USA 美國 俄羅斯 2020 | English | Colour | 275min 2020 | Russian | DCP | B&W | 120 min Director Frederick Wiseman Director Producer Frederick Wiseman, Karen Konicek Producer Andrei Konchalovsky, Alisher Usmanov Cinematographer John Davey Scriptwriter Andrei Konchalovsky, Elena Kiseleva Editor Frederick Wiseman Cinematographer Andrey Naidenov Sound Frederick Wiseman, Christina Hunt, Editor Sergei Taraskin, Karolina Maciejewska Emmanuel Croset Production designer Irina Ochina Production Zipporah Films, Inc. Sound Polina Volynkina World Sales The Party Film Sales Cast Julia Vysotskaya, Vladislav Komarov, Andrei Gusev Production Andrei Konchalovsky Studios World Sales Films Boutique

Dear Comrades! Dorogie Tovarishchi! 親愛的同志

The process of making films about the 1960s is increasingly [導演的話] becoming the process of restoring the historical authenticity of the 拍攝一部關於二十世紀六十年代的電影,過程愈來愈顯 era, a fairly difficult task all in itself. Recently we’ve all been seeing 得是在還原時代的歷史真相,本身就有一定難度。最近 plenty of films where the 60s-70s-80s of the XX century look fake 我們都看了很多關於二十世紀六十、七十和八十年代的 and contrived, without any resemblance to the Soviet films made 電影,裏面的時代感看來都很假,很人工,一點都不像 at the time, like The Cranes Are Flying or Ballad of a Soldier. So, my 那時拍攝的蘇聯電影,例如《仙鶴飛翔》或《士兵之 goal was to scrupulously and in great detail reproduce the era of 歌》。因此,我旨在認真細緻地將六十年代的蘇聯還原 the USSR’s 1960s. I think that the Soviet people of post-war time, 出來。我認為,我們絕對應該為二次大戰後的蘇聯人 the ones who fought in the WWII until victory, deserve to have a 民,那些奮力作戰並獲得勝利的人拍一部電影,向他們 movie that pays tribute to their purity and the tragic dissonance that 的純潔致意。而當他們發現共產主義理想與周遭的現實 followed the realisation of how different the communist ideals were 有這麼大的出入時,也值得後人向他們送上一聲問候。 from the reality around them. Andrei Konchalovsky

Andrei KONCHALOVSKY was born in Moscow in 1937, and is a theatre, film director and SELECTED FILMOGRAPHY 主要作品 screenwriter. His films, TV and theatre productions have won prizes at Venice, Cannes and 1979 Siberiade 西伯利亞之歌 San Sebastian and Emmy, Oscar and Laurence Olivier awards. He won the Best Director 1985 Runaway Train 暴走列車 award twice at Venice for The Postman’s White Nights (14) and Paradise (16), and the Special 2002 House of Fools 愛在瘋煙四起時 Jury Prize for Dear Comrades!. 2014 The Postman’s White Nights 郵差的白夜 安德烈岡查洛夫斯基 1937 年生於莫斯科,出身藝術世家,入讀俄羅斯電影學院,曾為塔可 2016 Paradise 見地獄見天堂 夫斯基編劇。1965 年完成首作《第一位老師》。80 年移民美國,九十年代返回俄羅斯。電影 2020 Dear Comrades! 親愛的同志 拍攝以外,亦活躍於舞台創作及電影劇製作。憑《郵差的白夜》(14) 及《見地獄見天堂》(16) 兩度奪得威尼斯影展最佳導演獎,憑《親愛的同志》獲威尼斯影展評審團特別獎。