______- , c

■ 1 I

C. U ' ' .... |.L l I— L Good movcmment officials familiariar with water — a problenIcm for the fish sincc con- “If we meet these flow la back over the last ter flows could comc at thec e>expense of hy- the plan,n, speaking on conditiolion of struction of the dairloms slowed the flows. 1historical rainfall going bac Fixing the lawsVS J ling to cosl the re- dropower production and olholher river uses anonymityty, told the AP-today NMF!IFS has ' The opinion callcalls for the current water iseveral decades, il is going trying to repair the 530 million. That’s Lawmalccrs are try during drought yeius. But itt wouldw> have lit- concludedd it is unlikely the fish will11 gog ex- Hows o f about 10.40.4 m illion acre feet to rise i gional power grid about S30 damage aOer Judge5e iDaniel Hurlbutt’s Jt tie economic impact as longing as snow and tinct os lorong as certain steps are takaikcn', in- to a peak o f 11.55>5 rm illion acre feet in 1998, P le a se seeSALMON/A2see ruling against two key:ey w ater laws. P a g e B l , LaRocco questistions range Renting ttrouble Farm lalab Rep. Larry LaRocccicco says a review of documents reveals5 non> suggestion that ciirrenfA ir Forcc trainraining in Idaho is in- due anotJther adequate. P a g o B l a ■ E911 still alive'e state sulibsidy E911 board membaibers wonder whether The Associated Press the program will surviirvive without the city toes V//EST B o f Tw in Falls o n board•ard.' • and The Timcs-Ncws P a g e B l BOISE - Legislative budgetbud writers pro- —posed yet another subsidyly forft iiTami-chym------ical laboratory in Twin Falls Fal even as they brushed o ff new fundingI requestsrcc from olh- cr state agencies. ' • Norway boundid Sen. Dean Cameron, R-RR-Rupert, tlic lead- T onya H arding lyiilyid her ex-husband ' er of Tuesday’s successfussful attack on in- Jeff Gillooly arcrc headed for the crcased .state spending in otheri iigcncies, Olympics: she to con:ompete, he to testify was al the forefront inI assuring ass that slill against her. more general tax moneyy is Tunneled to the ----^ ------...... Agriculture Department'sIt's Quality Assur- ance Testing Laboratory, Big Sky’s seconond half- Laboratory backers promised four years ' The Big Sky Confonfcrence basketball ago - when they got chase begins the secorcond half of its season S2 million from Ihc tonight w ith four team:ams tied a tth e top. P a g e D I state to build the lab- oratory on the Col- lege of Southern Ida- ho campus — that agricullure producers would finance ils 6p- j^H Hunters helpI with« rules crations, not the gen- Twin Falls area hurhunters asked the Ida- eral wxpayers. K;:; ho Fish and Game! D

Addiction alsoso target i h o ld l President Clintonm aannounces a strategy ‘Posse GOomitatus’ C U n ton: Alattacks rislT” o f cutting A m erican:an demand for illegal drugs as w ell as fighti The Associated Press Pullullback pledge - C* defendss Burley ^ NATd’s - ■ J ? W ASHINGTON — PresidentPi Clinton i Lakes becomeae icy plains praised NATO's resolveIvc W ednesday in |» rts thatthai the Serbs, in the face of tJ Bitter winter weateather turns the Great irnnatIte, 83 issuing an ultimatum to Bosnian Serbs timatum,Lim, had dccidcd to pull badick the Deny Fliglight I , Lakes into a layer oof f ice wider and thick- lo remove artillery upI to 13 miles from 500 hea'icavy guns they have in thele hills / . er t ^ any tim e sincm the'rest o f socicty, a irihfBfl n ^ .n Q ~ ■' Intemirmational mediators are prom)moting f a ^ n s W a nlinstmmenlbfvrarln inst American scrvicemc;men after the Persian group'of Magic ValleyIcy residents is seeking, act.” )f the decision tok- a partititition plan that would Icavavc the Bosnla4^0f^ogoyilQovina. , Gulf War to biologicigical agents shipped to among other things: theic arrestai o f Idaho Gov. Ce- In a sober account o f t I in silver, and the release en by the 16 allies in BnBrussels, Belgium, Muslim-im-Icd Bosnian governmentnt with _ , Iraq by the U nitedi StiStates in the 1980s. cil Andrus. $1 million in ifyi994,alotalof P a g e A 4 o f an 83-ycar-old m an fro:from the Mini*Cassia jail, the president also adviseised the American controld1 of< only a fraction of the f< ,fankarandtWTO Calling itself a "possesse comitatus," the group public there could be: a risk to Amcri- Yugosla'slav republic. . . . • Alfbome^artyWfl More orbitingng matter produced its demandsI TiTuesday afler more than cans whoAvould fly attaIttack planes if the Clinicrilon said the United State:tes had . nq F ly ^ n a 80rti( . 30 members were prcvenii/ented from gathering in a Serbs flouted NATO’s> admonition.ac been sympatheticsyr to the Muslims’5’ sjtua- , ,fioyvn,'v*lchlncU« T he c re w .o f sp)ace a a shuttle Discovery Lincoln County courtrocUtKim. Instead, they were 'There is no such ihirhing as a risk-free tion andmd American diplom ats woulcuid “see mlssto'hs over Boi adds to Earth’^ibiti:biting junkyard, tossing allowed lo m eet in thee 4-H4' room T>f the county air operation,” he saidI atnt a White House what they th need and then the UUnited « . ■ ' )perMnneltrbm -■ - - out six m etal balU; -- Extension o fficc.. news confercnce afterT callingc congrcs- States:s wv ill try to faciliio tc nn acrce- a IB AlmosM.OOO pel '■ ' ■ % .'Pag*A a tW0h/8 NATO counttfosCOUI have They presented an untunusually worded writ of sional leaders to his rc:residence to brief ment.” i proved , bMndoployed.d.- ' habeas corpus demandinding that Lincoln County them on developments.'s. “I don’t w ant to Butt he said that unlil the Serbs p public on that.” th e ir• commitment c( to peace, N Sheriff Steven Souihwick/ick deliver Marold J. Di!- mislead the American pu u ^ r Threefold mIsBl,Isslo n : Pilots regrettably arc•e killedli in training wouldd standsi ready to cnforoe the u w o ^ from jail. Dilworth,irth, o f Hammett, was con- lerialmonhocicig^ exorcises, he said, bulut with the Serbs turn. “Our“0 nation and the internanational Sectlon A D ear Abby ...... 7 victed in Magistrate CouZourt last month and sen- ».-«,i enforce complianceBocewtthlW-:.t: ------tcnccdToJolllbrditvingTiig~without car insurance; ' having only rudimentaatary-air defenses ;commuiTiunity-cannot- and will not)t stand rseaUW .’GOUftOilRJ ------W eather...... 2: Mo\rfe8.....v...... 7 liiiiesoiiWoh'BiB:— •. In his Jon. 21 court ap]appearance, Dilwoilh hod “the risks are minimal.”I.” idly by,’jy,” Clinton said, 'whl^tuihsfliohtsthtsbyfixed^iving'..: i ‘ Section C Nation...... 3-5 informed Magistrate BaBarry Wood that he had M oreover, C lin to n isaid, American TheCc C linton administration andiFrancc I and rotoy^vlnflainjalweninthe;- ; : Opinion...... 6-7 F ocus...... *-.1 “GH” insurance — “Gi“Go to Hell” insurance. ground troops would notnc t>e dispatched pushedcd thei new NATO initiative, which airspace of,Bosnia- ...... 81 Legal notices ..1 Wood fined Dilworth SSOOSS and ordered him to to Bosnia-Herzegovinala y night. ______Making no claim of diplomatic tri- The UnitedUn Nations could also ci Obituaries...... 2[ Sports...... 1-4 Tuesday’s courthouseSC {gathering wos necessary uniph —^Titnnyof the-le-ttllies-had-to-bc—NATO •n.airj strikrs_cvcn.if the Serbsb sw ilh - R'ljndlBMOIulllin . Minl-CaS8la.....3I, , Outdoors.....5-7 -bccausc Dilworth hasI beenbe treated “shamefully persuaded to drop theirsir opposition to an d re wV the tl artillery but continutTuedlo :T... ldaho/West-.4-5i B usiness...... 8 and unlaw fully” by Ida!Idaho's courts, said Hyla ultimatum — ClmtonI ii instead expressed launch:h attacks ( on Sarajevo, C om ics...... 6I Clapier, who lives nearlar Dietrich.1 Clopier wrote sympathy for the Frcnclnch, British, Cana- Clintinton acknowledged sOm<5= „i l,ic . the five-page writ of habeashab corpus, -which says, dian, Dutch and Spani!inish governments, particulicularly Canada and Britain, It on recycled paper, the posse comitatus is governed; by God, the which have large pcacelcekceping forces in hesitantan t to endorse ihc new initiati the Balkans. causee theytl- have ground forces iniSoraje- S ; ' : le recycle It again. ■ ■ ' PPlease s e e P0SSE/A2 Clinton said he w as9 encouragedei b y re- vo andnd fearI they would face rctalialiation. Socroo: NATO AP/Wm. J. CAtlallo

------^ ------^ Tk r S ...... • •<» ^ -l A-2 Tlme3-Now3. Twin Foilsoils. Idaho Thufsdoy. Februaryy 10,'19941 ------J------Quakes shakes Baitarik robber pulls ffmie snow job, takestes $10,600 WWi AUKEGAN, III. (AP) — IlIt was snowstorm Tuesday,[ay, m in u te before ;snow job: A man weoriog; ia ski the bank's 6 p.tn.closclosing.' ■ ' ' Weath(le r ___ borderr region ^!ask robbed the Bonk o f Waukukcgan Policc said the robberrobl pulled up to owmo- a drive-up windowdow, showed the - SODA SPRIN([NGS(AP)-Anoth-' ofSlrSIO,600, then fled on a snov teller what appearedred to be an explo- c r earth q u a k ee struck s the IdaTio- bile,!e. rin g a- sive device and deiiuenumded money.; ■ Wyoming bordirder following last • TnThe holdup occurred duri 'eather® forecast for)r noon, Thursday, Fei-e b .1 Q . w eek’s 5.9-mogrignitude temblor and The Accu-Wes several strong oftcrshocks.afli The moderateItc qiiake, measuring' ^$ 4 a lm o n _ iM M -I r" '4.5 on the Richtciitcr scalc, was rccord- 08 Os .10s 20s 30b. ^ 40s '50s 60s 70s 80sOs 9 0 s 1 0 0 s 1 1 0 s ' ’ -1 0 s -08 cd ot about 6 p.p.m. M SI Wedncs- Cont gh tem perature z o n e s for thele Cday. ^ o ntinued from A 1 ' , ofTicial said. Craigaig said the plan B ands sep arate high . Geological Survey „ q day, said U.S. C 10 million of power theydon’n’t get would hit hardestest at Dworshak PatJorgcson. . ^ spokMwoman Pa sell.* T h at’s ,a lot, but il’s1 rnot a Reservoir, which behe 1feared could be reports the quake — . , ^ There ‘fvere rc] hole lot. It’s not nearly as badid as it lost for summer recrexrcation. ccntcrcd 40 milesilcs north-notthcaat of „,,»)uldj be," the oflicial said. “This basicallyy turnstu Dworshak daho — was felt by M ontpelier, Ida: Sen. Larry Craig. R-Idaho,3, said into a w ater supplyily forf fish,” Craig ■ ^on, W yo., she said. ^ . ^ residents in Af\oi e loss of power'rcvcnues-willill like- said. "Ehvorshak taketakes the most im- ■ last week that mea- . . The quake lai ’ bQ much higher. He foreci:cast a m ediate o f hits.” ' , sured 5.9 magnit?iitude on the Richter /iss ' of nt least $75 million,n, but NMFS’s opiniorlion indicates it scalc; ro d k c dI tlthe area 25 .miles ]ded that the real figur? couiluid be w ould b e possiblee to miss the flow northeast i f Sodix laS pnngs. /cn higher. ' , .targets in one of theIhc Ifive years with- SuchSu a loss would still be belowb o ut Jc o p ^ iz in g thehe ssalm on, but that 'i thele ama ount needed to trigger• a nite missing the t^ e:t t tw o years would Rente■ C l a ------hike,ike, Craig said, “and I thinkik they require adoption o f at new plan, the {thehe BonncvlHc Power Adminiinistrs- ofTicials said, Continued from)m Al tion)on) will be able to managee their The agcncy alsoso r recom m ends all ay out o f it.” necessary research;h beb completed to ? Dut a customeincr should not have to Craig was less optimistic: abouta prepare an expcrimctimcntal draw down be asked whethcihcr he or she is plan- le Bureauj o f R eclam ation's alability of reservoir levelsels at at least one ning to steal the1C merchandise,: Grigg > raisc-enough m oney to buy' ana ad- dam. said Wednesday. itional 500,000 acre feet off iwater The federally operjperaicd dams gcn- That is w hy VideoVi West and other I Idaho. crate more than halflaif o fth e pow er in FRONTS: . stores require: rentersn to provide a C raig w as also critical o f thele Fish- Oregon, Washingtington, Idaho and driver’s licenscsc and sign an agree- ries Service's plan bccausee i it fo- wcstcm Montana,, incincluding electric- mcnt to rctum1 ththe videos and equip- used almost exclusively on wtwater - ity for on aluminumiim iindustry heavily COlD w arm STATIONARY iO 1994AccU'Woathotlor, Inc. m ent by 4 p.m.m. the next day, he nd did ^ not shed m uch light onon fish, dependent on inexpcixpcnsive c n c r^ . said. ibcd as The dams also pro^provide irrigation, Pmssufo hatclatchcrics and what he describ Sound advice:e iIS to get better idcn- “taking" o f Idaho’s water. O ther parts of the opinion call for « H L E S r a [ m i tification or asksk for B deposit when "There are some gaping hoiloles ii) th e Bonneville PowPow er A dm inistra- HIGH LOW SHO'HOWERS RAIN T-STORMS; FFLURRIES SNOW ICE SLSUNNY PT. CLOUDY CLOU^UDY [ renting or leasinsing merchandise. Be- lis'proposal,’’ Craig said in a tele- tion to develop a “fis“fish bank,” a con- van said. Via A»30(M!0<} Pnu hone confercncc call w ith Ida!laho rc-, tingency fund forr dr:dry weather. BPA ••Just don't: rentn to any Joe that orters. w ill put away SIO0 m illion in cach o f TemperaturesDC Soattlo 49 3<32 07 w alks in the doo:oor," h e said. Of 0 | the additional approximim ately the next four yearsfs aso that in case of ii! Spokono 29 1(18.32 StiJJ, Grigg’ tithinks a customer is , .5 e million^ acrc feet of waterr flows,f iratcr shortages itit canca buy up water ...... MaxMin.l Washington----- 33-3C-30-.59------^committing-a-ca-ctimc.ifJic_ot.shc__„i,.,bout-l-miHion-would-como- lo-from—leoaes-from farmenners-to-takc-water-.-.— TbBndiy, Feb. ID Albuquorquo 51 33. _____ rcnts six videoleosarWsa VCR and and return it to the ------Atc-WcwWtrgrwitto-1 condiiinni «odlrigh tr n ip ^ - Allantn------79-63. [le C o lu m b ia ^ iv e r _ o n d __about a out of irrigation and 63 ””:—Twin Falls— "never rcliiriiswilw ith th e m r------500', Boston 12 8 . oo'odo'from the Snake Rivei/e r,'th c ' river for the fish, one oflicial said. CAHAM Uln Pep ______Chicago 15 Tot 6 . Yoatofdoy 35 15 ^ 2 ------— Oollos 27 2° 20 Of Laatyoar 52 2! Idaho r■pad q report p Donvor 40 2. Notmol 41 2 2 ...... jfTv Dos Moinos 5 -8. Posse^___ 7 ’ru Sunsot today 6:03 p.m BOISE (AP)P) — The Idaho De- |CoaurO~Alonat3a» | Dolfoit • 17 7 . ■ Sunrlso tomonow 7:4141 o.m: partm ent o f Tnu'ransportation reported' CorContinued from A1 tion with modemm society’ssi lows is Honolulu ' &4 63. Lunar phoso: Now Fo W*£n I. ’ 1 MONT. hazardous driving dr conditions ygJ.S. C onstitution and naturalllaw. li fcdcrar monetaryry 1policy, Clapier Houston 73 37. first quortor Fob. 1i Indlonopolis 18 13. throughout thee stateSI W ednesday. Dilworth p is “a free, sovcrcig:ign and said. She alleged1 thatthi U.S. Treasury Fob. 25: lasl quortor)f March conditions llovytslon j 37* M /S k KonaosClty 16 0-. ndependent statcYreeman clcham c- Secretary Lloytl Bentsen Bci is paid by '' Riggins-Whitebird Hill. i&a UsVogos 60 36. U.S. 95 — Ri| cr" and Idaho is ' a foreign 'coun- agents of the monetDnetary fund and is- Los Angoles 60 48 Idaho icy spots, snowinjring; Whilebird Hill, wet, , igeville-Winchestcr. wet. ry," try. the writ maintains. Like(c other suance of paperper money - or • Momphls 36 36, snowing; Grange' ^ Max MlMin Pep icy spots, drifts,^s, high winds; Winch- mernembcrs of the group, Dilwororlh has “prom issory notes”m” -■ is f ra u i ’_____ Miami Boocfi 80 73, Bolso . 33 1515.03 cster-Lewiston,in, dry. wel, icy spots; _can4cw Meadows, wet, bro- rm enl laws, Clapier said. ccrics, but added,1, “I use it under co- Now Orioons 80 68 ? ® 3 3 Gooding 31 i 8.02 ken snow floor,tr, snow floor, snowing; “Our «( right to Common La\4iw w as ercion, fraud nndJ duiduresij” NowYOfk 19 15 Hagorman 33 14 tr. t Moreing-Orcgonm 1line, weL cmi Sl million in silver OklahomoClty 21 8 jnm tcd by G od the Father ...... ” the In addition to Sl ° - Idaho Falla 32 17 t;tr^ Interstate 844 -— Oregon litic-Cald- ATit maintains, and “ ... permissission is and the arrest off AiAndrus, the group a Omaha 5 -10 13.02 . well, wet; ColdwIdwell-Nompa area, dry, . . Joromo 32 1: ierived from our People of thethi Pos- is also seeking thehe aarrest o f Attorney “ ■ Phoonix - 64 47 lewision 47 222.01 wet; Boise area,1, wet;v Boisc-Glenns Fer- “ ' r lerity, they w ho w ere o f oldI ImownI General Larry EchoIchoHawk, Secretary ■ Pittsburgh 19 12 Malad 36 9 ..... ry, dry, wet, sno'nowing; BlissrUlah line, ^ J ~ 0 [ ^|TVijnFiUI« I 30 asIS ffreemen character” before t Ponlond, Mo. 6 -1 Malta .40 4 If. wet. snowing. 5 the cn- State Pete CenCenarrusa, Cassia >^0 Portland. Oro. 50 32 ictment of more rccent slat MEV I UlAH I McCnll . ...25 1^ .... Idaho 55 — HeHorseshoe Bcnd-Donnel- actt County Sheriffff Billy Crystal, _ . Reno 54 23 , snowing, drifts; Donnel- federal fcdi laws. ^ Pocatollo 38.113 01 ly- *"0"' r,. Minidoka Countyty SlSheriff Paul Fries, . ^ St. Louis 18 16 6 01 ly-Ncw Mcodowsiws, snow floor, snowing. Clapier C said she has alreai Salmon 22 ; Lincoln Co™.y PreProsecutor Jennifer i a ^L c£ad. ia lt Lako City 38 20 .... Idaho 21 — BeBoisc-Idaho City, broken ccived cgj, telephone calls from i 4 6 ..... Stonloy 24 -• State Policc officcr ^ a n Francisco 60 48 0 snow floor, snowowfloor, snowing; Idaho the nation in support of whirhat th e B row n, Idaho Stat S2» 2 .i"S2 !^2!£,,^!I2 ..... Sun Valioy 27 who once cited Dil- Aiimilil 0*w C-i|y>cVM City-Banner Sumummit, snow floor, snow- group is doing. Salina' Stanley (whc Ccntral to the group’s dissasatisfac- worth), W ood andnd SSouthwick. Elko County - Mostlostly.cloudy and windy with 0a chance' U.S. 20 — MountainMo Homc-Foirfield, ^ F(Forecasts of rain or snow today.ly. •Snow level near 5,000 feet lolowering wet. icy spots, snowing;Bn< Fairfield-Corey, ~ to 4,000 feet by latelie iafternoon. Tonight scattercc:•ed snow dry, wet, snowirwing; Arco-Ashton, dry, W Twin Falla. Buricy.Fy, RiqKit, Jerome and Oooding: ; in the west overnight Friday scscattered icy spots; Ashl«ihton-Montono line, icy Subsidy— O Winter storm watchch ttoday with periods of rain andMid snow showers decreasing in I 3g H i^ s snow showers east ParPartly cloudy west. Cooler. spoU, broken snomow floor, snowing, mixed. Snow level 5,000 5,Of feet. Patchy areas of fog. daho Falls-Wyoming line, Qq , U.S. 26 — Idal C o n tinued from A l On a 10-8 vote,3tc, the Republican near 40. SouthwestI wiwinds 10 to 20 niph. Tonight dry. icy spots, snows; floor; Blockfoot- ther summary majority denied GOGOP state Treasurer likely. Patchy areas oof f fog. Lows from near 20 tofltfl 2 Weath 5. cover CO'' some operating costs. day partly cloudy. Pate?atciiy areas of fog. A chance: ofol snow A winter storm wanwamiDg wos issued for'the Idah Dry, icy spots, drifts, Officials C said a. wide rarange of Lydia Justicc.EdwEdwards the deputy r a f o S e showers. Highs in theic30s. 3^ handle Wednesday,, oruand snow advisories were given“ U.S. 9 3 - N.Nevada linc-Twin Falls, commodity cor producers indioicatcd a A ndrus had recomnammended to handle rjiiTLM Pntirie and1 WWood River V a ll^ north central and westest Snlmon. S . icy spots, snow However,^ q. potato growers hav-ivc been refused to authorize)rize the $19,500 the ■ 10. Low.s 5 to 10. Friday mostlyly cloudy.c The storm will lingcnger while a storm now over the o f fog. Highs near 30.1 f^oor, snowmg.lg. chains ndvised; Lost the only ones to actually usee Ithe lab govemor had reco;ecom m cndcd in in* A good chance o f sncsnow showers. Patchy areasis ofc fog. also will move into0 s-andtnow. Bremree:Qf-Lows l i to-25. HighS-in-th1 the 30s. and teens W ed n c^yJay morning,: with reading bctwc ____ diyUklalndJBass.I«1. dry; Pocatcllo-Pubois. tilirer tili storage containmen and lO below in the•hIgliCT hlj mountain voUeyS: Noftheni Utah andd NNevada: .y was 47 dry: Monida Pass,Pos icy spots, snowing, grams. In so doing, they ensuif^f^idaholott >ttery----- — 3f rain or The highest tempenperaturc in the state Wednesday Utah - Mostly clouloudy with a slight chance of i cosh for operation of a tradede o ffic e snow today. Warmer.r. SSouth winds 15*25 mph. Highighs in the degrees at Lewiston.n. SStanley reported the lowest at McCommon-Montpelicr, ^ f f s . 3 0 - M in Ouadalajara, Mexico. BO ISE ( A P )- - VWinning numbers mid- to upper 40s. TorTonight cloudy with a good chuchance of grees below zero, now floor, drifts; Montpe- . But once the Agriculture: Dcpan-I drawn Wednesdaylay in the Powcrball snow. Lows in the upper upp 20-s end lower 30s. Fndajday snow Elsewhere in the^ naination Wednesday, the highest i ; line, dry. tc s ot McAllen. Texas. Promisi t for the game are: likciy. Colder. Breezyrry northwest winds. Highs in1 theth mid- nture was 87 d e ^ c s ’’ For current rwroad conditions, coll these ment’s nie spending blueprint 1 1 lemperaturc at 52 degrees below 5 set, the 6-11-I7-41-43;•43; Powcrball 24 30s. reported the lowest ten numbers: Twinin 1Falls. 736-3072; Boise, yearyci beginning in July was s ;ventecn, forty-one, 336-6600; Poco}calello 232-1426; Idaho panel pai reverted to the conscijcrvative (six, eleven, seven icross the nation1 Fnllj 522-5164;4; 1Utah 801-964-6000; the bent bet it began its budget settiiiting ses- forty-three; Poweibireiball twenty-four). Weathther records of alldl sorts fall all aci «a. 702-738-8888. slo Estimal^jackpokpot:$10.6 million. RcdfioU. Elk”. sions w ith on Tuesday. Tho Anodatcd 'ress nortbcrn Plains, withilh rccordr lows of 47 below at R . S,D.; 44 below al Aberdeen,Ab< S.D.; 43 below al BiBismarck. ------nliitaryscrvice^livery Tcmj>craturcs fell!1 'to more than 40 degrees bcloelow zero N.D.; 41 below at HuHuron. S.D.; 35 below at Devilvils Lake, /-i- p.m. weekdays. To report late nenews and per week. Swdent/mliita V 01 Rapid Circulation ^ weekends, S2.30perweek.$27.60f.60 for 12 weeks. Sale* Wednesday in the nortllorthem Plains, and still more sn(snow and N.D.; 31 below at ValValentine, Neb.; nnd 25 below s sports renilii after 5:30 and on wc AlleoWiUoiUon,cifculati(m director ^ 'lax tncludM-in ill-sboviibove prices. A charge freezing min were sealscattered from the southern Plai>lains into City, S.D. c£l 733.0931. n toppled Circulniion:ion phone lines are open be- • . o f S15.00 will be Icvielevied for all returned New England______- The lows at Redfi:dneld. Aberdeen nnd Huron i enW thebooks since 1899.' ------tween 7 sndi K10 a.m. only. If you do not rc- checks. The Sdulhcast gloatloatVd'wIth^rccdra'lii^TwHIc^ 1c ^ t ‘ah” rrOTfas”lfant had bcen’( p#per by 7 ».ci., call the number Advertising other storn^systeraI spreadsp; rain nnd snow into thehe North- The leading edgee of the cold air mass extended I Peter York, advertialng director flitemcnl, M ril fnTcraaiiao Boutheni Plains to poiportions o f the mid-Atlantic sti jL™ ,.WWendell-Oooding-liagetmino If you with to place an adverti west. - call 733- The Time»-N«w* (UPS(UP: 631-080) Upub- Clouds and precipitapitation spread across the Pacificific North- was slowly moving; soisoutheastward. ' S36-25355 c*call 733>0931. Classified ads, ct 0931 Monday through Friday froriom7a.m. lisbed daily at 1322 ThThird St. W ., Twin west toward the northtfthem Rocki'es ahead o f anotherher upper- Along the front,, frcfreezing rain, sleet ond snow- flfell from Burlcy-Ruplupett-Pau].Oakley 05 fic. Three Texas into New Englaigland. but not as heavily as onI TTuesday. 678-2552 unlil 3 pm. u d Sanmlays from 7fajn.until a. Falls, Idaho. 83301,01, tby Magic Valley level weather system:m moving in from the Pacific, co^-clas* postage paid’ orning at Snow fell at Buffalcffalo, N.Y., the 54th consccutivere ■day of a Buhl-Cialefileford 1(10 a.m. Infomuulon oo display adsds it avail- Newtpspen Inc. Sccond tnchcs of snow wasvas reported during the morr eTime*-New«.Ofncial trocc or rnore o f preci]recipitation. beginning Dec. 18.1I. The pre- 543-46488 atable weekday* only. at Twin Falls by Tbe Tit Spokane, Wash., ^erson-Holliiier -ij*pex pursuant to See- igh today vious rwbrd o f 531 coconsccutive days was in the w city ind county ncwspap Winter storm watcmiches were in effect ihrough SSS!"5 Sotaet^Xiootatea lion 6C-108 ofthe Idibodiho Code. Thursday is across southcastcni OnOregon and southern Idaho, 1976-77. . - ,ll»#nd»lloihanreJU Home delivery: daily and Sundaiday, J3.00 b e re ^ designated as ibi old front, showers and thunde u the day o f the week Arctic high pressunsurc spread more sub-zero coldold across ' South o f the cold per week; daily. $2.35 per week;k; Sunday on which legal notice*xswUl w be published hes o f rain across sections of th« the central Plains, the Ihe upper Mississippi Volley•y i and the dumped ! to 2 inches S2.00 per week. Mail nibicriptions M send change of ad- sing flooding in West Virginia, £ wcstcm Great Lnkes. App^achinns, cousins News pipaid in advance and kre availafa . BOX 548, Twin Falls, Wednesday morningning's low for the Lower 48 stoistates was Afternoon temperat•eratures were in the 70s and 80 '•Iworth; managing editor ' wwhere carrier delivery Is not mal < tJ 3 9 .» I'M” ™ ” - 52 below zero at Promromise, S.D., in the north-ccntraltral part of the Southeast, withih r record highs o f 75 at Atlant Ifyou hsveave ■ newt tip or wish to talk lo daily a and Sunday, S3.25 per week lal Weather Scrvice said, Greensboro, N .C ; 73731it Greenville and Spaitanbu)3urg. S.C.; inn tlthe editorial department, call fcfor 12 weeks; dally only. $2.80 p< the state, the National ’ S36.40 fot 12-weekt; Sunday onl; Lows o f 30 or moreore below zero were common ocrossoa the 81 at Montgomery,’, AlAla.; and 74 ot Raleigh, N.C. 733-0931 between bet 10:00 a.m. a;id 3:30 $;

i m e s N E W s ^ I n f o n■ m a tKo n i m 1 3 ^5 5 1 ■ TOOTH COMI^,1MUNITY SPORTS3 ^ ^ LOTTER]RY WEATHiiJR SKI LIIINE I MOVWIES SAWT roQ«COtUCt«HtCHSOKX> lOCALfO«£C«l M0VCUST1NCSM D C f ^ DREPORT i lENDAR THEMACICVAUfr h y a iijr w m i v tOn d ii udty Press Press ^‘presi P I ' w tT i r s t n r U S C « 7 BY, • *T lTW.Tlmi.aM.® rfi ^ e o N a w I M

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Thursdoy, FoGruaryiry 10,1994 .Timos-Nows. Twinvin Falls,F Idaho A-3 N4ation i tion Briefly |(Clinton 1targets drugtre;( eatment,, prevent] / ----- ;------'VWASHINGTON (AP) -- With a Referring lo the ih( cocaine use that ' Thefhe strategy envisions treatiating want lo spend the restrest o f iny life in • nocnod toward his own family'y’s drug landed his brolrother in prison a aboul)ul 140,0(X) hard-core abilsers:rs. It ja il. I have losi ever:verytliing and 1 i and alcohol abuse. PresidentI iClinton decade, ago andnd his stepfather's callsIs forf a new $355 million ininilia- have lo slarl over." Operation ReRescue brad to stepst down said il was "important lo be loughlc as alcoholism', Ciirlinton told inmates livec toU ircal 74,000 such abuseisers, Later, Clinlon saidsaid progress on ; meed the and governmenien l o ffic ia ls at the but leaves le: open ihc amount neei:eded drug abuse must “haf‘happen one per- ^ DALLAS — The cxcc:xecutive director o f the anti-a!i-abortion group well as caring" as he annoum strategy Princc Geor;orge's Counly to trca:real some 65.0(H) addicted pri:irison son at a lime. If ihisthis m an had not ' Operation Rcscuc is steppingstct down after four yean•are at the helm. administration's anti-drug si Correctional CeC cn ter in suburb:\n inmatelales. chosen to- take someme responsibility ; The Rev. Kcilh Tucciicci, 37, said Tuesday his deci:ecision was made before Wednesday al a local jail. r 1995, a M aryland: "1 havlave ihc questionable ■ Free'receding Clinlon lo the podidium for his own life, lienthen this fine pro­ the U.S. Suprpmc Courourt ruled last month thatIt protesters{ who block His S13.2 billion plan for : his year, privilege of livin/ing in a family thal wass JosephI Mungo, 43, a forrTmer gram would still bebe jusl aiuilher access to abortion cHnitinics or conspire lo stop wornomen from having abor- $1 billion incrcasc over thi stresses drug treatment and_fl.preven- has deall with bobolh alcoholism and addictJlci and prisoner who lias been bi expenditure of taxpayejayer money." . lions mayfcc sued as rocracketeers, strc for them dru^j abuse. I I know treatment clean;an fo r .11 m o n th s, th an kks s to Even with its eniplimphasis on Ireal- He said ihc rulingg wwasn't a factor in his dep.cparturc ahd the group -j|°'lion by boosting spending hi • Awak/akening, a irealmenl progrgram nieni and prevenlion,ion, Clinlon said remains strong. by S826.5 million, to $5.4 billillion, in works." jabusers. “We know.ihlh al n o 'n a tio n can assoCioCialed wilh ihe jail. Pale,. thirit the slnitegy will pulul "m": ore into law . The headquarters of tthe group founded by aclivlivist Randall Terry will large ■‘''H purl to target hard-core a - domes- fighl crimc and'dJ'drugs wilhciut deal- andd nervous, r he lold of be:teing enforcemeni thanI we'vewi ever put move from Summervilrville, S.C., to Dallas, whetrtere the new executive . *■Drug supply reduction — i tic law enforcement, internrnntional ing honestly andmd forthrightly with imprisprisoned 15 years on a variety;ty of before" if Cimgressis passesp his pro- • director, the Rev. Flipp Benham,D will run the organianimation. andanc interdiction efforts — wovould see ihe problem off drugd addiction." he chargi]rgcs, kicking a drug habitt and: posal lo pul 100.0(100(10 more policc ! a more modest incrcasc ofif S217.1 said. Hard-coree c drug al)usc “repre- thenn Iryingli cocaine. officers on the street,;et, ;iulhorize drug ; BIA unit willill investigate b nrutality cases million, to S7.8 billion, and iiinterdic- sents a threat lolo thei stability of our “Mj‘My addiction was more powiwer- c>by S94.3 society and the c our country." ,• ' lcanc(,ned forw ard lo listen. “ 1 diidon 'l $2() million to cilics:s nationwide.n: ; A ffairs has decided1 lo set up an internal affaii"airs unit to- investigate million. charges of brutality agaiIgainst agency police officers, Assistant Interior Sccrelary Sc( Ada Deer quietlyy tordered the changc in ^I million face haavoc December in responsese loI an investigation by Therie Associated Press. Tlie AP found insufficient:nl controls by the BIA oveiver policc officers who if ** Vesuvius eruplpts patrol 61 American Jhdi NEW YORK (AP) — A\ large or The internal affairs•s uiunil will have three to fivee staffs members and will ’ even mcdium-size eruption o f M ount be based at the BlA’sI’s police training ccnter inn Artesia,/ N.M., Interior Vesuvius could destroy anm area in ^ ^ Department spokesmannan Bob W alker said. iirkenstocks wl'which 1 million people live: anda work wfthin 15 minutes.or less, Judge suspenended after dismmissing rape says. ^ T h e y lasist longer thlan roses?^ The destruction within aboutal 4.3 COLUMBUS, Ohiohio — A judge who dismisslisscd a child*rapc case miles of ihe Italiiin volcano) vwould be G I F T C E[RTIFiCA R TES AVAVAILABLE because a prosecutionton witness was 20 minutes:s late was ordered sus- producedpn by avalanchcs ofif hot gas j ^ i J pendcd Wednesday for six months without pay. and rocks, researchers said. maginc the look on youOpr Valentine's Common Pleas Judg'idge W illiam Millard will forfeit foi about SSO,000 in Medium-scalc cruptioro n s h a v e Y acc when they slip intoto a new pair of salary and benefits. He will remain.on probationon until his term ends in occurred every few cenlui iirkenstocks.^ With aI contouredcc fit a ^ three years. large ones every few cenlnlurics to A a m ole, they're The sanctions werecrc imposed by the five-meinember Commi.ssion of md shock absorbing sole millepia. Tlie last mid-sizedd one was ^1 _ cru Judges, which is appoiipointed by the state Supremene Court lo handle disci- f”' ;nough to make anyonene sm ile.' in 1631, and ihe volcano-h-has been ” ------plinary proceedings agaagainst O hio judges,------______'tomplctely quiet since 1944. Millard w as in court:art and could not be rcachedJforcGmmcnt. fc Attorniey gen:neral defends alllU-male school <1 Bltkcniitw P f Arizona"" leral Wednesday defend- ®(M R em em ber, ROANOKE, Va. — The stale's attorney genen irt shoe." cd a plan to keep Virgitrginia Military Institute all-mrmale by setting up a sep- A Valentine’s Day is . The original comfort; arate but similar progragram for women. ■ y Monday, Febniary The Virginia WomerTicn’s Institute for Leadershiplip ‘‘is designed lo create » ^ ) Buy your Su'cctncar so m eth in g s p c c ia l a the goal of a femalele ccitizen-soldier in Virginialia in the same way that (M tnair> ^ -Virginia 'produccs malema cilizen-soldiecs." Jamiimcs.Gilmore told U.S. (a lls.ldaho^^^ District Judge Jackson:on Kiser. lain five. S. • Twin Fall: 7 3 4 4 8 1 8 “It’s a good opportu;)rlunity for women,” Gilmore3re said in a hearing lhal ^ B'X u’.iii resulted from a 19903 JusticeJu Department lawsuit. ^ 1 5 3 Moln Avo. Wost • 734-Si - s s s V ^ CoiD]implied from w ire reports ( f i

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ForovMypuy product wo mD, wo1I boot ony od rtce from a local store odvottlslng tho umonowilow ttom In a tactory (MaJod box. .Evonariofflor your purehOM. M you find b lowo H iNVENIENT prtcos. wonwoll rotund 110% ot tho dtnofonco. n ateES >-B BING Our lowprtV prtca ffuawttoo doos not apply WilsSfUBNIIUBE • APPllANCtS- EIJCIROIIONICS • CADPET ■ FIOOR COVEBING “ I MsoivSATIATES I ^ 1 0 )C( ATI ONS ho prtco Indudos bonus or froo offonnors, m wtton thep TV TWIN FAILS BpodalflMI flnanelr>o. Installation, or manufoctucturor' 1% A :toaior>co Contor (ETCKUM/SUN VAUEY ME GOODING ELV, Ng/AM- a « S robtfo.ort, or to oompoUtor’s ono^f- a-kind or i M a-eu* Umnod quantityqua offors. ’^26‘-'2f22 ‘ 32^2702702 9M-4621 376-1904 '7i6-U76 7 2T9''-2373 ’ CASH, O.A.C. ■ f r e e e x p’HESS r DELIVERY E-2IIZ IN STORE FINANCING-■. d ^ p A V S S A IV IE A S CA:

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A-4 Tlmos-NoM. TwinI Falls.Fal Iclaho Thureday, Fobcuat^jatylO. 1994 Nation MaOersI say they can< accept 3:J2-centstaam p ■■ WASHINGTON (AP) -— The 1995. Suggested first-classfirs stamp n atio n 's largest m ailers uf]urged a prices hove rangeded fromf 31 ccnts 10 pcrcenl rise in posiolII rates ■ to 35 cents. Wednesday, saying higherer rates The Poslal Servicrvicc “should get arc inevitable and they can1 acccpti some credit forr strctchipgsl the an incrca.sc o f lhat size if lh(ihc pain interval betweenI raleraii increases to ■ is shared equally. four years/’ saidd AArt Sacklcr of The across-the-board incncrease the Mailers Council.K il - — of 10.3 perccnt suggested:d by a Poslal officialss hadha no immcdi- coalition of usually compnpeling ale reaction loIhc the m ailers’ pro- groups would translate inlo10 a 32* po sal. H o w evcr. er, Postmaster ccnl first-class stamp. Thahal rate General Marvin RunyonRui has said w as raised from 25 to 29 cccents in a 10.3 percent raleale hike 1 is one o f 1991. the possibilities beingbeir considered, .The board of governorss ' o f the The coalition ofof groupsg ranging U.S. Poslal Scrvicc is cxpccccicd to from advertising; mailersma to maga- 10 banking groups - - begin the long and corD m plex zinc publishers 10 bi proccss of raising rales latlate this and greeting-cardrd m r anufacturers monlh or early in March, so high- has agreed thal[ cachcai could live cr rales could take effect bybj early with an increaseihal lha size. — ■...... > v " ' ■ c - - . . , 'H' Vets’ illnlesses blalamed - ' -■ J. X r ^ ^on K ol^gi^l"apimts APphew ^ WASHINGTON (AP)P) ~ He said many' o of f the sym ptom s of sday. Up to 70 percentint of the lake sur- Qi(Biological agents shipped to l Iraq veterans sufferiniring from what is 1 University student wawalks along an icy Lakeke Michigan on Thursc A Northwestern L wilh. .Reagan .administistralion called Persian Gulfjulf syndrome, such ^ rdIng to the National IcIco Center. - ______wi! fa c e Is c o v e re dI b]by Ice, the m ost since;o tho late-1970s, accordi approval could be the causc oof mys- as chest pains,, genera!gc weakness.' lerious ailments afflicting huilundreds skin diseases, muselusclc pain and nau- of American veterans o f the: FPersian sea, coincide withvith physical prob- Gulf War. Sen. Donald-Rieiieglc-Jr.—lems caused by biobiological agents on . m into) ieefi(ields.icontended Wednesday. the lisl. kes tur lic h ., p o in te d to a Gres FRieglc. in a speech on thee :Senate Rieglc, D-Micf fioor, said the agents expororled to Pentagon reportt sti staling that by the ) The surface of Lakec Erie, the Nekvasil. sp<)^lokesman for the Lake fio TRAVERSE CITYTY. M ich. (A P) And Ihere's llic slill half a winlcr tu Iraq belween 1985 and 1989) includ-i lime o f Iraq’s invasuvasion o f Kuwait in shallowest with an avcragiIge depth of Carriers Associlocialion. "Bul we don'l Irai — Grcai Lakes? cd E.coli and salm onella antind olhcr 1990 Iraq’s biologiilogical warfare pro- g«- ■ ■ f 62 feet, has’bcen almost tototally cov- w ani to he sciscaring our customers ed Try Great Ice Fields:lds. Ice coveavered roughly 95 pcrccnt of ( dangerous bacteria such asas those gram wa!i the mostnost advanced in the ) ered since mid-January. inlo th in k inig g w ' c w on’l be able to. dai Pans o f the five frc:freshwater inland Lake Suplupcrior and more than 90 i causing an(hrax, gas gangreirene and Arab world andid thatll Iraq had the The last lime so mucuch of the resume shippinping on lime. March 25 cai seas commonly free?ecze over in the pcrcenl; of ol Lake Huron this week, brucellosis. ability to deliver^.'crjhose agents by : lakes’ surfaces were frozi>zen w as in is a long wayy ooff." ' > dead of winter.' But nolno since the late accordlniing to the National Icc 1 "I am deeply trolled IhIhal the simple acrial bomtombs, anillery rock- , 1978, anolhcr miserably cccold year. Anolhcr polelOlential danger is flood- 1970s has ice been ns widespread or Center,. whichw is run by the Navy, United Stales permiltcd the; :sale of ets and surfacc-lo-slo-surface missiles, I “Thai year, wc had all11 the lakes ing if ice jamsms block channels con- Un thick as il is this winienier. the Coastasi Guard and the National deadly biological agenls lo a coun- The Pentagon^on^^says ii has not ; virtually iccd over." sasaid D aron necling the laklakes. Assel said. Heavy de; “ For the lasl 10 yeayears or so we’ve Oceanicic and Atmospheric ’ iry wilh a known biologicalI warfarev found any concreicreie evidence thal. Boyce, a National Wcathi[her Servicc jcc also can ca'causc shore erosion and had some pretty winAfimpy w in ters." Administristralion. I program." Ricgle said. ' American troopsps ini the Gulf were I forccasler in Cleveland.1.'That's a damage sirucluclures such as docks. said Petty Officcr BobBol Morehead, a Tlial'ss notn unusual fbr Huron. But i exposed to biologilogical or chemical J very rare case." res are far from Bob - Coast Guard sp(spokesman in Superior,or, wilh ils wave-churned ' Such cares toxins. But it hasas acknowledgeda the 5 Thickness varies widelIdy. fmm a warncr's mil Cleveland. “Looks, liilike w e’re mak- vastnesss and'depthsa reaching 1.335 niiid. The sheel-meial JudgeJ denies) need to pinpointnt l the causes o f the - ihin sheet to many fed. ing up for it." feet, scideldom has more lhan iwo- a p p re n tic e from fr L’Anse, Mich., I illnesses and isis v, w orking w ilh the J Mosl comniercial shippi T e m p e ra tu re s ho^hovered around thirds of ils surfacc frozen, said y spare moment in a tent Packw j ood piIlC w Veterans Affairsairs D e p a rtm e n t lo igrapl}cr Raym ond A ssel ofi lakes routinely stops f perior’s Keweenaw Bay. jtcrans. zero across the regiogion Wednesday, occanogr; 5, w hen 1I.C Super NOAA Great Lakess January unlil March 25. he was asking the The Lake Superiorr portp of Duluih, the N< jls through a fool o f ice WASHINGTON (AP) —- A fed- Ricgle said hc nmcnlal Research Lahoraloryy Soo Locks reopen betww ccn lakes he VA to compensate Minn., reported a lowow of 20 below. Environm out. eralcri judge Wednesday refi-fu sed u Pentagon and the ^ Superior and liuron. Soioitlc ships, wrishtorlroul veterans rcguUlcss of Coast Guard icebiebreaking crew s in Ann Arbor.At e as thick as is il usually request rci by Sen. Bob Packwwood to sick Gulf War vclc : Michigan was ringed by iccc including fuel tankersrs, i.p cra le "H 's “ ire able to determine have freed 82 vesseliscis icebound on Lake M gels." Warnerncr said. “T h ere’s a lot hall |,;i the transfer of his diaric^ics to the w hclhcr they arc i lg 60 pcrcenl to 70 percent of)f through the winter, o f their ailments, Greal Lakes walerw;rways, more than covering ( ; out this year. I’ve sc c a ,' SeSenate Elhics Committee p cn d in c the exact causc o f t ffuce. while aboul Lakee "If Ihis coniinues, w e're’re definitely m**rc peoplt T h e s e n a to r hch e a d s the S en ate in Ihc past three yc:years combined, ils surfi right oniolhe ice. further an ;m appeal.. o’s covcr ranged from 20 per-r- going Uvneed help fromm the Coast ib'-'ni drive rigi imitlce and said hc spokesman Davidn d S p ru n t sa id Ontario’s said Glen mil lhan I'vee evere seen." U.S. Districl Judge Thomas Tl Banking Commit Guard icebreakers," s review the Expori Wednesday. cenl to.50 5(1 pcrcenl. Penfield Jackson's decision,n means would also rcvi Act. ------U.S.,Jalapan pfan thatth Packwood. R-Ore., munust rely Admmistralion Aci on the U.S. Court of AppealsIs to stop ly S projectton AIDS IhcZ transfer. Papeijrs not shhredded,, firm sa; Jackson on Monday csiabl W ASHINCNGTON (AP) — The „15-day timclable for transfer ^ i s t h “Mr. Fiskc is aware: of ( The United Slatelies and Japan plan to j'j WASHINGTONON (AP) “ The managing;ing partner of the Rose firm. diaries to the commilieee fo r Its springg biigTO Washington Times rep;p o ri on an n o u n ce a multi-billion-dollar investigation of sexual miscisconduct * - Ro.sc law firm wtwhere first lady said Ihe the report of shredding V shredding of documents. TliaiTl will AIDS and population-conirol po| effort Hillary Rodhamm or countries slow ihcir The firm emphaphalically denied ccrning,g thet W hitcw aler develop- 1 appcllaic court ruled. ihings — whether McicDougal birth rates undnnd combat AIDS. ‘'F lilsOosanstin $11.9! the report. mcnt. ; improperly diverted fundnds from The paper cited:d •as iLs source an The WashingtonW Times said ils i SJ Bushes S6.95 ’ the Madison Guaranty S unidentified RoiRose employee, executivilives were nol immediately l Loan Association, whichll ihe con- President and Mrs.Irs. Clinton, along availableble for comment loday. I ^ & A C C;C61?tSjJ| ( VIcDougal and hi.s ' But the th Lillle Rock office ofr ifolled, l to Whitcwaler and with Ja’incs D. Mci : ^bcrnalonul campaigns. ------thcn^fcSu-sanrwi“wcrc partners In Speciinin X o u n sirrK d b ert'D . 1-iske 1 IHlTAVSrNr-jS ~ : Clark said the firm has kikept doc- '^ T w i n Falls Whilcwatcr, ann Arkansast real Jr. saidd lthe report would become Ills. 734-25251;^ 1 umenis, "in anticipation tlthey will p i ^ K S l S estate venture. pari of its investigation into i be requested.” [ for mertlngIng Info call In Salt Lake City 4B64B6-012S Outside SIC 1-800-7a In Lillle Rock., RonaldRi M. Clark, Whilcwawalcr and related mailers. 1 TYeatnwlent hobbleles tumors IP “ TH NEW YORK (AP)\P) — Scientists and brca■cast, said stu d y co -au th oir r l e a r t £S m a r fi T $ 3f a tumor in micc AxclUllriUlrich. B stifled ihc growth of a 0 by blocking its atlcitlcmpls to get u Such Ia a strategy prevented up to I a vanety of fresh blood supply, provii)viding new evi- 96 pcrcciccnt of lumor growth whenn Choose from < FTD* Spol in my H0 ort~ - dcncc thal such ann approach a| might treatment:nl began just as expcrimenlal selections that3t are good for her hel e a r t - J i L Bouquet 1 people. lumorss vwere implanted in mice, help treat canccr In pc n a n d yours. Likike the FTD TreasuredJ A I ® ! The work idcniifieified a molecular Ullrichh aand co-authors report in m i- switch wilhin bloodid vessels> lhat the T hursda;day’s issue of the journal•1 Memories Bouluquet. Jusl coll or visitsit tumor tried *o turnn oon. The switch Nature, your professioro n a l • • normally would stimiimulatc formation A shortlOrt-term treatment had a sim- J f ,l temporary effect on estab-J- FTD'florisftodcto y . of new blood vcsscLiscls lo supply ihe ilar but l< Ifr tumor. lished tunlumors, they reported, So drugs dcsigncined lo keep that If suchch a strategy proved useful in switch turned off majmay be useful one people,;. itil could be combined wjth day for treating can'rancers that form olhcr .sir:strategies lo.suppress recur- solid tumors, like Ihosc Ihc of the lung rence ofc)f canccr.

u w W l F ^ r t O n o M a

G\Sifts For YdUr'TO ^ i t h . s Valentine. ■■__|/ j - f r c o ^ •Valentine f lh F llliJ ' W ■ I B a s k< e e t s H C withith Gourmet Candles ^ ^ ' r a «^Heart Shaped CJ *•) □ F o r Yf < o u r □ P ' Glycerin Soap U n ^ n V a l « g | i^Cherished Teddies f ^ J & J

M J hhe C ountry,(4^4 I A vailable a t a n y o f th ease se profeulonallTDnorisIs Vicki’s Flower Basket J i f t G w d e n t w i n FA L L S^ 536 Bluo L ^ e | B h / ^ h U COiO O D lH O I Crandalls' Flower Shop i ill's Flowers DdSS i c : 123 Main Ave. E MOj } Phil' 207 North M ain' 1lIG M alnA venuo East y 1 2 1 3f(3ril Avo. W ost 2' .733-3044 Absolutely F jp w a rs/ . 7 3 4 - 8 5 9 2 . ^ 934-43583 cor 800-435-8655 423-4175 285 Bluo Lakos B|yd. N ^ h 734*2800 or 800-733-2620 L _ j - • Thursday. Fobruaryry 10.1994 Tlnwa-Nows. Twinrin FFalls. Idaho A-5 Nlation i DiscoTeily crewireleases s spheres>S Buying; rrules infor chjhange ik left inI space WASHINGTON(N i(A P ) — .A for stud^y of junl Pentagon contract to buyt S25,000 jy-__ worth of nnt bait stastarted w ith a jhn Stanley, w ho's iri Russiaisia launched Sputnik in 1957 cC APE CANAVERAL. FIc•la. (AP) ball. NASA's Johr ,u„lc 29-pagc solicilalioilion and look — Discovery's U.S.-Russia:ian cre'w chargc o f the shuttle shi experim ent, has sc;scarred satellites, chipped shui ev en nearly eighl m onlhsIS loto executc. adcadded to Earth's orbiting jujunkyard said the two 2 -in<•inch spheres cjected w indoidows and. on occasion, cv last- That's the kind of government Wednesday, bul for good caufiu.se. from Discoveryry w ill help experts forcedced shuttle crews td lake la Wc :nsc Secretary - Space debris experts hope, hi to refine Iheir techniciniques. minutelute detours. excess thal Defense lid W ednesday improve iheir tracking .skillsIs by fol- "We've neverr hadh good sources in The'he U.S. Space Commandd on William Perry said ' '1 lovlowing the six metal ballss < ejected orbit that wc kno'now the size and wc Wedn:dnesday was IracluQg ab(bout musl be eliminated.d. TTlierc w as no from the shuttle. know the lexlure."•e." hc said. 7.0000 0 picccs o f space junk bascb;:ball- word, though, in a HouseHi Armed The balls, 2 to 6 inches inin diame- The balls will11 orbil0 for six to nine sized:d and : bigger, mosl of il'dcpoTosii- Services Com m itteetee hearing, on 1 2 5 ; ’ * ‘ • • - J s n a cargo- monlhs before plungingpU Ihrough the ed by the United Stales and Rus:ussia. whether the mililaryiry. ant problem Icr, popped one by one from bay can as Discovery saileiled, o ver atmosphere andi burning b up. Stanley Exper'peris estimate there’s lols m' was solved. British Columbia. Within m inutes, said. litte;er r out there — marble-si2 Calling il his "No.No. I priority,” co sm o n au t S erg ei object:eels, for instance, are thought ground radar .stations were; titracking Discovery co ’hou- announced plaplans to clean irst Russian lo fly on numb'mber in the hundreds of th( the spheres, which circledi EarlhI al Krikalev, the firsl , up the Pentagon's, ByByzantine pro- a U.S. shuttle, got a phone call from sands,ids. 17.500 mph. ^ ynd curemcnt rules, Videolape beamed down'n by the Moscow and w:was bombarded hy Star>lanley said the United Slates : there “Wc arc proposiniising U) change crew showed the orbiting balalls mov- questions in En{•nglish and R ussian Russiassia need to know w hat’s up th ,r the some of whichich I have been in ahead of during a spacc-lo-to-ground news con- 10 design dcs adequate shielding for . iniing farther and farther ah illion. p '“cc sincc the 1940s'40s," Perry lold peared as fcrcnce. plannt.nned intem alional space siati J. Di;Discovery. The spheres appc to ihc committee. "WeVc hhave lo over- mation — Discovery is; scheduledsc lo land al StaticItion assembly is supposed . %f gleaming cic dots flying in form: . comc a culture lhathat has been z Center Friday, eighl begin^in in three years. a shiny steel and dull alumininum con- Kennedy Space C th o se m any days after liftingigoff. ( Res;r 181 monlhs on they passctsed. Fleet carrier Saratoga Only a handful of badlyI \ the rest of + 1 Ic n rcd o)n n •M i m d e r l a k e + garrison duly in Samomoa. They had jjghtIt c, a rrie rs P rin ceto n and pri-soners P' were captured; thi "idion ’i ;he death, h X J J e n . trained hard for amphiphibious land- Ungley providedpre air support. the garrison fought 10 thi ^ Fine Furniture■Since Sim 1908 American loses were 184 kikilled and ings and jungle warfarrfare. They had 7 1 ,^ nlext o morning the 2 2 nd ^ Sale in Progress 14d040 Bloo Lokes Blvd. N. • Twin Foil:Foils • 733-9666 nol been happy havi:w in g 10 s it in M arin es, landed la after a two-hour >540 wounded. reserve at Kwajalein:in while iheir bombardmemenl by ihe fleet. By after- ‘■ juniors” in th e 4th 4 Marine noon theyy hadh cros.sed the islet. The Division, which had,d Icfl1 Iho U.S. 1,200 Japaipanese defenders fought in only in January!,.lDak.Rc:.Roi-Namur. small group)ups or as individuals. They The 106lh Infantryry hadI also left sniped andnd made suicidal charges'. the U.S. in January and anc was under- jhai night•ht. the survivors tried lo strength at Eniwetok; havingha Icfl one infiHratc MarineM lines. Cpl. Anthony battalion to garrisonI MMajuro. In all. Damalo threwthr himself on a grenade : Tactical Group I hadid :some 10.400 to save thrchrce olhcr Marines mangling I men. The Japanese had not cxpecied the C.'A f-n ^ Americans to movlove so fasl. £ S/\Ci[emember your Eniwctok was left undimdcfended until ^Sweetheart! January when the 2,60(.600 veterans of ff the 1st Amphibious BrigadeBri (Army) ^Co•Cards '^ N e w Bogs t, GHt were scnl from Manchuchuria. Wrata p by Slephtn lowienw Thus forlificaiionsns were nol as U kN ow llirow s by Ih i Rog strong as al Kwajaleiilein or Tarawa, j# though the Japanese hadhai con-structed Bamira<»N«wYoitliMConJI»s some pillboxes and a mazer of "spi- ^cti]Filled Gtfis B oskelsSB ogs dcr"..lunncls which:h iallowed the ^ [T. ------defendcrs'to'pop'up'up-unexpectedly:— ColletiailKby.Refl)«*Ntw„ _ They also has a few/ lijliglil tanks and ' OierhoriskedTeddkisOComillo I iwo 120 *mm naval gun:;uns. Bdmon » ttlld te ii's Books Eniwelok is an ovalval formation of & islels and reefs at thec ncnorthwest edge OCdlco Klltons •Steven of the Marshall islandsnds, 3.000 miles |iUntM «»Slooe Critters from P earl H arb o r but b only 670 miles from the majoru cenemy base at Truk. 0 H __ _ T h c rc .n te three i isle s I e ls_ 0 f co n se-_ ------qucncc: Etigcbi-ifr-thcthe-nonh-wh'cf^ R '-'-'— - the airfield was1 locatedI and 1-2^ | r Eniwctok and Parry■ in ihc southeast !;• f icU T SB ^ com er covering ihe tw(two entrances to &±JMi # HOTi I C o n i e t s 0 9 the lagoon. They were.^erc the narrow 'fy BH-ansmeblle cellular phi ihone ivvttti speed ® “deep passage” betwctwccn Eniwctok *.*4 n Pluo* inlo cigaioli# i>oni8r, n»g, »*,»* ■ jdtalngaredlal and Parry and the "wide"w passage” p PRICEil •Cl-ia'a'' t CI»«f.»00ndeltCUI1. J. T*-' ■ west of Eniwctok. O n Feb. 1 7 lh c Ameimerican invasion O ^ ,,udland force pushed throughgh Ihc! wide pas- a s a A m i C " ' . i sage and headed for■Engcbi Er 2 0 m iles V i d CJeo, away. Minesweeperflers cleared the « passage, using a mapnap captured on Ot wSifts . Powerful 48B6SX system wilfitii fast local Rill Pm iE M wI I I . Kwajalein,.Then camcmc the three pre- SHMairlain • Gooding _ bus video plii/tfsSounilBlasteier audio CUT 43% ^ ^rU iCUT20% ...... BMS-OOSe.-MS'Works^:s and Windows 3.1 aio installodId aand ready to ruri,, = 5 / i OupstnafcstL a Fo8t local bus video lor'or accoloralod Qraphics and lossisswQiling limo Hanas-IPeeC^*^^ T h i s V a l e nsitine's” D ay ■ 1,44MB 3.5‘ lloppy diskisk drivo ■ Mouso ■ 4MB RAf,fl ■ IBM'I PC compaliblo spjakemhone ' a i s w e r w ■ Throo oxpansion slotss ondi ono opon dovico bay lor oaoasy upgrading any limo ry UBIGonlaatiira 3 SoundBlaster audio board has ZD-raimber mentor) ires f ‘ S a y "IL oDVE’ You" ■ Add a pair ol spoakorsrs lor awosomo soond Irom tho Si Rodml, privacy bullon. n«g. «»,W •*!0 < R»tnolft opoftlion, n*g. 4*,' rvBjjiwai ■ W i t h ' A L i tT T L E H e a r t m :

CUT 42% I ^ iCUT25% i1 U i l cuf» : Blg-huttonS-ln-l Conqiact H w ; ranottctmlrolsd s let pow B P8tplp With i Clock radio has battery 2 - v n y „ ■ B-oiJtiet protector, on/off sw ttdi i\ b ackup in c a s e v o u r ACC la lls i T V ,K !fi.cy 8 lw i s p m k e r • m l W ijp lK e p r : SiMp ond irxMuo cMilioit, n*«. i*,t1 _ -n jji o90().w»inul ftog. B* I»,n : Orosdban'aM rnols« tiiiet. fttg. it.t* «i Jreo : i r o n l : “ f l ..r \ lur wide selection of Come Imicn:nmvnnil-chooseirom our rcoroM'ng and candy \ CUT 20% ^ B CUT 38% ^ i . / q u a l i t y W'ikon ilt pans and cake dccc - CUTM* I i i i l ICUTS[56% I J oducts. Be a sweetheart!c! 1Bake and decorate ' j S i stock opt K making prodi RolDdeK® 5 iughtww e e ig h t ▲ i \ nething loving the Valenentine’sDay. p o w e re d i S I VHST-1Z0 I somel elactroiuc - :: r ilo H - uup p stereo V V w c a lc u la to r f lp e c to r y ~ ~ " l i heBHphiph o n es [ETiii BBBII z s : " etigMr«plHdtlirt»t|h2rniW ■.A v.».W .» 7 3 3 - 5;^ 4 7 7 ^ - ^

______, j \ ;'l

J l | l n

Editoriilal ^GooONeWS,TmA, ---- ma'fn tt SEAStETOREi£Pm£HT ) X \ mJ/E UNITED SW E i StopP guns, violence^ V at t]the schoi)ol door T he Iasi thing a slU'student should hove Idadaho, like the resi of AmetneVica, is to worry about is gcttiiMting shot at school, armned ei to the teeth, our popularlar culturc M tllnfl So ilw Twin TailsIs SchoolS Board did sufiu;Tused wilh mayhem and oulUr r; society JflH jM llic right thing when:n iti adopted a zero- reeli;ling frcftn thc consequcnic n c e s tolcrancc rul« for wca|’capons. parqirqit^al neglect. Al thc request o)f f' Twin Falls High ,n In that environment, violence M l Sciiool administralors,ors, the board decid- ducti'ctivc to an adolescent. ed that any studentIt found I with guns. In a; culture o f fear, there’s ncno slight knives, brass knucklescles, bats or even toy thatJt can’tc be avenged, no indignignity that weapons in his possesscssion will be im- can’tn’t b e redeem ed. mediately suspended,ed, and possibly cx- NeMevcr m ind if you can ’t readid thet first ' pelted. pagege o f your I-ngli.sh book or figurefig thc "W e have reason1 to believe weapons salesles lax on a pair of Air Jordo rd an s. A are or. our campus, — some have been gunn in: the backpack is a passa ssp o rt lo eonllscaied," the admdministrators said in powcwer. a letter lo the board.1. , It’s I t ’: also absolutely dcvasiaSlating to |H Unhappily, iniimid.[lidation is a way of leamim ing. life — and death ~ in thousands of A A kid1 w ho’s w ondering whetl"lether he’s _ |B schools in America.I. It'sIi been estimated goinjling to get home tonight isn'isn’t w ork- there are'more'than[1 1 million aggravai- ingg ono his tom orrow s, ed assaults at school)o! o r o n thc w ay to rha'rt" Th why schools must kkci e e p vio- and from school in a ssingle year. lenctncc out by any means ncci One study showedcd thal in souih-cen- evenen if it means installing a mi TlMSllKN tral Los Angeles, it’st ’s easier for a kid to tccto:tor by thc doot and expellitriling kids gel a gun than it is for1 him to obtain who10 intimidate others. school supplies. . AAt t O ’Leary Junior High, for ex am - I O Ttters | That's not ihe case,se, yet, in Twin Falls pie,i. PrincipalI Wiley Dobbs take:ikes an as- ______or the resi of the MMa agic V alley, b ut it scrti>rtive approach to student-on-on-s.udc„t to o n ladders aroundh the e dams. economy and other factua!:tual sources w hich ecds to upgrade lagoc indicate that tourism is boibooming in Idaho. . easily could be. RotRobert Stuart Junior thugiuggcry. • o f Jon dem ands for foi water will get worse as ng A lvina V inyard’s letter ol W c did not m ake this up. High School principaipal Dale Thomsber- Dobbs, Dc formerly a no-nonsen:sense prin- Regarding - don’t continuee to t< migr,ite to Idaho and, alive H igh 31. Eden waA-as incorporated in 1906 - i And tourism is not thc1C conly growing in- ry told a legislativee ocommitted recently, cipalpal al thc disiricr.s Altcmaliv ivbc the assured, thiss isis happening and will con­ ,... •w„n;T.c know, if it wwas voted on.or not; mayb dustry in Idaho. Thc qualit)ality o f life that Ida- that police visit hisi schoolsc almost every Schc:hool, personally corifrbntslib b u llie s old tim er cot ^ ' tinuc to happen. :ould tell us that. do? We musl conserve this ho’s vast public lands provirovidc is one o f thc said later hc hasn’t andid troublemakers. And when,crc moral , ,nd it is day, although hc sai 5 a budget for thc cily and lodity wherever it is being major reasons that manyy lalarge corporations dishing guns. suasiasion fails, he’s not shy aboujout show - )wlcdgc. No one hides thc■ fi|r,o,iTc< precious commod seen students brandisl ' used. Replacing5 ththe Teton Dam and bujid- have recently relocated in Idaho,1^ T hese cor- In the Mini-Cassii>sia area, secondary -ingg themtl the door. from thc ciliilizcns. randal Dam would be a-sltp • porations provide tens oof f tlthousands of new . Anything . As for whvhat do the people get thatI runru thc ing the Lynn Cram school violence is5 scsaid to be as com- That’s Th the way it has to be. A toward a conscrvarvalion plan. Oncc they arc jo , b s for Idahoans, mon as sagebrush.;h. A Minico High lessss puts] the school district inn j and have no intentention o f tuming them ofT. Ketchum ______heCDniei — ...... - - City Hallill isn’t closed; W cJusLfidLI -wc-gcrthe-additional-clec— rk didn’t pay/ Ito have someone sil thereeJlfthc^=^''='^”^ a ' Stoplicn HartQcn Oark Walworth ABcnBen Wilson Peter York iration will help from our ir- Woman not educateated on matter ng director tim e and ntno one comc in. Wc try to save ri PiiWlbhcr Marvsglng editor ClrcuIrcubtlon manogcr Advertising d s. Il should be happening in' This is in response to0 SusanSi D oyle’s let- m oney forrih il c city in every way w c ca In th e M ini-C assiaia iarea now, But even lhat' ter o f Feb. 2 and h er allcgaIcgalion that grazing W e arc trtrying to put in a larger sew Thc menncmbcrs of thc editorial boardird and writers of cdilorials .u lto g o w o n ’t be enough»h. Nuclear power? What an' thc livestock is not beneicncficial to public p, goon (thc 0one wc have now is aboul are Stephenjn Harlgcn.\ Clark Walworth.I. MarkN Kind and Steve Crump, „ « uproar that woulduld create, even ihough it is‘ land. In your own words>rds, “Nicc try, but over) as chc:hcap as wc can. If wc can j „ L m u the safest form ofo f i energy we have, you’ve got your facts mix«nixed up with fanta- bond and getg< a grant (wc don’t have t ting olir reservoirs on a fish- : can get a 4 percent loan1 for fi die dcplctini ■ sy." 1 J back), wc c iv mo e flush plan that nono one knows will work is’ In your letter, you doubteddou that bittcr- 1 1 1 1 ^ rest wc neeeed. W e w on’t borrow any y not a very fruitfulful coursc o f action, brush (purshia tridcntatatata) is a source of f than w c neeeed. Federalil governament coi mother) They declared:d ithc Snake River sockcyc' w inter feed for thc deerr amand elk, then asked, . Wc aso) i invited M rs. V inyard (nic salmon endangergcred. Tell me, what’s thc vestock’ to graze on _ . , _ _ and.M r. Vii/inyard (son) to a public me “Why do we allow livesi ^,1 S m difference bctwotwccn it and the millions of. ; this food sourcc for didn’t com c. Wc also asked ‘ ■ public land and deplete thi l i m p b^‘ th c y d i. propagated in streams from' deer and elk?” Here iss ycyour answer: "Do- b^corac[ebigpa>ymentpn^ to vote (an;inyw ay they wanted) ju s t a; itered to Alaska lo Califombm ia? mesticvcows,’’ as you calcalled them, do not - n as they vot'oted. They are not registci“ red to The {’ovemmcnt is not destined to become rfjM vc been dealt a dead man’s* cat bitterbrush. Only’ a >cow completely vote. 51 to satisfy some squeaking ang leg would even Svclic, but ihe budget the president submitted .fl ; not taking advantage off aianyone hand - and just t 5 starving on ils last dying inn P ^ cdtoup- wheels diat snuggjggle down in their hot tubs,’ look al bittcrbrush, let aloialone consum e it. So this week—the first realal DernocraticI budget in -i f l f o GeopgtU® or anyone’s;'s incomc. Bul wc do need I ^ eleclric blankets:cts and heated swimming9 don’t try to insult someimeonc’s education l3 year^i, which is half agencrolion—a g illustrates Sjl date our lagagoon before wc get fined. pools. when (in this instance);) youy< are obviously a paradox ihiil gives coldold comfort to conscrva- a W ill DIANN4 IM CNEIL CLARENCE'BELLEM BI :not educated. tivc-s: Tlie largest achieverivemcnt of modem liber- m CoimcUw ______Rupert ------nli(imr‘hu-w*;lfaro.Jtoaviiivii^now the-Urgcst-im-^ ’------Prf/m — _ ‘ N e x t you say that it’s’s a w cll-docum cn(ed V fact that tnost”'pmat'c'a;e and-publiCTOffgC ^•diment to the liberalI aspiration as for energetic Imosl certainly would send h to 1the stales for ire not responsible lands are in worse eonditiidition that 75 to 100, government. dec:ccisioh. However, it is opposiposcd by Sen; preserV ( ijjty ' Ranchers an ve precious commodi this mean? Where’ is ; C andidate Clinton vowed vo that'an end of lobert Byrd (D-W.Va.), whosese cchairmanship _ kroner’s reply on Jan. 26 to0 years ago? What does thi' g a million acre feel of waivatcr rc- this documented? If you'you're going to state ‘•‘gridlock" between Congiingress and thc executive qif{- jiIjc] Appropriations Committee y down thc Snake River"r o the O "''''": ell-documented fact, branch would enable Democrats D( to “reverse lersuasive-arscnal o f pains and Spie i™ '" " ’" ■’ “ “ Mr. Croner's so objection to our recent let-;- that something is a well- 5 already proven futile. c the dccency to give Rcaganism.” i declining may “ when to ter on the “Savetve Weslera Ways” roily as-;- at least you could have th Thc fact that the dcficit is dc 10 agency knows for surc w ; However, he is lockedLed on a eouisc that can- TilKsmsmtbul want to put ranchers out ofif the author’s nam e. D id1 it ever occur to you lave made the amendment seem Ic xercisc; namely, becausc th!»"“ '' ‘ First, if ranch:chcrs would treat their landd thc blame elsewhere. budmdgct would require spending cu 5 one o r the olher. • Then it was said that[lat if Clinton could not ^ larticularly the riparian areas,5. So w ake up o r go home,)me. Tcases on a scale tliat would be economically( '‘" X " a waste of such a precious)us com- ‘"O" • pass his budget, his presiresidency would be irre- reel ;o we would applauilaud and support their efforts, TRENTLMINK ecklcss and politically lethal. In a m atter o f days, fresh w mediably crippled. He won but the price js lar amcndmcnl modi-y- ould advocate more humane,c, Qoodiog Now the politically popular ) salt w ater, Bul w c arc prenrescntly ""'hers woul pongrcss made him paylay in spending caps and iqoj lion o f the partial '" n l 'd to s leans o f predator control, wcc ooks like a manageable extension 2,200 sccond feet of water pay-as-you-go rules rcstrcstricts his presidency to gpe ,-you-go rules -1 -S 2., i and support them. If ranch-1- ;pcnding caps and pay-as-y< ) Brow nlee Dam for ju st thi making-minor ndjustmcimcnts at the margins of CorCongress has adopted. their fair share for tlw use 9 f feoveniment. wc would applaud and silp-t Writes t< t o u s IfII thc amendment passes in tw t’s a bonanza for pow er com ; Automated spendingg onor entitlements devours o f t )f taxaphobio, which shows no si{ it seven or eight times for g . T he T im cs-N cw s wwelcomes letters. half ihe biidgel. Add inteinterest phyments, which pre<)rcssure for more spending culsiswillbeeonsti- w Riit Second, wc: ourselvesoi arc disappointed lion. A ndd surc,5 part of it is their wati J from readers on subjectjects o f public inter- only about one-third o f jutii •wling growth of the Wood are noi optional, and on utionalized. I it be much more bcncfii»nrioi tn with thc sprawl V est. To make sure yotyour letter is pub- Ihe budget remains forir discretionaryd spending, ii ause Congress to fif C - River Valfey. 1In fact, we would much If it fails to pass, tliat may caus< 1 thc w ater bank, then drop i' lished promptly, herere area a few guide- uiking additional P ‘ /ell-run cattle ranch that prc- mcUiding defease. see!wck political protection by maki dam to dam.for irrigation1 andai Slill “5= “ '* lines to remember: _ in a generation— for thc cut< ly supporting the r. serv es the valuesjcs of thc land forfiilure gen- ’ For the first lime in ti nits in Clinton’s budget, or by si wer? Cities arc also going I ' ...... Letters shbuld'incluiclude the writer’s“ first tim c since wartimeme 1969—discretionary cuunils he recommends but not diethe spending in- ® erations and proprovides thc open space that ter. signature, mailing; addressad and tele- decline in n ^ , inflation- crw cuts 10 financc. ' ' •nal.,. nnH w e all love so m»much. Above all. wc w ant to, spending is slated to dcc niMSCs hc wants his proposed cuts : Ihc large dams in thc Sna phone number. Lettertters coiuidered li-. me mover of die _ S los see public lands,ds remain just that - lands for adjusted dollars, primarillarily bccausc o f defense Paul p Simon (D-Ill.). the prime ia rivers are the culprits for t belous, obscene or in tbiu^lASte will be trays die amend- C°lurnb,a ; o f all. cuts. J amiimendmcnt in ihc Senate, portray on smolts. But don’t thin!ink for a the enjoyment of , rejected, and Thc Tim?ira^S^Ncws reserves sm! o f sorts. He Mr. Croner’ a[apparently disbelieves that [ . And tJjc "discretionary'ary" sphere is more theo- meinenl as a stimulant of heroism, that those dams arc going thc right to edit all lettciettcrs. ie govcnunent, like Gul- say ) many heroes at j '5 ^ Id a h o ’s economomic base is changing. We retical than actual. Thc f a y s the reason there were so nu cd. • Because of space5 constraints,co please ^ no back door, lim to all tho articles in this ! liver among the Lilliputicutians. is bound down by the the Alamo is thal thc Alamo had n rst thing lhal needs to be doirfnnc Sa tn would tcfcr him limit letters to 400 worevords. id 38 states ratify S g S S »nd other Idaho,tio newspapers, national mag- thousands of threads—Is—the intense interest Suppose s Congress passes and 3 eign powers from gilnettin Wc look'forward:d to^hearing from groups rallying round thctheir programs. ihc the amendment, thereby boardingding up die back Bzines, thc Idaldaho Department of Com- long nets from California lal report on the state o f the;; . This is not a momentssitary astringcncy, it is a jocJoor—eliminating deficits as meansme o f es^ p - (\laska, then design stream-li^-likefish merce's annual taste of th e future. Thcle rng mg difficult choices...... portionate bencficiariesies o f entitlement spend- - • -If i that happens now. when thcthe middle class Tioney has no in- ing—pensions and mcdiledical care—and in two tliaiiJiat lias most o f thc nation’s mor t n e s b u r y BY GARRRRY TRUDEAU years the first o f the 76 millioni baby boomers tcnitcniion o f paying more taxes,. th

^ n f i f i ■


renew able energy M other nature prov:)vides an efficient, rei . . _■----- ^—;..aosource Jn .the formI oof snow fall. _ m til it m elts in tlie' ss p n n g ; .MM ountains store sncnow in the w inter unt rivers and fills reseaervoirs, . TlT h e w a t e r t h e n f lo)ws w into creeks a.nd ri rop through pow er pf l a n t s . " wlw here it rem ains unjntil it's ready to dro, II o v e r a g a i n . TK enext w inter, th

_ .

i^^t-cost'electriciicity in the country.

ble hydropow er - froir o m y o u r ...... BBeautiful, renew abl neighbors at Idahoo P o w e r .

' v ’V ' s P

> f ^ i iS S S iH$ • ' .. . “'r '1 ■ •• 'A'':

• _ E i • I . . .

A-8 Timos-Nows, TvrtTwin Falls, Idaho Thurwtey. FotFobfuaiylO, 1994 'A WorldI w Talks^ ^ I termsIS for 0WP seeur •I. rS ' i ®

CAIRO, Egypt (Al(A P) — PLO Icad- cr Y asser Arafat and Israeli Foreign Minislcr Shimon PeresPc Wednesday initialed an agreemeiment on the securi- . ty issues that haveve blocked impic- mcniation of their• peacepc accord. 1 ^ ^ At a ceremony arrarranged by Egyp- li;m President Hosnisni Mubarak at the end of three dayss oof talks, (he two signed a 21-page;e document that Mubarak said dimliminates “several ohstaclcs and paves'es (he way” for an overall agreement. The overall agreer-cement is to be nc- gotiated later betw:twcen Arafat and Prim e M inister Yit:Yitzhak Rabin, he said. Haggling betweei'cen Israel and the Palestine Liberatioition Organization I M HCHE i L l i l over security issuesics has held up Is- II BECAUSE so ; rad’s withdrawal from frc the occupied j^ P } MUCH is RIDINGSONYOURTTRES.'- ■ Gaza Strip and WesVest Bank town of W Jericho. ' ’ Those issues inclncluded control of (he crossings fromm the i autonomous Palestinian areas to Egypt and Jor* •BFCg o o d !Irioh dan, security for JewJewish settlers who m^mmamiTires remain in Gaza andand the size o f the Jcricho area to be ceiceded by Israel. Peres said he andmd Arafat had set- J tied "five or six of)f tlthe most compli- ^O ufHImerican i By Bridgestone ciitcd i.'wucs.” but adadded, "W e didn’t WM n Brand complete our work." Among the i.ssucsles still to be decid- ed between Arafatfat and Rabin was the size of the Jerilericho area to be ceded to PaJcstiniarlian control, Peres said. Still, Arafat saidd t>the new pact was "a very importantt stistep to implement the agreement froi:rom paper to the ground. j g p ••Wc can say thatlat 1Palestine — and 0 the name of PalestIcstine — has re- turned lo the mapap of the Middle ' E;ist.” he added. f t As Peres and Ara\rafat were speak- WSr Instant Credsdlt U p T o ^ ^ ^ l ing. m em bers o f the World Jewish Congress in Washinglington got word of the agreement from3m President Clin- ton. __ ••Another big milncome fleet tire buyers, servirvice . e n c e th at has rais-aised opposition stationion dealers, wholesale lire across the country. H About 230 U.S.'.S . tro o p s are in dealers! Colombia at President Pn Cesar Gaviria’s invitation. The presidentialiaI paloce said the A nd A council's ruling latc Tuesday posed 4 Wheel “a sctback for technchnical military co- operation between:en Colombia and n Drive Tiraption & other countries,, esespecially in the fight against drugca; cartels." IM The Council of3f JState is Colom- ^ ^ 2 Dupleex T ir e s ^ bia’s highest authothority on govern- ment administrationion but has no pow- cr to enforce its decdecisions. Its ruling will be sent to thetie : attorney general . and a congressionallal Icommission.. . H |j a s l s W h at a c tio n thithey might take * f f f l wasn’t immediateately clear,'but it could include an ordorder to remove the troops. jfeiS lM U .S . E m bassyy s|spokesman Bob H Q Dance said the embmbassy had no im- H M m ediate comment. H m About 130 Amcmerican soldiers, I^Thuiir. 8 to 8 ^ mostly combat cngingineers from Fort Rucker, Ala., are: oron what has been . 8 ta 8 callcd a humanitaiitariao mission in 0 r Fri. Juanchaco, on CoU'olombia’s PaciHc [ T 8 1 < r 6 coast. H r ^ The mission to bubuild a school and ' clinic and improve'e a road hes dravi^ Pa^lysOnly!^ se drug traffickers FHR t E E D ON l PU Ili and guerrillas operatsrate in that region: - - Just 75 miles east«s t o f Juanchaco is I Natlonwwide Auto SServic* Wanirranty Cali, the home of.(h<.(he w orld’s largest cocaine traffickingg cartel.c t Repair *Ir FREE Tire Repi{liacement* j About 100 other|}cr A m erican sol- 9 Rotation *k Roadside Assis'■stance* H regions of. Colom; dicrs are in other rej iOO tocattons nationwide. *SeeI Store8t( tor details. • lilitary base, main- j tire we sell. Honored at over 60C bia building a mllit 1 (aining a U.S.-builtilt r a ^ system and ^ (raining Colombian:an soldiers, the De-' ^ fcnse Ministry saidid Iilast month. I ★ FREE Ftat I 'S AMEBIC/IAN CAR C/I;are centeiER ‘ .The base east oif f BBogota will allow I ★ FREE Tire I 1819 Kimberly Roadid •Ito ln Fails *734-/ l l I Colombian troops)s ((0 go after drug I cas^ h h m trafHckers and gueiuerrillas in the re- I . Available on everyTER5® tin «5ii03 SouUi Broadwayl y Buhl *543-4345 gion. The r a d w ha'have been used to : . ■ nabdmg-trafficking:n g ]fi^ ts. A f J t

- - - . ' . . ■

BBBI ' : 'i- ■ ' ' iSii lArouniT y Waterflaws w o n ’tt b e e aa s y t o re c o iKicile BjfDrcwDeSilvcr...... dards or guidance allo\[lowing a person o f reasonabllable intelli- legislative intent:nt. But Barber told ihcm it wasrvasn’tth ai simple, Tim^-Ncws’wrilcr gence to find a core: ririieiining." H eiaaea thalll thetl w ater Although Huilurlbutl only addressed the va|vagueness issue. court “would have lo.eri cntcr into the realm of spccul:culation” to much o f the challallenge to the laws' validityf waswa based on the ' ih e v a BOISE - Fixing two keyy wwater laws that were strucuck find any such core meuiing. e k claim that it vieviolated Idaho’s "first in lime,me, fir^it in right" H e r 1 state Constitution, down last week, as unconstituii live, aboul 700 of)f tthe 7,000 even if it conflicliclcd with a senior water right.;lil. ------■ JEROM E-A womanlan was injured Tues- mid-1980s mi to protect water' users,us primarily in the Uppepartment o f Water Resource;rces. Barber said, Idaho State Policc. lion.lio Shaw told members■s ofo the Senate Rcsourccs andnd Environ- “The executivlive and legislative policymakclakcrs need to dc- Naomi Gibson, 41, of.o f Jerome, was head- The laws sou^tio protect:t iiirrigators: those who had cx-cj ment Committee thatI HHuributt's decision leaves1 theth d ^ a rt- cide what policycy they really want lo pureucc hchere," hc added, ing north on U.S. 93 about ab 10 p.m. Tues- panded paj their irrigated land beyf Hi- orizon Ele- and not letleast to the people of the JeromeJc carcs for its childrIdrcn ... and the cfTccts o f The council’s action was wj the second nounced his intentions.S; ■ mimcnlary School rang withI enthusiasmer as School Dislistrict who made this pdssiU>iHc.” that arc far reach]ching, bccausc olhcr dis- P le a3S8 se s e e E 9 1 1 /B 2 Candidates may fileIc theirtl declarations o f crow c r ds came to tour the S4i mimillion facility As Evanans toured the school hc cocompli- tricts will say, ‘IfIf JeromeJ can do il wc can candid^ between Marc[arch 2 1 and April 1. anand to hear from the State SuperintendentSu m cnted thithe spacious and well-cquiquipped too,'” Evans said.d. Primaiy elections willrill be May 24. ofo f Schools. school, People' startedI cccoming early in ihc aftcr- “ W hat a schoffl is, is fourir wallsw with tlic “This isis an exam ple o f w hat a corcommu- noon and haven’tI’t stopped,: Ann Reynolds, Homes coould Murtaugh mann charged< with futurefu inside,” Jerry Evans toldtoi the capaci- nity can dcdo. A building like this canin :set tm principal, said, an hope “I'm very pleascase with the turnout and molestation to beb< arraigned- - .... ty crowd. example l(lo the young — they can ' • Evans dedicated the '28-cIassroom 28 that when:n th ey becom e parents and ani pa- “enthusiasm,” ‘salelaid Jinv Cobble, Jerome be built nelear TWIN F A L L S -AJI n anoignrnenta Feb. ^8 scschool lhat houses almost 70070C students by trons theyy ican venture inlo somethin]ling like School Dislrict superintendent.sup in District Court is set5t f(for a Murtaugh man . charged wilh molestingng ai girl over a period _ o f nine yeare. GridleyHBridge According to a Twinin IFalls County sheriff LaRoccoJ [) questioiins need for1 bomllb range By Sean L McCarthy detective’s court affidavdavit, the giri claimed stion that currcnt compos- Times-News writer Richard Allen Cari, 52,52, tried to use hypno- ByN.S.Nokkcntved B; range is vital to t< the found no suggcstic | | H k 9 city’s and the state’ssl itc wing trainingg isi less than acccplable,” tism to make her vulncra!icrablc to the abuse. TinKs^Ncws Ti writer TWIN FALLS - A Hagenigcrman contractor ' I " economy. hc said. The g irl said the hyprypnotism didn’t work, who builds custom homesmcs in the Wood I Air Force has _ jP The Air Force: recent-rc Uncertainty oveiiver the need for the range She remembered Carlrl ““touching” her and TWIN FALLS - The Ai River Valley wants to buildlild 29 homes near I for a proposed ^ ly issued an cnvnviron- is rooted in contrntradictory statements by having intercourse withvith her, according to failed fa to justify the need foi his residence on the soulloulh bank of the I Ige in Owyhee ; ■ m e n ta l im p a c t s ta te - A ir Forcc ofTicialsials. Deputy C h ief o f StafT the afUdavii state-ownedst bombing range Snake River. nmental review, mcnl on the propoiposal to Ll. Gen. M ichaeltel A. N elson said in June Carl, who waived his r i ^ t lo a prclimi- County C in a reccnt cnvironmi Wcs N ash's request for)r a 29-homc sub- I Rep. Larry LaRocco. said WciWednesday. create a two-partirt tacli- 1991 that "existinfting ranges arc adequate to naiy hearing, has been31 rreleased on his own R' division just south o f the1C CGridlcy Bridge I : to address this y r cai bombing ran]a n g c o f support training; needs"ne o f the wing, ■ recognizance. ‘T h e A ir Force’s failure to will be heard tonight by/ the lh< county plan- I I environmcT)tal “ m “^ ^ HV k te ' about 25,000 acresres. The On a reccnt visvisit to Idaho, Air Forcc issueis directly in the (drafl ei ning and zoning commissionsion. I idamcntal that it proposal includesM I32 rc- Secretary Shqilala E.1 Widnall pronounced impact statement) is so fundaj llic public can commcnt'cnt on ihe propos- | Judge won’t redieduce man’s mote radar cmiitcrIter sites the rarige'”crucial.'ial.” calls the document itself intinto question,” laRoc al. T he planning commissicssion meeting be- j iping motorist ^ ;t said in a new • ® to crcale ah clcctcctronic LaRocco.saidd hhc felt certain that Ida- sentence for rap! the 2nd-District Democrat si gins at 7:30 p.m. at tlic coun'ounty office biiild- j combat rangee that hoans would suppjpport a range in Owyhee SHOSHONE - A^ jijudge Monday re- release. rc ing. 246 Third Ave. E. re e l public per- w ould covi)vcr 2 million lo 3 million acacrcs. County if it hulyily were needed "to secure fused to rcduce a m an'sin's 60-year minimum The failure also “reinforcc: Nash owns almost 200I acracrcs between the I )f an ostensibly .But_^tat.statemcnt_aJso. fails to cpicpiisidcr „ pur narional dcfcnjcnsc.” ______prison sentence for rajraping a 62-year-old. ceptions cc that_thc results of o ■ GridleyBridge and Thousaiusand Springs Rc- I I predetermined altcrnativives to the proposed ran;angc in “in my view, publicpu involvcmcn'uhat'is’ . motorist. public process have been pr sort three miles soulh o f Hagerman.Haj; I nucd. Owyhee Couniy,C LaRocco said. Whi/hile ihc genuine leads to0 ggood decisions,” LaRoc- The aitomcy for Roblobcrt Andrew Amcr- by bj th e Pentagon,’' he continue 7 Hc would leave m uchh of ol the farmland | 1990 proposed statementnt asserts the proposedd rangei co said. “Decisioiiions which-do not rcflcct son, 27, hadiiskcd that.lat Judge Philip Beck- Gov. Cecil Andrus in 19! near Highway 30 intact,ict. building the | ,c on state land 'Svould Tiakemi it possible to train monore of- public wishes areire inimical to democracy, cr lessen his clitnt'ss ssentence. Amerson creating ci a bombing range o homes on riverside lols, accordingacci to plans r Force for its ten, but itit doesi not follow that the ababscnce and ultim ately poi:joison their products.” was convictcd last year» r o f the 1986 rape o f and ai leasing it to the Air F submitted lo the county zoningzoni administra- icd at M ountain o f the (ranangc) degrades our nationallal secu- Andrus could1 notn be reachcd for com- , a woman hc forced^olI off the road as she “composite “c wing" stationed tor. drus and Moun- rity pictureire,” he said. ment Wednesday,ly. The Air Forcc declined drove to work near Riellichfleld. Afler raping Home H Air Force Base. Andru Each lot covers al leastt 1.3 acres. I have said the “In myf sludys of the (impact statemem cnt) 1 to comment. her - at one point usiusing a flashlight - tain ta Home businessmen ht In the fall of 1993, Nashash asked for state Amerson stole S8 fro)m m herpur9c. ! . i or local aid in harvestingrig lthe underw ater Public defender SevertSe> Swenson had _ I weeds along the Snake;c RiverP near his ' asked that the three con:onvictions - for rape, I __ HaRcnnan residence. No0 aiaction has been______------forcible pcftctratroinn r nm lT obb ery *- be------^Ue«ie-cdevelop- ordinance and cocomply wilh the compre- o f K im berly Road near Ea Foothills Subdivisfon followlowing a public er Robertrt G len n an o p p o rtu n ity' to tc prc- hensivc plan| Soulh. ______I F as a home on 1.25 ^ ______hihearing at 7 tonight at theiC BellevueE Ele- sent his pplan to the public. TheB publicf “We did not rcvicwrc the plans in terms; • John D. Courtnay has a iirm on 2600 E ast mentoiy School. will be atable to ask questions aboibout th e o f the w ater [andid sewer issues,” commis- acres divided from a farm The controversial subdivisvision w ould b e d c v c lo p>ment ir and annexatioa. W right sion Chairwomanlan Vivian Ivie said. Those that he wanls recognizedid a after-the-fact by ion. The home is built on 178 acres southJ olof Bellevue - said, are financial lissucsues, which the city coun-• the planning commission land that would have to be annexed by "And S(someone there will havee to1 w - cil must address,is, shet said. nine m iles south of town.i'. s Obituaries B2 ants to divide his th e city before it can be deveevelopcd. swer,” hc1C said. Commissioners, ththe And those|arcire the issues the council[ • Jam es E. Fitch w ants mite homes from a Minl-Cassla B3 At earlier hearings, rcsideiidents expressed engineer:r and city council willII

I - . U ' ...... 1...... ! " B-2 Timos-Nows, Twinwin IFalla. Idaho Thursday. FobrDbruory 10,1994 ' I Briefli ~ K i nmberly mayori - - Each Saliirday in Februai KIMBERLYLY - After eight yean; as within wil the City Council - vacacating a mayor. . i A vcj I volunlcers willbe be free in the Blue Lakess ^Mall to IJaho. 315 Falls A' se Posey has officially council coi seat - a new councilI rmember Last 'November,ber, voters agreed lo ; help taxpayers. The program willwil begin'at-7 p.m, in room s. would wo be appointed. fund nearly SI millmillion o f o project to ■ The volunteerss wwill be in the old B. Dalioilion Book the Aspen Buildingling. The Cily CoCouncil acccpted Posey’s Kimberly 1 resident Belty NMurray, upgrade the walerler system.s But in De­ I Store space fromI I to1 4 p.m. on Saturdays, EchoH aw k’s talltalk follows an all-day coninference resignation alll itsit regular meeting Tues- whose wli write-in cam pai^ for ththe coun- cember, a half-millmillion dollar grant lo ! ■ The program is cdesigned to help people: wwho are on the topic of susliuslainabic developm ent in UIdaho. In day night, cil last November garnished 41II pcrcenl fund the remainderider of the project was ; elderly, speak onlyniy Spanish, have low incor:om es. or addition to CSI.. ihihc confcrcncc is being sptsponsored The city is> acccplingac applications for of of the votes, is campaigning againa^ fur denied by the IdalIdaho Department of • ' have big'pfoblemsns \with llie lax forms. by Idaho Stale'Un'University, the Idaho Ruralal Dcvcl- mayor from1 K Kimberly residents, to the the scaL But until the scat is 01officially Commcrw. opment Councilcil and the Idaho Conserc rv a lio n serve the rcmaimaindcr of Posey's icrm - vacant, vac the city cannot receivee applica-; "Failftig to get!t ourou waler grant m'on- ers approved the bond EchoHawk giigives presentation torOnight League. which ends in JJanuary 1996, according lions tioi for the position. ey after the voters 1 {Edylhe Widmer. When ' asked if the counciljss decisionc by 77 percent, wa:was very disappoint- TWIN FALLS-S - Idaho Attorney General:riil Larry CompUcd from stafiiff reports to Cily Clerk E. The councilicil plans to chose a new could coi be swayed by public 0opinion;? ing,” Eller reaci from froi Posey’s letter of mayor al its MaMarch 8 meeting. Councilman Co George McAdam^ms said it'i'reisignation. The appointinlmenl of mayo( can be was wa not likely. A rcpresenlaliyaliye from the Com- made from within wj| or from outjiidc of. .When ’ Ihe couiicil was cicctc:ted, folks mercc Department-]ent-plans to meet with Jeromele transfeiT station tot open s( Ihe council, said sa Councilman George eiilnislcd eiii Ihcm lo make decisiisions, he the Cily Council,il. to discuss reapplica- - , . . e Nauman. "bulbul if wc w e’re going to said. sai This decision is no differe:renl from tion for the grant.ml. Originally1 planned By a R .W e ix c l B luine,, Cassia, C Gooding. Jerome, "It Should .save in the:vicm ’ ilyof choose from1 wwithin the council, we’d any an; other, he added. for Tuesday’s meetileeting, her visit will be Tim es-News correspoiipondent .' Lincoln1 aiand Minidoka Counties. S500.000 of the approxiixi^matc$1.2 probably do it r i ^ t now. In 1 his letter of resignation, PoPosey cil- re.schcduled. Tlie JerJerome waste tracisfer stationn million co.sl to closc ihIhc Jerome ' • •' JEROME - A traslrash transfer sla- will bee nal landfill chum counincil deniess request forf( sign ready for operation)n by I March 20, As Minlinidoka and Blaine Counties ,)wn their landfills, .some ofif on a short-lcrm , four-to-1 with a grand openinjning planned for shut dow Scboweogcrdl vi;visible, said Noel, who voieiled to ap- youth hockey, advocated advi a regulation rash would be taken to ihec ||basis, b ul ihe B oard wi: March 25, said Terrj:rry Schullz. Di- iheir tras > con^spondcnt pnprove the Buckin Bagel sign Jarfan. 18, hockey rink be: included inc in the city’s r- work oul final details ovcvcrthcntxt Timcs-Ncws cc rcctor of ihe Southerhern Idaho Solid Jerome: landfill,la commission Chair- "It's recessed loo much to be en- multi-use recreationItional ccnler plans. The month,” Schultz said. Waste District. man Jerirry7 Ridley said. UM - The C ily Council gaged ga visually." said Steve; (Cook, a projcct is propoSipofted for the W arm /ill be incomc to us and re-:- Gates al the Jeromec ; and Eden ^ ^ E T C H U V The facility, equipnlipment and engi- "Il will lied the request of Girisli- Kelchum K< architect, represeni:nling his Springs Park andd RiRide lot. w hich is also . leir problem of getting rid,of)f landfills will be closed by,y April 1 10 Monday denie. neering costs will1 costci $537,300. duce theii ant to put a sign in the riglii wiwife, Christina. being eyed as aI loclocation for a perform- M meet the federally mand;id alcddead. na s Restaurant Schullz presenied cocounty commis-. iheirwastastes," hc said. two weeks after the same Council members Chris Pototters and ing arts center. sioners with :i billI f(for 5312,945 - The w\v*sie from those counties:s line, he said. The couniyly will have " :imnlelctlic council appro'noved a sign for anolhcr Dave D: Hutcliinson. who made; theirt! dis- . • The council1 wilwill poll the four prop------the- counly^^-scmianninnuaLsharc-o£-thc_wiILhcliclp_£ilLinJow..sp.o,ts_aad_. d__six months after thal to co :: -likejjjj of signs in lhe-fight of-waj'ay-known--eriy-owncrs-on- n-Mortgage M Row who f-n g the cover on the Jeromee final capping.anil to putiripfences, ------Sl,711,2f>6 landfill,I, s(solid waste sys- putting I * Chrislinaa Cooki of Christina's ut ut the earlier meeting, sided w;with Noel would require slope slop easemenls if the !-• i he said. tcm and closure costs)sis being paid by landfill,I, SSchullz said. Restaurant. 52[520 Second Sl. E., wants to in in a 3-1 vole lo deny the sign. sidewalk were insiainstalled. All musl agree : J ------lurn her existisling sign, which is flat "I'm really frustrated; I’mm sorry,” if the sidewalk is lo go in. The city and g against Ihe buil)uilding, 90 degrees for bcl- said sai Sieve Cook. “Show mc wlwhere this M ortgage Row// residcnls rc wil) meet ter visibility. sijsign is blocking a»vicw corridoilor and I’ll again wilh Loren;n Thomas,Tl Idaho Trans- TTie differemrence between this sign and listen." lis portation Departmertment, to discuss plans, Servi(ices Mortgage Row resiiresidents don't want the ------the Buckin BajBagel’s, said councilwoman In other business: ;'lhis sign is "100 large for • The council wants tp keep:p exisling sid ew a^ spokesmasman Berry Baker .said. Sarah “Sally-" /AgnM Tate, o f Church. SpoIiancrWash..'(WliilcS M-or-“------KflthleenlCay A iid ^ n . oiof Rupert.- Sue Noel, Ls 'H )lanned and affects the acs- lO-minule 10 parking so drivercrs could • • A permit wasQs approveda for the Kid Jerome, funeral Mas:.lass, 10 a.m. today, luary's; KimberlyKi ChapclV fgraveside servicc 1 p.m. tododjy, BIba where it is plar drop off skiers at the base of ihithe moun- Slop nursery schoichool-day care center, S(. Jerome's Calholitlolie Church, (Hovc- Cem etery. (M cC ulloch’ss Funeral tliclics of the: hiblock." d« tain. Bul it wants lo change: daylong,c lOOLeadville Ave.ive. S. Tlie permit limits Robcflxoii Funcr.ll1 CfChapel in Jerome). Franc*Dcci Taylor ^ance) Talc, off HomeI in Durlcy). •‘Plus Ihererc are reasonable alterna- tai Twin FnlFnlls, memorial servicc 2 p.m. lives," she saisaid. Noel recommended on-slrect on parking to two-hourjr parking business hours to 7:30' a.m. to 6 p,m„ Hazel K. Lawreaocaec, of Glenns Fer- Saturday,lay. Twin Falls LDS 6lh WardJ Nellie Nicholson Fcrch, olof Rupert, ihal the signI be placcd al 90 degrees lo to to give shoppers.and rcsiaurairant goers Monday through>h Friday,F with a maxi- ry, 1 p.m. today,ay. Glenns Ferry Chapel.I, 6676 Harrison St., (While Mor-• 11I a.m. Friday, Rupert Firslu Chrisiiiini the building; butbi on anolhcr gable back placcs pi: to park and forcc the SuiJun Valley mum of 24 childrendren, and permit renew- Mclhodist Church.:h. { (Humphcrys Fu- luary innTwinFall.s). T

■ Lawrence Wayneme Draper, of Buhl ------— — and fornKxly-of-Twir:win.Falli,J-p.m.-to-— eatii notiiices ; day. While Mortuaryary in Twin Falls. ------=i^^\nd]irus workks to coris(lolidate aggencies Burial will follow at ihcc 1Pltisanl BOISE (Ap lor of the existing operation:lions and slaff of both ; Wayne Cail, of BuBurley, 10 Ii.m. Fri-' VVUlior:ain H itt i AP) - Despite liltle appar- by Keith Higginson, direclo IN FALLS - William "BiH"" View Cemetery in Burley. ent interestI f,from lawmakers. Gov. Department Dc of Water Resour■urces and agencies, as well-ell as1 the INEL Over- : day. Unity 1st Wardird 1LDS Church. 275 TWIN ^ may call from 6 to 8 p.m. Ic 57, of Twin Falls and former ' us began his campaign for former fo commi-ssioncr o f ihc! IU.S. Bu- sight Program,. wouldwc be transfened ; S. 250 E.. (McCulC ulloch’s Funeral Hitt, 67, one hour before the funerall™ c ?,i?y CecilAndmsI Couniy resident, died Wcdnes- ‘ :onsolidating ihc slate De- reau re; of Reclamation; and Joeoe N a g e l.lo Ihe new agency,ney. • Home in Durlcy). Cassia O nl Ihc Payne Mortuary, 221IW . Main legislalion con cb. ch’s Funeral ]Lutheran Church or lo ihcc Nalional Environmentnt 'would improve coordi- Bul while the Dcmocraiic: ggovernor would bccome apparentapf in Ihe budget Home in Burley. Jewish A sthm a Cenicr. I4(K)(K) Jackson nation and cocommunicalion on issues said sa hc expects ‘‘substantialI ssupport" request the neww departmentd submits r Norma J. ThompsinpsoD, of Boise and St.. Denver CO W120fi. - - in-which bolh.jlh agcncics play a role — for fo Ihc merger propo.sal in thehe Repub- next ye;ir. J fomicily ofTwiiTFalTails 1:30 p.m Fti. Em mna a Jones lican-dominated Legislature,rc. he has But he and NagelNa| agreed that the • day. Summer's Funcuneral Home, Boise primarily invoivolving water quality. lie rtl PV - Fmm;i tCrrlis Jnncs, 6«>, yet to find Icgishitors lo carryry the bill, m erger's prim:iry;iry benefitI would be in CtiTipcl:— ------______^ :_UUiiL. '.—Kenneth D. fr ie s - _____,______-Tlic.govcrnirrnor callcd Ihciproposal.a. yc of Burley■ley, died Tuesday. Feb. 8, 19*M.I. .J3UHL-Kenneth Dean Frif-'rics. 60, of , recognition of Idaho’s cnvironmcnial He H- also said he will nol be1C able ic) “the stale's abilityIty to t proviue a coorui- • Mabel Edna Wioti/iiiler Jensen, of Ru- =“ “'■= MiMinidoka Memorial Hospiial inn Buhl, died Tuesday. Feb. «.«. 1994. ill priorities, sesell it as a measure thal willw save naled response: onon environmental is- '■ peri, 2 p.m. Friday,ly, Nansen Mortuary Kupcrl. Ihc Magic Valley Regionalal Medical “Tliis is an inevitable step for Ida- stale st: tax dollars. “ But commtnon sense sues. ; Cliiipcl in Rupert. Tlie fufuneral will be held al II a.m.I. i Ccnter'in Twin Falls. . , ho. It is anI inimportant step.” hc said, leils lel mc lhat il will,” ■‘I'm excited1 ab as a probationaryry worker, termination andd shshe became a pcrma------' be no more; thanth six monlhs, it didn’l . .SlShe worked 24 hours per wee.-eek. /\fler nenl classified cmpemployee who could be ------mean 1,040) hihours of work, the Idaho 11 11 monlhs. bul before jjiee reached fired only for ciaseaase. Supreme Courourtsaid. ' 1.040 I; liouni of work, she wassterminal-. t Tlic Idaho PersPersonnel Commission F o r O ol b i t u a r y rate Inlormatatio n , Tlic courtt oion Wednesday overturned ed.c l and 4th Districlrid Court bolh'’rulcd Obituuaries call 733-0931.7 a extension 278B a decision Ihlhat wont against Cottie When she filed an appeal,, a hearing against her appeal.cal. contribu'butions-may be made-to thee law. Dale and Pal Winch of Immanunuol Lutheran Church. 20555 Ihrcc daughters and son; -E91] We, E., Twin Falls ID 83301------__ LuEvelyn and David Hugh Filer Ave w e d o n ’ t county E911 opeioperaticin to be illegal, bara and Jay Galloway an?rid Nara;y C onirnuedJfro (r m Bl .D u I Li e r 111 11 n '.s:i id . " w VanVoorhis. all of Sallord.1. /Ariz.; two blow lo hitit the i four-county E911 think any one couniy couldId provide the cily w asn'tI bobound by ils rules. sisters, Christana Allenn of Knob projccl rcceniently. In January, Dislrict the ll' level of service we’rerc talking * AlhirdoptioiItion would be to try to Nosier, Mo., and Vivian Steliophonsol Tedd Wood’ of Idaho Falls aboul." al - make the E9111 prproject work without Whittier, Calif,; five grand< I the slate’s emergency • The board also coulclid try to Twin Fnlls. orr-if if nccessary without n r and seven great-grandc '“I ' J •' block Twin Falls' withdrdrawal in Twin Falls Coumounty. Tint appears to :alions law d id n ’l allow I'l 1 doath by fommunicali Russell w as preceded in i court. The E911 rules onlyly allow a be the directionon Iboard members are idson. formulicoun)unty E911 operations. cc ono brother and ono gfand governmental entity lo w ithdraw heading in. Tho (unoral will bo heldd iat 2 p.m. On WcdncIncsdiiy, state Senate Ma- g' from the .sysiem afler givining notice "If we can still give a better level Friday at tho Hove-Roberorison Fu- jority Leaderder Joyce McRobcrls, R- fr of scrvicc thann wewi have now, I think nerai Chapel in Jerome.2. with the - Twin Falls,i, introducedii legislation to and wailing two years. Rev. Thomas Thompson oflicialing.oi sp ecificallylly include multicounly Bul the city could then arjurguc lhat, wc owe lhat to ihci citizcns," Licr* Burial will lollow et Ihele Jerome C9 i i opcrali(aiions in the law. ‘ sisince Wood had found thi;he m ulti- man said. Cemelery. Friends may callco Irom 6 .-n ,is need;:cds to be fixed whether or, , i v —to 8p.m .-today and-from J u10 am..ta-- j, ^ 8i usu! anygoodrso thc ncxt ■ ■ 1 p.m. on Friday at tho,0 funoral 'I make , the .same ruling," chapel. " Tho family suggests mDmorialsm H em plem an:in said, "Bui lhal's kind of m ary Godfrey Koepepplln bo mado to Iho Firstit Baptist » back-burneiner issuc for us now.” - -TWIN FALLS -- GodfreyG' Kocpplin, Church. 308 Firsl Ave. E., E. Jeromo The commnmissioncrs arc in Boise, 68, Of Twin Falls,, diedied Monday. Fob. , ID 83338. this week for fot meetings of the Idaho R E S T O U R i O ^ Valilue ^ 7, 1994. at his homeDmo. Avsocialionn (of Counties and to lob- Ho w as born MarchMa 30. 1925. in . w /iii|n , William a Huff by Ihe Legisli;islature. Elgin, N.D.. thee sons of Carl and w m imlam R. Winch )SCOO Huff. Telephone>ne customers within the Katio Stohlcr KoopflOpplin. On Ocl, 24, JERO=10ME - W illiam R ussollll JEROME - William Ros( Chooae from: AmitigA IW im e ... 80, of Joromo, died Tuoscisday, Feb. E911 area have h: been as.scssed a Sl 1948. ho marriodod Lois Grillol. Ho Wmch,1, 84, f of Jerom o, died Tuos- Chicken FHed Sleak, 8, 1994. at Iho Veteran'ss Adminis- m onthly sur>urcharge lo support Ihc s e rv e d in tho U.SU.S. Army during day, Fet•eb, 8.1994. al his homo, Ground Round, Chicken Fii n tration Modical Cenler in Boise.Bi sy.slcm sinccICC they approved the sur- World War II fromim January, 1945-to Ho was w£ born Jan. 22. 1910. in Meatloaf, Swiss Steak, 0 Ho was born Sept. 1,I 1913, in chagc Novel ! November 1946., HiHo moved to Twin Groonridiridgo. Mo., tho son of Claudo vcmbcr 1990. Cities nnd SpaQhetti, Veal Pamiesan 3essio Vivian Rains Winch,V Success. Mo., tho son olDl Otis and counties wil Falls wilh his parearenis and formed and Be: with their own dispatch Liver & Onions. F O R ^ . with his father for)r siseveral yoars. He Russellall rocoived his oducalion inn Sarah Owens Huff. ire also supposed to pay Survivors includo his wifmfa.Molba worked for KimberlDerly Seed Co. and Greonrnnridgo.-He married Opal A. 911 fund in proportioa. Jp , 698 BtuitUB Lakii Blvd. H .. Twin Falli Co. in Twin Foils un- Butcherler on Doc. 20. 1930. in War-r- Huff; and ono son, Rodrdnay Hull. for Hanoy S eed Co. jghter, Kay ll" i'‘ f the >' syslcm. L ■ S — . til ill-heallh forcedd hihis rotirement. ronsburjurg. Mo. They farmed in Knobb bolh ol Jeromo; one daug i :o. Cochran ol Filor;'five grgrandchil- It's cstimimatcd thot Twin Falls Sun/ivors includcudo ono son. Prod Nostor.ir. Mo.,f for a few years prior to . 0 dren. Hollio and Heaiherr hHufl, both County.woulould generate aboul two- (Debbie) Koopplirplin ol Twin Falls: movingng. to Wyoming, where ho e ‘of Jeromo,"flnd Jennifer,, ToddT and ” thirds' o falI'the'E9-ll-caHsr3tHts— a!I ond four qraridchilc:hildren. Karl Koep- w orked3d iri the oil fields for throe ,T Rhonda Heath, all ol Kimbnberly; one . c o n trib u tioion r would be by far the ■ pfin and Bobby'MiJiMiJlor. bolh of Twin years.. RussellR worked for Ihe MKT 3, brother. Douglas Hull of Falls, Kimborly Loon Lo of Germany Railroadlad and lived In Sedalla, Mo. Wendell: largest 3f of the four counties: ” UNCOLRmAY'LUNCfcHEGN ~ lO, ^ n d ono sister, Ivel Hollo and fHal Miilor ol BoBoise. He was pro- • They later lat moved to Idaho and ha , ilonbock of $3 7 0 ,0 0 0) a ycar—XhaLincIudcs by his parents and workedid for' Ihe Union Pacific for'28-18' M issouri. Ho w as p rojc c o d e d m $250,000 frofrom Twin Falls, $90,000 ceded in dealh by death by Ihree brothers. ■ 1981. years,.retiring re in 1975. :ounty, and S30.000 from SaRLEYINNE his wife in May. 198 g The f^uneral will bo hohold at 11 from the cou ' A gravoside servjervlco will be held Russessell loved fishing, gardening I^ENTION CENTETER lelping others. Ho was a loverjr a.m. Friday, Feb. 11.1994,)4. at White CONV ; al 1 p.m. Saturday,Jay. Fob. 12. 1994, and heic ills Couniy ^heriff Wayne • I no o n Idaho,-Cemetery;—of baserseoall-and played in tho somi-li- Mortuary in Twin Falls, Fricrionds may Twin Falls _____ Februanru 16,1994 12:00 nc at tho Squirrel. Idi vho prcfers'a single-OTun-"' from 4 to 8 p.m. to- PfO'^^glaguo. ' call from 4 to 8 p.m. todayty at Iho fu- Tousley. whc ~ C c s t } $ 1 0 Friends may call fro ,f neral chapel. Interment willvill follow at ly E911 sysjystcm 10 a muhicouniy dav'St White Morluartuary in Twin Falls. H e is is survived by his wifo cf V tho Jeromo Cemelery. Ihe.multicounly syslcm ; The fafriily sug{uggests memorial Joromo:no: ono son and daughtor-in- one. said Ih SENATORS! ILarry Craig, Virk KempthorneKt would be cri{:ripplcd if the cily o f Twin Falls were leftIcl OUlr ;ENTA77VE.- Mikee CCrapo II board has several op- tions: Gubermloriaial Candidates & Maiiany other r: • It couldId scrap the whole projcct StatIte and,Local Officess a and let cachich county crcale its own F

k i ■ {■ Thursday, Fobruaryiry 10.1994 Timos-Nows, Twin'fiVin'Folls. Idaho B-3 Milini-Cassia/li / y f e s t

Stakeoout ''- T lH e a l t h dL e p a r t m eent i w ill [iRescuers filind skier’sillbdy I ALTA, Utah (AP) — The sc:search to ski inlo the area.whi.w h t e| M c C la in h a v e t o nm e e t d e nn i a n d for o; a Seattle man reported missirsing at w as lasl seen Moml o n d i^ — th e ^ — 1 thisihi northern Ulah ski resort crended resort’s Supcrior.,_^Bowl.)w l. ; ' - ByKiikMticbell ing or remodel;1 ana existing one, she late |at Wednesday afternoon whi/hen'a Search efforts Vere:re hh i d ^ rc d b y 3 Times-Ncws writer said. The cost would wc range anywhere v tody to' was found by rescue crewsMS. feel of new powderyy ssn' n o w th a t b la n - W f fromS1.2millionon to $ 1.8 million. A dispatcher at the Alta Tn Program house under oneme roof all of iis Twin The marsiial’s office was prcprcpar- mph winds, halted:d initial ir scarch now in four different jnj coniin- efforts six hours cr.later. will'A double in the next twoI yyears as a Falls offices, nc ing a slalemenl while efforts co rcsillf of President Clinton’s’s plans for buildings nearir l the Tw in Falls Cily ued ue 10 notify next of kin. McClain w;is nolI believedbet to have expanded support of prcvcnliilivc healih_Library, Juntunenlensaid. Rescucrs had braved coniinlinuing been wearing an ivalancheaval: rcscuc measures, district healthII !Dircclbr The four offi'ffices are already,loo avalanchc av danger c.irlicr Wcdncncsday bcacon. Cheryl Juntunen said. small, and the: oexpansion of the WIC ___ The program decreases theth cost of program will mimake il impossible lo all theiheallh dislricl's f f'future medical bills for ils; recipients, r< accommodate all clients, she said,d. ' - M J'Junluncn said. >______To handle the incrcascise. South Cassia Counlyniy commissioners will- Mlni-Cassia\ hospitals lepartment. lease spape lo the ih' health dislrici for. a W K L cCentral District Health De; CASSIAlA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL which administers the WICC program, nomirral fee al Ihc Cassia County will move ils Twin Falls anand Buricy Memorial Hospilspital once the new hos- Admiutd ' ;s, Junluncn pital is compleledited, she said. SeSeymour Osicihoul of Uuilcy; Jovcpkcph Oariell of Malui; Slacy Fistiertier anda U n e W ilfenh. . offices into larger buildings, ley; Sliarlcne Olllcy of The communiljnity block grant would boiholh (if Rupen; McKcntlta LindMfomn oc f Paul; Karen Mullen cif O.ikley; I said. ■Itia; and Georgia Pringle of Alt’ion. . ■ Cassia Counly and Twin FallsF coun- help pay for rcrremodeling the 11,000 ty commissioners have agrcc<:cd lo spon- square feet of sptspace al the hospilal und R elcucd sor community block grantnts in Iheir for technical improvements,im[ Junluncn • Candy ca rtcdtickson and Colcen I'ickickup, iHJih o f Uuflcy; Marvin Ulmoremore nnd Sutfy risher. jriiiny Ciiffin, bmh of Heyburn; und ShaionI Itelner and respective counties for botOlh moves, said. ■> boihioih of Uupcfi: Vivian Ro>d and Dorn Icah Scoll, iMilh of h iul. Juntunen said. The Burley■ WICU office has hail to K” '' In Twin Falls, the health:h dislrici is restrict how man;lany women and children MINIDOK,)KA MEMORIAL HOSPITAL considering whether it woulculd be more qualify bccause5C iti is too small to han- Admitted cost effective to construct a1 rnew build- die mote people.lie, she said. benjaminIk Hcnty PfniMer and Jaciib)iihy Huichlnon. holli o f Uupett: Timrim HoyiI of Minidcifca; w , Etic;iticSm iih o f Heyburn; and Jamie Tolmliman o f Hurley. :es charge Rclcued W.MiniGOSstudent face mon of Slallo: anJ Leona Wilkie of HHupcJl. uzwnQHrmMivn»MMi j atlcKodl " Blnh Constnjction worworkers David Nelson andId QroQ> Cottrell pound for ^ trying tked her and raped her, she sh said. Afterward he aboul events in Ihc A v/ef. c l Buricy. 83318 or P I threatened to kill11 hher, she had said. ■ news ' lilni-c•C assia area.callII C677-4042. Or send lo lii Pleacase deliver informa- T h e1C T//ne.s-Netv.s, Box 8 . Twin FaUs, 83303. I” Burley Chihapterof AARPP to meet lt6inS tion to Liz Wright at The 548,' j k TUCKKER AUCTION rhc Burley Chapter of the AmericanAi Association of BURLEY-The .FEBRUARY 1 2 ,19S Retired Personsis hasI planned its monthl;hly meeting for 1 p.m. SATURDAY, IN FALLS, IDAHO. Thursday at the BiBurley Senior Center, 243131 O veriand St. H o u s e h o l d II S htap o t Equipment ^LOCATED from Iho Magic Valloy R(RoQiono! Modkal Conlor In TWN Fi 3 mllos w esl on U.S, 3 0 10 C uny crogossing, 1 mPo north and 1/4 mlloilo oast.ot Mary Christy/ willw discuss mental healthllth and chem ical depen- dcncy problems.5. With\ degrees in psycholojilogy and counseling, she SALETIME:j1 1 : 0 0 a .mm . lunch at tliBCiiDKsl has worked with,h children,c odolesccnts, adudults and senior adults ut FW - the Canyon Viewew Counseling Center. Thele counseling cenlcr pro- i M lfeat ^ 1TRACTORS vidcs free initialal consultations( in the Miniini-Cassia area. Services 1979 Jotin D tirn 2649 ditsil IraOor.It. canvas fencer cab. 2W 6 actual! hours,houi over and under ck, wide front. 13x6x38 include individualual, family and marital, ancand group counseling for 32S1950E-W end€dell, Idaho » P.S.. dual rem otes, dinoronllal lock, w ).. calMory ll 3 pL hitch -1964 Masselassey Ferguson 35 gas all ages. D irectio n * : W enc•nden Exit 157 then 1 3/4 miles ,osoi u « i o n 1950 E a s t [“ ibbor, 3 pL hitch, wide Iront, clean,an, niceti unit, has been • For m ore inforrr3rmation, call 678-7723. rl tlb front liro - Pair ol tri rib frontont tirotl and wheels tor FcrQuson. accept bids for newn school T I llAAGE I MACHINERY OfiScials a( Ujss»yFeJliison55 3liijttiiin2wayi lilch * Msssoy Ferguson B U RLEY - Sch(Ichool officials have openedcd bids for a new clcmen- ^ndem disc on rubber, P IC K U P - TTRACTOR - TREE[S S P R A Y E R 5“' rollers, outside rubbor. tary school in Burl3urley. .poworwindowsilocks- ' )er, hydraulic lilt - Acme h id Jjy . a. gene m J^ontrag:___ •84 CHEVROLET P Id u /pp. .;2wd, 1/2 ton. 350, oulo trans,. pc — ...... ^hool board1 mmcmbeg-may chnase.a-hit - " --Vory c(«ih'unil.'OIM-asnS’a'CBT'-nofor r fnmrlrucK:-‘4fl■48-f^HMAa-H-TrBCBr- 3^'s s s s t e s s baf->9ecllon5^m8lal...... tors at their nextxt mi eeting Feb. 28, Kent Fletcher; Fit chairman of the w/Fornihond loodor, singlo:lie front ond; CASE 600 Spocial ConDofrtxno; •DEMCOSSdo- r with’s pL hllch - Massey Fergusonon B' tandom disc. 3 pt. lid. -In Troo Sprayer, to g s pciyty tank..12 h.p.Bngga & Stmnon. hanlumdvmnd&hosoftwl. _ . hii Bl. hitch ■ Acme 5 row solid shankkcom cor igalor. sleds, and . . . schoo) board said. 3 pi. hlich - IMCO post ool, one of three paid for by voters in 1988 through 'This Horn wii bo sold sOijtij«cttooim«rsapp(ovaL 331 p t. tillch-IHC 39 tumble plow o n1 nm bber • IMCO 6' teriaee blade, 3 pi. The new school (iolodlogcr.P.T.O,.and3pUlleh-Si• Schltner 12' com jgalor opener, angleangles. P.T.O., and 3 pL a 10-year facilitilities levy, Fletcher said.i. 'The three new school LAWN a QARA D EN - FARM & SKSHOP ITEMS hllcti-D Si isc typa Iced ditch deanof. 3 fpL hllch. illcviatc overcrow ding in theIhc district, he said, ados; John Deore RX75 Rktngig ILawn Mower, 30 Inch buildings w ill allc (3) Motorola portaWo rad OTHEIER MACHINERY The new schoolool will hold fifth, sixth andnd some fourth grade stu- mowing dock, rear bagaeger; 9 h p.; John Deoro Gardenen Cort; Troy-Bill Supor tcfi Mulchor Lawn Mowor. NoNow Holland 258 5 bar cluilol type0 sidos rake on dual rubber - IKC 7' Oyna 0) Balance mower lementary schools, Oyerlerland Elementary and Tonwhawk rtippor/multfiener, 6 h.p.. lice newl; Toro 20 Incti rotary mower. P.T.O. and 3 pi. hllchc h -J- , o h n 0e c to 1 2 holo dents. Two clen nForttiiorSpoKidor. HotsyHotW1 Walor Prossuro Woshor;' with wn 3 pL hitch • PtltsCiurol»240 5' rot mentary in Buricy, will shutshi down once Ihe new I t o now ; Pull Typo Lown I oraln drill on rubber, seeder, doublelie powor nil • 150 gallon llbcrglasslass tank weed sprayer Southwest Elcme P«lor225VoltThundorBo»3ott Pcrtable WoWor. Oxy/Acetykineone Cutting Torch w/Hams ar T b ar beet and bean adc students from Ihosc oooms, hand gun. P.T.O. pump, 3 pt.c hitct) • Gonoric 4 tow 3 bar T school opens. First Fi through fourth gradi g o o g o s .h o s o ic a rt: WoWsWngTable&Accossorios: LargoHloHyd,ShopPros3,2hp. ”cultivator, grow extensions and S pt.t. hltcl)f - Oliver 4 row hoo typo beanlan planler.pi w ood box. 3 schools will be bussed to Mountain1 ViewV Elementary and oloctric motor. A-Framo} KHoist; 1-Ton Ctiain Hoist; 1/2: ToTon Chain Hoist; 6 Inch "pL hllch - 2 wheel njbber litcd 25 03loallon butane tank weed burner andnd wwand - Homemade 2 Dw orshak Elcmnentary er in Buricy. Fletcher:r said.s Podostal Vico; TaC om poflOrtmontBoftBinwAxslts; (2) Acre•e KMotor Whools; KASCO cow slock trailer on rubber • Boan1 llitickler. 3 pL hitch • Homemade 4 wheelwl pipe Iraler - 4 00 Gallon Stainless Steel y,; d he hopes construction on the.school starts this Sproyof M ask, tp a o o h d[Hmot n type w/pumpod oir unit; 700 wheel wooden wheel hayrack • 4 ‘x15’5' ■grain auger. F letcher said h /Sh.p.gasonginos; 5 fix lishes by Fall 1995 in tim e forfi the new school year. Tank: 160 G alo n P tekupF3 Fuel Tank; (2) Water Pumps w/S h SHOP summer and finisi m ; J.D. LoofBtower. gas or>gino;»; J.D. Wood Eator. gas 164 ft Poly GridFondng; Log chains - Jacks - Sledge • McCulloillough chalnsaw - Handyman [ack;- - Gr Grease guns-Lincoln ongino: Hand Gas Pump;ip; Borrol Pump; 300 QaUon Overt«rtioad Fuel Tank w/slool Lo ) vise - Pipo wrenches - oTooihHanDw; Motol Pig 180 amp elcctfic welder • Victor acetcetylono outfit • 65 lb, anvil - Log vise to give lecture stand; Oil Dtepensor. Pickickup Tool Box; 7 ft Section SptoTc Somo hand tools - Shop vacuum - SkiSkill saw - 3 lool b oxes-W ddtng tablo. Mental helealth counselorr I C hute; Largo Tntck Hitch;h; oid Bale EJevator; OtdJohnDeoi)eo(v2 RowSpudP1antor; B U R L E Y -MMental e health counselor Gai3ail Hilton will lecturc on 25*XLIronChelate; Mac.sc. d , oil cans, grease guns, shovolivol8,tpodbors; (4) 8-hole MOTORBIKIKE - MISCELLANEOUSlU S lion overhead fuel lank- ;_____ . . ‘‘Thrce_K eys to;o ^£ G o o d M arriage” Thursiirsday as part of a Light 31x15.5AlTormin tires iwrtwols; (4)W>olo10nchwhitO6piispokowhools. 1C1931 Honda 110 3 wheel motorbike,' ^ossIa Memorial Hospital: - - 10 wood b o a t-to o gallon overhead I Lunch n' Lcarninjning series spdiisdrcd by Cas FURNITURE-- APPLIANCES - ELELECTRONICS Ifslcfll posls - Pile ot cinder block - H Hilton is a licelicenced clinical social woivorker, psychiatric social Zonith console 23 Inch col»lorTV; Whirlpool washer 4 dryer,yer; Duncan Phyfo dhing . damps - Sheepherders C enter for Counseling in »lyre stylo choirs; (2) Old ov DOps - Shovels - Forks • worker and manainagcr of LDS Hospital’s O tablo w/leavAs & 4 chairs;rs; Mafching buffol; |2)Antiquo(yf :tlcfenccf4 or5tound ,m. and noon in the hospi- woodon chairs; Small, roround diopToaf table w/2 chairs;s; IHandmado, old comor Li Salt Lakc City.. SIShe will speak at 7:30 a.m. rooght iron podostal cfining jl : i2blo and bonch - BaJo ...... bookcaso;.SmaIl Duncanin Phylo drop loaf t8Wo:.Ovni wrw( ) '-woven wire and olher ------...... 'ta l audlforiura.' ■ - table w /lorm ica top & lea>>aves; S q u u a lamp taUo; Roundund pedestal dining tablo. sc S i s i l continenlal breakfast ond JS 10 mention. Hospital offlciaicials will offer a 50-cent cc iocm ka b p & 4 d io irs w/roArdlore; KingsizowDtorbodw/12d(2 drawer podostal; Quoon mmiscellaneous artlcJes too num erous: :h. For more informationI callc; the public relations dsdesKokJ; Smal3 drawordrossoissorw/mrror, old; Antkjuo sandwich lunch, sizowaterbod; Smalkids NOTE: Farm has boop sold. Nico dearcan sale, machlneiy h as been vrell caretcared for. officers at 678-64-6420. 3 d m w or drossor wAnirrormr. SmaH homemodo computerf dosk;d( Ught cobrod bed N' w/bookcaso hoadboaid. imattress & box springs. Mr, & IMrs. drosser w/mirror. Country bvo soot w/dutlrir& I o im a n ; Country lovo seat; Green Gn plaid rockor; Laj^o GERALD & BEIECKIEHAYSCONSIGNnINMENT I I set at Dworshalak E lem ental^ picnic taWow/attochod ber»nchos; Round picnibuUewjOborbondios; Mold patio tablo Carnivals s. books, fruil Jan. dishos. EHOLOAPPUANCES> w /um brola & 4 cKoirs; LcLots of misfeltaneous: milK cans, b zag sowing machine • BURLEY - TeTeachers, parents and studeidents will hold a carnival sm all ap p lan ces, b aby Henlems. Pknottmhm* too numttoKrouftoment/onr PW ,,,.t,i..„t., hKS orshak Elementary School1 anda: are inviting the pub* jndlo bed, 2 mattresses Feb. 18 at Dwors JNCH WILL BE AVAILABLBLE - : anllque leather scaled lie to join the fun,fun. - L U t ell unil - Night stand • The theme iss "Return"1 to Oz." A pizzaI dinnerdi stans at 5:30 p.m. Piclures - Anllque light Glasses-Tupperwaro- , ------followed by.gair;amcs, such as_ajpqok allafenV^^cher— ; Olshet and other Iwuseholo mlscoi ------fisHpondrbTifirrrram m i Pollard, pwi'dcnt ...... Hay A Jean havi bo nh'Nevada." Jhora is' Organization. ■ Iota o fg o o d lttm on>n Ms auction. Conn out and buybu) af Auction pricM . — - F A R M R E UA t TEr* SPORTING ITEIlE iS f ir ost from'50 cents lo $1 or. Pair ot 16.9.38 tractor tires on ilms. rlr 3/4 tread r Siphon tubes ■■'Z-■2 1<14* sluddod tires on Admission iss free,fi but game tickets cost iotorcycle.-1981 Honda popcorn, candy and soft rims - 19B5 Honda XL125S motoiitorcycio - 1 9 8 2 Honda XL165S motorc more. Studentsts i and teachers w ill sell pc XL125 motorcydo • Schwinn 5 stspeed blcydo -!2 man lent - Bumpermper pool gam e • Alail drinks, PollardI ssa a id r game system - Tetcscope • Stalelie board - FooUall game - Goll handund cart-Hood for 89 . Dworshak EleElementary School is locaicaied at 19th Street and Chcwolot pickup - 5 assorted siresMswooddoois.ji_ Overland Avenuenue in Buricy. For more infotform ation call 678-6615. CoConqdled from staff lepoitB L . “SPARKY” Tl Tenns: Cash or Bankable Check Dayoiy o f S a ls SatamanaseBed by Hasten Auction Senricintlco - . 'ThoB»Business that Sonico Built' ~ ^ P ~ ¥ a r mm •Household*AAntiques*Estate I AUCTIOHEERS CLERK I A Times-NewsMS Classified ^ 6ary Osbom d Lamar Lovoland a Win Fill Eveivery Need y J M A A u cstioneers i Lylo M astors Gioodlno.k Id ah o -934-5350 I ) < ^ J Buhl. Idaho-543-5227 Cari Van Tassoll Rupert, Idaho iU 6-9B 63 - • I - 7 ^ 0 9 3 1 . f ^ ^ ^ ^ 21208-324-2600 «»Jerom e, ID Mobllo 7 37-1616 RuRupert Idaho-436-3405

-i ■ .

i ■ ('

B-4 Tlmos-Nows, TwinI FoFalls, Idaho Thursday, Fobruaruaiy1p,1994

Idaho ) Educatitors un\veil theirr school fundingi ; plan HEx-attormey geneteiral

By Drew DcSilvcr local property-lax revenues.:s. around ihc sialc.lie . Times-Ncwswritcf ^ l e plan originated wilhth superin^ • By raising,g tcachert pay, il would i m a attract talented people emphysei te'ndents representing somimc of. the be easier to atli dies of e 40-odd districts suing ihcic stale for into teaching andar convince them lo BOISE - Changingig theI way pub- I__ __ ; BOISE (AP) — Formerr slate said thal scandalll in ii particular ;)fe.ssion. . lie sch o o ls lire fupdciidcd w ould nol / \ i 9 9 4 rmore money. They .say ihche amount slay in the profe Atlorncy General Graydon W.'. SmilhJ shocked her father undand contributedi to only be fair, bul wowould address / , , , . \ l d a h o tihey get now isn’t enoughgh to fund * It wouldI free fr local districts lo died jj Of emphysema early Tuesti:sday al his distaste for politicsItics. From 1955- many of the issues aiII thetl root o f ihe' •. _i^Le^sIatiire - ■ Ihe| "ihorough” education,n -required use iheir locallyIly rai.sed money to buy ih'c Veterans Hospital in Doistlise. He 57, several Idaho Tienmen were impris- currcnt legal disputejte over "thor- by Ihe Idaho Coaslitulion. new textbooks,cs. invest in high tech- was,j,- 80. oned for committingg homosexualhoi acts ailed a gay witch- oughness," :i panel of schtKil.> super- • Those superintendents sisold mosi nology, or hebegin olher school- Smith .served one term unde:dcr for- in whal has been called of the 70 or so oilier superirrintendenls reform efforls,4, mer mi Republican Gov. Roben Sn^smylie, hunt. inltinilents lolil legislatelatorsTuesday. at whole Ihing in It the average pay for leach; ion the plan at their annuallal m eeting However, alII least1 Iwo supcrinten- •Smilh was born and educatlaled in "He assigned that w The superintendents:nts gave mcm- anlee lhat l :, where one ofiils assistants.s. He Ht knew people olher school employeesi laslI week. denis say ihe: plan p doesn’t address Nebraska. Ni He moved lo Boise, \ hers of the Legislature’ire’s sclecl com* ers and ol he clerked for former slale Suj:Iupreme involved." Camara said.said, ’j The plan would make:c Idaho's thoroughness,ss. House Education he miltee on educationallal thoroughness i would bee 82f' percent of the nationalI Courl Justice Alfred Budgege. He Smith left politicss al al Ihe end of his ugh in scv- Chairman Ronin Black, 1 R-Twin Fulls, c. their first detailed look)ok at iheir plan average, school system more thofoug passed the bar exam in 1944, joijoined a lerm to return to privateivale practicc, she . - to rcvamp the state'ss school-fundingsc Most ofof the aniiual stale aid pack-■ erale ways. Meridian Super!criniendenl received Idlerscrs criticizing ihe plan Twin Falls law firm, and fourjr years said, because he despilespised the “dis- system. age for schools se - v^hich this yearr DobI Haley sai4>. . on Tuesdayay from Dielrich lal«r [^i bccame counly prosecutor.)r. honesty and ihe behirehind-lhe-scenes A t th e h eart o f the plan arc a will he mm< ore ihan S6(K) m illion - ll would reducc avers:roge clu'ss Supcrinlendenent James Harshficld He W3.S elected atlomey geneneral in stuff." slatcwidc minimum salsalary schedule would bee usedi to pay the minimumI sizes by encouraging disiriclids lo hire and Moscow/ SSuperintendent Jack 1954n on Ihe Republican liekekel and Few knew Ihe ittorney attor had pas- rized as s\ons other than work. wor A singing for tcachcrs, administrastrators and sup- salaries andam iheir associated employ-• morer teachers, counselorss •and other Hill. ’ scserved whal Smylie characteriz ling this letter lo stale a a| peaceful Icrm. waiter during his collegjllege days, Smiih pori staff, and a comfimpanion set of ee benefitsfits, for as many employees> •‘cerlificaied•' insiructionanal sla ff," "I am writin] category as allowed by the: UnderI the proposed siaffirfing ratios, my complete andan total disagrcemeni ‘‘1 wxs a lawyer myself, andid I had liked lo croon alonglong with Frank uniform staffing level;vcls for school ia each cal 'e assis' Sinatra und laughthis his grandchildren : 381 more insiruclors w o u ld be wilh ihe fundinjJing formula advocalcd a » lawyer for an administrative employees. ra tio s. MiHigher salaries, or more of con- how lo dance the softiftshoe. si em ployed by ihe Idaho SchoolScl Supcrinlcndenis lant, so we didn’t have a lot ol Tlie salary scheduleule would guar- employeeees, would be paid fromI authorized : than now arc e lad wilh Ihe attorney geneneral's. But in the end, Cama'amara said, il was _. ’ Harshfield wrote. “In Association,” H office," Smylie said. work lhal drove her• father.fall the long run.n. (the formula) will Conflict came late in Smilh’iIl’s term “He was forced toto retirer when he place small scschool districts, wilh witlulic ^ execution of RaymotKlHi Allen was 78 and fell that tha il was the Legisklative Lo( low assessed pnproperly valuaiion. in a Snowden ^i in 1957, ‘and ihe "BeBoys'of absolute end of thei world,"wo she said, >g ------dangerous finanlancial situalion." D :nded in "We had lo lell hima lhalIhi most people Boise" scandal, which also enc didn’i work unlil they:hey were 78. and r authorized:d i in a decree of le p l separa-• missionsi by cable or broadeasiastoftelevi- To make Ihc III plan work, the 1957. 1< Signed by Governor Erin Camara, Smith’s dauflughier, he fell better." Sm3(M)(l-inancc) —— Appropriates / an tion. sion or radio programming. Legislature woumuld have to devolc' all _cxtra SI.4 millioii fm currentcu budget of 11B6K77 ' (Judiciary. Rules andJ SB141*) (Judiciary and1 Rules) 1 — of an expecteded S95.5 million boost |____ ' Idahc)LiitlcfyCuinniissinssinn. Adminisiriiiralion) — Provides for po.sl-• Ptovides'tliat 1 a person may beconvictedbc in puhlic-schc:hool spending lo the ^ IID541 (Simpson) — Provides for a judgmentnl allorney fees and costss of i the crime of rape of a spopouse where p|.,n. M any lawmakers lav want lo scl Board J}' approiives land traninsfer county juslice fund1 ycgeneral reserve incurred1 inir attempt to collect on tbcc spouse; is al the time unconscisciousori K several mimillion dollars lo begin nalureofthe act and this is kmknown loIlK ,1 appropriiilion. judgmenl.I. ■ i> ihe Legislature’s own COEUR c d’ALENE (AP) —— Slate ment, the cily willA'ill relinquish ils H (Resources iiml Cprovcd easement on the liny lin> plot and get u Sent To Governor vs Pisb and Game Commission[1 SB1420 (Judiciary andI IRules) — tlefinilion of a HB613 (Approprtpriations) — J^issue'nonnonresident bird of prey capturee Provides 1 an additional circrcumslance 'ion- thehe transfer of a picce of landJ where\ new ca.semcnl nearb)arby. Apprapriales additionalnal S5Kf>.(HHl into "filluwing " any licensed nonresi-• under t which a petstm may bcbe convietcd Tlie plan s is "rather" delicately bal- a1 sccondsc tower is planned atai The A final agreement(lent is cxpeclcd lo Public Health Trust: FundFi for public oner lo capture birds of prey inI of t the crimc of rape of a'sp4ius'use. anccd," Haley:y said, : and if lawmak* CoeZoeur d’Alene Resort. be signed whenn ihe.land^ll board Jicjllh 'districts in currcnl ...... Jda/,0. SUJ-J21. (ResotitccsC.S., and crs apptoprialecled Icss-tJiaj) S95.5 m il; - T T h e 700-square-foot piciiccc of—meetyapin in mid-bid'M arch." Legislative Action i[^iComplete ') (i(Resoutces and Conservation)) Environment) 1 — ReducingIg length of lion 10 Ihc revi::vised funding schcmc, |an(iand. left over from a 1986 Irairansac- Architecl.s We.slSI is drawing plans HCR4f) (l-dueation)on) — Declares _ |„ dition to fine and jail senlence.'. lermsI for members of Fish1 cand Game |[ would startto to collapse, tionion. is part o f'th e site o f Ihe ih' 12- for Ihc lower, andind the projcct is Idaho Year of Workpfkplace Ih ro u g h ;,iiowsscnU:nlenee of comitiuniiy scrvice off Commission < from six to fourur years and )n Darringlon. , co-chair- storitory Harbor Tower, cxpccted:d to be scheduled to bc bid by ihe end of o f Sept. 4.11) as cighlto4l) J limiliiig service li> no more Ui Liicracy and week of 41) hours for anyone convicted I U onloeon- „ f ,|,c sclei:lect commillee. .Said he builiuilt by spring 1995. June, ^ Idalio Literacy Week. of placingng debris on public or privatec sectitlve ; terms. I in Augu.st to avoid SB1422 (Judiciary and1 Rules) I - impressedicd by the supcrinten- Hagadonch Corporation willll pay a Work will start in , property. nation. "I think il’s ihe min immer season, said c . latnxfuml Io House 0 (Revenue and Taxation) —- Provides I penalties for intentijdionall, wr- derlls presenlal ninimum of S5.000. which thethi city disrupting the summ P . HJMIO (Business)- M cmorid l» I t poisonins "'"*1 innovaliveivc method I’ve seen in A/ill will use lo improve or buildI walcr-v John Barlow, vicct-icc president of s«rBingamlinucd Allow, inaincome tax deduction for legalII Hiring, i injuring, killing ur | f. president and Congress ur lical expenses Incurred in the . r search and “ '‘’"6. '""S lime"n- to resolve sonic o f fronfront access. development andI ad:admini.stralion for f federal commitmcnl,1 I.,Sheti police dog. police horse or s adoption of a child up to S3.(KK). , these problems.ns." Under U Ihc quitclaim deedI agree- a the corporation. J retiremenl system. rescue dog. - A d d s 10 mem- “ *1^“luced Iq Senale ' SB1423 (Judiciary andi RI u le s)— ► HB681 (Business) — 2 (Slate Affairs) ■ ------*—bership of Manufacfactured Homc-;-^ ' - Provides tlut one 4th District:i jjudge musl.. lation commending Blackfool ' havej resident chambers iiin Elmore V Advisory Board, incluicludins IWO con- S 's";™lool on ilsccnlcnnial. . ,csid.inman«f:,c sumcr members who resi 18 (Judiciary and Rules) —_ 'Counly. ' tured or mobile liome.s. definitions used in section (ni„ SB1424 (Judiciary and I — - rorlilds liccns- A™ '"* * J HBft82 (Business) — ,e harassment to exclude irans- Adds ■ new laws on nonprobaV 1 ing a cosmclologisl if Ihellic iipplicanl has a student loan in default. I HB683 (Judiciary.iry. Rules and . fiiii’ Cjifis, Icii'cfnj & Cfwcotaies0 ), Administration) — Incre;icrciiscs compensa- \ lion for members ofr CommissionCi for _ ER SWEET &JUICIIC Y N A V E L » Pardons and Parole fromom S75 per day lo SUPEI I S150. 1 / 2 'Dozen i HB684 (Judiciary,iry. Rules and \ ^ $17.50 loRANGE^n Ijy f ^ Adminisiralion) — AllowsAl for non- f \J;\ ^\ L ita c s - ] -Doz. ‘K\yscs »>'.is.>5.00 J / inn i r f o r I m i i governmental correeiionrional facilities. ES 2 0 p iVJcr'i'iiriVfjiyo (I'f'Mf >'; f S ORitANG%K ^ W L B . H FRESH » l ” ( I ■MONSi FRESH I WASHINtNGTONREDORGOUIENIn d e u c Io u s W E ~ B r e s T o n i^ c I H I ■ j y rBROCCSOLI w AFPPLES IX " s a ™ l 5 9 C ICEBEU r g W E S T E R N F A M IL Y p o t s n c ” — EVERn o N ’ S m I s T U tQUlDAIIt IE ; O f o r I GAUON JOUTCOVEF ROLI^S&ROLIS;OFCLOSE( RS 1 dozens ol j C RIPE MiLr^ " ’soira “ro seni lo 9 DMATOI IES_g g H g j w|'pi^us“t S o il’s A i Ihe savings on-10 hrow itiom away FR ESH BAK laVe Invenlo^. i 9 * l i . . i KOw'‘S YOtliOUR CHANCE 49 •TERNFAMILY^^ R A l!SIN $1' y —;-r;CY- Twin S et.....* 2 8 9 ! W n S ei...... * 9 9) -rJlwinSei....* 1 4 9i . . - . i TwnSel-7.„„MT9 - Full Sflt...... Fill Sol...... Full S ei...... J-^j-i^'^^P uliS ei...... * 1 8 9 :^ B . L O A F ^^^^^O ueen Set OGURlI ^ EAD ,1 ^ King Sei..... • Hor>r»

SOMEE MISlAliTCHSETS5 left"”)V , SELECTED FLAVORSr wrEINERS^ VIUST BE SOI) L D ! | | 5a “ KG> F R O M L A S T M O N Tm I ’S SA L E M ^ I ELESSBARON-OFD F S I l F i i ! : (HURRYRY. WHILE THEY LASTI)1) w v V v WESTEI■RN F A M IL Y WUSlA-HAfilC f K W ^ T f l g iasY $■! djustable^f -.I— (N FLAKEI

t e d s ' ^ 6 1 ?BDX 9 L ^ m i g i g i f ^ O D A Y j 8 9 9 r . ! C n g ^ I n ■sgjiM 2 S I D E B E A KING SIZE . B U Y 2 AftM P SAVE $1i l O O T m r E M !SENP s m m I J K i g y j t t g . I w K rr* p mOtKTt I WtlPWr, IDAHO | PMPAUU IOAHoT] EVERTI V M A n mu s e iTOBY pI iM c i 8 am-Spm«Sat. 12 noon-5 p m i il '3 2 6 2ndA V.ve. ». S.. TWln Falla, IP *733.33-3312 »Open Mon.-Frl.8a d B

______I.'______10,1994 Tlmes-Nows, TwiniFaJis, FaJi Idaho B-5 ■I ;■ Thursday'. Fobmary 1(

I d a h o / VWest i Countiess seek VCeto overrride on health ccare Briefly ame made in 1991, allhou;liough som e o f L ______ndrus rejected an effort to blan ------^------— - B(BOISE (AP) — County ofl Andn the deal at the ailed on Senate Demolo c ra ts 5 his adnidministration for the stalcmanate those involved In the shrugged off G O P claims th Equipm ent cicrushes fannerr tot death w"Wednesday lo abandon “pollolitical ______^ und sh[ •1'“' time have concededd aran agreement ^ 4 he ignojnorcd their offer late last wc( losturing" over heallh care for f< the / \19S said struck. 1 23-year-old Idaho Falls mann 1has died after being • compromise. Tlie governor sa . ROBERTS — A 23-; lOor and override Democraticlie Gov. A[ i d d ^ o Andrus vetoed thee mmi oney^or the crushed by a piccc off fafarm equipment south o f RotRoberts. ' million - fl*’* ■ .new nothing aboul a scltleme recil Andrus’ veto of S4.5 ir L egislature ion o f Environmental Qualitylity in Pocatello. f ,j,g Tlic Medically Need)ccdy program, os appeared as an opportunityty for a “Politics is holilolding lhe properly 111. I'm keeping my part of l Drews said the colifc>liform show ed up initially in waler samples taken ' “PF scaled back by Andrusdrus, would pick hegoliated resolution of Ihc runningn taxpayers of thifhis slate hostage,” i;ain. I expect them to keep ih on the city’s east sidedc 1Feb. 1. Sampling w ill contantinuc until three con- up the costs of healthillh care1 for peo- politicalpol battle may have vanisdished. B ear Lake Couniunty Commissioner 1 of the bargain.” it clear. pie not poor enough}h toti qualify for secutive samples lest cl The governor has refusused' to Ron Law said. "The“1 stale's failure p .... water or purchased bottled wawalcr last O ctobcr after ^ airrent Republican legislati Medicaid — but onlyily aftera lhe fami- Residents boiled wat approve the cash for state takeovertai to fund the cala^lastrophic program routine sampling founilund coliform at two homes.'s. The order was lifted an increase in prop- ' ‘•‘‘'ocf!Jefs h:ive repeatedly mainlairuncd ijgs spend a sel amoimount of their ofo f the Catastrophic Hcaltl:Ith Care will necessitate ar after about a week, vide." t no n comniiiments were ec\ v e r income on the bills firslfirsl. FFundui as long as il is not accccom pa- erty laxes statcwid

logy transfer _ M oney needid ed for technoloj xle, w heels fall of) f f b u s ; 2 s l i g h t lI y y h u r t IDAHO FALLS — Money is the primary ingnigredienl missing in the Eastland J j reversesi sstance, ^ ^ SAI5ANDP0INT (AP) — Two T The accident happcippcned at 8 a.m. It's effort lo transfer techncmology from national federal government’s inner C o u n iy s tu d e n ts wiwere Tuesday in Sandpoimloint, just before le Idaho National EngincerinIring Laboratory to ihc g j installations like the 1 signs anti-i-gay initiaifttivc siighiighlly injured w hen the rear axle a the bus carrying 36j slistudents arrived private sector. andJ wheelsw fell off lhe 19-year-ir-old at Sandpoim Middlele School.S< ' EG&G Inc. is tryinging to finish the recipe. schoolool bus they were riding, dislisiri^t None of the sluden'dents on the bus contractor at the INEL, __ j ■ EG&G^the parentIt companyc o f the primary co; -IDAHO .JALLS lAP^P) — unmistakable mes; 'icialssaid. ------was taken to the hospilispilal. has started- a ventureire capital fund to provide investment tn money for ' Republican governor caniirididate ' Eastland's Rcpiepubfean'apponcnts high-tcch spin-off comwmpanics from DepartmcnlI olof Energy facilities. Larry La, Eastland wants to mro ake it renewed their oppopposition to lhe ini- Jack Blaeser, presid:sidcnt of EG&G Ventures IniInc., said the fund will dear: He's for the onli-gayly rights lialivc, and onec ccriticized Eastland help create jobs in tovtowns near Energy Departmemcnt facilities, improve initiative. j„j, for signing, access to (echnolog;ogy and pay relurns of al least 20 pcrccnt lo He j has signed a petition support- si “This is the cvo:volution o f a desper- d by the ale candidate,” ssaid Jeff Malmen. # investors. ing the initiative sponsored Idaho Cilizens Alliance,:e. Thai campaign manageigcr for Phil Batt. lhe reversed his stance of 11 months r former party chchairman and lieu- ^ H O C O 1 Police say ala l c o h o l p a r t o f ffatal a wreck rev ago, w hen he questioned lhe ih need tenant governor.r. "(It's)" arguably the W ORLEY — A 25-year-old25- DeSmel man wasvas killed in an alcohol- for it. biggest flip-floflop of this election < related accident on U.lU.sT^Iighway 95 south of Worley,W< the Idaho State In I March 1993. EastlandI said s lhe cycle." initiative was unnecessasary. In The Burley-ba:based altiancc needs M 3 ...... Policc said...... ini ____ —— NovBmber.-he said-hc'd-votclc for the--nbout 32,001) si^signalurc.-v o f regis-. - — Richard Vinccnt Jr. died M onday after lhe vehiclevei he was in' failed N? initiative if il got on the ballallot, but icrcd volcrs to pul pi lhe issue nn lhe • T ax R inuR N P reparat^TioN • F in a n c ia l P’la LANNING 10 negotiate a curveire duei lo excessive speed,, ththe Idaho Slate Policc leral election ballot. , added.adi "I really wish wc; vweren't November gencr • A u d it in g • Bo o k k e e p inIG g fi& P a yroll said. The deadline isJuJ u ly . , lg. 19. of Plummer, and gOjgoing through this,” • F a r m A c c o u n t in g SiERVICESei Two other peoplele itin Ihe car, Donald Fanning, On Tuesday, EastlandI saids he The initiative'e ;seeks to stop gays David Crowe, 24, o ff' W orley, refused medicalI treatment.li Officials on • ' fl us! wantedwa to make his positionn (clear by from seeking addidditional civil rights, Comc in andI \get acquainted with u inknown w ho was driving. Tuesday sold it is unki signing a petition. "I didn’t't ■ want to for h irin g o r 01o lh e r p u rp o se s. It After leaving the: roroad, the car flipped ond lamanded on its roof, police s'8 confuscco: the message." he sailaid. “The w ould bar publiblic school teachers 219 5th A ve'E • 736-1711 soid. moremc I had to explain where;re I was, from depicting; hihomosexuality as an ^ Moudaif thru Fridaytt/ ~ olUer limes by appoinwintment J lhe more I thought 1 shouldd send; an acceptable, healthilthy lifestyle. H otel projecect needs m ore tti i a x m o n e y PO ST FALLS —- The T scope of proposed lax-iix-assistance for a devcl- opment in an agingg areaai o f downtown Post Fall■alls has grown lo nearly n half-rpillion dollars.ars. ~ Developer RobertirrT 1 cB ^llir o rlglimlly-asked^cH ’of-flround-$^182,Q00in ------public support lo enal;nable him to build a $5 milliollion hotel and retail ccn- ter. But other items,, someso of which would remairlain in public ownership., have been added loto the proposal lo bring the total loan to nearly ' $472,000, a draft plarplan presented on Tuesday sai(said. The loan wouldd be b repaid between 1996S anda 1999 ihrough tax Im iilS'i' increment financing. - , Tax incremcnl financing fini dedicates propertyrty taxes from increased ■ ' 4 property value lo) didirectly pay off debt incur:urred by development, Olhcr taxing dislriclsicus would be allocated theirir shares of laxes after the debl is paid.

E S E L w o rrkers k w ant to votate on union IDAHO FALLS-5 — About 140 U.S. Depanmiim ent of Energy employ- ces have signed a pcipetition requesting a vole to organize( a labor union at the Idaho Nationalinal Engineering Laboratory, The petition wasas 1 filed M onday with Ihe FeFederal Labor Relations Aulhoriiy. The work'orkers want to form a chaptiiptcr of the International Federation of Professfessional and Technical &igingineers. *T5ennIs*M6rcy,ronclearTnginccrand'grDt 5 ruup tepresentativer^oid—■ ■— ■ - ...... about 35 percent of Energy’si “rank-atfd-file"' workersw signed Ihe peti------tion. They include: scientists,sc engineers and clerlerical workers. Dave Dcsaulel,. directordi o f E nergy's Huma:nan Rcsourccs Division. said Ihe departmentc n t^ a s no knowledge of the petition, and neither encourages nor discciscouragcs unionization.

Com;smpiled from wire reports

E n t e r P•omerelte’s o ^ “Yod«ei-otr Mr. & Mrs. Ted Rippcec nndnr sons, lluhl ; C # nntest— -- - a- Y o u - c a rI i ’t b e a t nlatu ral g:f a s h e a t , ; E l S a t.Feb. i 12,1994I • 1:00 p.m. s e i s I t ’s ao s t e f f i d: i e n t a n di t h e w h (o l e h o u s e FefftHrineie i ______TheFamovous M uxzie B raunin& TheBojis a l o tt m o r e o: o m f o r t a 1i b l e , d a y a i i d n i gjht.” i as Judges

iateoorles: "Now we’re saving a»lot I of money, we’re moreo re c o rn ­ Sai “In Julyr oc f la st y e a r w c re p la c e;d d our clectric radiant Men/Woi/omen/Children fortablc. and there’s alwways plenty of hot watere r fifo r c e ilin g h e aat t w tH a natural gas forctreed air fumacc. I laundry and bathl' 1 wo/o u ld rc c o m m e n d it 10 an)an y body. ilstrallon Fae: Wc also cotonvcried from electric wjwater heating to gas. 1 You c a n ’t b e a t it." $3.0010 per entrant ■ Wc had hericard'somc bad things ab(ibout heat pumps. alTit Ticket ow es______sojiV.c.dccic;ided W go w ih g ^ . ___

COMEE JOINTIHEFUN For yeacar around comron and jural cconomny. > a high efficiency gas J i i ZZIE BRAU N ______fufumacc with elcctric air .conditioraning is the best system C l v W THE B O Y S ...... you'can owiwn. Make surc you alsa - L ENTEHniN THE insistit oI n a n a tu ra l gas w a te r I PUBLIC AT h c a icr r' which gives you more I ; 0 0 - 4 : 0 0 p u hot water at less cost. rm oDntalnSas BRmOYOrOUR FAMILY m)POUERBUE i ^jw N«mRFEST0FSINGIHIW fi/SK/INGf/

...... B-6 Timos-Now9. Twin FallFalls, idflho Thursday, FobrujjruQfy 10,1994. I

Comicss .1____ - . or For W orse By LyrLynn Johnston P e a n u ts ______By Charles M. ScSchulz For Better o r WROE.Me.n I Hey,SHE'Ss iNIJ u n m w rrH • w m r w Azpise.rtii!, I REMEMBER THIS115 HER father b r o k e

>: . - S

tterson ! — ■..ZL. Calvin and Hobbeae a ' ______. . ByBIIIWa«€ By-Gary Larson HERE'S TME LATEST• rTO o u .\ •WMS BECilCMSZ TVERtS NOT \ I X(x w u neser 'N IF Someone i B l o n d le By Dean Young3 & Stan Drake The> FFar Side ______^ ON )IY (6 0 0 0 CHE&.. CMOCOlATC•eJ / cuocouie Ilf'jV?: BATIKS « PRCTI IfiW, / K j L __ _fOWLfkR.. L, r OOWHM'SWGWT. / ^^UuD£^y‘■———I jr E flUtKSWCS.!*iO i i i r - . ' ^ 9 ------^ XT GETS ,------^ ^ ^ORIlltiSS^ > c e CREAM ■ '■ fi ORIKH IN ^ -N ^ COCOK ^ tKE WHCH.E/

A j i H i . % 4 ^1, n y H a r t I------3 .C . By Johnnv r i > ^ |W£1.L.UE«E)WU?HAT WCU.0 LIPE I lAHP fiOOT SESEES' YEA POR I WHO NEV£firue/JS Ni5 &AOC■JHOH ■ AtlYOtle... /Nyp P/ I'u, 5t/c?v/ 'ifcu >» MM THAT‘>T& COMES /a e .w.wroOfl-CCFFK? r i— ------< »------iR OO T ~

/ S M o v J nl III, H usual, ihero goM PrlncaaaiLuwana Lin — atwiyi / /M e ' \ W | ' s i L ^ »cenler et atuntlon.... You know,w,und«mMlhthat ur M - r - outer wrap, she'* held logelher wilhwith duel tape."

1 Davis - Dennis IheJ AM enace By Hank KetchamKe . Thee Family Circus EBy Bil Keane G arfield By Jim I V A W N 17 J HAVEN'T \ . 1 J V AW W N ^ T M V V r^ SEEN his PACE IN J 1 TWO PAVS ^ H F n r -y O i ^ r V g I S ‘ ^ ^ ■ -f B B i e ik v L - O ir \

3 r o w n e / f ' HI a n d L o ls r By Chance Br /TW E/PodcSHrT^i'A L L P’Av:..\n r^ Fl { JERt^ ) [ Y I P lo r ) 5 U r T W E /5 (JR?6LOOKr 6 . . UK^E AfJ60t-S - \ TWe/'(?6 IN BEI [n I BE me pictures T i \ “Grandma’s showin' me w h e n I &‘W 4 from way back wh she w as NEW.'W." 'I s Ruff *«VWDCOORAMl mSBOV?^ 4 ;

S y d n P\ i y U O m a p p ______.agency EBy Brant Parker & Johnnjmy Hart 6 Bach »aik ------Horosio sco p e T h e W izard o f IdI — ------9 W le f l Into plle I ^e6^er i f A F ^ • t4Coromony IF FEBRUARYRY 10 IS YOUR i ^ ir^ ■' i. r^58 b a i T - - ■ H | | BIRTHDAY: Youlu arear ueaiive, dynam- m d\fx one you h/1N( I sr>oe ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ______I H B ic, siubbom, accuslonislomed to having your / \ ^ ■\fe 70 &1V& HW - \ I 15 Slory linotranco |a in n ' " own way. Memberslers iof opposite sex In- fI $ 16 WoodonI shsticky L - l _ ------un<3antly vmoo (Aug.,23-Sepl. 23- 22): You’ll be ' iD ^ 3 Redpo wo 39 Certain windows» 4145 Enormous 49 Entreat'0*y saying, “I wanl lo0 wtwrite up this onle'r and Z ^ J q / '4Plonoor8,lickly 40 Digits 4i48 Forest 50 Romanan tyrant ,,, ini,ja,j ^ ^aleses c campaigni" Scenario w\Jui tlmos d 42 Snooky ono creature 51 Followi^socretiy i -.ffniures excilemcnlflcnl of dLscovciy, pcr- / , 3 S Run quicktea 43 D resses with 47 4 A Gardner 52 Gref — 1, physical attraction. SI'"" : , a & ilace coro 4i48 Lose color 5 4 — , amimas amot sonal magnetism, ph a-10 .______6 Forward . • . .UBRACSept.B:. 23-Oct. 22): Spoilighl } —, I— I 7 SoturatQS ly, family, marital sialus. - ^ U - r \ l 8 Fiimy plac on home, security, fc Frank and Ernesta t ______■ By B ob • ^ I I Scenario featurescs nmusic, domestic od- involvcs tifeslylc, re.si. 3 Thaves a n D 6 1 1 S ji^'fncnl lhal invol y o v f . L O3Ve V t/fe, Ff/INKI pickpocket!;ts must wear I dcncc, partncnhip,ip proposal.pt in Indi.n are empowered to I SCORPIO (Oct.>:t. 23-Nov. 21): New Indiai sentences. For I ' Moon in Aquariusius ccoincides with prop- aordinary in*’ L M . B o y d '■m-l '■ / - THtY o u e n r To JudgMome ' in convicted pickpockcls, ' erty values, negoliai;olialions, decision relal- give exlraoriLsed, urc required lo wear ncck What’s what7t 7 ing to marriage.. IntIndividual you admire P P /^ W / t ^ siancc. somIblic. . makes unusual reqirequesi. could involve * oncc rclca.setma, Texas, AikAnsas and1 L ,i I ■■ - real estate. Pisccsa featured.fct n i ouTiine l i bells in publiiginia - Ihosc ure the fourr rmust be more to life than haviiiving every- SAGITTARIUSUS i(Nov. 22-Dcc, 21): ------^ s a \ M O U NO IT. Qklnhoma r ih in g "____ _ , ...... You might not rcqmxquesi il but you'tl have'. : Wlsl Vijgir1. Averagers s.iy almosi halff Q. Do the HungBriiiu cdcbIcbiBtc Hal- more auihorily, rcsp(rcspon.sibitiiy, and you'll, — a______slates, in eskcepdogs. ord ■ 1loween? ...... be asked to meet tdet deadline. Personal rela- j household.U) /who commils suicide is 10) A. They do lhat. One trcnc:nd of their tioaship inleasifics.ics. - . »<•.•• - ______- ' the ramilic'slre likely than the woman who) (obseivancc, research reveals,, uis to go 10 CAPRICORN^(Dcc.22-Jap. (D 19):Y qil_ The man10 ’ kilt thc malrimonial mate; 'work dressed up lo look like IhiIhc boss. might be sighing,ng, “At' last I'm in llie The Bom Loserr By Art Sansom * limes more 1 A iheuter in Paris. Francc,X, ran one moneyr New Moon Mo< in your Second rt of animal which most variess and < only one movie — "The: CCabinet of House relates too paymenls,ps collections, ’ '^OF COURSE HOT... BOT'" & c h i p WtTWMIilMWE^VEWT^«)Tl(XD"* ''6 G £ v. OcH ie F rO o e s -mil) iie squid. Dr.I Caligari"-from 1920 lo 1‘1927. income. Successfulsstul investment could ^ Lol of people who lived whvhere laurel lead to considerableable profit. Voilat : _ TUM'YOOSTWEBI•OLweTDc^v rtT ”— r I'LL ee (=eTTlUG) cowe iWFivEMiKurebr Y O u m . 'n ‘t ‘cncGerm any’s Ham burs. ihw: A i ATr- ■ m size IS thenamed lidw ig Hochbaum de-- ••••« trees grew ceniurics ago woun'und up with AQUARIUS.(Jai.(Jan.20.Fcb.l8):.Ncw TO Fim’s a UP ■ /?< TIK\eNA&AvV\N-F'- ' — 7 'TO ( MO?ALAX£ OutofOtI ycare to chalking out an.inlii-- thc t surname of “Lawrcncc.’’ . Moon in your sign coincides with pubr TH£ BDRKL>? ' /^l^oveRTlf^ep^'

^------i------" ------;------

- - - - ,1l . — - - ;■...... Thu^ay, February' 1110,1994 Times-News. Twint FoilFoils. Idaho ' B-7 ' •; ______Valley liftfe s s s i W histless serve to (connect 2lDrientation set5t on workplacice safety 7 lieTimes-NewB Collegc of Southcthem Idaho, Magic Valley Regional MMedical Ccnlcr and separate!^dhusbamid, wife T.TW IN F / i x S - An employe•ycc ori- T w in F a lls - A^rea“ re Chamber of- ' cntalntation to federal regulationsIS about Commerce. For' morc-information,m I. occupational health D EAR ABBY: I can1 imagine itr the I I ------1 safclafety and health in the workpliplace is call Jill Chestnut, o husbond's despair (desciiscribed a et for*7 :30 a .tn.-to-noon-Febtbt-lg probloms. around our necks whenn wwe traveled agreed thatat whenever wc live ■■njury prevention, blood )rhAnxI*ty-Moo abroad. • - together, itt v,will be ofter we have Dathogens, discrimination andd se x u a l' D *p»ulotrt One day we bccamene separated married. Moslost of my friends have TraumoVIctlmi larassment and the dnig-frec ■ —rfelftLou between flights in a crocrowded air- similar beliefs ilacc. Cost is $15 per person.p< Po„>awnting port. Frantic, I blew my mj whistle! I guess mym> main point is this: Reservations arc required. To nre ^ s le r, Aleohol/Oil/Orug Probltmt -Then 1 heard a rcspondiinding whistle Don’t give up oh the present gener- a l l 733-3974. " CouptM/Mcrrlogiogt/Fomlhr CounuUng in the distance. Wc jojoi in e d each ation. Therec aiarc still some o f us w ho -The program is sponsoredd by the . pceo Initial Consonsultoltons other and made our connennection. don’t feel tliatth living together is '■ • Chlldron-Adolo!}loKonts-Adutls-Sonlo'S Those whistles wereere the best morally righght; in our "politically — Ill- II,-> • Indlvklual & GGrc roup Counseling investment I ever made.e. co rrect" sociocicty, it’s difficult to % • AKoidobio Cort:oro JOHN GIBA, speak up agaigainst a growing majori- ^ ’n • Convonlont LocollonLoc & Houts - J O » t • Proloutonol StoStofl TEOUEiUESTA.FLA. ly. I IronWel n • Slalo lleom od9d DEAR JOHN OIBAB A : W h at a - J I L L I • Modlcoro/CHAfHAM PUS coincidence! On my kcychainkcj is a IN SNOW SHOE. PA. | r£ • C o v o ro d b y MMe ony Insuroncos )ENTIAL TO MY CHI- I Tombstone whistle — Ihc kind poIic(ilice use when CONFIDE! ^ |j 34 Houlour H*tptln« they’re directing traffaffic. It was NESE REAEADERS: Gung Hay Fat I I i Callforshmtimes- 13-4769 ■ cCOUPON ( K ) “ COUPON — ® given to me about 301 years ye ago by . Choy! (Happippy New Year!) This is ! I 536-5049 GOOD AT I «0HT>1 $1.00 OFF MOVIE RENT/:NTAL I my husband. Wilh it wwa as a line' he the year o f tlthe dog*, v ^ tc h reminds I i] InW tnddL ______PAR'ARIICIPATINC j TM a>opo« 1* *wlhf t oo 0" #>• pnei Humphrey me of this cjuoteciu( by M ark Twain: g . oritVT««»««nongloiS1.00o>nw» borrowed from a F jp A ^ » I ^ON VIEW a3RaE i K 1 [>0«ryXini3uMUM« U» Bogart/Lauren Bacallill i m o v ie :‘i f "If you pic!3ick up a starving dog and | EL1NG CSNIEB . VALID THRU Apr.9.1994 you want anything - justust w histle.” m ake him piprosperous, he will not n flN FAL15 S 5 t o r e s ® ______ir letters about bite you. Thi;Tiis is the principal differ- * L i DEAR ABBY; Your 1< bringing one’s own foodlod to a restau- ence between» n a dog and a man." ' rant brought back memornones. ’» , In the early 1950s, whenwt I w as a lad o f .4 or 5 living in NewNc Orleans, my mother and granderidmothcr took :staurant in the m e to a very fancy restai VI French Quarter for luncfinch. I ordered ^ A e i t t c e ^ m y favorite m eal - fried frii chicken and CTcamed com. ■ atth e The waiter returned1 to tell us that B f f iB i they were out o f creamcimcd com. I’m B o S i lold that 1 raised suchjj.a ffuss that my ^ ■ BLLUE LAKESS MALL - mother left the rcstaurourant, found a lUE /, purchased a TIQ grocery store nearby, p small can of creamedled corn, and |BHH , ' l i U e WedkeacC asked the chef to pleasease warm it for ^ S H O iALE<» me. (He did.) )W&S I only vaguely rccallill thet incident,. but my grandmother,. wlwho has-becn - ^ ^ H ------tique Dealers frfrom - dcadifor many years, usedi to tell — ------^Antic lhat story every time she saw m e. B B H U tah, E asten 1hern Idaho- , Fortunately, I ’ve ououtgrown my ;rn Idaho - Nort vKiuwfnmfiuk insistence to have cvc:vcrything my ljj= |l ...... way, but that incidentnt will■ forever M agic Vallfe^fey and Wood FRiver Valley haunt me. W as I a spoilpoiled child, or whal? - (REV.) CARLOLOJ.ZABBIA, I B i G/Ve your l/a/eninline a treasure? from the past - , ROMAN CATHOLK>Lic DIOCESE B m H . CO F DALLAS a n AAntique ^ * DEAR FATHERL ZABBIA:Z If over 30D select Idahho craft artis you weren’t a spoiledled child, you certainly behaved like lii one, but H H ill their work obviously you turned:d c out all right. will shshow and sel . Most children, onn demanding ^ creamed corn, wouldltd have gotten i F r id a y(, , Feb 11 ..10;00lo7:00pilOpm I B I crcamcd. Salurdaday...... 10:00 to 6:a0pi]Qpm H H T h is re - * M DEAR ABBY: Th S u n d aly y ...... Noon to5:OOpr sponse to "Old-Fashishioned,” who w an ted to k n o w iff anyone a else [1H ||| found the “ in-your-faceace immorality” offensive. A CraK-Pro ProdioductionljH I am a 23-year-oldcl fcfemale who is a’senior in collcge. I h£have been a serious relationship3 w a loving r n m m 3 5 ^ 0

H« kn*w ««hat to do [ £ « ^ h •m illio n ^ueh*. S' ALECBALimn KIM mi ^ R ts ■oustM . A d o i)tt»c c ro ^ w . DAYI > AndthQuttkn'txnwt« sa tu p la y v tto ctxryo. mBElETrs r t n u a a o U FRI 7:1! I n f i i i S 1 Kllmar LSJ IRS 7:O0-9:30 7:15-9:45 THE■ G E O m H s'athobesi, . t t h . r o i . l M [iRl . iSrpiT"

r j b j E Bg S s t a rT t ; S F R ID A V l PATRICK BERI:rgin fo reig n I ri t h e s e r i e s m a p o f n I F E J v l IF A R T S u n d a y !; i m m J ______»HUMAN,-HE. IS imiRSrBoTO B SonY.NoP$u»S/Di a M rffif S ' ROBIN WILLIAM! SAT-SUN };00-400-4:30 ^ 1:00 ■ M iB S Bl 7:009.30 ^ / S § ' S^LYHELD UDiseotma. — t GrumpyI^OIDMEN 3 ’.: ■ P i )I,DMEN ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE ^ G rumpy 01 VlM ON E iD SAT-SUN------ON - ffSuV SAT-SUN 1:(Sr3:1t :7:30-9:45 E » s DEST ACTRESSOEORA.WINGER . S K f '- }ACKLEMMb^ A T T H A U ' • WALTER MATTHrHAU 7:15-9:15 UN 12:45-3:00 H OEST SCREENPLAY 9 SI; 1 m fj V P • THUnS7;00-£ 0 x m ^ d ^ 1 u n £ | FRI 9:00 ONO°:r” 3 PLLDOAN ANTHONY H opkins m ^ T n n i 2 E 3 Nicj m s 7!30-9:45 B ffl V X urt nuopc f-, Debra Winger ^ 9:15 ONLY 9 A N W fl W VOl acilmori r - A . i»y sTcneo surroi. HURS AT MAIL CINEMA 7:00-9;30 I rARTS FRIDAY AT TWIN CINEMA 9 i ~ W f l i t h u r i B e e t h o v Ee i ’s2 n d < ^ iW tW h'i'itinm t / liUSCROBlN.»Sa ' D STAR 5 CHAR] at/Sun Only tt^E!E3iXSSinS^M ^ I FViU lr> l o v e 2:30-2:30 >*" f l r i S .....- • m i l - STFREOSURROUNOS,o s o u .. ^ 1 »U wur ntfni:>«iai Hg^2^ B j|j xxiy^inin! , jjJAMAICAN BOBSULEDDERS? Adults $:$ 2 ;• K id s $1 ^ r l 2 ***** THURS 7:1S-9:1 ® - FBI7«0N lV- “ «N jW HjJS m li DAY!HT — TJmes PubHshihedanjor^day^i^)^ IE m

^ - i - : : ------... '' ' ' • B-0 , Tlmos-Nowa. Twin»in iFnlla. Idaho ‘niursday, FobfubfUQfy 10.1994 % Valley IIlife i - . I i£im ] beriy^^ifigh^ehoohF CSI offers;sem s ors \ ' f Valley>y happeiinihgs sponsorst heaialth'fair com puter• coursec ast. TTie Timcs-NewB Eden center■ pplans pancake breaka k f a s t Avenue Exst. * ihoiccs arc hiscuiLs and gravy,, eeggs, ha.shbrowas. cof- The Tlmes-News EDEN - The SHviSilver and Gold Senior Ccntcr:r hisI planned ta or juice or ham or sausage,, {pancakcs, eggs, hash- KIMBERLY - Kimbcriyriy High School is spon- iju>nthly pancakc brtbreakfast for ‘i a.m. lo noyn 5 offcc, milk or juice. Cost isS2,5!,50 per person. ^ • TWIN FALLS - T Th. h e C o lle g e o f • . ccntcr. ll soring a hcallh fair froiTom 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Southern Idaho has plannanncd a hands-on I ------•— The menu includiludes pancakc.s, hiishbrowns, i "M o nday in the gymnasiumim at; thch ig h school...... class for senior citizens whwho want to Icam I itcrs of i^ e ric a n RevivoluUon to.mccf ' juiccanilfriiikorcoficoffce. Suggested cloiiution isfs SI irS S Daughtc, The fair will includc infiinformalion boolhs con- computers. SI for children age,e i:12 and under.. ^ TWIN FAIFALLS -1110 T\vin Falls Chapaptcr o f Ihc Daughters of ccrning health-related issussucs such as substance ■'Computers and Seniorsiors: Merging Two • ic:m Revolution has planned iLsa iregular luncheon meet- the American abuse, AIDS, stress, hygierjiene and sexually irans- Generations” is scl foro r I] lo 3:3 0 p.m . » 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Canyoyon Springs Inn on Blue ‘ U niversi^ WiVomcn ( set Saturdayjy m e e t i n g ingfori2;30 mined diseases. The healthallh di.strict w ill perfom Fridays, Feb.-18‘throughugh M arch 16, in t utevard North.— ...... “ ~A.spen“ 13 irT h c class will-lill inclodc instruc-— t TWIN FALLS-I - t h e American A.s.s'ociationidiraoay«s«,~^® ^ 1, which will be a review chole.sterol ( checks andd a complete physical Scott will present (he program, tion in writing letters with/ith a word proces- • Women ha.s plannetmed its regular monthly meet , Lcgacy for ihc Future.” ;assessment for S5 each froifrom 8:30 lo 10 a.m. An o f &ok, t "A Tribute to' the Pa.st, A L sor. keeping records with:h a database, aeal- 'Salurdny at Memoricarics, 5 1 1 Sccond Ave. W. information, call Shirley HcidcrIcmann al 423-5364. . ;assortment of hcallhy foofood dishes, games and , iCosuRira. For ing grajihs with a spreadshidsheet, .saving flies Ingrid Slropc wiiwill give a prc.sentalion on C es will be available. activities /or all ages to disk and using a printer.er. « moreinfomiation.ca.call Helen U ghm erat 734-138 The TimesmeS’Ncws welcomes news o f'coniniun/'fy ct events. Send j Participanls who complete:te the series will receive Cost is $60 per person.n. RegistrationB may i; , - , materia! lo0 TThe Timcs-Ncws V jlley Hapiippenings. P.O. Box S4H, ■ a free T-shirt. be done in the Taylor BuBuilding Records " Jerom e seniorior citizcns offer breale a k f a s t 7\Wn FailsIs 883303-0548. P/casc ,s•o^^7JllI r.news :il least a week in ' The public is invite. Bring Br tennis shoes, For Office. For more informarmaiion, call 733- ' e .senior citizcns will serve brea!reakfiLst from 7:30 udvancc nnd nm includc :i phone numb

'tr r ' / ^ M JP I M i n i J p lERVICIE « QUiMITY<* SEIE O i l / " -

r o * — J r ■ n t i r us DESIGN A LUTITRON n C r o v ef f' ' S l S Y O W fM i B a UCHTINCCCmrROL SYSTEMI tFOR y o u ... ■ a r a Controfoutside anoJnd inside lights from J u n o LiiJ g h t i n g your bedside or ancanotlier remote location for a reasonable co:cost with extreme D is tr ibb i u t o r ■reliability. Take adv.


-I a ~ i 3 ^ ------^ - ....-...... - ...... l E i n i i i o I CXL5ZAB BBE)I 1DB2 57 I ■•■•X.3B- I CHROME' UI g g h h M /e r r t H IBOV B t 2 L0B0Y2 I HHO POWERR FLUSH C£CEtt/N^wi 1^ f P . _ .Allov/$.youjo,put_abai'jathroom in Antique' or polished brass. B5/52S- BATH ACCESSOIDRIES FLOOD1 ASSEMBLYJI ------P E D E S TiMLPUHP l SUiUBMERSIBLEPUMP your basement or any.iyfoo'rrf belo w ' ~LOK Oakbk bladesrDual capacitor-— ------fVot ahom ecentcenter to y Unit, has Automatic operaieration. Stainless Auloulomatic. Rugged cast iron .. your sewer or septic tank.ta Installs heavy-dut}luty motor, will not buzz, Towel nng______02-020>203 3.29 professionalt teafeatures such as lime onstruclioh for residential or steel Shalt. .3hphp m otor Non- cons almost anywhere withethout digging hum orcliiclick. Permanently lubed ■ ■ Robe'h'm______)2u 1.29 and sensitivityity adjustma ents and clogging impellei?ller passes 1/2" com.?mmercial use. 100% factory r. No worry bearings.)s Triple-plated, lacquered rride. Complete unit or concrete breaking. I Surl3cc p3p£r holder 02-D2C manual override solids. Permanernently lubricated teste'sted. .3 hp m otor Real pumps about gravity with thisis efficient high housing.I PremiumF quality at a rea- ^ mwmllpble.,lie. Less flood lamps. motor and bearirarings. Rugged cast for>r n real jobs. ■ quality pump and elfluen slay on. moisture resisti'si'stance electronics • 'Siadehandle:530-470-l0.- • [ 26,45 I . SYLVANIA COMPm C T FLUORESCENT B . -J29070,FE18/Dn,rr/0827/M ED ...... ^^^112,50' 17.9' fS5 . 5 0 2 5 . J 2 gulmlrSIS.BO 26 TAIL S A IE S ______Regularly $22.Si.SO o .o :o ,n | t.9 S . OME tTEMS UMITED TO RBTA ______Regulaiilarl,$28.B4 ____ Regularly$28.44 nMii s o o j i ______SOR

■ H p i YOUR ^

s o n a in r a avaialilaatra E L E a l u M B I N C n tM ifta c n , SUPPPLY COMI V H > A N Y 1 E ' I . . I isHleML i SerbsiS promoii^ to witlidi’ rawbljig gunssfrom Sarajeevo Tlie A ssodated P ic e ~ w l CS venues rav£'aged by w ar SARAJEVO. Bosnia-Hen 1984 Wi/inter Olympic! I NATO air | — ■ ----- >5: — Bosnian Serbs parried the1C threat of i , , -// ------1 r - - — i H I a - — NATO air strikes with a ; prom ise ^ \C u im All locations, hnless Wednesday lo withdraw’ ttheir big 'w ,y -E otherwise nofed, a nvltiltafy. In guns from around Sarajevo/o and put X ■ them under U.N. monitoring. FHAHCE- g- . / i i v m n n S i sf^fkHwoircniflttCeMa ' The Serb agreement, annoiioun.ced by ' A ■ i aF-1 reoonnalmftMakoaftBtlitrwa the U.N. commaii'der for)r B osnia, ' V 55, i MSeSWUBglM '> V AEW idrcnA at Trap ^ or Avo^ Frana •; came-as NATO neared a de S l i B ^ i h b S ) ak-to-eirraiu^aircran bomijtros. F Brussels lo unleash air striki , 6Jaguw8Qva&odcak^anitrsra eSuperEUr EUndard 4P As^-tom bora trorn airolircraftcantwCSerrtencaau li10 days unless Serbs rcmo-lOvcd Ihcir J k l ------IntheAdilatl artillery from the hills artiround the . ■ ■ ■ ■ nethehl•HLANDS: OI sn ian capital: SF-iaAVfi^akcraftBlVBalrarKa M . There were no signnlureires on tlic K (CA^ aircraft al vaWrarva wWi lourIT ed(aionalF-l6Aei 6F-16A(C/ Serb agreement, or on an a a Miliacka rfflnWffl s CnOATIA tpn n•■ ■ InthaNcth*o d w la ^ S j!r>vllMH SLOVENK^ I - j g a i w a UNITEOKDNNGOOH: ceasc-fire beginning today V attadt akcrafl at Qiola Fcrai O/A-10 oBacK' abcrafl at Aviarw3 Sstalling for time lo wail forr vworld 0»|. Jugoslavia | '* - IZAifForoForca F-16C Bflhtor alroafl al Avtano rage over a weekend masassacrc of \ * 'i F/A-i6C (dual rola ea»U«) or F-144 BghtorBj aircraft atxl [ 12USNF// civilians at n Sarajevo mark'rket 10 sub- 'V y,o MACEDONIA 1 6USNN F-IB/A^^iromUSSSarBtOQawtdoF iloWatlnghOioAdrtatIc c 8USMCIMC F/A-18 (dual rolo capeUe) at AvIarKiano ' sside. S i - f. 3USAFElAf EC-130 conunaivl and control aireraicraftatAvtonoplustwo Saturday’s mortar attacack, which o.Skm \ fc avallabloclrlodnrocall killed 68 people and woun lu, 0(11 Cni;lotio, CnrI Fo* islphfltnvomofoovaHaUoonrocoll ** >''?■ So»™,X.VoV5flnplc vwnlof Oanw OflWaToui^ A p'/'f DoanCnrilu, 0< 2USAF^M^AC-130 gurahlps baaod al Brindisi p prompted NATO to con;insider air lOUSAFIyy= KC-135 £tfr-tfra!r rofuoOnQ alroBftrtatPbaondUASSIgonolla at F me. sstrikes to slop the relentles:css shelling for the Bosniarian governm ent, w ere roomxims at Sarajevo airport. TURKEY:EY: worked out tiverlinie.demand under dis- a 6C alrcrofi at Ghodl phjs oigWtF-16Cfls^drcniftavaBablein F- cof Sarajevo by Bosnian Serbrb gunners, wary. LiLittle has changed for momonths A draft NATO den •• ______10F-16Cfl Dozens of cease-firesJ \have col- - i ,hink it sis a agame by the Serbs lo alonlong the front lines surroun sday in Brussels P D P B ^ Turitoy inding cussion WcdnesdaSerbs to move ihelr | V i ' SPAIN:I: lapsedI in the pasl 22 month:ths of fight- avoid punishmt I at Trapani, Haty ar*d Prwoni. Grooco Serbs were under greater int'ntcmational across Bosnia-ia-H erzegovina,” said publiublic along ethnic lines. Tlic go' [tng-r:inge artillery D N A ^ aircratt from Waddnglon, U.K.?K.. ond toward opomting ‘ 'overn- the siege. Serb long- - 4M '' - 2E-3DN; • pressure and had consentecled to with- Gen. Jovan Divj:ivjak, a Serb loyal to the mentlent has refused, saying the one- ■25 miles, and mosl al Tnipsnl and Avloru. Itofy le-lhird h:is a range of 18-25me in Sarajevo has I basosaiT . , ------^------.. cdraw weaponry. Muslim-led Bosrkisnian government. o f lheih republic il would rcceivc i c is in- of lhe damage donenot covered by the : “This is perhaps lhe bcgiiginning of a The Bosnian,n SerbS fighters denied It suffnjfficicnl. been by weapons not New lalks are scheduled lodi mortars, machine process o f return'to normal!alily for the was their shellcli lhal hil the markel. Nt iday in N ATO plan — nun have shown They have mad'lade similar denials be- Gemiencva; people of Sarajevo, who ha guns and snipers. im president, Alija rit and such fore. BlBosnian Serbs could risk losin so much indomitable spirit .ing the Bosnia’s Muslimreptirters | lhal under Y ' • « Rose said. The talks in1 SarajevoS: were altended land3nd they’ve seized if NATO : quality of human nature," R( ) aclcd Izetbegovic, lold lent, rept lhe Serbs were ------He acknowlcdged-it-wavas a-Uvcry—by-D ivjak-and.nd.Bosnian-Scrb.Geii._aftcrftcr_mpnths o f cmpty_ With lhe airjxirt agreement, ntcmational pressure building eir blg gunf; back t o ------small .start on a very large piproblem." M anojlo Milovlovanovic, the second- intei ngTtKe‘“ retjiiired to puiriheir l Icrbs agreed to a framework for id Sarajevo thal the . Sarajevans, including theth' mililary ranking Bosnialian Serb officcr. Rose' Serb ir wiih- six barracks around .S Irawing the guns while detail roposcd. officcr who negotiated thee :agreemcnl shuttled bctweiween them in separate draw tils are guvernnieni had propi

I k Italy i c e d o n i a U .S. recognlizes indepeiKtidence o f ex-'[-Y ugoslavia republicr M aa was declared in chosen indepenpcndencc by democratic al, lal, Skopje. The Assodatcd Press independence wa;and several Tuiro- means and lhal lha recognition could Greecc G aintcndcd ihat referrirring lo September 1991 am he counlry as Macedonia impi lended recngiiilion. W A SH IN G TO N — TlT he United help resolve difdifferences with Athens, the iplied it pean nations extend lad a claim on the Greek pro mer Yugoslav re- led by J l Stales recognizcd the indiidependencc Trying-notIt tol offend either side, had rovince Three other forme ^dS'utllized :ilso callcd Macedonia. ia, Slovenia and hereglon^^^^ ^ of the former Yugoslav• r republic of the Clinton iidminislration adi chosc lo. also publics. Croatia, I NATO within the Also, Greecc worried that in /ina, were duly rec- Macedonia on Wcdnesesday after refer lo the country coi as “The Former A iniema- Dosnia-Hcrzegovina. lional support for the former rcj usli administration, more than two years of si'sidestepping Yugoslav Rcpurpubljc of Macedonia." lion republic ognized by the Busli could fan sentiment ihere for an ugoslav republics, Ihc issue in deference to) NATOf ally Greecc hadid ;argued against estab- 'cou annexa- Two other Yugo lion o fthe Greek province. ntenegro, declared Greece. , llshmenl of U.S.U.i diplomatic lies un- • lion Serbia and Montei ■ ■ Pirsl the Bush and then the C ic Ihe state of Yu- A While House statcmenent said the less lhe name1C \was changed. One op- P Clinlon themselves to be I JSC the name of the capi- adnadministration ducked the issui AP/Wm.J. CaMftllo0 people of the former rcfepublic had tion was to use ;ue aflcr goslaviii. Source: NATO

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C-2 'nmos-Nows, Twin Falls■alls. Idaho Thursday, Febnjaruary 10.1994

i, . Announcerments /, , ■ _ —

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C 734-4050 J{Jackets, Pants & PacksI ■ 25 yrs experience. 733-1234 ■TJTTQTTMri 7 CUSTOM SEWING ■ Usually Gravel ^ le s Ol Riverwear Fleec« Same Day Sen/ice _ _ Garments & Shell coals Call JP E S R T SizosXL-4XL inReg &Ta)l M O P S Q U A D 733-2318 to d a y |V « S W I i m f m n iNTEiIRIOR&.EXTERIOR Housijse. bam s, outbldgs for THE HARD-TO-FIT Residential PAN SNOW CPA New construction h workipi^rallon STAN Prompt 4 JWMMbfciefv/c# an & S co tt Snow Rentals ■ SAWTOOTHSHEET ^0done by hand. S te n t 736^714 SA' • Tax return Somo Commercial F rM E stim ates! * T HeaHeatlnJAJ^nditioning JImVI Waggoner 543-4271 preparation pn References availablo • Auditing Bonded. All Areas ol Uad9,raadfit3to.canTHl,bJiJ». k)mmercl^& Residential - m m inandal Planning Magic Valley, out ol ■P^ffirm nr^H * Flnar Builcls A maintains sediment (208)733-8548 H *BocBookkeeping & area considered. ponds. oon Oriv8wayworti.gtavei, ’ .326-4165 or 538-6731 Payroll dilcJi removal. w8 travel. ^ Famirm AocountingA Senrice PHECISIOH for Free Estimates 670-1614 g - 678-3744 m m 736-17117 \ VIDEO-AUDIO dldRClET CONSTRUCTION ■■ ■ 2 Q S S 3 H 219 5th Ave E. For your VCR. TV. ■ Mon-Fri 8-5, car stereo, home I OUAJAUTY PLUMBING M< stereo, also amps ■ 24 HOUR otftarli« r (Im es b y a p p t & mixer repairs. ■ EME^ERGENCY SERVICE 1 . HARDWARE I RAY & SON JSpecializing in m t M 736*0881 SOFTWARE ■ CONSTRUCTION .service & repair. SHAREWARE FENCES iS YRS EXPERIENCE .paiFaucets'Water healers* FastiCash Jr U pgrade your old ■ FENCES RO!Responsible, reliable, [)jsM Drain Cleanino* system lo FENCES all p h ^ of construction. Rgniocnodeing'NewCofiStnicton 733-5369 Free estlmatesl ’ kjahc5ho Powor recommended SHELHELTON'S TREE i ■ (for ileitems priced to *500) 386 or 486 power Foncing Special jh Efficiency water healers SSERVICE S T A ftC R A F T starting a! Free Estimates ------Glass & aluminum $199.00 nanced by Idaho Power. tree'ree topping, tree HEARTWOOD ------T in«ig entire Magic Valley. remo\moval. chain saw , boats. Fishing, skiing & CONSTRUCVON WanWard's Horne Constnjcthjn Bob. ali styles in stock. . IMS The Computer Place b Jackson 733-2253 work,?irk, shrub trimming Siofifor 10 day! 73 3-9063 Roor romovai. hauling ol 415 ADDISON AVE or romi : M erccruiserftern drive. . . - ... ------_. gigjelectricai.-plumbing.No)ob- Forco & Morcury outtwards. 734^1667 vw vvrvM H anykln• kind. Yard w o * or- - Full salos & Son/ice. — too[00 illarge or too small. 20 yrs WHATEVER exper. Free estimates. Authorized repair service lor FREEREE ESTIMATES d 4 lines. -IDI-MV H Call W ard 734-6294 m i i 733.743-7438-324-6641 and • MERCURY &FOHCE PRODUCTS. C om puter S y stem s ■ HARBAUGH MOTORS, Handyman & Son Services yVe I INC. S3&-6323 BEST PRICE Kai> a Repair, R ecolor & Old World noorlrtg Remodeling, Ren all repair_work. Re d U sed b o ats in stock FOR YOUR C Ief Inlsh rather than, &LI.L T R E E SERVICE COMPUTER AND Artistry 25 iyears exper. 8 vrs in Mv remo 'rimmed or shaped, ACCESSORIES Hardwood Hi Installation ReRefs, free estimatesl ceram removal 4 stump P hono o r Fax Finishing Fii & Refinishlng J o e 326-5683 n®li{ iding. Free estimates. 208-734-5663 PiPainting (inside & out[ S teve 324-6764 » S sr iurecf..536-5185 or JploeKsavlngsl '"»“™ 1039ajeLa)«BMJ,N. Pole P< B utton 734-5972 ____ Up 1-800-536-5185 ------:------AIMII work Is gi«rBnt*®dl__ Twin Falls. 1083301 FrM<(•••taMteionupawnrtg HONEY DO, INC.Il 1»x\ HONEY DO. INC. " DAWSON I Nojobtoosmalll “'rs.sr.ir^' < BB BOOKKEEPING Call DEWEYTUBBS 543-4934 W m i S E R V IC E » fiucets, roof repair, doors, ROORNQ & Secrelitcrelary & ofHce support. ^days free. ALAN'S Genera] Carpentry A-t DRYWALL 7( d r ^ ls . elc, etc. Word Processing, COATINGS Wo: Remodels • New Drywall installation, taping & 15years experience 733-7221 Data entry, (Cannoi be useded witll otlier discounts. OffiiKer applies to constnjction • Specialty lextufing. 16 yrs experience. 543.6349 o r J,We do whal you cant doi Corlommerdal. industrial, oesh)esk to p publishing decks, patios, patio covers, Jobs large or small. 1.800-750^9 Free E stim atesl resl}sldential. Buildup roofs. 7 3 6 -7 2 5 7 private porl)orty real estole for sale adsids only.) carports, shods. Small jobs Greg L o ^ ^ o w n e r Call 734-3322 Let.eaks repaired In 24 hrs. Trapairs, 734-3244

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'______DEMiD LIN ES: ^ J ' 3 T h e T B TOMER U N E A D : I A^CUSI x _ 3 : 0 0 PMM . D A Y P R IO K K — f J s E R V VICE D I S P l A Y AU t > ; . r tETTiPffnSiMTH ^H L 543-^1648 •» FFILER 3 2 6 -5 3 7 5 t 33^i3fi CArt«*U3M-U3J - V- JEROMI>ME/HAGERMAN- 3 warnW AYS finiOR r»-un BURIEY/R(/RUPERT 678-2552 • GOOCOpiNGAVENDEa 536-2535

-■ V ■ A ------1 S..

c r Thursday. Fobruary 1010.1994 ,Timos-Now6. Twinrin FFails. Idaho C-3

LegalS’Aniinouncemeents 7.

GAL NOTICE 3AL NOTICE LEGASATRgTrC^-LEG^tCT0TrCE7~XEGAritTN O TIC E— LEGAL NOTICE LlLEGAL NOTICE J_ELEGALNOTICE l eEGAL g NOTICE LEG lE G fi JE IS HEREBY . s-oxammo witnossos j in Ir subm itting a bid w iTNES od at tho addross IN TWE DISTRICT rGREENWOOD. STONE & GIGIVEN that tho undor- mborty. ID 83341 tda. Adams. Blaino. (oal ot 1 thot tho undo- COURT O F THE FIFTH ^ signod is counsol for tho 10 event thal tho mot- {?>; ^d® od, and lilod with TRAINOR . . slfl UBLrSH: Thursday. ^*0wforo Iho Court Is go- Comas,as. Canyon. _ Bm oro, ,his 10th10th doy olJonu.ry, i j S S ” the Court »'3ned has ha boon ap- JUDICIAL DISTRICT O F Russon F G. Kvanvig PoPorsonal Roprosontativo j ^ o r y 3. 10 arKJ lV. I, Gooding. Lincoln. 1994, porsonal ropro- THE STATE O F IDAHO. A of tho abovo-namod os- to bo contostod. iho gom, C ,Yi«;3th day of. P O W P - Attorneys for Porsonol of 1ng Shan bo reschod- Owyho'hoo. Payotto. and r q b eERTRI FORT y * ™ ," vo of Iho above- IN AND FOR THE T pRoprosontativo ' taltato. All persons having docodont An por- ■ IN THE DISTRICT d on a f u tu re d a to Washlni I boan Coats hS? COUNTY OF pP.O. Box 83 " d*daims againtl tho wkJ dp. • having claims DOURT OF THE FIFTH n tho Court cakKidor havo a IT v b oORN° AND RAY- TWINFALLS ,7Twin FoUs. Idaho 63303- cocoasod aro roquirod to, WJi ra'arcSiS the docodont ot alkiw suffldonl timo for pnots li< MAGISTRATE DIVSION 00083 pnprosoni their daim s within juDlUDlClAL I DISTRICT OF" w'n all. ilo are roquirod to Cow No. SP-94-14 7T o lo p h o n o : 2 0 8 - 7 3 3 - lotfour (4) months attof the tfHE'STATE h e OF IDAHO, artios to bo heard. tact M . RAYBOBN thoir daim s within TED this 3rd day of Goodinid i™ C o .,n V ^ C S o f STUB^B'^ B l^ 9^_K K E RE R S S H H A A w W 'i- . fBB , NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2721. 2 dadato of tho first publication .• !^IN AND FOR THE . DATE nths aftor tho doto In tho Manor of tho E stato p of this Nolico or said COUNTY OF Fobruiruary. 1994. fico. zfo 21 Unh^iiv-Avo., BSOWN PUBUSH: T h u rsd ay , Jan- of ^n|i, ld.hoorc.il B^BAH,A^RTaBROWNINO ?;°,Bo5, first pubrcoten of of: • Luaiy 27. Fobruary 3 and cloims cl will bo forovor TWIN FALLS By'Ru:Russoll Kvanvig Q oodii ico or said doims LARRY CRIPPEN 1 bant(d. Claims must oithor mWGISTRATEAC DIVISION Altonvrrwvs for Trustoo 934-84: arovor borrod. . 1 0 .1S94 ______bo BLtSH: Thursday, iniorma S.JD 83303 ™BI-IB,3;.o,i7.od24: Docoasod " bo presontod to tho undor- cos<3050 No. SP-88-6 PUBL LISH: T hurido/, J .rv s must bo pro­ I • INTHEDISTRICT ^ OTICE OF HEARING Fobnjiruaiy 10. 17 ond 24, othorr?o"uni'J?i"Siro. Estato of Lorry Crippon ___ COURT O F THE FIFTH signod ol tho addross in*- n OTI Kb|120,27ondF.«u., to tho undorsignod Pfobato No. S P -M -14------catodr or filod wilh tho-|n,R ro o ------1993.3. availabi THE DISTRICT— S S lSaw ,* , offico of Paula JUDICIAL DISTR CT O F ' lAGIC VALLEY CHIL. IN ^TO F T H E FIFTH NOTICE IS HEREBY THE STATE OF IDAHO, C ^ tork of tho C o u rt . m a g IN THE DISTRICT ™°BUC PL NOTICE- Sindair. 303 Shos- DATED this 20th doy of dREN’S r q MEDICAL FUND COU3URT OF THE FIFTH sEECTION C l 504 GRIEV- . 'NIN T THE DISTRICT nSiVna:IAL DISTRICT OF . h S ^ SL t North.N( P.O. Box GIVEN that tho undor- IN AND FOR THE, lURT O F THE FIFTH . •Ignod has boon ap- ^JOTICE IS H E R E B Y JUDIDICIALDISTRICTOF a,NCENC PROCEDURE COIJR 5TATE OF IDAHO. - 2 3 2 2 Tw Twi in F a lls . ID COUNTY OF JoR0Y?T!flELl0N^ft BARI- J (° E IE STATE OF IDAHO. Pursmrsuant to-SocUon 504 ^OICI)ICIAL DISTRICT OF ’ pointod Personal Ropro- TWIN FALLS 2 ilVEN.lhat: THE ESTATE O F IDAHO. '^ AAND t FOR THE ^ i 2 3 2!322, 2 and filod with NI-GARCIA Tho IN AND FOR THE of tho F tonlatlve of tho abovo* MAQlSTFtATE DIVISION g Tho tnjEloo has filod a Ih w RohabDlmtton Act of COUNTYOF Kto^ofk of tho Court, By/Broni H. NIolson poiiij, COUNTY OF 1 9 73 3 ;and amended in 'N/IN AND FOR THE ' ^ . namod docodont. All por-' (C aso No. SP-94-1 ^ olilion wilh tho nbovo-on- DATED this 22nd doy of sent having claims 1 tlod Court for approval ol TWIN F A U S 197aaond1986. a olldtizons if lo.SP 94-32 Januorv J 9 191 9 4 » NOTICE TO CREDITORS ■?5;r.;.^Lh«e3303. ’!■ r . ;o no. SP-94-90 a re horobyho notlfiod that S fV l? ^ against tho docodont or[ In1 tho Manor ol tho Estato 10 annual accounting. Caso E O F HEARING j^hn'pl^VrmTrautmonn his ostato aro roquirod to ho hearing Is sol lor NOTKTICE TO CREDITORS ,ho City Ci! ol Hollislor hos : MATTER OF THE pnn o n alll RoRoprosontativo NOBLE K„»„ THE ESTATE OF prosont Ihoir d a im s within^ ' HILOHED1 NELSON g, hursday, tho 10th day of IN T plod a Griovonco Pro- ICE TO CREDITORS nON FOR NAME PUBUSH:SH: Thursday, PUBLISH: T h u r« lsy . Jon- y o re CILE STAFFORD coduri bur (4) monihs ottof tho> Docoasod ^ larch, 1994. at o.m. CEC^ luro tor citizens who "I c h a n g3E e BY: Fobruaryy 110. 17 ond 24, dato ot tho first pulillcaiion uary 27, Fobruary 3, 10 t Iho courtroom of ino WATl■TTS, fool thoy th havo boon dis- ^ HANSON 1994 ’ NOTICE TO CREDITORS “ancfl7..199i ------of this notico or said^ E itato ot M^drod Nolson. 2! bovo^jnlitlod Court ot Iho linalod against on tho „ Politionor ------IGAL NOTICE O TIC E IS h'SIS? a ™ 1-ETKEY . B „,. clolms will bo forovor^ Docoasod INTHEDISTRICT Courlounty C ourthouse In tho NOI Isofdisobility. v io l e t Docoasod oord of Twin Falls barrod. Cloims must oiihor COURT OF THE RFTH Clounty o u of Twin Falls. GIVE/EN that the under- a rosponsiWo roe employoo f Probato No. SP-94-1 , nod has boon ap- k-, k, >TICE i s h e r e b y HANSON Commissioners bo prosontod to tho undor- JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF smiflimio of Idaho, os duly or- slgni a public hearing ' NOTICE IS HEREBY ‘ mod Porsonal Ropro- pil EN that the undor- sianod a t tho addross Indl-'* GIVEN, th a l First Socuriiy THE STATE O F IDAHO, donxlorod by said Coun lor pointi lod has boon op- Po"* .ruory 16. 1994 at calod, or lllod with tho ; IN AND FOR THE hoorilooring said Petition. so nItatlve ti of the obovo- m. i “ Bank of Idoho. N.A. has nod ostalo. All persons nod porsonal ropro- i.m. In tho County Clork of tho C o u rt 1boon appoinlod* porsonal COUNTY OF DATI)ATED this 25ih day of namo ta t iv o o f lh o ^ ib o v o Twin FalfS tltS k - -ing claims ogoJnst tho ising a chonoo in Commissi;Issionors Cham- PAMELA MCCLELLAN roprosontativo of tho TWIN FALLS Jonuonuary, 1994. .havini iTaWo on r a r e s t or in- « d docodont AU por- i 761 Addison Avonuo MAGISTRATE DIVISION s5T T E EPH A N , KVANVIG. doeocx )* n l oro roquirod to " 'io X s m ay bo fnado to to GARY 17AC bors. 42!425 Shoshono abovo-namod docodont. ■ sont Ihoir claims within North. Twin Falls, Twin Falls, ID B3301 All persons having claims; ProbatoI Caso No. 6P q3REENWOOD, r e STONE & pfoso City Olfico by calling s o n s iS , hos boon filod in Strool Nort PUBUSH: Thursday, Jan­ against tho docodonl or• 94-249 TfV\■RAINOR r 1(4) monihs aftor tho ^ore8)655-4225. agains »vo entitled Court. Idaho. AtAt th that mooting tho will approve a uary 27. Fobaiaiy 3 and I NOTICE TO CREDITORS by/R.y/Russoll Kvanvig cJoto0 of mo'first publication ff, and Ada County I of: Fobr•obruary 3, 10 ond 1/. banoTod. Claims m ust oiihor tholrIr situalionsi and onti-ds- dote of Potltlonor will bo County an COURT OF THE FIFTH dato of Iho first publication 0 this notico or soid oney Modical Sor- JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF of this notico or saidJ A ANNA MARIE FRIES ^ 199^! 9 9 i______bopr.prosontod to tho undor- crimlrunlnotfon laws. II it op- o hie on tho 8th day ol Emergonc; r Docoasod ------ITS the individual is a . c lo im1ms s will bo forovor . ® 1994. at tho hour v Ic o s aond m Twin Falls THE STATE O F IDAHO., cloims will bo forovor IN THE DISTRICT signonod and at tho officos poors . This agroomont Is r NOTICE IS HEREBY cc Bonolt. /Uoxandor, Sin- victimim of inogol discrimino- b o rrorod. d Claims musl bo 3 A.M.. In tho court- County. Thi IN AND FOR THE bonod. Clelmt must oithor , COURT OF THE FIFTH ol Bc u n te d bolh to tho un- purchaso of a 1984 bo presontod to tho undor-. C GIVEN th a l th o u n d o r- JUDICIAL JT,, DISTRICT OF c lailrr lr H arw o o d ft H igh. tion.1. tho t designot^ em- prownt of tho abovo ontiUod for tho pure COUNTY OF yoo will discuss tho var- dorsigntioned al tho addross 1350 om balanco for TWIN FALLS slgnod at tho addross Ind^. s slgnod havo boon ap- THE -m STATE OF IDAHO, 1265 :2nd Avo. North. Twin ployoo in Twin Falls. Twin P « ^ 3 “ ) pointed co-personal ropro* ts options which aro ln'*icplIcalod. and filed with County. Idaho, and *2,000 0^and a two m an cot MAGISTRATE DIVISIONi catod. or filed with tho p IN AND FOR THE Falls,Ils, Idaho 83301. or filed lo u s < 00 by Twin Falls -sonlativos of iho above- h tho Court. a villa ail! b lo to ro so lv o tho «ho CloClork of tho Court nhlnrtiorions moy bo filod by fo r $ 2 0 0 1 C asa No. SP -M -IB Ctor1( of th o C ourt » COUNTY OF with 1 \TED this 14th doy of ;y fo r u s o by th o 5 STEPHAN, KVANVIG.. nnamod cJocodont. AH por- TWIN FALLS FIRS1ST SECURITY BANK compl-nplolnt ' DATE ^ o n w ho Con. in C o u rity fc NOTICE TO CREDITORS uary. 1994. objoctions. show to Casllofprjford Quick Ro- l sons hovine claims MAGISTRATEm a DIVISION OF• IIIDAHO Mayoryor of Hollister, Idaho Januorj In t t e M s ^ o f l h o E state» GREENWOOD, STONE ft 9 9tlaMartizia Couourt a good roason sponse ( Ur Unit Tho ambu- TRAINOR'------aagainst tho docodonl-or- 3asoNo.-SP-93-498 By/s/rs/DanLoonoy ...... P.UBLfBLISH: Thursday, Lorotig iruorvIO , 1994. RAYB'YBORN AND RAY- it sue* a change in lanco andand c o t a re boing...... AUSTIN UOORE Russoll G. Kvanvig 0ostato aro roquirod to ^OT'JOTICE TO CREDITORS Porsirsonal Roprosontativo Fobnti , Twin Foils County 1 prosoni tholr doim s with^Ji inn ththo Matter of tho Estato ot ththo Estaio of Cocilo puBlUBLIC NOTIFICATION soM to Tw D o co ^ o. Box 321 ih;« igii8th day of January. w lS o r^vicos. D ocoasod ol this Notico or said NOTICEn o ' TO CREDITORS Fobnbruoxy 10, 17 a n d .24. pgrgijrsuant to. Soction 504 n Falls, ID 83303-0321 "994 F. Fraloy. Twin Fans. ID 83303-0083 =claims will bo, forovor g Probato No. SP-94-19 Ealalo ol Earl Bamos. 19949 £ ______of thoIho Rohabllitalwn Act ol iyOg.ri ion Y Tolophono: 208-733-■ [ barred. Docoasod 11. 73 os om ondod in 1978 BUSH: Thursdsy, Jon- r q b ER'•RT FORT. CLERK C ^lrm im NOTICE IS HEREBY INVITATION TO BID 1973 1 y 27. Fobnwry 3 or 10. 5^/1571.isioO'Brian PUBLISHISH: Thursday, Claims must oithor bo Probate pr No. SP-93-498 tvq0 ,Magic Valloy Rogtonal ondi 1986, 1 oil d d io n s aro GIVEN that Doan A. PUBUSH: Thursday, Jan- , ______Deputyy (Clorit Fobnjarytfv 3 S o n d 10. 1994 Mooro has boon ap- : prosoniod to tho undor- - ncNOTICE IS HEREBY )dicol Center will rocoivo horecroby notlfiod thot Iho ; uary 27, Fobrua/y 3 and * INTHEDISTRICT P lTb .ISH:LI! Thursday, l EGALEGA NOTICE pointod porsonal ropro- ^ slgnod a t iho addross indi-, GIVENq iv that Anthony E. aled writton bWs for ono Cityy of c Hollister doos nol ^ JN 10.1994.______- : cotod, ot John M, Molan- Bornes Bor has boon ap- . d m in o to on tho basis COUIOURT OF THE FIFTH Fobmariary 3. 10. 17. and Tho Idahcdaho Dopartmont of sontotivo ol tho obovo- 1 Modical film procossor. dis&lr IDICIALDISTRICTOF 24.199^ nd G am e is seeking IN THE DISTRICT son. , Attorney nl Law. IM pointod poii porsonol ropro- ' '0 (1) each Siorilo Pro- 0 disobility cSs in tho admis- JUDIC [ 9 i______Fish ond C namod docodont AU per­ HE STATE OF IDAHO. iN ^ ono to shorocrop ■r COURT OF THE RFTH |North Broadway, Buhl., sonlativo son of Iho abovo- sslng ^tom , and ono s onfl or 1 troatmenl or om- THE! I THE DISTRICT s o m o o n o sons having claims .-JUDlClALDISTRiCTOF_.| namod-docodonL-AILpor^^y-^® lymonl. in . its., program s_____ |NIN AND FOR THE cOURJRT OF THE FIFTH w heat o e lt \ Hagormon Wi|d------ogainsl tho docodont or- -■ldaho,-and-G lod .with .lho_-.nan (o o ch e astroscopo u n til- ptoym ° l THE STATE OF IDAHO. ,Clorkol tho Court sorsons having claims activities. COUNTYOF------juD IClICIALDISTRICTOF— Iifo"Manoginogom enrAroorln------h5 ostato oro roqulmd to i:45 a.m . MST on Tuos- o r a t t lod ponies should ,? INArJDFORTHE DATED: | January 21. agoagainst tho docodonl or ly. Fobmary 22.1994, at A CCity C oundi mombor TWINFALLS THESTATE S' OF IDAHO, lo r o s to d j prosont tholr d a im s within so No. SP-94-26 INM /N D F O R T H E c o n ta ccl t FFrank DoShon. L" COUNTY OF 1994. hish S ostato oro rocpjifod to “9 »• olfico of tho Adminis- tho th« City of Holllstor has C ase r four (4), m onths aftof tho^ TWIN FALLS DONNA 1 MARIE PEHR- proiprow nt tholr daim s within ™ on d o slg n o lo d by th o NOTICmCE TO CREDITORS COUNTY c OF R e g ional n a l'Wildlilo H abitat data of ttio first puWicatiM nor. Mogic Volloy Ro- boon lor or Bin Gorgon. ^ MAGISTRATE DIVISION SON < toutfour (4) monihs ohor iho y to assist in ossuHng (I.C.:. 15-3-801)IS TWIN T FALLS M anager 1 ol this notico or said onol Modicol Contor. tho Manor ol tho Esinto [ul Habluil Bidoglsl i ‘! C aso No. SP 93 00793 M |RT # 1 1028 CROW dolldolo of tho first publicnlion Q'®'^0 . Box 409, 650 AdcS- comp'mpllanco with Rohabili- In tho 1STRATE DIVISION R ifiP ™ ' ' claims will bo forovor° NOTICE TO CREDITORS• CREEK, ROAD ' oof f , Ihls nolico or said lion Act roqulromonts ol: No. SP-93-13 glc Valloy Rogion barrod. Claims musl oithor in Avonuo West, Twin lolio' ,8 6 8 East Main, Jer- “ n tho Mattor of tho Estato0 AFTON. WY cclaims la will bo forovor ■ Ills; ID 83303-0409. tolo- e nid d to t p ro v id e c itiz e n s BERN!RNICEMcKILLP 3E OF HEARING bo prosontod to iho undor- of WILUAM GLEN FRIES banod. b ar Claims must oithor ih infonnation and/or as- Docoasod ,u_ Mattor of Id 83338 by 15 Feb- sianod a t tho addross indi- lono (208) 737-2102. All w'th >' 1994. VEDA AUCE M IUER 1 8 N 6 0 0 W bo Iprosontod 10 iho undor- ds will bo publicly slstaritanco rogarding thoso NOTOTICE IS HEREBY ipuEp'SECONOMIC EDUCA- ruary. 199 catod, orfllodwith tho VEN that tho undor- -noN TI Doporimonl of Fish f’® Docoasodd BLACKFOOT. id 83321 slgislgnod at tho addross indi- )oriod and road aloud at rMuirauiroments. G>VE TRUST ''laho Dof Ctork of tho C ourt Q NOTICE IS HEREBY' PUBLISH: T hursday, Jon- calod. c o l or filod wilh tho ho dosignalod porson signejnod has boon op- nOTIiriCE IS HEREBY and Gomeiomo STEPHAN. KVANVIG, 1 K»a.m . MST. Tuosdoy. The M. Contoy uary 27. February 3 ond Clork clor of tho C ourt cnbi poinicinlod porsonal ropro- qivENN. that: M. C jboiory 22. 1994, in tho Is: ntotivo of tho obovo- or 10.1994.______S TSTEPHAN. i KVANVIG. [h Wost Conforonco Ms.V5. Wanda Griggs sonto trustoo h as fitod 0 192 Main Strool namotmod doco^nt. All por- sn wilh tho abovo-on- oon n.i Nollisr^ ' IN THE DISTRICT GREENWOOD, GRi STONE & 00m ol tho MorfMMi Cen- 2392 inol Supervisor f Hollisjllistor. Idaho 83301 s on n s s h o v in g c la im s tiiiort Court c< for approval of COURT OF THE FIFTH TRAINOR TW tor ainst tho docodont or : Valtoy Region by/Ru»soll G. Kvanvig [ng,,stmctions to biddors. bid PUBUBLISH; Thureday, egoin mnuol accounllng. V^gkVd VAAO JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF byff ) ostato arp roquirod w yu l,, 10. IdtAo______THE STATE OF IDAHO. Mtoroeys for Porsonal gpoDocifications and bid Fobnibnjon/ 10.1994. tho ob hooring Is sol lor Joromo.j< Roprosontativo (onr jsonl tholr daim s withm -rhufgd^iday. tho 17th day of NOTIC)TICE OF PUBUC IN AND FOR THE Rop m s moy bo obtained by .qwDVERTISEMENT FOR Cf®,;jr months aftor iho dalo HEARING wra* COUNTY OF P.O. P.O Box 83 callilllng Marc Harrison at h. I994..al.930 a.m. H RO! BID of tho the lirst publication of City of Twin FaUs will Twin Falls. Idaho 63303- (go,>08)737-2019. Instruc- >0 courtroom of tho Tho City TWIN FALLS Tv/ii oolod bWs will bo ro- ,h i,s Nobcon or saw daim s bovon: ) application lor on MAGISTRATE DIVISION 0080083 ' iomjns to biddors indudo oil EKmtiHod Court at tho mako ap Ivod by tho Socrotary- 1 bo forovor barrod. CountyIty Courthouso in the Idaho> CommunityCo Dovol- Caso No. SP94-25 TolTolophono: 208-733- j^Itiatut0 7 bidding roquiio- S *oasuror '" for Dormitory c q :|nlms| | must bo pro- ^3nly . of Twin Fells, opmont■nt B Block Gmni in tho NOTICE TO CREDITORS 272 lonls contoirwd in Title u q■using j . Commission ot ,ontoc PUBLISH: Thursday, 3°^ ntod 10 tho unsigned I of 1 Idaho, as duly or- am ountjnt ol $350,000. In tho Mattor ol tho Eslolo PU 1, Chaptors 36 and 40, 9 Collogo r of Southern tho 0, addross indlcotod, 5 ! ^ ® : I Hots. Fobnia;y 3, 10 and 17, i by said Court for Thoso9 fundstu will bo uti- RedI of' Fob laho Codo. iho. at Iho Administra- nndd filedfil with tho Clork ol no said Potition..Only l lz o dI toto construct new MARJORIE LYNARD ^ 1993.m -______Mailogic Valloy Regional Sn r? Olfieo for the Collogo ,ho Ci Docoasod n (15) minutos have roads,s. ccurb and gutter, IN THE DISTRICT Moilodlcal Contor reserves Southern Idaho tocalod date(■Sethis 20th day ol JJJ’n.i wktoning, w ater lino NOTICE IS HEREBY COURTOF c( THE FIFTH theto right to waivo Inogular- 1 ollocotod by tho rood wkk 315 Falls Avonuo. Twin jo n y a rt lor this hearing, construetruction ond power GIVEN that tho undor- juJUDICIAL DISTRICT OF idosios ond rojoct ony or oil Jls, Idaho 83303. Fobnj- potricii" J ^ ’Leo^4ckort jxtonsnn ond a level signod has boon ap-,. THE•!> STATE OF IDAHO, bidt ino wishing to contost lino oxter iMts. y 11. 1994 until 2:00 puBLJBLISH: T hur«Jsy, Jan- jrt«»oding must pro- 2 onvlroivironmenlal assess- S ^ l pointed personal ropro- ■J Magic Valloy Roglonol '' IN AND FOR THE It/ M. for tho Trado Con- unry : within tho proposed; sontatlvo of tho abovo- COUNTY OF Mocatod ruinwd docodont. Al! per­ ■ TWIN F A a S Dotlote January 14.1994 SI Dormitory Addition. ------|j: isw eekcot •UBLISH: Thursday Janu- ’ IN THE DISTRICT K '*s' prior wrinon notico botwoonoon Wright Avonuo Live it up,! sons hping claims C ch! ase No. SP-94-32 . PUI lich win thon a n d . Ihoro . q q l against tho docodont or pe and Fobrumy 10, JO U R T O F T H E F IR H „f ,holilOir Intent to produce end EWri.Eklrklge Avonuo, oast. PETITION FOR NAME ay 3 oponad.and publicly jjjqiUDICIAL DISTRICT OF jnco ond cross.-exom- • of EasflaiisHond Drivo South. . her ostate aro roquirod to CHANGEq u 199 ad aloud. Btds-rocoivod -me prosont Iheir doim s within i». ■HE STATE OF IDAHO. ^ witrntnossos. In tho event A pubiKlublic hooring' vrill bo IN THE MATTER OF THE INVITATION | TO BID lor tho time fIxod for IN AND FOR THE * 0. thi which will Indudo a; lour (4) monihs after tho . PETITIONp c FOR NAME Soalod Sc proposals will bo tho matter boloro iho hoW. whx wnlng wUI nol bo consld- COUNTYOF SSurt1 is going to bo con- reviewow 1of (0) how pro-, ' date of tho first publicotion ocoivod tjy tho BoarcJ of S CHANGE BY: roo TWIN FALLS toslodid, tho hearing shall p o so d ai of Ihls notico or said id actlvltlos will ad-' GARY HANSON. Tm•rusloos. Joint Hogern^n odo Contract No. 12- MAGISTRATE DIVISION go ros minmut - claims will-bo-lorovor.r?------...... - Potitonor - Sd5diool-6i6tricl 233 at th o ._ ^ ‘ •oschoduiod on a hJ- d r e s s ththe noods ol the. barrod. Claims must oithor ^ w»ool District Offico. 324 ^ ttse No. SP93-76d ' turo diito' whon tho Court communiinunity; (b) how pro-- II COMES NOW GARY sd ■ndar will allow suffi- p o s o d a inliiini bo prosontod to tho u n ^ - HANSON'ond u . polillons NoJorlh Socond Avonuo., a_. OTICE TO CREDITORS calonc )d activities will bo. I timo for all portjos to fundedid aand tho sourco of signod at tho oddross Indi- this C ourt pursuont to Ti- Hoihogonnan. Idaho 83332. -r^,■ado Conlract No., 16- tbo Manor of tho'Estato aoni H Sponsored by ttw Natiotational Highway Trallic Safety c a lo d . o r f l lo d w ith th o jV''Ilo 7, Choplor 8. Idoho ummci 8:00 p.m. ^ v ^ l l n g pom, bo hoo »; (c) dato tho oppiica- t e d ' this 2nd day of S o ^ wwill ifn bo subminod; (d); Ctork of tho Court rCode, - for an onJer chang- lococal Iimo. on Monday, 9ians?spodficolions. and PHIUHILUPaASLETT DATE Admintstralion and your:our Stale Highway Safety Office Docoasod Fobnic jnt ol ICDBG funds, ing h s namo from GARY c^obnjary , 2S, 1994 for: 'formimis of contract rnoy bo ?^?a'ArKVANVlG. - r iostod: o (o}osllmaled - 3M!TEil'iy»^Nw^ HANSON to GARY IZAC. lOTICE TO CREDITORS S T E P Tho constnjction of a oxantamlnod a t the offieo of NOT! :ENWo 6 d . s t o n e 4 ™‘’r'{ionIon o l th e ICDBG'. FLORESFL and allogos os •stato of Phillip G. Aston. GREE CLASSROOM ADDI- tho10 dorkc ond al tho offico docoasod TRAINilNOR Hindss requested roi that will------j foilfollows; I the constnjction manog- ______^------!l------TION to tho Hagom tan ol IN Proboto No. S P 93-760 by/Ruilu ssd l G. Kvanvtg benefitifit personspi of tow and- 1. That his iruo (\amo Is Etomontary School. or.r. OmiondC Builders. Inc, Pro moys for Trustoo modorato GARY HANSON, that ho p, 'JOTICE IS HEREBY Atomi arato incomo; ond. (0. proposals will bo oponed ldahlans, spodfications. pro- BuikuikJors. Inc.. Idoho Falls. for roviow. ‘Judgment Is not upoaw aall occasioas NORTH i-a-K ^ Jaho upon a rofundable nameamod docodonl. All por- cOUDURT OF THE FIFTH abtoforr 30sal fonns and othor In- Idah ) funds oro authorized: reauired, but dJscreUonJon always is.’ ♦ J 7 5 2. 2 Thot bo is 0 natural oposlt of.$250.00 por s o t »o o nm s h a v in g c la im s JUDIDICIAL DISTRICT OF Tho fun lormatlon ara on fik> ot tho dope gainst Iho docodont or THEIE STATE O F IDAHO, by Iho th o Dopartmont of- ^L o rd■d C Chesler/ieJd. ▼ K 9 6 bom to dtizon of Iho Unltod Allowing ? locations: Tho Thi Board of Trustees ogol Statos. .having boon bom ^ Is ostato aro roquirod to IN ih AND FOR THE Housingslng a n d Urban Dovel-- ♦ 10 4 Sb Nolwirth-Laughlin. Archl- reso» orvos Iho rkjhi to r^o c t 0 COUNTYOF .. opmontont ActJ of 1974. on August 20. 1976 ot ny or all bfds and to Pfe«rosont Ihoir doim s within locts , . a n y TWIN F A a S A heartlonrtng boloro tho City, ♦ A J 9 7 4 M o g lc ^/allo y M om orial i®' foivo Informalitios. x jr (4) nw nlhs attor Iho 1139 Fans Avo. E Suite A waiv lata of tho first publication MAGVGISTRATE DIVISION Coundlndl has t»oon schod-- A decent break inn today'st club H(Hospital In Twin Fnlls. Twinj Falls. Idaho 83301 No No bidder may withdraw data Twin Fans County. Idaho. Z if this nolico or said Case10 No. S P 94-64 UtodI for for Wodnosday. Fob-: suit would have meaileant an easy WEST , EAST T» (208)736-8050 hisils ^ bkJ aftor tho hour sol of tl y 16. 1994. a t 5:00- 3. Thai Potitionor's noar X Iho oponing thoroof. or clla ah im s w ill bo fo ro v o r nOTIITICE TO CREDITORS ruary H gam e for South. Howevtfever, given the 4 3 2 ♦ Q 6 < - rolallves are his father. , oforo award of contract tarrttfirrod. Claims m usl oiihor (|,C. 115-3-801) P.M.. inin IhoI C oundl Cham-- y. h e h a d good ▼ 2 ▼ A Q J 1 0 7 5 Assodatod Gonoral Con- befo 10 prosontod to tho undor- In ihoho Manor of tho Estato bors! ol of City Hall, located: bidding and the play, t Gory R. Hanson. 1095 tractors ~ unlotnloss said opening is do- w P' itthcsultwould • ♦K Q 8767 6 2 ♦ J 5 3 R,Rollins Hill. « 1, U k; ™ lyod for a period oxcoed- signiignod ot tho oddross indi- ol 0 1 3 2121 1 S o c o n d A v o n u o . reason to suspect that th IIO N . 2 7 ih S t loye NNETHV. BARNETT Eastt in in Twin Foils. Both- _ * 10 8 5 2_1 4 3 HtHavasu City. Arizona, and ” ■n thl^ (30) days cotelo to d . o r filo d w ith th o KEN^ ...... notbrealL...... Boiso, Idaho 83702 Ir^J :k»rk of tho Court . Docoasod wriilonton and verbal com-! - ...... hi• his molhor. Esporanza (206)344-2531------POE>OBLISH; T tiursdsy, J o n - : Ctori E ^ t won his heartf t :10 aind read Floros of Jackpot. Novada. . V . r • - - • uarylarv 27. February 3 and DELDELSAASLETT NO'OTICE IS HEREBY montswIts will bo occoptod un-. SOUTH PUBLISH: S Thursday, >orsonal Roprosontativo GIVEVEN That tho undor- bl Iho10 c closo ol tho moet-- . the position accurately^ ly . He caihed .. Intonnountain Contractor i0;i9 9 4 .______Pers 4 A K 10 9 3 Fobruoiy eJ 3. 10. 17 and 1201 Modrona Strool slgmined has boon op- itM. his h eart ace and led1 aca n o th e r h e a rt 415 N. Curtis Road IN THE DISTRICT intod Porsonal Ropro- The 0Ci Council Chambers: ▼ 8 4 3 24.1994. 24 ______^ COURT OF THE FIFTH ^drth ' • point for West to rulf. Westest exited with Boiso. Idaho 83706 CC fwin Foils, ID 83301 sontintotivo o'l th e o b o v o - aro hanhandcappod .occossi-' ♦ A 9 IN THE DISTRICT (208)377-5272 S _ JUDICIAL JU DISTOICT OF TTOd docodont. All por- bkj nndond an Inlorprotor ter^ his diamond king to Sou'South’s ace , a n d ...... COURT OF THE FIFTH THE STATE OF IDAHO. CCRABTREE W ft CARLSON - ruimo ♦ K Q 6 ...... J VONTE B, CARLSON hooring Impaired will. ' South's main problemun was to pick JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF IN AND FOR THE 5 ^ ns "having claim s^ A ssodatod G.C. \nomoy lor Estate „_nifainst the docodont or ^ P^’.’fprovkJod a l the moot-* I , up trumps.. Vulnerable:)le: Bolh THE T STATE OF IDAHO, fPlan Room COUNTY ' OF TWIN ^tWi . All inform aiion p ro -; IN AND FOR THE K s.O. Box 2497 SS, «ostato oro roquirod to '''O- He cashed his tnim]imp ace. led a Dealer EasSast South Bluo Lakos rwin Fans. ID 83303-2497 tod In tho hearing will. COUNTY OF STwin Falls. Idoho 83301 W ■sent their doim s within ' s Jack and took The biddingIng: MAGISTRATE DIVISION PUBLISH: T hursday, dan-- , 1 bo available upon od-' low club to dummy’s Ja TWIN FALLS l i 3a80N0.SP-93^ r (4) months after tho (208)734-7526 . Cot jory 27. Fobnjary 3 and a ot the first publicatioo CO roquost In a form: the trum p finesse. LucLuckily It won, East Soulh Soi Well , -North MAGISTRATE h DIVISION ''iA,bldbor>d in the amount aAMENDEDM NOTICE OF iblo by persons with- Case No. SP-8S-292 p, 10. ISM .______of ththis Notico or said but th at w as the endI of the luck. He 2 2 4 Pass' 3 ♦ C of 5% of the total bid hHEARING b ilms will bo forovor Jeart^ring or visual impair-; amount. Induding any add |nIn thet Matter ol ihe Namo INTHEDISTRICT clalr drew the la st trum p an(a n d in te n d ed to P o s s 4 4 All pass NOTICE N OF HEARING a r COURT OF THE FIFTH bano In tho Matter of tho EsUtlo alalternates. Is roquirod. cht 3al'o Wolnkopf. Mayor : run the clubs, but when wbt East dis- Ir JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF CTJfi^s la must bo prcj- ol LOUISE ROUGH PIPlans are avoilablo fremi: BmBfSI2>n Tristan O udos. JU itod-to tho undersigned 3 2 1Socond ^ Avonuo t o s t * carded, the suit wasas dead. South •weak two-bid ® Nolwirth-Laughlin, Archl- AKAMlnorChiW. THTHE STATE OF IDAHO, sonto Docoasod Ni IN AND FOR THE at ththo oddross indicated. P ^I.. ^ ^Box 1907 : tried to squcete Westat ini clubs and Openlriolng lead: Heart deuce NOTICE | IS HEREBY U> A petition by Brandon n Falls. Idaho 63303-- r tM Fans Avo. E Sulto A Trii COUNTYOF qndfd fitod with tho Court. diamonds, but East’s's diamondd jack ------— ■ ■■■ " GIVEN, G that: , 11 Tristan D udos. bom July ATED: This 31st day of ^ 717 . • Tvrin Fans, Idaho 83301 14.14. 1981, a t Sacram ento. TWIN FA U S DAI BUSH: Sunday. Fobru-. id South lo st one BIDID WITH TIlE ACES The Tnjsteo h a s fitod a Tv MAGISTRATE DIVISION Jonu.nuary. 1994. P^BLIS erased that hope, aod S< Potilion with tho abovo-cn- DDocuments moy bo ob- cal 8, 1994. and T h u rs- ck. . iW D 5 talnod by licensed gonoral Estato No. SP94-61 GEN•NEVA E. BARNETT ^E b ru ary 10, 1094 ' more mindr-suit trick. tWod court for approval of ta NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3366 ^7th Avonuo N. .To make the game,le, iSouth should South holdsId .: ' the ; annual accounting and c(contractors and by II- Ida QUEST FOR QU OTES- censed mechanical and jn In ihb matter ol tho EsUito Twinrin Falls. ID 83301 REOUE guard against a alngleUleton small club loos.The hearing is sotfor c( ir?r.'”S'B“rS°n K lolod proposals will bor ♦ Q 8 .4 FFriday, the 18th day ol olo loctrical su b c o n trac to rs TrfiTristan Barton has. b«on of: oivod by BoRy W ooten.; . with East And becau:nuse East bad j I d EAN COATS , t mSoK ! '^^t..!.. -Sis » A<} J-IO 7-5— ------K-March. 1994. at 9:00 hifrom the architect for o.ro- (Uoifiind In th a abovo enlitlod >• JBLISH; Thursday, at t^ho o offico of South Con-- fundablo deposit of coicourt, tho roason for _the Docoasod puE shown six h earts anddh'adtohaveat h'l o 'd ^ a.m. at tho coun- fu NOTICE IS HEREBY pobrfcruary 10. 17 ond 24, tral I CcCommunlly Action- ♦ J5 S o $100.00. A Public Works chchango in nomo boing n least two spades, for9r'th I e gam e to room ol the abovoontiHod $' G IVEN th a l th e u n d o r- 1994ift4 A o enoney. c P.O. Box 531.1 court at tho Counly-Couft—-Coniraclott-UcansoJof. C mother mo i»-fomanfed.-Tho—p n 5-Shoshone 8t.,-Twin- m ake, U w as'bdds-ots-on that West S tho Stote ol Idaho roquirod nainam o o fth e potitkjnor'sfa- slgnod *19 hos~boon op- 1IN THE DISTRICT J®,;®.!; houso In Iho County of th pointed porsonal ropro- pQ:OURT OF THE FIFTH FoMlls *^ Idaho, until 11:00' would be th e one withith Ilo n g e r clu b s. ^ TVrin Fads. Stato ol Idaho, to bkl on this work. thether Is Jofiy McCtondon. Sooth ' - 1 sonlativo of tho abovo UDICIAL DISTRICT C F “ n. Mounloin Slondard. After winning hisis ddiamond ace , ^4 111 » , ...... J 0as duly ordered by sold Carol C M. Ainsworth. Ckirk SSacm a m onto. California. namod » o ' docodont. All por- % no on Fobruary 22.- Joint Hagerman School That tho C ourt will sign on THE ST W E OF IDAHO, j l " " and cashing one high{b trut m p , South ^ 4 7 . Court for hearing saW Po- ^ tons having claims " 94 for tho following. tition. Only thirty (30) min- District D 2 ^ oreorder dianging tho name IN AND FOR THE should lead bis clublb k in g to dufii- ■■ ■ -s against Iho docodont or ’ Utos have boon aRocalod Hageman, H Idaho 83332 onon Friday, tfie 25th day of ®p' ^ffK-WILL INCLUDE; i p fin esse foUows A N SW ER : PUBLISH: Thursday. Fob- hu estate aro roquirod to S to l ®®fk ray's ace. T be trum p fit R: Three hearts. Highly In- ^by tho Court for this hear- P February, 1994, at 9:00 ^prosontthelr daim s within >rk consists of tho dom-' ruarvSand 10.1994, o*< and trumps are drawn,wn. When South vlUUonal.al, promising a good six- |iIng. Anyone wishing to n o'clock a.m., and objec- P™tour (4) monihs aftor tho ion and romoval ol ono'. cashes his club queen,n.theposlUonls t card suit,t aand close-to-game values, ccontest tho proceeding INVITATK^NTOBID ttons tk>i m ust bo filed prior dalo of tho first publxailton sting pulso combustion- A S C S Is now a c c e p tin g ihciheroto by any person who | g E s . pt hot water boitor and; club finesse fol- must provido the Courl A of this notico or said 1 exposed. A simple clul bids tor IndivkJual counties cacan. In such objoctions, °J, I lumlshlng and Installa-- Cl qantloo* ta Tte Ac**. P.O.' Bax andt all Inlerestod pnitios. t> claims will, be lorovor IhtpLOUIS TRAUT- I"" lows, aod Instead of dotdow n one. South lu . T n u n m . wllb Mlf-cddroMd. vwith 40 hours'prior vrtltten for fc ooriol c o m p ila n c o ^ o - sh fr ^ produce ovidonce and 0 ■______I *

~ —:'":i ^ — ....."I" T, I ■ ’ / C-4 Timos-Nows. Tvsrtn Falls.. IdahoIdi Thursday, FobrutuyMO, 1C 1994______^ __ Real Estatee/Sale 101)1-502 — Legal& iAmi n: o u n c e m eents. i Employpyment-Finwancial-lnsstruction-R

VESTMEHTS ■ 5M HOME!4b33oom!^b5hr~ swing aggressive tool ite e n A ^ W Violdnw C o n tin u e d ina Black Chow, 4 monlhs Apartment ^ manager or man- Dataita entry o a most. 35 on u^ Grow loeklng a FT llvo-ln, [)oodofTn»lNoto*. living roonroom, fam ily room vpm soll-molivator. Mon- saloilestolomarkotlnglirm is aoel MCurodandln*urod. w lthllropliroplaco. new floor tion of ono now toolod ol3.™ < to. REWARD. ngor-s poshten avail, lor the wpm EXCELLENT nlgh1-«hl-weo\end. shaltor :ri'8 am to 1 pm. Call Opal lookioking tor highly moinmtod J [«erwB23i9R58.., ig s. A musl s e e lor cornbustion, gos firod rO aII 934-5985 RR ancho V orto A pis, in Fn 8 dividual* w^o can lollow OPPCRTUNfTY « m anagnagof, Incl*. room & narjusi (do. Call 738-2544. wQtar bollof. induding'con- Wondoll. Compensolkjn to irJudY “fJu 7 3 4 - 1 ^ . Indi\ ird-I-salary, musl havo ______------Vl dito^,*tovo. Plan* may bo obtolnod •- aiy 4 monthly hourly main- with wrt. typing skils 4 good ■, K'il b bo day limo hours In a 73»01iUllQO.I^.M-F. MOIDRTQAGES bath, dbl ca Ar« you Wnd of being tick tonanco paid. Training 10 porsonal skills. Irom tho lolkwrfng: *j& tVid? 20yoars of to- ” la san t alm osphoro. yard personpen 4 drtvor lor local - - McCluro Enalnooring start March 1. movo In daio CailMr.AIJonkins C • SoMIkt company noods lull 4 R'®uriywagepluscommis- *! ds.tmst deed*, pur- tem.nioelo^ I ocb E ^ I ^ . soarch has brought forth > irt-tlmorop8,inloinaiional ichum/Sun Valley lum- Cortrads 507 Wo*t Main March 5. Sond rosumo wilh _ 2324-6600 £ f lor jnlonnow. part'1 n.l^anintoUwo^ K I tsed wholo or part. al2UAvenUaM. Iho most complolo & woll lododonce.wuh growing yard. Class A CDL re- - c f ^ Twin Fnll», Idaho 83301 [ omploymont rols. lo: Prop- Partirt tim t o 28-30 hours per , •'»<) 9orson at Hearing Aid rod. *6-$10 an hour : W®VostOnoBank Rio.Showti balancod nutritional prod- <> vook, sQcrolary-rotail morlonthly safes, soetenroa ^ Punsolor*,2508Ad3ison ° ' uct£ in Iho wortd. Endorsed ..gony Manogofflont West. PO woo E. Call Robort or Jamoe , -800-772-4666 onlv^ - -• T\vln Fans Plan Room j ~ Box7S7;Hniloy.m^3^ lalos. salot must bo croallvo and rojMps, upward mobBity, bon- by lormor Surgeon Gonor- ^ Jlits avnilobk). Cnll Chris ------~ " mini I 127 Bluo Lako* Blvd. S. ' ' ' ------' jnthusiastic. onlh Send rosumo eia ------• Lovely 25C Twin Fan*. Idaho 83301 ‘al. For Inlo. coll 423-4731 lorlntorviow. 734-9634, Of1-B00-892-7814. 2C3 2C AGRICULTURAL md roloroncos to: PO Box , JUNKJR CARRIER 214 EMPLOYMENT Efi 3.5 balhih onono level honw on Ouostlons rogarding tho J >65 Joromo. ID 83338, . ROUTES AVAILABLE ^ tes.Covored deck : TRADE proioc* sholl bo droclodI HanlotdI Hoalih Intofmntion ^Exporioncod larm 4 ranch SECRETARY 212 1500blk4lhAvo.E. " otlub.playhouso, network. Honhh Conoorns? ______r l w llb h o tti lo: hnnd. Salary depends pn 3ompompulor 4 dictaphone ox- “T uiflERICAN p t e m p o r a r y ” Hr opronaure, buainos* ll ■ y landacape. loncod McCluro Englnoonng 1»800-793-ai13 2 V I R I p f« iiy i‘ nc oxporienco. Housing In- msorwnco m a must, insuranoo SERVICES.INC. ^ ildors noodod to launch 1 1 ^ ^ A ’ I pasluro,ro. water' eharos. 507 W ost Main L oss up to 30 pounds eluded. ^ OuaGliod applicants bsackground a d hoiplul. Sond ^ . npany In region, excel- II W e s til^ o f^ L B 2 1 Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 In 30 days onty. o Sond rosumo to: Rt 2 resum rosu e to P.O. Box 2486. OOblketh4 9thAve.E. OT,® it training and on-going I I ROB lERTe p JO N E S For $34.00 Bat E 5450. Buriov. ID 83318 Twin Fnlls. ID 83303. . 30 Wk 2nd 4 3rd Avo. E, sport, upward mobilily, II South Central HMlthy Habit* 736-4286 -pr, ocrdtary: %5anish-English -pacl' Anyone Intorostod in n” iti available. FT or 11 ■ ■ REALTY Community Action Agoncy | General larm hand, n eed s Socrd Kloryworkofs . An) Individunl wokiht kxs vnrioa oxpofionce in gravity Inigat- proliprolorrod. se n d rosumo lo Cnll 734-6452 or dolivorivoring Tho Times New* PT Call C« 734-9834. - « 7733-0404 3 : Botty Woolon a ll 7 3 3 ^ 1 0X1,202 - 7^ OPAL ing i & tow crop-Sond to- |Id LegalL< AkJ. PO Box 1296, Burley 678-9295 ca« RESUME _ - r t (208) 733-9351. Gooding has boon btossod sumo , & rob lo: Box 97111 TvrirTwin Pnlls. ID 83303. HoiHolp lortoTO. seasonal, ______nsk lor Doug. 217 HI ■CHOOLSAND 1«00-262-5001 ^ PUBLISH: Fobruary B. 10,’ by yotir music ond lovo Ihnt • PREPARATION ^ ^ FXT 1211 and 12. 1994.______%Tho Times Nows. PO FT-PT Minlt-LiIt-Lubo Is now accepting _____ ^ NSTRUCTION . ______£ 5 f r has touched so many livos Box { 548, T F. M 83303. ——------J O1FMFHVNEVERAFEE E .2009 for cuslomizod ■ _ - r: AUSTSEEI REQUEST FOR QUOTES• Yoursocfot Sislof — fSh.% %yin'por£^. Ik Driving &H*jivy Soalod pfopouils will bo = Holp wantod: FT porson lor, IO0Vi PROFESSIONAL DRIVERS VICO I yi msumo-Rov Slotten ^qul I movo Into thto oozy ! To tho young lady who , lyoarolOTR (nop0 phono calls ploaso). r ' — rocolvod by Botty Woolon ' Inrming opornlion. T rador ------ilorlableieooaqft walked oul olzalosvrilh my 21 position* available. CDick Simon Trucking M!7 7B Bluo Lnkoa Blvd N. MnoteVilflWmil 734-8217. Hand* Sffng^^aUgon pS 'oJ a t the otfieo ol South Con­ work and itrigalion. Sond 21 I cioso 10 fishing 4 wodding ringon Wod. Fob ^ALLintoanowcaroorwiih ____ 1-800-727-5665 N eed , 'rol**»lon*1 Resume* course* trol Community Action rosumo: Box 96914, % rh« FALl jd a moturo soil moll- proli REHANGING DOORS. ■ . va u lted ceilings, tractor; a n d hjmishing nndid replacing Monlal Hooilh o i I d s . work bolh inside 4 Mustlust havo cash 4/or good ■ lndo60lB.6*wallcoo- InstatlQtion ol a now tor-ol fast EQU^JAL HOUSING now d ro jit ponol tn tho iZ ln 'raf^® THEJ ANONYMOUS lERE TO STAYI You jdirecting others. n o C m echanical room, nndasKlorTonv. HEF jpORTUNrrY CAI , 734-4547 ; S r S S jf light have soon thol the __Cn!l2nnD»rron 01676-1459^ l8ftai*B)Mt«sinalnOib O AABALA l Pro-bid Walkthrough: A HIrlngforCDLdrivots. ["Ip*iuatdisdown-sliing. In probid woikthrough will bo» PREGNANCY CRISIS " CENTER z waronouso, constnjction, dnho. wo stil hnvo a grenl 3022 M I CHEY TO LO A H [ g gJ j ; X t S k S R=IEALTY E ______conductod by-McCiuro En-_ carponlry.diosoCmochan- .. ginooring at 1988 Bob ' to^t^tad°Pay 7°5% "“S-S a S S S ji ;ood lor qualilled IndivkJu- — - • 733-^4321------rlis, nnd wo stin oKer groal «NEEDCASH7 S . Barion Rond, Orchord Vol­ ionolilB;liko Money lor Wobu> buy notes 4 real oslaTo ,M e d a ...... loy. Idaho, on Fobruory NORTHEAST 109 PROFESSIONAL Jolloge.C ail toll-lreo 1- controntrods. Croativo Rnanco ■ d, S i s s a ' s s “ n o f 1994 a t1 1 :3 0 a.m. S ' H ™ ' o S im ' ^ l-eOO-999-4809. ,mion.lom**«ny*ucft LOLOCATION )d SERVICES SiirCfEw s ““" e x p r e s s ' ^ ' ” g100^2-6589. fi Plans may bo obtainod Army. 733-2671 lor Inlo. plicants pn, should cubmB o to- ppPERSONNEL SERVICES ______pr8l*t6n «nce, limitation or p iJSTOM 107 BUJLT from tho lollowing: sumo 10 Koch Anti Sotvic- nmition.* F^nUial *latia C U ^ New Nursing Managomont cu isulalion pooplo noodod. dtsoimlfl McCluro Enginoonng BANKRUPTCY ' looking for dependable, os. os POBox 515. Rupert. ac«bwund*rfiiDp#c< FAMAMILYHOME ^ Wago dependant upon ox- 507 W ost Main All Chapters 4 AG Idaho 83350. Application ino with pvanu or legal Groatfamily lam homo in north- caring CNA'* & NA'*. |di porionco. Roloroncos 4 I local Ion. 3 bedrooms, Twin Foils, Idaho 83301 related casos . dondlinols Fob. 15.1994. P° tai:cngiiantviiwnenand oastloca Training avoiiablo. Pny do ironsportotion roquirod. \ r o u te] H isoadngciabdycrdMen 2.5batha. bath Main floor ap- Froo Telephone according to expotionce. ONE FILER I (208) 734-9015 Kotchum aron.7g6-107S._ imatoly 1236 sq fl. up- Consultation Apply at b u sin e ss ollico, 209 209 RESTAURANT/ ' ia praximati 538-7760800-548-2166 640 Filor Avo. W.. Wost jumoyman HBAC porcon lo R o a d floor. approximatoV Twin Falls Plan Room LOUNGE ,i'^' C o u n t y R l sq ft. Malntenanco Iroo 127 Bluo U k o s Blvd. S. Wm H. M ulborry Moaic Cam Conlor. TF. ___ (in liold supervisor position with at loasi 15yoatsexpo- t r e e t 2 . 5 ] EtlskJing, dock and pa- Twin Foils, Idoho 83301 22ynExp9fl9ne« ;Opporlunily lor load cook in Rollolr qI cook noodod, wool^ D a v i s S t r rktnco. noods 5 years in s u - , s s s s l iroa. " Full sprinkler sys- Questions rogarding tho10 fl/rfB. Idaho B3443 - honhh caro facatty. Must bo ..q^ readers ars h#r*by -ends. 20 hours por wook. ponnsoty ^ capacny. must bo] H uddlestonn S t r e e t K Oiff , fenced b o d ( ^ . heat pro)oct shad m dirtKtod Banknjplcy 734-5180 nsk lor Palrick. ^ ned that all dwalllng* ip. Firoplaco, 2 car ga- ablo to do oil phacos of lMdlneisn*Mpaperar* P“^P-n to: Compotilivo rales. dl?cUvo°lSm-?2:3Km Woitporson ^ position avail- N o r t h St r e e t g a with oponor. Call McCluro Enginooring KEVIN M. ROGERS shill. Call 733-3700 ext ’"'i HBAC In residontial and nbk) lor our gravoyaid shill, commordal, $15. w r hour, hy Partridge al 324- 507 W ost KQiin Attorney al Low. 324-4553. 357. Mon-Fri. 9nm lo 5pm. g R a m s e y CD r i v e « 8 or Virginia Eldredge Twin Foils. Idaho 83301 Expotionce pTOloriod and good benelits. Sond re- PosKions open lor lull timo & pteemploymoni drug losl S S g r33-1735. Pricod al (208) 734-9015 sumo lo: Box 97030. c/o S t r e e t •. The ToB-(r*e Wephon* a 7 3 ^ - part time RN's ond LPN's In mnndoiory. ^ ^ p ly in ptoson y||TimosNows. POBox 548. S t e v e n s S •rfcr#»h*st*^hp8ii«dl* H19.90C9,900. #93-241 ih- Houso donning, dopondobto Minidoka Memorial Kosp'tal to lo P inza, .TyTwin Falls. ID 83303. S t r e e t « tfg7-ez7& ______1 South Central Community^ & roloroncos. 734-3831. _ nnd exlondod core laciliiy. |.j Y a k i m a S I Action Agoncy iconsod Journeyman Ekic- I. Contact R6Nao Smiln, (100 block<. 0 o n i y ) PUBLISH: Fobaioiy 8, 10,10. Houso or ollico cloanlng. Iticians. Compelitivo wag­ I. Minidoka Momotial Hospi- oiC and 12.1994. 20% oil 1st doaning. Rols. 210 SALES “es. Pfo-omploymontdtug areas, and would 502 . HOMESH> w l _ Coll 324-5414.______tal, 1224 8lh Strool. Rupoil II you live near these are ■IBM scroon roquirod^. Pan Amer­ FORSALE STATATE I REALTY R. S. CONSTRUCTION ■ or call 436-0481______ADVEHTISINO f ' like to deliver The TimeImas Hews call; _____ I SALES ican± Electric. EOE. Call 734.0400 Waiorfnos and ktaks, dranI Rsdiologic Technologist 737-26pO days, 736-6042 _ miloEolHagoraion, pp^ ) Full limo ARRT Rog. tochnol- We'ro We expanding our market- RIV ACY PLUS linos and oorrois, concroto ing leam 4 a te looking lor ^ovoa. Ask lor Tonv. ■ and wokllng. ogist call lor moro inlorma- in .ooking lor Idoho liconsod ■ 'ou liko door In your tion or sond rosumo lo: St. on ot individual oxpotloncod Loc ikyard and fishing in Cnl 73&-0327. iootnoyman oleclricianB. ^ a37-4975. backyai r Bonodlcl's F.M.C, Radiol- insalo8 ir 4 8lati8llcalro- ^ ir own stroam, thi* Will do sowing 4 nftoraiiori^ txpotionco in AG related ■“ ogy Dopt. PO Box 586, Jer- sootch. si Excellent working t: 2 beau luo 15 acroparcol no*- Cnlt733-3aM.______- omo IcTaho 83338 or call conditions, Ci progressive work. wi Full llmo, longterm -• woroh IlnlhoSoulnHlllswith 324-4301 OXt, 233. componsation Ci pockogo 4 _SIomolovmont 684-4310 >ly 3 bdmi, 2 balh homo 110 PERSONALCARE The Twin Falls Clink: & Hos- ^bonelils. Advertising or ^Jooded Not regtstorod cosmolol- ' ust lor youl On Rock « SERVICES pilal is now laWrig nppiica- ^marketing degroo pre- ogisl o| lo tlju sy salon, lull- rm, 2 both * 5 9 .0 0 0 .3 Qf^ok>ok '12 m ilos soulh ol letted. To appfy sond ro- timo Hr ptolorrod wilh opiion UUNIOR Brm, 2 bath with 1 bdrm Hanson TWIN FALLS. ison. T67. Miko Barnard r lions lof full time reception- ” 101 LOST & FOUND Goldon Age II has oponing &umo4covorlottorto: ol ol leasing available. Call ioQe.»9.900736-60M MM04 or 733-9070 Ist. good communicotiotis si TheTimes Nows 734-2731 7: nsk lor owner. __ for malo, somi privato. For' skills, dopondablo, apply in Found 5 mi. S. ofJeromno: ^ rnore Inlormalion ploaso Ann:PotorYork- - - - ’o TSI40T' stalo earner based MUTES 13EDR00M0N ROBE)BERT JONES ’ person. NO phono colls. CARRIBIRI Black Lab X, molo, Irkmdly.dly. call 734-7783______POBox 548 in 1' Boiso. looking lorqoali- REALTY - Contad: Katon Ash. TF. ID 83303-0548 (j| 1 A C R E R Cnll 324-2494.______•_ Musk: Caro Incofp has room^ Twin Fails Clinic 4 Hospilal. _ liod ownor oporaiors ol (lat 2 yr»oI old. $165,000. Shown 7 3 3 ^ 0 4 Found: Eastland Dr, 5 mo.no. lor mole-lemalo. dovolop-^ 666 Shoshono East, HoHardware wholosolor sooks bod b< oquipmeni, last pay, ^RT. 703 b y eoppi ; only. Soo: 1128 6ld brown'Lab X molo pup.*Jp, ■•tnontaliydisablodciionlB.8- Twin Falls. ID 83301. |aaloa porson to cover good gi benoliis. Can 1-800- Dr. 733-9606. _ ^.800-»2-5001 __ _ 736-1856. Souihein Idoho Tetttlory. 289-0113.Bud 21 Dodge. ' 200-800 2nd Ave.y/e. N. .-Lsiss; , hlurod. 736-2299. . ., Attracactiv*mod*rn1 level IEXT„1211 Must havo rolailot wholo- Sm e _ ongino mochanic. Expo- , -- HOUNDPOUND 207 OFFICE/ ^ 200-300 2nd St.t. Nr . homime lor aaio. Near ' 113 CHILDCARE salo oxporienco with hard- rionce roquirod. Coll 734- CLERICAL * M OLotLoaty Jr. High, 3 bdnn, 2 p eEDUCED n ] $3400 NEWS wore storos. lumbor yards, 7735,j Twin Lawn Mower. th, 2 car garago, AC. SERVICES or lann storos. Excol pay 4 — 200-700 3rd Ave.'6. N. balh rgo loncdd backyard, TWIN FALLS benofiis pockage. Sond re- Tho ' n BlQlno Counly School District Is seeking if 500. Call 733-5500 23000 sq . ft. hom o In nico ANIMAL SHELTER 'SS fA lgSS.S'. ■ ssumo to Box 96023. % qualtliod 200- 3rd St..• NN . ' 's“eT individuals-firms to controd »«'»f7aa-26l3ove*. lamllyTilly noighborhood. 4 - pulor knowlodflo, liiing. Timos-Nows,POBox548. S ^ N J s a droom,2’/4balh-hugo >0 scheduling appls, good -, wUh Iho dislrtn a s Cletk ol 200-300 4th St. N lutilulhomooncul-do- F ound: Babysitting in my homo Twin Falls. ID83303. }] • Beaut iste r au ile. Now 1. Cockor. ta n& w hilo (0-fo- wookdays. 7am lo 5:30pm.T’. phone skills. Minimum qual- — Iho Works. Tho successful . N . «ac. lull timo t ^ ^ n ^ f o r agos Needed: 2 koy pooplo to applicant . will ovorsoo 3 100-200 .5th St. N 26.500-Can Dobra. malo »8 ificalions: BilinGua] In Span- N« vaulti _ ish-Engiish. Pickup applica- h[ o b launch now nutrnionai proieds in Kolchum, Hailey 2. Lab X. chocoiato malo divSion of 20 year oW pub- \ 100- 7th St.. N^ . lamlimily room?ouill-ln cabI- pup. C hildcare In my homo. Hotot Ikjnf desctiptkjnS541 c 4 C a re y , ID during tho A n oIts. il Bosca wood stove. n O or Main Avo E. Twin Falls. lie |< traded company. For In- 1994 , construction soason. :OLDWELL 3 Lab X, black 4 whitolito moots & snacks, day or lormalion call 425-4731 ot i 200 Addisono n A v e . lomumial living room with firo- mato pup, nlohl. 543-8736.______EOE. Cktting dale: ' Estimated value ol thoso oco, largo kitchen. loads BANKER Q T . 2-14-94,______1-800-892-7814.] projocisI Is $3.5M. Inlet- 300 Shoshoilone St. N. cabinols, now dishwash- J&C Daycare • Liconsod. ESTEHN REALTY Adoption: ^ 7 AMERICAN TEMPORARY RETAIL R SALES POSITION estod 0 applicants should . soparoto laundry room, w c o i 4 y Stall CPR & FA cortHiod. 7 Adviso customers on homo coniact: c rgo 2 level dock, gaa 733-2365 ^ . 1. Australian ShophordX, ftll SERVICES.INC. A •pondently owned 4 pupplos. Noodod: improvementi ptojocls. Cathy Zaccanli, >at now gas water hoator, In d ep e Clerk ol tho Board If you live by any ofOf these streets C .landscapod yard with o>*r*ted. p ^ t 2 bI ^ Collio X. blad< & - • FC Bookkoopors somo warehousing diitios, whito fomato. Uconsod Day Caro ‘ Exec.Socrotarios Involvos ropoalod hoavy POBox 1008 and would llk^to;o deliveri for buiiJit hi awing sol. REDUCEDI D 3. Rotriowr X, tan lomolo.lo 324-8910. - ♦WordProcossora lining. PomianonI. lull-timo Hailoy. ID 83333 >71 Navalo Circle. Call • N gOS-788-2296 ' J 733-0931 ekt 203 % REDUCED 4. Hooior X. block & whitohite LOVEABLE, UCEN5ED> ‘ Acct Assistants position available approxi- _ The Times-News call 73 33-1301 shown by op- maculate, . bolter than now. fomolo. child cai^ llo rd ab Jo lorr • Rocopllonists matoly March 14ih. Starting Wanted: yv Barber slyllst or - - lUono level, toomy. 3. 30d an 0008.736-6782 w age $7T76 -hr-or-hl9hor.- 6 . Lots o l nic® c a ts nood _ fcaJI 734-6452 or 'cosm otologislw ith follow— ------BYC Jrmr2 b«lTtim-wtth-Bpa«------dopending on qualilica- |, ' 0W H E R -4:s bfldrm ra* -b flrm r g o ^ homos Loving LDS homo has 2 full-Jll- Burloy 678-9295 Ing, but able to handle add)- ^ ath, wood slovo. loncod. clousousfamilvrm oil open timo openings. Agos 2-5.•5. Holp for tomg, soasonal, R Hons. Applicants musl bo tional , work. Nico ploasanl 1 xceI.NE quiot location, kilche LOCATED 733-7B85.______peroonoDlo and enjoy work- shop . In Kimbotly. II Inior- RiseJ To New H dghoAt... S95.000.73^9138. :OakcBIk cabinets, new carpot- , Ino wilh tho public, tsla b - . 1396thA vo W, Will bt^ysH an ages estod call L oi^ 4 2 3 -4 4 8 8 ownor:'Aacre. 2700sq [nfl;«g, ovorslzeo dosols, tiro- AFTERNOONS QNLYI lishod, growing rolaitor swth ^ 4 bdtm . VA both. shop. Paco, » ^ raised rodwood dock Mondoy ihru Friday . I ptolil sharing, maior modi- — rifodlorhollub).dbloo- . CLOSED Saturday. cnl aiid denial bonollts. 213 MISCELLANEOUS d i n '« igo. Counlrv living al II* Win babysit all agos _ ' _Z 2§ Sunday 4 Holidays , Equal Opportunhy Employ- OPPORTUNmES ost In NWTFcroso to I or. Bring rosumo to lamiing 2 bdrni, formal dh- e -nake .L , Rivor. Vory nice, ig room, complotoly rono- 2 ^ " ? Animols aro SOLO OR Grover Pay and Pack Applications -r now being ac- I e s % an Ray DESTROYED altor 48 Ehetrk and Plumbing ^ M Peli Mui .Imlao t oul, ta ------coplod lor cashier-clorks. WJACKPOCHEWDA Supply Co ICSOITOCASiNO* 154.900. 526 Jolloraon. _ hours, so ploaso co!l or Apply In person at the visit tho pound daily lo , 130EaatlandDrS { •WE HAVE IMW^ M E D I A T E IJaD h 734-^577 Of 733^396 C , Stinker Station at 1777 ■ dlac^ tot also avaJ. _ SABALA chocHilyourpotishoro. Twin Falla. ID B3301 K j k n b o il^ R o a d In Twin OPENINGS AVAILW L A B L E FOR Thi* l» n o t *nup-to- I Thursdoy through Salurday, ■ S e c u r i t yr omcer G DOh3 N'T BUILDl G el a rare EREALTY d a tc lU l; mixod dogs aro s l i i1- ••, Fob 10th. lilh , 4 12th. bo- J xiy in ihSa unktuo w dudod ■ ] hard to do serf bo. Or Iw oentho hours 019 A.M. CARPET 8HAMP00ER ” ■ P B X / R e se e rn v a t l o n s 1400 so ft homo. 423-4934 733-4321 I K d l TRAINEES & nnd 11 A.M. onlv. ^ ner/W riter* como pk:koutapuppy. 83301. MANAGEMENT TRAINEES. ■ K e n o R u n n e i dog.orcat-th»y would ■ B a r S te vw a r d n m lo v a h o m e l Stoadylnakleworfi.Wo troh,$1500permonlhmh- ■ Electrician ■NicMight Auditor ■ Lost: 1 yr old m alo Mala-^ — Imum. Promotion poesislo ife Cashier ■ muto. brown & croam col-coi- “ ■ ■Coyote Cafe .in 90 day*. Must havo reli- Arard.aRoom n orod, collar & voltsgi,»■? 2 201 ADUIMSTRATIOW ablotransportati<>n.Forln- ■K itchen Stew a ■ B a n q u e t M mlloB o aslolC ostlfllord.• IIAHAGEMEMT - I ton/lew. c«n borwDon 10am A ttendant* ■! REWARD 537-9905 nNFAUS 4 5pmonThur#4Frl.„ , S e r v e r / S e t u p ■Custodian ■< ‘ m LOST^Fomafo^^^,j)M R o taiJrto rem an a g o ffo. r^ O F T Wre I N growing bv loop* & boor*d» _ ^ a s 4 6 7 3 . ■ S e r v e r • C o c:ktall M Server ■ liet fer people everywhere in ■ C a g e C a s h i e r ■■Busperson ™ ^ SHARI'S RESTAURANTS o™g jflioy our uniouo opprooch lo DELIVERY ■ Secre^ry -A ccts.s. Payable Clerk HOME H QF DlSTIHCnOH descrIbscribes tliis beautiful A ■ ■ ■ ■ P f l m B o x 93437. %id crooling many op^rfunitioj Time* Nows, POBox xiWo working W » ond good ^ bedroom , 2.5 batii h o use wlUi overover2500sq.ft. Olher % 4 ^ S 5 or 734-8327. Napa Auto Parts l8 now 00- - “ ffis'tsyS'opporilnltytoI Qrowgn and become part ol lelealures Include a River Rock llreplireplace, vaulted wood j— ' S48.TF. ID 83303. ox- qudity^^iwrvii^exi^Jc coplingappllcaliorisfora Lost: O roal Pyronooi (larg ri on Friday, February 11, doUveryposiltoninJotoffle. lUe1 dynamic Caclus Petes team!tea We oiler excellent »celllnos. torntal living room, goumlounnet kitchen,' all oak white dog) NW Jorom __ poy, come talk lo uil >p«n Monday, March 7th. Como join our progrpsslyo. y Id benelils. Includino ctabinfiyand lop quality appliances,W8S. A taros w ood deck «f»a. rawara, 324-3007. go- W e will sta rt IntervMWi di- 8 ojn. lo 3 p ^ . and oper medlcal/dcntat insurance and 215 apartmenl complex In Mith & Denlol Plan with compolillvo bonollts. ilticant tips and incentive irIn the exclusive W oodrldoe E sates. ta t^ PMCBI TO S 8 i purto with tiivor Stor Kalley. ID. Includo* man-nil W e oFfer a full rang# ol benel Ploaso apply in porson at Ypositions also include stonltic T«llirpin.R0wardl423 n • Employe* Ditcountj bonuses. Employee Buses ave re ;avallaole from ihe Twin A 1 BETTY VEBl TODAY agor salary, ronl-lfoo 2 • Vocollon Poy • Heollligram 716S.Uncotn, j — bdrm, 1 bath aperlment? 5 •4 0 lK S cv in g i Plon • I Falls and Filer areas. vniliet Avoiloble: LOST: P*Ir ol prascfiptloiptlon plus hourly maintonancojn , • M*ril Inaaow Progror Distrid salos manager, area; For f lurtlier Inlormatlon about]ut lhase openings please m sw gteM t. Cd • WAITER/WAfTRESSES • C 2980 m g o . Apartment manago- NorthtkJe Irom Oooding to ( __ ment 4 malnlananc* ro- WASHERS-BAKERS *■ i? . Burloy, lucrative commli* “ "'l(80b) 442-383:)33,ext.66C9 I j ■ LOST:Y«llow4graycocli»c k - quirad. Move-ln day on or CTOKS-mSHWA sions, allella. grassos, iSt*- before 2/17. S ond all re- m c R c w i |nPef»on:_ com,hayeta(*covofs.Pan oyca JOINOW ■ >imfl nf ti l tfrna. QrtMfiwav_ . IB Seeds. 454-8342. ' m r __ ' Hallev. ID 83333. _____ ■ t

• ------— - r - ......

I Thursday, Fobnjary 10.1'. 1994 Times-News. Twin FailsFails. Idaho C-5 502.2 - 7 1 2 Real Estiat

if t S S03 BAZAARSARS ARMIRAKCH 710 HOBS3RSES eoa BAZAAf n UNfUBMSHED 612 PAPASTURES 705 FAFARU, . 706 m \ . ______. CCRAFTS f AHDCRAI:fU F T S 502 HOMES ' 512 512 FARMSmANCHES 002 HOUSES FOFOR RENT, MA4ACH1HEHY _____ ^ : Bought, sold and ' -F0R8ALE - ^■ . ANOpAlRtES r^llT'as^^- _ ------^------r = ------72.5 72.5 acros w-coftcnrto d h * ;' ^ Womod::ed: Summer pasture for t^ G MIMC, < wHh.4 spd-2 spd Tripio K, >ndwilhF^hond W2l ofio GLASS A WINE Nleo 5 bocJrooftt homo In & 4galod plw . e ml. SW Fi- i( hoad M Buhl Castlekxd rosrom ------Bay-ToWar*lano paint SalUort Is r i JONES WE HAUL n CHHS43I4019, #d0rbox,$1000. 10; :LASSIFIED CRAFT.FTS -...- ■ Bliu.3'.^acro«,dndDr or. or No buildings. Salo to U y mjoIIv can movo you ^ARMSEED roady lorloM th o '94 brooding aper cloeo ostolo. C al 20&<324- 2 row International 707 FAR n Can733-7095. ,A\ I Feature olTW s Nonrapape: bkxkbam,woodon8hop. cU jer. com 4 hayfho^, - ’p- - Booson.c 3'/^ th o r n Nonh Sidowalor, 5242 5^ or 733-1191. 613 WWAKTTOREHT ' chopp« 1 ipout eooltol., r Russat Gonoraiton 11 OneiMonydrall'muio. Mo 2 '/^acrm p^uro. BEAt/TIFULCOODINGl ______Eloct llcortlliodsaodpota- .7: G DUMP TRUCK. Build a pcdol;dol 1powered 0.034.8134. . . 1^0941 - RIDING I good lor rabingcatvos. opprox. w 11 acres, $30,000 _ _ jFHffiESIlMATra’ Wonmditod to rant modest $i800,i M J o J n S t o ® . >t your favorile litltc driver. Workiiorkingsteer- jn try ho m o ; 2 bdrm s, ______uabian Horses lor inickfor) -Hjprox. 51 acros. $60,000 - ni,»a?a-34»0. oounti i i a s a a ------,A ).e07-6109. 3 7 j ______ing and didump bcU, from grill opcni for accM* to 62 acros. $96,000 rago. parking a re a lor '45'ooirOlnoslofsol' -H lM i ml iruck 4 trailer. Ro- vaaoor Pi^nt bay brooding engine eom co panm ent, 20x64x24 Inchca.ICS. 1Detailed • alisprinkJerinigatod or p»n. 328-482^ 709 HAVtAY.GRAM • ond to Box 97149 % k yearling fily. She'* ipiantinciiiciudc sicp by »iep Initruction*land and lull size gall934.54&2 pl^ OOP.,. . C l - t . 1700 hrs. now 14.ftn46 ii« SHARP NEWER _ (les-Nows.POBox546. 44“ .J7 m ° F g ° a s 1 & »c«le drawing!, *1858$S-9S95 Joromoaroalarm.lOOO* in Falls. ID 83303. ’ I I with ' duals. Exc, _____ ^ HOM E IN '■ JOI 500.226-7010.------1000 balesbal 2 wido barley acros. good crop history, smt It lo ront up to 600 acm s ■ ^ .Lf. HOLLISTER . nico “ impfovornenis. Ex- » WanTio iC iractor. cab. duals, straw., 505 ^n 2nd cutting, 3 Spacious bodrooms. opon ■ Suoodnr«.^». _____ jn r t t f f f g w urB .vorvp^coftdl- ' Coll 543'22 ^5 9 7 ------_ _ W dlbrodr 1^ - - — - - I living room, dining and ? S.'JSo^’o M : « rod rog. Pahl yoaiiing i03 RJRWSHED , S. Cash ront or sharo. .Phono643-6189 or iooolofaons of 1st 4 2nd hay, (irty. finv she Is loudly kitchon. Don! po ts Ihls ono ^ 6626. H rwodod. loovo bbates.324.S167. _ coloroi BiJY. CoH Bonnlo Poreons. Solo or loose: 357 acros lorm APTSJDUPLEXES pivots.« ts. whooninoa or hand- lorod 4 real pretty, .ofkooptrYinq. lO lonsol Wine-Super Nugget : CRS.«3-3M . ^orcatllooporalionwilh2 _ iwok 324-2071 so l straw lor salo. Port Wiry homos. IOd acres in 5 aero i1 bbdrm (urnishad ant. ail' >rton. 326-5603, • Woodilood linos. $2750. ' porcoia overlooking Snake , utiutlis.. KimbofN. 733-«94._ g|5 j], rleyTractorSalvage M rog, OH geWing, ho lU H ROOIWATES ml5no4 Uadorparts 1alpnd2id 2nd culling hay lor 3 yr, oM ro River Canyon, live siroam. Lotgo studk). vofy nica, Wii- • yi Cal 326-5351 wilimallmakaanoxoolonl WANTED JauI ID.436-5^ ^o!o^ e-bctluturtty prospect. n n S TF wn^i^ol^or, realtor tiespaid.clo8oin.$425a _____ ^ ;,ln j |l.f f to , ..1 0 .3 0 m i ^ . Can 736-0655. ^ a lo . k out tho 6 models of al- I s fc u " '" well started. You must U’ H L \ GEM ! lo. H agorm an. $250. C } ^lablo o Rhinolarmtrac- JwvTM Beotoapprockilo. STATE REALTY “ Studio apt, utilHios included, 837-4^i7.U^9aM466-92Se. Of*)"] 73«)40n ^ 513 5i; ACREAGES AND .. 4 whool drive 4 load- 200 tof-PocoBuono blood ^ GoodiM. 934-5322.______Quioiiet fomalo| 20-25 yoara avoili^le. Hobby Horso 16%|g ’p S ^ r , ' > %^ S i^500.73^509 ______V Wm arn 3 bdrm (ull bsmt, W-0 old,d. noodod r to share 3 D«nclich Equipment 324- 15-20ton fumiahed. olocirfc: lutnaco, bdrmIrm duplex near CSI. cb^, lud horso bedding, lo- 5C3 BUHUFILER ly.oaoi.WtKxirklgo.ioood i v 6 Of from Polro II Iruck ______C ofllor, M 50.324-5062.______Non-a3n-amoKing. drinker ok. ), Jofomo. 1 ml N. 2 ml 3500+. bolosbo whoot slraw w- HOMES (or t( horses. $10,950. Call - -£------mastoastof bdrm-privBto bath * u /% ------SATISF,JFACTION OR YOUR MONRY^RY BACKl ------733-60&4evOS. 7 VCt mi S. rod shoo. nowsoJ,J95O.7e0-361Oor tP .O . B O X l l » » . B IX B Y . OK 77< 4 Q 0 8 from $415.; ■ dor truclor. $5300. Coll 7884979 - BARKER toodo ox. 100 ton 1st 4 2nd (Un543.43?1. REALTY Washor& dryer hookup m 352-1>.11g7ovQfllno8. Sman yonj& storage l u ling hay. No rain, low ■ " 7 .1 3-4321 yyjaljH iiiyiB iiil For sai!olo:Hosston lOslock- pfjcoj fteooial 734-6600______< ■ Build your droam homo ovor _ — hand, IRRIGATION ,------■■ 505 GOODING/ gi ,2 bdrm duplex. ^ 0 mo + W E N D E U HOMES 1lookingvolloyon lOacros 21 one o u t «7SA».736^, 702 C /ley and wheat straw. 20*HaLIlaLhandiinoa (orsai^ dFl J I Someon< S of Twin Farts. $6,000 por J ? fS »olo:JDB10-aroindriI, d n i 543-6049. $130030 ea.0 Good condition. ■ 3bdrm.2bilhorduplox. ftCfO.Call734.5S41,i _ 2 5 bdrmtownhou8oapt.no •lewookoW Hotetelnbol oxcol_ aIo' 2000 bales ol Bar- Localodmod in Gooding Coun- *■“ ■■ tliere war/a n ts the $430 por mo gross ront. p|FREE MOBILE HOME SO X | alvos. $295 oach. Call porsaSl“ 'st0^g80ll-c0n: F" ^straw plus 30 Wg boles. ty.C tv^riy SiTstX). 432-5250. J JS, 10 hostoin stoers 600 Qooclod lor ton bo le s, cone -p!rkl»J,M25mo*«<25 . 23% proton. $90 a Ion 30 - 1!6'x 6'x ie* dro p ch eck s. 506 JEROME HOMES ^Largo lot ol Moondor Point, f M. Can 544-2623.______w»hkhblados instead of ham- nn S?S.5a07. dop. 1 yoor base. 736 ITS. conveyor chain lood. doWonvorod.,1 ton straw bails. $20oa. 1 ticl ^oud uy^A^.fcoll 734-2500----- 3I ^head Holstein steers, jnor^good condilten. Roody to *32> aaton 1 delivered. 624- 75^0001■ Co m o tlp u m p ap o n o l. 1 f f || tl9 'jo o " c ‘n 7 ^ 4 ^ ^ “ ^ • /MUOQ h a . 886-7025. •'’ 0» 4ovwor35M2a6. _ iiin COUKTRYATrrSBESTI - 80 acros ton pasluro, Horsoa “ cnli 638-5574 eves. _ £ M le 5 3 6 :2 ^ ^ ------wad Hotstoin stoor calvos. d clean slraw, $35 ton, „ YlllU n money fof<) r and Hurry to pick colors & carpol Of catlla. 324-5082. 7 hoaC 453bollom.18*,hyrdou- 9* Hastings alum, gatec ■ on this Good Corns stylo. ^515 COMMERCIAI. ' j irocossod. 450-500 Ib JH145 1733-5096.______81^° ® ", PROPERTY Atiracilvo At 2 bdmi. Bloke rosot. plow. Excollont _ £ ^ 0 .$ 2-fl. or b est oiler. ____ 1584 sq.ft.. 3 bdrm. 2 both Sl.N.0080ronl$525,no .nioht. 352-4292. _ iviitlnfi.fe4-B417. Ouolitlollty:lBt.260too.^. 1^544-S4460fS43-92B8 []W Iim no longer'c r need. I ------• Ranch nomo with vaulted - oats. 733-2546 0tt0f_6.------^sa!o:2yroid.Rod_Ain-., )ton,$85detverod.loss ceilings In livir)g& dining ox-■ ValloyV In d u strl^ ^ ^ fk ^ 1.5 J }usbull.soman1ested.CaJI JD 12'12 24-holo hydroulic lilt X J®' ori mi. Call 543^789. COTpk«c AvollMarch1,lg4bdrrj.2 Bual ,Bio disk grain drill Nico! - 2 ! ^ So=ro"t?aiK /JiU o a s, hoat pump, Insulolod _ * 0344086. sin^ l«oors»nw.543^._ tinisheddoublo gofogo. vi­ bolh.goodlocation, $650 ------& . Coll 326-4554,______Silngc mo. isl, lo s tdop. 734- Forjrsolo: ^ PollodHoroford -i£ 2 ed 4 very good quality. Deutz.i;s»oS:t;i25re: W nyl siding, and on 1 oero> 51S5 MOBILE HOMES i )uil8. Coll Marvin Binghnm JD 466 balor. 1 ownor, T ested ^ Soulutiu tio n ? situolodan29 Rainbow _ S885 days. 734-0686 ovos._ bu»8 ly a oxc«//onL 1st 4 j2nd culling. 200 too, sol wilh pumping obillly o( _ >32-4393,______• '• « y I gallons 0 minute ol 350 M M ■ Drivo. (Rainbow Subdivi-• 19711 12'x52'Tamaroc,2 Cloon3bdmi:2bolh.loneod r ' $4750, Cdl 734-3Ct.330e or 734-0672 600 gall 1 bdmt. (root kiichon. Ploaso aooding Livestock ___ 733-5410.yj ovonifws. Top qu£quality dairy hay, toedor (I hoadoadal UOOrpms.or W ill - - -sion on tho Bob-Borion - >uplo2100rpm8.will ^ U | ■ C l a s si» (it- ■ To place JOHN » TERRI TOLK 1985 G uerdon. 3 bdrm". 2 solid mouths, , ■lA liliy. 3 Bar. greol dis- f . ^ bolhonfoundalionS cily ------S , 3 S 2 3 1 ------glK 000 Fords. MF 4 Now AOHAi HAvnlv08.432-^ K ified Ad 734-8774 o r 200sloors4horfof8. u'onollanda. Pull typo b a le posiileriiion £1200. 73^7095 m classifie ART JONES. 734-3346 LUXURI01IS,3lxlm.2Mh jm Od Pipe, 20 sections ol B agons, highest cosh aqhaHA reg. Doc Bor grond- ' I0*alumlnum,68soc- B - ‘ 1 .0A M rices paid, p lo a so call (l2,ug^ughtoF.8yrBOid,i2500. ■ eitra By ownof lovoly 4 bdmi. 1 'A^ Coll owner 733-7606. Its of 30'8* aluminum, 51 A MARCH 4th SPECIAL vos^80^;^2;9202^_^^ 2yr^ 0old. reg. Arabian lilly. L ^ i « * dOKBhl both. Garogo w- oponor,r. CASH tor osod . or 4234241,______01 OPEN HEIFER SALE In ^ cllons 10* plastic. Call do front ond to (il 856 to $120 2-5464. loavo msg- _ [ W . iargtftot, loftcod yard. Now" mobilo homos. ;Quail Crook; 2 bdmi. 1 baih. coniunction e with our W‘do cariol, linoleum. fool.‘l.‘ Brockmans 324-J203. > jM ulsr dairy sale. 466. oxc, cond. also sot ol Bnizk icaseContrilugalpump. ' ail apptolumished. covorod j res 4-rims 16-38's with bred '• 1-800-773-3I67. ' parking. Ilrst & lost-f dop. *KerK.n%uJ|_Arfon«r iaip^vrsfSH ” 0hpek?cir>cmciof4 incs-Ncw's 0-90% rubber, also ond cham ioT2000gpm.$2000. T licllinc - Double wido 3 bdrm. 2 bot|n_ IfdSOfrio. 7 ^ 2 5 2 3 . ump for 835 Ennis wind- B askisk X Soralix. private w oj.: Mer^ee.^^mer ON wido. 1440 sq. fl. mobilo Outot 2 bdrm, near Lynwood 3wor. 733-8668 Ifonlvinlv. Con 673-5316. CollII 73734-53eSi L - homo, 2bdrm s,2 bath, Buhl! $15,000,677-4719 ‘ moll, $395 mo. WD faaSty. ------^ woodstovo.appis, Ig d^Q3 ovea. or 436-3165 days. - carDon.352-1127ovos. Idoaldoal hom estead cows. reg. g a rogo-oponors, RV Laco covorod floor to coiling • Irish Doxtors-543-4461. . spaco-dump. complololy 1 QUIET UVING 1,' windows 4 plush now Mr-1 Clean complox. 1 A 2bdrm U ' nwusln Bull Sale loncod, moiuro landscop- 6784099. SOO. 324-2642. _ Ed' ^ nT^OwV^^gs' Rogtetorod Angus bolls, ■' Jusl Sslod, cozy 3 bdrm. gos ■ ^ VofyntooUwWosolupIn dishwoshor. laundry 161 Ranch, Wng Hii. ‘ hoot, com er lot, owner li- CflmooPort.oduKspark.2 366-2177 or 366-2916. n a ^ n g . $39,000. (adiiiios,______2 bdrm, built on addition. Stud •ervica.APHAChes- 033 COOK REALTY Senior CHizofl housing. Buhl, nut nul Tobinno throws good 324^1289 2 bdrm8plun(utnlshod. _oolcolor C a lM ? ^ 745. 1-806-m3167. _• Rolfig 4 slovo provided, Minimum $260 mo. m ay goj UNIQUE CHARM 519 CEMETERY LOTS ad ust up according to in- rWanlod: j — 15-30 young brod I coma. 5 4 ^ 4 ^ 7 atior5pm,. EHl Is ovbrywhofo in this 'Picturoro B oautilulcom ponionlotsat bool cows with cahros or lo Book*2sloryhofno.5 Sunset Memorial. 326-- Smaliapt.$325.|.$300dop. call gal in Fob. and March, Call utils. Ind.. no smoking. 49 mk 1 9 9 4 F^ - 4 X 4 : XL bdrm8.2 batl^joniilyroomim 5fl14ovosorbo(oro8t»n_ 487-2011. ______&fireploc«. DoigoraooS - - 736-6713. Wanlod: Newborn Holstoin auloniSlicspfit»Wing,fhl5isIs 521 REAL ESTATE Unlurnlshod 1 bdrm apt. hoHof ho calvos. 544-2661 orw ol tho most atlradivo *& WANTED y e a r l i n g A NGUS d o slrc ^ older homes in . Wantod: Small homo to bo0 milrilMDald.734-5516- _ BBULLS EOR SALE. Itfl 1 J a possession so huoyl movod,2or3bdrm.Ca!lII Vivlendas on Buhl para HAM LETT REALTYY Dave. 734-9753. Cuidadanos Ancianos. Several Coming 2’t Still Avaliabft. ^ 7 3 3 ^ 0 7 9 ^ - Apartamonloa do 2 roca- moras. sin muobkis. Rofrig- orodoryostufapfovoidos. SILVER < SPRING 509 SHOSHONE HOMES Mlnimodo$266pormos, RANCH So puedo subir do ac- Bellevue. kJaho , Forsaio;3bdrm.1balh,lg cuordo con suoldo. Llomo EPD hlormalton ovailoblo living room, broaW ^nook. ■^iwm7dog^doSpm. ^(2061788 9631 or76g-3096 hoal pump, dotochodga- r o Q O .O n o W 'o 's . Chain 60S ROOMS FOR r e n t ' 703 DAIRY linKlonco.iocatod noor EQUIPMENT school and shopping In => ^°°’ti7s'^16M^*' Shoshono. Call e06-2/O1'01 *— ^ 3hpMaospo(l vacuum anvtkno. leayn mwwwon MOTEL mo ratoa736-1.986_ pump motor 4 tank. d W heels •Bright low Mountll MirrorsMi ‘ Full ^ 601 FURNISHED 3C«I M tm uol 0 /D - X L Trim ••AM » /FM Stoico •Aigont Styled ' Motol: W ookly ratos. fn- •4,91 EFi Engine *5 Spec HOUSES G au g e Pcckoge »Air'Air Eiog Rcsliaini System »N^uch,:h M oiel 512 FARMSmANCHES cludos cable wilh HBO. ll. ^ n y m a ld ^ M c o , a tolo- — AND DAIRIES 3bodroom house in Buhl, _ luliylurnishod,$500por 704 CUSTOM FARM k WASM7,14140 monlh.^o^s^&^j^r- SERVICES -■ d a i r i e s 7 1 608 MOBILE HOMES _ • DBL10 • 40 acros. 5 bdrm Custom mochankai i brick homo, Buhl - .602-UNFURNlSaEn------ROCK PICKW O.-wtaceof— ------• O rado A,-good Im- u^rgr«g^7i9 provemonls, homo and mo- HOUSES Voty nico 2 bdrni. In Jorom or iliti rm nnw TcU l rabr a t a l s bi\Q sW olJoroom _ ^6?po,W7m ------j ! 8 8 - DBL7-Grado A, lockups,IDS, 2 bdrm. 1 balh.inTF. Ro- Groundwori?. ptaming, k>^or corrals,.commodity born.irn. modolod. Living rm .bsmnt t 607 OFFICEANDwork, manuio hauling. Rupotlon».Soll«feaip0 (omilymt.8llappb.WO.dblW RETAIL SPACE _RRandvW oaw . S43-6686._ DBL 4 - Orado A, 3 bdrmdrm garago, $500,1sl& last mo H^rotriavln^j^^Jdo, 2 homo,-160 acros, Eden ; ^ d e p . Avail 2n0.A n- omcgB$iioup73s-Boa. IS DBL 3 - Small dairy, 4 bdrmdfm thonveB&-7716evos. - 200-3000 oflteospac«ovaa- ~ 'Manure HauSng ~ homo. 275 acros. Eden. 2 bdrm house In Filer, $4001)0 eblo. Handicap doslgnod. Dq tane'e Custom Farming TRIGON-lully oquippod.otl- pormo.Nopo«.1yr!oaso. Good kxalton. Lots ofpark- «5..fl0flor436^95_ ■ 100 awos, Joromo. folorortcos roa. 326-3161 Ing, All utils fumishod. Call — R A N G E R X L MTAPHOSCLIL ROBERT JONESES 2 bedroom , no p o ts, $35050 73^m 4 loavo mossago 705 FARM mo.-^dep. Rorsraquirod, MACHINERY p9! REALTY «>44675or324.2201. _ 2 « 0 soft with 16x14ovor^ m 7 3 3 -0 4 0 4 3 bdfffl. 1 balh.vroodsloveve ■ hoad Joor.portect lor w io- 14 j r ft. Kowonoo roliof h a rw ”: hoal.423Ty1or.W50arno,»o, .mollvo shoD. Conljr of 14 . It. Bush H ^ gite o ^ o w . 1-800-262-5001 i«tKlns».4.dw. 733-8924^ downlown Joromo. $535 ^ EXT. 1211 . . :— ^ Brand now 3 bdrm, 2 bath, P E R F E C T FAMILY.Y oakHtchofl.siovo.roJrig-lco Addison Avo. oIIIco space, ,, maker, mlcfowavp.tfspos-»- approx. 900 so. Il/for h ‘ - DAIRY n a al, partly, blinds. WDhook-5k- lease. $450 mo. Could bo r Indudosatotal of 129 a m , dbi *p|j||nto2 8op«ialooffk»8. ‘ • 3 .OL EFI •Automollc OD Tions. •DuelI Air Bog Solety; wkh eprinktor system. Votj p v-6*/ pwago-oponor, lawn caroiro g^Biekat™.€013, ? ago'Roof H •A/C •Roar V*.W in d o w Defrost •D uoi Elocitic:tic MirrorsA •Till nicohomo4bodroon«.< •2.31 EFI EnginoVJ Monuol 0 .0 , "Hondling Pockago : q'„, Included. 2 blocks Irom=2 0 (reo8; 100.s q lt lo » Z 8q it. , baths. 2 car garago. Fooi Slop Bumper •Inicrval WVipors ip 'M any More Siondaid FcaiiCQlUJCi par sido honlngbono barr Warahouso: 2700 sq ft. hitch ^ 4 now hard facod W U t l f J 4 0 wlh aotomalki foodon anc __ overhead doors, hooted 4 , m u t t m •ulomatio lako-otla)((a. Exoculivohomo^4 bedroom,m . bisidatod. Includos utllitlos. I Qearod for 200 hoadd ool VA bath in TF. tingle car SraullolO* spacing.hoe cows. Has froo stalls, largo biler, »450. GEM ro3.CanAIonCBVor»r. Sem M ankar trallor. 335- STATE REALTY 2162or335^263 ^ s ' roXc3702.755.22e866 868-5041. 734-0400 \ ___

1 ■ ” I ' > Is. Idaho Thursday, Fobruaryiry 10, 1994 • c -6 Timos-Nows, Twin Falls, li 16-1008 itlonal-Traiinsportatiolm 716 - Farmer's IMarket-Mi!llscellaneoulUS-Recreat TRUCKS 0 SPORTING GOODS 1002 AUTO A PARTS L iOW B25 WAKTEDTOBUY 82727 GARAGE SALES 006)6 GUNS AND, 810 ! 617 MISCELLANEOUS B25 AHEPAIBS :250 Ford, 360 cubic 716 FARMMSC. ‘011 • FURNITURE I RIFLES “ OPTDPTrack20woiQhlbondr i------i — AND CARPETS . F O flS A U ______T4 o rr5 whllo spoko whoolB *~s3Sal.Fobl2th,eam-nooo. M u iy E « « » Won. 4.3 onoiM , n w antod. 15*. 5 hole. Call iwlhallaltedimenl. 'MCort 5 hoavy duty JD coil snaaw . USED LOADER TIRES, «« eiBRltki8wav.------NowowRugof P89s,9mmblue. J$125orbo6tol1of. V6delsel, de over $1276 In C ri]734j 0 Now lonnal dining sot. bomT 324-8627 *“ $335.CanTorT/sGun ■ ’ parts,needsheado^ l969Ford a clamps. 4 honvy shoon tilul cond. Sold now $1295: 2)17.5*25Goodyoar C ai 324-7455. newp* corrugnlors, 3 'A' log $150 on. 423-406B 504- 50+ gal. lish lank, in good 02828 COLiECTBLES Repair 733-8872. )rseillorpart8.$775of $950. Cal ", nakino $850.734-4034. _ . (proBstonB Giant Stepper, k ^ or 1 chains.2 propanobijrnor condHen, wHh star>d. ANO VALUABLES Wine(inche8totl890rillo.22 op ol th e line. Y.ou won’t bostollotfer.TSj^MS.------i674?5?dFordF150PU.4 8pd. F oaK 3 drawor d rossor ond: USED TIRES wnnds. front-ond MF I MAJOR BRANDS, lor auto, ^Call 32&4T79.______IndlhUqualltyinTaiBOt, FACACTORY REBUILT $e50ofloinffof 7 3 f r ^ . • wolghts.4B7'2053.- jjo ^ c M 3 0 0 for both. Call pick'-up. ond trucks, many 5 5 R ll Drafting table, good oon- NooiQopoloanic chest set; Gol^ 734 Shopko, Walffiart Of SoartI Ford V. Ion Renoor Corral windbretk lumber. - sizos avail. 423-4069. diikw. dil 73&-WM lector's lot Item, hand carved ____ Hoavy duty box boam 4 tu- 350Ch(J h o ^ J J S f 302 Ford- ,V8 automatic, $1600.. ond palnlotl marblo, au------Hea’ B29-523». ______Qooon sizo pillow lop, II • USED TRUCK TIRES A p-emir ol matching kjvosoolB on aularstoolframofar,extra $489.9. Many moro In stodt, v537-6873. iS ! ______Of mottross & box 6piing..6till ■ 11R22.56ize.$125ea.- in in any condillon. Wooden- thtthentically signod by onist. gnnJ8 MOTOR HOMES JlS?Blabillly. On board com-. -CallNINumborlAuloPart, - £ S ^ Univoisal D -2 ,1 .^ bonnoc £550.Cnl32A362. Chovy PU,350 .j AT: Qfam olovQlOf. 733-B546 _ lnDlasiic$2W.7i4-S»8l. Olher sizos availablo, kitkilchon taWo whh bonchos. ^ AND RVS puioBuiofthalcountstimo.cakj- 324-81•8721.______jfxJabto.njne^tWvo CnS 423-4068.______CnllCr 734-3358.______tlo8 4 8lep8.lnllnitolyad- For saleate: IMCAmodlfiod race j.SlOOO and boBt car ” Romodol solo: Matching1 ■------AQIAQHA Palomino mare. Me- | l 1983983 Southwind O ass A mo- • Iusiabto g y r o ^ a r y » tof vari- car..c c h a s s is 4 partB. Call J*Can543^9._ tor homo. 33’. ouel- cond,. ablo able conditioning lovols, 624-71.7962 after 6om ^ couch & lovosoot. rust* 818 MUSICAL dium sizetwnv. 326-3313 I I tor' D alsun King c ab , 5 brown & croam. $600, flxli $19.500.3^4-3232. Alst?, ^IsJ arm s for upper body — jVPANESE j o ENGINE 4 i INSTRUMENTS Bi^ exorcise. Mint condillon. j p new paint, tiros, motor fltoon couch, $75. rust 1985985WinnobagodassA,27 0X0 rhaulod.nowlntorlor. 8hogcorpol13x20,$100. '“rsiS'M fe" I Sells used for $485, Asking i . Honor Orgonila accordian. _CjCall 733-9444.______I I I ft.iIt,immaculate, wilhmany Sell: 00 or best offer. Call louver doors, $65, llgfil amonltlos, priced right. $395FlRM,Cn!l734-3439, $39 ------i . 140bnss.$195.423-4411 ’ Computers,Coi primers, any- || I am USEDT1RE8 733-48914891.______Bwltchos, outlets, liflhtjix- 733-2491 . _____ Cnll Jan. 324-2444. Mhing oloclronic, NOT II ------MAJOJOR BRANDS, tof auto, .g ^ pFofd^tonpu.nowfo- o fd 'wOftKlNG or WORKING. | | *-up. and t r o ^ . many ’" ^ ^1460 4 6 0 molor, nowliros. C '1! iifflillillM ^985 Winnebago doss A,*27 il 911 TRAVEL P ^ - Solo, navy mini-prini, canrot- Call 733-6760. Will pickup sizes avail, 423-40M. .. cpu 543-4106543. ______back iKiriod: 2 navy &I ,• Rmtored Planot.733<}90S p. = — — = = = UII. JImmaculate, wilh many .TRAILERS = croam, chockod wingback,k ------J s free, ______amenilioB, pricod right. ____ — ------1985 BluoBluo V4 ion Chovypick John Doore Silver walk bo- 90^ chairs oood condition,'|.' 819 OFFICE Wl ATVSAND ' ^733-2491______25' 5 'InIntruder trir, tub-ehowor., vith cam per shoi , fully 801 ANTIQUES GREA'f &UNTHY LOCKl hind mower, modol 14 SB MOTORCYCLES AC. kilchon. W as $3800, 1003I AUIOS^?THEn a i ; ■' EQUIPMENT 51ofbotlof, 733-3929. _ _ 987 31’ Boundor, excellent AC, [ - m il nvw. 654-9761 _ cond,, loodod with extras. Nt»w$300Q. Ntw 366-2002 msg. Anliquo fumilufo: Repair & 5 Horitago motor homo. Twn sizo pilkJwiM mallross1 Copiors for salo. Largo so- M>«JMid BO'S tfavol trailer wanlod, 1l980Can-AM400dinbiko. q( Prico noqotiabte, 655-4388 071 folinishing, Warborg s 22 or 2411, In good condi- ru 87 Firebal29 ',stereo,TV g a '. ■,I low miloa, $19,900, igsSG> GMC h S I 5 PU good' a box spring, still in plasle,:, loction of recondition copi- 2: runs oxcolleni, noOd shape ^jtoculivo family consisting antonna. £ nvming, nico 1084 Re»torallon.734«l737. tioo-Call 733-0456 _J!$500 offer. Call 733-0418, txo< 54 Chtyslor Excocutivo, cofyj.5^ ^ $125.Ctil^-B881. ors starting at $295.1 yoar J k of 4 childron would like lo donn do unH, solf-oontained, 4 do Anliquo ptano. otcollonl coo- door sodan, loaded, ignssR)SR5Toyoialongbod, . warranty available. Call Nico desks & offico furnituto. 1984 1 Suzuki 4 wheeler, fronlrtoaso '. a Irg motor homo $8495, ${ wiD toko trado-in. $306068.1 9 8 0 Chovy Luv, '" ” 1,0, drtioo. 734-3690.______»ltont condition. WOOO “ 734-9968. JT733-7766 ______185ccRevorso, ^(lnoxc,cotKJ)loralnpfrom ____ Cnll 32&4730. 4x4.« $995.324-7944a w besltM>doflof. 734-0250 “ CoiioaSos 500 actual mllOB, 733-8721 ,, 812 HEATING 4 AIR Nordic Track oxordsor. Call 5( May26-Juno5,733-8451 cioJ;ioafance 1992 33’A’ Torry '03 DeDeLoroan S 3 , $25,000. lOARPor; Ford Ranger XLT, 0X1. Jim Boam bottlos. Rogal chi­ 820 PETS AND 834-5488. _ askforBmd- atior 5 or 734-8604 ofiido. '''5,^ na 25 yre old. loo montion1 ' CONDFTIONING 5th w heel, wilh su p e r 734-^l i z a i ______cob.I. tunyfun toadod whh shell. SUPPUES ^Plaslic 4 molat radiator for 191985 Honda Shadow, low ______slid slide-out. Must s e e to op- pTTT alow. Mourn Rushffloro, y Block race cor lof sato. Exc1 cond. coo 734-5147. 1 ■ Jamesiown polkJt slovo. liko 1987 Amorican-mado m rr ilos, new roar lire, exc, WE wi PAY CASH: Any usod orodalel733-3961. Pondorsoa Ranch. S p o c o ' ° 1 malo purobrod □ condition. $1500. Cali 733- „ 00. Call 733-5068, ig gI i Ford Foi F-250 diosol. 5 now. $995.788-4979. Renault AlliancoLkw, 4 cyt; & motofhomo4lTBvoltrnil- Jell cont. 70 Prowler. 2011 ______Noodio, Slot Machlnos.Ro- 7* Yorkshire Torrior. V 5658. ask tor Rvanahor6, ■ ■I sp>od. e ed .:$8200. Groor-s Ino. • n- Jam esiow n pollol irisorl, has no AC. 734-2387 S1600 Of olfor, 423-6269 ------^5074 or 734-5074.___ publicon & Domocrot. II In- 'i 7wooksold,$350, •-2 1985YAMAHAV-MAX ___ infof.tod, phono 733.4536,i . $lOOO;BlazoKingwooci Col 788-4666. W W< ant complolo usod sot of locis5 ANTIQUE AUTOS I Nissan, oxcoltont con- cuninglorches.l usod bod- 1200cc's 1» ol exctlomonl. doep 112 imLTTY — L_ Lalo 1830's woodon hopopo burning insort vnlh catalytic? 2 purobrod Dalmatlon pup- S red. 6000 original miles, ox- 909» 9 SNOW VEHICLES 912 on. $6000 or best oflor. jO convenor (EPA approvod). liner for short box nowor chost, lully fooiorod. $250. ,li t>ios,$100en. 423-4412 jJ TRAILERS 18 nf«6.2363. • $500 or bost olfor. Call Chew . Coll 324-5813. .0celleni condition, indudes 2 -A N D EQUIPMENT • 734-9912/______3 mo old malo Roltwoilor rr; ' matching helmets 4 covor. teleoleitwfiirt*. 1®820o2DodgoRam50, undor — 423-62fe Hanson. ' Warned: 2 lons ol oroanieally S3995.734-4992 J ______“ '------12"\Z VWeil Cargo enclosed trir. ' to 8000 n^. liko now! V0 7 largo WHiiam son - • black Black X puppy, well grown barloy soocT Corlili- - i 1986 Skidoo Formula MX, ddside 4 ram p door, $2500. Can. 802 APPLIANCES mannered & noods good w 1987 Yamaha n - 2 2 5 ; 1981 ’ 2 Can 733-8356 __ shop oil hoator. cntion # a musi. Ploase call 'S $1500 Of bosl offor. Call 83^837-61990f837-6^1 homo. 734-3915.______® Kawasaki KDX-175: Both John-734-8860 J or 733- Tsri 57 Ch'ovollo S 3 396. 4 -69 C:hovyPU,rod.400 her V8.4 17cottGEfoliig-troozOf. $400orbostoffor. 678-5717 ______^ ’O' flatbed trailer, tandom j, ^9S00.734^781 lalo modol, $400, Cna 733-6645. 55 gal. aquarium comploto ~ 6241 atior6 pm.______6.000 lb axlOB, olociric ^ “ w-undorgravol lillor, plants, Wantod: A kiddie bicyde cart , - s Cnl 543-5769. Ihal coflapses. Also VW — 11992 Yamaha Ptazor II, bi£biakes, beaver tail 4 Chovy pickup, 350 on- * Very nice, full-sizod wood gravol, lish. custom stand, ' ”2 Nova SS project, origi- gind, a bug. running or not, reason- 1988 250R Honda 4 trax, a t- ■ -$2500;43W515or..... "'fomp8,$-10OO:QdlI837- fa r 16^ id, runs good. 734-2406 21,2 CU II WoslinohoufioI®® burning sfovo 4 3 wal pipo.w. , elc. $300-make offor. 423- « col cond, lots of extras 4 if, buckof, lloor, aolo, w/ after 5P Iroozor, 5 mo old. $500 or nbR'pricod-7^ -6667 oveg. ® 670-1156. 6 631 3 lfo f 734-1511. '0^ $250. Cnll 543-5628 ovos. 4B96evoaortanvoms<}. _S ready tor iho sand dunos. — r.350 4 boll, chrome 4 )odgo4WDwithtocKout hf)-a nllnr. 436-6223. Wanlod bam wood. rCnn 654-2311 nfior 6pm, . 1993 '»■ XLT SKS Polaris, , 6 fl Singlo axlo traitor o a n . Many oxira p a rts. Adorablo Goldon Rtrtjiowr^X W piped, ported, aggressivo with sides, $275. J^lle 38 4Btoroo.$1000of 30* G ibson olociric rongo, 814 JEWELRV Call 788-9870, .______— illed.$15do/oflOf.733- ^ Can 326-4554. ■ while, very good condition. Wanlod: Bunk beds with 90 track, low miles, runs groal. Call 432-6637. AND FURS their woy inlo your hoarl. W 903 BOATS ANO Cnll 423-6282-______= $175. 324-4528______— Cnll 736-8717.______imotlrosses. in good condi------— Noww 1934 Ford b o d ^ MARINE ITEMS *79 JD 440 Trailllro, funs ■■ ^ifke^X • Cnivinaiofuprighltroozor,r. Two 15 carat CZ rings, $95® AKC Akita p u p p ie s roady lion. < 15* chrome whools for wppod 2 door sedan 733-1651 8am-Spm 2t cubic loot, liko rww. -«n rnn4g3-4411, Ford tn)ek.Call 734-9942. ^14 'GloBpar, 40 hp Mercury, good, O' good Boat, cover, II — 2/26 for salo. 734-1811 J nowwindshlokl.$430. . III I W Imm C hovy'/i ton Silverado, paid $569 asking $400, ovoninoa atlorSom.______VWnntod:Chiropmclorstrao. 1liHlroilor.$600.733-7418 " Cnll 733-5514. _ 817 MISCELLANEOUS Call 324-5865.______I I on, 350 motor, r ^ , 56K AKC Poodio, lomalo, silver, lion tnblo, OKI radial ongiho 1982 Bayllnof, Inboard, out- — 1006)6 SEMIS » HEAVY B £3000.^^86. for model airplane, low I •92 Yomaha Exdtor II w-ag- I I Konmoro 19 co, ft,'rolrig withvith FOR SALE had all shots, $200. Call board, open bow. $6000, ^ EOUIP«NT RangorXLTsupercab. 50. ______pticod .22 rilk) lor young > grossivelrack, 1200 miles, I I ico makor & wolor, $250. ^ ^23-5935.______Call 5 3 6 - 6 ^ .______27* color TV in cobinol,lol, 1993 Kirby Homo Mainto- man.734-62l9bosttocall - grent cond. $3600 or bost I I 73lnlernaltonnl1700.22’ V6. J.w auto, 60,000 mis, kiad- nieni £250. ^ 5 8 3 8 OVOS.os. n a n ce S yatom . $995 or AKC rog. Goldon Rolriovors, botwoen 7-8am, 1987 15 BaySnor Cobra 'R sh 4 _o]oiler. 734-7552______I I van body, toadingfamp, J, njnning boards, sunvt- ,or, bosl ollor.-423-4003 roady for Valentines Day, - Ski*. 125 hpForco, trolling Largoloi iruck tubes for Bnow iib ih b i^ sof. sport whools. V07 Konmoro hoavy duly dryor, P $206 on. Call 423-9039. Wanlod: V\ Disk harrow, 4' i oan.$M00.734-9167of wklo,'3 point hitch, 250 b s 1molor, fish finder, doptn tubinq-$10oa. ti 423-4068. — c C '. ’ liko now.S225.423-4702__ 2 5x lOBoinsvflcksnookor - dhil 324-5110. lnr toblo. good condition. AKC yollow & b lack Lab maximum. 543-5152. 1lindor,2llvowolls,AM-FM ^READY TO RIDE: ■06 Ardto . flflto avail, 4&-4068. ______Konmoro washor & dryor lor $700 sol up, 734-5084 pups, shots, wormod. dow- - c a sso lto ste ro o , $7900, -, Ibol AVIATION " 4 0Oft t traitor, 12* drop dock, "SII FofdF-150XLTUrial, For snloortrado. 734-5046. e l r i ^ . $225.832-4550. _ VlWantod: Harrow bed. 2 or 3 ' Cnt 0 Tlgro 6000, 530 liq- 100 51, auto, toadod, 50.000 — GenoorBill.______Call 734-4663 ovonlnqs. uid. 1417 miles, exc, cond,, — oodcondliton.$4l00.Can 35M MaglcVplleyUted ■ wide, Cnll 537-6533. J 1956 C e ssn a 1 7 2 ,2 nav- 0°® is, sport whools 4 mnning Chock out the 6 modols of al- BlackAKCPomoranionpup- - ESKA7hp,oxcoHont $2000. < Coll 934-8425 days. IBS 733-4077 days. mw.sp Ap^lsnce* & Parts ,c- py. hoavy coal, $275, m 5 VWanlod: coma, transponder, mid- boards, oxcoi. shopo, ’ lordablo Rhino larm troc­ HORSES condhion, $350. 0 Of 733-3894 eventos « « 7272r>dAve.S. ,d- orvisanccoplod, . Cnll 934-4485 days rr, $9850.734-9167 Of TwInFollt.lD tors. 4 whool drivo & load­ Grandchildren's horso. Not Usod snowmobiles, many j a s i ! ! ! ® irk fork lilt, 5,000 lb lill, 324-5110.______ers availablo. Hobby Horsorso 934-5559.______G or 934-4012 ovos. ual whoois, 150* lilt — ------' ______734-0670______• loo old, gentle. Also rogis- _ mokes, -92-93 XRC Polaris triy rod 1993 F-150 Ford ■pr Ranch Equipmont 324-!4- Chosapoako pups, AKC, ev-' torod loll bloodod Arab NNow boats at wholesale pric- 440. 4 great shopo. '87 oight, $4500.733-4077 Chorwr Rainbow vacuum cloaning 1002 AUTO PARTS .Twith|ml^in^fl^l^4 '"1? 5858 or from Potro 11 tn,)ckjck ory buyers says ’Super^ brood maro. No whito or os, many in slock, whh lull Y am nii Phnzof. now inick nvi or 733-3894 ovos XLTw system, liko now. $995. stop, Joromo, 1 ml N.. 2 mi pups* e o o d linos, amort.■ gray. Call 733-6578- cortiliod Borvice dopart- 4 • skis. 764-2429 Fairfioid, & REPAIRS Hough model H,U. • Cnll 734-2195,______-_ W .y^m lS, rod shop. __ tafe$2S0.7M-755-2507 - mont. Call 536-6323 or n ■ Wnmod: Indian molorcyclos ID. Mountain Sports. — paytoador. Call Brent . iidusJi Soars rango. 30*. $135. Cnll 1960 GMC 305 with h o a d ^ P xtet. someone vnoiikl lovsnt Curio cabinol.3-lior, lighted, For sale: Purobrod Border' or parts. Basket ca se s ok. . runs good. $200.433 Von —•^■0445of734-1531 Z: extetl 536-6467,______.C«J ___ 71x22*. $200. Exerciseise Collie puppies. 324-8239. . Cnll Donnis (2081344-2714 910 SPORTING GOODS Bumn 733-6785 JD31310Abackhoo;2-JD500C . 733-0931. biko, Air Gomolor, w-hoart For salo; Purebred Quoon-• ^Wanted: Mag. & super mag »904 CAMPERS ackhoo-loador, somaw- Usod Appls.: rangos, $99 up monitor, now cond.. $135. HOME GYM 350 35( Chevy short block loc- b « sland lomalo pupptos. From’ goose docoys. 3' restau rant AND SHELLS , abs.^C^tof^^^alte, ^008 * BlBckor'» 733-1804 14Kaoldtlngs.1blueto- Uloslylor syslem 40. 40kox- tory to rebuilt, $500 ox- fab 18 4X4 ^ wortdno stock. 829.5048. . . iU)0 0fil. Eves 733-8675. • Wttshore $135 Dryor $65* 5 paz, w-12 diamonds. 1 opal Aluminum cnmpof shell Ills ercisos on stair stoppof, change. cl Good prices on op- Froo to good homo: Long \ others. Highway 30 Auto USED U£ LOADER TIRES, 1958G)8 GMC 4x4, short bod" , Rango $125 also Iroozors.ors. w-diam ond. J e n so n 's ap- a Wanted; Mature healthy Ford. Chovy, or DOOQO bultorlly. I bonch press, tog. ol 30 V8,4 vrrsp 00 hoitodspayodlemelocai,I. goats.Call934-5580oaily » Parts. 734-7090. • 2)17.5x25G 2 oi}^or 350V1 Bpd, around rolrigorotors, microwovos J ! 2 2 » . Soil S700. tongbox, $ ^ of best oiler, 4 n b 6tattons.3 mos.okr, '_ P OSS, now 16* tiros and _ nnrinfl/cnll 324-3745. _ am or ovos,------fcl60 oa 4 a ^ • _ gl»8, dishwashors & ports lor 733-2481 . • _ _ $250.436-1501. 70Chevollehood, 70 newSS ------)hoislefy. $3900-ollor. whools 4 tiros $275.’78 USEDTRUCKTIRES U upholi do il yoursolvos. ,,t-„ For salo usod soivico stolionlion Free lo good homo: Lhasaa Wanted: OW/anliquo lypo Aluminum sholl whh smokod Ping »| Eye Irons, 1 1hru a w , w « .5 4 9 7 ftav Of 543-8348 Appllonce & Rsfrlnorallor sports memorabilia for all Olds parting out, $250, 11R22,5slze.$125ea. r typo fuel pumps. kJW pro-■O- Aoso. Call 734-0547. bubbto windows, fits long- nowgraphhosUfts, r _ 0 71 C hevy 4x4. 350 AT. ^^SilMiSorvTca ffle.oxcolom cood il ion. a types: Basoball. loolball, CollRay733-5497or543- othor 0 Chevy parls. Call Other ' sizes availafcto. 1971 C Konnol salo. 6 AKC Matloso bodS-10pid(up.$150, Di C al 423-4068. $25002500,0^536-6630. , flusrtrttMdl Call 678-7700 5. bosho^L^inji^ishing, pB348.$S00orbffStoffor, 734-9605T after 5om. , 425 2nd Avo. S. ___ YorWos. Shih-Tzu. Dachs- Cnl 825-5807, I 733-3059 Free pallets. Call 733-0931,131. hund-438-8093.______. Tho Tim es News, or stop■WP Malo Cockatiol. tom e, talks,r Wantod: Old or now duck4~ ' gooso decoys tor personal ^ tlw offico botvrton 8 air $ 7 5 .7 3 3 -1 ^ ______004 BUILDING n?idSom.132 3rdSl.W. T, use. Sturgeon rod 4 rool lor IMTERIALS -=— Nood porson lo watch smalli" young lishorman, HAWAH VACATION dog lor 6-8 weeks. 733- WinchostorsokJornowfor Membership film procossinj 5'ng 3637dflva.______— young hunlor. Call Highosl_^qu^rt^wl^bldgs,das Co.haBOVorourchosocd,*?,?, Oldor rod Doborman, oxc “ promot'onal 8 (toy Honoluli IC 733-3444 nt1or6om- S with Wds, houEobroho. Froo“ •Wanted: Pro 1960 Uadors 4 vacation, Incl. oirlinolicite tn oood homo. 7 3 6 ^ 5 8 . $6.25.324-8733'i S i - & holel. Will socrilka $179, — parts, prolor nonrunning. Wantod bom wood. 1-80Q-765-7427______Purebred Boxor pups, $150.0- Cnll 736-8143.______Call 766-9870------2 year old malo Koo------Hitachi color TV, $95 shound. $50 bost oflof. Callli Toshiba microwavo, $95 438-8946______3 806 CHILDREN'S Weight sot whh bonch.i95 TT Wanted: Smoll tractor (60-80 rTEMS Golf bag cart. $25, CalColi Short haired small house° hp) Of JD 4020 wilh bod on------dog, has shols. boon ~rrT GnTV73y4690. ------Call 438-8215. s ...... Holp I'm 001 of roomlF!" t i s Konmoro portablo dishvrash W ontod 10 buy: 289 or 302 1 9 9 4 CALAMIr s svflrvg, $45. 2 walkors. $1 T tnbtor4 4 Bpdlranstofil luol Air Bogs •Ftont Whool Drive)tivG •Morel 2 mo or. with mopio cultini ling •Casscfie Steroo *5 Spoodsod OvGrdtivo Transmission »Duc onch, clolhs. 6 mo-12 m' board.$75.2fx32*6t£Jr Mustang, x x x i cond 4 roa- •Ait Condiiioninc JohnnyjgmpGf.$10.&mii sonablypricod.orcantfodo boby toys. Call 324-592,5827 loss Stool sink, $15. 15 15* stainless bar sink, “J $1C — for Piano. 733-8838 ntlor7om. ------Singlo bod wilh undor boi Wonlod 10 buy: 2 lined . drawors and mattress, t$7f ° S 021 STEREOS/ drapes, 42*x74'wkto,pink. 807 CLOTHING _____ Singlo headboard anand RADIOS/CDS white or croam. Lap lop $35, ______2 exc. cond. promdrossoissos malching bodsproad,$3J r* computer with hard drive. 94 3 wall chimnoy molal stovaovo 2 L onzar 15* subw oofots.1^- Call 736-0927.______Biaios 10& 15-324-5694. . siz- with box, $200 or bosl offor. —r r : pipo ond occoss. misc. sii Wanted 10 buy; a onpino tor Attn. Juno bridos: boautil o r 2<-apl rango. $35, CCall i Call 734-8044. ■______wodding dross, sizoOOMO^ 7- 734-S2l6atlorSpm. ____ Alpino amp modol 3554. liko spodaJ ordor, soo to appt riMo $300 678-8032I_____Lo rg o tru c k tu b o sfo rsn o ' Wanted to buy: a good used w ------tu&nq.$10on. 423-4068. “ slock trailer, roasonnbly B09 COMPUTERS Log CMbln S949i^ 822 TOOLS AND pricad. Cat! 324-3959 oves._ ------Z4‘x3Z with 8' porch rool, Ski' MACHINERY Wanted to buy; Birds, cages, For salo: Epson U so rp■ pnnt- rii 7* Swedish copo. soddto __ especially brooding pairs. nr $500Xflll 733-3300. 22:___ notch togs. 2^6* T4G |!!^Iroo Full lino ol m echanic s hop ^ R^nrijlo-438-^5. ¥ H)w& docking. Plans, Video, loft Invonlory doarnnco, now ^..l>vn»nt. Cnll 438-5913^ Wantod lo buy; Campersholl usodcomputors.I. other slzosavailf^lo. ______307-684-2445. Largo ComwoB bottom rolloflof tofChevySIO PU .Cal CnH 736-6707. :n:;;r 5ox,oimosinow.$4i0. ______536-2580. Ninolendowith2contfolloi 810 RREWOOO & 8 gamos, $200. CiC.S ^ Wanted lo buy: GI Joo dolls — — 324-3690 tonvomossoQO. ond accetsotfes. Anything 823 VABIETV FOODS rolatod to Littlo Rod Riding Chotry firewood. $100^ co' Ninlondo & 2 controlkirs +1 AND SERVICES Hood. Call 736-2423 or . Coll 734-5727,______------games, $200, Call — 73&0301 ______P n H ( Firowood spEt pino10 ______734-3893. M o n th — - We grow it, now wo nood Wanted to buy; 6 un salo, 16 $)25ao^U-noul, OaK bunk bod $170, »oak -loealHIZ-SliKabocJio $135dolvorod, “ gunorlafflonMusthnvo 1 ^ • • desk $65. oak comor do;dosk Muash.orgaflkaljro'o*'^- combination kick on H. Call111 J ^ ’/icord $70,734-6033033 ■ 4 5 5 . bunk b e d with mo $25b,nny(}u«nwy.frM lonih, 1.20% APR OAC. Ono> linollino poymonl ol dnv8.734-9428 OVOS-2L— iros«$55.1singkjbod$6 “ 734-7039-______- , , •Saloptico$14,W,993. J7 5 0 ccil> o: trade dowri.V 24 2- paymonls 0 $179.89 pof mor 8ati»tos.PfliT0l8-B0nj0t. WamedtobwHonda1104' 3,d56:39. loK & liconjo noi .ndudoeiod...... Mixod Hrowood for iwxl«i ycyoar. 4234411 ______733-0381. .... - ...... • • - $io,d, gauflo sholl convorter-3!r-357 024 VIDEO VAY TO DRIVE AI HEW GALANT W anted to buy: Lilllo Mer­r THE 1 SMART Wf Cnll 324-7563, • ■ magnum $21.9 EHTEHTAINHEHT 3rAlrfitroam trail maid, Paler pan 4 Lady 4 4TELEVISI0H . Tho Tramp videos. Call 811 FURNTTURE $12.500.734-4147. MAX 5 Radtocontroltodolrplano. — : 734-1206.______I DIAMANTE ES5 11994 ! MIGHTY M AND CARPETS « » . 1 yoar oW 2 T steroo TV and Wanted lo buy; OkJ branding^ 1 9 9 4 1 orl Miriots •/\Aorol ______$250 Of bost otior. monitor, on scroon graph* Powof locb •Power Windowsws ■•Power •Till •Delusluxo Cloth Inieriof *Dual Sporl ^ bods, Cfti 934-4905, Irons- Can 754-6915- •Dual Air Bogs •Po> Zcomplotolullsizobodi ------ics. ttoos ovwylhing incfud- nl Miitots 'AllovHoy W h eels *C ;) Pioyor & Moro\orol ikonow.$200&$1S0. Rowing m achine, oxcollaollent ing calculalor. Groal jubuy v Wanlod to buy: Small 3 point or both lor $300.I. ^»Ton.t35,7M.5M0. $399. Call 423-6456; or o r ditcher lof 1710 iradof, call 733-4462 Of 733-4440. Call 324-3672 — — RV rosort momborship,C,OR 734-6076.______thtono co8#t & WA state herome Complolo satellite syslem,om Wanted lo buy: Travel traitor, Coucti & lovosoal. oonh tc ood sell-conlnlned whh shower. color, hoavy wood Iramramod, park^ nationwide cam:amp- Houston TfBckor,.vo[y good _____ r-nnd $ 1 1 0 0 .7 ^ 7 2 ^ 0 roasonabto prieo. Call t125.734-g189, ___ _ TZ •734.^206. Saors CoklBpol froslfrooOO'®: i R C A 1 9 * c o lo rT V w ilh ro - S ea Wanted; Trees lo cut for fire- fjprik- Irig $150; roll-a-wayy botlb mmn $150. Cnll 733-3769. ^ wood. Call 734-5727. tl50.Cal7^6881._^ $10; Bfiding tub door ooconclo- — ------turo $10:2 drawer motalmo W anted d e id or alive. Wanlod; Usod Sububans m H ig h q u a lliy a n tiq ufrhinW e It cablnol $3; 2 mauve,win- w TV8.VCR^.&^ ■8&-'93. Call Art 734-6565 Bolld oak bow Iront ch dow*hados$5:2bluowowin- TVDocter.734>4l88.------Of 324-3900______n u '9 8 0 6 I dOHX. Load^^fllaM dc d0W8h0d0B$5:2mau W anttobuy: 12paBSongor mlnl-blind8$5oa.;2bl! b im - B25 WANTED TO BUY I ------mlnl-blinds $5 oa.; 22 tvtwin ------^ ' Want 10 buy: Boats that havo 8 (rod 10* & L arger non-worlcing u m l h bodsproadB w-Bhams (r Con ongino probloms, 16-20' 9 9 . ™ • • & while lace) $25; 22 si80IB color t v ’s 4 VCR-8. Con la cur- 42!M 676ovos4wknds, with any kind of ongino 1950 cojh or irodo t W . 42 p pwMjofS29971 ^ i M King sizo pilow top ^ ^ matching Priscilla c problem. Coll 324-8721, 13.347. Tax & ^ ■VOS i5yroklg!r1want8lokHiso P t OAC Ono lifw i.p ^ n ls ol S13.. I altBtrinb mQttroM&boxsprinfl. r 9 9 5 licofw r»l indudcd______Toddlerbod.madoofriIf roal abovroining horso forOf WanI 10 buy; Cock-a-poo prefer poodio mother 4 wood, includes maliroi Cocker Spanlol lather/ / UkanewlSoIidmapleb'lebunk- $100. Call 702-752-22•2277 Cal'^2274; bod»,vofyflood..etMnflan moi- W ed-Sat 7am-3pm Pac>adfic 20V4x1B% bathroom sink ■ 1 tfOBio^pf^®no|0^otlabf* ihTw MkfafJean. _____ wilh Holtio rim. Marino 1 diivo patchoa a omblom s. Lalo WantlobuyPodlabto* 5S2£21- UBod.c6npad4'WtKKridr a o r In noedol repair; UvfcigroomfumituraTm . dieael tractor* wtthkiadi)adors modol Crown yicloriaoi Hobby Gfar>dMartiul8.734-4602.32 ohJMatoo lof parts. C a l 324-8695. _ 0oihlnanycondiik5o.CaI M«teWnflcooc^&loy«< B58or 2 sets of Iron stabe withh after 6pm 654.2799__ a and r froni Potro 11 tivdt stop,p.Jor- J pbtformA handrail wanlod. .V4(nl Musthavealle«t4Blain.lin'. Will pay castt lor Door and ^ i S S 3 m « o W ; _ I' n - — ‘ 1'"...... i' Thursday. February 10.10.1994 Tlm09-N(W3, TwinFan Falls, Idaho C;7

, Tran^ 10([>08.1099 I EiSENi M O lro R S "I

1008 W _ 101037 DODQE | | ^ U t m s T J ' WM IDAhHO'S LAU •88 Shadow. 4 dr. auto, air, ■"778K.ooodcar,43500oro(- te f.7 g l5 3 6 c f 324-3134 mHCOLNI'.mRCURHYDEALEf^ i-89 RED Daytona w lh storoo iihWhttffltnlto box. $2100. . .«6ialanii.4m78.'< Can *87-2771.______YiTrilnk claitlllad whan you I B 1978ChevvV4ton4wh(«l place your ad tn ctutllM .- P!1 lnCiCustomer Siatisfaction drive, locKoul hubs, AT, »l200.3g<^1SB. - -- ie7B{^ord F-150 4x4. 400 1l1040 BAT r 7 Years Inn A Row!! eutoma1lcwlthiollbBr& _ h S r o B D W W ^ ! l S KlFor t g q n B i T n campor choi. (5400 or b«t 2 2^ 1^da's, jor^gs or lor l«48009A,W | AS$4495,------. Ottor.call73»«n4_ ^ _ rOURSWElEETHEAKTr THE GIFT llBSSDODfiEIUBHU Lgiveyi 1965 V* Ford 4x4. 4 »pd,, ,1041V FORD , I '“ 5 2 9 m | ■ |#43023A ,W A S *4995------A r i M\TJUSTKt i EEPSONtGIVING! m m f iwrnfdToronoi |l9 | 8 8 CHEVY S-10 PD > noods a littSo work. * ?(M n"»^0.326-«^ $400orbostotlor. l«JB18044A,WA5W995 t ------!l > 3 8 8 7 I Cni 536-5803. I|988HISSUITBDCK a ; 1977 Ford LTD, runs groat, » *39921 Pi new liros, new battery, |«fA1004»A, WAS $5995------M Brand ' $800 or best oiler. Call 19B6 ■ 934-5284. ______Il9 8 4 BMC S-IB PICKII llKA03»8B,WASS59?5...... ^ 1 * 4 7 8 1 E 1986 N iisan king cttb 4x4.• ^1977 Granada, 73JXW origi- mNew ! nal mios, AC, AT, PS. 1%, now paint, molor, «ran«, & 11988 FORD F-180 ! r a C D ^ . 2 ‘ bodyil«.: , newliroa.$^.324.S739. Can S43-e7»7ovonlnq«. 1992 1 Ford Taunn XL station l«39B45B,W ASS5W 5...... ------„ ‘4 8 6 3 y r Ittis T ti ■ wagon, exceptkmany doan 19B8 Dakoltt4x4. V-6. AC. 11988 CHSmr PICKUP flllERCUR)! 3 bhMwlhbkwimorlor. ' now tin». whool oM storoo ll?'-'' BVBlem.bodlinor. LooksI . CaH72fr-3093 |«43008,WASS6995...... '!...... »4972 i r. '82 Crown Vlclorla, 4 dr, ondrunaoroat.rooOoflor. ' l l B 8 8 C H m P I C K U P Cnn734-fcS1.______good condilion, 1 lomily iTMCER 1S88 JoopCom anci» PU ,66 . car. $2500 ofter, 423-4337. |«43004A ,W A SS7995...... J5777 P -89 Muslang LX, 5.0 HO, air, cyi Fl. 6 spd. 4x4. AC, II989IDRDM B0 I AM-FM cassotlo. customn ttt. cruise, locks, windovrs. whoois, bod liner, camporir csisollo. while. $5750. I«1AI3928A,WASS7995...... *5978 m1 4 DOOR ir 324-4552 or 324-2724. sholl, tow piig. Huntor ll988 T0Vm DUC roon. Soo to approciato.>• ’90 Mustang LX S.0, loadod. 7600.0*8733:5111 _ tewmts. $?500.436-9576 l»KA4M90A,\«AS$7995------_ *5977 m i ® ' i 1S80 Silverado Suburban, '9 3 Ford E scort GT, fully r : : S E f c - loadod, excoOonl coodHion. |l9 8 9 FOBO F-180 S M f e : Bi S L S i C k>adod. oxcenom condHkxi. fjrisEsa™ m $14.500orbottot(or. CnH423-62re. ___ I k A22392A,WAS»7995------... ‘5991 m $ 1 3 , 3 8 6 fCat! 934-4561.______tY WINDOW STICICKER: ll98T FORD F-IBO ■K FACTORY 1089 V4 ton GMC, auto, 4 1042 GEO SCOUNT: $ 1 , 6 7 1 ■ I»CA23S39A,WASS8995------_*8781 I PACKAGEiE SAVINGS DISt •65 Ford Tompo GL. 4 dr. 4 lUHT&FOBDREBJlATE; $ 1 .7 1 6 _ cyi. AT, AC. AM-FM storoo ll989DDDeEIM K0ri t h e i s e nI *MOTORS D1SC0UI n . cassone, 40,000 actual ml. m l 1991 Dodge 4x4. V> ton. 1«5141523A,WASS7995.....~....™ J8798 I Cummins dtesof. aulo, air,Ir. ttuddod snow tires, front $ 3 , 3 8 7 112.300.73^3532 ___ ' whool drivo, oxc cond., |l98TCH E«yS-10BL I r TOTALL SAVItiGS; Z good miioaao. good on 1991 Ford 4x4, Od. cab. Lari­t Snow&k»l$S6oorwoukl l«Y002M7A,WAS,S799S------I at, loaded, 351.49.000 m ~ ] [ milos. 814.000.324.253g^“ trade for ATV 4x4 wilh trir. I1991 c o m PICKUP — Call 726-9351 am or 726- 1993 Ford F-150 XLT,o«ra 3264atlor3______||P00980SA ,W A S $7995------". *8898 ^ cab. V-6.5spd,toadodl HmT" 1 0 « HONDA II888 FOBO aERDSTl(TAB 6Q0Q 0^676-2981. _ 1901 Honda Accord LX. 4 dr.f;ll98TF0BDF-IBG 80 Chovy, 4x4,’/4 too PU.__J, AT, AC. PS, PW, papor1' |«7243A,'WA5«a995 ------*7873 UrtlfSEORT 3504sjx1.AO,»500.CoIIell w^& flM^fl^amingod. ^ 4 ^ « 0 4 . !: 11988 CHEtnr ASTRO l _ m •80 Ctovy SUvorado, 'A ton, l»HB580(M A,W AS«8995------IOM JE E P “ „ „ *7883 %iiCOUPE ■ ;ll988CHEm r«BII ^ •84 Joop Chorokoo 4x4.2 5 •83 Chovy Suburban, 4x4, V l«f3022A,WASS10,995...... *8888 n b o d y ^ ^ ^ , runs, bost M I990 F0RDRUIGER l i s s l I anBrS:3Q pm______105T UNCOli) IIKCA04749B, WAS $ 10,995...... “ “ *9773 t ssSrs e3GMC.SWre,AT,*Aton.5‘ nn, 33* liros. custom dash, W Uncoin Continontol. minti '11989 FOBD F-IBO $ 1 2 , 5 4 5 $4500,4 76 Chovy'Alon, RY WINDOW STI(n C K E R : » ion. • cond.Allpowor.nowtlros,'• l«iaM3l97B,WAS$ll,995...... *18,878 I F A C T O R S AT aluminum whoois, new»W ao OOP mS 324U433 GE SAVINGS DISISCOUNT: $ 1 > 5 5 tIm , $2500, or bost oltors.ara. — ------~ 11991 N issan PICKI P A C K A G 1 7 3 & « 4 6 ______BOUNTY ^ 3 0 0 — 1061 MAZDA _ I 1EO53952B, WAS $12,995...... *18,878 I Y O U N Gi IBUYER'S DISG( 65 Ford F-150, good condi- OUHT&FORD REBBATE! $1 .0 0 2 tkan. Can 324-2170. 1966 Mazda 323 4 door, ^1- II989FOBOF-S80 THEISEHM MOTORS DiSCOl Ui: cond. $3500. •86 Ford F250 super cob 4x4, _ l«PA564<2A,WAS$n,995 —L *18,881 [[ $ 2 .9 5 7 460, good condition, L SAVINGS;2______t7500. Can 733-1733. ® "' . '67 M azda P2000, rod. bod'i ll990FOBDmOS1 TOTAL •88 Toyota 4x4, V-6, sholl. _ llKA43587A,WAS$12,99i—” !?*1B,987 I low miios, extended w ar­ T m ranty. exeel. cond., $7995. 1063 tEROJHV 11991 rtlR D F-IBO 536-6590 aftor Som. - I »KA4«5«2A, WAS $12,995 . *18,993 I ■90 GMC Siena. 4x4, kutdod,Jod, I960 CouDsr 2nd owmr, 1994 / S i U ^ t13Sfl0.Joff.734-4074___ . sh a rp lS n 326-5633 |l99IC H E«y PICKUI •01 Chevy 4x4 ext cab. can aftor Som- = _ l«47135A ,W AS$15,995...... *12,981 short box % ton. fuHy t o o ^ . ” llB98GMCSIEBRA MERCUH Mkroon-whllo, wil conudors ’aa?7^3i,"°° iry^ B trade for siandani cab.' Spony white T-top, 1981>' l»iA97608A,WASSU,995*...... *12,987 Cloan '92 QMC. oxtonoM EN M OTORS DISilS C O U N T : 1989 Oodoo Caravan SE, T H E I S E 1075 PLYMOUTH ||9 9 S FORD F-IBO IHL PACKA(AGE SAVINGS DlDISCOUNT; W SymMhFiiiTfSr^urn l«dPrtxSEjluIvtoo* g: Im im ssM iw nr •86 Col O o < ^ Vlst^ browfown, ad, mtcol. corrf- 423-6282 Stfri tg4a.6784}749_ 5 Seorinoe. Projoct car, 197C™ llPA2S4b2A,WAS$17,995...?!!!^5,887 Dodge Van-’65 atarte^^«J-70 -Tempert T-37. over $ ^ ILGRAND 781 l n n o w ^ . $ 3 0 0 0 a^ ^ | l 9 9 2 F 0 R D A E R 0 t W t t I pflfrtSO O cto. 734-4781 9 |j^ ^ TTfflTf fi"BTom324-7252^2— |l4700e,WAS$16;995;™?r^l5,898 1010 A c m _ 1084 SUBABU I199IFORDEXPUI ■87 Acur« Integra RS, A iST ll4716SA,WAS$l8,995------*18,881 AC. 80K,'exc«l conditioifttonl 1985 GL S ubaru w agon s * y?mgfgltw,7??-242i. I199IFOROEXPUI _ I|43039A,WAS$1B,995— *18,998 1015 AUDI . II993 FORD F-IBO 1987 Audi 5000S. vo JwI r I WHEEL DISC BRAKES •; ING I I a . IIKA35732B, WAS $18,995...!? .^ *17,987 iffsTIKIEDGLASS-'’ -p ffi EMISSION . J a ^ 1993 FORD EXPU ■ [ i l i S m M G 3 S H TI------1087 TOirOT* w a • _ « MBs . i ------I«7022,WAS$19,995 ------“ ™ *17,998 f i B e . loa oitygaJT 1 , 0 0 2 R llBBSnRDEIIPU T H E I S>EN E M OTORS Dl!tI S C O U N T : 2 jTTI ||4729I,WAS$19,995 ------“ ^ 1 8 , 9 8 8 l i S l S . U e U k P A C K AAGE SAVINGS DDISCOUNT; t ^ ligsicREiysuBi M Chev^M «M .35i tnHM ^.734.4781,?b” ’S3JSiS'*7SSw,'" " ^ 8 , 9 9 8 T-. I|47140,WAS$22,105 ------TOTAAL SAVINGSS|______$ 2 , 6 1 7 _ | | H ,% ~tui93nisaaM ni f f " . IIKA435a2A,WAS $21,995.r ! ! ? 1 9 , 9 7 1 r,*o; , wiiwm.yw*ywwi. B juksJ{arrisiism's Itie Lei OuT^RfputatirnGTO''TOWS i w l ^ WOMMYMiBHUl - S S iKg * ™ - . lo w VOLKSWAOEM _ s i t o B i n m Br733^evn_ >— 1«7«VWWgW ^'^!in>n- P / S C T 9 I 1014 DATSUH I t h iE IS E l l f o 6 : ForW YeaisnaEasI:iHiislsst Place In The i^ortirfd To Buy A Car isi ‘ ’S ‘a g ' ° , « 0 V O L W , rOU.FREE:1-80M16-7 jJjOIJAIJi N M t E j m ■ ''ttSSSSSfi'oobo com- Mat tnllea. I 26i p, . 7!734. JJ“ ^,C^733.741I'4 1 8 ., 1 4 M b i^ G e m

' •------■ ' !■ ------^ ...... 1 - ^ ...... • V - ...... :

C-8 'nm es-N ovi, Twinvin Falls.I Idaho Thuraday. Fobf

In ttrodu ciiIng th e! A ll NTew 191>95 Do(d ge

. . . i t s i t s n e :; x t . I ^ 9 | | | | | | | H n e i o n u u h q 1 Affordiahle -1Fun-to-l Drive! All IS^ew Dessign- I A n A n t ee r i c a n S mm i l C a r I B u ii l t W i t h o nu t A I I f ’ F o r ee i g n P a r tt t n e r ! ^

Available intetegrated child safety se:seat Features: ! I • Available antiiti-lock brakes • Cab-forwrw ard design w ith sp adid o u s interior and • All-new 2.0-li'liter, 16-valve, single ovoverhead cam e o r F increased1 visibilityvi = n c (SOHO-standajard • Standardrd driver & passenger-airbags ai "Best In Class!& i Best New Caraf'Says I • Larger doorsi jprovide easier entry & exit • Three-popoint active front seatbebelts w ith adjustable joard buckles Guide" I tum ing loo]oops and traveling inbos Test Drive TlToday! "Kiplinger'sNefew Car Buyer's C • C hild safsafety rear door locks TakeAl r i j im 1 ►11] • J ^ 14V] li 1 y j j I y m H l § B 9 9 4 SUZUI 9 9 4 SUZU »94 PLYMO9UTH 119 9 4 DOD< COLT 4 DR SPIRIT I IIFT GA 4 IDR. R. ng, cassette, f l ^ WfIFT l GA 3 IDR. SWI Re;lear w indow defrost, 55 s]speed, 4 cyliUnder, air conditioning, 5 speed transm issicn,n, Great mileage, ;old special equipm entnt group.g H 4 cylinder. cloth high back seatsats. go 44< cylinder, great m ileagage. 8 9 2 8 i1 8 « '1 1 9 8B8 I U6 6 8 ]8 8 6 8 1 [100 I 00 $ 0 L w . ^ 2 0 9F mo. ■ mo. Vl> d .w ,M 5 9>“V ' * 0ob|MI IS prto( Ml* Tu. If^ tn MK)U.OOI *nd D*tln DOC H *0d,id.w.*149' ib|Ml 10 prise mIc sj.cT»,(IiI* In (UMlLOOl tndi D««t«t DOC UnlU Mb| iymr«t.7.7f% ArR.No H - *0d,a .w .« 1 1 9 “ l««t lo j.riot ui. OJ.C T.1, mu r« (luoiII •'ind DcilM DOC Unll> M *n not Includtd la th* stonlbly p*)rmrT ,«t*1 D*J« DOC Unlu iubl»d I ^i.7Ji%ArR.No Ml in MX lnclBd«] In Iht monUily pijrmni»n.t 7.14% APR. No' I** «»»» Unlu h «t»aj»AnLN. 01» nd toclDdrd h lh« monlhly p.T»*"«- 72 manUily p*irnMm» - no btlloonipjyin*«U. pjyti ■ (MdlSJWmI) u« M« IacIsM In th* BOBlUr p«r>MBt. IL monlhlf p«rncnl«- nobtlloon p«ym«i xa n monlhly firwmu - n» billoon p*ym. c««haown.7ai 71

1 stock:M «4 irr-20,,^iSg^^

119 9 4 EAGIrlE \9i»94 PLYMO 'i1994 PLYMOU 9 9 4 CHRYS I I COLIT VISTA AWD)WGN. LeeBARON 44 DR. I DUSTER tone paint, . 3.C1.0 V-6 engine, power seatleat, cruise, ■ TALON DIL nroof, 4 speed automatic,c, 3.0 V-6, 4sp.speed automatic, two-tor Air conlonditioning, 5 speed, reajear defrost, Sunrc >f rack. anti-1t-lock brakes, cassette, auiauto., air, tiU. H er door locks, cruise, alunim.wheels. ♦air conditioning, roof i clothth (seats, AM-FM, 1.8 literer engine. power. 1 6 2 1B8 f 17118 8 I n1 2 5 8 IB f l1 2 8 8 i ' AOO I 9 d . » ^ 2 9 97 mo. I ) d « » ^ 2 7 9 *0 ,UfcOOI.mlDftU iu>d Dral«r DOC Ualtt»b|Kt v,«l.M»»ArILN<. SAI *n net latlsdrd In Um monlbljr ptjvir m ptjwtnU. dOl (T« ns( Includrf In lb* P*y»w« ipajnnU. CMhdewlown. 72 monUil]' pijvMnU - ne billoon p M ta th* MetUjr p*7»«ttlM«t7.7I»Ani.N<. |»*t|I5J01»J own. 71 msAlhlr ptywttiu - ns btlleon p«ri CMh«i»t»-«b«ltognpir»i Fsp5 ^ Q l ^ i I 994C H R YrSLER I 9 9 4 CHRY ' 1 9 9 4 EAG u V 1 9 9 4 DODi)G^f 1 Hi N E W irO RIKER I I VISION ESSI CONCOREDE aded, I 3.5 V-6 engine, leatleather interior, ■ INTREPID lutomatic, 33'3 V-6 engine, power seatIt 16"1 wheels Loac 3 3 V-6 engine, 3 V-6 engine, 4 speed au traction control, air, tilt, cruise. H ® 3.: lg, cassette. touriiiring group, illuminatedd entrye group. cruise, air, tilt, loade'ded. ise, tilt, air conditioning 1 8 f.2 0 1 (8 8 I 2 5 8 18 8 I ' M1 7 9 8 1 8 fJ1 8 2 S AOO I O d .w .^ 3 4 9 0 d » „ ^ 4 3 (am. UtltmHa »bi*<1 to pilor Ml* o ^ Tu, tUl* (**.*{UMI*ndD«*l«TDOC M ■ )d.J3!9 , Mbl««l to prio. Mk lItU WUW 0) d . J 3 0 9 ^ 0.b(KI to prtor Ml. »« . T«. HU* le» tJfcOCUOItndD..lnDOC UnltiMl p*y»»nt74*»AnLNo tlMOlu* not ladiiM b> Uw M thWrp^nl.tJO«AFa-No ptr H * , urm.» m i o .. i« doc n u n «n ao« IncloM la Um iBsaUiIr P*T« 10 priM uu Ttt. luk (M n u n ,«.L7Jl%AnLNs f~01U rMi.7j<«Art.N« fM inuolOO I down. 71 ■wollllr P*7>M*t* - na ooapjrw P o^^^^J H fMatuoi-LflOl tn mIIk IimM la Um iNalUr p*TM n laoalhly p*yiB«ntt - no b«llooa p*yi dewa.n»iooUilyp»r»*««»-^*’*°” "rf CJ«hd

I T f l T T T T T ^ ^

IF liu nidRgbsfcdonappTOTcdeitdlt d i^ m ' n iH M m M B !i yLrj • I • 1 i I.*.! iIs, Idah o * 733t 3 - 5 7 7 6 510 2nd A ve. S.S • T w in Falls

:—^^ ^ ~ ■ 'Tp> ^ ■ J . ; I r — s ■ I J l [Mopniiing |]L aw ss u itt e n sEia r d iin g p>ldt [• Harding was denied thii,ihd.rigto to call wit- PORTLAND. Ore. (AP) —- Tonya T< Harding ndsscs and require dieir aitcndicndmcc; - filedfill a i20. million lawsuit agaagainst die U.S. • She was denied die bppoipportuni^y" cross-cx- line Olympc Committee on Wedne;Inesday, seeking ------01 amine witnesses; to prevent the organization from:om blocking her • The USOC failed to providcpro an appc.ils participation in the LillehammerlerGames. < procedure and.written noticcnice of such procc- TTie 16-page suit, filed in Clacriackamas Coun- • . > dure; ty Circuit Court in dte suburbb ool f Oregon C i^ • The right to a full andi faifair hearing before U a half-hour before the courthou;louse closed, ac- die U.S. Assc\ssociation hearings knowledges people close to0 FHarding have planning was cfTcctivcly’ destroyeddci and she dn’t hit a ' . H e c o u ld n been charged with conspiracy/ in die attack on wns put in jeopardy twicc for die same alleged curveball11 iwHh an NiNancy Kerrigan, but said no chargesi have misconduct. IroningI bfa o a r d . been filed against her. Finally, the lawsuii claimsims die u iO C inler- The document points out diatthai Harding has fered widi Harding’s rigliisis as a figure skating complied with all riiles and regiregulations o f the association member. 55'5' SU.S. Figure Skating Associadon It seeks S20 “USOC’s conduct is arbitirbitrary, capricious, . million in; punitive damages1 as well as addi- 0 law and fact," lhe '' , me' pitcher Bob' ]jj malicious and contrary to la -H a ll of F am e tional general damages to be detdetermined at tri- suit said. Feller o n Mlohlohael Jordan's jial. The lawsuit seeks a tempi:mpi3rary restraining basebEiball prospects. - The lawsuit contends the USOCUS locks die order and a preliminary injurnjunclion to stop Uic _____ aiauthority to discipline an athlelhlete for conduct APphc*, USOC's hearing on Feb., 15 in Norway. Her . that occurred before he or shec becameb< a mem- attorney. Bob Weaver, saidsaii he expected a bcr ofthe U.S. Olympic team. Bkater Tonya Harding, Ie1left, ta lk s w ith C B S ’s CConnie o r Chung W ednes- hearing on die order to be heldheli Tliursday. ___IUilso-said-the_USGC^'!_sch_cIcbcdulcd hearing or-to thelr.lntervlQwJn.PcPortland, Ore. HardingI brokebr her long silence Asked if the lawsuit meantme: ihat Harding does not provide adequate ■ducproccssK--'‘“>du P ''« would not appcaribeforere thed USOC panel, ^ on the NiNancy Kerrigan attack wlwtisn she talked on camcim e ra t o C h u n g . Irish distancice runner causc: J . Weaver saip: “We're goinjoing lo exhaust this Ig made it • The hearing; wtwas no^ Mt before an impar- — Haiding was not given ade 9, 3-4) at W eber leg he suffered in a m otorbike a c c id e n t...... ~ Saturday and Sundayly ifi ^ “And you know/ n m e. I ’ll School tw o spriniirings ago, were set for the ^ State and Idaho Bprives the Braves of needed. His absence depr tl die best first two starts in SSacramcnio. s ; Slate at Northern “I diink w e’re a clubI diatdi£ » probably go with d m ore than one o f'baseball’s ba best offcn- Kevin Shafer,:r, ai regular in the rotation m Arizona (8-10, 2- characterizes the old, Ea Ea- J j • • - offense.” ' sive weapons. .-j intcd out until hurting hislis elbow last year, lost 20 y i ,5) .on Thursday. gles." said C SI Coachi JimJir The coach point CoQ^nlqrilcd ftom-wire rqwrts rs, die rc- pounds in two wcweeks to cam a rctum to a K f^Minlana (3-4, ' W alker. “W e ’re scrappj that widi transfers, ppy- students starling role. He'l4e'll pitch the first game at ' • )• 16}4) al Eastern We're much quickcr inn didie- lease program, st . coming from ovcrsi:rseas and die Solano Invitatiitational...... Washington (0-7, outfield. • and more • Jcdd Soto ofof Reno;1 Nev., was CSI’s 'C 4-14) on Friday, “1 diink w c’ll go out ancand battle people. If such, thedi Eagles are a litde older an le six out- most consistcntljntly successful pitcher last CONFERENCE and Boise State Today diey beat us, I think diey’lcy’ll say they earned mature•e dian in past seasons. The : :0 to 23. year; He m ay work wi out of middle relief at Northern An­ eeytPrapDMMM it.” field COIyuididatcs range from age 2 0 1 . . . _ . BoN*tWoodRJyw.8pm, g from die again or may takeake a starting role, te ol Eastern Washing- Within the club; thele ccompetition will-. Ther: middle infield is bencfidng f ,,zona and MonUina State a »y.8pm. 10 is work- Walker and pitipitching coach John Hughes VanoyMFIw.flpm. come for playing time., ThThe Eagles have 28 help of)f CSI grad Nate Tebbs, who i ton on Saturday. C*mu County at OMm*n»Fe«iy,6pm F( to head for arc consideringg makingm Shafer die closcr. c’s eight teams scram- players on die squad rightght now. ing wididi die Eagles until he has to 1 With the confcrcncc's i Coo<3nattW*n(Ma.flpr>.pm. ^ Red Sox ‘ Much dependsnds on what die rest of the p six to qualify for next C n y •! 1900. S pm. “We don’t need thatlot many,” Walker springg trainingi with the Boston R . bling lo finish in die lop Si! sUiff shows, mameni in Boise, the . CM>*fonl«tHw™’.8P said. “B utdicy’ve all camamied a spot.” minorr leaguers.li month's Big Sky loumai osscn Col- "I hope there:rc arc some sunrises out dly lo avoid falling out The largesttrafiicjamom at present is in die Bradid Beck, a transfer from Lass leading teams wani badly Raft Rlvw It Murttugn. e prospect, there,” Walkerr said.sa "Pitching is probably outfield, where six playaaycre are contending lege, cameca to CSI as a diird-base p o f die pack. OmPwpOwfciffnl < Highland our weakest link.nk. If dicy dirow strikes and in the lop four," Mon- for dje dutjc starting roles.lies. ' - but hasas moved to shortstop. Erik H "W e'd like lo finish in I OtMA.1SlBto »p, but wil^ keep it in die parkjark, wc can go get it," Durham said. (itCoourtfAJent) Returning players inchncludc Darrin Shorr, came t«v». M*a»or.ben. 3 pin. _ His Bobcats arc lO-l1 at atl home bul 3-5 on tlie C«ntannl(tvt. BMcMmi51.4:30. 4:: p.m. wel for five o f tlieir lasl WahoF«Un.S«ndpoinL7*4 7;4Sp.m. road, and dicy musl travel Ktoni««larVtt«y. 7:45 p.m. BALTIMORE (AP) — Better late than Bureau, “Montana State comejmes in on a real high W**« Jadwin v». OMOrt vercd that Banks had beenen credited V«*yv».W#»t8W».9:l9i»:l9p.m. never, Cal Ripken w as honilonored Wednesday discove note. They're playing'wg'wcll," Cravens said, 16 hom ers at shortstop diatt heh had ac- as die greatest hom e-runI hittinghit shortstop in with 16 “They’re a very explosivesivc team and tliey put a c m m m * hit while playing first base,se. The Ori- baseball history. tually h lol of pressure on you defensively."deft (at LmMUA oo0«9*)•) iidn’t find out about die cha;hange uhdl Clam Fork »». R»wo(*.«. 3 fp.m. R ipken w on a gam e foifor the Baltimore oles die The Vandals have the iconference’s leading Tfoyvi.CambrtJo«.4Mc itly and finally got around to com - I Norm OwnviOaUay,t,7:45pm. 7:4 Orioles by hitting a homerncr off Minnesota’s rcccntl; scorer in Orlando LightfoCC,Ca««..U«(.. Imtlaacnal ------to acknowledging.his plactilace .in dic.baseball widi cq - B u tasin all theiroihcrther Big Sky games.-thoy.....- cs also annouri^ diat die:'spbt~whm s| rccord book. Orioles played just well enougli.jli. PiK.Wwai. H*«t tl Hr»« 7J0pm-CM«inal7.e>17. eodaoa Boia* 8««ia •« k at regi

D-2 Timos-Nows. Twin Foils.lils. Idaho Thursday. Fobnjotyry 10;1 1994 iJeromee cagers} move u]i p in p o l l te tries t(to regaiiii ’93 maagic rwM* and rscord* ar« •wo^mea tWooBh Fal • The Associated Prtss time Ihis sea;eason. Both ihc Lions'’ . I think my gome losses have bebeen to thc Patriots, and t* ^ M LO S ANGEGELES (AP) — Tom afterfter a final practice round overer thc rection it’s going in. I th 1*Sntar«lain2) " 'l5 3 S not there yet” . Sugar-Salcm'avengedi its only loss both times its victories pushed Ccn- ilno Kite,-headingJ intoir a rare two-toumn- revaijvamped ptcnsofRivicnt. is coming on..but i(’s nc i5s."'!5rsrv- ...... which A t least a part o f that confusion, lie , . o f thc season with a 66-5555 rroad viclo- ’ tennial to No.!o. 1 ahead o f Borah. J4. Coeud'AJeneU 4 25 ment stretch as the defending cham- It It was a pCTod, he said, in wl : ever said, is attributable loto hhis heavy play ry over Salmon and rememained the Hillcrcst climbedcl from fourth to 5.RKJtiysIrk 'S 3 IB wwfaii* pion, is payinging the penalty for his “II wasw playing as good as I e Alto rocaMr>0 Mtei LcwtMon. Pocalano.Tx in unofficial, made-fle-for-television unanimous top picl< amongmg A-2 teams ih ird , tra dling in spots with Cocur heavy, lale-scascason schedule. haveavc.” ck in- events last year. in Uiis w eek's Associated:;d Pre.-aI boys d ’Alene, andnd Rigby remained fifth ream W L Pl*. . ' That slrctchch begins Thursday in It hcame to an end witli a back he break when 1 high school baskclball poll.oil, am ong ihc staistate's biggest schools- i, su ’ “ thc Los Angclcelcs 0 ^ and continues juryjry before the 1993 Masters,. jAnd “I didn’t take the b .. lid. “So I took off : Idaho broadcasters andid ssportswrii- In A-3. NcNew Plymouth moved 3;j„ next week inI theth Bob Hope Classic, whil/hile the back no longer is a prob-pi usually do,” Kite said.' 4iPtM4OT 12 0 20 le fine for three weeks aflcrrt thcthi Tournament ,;crs also camc within oneme vote cach ahead o f Lapapwai into sccond place 5, DtttwpKeDy. 13 ft 12 two events in a five-tournament lem,;m. Kite has yet to rccapture the of Champions. It shovihowed lost week |o f making Centennialll anda N oius behind Malacilad after Lapwai lost ils Ai»oAl*o receMng vote*: Amsrtcan Fan*. Donnei string he playensM Rhw, Marth VaSey. Kenogg, t-akeland ich Notional Pro- I unanimous No. I selecticctions in.ihe first game of thc season, 80-78 to year. “I’m Mrtainly not there riright (in the Pebble Beach 1 Ar3 xactly i^ ) when 1 came badback. I was pretty 1A-1 and A-4 rankings. respectively. re< Potlalch. Abe.bcrdeen moved ahead of Team W L Pt*. “ I need to) getg some of.that stufT nowlow," Kite said. “I’m not cxa Ito fourth after the Tro- 1,Maladi . mj (11) 17 1 02 Kite said Wednesday sureure where my game is or whallot di- rusty;justkindofscnipcraped it oround.” 1 And Malad got 11 of 13 first-place Wendell into 2. New Plymouth (1) 17’ 1 45 . going again,’- I I votes in A-3. jans lost to GlGlenns Ferry, 60-55. S.Lapwal 3-La Ift 1 30 4.Absrdssn 15 2 2B Salm on rem ained secoi:cond behind Notus, Carey Cc and Highland- 5.WsndsH 10 2 S :rome moved Craigmont rcremained atop thc A-4 Al*oAi>o rsesMng vole* PoCatch (1), FmWand,' the Diggers in A-2. Jeror Parma. Toton. from fourth to third, Prcst'xston slipped rankings, whivhile Troy moved ahead M 1 0 ans gh,in{o fourth after the trounce:5S Sparta from third lo fourth, andan Bishop of Murtaugh “ Idah Falls t , Kelly o f Boise relum edll totc Ihe rank- Red Devilss Ilost to Casileford last 1.N0tu*(12)i , n< 18 0 04 2.Caray (1) 13 3 48 ,, RUPERT —J- Jason Buell ripped M Mi inico’s defense was facin{ing thc it was even after that,hat. ;ings at fifth after prcvioiviously fifth- week, 62-54.4. ?:S3. HKJhlandOslotnont 18 1 le-two scoring punch in the Icleague Minico won the! preliminarypre 59-48. 4.4.Tr Troy t2 4 18 Minico for 22 pointspo in the first half one-t ; ranked Pricsl River lostI to Lakeland, Hale*»portawtnw»and broadanlsn 5.MMugh 13'J, 4 N < ^ 39 fbr thc nijnight in leading Idaho andid did( succeed in holding Antrrthony ser of Meridian Aiso raceivkMi rats*. Oark Fork. Nerth Gem DOintS ldaMFat»ftiancn2.Mad*«nid*«ia,Ra.«»J*f6,Waniiil*r In A-1. Centennial of ik'a AaaocUtMl Prsu Idaho Poyt hlQh Chrlaaan. C»»o«>ord, Msdwy. Falls past thc Spaipartans 83-67 in a Gem Janniinning to 10 points — eight p ««n IB.Ounk)n4. Totala 24 or ihe second KfwoiMiketBrtpoiIpoT Fm-pla«votaaaf»lnparan- ^ S.Jatming10.0u*t38,Do«w>t beat Borah of Bo'ise for I ^ ^ Stale Confcrcncccc 1boys hoop battle, undciidcr his average.' 27J3 2363 I o o in ts MWa>^lroat^eln5,TorT*»2.N(• 2.N*la5,'3tl>ab21,J.Dlno- *1 Buell had four)ur 3 ’s in thc first half Thc Th Tigers exploded for 50' p hwn4.MM«O,ADn0ham10.^mo, KstlgrtngZ.Han**n3. . »idand Totai*24io^4 7se7 V a l l e y snlng 104:135-Poppam. J. dei Iday ni^iL S faS S S i. Magic 1M ,HHawks 87 p.^ ond half. 92-91, wilhvilh 2:17 to piny on n 130-Hu)Oita,K.pmtp»nM 0«B»n In 2-'0. 135-OODB, T/=, 104' 140-0tfnham. J, dec. Pora* 04; 145 Pistons 102, Celtics 95 pcncer. But Threatt hit I The Spartans now retur:tum home lor doc. m. oeiosdoJ 24.0;24 140-Martin.K.doc OuB4-1;- 'J. •, pmnsd ^ Rudolph 4 43; 152-Oocfcar. J, pinr ORLANDO, Fin.Fli - Shaquillc O’Neal dunk by Felton Spcnc )lnn»dMarWift:59,152-Koplln,TF. ' *on ^ 1:1B, lOO-Oahlks, AF, dec. drown 10-1 BOSTON (AP) — Isiah TliomasIS scored jum pers on thc nextxt twotv possessions, the ;iheir 16-leam Red HalverIverson invila- iksrln 1J4; 1 DO-OunJOyne.TF.pmnod „ . K iS.'iS: scorcd 37 i»ints«,5 and Dennis Scott W Or- MaBhew*, J, ptnnad Doonwr 40; 18^A. Oo 8 poinis — 19 o f them in an olhiilherwise from 18 feet aiiduid tihe next from 16. to 3:30 p.m. Fri- 171-Lo«bener,K, pinned Drown m-31; ^dec. Week* 154. and hvyDUon., J. »cnibyfon»iL lando oul o f 0 shoshooling slump wilh 24, as 28 pi ,lional. 'ITiat begins at 3:3' . won liy IcrieH. fivy.PatlorMn. K, won old-shooting first half for Detroit — as Ihc put the Lakera aheadid forfoi good with 1:27 rc- Ihc Magic stoppciipcd a thrcc-gamc losing cold- •day with tl\c finals slalelalcd for 4:30 ' istons broke a three-game losing strstreak, maining. AmerteanAm< Fan* 41, Wood Rf»er 21 stnak. ' Pisto !p.m. Saturday. T hc two-wo-day event, IDJ-Povey.AF, p(nCmetl» 1.52; 112-«ud< chind in thc firet quarter ns Terry Te Mills and Olden Polynicilice cach /s in Ihe stale, Jerom e sW'iweeps quad pinned Meila 3 35: llO-Evani. AF, pinnod Atlanta fell bchii ^)ric o f the best tourneys i 3.40,125-WnUami, AF. plnnsd Oonohoe• 3340; Orlando had a 13-13-1- mn. The Ma^c made worecorcd 16 poinis for Delroit, Joe DDumars $uns 111, TImbcnberwolves 106 ler Spartans JEROME ;is named for former IE —. Jerome emerged as 130-Show»«*r. WR.dec. Evan* 114; 135- llori3*hot|in-in thc sccond period for a ad had 15 — nil in ihe sccond half- p h o e n i x - CedricCcC Ceballos nnd AF. dee. Gundy, 0-1.140-Milcnsn. WR. pin ookies Allan Houston and Lind-scy wrestling and footballII ( C oach Red the only undndcfeated team in a quad- ^1:55; 145—Rudolph, Af. doc. Joroensonn04; 0 team-rccord 85 perpcrccnt, and hil 70 pcrccnt n»ki y Hunter K^vin Johnson each:ach scorcd 24 poinis Halverson. rangular wriwrestling match Wednes- 152152-Portsf.WR. pinned MicXslion 2.00,1C ofiheir attempts»ts in thc opening hnlf to addoddedlOeach. f7 Wednesday night,, bul the Phoenix Suns fO^M.ko AjKlon. D. pinned Vsncs An Af. lech IsQ over AM; 130-S«IH O)fino , J'™ ™ ' f 1 Phoenix perfcct against Kuotlw 0-1.13&-AMn»> VonTauel.Ml, Kk doc Dart AmcHcan FaFalls while the out-of-dis- W arriors 126.26, Hornets 116 The victoiy kept Fhc FfWtman. 11-12; 14(MJ»l«n WU»on. M. Marah Van«y41. Wood Rmm 24 Nets 106, Cavaliers 95 M innciuta (18-0) sinccsince the Timberwolves i botli defeated Wood Riv- ^ 112-Jarwny CHARLOTTE,E, N.C.1 — Ulrell Sprewell LBmOl4-5.14VSleveOoc»pe, D.dec"diedIu»aJ2«- irict teams bi 103-LatJmer. MV. plnn*j GUstle. 1:43; 1i: 11989-90. Mn in ovwome: 1 SJ-KdCrr Oofw>9ef, I UtlUtimar, MV. doc. ShCTwattor 17.10, ttO-0. scortKlastason-hil•high 34 poinis to lead five EAST RUTHERFORD. N.J. (AP)(/ — joined the league in 198 (Wl. 100-Fot»U Aflhur. M. Oec. Smith ; pinn«l Maxia 4.48; 125-t>onohoo, WR. pin Cenny Anderson w anned up for: tlthe All- A.C. Green had 22 poinis for the Suns, S«rr. M. won by hxlen; lOS>-Psiil FiM. 1:1 S; 130-Showaller. WR. dec. .Johnton, 5-5- 4; playcn in double»lc figures ns Golden Stale Kcni Ev\plnnSfi(»« 1 57; 112-Latlrnsf. JjlJ >tar game wilh 24 poina and thc Ny ter. I^Cattns^^W..per4 ( 30.110-«}ulloc». J.dsa E Qvi-,^ 135-Chandler, ^ MV.dee. Gondy 0-1; 140-S)-ska«n. Ml/. scntCharionetoita) its eighth strai^t loss. Star 1. We»U»i, J. pmrwd Canx>t>eO 3 11; dec. Mitchsl 13-3:145-Oianchard, MV. pin :ey Nets got some unexpected he);lelp from Oiple-double. wilh 14 points, 15 rebounds *onS22; li2-Portaf. Wa won by forfad; 1 Wilh most of Charlotte’sC big men side- scy 1 J, <)9C. .loftnton 7-5,135-Chandl*r. MV, aori heir big reserves. andllassi^- Kim berly 3 9 ,T F JVV ;35 4 5.30; 140-Skw>n, MV. dee. 0«r\ham WR. WF dec. John*on 5-2; 171-MokJenhauor.or.MV,pinned lincd by OH ossorsortmcnt of ailments, ihe ihcir ,tuKberB. J. doc. tKanchard 5-0; Oimslan Orr 4.30:100-Ruihlon, WR. pinned)dMan*y1.37; ► ^ KIMBERLY — The*he K im b e rly i52-'b» * « ,'I'^. dec. OahTko IM; 1 QO-Ortmm. J. iXnned hvy-Sotan»on, hv) MV, won by torlea. M i s s o in i u r i holds offff Colorado flfor college hcioop>vin No. 15 Missoisouri82, No. No 17 SL Louis 90, No. 10 Purduene98, 5 5 and staits ro Iowa lov S t 75 Northwesternn81 81 Scores ------C o lo r a d o 70 ST. LOUIS — Scott Highmarkirk scored W EST LAFAYETIfETTE, Ind. — It look Zoht 34 24 S. mmol* 89. Indiana SI. OB COLUMBIA.[A, Mo. — Melvin Book- S 2-2 00 4, OawtOna 2-7 OO 4. L«C*ner1.Lad 2-4 14, Smith 0-11 74 10, Cols* I hit 12 3- Glenn Robinson lessess than I nine mmutes to ■ 204 2. Craham 1.3 00 2, 0. Salley 0-2 2-2 2. SI.LourtBO.lwaSt. 75 er and Kelly ThtThames cooled o ff a Col- 23 pointsf nnd No. 17 Saint Louis h KkJdM 1-3 3, 0«an 1-304 2.Total»2.T. Burton 1-4 3-3 5, OslQor 1-2;2-2 2-2 4.Totalg Toledo 77. Akion 70 pointers in a 90-75 victory over lov!owa Slate reach his 44th consecinsecuiive double-figure 31-00 34-40 DO. WUooniln 77, Penn Si. 04M orndo rally in thithe sccond half Wednes- PO'J 31-5015-23 70. r 20-102 SOlfTMWEST on Wednesday night scoring game Wcdnestinesday n i^ t and he had NBA standings, , NMYok 37 24 20 »33-114 - InJwa 2S IB 27 20- 1 led No. 15 Missouri, the P t 4 a d t^ 2S 17 21 15-15— 79 27 27 S1 221- 1 -6 6 Teia* 04. Southern Math.n.oo 0 day night and Id Saint Louis (19-1) has won fivee iiin a row, 22 points in the firstIrst halfI to spark No. ID ! 3-Polntooal.-N*wYorlc5-1172.28,Dla>1o«3-11007,Lar,U ng14 Tl>r»atl0-13 7-7 25.R*nibi*04I* 04 MONTREAL EX PO S-^W|fved to term* %/ MMukee 14 33 200 10. 2-2 2, Edward* 2-7 4-4 8, Worth«orlhy3-70- wWi Moi*** Atou. outlWdoi thc following night thc Bengagals still “Jim is doing whatwha hc needs to do to Detron 11 30 .234 22^ F w rt^ 1 0 * M 2 .^ ^ 3 41040, 00 00,Jordan0-1 1-21. year conttad. Continued froirom D1 thc ! Totat* 30-70 30-34 103. NEW YORK MITTS-Aorw hove their latest share o f thc BBig Sky make us 0 winner,"T," Williams> said, WESTERN C»NFERENCE- Kseic 0-2 3-4 3, Ed»rtn)a 0-2 with (}l«nn Davla, rictl baas twicc, and theircir two confcrcncc losses hav * 1-2 1-Total! 35-00 14-10 07, aTAH(06] :y are to But even if Potterjttcr and thc rest o f thc Ml(hn(IOMMn ca ORLAKOO(104) K.MalorM 10-17 0-12 29, Ctwffy3-0 2- Cnan«ers5-0 0-210. itarned latar to the New Yoi they will depend more than1 evere on FlagstafT, they willwill be severely tested X1M2-24. twDobbyMunoiandRytuiytSlKarp.pW'- Montana morerc Ithan a cakcwalk, even the; * 4a.Rooin»fr0 040.0(n<» era. and kavtn Jordan. Infla Saturday night aat t'Weber Stote. The Denver 22 24 .47S 11 OO t-21,SWIo*2-4 2-2 7, Royaloyall-13-4 • Crotr/2-4 00 5, R u ^ [gl^oooo ‘hough thc Cri:jrizzlics got fat on non- Jim Jim Potter. MnneMta 14 32 .304 10 S.Total* 40-72 10-35 0-2^43.0ondO-21-21.Totalirotal*3S45 SAN DIEOO PAORES-Sk lini in the W ildcots ore thehe Big1 Sky’s hottest Dallas 5 42 .100 29 Orocail and TVn Mau*«.• ptI*?” : confenrncc oppoaponents ond built up im- Thc 1 6-9 junior forward is thin FH>e«lcDM.Ion' AteHl 22 22 20 2»-2y— 87 LALlkaci 24 23 2Sa 2ft—10328 Gul&armo Valaaquai artd F Big Sky in rebounding and fourth fo in team, winning fiveive straights since losing 5«ame 34 10‘ :T73 - S 25— OS Mfteiden: and Pnu dark,^o^-oui- c pressive offensiiisive and defensive statis- Big ' - Ortando 29 20 10 »30-104 • IW. 21 21 29 2S scoring, averaging 9.3 boards 01and 17.3 to Idaho Slatemd and Boise State on the Phoonli 31 15 074: i 4 3-PamgoaI»-ABanla34(EMo “"•“""KSSSE2 ^ tics largely bcfoi;forc Big Sky play began, sco Portland 27 0 .507 S 0 W* lr( ;e almost beat Idaho last Chris Ch Daniels and hobbled TeranceT forward Kirk Smi OOIDEN STATE (126) MINNESOTA (106) Ptaosd LaSalle Thorrpaon.km. lorw*rd, on„ Idaho . . State . i _____ „Nfl*y5U70___ d after the Vandals’ loss Fleming. Flc per game. OHanOot04,Ana«aflr ■; SpfW»W1H7*.134.0«n»7o.r-131-4 Lastmof S-14 10-13 22. RMar-iJer10J234 ’^g^JgjPaalatty weekend, and & Indiana 102. Miami oa ts. Webber 10-19 2-4 22, ------34.Lonoi»yl-3l-2 3. Cc*J«nSlatalM,cnetl«»llO—------JenriCT 0-13 2-215, AJoTmaorriKXiO-142. WMHmi3-15e-ll-M,O.WesI.Veri4.7M18.— H A f iT F ( ^ l« U £ ^ LA Lok on t03. Ulan DO 4 20 Ob0M 34 04 0. Orwm 2-7 1-2 5, Person PhoenUlll.lAnnetoU 100 MuDin>12 04 S. C ra^ 34I O-COO 0. 10-10 1-1 25, Ma«y 1-3 t-2i-2 3.3.8rr«i(V Portancj si SealM. (n) ...... Houtton 1-2 00 2. Crsnl 00) - 2 00 0,0»v1*00000i-- . ^ H a r c yiiig—— )^OOO.Toti* RAPID CfTYTHRILLERS-W-PlacadB«y . _ - . IA C»ppef» al SaeramaoW, («) OO0.To«»iS5-071MB12e. Thorrnaon, lotwBtd. wt M pportunity on FBI lie-detectorclor test he took os p ^ C«*RLOTTE(116) ii3?SSSdAn. Continued frofrom D 1 pcpear that she will have the opp CoBsn Slala at N«w YorX. S.30 p.m. OIOu3(FALL3SKYFOfid o f his plea bargainpin arrongement be dis- Ulaml alABsMa.S30pm. E Jorvnon B-10 04 24, Wtngali reen7.13M thorry PuOard, forward, onmigr«]l»-on first Qfld SCC whereWh it goes." to confront witnesses.” Hwrtlon al DeUUl. 5.30 p.m 22,Mlll«rS-11 2-414. ling’s cx- dosed to his attorittorncy so they can be 0 12.0ffl«itU3-7 2'2 8. >«rv 7.7 M ' FOOTBALLUl It was filedcd in Clackamas County Earlier Wednesday, Hardir Cnicaoo ai Miwaukoo. 0 30 p m Doowa* *•” 3-4 11. Ha*tUn»*14-1011- 14 KJohnaonS-135-14 24. Parry rWHntfPoolMIl ic USOC’s Games Ad- Wainngton al OaBat. 0 30 a m. 1341,Conlon3-5000,CunYrry 7.M.Wsal443411, becausc thatI is Harding’s last pemia- husband hu Jeff Gillooly asked aa ccourt for presented to thc U Denvor tl San Antoruo, 0 30 p m.’ 5.180010.EJ«onen2-404^,Tl4,Totall45- F-JoTnson00040, Cowtnsym sy34000, (XEVElArtOOROWNS- ministrotiveative Board. - SOCTBjnento al LA La*sfi. 6 30 p m KI«r>s1-9t-2 3.Tolal* ' VarturidsWvabtWcflal. :e. Ipm. 0322-25118 HCXI3T0N OlLEFtS-Nar ..I;''' “H e wanwants to coopemte with OoUanStM* 43 24 33 2ft 32 1S-10S dsteratvaooordlnalor. Peter Alkalitalay, an attorney OMtea* S3 33 34 2» 28 20-111 INDIANAPOLIS COLTS- the USOC'O C's foct-fmding in an NBA box s c o re s' 3-PoHoo*l»—CcldanSlataS•aS*10 PMarti 38 77 28 31 ^;^3?2 iSd7 retained by' theth USOC, said .a£VEUNO(se) IS{lrOTMU44, J«yi«0« 1-3, 34>ont ooala-4iUnn«sotaiS-12(Por»on ft-i: Rat4n*OT raeaNw 0 0 ^ aitemptt to mitigate thc injury Midln 0-1). C3«r1oita «-15 (Hm.'HawWn*2-4, 44, Rider 1-3, iMttrwr -Narr^tOava- C ^ m c nnt t would havc to 0-t,Ma*ay0-i,Srt«n0-1).Fo1 foJed oul- iIo^ aSw ELES RAMS-f "'V-'- he and1 others ot have caused PhW*2-3^04, HII7-10 4-7 IB,I. EJohnaon 24. Curry 0-4. iiottna land XhkJC Hart*, funnininingbKks comc from thehe IUSOC. Jo.WUIlamaS-10 4-t t4, Dooua* 0-1). Foo« out-None4orte. R»- WOama. RaMwda-Mtnnsto Kerrigan and her fomi- WtUna &-0 00 13. Prlca S-12 M4.«Ra10). >« 50(LMt958(M-r15), Jl^JirrwadDoo M imi Danc, a lawyer from ^ ^ B |9 H l£k-/->, vvX NoncyKcr Mil. 3-7 2-2 a. Fany 7-10 CMIOOa 40 (H««Una 0). AaaW ly,” Gillocillooly’s aUomcy, Ron OOl4,tVBnoof>U27(MBi(MBerll).To- AdM. 0X1*0* acoutngfldirwtor.ioa*. d Columbus, OhiDhio, said grounds ), Total t»ltoU»-«inns*oU2B, Hocvct,sai, said in his motion, 0), cnwtoas 30 (OOBO»» »0). Tc Fla- ££5?F®!HaSC04^;RS-Namad Ray CXisted fOf Harding H( to go to toU»-Ook)an Siala IS, phoonU 25. ToctmKal*—Ceba A hearitraring wos set for 2:30 NEW JERSEY (100) ChatolW 1S.A-23,0M. court .to get a temporary re- ST Thursdoy for Mult- • DeTROfTIICB) an Ottch: and Owalna Ikttoanidajanah* stra in in g ordirdcr against the p.m. Bnrnn t-0 CM} 2. Colwnan 2-7 54540, 0 M»a6-12CM)1fl.Hou*»sn3.133.134-510. College scores nomahI CountyCo Circuit Judge 0an|an«i8-0M13. PmHarT«- lionjudgmCHt lo; m2??i! Fa^M ), Utim ionv, FtafW«74,Ml*«**w/5S thermotioiDtion. 4 (Nawmanl-1. AnMraon 1 34-102 Ml*a.Va>«y6L7B.6*(taa7a 7 5 lono* the AmorSlHocfciKkayLaagua. “A n argumement that could be l3 » -fl6 N.C«oUu8l.e7.Vrantl»4 APpMs H o evvet et :soid Thursdoy night 1.S), oul-Ja.WIU*n» Ra-^ . OaMsn 2t IB 22 3« 5l*C«air«M WRE8TUMJMO — raised is thattthfr th notice nw^, the t«unn 2-B (Fo>!'o> 2-3, Oou- RKtimcnd 77. OU OomWon 7: results public unless they gvia^ft^. 23 (AndanoMraofi. ^0-1,G«nt4aO-2.0n3wnn ' •• SaumC«olVii91,ClerT»»oneiKinSS coadi lor the 1904 Orsco hearing is scheduledscJ to take j,^ |nIng g pass, moves through BBt prton'. Logan 64), f ouW oot-Nona. RaOooOowida- TamaMMStB3.Tarime0 OS place does nonot comport with »ix^Sov»Um?10,'Nc«J«iay17 a ARKANSAS STATE-Nai lal due proccss,” Intematlcatlonal Airport Wednesdayyasshepre- board A-13,407. MaiaeyttranomartdoonSSSS^a-ch. fundamental NEWY0RK{114) htwmaa B). Botfcn 28 (DougU to fly to Ullehammer, Norwway, fo r the G illooljooly has pleaded guil^ ToW kMa-Oatro* 17, boatonkmlO.Tacft- A)a-{)VTT*vhaffl7B.DaP*i7»i73 AVILA-NamadKrt*AP1. Ptgrnnotfman'* 0jm g gajd. “It «H is too short of pares to I CMay 5 4 M 13. Smah ft-121-211-213. ' ntal*-McOarM.Ooaton tkMtMGrMn93.BalSL 91. r O l j ^ p i c s . tortickct©iceteering for bis role in atoncsaeh Ds«oilM*rcy68.W. HHnob83***83^^ IOWA—Annogrtead martarsaionaaonor notice. It appcjpeais that the bur- Winter O: Eotnq S-14 2-21B.StM 00M» Foffl 2JEfaeOBtv-Ooatori ?T Lyi*iOJovk^*.m*n'*B0«« ^ ' the Jon.n. 6 attack on Kerrigan S-141-2 14, Anthony 2-9 00 8,,H«par Han FfinlA~lM SC 64 :l that w as and gave the final fim go-ahead. In «.BonnarS-70-110. 9.8RM1-31-2 3, ian0USL82.SAMba0>f18t dan on thc USOC where it f)fy before the USOC panel 1 ex.- H3.4007. MarTvN«SI.S4.D«yldn7lr JS5Siam«lt-Fo«-ibaandPMaFr^ Ing IBther thOfl qa«M M t-1 3, Art>af»on 1-2100 0^ 2. MMrS-18M1(LWflrtmBi3- MoMiBB danaufp aaantani teobal scheduled to meet F ^ . 15 to) determined change for hisis plea,pl he w iU.be seo- WBUn«0-16 74 23.8aXI Miami, Oh» SX C M MkNOai tobSSwdSeiv belongs.” . S( ».PI)8)i

Norvway’s s;iports *Could this blle the y(^earfoir Janse:en? HAMAR, Norway (AP) • oul a sure spoi in his traderr lance events, in-line skatingigcham pi- hero0 lashess out on : KC Boutiette might gel;t his only Olympic speedskating nctiction'as a stand-in for sprinter Dan Jan:insen. Boutictlc, who crashed theth speed- skating sccnc lasl month byly winning at ]lOCheead bolh ; 5,000-metcr racess i and the 10,000 meters al the U.S.. (Olympic ULLEHAMMER.R. PNorway (AP) lion than il usedu to be. We have had tritrials, will take Jansen’s plaexpcctcd. suggested the presiderident o f the IOC GerhardJ Heiberg,H president of the "I would skate anything is not fit lo lead the5 01Olympic move- Lillehammemer Olympic Organizing ththe chancc,” Bouliette, wh^ho began nent. Com m itteelee (LOOC), suggested- raracing on icc jiist last fa ,* rhc'Tnlern'aiTonfloii'al O lym pic Ulvang maylay have been misquoted ViWednesday. “I'm just thank Committee may notot haveh e x p e c tc d ^ r his remarllarks taken out of context. here.” hi gushing iributes whevhen it awarded "Ii will .(adeJai away,” said Heiberg, Jansen, a gold-mcdal fa' 'th e 1 7 lh , Winterer G am es to trying to'pla;slay down Ihc controversy. 500 5( and 1,000 meters, will Lillehamm’cr. Bul1 theth com m ittee “Jt's nol 1a bigbi issue, but il is a very ining his first Olympic medal ; J and its president,1, JiJuan Antonio intcreslingIg situation.: It has to do leIcr disappointments in thele lasl two -^^1 \ ; ' Samaranch, likely weiwere unprepared with Norwc|wcgian mcnlalily, Ihc way VWinter Games. He fell in bolhbe races for Ihe barrage of criticismcriti they’ve we live andid think.”I aiat Calgary after learning olof his sis- received from Norwegivegian media. Anita DcFrantz, Del ihc committee's t«le t's death. In ‘92, on thehe m ushy : A nd the comn'mments from sole U.S. member,r said she had C(coursc at Albertville, hee finished Norway’s mosl populcpular alhlele may “never seen!cn anything closc" to the fourth ff in the 500 and 26l6lh in the carry a special sling,ing. Ulvang will negative publicityput in other Olympic 1,000. 1 lakc the Olympic oath on behalf of hostcountrihd tumbled “ I think in downhill, i safely is whiivhich Slarlcd the following wee A ^ ;ames vill sootthe wouunds A,, , I* CBShLopes gi will be a major asselissel lo his covenige. ULLEHAMMER, NorwaA-ay (AP) — Ihc women's coursecoi at Albertville, two Nancy Nan Kerrigan could producc. Ul, laped ' ’C reg’s lerrific,"'■ he said. “He's the Wilh the reality of football'sI's departure years ago. ThereT will be 8 p.m, to 11 p.m, lie L;ile right guy. He's casualisual. relaxed, a com* setting in. CBS gets a chanance to heal The quick two-yeariwi turnaround from coverage cov nightly wilh Olympic nis with fortahle walch. He’se’s ideali for what we the hurt during 16 dayss «o f W inter France to Norw)rway was a challenge lo Nighl. Nig a recap of Ihe day's event: i . . ing the have in mind, to talk tall aboul whal we Games coverage beginning’ Saturday.S CBS, which has has constructed a sprawl- Pat Pat O'Brien, shown followin i I I facility lhat is the nerve David Da% Lelterman show, just s;iw and what wc'llwe' see next, And the people deliviivcring the ing broadca.st fa ignoring "He has an innocelocence and entliusi- iihages and sounds of this snowsm and icc center of its; operation. 0{ “Albcrivilie Lellcrman L is nol exacting igr ,-il! peek asm that works," spectacle can't wail. taughl us howV tcto do lhal," Gentile said, this this extravaganza. His show will lo lime. Zahn is here. co-h(:o-hosting her regular “There’s no sense of urgency “And also hov.IOW to program a laped in in onc the Olympics from lime lo isexclu- show, "CBS Thislis IMorning." wilh because of the NFL,” said s Rick three-hour moviiQvie every nighl." using usir his mother. Dorothy, as ils Harry Smith, whichich \will originate dur- . .Gentilc..scDior.vicc.presideidem o f pro- Thc limc frame fra is the same. Like sive sivt correspondenl. eragc is ing the Games from)m fl working farm on duction for CBS SporlsIS. “ M aybe Albertville. Lillehammer Lill is six hours The1 resl of the CBS coven Gumbel ihe outskirts of Lilleh:illeh.\mnicr. - -ihcre’sastrongdc.siretodo{0 great work.—ahead-oLcastcntcm iimc..mcaning,much ..momore traditional, Greg Gi id Tim CBS canic'herere wwith' 200'finishcd - - The IWO aren't equated rc:realistically, of the prime: limeli coverage will be replaced rep Paula Zahn and Iccided a feature spots readyidy i10 roll, including but, yeah, emotionally,' theyy are.i taped. "W e’llII try ti to be as live as wc McCirver Me when the network dcc kc a traf- pieces with such dividiverse perstinaliliics “For me, it means we’ree goingg to do can.” G entilelc said. : “On weekends, single sin} anchor, acting almost like event to as Gen. H, Normanlan Scliwartzkopf! and great stuff.” wc'll be live. TTThe opening U.S.-France flc flc cop moving coverage from c’ author Garrison Kcill■Ccillor. Some of them ' Gcnlilc is the point marlan on CBS’ hockey game: SundaySi will be on a 15- event, eve better suited its nced.s. hn bash- will have to be laklakcn apart and pul coverage, the man who deiJccides what 30 minulc delslelay. That's really live. “Tliis is not McCarver-Zahn ^ : a lot of live hockey cov- ing.” ing Gentile said. "It wasn’t theiicir fault, back together agaiiigain, depending on hiis the air and when it gel-;els there. He There will be a , dislract- devclopmenls, talked Wednesday of Ihc gadgetsg and eragc. Nothinging in prime time is live It Itw was ju.st a bad format. Il was di APphoM as really Gcnlilc hopess ihithe folks.from the gimmicks television techrhnology has because that'ss 2 2 a,m. here." ing ing to whal the coverage was 1C begin- NFL will be walchiitching CBS's second ly , s k is d o w n th e put at his disposal — thingsgs like a hci- That includcidcs the w om en's figure about, abc ll was doomed from ihc O y s te in Romtveivelt, of Telemark, Norway, 1 people straight Winter OlynMympics, lo see what mel camera lo provide a goalie’sgi eye skating. The finalfin; is scheduled for^ Feb. ning. nin I’m nol sure any two f s lo p e w ithafidd![ddte In o n e h a n d a n d a bob o w in t h e o th e r w h ile football left behind,id. view of hockey aciion, andnd the comc- 25 and the eyesyes o f network executives could coi make il work.” th e r m e m b e rs o f h is s k iI trot r u p e r e h e a r s e fo r a winter "We did Albertvilrtvillc well.” he said, a o m e o f th e othe and-go camera that caplurcires the speed glaze over at,t thetl ratings bonanza the Gumbel ( admits he is not a e W in te r O ly m p lca. :vcs that "W c'll do this bettc’r.'ttc’r.'’ S a tu rd a y 's openiM nlng c e r e m o n ie s o f th e \ of sWing and camcd.CBS anai emmy on soap opera Mgaaga of Tonya Harding and sports spe guy and Gentile bclicvi TopULf.S. figu]ireskatinng p air faces1 stiliff test frro m R u sssia, Cannada /hen and Peterr Courtland skated wilh Dung'ungjcn before joining iy(AP) — Take fofor the United Slates, none of Ihemgold.the ' ly exciting,ig. because wc enjoy skatingg togetherK since 1988. whe HAMAR, Norway 0 yilly care about each olher. Oppegard won brorjronze at Calgary, Reynolds, and Natasha Kuchiki.likl Add Jenni Meno and And Meno and Sand, fifthfih at last y ear's and we real among U,S, pairs-has 'c no doubl lhat wc can skatkale with And they arc muchmui closer to the beginning off Thc.conslanl juggling amc S co tt W endland,, SubtractSi Kuchiki and world w championships, aren’t’t li likely to break "I have ons or Ihcir results in em, it’s jusl a m atter o f howw ili lum s their careers logelhether lhan to ihc end. not helped their reputations ththrough against the Russians,. CzechsQ and 1993 alloftheff Bolh Courtland and Wendland. how everyone skates that dayJay. It’s a “This is only' ourou sccond season competingg international events. Boll What'e-the-bottomn line?li] The top U S . pair al world w winners Isabelle Brasscasseur nnd Lloyd out and ho ave been around since advantage being the newer:r people;[ together and 1 Ihinkihii everyone forgets thai,”” Reynolds, for instance, have ibc Winter Olympics.s. EiEi^er of Canada. little disad her camc closc lo nn f our sccond major (interna•national) Meno said. “Sowe we still arc going lo be compel-* the late 1980s, but ndthcr Sand and Meno werevere al Albertville twayears But they are America’s bestitshou sh it’s only < dtis partnctTi. ition together. From that pointpt o f ing next year andnd after i thal and want lo showV Olympic berth with previdtis ago with their oik r parpartners. Kuchiki-Sand fm* “Being here before, we botholh kind of know compctitii )ng wilh my parlnerb," might be a little harder forr us,u; but I we can skate withth thell bcsl pairs." “I've always gollen along' no*WendIandplaced llth. wwhat to expect with everythingig tithat comcs with view, it m c Courtland said. "I'm ca.syI to jgel along wiih. Wci "■ iihed sixth amdMeno*^ 5 can skate with all of them1 —- tech- The olher AmcAmerican Olympic pairs are who were dating, paired up . ththe Olympics,” Sand said asIS thetl couple pre- think we c ncilabic differences; Sand and Meno, whe ind artistically.” and JasonJaa Dungjcn. who like Meno0 didn't have any irrcconcil fter that and have made a pipared for Sunday's technical prtprogram, the first nically am n Maybe wc didn't gel alongig wwilh the coaches the on the ice soon after skating ofCcials suggest MeMeno and and Sand got togethertog in 1992. and Karen lyent lhat rari:ly Is kind to ftflgure-skaling event in the Gameimes. Some si 't al the same point iii steady rise in an ;yen II-be l u ^ lo crack the top scveeven. Still. Courtland and T(SdToi Reynolds, who — that'ss same way, or we weren't al A m e r lc ^ ' T lie media and hoopla andnd iall the exciting Sand will I he best pair the United Stateseshas'ttud 1 righl — havc:als:also'bccn a team sincc '92.’. ourcarecrs,” Only rive pairs hav

— ------\

I i

n Falls, Icfoho Thursday. Fobruofuoiylp. 19W D-4 Timo9-Now8. Twin Fi I______•

*Kidne;jy pn)bl discus- “Becausc if this situation ■ two years, cncc call fromm Boca1 Raton. Fla., said in j the Baskclball Hall Of Fai and Phyllis is sions between his rcprcscnlalivc,srep • same for another year or t' to take me . only one docindor. from Detroit, said "I coached eight yea in the bay and the team plannedled lalcr in.the which teams are going to and which teams arc notot going 10 th(ire w as "net "t prciblem" wilh Punxsulawney, ] and I ihoi 'i^indow, and day. I g o so m e- Elliott’s conditidition. was < going to be there for' Daly’s old "He has to work wilhwil us because lake me if I decide to g - , The Rockctscts owner criticized the Daly j said Wednesday al a a p a r t m e n t he is under conlracl lo the Pislons,” where?" ; n indefinite conduct of Pisl’istons officials, includ* conference. , now is part of ! Pistons spokesman Matvlatt Dobek said. 'A sked if he’s taking an I '.s exactly it. ingChaney. - Hc left in 1963, howcvcver; and the town’s library.ry- "W e are w illing lo lisleistcn lo w hat his • leave. Elliott said: "Tliat’s i lore impor- "Tlic cheapip shots: were below the sincc , then has coi;o a c h c d “ 1 was replaced:ed by a ground- j ideas arc, but hc has;is to1 w ork with Bccausc my health is mo lanl than any baskclball ggame. The level of n an N B A te a m ," said Pennsylvania lo four Ivy League L hog." Daly said. our leam doctor." cooperative Alexander,, addinga Chaney said-7 . championships, , the Dciroil D Daly was clcctcd:tcd to the Hall of ; E lliotl’s agent, Burtiirt Kinerk. said: Pislons have .been real co AJ>(fiOU ^ to gel better Houston had1 coldcc feel over the trade Pislons to two NBA titlesi anda the Fame on Tuesdayiday. along wiih ! "W e've been in touch;h wilhv the team, » with me. Tliey want me to t interest as and wa.s lookin< ingforaw ay oul. Dream Team to a gold mtTicdal al Harry "Buddy" JeaJcannellc. a prc- Tlie mutual underslandiinding, I believe. P is to n s1 t

By D ave Goldaldberg laslast year figuring oul how to0 fit S 5 0 w h ere 1 la n d ," h:ic c says.sj AP Football1 Writer\S mimillion worth of talent inlo10 a S34 Hill isan urcsiricsiricted free agcnl. PtS •^'.mi.million cap. Bul many ofif llthose who aren’t ------. W ill BuddyIdy's first fighl with Bill Some I will do il by relcasin]ing high- soon will be — simply because fford 10 keep them, come whenI tlthe Phoenix Cardinals’ Jy paid aging veterans, orr asking teams can't affor larly true al quarler- _ 1.—_ owner doesn'tn 't want to .sliclJ out mil- 'fliem fli( to "retire" with dignjnify. a.s Thiil's particularly p r p b a b ly -w ill- b e -n o ------— Hons for F.riciric“HilK Scan-Jones or Lawrence La Taylor did lasl1 rmonlh, .back — there pro a n e t t e r ssholdtofprankm ^ Seth Joyner?? COr will Buddy Ryan be freeing frc up S2.25 millionI for 1 the more quarlerbacback controversies 3 am because no leamim can( afford to pay a lamer ger•cneral manager than Giants. Gi Others will do it by walchit:iingwith two polential slartcafters. Tw o juniors andind one adult from ihe Soulhcricrn Idaho In side-by-sidside drag racing action,1, M ilch coach? anguish ns they are spurned bhy long- S o lo o k , fo r e.xample,e.xar for 37-year- ion Stan the 1994 season wiwith state McDowell ran thethe Uyhara 1994 Pontiac FinIrcbird in 'rune in and anc sec when the N FL 's an Tennis Association lime stars — like Joyner andnd Clyde old Warren Moonton I to be among those n Ihcir categories, 6.14 seconds orr 2222: mph for a quarter milliie on ils free agcni sigsigning period begins in tin No. 1 rankings in ill Simmons of the, Eagles. Hill, H: the onlhemafl^et. Raluca Nina oif fT Twin Falls holds the top rankingrar in maiden run andI camcca back with a 6.05 secocond, 226 nine days, wiwilh polcniial fireworks Si Cardinals' talented insidtdc line- He's due lo makema $3.25 million Metzger of Murtaugh is; NNo. 1 in clocking on the secondsee run. b etw een Ryan Ry and owner Bill C; . girls’ 18s. Eric M backer, is another — he sa;ia y s h e 's next ye ar, w h enn hihis current backup, nic Miiughan of Twin Fallsills stands Bidwill. b:i boys’ 14s. Connie flattered Ryan wants lo keepp hini'but1 Cody Carlson, will be on the sccond , 3,5 doubles. ires Phoenix wi:will be fun to watch. So fla first in w om en's 3,i , . Twin FallsIls’ R eynolds scoi added thal money talks. year of a three-yea-year. S8 million deal if Twin Falls is second in bo will Dallas.. IiHouslon and just aboui ad Z;ich Tarter of T boys I«s c • tr “ I'm in a good situation no matter he signed this year.,'ear. and Brady Marlinlin second in girls’ 18s. Eriiric Hayes tH O 01 V lCtctories in A TV nraces every oiher NFLNl leam. and Chris Follow,IW, both o f Tw in Falls, rank M C C A L L - RRich Reynolds of Twin FaFalls cap- Bul the CardsC:i will be the most ;sp ectiv ely in b o y s' lf>s. V and seventh respi ■| X' lurcd three firstsIS r and a sccond in the 199414 McCall fun. largely;ly- because Ryan has H ayes o f T w in Falls F: is second in girls 16 W inter Carnival1 ATVA- Grand Prix Race Jan.. 330. always beencn al odds with owners V a l e n t i n e Erquiaga of Jeronromc stands seventh in boj Reynolds wonLin the under 250cc 4-slrokckc. under who refusedd tot meet, Ihc demands of Skyler Engbcrg ranranks in the lop eight of boys' . 250CC 2 -stfo k e andan 250CC and up 2-slrokekc classes HIS players,X. Now he’s also general Wilh the adults.Its. Phil Ellis o f Jerome is se I in the open modified compel!elilion. manager atI a lime when it's nol a C ertificate 4.0 doubles. Stann NMclzger of Jerome fourlh,rS i ™ e „ 's ______good idea to have a rookie GM and 4.0 singles. Lewis.-is Kficger of Twin Falls star.lands I Olh ------upheaval inn tthe front office. That’s p ’’ I ’So■ o th in g iS la s m g c in men's 4.0 doublubles. Judy G raf of Twin Fa!Falls ranks lews eneour:ii’es renders nndlQrg.iiniza- c particularly!y true in Phoenix, where hij Sum n dvck second in women';cn's 3.5 doubles and fifth in sing cs^ scnd'itsI rc.su/l.sra o f local sporls. Bidwillisunfjnprediclable al besl. O rderr b y P h o n e with your VISA. David Davids of»f Twin’ Falls is sixlh in menmt s .. ^ If dropped ^ o ff lit The Tinnm s-N cw s , , . . double's'. rwin Ellis, _ officc (132 3 W),V), nuuled (P.O. Box S4H. Tw Because thiIhis is the firsl year ofthe . . 83303-054fi) orrFAXed F/ (734.5538). lary cap and the more /THE m a Full. M -100 tingiet — CiBt ■ lOO.Oau*-OMndl».1». Ca« 0 Earl Oamtital. Haavywoighiighi •—‘ 1,'Zncn phy. . Cla» 0-notwft Lyfwa. 3, Heatti Haimijonn.M>n Oktl-rMUti Twrin Falla TrapI Oid u b 00- Cl> (ll - 1, Casey 0,undai — 1, Ktis'tisin . ' Comn., Cald-Oll 05. H Tiya Hamilton F eb.S-6 DaCiDlB Leveiay, Namlamoro'J^Hl'on Ott'I't«i*2'.'^i™'*0«nkjlankja Monvv«Mr«-a,J«n>y< Hiflti toofciC-M.i.8 13-U n»Bvyw«iBh1lhi -— 2, Randy 0-10 neavywoighlIhl - J«na ^ 500 targets shootL{rt (unxx-Wcxkman 05, Hiflr D*n»Ja T AA Malt Cftusa. Two FaJ» 03. HamJion Miah o*»tflii ciBii CtiamoionOoua M«n'» reaiit* Ouordtmon RwlloIlol G u ard sm o n SCR QuordimonOu P«ffonnonc> Ma'cn, Eaglo 407, ;"SL'i-.ss Cis o.;r.rsr.T ,'sCnamB«n tun. ^ Whila^MH ny FulkK Jonol, T.in Falls 4C9,3, Clu a u u UUD up,QBry Coop«f. T- l“' c’ht’t I - 2, Datbara L ao.ooo-min ■WIHII ■mnii 40,000-tnlllMrMtraTanlr M, MiicftM, Jotwno iman 03. MidUia OamWo' OonM/irwUs Shon »ai(Jaa«.Wo'l>mai AA-Uorcli on. .85,5, LlLonfl yaxlaoa- D'tMm Wat* liahtwo-fllv.o.gM-2, M,ko ocYt'rm n 2 4 . 9 9 - ...... — - 100 «■«»«— 0-10 neavywoighi - Claaa A-Tony 100 ______" Oltla-fwuia PUi70M» IM,M Seofl Eart. Moonla-n Honx^om«' 07, Oats 0'uni)«> — KtiBlvC ;sr-.'Mr. .0 .? '.a 17.8) IfUAU IM ,« ^ C Hairy Wc»*man, fxrlBO, I Jam« Hamilton Pl»4/J0«14 U.99 too handicap — Champlori'JimCha 0-10 naavytrtaigniim — - 3, Jsnna 11.12 hghlweloni ------,U»M1J j» » Jpivi;o»u M.M Cieiafvl. Tmn ran>02.. Snonyafflao*:Sno P1*S.»«I1) tit. irUOMIJ SJM p Lb» Lindtay. Twin Pain Twin Falla Judolo (Qub Oambtol. PM170MU «,M . 1, AmyFuii«'. -U«n'ai«autK «*i7wa'n - J* w Pp:i8,, Jonai, Twin Falls 00, O aifltil - 3, Andy c3 J ri] PJU'iOMU S?,W Claii O.laiiy. -CiinOatWxal, EE:; ii: l»t7«BH *».»♦ f Yor«. Hagtrman 01. Cla ™ Onta/K),Oi«,Toumam Joreii, T«inFall»7J. EJoyrr**ia MV70MU *«.W ' PIttWMIt U.Pt ------^

D a v i s h o p e s NOW PLAYINGi CON PAY PER VIE';w I SMB 937q{, a glimpse of heaven mw ith m e n to fin d fi]f i i t u r e , o u have only dreamed M p a s t w i tl h M e t s ^ l a a t S d a y ^ . aave 25% on j^H jjjl Reaponse:»fl XL I SuDflrOuard QT ■ ;AP) — After fail- ^ O »".ho‘’c”l2 l NEW YORK (AP 43170R 45,000-mn« wwiwilcrevi wnnrf | SS.OO^nilll ■mmH awTonry ■ ing in Baltimore,re, Glcnn-Davis avairabio"a oxtra. I hopes to resurrcctct his I career wilh "^l^l _ 224.99L“rZ ^ 54.99 ; (he N ew York Mels. •n th * PI51MHU — Im ? ;----- FiuTsSil IST^T I A J B W & 0 * m o n l t 4H081J nOirJUAU M-W Jl 5 5 . 9 9 . M r ‘ J in a way. I'vee bbeen stripped of \ u iiiiitii/ri ^ b a t t e rV y r JM0«1» :,I I P1JJ/70M1JIW t M RloadHandlar n a everything I'vee 7 with> 24 homers ^ ndlerf BT. o S- - Q Q P1IH0W14 |9^U rail_0W y and 85 RBIs inn IBS1 games. Hc *1 ntntatau lii.W MIMMU _ »»IOt ' made $9.94 millioIlion in Baltimore »**•!* fjitjew u n -Tl**JJ mfciTMit U iu.4« • itfetimo :red a bust by fans i l S Plta'tOHRII y it.99 and was considered W a a t h o i „ M4i 7C*IIXl n 104,1» ' who didn't thinkik the,Oriolest go(' * T 7«;9f K09.WHlie LI n tf «IS,«H»U n 74-WPt UM tlMU n 1 « « ' their m oney’s worthm h. THIS I SEASOO N S ifllE jj j; m440»«l» n " [1 14J 0» e»(>o> ot *' The two-time All-Star,Al speaking tt.99 mvuwit li ».99” jtmo.»o«i'«! »»,«» from his home in C< olum bus, Ga., 19’NORIHWOODS^ ItJ! WIMWU 'Tftful-J* . said he didn’t undetidcrsland the biller* «;*? , Mercruiser4.3, 175 ■H I ness. 9 9 ~ " . r b S . t : - Deluxe trailer, marine caroctin]BUY %onth- B ffiis cassettc stereo w/w all-v^eath' iry ^ ^ torir mstrurrtenlJhon panen>ow, 5IEA0Hsr 29-® GUIINS floor Jiorage, plui much more.. PtOTO nworAui Mumr . » H P V-6 NMM-ilJI Ml-:]i-a7>«m _ _ _ BUY»SELlLL»TBADE P O W E R E ^ B Y uwoim ooccN , uuio iu n o rr ing, AM -FM __rsassr-■' ■ ^ i»r4*.]iii >i.ni4is* K f M hm ther,speak;rf, MUOUU KCABUO ■WMfMU IWI 10% Down. ( 4 A IOM ^ «0t-ni4«0 m-UMMO ' IDAHO COINN IGALLERIES 1120 2 C months y I V IB EMIRS 302N.Ucin,lWtnlrfnF«ll*,ld.B3301 Tho Onf/Logical Choico 8,9% 8.5 APR I D r m.»Mioe C n M AwPiiinroCTwiw) w i R>DepcncJabioPottofmaftco ( U 1CS 1 eotuip'MM mrm otMewcnoN Dm m m-uMuo t ■- ■ ...... _ - i. V'ill j doorr a

F o Ul ( o w H im tce rs s p ite a k 01lu t o n h u n t!i n g n ilies '"I’m afraid lhal if youI cutcui back on the By Lany Hovcy antlerless harvest, in five ye:years we'll have c l e a n1 b o r e ?Timcs-News writer ItIhc same problem of ovcrsto ulations, noting that if popul oul a permit. Everyone likes aims : of the five and eight-;jhl-year plans, rc* I chose to research. j would be to cut letdcpartrrtmcni biologists make the finfinal dc- ing ihe rut without The ex p erts I c' reducing, the proper way wc spectivcly. . were the competpetitivc. bcnchrest i the number of doc permitsiis.sued. iss cisions on or total harvest and/or contjnirollcd that." Rocky Wolvcric;;rlon saicJ, rffcrini;.p.-trlicu- • -Increase jhc opporlurrlunity for black- ___ ■— —' shooters who measureme five shot He also suggested an end:nd 10 cxtra-dccr permits allowed.all >ainsl rc- tarly to units 8 and 10. cow elk hunters feel powder i hunting in the MagicagicVallcy. groups in hundreIredths of an inch. 1hunts and asked that in gengeneral deer sca- Neil KiiCing seconded any idea agaii aid h e ’d iheir chanccs of■ suisuccess are impinged when • Requiring lhal all landlandowners apply* Reading through»h :several issues of .sons, opening days for antiantlerless bc run duced huilunting opportunity. He saic / hunting the bull-only scgnugnienl of the hunl runs first, ing for and/or receiving comrompensalion from "Precision Shooti>oling'' m ag azin e, I I Monday through Friday. like IO seecc an expansion of "qualily hi nling.” Marshall Evcrherheari. Jerome, cautioned the departmenl depredatioation fund^ allow earnercd some sosound and surpris- “I like hunting prior to- thithe deer rut and — I hale: loI u-sc the word trophy hunli ned laie againsl ovcr-rcaciiiiciion to prolecl herd levels. h u n iin g trespa.ss. ingly simple adadvice for barrel jafter the elk rut” bcfausc dodown the road ii • He andid several others supporic' cleaning. The consensusus for cleaning the bore of a ccntcrterfire rifle, using Enviironmer ntalists ssue non*corrosivc priprimers, smokeless Tie one onc powder, and cop[opper jacketed bul- lets, was the follo>llowing procedure: First, wet a pro]jroperly-mated flan- ^ Interrior ove]jr fish stitatus nel patch with1 Shooter’sS Choicc and push it throug)ugh the barrel using rON (AP) — Environmen- den and brook trout —- historicallyhi; were a spear-pointed:d .jag. The flannel WASHINGTOI lawsuit against the Interior- found from the headwateraters of Canada's patch should bee I;high-quality, soft, lalisls filed a law 1 Tuesday to try lo force anI Yukon River to northernn ClCalifornia, clean cotton. Dcparim cnl on Ti sion on whether the bullI Bul the service said lasl:asl spring they are The use o f a roirod guide is rccom- overdue dccisio 1C declared an endangered1 “thought to have disappeaipeared from Cali- mended to prcvcrvcnt the rod pound- trout should he i A'cslern stales. fornia and a number ofif drainagesdi in the ing and possiblec boreb damags. spccies in six wc^ 'ay behind. They are in vio- W estern states.” A patch fil which wl offers only "They are way lalion o f Ihc law,'iw.” said Mike Bader, exec- The lawsuit filed Tuesd;esday said a study mild resistance:c will ' also help to ulive director ofo f Ithe Alliance for the Wild1 commissioned by the MeMontana Deparl- limit rod poundiniling. Rockies in M issossoula. Mont. mcnl of Fish and W ildlifdlife and Parks in Sccond, usingig a solvcni-soakcd "All the bioloological information galh-- 1992 found that 90 percenl e to of the bull bronze brush, senscrub Ihc barrel back ered to date sho\hows clearly lhat bull iroulI troul stream s in lhal slaleale w ere at mo'dcr- and forth. A. suggestedsi rule of ' are headed quicuickly for exlinclion," he: ale 10 high risk of exiincliciciion o f the fish, thumb w as one: cccomplete stroke for In north Idaho, 83 pcrceirrcenl arc al high to cach round fireircd sincc the last said. The Interior)r !Deparlmenl’s Fish andJ moderate risk of cxlincli'aclion. the lawsuit cleaning. Wildlife Servia/ice was supposed to havee said , In O re g o n , 54 p e rccent cn o f the rem ain- Remember,. thesetl guys clean ______ruled three monlonlhs ago on whether thec ing populations arc all mi moderate to high their b arrels ever;/cry 10 lo 15 rounds. bull troul dcser\;erves protection under thec risk and in Washingtonm theyt: arc rapidly I doubt they w/ould ou rccommend 50 JAMES mmiOVTTw TVnw - Endangered'SfSpecies Acl in Oregon.. declining, the suit said, strokes at the: eiend of a 50-round decline of the bull Lltim es. W ashington. Idaho, Idi Montana, norlhcrnn " T h e rea so n s fo r th e dec hunting trip. y fly will do, but sometln Any fly flahermar)I krknows that not just any Nevada and Cali!:alifornia. trout are all human-causedised: habitat degra- a dry brush through Third, push a c Inaplnch.anlnappr}propriate lure may yieldj :surprising results. : bull troul depends on cold,I. dation from logging onn federal,fe slate and lean oul .the fouling- Because the bi the bore to cleai the Forest Service considerss private limbcrlands., hahabitat loss and cnt. Follow wilh an- clcan waters, the and dirty solvent / indicator of the health ofif degradation from dams,s. overo fishing and alvcni-soakcd patch it to be a key ir other clcan solv I forests in the region, - competition from introduoduced non-native Ivcnt work for about many national fo and let the solve ndipityf selects Environmentalnialisls say the fish faces ex- fish spccies." the suit said,;aid. U ^ in u te s . Sem d Adding the fish to thele listli of ihrealencd luse excessive logging and in remove the dirty linclion becausi fourth, again olher developmeimeni has desiroyed its habi-i- or endangered species likelylike would result solvent with a1 v.with a solvent wet ns and other Itind lal. They say dramalicdra declines in ils pop-I- in lo g g in g r e s t r ic lio n s : 1 by a dry patch, patch follow ed b; ulation w arn th:lhal entire aquatic ecosys-i- management prohibitions3ns to protect it. The benchrcstcst shooters seem to esstiil s)mall fl}y • The act requires thehe ;government to succe lemsare ihrealerilened. way from ammonia- be moving awa “This is moreire leslament to the fad lhatIt work to rebuild Ihc popul)pulalion of species s such as ‘‘Sweets,” and prohibits the based cleaners s By James J.Krunich1 want to10 miss a pos-sible take. Jniled Stales has been heavi-i- protected by ihc act am and mild abrasivisives like “JB Com- ,.,,„,..r,i western Unit ig any aclion harm- Timcs-Ncws corrcsponi)ondcnt Finallally, a lazy rainbow slide up , ly «ver cul." BaBader said. He said loggingg government from laking a pound;” and slolowly opened ils m outh. Li eliminates shadlade trees lhat keep waters:s ing the spe.cics. The ammonialia is known lo etch ishinglon State Dc- TWIN FALLS —- 1Telltale dimples the rodtd tip genlly. I watched the cool and accclederates erosion, which can,n Officials for the Washi urgcd the U.S. Fish metal. and an occasional splssplash signaled Ihc bow shshake ils head as the hook fill streams with'ith-silt. partment of Wildlife urge The etched metalm then collects c in pccember to trout w ere feeding act^ctivcly. into Ihehe jaw . Gently applying prc; The Fish andnd W ildlife Scrvice ruled inm and W ildlife Servicc ii ng future cleaning I wheihcr lo declare copper making I scanned.Ihc surfacrface then reached (6X onm small fiics) I watch Ihc 10 May there waslas enough evidence of de-;- postpone a decision on wl more difficult,t, aactually neccssitat- red. for the fly box thatt c se c t life that r When a dry' cccopper bullet is fired appear on Iduhi rel the result is in- on m idges. in a dry barrel 'Sm all size being the priority, I quick- ters. □ revive tit r o u t crcased copper•r ffouling. s t a t ees w ant tc ly looked for anythingling of a diminutive BulI there are exceptions to i These accuraiiracy gurus actually rachute. Adams, size role, grade lubricant to the nature. A small paracl apply a high-grj 20, w as the first likelyely prospect. Forr iinstance, midge patterns arc r a l i n t e r v e n t i o n cleaned barrel.I. . T be gray parachutc'Itc was the right size ly spccccifid in design and trout In in 'S w i t hlout e feder; A dry patch:h should be passed nitc size but the color w as wron-rong. watersrs frequently key into definit bore before firing to p) — Fisheries biologi.sts haveive Id ah o fish eries c h ief;f Steve Si Huffakcr dc- through the boi “What the heck.”' 1 thought. 1 “It’s the and col» lo r combinations. BOISE (AP)- remove any exc succc^- Qm J, fcjcrai cni II with increased lem- clcan up problei False casting, I1 gtgazed toward the Theic parachute Adams was a sui endangered spccies listing, "T h ey d o n ’t do w ell wi ___ lar use is n o t recomihendcd ri since s o v e rc a st and th e ful paliallcm on this occasion becau:au5e lhe They may bcbe hoping in vain. peraturcs.” he said..'"And\n d you can’t build a hd wear are possible sky. The day was o 'scratching and wind was blowing.,'Maybe'with Mi a chop chopI oon the water offered some ,t The listing5 pi process was .scl in motion in ii fence around one little: arcarea to protect them, consequences.3. p oor v isib ility , th e lion as to size and coloration, aiand the October 1992.)2. when three Montana envi They use the whole wolcrshed,woi from the . Ig in a new barrel the on the water and poi For breaking )t m y inappropriate low liglight conditions also contribuibule 0 fonmenial grouroups asked the U.S. Fi.sh am the tiny headwater toward the petrochem* trout would accept n ‘”‘1 lakes clear up to the experts lean tow my sue;uccess for the sam e reasons, crvice lo list the bull irou saners with Shooter’s offering. left mv Wildlife Serv stream s.” ical bore clean On Ihe first case,ic, i a tclllalc silvery In fifact, I was lucky lhat I'd lc is five-slate range, ng the H6n's share of clc The throughout its f Huffakcr hopes theic governmentg' biolo- Choice getting I the fly but turned midgege patterns in the vehicle shape approached th ?'awhl;: IJaho-»pbn.an to wrile a conservation slral 'gists will produce att dtdraft conservation the w ork. away at the last instaistant. Was my pre- parachchule Adams is a fly with a milar actions in other states The bottomom line from the over the 'e y . ••'"‘1 S'mil strategy by March 1. ThenT h the public will sentation faulty orr diddi the fish refuse parachchute, extending up ond ov i up recovery, said Doug Zim bcnchrest frateotcrnily is clcan well It is CX- SpCCtl up ’ ' be invited into ihe planniiinning effort, the parachute Adorns?ns? . fiy likiike a parachutc drbpping. It id Wildlife Service spokesman, and clean often.cn. oving or mcr^isli and V Montana has a newew bull trout policy Another cast or twctwo would yield the#5»cmclicl3i.cosy to locate on mov fforts arc very commendable, • No concern-n iis e x p re sse d ab o u t Dpy water. If the midge papallcrns -Those ctfor najor land.and water final verdict. chopp II if the idea is to forestall a lislis'i- Bfoup “ P wearing a barre:rrel out with excessive malchcd hc said. "Buc if nialisls. After several falsesc castsc to shake any hod bebeen present, I'd probably m users, and cnvironmcnlol ut a dirty or pqorly h, caughl ing. 'h a ' P™>»'jbably shouuld have been don cleaning, but ■ walcr off the fly' atand insure that it the exexact pattern to the hatch, i Last fall, the Washin]hington state Deport- ■e will open up your )wing the several yearssago.” a{ '• cleaned bore ' Ily, I gently dropped .fish butbi strained my eyes followi l^sh iTient of W ildlife askasked the Fish and would fioat naturally, Environmeniicnialists wanl the spotted fis groups. the parachute unto the w ater. small*]li-pattcm on the water, )rc- Wildlife Scrvicc point-bnt-blank to give it the ching the listed as endardangered in W ashington. Ore As the fly driftedted dowri stream, I Soajmetimes, not exactly matchi ;va- chance to protect the: fisfish without the bur- xpericnce gon. Montana,.na,. Idaho. California and Ncvi quickly mended thetie lineI and followed insectct hatch isn't such a b a d expc zklander is a tcaclier at da. H abitit has.been ha: damaged by varioiio u s d e n s o f a federal Hsling.ng. David Hockh ine pattern with my rod tip. I didn't aflcrr'all. a Gooding Highih ISchool. ‘ ■ j . forms of devekvelopmenl. The decision has nolOl beenbi made.

- - - l '...... - —— ____ ...J ^ ------D-6 ' Timo3-Now3, Twrinrin Falls,F IcJoho Thursday. Fobfu:bfuary'lO, 1994' •J - fiiry of' stui^<;eon fJ& G ’s r aa n g e FewfSshiti:tatch fi I ten move onto shallowersha fiats. By Sam Hutddns Once in a whil/hile they frolic on s h o w s Times-News ■ correspondc ^ H j the surfacc, theirleir dorsal fins cut- pppc)osition s ling the water;r likeI prehistoric n H e n d rix RIGGINS — Kevin sharks. was fishing a deep holole in the Hendrix recallsalls one memorable a g e , n o t p { o l i t i c s Hells Canyon stretch off ithe Snake 'AIM day when .the big fish were cspe- c o u r a R iver on a June eveninggin i 1993. IH daily playful. A single, distinct tapp was tele- Ul_QnJhe_river near...... ly Conley must __ ^”Ujvas_dQwn_C Boy, that Jerry graphed through the 50-pl-pound test Bliss. We had jujust st gotten our laclc- havcagoodjdblj liiic. Hc carefully liflciled the 13- lc together andd w ere alm ost up to - - everyone in Ida- lappy It seem s like cvc fool fishing rod a little. ItI pum ped Ihc river whenI all of a sudden this ho wanls it. k tl Hovey down fast and hard andd immedi-. seven-footer coircomes almost com- A month ago il ■ aiely Hendrix knew hc v-w as lied to pletely out off theth "water jusl 20 ste rn Id a h o a n s C .p 'l Outdoors 3.01)0 soulhc;istc som eihing big. yards away.” hele said.si ll that turned out w anted it — bul tl In panic, the f * -hile a larger or more plelion of ihe . — Jerry Con- The statistics came oulut nine and Com m issions ley, currently ecimen will be con- A ir Force a half feet and 350 poununds. Its cs- - .--1 c persistent. consistently vo/Ote — serves at bomhing range timed age was placed al ; 50-plus ICC had a large stur- in southwesl- for tlie resourcree pleasure years. ’ of the com- line for nearly 25 ern Idaho? The large barblcss ho( slipped i.his pole snapped in _____ regardediessj5_PJ.______mission,______----- ensilj^fromthc-soft.-sucjckcr-moulh—^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l the disabled rig onto ik is Tliere arc al Because the w hat you think and, after a pause of se' and fought for anoth- real issue isn’t le a st IWO :ouple slug- right or w rons utes, the fish gave a co cs before the fish whelher those truths known gish kicks and slid bacack into the '' aboul certain legislators arc ” current and out of sight. uprcdicalblc. oniically-bencfil- governmiimcnial enlilies. from the econom If ihesc Ihings had icc or jaw s igs are a bust, others of Elmore and First,t. nothingi makes a person led counlies of o f any kind, you cann w ater i with excitement, . Owyhee. No. inde'idecd. more libeibcnil than being named to skiing would be unp[p o p u la r S. Suprem e Court. Sccond, rable nighl. Hendrix They look youou straight in the the U .S .; .so u th e rn Idaho. bruisers. On another lg makes a person more eye and say ihele "real ‘ issue" is nothing Hendrix, a Twin Fall resident. A’crc landed among a ••mismanagemenl':nl of Ihe valuable conservarvalive lhan being named is part of a small, devo^oted fralcr- : Idaho Fish and Game A vide 10 to 15 miranglers. resources andI wwildlife of Ihis lo the I nily' of anglers who fishsh for while in w e ig h in g in th e state." Commis^lission, sturgeon in the Snake River.Ri Once in a while)d of 1,500 pounds Do you knowV h"for recovery. ' much 10 the rest , mnnagcmenl, he s;iid. ROOTS favors amendinj m achlinalions in of politics any- siorc the bcani lo their fonarmer range. biliiy in ils m; ly oppos.) irusl now,” ROOTS co- Ihc home folk. I dangered Specics Aci so its r "We have come up wiwilh s*imclliing Senate RResourcescj and Environment t There were aboutab 125 hunters more?? i Surely you don’t consider I carries the weight of law a ilip Church said of his we can sell to the publiclie in the area,” Chairman LaiLaird Noh. R-KimlKrly. said c attending a big game regula- this sublubtle? subject 10 modificition; • Tiie public willonship wilh the Fish and 1 he said during a meetingjg ^ f ihe legisla- there are twov6 options. s lio.ns-planningg nmeeting Monday And,id, by the w.-»y. Conley, jusl r Servheen said the wildlift for environmenticc. much darn money do you1 live grizzly bear oversiglight commiliee. Tlieenlirc:ire stale can Iw opened up for in Twin Falls.r. SeveralS spoke in how nn • can do under a special rule ' hcsaid. I arc dealing with loday...... •7 . "We are nol prepared loI moven off il." a non-esscnti;ntial, experimental popula- c favor o f the comijm m ission’s sland. make? f favors doing through legislalit r u s t ^ •'bear-frecy. zo: It’s for 40 years from Bul Servheen saidI Ithe Fish and lion, he saidaid. They could be killed if I No one spokioke againsi it. In ------r agemcnt of an area conlaini) t h e r proposiil also coulst faclor wilh the public rry Hovcy is :i sporlswritcrr Wildlife Service docs ntnol believe the ifiey destroy'oyed slock or caused olher ; fad, some off llIhe commission Lurry perimenlal population can b ered. he said. hclherthc bear Is going to _ • Selway-Uillerrool WildeiJcrness is large', damage. I praise was in the form of “thank for the'ic Timcs-Nvws. < to thal site, hcsaid. Servheen suggc ___ enough for l>ear reaivcry.:y. Noll saidd llthe second oplion is lo ask I j n n r c i 'Oilial proposal for tu u I o recovery area tha — II Salmon River lo i F is h ann d G a m e clarifiesc gaa m e fa rm rui le s f “ V statute to couniry and from ucclion for of ihe Bitterroot ied of natural | | le Idaho Fish and commemerical traffic in wildlife. mals which have die( siriclions in tana, *ance BOISE — The [i & Biki ssed. bartered, otal Ski lorn causes may be possess Game Commissission approved 'ThciIC new rules also address ."hon id recovery ROOTS suppor g up traded. purcha.scd or soliold year-round H • changes to regulaliciilions which clarify huntinging” or Ihe practice of picking uj Church-Riverof ^ : o f in most game units. ihe rules for ownerners of game farms and selling sc horns or antlers o mg the En- to delcrminc ils su /one In management unitsis 60, 60A. 66, I and dealers in wildlife wii specics or wildlifelife. Under the new rules, anyom its posilion “There is no Iru torn 67 and 69, picking upup antlers and parts. w ho fi:finds the horns of a bighori and is nol chairman Philip p which has died of natural causaus- possessing them in the thi field is al- ■ ■ group’s relalionshm Among the neww (or changed rules, sheep w e o r lowed only from May1 1through Dec. which regulatee thet capture of es maylay keep them. Sale, trade o im life scrvicc Wildlife Scrvicc. egal 31. The exception apjpplies only to wildlife, is a newV scction sc prohibiting iransfeiifer lo another person is illega c whai Noh “What you arc )art- antlers of deer, elk ammd moose and AW taking live wildlifeifc from slate or na- withououi a permit from the depart lation. Man- isn't for loday, Il doe,s not restrict sale or I lional parks or momonumenls. menl.1. ning an ex- now. The trust fi Ihc The restrictions on 1 Another prohihilibils capturing or Williilhin 30 days of finding ih' LSK\ , be tailored will decide whelh Fi.sh were cnacled to help prevent p illegal ^ M( A L L keeping more lhanhan four reptiles or borns.s. IheyI must be brought lo a Fi.sl exist.” lark- killing of animals to sells< Iheir parls f a amphibians. Accorcording lo the Fish and GameGa regional office for mark \.' and to restrict people from fi hara.ssing 1 HM PMENT and Game Deparliarlmenl, the intent ingwitlvith a metal identification pin. ^EQUIP elk, wildlife on winlcr ranjinge. a practice 4 (131 is nol lo “slop a cchild from bring- Anilnllers and horns of deer, elk '— s = — = ^ and sometimcjs used lo gelthem 10 drop . ing home a frog,')g,” but lo control mooseISC., pronghorn antelope an' ani- their antlers prcmaiurelj ...... whai has bccom*)me a widespread mouniamain goal and elk teeth of ani e Clears B l u e b)irds i m ay b1 e m a k i nl j g a c o m eb l a c k i f L S K I jsing Mohitoring meanss watching the [ P ATLANTA (AP)(Al — The Norlh Bluelucbirds arc caviiy ncsicrs, usin fencc houses to sec if sparrcrrows ate using ^ American bluebirdird may be making a old wowoodpecker holes or rotted fenc isap- Ihcm. If Ihey are, cleat:an out the nest, ITIO , comcback. p o s:s. ts .' That type o f habitat is disa} After several nesLs arerc dcBlroycd, the "Wc have evidcidcnce. no proof, in pcarinjing, particularly in the E ist. . Dally SkiSi Rentals‘10^ (Groh ;ranls sparrows usually willII leave, Zcleny — the last eight or 10 years or so, Thofhose factors and two immigran • there’s been a rcvn arc unfajirly critical wwrongly r In the pasti t , listed in the less critics b o oen t taHen for ^ ^ category in Minncsot;:sota, Wisconsin, trout lily. of the Endangered:ed Species Act. to lock out people DULUTH. Minn. — A 'wild timber II ■ Michigan, Washington:on aand O regon, wolf irois along a snowmol■mobile trail on ^ o n o a n■gered f l species But j il's the high-profile spKies u i such ‘'Tlic issue of privatepr property rights and not necessarll] In O ctober, the arctic arc peregrine w i t h o u t aslas the wolf and ca^c that willill always is cloiiding Ihe: issue is of endangered a lake near the Canadiarlian border in ^ to protect the of which pass draw the strongest responsnsc froni spcdes,’’ said Duhhiluth environmentalist falcon, many of northern Minnesota.’ c o mm i pensatlon.* dra through Duluth onn IhcirIh migration North'CouiilryNo: residents — andnd have in Green. ‘There’s; veryve little substance lo a n i m a l ’ . Is the. wolf a symbol•1 o:of all that is undra, was pro­ the rcccnt dispute over snowmonobile use ihc criticism ofthe the ^dangered Spccics south from the lund wild, a succcss story/ o:on lhe 20th ___ ved entirely from - environm entalist in VoyagcUrs Nationol Pai'ark near Act’s taking of privatepr property. And posed to be removed _ anniversary of lhe Endangemgered Species______— D ea Vyiifher ngcrcd species. ------darr<3reen~i}ji;Inlcrnatipnal. Falls and Crane ULake. no property has; beenb« laken for endan- • “I!* the list of endange Aci? C onservationists Witl\m Parham-said. “As far as the Endangeredd Spedcs gered spedcs wiihcilhout compeasation." ------Or is it Q-lool,-used byjy eenvironmcn- — — — ISS • Only four specie;:clcs have been bureaucracy, to controversial:ial than those o f lhe past. Act Ac goes, it's been used wrongligly in lhe Thai debate will wi continue to sim­ Common Sens lalists and lhe federal burt ' ■ removed previouslysly from the list rcslricl use of some of ththe country's Meanwhile.;, tJthe U.S. Fish and Wildlife past, pas to Ipck out people and nonot ncccs- mer as attorneysp's andi activists bolster — whose work jncludcs endangeigercd bccausc of recovery:ry —• ihree birds most treasured wild land?J? . . . Scrvicc, envinvironmentalists and those sarily sar lo protect the animal," sasaid Ely’s iheir cases for>r thei congressional of wh :cies. from the island of Paluu'alau,aU .S, lerriio- Those are lhe battleIe 1lines being who oppose< ll the act are laying ground- Dea Dc Whitten, a spokcswonOman'for hearings. Somenc environm entalists specie The act currently covers' rcscacarch, ry; and a planl fromrom Utah. Olhcr drawn as Congress prepanpares lo debate work for thetie >debate thal looms on the Con.scrvalionists Co With Commoiion Sense, and Fish and WWi ildlife Scrvicc offi- The inagemcnt and monitoring ori r 8 2 2 spccies have been:n remr' oved after reauthorization of thee E Endangered horizon, a membern o f the national BlueUC Ribbon cials believe supporters suf o f the act mana] ccics - c ^ l S animals and 4(M plplanls rcscarchcrs found monmore of Ihcm ihan Species Act. The debatee willw be fueled A spokeskesman for Sen. Paul Coalition. Co The coalition repeprcsenls will be happy' toic let it ,languish in specie the UnilcJTStalcs. originally were thoughtIght to exist, by memory of the spottedted owl issue in Wellstone’ss coffice said.the act’s rcau- recrcationisls, rc( Whillen saiaid , w ho hearings this ycai'car and lei ihc public in the Fish and Wildlife Scrvicc officficials Some, includingg M innesota stale the Pacific Northwest. TheThe Endangered thorizaliont w will be heard in congrcs- believe bel public land Ls meant to be used put the memoryry of the spoiled owl FisI rther behind. pointlint to succcjTscs such as the: bald I wildlife officials, believebel ihc wolf owl became ihe focal poirpoint of a biller sional comnm m ittces as early as this by by people. controversy funhi glc and the arclic peregrine fal'alcon, should be declassifiedfied in Minnesota, ! debate that pitted enviro/ironmentalisls spring, but Ih;lhal the aci probably would "In Voyagcurs Nalfbnal Park, P the “The convcntiortional wisdom is you Icl eagle ilh of which have recovered fromim the where the wolf populaipulalion has grown against'loggers and gainjaincd national not emergee f from hearings before the Fish Fi: and Wildlife Scrvice wantsw no these hol-bullonm issues i cool off. You bolh c ink of extinction 20 years ago. from about 1,2(K) loI betweenbel’ 1,550 and media attention. end of IhLs sessession. snowmobiling sni becau.se of thee wolf\ and - distance yourselfelf from them,” Green brink “Tl“Tlicre's no question that, in aI lotIc of 1,750 over the pasl decadecade or so. y be one reason Feelings ru; tun strong on lhe issue here eagle," ea; Whillen said. “Andd right in said. That issue alone may b< . range, the eagle is doing much:h Iwi-. “ E specially in youyour neck o f the the. Endangered in the Northrth Country, where species front fro of mc I have a pictureI ofo a wolf Meanwhile, ilil isn’tis as if work under iLs rar Ihat reauthorization of the. r, and the Scrvicc has been lakiiking a woods, wolves arere re-establishingn 'ill not emerge lislcd underer the aci includc the bald running rui down a snowmobile; irtrack. Wc the act will comcime grinding to a hall, ter, ai Species Act likely will ok al the possibility of proposi:>sing a. themselves fairly well,well," the Fish and the end o f Ihis eagle and the:he gray wolf — two "charis- wlwho live up here in timberr wolfv and The act will contiinlinuc lo be funded by look ; from hearings before lhe langc in the bird's status,”” said: Wildife Service's Parhaarhamsaid. congressional session and may be pul matlc species:ies" that rcccive more than babald eagle land know they’re: nnot afraid about $65 millioiiion a year in congrcs- chanj ialions. About $40 mil- Gcorjsorgia Parham, a public affairsrs spe- "The big question1 is. what do y»iu do on hold unlil next year. their share: oof attention, according lo of inhabilaled places, snowowm obile sional approprialii Ihrough the Fish and ciali;alisl with the Fish and Wikildlife in the Rocky Mountai:ntain area? Should Virtually everyone closcdo; to endan- Duluth envircrironmcnlalist Jan Green. tracks. tra They're not afraid of houses.”ho lion of that is ih ;e, while the balancc is Scrvii:rvice in WiLshington, D.C. the wolf be re-iire-inlroduccd in gered species issues ^ lieilieves \ this rcau- The act alalso covers more.obscurc The issue is equally volo latilc in Wildlife Scrvicc, cr federal agcncics, part ThiThe bald eagle is listed as eni:ndan- Yellowstone Nationallal Park?"P ihorization will be morelorc heated inlT spccies o>f f Minnesota} animals arid W estern states, where it spispills over handled by olhcr l F i s h e r i eies lure cmistom ers [ w i t h r i e ^ ach \ iw approa y A T f ! S P EWIAL! By John Husar .I’d like to0 ssec it dominate our sea- ^ Chicago Tribune son.” Larsen’s's program( leans heavily on T CHICAGO — There’:ire’s a nice little parcnl-childlild teamwork and instruc- I Package bargain awaiting shoppers sh for tion. “Eachich com bination of father- I ^ iBatlihroom I Canadian fishing iripss th:this year. son. m othe■hcr-daughler or whatever I ires, II® I i P r i? c e s R o u ghly h a lf th e o p e ra to rs o f spends a third ihi of the lime with a pro I P u m p s le Plumbing Fixtur Faucets and odgcs at the All in the boal,at, another third following a. L ^ I AJJ the ; Onlario camps and lodg W 1 SEEOUi'u n N 0 9 sB L E crrow o r ^ a‘im ’Bathrom Canada Show in St. Cha'harlcs. 111., will boat with a |pro and the other third on I1 ^ ^ V PUMPS MANDACCESSOni^ ries you need for a reward you with a 10 pcrccnt dis- ihcir own,”I,” Ihe said. “Wc start them at T ^ I Accessorii T h r u couni for agreeing notlot to kill many any level of expertise and take them I fish. as far as the;;hcy can go.” I The trick is lo buy>uy an Ontario Dicksonsm said Ontario operators arc I^ / SD-lOO ^ Sportsman’s License,e, vwhich allows followingg Manitoba’sh lead by pres- I1 ^ 7 I HORSE you 10 bring home no0 mmore than two suring proviovincial fishery managers to kk ] C— CONVER'RTIBLE . nsh. I mandate a '"bubbled" barblcss hook I ^ ^ 1 9 600-59S I w Not only doe:/the S15Sli licensc cosl in future regregulations. fW A D e eI p Well ' 219.00 ^ bubbled hook saves more I subsiantially less thanin a more liberal ’ “The bul L 1 A 7 i c r t i JPressure * Tanks > g permit, bul il fish by kecjceping the hook from being I non-resident fishing p ^ A 3136 Gal.... 169.00 ■" conforms lo a stepped-icd-up emphasis driven.dec]Iccply inlo the fish, w here I in be falally wounded,” I 52 G al....229.00O on catch-and-releasc. m ore can #30M-201 20S-C0 said. “We want to save as k Smart operators esserssenlially proiecl Dickson sa 8 6 G al.... 2 6 9 . 0 0 Y f l H * ^ their futures by helpingling more trophy many fishh aas we can.” I 5 year warranty i.T d more operators seem will- [ IM fish stay alive. The: daysd: arc gone He said r Larger Siic»A l» Availablo [fcr healthier diets — but in I 1 ^ 1 ^ I.OO f g ni g g i u w B ^ whon quality camps can:an permit clicnts ing to offer i ;nse stringers o f some cases;es only if cuslomers insist. I Hi lo haul home immense ?Sr399 K ^ ON 1 said he cooks a daily shore I fish. Camps lhal do ihat:hat simply cannol Larsen sj o t W h i t e S t e e l T u b ;rics. lunch al hi:his camp and tries to offer I :rican Standard 5-Fool rclain first-class fisheries I • A m erii “Our incenlive iss lc10 protect ihc alicrnalive;ves lo lard-ladcn fried fish j l i i t e Tub Surround Kit future of fishing.” saidid lBuck Dickson and potalociocs. _ I I • N o v i A/ m erican T P i l W hi of Canoe Canada OuOutfitters near “I have'e cone ,recipe for baked fish I iead and Faucet K it lat is the besl thing you've & Shower 3 Value He • Aliiokan. Ontario; He[c hheads the 550- fillets lhal I P L ig h tinng g l l - T u b & ted,” he crowed. "You mix h o w e r G l a s s D o o r . member Northern Ontario On Tourist ever tasted idard By-Pass Tub/Shi A ssociation, w hich1 lobbies lo for all crabmeat.at, diced waler chestnuts, M Dlanrn o n c i r values3 I • S t a n d i 3ms and Cajun spices with Oiv'erflow v K it 1,200 provincial lodgedges and camps, mushroom Ceiling Fixturer e ■ . p v c CCC T u b W aste an d hout saying ihat sour creamim or fat-free yogurt and stuff 3allon Toilet w ith Sea>eat He said il goes wilhoi White - ^ _ islate into good il betweenen a couple o f fillets rubbed nsfield #130-16 1.6 G: good fisheries transla ^ iS'GOSWH O ’T Q ' I ' M a n s vo oil. Bake at 450 degrees, in Standard Steel Sinkink business down the line.ne. with olive REG. 9.83 m a l o r R o u n d A m erican D ickson stressedI ththat no formal basting oioncc and adding cracker I 1 - O v a l 3 rain price agreements exist;ist among opera- crumbs. YiYum. Trouble is, thal’s fine' I « Ceiling Fixtur jlin g A ccen t B ath liicet w ith Pop U p Dra tors. “Some are advert/crtising the dis- for olderr folksfc whose tastes are more j “ ■® I • S terli count, while others arcaren’t.” he said, refined. BiBut the young people slill ^ EtchcxJ, Ribbed Glass / #483011 - Q ( “Some aren’t givingng it and some wanteverylirything fried.” j 1 ^ 1 DicksonDn said camp shoppers should have 10 be asked.” REG. 2L44 • 2 9 • And, o f course, somejme who may noi ask aboutut anyi recent improvcmenls. '.UANIA L I G IHTING SPECS C I A l / W 5 a tendency now to upgrade inlcnd to offer discoucounts might be "There’s a 3 Clear or r 6 ” Round so o r 100 ,” he said. "New investors par- cajolcd by customerr pressure.pi Also, facilities.” 1 Etched Glasss ; a n d V 9M O O D WATT while discounts maynay be th e rag e licularly arare piitling in amenities like ’ B O N U S 2fT,[ g LO t ^ R OROUGH among Onlario opcrat;rators, who’s lo flush loilclilcts, hoi and cold running B r a s s nd so forth. They’re pushing I ' B R A N D 1 , S E R V I C E ^ say lhal competing MManitobaj camps water and W-16", L .12"__ , B U L B S I J G reat for and those from otherr provincespr might many oldcIdcr camps lo improve. But I V #1165BR '7 ^ \ C lear or M M Iho shop. I ^ not be dragged along?gV some, o f: cocourse, haven’t.” ifi A ^REG. 8L58 I i Whito tno ' alone is no baroinelcr when im other intriguingg trendtr is evident Price all D c C O>r r L ite s eo or u100 WATT among far-seeing carcamp operators, choosingng a camp, Dickson said, ______TWO PACKCK. REG. 1.99 k e g . Q While fishing remainlains their bread “Some placcs pla may charge too much1 ^ ^ 1 t they give you. while others . . 8 9 N and buller. Dickson1 sc:senses efforts to for what tl I ^ 1 EOEIMT I 1 j 9 ^ 4.97... O meet stepped-up dem:emands for olher may char{argc much less, but offer a“ L . 1 O G a l . i ; ^3 H T IN O I ex^riences. Many carcamps now offer, heck of a deal.i You have to'go with llectric /7V_ jogging trails, VCRsRs and historical references:cs, quality of the brochure,^ M TH' an water • I ^ side irips, for example.ale. pictures, anand so forth.’’ = ^ 1 1 1 W? i a t e r Bomnisjtem*- ^ I , Camps like Hollinshnshcad Lake now He saidlid one yardstick may be the r’s booth at a show. If a bpoih Wbole Boose ^ offer back-counlry mountain mc biking operator’s h ^ J I) l e a t e r j m and ill-organized, ihat can be Cm on logging roads,Js. Som e have is tacky an C 1 ^ -s v W ater F U ter j Cii^ W I I nets and tennis a reflectioition o f the camp itself. If ihc® , wc. installed volleyball m CAULK ;• Stops unw anted Je an emphasis on operalorr seemsst dull and disinlcrcsled,I, ^ . 1 n Detecting courts. Some provide a ' EFR M otion tasto and odor ’ opportunities, thatshoulcluld be another due. •, nature pholo o; • 2 Quick reeovm Hfim & STRIP • Valved for ahutoff K . _____Dickson’s-own.l44 oulposto cabins______-^-Ela^.-InstoUalion. .. __ £ ong with custom-' “ Floodid L ig h t ^ sinaJi'iSISS'- - • maintain canoes along Model #U -22 I ary outboard motorborboals. "People i l l I Turns on)n L ight a t any Q or Alaood want ‘cm jusl for thehe iadded pleasure L-.;. J i N 1 5 5 .9\^vF motion.n. Bulba sold of paddling, or to go placcs where ]V;.^’1 1 |I k 1 ASKABOmVTPP&L •parntcly. # .5 2 . 9 9 NOW1 34.88 ii regular boais can’t,”” he explained. APPROVED}ilO -T B A R 4 part o f ils season | / y | One camp gears pai VEKLY I ^ WATER HEEilTEAS.j . #M S35 J to parent-child fi.shingling trips. "If you 14.95 • •• want to bond withI ycyour kid, ihis is ' P EC uLSjj::^ All vinyJ lid Don Larsen of , „ „ - the way lo go,” said 1 iDjf llcmi ■ ' snap Hideaway on Hidden Island H Kounlcd up to l^iMGO; together . Ontario’s Lake of thhe e Woods. ' M 3 ^ 1 OverheacadAJnderground His place was1 tlthe fourth, or i FlFLUORES&NT . GulGutters & r ^ l Canadian outpost.st, stage of In- • 9 % OFF W M o b ilee Home Servicice 1 >ownspouts L 1 Fisherman mogazimzinc’s o ld C am p BoxaKcdBuUcU.Bulk L ^ Indudn 200 AmV;np mocer panel w/meter panel» wi • / «-v •Ballasts »ith main breaVer. 6 ft. 2" PVO Fish. W hen the Campimp Fish program BuulleUHc & Brail. I . Rioter Mcket wil ' 2-T ube . G u t tter e r 3.88 M corporate reasons, f T " conduit. 10 (I. 2’*2' EMT, 102" W.T. wnnoctor, • was disbanded for cor ICO Wo^CUu|^u^ R il^ ^ ^ 1 ^ 1 1-2” PVC malee «adaptor, 1-2" wealherhcad, 28 f 4 Foot S Foot Larsen continued off)offering a similar I ^ 4-0 dumlnum »rwire, 48JU 2-0 wiro,,.2 .... _F40M2 . --F96TJ2- - - D o w n s p o)u u t tS .8 8 program o f his own.1 ...... R c g ^ ------m und rodf.'S ft r{t"#4 b an wire, 2 M ground..... ■ Y 121120 Volt 120 Volt — ffl— Fittings 2020% O ff M ■_.w .“-BuLbecause we/e cdon’t have the CtL.mCNl/Afforniore...... - oflhc magazine, l o ; advertising reach of rote. IcM kick, le»« powder, t 9 9 : S S " exposure," he said. • ’ w e don’t have lhe exp r balisdca than olher 30 eaU. 10 nil only ihicc "W e’re now able to luras. Como in and »ee! . four-day sessions of, ( 66 0 10 75 people.' HONOR ALL COMPIPETITORS COUPONS•IS FOR LIKE MERCH,H A N D IS E J Olhtrldahol'aJto Locations IW ^ [unt's H unting W ^ WE H 523 Souih Mainlain • PDCatello. ID I S u p p l i e s . STO RE HCHOURS: Mala iO r - rhon«:23:k233-8700^^I^^ p u m h l I E /a ^ c Shoverr e r l i s u b j ^ &St C u n R e p a i r Monday - Sail;alurday8-6 h a s e s f a lLSAVE. l s , Sunday 1 FACTO* I AUTHORIsisTli -32 YEARS tXPtmtNCE. 'enguin mmmm ^ REMINOTC 8 l)P i ikes Blvd. N. b I I W NOREU a aSjjSlIna CwS ti i t S bU I*^ Plumbing i Electric thotgun i« ^ f md woriu 1162 Blue Lak( POLELINEINe I l ^ A D ^ ] cgpyiCE tho SUPPLY COMPANY , 13-1451 4 0 4 4 th Ave, W. C a l l 7 3 3 - 7 3 3 - 0 9 9 0 - J w ln Falls ^ IV a z z ------H— ------1 I * I, _ 1 . ; " r r — 1 ' - ' ' . J) ' I

i S S • -t - - 1

q u a r t e r M arrket clliinbs 252 polli n t s l ^ 3rd earns $ 7 1 9 m r n i (ion in 4th q nfrom S25.4 billion a year■ agtago. ^ ssodated P ress' billion I nar-; sp o n se lo ihc sc co n d lc{legorthcTrca- TTis A ibo alysts hud cxpccied Ford lo to cam( S565 million, T h e A sso c iated Pres>rcss Am\m crican Stock Exchange mar- Anal; .59, sury’s quarterly rifuncnding auction, ,,^.,0 ,14'a share, in the fourth quartiuarter. V T' kei vail'aluc index rose 2.91 at 480.59 'lRBORN, Mich. — Ford1 WMotor Co. posted or.Sl.l' dcx which'saw good appetil;lilcfonhcSI2 .DEAR r the year. Ford’s earning> an-amounled lo S4.55 a /~ ^ NEW YORK —- The' slock market and ihiihc Nasdaq composite indcj for the fourth quarter and IhcIhe full year in con- F or t billion in 10-ycarnotes:ssold. profit,sro In 1992. Ford lost S7.388 billion,bi or S15.6I a iiilvanccd Wcdnes(lesday. boosted by rose 3.i‘3.K3 at 786.53. 0 Josses a year ago, the companyco reported share. 1 mce The Dow plunged nmorc than 96 >;»* '» - :, mostly-due to a one-timec chargcch for future rc- waves of compulcuicr-triggcrcd pro- SlocVnek priccs started their advanci rsday. share, i in a points on Friday nfteiter the ccntral Wcdncsd health carc costs, gram buying andnd a firming bond al thec copening bell and jumped on : jrofit of S2.5 billion for all of 1993 was ils tirec he be- . bank tightened monct:Clary policy in c 1993 earnings were the best sincc 1989, when market. bout of program buying shortly be in four year:;. The rig- ihe facc of an improvin]mg economy. earned S3.8 billion, llic Dow Jones:s industrialii average fore mmidday. The compulers Irig ulomolive and financial opcr:derations contributed Ford es inal Cyclical issues showiwcd particular inual revenue was S108.52 billbillion, up 8.3 pcrccnt rose 25.89 poin)ints lo closc al gcrcdd | purchases,again in the fina improvement. Anni )lue slrenglh. General Elecliclric rose IK to tolhctm| S100.13 billion, 3.931.92. hourr oof the session, sending blui 1 earned S7I9 million, or JJI.; 1.3Q a share, in Ihc from S the 108/.; Allied S ig dju ^ m p e d ly, 10 I'o''! rd Chairm an and Chief Exccixccutivc Officer Alex Advancing issuiisucs outnumbered chipss Ilo iheir highest level of thi rec months of 1993 companpared wiih a loss of Ford 797.; Caterpillar was uup K at 108K; man credited employeess wilhw the strongest ^ declining ones l>yy aboulal 3 to 2 on Ihc day in Iheavy trading. nillion, or S1.85 a share, iatla the same period in' T ro tm lond Roadway Services addiIdcd IK 10 71« 5®*'!’ irourid in Ford history. New York Stock Exchange.E> Ocali:alers were ftKuscd on the bon( turnaro k'cre a n d G o o d y ea r rose K. loI048V4. [s econom ics around the woi'ldoi'ld have strengthened I Volume on the:ic floor: o f the Big marketket, where interest rates wen 1992 results were depresseded byI a S419 million "Asi nl's Aulo slocks fared1 ]poorly. Ford ™ abilizcd during the year, we’ve wc improved our, ; Board camc to 332.32.W) million shares inchiniling lower. The governmcnl'; :luring chargc for the auloalom aker’s European or slafc 5.63 lost 1 to 68/;. Tlie No.b, 2 automaker rcstructii tabilily." he s,ijd. "Ltiokingg ahead,ah w e're in good ; ,as of -J p.m., up froifrom 275.87 million bellwelvelher 30-ycar bond rose $5.6: usiness, profltal ; ils reported earnings of■ SS4.55 a share >>“ ' in the previous scsscssion. per SI.Sl.OOO in face value while it: cnuc for the quarter rose 9.4 pcrccnt to S27.8 shapec ffor 1994." ad- for 1993 vs. a loss of SS15.61 ashare The New Yorkrk .Slock Exchange yieldJ sislipped 10 6.^0 pcrccnt. In ad rc- a year ago. composite index rose ro; 0.9-1 at 262.90. d ition..)n, there w as a favorable re

M a r V■ k e t s per74Ibflaak,Nr«YofX. • Jul 5420 5425 il.OS 53 77 —.30 Mercury-SITS 00 per 71 Jjl 19500 IDQOO 195 a^^HlCfi U>« Se«e CHq. 52.32 -OO • Ptalnum.S301.M-J394I-J394 M iroy ol., N.Y, (conBacl). •• Aug t0300 10540 t03:s;sisss.;s SJ? ' ft4612 —.03 Plat«um-t303.70N.Y.I N.Y. Mere spa per troy Oi. Wed. » jnes BeJeans 102.50 194.00 10210200 103.00 .1.40 ltl000B».;o. 4015 —.15 nq-nofquotod.na.-noli.nolavailaWe “ D ow -Jon o a 100 50 102.20 10010050 102.10 .120 Mer II HEW VOriK (AP) —- FituilFin. Dc~ Jonei avuragoi (« J)oyDe-vi» , IB060 IDI.20 .160 May li 1 ss ::is isa sss s Wtvlrwiul.ir. FsD 0 eal no'If'Cfni SSO'iJooo Doe Im o o iio S ii101.20 b i 101.60 .1,40 JU ;!:sV iii iii ii:i is ' Pinio*1I0» fc^ffyWOO Oct 1 \ ^Esl. aoles S.994. Tue.'s sales 0.003» Fossil fii(iiiels : STOCKS Tim BUM 17X85 11:;; 11:?; ii:!i 11,;: ; Tue’loo«ninl33,210. up32 Op»n mHVi Urm cum Chfl S j^r Tuo.’t opon inl 09,070 J poRKDaliEa NEWYORKJAPj-FuH-FututealrBdmgontrteNenrVorli Z MOTtJyJMOO 00 Wadneaday: " .aaooiiujwl9Mi>; JIU17 74 39310? .M (» KXAbont wa liuno pieei conactsd we«Ur py Donn ^ MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Oiam tul 52^ ? 5 7 ^ S. IMG ID 11)130? 163470 .551 - i!:14 . - M ^ -- 1 ?»07 JI7M 21096 • 0 03 “ »■*«ulolNows. US D«ponm#ftl ol AOI.CUIIIJI* PiK aa 19502. Tue'asales 17,050 Moi sobs 5005 57.37 51 )f>»IWOro"«ft. lOOpourx».(JS M 1 BMni.I t w «.T senmt 122,449. upt,t79 May S93T 59.CO M.10 U parOtf. . u , .. , .t ia.ins Man la> o/vl sloraQO cftAiQes Ouoloi3101 icm* 5.000 bu rrtnlnWR; dcUifl pw bi JU 50 40 5B.55 50.25 51 : IS2S 14.50 14 40 -.01 IIPIKO Mai ITasSBJ : 301;. ..07-:; SUQW u'*"' It on Feb 8 Pro*ie»r» dwnng w o r»c«nl p<« 3 02;* 3 60 .051 112.000#»:c» Auo S7.I5 57.25 S0.I2 K • 15.33 14.70 14.77 -.M wmnioo tnoJd conlaci onaler* 2 EU. sales 2.60a. Tue.’stale* 2.97S May 15.301 1542 fS 1402 14 87 -40 3 51 3 50 . 05 May 0 Tue.'s opan W 11.067 3 42 3 43*. .02^ JJ 22 00 22.00 22 06 2200 Jun 1S.50I 1557 15 15.14 I 20 -41 . 350 3 50>i .02H . Sop 22 22 00 22 00 22 00 22 06 — 02 JJ ia.71 I 157715 15.40 I 41 -3 6 - GlJrains ,3.51 .03 Nov Aug U M) 1505 15 ISM I 61 -3 2 ;; “tii0.'4»1«1.W0 Jon ~ i\1 M etals Sep 16 03 16 Most act tDn Grainj ) 1600 IS'bS 1 96 -2 7 " ctives ices tw ~fl«al pof binnel. Wil«y. mi.tKlorBtn. o ’ 107 *01I ThcAMOdMdPrM Oct 15.90 16 NEW YORK (APl-S«i(>-SaiM. d(^r>o p^>co Tolnoe oMrxi 14 mofii« )fl »fMl» wtwal. J2.72. bailey H 90, HfVnd fltam 1,000 6u minimum; aefl*f»p«t> Oec IB4Q 1 I0S3 16 10.20 I .27 -.24 Chnnoo.tsucs. lrna.!>(jr ,00 oaiaSS»,eomSSJ0(l5'.mO'Siu'c|.Piiua/yOei'v«'Y'nWountae loncnwng pnce* liom tt>» Ge«lIC0B10*1«. com. B0M,y ucalv«s: 70 00-115 00peit>08fl. NY Handy & Harman faoneoted »02.:52.25, up SO 20. ^ ,7 23J „17.23 17.23 1 .24 -.18 sow.roo 74'. - “• taflBYif-BY. noqoolo and toionum. poicwt. 3 55 HoOIon twi'oiiteieatvo*; I 120 00-105 00 pei head NYEnO<«Mfd;»82.05.upM.20. I75S 17.55 17.51 -.18 3.090.000 OOi -1 NY Engelhaifl tabncated. (401.IS. up]X>»2'- ?!f ,70fi I? FcSMoloi 3 60 Sl»nod c*fv«»:^*; 100 00-370.00 po< head ,«,s304oo,up . ^ 0 17.06 17.90 17.69 -.18 tUlSomi 3040.400 1£». • • CHIty-IICAGO (AP] — Fuitfoa iraOino ol lt>« clo»«loonino on No I votW u»« $1.70 .049 Tue.'a sale* 67,455 # Open WgB Li>- S«a. Oo»>0. No. 2 0aner.un;iiia.n4andt>afbaroM SlO Cutlgrcannaie NY nopuUic Nauonol Dank 4 p m. WeeVed 1303 30 up E»'- / CJ'fysio' 2.3ie.tt00 CIS - •. No 2Bart«y«.i~oiodlo.i!4namd (uoas 610 Hailorotto*-- 54 54 00-08 00 , H Tue * open ini: 4433S0443; 2.294.100 23. - N WH£>VEAT inaid lad »«iMr wtwct ordlnarnaiYpn>t«^ 3»7 Giaugtiiof bJii;xili;50 00&s00. WOO HEATING OL QIC Cn . .OOs lopctpioiom 3 07 MOlnein Hoora:Ml*: 27510 400 lbs. 6000 03 00, 400 lo oniMCdmea 42.000 gX; eenia p« o< StO'«o«TcH j;i3V!)00 39. Mat .0 3 05 MO ID*. 74W-OI-00. WJ 50010 000 lbs. 07.00-75.00; NEW YORK (AP) —Fuiwes tiad.no on 0 * 51 00 49 20 49 40 -1.17 l>i . OC 11 pctpioio^ Ibl. 64 00-70 00; 70010 000 IBt. 62.00- Wednesday: Mar 51.00 51 .03>. I2pclproiwi 4 37 C0010 700IW. ’open High liw S4«a* 0 47.10 4530 4537 -129 >>■ *04 13pc1p>0IMn to 1000 Ids 60 00-04.25. oval 1000 IM. May 45055 4S6S4; -*4.10 4407 -1.14 , moo'000 00* OOID 0 4500 4400 4397 -1.04 Lx)cal ininterest Es ss- Vi,, SS; ??;•;;J.; .03 icUiKnonnem»p«ino joa C h « 0 « .«on ._ 300I0400IM nolnI,400toS00lCia3s ioonyez.;dc«anp«troyQZ. DwalpOon DOM a»ro» J JJ 3 41 3 41 341 341 ..03 ispcipioloin 25. 50010 600 lbs 07,50-97.00.00010 700'00 Feb 300 00 384 20 IM.OOJ 3304.00 .1,70 JJ 44M 4^ 2G, • ^ Tufl 7. aMl«fl.2C3 UpctprtPlM 97.50. 70010 OOOIW. 76 00-62.00; 600 lo10 Moi JH7.20-384.50 304i0 3 0 4?M 453S ■ AJSerlioni ISpflpfOIWI 0 41 Iba. 03 00-67.& Apr 341.30 300 00 380.00 3 .I.M ■ l|2o‘o’ i-47,00 40.70 48 02 -.94 Coiv^ya lOOOlBa.nolatdost 0 4000 47.80 4092 -.94 Coors •® ■ ’ COWOfW len: 30010 400 lbs. 95 00-103 00; 400 toa Jun 3S1.M 367.00 302.70 3 Cun<«13ums 15‘! -S 5-000 5ooib>&7oo-■ 00-00 00; 500 to 600 IM 03 00-00 00; ^ .307.30 308 40 387,30 1 0 i 40 00 40.70 47.97 - 94 ■; 2 00*- 2 95>, . Potatoes/onnions■ OOOloTOOlb*.Ibe. 76 00-00.75; 70010 000 IBS- oolMl; 8 M.I5 49M 4042 -94 Dun i Ph«'P« y.-«• 03K Oec 3S0 00 394.M309.70o?£::g 3 :i;g§ « •«a «MOS MIS 40.12 -.94 F«1 imti Uar>C0'p . . 03*. CHICAOO (AP) - USDA - MaioiM« potato maikou OOOloOCOlt)». :S Tuo«JayinlOOIb»xkJ. StoO.«)w»Sn < .03:: FOQ»hlppu>gpo-nl»U5 lATiK S? 39S00 395 M 395.000 M 0 « ‘ 100 10 "SOOO 40 60 40.12 -.94 CrarKl Mo»on<>'tan '. .02f. Coioiaiaoo7 50.0 00, lOatu loedof and (lo< 409 00 409.00 400.000 441000 .1,00 Lc^>jv'cw Fifx’' 000 EM. s^os 25,000. Tue.’i sales 22 47 62 - 94 ■i, 2S3 257 2S3 2 M ; .! irt7M0eoon1;W,»COn».n NAL SIOCtCrARDS, 111. (API - Hogs; 000 ^ " e.1.*..*30,524.524 Tue.'a aaM>* 27,841 Mcrcn Tothiwoy, Tjt 1 .^ S 37,327 nm»«tt50ibcaitoni pel cvl 7 -0. aa compaied wiin Tuosday. bariows and Tuo'topontni 130,100 Mwiijon KiiuO-.on T.* 101330.500 20 00-22 00; Wa»n«qloo 18 OO SILVER Tue.'a operilnlII 179,635170, Pacifico'ft 24 00. Cdoiado 10 0&-24 00,j'^loOo'FaM.®'” K ' o J ^ I ^ W 2-3 6,000 truyot:o«ipw troy o t 60URCRU0€ II' ! ■ OATJ ounI.WrJCOOWill 00- 1-2 230-26B-^OIBM SO-51 00, 200-270 Ib 50.00, 2-3 • parbbL nmMts 50 ID canona 100 com ) 47 00-49 OO, 1-3 200-230 Ib icaice, Fab 532.7 .0 8 tflOObM-:dcflar»perl Ptomai' M, . 2 ;. .,01. I3 00,Wa»^a1a1IlnlOOO.MOCoo.oiooon 10,00 11 00; 270_;^lt)47 lOlB Mar 523.5 533 0 517.00 533.5 .0.5 Noopencomiact*. .0I>. ColoiaOOI2O6-l000.iaatM)l(11000-1200 Sow*, undaiund 500 IS .50-1.00 hiohoi, Ov«i 500 IB 534.7 .OS UNl£AOEDOASOLJNK3UNE /a , 1.W^^l.30n ' M«»nwi0s0.|0 00. hlOMi; 1-3 30O-JOO lb 37.00-3B-50; 500- Sf>0p*0^iv ^ ns . *- i OJ .02 nounaw1W«100IB«C*»Wl. 90^8 00, lew oval 650 iB 40 00. lluy S27.0 1380 - 521.00 537.0 .0.5 42.000 g«; OKA pwg - ‘ s Sop Jul SJOO 0410 S2300 540 3 .0.0 Msr 44 OSj r ^ «4 M 4300 4315 -1-32 : 31,6 140' I47y, ito^^M r;^.r ; I 02 lOAMO FALLS (AP)-W00n«!inejday'* potato piee* loi Ooo<»; »cai any Sep 528 S 042 0 528 00 443.7 .6.5 *1^ 40 90» 48904 4530 45 SO -1-10 . OIK l(J4i»'» uppo< va:iey. T~m Faliiali»‘OuilcydiBtnca, doliv- Caiiia andand calvos; 25 msutlicieni vcijma of any Unrvc-i.U Fooct V '' ' ■' ciaMloietlpiHpileei ^ o S 5400 SMS M200 040.B .0 5 May- '47.40O 47.404 4020 4030 -1.12 Upionn Tuo'iuiel 1.305 549 8 .0.3 47 65S5 447.75 40 SS 46 6S -1.12 Ti)««OP«ninl 10,901 D*ma«J non »iio A and U S. 2 > (API — Futuiot irafling on Bio CNcaflO1 ,• Mu S51.0 551.0 SS1.0.0 554.4 .0.5 JJ „,T070 <47.70 40 70 4467 -l.tO ii2s:;‘;.,'sr“ ' c„,c«,o™ 550.4 *0 5 40 70 4 WoslO'^ 0.iiv:o'Pp :o-. • '• 50^aYO£ANS DOai-am.otn«'iia'iYi«''' Dumanh, U.S. I 2-ma> Pi MoiCinU# ^ 70 4475 4070 46.47 -1 .10 ^OOObumWmwncdi^pwbu^^ Motity mtiod pack (ijaMt Dm OpiiHW i Lijw 8«Se O*. « 2 0 'OS ^ 476050 44M4 4 6 60 40 52 -1.10 A-Tioaj'.v Cn-. r>05 'OH .04 i.ouncaminiWm.bal^^lO^ 00 4000 4000 4552 -1-10 ; Ojousomftwr’immEOwanO.JonM&Co 5“oSrOMSJS's‘To.b CATTIE 0 l? I'l l o l l - 46 0075 4 45.75 45.75 45.15 -1 .10 6M^ OOTii OOO'. .. u w sue A a 00-9 00. 40.000 M.: CI ,55 '^E.t,wJ«2r()00,“iL"a^«°l! ,/. tosi. f»«8W*'tl*50;balod10-5lbm>m«tnuck*,peinun- '■■'^C Fob kT w O 71.05 72.07 . 55 ,954. Tue.’a talas 10,176 iO-1200:t>a(o«IO-5lbNm . Apr74 70 75 32 74 65 73.15 . 2323 Tue.soponlnt 119.135 Tue.»cpenlntll7H 117,017 gg - : r : . 05'< - aiM«ioM.non»ii«An.OO-i 7350' 73B2 ‘7350 - 7360 Closingg futures S 639 040 030 047‘. . .. 07>: baoi. pwnuncHwMv^I. nononuzoAO.SO-IOSO.Ivw Jjn .65 . NEWY0nK(AP)-Ha«7^4HwmaJ™n*ivorW«jna*. ^ « T ) ^ a A 9 - ^ ^ . 07H 105011.00; lOOIbucks. non «jo A 7.00-7 50. 5010 *09 72 00 73 20 72.75 72.B5 S5 337.UPOOOO. 10,000 mm Mu-t.»peL t per imbiu MnSi CommotSYf ^H jj™ .70* 27.00-28 00, mojtly Ocl73.10 73.5S 73 10 7337 .,32,32 day JS.310, upO 085; Fabnealefl » : (0 2.445 2.305 2 358 - 53 0*50^^ 0 ^ ’. 06H •> Mflon*. pw rwn«eO«oiC|til. 7( 73 50 73.65 73.50 .22 The bUhon pnce lor siver eaiiier innlonOO«5 U 2450. Mai 24M 2 *p.< T. 19i» .07 27,00.-»Bwt>igf>of and lower.®r,e0«2fl00-2700,mo»lty Ooc tWv OM^ 02*l'* CtO^^OWSIX ..o r . 20 00 lowrvot't'andIffoenOir;OO*l0OO-1OOO,mostly Fob £^hara*l»or«3tp,up0.075;Fa; Faonealed f5.735. May 2175” 21002 2 110 2 lS - ? 3 Ux FMidnt cnme Ol loootewn-ofw.iom* 1500.00-1700,100510 00- E»t.»ale*ales 14JI0. Tue.'a ules 13.000 Jun 2-140iO 2M50 2il00 2il42 - 3 Fnl, ''" “ m «6S ?7 Tl»-» wI«» 39,409 oponim 91.604 35 2.145 2105 2.117 . 2 37C 3f£'. 3 75*. • 00% Too ■» openinl ICO,137 12 00. mosuy 10 00 ' 1.00, oa m Cornei tM r spol monin Wednetne»day S5127. up j j 2.135 1 Ounc« mnmum 20 00-20 OO. i CATTl£ ,M 2-155 2.120 2.t47 . 2 ;OYD£ANOIL » lb sacka. po« twndiod- 60.000 Ba.;a.-ognHMilb o Mar f, -22“: SOY oet*i«3nallykr«0*;US.2 50i: • OOSS 0095 M.M OOM ..33 S iM 2.100 i 2.140 2.172 * 7 \ y ' 5^7" SMS *0^ ®'* 5 .42 »ro.gni. 0 oonco muwrgn 1.50-5 00, low 5 50-6.00, M»i NEW YORK (AP) ~ Spol nonlorrouixn metal pncea Qct 2 200!00 2220 : 2.100 2217 . 12 W«. 6/.ot 5 SO. tow tugtwr. Kx •00 2JJ30 2200 2119 .1 8 FM GM J “ Hay .79 47 60 00 TO 42 ™.02 '.50.M Aljninum - 57.5 cent* per Ib LondonJon Metal Ereti 2400100 2.450: 2.395 2.432 ‘'-tS Foa Copo'"' 0 r r S?‘2o"Vr. unejoa/a onon pnca* toi Aug Apr PlalrfluTl' 394 3 M 360 M 3M^0 • 2 10 E^ i l l ii l i9 ! j 4 I0AH0FAU.S(AP1— Wodnc 100 2437 1400 2 432 • 15 7 .45 Idane nnd MalSoyr County. OOlio- Sop0015 0042SiiS Mss?? .^ M42Si?^ ..«27 Cm>er • SI.0140 pel poml. U S. de >02 2 202 2.282 2.302 • 15 ofiouttlM^.FowWvp- ^ 25 Ccppor-,8720perpound.KVCome<^*poWed 100 2.21S 2.16S 2212 • 15 a n’4^3 *4^01 m®'M'-.'i3 E dS; i i l i S i i,5 Ij B ixKtfln..hlnotoi1fM»«aon.) .10 L«Ml-34 cents a pound. 140 2.163 2.140 2.165 • . 18 Jan 253S 25 62 25 35 3 .34 U.S. I »lD»aH>».|um6o20(’6 00-22 oo. octflSionaBy -»on Zrc - .4002-.S20I per pound, dalivsi 130 2.14 5 2 130 2.157 . 15 MOO SOU M71 .17 Jan ^ .3S 23 00, medium, 2,’.-mcHnw>iirnimuml3 00-is00 T ^ alaiei W Tm .13.5007 Metal* Weak composflt £ llao 07 02 07 43 07 00 . 18 MaiMai 3S2i (0r*»da^» o-i ? 40,000 a».;c -.17 surer-M.310 Handy A Hannan (cm|cnryda#yquoto). AwO rs : Is :: Ma> UPourvJ 140^70 I U570 - 60 SOYSOYBEAWM^ ion Sugar F«6 *"^4Qtlf*^4'o'50 4090 48.05 -.17 omoi *pol montti Eal. *ale* 27,0247.024 Tua.'aulas 19,10 I 102 14 102023 102 13 • 00 100 50.00 5025 49.M 4B52 -.53-.53 S#vw-M327portroyol.,NYCom. Mar k'uriiUcna 1 ■0 .30 NEWYOnKlAP)-Su(}«tvjHjMufff* trading on INO New Apr ■sa Wed. Tue.'a open int 137,373.13, up 1,040 0 . .so York Coftea. S«oa/»nd CocOJ«oa Eichange Wed Jun54M 5520 5440 54.52 -.58 OuotaaonWKKsrrefflStrKlW&Ca. 'lluyMai 10510 lOOM 1MM lOo”

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