Biological Evaluation of Proposed, Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive Species Wildlife Habitat Improvement and Fuels Reduction Project Proposed Action within Winston County, Alabama Responsible Agency: USDA Forest Service National Forests in Alabama William B. Bankhead Ranger District Contact: Deciding Officer: District Ranger Glen D. Gaines Biological Evaluation Preparer: Biological Scientist Allison Cochran PO Box 278 Double Springs, Alabama 35553 Telephone 205-489-5111 FAX 205-489-3427 E-mail
[email protected] [email protected] Type of Document Categorical Exclusion – BE Summary The proposed project will reduce midstory and understory trees and shrubs in two sites, totaling approximately 47 acres, noted on the attached maps. The project sites are located in the Black Pond and Hickory Grove communities. They are found in Forest Service management compartments 163 and 19. The sites proposed for treatment are loblolly pine stands. They were thinned in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Selected vegetation between 1 inch and 6 inches DBH will be removed in upland pine- dominant habitat. In compartment 163, the result will be an open pine stand with reduced fuel loading and advanced hardwood regeneration. In compartment 19, the result will be an open pine stand with reduced fuel loading. The result will allow for restoration and maintenance of native forest communities, including upland oak-hickory forest in compartment 163 and fire dependent pine woodlands in compartment 19. The purpose and need for the project is to improve wildlife habitat, improve conditions for native upland plants, restore and maintain native forest communities, and to decrease the risk of catastrophic wildfires by reducing fuels.