832 Gut 1996; 38: 832-836

Effect of capsaicin and on the healing of acetic acid induced gastric ulceration in the rat Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.38.6.832 on 1 June 1996. Downloaded from J Y Kang, C H Teng, F C Chen

Abstract increase the healing of both human and experi- Background-Capsaicin protects the mental gastric ulcer.7 8 The aims of this study gastric mucosa against experimental are, firstly, to determine the effect of capsaicin injury while capsaicin desensitisation on the healing of acetic acid induced gastric reduces the rate of gastric ulcer healing. ulceration in the rat, comparing this effect with The effect of exogenous capsaicin on that of cimetidine, an inhibitor of gastric acid gastric ulcer healing has not to date been secretion widely used in human peptic ulcer reported. disease, and evaluating the effect of combined Aim/method-To investigate the effect of treatment, and secondly, to determine the effect capsaicin, cimetidine, and in combina- of capsaicin, cimetidine, and combined treat- tion, given intragastrically in the healing ment on gastric mucosal blood flow and gastric of acetic acid induced chronic gastric acid output as possible mechanisms by which ulcer in the rat. Treatment started imme- ulcer healing may be promoted. diately after ulcer induction. Results-At the end ofone week, capsaicin, cimetidine, and in combination increased Methods ulcer healing but the effect of combined treatment was less than that of capsaicin GASTRIC ULCER HEALING alone. In an in vivo gastric chamber preparation, capsaicin increased, while Animalpreparation cimetidine decreased, gastric mucosal Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing approxi- blood flow measured by laser Doppler mately 200 g were used for this study. They flowmetry. A dose response effect in reduc- were acclimatised in the animal house for one tion ofgastric mucosal blood flow could be week prior to the study. Chronic gastric ulcers demonstrated for cimetidine. The gastric were produced by direct application of acetic

hyperaemic effect ofcapsaicin was blunted acid using a modification of the method pre- http://gut.bmj.com/ by prior administration of cimetidine. In viously described by Okabe9 and Konturek.10 contrast, capsaicin had no effect on gastric General anaesthesia was induced by intra- acid secretion and its addition to cimeti- peritoneal administration of pentobarbitone dine did not affect the acid suppressant 35 mg/kg. Laparotomy was performed through effect ofthe latter. a midline epigastric incision and the stomach Conclusions-Capsaicin promotes the exposed. A plastic mould of 10 mm diameter

healing of acetic acid induced gastric was applied tightly to the serosal surface of the on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ulcer, probably by its gastric hyperaemic anterior wall of the stomach just proximal to effect. Although cimetidine also promotes the antrum and 120 KI glacial acetic acid was ulcer healing due to its inhibitory effect on poured through the mould onto the surface of acid secretion it may have an antagonistic the stomach for 20 seconds. The procedure effect on the gastric ulcer healing effect of was then repeated for the posterior wall of the capsaicin by virtue of inhibition of gastric stomach. The abdomen was closed with catgut hyperaemia. and silk. The body temperature of the animals (Gut 1996; 38: 832-836) was kept at 37°C and the animals were allowed to recover from the anaesthesia. They were Keywords: capsaicin, cimetidine, acetic acid induced then divided into four groups and given Division of gastric ulcer, gastric ulcer healing, gastric mucosal unlimited normal diet and water for the next Gastroenterology, blood flow, gastric acid secretion. Department of seven days. Medicine J Y Kang C H Teng Capsaicin has a gastroprotective effect and Experimental protocol and Department of reduces the amount of gastric mucosal injury The animals were divided into four groups and Physiology produced by various necrotising agents such as treated daily by gavage with either 1 ml of F C Chen and .1-3 Sensory ablation by solvent, 5 mg of capsaicin in 1 ml of solvent, National University of capsaicin impairs recovery from gastric mucosal 40 mg of cimetidine in 1 ml of solvent, or 5 mg Singapore damage produced by hydrochloric acid4 and of capsaicin plus 40 mg of cimetidine in 1 ml of the solvent. At the end of one the animals Correspondence to: acetic acid induced ulceration,5 although week, Dr J Y Kang, Division of process ofrapid restitution remains unaffected.6 were killed and their stomachs removed, Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, The use of exogenous capsaicin in animals with opened along the greater curvature, fixed in National University Hospital, intact innervation to promote the healing of 10% neutral buffered formalin overnight, and 5 Lower Kent Ridge Road, area Singapore 0511. experimental gastric ulcer has not, however, photographs taken. The of the entire to our mucosa and ulcers that were Accepted for publication been studied knowledge. Suppressants of gastric any present 19 January 1996 gastric acid secretion, in contrast, are known to were measured with a digital planimeter by an Effect ofcapsaicin and cimetidine on the healing ofacetic acid induced gastric ulceration in the rat 833

observer who was unaware ofwhich group each under the curve were derived in arbitrary units animal belonged to. for quantification ofgastric mucosal blood flow over defined time periods.

GASTRIC BLOOD FLOW Experimental protocol Animal preparation Effect of capsaicin, cimetidine, and combined Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.38.6.832 on 1 June 1996. Downloaded from We used the gastric chamber technique treatment (study A) - after a stabilising period of described by Mersereau. l1 Male Sprague- at least 30 minutes recording of blood flow was Dawley rats weighing approximately 200 g begun and continued for up to 135 minutes. were used. They were acclimatised in the Gastric contents were gently aspirated from the animal house for one week prior to the study chamber every 15 minutes for pH analysis. and deprived of food for 24 hours prior to the Basal blood flow was recorded for 30 minutes. experiment but permitted free access to water. The animals were studied in five groups of Each animal was anaesthetised with Clinical eight. For each group one of the following was Research Centre (CRC) cocktail. This was introduced into the chamber at the end of the given intraperitoneally at a dose of 0.3 ml! basal period: (1) 2 ml capsaicin solvent; (2) 5 100 g. The body temperature was maintained mg of capsaicin in 2 ml solvent; (3) 40 mg of at 36±0 5°C using a homeothermic blanket cimetidine suspended in 2 ml capsaicin solvent; (Harvard, Oldham, UK) throughout the (4) 5 mg of capsaicin in 2 ml solvent followed experiment. Laparotomy was performed 15 minutes later by 40 mg of cimetidine sus- through a midline epigastric incision. The pended in 2 ml solvent; (5) 40 mg of cimetidine stomach was exposed and delivered into the suspended in 2 ml capsaicin solvent followed abdominal surface by gentle traction. It was 15 minutes later by 5 mg of capsaicin in 2 ml then drawn through the centre hole of a plastic solvent. Each solution was removed at the end platform placed over the animal, opened along of 15 minutes and replaced with normal saline. the greater curvature, mucosal side uppermost, In the case of groups 4 and 5, the first solution and the edges pinned out. A plastic rim was or suspension was introduced after 30 minutes then applied and tightened down. An ex vivo of basal recording, removed after another 15 gastric chamber was thus made with the major minutes, and the second solution or suspension vasculature left intact. The glandular mucosa introduced. Blood flow changes due to various in the chamber was washed with three changes test substances were studied after 45 minutes of normal saline (0. 15 N sodium chloride) and for groups 1-3 but after 30 minutes for groups bathed with another 1.5 ml of normal saline. 4 and 5 (Fig 1). Dose response study for cimetidine (study B) -

the gastric mucosal blood flow study was http://gut.bmj.com/ Bloodflow measurement repeated using four different doses of cimetidine Gastric mucosal blood flow was measured by a (20 mg, 40 mg, 80 mg, and 160 mg), as well as laser Doppler flowmeter (Periflux 4001, solvent and capsaicin as controls. Perimed, Sweden) and recorded by the Perisoft programme (Perimed, Sweden): the frequency was 12 KHz and the time constant MEASUREMENT OF GASTRIC ACID SECRETION

1.5 second. The zero value was defined by Throughout the basal and test periods gastric on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. placing the laser prove against a white board. juice was gently aspirated every 15 minutes The probe was placed just above the perpen- and replaced with normal saline. Gastric acid dicular to the mucosal surface and its position secretion was measured by titrating the gastric fixed by a metal stand. Measurements were juice to pH 7 with 0.05 N NaOH using an made continuously and at the same site at the auto-titrator (Radiometer Co, Copenhagen, anterior wall of the glandular part of the stom- Denmark). ach. The readings were transferred on to floppy disks for subsequent analysis. Areas REAGENTS 0----15---30---45-----60-75-5---90---105---120-----135 minutes Capsaicin, cimetidine, and TWEEN 80 reagents were purchased from Sigma Chemicals (St Louis, USA). Capsaicin and Group 1 Capsaicin solvent cimetidine were dissolved and suspended respectively in a solvent consisting of 10% ethanol, 10% TWEEN 80, and 80% distilled Group 2 Capsaicin water, volume for volume. CRC cocktail com- prised a mixture of 1 ml of Hypnorm Group 3 Cimetidine (Janssens, Beerse) that contained 0.315 mg of fentanyl and 10 mg of , plus 1 ml of midazolam (Roche, Basel) that contained 5 mg Group 4 Capsaicin Cimetidine of dormicum, diluted to a 4 ml volume with distilled water. For 100 grams of rat, 0.3 ml of Group 5 Cimetidine Capsaicin the cocktail was used, containing 0.024 mg of 0.75 fluanisone, and 0-38 mg of *Basa[Oo4------Study ------fentanyl, mg mesurements mesurements midazolam. Pentobarbitone sodium was Figure 1: Sequence ofadministration ofcapsaicinlcimetidine/vehicle and measurement of obtained as veterinary nembutal (Abbotts, gastric mucosal bloodflow. Paris). 834 Kang, Teng, Chen

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Gastric ulcer size in various treatment groups The first reading of gastric blood flow was Number with Ulcer size taken as the basal blood flow. Subsequent Treatment Number healed uker (mm2 (SEM)) readings of blood flow taken at 15 minute Control 10 0 165 (15) intervals were expressed as percentages of the Capsaicin 10 1 57 (20)* Cimetidine 9 0 82 (32)t were Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.38.6.832 on 1 June 1996. Downloaded from basal blood flow. Areas under the curve Capsaicin plus calculated for the 90 minute periods after cinmetidine 10 1 106 (18)4 exposure to the test substance, or the first test substance. For comparison of acid secretion in *tjp<0-005 versus control, * v tp<0-05. study A, the total amounts of gastric juice collected over the pre- and post-treatment Two animals had completely healed ulcers: periods were compared. For each group two one in the capsaicin group and one in the com- 15 minute collections prior to treatment were bined capsaicin and cimetidine group. considered, plus five 15 minute collections after treatment. For the control, capsaicin, cimetidine, and cimetidine plus capsaicin GASTRIC BLOOD FLOW groups, the post-treatment collection began immediately after the introduction of the only Effect ofcapsaicin, cimetidine, and their or first test substance. For the capsaicin plus combination cimetidine group, however, only the five treat- The rate of blood flow remained steady for the ment periods after cimetidine were considered. control group throughout the 120 minute The 15 minute period after capsaicin use but period of study. The use of capsaicin increased before cimetidine was given was not taken into blood flow over control values (Fig 2). account. For study B, two 15 minute collec- Exposure to cimetidine reduced blood flow tions made before treatment and six after were rates from those of the control group (Fig 2). studied. With combined treatment using both capsaicin Statistical analysis was performed using the and cimetidine the results were different Statistical Package for Social Sciences for depending on the order of administration Windows (SPSSWIN). One way analysis of (Fig 3). When capsaicin was given before variance was performed to detect statistical cimetidine, there were still significant increases differences between the groups. Where treat- in blood flow over control values similar to the ment of data requiring non-parametric tech- group given capsaicin alone. In contrast, when niques was needed, the variables were ranked cimetidine was given before capsaicin, there and analyses performed on the ranked data. was no significant increase in blood flow com- This was to avoid the use ofthe non-parametric pared with control values even though flow Kruskal-Wallis test, which yields a x2 statistic rates were still significantly greater than in http://gut.bmj.com/ with one degree of freedom. Analysis of animals treated with cimetidine alone. variance on ranked data gives a more rigorous The areas under the curve for the solvent, test as it uses the F test.12 Probability values less capsaicin, cimetidine, capsaicin plus cimetidine, than 0.05 were considered significant. and cimetidine plus capsaicin groups were (mean (SEM) units): 579.6 (12.1), 752.6 (32 3) (p<0 05 versus control, cimetidine, and Results cimetidine plus capsaicin groups), 500.4 (20.7) on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. (p<0 05 versus all the other four groups), 735.8 GASTRIC ULCER HEALING (44 9) (p<0 05 versus control, cimetidine, and Five of 45 animals who underwent induction cimetidine plus capsaicin group), and 620-8 of gastric ulcer did not recover from the anaes- (26.9) (p<0- 05 versus capsaicin, capsaicin plus thetic. These 40 animals survived the one week cimetidine, and cimetidine groups). of the experiment but in one rat dense adhesions around the stomach precluded satis- and measurement of ulcer 180 factory dissection * -- Capsaicin size. Overall, the animals grew from a mean Control body weight of 209-9 g to a mean weight of 160 * 234.1 g. There was no difference in weight /\ ~~Cimetidine gain between the four groups of animals. Other 140 workers have shown that the initial area of 0 ulcers measured one day after acetic acid induction was similar to the size of the ~0 mould.13 The Table shows the degree of ulcer 10 healing in the various groups. Both cimetidine and capsaicin were effective in reducing the ulcer size compared with capsaicin solvent. Combination treatment with both capsaicin and cimetidine likewise reduced ulcer size compared with the use of capsaicin solvent. 40 1 However, ulcer size was numerically greater in 0 30 60 90 120 the combined group compared with the use of Time (min) dif- Figure 2: Effect ofcapsaicin and cimetidine on gastric either capsaicin or cimetidine alone. The mucosal bloodflow (n= 14 per group). Data shown as ference between the combined group and the mean (SEM). Time ofexposure to drug arrowed. *p<005 capsaicin group was statistically significant. capsaicin v control; tp<0 05 cimetidine v control. Effect ofcapsaicin and cimetidine on the healing ofacetic acid induced gastric ulceration in the rat 835

Figure 3: Effect of capsaicin groups (mean (SEM)) were: 39.0 combined capsaicin and -*- Capsaicin+cimetidine cimetidine on gastric (1OK1) ,umol, 43.7 (110) ,umol, 0 5 (0.4) pumol -c- Control mucosal bloodflow (n= 14 (p<005 versus control, capsaicin, capsaicin per group). Data shown as U- Cimetidine+capsaicin plus cimetidine, and cimetidine plus capsaicin mean (SEM). Time(s) of 160 r exposure to drug(s) * groups), 6.7 (2.9) pumol (p<0 05 versus con- trol, capsaicin, and cimetidine arrowed. *p<005 groups), and Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.38.6.832 on 1 June 1996. Downloaded from capsaicin+cimetidine v 3.2 (6.3) ,umol (p<005 versus control, cap- control. saicin, and cimetidine groups).

0 Dose response study ofcimetidine -o 0 0 Treatment with cimetidine at various doses rapidly increased gastric juice pH. The total amounts of acid secreted in the 90 minutes after treatment in the control, capsaicin, cimetidine 20 mg, cimetidine 40 mg, cimeti- dine 80 mg, and cimetidine 160 mg groups (mean (SEM)) were: 76-4 (18.8) ,umol, 76.8 (22.4) ,umol, 30.3 (21.1) ,umol (p<0.05 versus 60 control, capsaicin, and cimetidine 40 mg, 80 Time (min) mg, and 160 mg groups), 3.5 (1.9) gmol (p<0.05 versus control, capsaicin, and cimeti- Dose response study ofcimetidine dine 80 mg and 160 mg groups), 0 pumol A dose response effect was clearly seen, (p<0.05 versus control, capsaicin, cimetidine increasing dose of cimetidine being associated 20 mg and 40 mg groups) and 0,umol (p<0.05 with low gastric mucosal blood flow rates (Fig versus control, capsaicin, cimetidine 20 mg 4). Areas under the curve were (mean (SEM) and 40 mg groups). A dose response effect was units): 519.0 (21.8), 773-6 (42 4), 520.2 therefore evident. (38.2), 455.5 (41.7), 445.9 (44.2), and 433.7 (1 5.0) for the control, capsaicin, 20 mg cimeti- dine, 40 mg cimetidine, 80 mg cimetidine, and Discussion 160 mg cimetidine groups respectively. The There are epidemiological data suggesting a area under the curve was significantly greater beneficial role for chilli, which contains cap- for the capsaicin group compared with all other saicin, in human peptic ulcer disease.14 We groups. However, for the different cimetidine have previously shown a protective effect of

doses only the 160 mg group was significantly capsaicin against aspirin induced gastric http://gut.bmj.com/ lower than control. The area under the curve mucosal injury in human volunteers.15 Animal was also significantly lower for the 160 mg studies also suggested a role for capsaicin sen- group compared with the 20 mg group. sitive neurones in the repair of gastric mucosal injury.4 5 Capsaicin is therefore a potential therapeutic agent for peptic ulcer disease in GASTRIC ACID SECRETION humans. Its effect in the healing of experi-

mental gastric ulcer and possible interaction on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Effect ofcapsaicin, cimetidine, and their with other ulcer healing drugs is thereby of combination interest. The total amounts of acid secreted after treat- Cimetidine is a 2 receptor antago- ment in the solvent, capsaicin, cimetidine, nist, which inhibits gastric acid output and is capsaicin plus cimetidine, and cimetidine plus widely used for the treatment of peptic ulcer in humans.7 It is also known to accelerate the 160 healing of experimental gastric ulcer.8 We therefore chose to compare cimetidine with capsaicin in this respect. As expected cimeti- Capsaicin dine at a dose of 40 mg daily did increase ulcer healing compared with control animals. Oral capsaicin at a dose of 5 mg daily also improved 0 ulcer healing. Unexpectedly, combination -0 treatment using capsaicin and cimetidine, 0 Control 0 while still effective compared with the control Cimetidine (20 mg) group, was less efficacious than the use of Cimetidine (40 mg) capsaicin alone. Cimetidine (80 mg) Capsaicin is known to increase gastric blood Cimetidine (160 mg) flow and this is thought to be one mechanism for its gastroprotective effect.' In contrast, cimetidine has previously been shown to reduce gastric mucosal blood a 0 30 60 90 120 flow,16 finding confirmed in this We therefore Time (min) study. investi- gated the effect of combined treatment on Figure 4: Effect ofdifferent doses ofcimetidine on gastric mucosal bloodflow (n= 8 per gastric mucosal blood flow. To measure gastric group). Data shown as mean (SEM). Time of exposure to drug arrowed. p< 005: tcapsaicin v control, tcimetidine 20 mg v control, *cimetidine 40 mg v control, §cimetidine acid secretion, the solution bathing the gastric 80 mg and 160 mg v control. chamber preparation has to be aspirated at 836 Kang, Teng, Chen

regular intervals. To eliminate the possibility of This work was supported by Research Grant RP900309, National University of Singapore as well as GR 06085H gener- the capsaicin and cimetidine solutions inter- ously donated by the Shaw Foundation. We would like to thank acting physically during the 15 minutes in the Associate Professor K C Lun for statistical advice. gastric chamber, we gave the two solutions consecutively rather than simultaneously. Pilot 1 Holzer P, Pabst MA, Lippe I Th, Peskar BM, Peskar BA, Livingston EH, et al. Afferent nerve-mediated protection studies suggested that the sequence of against deep mucosal damage in the rat stomach. Gut: first published as 10.1136/gut.38.6.832 on 1 June 1996. Downloaded from administration made a difference to the effect Gastroenterology 1990; 98: 838-48. 2 Uchida M, Yano S, Watanabe K. The role of capsaicin - of combination treatment on mucosal blood sensitive afferent nerves in protective effect of capsaicin flow. Application of cimetidine after hyper- against absolute ethanol-induced gastric lesions in rats. JpnJf Pharmacol 199 1; 55: 279-82. aemia had already been initiated with capsaicin 3 Holzer P, Pabst MA, Lippe I Th. Intragastric capsaicin did not have any significant effect on sub- protects against aspirin-induced lesion formation and bleeding in the rat gastric mucosa. Gastroenterology 1989; sequent gastric mucosal blood flow. However, 96: 425-33. the use of cimetidine followed by capsaicin 4 Takeuchi K, Ueshima K, Ohuchi T, Okabe S. The role of capsaicin sensitive sensory neurones in healing of HCl- abolished the hyperaemic effect of the latter. induced gastric mucosal lesion in rats. Gastroenterology Cimetidine can therefore prevent the hyper- 1994; 106: 1524-32. 5 Tramontana M, Renzi D, Calabro A, Panerai C, Milani S, aemic effect of capsaicin but cannot reverse Surrenti C, et al. Influence of capsaicin-sensitive afferent hyperaemia once it has occurred. The pharma- fibers on acetic acid-induced chronic gastric ulcer in rats. ScandJ7 Gastroenterol 1994; 29: 406-13. cological basis of this interaction remains to be 6 Pabst MA, Schoninkle E, Holzer P. Ablation of capsaicin worked out. sensitive afferent nerves impairs defence but not rapid repair of rat gastric mucosa. Gut 1993; 34: 897-903. Published works on the effect of capsaicin 7 Blackwood WS, Maudgal DP, Pickard RG, Lawrence D, on gastric acid output are confusing. Basal acid Northfield TC. Cimetidine in duodenal ulcer. Lancet 1976; ii: 174-6. output is not affected either by desensitisation 8 Olsen PS, Poulsen SS, Therkelsen K, Nexo E. Effect of or by intragastric capsaicin administration. 17-20 sialoadenectomy and sythetic human urogastrone on heal- ing of chronic gastric ulcer in rats. Gut 1986; 27: 1443-9. However, pentagastrin stimulated gastric acid 9 Okabe S, Roth JLA, Pfeiffer CJ. A method for experimental output was said to be increased,21 or reduced'7 penetrating gastric and duodenal ulcer in rats. Dig Dis 1971; 16: 277-84. by intragastric capsaicin administration while 10 Konturek SJ, Dembinski A, Warzecha Z, Bielanski W, capsaicin desensitisation either reduced'9 Brzozowski T, Drozdowicz D. Epidermal growth factor in the gastro-protective and ulcer healing actions of colloidal pentagastrin stimulated acid output, or had no bismuth subcitrate in rats. Gut 1988; 29: 894-902. effect. 9 Differences in the experimental proto- 11 Mersereau WA, Hinchey EJ. Effect of gastric acidity on gastric ulceration induced by hemorrhage in the rat, utilis- col, for example, use of anaesthesia, or the ing a gastric chamber technique. Gastroenterology 1973; dosages of pentagastrin may have accounted 64: 1130-5. 12 SAS Institute Inc. SAS user's guide: Statistics. Version 5. for some ofthese differences. In contrast, calci- North Carolina, USA: SAS Institute Inc, 1985: 651. tonin gene related peptide, which is released by 13 Konturek SJ, Brzozowski T, Majka J, Szlachcic A, Bielanski W, Stachura J, et al. Fibroblast growth factor in gastro- capsaicin from sensory nerves and which is protection and ulcer healing: interaction with sucralfate. thought to be a mediator of capsaicin induced Gut 1993; 34: 881-7.

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