Cumberland. Wetheral
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DIRECTORY. J CUMBERLAND. WETHERAL. ':!.77 of the water, and the entire length is about 625 feet; consist only of the gatehouse, which has a fine ellip adjoinmg the bridge is a balcony used by foot passen- tical arch and flanking turrets. Excavated in the gers. Crossing the valley of Corby Beck is another fine face of a perpendicular rock, 40 feet above the river, bridge, 480 feet in length, and consisting of seven arches at a short distance from the .Abbey ruins, are St. of 40 feet span each. The church of the Holy Trinity is Constantine's cells, which consist of three caves about a building of stone, originally Norman, but now chiefl.y 8o feet by 36, formed out of the solid rock, and in the Perpendicular style, and consisting of chancel. traditionally said to have been once occupied by this nave of four bays, north aisle, a chapel on the north saint as a hermitage ; on the opposite side is a full side of the chancel, and a tower containing 2 bells and length stone figure of the saint himself, placed in 1843. a clock, which was provided in 1897 as a memorial of A. short distance up the river stands Wetheral Follet, Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. The chancel was built by the Misses Waugh. The Crown hotel and rebuilt in 1872, from designs by Mr. J. Withers, Tavistock House temperance hotel, near the station, are architect, at the cost of the Dean. &nd Chapter of both good houses. The Dean and Chapter of Carlisle, Carlisle, and the parishioners; the tower, erected in who are lords of the manor, the Duke of Devonshire 176o, was rebuilt and the nave effectively restored in P.C. Mr. William Graham, of Green bank, Mrs. Blake, of 1882, at a cost of £2,30], defrayed by subscription: The Vicarage, Irthington, the Rev. Alfred Scott M . .A.. of the chapel, .added in 1791, and built on the founda- Oak Bank, Wetheral, and Charles Jackson esq. of the tions of the family mausoleum of fhe Howards of Manor House, Dalston, Carlisle. are the principal land Corby, contains several splendid and elaborately wrought owners. The soil is fine loam; subsoil, clay. The chief monuments to members of that family, and another, crops are wheat and oats. The area of the parish is with an exquisite group in white marble, by Nollekens, 11,326 acres of land and 163 of water; rateable value, to the Hon. Maria (.Archer), 3rd daughter of .A.ndrew, £gr,o4g; the population in 1911 was 3,328 in the civil 2nd and last Baron Archer of Umberslade, and wife and 1,381 in the ecclesiastical parish. ·of Henry Howard esq. of Corby; she died 9 Nov. 178o: Verger, James Taylor. in the north aisle are recumbent effigies of Sir Richard . Salkeld, knighted in 1487, and Jane his wife; he was Post, M. 0. & T., Telephomc Express Dehvery & Public governor of Carlisle, and died in xsoo: the church affords ll Telephone Call O:ffice.-Robert Thompson, sub-post- 288 sittings. The register dates from the year 1674. master. Letters arrive from Carlisle at 6.20 a.m. & The living is a rectory, with that of Warwick annexed 4.8 p.m.; dispatched at II-45 a.m. & 4·45 & 6.45 joint net yearly value £277 (and £120 for a curate), p.m.; sund_ay delivery, to callers only, between 8.30 & with so acres of glebe and residence erected in 1714, , IO a.m.; dispatched at 7·45 p.m in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Carlisle, and Public Elementary School (mixed), built in 176o, & held since 1904 by the Rev. Arthur Gershom Loftie rebuilt in 1854, for 130 children; average attendance, M. A. of Trinity College, Dublin, and hon. canon of 70; Henry Caton, master Carlisl~. Here is a Wesle~an chapel, built in 1873, on The school is under the control of 7 managers; Robert land g1ven by Mr. John NlCholscn; there are about 150 McNichol "4 Lowther street Carlisle correspondent sittings. The Working Men's Reading and Recreation IR - St \~ J h G1 : ht t t'· ma ter Room was erected in x8gx; attached to it is an assembly al.1 way ~ lOD, 0 n . enwng • 8 a lOD s hall, which is available for public meetings and con- Pohce Stahon, Hugh .A.msworth, sergeant certs. .A Cemetery of 2 acres, 1 rood, 16 perches, pur HEADS NOOK is a growing residential village, chiefly chased in 1891, at a cost of £1,2oo, was opened in 1892; in the civil parish of W etheral, a small portion being in it ha~ a mortuary chapel, and is under the control of the parish of Hayton; there is a station here, 5 the Parish Council. Pre-Roman stone implements have miles from Carlisle, on the North Eastern railway, and been found here, and a rock, bearing an inscription, of a church room, built in xgo6, to seat 120 persons. Roman date. The Benedictine priory of Wetheral or Wedderdale was founded in or about uoo by Ranulph Post, M. 0. & T. O:ffice.-Walter Eckersley, sub-post de Meschines, Earl of Chester and Lord of Cumberland master. Letters arrive from Carlisle on week days at. and Carlisle, as a cell to York, and was dedicated to the 6.25 a.m. & 4· 15 p.m. & on sundays there is a delivery Holy Trinity and SS. Mary and Constantine. .At the to callers only between 8.30 & 10 a.m. ; dispatched at Dissolution there were 8 monks, and revenues estimated 10 a. m. & 4.40 & 7 p.m. on week days & 7 ·45 on sun at £II7: the remains, standing a little to the south, Railway Station, John .A.rmstrong, station maRtP.r WETHER.A.L. Robson James, Heathlands, Wetheral Dixon James. farmer Pasture Duckers James Samuel, commercial PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Robson John, Woodlands, Wetheral traveller, Eden croft A.very George W. Ivy cottage Pasture Farrer Jsph. S. photogrphr.Eden sid~ Barclay John M.B. .Anchor lodge Scott Rev. Alfred M . .A.. Oakbank Hastie .A.rthur (Mrs.), refreshments Bowman Thomas, Crof villa Shepheard-Walwyn .Alfred Irving Heslop Isaac (Mrs.), apartments Bramwell Thomas Y. Green bank M.D., Ch.B.Edin. Edenwood Heslop Isaac James, coal agent Burrow Thomas, The Shrubbery Slater John B. Wetheral Plain Heslop Robt. farmer, Castle grounds Butler Wm. Charles, Eden mount Strong Thomas Slack, The Elms Irving Isabella (Mrs.), apartments, Carr Harold, Woodville Thompson Misses, Wetheral Plain .A.shcroft Coulthard William George, Rothay Townson Henry, Garth house Irving Richard, farmer, Croft farm Crosthwaite Mrs. Lime house Turner T.P. Redstone. Wetheral Plain Johnston Edward, private gardener to Drewry Miss, Oakbank cottage Vickers Jacob, The Wandales Rev. Alfred Scott M.A Duckers James Samuel, Eden croft Workman John H. Eden holme Johnston Isabel (Miss). district nurse Fidler Edward, o·aklands Lawson Margaret (Miss), apartments Gibson Mrs. The Grange COMMERCIAL. Lawson Thomas, joiner Goodwil Gustave B.Sc. Wetheral Lear William (Mrs.), apartments, Pasture .A.dams Richard S. farmer Howard cottage Graham Mrs. Fiber cottage Armstrong Geo. farmer, Broadwath McNeil John & Sons, market gar Hardy Mrs. Hannah, Wetheral plain Barclay John M.B., C.M Edin. phy- deners, Pleasant view Ladbrooke Mrs. Longlands sician & surgeon, medical officer & Mark Thomas Hodgson, farmer k Loftie Rev. C'tnon Arthur Gershom public vaccinator Wetheral dis- yeoman, Holme house M.A. (rector), Rectory trict, Carlisle union, Anchor lodge Marshall Thomas W. blacksmith McFarlan Rev. Allan Menzies M. A. Barnfather George, private gardener Morley Matthew, farmer, Bracken- (curate) to T. S. Strong esq bank Martindale James Henry F .R.I.B.A. Beattie John, farmer,Wetheral Shlds Palmer IsaacWm.frmr.Wetheral abby Moor Yeat Bell John, farmer, Wetheral Shields Park John & James, frmrs.Coathouse Mason Stanley Meggison, Eden house Bulman William (Mrs.), refreshmnts Pearson Waiter L.R.C.P.S.Edin., Mawson Harry Anthony Plevna, The Burrow Thomas, tailor L.R.F.P.S.Glas. physician, Brae Larches Burrow Wait . .A. (Mrs.), refreshmnts Head Moss Mrs. Margaret A. W etheral Cla.rke Robert, Crown hotel; excel- Roper Joseph, quarry owner,Wetheral Pasture lent accommodation for visitors, Pasture Nelson Joseph W. Dale View cyclists, motorists; fishing, bowl- Routledge Robert, gardene-r Oram William B. Edenbank ing; catering for parties & close Shepheard-Walwyn .Alfred Irving Ormiston Miss Jessie, Mill house to the Railway station. Tele- M.D., Ch.B Edin. physician & sur- Parker Miss Isabella, Wetheral Plain phone No. 8 ~eon, Eden wood Pearson Wnlt L.R f'.P.Edin.Brae Head Crosthwaite Kate (Mrs.), boys' pre- Smith John, shopkeeper Peterson Charles M. Thornleigh paratory boarding school, Lime ho Thompson Misses, a parts. Woodgrange Porter Robert M. Jesmond villa, Dalton John, clerk to Parish Council Thompson Jane (Mrs.) & Jessie W etheral Pasture & assistant oversPer (Miss), confectioners Reav• Jn. The Beeches,Wetheral Plain Dargoavel James, nurseryman .