Fords, New Jersey, Friday Morning, May 8, 1936 Price Three Cents
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The Beacon RARITAN TOWNSHIP Every Reader Invitei newa MUCIM and «xpr*uloni of the Beacon should keep In mini that of opinions on tlmtly vubjtctj from our the advertisements carry aa much "punch" as the news articles. Every readers, W« v«lcom» «11 nidi contri- advertiser has a message for the read- butions and will publish them as far era and uses this medium because he e* powibl*. But, it i» very Important knows the readers desire to keep that all correspondence be slfntd by abreast of every advantage as well aa the writer. know what'I going oa. (and Woodbridge Journal) "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. VI.—No. 9. TOWNSHIP OF RARITAN AND FORDS, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 1936 PRICE THREE CENTS FIVE VACANCIES ARE COUNCILMAN GRIMM The SICK AND NO JOB FILLED AT METUCHEN REPORTS TO COUNCIL TOWNSHIP COMMISSIONERS EFFECT METUCHEN.—Mayor Arthur K. Fords Legion Has Its Own Idea METUCHEN.—Councilman E. F. RAMBLING Hillpot appointed Nicholas Schwal Grimm reported to the borough LOCAL RESIDENT je and Charles Lewis to fill two On "Auxiliary of Future Wars" council at Monday night's meet- REFINANCING PROGRAM IN EFFORT vacant positions on the board of ing that he has completed arrange- REPORTER health at a meeting Monday night. ments for a test verification of Three other appointments were FORDS.—It won't be long now before infants are going to taxes due the borough. •Says: HANGSJPELF also made. Nelson Rorary, Edward take on a new outlook on life. Instead of the sissified idea of The plan will be outlined at the TO SAVE ABOUT SI 0,500 ANNOALLY Primary election day is J. Costa and Emmerson J. Sortore holding rattles and sucking their fingers, they will be more mod- council's next meeting. He also re- only eleven days off and JOHN HUSZAR OF RARITAN were re-appointed to the shade ern, insofar that should you look into the baby carriage of the ported that plans are being com- Adopt Ordinance Providing for the Refuding of $833,000 the old political oil is be- tree commission. little modern tot, he will blow pellets at you out of a bee-bee gun pleted for the liquidation of $300,- in Bonds at Par. — Maturity Ranges from 1940 to 1959. TOWNSHIP COMMITS 00O of the outstanding tax title ing spread all over this and will wave the national flag in your face. Hodge-podge, you — Mayor Wialber C. Christensen Is Arranger of Money- beautiful Garden State, SUICIDE say? liens. But, after alt, what can we Let's face the facts as they are. Since college men from Maine Saving Step. — Plans to Effect Additional Savings. expect from the general RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — John FORDS STUDENTS to Florida and New York to California are demanding of Con- I run of politicians? All Huszar, 56, of the Rhoenix section gress a bonus for their expected service in the next war, and since FINAL ACTION ON MAY 19 they'll give you is promis- of Raritan Township, ended his the co-eds from deah old Vassar and other female institutions of MILLION DOLLAR es, oil, bunk and hooey. book "larnin" are asking Congress to take care of their POTEN- And, the sucker-taxpayer life Sunday morning, by hanging WALK OFF WITH TIAL children after the next war, it sort of looks like maybe the RARITAN TOWNSHIP.—-For a moment or two, more pays to get this stuff. himself in the woodland adjoining young folks think we are going to have another war, after all. JOB WILL SOON o.i less, one was under the impression that ears were being o-o-o the home of his sister, Mrs. Anne Now, the tooys who fought in the last war, particularly the trained upon an impromptu session of Amos 'n Andy figur- Estok, in the Sand Hills section of POSTERCONTEST lads from this vicinity, are not very much impressed by these ing out their "income tax" reports. All that could be heard Although there aren't any local here new fangled ideas. They fought a great battle and the bonus was the jumble of figures. Tall figures and lots of 'em. issues and contests to be settled the township. FIRST PRIZE AWARDED TO they received for their part was only a small particle of what they GET UNDO WAY here on May 19, there is that Hoff- The body was found at six FRANK KANTOR, JOHN rightly deserved, considering their struggles to make peace and However, it wasn't that at all. man-Fort matter slated for a show o'clock in th morning by Joseph the general horror of war. GOVERNMENT OKAYS FUND This business was all transacted by down. However, judging from gen- Makuch, of Meadow road. Coroner CHORONKO SECOND Harry Hanson Post No. 163, American Legion, has different TO IMPROVE RARITAN the Raritan. Township Commission eral consensus of opinion Gover- Eugene Mullen, of Perth Amboy, angles to the very much ballyhooed ideals of the Veterans of Fu- at its adjourned meeting held here nor Hoffman will win out by a FORDS.—When Fords makes up ARSENAL HERE LARGE RODEO TO claimed that the man used a wire ture Wars and its Auxiliary. They don't beileve that all the mem- Tuesday night. And, when it was wide majority—not only over Mr. to suspend himself from the its mind to go places and do things bers of the auxiliary combined could raise enough kids to fill Fort but the rest of the ticket, too. branch of a tree. RARITAN TOWNSHIP.— all over, the first step in refinan- you can rest assured that it will more than one baby carriage. They .believe that the women con- cing the township obligations was 0-0-0 Huszar had been brooding over do things up in great form. cerned should use as their slogan, "I'm putting all my babes into Verifying information re- BE HELD DURING illness and unemployment and it is one bassinet." leased for this area by this completed when the commission- And, right after the believed that they were the rea- At "first the Woodbridge Town- So, now get a load of the resolution the Fords Legionnaires ers passed an ordinance providing primary balloting there'll son for his suicide. ship tSadium Commission had a recently passed: writer as far back as August lor the refunding of $BJ3,0(J0 in be plenty doing by the pol- An autopsy was performed at tough time selling the stadium "Whereas the Veterans of Future Wars, an organization of 16, 1935, word has been re- bonds, at par. "STADJMJEEK" the Perth Amboy General hospital, idea to Fords, eKasbey and Hope- hundreds of college men throughout the country, have demanded ceived here this week that The new issue will carry a rate iticians. The relief situa- Sunday. lawn. However, this was finally of Congress a bonus for expected service in the next war; of interest at lour and a quarter CIRCUS/SIDESHOWS, MIN- tion will definitely be set- accomplished. Now the township "And whereas the auxiliary of the same organization com- the government has finally percent and maturity ranges from cant' stop this section from steal- STRELS AND NOVELTY tled. Then, of course, a Re- posed of hundreds of college women throughout the country have okayed the $1,489,186 allot- iy4U to 1959. The plan, according SHOWS BOOKED publican county chairman ing all the honors in the various demanded appropriations for their children after the .next war, ment for improvements at to Mayor Walter C. Christensen, will have to be named to 'SWEET ADELINE' contests. "Now be it resolved, that .the Harry Hanson Post No. 163 favor head of the department of revenue When the judges of the stadium both demands, and further ask Congress for the sum of fifty cents the Raritan Arsenal. and finance, who worked out ail WOODBRIDGE. — Arrange- succeed Prosecutor Char- poster contest announced the win- to cover all the expected service of all the Veterans of Future The plan calls for four projects details and arranged the program, ments are being completed for one les Morris, the present G. ners Tuesday night it was revealed Wars, and further that Congress set aside an amount sufficient to at that institution which will cov- will save the taxpayers of the of the largest Rodeo shows to be O. P. boss. These two mat- • WAS PRESENTED that the winning posters were buy ane baby carriage which will accommodate all the children er repairs, improvements and sev-township approximately $1O,5UU held in conjunction with other at- ters, in reality old busi- drawn 'by high school students expected of all the college women members of said organization." eral new miscellaneous buildings. annually. tractions in the Stadium Shows from this vicinity. The resolution has the signature of Walter H. Lybeck, adjutant The program will provide employ- it is a "wonderful thing for the Week at the Stadium grounds, the ness, will be the most im- Frank Kantor, of 100 Fifth street and Carl N Hansen, finance officer. It is being forwarded to the ment for more than 2,000 men, township," said Commissioner portant new business con- HERE LASJ NITE Fords, copped lirst prize; John County Legion and if adopted will be presented on the floor of many of them skilled hands, for James V. Forgione who moved week ending July 4. Other attrac- tions already booked are a circus, cerning this area. BENEFIT SHOW FOR PLAY- Choronko, of Highland avenue, the state convention at Asbury Park next September. several months. that Mayor Christensen be given a Keasbey, took second honors; Miss The chief project will be the re- vote of thanks lor his noble efforts side-shows, freaks, girl shows, 0-0-0 GROUND EQUIPMENT IS Edna Lauritzen, of 43 Fifth street.