep and Highwood Rivers, Alberta of Calgary, Calgary, AB. 251 pp. – Trout Unlimited Canada. Applied Aquatic Research Ltd. Calgary, AB. 16 Paul, A.J., and J.R. Post. 2001. Spatial pp. + 2 apps. distribution of native and nonnative salmonids in streams of the eastern slopes Popowich, R.C., and A.J. Paul. 2006. Seasonal of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Movement Patterns and Habitat Transactions of the American Fisheries Selection of Bull Trout (Salvelinus Society 130:417-430. FRQÀXHQWXV) in Fluvial Environments. University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Paul, A.J., J.R. Post, and J.D. Stelfox. 2003. 59 pp. + 4 apps. &DQ DQJOHUV LQÀXHQFH WKH DEXQGDQFH of native and nonnative salmonids in Post, J.R., C. Mushens, A. Paul, and M. a stream from the Canadian Rocky Sullivan. 2003. Assessment of Mountains? North American Journal of alternative harvest regulations for Fisheries Management. 23:109-119. VXVWDLQLQJUHFUHDWLRQDO¿VKHULHVPRGHO 38 development and application to bull and 1993. Alberta Environmental trout. North American Journal of Protection, Natural Resources Service, Fisheries Management. 23:22-34. Fish and Wildlife, Rocky Mountain House, AB. 166 pp. Post, J.R., and A.J. Paul. 2000. A Quantitative Assessment of the Recovery of Bull Rhude, L.A., and J. Stelfox. 1997. Status of bull Trout Populations in Alberta and WURXW LQ $OEHUWD¶V )LVK 0DQDJHPHQW Development of Models of Sustainable Area Three. Pp. 161-170 in Friends of Yield. University of Calgary, Calgary, the Bull Trout Conference Proceedings AB. Prepared for Alberta Conservation (Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Association. Section 6 Chapters 6 and Monita, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force 7, pp. 146-220. (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. 5DWFOLII '( 6/ 7KLHVIHOG :* :HEHU A.M. Stuart, M.D. Riehle, and D.V. Rieman, B.E., and F.W. Allendorf. 2001. Buchanan. 1996. Distribution, Life Effective population size and genetic History, Abundance, Harvest, Habitat, conservation criteria for bull trout. and Limiting Factors of Bull Trout North American Journal of Fisheries in the Metolius River and Lake Billy Management. 21:756-764. Chinook, Oregon, 1983-1994. Fish Division, Oregon Department of Fish 5LHPDQ % DQG - &OD\WRQ    :LOG¿UH and Wildlife. Information Reports DQGQDWLYH¿VK,VVXHVRIIRUHVWKHDOWK Number 96-97. 44 pp. and conservation of sensitive species. Fisheries. 22:6-15. Reiser, D.W., E. Connor, K. Binkley, K. Lynch, and D. Paige. 1997. Evaluation of Rieman, B.E., D. Isaak, S. Adams, D. Horan, D. spawning habitat used by bull trout Nagel, C. Luce, and D. Myers. 2007. in the Cedar watershed, Washington. Anticipated climate warming effects Pages 331-338 in Friends of the on bull trout habitats and populations Bull Trout Conference Proceedings across the interior Columbia River (Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Basin. Transactions of the American Monita, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force Fisheries Society. 136:1552-1565. (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. Rieman, B.E., D.C. Lee, and R.F. Thurow. 1997. Distribution, status, and likely 5HLVW -' * /RZ -' -RKQVRQ DQG ' future trends of bull trout within the McDowell. 2002. Range extension Columbia River and Klamath River of bull trout, 6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV, to basins. North American Journal of the central Northwest Territories, with Fisheries Management. 17:1111-1125. QRWHVRQLGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGGLVWULEXWLRQ of Dolly Varden, Salvelinus malma, in Rieman, B.E., and J.D. McIntyre. 1995. the western Canadian Arctic. Arctic. Occurrence of bull trout in naturally (55)1:70-76. fragmented habitat patches of varied size. Transactions of the American Rhude, L.A., and P.J. Rhem. 1995. Bull Fisheries Society. 124:285-296. Trout Population Status, Spawning and Seasonal Movement in the Upper Rieman, B.E., and J.D. McIntyre. 1996. Spatial Clearwater Drainage, Alberta 1992 and temporal variability in bull trout

39 redd counts. North American Journal Selong, J., T.E. McMahon, A. Zale, and F. T. of Fisheries Management. 16:132-141. Barrows. 2001. Effect of temperature on growth and survival of bull trout, Rieman, B.E., and D.L. Myers. 1997. Use of with application of an improved method redd counts to detect trends in bull trout for determining thermal tolerance in (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV) populations. ¿VKHV  7UDQVDFWLRQV RI WKH $PHULFDQ Conservation Biology. 11(4):1015- Fisheries Society. 130:1026-1037. 1018. Sexauer, H.M., and P.W. James. 1997. 5LSOH\ 7 * 6FULPJHRXU DQG 06 %R\FH Microhabitat use by juvenile bull trout 2005. Bull trout (Salvelinus in four streams located in the eastern FRQÀXHQWXV) occurrence and abundance Cascades, Washington. Pp. 361-370 in LQÀXHQFHG E\ FXPXODWLYH LQGXVWULDO Friends of the Bull Trout Conference developments in a Canadian boreal Proceedings (Mackay, W.C., M.K. forest watershed. Canadian Journal of Brewin, and M. Monita, eds.). Bull Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 62: Trout Task Force (Alberta), c/o Trout 431-2442. Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB.

Rodtka, M. 2005. Status of Bull Trout in Stelfox, J.D. 1997. Seasonal movements, the Upper Clearwater River – 2004. growth, survival and population status Alberta Conservation Association, RIWKHDGÀXYLDOEXOOWURXWSRSXODWLRQLQ Rocky Mountain House, AB. 42 pp. lower Kananaskis Lake, Alberta. Pp. + 8 apps. 309-316 in Friends of the Bull Trout Conference Proceedings (Mackay, Rodtka, M.C., and J.P. Volpe. 2007. Effects W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Monita, RI ZDWHU WHPSHUDWXUH RQ LQWHUVSHFL¿F eds.). Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), competition between juvenile bull c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, WURXW DQG EURRN WURXW LQ DQ DUWL¿FLDO AB. stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 136:1714-1727. Sullivan, M., W. Hughson, and C. Johnson. 2005. Quantifying Thresholds of Ecological Schill, D.J., J.A. Lamansky Jr., and E.R.J.M. Integrity: Population Abundance and Mamer. 2001. The Effect of Three Structure of Bull Trout Salvelinus Education Strategies on Angler Ability FRQÀXHQWXV in Jacques Lake, Jasper to Identify Bull Trout and Other National Park. University of Alberta, Salmonids. Idaho Department of Fish Edmonton, AB. Unpublished Report. DQG*DPH%RLVH,'SSDSS Taylor, E.B., Z. Redenbach, A.B. Costello, 6FULPJHRXU *- 3 +YHQHJDDUG - 7FKLU S.M. Pollard, and C.J. Pacas. 2001. S. Kendall, and A. Wildman. 2003. Nested analysis of genetic diversity Stream Fish Management: Cumulative in northwestern North American char, Effects of Watershed Disturbances Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma) and on Stream Fish Communities in the bull trout (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV). Kakwa and Simonette River Basins, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Alberta. Alberta Conservation Aquatic Sciences. 58:406-420. Association, Peace River, AB, and Alberta Research Council, Vegreville, Thera, T.M., P.J. Hvenegaard, A.J. Paul, AB. 126 pp. DQG -5 3RVW    ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ

40 RI UHVHDUFK SULRULWLHV IRU D ÀXYLDO Walty, D.T., and D.R. Smith. 1997. bull trout (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV) Incorporating local knowledge into population using a quantitative life- bull trout management in northwestern cycle model in a simulation modelling Alberta. Pp. 187-190 in Friends of the framework. Pp. 105-107 in Bull Trout Bull Trout Conference Proceedings II Conference Proceedings (Brewin, (Mackay, W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. M.K. and M. Monita, eds.). c/o Trout Monita, eds.). Bull Trout Task Force Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB. 7KRPDV-('*URIW/&KHZDQG7&OD\WRQ *HQHWLFYDULDWLRQLQEXOOWURXW :DUQRFN:*0ROHFXODU7RROV5HYHDO (6DOYHOLQXV FRQÀXHQWXV) from Alberta Hierarchical Structure and Patterns of and northern Montana. Pp. 117-118 in 0LJUDWLRQDQG*HQH)ORZLQ%XOO7URXW Bull Trout II Conference Proceedings (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) Populations of (Brewin, M.K. and M. Monita, eds.). South-western Alberta. M.Sc. thesis, c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB. AB. 174 pp.

Thurow, R.F. 1997. Habitat utilization and Washington Natural Heritage Program. 2004. diel behaviour of juvenile bull trout Reference Desk. State of Washington, (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) at the onset of Department of Natural Resources. winter. Ecology of Freshwater Fishes. URL: http://www.dnr.wa.gov/nhp/ 6:1-7. index.html [Date Accessed: November 21, 2007]. United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2003. Species information: :DWVRQ * DQG 7: +LOOPDQ   threatened and endangered animals and Factors affecting the distribution plants. Washington D.C. 20240. URL: and abundance of bull trout: An http://endangered.fws.gov/wildlife. investigation at hierarchical scales. html [Date Accessed: November 20, North American Journal of Fisheries 2007]. Management. 17:237-252.

United States Fish and Wildlife Service Westover, W.T. 1999. Wigwam River Bull Trout (USFWS). 2008. Bull trout (creel survey) – Habitat Conservation (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) 5-year review: Trust Fund Progress Report (1998). summary and evaluation. Portland, Fisheries Project Report KO 55. 8 pp. Oregon. URL: http://www.fws.gov/ + 3 apps. SDFL¿FEXOOWURXW\UUHYLHZKWPO >'DWH Accessed: June 12, 2008]. Wilhelm, F.M., B.P. Parker, D.W. Schindler, and D.B. Donald. 1999. Seasonal food 9DQ7LJKHP.0\JUDQGIDWKHU¶VWURXW habits of bull trout from a small alpine Pp. 83-88 in Friends of the Bull Trout lake in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Conference Proceedings (Mackay, Transactions of the American Fisheries W.C., M.K. Brewin, and M. Monita, Society. 128:1176-1192. eds.). Bull Trout Task Force (Alberta), c/o Trout Unlimited Canada, Calgary, AB.

41 Appendix 1. *ORVVDU\RIWHUPV

Adfluvial - Fish populations that spawn and rear in tributary streams, with adults residing downstream in lakes or reservoirs. Alevin - A larval salmonid that has hatched but has not fully absorbed its yolk sac, and generally has not yet emerged from the spawning gravel. Anadromous - Fish populations that spawn and rear in freshwater streams, with adults residing in the ocean. Anchor Ice - Ice formed on substrate or objects beneath freshwater surfaces when the water becomes supercooled. At Risk (C2) – Bull trout population in the core area is vulnerable to extirpation because of very limited and/or declining numbers, range, and/or habitat. Core Area - A combination of bull trout and the habitat that could supply all elements for the long-term security of the species. The basic unit on which to gauge recovery (Lohr et al. 2001). Core Areas are further subdivided into subpopulations. Creel Survey - A creel is a container used to carry fish that have been kept by anglers. A creel census or survey is a record of the fish caught by anglers (Nelson and Paetz 1992). Diel - Behaviour that occurs throughout the 24-hour period of one day. Entrainment – The process by which fish are pulled through a water diversion device and trapped in water bodies such as irrigation canals. Extirpated (CX) – The bull trout population is no longer viable in that core area; 0 bull trout/km or 0% of sportfish population Fecundity - The number of eggs in the ovaries that are mature or will mature (Nelson and Paetz 1992). Fluvial - Fish populations that spawn and rear in tributary streams, with adults residing downstream in mainstem rivers. Frazil Ice - Slush formed in turbulent water. High Risk (C1) – Bull trout population in the core area is highly vulnerable to extirpation because of extremely limited and/or rapidly declining numbers, range, and/or habitat. Incidental - 1 bull trout/km or 1% of sportfish population. Littoral - The zone around the perimeter of the lake that supports the growth of aquatic vegetation. Low Risk (C4) – Bull trout are common or uncommon, but not rare, and usually widespread throughout the core area. Apparently not vulnerable at this time, but may be cause for long-term concern. Metapopulation - Multiple populations (termed subpopulations in this context) connected by intermittent immigration and emigration. Pelagic7KHRSHQZDWHU]RQHRIDODNH¶Vwater column, away from the bottom. Potential Risk (C3) – Bull trout population in the core area is potentially at risk because of limited and/or declining numbers, range, and/or habitat, even though they may be locally abundant in some portions of the core area.

42 Appendix 1 continued:

Precocious - Satellite male fish that are generally smaller in size and reach sexual maturity at an earlier age than the average male in the population. Because of their size, these males are unable to compete with the larger males for mates. Instead, these males achieve reproductive success by sneaking into redds, while other fish are spawning, and fertilizing some of the eggs. Redd - The gravel nest of salmonids. The eggs are deposited in the redd and remain there until they hatch (Nelson and Paetz 1992). Resident - Fish populations that reside in the tributary streams where they spawn and rear, with no adult migration to other water systems. Remnant - 1-10 bull trout/km or 1-10% of the sportfish population; population is dependent upon immigration from other areas for maintenance. Self-Sustaining - t10 bull trout/km or >10% of the sportfish population; population is not necessarily dependent upon immigration from other areas for maintenance. Sneaking/Satellite Male - See precocious. Sympatry - Two species living in the same geographic area. Unranked (CU) – Core area currently unranked because of a lack of information or substantially conflicting information about status and trends.

43 Appendix 2. Definitions of status ranks and legal designations.

A. The General Status of Alberta Wild Species 2005 (after Alberta Sustainable Resource Development 2007)

2005 Rank 1996 Rank Definitions At Risk Red Any species known to be At Risk after formal detailed status assessment and designation as Endangered or Threatened in Alberta. May Be At Risk Blue Any species that may be at risk of extinction or extirpation, and is therefore a candidate for detailed risk assessment. Sensitive Yellow Any species that is not at risk of extinction or extirpation but may require special attention or protection to prevent it from becoming at risk. Secure Green Any species that is not At Risk, May Be At Risk or Sensitive. Undetermined Status Any species for which insufficient information, knowledge or data Undetermined is available to reliably evaluate its general status. Not Assessed n/a Any species that has not been examined during this exercise. Exotic/Alien n/a Any species that has been introduced as a result of human activities. Extirpated/Extinct n/a Any species no longer thought to be present in Alberta (Extirpated) or no longer believed to be present anywhere in the world (Extinct). Accidental/Vagrant n/a Any species occurring infrequently and unpredictably in Alberta, i.e., outside its usual range.

B. Alberta Species at Risk Formal Status Designations Species designated as Endangered under Alberta’s Wildlife Act include those listed as Endangered or Threatened in the Wildlife Regulation (in bold).

Endangered A species facing imminent extirpation or extinction. Threatened A species likely to become endangered if limiting factors are not reversed. Species of A species of special concern because of characteristics that make it particularly sensitive to Special Concern human activities or natural events. Data Deficient A species for which there is insufficient scientific information to support status designation.

C. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (after COSEWIC 2009)

Extinct A species that no longer exists. Extirpated A species that no longer exists in the wild in Canada, but occurs elsewhere. Endangered A species facing imminent extirpation or extinction. Threatened A species that is likely to become endangered if nothing is done to reverse the factors leading to its extirpation or extinction. Special Concern A species that may become threatened or endangered because of a combination of biological characteristics and identified threats. Not at Risk A species that has been evaluated and found to be not at risk of extinction given the current circumstances. Data Deficient A category that applies when the available information is insufficient to (a) resolve a wildlife species' eligibility for assessment, or (b) permit an assessment of the wildlife species' risk of extinction.

44 Appendix 2 continued:

D. Heritage Status Ranks: Global (G), National (N), Subnational (S) (after Alberta Natural Heritage Information Centre 2007, NatureServe 2009)

G1/N1/S1 5 or fewer occurrences or only a few remaining individuals. May be especially vulnerable to extirpation because of some factor of its biology. G2/N2/S2 6 to 20 or fewer occurrences or with many individuals in fewer locations. May be especially vulnerable to extirpation because of some factor of its biology. G3/N3/S3 21 to 100 occurrences; may be rare and local throughout its range, or in a restricted range (may be abundant in some locations). May be susceptible to extirpation because of large- scale disturbances. G4/N4/S4 Typically > 100 occurrences. Apparently secure. G5/N5/S5 Typically > 100 occurrences. Demonstrably secure. GX/NX/SX Believed to be extinct or extirpated; historical records only. GH/NH/SH Historically known; may be relocated in the future. G?/N?/S? Not yet ranked, or rank tentatively assigned.

E. United States Endangered Species Act (after National Research Council 1995)

Endangered Any species that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. Threatened Any species that is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

45 cus lberta core areas. Threats Trend Short-term in Appendix 1 for Conservation rank definitions. The fo Appendix 1 for Conservation rank definitions. in Occupancy (stream km) Size Population

Rank Conservation Conservation rank, population size, stream occupancy (km), short-term trend, and the severity, scope and immediacy of trend, and short-term occupancy (km), Conservation rank, population size, stream Bow River Basin Sustainable Resource Development and is based upon a modification of the Natural Heritage Network ranking methodology using of the Natural Heritage Network ranking methodology based upon a modification and is Sustainable Resource Development glossary Criteria. See the Status Assessment Conservation NatureServe list of extirpated of the review was on core areas currently occupied by bull trout, and therefore this is not a comprehensive threats to the 51 identified bull trout core areas in Alberta. Assessment was performed by the Fish and Wildlife Division of A was performed areas in Alberta. Assessment by the Fish and Wildlife 51 identified bull trout core threats to the Appendix 3. Core Area River Basin Oldman Belly River St. Mary River Upper Crowsnest River Castle River Reservoir and Oldman River Upper Oldman Upper Livingstone River At Risk River Lower Oldman Waterton River Drywood Creek Extirpated 250–1000 Willow Creek High Risk 200–1000 High Risk At Risk Lower Bow River At Risk – 250–1000 High Risk 250–1000 250–1000 Stable 250–1000 40–200 Canyon Creek 50–250 High Risk 4–40 4–40 High Risk Upper Elbow River 40–200 –Jumpingpound Creek Moderate, imminent threat Extirpated 40–200 Extirpated Stable 1–50 Middle Bow River 1–50 High Risk Middle Kananaskis River Stable Stable Stable Upper Kananaskis River — Declining Upper Spray threat River Substantial, imminent — 4–40 – 50–250 Widespread, low-severity 4–40 threat Moderate, imminent threat High Risk Upper Bow River* Moderate, imminent threat High Risk threat Substantial, imminent At Risk High Risk 40–200 — Declining Potential Risk 50–250 — Declining High Risk 1–50 1000–2500 Unranked High Risk 1–50 Localized, substantial threat Declining 40–200 threat Substantial, imminent High Risk 40–200 1–50 250–1000 4–40 4–40 At Risk — – threat Substantial, imminent Unranked — 4–40 Declining 1–50 40–200 Severely declining Increasing <4 Unknown 50–250 threat Substantial, imminent Declining Widespread, low-severity threat Moderate, imminent threat Declining Unknown Stable 4–40 threat Substantial, imminent 4–40 Declining Unknown Moderate, imminent threat Widespread, low-severity threat — — Declining threat Substantial, imminent Declining Moderate, imminent threat Unknown Slightly threatened Flat Creek Sheep River Lower Elbow River High Risk High Risk At Risk 50–250 1–50 250–1000 40–200 40–200 Rapidly declining 4–40 threat Substantial, imminent Increasing Declining Moderate, imminent threat Widespread, low-severity threat

46 rank. Threats Trend Short-term Occupancy (stream km) Size Population Rank Conservation continued: Red Deer River Basin Appendix 3 Core Area Red Deer River Little Red Deer River North Saskatchewan River Basin Blackstone River Nordegg River Baptiste River High Risk Pinto Lake and Middle North Saskatchewan River At Risk Lower North Saskatchewan River 1–50 Clearwater River Potential Risk Potential Risk 250–1000 Athabasca RiverBasin At Risk Potential Risk 1000–2500 River Pembina 250–1000 At Risk 1000–2500 High Risk 200–1000 McLeod River 4–40 250–1000 200–1000 High Risk 200–1000 40–200 50–250 50–250 Declining 40–200 River Little Smoky Declining 1–50 Stable Stable River Upper Smoky 40–200 High Risk 40–200 Stable Moderate, imminent threat Muskeg River threat Substantial, imminent Widespread, low-severity threat Stable Widespread, low-severity threat 40–200 250–1000 River Sulphur High Risk River Middle Smoky Declining Stable At Risk 40–200 Peace River Declining Slightly threatened Moderate, imminent threat 50–250 Moderate, imminent threat Moderate, non-imminent threat At Risk 1000–2500 Kakwa River At Risk Declining 200-1000 Moderate, imminent threat 1000–5000 to derive a conservation are known to occur within this core area; however, insufficient information was available *Bull trout 250–1000 2500–10 000 High Risk Potential Risk At Risk 1000–5000 Declining Declining Moderate, imminent threat Potential Risk 200–1,000 250-1000 50–250 250–1000 250–1000 threat Substantial, imminent threat Substantial, imminent 200-1000 Stable At Risk Stable 200-1000 High Risk High Risk 40-200 200–1000 Potential Risk 1000–2500 Stable 2500–10 000 Moderate, imminent threat Declining 50–250 Moderate, imminent threat Declining 1–50 Increasing 200–1000 200–1000 Widespread, low-severity threat 200–1000 threat Substantial, imminent Moderate, imminent threat Declining Declining 40–200 declining Rapidly Slightly threatened Moderate, imminent threat Localized, substantial threat Moderate, imminent threat Declining threat Substantial, imminent Upper North Saskatchewan River Potential Risk 250–1000 40–200 Athabasca River Berland River Increasing Peace-Smoky River Basin Slightly threatened Potential Risk 1000–2500 At Risk 1000–5000 River Simonette 250–1000 Declining 1000–5000 Localized, substantial threat Declining Moderate, imminent threat At Risk 1000–2500 200–1000 Declining Moderate, imminent threat

47 Appendix 4. Land-use events and bull trout declines in southwestern Alberta. Extracted from Fitch (1997).

Drainage Type of Habitat Disturbance (Watershed) Date Period of bull trout decline/ disappearance St. Mary River Reservoir construction (St. Mary River) 1946 1960s and tributaries Irrigation agriculture, irrigation diversion, timber 1950s harvest (Lee Creek) Belly River and Three irrigation diversion weirs (Belly River) 1920s 1960s tributaries Reservoir construction (Waterton River) 1964 Reservoir construction (North Drywood Creek, 1960s Drywood Creek) Gas exploration, development, and processing 1950s (Drywood drainage) Castle River and Timber harvest (West Castle, South Castle, 1940s 1960s – 1970s tributaries Carbondale drainages) Road improvement (South Castle) 1953 Timber harvest, road improvement (Carbondale 1960s, 1970s drainage, South and West Castle drainages) Gas exploration 1960s, 1970s Crowsnest River CPR construction 1897 – 1898 1950s – 1960s and tributaries Coal mine developments 1902 – 1970s Timber harvest 1902 – 1960s Road improvements 1920s – 1970s Urban development 1902 – present Oldman River Road improvement (Forestry Trunk Road) (Upper 1953 1960s – 1970s and tributaries Oldman drainage) Timber harvest (Upper Oldman drainage) 1960s – present Reservoir construction (Willow Creek) 1966 Irrigation diversion (Willow Creek drainage) 1960s Gas exploration (Upper Oldman, Porcupine Hills) 1960s – 1970s

48 List of Titles in This Series (as of September 2009)

No. 1 Status of the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus) in Alberta, by David R. C. Prescott. 19 pp. (1997)

No. 2 Status of the Wolverine (Gulo gulo) in Alberta, by Stephen Petersen. 17 pp. (1997)

No. 3 Status of the Northern Long-eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) in Alberta, by M. Carolina Caceres and M. J. Pybus. 19 pp. (1997)

No. 3 Update 2009. Status of the Northern Myotis (Myotis septentrionalis) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 34 pp. (2009)

No. 4 Status of the Ord’s Kangaroo Rat (Dipodomys ordii) in Alberta, by David L. Gummer. 16 pp. (1997)

No. 5 Status of the Eastern Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre) in Alberta, by Janice D. James, Anthony P. Russell and G. Lawrence Powell. 20 pp. (1997)

No. 5 Update 2004. Status of the Short-horned Lizard (Phrynosoma hernandesi) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 27 pp. (2004)

No. 6 Status of the Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis viridis) in Alberta, by Sheri M. Watson and Anthony P. Russell. 26 pp. (1997)

No. 7 Status of the Swift Fox (Vulpes velox) in Alberta, by Susan E. Cotterill. 17 pp. (1997)

No. 8 Status of the Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum) in Alberta, by Petra Rowell and David P. Stepnisky. 23 pp. (1997)

No. 9 Status of the Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) in Alberta, by Greg Wagner. 46 pp. (1997)

No. 9 Update 2003. Status of the Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 61 pp. (2003)

No. 10 Status of the Sprague’s Pipit (Anthus spragueii) in Alberta, by David R. C. Prescott. 14 pp. (1997)

No. 11 Status of the Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia hypugaea) in Alberta, by Troy I. Wellicome. 21 pp. (1997)

No. 11 Update 2005. Status of the Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 28 pp. (2005)

No. 12 Status of the Canadian Toad (Bufo hemiophrys) in Alberta, by Ian M. Hamilton, Joann L. Skilnick, Howard Troughton, Anthony P. Russell, and G. Lawrence Powell. 30 pp. (1998)

No. 13 Status of the Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus urophasianus) in Alberta, by Cameron L. Aldridge. 23 pp. (1998)

No. 14 Status of the Great Plains Toad (Bufo cognatus) in Alberta, by Janice D. James. 26 pp. (1998)

No. 15 Status of the Plains Hognose Snake (Heterodon nasicus nasicus) in Alberta, by Jonathan Wright and Andrew Didiuk. 26 pp. (1998)

No. 16 Status of the Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus) in Alberta, by Dorothy P. Hill. 20 pp. (1998) No. 17 Status of the Columbia Spotted Frog (Rana luteiventris) in Alberta, by Janice D. James. 21 pp. (1998)

No. 18 Status of the Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) in Alberta, by Josef K. Schmutz. 18 pp. (1999)

No. 18 Update 2006. Status of the Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 22 pp. (2006)

No. 19 Status of the Red-tailed Chipmunk (7DPLDVUX¿FDXGXV) in Alberta, by Ron Bennett. 15 pp. (1999)

No. 20 Status of the Northern Pygmy Owl (Glaucidium gnoma californicum) in Alberta, by Kevin C. Hannah. 20 pp. (1999)

No. 21 Status of the Western Blue Flag (Iris missouriensis) in Alberta, by Joyce Gould. 22 pp. (1999)

No. 21 Update 2005. Status of the Western Blue Flag (Iris missouriensis) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 29 pp. (2005)

No. 22 Status of the Long-toed Salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) in Alberta, by Karen L. Graham and G. Lawrence Powell. 19 pp. (1999)

No. 23 Status of the Black-throated Green Warbler (Dendroica virens) in Alberta, by Michael R. Norton. 24 pp. (1999)

No. 24 Status of the Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) in Alberta, by David R. C. Prescott and Ronald R. Bjorge. 28 pp. (1999)

No. 25 Status of the Plains Spadefoot (Spea bombifrons) in Alberta, by Richard D. Lauzon. 17 pp. (1999)

No. 26 Status of the Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) in Alberta, by M. Lynne James. 21 pp. (2000)

1R 6WDWXVRIWKH3\JP\:KLWH¿VK Prosopium coulteri) in Alberta, by William C. Mackay. 16 pp. (2000)

No. 28 Status of the Short-eared Owl ($VLRÀDPPHXV) in Alberta, by Kort M. Clayton. 15 pp. (2000)

No. 29 Status of the Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii) in Alberta, by Bryan Kulba and W. Bruce McGillivray. 15 pp. (2001)

No. 30 Status of the Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Alberta, by Elston Dzus. 47 pp. (2001)

No. 31 Status of the Western Spiderwort (Tradescantia occidentalis) in Alberta, by Bonnie Smith. 12 pp. (2001)

No. 32 Status of the Bay-breasted Warbler (Dendroica castanea) in Alberta, by Michael Norton. 21 pp. (2001)

No. 33 Status of the Cape May Warbler (Dendroica tigrina) in Alberta, by Michael Norton. 20 pp. (2001)

No. 34 Status of the Whooping Crane (Grus americana) in Alberta, by Jennifer L. White. 21 pp. (2001)

No. 35 Status of Soapweed (Yucca glauca) in Alberta, by Donna Hurlburt. 18 pp. (2001)

No. 36 Status of the Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) in Alberta, by Beth MacCallum. 38 pp. (2001)

No. 37 Status of the Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) in Alberta, by John L. Kansas. 43 pp. (2002)

No. 38 Status of the Wood Bison (Bison bison athabascae) in Alberta, by Jonathan A. Mitchell and C. Cormack Gates. 32 pp. (2002) No. 39 Status of the Bull Trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) in Alberta, by John R. Post and Fiona D. Johnston. 40 pp. (2002)

No. 39 Update 2009. Status of the Bull Trout (6DOYHOLQXVFRQÀXHQWXV) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 48 pp. (2009)

No. 40 Status of the Banff Springs Snail (Physella johnsoni) in Alberta, by Dwayne A.W. Lepitzki. 29 pp. (2002)

No. 41 Status of the Shortjaw Cisco (Coregonus zenithicus) in Alberta, by Mark Steinhilber. 23 pp. (2002)

No. 42 Status of the Prairie Falcon (Falco mexicanus) in Alberta, by Dale Paton. 28 pp. (2002)

No. 43 Status of the American Badger (Taxidea taxus) in Alberta, by Dave Scobie. 17 pp. (2002)

No. 44 Status of the Yucca Moth (Tegeticula yuccasella) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 21 pp. (2002)

No. 45 Status of the White-winged Scoter (Melanitta fusca deglandi) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 15 pp. (2002)

No. 46 Status of the Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 30 pp. (2002)

No. 47 Status of the Western Silvery Minnow (Hybognathus argyritis) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 24 pp. (2003)

1R 6WDWXVRIWKH6PDOOÀRZHUHG6DQG9HUEHQD Tripterocalyx micranthus) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 24 pp. (2003)

No. 49 Status of the Brown Creeper (Certhia americana) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 30 pp. (2003)

No. 50 Status of the Mountain Plover (Charadrius montanus) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 25 pp. (2003)

No. 51 Status of the St. Mary Shorthead Sculpin (provisionally Cottus bairdi punctulatus) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 24 pp. (2003)

No. 52 Status of the Stonecat (1RWXUXVÀDYXV) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 22 pp. (2003)

No. 53 Status of the Sage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes montanus) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 23 pp. (2004)

No. 54 Status of the Tiny Cryptanthe (Cryptantha minima) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 39 pp. (2004)

No. 55 Status of the Slender Mouse-ear-cress (Halimolobos virgata) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 27 pp. (2005)

No. 55 Update 2009. Status of the Slender Mouse-ear-cress (Halimolobos virgata or Transberingia bursifolia subsp. virgata) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 28 pp. (2009)

No. 56 Status of the Barred Owl (Strix varia) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 15 pp. (2005) No. 57 Status of the Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development. 41 pp. (2005)

No. 58 Status of the Weidemeyer’s Admiral (Limenitis weidemeyerii) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 13 pp. (2005)

No. 59 Status of the Porsild’s Bryum (Bryum porsildii) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 30 pp. (2006)

No. 60 Status of the Western Grebe (Aechmophorus occidentalis) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 29 pp. (2006)

No. 61 Status of the Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii lewisii) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 34 pp. (2006)

No. 62 Status of the Limber Pine (3LQXVÀH[LOLV) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 17 pp. (2007)

No. 63 Status of the Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 22 pp. (2007)

No. 64 Status of the Western Small-footed Bat (Myotis ciliolabrum) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 24 pp. (2008)

1R 6WDWXVRIWKH9HUQD¶V)ORZHU0RWK Schinia verna) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 17 pp. (2008)

No. 66 Status of the Athabasca Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development and Alberta Conservation Association. 32 pp. (2009)