The Atlanta Historical Bulletin
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THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL BULLETIN PUBLISHED BY THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY No. I. SEPTEMBER, 1927 The BuUetin is the organ of the Atlanta Historical Society and is sent free to its members. AR persons interested in the history of Atlanta are invited to join the Society. Correspondence concerning con tributions for the BuUetin should be sent to the Act ing Editor, Walter McElreath, 303-310 Atlanta Trust Company Building. Applications for membership and dues should be sent to the Secretary and Treas urer, Miss Ruth Blair, at the office of the State His torian at the State Capitol. Single numbers of the Bulletin may be obtained from the Secretary. The price of single numbers of the Bulletin is $1.00. THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL BULLETIN PUBLISHED BY THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY No. I. SEPTEMBER, 1927 HUBBARD a HANCOCK CO.. PRINTERS CONTENTS Frontispiece—Pryor and Alabama Streets in 1882. The Charter of the Society 5 By-laws 8 List of Historical Papers Prepared for the Society 11 Prizes Offered by the Society 13 Atlanta's First Historical Society I 1 A Short History of the Parish of the Immaculate Concep tion, fey Stephen Mitchell, Esq 28 The Scottish Rite Hospital for Crippled Children, by Forrest Adair 47 Editor's Chair 53 Roll of Members 55 ATLANTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY OFFICERS WALTER MCELREATH President JOEL HUNTER Vice President MISS RUTH BLAIR Secretary and Treasurer MISS TOMMIE DORA BARKER Librarian CURATORS FORREST ADAIR JAMES L. MAYSON MISS TOMMIE DORA BARKER H. A. MAIER MISS RUTH BLAIR WALTER MCELREATH DR. PHINIZY CALHOUN A. A. MEYER WILLIAM RAWSON COLLIER E. M. MITCHELL THOMAS W. CONNALLY WILMER L. MOORE JOHN M. GRAHAM J. B. NEVIN CLARK HOWELL MRS. J. K. OTTLEY CHARLES W. HUBNER EDWARD C. PETERS JOEL HUNTER MRS. R. K. RAMBO DR. JOSEPH JACOBS MRS. JOHN M. SLATON WILLIAM COLE JONES HOKE SMITH E. C. KONTZ W. D. THOMSON EDGAR WATKINS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE EUGENE M. MITCHELL MRS. JOHN M. SLATON A. A. MEYER WILMER L. MOORE JOHN M. GRAHAM JAMES L. MAYSON WALTER MCELREATH, Ex Officio JOEL HUNTER, EX Officio WALTER MCELREATH, Acting Editor PRYOR AND ALABAMA STREETS IN 1882. The cupola to the left is on the Georgia Railroad building, still standing. The smaller one to the right of it adorned the home of Atlanta's first fire engine company. The one to the extreme right is on the old court house. The American Hotel is in the foreground. Courtesy Hubbard & Hancock Co. from "PROOF." THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL BULLETIN Volume I SEPTEMBER, 1927 No. 1 CHARTER OF THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of Walter McElreath, Joel Hunter, James L. Mayson, Wm. Rawson Collier, E. C. Kontz, Eugene M. Mitchell, Thomas W. Connally, Joseph Jacobs, Henry C. Peeples, Mrs. R. K. Rambo, Miss Ruth Blair, Edgar Watkins and A. A. Meyer, all of Fulton County, Georgia, and John M. Graham, of Cobb County, Georgia, respectfully shows: (1) That they desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to be incorporated and made a body politic, un der the name and style of ATLANTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. (2) The term for which petitioners ask to be incor porated is twenty (20) years, with the privilege of renewal or renewals at the expiration of that period, as now or here after provided by law. (3) The location of and the principal office of said cor poration shall be in the City of Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia. (4) Said corporation shall have no capital stock and is not organized for pecuniary gain, but it to be purely literary, social and educational in character. 6 THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL BULLETIN (5) The sole purpose of said corporation shall be to promote the preservation of sources of information concern ing the history of the City of Atlanta in the State of Georgia; the investigation, study and dissemination of such history, and to arouse in the friends and citizens of Atlanta an interest in its history (6) Petitioners desire that said corporation shall have the right to purchase and hold such real estate and personal property as it may deem proper, to sell or encumber the same by a mortgage, lien, security deed or otherwise, for the purposes of the corporation; to collect objects of historical value and maintain a museum for housing the same; to re ceive donations; to make rules and regulations providing the terms and conditions upon which membership may be acquired in the corporation and how the same may be lost or abandoned; levy dues and assessments upon members; to create officers and a governing body, and to make all such by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of the corporation and its members as it shall deem proper; to make contracts; to have and use a common seal; to sue and be sued; and to do all acts and things which it may deem expedient to carry out the purposes of said corporation. WHEREFORE, Petitioners pray that after this petition has been filed and published in accordance with law, they be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, with all the rights, powers and privileges prayed for, and such others as may be now or hereafter conferred on corporations of like character under the laws of Georgia. A. A. MEYER, EDGAR WATKINS, Attorneys for Petitioners. Filed in Office, this the 31 day of May, 1926. T. C. MILLER, Clerk THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL BULLETIN 7 GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. In the Superior Court of Fulton County, May Term, 1926. Walter McElreath, Joel Hunter, James L. May son, Wm. Rawson Collier, E. C. Kontz, Eugene M. Mitchell, Thomas W. Connally, Joseph Jacobs, Henry C. Peeples, Mrs. R. K. Rambo, Miss Ruth Blair, Edgar Watkins and A. A. Meyer, of Fulton County, Georgia, and John M. Graham of Cobb County, Georgia, having filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia, their aforegoing petition seeking the formation of a corporation to be known as "ATLANTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY," and having complied with all the requirements of the law in such cases made and pro vided, and the Court being satisfied that said application is legitimately within the purview and intention of the Code and Laws of the State of Georgia, the same is hereby granted, and the above named persons, their associates and successors are hereby incorporated for the term of twenty (20) years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that time, under the corporate name and style of "ATLANTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY," for the purposes in said petition set forth, and with all the rights, powers and privileges prayed for. In Open Court this 30th day of June, 1926. W. D. ELLIS, Judge Superior Court, Atlanta Circuit. THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL BULLETIN BY-LAWS ATLANTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY PURPOSE : The purpose of the Society shall be to pro mote the preservation of sources of information concerning the history of Atlanta, the investigation, study and dis semination of such history, and to arouse in the citizens and friends of Atlanta an interest in its history. 2. GOVERNING BOARD: TO promote its purpose the Society shall be governed by thirty curators, who shall be honorary, sustaining or life members. 3. TERMS BEGIN: The terms of office of the curators, execu tive committee and officers first elected shall begin from their selection but shall expire as though they were selected Jan uary 1, 1927, and thereafter terms of office shall run with the calendar years. 4. MEMBERSHIP: All citizens and residents and friends of Atlanta shall be eligible to membership; the annual dues shall be $5.00 for regular members, $10.00 for sustaining members, and $100.00 for life members; all of whom shall have equal votes in the Association. Those whose services or knowledge justify the honor in the opinion of the curators may be elected honorary members without obligation to pay dues but with all the privileges and rights of general mem bers, provided, however, that members who have paid dues for three or more years may become life members by paying the difference between the total of dues paid and $100.00. THE ATLANTA HISTORICAL BULLETIN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: An Executive Committee is here by created composed of the President and six curators ap pointed by the President who shall hold office for one year; such committee when the curators are not in session shall have all the powers of the curators. OFFICERS: The officers of the Society shall be a Presi dent, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Librarian who shall be elected annuaUy by the curators. These officers shall perform the duties usually appertaining to their respective offices, and such other duties as they may be directed to perform by the curators. 7. VACANCIES: All vacancies shall be filled by the authority electing or appointing the prior incumbent. 8. MEETINGS: The curators shall meet four times a year in the months of March, June, September and December, and elections for the year following shall be had at the December meeting. The President, or, on his failure, the Vice-Presi dents in the order of their naming or the Executive Commit tee, shall fix the place and the particular day in the months named for the meetings and shall notify the members by mail of such place and day. Special meetings of the curators may be called on five days written notice by the President, or by three members. The Executive Committee shall meet on the call of the President. Members are entitled to meet with the curators, express their views, and to vote on the election of curators.