ARTS - 3860 Section 001 Sculpture and Installation # 67191 Public Sculpture and Installation: Methods and Practice 1:25 PM - 4:25 PM, M/W Regis Center for Art E117 Andréa Stanislav, Associate Professor
[email protected] Instructor’s office hour: Mondays 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM, Room #E265 Class will meet during regularly scheduled hours in the classroom. The class will also meet outside the classroom during the scheduled class time. The class may also meet other days of the week for outside events, field trips, and guest artist and curator speakers -- these events may be scheduled on a weekly basis -- and are subject to change. There will also be a public art field trip to Chicago scheduled in April. Suggested texts: • Jane Bennet, Vibrant Matter: a political ecology of things. Duke University Press, Durham and London 2010 • Brunno Latour and Peter Weibel Making Things Public -- Atmospheres of Democracy, MIT Press, 2005 • Guy Debord, La Société du Spectacle (Society of the Spectacle),1967, Rebel Press 2004 Course Description and Objective: This course is an intermediate/advanced exploration of contemporary approaches, concepts, and practices of installation art and public art. What was, is, and will be installation art and public art? What purpose do these art practices serve? Who is the public? What effect and real changes (if any) do these practices have in the public realm and the fine art academy/ world? How are public art monuments that commemorates, honors, reminds, catalogues regarded, critiqued and transformed in the present? This project-based interdisciplinary course will focus on the development of skill sets in making, designing, critical thinking and realization of: a public artwork proposal, a public art intervention project, and an installation project.