Adrian Fletcher House Stands out As an Example of Jones' Early
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NPS 10-900 OMB NO. 1024-0078 United States Department of f he Interior National Park Senrice National Register of Historic Places Registration Form This fm is br we in nommaling or requesti~gdetermimatiom fot iddividlral propmies and districts. See imh~tionsin Natipnall Aqistn Babetin, Hw lo Complere lcAb~ionul R~gi.ner oj Mifonc Plnces Regr.s:ralion Fom If any item dmnt apply 10 the p%perty be~ns documented, cmcr "NiA" for "not applicable " Far fnnctim. architectural classification, maaial~.and areas of np~ficance,enter only cat-es and sukatcguncs fmm the In5trwiDClrrS. 1. Name of Property Historic name: Fletcher. Adrian. Residence Other namwsite number: WA0834 Name of related multiple property listing: The Arkansas Designs of E. Pav Jones. Architect 2950-1997 (Enter 'NA"if property is not part of a multiple property listing 2. Location Street & number: 6725 Huntsville Road City or town: Fayetteville State: Arkansas County: Washinaon Not For Publication: n Vicinity: n -4s the designated authority under the Nationat Historic Preservation Act, as amended, I hereby certify that this X nomination request for deteranination of eligibility meets the docurnentation standards for regstering properti= in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the groceduraP and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property meets -does not meet the National Register Criteria. I recommend that this prop- be considered significant at the f~llowing level(s) of significance: -national -X statewide -local Applicable National Register Criteria: W - Signature of certifying officiaYTitle: Askansas Historic Preservation Promam State or Federal agencyhureau or Tribal Government I In my opinion, the propmy meetsdoes not meet the National Register criteria. Signature of commenting oficial: Date Title : ' State or Federal agencyhureau or Tribal Government National Park 3ehm I Nabbo~Ire gist^ of Historic Places Regisbation Form NPS Form 1G-900 OMB NO. 1024-0078 Fletcher, Adrian, Residence Washington, AR Name af Propem Counw and State 8 a 4. National Park Service Certificatbn a I hereby certify that this property is: - entered in the National Register -determined eligible for the National Register -determined not eligible for the NationaI Register - removed from the National Register other (explain:1 Signature of the Keeper Date of Action 5. Classification (Check as many boxes as apply.) Private: n Public - hca1 n Public - State Category of Propem (Check only one box.) District Site Object Sections 1-6 page 2 United States Deparimenl of the lntenor National Park Service I National Register of Historic Pfaces Registration Form NPS Form 10-9GD OMB NO. 1024-0018 Fletcher, Adrian, Residence , Wa-hington, AR kame of Property County and State Number of Resources within Property (Do not incEude previously listed resources in the count) Contributing Noncontributing buildings sites structures objects Total Number of contributing resources previously listed in the National Register -0- 6. Function or Use Historic Functions (Enter categories from instructions.) DOhEST1C/sin~ledwelling _L,kVDSCAPE/street furniture/obiect Current Functions (Enter categories from instructions.) Sections 1-6 page 3 United States Deparbnent of the Interior National Park Senice I National Reg~sterof Historic Places Regisfmltion Form NPS Form 10-9B7 DMB No. 1024-0018 Fletcher, Adrian, Residence - Washinqtor; AR Name of Property* County and State 7. Description Architectural Classification (Enter categories from instructions.) MODERK MOVEMENT Materials: (enter categories from instructions.) Principal exterior materials of the property STOWE.WOOD Narrative Description (Describe the hstoric and current physical appearance and condition of the property. Describe wnhibuting and noncontributing rmurces if applicable. Begin with a summary paragraph that briefly describes the general characteristics of the property, such as its location, me, style, method of construction, setting, size, and significant features. Indicate whether the property has historic integrity.) Summary Paragraph The Adrian Fletcher Residence is situated on 80 acres of land about 5 miIa east of Fayettevitle, VG'ashgton County, AR. The house sits above East Huntsville Road (AR-16) with a slightly meandering driveway coming north fiom the house to meet the road. The majority of the 80- acre lot is comprised of wooded lands with about thirty percent of the acreage in meadow. The main faqade ofthe house faces northeast toward the road and looks out over a small pond, The I-story house is made of natural materials like stone and wood and sits on a concrete foundation. The pitch of the roof is vmy shallow. The house is comprised of a carport and central living area with an open floor plan. There is also a rectangular outbuilding immediately to the southeast of the main house. Section 7 page 4 United Statw Deparbnent of the Interior National Park Seniee I National Register of Histwic Pkes Registration Form NPS Form 313-900 OMB NO. 1~2~15 Fletcher, Adrian, Residence s ;. Washington, AR Name of Property County and State Narrative! Description FrentWortheast Faqade The front of the Adrian Fletcher Residence can be seen from East HunWiIIe Road. The house appears, from this side, to be made up of two distinct sections separated by a breezeway and chimney in the middle. The part of the house to the right of the chimneyyand about 113 of the total width of the faqade is the house's carport. To 'the left of the chimney are the main living areas of the bouse. The front fagade of the living area of the house is dominated by a screened-in projection. The projection sits on top of native stone covering a concrete foundation. 'She stone suns the Ien-gth of the faqade, projecting past the house as a retaining wall on the left side of fithe fapde. Centered under the screened projection is a short, vertical wood door. Nso, visible though the screened projection are the doors and windows that enter into the house. From right to left, these are a large stationary window, a set of double doors, two large stationary windows, a second set of doubIe doors, and finally a large stationary window. Visible on this faqade are a few key house details. One of these details is a pair of brackets on either side of the screened in projection extending parallel to the house eaves. The brackets are made of wood, with three-part msthuction. The lower half has two bracket pieces, while the top has one. Together, this gives the appearance that the bracket could be folded up like a pocket knife, with the upper portion of the bracket collapsing into the Iower portion. SidelSoutheast Facade This fapde is Eargely devoid of detaik. There are no window or door openings on this side of the house. On the ight side of this fapde is the screened-in sumom projection which shows the depth of the projection. The rest of the faqade is dominated by a stone exterior wall. There is one small decoration in the wdl. Where the southeast faqade wall meets the apex of the shallow- pitch& gable roof there is a four-sided opening in the wall shaped like a downward-pointing arrow, filled with a wood window. This particular design carries through the central bathroom mein the home. There are also projecting roof supports on this fagade with two on either side of the gable. They are all wood topped with metal. There is also a large decorative bracket visible at the htof the screened projection on this faqade. Finally, there is a wood screen built to the left of the stone wall for privacy. ReartSouthwest Facade The rear of the living section of the Adrian Fletcher Home can be broken down into three sections. These sections are totally symmetrical. The first section on the right is made up largely of glass. There is one large, wood stationary window, and a set of double doors with full glass in this section. This area allows access to the rear of the house fiom inside. To the right of the stationary window, is a smaI1 wood seating area that is the same size as the wood screen visible on the previous fnpde. The next section is dominated by a stone wall that extends born the rear patio up to the eaves. The wall is constructed of native stone, and provides for storage space behind the kitchen inside. The wall separating the stone wall horn the deeper-set wood doors is covered with vertical wood boards. The third section is also mastIy glass and directly mirrors the first section. There is a double set of doors providing access to the rear patio and one large gIass Full-length wood window. Section 7 page 5 United States Department of the lntwior Nahnal Park Smce National Register of His* Plaw Regtstration Form NPS Form 13-9[33 WBNo. 10244141& Fletcher, Adrian, Residence ; a Washizq!on, AR Name of ?rope@ - County and State Sidmorthwest Fa~ade This faqade is dominated by the house's chimney. The chimney of the Adrian Fletcher Residence is square, but rotated forty-five degrees. The first details visible on this fa~adeare an entrance door and a multi-pane sidelite next to it. These features are found just off the center of the house to the right, positiond beside the stone chimney. To the right of the door and connecting to the corner is a wall covered with vertical wood siding. Tbe door is made of solid wood, and has a screen door on the outside. To the left of the door is a nine-pane sidelite that is anchored into the chimney. The chimney has two angled portions on this wall, meeting to form a "V." The chimneyIas many aspects of the home, is built from native stone. To the left of the chimney is a small portion of vertical wood-covered wall, followed by the front screened projection.