QUANTUM PHYSICS and PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY: of Occidental Thinking; and Logic: Her- Okorokov, V
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Lucio GIULIODORI Heidegger, M. (2006). Nitsshe i pustota (Nietzs- lism-empiricism/ DOI: 10.24234/wisdom.v18i2.451 che and emptiness, in Russian). Mos- Nietzsche, Fr. (1990). Sochineniya v dvukh to- Lucio GIULIODORI cow: Eksmo. makh (Works in two volumes, in Rus- Heidegger, M. (2018). Heraclitus: The inception sian). Moscow: Mysl. QUANTUM PHYSICS AND PERENNIAL PHILOSOPHY: of occidental thinking; and logic: Her- Okorokov, V. (2018). Limits of thought in the MIRRORS OF KNOWLEDGE aclitus‟s doctrine of the logos. (J. G. light of nature and divinity. A return to Assaiante & S. M. Ewegen, Trans.). ancient thought or the quest for the be- Abstract Bloomsbury. ing of primordial thinking in the later Jaeger, W. (1947). Paideia: The ideals of Greek Heidegger. Philosophy and Cosmology, The core of what is defined as Perennial Philosophy is established by ancient traditions of metaphysical culture: Volume II: In search of the di- 20, 170-184. doi:10.29202/phil-cosm/- thought, which, though arising from the most various historical contexts from East to West, outstandingly vine centre. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 20/17 share some fundamental truths such as the mutual interrelation of all things. However, even more astonish- Retrieved from https://archive.org/stre- Plato (2020). Republic. Retrieved from http://- ingly is how the insights of contemporary physics currently back up these various truths which spread am/werner-jaeger-paideia-the-ideals-of- www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/searchre among different cultures. greek-culture-vol2#page/n1/mode/2up sults?q=Republic This paper aims at underscoring how undeniably compelling. Yet, uncanny this bond is, primarily on Jaeger, W. (1986). Paideia: The ideals of Greek Plato (2020). Timaeus. Retrieved from http://- the plane of knowledge, a broader knowledge substantiated by science and philosophy – the two speak culture: Volume III: The conflict of cul- www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/searchre here an unknown language, yet with the same voice: the incommunicability of their truths overlapping tural ideals in the age of Plato. Oxford: sults?q=Timaeus with the incommunicability of their actual experiences. Oxford University Press. Rubinstein, M. (2008). O smysle zhizni. Trudy po Grappling with the dazzling disclosures of these “mirrors of knowledge” is as fascinating as unavoida- Kant, I. (1964). Sochineniya v shesti tomakh filosofii tsennosti, teorii obrazovaniya i ble. This study takes into account some of them by uncovering how crucial they are both for the present (Works in six volumes, in Russian). universitetskomu voprosu (On the mea- and the (albeit acknowledged by the past wisdom) future understanding of the reality we are entangled Moscow: Mysl. ning of life. Works on the philosophy with. Kieliszek, Z. (2020). Human education towards of value, theory of education and uni- goodness. The potential of the Kantian versity issue, in Russian). Moscow: Keywords: perennial philosophy, quantum physics, entanglement, consciousness, perennialism, tradi- concept of “perpetual peace” in shaping Territory Budushchego. tionalism, renaissance philosophy, oriental philosophy. future peaceful relations among na- Safranski, R. (2005). Khaydegger: germanskiy tions. Philosophy and Cosmology, 24, master i ego vremya (Heidegger: A 151-158. doi:10.29202/phil-cosm/24/15 master from Germany and his time, in Introduction truths, which are called perennial as they have Koyré, A. (1999). Filosofskaya evolyutsiya Mar- Russian) (T. Baskakova, Trans.). Mos- been disseminated over the centuries without tina Khaydeggera (Martin Heidegger‟s cow: Molodaya Gvardiya. The concept of Perennial philosophy, intro- ever being scratched. philosophical evolution, in Russian). Seibt, J. (2020). Process philosophy. In E. N. duced for the first time in the 16th century by Erwin Schrödinger‟s comment on Huxley‟s Logos, 10, 113-136. Retrieved from Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia Agostino Steuco in his work De perenni philoso- work perfectly frames Perennial Philosophy‟s http://www.ruthenia.ru/logos/nu- of philosophy. Retrieved from https://- phia libri X (1540) (see also Steuco, 2018), then core as well: “It is an anthology from the mystics mber/1999_10/06.htm#_ftn1 plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2020/- re-proposed by Leibniz in the 18th century, be- of the most various periods and the most various Krichevsky, S. (2020). Creation of a “cosmic” entries/process-philosophy came popular in recent times thanks to Aldous people. Open it where you will, and you will find human: Ideas, technologies, projects, Sheehan, T. (2014). Making sense of Heidegger: Huxley (2009) It refers to all those worldviews many beautiful utterances of a similar kind. You experience, risks, limitations, and pro- A paradigm shift. Rowman & Little- that share some fundamental “metaphysical”1 are struck by the miraculous agreement between spects. Future Human Image, 13, 32- field International. humans of a different race, different religions 45. doi:10.29202/fhi/13/4 Stelmakh, S., & Kotova, S. (2020). Concept of 1 Liddell, H.G. & Scott, R. (1940). A Greek-Eng- an “ideal Europe” in the philosophical The adjective “metaphysical” doesn‟t refer to classical metaphysics, as Aristotle presented it and later refor- ditionary lore of primitive peoples in every region of lish lexicon. Oxford: Clarendon Press. discourse during World War I (1914- mulated by Heidegger, it rather refers to what Huxley the world, and in its fully developed forms it has a Markie, P. (2017). Rationalism vs. empiricism. 1918): British rationalism versus Ger- pointed out: “The metaphysic that recognises a divine place in every one of the higher religions. A version of Reality substantial to the world of things and lives and this Highest Common Factor in all preceding and sub- In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford ency- man “individualism”. Future Human minds; the psychology that finds in the soul something sequent theologies was first committed to writing clopedia of philosophy. Retrieved from Image, 13, 94-101. https://doi.org/10.- similar to, or even identical with, divine Reality; the more than twenty-five centuries ago, and since that https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rationa 29202/fhi/13/10 ethic that places man‟s final end in the knowledge of time the inexhaustible theme has been treated again the immanent and transcendent Ground of all being - and again, from the standpoint of every religious tradi- the thing is immemorial and universal. Rudiments of tion and in all the principal languages of Asia and Eu- the Perennial Philosophy may be found among the tra- rope” (Huxley, 2009, vii.). WISDOM 2(18), 2021 36 37 37 Lucio GIULIODORI knowing nothing about each other‟s existence, mythical, irrational and narrative aspects, separated by centuries and millennia, and by the as indeed proposed by the theologian Ru- greatest distances that there are on our globe” (as dolf Bultmann…. The contingent discrep- cited in D‟Adamo, 2015, p. 211). ancies of the various religions would, in This is indeed an accurate description of the fact, all refer, albeit in distinct forms, to matter at hand. Perennial Philosophy or Sophia that “transcendent unity” whose Schuon Perennis – as Frithiof Schuon preferred to define refers to (Siniscalco, 2020, p. 163).4 it2 – carves itself out as a gripping “anthology” Significantly, the thread that binds all these which astounds the “reader” in so far as it is fra- metaphysical, perennial traditions finds a shock- ught, laden of universal knowledge, which as ing confirmation in Quantum mechanics‟ current such, does not address to a single doctrine, a sin- discoveries, which is why I would consider gle philosopher, or even less, a single historical Quantum physics and Perennialism5 as “mirrors context.3 of knowledge”. They share three main decisive It goes without saying that this congenital concepts: interconnectedness, incommunicabil- metaphysical universalism upholds religious plu- ity, experience. Let us delve deeper into them. ralism as well, and in that respect, Luca Sinis- During an interview, Elémire Zolla, consid- calco states: ered one of the main perennialists, defining what We can assert that in the perspective of Perennial Philosophy is, identifies its two main Perennialism, the external discrepancies features: unity, meaning universalism (“inter- through which religions are manifested on connectedness”, in quantum words) and incom- a historical, liturgical, ritual, cultic and fol- municability (which could be even considered as kloristic level are all accounted for original a consequence.6 metaphysical harmony. The latter can be Perennial Philosophy is a denomination acknowledged and spread thanks to esoter- proposed by Leibniz, but it was created in ic teachings and essential sacred doctrines the XI Century by Agostino Steuco, a preserved by the traditions ascribable to monk from Gubbio who took up the tho- the same metaphysical core. ught of Pico della Mirandola, having read Therefore, it is not about demythologiz- his whole work gathered by the bishop of ing the sacred, i.e. religion declined in an Venice. What does it indicate? The philos- existential perspective, “cleansed” of its 4 To this regard, it must be mentioned that Perennialism stands also as a claim, on the one hand a claim against 2 “We prefer the term sophia to that of philosophia for scientism, mechanism and materialism, on the other the simple reason that the second term is less direct hand it is a claim against theology whose effort to and because it evokes in addition associations of ideas challenge the aforementioned scientism, failed. with a completely profane and all too often aberrant 5 Perennialism and Tradition are widely used as syno- system of thought The key to the eternal sophia is pure nyms of Perennial Philosophy. Elémire Zolla inter- intellection or in other words metaphysical discern- changes the two. See his two works La Filosofia Pe- ment. To “discern” is to “separate”: to separate the renne. L‟incontro fra le tradizioni d‟Oriente e d'Occi- Real and the illusory, the Absolute and the contingent, dente, Milano: Mondadori 1999 and Che cos‟è la Tra- the Necessary and the possible, Atmā and Māyā.