2012 Parciales Y Wvta Primer Semestre.Xlsx

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2012 Parciales Y Wvta Primer Semestre.Xlsx Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo Homologaciones parciales y WVTA primer semestre 2012 Nº Homologación Fabricante Tipo ST Nº Informe ST Marcas 5-E9-01.1616 FU HWA MIRROR CO.,LTD. FC-774 IDIADA A0901074 FU 5-E9-01.1614 FU HWA MIRROR CO.,LTD. FC-336 IDIADA A0901072 FU R1-S1-E9-02.6145 Ext. I MIN HSIANG CORPORATION 850R-1 IDIADA A1112019 PETERSON MFG. CO.(PM) e9*92/21*95/48*3050*06 FORD-WERKE GMBH 92/21-J8 INTA 08-00920021-0063-06 FORD 5-E9-01.6561 GIVING INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD 253 IDIADA A1106034 GV 2a-E9-01.1779 Ext. I MIN HSIANG CORPORATION 850A-1 IDIADA A1112018 PETERSON MFG. CO.(PM) E9-90R-01.900/606 HONG SUNG BRAKE HP0023 IDIADA V1110161 HP RL-E9-00.1658 NIKEN AUTOMOTIVE ACCESSORIES CO.,LTD 10020406 IDIADA A1111004 NIKEN E9-13R-11.7513 SOR IBERICA, S.A. SOR-F2BD09-T INTA 11-13710320-1109 SORIBERICA e9*71/320*2002/78*7513*00 SOR IBERICA, S.A. SOR-F2BD09-T INTA 11-13710320-1109 SORIBERICA III- E9-02.6561 GIVING INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD 253 IDIADA A1106037 GV e9*70/311*1999/7*3095*00 AMC CASTERA SAS C.DIR.4 INTA 11-00700311-0089 AMC CASTERA e9*78/317*78/317*3039*00 FORD-WERKE GMBH 78/317-J8-8 INTA 11-00780317-0048 FORD III- E9-02.6667 GIVING INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD 513 IDIADA A1112008 GV III-E9-02.6678 GIVING INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD 079RHD IDIADA A1111008 GV IV- E9-02.6653 GIVING INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD 510S IDIADA A1110010 GV E9 66R-008194 Ext. I IRIZAR S. COOP. Century var. NCentury 15.37 s/ VOLVO C60C d.c. B13R var. 0003R2?? INSIA 11IA2047 IRIZAR e9*97/27*2003/19*2225*00 BEULAS, S.A.U. 2003-19-SCANIA-M325-CYGNUS var. 2003-19-SCANIA-09?-CYGNUS-10.500 d.c. CYGNUS INSIA 11IA2042 BEULAS e9*97/27*2003/19*2159*03 IRIZAR S. COOP. PB2 M324 var. PB21335R K4X2IB d.c. PB 13.35 INSIA 11IA2044 IRIZAR e9*70/221*2006/96*3131*11 VOLVO BUS CORPORATION B9L;B9TL;B9LA;BRLH;B12BLEA INTA 05-00700221-0152-11 VOLVO e9*97/27*2003/19*2160*06 IRIZAR S. COOP. PB MERCEDES BENZ 634 01 var. PB21335R OC 500 RF d.c. PB 13.35 INSIA 12IA0007 IRIZAR e9*97/27*2003/19*2205*01 IRIZAR S. COOP. CENTURY2 IVECO 7B2 var. NCENTURY2128535 EuroRider ??? ??? d.c. NCentury 12.85 INSIA 11IA2069 IRIZAR e9*70/220*2002/80*13064*00 ENVIRONMENTAL CATALYST TECHNOLOGY 322759 INTA 11-103980077-1067 KLARIUS E9-103R-00.13064 ENVIRONMENTAL CATALYST TECHNOLOGY 322759 INTA 11-103980077-1067 KLARIUS E9-90R-01.930/3034 MASU BRAKES PVT. LTD. WVA 19838/24 IDIADA V1110052 MASU E9-90R-01.930/3029 MASU BRAKES PVT. LTD. WVA 19568 IDIADA V1110053 MASU E9-90R-01.930/3043 MASU BRAKES PVT. LTD. WVA 19166/67 IDIADA V1104357 MASU e9*94/20*94/20*8452*00 HERMANOS SANCHEZ LAFUENTE, S.A. EE1406, d.c. KIA RIO 2011 bola desmontable INSIA 11IA2002 LAFUENTE e9*94/209*4/20*8453*00 HERMANOS SANCHEZ LAFUENTE, S.A. EE4406, d.c. KIA RIO 2011 bola desmontable vertical INSIA 11IA2003 LAFUENTE E9 66R-002827 Ext. IV IRIZAR S. COOP. Century var. NCentury 12.85 s/ IRISBUS / IVECO 7B2 d.c. EURORIDER C-??? ??? INSIA 11IA2070 IRIZAR e9*2001/85*2001/85*2214*00 IRIZAR S. COOP. CENTURY3 var. NCENTURY31537 d.c. NCENTURY 15.37 bast. VOLVO C60C var. 0003R23? d.c. B13R INSIA 11IA2034 IRIZAR E9 66R-018247 Ext. III IRIZAR S. COOP. PB 12.37R s/ SCANIA M324 opc. 13B4X2E ó 9B4X2E de la familia PB-R INSIA 11IA2045 IRIZAR E9 66R-028521 BEULAS, S.A.U. Cygnus 01-10500 s/ SCANIA M325 d.c. K EB4x2 bus chassis familia AURA-CYGNUS INSIA 11IA2040 BEULAS 022138 Ext. II BEULAS, S.A.U. R107-Scania-M325-CYGNUS var. R107-Scania-009?-CYGNUS 01-10.500 d.c. CYGNUS bast. SCANIA M325 INSIA 11IA2041 BEULAS e9*2001/85*2001/85*2170*03 IRIZAR S. COOP. PB2 var. PB21237R d.c. PB 12.37 bast. SCANIA M324, 13B4X2E, 9B4X2E INSIA 11IA2044 IRIZAR e9*2001/85*2001/85*2192*10 IRIZAR S. COOP. CENTURY2 var. NCENTURY21235UK d.c. NCENTURY 12.35 bast. SCANIA M325, 13B4X2E, 9B4X2E d.c. K EB4 INSIA 12IA0011 IRIZAR e9*97/27*2003/19*3061*01 LECIÑENA S.A. SR3E.LEC.97.27 INTA 06-00970027-0040-01 TRAILEC; LECIÑENA e9*78/549*94/78*3030*00 FORD-WERKE GMBH 78/549-JC INTA 12-00780549-0036 FORD e9*2001/85*2001/85*2171*06 IRIZAR S. COOP. PB2 var. PB21335R d.c. PB 13.35 bast. MERCEDES BENZ 634 01 var. 2100??? d.c. OC 500 RF INSIA 12IA0006 IRIZAR e9*95/28*95/28*2137*00 AUNDE S.A. Calidad CADAQUES-AM d.c. Calidad CADAQUES-AM INSIA 11IA2073 AUNDE E9-05.1712 Ext. 04 JIANGMEN PENGCHENG HELMETS LTD. OF560 IDIADA L1112039 NOX; VENOM; LS2; MHR; KOJI; CIRCUIT; EXKLUSIV 022120 Ext. I BEULAS, S.A.U. R107-Man-B.2007.46.003-Cygnus var. R107-Man-A67-Cygnus-9.800 .. 9.800-2070-Remolqu d.c. Cygnus bast. INSIA 11IA2071 BEULAS e9*2001/85*2001/85*2208*01 IRIZAR S. COOP. CENTURY2 var. NCENTURY2128535 d.c. NCentury 12.85 bast. IRISBUS/IVECO 7B2 var. (E-F-G-H-I-J)?? INSIA 11IA2068 IRIZAR e9*70/221*2006/96*3043*09 VOLVO BUS CORPORATION B12M*,B7R*,B9R*,B9S* INTA 99-00700221-0065-09 VOLVO e9*97/27*2003/19*2163*07 IRIZAR S. COOP. PB2 M325 var. PB21335R KEB4X2 d.c. PB 13.35 INSIA 11IA2081 IRIZAR E9-05.1785 JIANGMEN PENGCHENG HELMETS LTD. FF394 IDIADA L1110015 NOX; LS2; MHR; CIRCUIT; HELD; BAEHR; ZOX; FULMER; SPEED AND STRENGTH; JOE ROCKET; NEXO IA-E9-02.6504 SIST ELECT MANIP. PARA LA AUT Y LA IND , SA 82600009 / 10 IDIADA T1112150 SEMAI IA-E9-02.6505 SIST ELECT MANIP. PARA LA AUT Y LA IND , SA 82600025 / 26 IDIADA T1112151 SEMAI E9-05.1699 Ext. 04 JIANGMEN PENGCHENG HELMETS LTD. FF386 IDIADA L1112038 NOX; LS2; MHR; DROXX; SPEEDWAY e9*2001/85*2001/85*2195*03 IRIZAR S. COOP. i62 var. i621335 d.c. i6 13.35 bast. VDL BUS SB4000, DE40MS INSIA 11IA2066 IRIZAR e9*97/27*2003/19*2184*03 IRIZAR S. COOP. i62 VDL BUS SB4000 - DE40MS var. i621335 VDL BUS SB 4000 d.c. i6 13.35 INSIA 11IA2067 IRIZAR e9*2001/85*2001/85*2174*07 IRIZAR S. COOP. PB2 var. PB21335R d.c. PB 13.35 bast. SCANIA M325, 13B4X2E, 9B4X2E INSIA 11IA2080 IRIZAR e9*97/27*2003/19*2181*10 IRIZAR S. COOP. CENTURY2 SCANIA M325 var. NCENTURY21235UK K4X2EB d.c. NCENTURY 12.35 INSIA 12IA0012 IRIZAR e9*70/221*2006/96*3087*13 VOLVO BUS CORPORATION B12B*;B12BLE*;B7R*;B9R*;BXXR INTA 01-00700221-0104-13 VOLVO E9-83RI-05.11982 Ext.III GM KOREA COMPANY KLASN1F7U1 IDIADA K1112113 SUZUKI; HOLDEN; BUICK; GMC; PONTIAC; CHEVROLET; DAEWOO E9-83RI-05.11983 Ext.III GM KOREA COMPANY KLASN1A7U1 IDIADA K1112114 SUZUKI; HOLDEN; BUICK; GMC; PONTIAC; CHEVROLET; DAEWOO I-E9-02.6680 SA-BA INDUSTRIAL PRODUCT CO. 1C15 17T695 AA1C6J IDIADA T1201001 FORD e9*95/28*95/28*2137*00 Rev. 01 AUNDE S.A. Calidad CADAQUES-AM d.c. Calidad CADAQUES-AM INSIA 11IA2024/R1 AUNDE e9*715/2007*566/2011F*3019*04 715/2007-J8-SPJC-V INTA 09-007152007-0019 Ext.4 FORD e9*715/2007*692/2008A*3036*03 715/2007-J8-KVJA-V INTA 10-007152007-0036 Ext.3 FORD E9 02 2318 Ext. 01 BRIDGESTONE HISPANIA, S.A. BLIZZAK LM30 var. BLIZZAK LM80 INSIA 12IA0004 BRIDGESTONE E9 00 0178 Ext. 19 BRIDGESTONE HISPANIA, S.A. R294 var. R274, R227, R297, ..., FS404. INSIA 11IA2073 BRIDGESTONE; FIRESTONE e9*97/27*2003/19*2209*04 IRIZAR S. COOP. PB2 MAN B.2007.46.001 var. PB21337R R33ZZB5?AA d.c. PB 13.37 INSIA 12IA0025 IRIZAR E9 66R-008169 Ext. I IRIZAR S. COOP. Century var. NCentury 12.37 s/ VOLVO C40C d.c. B9R var. 0009R21? INSIA 12IA0010 IRIZAR e9*2001/85*2001/85*2210*04 IRIZAR S. COOP. PB2 var. PB21337R d.c. PB 13.37 bast. MAN B.2007.46.001 var. R33ZZB5?AA INSIA 12IA0024 IRIZAR e9.S.5036 HNOS.GARCIA, C.B. Cabina de dos puertas EMA EEP1184 HG e9.S.5047 HNOS.GARCIA, C.B. Cabina de dos puertas EMA EEP1185 HG e9*70/388*87/354*4153*31 CLARTON HORN, S.A. EC10 LCOE 201112411659 CLARTON HORN 00 4153 EXT. XXXI CLARTON HORN, S.A. EC10 TROMPA ELECTROMAGNETICA LCOE 201112411659 CLARTON HORN 021302 SUMINISTROS Y SERVICIOS UNIFICADOS DE CARROCERIA, S.L. KS-3 ASTRAL SCANIA M330 IDIADA V1112096 SUNSUNDEGUI 021122 SUMINISTROS Y SERVICIOS UNIFICADOS DE CARROCERIA, S.L. KS-7 SIDERAL 13,975 MERCEDES OC500 RF 2542 IDIADA V1111542 SUNSUNDEGUI e9*2001/85*2001/85*1115*03 SUMINISTROS Y SERVICIOS UNIFICADOS DE CARROCERIA, S.L. KS-6 SIDERAL 12,20 VOLVO B9R*/* IDIADA V1112292 SUNSUNDEGUI e9*97/27*2003/19*1379*00 SUMINISTROS Y SERVICIOS UNIFICADOS DE CARROCERIA, S.L. M330 ASTRAL IDIADA V1112098 SUNSUNDEGUI E9-103R-00.13056 ENVIRONMENTAL CATALYST TECHNOLOGY 322150 INTA 11-103980077-1059 KLARIUS E9-90R-01.169/2884 FEDERAL-MOGUL FRICTION PRODUCTS LTD FDB4313 IDIADA V1106152 FERODO e9*70/220*2002/80*13058*00 ENVIRONMENTAL CATALYST TECHNOLOGY 322358 INTA 11-103980077-1061 KLARIUS E9-103R-00.13058 ENVIRONMENTAL CATALYST TECHNOLOGY 322358 INTA 11-103980077-1061 KLARIUS E9-13R-11.7514 INDUSTRIAS LANEKO S.A.L. DFNBEBTG12Z INTA 12-13710320-1110 TRAYL-ONA E9-103R-00.13052 ENVIRONMENTAL CATALYST TECHNOLOGY 312031 INTA 11-103980077-1055 KLARIUS E9-90R-01.840/3085 ROULUNDS BRAKING APS 621181 IDIADA V1111333 ROULUNDS BRAKING E9-90R-01.850/3061 ROULUNDS BRAKING APS 598814 IDIADA V1111115 VALEO 83 Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo Homologaciones parciales y WVTA primer semestre 2012 E9-3R-02.14032 SIM- SOCIEDADE IRMAOS MIRANDA SA 3182 LCOE 201111411602 SIM E9-90R-01.840/3088 ROULUNDS BRAKING APS 998981 IDIADA V1111308 ROULUNDS BRAKING E9-91R-00.14032 SIM- SOCIEDADE IRMAOS MIRANDA SA 3182 LCOE 201111411605 SIM e9*71/320*2002/78*7417*01 LECIÑENA S.A.
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