581 Seven Lakes Drive Seven Lakes, NC 27376 Volume 1, Issue 6 February2020 Mailing Address: 2125 Seven Lakes South West End, NC 27376 Phone: 910-400-5188 E-mail:
[email protected] Paul’s Ponderings… Inside this i s s u e : Paul’s Ponderings seen the Broadway musical, The Grace of Les Miserables heard its soundtrack, or en- Paul’s 1-2 joyed the several screen adap- Ponderings Les Misérables is a French his- tations, you already know the Chapel Prayer List 2 torical novel by Victor Hugo, power of the story and most first published in 1862, that is especially the power in the Chapel Choir 3 considered one of the greatest music. Spaghetti Youth 4 novels of the 19th century. Fundraiser Beginning in 1815 and culmi- During Lent this year I am ex- nating in the 1832 June Rebel- cited about a study called The lion in Paris, the novel follows Grace of Les Miserables in The Seven Lakes 5 Chapel in the the lives and interactions of which together we will explore Pines—Lunch several characters, particularly six ideals…grace, justice, pov- Bunch the struggles of ex-convict erty, revolution, love, and Jean Valjean and his expe- hope…each represented by a BackPack Pals and 6 Matthew 25:40 rience of redemption. character in Hugo’s story. Programs Toward the end of the novel, Session #1 - Grace Well Re- The Odd Couple— 7 Hugo explains the work's over- ceived; The Story of Jean Theatre Trip arching structure. Valjean “The book which the reader Session #2 - When Grace and has before him at this moment Justice Collide; The Story of Seven Lakes 8 is,