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18/4/2017 Sophos Log Viewer Help admin Applications HOME MONITOR & ANALYZE Control Center Application List Application Filter Traffic Shaping Default Current Activities Reports Diagnostics PROTECT Name * 111 Firewall Intrusion Prevention Description Web Applications Wireless Email Web Server Enable Micro App Discovery Advanced Threat CONFIGURE VPN Network Routing Authentication System Services Add Delete SYSTEM Application Application Filter Criteria Schedule Action Manage Profiles Hosts and Services Administration Category = Software Backup & Firmware Update Risk = 2-Low, 3-Medium Certificates Panda Antivirus Update, Kaspersky Antivirus Update, Antivir Antivirus Update, AVG Antivirus All the Update, Avast Antivirus Update Characteristics = Time Allow Excessive Bandwidth,... Technology = Client Server Category = Remote Access Risk = 3-Medium All the Windows Remote Desktop Characteristics = Time Allow Excessive Bandwidth,... Technology = Client Server Category = Software Update Risk = 1-Very Low All the Google Chrome Update, Microsoft Updates, Avira Updates, Norton Updates Characteristics = Widely Time Allow Used Technology = Client Server Save Cancel 1/6 18/4/2017 Sophos Application Application Filter Criteria Schedule Action Manage Log Viewer Help admin Applications HOME Category = Streaming Media Risk = 3-Medium MONITOR & ANALYZE All the NetFlix Website Characteristics = Time Allow Control Center Application List Application Filter Excessive Bandwidth,... Traffic Shaping Default Current Activities Technology = Browser Reports Based Diagnostics PROTECT Category = Software Firewall Update, Gen... Intrusion Prevention Risk = 1-Very Low, 2- Web Chrome Remote Desktop, Google Chrome Update, Google Chrome Installer, Chrome Reduce Data Low, 5... All the Allow Applications Usage Characteristics = Time Excessive Bandwidth,... Wireless Technology = Client Email Server Web Server Advanced Threat CONFIGURE Category = Mobile Applications,... VPN Risk = 1-Very Low, 2- Network Apple Push Notification, Apple Support, Apple OTA Updates, Apple Appstore, Apple Store, Low, 3... All the Allow Routing AppleQTC, Apple FaceTime Characteristics = Time Excessive Bandwidth,... Authentication Technology = Browser System Services Based, Clien... SYSTEM Profiles Hosts and Services Category = Streaming Media, Sof... Administration Risk = 3-Medium Backup & Firmware All the iTunes Internet, Itunes Update Characteristics = Time Allow Certificates Excessive Bandwidth,... Technology = Browser Based, Clien... Category = Software Update, Gen... Risk = 1-Very Low, 4- Skype Update, Skype Services, Skype High, ... All the Allow Characteristics = Time Excessive Bandwidth,... Technology = Client Server, P2P Category = General Internet Risk = 2-Low All the OpenVPN Characteristics = Prone Time Allow to misuse, Tun... Technology = Client Server Save Cancel 2/6 18/4/2017 Sophos Application Application Filter Criteria Schedule Action Manage Log Viewer Help admin Applications HOME Category = File Transfer, Confe... Risk = 3-Medium MONITOR & ANALYZE All the TeamViewer Conferencing, TeamViewer FileTransfer Characteristics = Time Allow Control Center Application List Application Filter Excessive Bandwidth,... Traffic Shaping Default Current Activities Technology = Client Reports Server Diagnostics PROTECT Category = Social Firewall Networking Intrusion Prevention Risk = 1-Very Low, 2- Web Twitter Search, Twitter Website, Twitter Discover, Twitter Notifications, Twitter Message, Twitter Low, 3... All the Allow Applications Follow, Twitter Retweet, Twitter Status Update, Twitter Upload, Twitter Limited Access Characteristics = Time Excessive Bandwidth,... Wireless Technology = Browser Email Based Web Server Advanced Threat T-Online Webmail, Yahoo WebMail, AOL WebMail, NeverMail WebMail, Sohu WebMail, COX CONFIGURE WebMail, OCN Webmail, Myspace Web Mail, Way2SMS WebMail, Zenbe WebMail, Mail.com WebMail, GMX WebMail, Sina WebMail, Mail-ru WebMail, Gree.jp WebMail Login, Bebo Posting, VPN OpenWebMail, Squirrelmail WebMail, Boxcar, NateMail WebMail, Optimum WebMail, AOL Mail Network Attachment, Fastmail Webmail, Yandex Mail, Korea WebMail, Netease WebMail, Daum WebMail, Category = Web Mail All the Allow Routing Yahoo-Way2SMS WebMail, Rambler Mail, MSN-Way2SMS WebMail, Bebo WebMail, Orange Time Webmail, Web.De WebMail, SMTP Executable Attachment, Naver Mail, Telenet Webmail, Hush Authentication WebMail, Hotmail WebMail, QQ WebMail, 126 Mail, Excite Mail, Infoseek Webmail, Telenet.be Web System Services Mail, Goo Webmail, Gmail WebMail, Zimbra, Laposte Web Mail, Hyves WebMail, SquirrelMail Attachment, Gmail-Way2SMS WebMail, 1 & 1 Webmail SYSTEM Profiles Google Translate Android, Goober Messenger, Google Earth Application, Google Plus Web Chat, Hosts and Services Google Reader Android, Google Translate, Google Safebrowsing, Google Drive File Download, Category = File Transfer, Strea... Administration Tagoo.ru Music Streaming, Google Sky Android, Google Drive Base, Plugoo Widget, Google Drive Risk = 1-Very Low, 2- Backup & Firmware File Upload, Google Analytic, Goodreads Website, Google App Engine, Google Allo, Google Plus Website, Google Toolbar, Google Chrome Update, Google Chrome Installer, Google Duo, Tagoo Low, 3... All the Allow Certificates Website, iGoogle Applications, Google Location, Igoogle-Gtalk, Google Video Chat, Goodwizz Characteristics = Time Website, Google Video Website, Google Cache Search, Google Hangout Android App, Google Excessive Bandwidth,... Website, Goo Webmail, Google Video Streaming, Google wave Website, Google Desktop Technology = Browser Application, Google Street Android Based, Clien... Save Cancel 3/6 18/4/2017 Sophos Application Application Filter Criteria Schedule Action Manage Log Viewer Help admin Applications HOME Imesh P2P, DC++ Connect P2P, PD Proxy, Soul Attempt P2P, Apple-Juice P2P, ProXPN Proxy, Napster P2P, Freegate Proxy, JAP Proxy, Ultrasurf Proxy, Your-Freedom Proxy, Ares P2P, Torrent Clients P2P, Hotspotshield Proxy, Securitykiss Proxy, MP3 Rocket Download, Morpheus P2P, MONITOR & ANALYZE Shareaza P2P, Manual Proxy Surfing, Bearshare P2P, TOR Proxy, Winny P2P, Invisible Surfing Proxy, Proxifier Proxy, Packetix Proxy, RealTunnel Proxy, Globosurf Proxy, HTTP-Tunnel Proxy, Control Center Kongshare PAropxplyic, aIttsioHni dLidset n Proxy, Dynapass Proxy, Hopster Proxy, GbridgAep VpPlicNa tPiorno Fxiylt, eHr ide-My- Traffic Shaping Default Current Activities IP Proxy, Hide-Your-IP Proxy, Proxyway Proxy, FreeVPN Proxy, CoralCDN Proxy, SOCK4 Proxy, Reports SOCK5 Proxy, Redirection Web-Proxy, Asproxy Web Proxy, Ghostsurf Proxy, Pingfu Proxy, Meebo Repeater Proxy, FreeU Proxy, Gtunnel Proxy, Klite Initiation P2P, Kugoo Playlist P2P, Launchwebs Diagnostics Proxy, DC++ Hub List P2P, Toonel, eMule P2P, NapMX Retrieve P2P, Vuze P2P, Pando P2P, Hide-IP Browser Proxy, Auto-Hide IP Proxy, Easy-Hide IP Proxy, Real-Hide IP Proxy, Proxy Switcher Proxy, PROTECT Max-Anonysurf Proxy, Flashget P2P, Piolet Initialization P2P, Piolet FileTransfer P2P, Ants IRC Firewall Connect P2P, Ants Initialization P2P, Phex P2P, Soulseek Retrieving P2P, Soulseek Download P2P, Tixati P2P, Hamachi VPN Streaming, MiddleSurf Proxy, Mute P2P, Ants P2P, DirectConnect Intrusion Prevention P2P, Miro P2P, RemoboVPN Proxy, Stealthnet P2P, Vedivi-VPN Proxy, VNN-VPN Proxy, WiFree Web Proxy, Expatshield Proxy, I2P Proxy, Spotflux Proxy, DC++ Download P2P, Peercast P2P, GoBoogy Applications Login P2P, Freenet P2P, HOS Proxy, 100BAO P2P, Fileguri P2P, Reduh Proxy, Socks2HTTP Proxy, Wireless PingTunnel Proxy, RPC over HTTP Proxy, Nateon Proxy, WinMX P2P, HTTPort Proxy, Zelune Proxy, K Proxy, Vtunnel Proxy, Circumventor Proxy, Glype Proxy, Surrogofier Proxy, Skydur Proxy, Email Camoproxy Proxy, Fly Proxy, Mega Proxy, PHProxy, Proxeasy Proxy, Proxeasy Web Proxy, Web Server Suresome Proxy, Njutrino Proxy, HTTP Tunnel Proxy, CyberGhost VPN Proxy, Psiphon Proxy, Advanced Threat Frozenway Proxy, Operamini Proxy, Simurgh Proxy, VPNium Proxy, SumRando, Cocoon, Gapp Proxy, CyberghostVPN Web Proxy, Tor2Web Proxy, Gnutella P2P, Manolito P2P Download, Manolito P2P Search, Manolito P2P Connect, Manolito P2P GetServer List, QQ Download P2P, AOL CONFIGURE Desktop, Telex, Air Proxy, OneClickVPN Proxy, SoMud, VPNMakers Proxy, Proxycap Proxy, Category = P2P, Proxy All the Deny VPN Wallcooler VPN Proxy, Tunnelbear Proxy Login, Tunnelbear Proxy Data, WebFreer Proxy, IP-Shield and Tunne... Time Network Proxy, Puff Proxy, Proxify-Tray Proxy, Avoidr Web Proxy, Aniscartujo Web Proxy, Proxyfree Web Proxy, Rxproxy Proxy, Proxmachine Proxy, Lok5 Proxy, Justproxy Proxy, Sslbrowser Proxy, Routing Sslpro.org Proxy, My-Addr(SSL) Proxy, Proxy-service.de Proxy, Proximize Proxy, Btunnel Proxy, Authentication Ctunnel Proxy, Mysslproxy Proxy, Ztunnel Proxy, Dtunnel Proxy, SSlunblock Proxy, Vpntunnel System Services Proxy, Netevader Proxy, Idhide Proxy, Hiddenvillage Proxy, Spinmyass Proxy, 4everproxy Proxy, Divavu Proxy, Bypassfw Proxy, Vpndirect Proxy, Kproxyagent Proxy, Privitize VPN Proxy, Kepard Proxy, CProxy Proxy, VeryCD, Classroom Spy, ZenMate, ShadeYouVPN, MediaGet P2P, Tunnel SYSTEM Guru, LimeWire, Tunnelier, SoftEther VPN, Hola, Onavo, Opera Off Road Mode, SurfEasy VPN, Profiles Cloud VPN, Anonymox, FinchVPN, Super VPN, Browsec VPN, DNSCrypt, Britishproxy.uk Proxy, Hosts and Services Chrome Reduce