Departments Deliver Wish Lists to Town Budget in Line, School Says
IT 0403 Pg A1 Yellow Red Blue Black Volume 116 Number 14 THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2003 75 Cents 75 cents Budget Departments in line, deliver wish school lists to town Gero Park and $20,000 to make says By Patricia Harris repairs to buildings and facilities. of The Item Hogan also noted a total of 484 employees, officials and vol- By Eveline Speedie More township residents are of The Item participating in recreational ac- unteers service the department’s tivities and more money is 99 programs and 247 participat- School officials said Monday coming into the township coffers ing teams. Those teams include the district is spending average to than ever before. basketball, soccer, softball, t- below average per pupil com- That was the good news recre- ball, roller hockey, football, pared to comparable districts in ation and parks director Robert wrestling and track. the state and pointed to future Hogan brought to the Township The efforts of those involved cost-cutting measures as evi- Committee when he made his in recreation brought praise from dence of their eye on fiscal mat- budget presentation at Tuesday’s Committeeman Salvatore J. ters. meeting. The Committee is in the Bate, the Committee’s liaison to In a year after the Board of Ed- process of hearing requests and the department, who told Hogan, ucation saw an $18.01 million presentations from all its depart- “You’re doing something for bond referendum passed, offi- Staff photo/Alan Leon ment heads, and plans are to in- everybody.” He reiterated some cials have come in with a net statistics from the director’s pre- MUNCH BUNCH—The Millburn Deli on Millburn Avenue is one of several places in town troduce a proposed budget on budget for 2003-04 of nearly $54 sentation, saying, “These are for patrons to enjoy outside dining.
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