

No DMC Mttκ zOne^dnlhも tlaO′ フン ρ Dated:l3 ."r3.)ris "5 TENDER NOTICE (Thκ ugh webslc OFSPPRA&Press) Thc ender sealed h covo6 de invited fo. the following work under SPPRA Rules-2010 fiom thc frms havnr-q adequale cnce tl€ rclevanlficld. The lentalivecost ofwork

S■ No

1 / Lay ng /Joinlig & Tesi nO Lne al at Hash m Goth uC Muttd Memon

I Noo「 Mohammad Jokh。 2 UC Daヽ

n casrns suumeahG pmtrlesi w th comp ele accessoies ai Jumm fiiodo coii 3 I C

4 Plt Sew( "eLneatApubGothuCGttЮ 5 Yad alGohmm Gom UC

′レyin9′ 6 & Tesung Water SLrpply P pe I ne at Sa iat Mae Gonr U- Mayfiiobad

ア on 0f MEhlled rcad at Burfd tuhalah U-r;Giit;i

8 P′ L Sewe ?90 Lin€ & CoNl^rction oI C.C F ooing at Sheedi Gorr UC Manghop r llatingl Te"19 P E P pe L ne at Htti Mohalah Memon Goい 9

Plpe tine at Alah Bux」okhb u Mohd [4oha ah UCDauanoChanno `0 Eoringwr 11 Bore) with comprete accessodes al Ns [,luhammad Bur(al

P′ L SeWe ?ge Line al Seven ShrColonyUC Gujo

Prov101o9 I Laying / Jolnlins & Tesl nS P E Pipe ne at Dost Mohd Banbo cotr Deh Slrah Mueed ,rhanr Mangha l うothandJuniharGoい oc sonea

enl ol Sewecae Net worr( d dlfferent sec.tols UC Maymatsbad

15 。,Or c c stttts at Sh lah u C YousurGoい

16 Plt Sewe oiC C Floorlng alSadarNoorud-Din Goh UC

r Laying / Jo nIjng & Tening Se{€Ege Lhe at mmad Golh & DurMuhammad Go,h 17 uc Mum( Plov101o9 Smal Bo時 mach iery & constxcl,on ol walel slorag€ t nk Haji Mayar No6 UC `6 /layng Joinlru & Pp・ L ne&ヽbo「 Pump Set at Sa℃ h Muham「 珀d

P′ L Sewe UC C・ uifo

21 Юund Tank anO P,e L ne atFaqeerShomO Com uC

Supplyng o〔 R C C Rn9Sab&Manho e coves at u c Maymattbal

,,Or cu ver at Rahim Goい Bu h uc、ゎusur Golh

Laying Sewemge L ne ai Umer Mangtra Oib uC llangrropir

ProMdnQ I Layhg / ,roint n9 E Tesl ng S*erage Lire a] Shora [uokyal syeO Mohalah Jam Goth UC i 3e oi Water Supply Scheru ai Akhvar Khan Bachan CoUr UC Da6mo Prov d19 oE o 27 L6yD9 . o trs & Tesi! tRor pe1 e s&r,v t rope-r rranii"railffiiohali Sha,Mol Goth UC G"Ю

PIL Sewei ,9e t ne atA“ ul Qad rGoい Del Mahyo

19 Lay ng / Johtng & I€sting SeweEge ne Saiht Maree 60$ UC MaymaE

31 P′ L Sewer 19e ine atABuOI 9oll U C Yoし sufGoい PЮvO o91 レノ19 Sewemoe ine′ Con"的 ¨nぴ c c s reels attah Ba● a,Gor uc Mangl lopli (artm 33 T€sting Sewerdg€ Line al difrcni steets in Haji Abdu Mohalah

34 PINlding ay119 Line at Baksho

05 n ol Surlace Waler Tank at dtfi€rcnt vilages ot UC Gadap

00 Colshdて no「

37 h9 lme at Abdul ah Gabol Godi UC S.noal '7ov● 197 Lay ng Waler Supply pipe line ii d feentaecrors Ua Maynatsbad

n oF C C S reet Mohalah aぅ o n9 uC Yousur Goth

PЮ MO"′ -aying waler supp y Lin€ at MushkiPard & Makran paE uc

41 ay ng /Joinihg & EP,e L ne atBЮ ヽ Goい OC Mural 42 ′,aying Swe€ge ine al Kh ! GothUCDarsano

Suppy ns 「Gbs,VaOfTank atlloOan and`and uhang altts uC Cada, `Fi“ うoFC C al churla Gabol Gom uc Gulo

ioF Maい led R“ O atPeerBuχ BЮhi c。 ぃuc

,ol C c str鸞 ぉat BЮ h Goth Uc

47 tashal Moh引 いI Paい a,MO卜 Jb卜 uc

oFC C ar HajiHamza Gom uc Nhnghop r a HJ¨ ぃdG。 はRe口fo Bttmaり w副 offce UC 淵MPCm° I “ ‖ ?ler pe 50 SLrpply Scheme P Line, Water Tani at xhan tvtunammoEorhto-iamiiiar IGol rs+l) UC DaMno Channo.

(COntt P/・ ) Sは No

Boino w山 easn0 wlttr omptete amsolj& ar Mottal塾 eauriikin6lr Plov10119′ Laying / & Testing

Consい 。ic Alal D no uc sO∞ al

Pた Woに ロt ne at D10ar Goい & lbl Goth

Plov di 9′ l-aying / Jointing & Testing Sael?ge Line al S@mr Kandani colh Uc Mulad Memon PЮ vdiЮ smatts uores a oasmanr cam & ceerlFipn Diifrurram-frIfcoiil-iarsii6tr,aii6 57 Pro di g′ / Jointins & reshg wabiaiiit Lr'ne al Ratu- Joよ h o Goth u c Gaoap Conttω o otveu eu mao ar Lasieour uc oulr

Plt“Sevemgev′ em Ltre?aUUas eotrreo$ Artraru VangatGoti v“ 19′ 60 PЮ |LaI ng / Esa Goい

61 Pro■ d i9′ ●1 yl19′ uo1lin9& UC [,lanlhop r 02 Prov"19′ |Lay ng &T・ / sun9 P E Pp・ 面ne at ヽISβ to A「 brah m

63 lay 19 sewem9e lne al Durroa Goい askhel Mola bh uC Dattano channo `い 04 Pro,r'dmj[ayingloinl,ngAm

P/r vkl:r I atlass Goth

d Ma● leO Roao llom Angao Gm o H旬I Na0 UCSongar ronst!-ron at%tai Goい uC

Constu'1ion ol r,4era ed Road al Ramzan Gour &Idtath m lmprcve-nent oi saaemee sysrerral umel-Iiiffi rraiEiiemontifr Ic r.auEiielT]on Povidin iiay sewease r ne ar ua;i rvtoosa Bro.[G;frL oa6;;than

BorinS,,\b a Subre.Ы e pumpceslB。 mp晩 a∝sOn・ 71 Oml∞ saAわ ab Sukhb Goth U 0 ιGa爵器

72 Ptrlwatr Lin at(B&C)B眈 k UCGulro ( 73 Cosru(lon Matal ed Road irom Hub Road to Bachar! UC Songa

74 F[3w ,cgetrasE Line alSullambad UC Manghopir ( 75 ao,rst1,, tbn or Malred Road at Nai Ahfi;l%halEn uc-

70 Ⅲ19憫 鰤neγ unde19Ю ttd ЪはaH¨ Gu Brcot 認UC 出ξ渦亀冊 77 Iainlenane and Reptac ng J yapo Hand pLrmps d dmercnrv agesorUCGadap % Wat€r LnLlne alJan l\,luhammad &ohiGorh UC Gujm 79 Jonst,rrc- ion .ol unoerlrouno ranr anoFpe rriil :Jokhb coth uC So19al 80 ,i5*,"s" une&C C Fbo― Prlvrdh-6/LE 01 Layhg /Jo nling & P.E P pe Line al Haii [,1urad Jarer cot UC r,ruEO trtifro-

62 Constirc ion ool Water Supply line at Kha r Khaskhel Goth uc Dttsano 80 Corst c.^ !!t c.c Flooins at satah r,4uham,ia, Kdali;liaorh uacadap-

CorNblcr0n ooi C.C Stel! at Chuta Gabot Gofi E Maciar Colony UC Collslrlrcromol unoeqomo ta*s a vaqmo.rohi corir ue$ilii

aonstls on o at YousI Goい

Renovati( n ot l lSS atHash m I Goth UC Mu鳳 o Memon

ol C C Stleeお Construcl m at lね moo Khan ookl o Goth |● I Ghuam Muhammad

。rc c st∞ Is at Miha Khan Mohalal Uam Meha′ Al Goい UC DaF● anO Chanl。 i/t Ware- Line atNoorKhan Goth UC GJЮ

Emerc-?9e at Yaq∞ o shah Bast a Golh UC L,langhop I

lpЮ・e籠 1l o(Me● ||“ lltt at GIヽ Schoo Bh Юo GothuC Muttd、 ゎmon Prlr4dlng ;fr Water Supply Sch€meatUsman Jokh o GothUC Dsa6ano Channo E[-3eu,e ase lne at Sa● UC GIЮ

Frcvidhg tayLay,9′ Jo nr"&T∝ in9 Wloit ne at UC Manghopir

PI Ildin9 tayl

97 PttsW sβ ィatJam MaherAI Goth Uc Dasano PIL Sewel∞ elL ne at MJshl Paol&

PD・ld 19′/ la)Laying / Jo nling & P E P pe L nelom Pump ng b Muloこ sa Goth UC Mu餡 O Mefr

Pro■ ● Layins SMeEge I ne al Dur Muhammad corh UC DaEano Channo "ta" Plt Swer19e t Lirc ar Fairh Mohd chura Go$ uc culrc Consln di,l of c.c rboring cjL s€wEmse Lre;iIii;h Bu ud frEpr PIwldin9 `tayLay ng / Jo ndng & Teding L ne atBヽ iroo Goい uC Muだ d Memon

P剛 loing lvatel

(COntt P′ 3) ― 輌 馘 恥 Stt No Sule“ 嚇 9 ¨ Repa r′ R 0● |● ●1型 WOy υlη し Mal「 Kamci 2000o∞ ´ 2% 1500■ 04 MOnths しlaino P'L Whi=「 5000001 2% 10001・ 02 Montts

10 00oool・ 2・/. 10007・ り 。,1 2・/・ 1000だ 03 Mbnths |● |ツ y`t。。Knan v‖ age utじ attano `0 00ooo■ 'V 20000001・ 0( 2・/. 150υ・ 04 Months 110 lg opr 150000o■ 2% 04 Months `O00■ TERMS&coNDITIoNS 1-Tender Sch€dule shallbe as follows:-

1-Receiving cf Apptications & ゞ Superintending Engtne-r lssuances of f-enders 23"′ loヨLI >´ iS~ DfrdIif 2-Dropping ol Tenders ι・ケ.'つ 」t,eOmtt Oflhe supelntendng ` OMC Mdr,(Cadap Zone Tender opening commiilee inili offEif he- 3-0pefing of Iender ンζ 3。 O PM Superintending Enqineer D[.tC Matir (Gadap `レ Zone oflice ) The Tender Do知 menⅢ ac,I。 ●0,P'WI縫 n request Onに ne「 head and on paymeは Ondσ I!,,,:TP,On‐ ,th,,"mる oinon reLndabЮ co● OF dσ おm any smedme ba“ ぃ●ndD器 pσttOn llla r cadap 2ono Kaam as mettOned

m "Ce h側 "p"。 ie( 肥 1:冊 絆 晰dO∞ issued "び h case Ofany「 eason,rlhelenll,1111111,R♀ dale g,ubln峰 1led。1,e ab9ve''eTe19ぶ ミb,ι Ope前 ng V"‖ oe ,フ ″ ツ・ つ′く り ' at h∞ 対 "he颯 … ¨ subm sslon and tten璧"師。"flenders Ofthe same lme as menloned 2olo of specrfied amounl aga wilh lhe tender. Tenders n unsealed cover /withoul2./, earnesl w nolbe entertained and discirdeil for tenderwork as per SPPM Rules mendbdarmmlP,TP唆 m岨 嚇h"uЮ dWOdS m“ ,,"雫 型 ν ●e剛 ∞dm`m“e"い e∞ σ 揃mserlhen each c。 eclbn musl be h面 ded by me cOntrado「 olhewise me lenders are labに lo‐“ be summattv re ecOd … “ "醐 「 “ … r anylao doOu menお ― ― aЮ 10und men me lender、 labtt b be relecled_canceled wihOut ―any compensalb rules

Tender c?n be s:en/downloaa on,luttrorityt weO sites SeCnA.wwwsppEslmn4o4

alloranybid of SPPRA Rules 2010 /


With a requesl i(, upload ol] $e websile of SppRr{ (Authoriry) . eapI& l-The Munrcipa' ( ommrssioner, DMC Matir K achi .Z-The Superinre''ding l-n8ineer, DMC Malr Kdachi 3-The Executiv€ EnSineer. cadap Zone DMC Matir K@hi. 4- The Accounts Ofiicer DMC Matir Karachi. 5- The P.S. to M maSing Director SPPRA