The graph shows the 1 constraints on the density of and of cosmic matter over time (i.e., red shift) from an analysis of , CMB, and galaxy-clustering data. This analysis indicates that Einstein’s model of a constant cosmological "constant" is favored over dynamic dark-energy models which predict either a Big Crunch or a Big Rip within tens of gigayears. See article 241302. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS J 18 249602, 240601– (24), 92 PRL Contents Articles published 12 June–18 June 2004

VOLUME 92, NUMBER 24 18 JUNE 2004

General Physics Complexity of Random Energy Landscapes, Glass Transition, and Absolute Value of the Spectral Determinant of Random Matrices ...... 240601 Yan V. Fyodorov

Gravitation and Astrophysics Model for Fluctuating Inflaton Coupling: Sneutrino Induced Adiabatic Perturbations and Nonthermal Leptogenesis 241301 Anupam Mazumdar New Dark Energy Constraints from Supernovae, Microwave Background, and Galaxy Clustering ...... 241302 Yun Wang and UNE Elementary Particles and Fields

Discovering the Higgs Bosons of Minimal Supersymmetry with Muons and a Bottom Quark ...... 241801 pages) total (280 2004 Sally Dawson, Duane Dicus, Chung Kao, and Rahul Malhotra Study of B ! J=  and B ! J= K Decays: Measurement of the Ratio of Branching Fractions and Search for Direct CP Violation ...... 241802 B. Aubert et al. (BABAR Collaboration) Mass of the b and s from the Nonrelativistic Renormalization Group ...... 242001 Bernd A. Kniehl, Alexander A. Penin, Antonio Pineda, Vladimir A. Smirnov, and Matthias Steinhauser Physical Nucleon Properties from Lattice QCD ...... 242002 D. B. Leinweber, A. W. Thomas, and R. D. Young

Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Combined Nuclear-Molecular Resonance Inelastic Scattering of X Rays ...... 243001 V.G. Kohn, A. I. Chumakov, and R. Ru¨ffer State Selective Enhanced Production of Excited Fragments and Ionic Fragments of Gaseous SiCH32Cl2 and Solid- State Analogs following Core-Level Excitation ...... 243002 J. M. Chen, K. T. Lu, J. M. Lee, C. I. Ma, and Y.Y. Lee Control of Raman Lasing in the Nonimpulsive Regime ...... 243003 B. J. Pearson and P.H. Bucksbaum Polarization and Trapping of Weakly Bound Atoms in Penning Trap Fields ...... 243401 S. G. Kuzmin and T. M. O’Neil

Nonlinear Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Classical Optics, etc. Nonlinear Dynamics of Incommensurate Surface Layers ...... 244101 Alexander S. Kovalev, Igor V. Gerasimchuk, and Gerard A. Maugin

(Continued on Third Cover) 24

Copyright 2004 by The American Physical Society

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Structure of Wave Functions of Pseudointegrable Billiards ...... 244102 E. Bogomolny and C. Schmit Flow of He II due to an Oscillating Grid in the Low-Temperature Limit ...... 244501 H. A. Nichol, L. Skrbek, P.C. Hendry, and P.V.E. McClintock Control of Spatiotemporal Disorder in Parametrically Excited Surface Waves ...... 244502 T. Epstein and J. Fineberg Drag Reduction by Polymers in Wall Bounded Turbulence ...... 244503 Victor S. L’vov, Anna Pomyalov, Itamar Procaccia, and Vasil Tiberkevich Growth of Density Inhomogeneities in a Flow of Wave Turbulence ...... 244504 A. M. Balk, G. Falkovich, and M. G. Stepanov Fluid Pinch-Off Dynamics at Nanometer Length Scales ...... 244505 J. C. Burton, J. E. Rutledge, and P. Taborek

Plasma and Beam Physics Flux Conversion and Evidence of Relaxation in a High- Plasma Formed by High-Speed Injection into a Mirror Confinement Structure ...... 245001 H. Y. Guo, A. L. Hoffman, K. E. Miller, and L. C. Steinhauer Spatial and Temporal Structure of Edge-Localized Modes ...... 245002 A. Kirk, H. R. Wilson, G. F. Counsell, R. Akers, E. Arends, S. C. Cowley, J. Dowling, B. Lloyd, M. Price, and M. Walsh (MAST Team) Measurement of Landau Damping and the Evolution to a BGK Equilibrium ...... 245003 J. R. Danielson, F. Anderegg, and C. F. Driscoll

Condensed Matter: Structure, etc. Light-Induced Giant Softening of Network Glasses Observed near the Mean-Field Rigidity Transition ...... 245501 J. Gump, I. Finkler, H. Xia, R. Sooryakumar, W. J. Bresser, and P. Boolchand Effect of Low-Level Radiation on the Low Temperature Acoustic Behavior of a-SiO2 ...... 245502 E. Nazaretski, R. D. Merithew, V.O. Kostroun, A. T. Zehnder, R. O. Pohl, and J. M. Parpia Structural Amorphous Steels ...... 245503 Z. P. Lu, C. T. Liu, J. R. Thompson, and W. D. Porter Unusual Glass-Forming Ability of Bulk Amorphous Alloys Based on Ordinary Metal Copper ...... 245504 Donghua Xu, Gang Duan, and William L. Johnson Roughening of Fracture Surfaces: The Role of Plastic Deformation ...... 245505 Eran Bouchbinder, Joachim Mathiesen, and Itamar Procaccia Universal Dynamic Fragmentation in D Dimensions ...... 245506 J. A. A˚ stro¨m, F. Ouchterlony, R. P. Linna, and J. Timonen Observation of Ordered Phases of Fullerenes in Carbon Nanotubes ...... 245507 Andrei N. Khlobystov, David A. Britz, Arzhang Ardavan, and G. Andrew D. Briggs Collective of the Boson Peak and Universal Transboson Dynamics of Glasses ...... 245508 A. I. Chumakov, I. Sergueev, U. van Bu¨rck, W. Schirmacher, T. Asthalter, R. Ru¨ffer, O. Leupold, and W. Petry Soft Lubrication ...... 245509 J. M. Skotheim and L. Mahadevan Unsteady Crack Motion and Branching in a Phase-Field Model of Brittle Fracture ...... 245510 Alain Karma and Alexander E. Lobkovsky Novel Isotope Effects Observed in Polarization Echo Experiments in Glasses ...... 245511 P. Nagel, A. Fleischmann, S. Hunklinger, and C. Enss Long-Range Critical Wetting: Observation of a Critical End Point ...... 245701 Salima Rafaı¨, Daniel Bonn, Emanuel Bertrand, Jacques Meunier, Volker C. Weiss, and Joseph O. Indekeu Viscosity at the Dynamic Crossover in o-Terphenyl and Salol under High Pressure ...... 245702 R. Casalini and C. M. Roland Drift Causes Anomalous Exponents in Growth Processes ...... 246101 Gunnar Pruessner

(Continued on Preceding Page) Contents (Continued)

Kinetic Roughening of Laser Deposited Polymer Films: Crossover from Single Particle Character to Continuous Growth ...... 246102 Jo¨rg Hachenberg, Christoph Streng, Erik Su¨ske, Sebastian Vauth, S. G. Mayr, Hans-Ulrich Krebs, and Konrad Samwer Quantitative Evaluation of Spatial Coherence of the Electron Beam from Low Temperature Field Emitters ...... 246103 B. Cho, T. Ichimura, R. Shimizu, and C. Oshima Kinetic Roughening of Ion-Sputtered Pd(001) Surface: Beyond the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Model ...... 246104 T. C. Kim, C.-M. Ghim, H. J. Kim, D. H. Kim, D. Y. Noh, N. D. Kim, J. W. Chung, J. S. Yang, Y.J. Chang, T. W. Noh, B. Kahng, and J.-S. Kim Atomistic and Lattice Model of a Grain Boundary Defaceting Phase Transition ...... 246105 Istva´n Daruka and J. C. Hamilton Step Edge Sputtering Yield at Grazing Incidence Ion Bombardment ...... 246106 Henri Hansen, Celia Polop, Thomas Michely, Andreas Friedrich, and Herbert M. Urbassek Dependence of Quasiliquid Thickness on the Liquid Activity: A Bulk Thermodynamic Theory of the Interface . . . . . 246107 B. F. Henson and J. M. Robinson

Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc. Van der Waals Density Functional for General Geometries ...... 246401 M. Dion, H. Rydberg, E. Schro¨der, D. C. Langreth, and B. I. Lundqvist Fermi Surface and Quasiparticle Dynamics of Na0:7CoO2 Investigated by Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy ...... 246402 M. Z. Hasan, Y.-D. Chuang, D. Qian, Y.W. Li, Y. Kong, A. Kuprin, A. V. Fedorov, R. Kimmerling, E. Rotenberg, K. Rossnagel, Z. Hussain, H. Koh, N. S. Rogado, M. L. Foo, and R. J. Cava ARPES on Na0:6CoO2: Fermi Surface and Unusual Band Dispersion ...... 246403 H.-B. Yang, S.-C. Wang, A. K. P. Sekharan, H. Matsui, S. Souma, T. Sato, T. Takahashi, T. Takeuchi, J. C. Campuzano, R. Jin, B. C. Sales, D. Mandrus, Z. Wang, and H. Ding Dimerization in a Half-Filled One-Dimensional Extended Hubbard Model ...... 246404 Y.Z. Zhang Exact Bond Ordered Ground State for the Transition between the Band and the Mott Insulator ...... 246405 C. D. Batista and A. A. Aligia Coulomb Drag as a Probe of the Nature of Compressible States in a Magnetic Field ...... 246801 K. Muraki, J. G. S. Lok, S. Kraus, W. Dietsche, K. von Klitzing, D. Schuh, M. Bichler, and W. Wegscheider Band-Structure Modulation in Carbon Nanotube T Junctions ...... 246802 Po-Wen Chiu, Martti Kaempgen, and Siegmar Roth Coulomb Scattering in a 2D Interacting Electron Gas and Production of EPR Pairs ...... 246803 D. S. Saraga, B. L. Altshuler, Daniel Loss, and R. M. Westervelt Dependence of Spin Susceptibility of a Two-Dimensional Electron System on the Valley Degree of Freedom ...... 246804 Y.P. Shkolnikov, K. Vakili, E. P. De Poortere, and M. Shayegan Charge Ordering, Commensurability, and Metallicity in the Phase Diagram of the Layered NaxCoO2 ...... 247001 Maw Lin Foo, Yayu Wang, Satoshi Watauchi, H. W. Zandbergen, Tao He, R. J. Cava, and N. P. Ong Dephasing in Disordered Metals with Superconductive Grains ...... 247002 M. A. Skvortsov, A. I. Larkin, and M. V. Feigel’man Spin Dynamics of the Electron-Doped High-Tc Superconducting Cuprates ...... 247003 F. Onufrieva and P. Pfeuty Quantum Phase Transitions in the Cuprate Superconductor Bi2Sr2xLaxCuO6 ...... 247004 Yoichi Ando, S. Ono, X. F. Sun, J. Takeya, F. F. Balakirev, J. B. Betts, and G. S. Boebinger Lattice Gas Dynamics: Application to Driven Vortices in Two Dimensional Superconductors ...... 247005 Violeta Gotcheva, Albert T. J. Wang, and S. Teitel Off-Site Repulsion-Induced Triplet Superconductivity: A Possibility for Chiral pxy-Wave Pairing in Sr2RuO4 ...... 247006 Ryotaro Arita, Seiichiro Onari, Kazuhiko Kuroki, and Hideo Aoki Creation of an Antiferromagnetic Exchange Spring ...... 247201 A. Scholl, M. Liberati, E. Arenholz, H. Ohldag, and J. Sto¨hr Inelastic Ultraviolet Scattering from High Frequency Acoustic Modes in Glasses ...... 247401 C. Masciovecchio, A. Gessini, S. Di Fonzo, L. Comez, S. C. Santucci, and D. Fioretto

(Continued on Preceding Page) Contents (Continued)

Exciton Regeneration at Polymeric Semiconductor Heterojunctions ...... 247402 Arne C. Morteani, Paiboon Sreearunothai, Laura M. Herz, Richard H. Friend, and Carlos Silva Can Laser Light Cool Semiconductors? ...... 247403 Mansoor Sheik-Bahae and Richard I. Epstein Energy Loss of Photoelectrons by Interaction with Image Charge ...... 247601 Ryuichi Arafune, Kei Hayashi, Shigenori Ueda, and Sukekatsu Ushioda

Interdisciplinary Physics: Biological Physics, Quantum Information, etc. Entanglement Energetics at Zero Temperature ...... 247901 Andrew N. Jordan and Markus Bu¨ttiker Interfacing Quantum-Optical and Solid-State Qubits ...... 247902 L. Tian, P. Rabl, R. Blatt, and P. Zoller Scaling of Microtubule Force-Velocity Curves Obtained at Different Tubulin Concentrations ...... 248101 Marcel E. Janson and Marileen Dogterom Tracking Waves and Vortex Nucleation in Excitable Systems with Anomalous Dispersion ...... 248301 N. Manz, C. T. Hamik, and O. Steinbock Shot Noise of a Quantum Shuttle ...... 248302 Toma´sˇ Novotny´, Andrea Donarini, Christian Flindt, and Antti-Pekka Jauho Double Layers and Interparticle Forces in Colloid Science and Biology: Analytic Results for the Effect of Ionic Dispersion Forces ...... 248303 S. A. Edwards and D. R. M. Williams

Comments Comment on ‘‘Solitonlike Solutions of the Grad-Shafranov Equation’’ ...... 249501 G. N. Throumoulopoulos, K. Hizanidis, and H. Tasso Lapenta Replies ...... 249502 G. Lapenta Comment on ‘‘Search for Anomalous Effects in H2O=D2O Mixtures by Neutron Total Cross Section Measurements’’ ...... 249601 E. B. Karlsson and J. Mayers Blostein, Dawidowski, and Granada Reply ...... 249602 J. J. Blostein, J. Dawidowski, and J. R. Granada

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