(Reprinted from the "Heywood Advertiser .")


VOL. I .] [No. I .

{ ribav, 3 rnuar 13th, 1905.

These Notes and Queries are intended as a means of communication between persons in- terested in the bygones of Heywood and dis- trict . The present times, however, will not be neglected, as we shall welcome any items of interest . Notes on local worthies, past events, paragraphs from old papers, folk-lore, epitaphs, .and poems will be most acceptable . Old Heywoodites who are squandered about the world may send us their recollections of old days and descriptions of their present snr- reundings . Such notes are sure to be perused with sympathetic interest by readers of our Notes and Queries . 2 NOTES. We think it a fitting opening to reprint the following homely poem by the late John Hey- wood, who also wrote several hymns accom- panied by his own tunes . The best known is "Sabbath schools are 's glory," which bas achieved a wide reputation . A fuller note ork the author may be written for a future number .

[1 .]-ST . LUKE'S OLD CHURCH . By JOHN HEYWOOD . Some fifty years it's been my lot, To pass life's somewhat chequered scene, A little distance from the spot Where lately stood, with modest mien, St . Luke's Old Church . No lofty spire sprang from its base, No Gothic sculpture marked its walls ; Yet much I loved the humble place, For first I heard sweet gospel calls In that Old Church . It's Sabbath bell, with usage meet- Calling for worship to prepare- Has seemed to bid my willing feet To enter oft, for praise and prayer, St . Luke's Old Church . The holy vow from humble heart Uplifted by a prayerful tongue, Has often made the tear to start When Heaven's high praises have been sung In that Old Church . How oft on Old December's Eve Thy bell hath toli'd a farewell note- The waning year has made me grieve, While all my soul was wrapt in thought In that Old Church . Beside my door in thoughtful mood I heard the knell of '59- Knell of the parting year-I stood, Regretting that 'twos also thine* St . Luke's Old Church . I grieve to see a noble tree Uprooted from its native earth, Nor could I less regret to see, Thy walls thrown down as little worth St . Luke's Old Church . S

But many relics which exist In cottage homes I love to see- . 7 A picture, cupboard, shelf, or chest, As heirlooms of respect for theet St . Luke's Old Church .

Nor can I disregard the dust Which "rests in hope" of full reward- The silent dead, whose hope and trust Was firmly fixed in Christ their Lord- Now buried here .

Here sleep the generations passed ;** The men who toiled in days of yore- Who courted wealth, or honour chased, Or clothed and fed the village poor- Rest in this yard .

Twelve years have only run their round And swell'd the tide of years before, Since one was laid beneath the ground Whose fame was known in village lore, Near this churchyard.

His homestead was a whiten'd cot, Well stored with birds of varied hue ; Where loitering schoolboys often sought To take a stol'u, yet welcome, view, Near this churchyard .

On summer days I've often stroll'd Under the hawthorn's welcome shade, '+ Noting the newly-shifted mould, 'Neath which some friend had just been laid In this churchyard .

Fond mem'ry still recalls the scenes Of bounding joy or deep distress Which, alternating, were the means My spirits to lighten or depress i In this churchyard .

What though no "Village Hampden's" grave May grace the dust around the place ; Or hero proud, or warrior brave, Engraved on headstone now we trace, In this churchyard.

Yet, here rest those whose virtuous worth Was honour'd, ere they came to die,- Whose ardent faith and love of truth Were proved by those who near them lie, In this churchyard . 1

4 Here sleep in peace the pious dead, Here too could I contented rest, With those I lov'd to lay my head, And with their blessing to be blest In this churchyard. Let others, who are fond of change, Expatiate in all things new ; My thoughts will still delight to range With those who lov'd, however few, St. Luke's Old Church . *It was for a long time customary for the bell of St . Luke's to ring from a quarter to twelve to a quarter past on New Year's Eve, and it thus rang for the last time on New Year's Eve, 1859 . ±Many parishioners secured portions of wood when the Church was taken down, and had various articles of furniture made from them . **There are 37,915 interments registered in the burial registers of St . Luke's Church . 'The writer well remembers a large haw- thorn which formerly grew at the east end of the churchyard, and distinctly recollects stand- ing by the side of it in the year 1812, when a mob passed along Church-street on their way to the Middleton fight . [2 .]-AN OLD H EYWOOD WORTHY was Josiah Nuttall, naturalist, or ornithologist as he fondly called himself . His excellence as a taxidermist attracted the notice of William Bullock, the renowned Mexican traveller and naturalist, who had a museum at Liverpool about 1810. 11r. Bullock engaged Josiah as "'bird stuffer," and his great skill in giving a life-like appearance to any bird he preserved brought him the notice of Royalty. After the dispersal of Mr. Bullock's collection Mr . Nut- tall remained in Liverpool till he had realised a competency, when he retired to his native - town, where he settled next door to the Queen Anne Inn, Heywood . He possessed a good collection of British and foreign birds, which was a great attraction to residents and visi- tors . Leo H . Grindon, in a passage comment- ing on the longevity of naturalists, names Josiah Nuttall of Heywood as an instance . As Mr. Nuttall grew older he devoted much time s to reading, and, after various attempts at writ- ing in metre, at last persuaded himself that he was a poet . He wrote in ten cantos "A wild rhapsody and incoherent remonstrance, abruptly written on seeing Haydon's cele- brated picture of Belshazzar's Feast ." Hey- wood : 1845 . 8vo., pp . 140 . There is a copy of this curious work in the Refer- ence Library. The author himself calls the papers "uncouth and unique," and, to be ap- preciated, he would require a reader as deter- mined as Charles Lamb, who blessed his star for a taste so catholic that he could read almost anything . Nuttall died at Heywood, September 6th, 1849, aged 78. John Heywood referred to Nuttalt in his poem on St . Luke's Old Church in the ten lines commencing : "Twelve years have only run their round ."


[3.]-HEXWOOD'S LARGEST MAN . In the "Heywood Advertiser" of July 25th, 1890, it is stated that "last Friday there died at Mine-street, Hooley Bridge, James Ash- worth, who had gained for himself the notoriety of being the largest man in Hey- wood. He was 60 years of age, and a tarter by trade ; and his weight was nearly 20 score (28 stone) . His coffin, which was of polished oak, measured 6ft . Tin . long, 2ft. Tin . wide, and lft. 111n. deep. The interment took place at Bamford Chapel, and was witnessed by a large number of persons . Mr . J. Twelves was the undertaker ." I

QUERIES. r [4.]-FIRE AT THE CANAL WHARF . I Will some reader of Heywood Notes and k Queries kindly give me the particulars of the dir-astrous fire at the Canal Wharf which took 0 place about 1S70 ; the extent - of the damage, and the length of time during which the fire burned? ALTS VOLO. 6 [5.]-REV . CHARLES ELY . I possess a copy of "A sermon, preached in the Independent Chapel, at Bury, in Lanca- sbire, December 24th, 1797, on the death of Mrs. Mary Chadwick, aged 36 years . By Charles Ely . Bury : 1798." Is anything known of the author? J . A . GEEEN . [6.]-WOLF AT LARGE IN HEYWOOD. The scare caused recently by the exploits of the Hexham wolf has excited various corre- spondents to relate other stories of animals escaping from menageries . I have some recol- lection of a wolf escaping from a travelling menagerie in Heywood aver twenty years ago . I should be glad to have an account of this incident. G. J . 7 Aftthai, 3anitnrg 27th, 1905.

NOTES. [7.]_MIDDLETON FIGHT, 1812 . "Middleton Fight," which is referred to in one of the footnotes to Mr. Heywood's poem on St . Luke's Old Church, is graphically des- cribed in "Early Days" by Samuel Bamford. This work was printed by John Heywood, Market-street, Heywood, in 1849. Bamford was working in Manchester at the time of the fight,, but as he lived in Middleton he was able to get full particulars of the riot . He gives 20th of April, 181.2, as the date of the fight, which was renewed the day after, and much loss of life and property resulted . The following extract from the account of the second day's fight shows the murderous inten- tion of the rioters :- "On my way to Middleton that evening, I met individuals on the road who were re- turning to Manchester with fragments of picture frames and mahogany goods in their hands . The mob had indeed been desperately bent on destruction that day, but, more wary than on the day preceding, they had divided their forces, and whilst one strong party threatened the factory, and by that means detained the militia at that post, others went to the houses of certain of thee workmen who had defended the factory the day before, and not finding them at home had piled their fur- niture in the street and had destroyed it by fire . In this manner the furniture of one cottage at Back-o'th',Brow -and that of two others at the Club Houses were destroyed . The snob, it should be understood, was on this day armed with guns, scythes, old swords, bludgeons, and pitchforks . A party of colliers from the neighbourhoods of and Hollinwood carried mattocks, and with these tools were in the act of knocking the end of a house down when they were called off to another place. The house of Mr. E. Burton, Parkfield, was the first object that attracted their vengeance. It had been abandoned by the family. The mob immediately ransacked the whole building, after which it was set on fire and burned to the ground." 8 The rest of the story should be read in the original work, a copy of which will be found in the Heywood Co-operative Library . J. A. GREEN. [8 .]-HEYWOOD THEATRICALS. Before he became Coroner for the borough of Bolton-an office he filled from June, 1839, until his retirement in flay, 1879 (when he was succeeded by one of his sons, who died two years ago)-the late Mr . John Taylor was well-known in South-East Lancashire as an amateur actor of considerable ability, and in that connection he made the personal acquaint- ance of some of the leading actors and actresses of the day . In his Autobiography there is a reference to Heywood, as follows : - I opened my office on the 4th February, 1834, in Fold-street, Boltoa, and gradually obtained such little business as young attorneys were at that day ordinarily entrusted with-suing for small debts, now and then making a small cenveyarce, but receiving little confidence from clients . I was quiet as to my acting for a time until I got drawn into an excursion to Ileywood on the 18th April, 1837, to star in ccantany with some old members of the Bolton Theatre, who were struggling for bread and salt at the above manufacturing village ; now much more populous . I was there announced as "an eminent tragedian front the Royal Vic- toria Theatre, London, whose professional avocations compel his engagement to be limited in Heywood to one night only." Amongst the company were my old singing friend Mr. Thomas Derbyshire, and _Mr . John Ormond, an old stager, whose early years gave promise of a better fate . I played lago and Charles Para- gon, spent the night in Hrywood, and returned home the day following . Probably there were earlier theatrical perform- ances in Heywood, but the foregoing is the earliest I have found recorded in print . HISTRIONrcus . ANSWERS. [9.]-Rev. CHARLES ELY . The Rev . Charles Ely was ordained to the pastorate of New Road Congregational 9 Church, Bury, on July 26th, 1797, having re ceived his training for the ministry partly at Mr. Walker's academy, Ncrthowram, and partly under the Rev . William Vint of Idle, . On account of failing health he resigned his charge about 1811 ; but he re- mained in Bury, where he died on January 10th, 1816, his remains being interred within the chaoel, near the foot of the pulpit stairs . Ie would be interesting to learn whether he was related to the more widely known Rev. John Ely, pastor of Providence Chapel, Roeh- dale, from June, 1814, until his removal to Leeds in July, 1833, where he died on October 9th. 1847 . Charles, Ely was 48 years old when -he died, and John Ely was 54 . H. B. [10.]-FIRE AT THE CANAL WHARF. I have some recollection of this fire, which started on Saturday noon, May 13th, 1871, and lasted over aa month . The heatt was so great as to blister the paint on the shop fronts in Manchester Road . As the fire was se diffi- cult to put out owing to the great piles of cotton frizzling in the water, several local fire brigades were engaged a long time on the 1 work. A diver was also employed, and his roovements aroused great interest among the onlookers . The damage was estimated at over £150,000. SENEX .

QUERIES. [11 .]-MELLALIEU FAMILY . In Bury Churchyard the ether day I noted a gravestone with the following inscrip- tion . - Here resteth the body, of George Mellalieu, who died at Heywood, tie 6th day of March, Anno 1718. Mary, the wife bf James Whitworth, who died January 10th, 1778, in the 51st year of her age . On another gravestone the names of Mellalieu an'. Melladew are given to members of one family who died at "Lum Miln," near Bury, in 10 the 18th century. Were these of the same stock as the Melladews who once lived at Hey- weod Hall? One George Melladew, farmer Heywood Hall, who died in 1726, married a sister of the Rev . Roger Kay, founder of Bury Grammar School . A. H. [12.]-BAJIFORDS OF BAMFORD . Among the entries in the Register of the eminent Nonconformist divine, Rev . Oliver Heywood (one of the clergymen ejected from their livings in 1662), is the following : - Mtris Lomax, wife of Mr . Rich . Losnax .f Bury, who, he being dead, lived with Mr . Bamford of Baniford, that marryed his daughter, after sermons at Heywood Chappel, getting on horseback mist footing, slipt down, scarce spake after, dyed on Tuesday night ; fal was Sep . 24, death on Sept. 26, buryed 29, 1682, aged 76 . Information relating to the parties mentioned in this extract will . be acceptable . B. A. [13.]-S'T . LUKE'S INCUMBENTS . Can any of your readers give a list of the clergymen who have hold the living of St . Luke's Church, Heywood? - STUDENT . 11 ,ffrzba , Sebruarp 10th, 1905.

NOTES. [14.] OLD HEYWOOD MANUFACTURERS . In the Manchester Directory for 1788 a list is given of "Country trAesmen attending Manchester market," amolag hem the under- mentioned: Ashton James, Heywood, fustian manufac- turer ; J . Boardman's, Blue Boar Court . Ashton Thomas and Sons, Heywood, fustian manufacturers ; Red Lion-street and Dan- gerous Corner . Gee William, Holywood, fustian manufac- turer ; Leyland's Court, St . Mary's Gate . Hill Alexander, , Top of Heap, fustian manufacturer ; Riding's Court. Holt Robert, Heywood, fustian manu- facturer ; Hodson's Court, Dangerous Corner . A few particulars-though very imperfect-- about the aforenamed may prove interesting . Sixty or seventy years ago a neighbouring writer recorded of the Ashton family : "Begin- ning the cotton trade, from a very humble and honest sphere of life, they became highly respected at Top-o'th'-Hebers and at Goolden Lane." James and John Ashton, who had carried on handloom weaving in or near D"iddleton, erected a cotton mill at Rams- bottom about the year 1802 (at which time the great firm of Peel and Yates also had works there), and established a very extensive busi- ness. They were succeeded by their sons- Samuel, Thomas, and Richard-who traded as Messrs . S. and T. Ashton. Richard Ashton, who resided in a mansion at Limefield (pulled down a few years ago) was appointed a county magistrate, and became one of the best-known men in that part of the county . His son, Edward, was connected with the Rams'bottom works up to 1877, since which time there have been no Ashtons engaged in the corn- merce of the district . William. Gee had some family successors in the business . In 1825 the Heywood cotton 12 manufacturers included Messrs . W. and Rt . Gee, and also one James Gee . Alexander Hill would be the son of Alexan- der Hill, described as "of Heap, gentleman," who died August 9th, 1776, aged 62, h:s wife; Martha, dying November 5th, 1796, aged 92 . The first-named Alexander died July 17th, 1826, aged 76 ; his wife, Mary, on October 14th, 1794, aged 38 . These Hills of Top of Heap would prb'bably be of the same stock as the Hills of Moss Hall, Pilsworth . Some of: the latter were engaged in the cloth trade in'the latter half of the eighteenth century . One of them, Charles Hill, jun ., clothier, was married on September 23rd, 1777, to Eliza- beth Scholfield of the parish of . To the Moss Hall family belonged Ann Hill, who married James Scholes of Heap Fold, and of this marriage were born thirteen children, one of whom became the wife of Edmund Grundy, Perkhills, Bury, whose daughter, Margaret, married Robert Taylor Heape of Rochdale, descendants of whom are living in that town . Elizabeth Hill, a first cousin of James Scholes's wife, married Dr . Matthew Fletcher of Bury, whose grandfather's wife was a daugh- ter of the famous John Kay, inventor of the fly-shuttle . Robert Holt had a grandson, Richard Or- ford Holt, M.A., who, in the middle of last Century was living at Harrow-on-the-Hill . Possibly there was some connection between the Halts and R . Orford, who laid the first atone of St . James's Church, Heywood, July 2nd, 1836 . Eighty years ago there was a Hey- wood firm of cotton spinners styled Orford and Kay. LECTOR . [15 .] THE BEIIuL OF OLD ST. LUKE'S. In November, 1884, at a farewell tea party, held in the schoolroom at Healey, on the occasion of the departure of the Rev . R. Min- nitt, M.A., of the Healey Vicarage, to Pres- ton, a valuable presentation was made to him in recognition of his long and useful services in the parish . In acknowledging the presen- tation Mr . Minnitt told them about his father 13 coming into this country from Ireland, and of his being made curate-in-charge of St. Luke's Church, Heyvood . He created much laughter by telling an incident which he said hi ; father used to tell him about that church in Hey- wood . They had only one bell, and that got cracked, and they wanted to have it mended, so they determined to send it to the village blacksmith. The blacksmith thought the best thing he could do would be to put a hoop round it, and he did so and sent it back, but when they got it back they found it would not ring at all. Ever after that the black- smith went by the name of "Hoop the Bell ." JOHN FENTON . Lowerfald, Rochdiale . --

ANSWERS. [16.] ST. LUKE'S INCUMBENTS . (Reply to Query No. 13 .) In reply to "Student" I send the following list of clergymen who have held the living since its foundation as a perpetual cnracv :- Nathan Stock from 1719 to 1733 James Barton from 1733 to 1774 Richard Longford from 1774 to 1804 Richard Hood from 1804 to 182,3 Joseph B. Jameson from 1826 to 1835 Robert Minnitt froen 1835 to 1850 Jt lius Shadwell from 1850 to 1855 Thomas Ramsbot[om from 1865 to 1872 Thomas Julius Henderson from 1872 to 1878 John Spittal from 1878 to 1885 Richard W . Perry Circuitt ...from 1.885 to 1900 Edward Basil A. Hughes from 1900 SAMUEL MATHER . QUERIES. [17 .] SAM BAMFOItD'S 141FE . Can any of your readers give the maiden name of the wife of the famous Chartist, Samuel Bamford? 1 M. N. [18.] LOCAL GENEALOGY . Some years ago the Rev . J. C. Butterworth of St . Michael's, Bamford, read before the Literary Society at Bamford a paper on the different families who had resided in the dis- 14 trict since A .D. 1270 . Can any of your reader@ give information of its contents? JOHN FENTON . Lowerfold, Rochdale . [19.] SAM BAMFORD'S WORKS . I should be glad to know whether the fol- lowing work by Samuel Bamford was ever completed . It is not included in any list of hi, writings that I have seen, and Part Third, which is in my possession, gives no hint of the printer's name, but it is probable that John Heywood of Heywood was the printer. James Dronsfield refers to the work in his Incidents and Anecdotes of the late Samuel Bamford, .1872 . According to Dronsfield, Bamford, about the time he removed to London, "was then engaged writing a very interesting story, entitled, The Lord of the Jlanor and the Lord of the Mill ; or, scenes in Lancashire-a sort of continuation of his Walks in South Lan- cashire-in which he intended to have depicted scenes in the plug-drawing days of 1842 ." The full title is included in the above quotation, my part being dated 1851 . J . A . GREEN . 15

Sribap, ,off ebruarg 17th, 1905 .

NOTES. [20.] BYROM AND MAKIN FAMILIES . In a work on John Byrom, published in 1857, Canon Richard Parkinson quotes the following from the Raines MSS ., vdl . xi ., p. 179 : - I saw in 1849, in a farmhouse near Hey- wood, a half-length portrait inscribed "Old Mrs . Meakin, grandmother of the late Mr . i Clowes of Smedley," and also grandmother of Dr. John Byrom, who was left a second time a widow. She possesses an acute and in- telligent countenance, piercing grey eyes, and pleasing features, the portrait being painted apparently about the age of 55 . She wears a high-crowned black beaver hat, a dark figured silk dress, and holds a book in her hand. I presume the portrait would be in the posses- sion of a descendant of the old Makin family, members of which were living at Heywood three hundred years ago, the surname being spelt in fully a dozen different ways . Two centuries ago some of the Makins were living att. Lomax, and probably it would be in that part of the township where Canon Raines saw the portrait of "Old Mrs . Meakin." On Roger Makon of Lomax, died about 1729- no doubt a descendant of the Roger Macon, a miller, of Heywood, who died about 1697 . One Roger Meakin (or Makin) of Manches- ter, gentleman, died about the end of 1684 . His wife, Ann, who survived him-probably identical with either the Ann Makin of Man- chester, who died about 1698, or the Ann Macon of Heywood, who (lied about 1697- was the daughter of John Crompton of Halli- well, near Bolton, and had been previously i married. Her first husband was Edward Byrom of Manchester and Kersal Cell, who died in December, 1668, aged 41 . The is-ue of this first marriage included Edward Byrom, who married Dorothy Allen of Bury, and of this latter marriage was born the celebrated

t 16 John Byrom, author of "Christians, awake ." There were two daughters issue of the mar- riage of Roger Meakin and Mrs . Ann Byrom, one of wham married Samuel Clowes of Chad- dock Hall, merchant, descendants of whom lived at Broughton Hall, and became extensive landowners in Salford . It is not unlikely that some of the seventeenth century Makins migrated from Heywood to Manchester. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries they were pretty numerously represented in the township of Heap . The, anniversary of John Byrom's birth occurs this month (February) . LECTOR .

QUERIES. [21.] A SIXTEEN-T11 CENTURY ROGER FENTON . Do any of your readers know anything of a Roger Fento_i of some early date in 1500, said to have been preacher to the King, and for- merly curate of Burv, and the owner of the Crimble estate? A descendant of this Roger Fenton is said to have sold and another descen- dant rebought the estate . JOHN FENTON. Lowerfold, Rochdale . [22.] Rev. THOMAS HILL. A few biographical particulars respecting the above-named minister are desired . He is said to have been born at "Moss Hall, near Bury," 10th February, 1785, and he was dead in 1813 . 1 take it that Moss Hall would be the house known by that name in Filsworth. NONCOM. A CORRECTION.-Under "Ansiveis," No . 16, the surname Ramsbottom . should have been printed Ramsbotham. 17

HEYWOOD NOTES AND QUERIES . (Reprinted from the " Neyscood Advertiser .")


VOL 1 .] [No . 2 . Jribap, f,ebruar2 24th, 1905 . NOTES. [23.] A GIPSY'S EPITAPH . In the south-east corner of Bireh-in-Hopwood churchyard there is a memorial stcnc in- scribed : - In affectionate remembrance of Muldebriar Herrim, a Gipsy of Sherwood Forest, who died September 4th, 1881, aged 70 years . Darker and darker The black shadows fall, Sleep and oblivion Feign over all. Until the day break and the shadows flee away. There are some of his strange race who stiff keep old MIuldebriar's memory green . The last time I was that way there was a bunch of flowers on the grave, placed there presum- ably by some of the Gpsy folk on their journey to or from a neighbouring fair . t RAMBLER . [24 .] THE FIRST HEYWOOD NEWSPAPER. The following notice appeared in the "Bury Times" in February, 1878 :- Mr. John Manock, who died on January 28th, 1878, at 74, Manchester-street, Heywood, and whose death you recorded in your issue of Saturday last, was the printer and pub- lisher of the "Heywood Observer," a small newspaper, octavo size, and the first ever pub- lished in He vwood . It was published in 1844, in the house now occupied by Mr . William Howarth, butcher, in Market-street . The town was then in a very crude state, and an effort was made in that year to obtain an Improvement Bill, which would not only provide for the improvement of the town, but 18 would give the ratepayers power to purchase the gas and waterworks . The "Observer" ad- vocated the passing of the Bill, which passed the Committee of the Commons, but was with- drawn by the consent of a public meeting of ratepayers . The "Observer" was not a long lived paper . It did not pay. Mr . William Bell contributed an article to the first number . The sale at that time was too limited, and Mr . Manock was obliged to give it up . After the death of the "Observer" the "Heywood Adver- tiser" was brought out, which has lived to the present time, but to the late Mr . John Manoek belongs the honour, if honour it he, of having brought out the first Heywood newspaper . [25 .] THE SONG OF THE SOT . (After Hood's "Song of the Shirt .") By JOHN TATE . With garments tatter'd and torn, With eyelids heavy and red, A drunkard sat in his empty room, Clasping his aching head . Pawn ! pawn! pawn ! The furniture sold in aa lot ; And now with voice like a bagpipe drone, He sings the "Song of the Sot ." "Drink! drink ! drink ! At the early dawn of day ; And drink! drink! drink! Till the daylight fades away. It's Oh! to take Bohea, Along with my pale-faced wife, Whose haggard eyes are seeking me,- If this is a jolly life! "Drink! drink ! drink! Till the chairs and tables reel ; Drink! drink! drink! Till I know not how I feel . Gin, and whiskey, and rum, Rum, and whiskey, and gin,- Till under the table I fall asleep, And cannot tell who comes in . "Oh, men with money to spare, Oh, men with plenty of tick! I wish I could borrow a penny or two, I feel so dreadfully sick . Drink! drink! drink! You see I am all in dirt, For my uncle, the pawnbroker, over the way, Is keeping my Sunday shirt . 1 9 "But why do I talk of him, That kind-hearted fellow, the Jew? I've heard men curse him a thousand times, And call him a wretched screw,- And call him a wretched screw, But he has his shop to keep ; Oh, God! that ale should be so dear, And water be so cheap !

"Drink! drink! drink! illy thirst-it never flags ; From tap to tap, like a bee on flowers, I flutter about in rags . This batter'd hat, and these soleless shces, Once shining bright and fair, When I put them on, on a Saturday night, I could see my shadow there.

"Drink ! drink ! drink ! When I hear the early chime,- Drink! drink! drink! Jti From breakfast to supper time . Gin, and whiskey, and rum, Rum, and whiskey, and gin,- Till my head is sick, and I stagger home, And my brain begins to spin.

"Drink! drink! drink! In the coldest winter night ; And drink! drink! drink! When the summer days are bright . When I think I'm walking right, I find I'm always wrong ; The school-boys mock me in the street, And tell me to budge along.

"Oh! but to taste a drop Of the real old Irish stuff, With sugar and lemon, made hot and sweet,- 1 Not much, but just enough . I For only one small glass Of the sort I used to buy Before I went to my daily work, When I felt so very dry .

"Oh! but for a draught of beer, I care net how small it be,- Mild or bitter, or sweet, or sour, Any sort does for me. Some soda-water would cool my throat, And clear this muddled brain, Which throbs and aches, and makes me writhe In agonising pain ."

20 With garments tatter'd and torn With eyelids heavy and red, A drunkard sat in his empty room, Clasping his aching head . Drink! drink ! drink ! Till he empties every pot, And stands at last on the grave's dark brink, Too old to mend, and too drunk to think, He dies the death of a sot. Mr. John Tate, the author of the foregoing poem, resided in Heywood from 1844 to 1857 . The poem was published as a broadside (with- cut (late) and was probably written soon after the issue of the famous lyric by Hood, which first appeared in the Christmas "Punch" for 1843 . Mr. Tate is still living at over 80 years of age, and has written scores of poems since he left Heywood, but, as he humorously says, "Who'll buy?" The copy from which the above is reprinted was given to me by a well- known Manchester collector . J. A. GREEN. [26 .] HEADY HILL WORTHIES. Quite a history might be written about Heady Hill . George Lomax, the well-known temperance lecturer, lived there in his younger days . He was a handloom weaver, and one day 'e put the shuttle eye to his own and said, "I cannot see a living coming through this ." He then left and went lecturing about the country. Heady Hill was also a noted place for Chartism . A few of the early Radi- cals went from there on the famous blanket expedition, which is mentioned in Bamford's "Life of a Radical ." John Kay, a noted lec- turer on Chartism and other subjects, was another resident . The Radicals had a meeting room at Paved Brow, which belonged to David Taylor . They had brews and drank the beer ; read the "Northern Star," and discussed poli- ties . I remember one Sunday morning there was an explosion, the bottles had burst, the - beer was lost, and there was great lamenta- tion throughout the neighbourhood! Castleton . J.C.

21 i ribag, $larch 3rD, 1005.

NOTES. [27.] EXOHEQUER LAY SUBSIDIES . 1332 . HUNDRED OF SALFORD . Bury. Margia de Radeclive vets . Johe de ffenton rus. Thom de Werberton us. raid, Willo Kay Ins . mud. Rico de Notehogh '. ... Iis . Ad fil Robti vlis, Johe fil Mathi vns . Rog de Walmslegh us. Willo de Bury ns. mud. John de Routeshorn rrs. Wilto le Mordrmer us.

XLS. The above appears in the Subsidy Roll for Lan- cashire, made by Robert de Shireburn and John de Radcliffe, the chief taxers and collectors of the subsidy of a fifteenth in the County and a tenth in the Boroughs of the goods of all pelvons who were liable to be so taxed, granted to King Edward III. in his Parliament hoiden at Westminster on the morrow of the Nativity of our Lord in the 6th year of his reign, and in the year of our cord 1332 . The money to be raised by this taxation was intended chiefly for the purpose of enabling the King to prosecute his attempt to bring Scotland under feudal subjection to England . In this attempt he was aided by Edward Bal- liol, who had been crowned King of Scotland at Scone on the 27th September, 1332, and had purported to subject the crown of Scot- land to that of England . On the Patent Roll of 7, Edward III ., pre- served in the Public Record Office, there is a record of the exact instructions by which the taxers were to be guided in levying this tax, as follows :- "And be it known that in this taxation of the goods of the commons of all the counties the armour-riding horses, jewels, and robes of the 22 Knights and Gentlemen, and of their wives, and also their vessels of gold, silver, and brass, are to be excepted . And in Cities and Boroughs one dress for the man and another for his wife, and one bed for them both, one ring and a chain of goid or silver, and a ,irdle of silk for every day use, and also a silver goblet or a mazer to drink from, let these be excepted ." It appears from the Patent Roll that the names of all lay persons of full age (except lepers residing ?n a lazar-house) who were pos- se.ssed of goods in the towns to the value of six shillings, and in the counties to the value of ten shillings, beyond those articles specially excepted, would appear in the rolls prepared by the taxens . We therefore have, in effect,, in the Subsidy Roll, a Directory of the Lan ca~shire men of substance 573 years ago ; and when we consider the scope and completeness of this record and the knowledge of the social status of the persons named in it which may, to some extent, be gathered from the amounts respectively paid by them upon a valuation of their goods and chattels, we find such infor- mation as will make ample amends for the fact that individuals only, and not either descents of families or events in local history, form the subject-matter of this important document . The subject of the value of money in 1332 as compared with to-day is a question too large to enter upon here ; but the figures before us suggest that the difference in the value of household goods is greater than is generally supposed . In looking at the amounts recorded in the roll as having been paid, how- ever, it must be remembered that most articles of intrinsic value were excluded from taxation, and that houses in those days contained com- paratively little furniture . Our ancestors in the fourteenth century, unlike their descen- dants of to-day, preferred ostentation to luxury ; they loved splendour, but were con- tent to live in what to us would be discom- fort . Their garments were often rich and magnificent in material and colour, not un- frequently sumptuously embroidered, and sometimes even adorned with gold and precious stones ; their long golden chains, their jewels,, I

23 and their beautifully ornamented weapons and armour dou'btlessly made a brave show ; and these and their vessels of silver and gold must have represented a very large part of their personal property . But their houses contained, besides the great hall, only a few, small, dark rooms, with door and windows which admitted ctraughts, only partially excluded, in some cases by curtains . The floor was strewn with rushes or straw in place of carpets ; the long table of plain boards in the great hall was laid upon trestles, and was removed when the meal was finished ; and henches or seats of wood and stone, with here and there a wooden stool, took the place of chairs, though occa- sional cushions were reserved for persons of consideration . In the whole house there were but two or three beds, the servants sleeping for the miost part on the floor of the great, hall . The walls of the house, to a modern eye, would seem bare and cold, for in tho.,.., early days tapestry was not in general use in the houses of the gentry, and, besides the oak panelling and great screen, which were, it is true, sometimes handsomely carved, the l only decorative objects would be the antlers of the deer, weapons and implements of the chase, lighted up here and there by the bright colours and gilding of escutcheons of arms . The agricultural labourer's hut, at the date of the Subsidy Roll, in point of personal com- fort, would probably be comparable only to a modern cow-house, his whole worldly pes- sessi~ons, as a rule, being a plain table, one or two stools or a bench, a, box-bed laid with dried bracken, an ark or chest of oak, a very few indispensable household utensils of the simplest kind, the clothes he stood in, and his long sharp knife . Although the chief taxers are not described as Knights in the Subsidy Roll, there is little doubt that they are to be identified with knights of considerable influence and import- ance in their day . Sir Robert Shireburn, who was knishted on the 3rd March, 19, Edward I . (1291), was M .P. for Lancashire in 9, Edward III . (1335), and Senechal of Blackburnshire and Clitheroe .

24 He married Alice, daughter and co-heiress of John Blackburn, of Wiswall, by Margaret Hol- land his wife, and was the father of Sir John Shireburn, who fought at C'recv under the banner of his kinsman, Thomas Lord Holland . Sir John Shireburn was M .P. for Lancashire in 1346, afterwards M .P. for the City of , and died in 29 Edward III . (1355.) Sir John Radcliffe of Ordsall was the youngest son of Richard Radcliffe, of the Tower, and married Joan, eldest daughter of Sir Robert Holland . He fought at Caen, Crecy, and Calais in 1347, being then, a knight ; sat as M .P. for Lancashire in 14 Edward III . (1340) and died in 32 Edward III . (1358). The fifteenth realised the sum of £287 13s . 8d ., and the tenth £ll 3s . 8d ., making together a total sum for Lancashire of £298 17s . 4d ., and the two chief taxers paid 20 shil- lings each . The above is interesting as showing the amount contributed in the district of Bury in those early (lays for the purposes of war . It also indicates the proportion of wealth and condition of the inhabitants . The nomen- clature of the list of persons paying the taxes may also be noticed . At this early period it would appear surnames had not arrived at the stage of universal application in the district . The list of surnames may suggest some that still survive, but modernised, viz ., Radcliffe, Fenton, Warburton, Kay, Nuttall, Robertson, Math bun, Walmsley, Berry, Mortimer, or some may be extinct . Lowerfold, Rochdale. J . FENTON. . ANSWERS. [28.] Rev. THOMAS HILL. (R,eply to Query No . 22 .) In 1813 there was published "A Sermon, occasioned by the death of the Rev. Thomas Hill, one of the tutors in the Academy at Homerton, by Robert Winter ." There is nothing of a biographical character in the ser- mon, but a rather long note, pp . 11 to 28 would appear to have beenn read after the ser- mon. From this note we gather that "the 25 Rev. Thoma, Hill was born on the 10th of February, 1785, at -,loss Hall, near Bury, in Lancashire, where his ancestors had resided for many generations ." In early life he be- came a member of the church of the Rev . Mr. Ely, of Bury . As early as his fourteenth year he had a strong impression that he was designed for the work of the ministry, and he was soon afterwards placed under the care of Dr. Williams at the Academy at Alas- borough, near Rotherham . For about two years he very earnestly conducted bis studies, when he was attacked by a dangerous illness which obliged him to return to his father's ease . His education was interrupted for about two years, but he was afterwards enabled to complete his preparatory studies . In the year 1806, he was chosen classical and mathe- nsatical tutor at Homerton Academy, and in 1808 he married the eldest daughter of his respected tutor, Dr . Williams, and was re- ceived into the communion of his church on the 1st of December, 1809. In 1810 Airs . Hill died, leaving her husband with two young children . Mr. Hill continued his important labours, but at length hi,< enfeebled consti- tution gave way, and he died of a rapid decline on the 25th August, 1813, in the 29th year of his age. He wrote a pamphlet on the entrance of moral evil into the world . The writer would like to see this pamphlet, if it should happen to be known to any reader . The Rev . Robert Winter also delivered a sermon on the death of Airs. Hill . LEMIIEL . 26 Ixiha , 4Tirch 10th, 1905.

NOTES. L29 .] A GIPSY'S EPITAPH . (See Note No . 23 .) When the Gipsies came to this country in the sixteenth century they were probably like other Oriental people, destitute of surnames . These they have gradually adopted ; indeed, in Scotland there was a law compelling them to take family names in place of their Romans designations . In 1554 there was an English statute by which it, was made felony to remain in the country as Gipsies, or "Egyptians," as they are often styled in the law books . Hence they would adopt English family names in order to disguise their Gipsy origin . Hernes, Greys, Bowells are common in the North of England . The Gipsies are not very particular as to sounds, and Herne suggests Herring to them, so this is translated back into Romaane-s ai "Matcho," the Gipsy word for fish . It also suggests the sound of Hare, and so apoother Romanes name for the Herne or Her- ring family is "Bauro Kanengni Mocshaw," which means the "Big Hare men ." The late Sarah Boswell, the Gipsy queen at Blackpool, was a member of the Matcho tribe . The Bos- w-ell tribe, into which she intermarried, have also a Romanes name . Boswell is taken as meaning Buss well, i.e., Kiss well, and this is punningly rendered by `°Choomomengro," that is the "Kisser." The Gipsies are fond of curious fore names such as Sinaminti, Lurena ., and Zuba. They are not particular as to 1 gender, and Ebenezer may as easily be aa lady as a gentleman . Studaveres Lovell is buried in Guide Bridge churchyard, and his Christian name is an allusion to the famous fiddle-maker, Stradivarius . Another musical remini,scence is concealed in Cremorner . There are three Gipsy graves in Guide Bridge churchyard, coni- memorating Herrings, Boewells, and Lovells. The Romanes name for the last-named family is "Komomeskro," or "Komelo," from the verb "Komo" to love. There has been a consider-

27 able amount of interest shown in recent years in Gipsy-lore. I have before me a novel issued a few years ago of wh=ch the dedication reads M indi kom tutu miri Pirin,i lilengro mini Meripens romni miri Zi sar se-ro miro troopo Ta soro mire, baval to ajan Bitto dine miro kom obans Mandi dal tutu akova lil . This may be translated : "I love thee, my sweetheart, my star, my life, my Gipsy bride ; I love thee with all my body and my heart, and all my breath, and as a, little token of my love I give thee this book ." If any of your readers are interested in Gipsy-lore it may be useful to mention that one of the very largest collections in existence of Gipsy literature is to be found at the Man- chester Reference Library . It was formed by M. Bataillard, a distinguished student of Romanes. Manchester . 1DILLIAnc E . A . AXON . [30 .] AD.XM WHITWORTH. The two notes given below will be of some interest to the older readers of the "Adver- tiser ." Adam Wh.itworth was well-known in Heywood as an unflinching disciple of tem- perance and vegetarianism .- It is regrettabie that full detaills of his life are wanting, but it is known that he died at Matlock on Octobei 22nd, 1866, aged 49 years . The circulating library founded by Mr . Whitworth was a very good attempt to supply what was then a press- ing need at He ywood . There was a catalogue published and advertised in some of the early issues of the "Advertiser," but no copy ap- pears to have survived . The library itself was continued for sonic time by Mrs . Whitworth at No. 19, Manchester-street, Heywood .

In 1851 I was a member of the discussion class which was held in David Taylor's school- room, near Wham Bar. On my return from this class I generally came across Adam Whit- worth, who lived in a shop up some steps, .28 near a public-house which was kept by Mr . Clegg, the father of Mr . Samuel Ciegg, coal n erchant. The spinners' society used to hold their meetings at this house, John Manock (afterwards manager for Kay's) being the sec- retary . I used to call in Whitworth's shop occasionally to look over his stock and buy a book now and then . During the day he worked in the mill, and at night looked after his shop. He was very active and most atten- tive to his customers . Finding his stock in- creased he removed to a shop in the Market_ Place, where he established a circulating library . This would be the first of the kind in the town, and it will no doubt be remembered by many now living . Some of the volumes were afterwards acquired for the Free Library, acrd the readers there wilt have noticed the black stamp with which Adam marked his books . It was in the Market Place shop that I was first introduced to Edwin Waugh, who then lived in Rochdale . All through Adam's life I was particularly acquainted with him and his family . He was greatly respected by those who knew him in social and religious life . The Rev. James Clark, pastor of the Bible Christian Church, Salford, preached his funeral sermon, and I, along with the widow and some of the family, was a listener thereto . The members of Mr . Clark's church are total ab- stainers and vegetarians . Mr. Clark had a high respect for Adam Whitworth, who held strong conscientious convictions on many sub- jects . JAMES TURNER.

I remember Adam Whitworth as a regular caller at, my father's shop in Brook-street . My father was a vegetarian like Adam, and his shop was the resort of quite a number of eccen- tric people from various Lancashire towns . I was only a little fellow then, but my remem- brance of Adam is fairly clear . He was a, man rather under the average height, studious- looking, and not very talkative. I recollect on one occasion there was some talk among my seniors about the charms of female beauty, 29 when Adam said he knew nothing about it, as such so-called charms had never had the slightest effect on him . What was there in a woman's ankles that they should be talked about, any more than in his own P One curious habit of his I call to mind which was that of carrying in his pocket a dried potato as a preventive or rheumatism . I saw it on one occasion, and it was as hard as a stone. He rarely came to the shop without buying one or more books . I can see him with my mind's eye as he stood at the counter, with his head inclining to one side, quietly reading a book before pricing it . CHARLES W . SUTTON . Refereneee Library, Manchester .

QUERIES. [31 .] LOCAL VOLUNTEERS . There used to hang in the Drill Hall at Bury a photograph of the 8th L.R.V., which was taken in Dr. Leach's field in Bamford Road, on the occasion of the presentation of a cup for shooting which was given by the doctor . As there would be a number of old Heywood faces in the picture, it would be interesting to know whether a copy of it can be seen in Heywood? A later photograph of the regiment was taken on the spare ground near Clegg's Boiler Works . The whereabouts of this picture also is desired . J . A . GREEN.

30 .friba 2, larcft 11th, 1905 .

NOTES. The following is probably the earliest 1:at that is known of the householders or families residing in Heywood and immediate district . It will be information to some and may also be of service to those who are not already acquainted with its source . It is extracted frcm the Record Society's publ .cation of "Lao- cashire and Cheshire Church Surveys, 164d- 1655," edited by Lieut.-C ionel Henry Fishwiek, -F:S.A. The extracts show a total of ninety- five families or householders near Heywood Chapel, including the districts of Bamford, Gristlehurst, Hopwood, Marland, and Pils- worth. These districts must have been thinly populated in the early years of the Common- v'ealth . The quaint spellings are retained with the exception of pishe [parish] . Lowerfold, Rochdale. JOHN FENTON. I. "Wee psent that there is in the said parish of Middleton one Chappell called Asshworth Chappell, beinge distant from Middieton Church six myles or thereabouts, and from ILachdale foure myles or thereabouts, and from Bury Church foure myles and eight poles or thereabouts ; And that the said Uhappell is fit to be made a parish church ; and that Mr. Henry Pendlebury, A goalie Orthodox minister well qualifyed, was late Minister there and supplyed the Cure . but hath ceased to officiate at Asshworth Chap- pell for want of mainteynee, and for present there is not any minister there. And wee find that all Asshworth and Birkly (Birtle) Hamletts (except some messuages and tene- rnents now in the severall tenures or occu- paeans of Mr. Richard lleadowcroft, James Haworth of 'Sillinghurst, Peter Live:,a,y, James Kay of Gindle, James Kay of Broad Carr, and Thomas To,ppinge) are fit to bee appropriated to Asshworth parish ; And wee find that these messuages, tenements, and cottages in Bamford, in the several tenures 31 of Iie.iry Pendlebury, John Hardman, Francis Holtc, Thomas Birch, Roote Dixson, Edward Chadwieke, Richard Meadowcrofte, James Fenton, a.id Bamford Hall and demesne lands, are fit to bee appropriated to As-shworth parish . 1T. "Wee present that Heywood is a Chappell scituate upon the side of Bury parish, and is near adjacent to some parts of Rachdale parish and some parts of Middhton parish ; and bath not any glehe lands thereunto he- 1ois ing ; there is the use of ffive pounds, du-, to Such minister as doth officiate at the said Chappell, being a Gifte given . by Mr. William Holme, gent ., deceased, towards the main- --=tevnce of the Minister (Mr . Jonathan Scho- field is minister there, and is orthodox for divinity, well. quali'fyed for lyffe and conver- saeon) ; And there was assigned unto the said Chappell for the maintevninge of the ministry of Heywood, the tyths out of the hamlctts of Heywood, Bamford, Whittle, and Lomax, beinge part of the sequestracons due unto the Rectory of Bury, by the Com- mittee of Plundered Ministers, by an order dated the foure and twentvth of April, one thousand six hundred and forty and ffvve, subscribed under the hand of Gilbte Milling- ton, and the said tythes are valued and esteemed to hee worth twenty two pounds p. ann ., out of which there bath beene re- payed to Mrs . Travers of Bury the some of fforty shillings p . ann ., towards the mai n- teyenca of her and her children, being se- questered, the benefitts in the totall beinge twenty pounds p . ann ., and the benefit or the use of the ffive pounds which remains continually in the hands of such minister as doth officiate at Heywood Chapell aforesaid, which is fit to be made a parish . It is dis- tance from Bury three mules and three- quarters within fifteen perches, from Assh- worth Chappell two mules and a 'halffe want- ing five poles, from Middleton Church three myles and three-quarters and eight poles, from Rochdale three myles and a halffe want- ing seven poles ." 32 III. "Wee also psent that there is within Hca;pe, in Bury parish, these families which are neare adiscent to the said Chapell of Heywood, vidat, Rauffe Seddons, John Makonds, Fardinando Stanley, gent ., Robti Holts, widow 13irehs, Arthur Holts, Thomas Bolts, Francis Meadowcroft, Alexande : Chadwicke, Richard Smethurst de Wham, Edmund Holts, John Hamers, James Barn- fords, Edward Bamfords, gent ., John Gould, John Wolfenden, Robti Seolefields, senr ., Robti Scalefields, junr ., Robti Haworth, Richard Dicksons, Rohti Ashworths, Rauffe Holts, Richard Croppers, Grace Haworths, Alice Leach wia«owe, Thomas Hopwood, Jonathan Butterworth, John Cropper, Robti Croppers, Will',, . Wardleworths, James Turners, Laurence Chadwicks, Thomas Crop- pers, James Croppers, Robti Leaches, .Richard Meadowerofts, John Meadowcrofts wyffe, Richard Feuton, Roger Heywoods, James Haworths, John Fentons . "In Bamford, being part of Middleton parish, Edmund Chadwicks, John Chad- wicks, Charles Chadwicks, Thomas Birch, Samuel Hey, Charles Stott, Richard Chad- w i ck . "In Grislehuist : Thomas Holte, Esq ., Samuel Shawe, Richard Hitohinson, Johis Holte. "In Marland, within the parish of Roch- dale : Thoa as Hardman, Richard Livesey, Widdow Lawton, James vuttalls, Alexander Chadwicks, Alice Chadwicke's widdow, Abel Whitticar . "In Middleton parish or Pilswcrth hamlet : James Hardmans, Richard Talors, Thomas Chadwicks, Willm . Stocks, John Smvths . "In-Hopwood Hamlett : John Lord, Henry Wriglevs, James Wrigleys, Edmund Wol- stenhoimes, Samuel Scoles, Robte Hulton, Edmund Leaches, James Brierlies, Edward Heywoods, John Wriglevs, George Cowpers, James Lords, James Hultons, widow Lords, Edmund Buries, Henry Marcers, James Wrigley", sour, James Fitton, Abraham Hopwoods, Abraham Scoles, Peter Ashton, 33

[32.] LOCAL FAMILIES, 1649-55 . (Continued .) Edward Cowp, the heyres of Arthur Lord, Abell F itton, John Burie, Susan Burie, vid (widow), Richard Lord, Richard Wolsten- holme, Widdowe Leaches, Abraham Butter- worths ; all these are adiacent neare unto Heywood Chappell, and have hitherto davlie resorted beinge scituate nearer to that Chappell then any other Church or Chappell, and fit to bee made a parish if another bee not erected nearer ; And there is a mancou or dwellinghouse formerly built by the In- habitants of the saiu Chappelrie, and one garden, and about one acre of ground, wch the ministers have formerlye enjoyed ."

.iffriba , I vch 24th, 1905 .

NOTES. [33.] SOME SUGGESTIONS. One of the first requisites for a column of this kind appears to be Contributors of Queries and a due response to the same, and that de- pends upon the readers . I have observed in searching St . Luke's Church Registers, when children have been christened, the absence of any record of relationships . It is the same with funerals and marriages . I am now speak- ing, of course, of the beginning of last century and the latter half of the 18th. Happily, these matters are managed better now . I have often wished that some plan could be adopted by which this deficiency in relation- ships of the old families around St . Luke's Church could be made good ; and the sooner it is done the better . Your column affords a goad opportunity for doing this useful work and getting many of the obscure points cleared up. I also think much family loge might be brought to light by frequent reference in this

VOL. I.-Part3 34 column to the inscriptions on the grave stones in St. Luke's and St. James's churchyards, etc . Some of the relatives still survive, and an occasional appeal might bring something new and interesting. " 11EnLD ." Our local antiquaries are earnestly requested to take a hint from the foregoing suggestions and send us any items of interest . With regard to epitaphs, it should be an easy task to supply these-the older the better . Many o: the houses in Heywood and district contain specimens of sampler work done by our grand- mothers. Copies of the inscriptions, with some account of the names commemorated, will he acceptable to most readers. The facts re- corded will now 'have the value of historical documents . The custom of printed memory cards has enabled almost every family to keep a record of their dear departed ones, and these also might be looked up and a not' sent to us . The inscriptions in family Bibles shouiei be examined and notes made of the older and more important entries relating to births, deaths, and marriages . In addition, we writ notes on old customs, such as pace-egging, rush-bearing, morris dancing, foot racing: sports, etc . The studious may find recreation in writing accounts of what our grandfathers did in educational matters . The sociologist could devote himself to explaining the early beginnings of some of our best known trade societies . [34 .] LINES ON SAMTTEL HILTON . The following lines were written in 1831i and issued on a sheet as an "In me .moriam ." The author was the Rev . Benjamin Glazrbrook. who was born at Heywood in 1815, and died at Newport on December 12th, 1885 . He was the author of several works of a deeply reli- gious character, his best known being "Sunday schools and other poems," printed at Heywood in 1846 . As one of the first to sign the famous moderation pledge, and soon afterwards that of total abstinence, he was for many years en- gaged in spreading the principles of temper- 3 5 ante . In this arduous work he was honour- ably associated with John Bright and others .

Mr . Glazebrook's daughter, Harriet A . (now Mrs. Beavan of Cardiff) is the author of the well-known temperance song, "The lips that touch liquor shall never touch mine," and numerous songs and dialogues .

LINES on The Death of my much Esteemed Friend and Companion, SAMUEL HILTON, whose death was occasioned by a fall from the New Church, act Hey-wood, November 30th, and died December 16th, 1836, in the twentieth year of his age .

In blooming youth, death shot his dart, It struck-and oh! too fatal prov'd ; He pierc'd Hiltonia through the heart, And parted him from those he lov'd . Around his bed, stood weeping friends, Who lov'd, and priz'd the child of truth ; And many a tear which pity lends Did flow, to view the dying youth. We bore him to the silent tomb, Where sweetly sleeps 'his mouldering dust, Now safe arrived at his "long home," To wait the rising of the just . But, Oh! his spirit could not die, Immortal nature stamp'd her birth ; Prepar'd for heaven, she soar'dd on high, A captive loos'd from chains of earth. How would his ransom'd spirit sing, Returning home amid the crowd, Methinks the courts of heaven would ring, With Hallelujahs long and loud . And when the crown adorn'd his brow, And wav'd the sceptre in his hand, Methinks to Jesus he would bow, And praise his all-victorious hand,- Which kindly led and brought him through, Anr rais'd him to the courts above ; And then again, he'd sweetly bow, And praise him for his boundless love. 36 0 may I meet in heaven my friend, The partner of my joy and care, And to his nobler spirit lend, A solemn and attentive ear,- And hear him tell of all the love, So sweetly here, on him bestowed ; And sit with him, on thrones above, And laud and magnify our God . Great God! direct my fragile bark, O'er life's dark, drear, tempestuous sea, Nor suffer ought to quench the spark Of grace, which yet remains in me. But may I steer a steady path, To heaven's eternal, blissful shore, And having triumph'd over death, Be found with thee for evermore . B . GLAZEBBOOK . Heywood, December 25th, 1836.

QUERIES. [35.] LOCAL EPITAPHS . Here was interred the earthly remains of John Fenton, sent ., who died October 16th, 1809, aged 68 years . .Also Mary . his wife, who died March 21st, 1811, aged 68 . Also Nanny, wife of James Fenton, died December 28th, 1835, aged 70 . The above James died January 21st, 1846, aged. 79 years . Deeply regretted by all who knew him . Also Phillis, wife of Joseph Fenton, who died April 15th, 1830, aged 28 years .

Here resteth the body of John Fenton, who departed this life the 1st September, 1772, in the 78th year of his age . Also Hannah, his wife, who departed this life 5th January, 1874, in the 84th year of her age. Also John Fenton, son of the above-named John Fenton, who departed this life January lst. 1805, in the 76th year of his age . Also Hannah, who departed this life the 29th May, 1801, aged 71 years . 37 Also James, son of the first-named John Fenton, who departed this life on the 4th day of January. Also Betty Fenton, wife of James Fenton, departed this life on the 27th day of May, 1815, aged 75 . The above epitaphs appear on grave stones in St. Luke's churchyard, and the following in Heywood Cemetery : - Sacred to the memory of Edicund Clegg of Heywood, who died June 8th 1864, aged 66 years . Also Nanny, second wife of the above, who died March 24th, 1852, aged 70 years . Also of Edmund Fenton, who died February 10th, 1857, aged 74 years . Can any of your readers give the relationship of the various Fenton families represented, beyond what appears on the stone . Are these any of the representatives of the Bamford Hall Fenton, or can any information be given respecting any of these bygone inhabitants of Heywood ? " HEALD ." . 1,

ribay, 41ar.ch Shit, 1903.

NOTES. [36.] THE DESERTED VILLAGE . The following interesting account of the con- dition of Hooley Bridge in 1869 is taken from "The Co-operator," edited by Henry Pitman . Manchester : No. 200, vol . 9, May 29th, 1869, pp. 361-2 . We are often greatly surprised to hear of strange things in ancient times and :n far distant countries ; white at the present time, and in the very neighbourhood of our homes and workshops, there are equally-yea, far more-strange occurrences, which we seem not to know of . About three miles from Bury, on the old road to Rochdale, past the house that Jack built-of which Waugh tells his wonder- ful tale of Joe going up the chimney-there 38 is situated a village called Hooley Bridge . The founder's name was Joseph Fenton . In his early days he was a working man ; but by his sober, patient, and toiling habits he became the founder of a family whose wealth and fame are known throughout the nation . One of the sons or such a worthy father for many years held the high honour of being member of Parliament for Rochdale . Hooley Bridge village is now falling 'to ruins . The mill is stopped, the houses are empty, the whole once valuable property is decaying so fast that in a few years it will not be marketable. No doubt it will interest your readers to know a few things about this deserted village of Hooley Bridge . The village was founded in the early part of the present century . The mill proper is five stories high and 27 windows long. There is also another mill adjoining, six stories high, with a large shed that used to be occupied with 900 fustian looms ; also winding, warping, and sizing, all complete, so a:; to work raw cotton through to finished cloth . These works were employed full time for 25 years at one period of their existence . The works were driven with an eighty-horse steam engine and a water wheel . There are from 100 to 200 houses . To the honour of Fenton's family no beerhouses or spirit-sellers were allowed at Hooley Bridge. A day school was carried on by the order of the worthy firm. There was abundance of spare laad about the mill and the houses, so that the cottager had his garden to grow vegetables for his family table, and flowers, so precious for their perfume and refining influence . The workpeople of this once happy village were noted as the best housed, best fed, clothed, and educated of any villagers in Lancashire . When the mill ceased work about seven years since the workers in the mill were composed of three generations of the sama families . When the works first stopped the people of the place could not think of seeking work else- where ; they hoped and waited, believing the mill would commence work again, until almost every penny of the little family fund had been spent. There are a few families still living 39 on the spot, in fond remembrance of the past, with the hope of seeing the mill once again .n full work . The cause of the mill standing is said to be owing to a family dispute . May the time soon come when. the grand children of such a worthy forefather will meet together in love, with past differences for ever healed And, children of one family, Like birds in their nest, agree . In passing down the river Roach, from Gnat Bank Mill to Radcliffe Bridge, many milk may be pointed out that once belonged to the most wealthy families in England of the present day. They, by the compounding of their wealth, have become so rich that they will not have the cares of a commercial life, and prefer to live on the interest arising from in- vestments in land and other property . We often talk of trade leaving this country . Trade is no respector of nations or peoples . Active, speculative, ambitious men will be the leading traders, be they Germans, Frenchmen, or Americans . Starting at Rochdale, on the banks of the river Roach, there are many things worthy to be recorded . There is Pilling's cotton mill, stopped seven years ; Gnat Bank cotton mill, stopped at various times from seven to four- teen years ; Crimble cotton mill, stopped twenty years ; Hooley Bridge cotton mill, seven years ; Maken mill, or Back-o'th'-;loss cotton mill, from seven to twenty years, at several stoppages ; Gigg mill has had many stoppages. from two to five years at a time . At Radcliffe there is the old mill, once owned by the Peel family . Only a few years since there could be seen the ruins of the old water mill wheel that drove the mill-the machinery half buried in the sand on the river's bank. All these stoppages and waste of wealth have generally occurred through family disputes, or by their owners becoming so rich that they preferred pleasure-seeking and travelling . The business man must locate, like a tree, with its roots in one spot, and gather around him every help possible . The firm, like the tree, then grows, and the fruit increases a thousand-

1 40 fold . Changes such as I have named must have caused great loss and misery to the work- people . To prevent such calamities to the wealthy as well as the labour party is a con- sideration worthy the attention of every well- meaning man. The aforesaid thoughts and particulars have come together through a day out by a number of Oldham co-operators, on the first of May, 1869. [37 .] THE OLD SUN DIAL IN ST. LUKE'S CHURCHYARD . An interesting find was made on Thursday last (March 23rd, 1905), of the Sun Dial which formerly stood on the east side of the old chapel . The stone was found in pulling down the retaining wall which supports the ground or the Town's Yard side . It would stand about 4ft . bin . high when in position, and on the top stone on one side is carved the date 1686 R. H., and on the other 1807 A. B. The first initials will be those of Robert Hey- wood of Heywood Hall, who was about that date also Governor of the Isle of Man . The initials A .B. await an explanation . It is pos- sible that the stone was laid aside about 1845 when a new sun dial was placed in the church- yard through the liberality of a few friends . The second sun dial is understood to be the one which was placed in the Queen's Park in 1890. I heard of the stone last Thursday, and went to view it on Saturday. The letters and figures, in my opinion, were made by the same chisel : they are as plainly visible as when first cut, and the stone is a sample of Lomas Wood sandstone . "A.B." is not known to me. The church books are non-inform- ing upon the point, and the Overseers' books, which are carefully preserved by Mr . Milne, date back only to 1808, the year follow- ing the date of inscription . The part of the

41 ground in which the stone was found was for- merly known as "the new burial ground," and one end of it-the northern end, next to what was known as the sand room end-was the pauper's portion of God's acre . The sand room was at the southern side of the National school, and my best recollection of it is that it was mostly used by Schoolmaster Wolstenholme for punishing purposes. When he had resolved to give a pupil a bigger dose of cane than usual, often have I heard him tell the boys to be punished to go into the sand room . From the window in -the sand room could be seen the entire new portion of the grave yard, and a full view of the Free School in Church-street. The stone is in a wonderful state of pre- servation (excepting for the fracture done by the workmen who found it), and the "R.H." will stand for Robert Heywood of Heywood Hall. \Villlianr-street . SAM . HErwoon . ANSWERS. [38.] SAM BAIIFORD'S WIFE . (See Query No. 17 .) A few weeks ago "_M.N." inquired as to the maiden name of Samuel Bamford's wife, and . as no one seems to have answered, I feel pleased to give you the information . Mrs. Bamford's maiden name was Butterworth, -and she was a sister of my father's mother . Con- sequently she was a sister of my grandmother . ANN MELLALIET HEYWOOD . William-street, HeywooJ . P.S.-One day last summer I made a pil- grimage to Lincoln, to have a look at :he prison in which Sam Bamford was incarcerated for his mode of fighting for the liberties of the people and the press . A.M .H.

I am sorry that I am not able to give ° M.N." the maiden name of Sam Bamford's wife, but I would like to correct the statement that Bamford himself was a "famous Chartist ." He was a special constable during the Chartist agitation, and, in consequence, incurred the 42 hatred of his class . The whole story of hi., courtship of his "dear -Alima" is related with much fulness in the `Early Days," but it is difficult to follow in 'the absence of date :, . The account of the _wedding at the Old Church, Manchester, is very .amusing, and includes a notice of the eccentric Rev . Joshua Brooks . Bamford ends the story by "both pima and I signed the book . Thus we were married, and I was happy ." I suppose a search among the registers at the Manchester Cathedral, a year or two before 1812, will reveal the maiden came. NEMO .

,~ribag, -I p it 7h, 1.905.

NOTES. [39.] CHARLES HOWARTH . T'he "Rochdale Observer" for July 4th, 1868, contains the following obituary notice and bio- graphical sketch of Charles Howarth, by his intimate friend, William Cooper : - On the 30th ult . [June] were interred, at the Heywood Cemetery, the remains of Mr . Charles Howarth of 28, Wilton-street, Hey- wood. There were present numerous friends of the deceased, mostly co-operators . The Rochdale E+ quitable Pioneers' Society was re- presented by the president and two of the committee, besides other members and friends, in all about twenty, from Rochdale, who, along with those from other places, formed a numerous procession . T'he Rev . Mr. Fox of Heywood read the burial service ; after which Mr. Councillor Smithies of Rochdale said that before the relatives and friends of the deceased separated a few remarks would be made by Mr. William Cooper, at the particular desire of his departed friend . Mr. Cooper then stepped near the grave and said : "Our friend was known and respected by all of us, and we regret that he has not enjoyed good health, and lived many years longer amongst us, who have 43 held him in high estimation . But we must all die, some sooner and others later . Our com- panion who now rests here, has been distin- guished by sound judgment, and for holding advanced opinions, and has laboured with steady earnestness in many causes for the free- dom and benefit of himself and his fellow- man. I have known the deceased for upwards of thirty years . He formerly was connected with the Radical movement, which aimed at obtaining political recognition and rights for the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ; and our departed friend has just lived long enough to see the political opinions which he had long held and advo- cated when they were opposed by both Whig and Tory statesmen, become the law of the land. At least, every householder is a citizen ; but the ballot in taking votes, which he also claimed, is riot yet conceded . Some of the friends of the departed who are now present may live to see this measure of protection and justice granted to the people, that they may be freed from coercion and oppression by the capital and employer classes . Passing from the political opinions of our departed friend, we must look at what he was, and did, as a social reformer . Having, as I before said, a practical common sense and a strong desire to promote the welfare of his fellow-men-his own, the working classes, in particular-he always laboured to reduce his plans and prin- ciples to practice, for their benefit . Hence he sought out other means, in addition to his political creed of the rights of man, for the elevation of the toiler:,. He became a disciple of the late Robert Owen, and an active member of the Socialist body, and assisted in the estab- lishment of communities of united interest, or "New Moral World," as they might be and were called, where each should work for the mutual good of all, and knowledge, peace, and plenty should reign, and ignorance, discord, suffering, and want be unknown. But these noble and philanthropic objects being in advance of the times and the people generally -as were his political views-could not then succeed . Yet they remind those amongst us 44 who are here and who then made common cs:use with him in these objects, of the calm, temperate, and sound judgment which he brought to shear, and the dignified and steady perseverance which the departed applied to make the faith which was within him a living practice . Charles Howarth was a wrarper by trade in a cctton mill, and saw the hardships, fatigue, and injury to health and comfort which the long hours system in an unnatural and tainted atmosphere produced ; and, as a social reformer, he Lock a prominent part in the agitation for the Ten Hours Factory Act, making speeches at public meetings in its favour and collecting subscriptions to defray the expenses of the short time movement . He laboured mostly in Rochdale, amongst his townsmen cud friends, and was sent a.s a dele- gate to London to confer with members of Parliament, and watch the Ten Hours Bill while before the House of Commons . This shows that he was no mere follower, but a leader, in this great and good cause . Our departed friend saw many evils in society, and, like a skilful reformer, sought remedies where- with to deal with each of several abuses and injustices as required . The people's earnings wc-re in part absorbed as profits by those who sold the necessaries of life ; they were also in debt with the shopkeepers ; and adulterations of food detrimental to their interest and health were being practised upon them ; and to rectify these evils he propounded that the working classes should become their own purveyors and shopkeepers . The Rochdale Equitable Pioneers' Society's rules were mostly drawn up by our departed friend ; and the principle 3f dividing profits on purchases in proportion to each member's trade was his proposal . The rules further provide that the business shall be conducted on the ready-money principle, and that the government of the society shall be in the hands of the members, the manage- ment being vested in a committee elected by and from amongst themselves . Since then hundreds of societies have been established in the United Kingdom and abroad on similar principles . Our departed brother also assisted 45 in drawing up the constitution of the Rochdale District Corn Mill Society . This is a feder - tion of co-operative store societies and indi- vidual members . At a later date, there teas a wholesale department established in connec- tion with the Rochdale Equitable Pioneers' Society, and the profits were divided between each store in proportion to its trade ; but the :l same, not working to the satisfaction of the various societies, our departed brother pro- posed, at a delegate meeting from the stores held at Rochdale, that the wholesale depart- ment be made into a distinct agency on similar principles in some respects to the North of Fnunland Society, now established at 5$, Dant- _zic-street, Manchester. Later still he assisted in forming the North of England Co-operative Wholesale Society Limited, and was one of the _first directors ; and up to the time of his death -as a director of the Co-operative Insurance Company Limited. Of our departed friend we may say that in life he was a useful citizen ; a free-thinker in religion ; in political and social questions an advanced and consistent reformer ; a kind and good husband and father, and a true, constant, and faithful friend . We now take leave of our departed brother, in full confidence that posterity will appreciate his great and disinterested services, and that we and others may be influenced and er:couraoed to good works by his noble example ever being present in our memory to sustain us in oar endeavours." [40.] SARI BAMFORD AND HIS WIFE, I am pleased that your correspondent, Mrs . Heywood, has furnished the maiden name of Sam Bainford's wife. I could not remember tc have heard it, though I remember her well -and fondly . As a very little boy I used to take the "Manchester Examiner" twice a week to Bamford's house-the pretty cottage situ- ated between Moston and Blackley, over- looking Boggart Hole Olough . I scarcely ever took the paper without a chat with either Banaford or his wife, and often I received a little present-winter or summer, spring or autumn. Sometimes it was fruit or flowers

46 out of the gardens ; when these were out of season it was a bit of cake, or (a luxury in those days of dear sugar) a slice of jam and tread! The kindliness of the couple in recog- nising my tramp, in all weathers, to this re- mote Charlestown village was always the same, and I can well understand the veteran Radi- cal's record about his wedding : "Both Mima and I signed the book- Thus we were married, and I was happy." They were happy enough when I used to visit them, and they made others happy, including your humble corre- spondent, who was living at Barnes Green, which then seemed a long way from Manches- ter, to which city I had to go twice a week for newspapers and periodicals, which were obtained from Abel Heywood and brought home on the 'bus-a~ that time the only means of travelling, excepting "shanks' pony ." Is it worth recording that five or six years later I had other associations with Sam Bam- ford ? When I went to live at Heywood, as a "turnove_r apprentice" from my father (who had established the first newspaper in 31 idle- ton, and failed under it) to John Heywood, the publisher of the "Advertiser," I assisted in printing and publishing Sam Bamford's "Life of a Radical ." Those were hard, strenuous times, when a Paternal Government did not worry the world with Education Acts . I got my little educa- tion by private study, supplemented by the Mechanics' Institution evening classes, stimu- lated by certificates and prizes offered by the Lancashire and Cheshire Association of such institutes . We lads realised in those times the value of Charles Lamb's advice-"One of the very best ways to lengthen your days is to steal a few hours from the night ." Beer, 'bacca, and billiards are more the favourites now. Formby, Liverpool. G.E.W. 47 ,Fribag, April 14tI, 1905 .

NOTES . [41.] THE KAYS OF BAMFORD . A correspondent has sent us the following interesting article, which appeared in the "Rochdalo Observer" for August 12th, 1893. We shall be glad to receive further notes on the local names mentioned so as to bring the record more up to date :- In a recent issue we quoted from the "Bnv-v Times" a paragraph about the Kays of Bury, a family whose early history is not very wull known . Mr. George Craven, who, though not a native of Rochdale, has lived here for nearly seventy years, and has a remarkably retentive memory covering the whole of that period, has given us some interesting information about the Kays . They were connected by marriage with the Fentons, and Mr . William Fenton of Bakewell has kindly given Mr . Craven some material for this sketch . A Mr. A. Kay, who was the great-grandfather of Sir Ughtred Kay- Shuttlewarth, lived at Bass Lane, three or four miles on the highway from Bury to Has- lingden, and had six sons and a daughter- James_, Thomas, John, Robert, William, Richard, and Ann. The last-named married Mr. Joseph Fenton of Beemford Hall, the founder of the banking business at Rochdale . They had two sons-John (first member for Rochdale, and father of Mr . William Fenton of Bakewell) and James, who was the Conser- vative candidate for the borough in 1841, in opposition to Mr . Sharman Crawford, James Kay, one of the brothers-in-law of Mr. Joseph Fenton, had a daughter, who married Mr . John Fart of Read Hall, the first II .P . for Clithcroe . Mr. William Fenton says that he shall never forget his grandfather's delight when he hoard on the same day that his son John was elected member for Rochdale and his nephew John Fort member for Clitheroe . Robert Kay married a Miss Phillips of Bir- mingham, and resided at Meadowcroft (now known. as Beaumonds), Bamford . They had a 48 large family-Hannah, James Phillips, Robert, and (after an interval of fifteen years) Joseph, and then Thomas and Ebenezer . Robert Kay the elder and Mr . Joseph Fenton were the pro- moters of, and main contributors to, the build- ing of Bamford Chapel, the home of the mother church of the Independents in this neighbour- hood. Mr. Kay was buried in the chapel ; his wife's remains were interred near the grave of the poet Wordsworth in Grasmere church- yard. Their children included several men of note, and two attained national fame-the late Sir James Phillips Kay-Shuttleworth and Sir Edward Ebenezer Kay, one of the present Lords Justices of Appeal . Robert, the second son, married Miss Woodcock, daughter of a Bury solicitor, carried on business as a calico printer at Trows, Castleton, and used to attend Milton Congregational Church, Rochdale . Joseph was called to the Bar, and had a con- siderable practice in the Northern circuit ; he died comparatively young. Thomas married and went to Australia. So far as we know there is now no member of either the Fenton or Kay family residing in the district . James Phillips Kay had a distinct and large influence on English life. His career was a most interesting one . As a boy he was appren- ticed to the banking business with his uncle at Rochdale. Fenton's bank then stood at the bottom of Yorkshire-street. At the corner of The Walk, where Mr. Best's shop is now, a ilir . Holden then carried on a bookselline and printing business, and had Edwin Waugh as an apprentice some years later . The next shop towards the river ha-- been converted by the Fentons into a bank, and it was there that James Phillips Kay served his apprenticeship, which commenced about the year 1520 . The premises had the appearance of an ordinary tradesman's shop, and one of Kay's duties was to take down the shutters every morning, and put them up again in the evening . He died many years ago, but his successor in the ap- prenticeship is still alive-Mr . Lawrence Hard- man (Mr. Craven's brother-in-law), who now resides at Rock Ferry. James Phillips Kay was a promising young fellow, full of energy, 49 and with an ability which could not be hidden . While an apprentice to the banking business he used to teach in the Independent Sunday school at Bamford, and he early manifested a keen interest in politics . Many years later he told the Bamford folk what an influence for good the discipline of those early days had on his subsequent career . On September 28th, 1867, there was an old scholars' re-union at Bamford Chapel, and the most famous of the old teachers, now become Sir J . P. Kay- Shuttlewortb, was asked to attend . He could not accept the invitation, but he sent a hand- some donation to the funds of the school, and, what was much more welcome, a long letter full of wise counsel and interesting reminis- cer_ce of the old days . The letter was pub- lished in the "Rochdale Observer" of the fol- lowing week, and is still remembered by many who first read it nearly twenty-six years ago . 1 Besides teaching in the Sunday school and having "the organisation and management" of the boys' section, he used to accompany the deacons and others on visits to distant hamlets on the moorsides, where cottage services were conducted, One John Crabtree tried to induce young Kay to become a missionary, but, as he wrote in this letter, he "had an eager thirst for knowledge, and longed to go to the univer- sity to study science and history and meta- physics ." John Ashworth of "Strange Tales" fame, was one of his scholars at Bamford, though he did not know this until the time of the cotton famine, when he visited Roch- dale, and Mr . Ashworth informed him of the fact . "I often think of Bamford," wrote Sir James in concluding this epistle, "and, I should not wonder if, among my last thoughts; is the Sunday school in the organisation and management of which, forty-five years ago, I received the first impulse to observe, enquire, and ponder on the methods and discipline of schools for the people ." He did not take kindly to the banking busi- ness, and at the close of his apprenticeship chose the medical profession, and remained in it long enough to take his M .D. degree and begin to practice in Piccadilly, -Manchester . VOL. I .-Part 4. 50 He had studied at one of the Scottish univer- sities and abroad, was regarded as a clever doctor, and went to the poll for a position on the staff of the Manchester Infirmary . For- tunately for him his career as a medical man came to an unexpectedly early close . At the general election in 1832 Lord Molyneux and Mr. G . W. Wood were the Reformers' candi- dates in South-East Lancashire . The great reform agitation, the resistance of the House of Lords and the surrender of the peers to the force of national indignation when further re- sistance threatened their very life as legis- lators, made the politics of the time full of dramatic interest . Nowhere had the agitation for reform been conducted with more energy and persistence than in this part of Lanca- shire . Mr. James Philips Kay was an ardent Reformer, and he threw himself into the con- test on behalf of Lord Molyneux and Mr . Wood with a fiery enthusiasm which won his lord- ship's admiration and gratitude. Tne Refor- mers won the battle, and shortly afterwards young Mr . Kay's doctoring days were over . He was appointed to the office of Poor-Law ir.,spector in the Eastern district, and the family which had previously removed to Man- chester, settled at Cromer, and afterwards at Battersea. When Lord Brougham was pressing forward his proposals for the education of the working classes Mr . Kay's early experiences at Bamford Sunday ocnool stood him in good stead . Fortunately circumstances enabled him to render splendid service to the cause . He accepted a position in the Education Depart- ment, which was just then being established by the Government, and for nearly twenty years his was the chief influence in the educational policy of this country . He retired in 1849 . In 1812 he married Miss Shuttleworth, the heiress of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorp, and added his wife's name to his own . In 1849, on his retirement from the secretaryship of the Committee of Council on Education, he was made a baronet . He died full of years and honours in 1877, and was succeeded in the baronetcy by the present holder of the title, Sir Ughtred Kay-Shuttleworth .

51 Sir J. P . Kay-Shuttleworth had considerable literary ability, and several of his productions are on the shelves of the Rochdale Free Library . In 1832, while practising as a doctor in Manchester, he wrote the "Moral and Physical Condition of the Working Classes em- ployed in the Cotton Manufacture in Manches- ter ; with Introductory Letter to Rev . T. Chalmers, D.D." His intimate acquaintance with the life of Rochdale and district in the early years of the century served him in good stead when, in 1860, he published the three- volume novel, "Scarsdale, or Life on the Lan- cashire and Yorkshire Border Thirty Years Ago." The story is full of exciting incident, and the scenes are mostly laid in and about Rochdale . One chapter in the first volume gives a graphic account of "The Rochdale Rush- bearing ." Sir James also wrote a great deal on educational topics .

[42 .] A CORRECTION . Sir,-I have just been reading "G.E.W.'s" interesting account of relations with Sam Bam- ford, and notice that in conclusion he quotes Charles Lamb to the effect that "One of the best ways to lengthen your days," etc . Is this Lamb's? I remember that in More's "Young May Moon" we have 'The best of all ways To lengthen our days Is to steal a few hours from the night My dear ." I may be wrong, but it looks like another in- justice to Ireland! S.J.B.