Order Up! Transforming a Liz Wiseman on Cramming for 2015 Annual Diner into a Destination p 4 Asking Better Questions p 12 College Life p 18 Report p 39 ALU MNI MAGAZINE 2016 summer ALUMNI MAGAZINE Issue Summer 2016 marriottschool.byu.edu publIsher Lee T. Perry managIng edItor Robert G. Gardner edItor Megan Hendrickson art dIrector Jon G. Woidka copy edItors Amanda Kae Fronk Holly Munson contrIbutIng edItor Nina Whitehead assIstant edItor Sara Smith Atwood contrIbutIng wrIters, edItors, Kasee Bailey desIgners & photographers Alex Burch Porter Chelson Jordan Christiansen Ben Hansen Emily Hellewell Chadwick Little Angela Marler Madison Nield Brooke Porter Aricka Wilde Jenn Wilks magazIne desIgn BYU Publications & Graphics all communIcatIon should be sent to Marriott Alumni Magazine 490 Tanner Building Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602 Phone: 801-422-7696 Fax: 801-422-0501 emaIl:
[email protected] Marriott aluMni Magazine Is publIshed by the marrIott school oF management at brIgham young unIversIty, provo, utah. the vIews expressed In Marriott aluMni Magazine are not necessarIly endorsed by byu or the church oF Jesus chrIst oF latter-day saInts. copyrIght 2016 by brIgham young unIversIty. all rIghts reserved. FInd thIs and past Issues oF Marriott aluMni Magazine onlIne at marriottmag.byu.edu say “cosmo”! beFore proud FamIlIes cheered For theIr soon-to-be-mInted marrIott school grads at the aprIl 2016 convocatIon, many gathered For a celebratory photo wIth byu’s Famed mascot. photo by bradley slade. Excel is our hammer and nails. It’s our tool. • A single fridge and a single pantry between six guys ain’t happening.